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IRC log for #minetest, 2018-05-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:40 AlienCat joined #minetest
00:41 AlienCat hello guys, this thing looks awesome! there is like 20 different minecraft clones being worked on but this project seems the most successful
00:47 Jordach joined #minetest
00:51 AlienCat but it does not have mobs D:
01:14 Lia joined #minetest
01:24 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
01:27 proller joined #minetest
01:40 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
01:42 serp AlienCat: there are mods to add mobs...
01:44 progysm but is there mobs that add mods?
01:44 AlienCat yeah I see that
01:44 AlienCat will be intressting to see what happend in the future
01:45 AlienCat for being so like minecraft it is actually different
01:50 AlienCat from what I see the mob mod is quite laggy
02:20 nowhere_man joined #minetest
03:14 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
04:26 lumberJ joined #minetest
04:27 Player-2 joined #minetest
04:30 Lunatrius joined #minetest
04:37 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
05:01 craigger joined #minetest
05:20 Hawk777 joined #minetest
05:29 AlienCat joined #minetest
05:32 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
05:56 est31 joined #minetest
05:56 Hawk777 joined #minetest
05:58 AlienCat it seems minetest is quite popular right?
06:00 aheinecke joined #minetest
06:20 lumberJ heh, relative to what, AlienCat? :P
06:20 lumberJ seriously though, it does have a decent sized active community, yes
06:23 jluc joined #minetest
06:25 AlienCat sounds great! I should try it out some time :)
06:25 est31 joined #minetest
06:28 lumberJ no time like the present
06:33 AlienCat all mods are server side. hum, how does that work
06:34 AlienCat like forexample the server have a new mob, then something must be downloaded to the client
06:39 lumberJ the client side user won't need to download anything
06:39 lumberJ unless they want to host the mod in their own single player game/server
06:40 lumberJ its set up differently than minecraft, if that is what you are referring to
06:44 AlienCat yea I know my I still wonder how it is possible
06:44 AlienCat the client need to display the model of the mob implemented by the mod somehow
06:50 lumberJ i can't speak to the technical details, as I am not very familiar with the C++ side of things, but I assume its broken down in a way that it can be sent to the client fairly efficiently
06:51 lumberJ mobs does seem to be one of the weaker areas of minetest, probably related to this in some part.
06:52 lumberJ but for me at least, i think it makes up for it in a lot of other ways
06:52 lumberJ mobs have never been of that much interest to me though, to be fair
07:03 epony joined #minetest
07:04 AlienCat so most of the minetest community oppose to the idea of mobs?
07:05 lumberJ no, i wouldn't say that
07:05 lumberJ just personally, i don't care for them much when I play
07:05 lumberJ Lots of survival games have interesting mobs
07:06 lumberJ and some of them are pretty decent
07:08 lumberJ its just that the game engine itself doesn't handle the mobs, its all implemented in lua across various mods that aren't always compatible
07:10 lumberJ but the plus side of that, is that you can have minetest games built to be very lightweight and perform very well even on old/low-power PCs
07:11 lumberJ and on the other hand, the engine is flexible enough and lua, being relatively fast and easy to use, lets mod developers build up the game anyway they want
07:22 AlienCat ahh I understand
07:27 AlienCat so the game is depsite its apparence, not very like minecraft?
07:28 lumberJ honestly, i haven't played minecraft, but no it doesn't aim to clone minecraft
07:30 AlienCat that I can understand...
07:38 AlienCat little sad in a way but not every game can be the same
07:41 lumberJ sad, why?
07:43 AlienCat in minecraft it had so many amazing mods in the days, if some could be recreated then the memories could live again. But such mods might or might not be rather ill fit for minetest
07:45 lumberJ well minetest has a pretty vast selection of mods. some do clone mods of minecraft
07:46 AlienCat I wounder if version 1 would break most of the mods
07:47 lumberJ version 0.5.0 is underway now. this has some breaking changes, but hasn't effect the mods too much. Most of the really good mods are pretty well maintained anyway.
