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IRC log for #minetest, 2018-06-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:12 srifqi left #minetest
00:25 Hawk777 joined #minetest
00:26 swift110 not sure ls
00:42 sofar joined #minetest
00:45 Taoki joined #minetest
01:06 huesal mobf
02:21 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
02:36 AndroBuilder_ joined #minetest
03:18 troller joined #minetest
03:24 Emperor_Genshin joined #minetest
03:25 Genshin Looks like I had too much fun making this
03:44 swift110 joined #minetest
03:48 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
03:55 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
04:00 lumberJ joined #minetest
04:09 Tmanyo joined #minetest
04:26 BakerPrime joined #minetest
04:43 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
05:03 Sketch2 joined #minetest
05:05 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
05:21 AlexYst joined #minetest
05:39 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
06:16 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
06:18 illwieckz_ joined #minetest
06:49 ANAND Hello! My mod has to check whether a word exists in a list of words on certain callbacks. Keeping this in mind, would I be able to make use of mod_storage?
06:49 ANAND If yes, how would I be able to check whether that word exists or not?
06:50 ANAND Is there a option more elegant than using the words as keys with dummy values, and checking whether the value is "xyz" or ""?
06:51 ANAND Or should I forget mod_storage and just go for a custom implementation?
06:52 sofar is it going to be a very large map?
06:52 ANAND Not really
06:52 sofar can the map remain in memory or does it need to be written to mod_storage after a modification immediately?
06:53 ANAND Not required, it could be written on_shutdown
06:54 sofar then use mod_storage, and use write_json / parse_json to serialize and deserialize a table with dummy values
06:55 ANAND Right, that'll do. Thanks! :)
06:55 sofar is an example that you can use
06:55 ANAND Ok
06:55 sofar it does pretty much just that
06:56 sofar except it does a set_string() to mod_storage when the word list is *modified* by a chat command
06:57 sofar you can also just save it on server shutdown, though
07:14 ANAND Yes, I've seen the filter mod before :)
07:14 ANAND This might be far-fetched, but would I be able to store lua patterns the same way?
08:05 LevierMRQ1 joined #minetest
08:11 epony joined #minetest
08:43 Sedricius joined #minetest
08:47 Sedricius left #minetest
08:55 rafalcpp joined #minetest
08:59 paramat joined #minetest
09:15 ensonic joined #minetest
09:40 Fixer joined #minetest
09:51 illwieckz joined #minetest
09:54 ANAND joined #minetest
10:10 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
10:15 Azlux joined #minetest
10:15 Azlux hi all, small help needted here. How can I rename a user ?
10:16 Azlux I saw the name into the world folder , file players, auth.txt and homes
10:16 ANAND Simply create a new one
10:16 ANAND Renaming isn't possible as of now
10:17 Azlux ANAND: I want to change the uppercase, the server think it's the same name
10:17 Azlux grep see match into the sqlite database, but I didn't search into the database  for now
10:18 sfan5 pretty much your only option is to rename it manually everywhere
10:18 Azlux sfan5: indeed, but I don't know the struture of the sqlite
10:19 sfan5 the most user-friendly way of editing a database is to open it in sqlitebrowser (a GUI program)
10:19 rubenwardy renaming isn't possible really
10:19 rubenwardy as things like chests and protection mods will store username
10:20 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:20 sfan5 hm, right
10:21 Azlux look like it's working without editing the sqlite database
10:21 Azlux the other 3 are enought
10:22 rubenwardy you can kinda do it,however you'll end up losing access to chestsand such
10:22 rubenwardy so, inventory and auth: yes, can rename and keep
10:22 rubenwardy chests, area protection, etc: no, will need some sort of migration in world
10:23 ClobberXD joined #minetest
10:24 Azlux rubenwardy: that why it's work, I just that this worl, no protection and chests
10:24 Azlux world *
