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IRC log for #minetest, 2019-03-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:18 piesquared joined #minetest
00:27 GreenDimond joined #minetest
00:37 piesquared joined #minetest
00:37 paramat changes to the 'stable mapgen' classification
00:39 piesquared joined #minetest
00:41 pietothefirst joined #minetest
00:46 paramat ^ clavi
00:48 paramat it's spring equinox today (20th march) ^_^
00:49 kaeza joined #minetest
01:01 ANAND joined #minetest
01:01 MinetestBot ANAND: Mar-19 17:43 UTC <Fixer> minecraft has a mod, that when you twerk a bit while holding shift you can fart and use that as bonemeal to grow stuff, sometimes it produces shit
01:01 GreenDimond I didnt need to know this
01:01 ANAND lol Fixer :P
01:02 benrob0329 So the pooper mod, but worse
01:04 ANAND Context:
01:05 Blo0D joined #minetest
01:09 erstazi Is there a list for what minetest versions are associated with the network protocols? I am wondering what the Max Protocol of 27 would be.
01:13 argyle77 joined #minetest
01:30 ANAND erstazi:
01:31 ANAND That's a list of network protocols, with a short description of changes for each version
01:31 ANAND But there's no list of network protocols with the MT version they're associated with, AFAIK
01:32 scr267 joined #minetest
01:33 ANAND One way (probably the only way) to answer your question would be to browse through the history of that file
01:34 erstazi ANAND: thanks. I have been looking at the networkprotocol.h. Trying to figure out why a server is saying 0.4.13, 0.4.14, 0.4.15, 0.4.16, 0.4.17-1 and so on is saying: "Access denied. Reason: Protocol not supported" for everyone (including on the forum for the server) and yet there seem to be people on (probably bots)
01:35 erstazi (not my server)
01:36 erstazi The proto_max is 27 and proto_min is 13. 0.4.17-1 should work with it. It did before however it isn't accepting any version I mentioned above.
01:37 ANAND Going through the history of that file, it looks like the 0.4.x series (all versions interoperable with each other) supports a min version of 24 and a max version of 35
01:37 erstazi Right
01:37 ANAND Is the server running 5.0.0?
01:38 erstazi Nah, I tried 5.1.0-dev
01:38 erstazi I can try 5.0.0 (:
01:39 ANAND There shouldn't be any broken compat between minor versions, you'll probably get the same results
01:39 ANAND Is the server probably running 0.3.x? o_O
01:43 erstazi Haha
01:43 erstazi I wouldn't know... it is running 0.4.14-dev
01:43 erstazi just odd that no one can connect to it but there seem to be some connecting to it
02:02 paramat joined #minetest
02:32 ANAND Weird
02:34 Emerald2 joined #minetest
02:34 Emerald2 joined #minetest
02:39 milkt joined #minetest
03:05 ssieb joined #minetest
03:58 Helwyr joined #minetest
04:20 Edgy1 joined #minetest
04:37 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Document 'highly unstable' mapgens instead of 'stable' mapgens (#8404) 38ea089 (2019-03-20T04:37:33Z)
04:46 Edgy1 joined #minetest
05:01 Cornelia joined #minetest
05:11 Copenhagen_Bram joined #minetest
05:42 Hawk777 joined #minetest
06:03 kaeza joined #minetest
06:05 marisag joined #minetest
06:07 SanskritFritz joined #minetest
06:32 nowhere_man joined #minetest
07:27 kaeza joined #minetest
07:27 CWz joined #minetest
08:01 kaeza joined #minetest
08:36 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:40 proller joined #minetest
09:17 troller joined #minetest
09:18 Dr_Frankenstone joined #minetest
09:32 longerstaff13_ joined #minetest
09:32 longerstaff13_ joined #minetest
09:42 Dr-Frankenstone joined #minetest
09:50 kaeza joined #minetest
10:09 jluc joined #minetest
10:18 Elon_Satoshi joined #minetest
10:22 Dr_Frankenstone joined #minetest
10:24 kaeza joined #minetest
10:35 amenji joined #minetest
10:35 Dr-Frankenstone joined #minetest
10:40 Dr_Frankenstone joined #minetest
10:43 DrFrankenstone joined #minetest
10:49 troller joined #minetest
10:53 Dr_Frankenstone joined #minetest
11:06 amenji joined #minetest
11:17 troller joined #minetest
11:22 Fixer joined #minetest
11:23 riff-IRC joined #minetest
11:42 Beton joined #minetest
11:46 p_gimeno what units is emergeblocks radius?