07:51 wilkgr joined #minetest
07:52 AlienCat ah I understand :)
07:52 AlienCat maybe it is more easier making mods too
07:57 lumberJ Lua and the minetest api are pretty easy to get started with.
07:57 The_Loko joined #minetest
07:58 AlienCat I am really exited now :)
08:03 AlienCat should not be so hyped about this x)
08:04 lumberJ its pretty fun. i played for hours when i first started
08:04 AlienCat I wanna try out modding x)
08:05 lumberJ yeah, i mod a lot more than i play these days
08:06 lumberJ AlienCat, Check this out:
08:07 lumberJ that's a good place to start
08:07 AlienCat thanks, I will read it :)
08:08 Flabb joined #minetest
08:24 Akberid joined #minetest
08:32 Markow joined #minetest
08:38 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
08:38 AntumD joined #minetest
08:49 Lunatrius joined #minetest
09:07 ensonic joined #minetest
09:16 rubenwardy AlienCat: mobs will be added to Minetest Game at somepoint
09:16 rubenwardy It's just a matter of getting a sufficient quality mod for that
09:17 AlienCat nice
09:17 AlienCat so yet the mods for mobs aren't that good?
09:37 rubenwardy they tend to have bad animations, bad AI, and bad density
09:37 rubenwardy probably an engine issue, partly
09:40 Shara The mobs mods are certainly usable. Just not at the standard for being included officially.
09:42 proller joined #minetest
09:45 AlienCat they did some kind of mob api
09:48 Shara The one I've mostly used is
09:50 jluc joined #minetest
09:51 AlienCat it is the newest one
09:52 jomat_ joined #minetest
09:55 rubenwardy Good mobs need lots of different skills unfortunately
09:56 rubenwardy Which is why it takes a lot of effort
09:56 AlienCat I can imagine
09:56 rubenwardy Mobs redo is pretty light and fairly good polish in that it doesn't crash
09:56 rubenwardy However the mobs aren't believable
09:57 Shara Well, I'm not sure if believable mobs is ever going to happen in this kind of game :P
09:57 AlienCat why is that
09:58 Shara Believable to me requires a bit more graphical polish than MT has :)
09:59 rubenwardy Minecraft does it pretty well
09:59 Shara From what I saw, I wouldn't call those believable either
10:00 AlienCat if you mean realistic looking I can agree
10:03 Shara With mobs redo, it's actually possible to get somethign fairly decent. You have to work for it though, and not be scared to dig into other less known mods to lift things from them. That's my experience anyway.
10:03 lumberJ Alot of little kids seem to believe in herobrine
10:03 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
10:06 AlienCat herobrine in Minetest
10:06 lumberJ no, in real life i think
10:07 lumberJ :D
10:08 AlienCat whould be a hell if it follow us here
10:08 AlienCat thought I would see the end of it
10:08 AlienCat Shara do you mean creating mods or just apply the existing mods?
10:08 lumberJ i haven't seen any one mention it in a while, but also i haven't been on public servers lately. that maybe over now as a trend
10:10 Shara AlienCat: I've been running mobs_redo on a server for... I guess about 18 months now. Instead of just using the main mobs mods that usually partner it, I went hunting for more interesting things, in one case even going as far as just taking a model from something and then writing most of the code for the mob myself.
10:11 AlienCat did you publish it? :D
10:11 Shara Or well, not only myself. There were a couple of us working on it.
10:11 AlienCat oh
10:12 Shara No, since it's very tailored for the server I run.