10:24 Azlux I just have created this world 2 days ago *
10:24 Azlux english meessing into my head , sorry
10:25 rubenwardy then using SQLite or editing files will work
10:25 rubenwardy basically:
10:25 rubenwardy 1. shutdown server
10:25 rubenwardy 2. edit entry in auth.text to change username
10:25 rubenwardy 3. if players.sqlite:   UPDATE user SET username='new' WHERE username='old';
10:26 rubenwardy (I forget the exact schema, the table name and column may be different)
10:26 rubenwardy 4. if files:   rename file from old to new name, look in file for any mentions of all name
10:26 rubenwardy 5. Profit
10:26 rubenwardy for 3,  open it with   sqlite3 players.sqlite
10:27 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
10:51 Krock joined #minetest
10:51 proller joined #minetest
10:52 Genshin joined #minetest
10:52 proller__ joined #minetest
10:56 troller joined #minetest
11:03 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
11:24 troller joined #minetest
11:40 proller joined #minetest
11:43 Emperor_Genshin joined #minetest
11:45 MinetestBot [git] SmallJoker -> minetest/minetest: Fix the /shutdown command (#7431) 409d043 (2018-06-11T11:43:12Z)
11:47 Emperor_Genshin1 joined #minetest
11:49 Emperor_Genshin1 joined #minetest
11:51 CBugDCoder joined #minetest
11:52 AlexYst joined #minetest
11:53 troller joined #minetest
12:02 proller joined #minetest
12:03 Player-2 joined #minetest
12:09 Genshin Lo guys o/
12:11 lumberJ joined #minetest
12:23 Emperor_Genshin joined #minetest
12:27 paramat joined #minetest
12:28 entuland joined #minetest
12:49 Emperor_Genshin1 joined #minetest
12:58 Genshin Lo guys o/
13:01 aheinecke joined #minetest
13:04 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
13:04 Krock * Genshin tries again in 50 mins*
13:05 ANAND joined #minetest
13:11 ensonic joined #minetest
13:18 Fixer joined #minetest
13:27 CWz joined #minetest
13:37 Azlux joined #minetest
13:43 Emperor_Genshin joined #minetest
13:43 Genshin Lol Krock
13:43 Genshin Well I'm back :P
13:52 Darcidride__ joined #minetest
13:52 progysm joined #minetest
13:52 Krock Next message expected in 40 minutes from now on 8)
13:52 Sedricius joined #minetest
13:59 Emperor_Genshin joined #minetest
14:01 Emperor_Genshin1 joined #minetest
14:04 Emperor_Genshin1 joined #minetest
14:04 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
14:05 tggt joined #minetest
14:09 Genshin tfw you're at a place with bad wifi connection
14:10 Genshin Krock, have you seen this yet? :D
14:12 Krock nice. jebaiting the boss
14:15 Dr-Frankenstone joined #minetest
14:16 Player-2 joined #minetest
14:16 DrFrankenstone joined #minetest
14:18 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
14:20 Emperor_Genshin joined #minetest
14:23 Tmanyo joined #minetest
14:33 Genshin Krock, if I wasn't wearing god-tier armor I would have been flying all over the place and most likely die during that battle lol.
14:34 Genshin Anyway what are your thoughts about this experimental conscept boss?
14:35 Krock It looks great - but would probably slow down busy servers a lot
14:36 Genshin True,  would be great to test this out when the server gets busy.
14:46 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:01 jimvideo joined #minetest
15:14 Akberid joined #minetest
15:18 mycraft1 joined #minetest
15:23 FiftySix joined #minetest
15:25 FiftySix joined #minetest
15:34 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
15:44 benjie joined #minetest
15:51 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
16:07 twoelk joined #minetest
16:15 twoelk Genshin maybe you can convince some of them mapping bots to vist an experimental server and keep generating new terrain while you test your stuff on it :-D
16:17 Krock uhm.. emerge_blocks can do that too
16:18 Krock the boss however needs a player position prediction to make it harder to escape
16:20 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
16:24 Flabb joined #minetest
16:25 antims joined #minetest
16:29 johann_ joined #minetest
16:35 johann_ hi, my son plays minetest since a while (standalone)
16:35 johann_ since latest debian update, he can't craft bronze from steel and copper
16:36 sfan5 from which version did you upgrade to? and to which?
