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IRC log for #minetest, 2019-05-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 milkt joined #minetest
00:14 kurtzmusch where is CTF hosted? its extremely laggy for me = (
00:32 rubenwardy canada
00:41 catspar joined #minetest
00:47 FreeFull joined #minetest
00:59 milkt joined #minetest
01:02 Stormwynd joined #minetest
01:11 cheapie "So, uh, can I get my food or not?"
01:12 cheapie (and yes, that fire alarm is sounding - the smoke detector set it off)
01:12 Stormwynd Thanks @p_gimeno.   After knowing about that red herring, it seems to have been my use of ipair() instead of pair() when iterating through the def table - pair() worked.
01:16 oil_boi joined #minetest
01:16 alexis joined #minetest
01:17 p_gimeno cheapie: ew, carbonized stuffing! (great job)
01:18 p_gimeno Stormwynd: glad it helped you find the issue :)
01:29 Cornelia joined #minetest
01:59 robdrake Please, am I reading minetest_game/mods/dungeon_loot/init.lua right? That dungeon_loot is global?
02:02 robdrake I _think_ I've found a good beginner mod, adding some new items as dungeon loot, and maybe an inventroy tao, though I may just use 3d_armor's tab
02:04 robdrake or am I on the wrong track, yet again?
02:13 pgimeno_ joined #minetest
03:17 ANAND joined #minetest
03:43 milkt joined #minetest
03:46 milkt joined #minetest
03:49 LazyJ joined #minetest
03:51 Fritigern joined #minetest
04:08 Unarelith joined #minetest
04:31 cafee__ joined #minetest
04:56 ensonic joined #minetest
05:07 behalebabo joined #minetest
05:41 aheinecke joined #minetest
05:42 nonoesimposible joined #minetest
06:20 Beton joined #minetest
06:43 milkt joined #minetest
07:11 CWz joined #minetest
07:16 proller joined #minetest
07:31 ensonic joined #minetest
07:36 milkt joined #minetest
07:37 proller joined #minetest
07:54 rtjure joined #minetest
08:30 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
09:24 pyrollo joined #minetest
10:00 cafee__ joined #minetest
10:19 The_Loko joined #minetest
10:25 pyrollo joined #minetest
10:25 Fixer joined #minetest
10:31 pyrollo joined #minetest
10:40 nowhereman joined #minetest
10:50 unnatural joined #minetest
10:50 unnatural ji
10:50 unnatural hi
10:50 unnatural HIIIIIII
10:51 unnatural left #minetest
10:51 Elon_Satoshi joined #minetest
10:51 proller joined #minetest
11:09 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
11:11 riff-IRC joined #minetest
11:12 Elon_Satoshi joined #minetest
11:21 nowhereman joined #minetest
11:27 proller joined #minetest
11:36 pyrollo joined #minetest
11:42 MicahTheTanker joined #minetest
11:42 MicahTheTanker Is anyone here?
11:42 MicahTheTanker I need help making a mod
11:42 MicahTheTanker so were would I find that help?
11:47 Helwyr joined #minetest
11:50 oil_boi joined #minetest
11:54 kurtzmusch joined #minetest
11:56 Astrobe joined #minetest
12:07 BuckarooBanzai MicahTheTanker; did you take a look at
12:14 clavi they are already gone :3
12:14 calcul0n_ joined #minetest
12:21 scr267 joined #minetest
12:29 proller joined #minetest
12:31 jluc joined #minetest
12:39 scr267 joined #minetest
12:47 BuckarooBanzai ;)
12:48 orwell96_mt joined #minetest
13:10 proller joined #minetest
13:53 nri joined #minetest
13:55 ensonic joined #minetest
14:37 calcul0n_ joined #minetest
15:10 Lia joined #minetest
15:48 BuckarooBanzai if i have a mapgen mod that creates chunks of dirt/grass and stone outside of the "normal" earth mapgen how can i add the decorations (plants, trees) and ores in a simple way? (without having to create custom perlin noises and such) is there a friendly function for that :D
15:59 Astrobe It seems that if boxes overlap in a nodebox definition, a collision glitch happens.
16:00 Astrobe I have modified the tables&chairs mod to simplify the chairs and make integrate more naturally with other nodes,
16:01 VanessaE what tables and chairs?