10:12 rubenwardy I'm not talking about realistic looking
10:12 rubenwardy But believable acting
10:12 Shara But the models I used are from the dmobs mod (dragon and hydra/water-dragon)
10:12 rubenwardy So grazing, running from predators
10:12 rubenwardy Looking at players
10:13 Shara rubenwardy: pretty sure they do run from predators
10:13 rubenwardy I found the simple mobs basically just wonder around
10:13 AlienCat pretty much the same in minecraft
10:18 AlienCat I wonder if you could take models from old minecraft mods
10:19 nowhere_man joined #minetest
10:28 Beton joined #minetest
10:35 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest
10:36 AlienCat oh minetest is base on irrlicht
10:49 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
10:53 Fixer joined #minetest
10:54 Entuland joined #minetest
11:08 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
11:14 proller joined #minetest
11:39 Kroukuk joined #minetest
11:50 CWz joined #minetest
12:26 Beton_ joined #minetest
12:40 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
12:41 aheinecke joined #minetest
12:51 JMatZNC joined #minetest
12:53 Xio joined #minetest
12:58 andirc8000 can anyone please help me with my attempted mod code: ?
12:58 andirc8000 when I override on_use it just doesn't get called at all.
13:07 fwhcat joined #minetest
13:14 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:15 andirc8000 slightly more improved ver:
13:16 andirc8000 ... I don't see 'Debug: on_use() 1' in minetest log file at all
13:16 andirc8000 ... when I right-click/left-click multiple times...
13:17 andirc8000 what am I doing wrong?
13:18 andirc8000 what else could I try?
13:31 lumberJ joined #minetest
13:47 tpe joined #minetest
14:01 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
14:05 lumberJ joined #minetest
14:06 JTE joined #minetest
14:07 Foz joined #minetest
14:11 bwarden joined #minetest
14:28 Entuland this looks easier to read, andirc8000 : :P
14:29 Entuland unfortunately I'm a noob myself with minetest and lua, so not sure whether I could help
14:30 Entuland (in the link above I just changed the extension to change the highlighting)
14:31 sfan5 andirc8000: you can't use any of the register_* functions at runtime
14:31 sfan5 besides, I don't think nodes even have on_use
14:32 Entuland this is my question of yesterday: playing around with player:hud_add and player:hud_change - I succeeded adding a waypoint but for some reason player:hud_change(hud_id, "name", "new name") doesn't seem to have any effect (hud_id is the value returned by player:hud_add() of course)
14:33 Entuland maybe I'm misunderstanding what hud_change is for
14:34 andirc8000 sfan5: I'm trying to make a personal mod that will destroy a node with one click, and an existing mod: destroys sometimes 2 nodes at once. I was recommended by lumberJ to use on_use()
14:35 sfan5 you'd use a custom hand item for this
14:35 lumberJ I said what?
14:35 lumberJ :P
14:36 andirc8000 <lumberJ> or if you are attaching this function to a tool you might use on_use:
14:36 lumberJ my sugestion was to make a something like a custom tool that uses the on_use field to remove the node. on_use by its nature will only effect one node per click
14:36 lumberJ i know, i'm just being silly
14:36 andirc8000 lumberJ: ok.
14:36 lumberJ basically the same as what sfan5 is suggesting :)
14:42 lumberJ see this, andirc8000:
14:45 Entuland another question: is there any way to bring up the output in a live manner on windows instead of having to open the log file repeatedly?
14:48 Entuland all right found it: minetest.exe --console
15:00 cake joined #minetest
15:01 Entuland weird... seems like that call should work according to this:
15:01 Entuland still, I can't see its effect :/
15:05 lumberJ Entuland. can you post some code?
15:05 Entuland sure
15:05 lumberJ sorry if you already posted it and i missed it
15:06 Entuland no I didn't yet
15:07 Entuland this is the relevant part:
15:07 Entuland
15:07 Entuland just messing with learning the stuff, I know there are mods doing similar things with bones already
15:07 lumberJ cool, i'll take a look
15:08 Entuland line 16 doesn't seem to have any effect
15:08 Entuland the mod works as intended apart from that little detail
15:12 Entuland cut down example that can be run in isolation (hopefully)
15:13 lumberJ Entuland, do you mean to change the text on the screen?