16:36 sfan5 upgrade from*
16:37 johann_ and there's is no tin lump in his world (maybe created before tin)
16:38 sfan5 if you have created a world before an ore was added, you'll need to visit a region that was not previously explored to find these
16:39 garywhite joined #minetest
16:39 johann_ sfan5: basically it's jessie 4.10 -> stretch 4.16
16:41 johann_ ok, new region are dynamically computed, but it's quite as starting a new place from scratch (bit less steps but ...)
16:41 [k00l]shamoanjac joined #minetest
16:42 johann_ the weird part, is on my gentoo box, crafting bronze the old way still works
16:43 Krock outdated minetest_game, legacy leftovers or additional mods are the explanation for that
16:43 sfan5 ^ most likely
16:43 johann_ with the same 4.16 (maybe is there a compatibity option in the configure part ?)
16:44 sfan5 I don't see any changes to bronze crafting between 0.4.10 and 0.4.16's minetest_game
16:44 sfan5 oh wait
16:44 sfan5 Date:   Wed Apr 19 02:48:00 2017 +0100
16:44 sfan5 Craft bronze from tin and copper instead of steel and copper.
16:44 Krock
16:48 sfan5 johann_: check that you have upgraded minetest_game (if that's even packaged separately) on your gentoo machine too
16:49 johann_ from what I see in the commit, the old way shouldn't work.
16:49 sfan5 yes
16:51 Sedricius joined #minetest
16:52 johann_ no custom patch applied in the gentoo package, so surely coming from an outdated mod
16:53 johann_ the problem, for my son is more, to find tin, as he'll have to explore other parts of the world
16:54 johann_ even the game was generated maybe two years ago, he just came to the point of crafting bed this week (he is quite young to play this)
16:55 johann_ I was wondering if there was a way to regenerate some part of the map, maybe near his mines
16:56 sfan5 /deleteblocks
16:56 johann_ thanks
16:57 johann_ by the way, I'll come back with an updated version of the french wiki page for bronze crafting
16:58 johann_ If it can help in any way, I'll try to do it before satursday
16:59 sfan5 it's nice enough that someone puts some work into the translated pages, no hurry
17:00 Darcidride joined #minetest
17:07 johann__ joined #minetest
17:08 johann_31 better, to force myself doing it fast, else I may forget about it until a while
17:08 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
17:19 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Android: fix tools versions 2b30f8b (2018-06-11T17:19:06Z)
17:19 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Android: fix assets cleanup 956a0ba (2018-06-11T17:18:34Z)
17:20 vuthego joined #minetest
17:37 Fulgen joined #minetest
18:03 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:04 karamel joined #minetest
18:07 jimvideo joined #minetest
18:19 DrFrankenstone joined #minetest
18:30 ensonic joined #minetest
18:39 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Android: gradle 3.1.3 is not available on mavenCentral 142ce6a (2018-06-11T18:38:31Z)
18:40 troller joined #minetest
19:03 proller__ joined #minetest
19:06 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
19:17 Wuzzy joined #minetest
19:28 twoelk left #minetest
19:30 davisonio joined #minetest
19:43 ssieb joined #minetest
19:47 cyberarm joined #minetest
19:55 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
20:09 mazes_80 joined #minetest
20:13 mazes_80 sfan5: Some hours before, I ended my question about new bronze crafting method, saying that I'll send an update for the bronze ingot french wiki page
20:14 mazes_80 updated translation page seats here:
20:16 mazes_80 This should work, but I didn't even created an account to check if it's rendering properly
20:18 sfan5 looks good to me
20:19 sfan5 changes applied
20:29 Krock mazes_80, you can request a wiki account if you'd like to correct something in the future
20:31 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
20:39 mazes_80 Krock: who knows. But I tend not to open much accounts, as keeping my password manager up to date, take even longer than the few lines I touched.