16:01 Astrobe but in the process I created overlapping boxes - I didn't pay attention because the original mod did it that way.
16:01 Astrobe Hmm.. let me retrieve the original archive...
16:02 VanessaE also don't use nodeboxes anymore, they're obsolete :)
16:04 Astrobe "Tables" v 0.7 by Iron.
16:05 Astrobe So with the overlapping, the player most often falls through the horizontal pane of the chair, when one tries to use it sort of like a stair.
16:06 Astrobe What's the alternative to nodeboxes?
16:07 VanessaE mesh nodes
16:08 VanessaE design a mesh with blender, f360, or whatever, then drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "filename"
16:08 VanessaE textures in tiles{} are applied to each material in the mesh, in turn.
16:09 VanessaE (any images embedded in the model are ignored)
16:12 Astrobe I suck at 3D though - or I have no patience for it. I prefer editing text files ;-)
16:14 p_gimeno I've had a very bad luck with texturing an .obj
16:17 p_gimeno for SL you would use Collada, add different materials (up to 8) and each is a face, but here I'm at a loss at how to assign faces to textures
16:32 pyrollo joined #minetest
16:35 VanessaE p_gimeno: you give each "face" its own material.  You can share a material among many polys.  then you just have to UV-map it
16:36 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
16:48 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
16:55 Ojmd joined #minetest
16:55 Ojmd Hello
16:55 Ojmd Which server am I in?
16:56 Ojmd May I ask?
16:57 Ojmd_ joined #minetest
16:57 Ojmd_ Hello
16:57 sfan5 you're on irc
17:04 jrlazz joined #minetest
17:05 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
17:06 jrlazz joined #minetest
17:09 jrlazz How to remove my "A funny form for Minetest: lazzbreak" topic from General Discussion ... I moved it to Wip Mods ... Thanks
17:10 ensonic joined #minetest
17:15 jrlazz joined #minetest
17:20 jrlazz exit
17:20 Astrobe rubenwardy ^
17:21 rubenwardy busy
17:24 ANAND_ joined #minetest
17:31 rocky1138 joined #minetest
17:35 calcul0n_ joined #minetest
17:39 FrostRanger joined #minetest
17:39 benrob0329 joined #minetest
18:07 p_gimeno VanessaE: that didn't work for me, it seems I had to make every material a separate object, which is a mess. The UVs were fine, that's not where I have the problem.
18:08 VanessaE object groups.
18:08 VanessaE that's the trick :)
18:08 VanessaE or material groups rather.
18:08 VanessaE take a look at homedecor's plasma ball (the science-fiction-y lightning looking thing)
18:09 nowhereman joined #minetest
18:09 VanessaE that's a good example of I think three materials
18:09 VanessaE plus animation
18:12 p_gimeno thanks, I'm looking. I import the .obj and get 3 objects. Is there a .blend?
18:13 illwieckz joined #minetest
18:14 Fixer joined #minetest
18:18 orwell96_mt joined #minetest
18:21 p_gimeno playing with the import options, I've imported it as a single object, but no faces have materials, I doubt .obj accepts them (perhaps the .mtl but there's none)
18:25 robdrake Please, am I reading minetest_game/mods/dungeon_loot/init.lua right? That dungeon_loot is global?
18:25 robdrake I _think_ I've found a good beginner mod, adding some new items as dungeon loot, and maybe an inventroy tao, though I may just use 3d_armor's tab
18:26 robdrake or am I on the wrong track, yet again?
18:32 calcul0n robdrake, anything which is not defined as local is global so yes
18:33 calcul0n this is generally how mods expose their api : with a single table named after the mod and containing all its public stuff
18:36 nowhere_man joined #minetest
18:38 nri Does anyone know if ipv6 should be false/true on my server?
18:39 proller joined #minetest
18:49 sfan5 nri: just leave it on the default
18:49 nri ok thnx
18:52 Fixer joined #minetest
18:52 nsi joined #minetest
18:52 nsi joined #minetest
18:52 robdrake thank you calcul0n
18:54 robdrake Now, how do I get my mod code done before dungeon_loot/mapgen.lua ? or just re-run mapgen.lua?