11:46 ANAND Mapblocks, AFAIK
11:46 p_gimeno yuck
11:49 ANAND AFAIK :)
11:49 p_gimeno I started an update with radius 500 and it seemed a bit slow
11:50 ANAND What's the default value?
11:50 p_gimeno it doesn't say
11:50 ANAND Oh
11:50 p_gimeno hm, but it seems to be in nodes
11:52 p_gimeno "Started emerge of area ranging from (-2862.5,-468.7,-727.2) to (-1862.5,531.3,272.8)"
11:53 p_gimeno I guess I should specify positions if I don't want so much height generated
11:53 p_gimeno eep! crashed
11:54 p_gimeno src/emerge.cpp:391: bool EmergeManager::popBlockEmergeData(v3s16, BlockEmergeData*): Assertion `count_peer != 0' failed.
11:54 p_gimeno Aborted
11:54 sfan5 there's an issue open for that
11:55 p_gimeno oh, this is 0.4.16, so is it still unfixed?
11:58 timcu joined #minetest
12:20 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
12:23 CWz joined #minetest
12:40 calcul0n joined #minetest
12:57 DrFrankenstone joined #minetest
13:01 leat1 joined #minetest
13:15 scr267 joined #minetest
13:16 ANAND joined #minetest
13:16 benrob0329 joined #minetest
13:54 ANAND joined #minetest
13:58 amenji joined #minetest
14:34 piesquared joined #minetest
14:45 Jordach joined #minetest
14:46 Wuzzy joined #minetest
14:48 JDCodeIt joined #minetest
14:57 piesquared joined #minetest
15:00 scr267 I can't find anyway to enable a texture pack on the 5.0 client
15:00 scr267 has the feature been moved somewhere ?
15:05 rubenwardy scr267: content tab, click "enable texture pack"
15:06 rubenwardy bottom-right
15:06 Hirato joined #minetest
15:08 scr267 Ok ill double check that thank you
15:21 galaxie joined #minetest
15:26 scr267 rubenwardy: Odd - I don't see that at all in the 'content' tab.
15:27 scr267 I see the 'installed packages' field which show all the mods on the left, then 'browse online content' and 'uninstall package' buttons... and an information field.
15:27 scr267 thats it.
15:27 Hirato joined #minetest
15:29 rubenwardy scr267: you need to select the texture pack first
15:30 scr267 You mean it should be in the list on the left hand side?
15:30 scr267 I don't see it, which means I probably didn't install it properly
15:34 rubenwardy scr267:
15:34 rubenwardy scr267: if you don't see any texture packs in the list, they've been installed wrong
15:34 rubenwardy they will be green
15:34 scr267 rubenwardy, thanks... It's a custom pack I'm creating to test a texture... so I think I messed up the paths.
15:37 Hirato joined #minetest
15:38 scr267 rubenwardy, yeah totally wrong path sorry to have bugged you... its pretty obvious now
15:38 scr267 I was working off a separate built minetest game, so I had to use the build path's minetest folder as opposed to ~/.minetest
15:53 nowhere_man joined #minetest
16:03 ANAND joined #minetest
16:19 JDCodeIt I found a mod that is doing file persistence of some mod-specific lua tables on_global_step - this seems like bad practice. Usually one can capture the state of the system using on_shutdown.
16:20 Zeth_ joined #minetest
16:24 JDCodeIt Other mods I've seen do a timer-related write to files, but again, I'm not sure this is necessary - is there a significant chance that a crash will not call the on_shutdown callbacks?
16:25 Foz joined #minetest
16:33 puzzlecube joined #minetest
16:45 TheAwesomeDog joined #minetest
16:45 TheAwesomeDog hi everyone
16:46 Zeth_ Hi
16:54 twoelk joined #minetest
16:55 TheAwesomeDog left #minetest
17:00 FrostRanger joined #minetest
17:11 argyle77 joined #minetest
17:14 argyle77 What is minetest.settings:write() actually supposed to do?  It doesn't actually seem to be writing my changed setting into minetest.conf, but it is returning true.