20:40 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
20:44 Cornelia joined #minetest
20:45 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
20:58 proller__ joined #minetest
21:02 tpe joined #minetest
21:05 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
21:28 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
21:34 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
21:39 Markow joined #minetest
22:11 rohju joined #minetest
22:17 srifqi joined #minetest
22:19 GreenDimond joined #minetest
22:20 GreenDimond Hey VanessaE, you have made a lot of models for homedecor and stuff, and all of your models have crisp edges, but I am having a problem with this "seam" sort of thing as if the UV map is shifted up by a smidge. No idea what's causing it.
22:20 VanessaE screenshot?
22:20 GreenDimond (It looks fine in Blender, the UV map is set to pixel snap, but inside Minetest it screws up)
22:20 GreenDimond oh right
22:20 GreenDimond
22:21 VanessaE um.
22:21 VanessaE I can't really tell what I'm looking at
22:21 VanessaE but,
22:21 GreenDimond I can get a better one
22:21 VanessaE maybe you need to snap the vertexes to pixels, in the UV editor
22:21 GreenDimond > the UV map is set to pixel snap
22:21 VanessaE oh right
22:21 VanessaE but did you actually snap?
22:21 GreenDimond ill get you a better screenshot
22:22 GreenDimond and yes, I did
22:22 GreenDimond and I checked the vertex locations
22:22 VanessaE as in move all the vertexes after setting that option
22:22 GreenDimond all of them are proper numbers
22:22 GreenDimond yes
22:22 VanessaE ok.
22:22 GreenDimond I always set it to snap first thing
22:22 GreenDimond :P
22:22 GreenDimond getting that shot..
22:22 VanessaE over in 3d view, edit mode, try triagulating the polys that look like they're affected
22:23 VanessaE sometimes irrlicht will interpret the model differently from how blender does.
22:24 GreenDimond heres a (hopefully) better screenshot
22:25 GreenDimond Can I use the "triangulate faces" option when exporting the OBJ instead?
22:25 VanessaE not necessarily, and you don't want to anyway
22:25 VanessaE just triangulate the affectced polys
22:25 VanessaE affected*
22:26 GreenDimond ok
22:26 GreenDimond triangulating had no effect
22:26 GreenDimond and I think all(?) faces are affected?
22:27 GreenDimond well
22:27 VanessaE try it and see?
22:27 GreenDimond its kinda hard to tell given the rest of it is a semi-trans texture
22:27 GreenDimond > triangulating had no effect
22:28 VanessaE then I got nuthin' :)
22:28 GreenDimond the format doesnt matter either
22:28 GreenDimond obj, .b3d, .x, they all do it
22:28 GreenDimond but there has to be a solution, most every other model is just fine D:
22:29 GreenDimond Jordach had suggested making sure the units were correct, but after re-doing them, it still didnt have an effect Dx
22:30 GreenDimond Alright, time to see if Google has any ideas.
22:32 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
22:33 lisac_ joined #minetest
22:35 VanessaE wait
22:35 VanessaE you're not by chance measuring in 1/10ths are you?
22:35 GreenDimond No, but it doesnt matter anyway.
22:36 VanessaE it matters.  open the properties sidebar ("n") and check your subdivisions setting.
22:36 GreenDimond As Jordach suggested, I checked the unit sizes. I re-did the model to go by 1/16ths and it still had the problem
22:36 VanessaE it should be 16 for minetest.
22:36 GreenDimond yes
22:36 GreenDimond and I did that
22:37 GreenDimond but it had no effect
22:37 VanessaE check it anyway, your model might not be exactly on a subdivision
22:37 GreenDimond I will check subdivs
22:38 GreenDimond Where is subdivisions?..
22:38 VanessaE open the properties sidebar ("n") and check your subdivisions setting.