18:57 calcul0n no idea but i think it's not the right way
18:57 kurtzmus1h joined #minetest
18:58 calcul0n you should use dungeon_loot.register(), have a look at loot.lua for examples
18:58 robdrake I have
19:02 robdrake thank you for your help calcul0n
19:06 sfan5 robdrake: you also need to have your mod depend on dungeon_loot
19:14 Fixer_ joined #minetest
19:14 pyrollo joined #minetest
19:15 robdrake sfan5, dungeon_loot is in the default Minetest game
19:19 FreeFull joined #minetest
19:21 sfan5 yes
19:28 calcul0n robdrake, you must add it as a depend to make sure it is run before yours, or the function maybe not defined when you use it
19:31 orwell96_mt joined #minetest
19:33 Stormwynd joined #minetest
19:34 Stormwynd Is there a way to get a callback on formspec metadata set or otherwise override formspec metadata before being sent to client?   I have minetest.show_formspec overridden successfully for the case of show_formspec calls.
19:50 ensonic joined #minetest
19:53 robdrake ok, sorry to argue
19:56 Lucy1 joined #minetest
19:57 Fixer joined #minetest
19:58 Lucy1 left #minetest
20:00 Lucy1 joined #minetest
20:00 sec^nd joined #minetest
20:05 nri_ joined #minetest
20:14 tuedel joined #minetest
20:14 nri joined #minetest
20:16 Jinx joined #minetest
20:16 craigger joined #minetest
20:17 Lunatrius joined #minetest
20:20 Nezrok Does anyone know where I can get ahold of Squaresville C? From this forum post
20:20 Nezrok I want to try it out, but all the download links are dead, and it was removed from his github page
20:23 nri Nezrok: i found the download link:
20:23 Glorfindel joined #minetest
20:23 Nezrok That's not it though
20:23 nri The fourm post
20:23 Nezrok That's the original one
20:23 nri this is a diffrent one
20:23 Nezrok Yes
20:24 Nezrok Squaresville C is a fork of that, by the same author, written in C and expanded on greatly
20:24 nri oh yah i see
20:24 Nezrok And I can't find it *anywhere* :p
20:24 Nezrok But, thank you for looking
20:24 nri hmm it got removed its loooks cool
20:24 Nezrok Yes
20:27 NathanS21 joined #minetest
20:28 p_gimeno Nezrok: what are you looking for, exactly?
20:29 Nezrok The whole thing
20:29 illwieckz joined #minetest
20:29 Nezrok Either in source or a binary
20:29 Nezrok Doesn't really matter
20:30 p_gimeno the C++ version or the Lua version?
20:30 Nezrok c++
20:48 cddepppp256 joined #minetest
20:49 pyrollo joined #minetest
20:51 Fixer joined #minetest
21:02 Fixer joined #minetest
21:03 Astrobe Nezrok: If for the ruins only I expanded quite a bit an old mod from BlockMen's "ruins" old mod. What I have is fairly similar to the first screenshot in the forum post.
21:03 Astrobe It's not on Git* though, but I can spin up my server if you want to see.
21:08 paramat joined #minetest
21:12 paramat BuckarooBanzai "how can i add the decorations (plants, trees) and ores in a simple way?" use the lua voxel manipulator and use 'minetest.generate_decorations(vm, pos1, pos2)' 'minetest.generate_ores(vm, pos1, pos2)'
21:20 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
21:33 indiana joined #minetest
21:36 p_gimeno paramat: the forum link here is now obsolete:
21:42 paramat ok thanks
21:44 Astrobe btw there is an amuzing glitch with dungeons: if you place cobblestone blocks in on_generated() and there's a dungeon nearby, some of your cobblestones are replaced with mossycobble, just like in dungeons.
21:44 milkt joined #minetest
21:45 riff-IRC joined #minetest
21:51 catspar hi riff
21:54 catspar hi all
22:28 paramat Astrobe only if the cobble placed in 'on generated' is within 16 nodes of a mapchunk edge. it's due to how dungeongen extends beyond mapchunk borders by 16 nodes
22:28 paramat dungeongen of a neighbour mapchunk generated later is doing the conversion
22:33 Astrobe 504 on minetest forum. IIRC it's normal downtime?
22:50 milkt joined #minetest
22:59 nowhere_man joined #minetest
23:08 Fixer joined #minetest
23:11 Fixer joined #minetest
23:18 nri_ joined #minetest
23:19 nri_ joined #minetest
23:21 nri joined #minetest
23:22 ssieb joined #minetest
23:26 paramat back up

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