15:13 Entuland yep
15:14 Entuland but I can't know the ID beforehand
15:14 Entuland it's just to understand how the thing works, of course it's not necessary
15:14 lumberJ according to api the valid HUD element types are:  type of HUD element, can be either of "image", "text", "statbar","inventory".
15:14 lumberJ and i believe the "text" field is the one you want to change
15:14 Entuland text should be the suffix after the distance of the waypoint
15:15 lumberJ i'm not even sure what the purpose of the "name" field is. I haven't used it :P
15:15 Entuland and is the same doc you pointed out just a few minutes ago
15:15 Entuland "name" gets used only by the waypoint HUD, afaict
15:15 Entuland there in the last link it mentions "name" as well
15:15 Entuland even though somewhere else I read that it's deprecated
15:16 Entuland here is where the API mentions "name" as a valid entry for hud_change() :
15:17 lumberJ i see, i haven't used that hud type before L1552
15:17 Entuland that's okay, just taking advantage now that there was someone around :P
15:17 lumberJ is it displaying the name without the hudID?
15:17 Entuland yep, "BONES" alone works fine (set in "name" with hud_add)
15:18 Entuland it simply doesn't change it to "BONES (1)" afterwards on hud_change
15:19 lumberJ do the () show?
15:19 Entuland nope
15:19 Entuland it stays as "BONES", but to be sure I'll change it completely and retest
15:20 lumberJ are you just doing it this way to have the hudID?
15:21 Entuland yep, confirmed no effect at all even with a completely different string there
15:21 ehlodex joined #minetest
15:21 Entuland well, it's not really a necessity, it's just something I stumbled on
15:22 illwieckz joined #minetest
15:22 Entuland I thought that if it worked I could have found a use for it, but maybe I just managed to find a glitch :P
15:22 Entuland not a big deal, I've got plenty of other stuff to experiment on :)
15:25 lumberJ i generally store the hud id in a table and retrieve it from there
15:25 lumberJ not sure why its not calling the player:hud_change method though
15:26 lumberJ are you sure you restarted server after adding that line?
15:28 lumberJ i don't think that id value is a simple number or string or integer anyway
15:30 Entuland yep, restarted the server, no effect
15:30 Entuland it should be a simple integer though
15:32 lumberJ will test something on one of my mods, giveme a sec
15:34 Entuland found the culprit
15:35 lumberJ no youre right it return integer
15:35 Entuland the two calls work, just not there
15:35 Entuland I moved them to another point and they work
15:35 Entuland maybe I need to exit that function before I can call them
15:35 lumberJ yeah, I was thinking that, but couldn't come up with a compelling reason why
15:36 Entuland maybe the hud itself doesn't get updated until the function returns and as such it can't be updated in the same function
15:36 lumberJ yeah, that makes sense
15:36 Entuland just wildguessing
15:37 lumberJ at any rate, its pretty rare you would need to add a hud and change it in the same function call
15:37 Entuland yep it was an odd case
15:37 Entuland all right, I'll take a mental note about that, thanks for the additional pair of eyes :)
15:37 lumberJ sure
15:43 lumberJ Entuland, you have coding experience in another language?
15:48 Entuland yep
15:48 Entuland C, C++, PHP, Javascript, longtime :)
15:48 Entuland 39yo here
15:49 Entuland coding since 16yo or so
15:49 Calinou I wasn't born when you started coding :D
15:49 Entuland eheheh
15:49 Calinou hi :)
15:49 Entuland hi :)
15:50 Entuland I started learning Lua a few years ago but got sidetracked, still have to get a decent grip
15:51 Entuland off for errands, see you around, I will likely stick around a long time considering the project :P
15:51 * Entuland waves
15:59 ThomasMonroe :O Calinou, I though you were older than me!