22:38 VanessaE ^^
22:38 GreenDimond I dont see it in the properties bar
22:38 VanessaE scroll it :)
22:38 GreenDimond I did
22:39 GreenDimond I know how to use Blender, thankyou :P
22:39 VanessaE (fwiw, lines 20, scale 10.0, subdiv 10 is good for 3d printing, gives you a 20cm build area, with subdivs at 1mm and 0.1 mm)
22:39 VanessaE it's there, I'm looking right at it.
22:39 VanessaE in the Display section
22:39 GreenDimond that would have heled
22:39 GreenDimond helped*
22:39 GreenDimond Display was collapsed :P
22:39 Raven262 joined #minetest
22:40 GreenDimond lines is 16, scale is 1, subdivs is 10.
22:40 VanessaE that's your prob.
22:40 VanessaE subdivs has to be set to 16 before you start drawing the model
22:40 GreenDimond oof
22:40 GreenDimond so I have to redo it to get it to work right>
22:40 GreenDimond ?*
22:41 VanessaE nah
22:41 GreenDimond cuz it didnt change anything
22:42 GreenDimond > before you start drawing the model
22:42 VanessaE here's a trick:  snap your cursor to center, set the pivot to "cursor".  select a face that needs moved.  [S]cale along [X], [Y], or [Z] depending on which way it faces, press 0, enter then translate [G] and move while holding ctrl.
22:43 VanessaE [S]cale [X] 0 enter will snap the selected vertexes to the X origin, then when you snap-move with ctrl, it'll follow the grid.
22:44 GreenDimond er
22:44 GreenDimond using ctrl to move faces always has the wrong thing for me
22:44 GreenDimond it moves it in huge increments
22:45 VanessaE zoom in with the mouse wheel until you can see the first level of subdivs
22:46 GreenDimond oh huh
22:46 GreenDimond I see now
22:46 GreenDimond alright, ill see if this works out.
22:46 GreenDimond *please hold*
22:46 VanessaE heh
22:50 GreenDimond :') nope
22:50 GreenDimond still not working
22:53 GreenDimond VanessaE, I must be cursed :P
22:53 VanessaE sorry :)
22:53 VanessaE do any of my models look wrong?
22:54 GreenDimond maybe your arcade machine
22:54 GreenDimond I couldnt tell
22:54 VanessaE eh, RBA made that
22:54 GreenDimond ook
22:54 GreenDimond uhhh
22:55 GreenDimond pretty much all of your models are fine xD
22:55 GreenDimond I see no seam artifacts
22:55 GreenDimond maybe im missing an export setting
22:55 rubenwardy dafaq
22:56 GreenDimond agree
22:57 GreenDimond VanessaE: Are these UV seams?
22:58 VanessaE I couldn't say.
22:58 GreenDimond Thats your desk modl
22:58 GreenDimond model*
22:58 Sedricius left #minetest
22:59 VanessaE image is too cropped for me to tell, but those are sharp edges
22:59 VanessaE a signal to the renderer not to wrap the "smooth" effect around that edge
22:59 GreenDimond
22:59 GreenDimond there :P
23:00 GreenDimond would that have any effect perhaps?
23:01 GreenDimond yeah no that didnt do anything
23:01 VanessaE not in your model, no.
23:01 Hirato joined #minetest
23:02 GreenDimond I am so confused
23:03 GreenDimond there should be no reason for it to fail :x
23:05 GreenDimond My other models are just fine aswell
23:05 GreenDimond its just this one that wants to have a fit
23:08 GreenDimond VanessaE: Would you care to take a look at the Blend and try it yourself? If not I can ask elsewhere.
23:08 VanessaE not now, kinda busy
23:08 GreenDimond No problem, I shall ask elsewhere.
23:09 GreenDimond Thanks for your help though :D
23:23 LevierMRQ joined #minetest
23:24 srifqi left #minetest
23:55 AlexYst joined #minetest

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