17:15 IhrFussel joined #minetest
17:16 IhrFussel JDCodeIt, any segfault will skip that callback for once ... and there have been many cases on my server at least where the callback was not executed even though the error was 'just' a lua crash
17:17 IhrFussel So don't rely on just that's good to save changes regularly to file... not every step, that is totally wasting resources
17:18 IhrFussel Depending on what the lua table holds saving whenever that table changes sounds like a good plan... but if that happens too often it could be too much ... 'areas' does it in a very good way...whenever a protection is added/removed/modified it saves to file and only then
17:24 ANAND argyle77: :write() is supposed to immediately flush the settings object to minetest.conf
17:25 ANAND without which, the settings object will only be flushed on server shutdown
17:26 jluc joined #minetest
17:28 Ingar joined #minetest
17:30 p_gimeno oh speaking of texture packs... using green text for both active mods and (active or inactive) texture packs looks pretty inconsistent
17:30 ANAND Agreed
17:36 ensonic joined #minetest
17:37 rubenwardy Agreed
17:37 rubenwardy shoot the idiot that did thar
17:37 * p_gimeno loads his 'git blame' gun
17:39 ANAND Only a git will blame people for the bad things that happen :)
17:41 Cornelia joined #minetest
17:43 Zeth_ a
18:07 Edgy1 hey, has there been any previous issues with not being able to break beds in minetest 5.1?
18:09 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
18:19 Derixithy joined #minetest
18:28 Derixithy4 joined #minetest
18:31 uroboro joined #minetest
18:34 troller joined #minetest
18:35 __vy joined #minetest
18:38 scr267a joined #minetest
18:57 scr267 joined #minetest
18:58 fwhcat joined #minetest
19:03 Lia joined #minetest
19:25 est31 joined #minetest
19:34 IcyDiamond joined #minetest
19:36 Cornelia joined #minetest
19:38 diemartin joined #minetest
19:46 proller joined #minetest
19:54 leat2 joined #minetest
19:57 leat2 joined #minetest
20:04 ensonic joined #minetest
20:08 leat2 joined #minetest
20:10 kaeza joined #minetest
20:14 ssieb joined #minetest
20:19 scr267 joined #minetest
20:34 argyle77 joined #minetest
20:37 FreeFull joined #minetest
20:38 piesquared joined #minetest
20:40 fwhcat joined #minetest
20:51 galaxie Hi, I'm trying to program my first mod, and mesh, and it works, except that whenever I try to dig it with my hands it pops right back up??
20:52 galaxie Oh, and here's the code. I don't think anything's wrong with the mesh itself.
20:52 LMD joined #minetest
20:59 cddepppp256 joined #minetest
21:03 JDCodeIt I tried the new android client - does anyone else think that long-press is a strange way to try to "hit" something, especially if that thing is moving?
21:03 galaxie Mobile sucks in general.
21:04 JDCodeIt Best to list the things that "suck" and fix them then.
21:05 Jordach the solution is to simply get a cheap thinkpad or desktop
21:05 Jordach infinitely better experience, and for about the same price of a tablet
21:06 galaxie ThinkPad's are amazing.
21:06 * Jordach laughs in XPS 15
21:07 galaxie I wonder if pmOS has gotten a MT client working.. that'd be cool.
21:07 JDCodeIt Can the actions be remapped as with keys in the other client?
21:08 Jordach galaxie, MT android does support x86
21:08 Jordach so mayyyyyyyyyyyybe
21:09 p_gimeno galaxie: diggable = false?
21:09 galaxie ?? pmOS is Linux, not Android.
21:09 ShadowBot galaxie: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
21:10 galaxie p_gimeno: Wow, silly me. Is there like an on_dig function somewhere I can override?
21:11 p_gimeno galaxie: what are you trying to do?
21:13 galaxie p_gimeno: Small tic-tac-toe game. I want it to where you can 'dig' a piece but only put it down on a specified board.
21:13 p_gimeno there is an on_dig indeed,
21:14 p_gimeno but that would not cover putting it down on a specific board
21:15 galaxie Is there some mod out there that has board games and stuff in it? I've seen myboardgames but that doesn't check for bounds and stuff.