16:05 proller joined #minetest
16:08 antims joined #minetest
16:10 Calinou ThomasMonroe: I turned 20 in March :
16:10 Calinou :!p
16:10 Calinou :p*
16:19 lumberJ young whipper snappers
16:20 lumberJ sounds like Entuland needs to put the cpp skills to use :D
16:21 Fulgen joined #minetest
16:23 troller joined #minetest
16:31 andirc8000 oh, joy, found this in forums:;t=19835#p314932, then copied off some code from that guy .. eventually tried this: -- and now only one node is destroyed per click (not 2-3 like before). I believe that 'minetest.after(0.3, ...' makes the difference.
16:34 Fulgen joined #minetest
16:37 andirc8000 (I had a problem before that one-click in 'creative mode' inconsistently destroyed sporaidic amount of blocks sometimes 1 sometimes two sometimes more)
16:38 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
16:43 lumberJ andirc8000 i think you want minetest.is_protected(pos, pname)
16:44 lumberJ it checks player name
16:46 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest
16:46 Player-2 joined #minetest
16:49 Krock joined #minetest
16:50 ensonic joined #minetest
16:50 Entuland lumberJ, you mean to mess with the code behind minetest? in such a case there would still be a long way to go :P
16:50 lumberJ you'll learn fast i'm sure
16:51 Entuland :)
16:51 * Entuland blushes
16:51 lumberJ lol. didn't mean to make you blush
16:51 Entuland eheheh
16:52 lumberJ anyways always good to have experienced programmers around.
16:52 lumberJ i'm going to lunch, be back a bit later hopefully.
16:53 Entuland enjoy!
16:53 Entuland I'm messing with my modpack, small little changes to feel at home after 2K+ hours on creativerse :P
16:55 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
16:57 Markow joined #minetest
16:58 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
17:16 Foz joined #minetest
17:26 DMackey- joined #minetest
17:27 Fulgen joined #minetest
17:33 twoelk joined #minetest
17:41 Telesight joined #minetest
17:44 Entuland uhm... I'm implementing my twist of teleport pads. The only way I have found to get a form by right-clicking on my pad is using meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) but that implies storing the list of TPs there in that form (which works, right now)
17:45 Entuland the problem is when a TP somewhere has its name changed... when I open the TP list from another pad, of course the form had no chance to get updated, so I need to close it and reopen it (cause I hooked the form update in on_receive_fields)
17:45 Entuland any other approach I could use?
17:46 Entuland I would call show_formspec but I couldn't find any hook to intercept the right-click on a node
17:47 Entuland apart from that meta:set_string, that is
17:49 Entuland off for dinner myself but I'll keep the chat open, laters
17:50 Krock register_on_player_receive_fields (or so) will allow you to get the callbacks
17:51 Entuland uhm... the problem is not getting the callback, the problem is that the only way to trigger the opening of a form by right-clicking on a node is storing the form itself on the node metas
17:51 Entuland that's my problem
17:51 Entuland I have one copy of the TP list in each pad right now
17:51 Entuland and that makes them go out of sync the first time I open one if I changed the name of another pad
17:52 Entuland rephrase: the only way I _have found_ to open a form by right clicking on a node
17:53 Krock the travelnet mod has a similar problem, however it's also quite a while since it was written. since then we've got mod storage, which allows you to save data in a key/value database
17:53 Entuland I am saving the list of TPs in the mod storage
17:53 Krock with that you can access to a teleporter pad network by calling the getter function of that database
17:54 Entuland the only workaround I see would be going through the various metas of the others pads and updating the list every time a pad gets created or renamed
17:54 Krock the best way to keep it up to date is indeed show_formspec in combination with a table where you can store the palyer name and the node position
17:54 Entuland yes that would have been my approach
17:54 Krock so when you get a callback, it knows which list it should take
17:54 Entuland but I can't intercept the right-click other than with saving the form in the node
17:55 Entuland that's the central problem right now
17:55 Krock uhm.. well?