21:17 p_gimeno I've made a digilines-based mod that allows tic tac toe but I guess that's not what you're after
21:17 p_gimeno
21:19 p_gimeno it's played with colour tiles, not X's and O's
21:23 galaxie Nodes aren't able to be used by default? Like concerning register_node.on_use...
21:24 Hijiri I don't think there's anything called register_node.on_use
21:24 galaxie It says it right on the page.
21:25 Hijiri which page
21:25 p_gimeno
21:25 Hijiri that doesn't say register_node.on_use
21:25 Hijiri that says on_use as part of the node definition, which is a table that is not register_node
21:25 galaxie How would I make a node indestructable? Like, can't be trashed in inventory, blown up, etc.
21:26 galaxie Hijiri: Sorry, force of habit.
21:26 Hijiri I'm not sure it's possible, since some mod could always delete the node
21:26 Hijiri and I don't think any of the popular inventory mods allow any way to make an item not trashable
21:27 Hijiri also on_use is called when you left click with the node
21:27 Hijiri normally if it's not defined the user just starts digging
21:27 Hijiri if you define on_use left clicking does that thing instead of digging
21:28 galaxie Hmmm, how about I do that and make it so that you'd have to click a node on the board and that moves the node?
21:29 Hijiri on_use is called for the node in your hand
21:29 Hijiri not one in the world
21:29 p_gimeno punch (don't dig) node, punch destination
21:29 p_gimeno or right click node, right click destination
21:29 galaxie I guess override both, then.
21:29 p_gimeno destination should be a special node that can mutate to a piece
21:29 Hijiri I don't know why you would need to override on_use
21:30 galaxie I'll override on_punch and the right-click one.
21:49 kurtzmusch left #minetest
22:00 Dr_Frankenstone joined #minetest
22:06 galaxie So for register_node, where you can set light_source to a number, where can I set it again given a reference to the node?
22:06 VanessaE you can change the value of param1
22:06 VanessaE but it doesn't really work liek that
22:06 VanessaE like*
22:07 VanessaE normally, you can only set it once, in the node def, so a light source normally can't change brightness on the fly.
22:09 galaxie Ah, that's too bad. Perhaps a work-around? Like re-creating the node??
22:10 galaxie Also, any way in Lua to set something to a reference of a function? Like: on_punch = &punch_replacement or something?
22:12 sfan5 on_punch = function(...) return punch_replacement(unpack(...)) end
22:12 sfan5 ^ galaxie
22:12 sfan5 if you change punch_replacement, on_punch will also cause the changed function to be called
22:14 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
22:15 galaxie What DOES register_node do? I noticed that if I changed some code in it and reload the world the nodes that have already been placed change.
22:19 p_gimeno param1 and param2 are properties of the node, each a single byte
22:19 p_gimeno the rest of properties are defined in register_node (roughly)
22:20 p_gimeno the param1 and param2 values in register_node are the values to initialize them when you place the node
22:20 galaxie But if they are already placed... why does it replace whatever properties those placed nodes already have?
22:20 sfan5 when you place nodes you place a "default:stone"
22:20 sfan5 register_node changes what exactly "default:stone" means
22:20 argyle77 register_node defines their basic physical properties, globally within the universe
22:21 argyle77 If you change that between runs, they will behave differently between runs.
22:21 galaxie Alright, makes sense.
22:30 kaeza ,99[19:12] ,99 3,99<,99sfan5>,99 on_punch = function(...) return punch_replacement(unpack(...)) end → remove the unpack call
22:31 sfan5 oh is unpack not needed here?
22:32 sfan5 been a long time since I seriously used Lua
22:34 p_gimeno I think in lua 5.0 you used unpack(arg)
22:34 p_gimeno in 5.1 you can use ... directly
22:37 SanskritFritz joined #minetest
22:37 Cornelia joined #minetest
22:49 edugaming joined #minetest
22:49 edugaming hello
22:50 edugaming there are somebody who can help me to install new version of minetest on Mac
22:51 sfan5 looke like there isn't
22:52 sfan5 I don't think you're the first to ask about this, have you looked if someone's posted a solution on the forums?
22:54 twoelk left #minetest
23:03 Dr-Frankenstone joined #minetest
23:30 Cornelia joined #minetest
23:45 benrob0329 joined #minetest

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