17:55 Entuland reading. Most likely I skipped over something :)
17:55 Krock remove the "formspec" meta field if you're on 0.4.16 or lower because on_rightclick will not be called for those
17:56 Entuland cool. That's the hook I was missing. I couldn't find it anywhere, thanks a lot Krock!
17:56 Entuland this will immensely simplify the system :)
17:56 Krock ^.^
17:56 Krock !next
17:56 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
17:57 Entuland ahahah
17:57 Entuland I guess I should stop relying on the online docs and finger the code :P
17:58 Krock the docs, lua_api.txt especially only document the API alone without giving examples. Here's a past-processed version with some examples:
17:58 rubenwardy lol
17:58 rubenwardy best thing about writing that book is the thanks
17:58 rubenwardy worst thing is being constantly pinged XD
17:58 Entuland heheheh
17:58 Krock rubenwardy, change the domain
17:58 rubenwardy lol
17:59 rubenwardy :O
17:59 Entuland glad to see you around ruben :P
17:59 Entuland or simply change your handle here :P
18:00 Entuland :)
18:01 Entuland by the way the online docs did mention on_rightclick, I simply failed to see it cause it was in the secondary callbacks, silly me :/
18:07 Jordach joined #minetest
18:09 MinetestBot [git] rubenwardy -> minetest/minetest: Fix luajit include not being found 50c33d9 (2018-05-08T18:06:55Z)
18:19 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
18:26 Fixer_ joined #minetest
18:26 jontow2 joined #minetest
18:27 thePalindrome joined #minetest
18:31 iska joined #minetest
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18:44 dvere joined #minetest
19:19 CarbineMorpho joined #minetest
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19:32 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
19:37 ensonic joined #minetest
19:44 Beton joined #minetest
19:45 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
19:58 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
19:58 Entuland joined #minetest
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20:47 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
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20:52 troller joined #minetest
21:01 proller joined #minetest
21:09 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
21:13 SanskritFritz joined #minetest
21:25 SanskritFritz joined #minetest
21:25 troller joined #minetest
21:33 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
21:46 AndroBuilder joined #minetest
22:07 Blo0D joined #minetest
22:12 nowhere_man joined #minetest
22:25 Beton_ joined #minetest
22:52 nowhereman joined #minetest
23:08 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
23:10 Ruslan1 Hello
23:35 Entuland helloo Ruslan1
23:36 lumberJ back...
23:36 lumberJ from the dead
23:38 * Entuland watches lumberJ running for the bones box
23:38 lumberJ dem bones
23:38 lumberJ how'd you get into lua/minetest Entuland?
23:39 Entuland you know what? I'm not really sure. Perhaps a dangling entry on the SERP looking for something related to MC a couple days ago
23:40 serp WHAT?
23:40 Entuland so far I'm really really happy with it
23:40 Entuland ahahah
23:40 Entuland sorry
23:40 Entuland Search Engine Result Page
23:40 serp :)
23:40 Entuland I think I've completed my tpad mod
23:40 lumberJ telepad?
23:41 Entuland seems to be working great, also managed to test it in multiplayer (wouldn't have thought I could run two instances locally and test it, but it worked)
23:41 Entuland yep a teleporting pad
23:41 lumberJ yeah, it works. going to release the mod?
23:41 Entuland sure thing, tomorrow after a bit of cleanup
23:41 Entuland I'll drop it on github
23:42 Entuland it's littered with debug statements :P
23:42 lumberJ cool ping me and let me know, i'd like to test it
23:42 Entuland sure thing
23:42 lumberJ you should drop a post on the forum page as well under WIP mods
23:42 Entuland I'll be glad to have the code reviewed to see if I'm doing things properly
23:42 Entuland willdo
23:42 lumberJ you should get some decent traffic that way
23:43 Entuland all right, I'd better hit the mattress, almost 2AM in here, have fun everybody!
23:43 * Entuland waves
23:44 lumberJ later on
23:49 Ruslan1 ?
23:56 proller joined #minetest

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