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IRC log for #minetest, 2018-04-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:34 proller joined #minetest
00:41 swift110_ joined #minetest
00:42 swift110 joined #minetest
00:59 DMackey joined #minetest
01:07 proller joined #minetest
01:13 Copenhagen_Bram joined #minetest
01:16 proller joined #minetest
01:17 Tmanyo joined #minetest
01:18 Lunatrius joined #minetest
02:37 AndroBuilder_ joined #minetest
02:44 bas080 joined #minetest
02:50 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
03:06 swift110 joined #minetest
03:17 LazyJ joined #minetest
04:51 erstazi joined #minetest
04:51 Darcidride_ joined #minetest
04:52 sonicpp joined #minetest
05:03 Sketch2 joined #minetest
05:04 Jonah joined #minetest
05:04 Jonah hi
06:27 CWz joined #minetest
07:04 fadetime joined #minetest
07:15 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:30 Hijiri is it possible yet to access player attributes if the player is offline?
07:36 fadetime joined #minetest
07:36 fadetim joined #minetest
07:43 Player-2 joined #minetest
08:08 Fritigern joined #minetest
08:13 MTBuilder joined #minetest
08:15 MTBuilder i tried to use the traders mod but it has an error in lin 33 "attempt to concatenate a nil value
08:15 MTBuilder Sokomine: could you help, i think it is your mod? :)
08:15 IcyDiamond then report the issue at the appropriate issue tracker
08:18 GeHa joined #minetest
08:21 jluc joined #minetest
08:21 MTBuilder can i have 2 logfiles on my server ... one with the chat only and the other with more
08:27 IcyDiamond submit a feature request
08:27 sfan5 a mod can do that for you
08:30 MTBuilder i will have to get back later on that :) thanks so far see ya
08:30 Markow joined #minetest
08:38 rafalcpp joined #minetest
08:53 Quang-vip joined #minetest
08:59 IcyDiamond would be nice if textlist had a version where each line could have an icon
09:09 troller joined #minetest
09:19 srifqi joined #minetest
09:28 srifqi left #minetest
09:29 cimbakahn joined #minetest
09:30 cimbakahn Good Morning Everyone!
09:31 cimbakahn Is there a video on the net that shows a hydro electric LV setup?
09:32 cimbakahn I mean.  I know how, but i forgot where the cables go into the hydro electric generators, and i need to know for planning.
09:45 Fixer joined #minetest
09:50 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest
09:56 Unit193 joined #minetest
10:07 jluc joined #minetest
10:49 deltasquared joined #minetest
11:00 deltasquared cimbakahn: no video, but here's my setup: so essentially a column of hydro generators with a single water source on top, and a column of cable running down one side
11:00 deltasquared all those generators reach 100%
11:02 JDCodeIt joined #minetest
11:04 JDCodeIt Hello all... I was looking at memory usage on the new 0.5.0 client on Linux and found at start 38M, enter a world 1.2G, playing for 2 mins 1.4G, return to main menu 991M
11:05 deltasquared JDCodeIt: actually in my experience that's not a new thing
11:05 JDCodeIt Do we know which resources are not being freed up?
11:05 deltasquared not that I would know, but if I had to take a guess, probably mapblock cache. I keep tweaking that limit down and yet still MT exceeds it and causes OOM crashes.
11:06 deltasquared but MT not releasing memory after closing a world, I've had that on 0.4.16
11:07 JDCodeIt So, possibly entering several worlds, then back to main menu, the client system would run low on memory?
11:09 deltasquared JDCodeIt: that is my symptom that I have seen
11:09 deltasquared though in my case it was not "several", it was merely start new minetest, go into one world, come back out, go to another, wander around for a bit- *BANG*
11:09 JDCodeIt Maybe we should consider some background process to check the age of items in the cache, and release memory over time.
11:10 deltasquared JDCodeIt: well I thought that would be what the cache would do *anyway*
11:10 JDCodeIt I'll take a read of the code
11:10 deltasquared "need to download new mapblock... not enough space in cache, kick out old ones"
11:10 deltasquared I would be very suprised if there wasn't an LRU cache
11:11 deltasquared (with possible exceptions for things that are actually visible at that moment)
11:11 deltasquared that said, I dunno, maybe you'd have to destroy the mapcache instance when the world closes, and that'd free any data? I haven't looked at that code to see what's going on
11:11 JDCodeIt Still sitting at the main menu for several minutes now - 991M used by the client, so if it is releasing, the expiry time is long
11:13 JDCodeIt .msg deltasquared afk for a few
11:13 deltasquared JDCodeIt: you forgot this -->  /
11:13 deltasquared :P
11:19 proller joined #minetest
11:20 cimbakahn deltasquared, Sorry!  I didn't know someone got back to me.  I'll read what you typed now.
11:22 cimbakahn deltasquared, Can you place those white cables directly into the bottom of the hydro generators?
11:25 deltasquared cimbakahn: you could if you desired, but then you'd have to make the array flat. and possible two deep IIRC, the "flow strength" of the water on the sides of the hydro gen matters
11:25 deltasquared in fact... *goes away to test*
11:30 JDCodeIt Yeah. But once you hit Enter... there's no going back
11:32 deltasquared cimbakahn: and note that they're identical basins but the one raised off the ground gets higher power output, so my memory was correct
11:35 JDCodeIt No change to the memory usage in the 0.5.0 client sitting at main menu for 30 minutes - still 991M
11:35 Lunatrius joined #minetest
11:35 iska hmm thats unefficient use of lv cables with hydros
11:37 cimbakahn deltasquared, A long time ago I made a gorgeous engineering room deep under the ground with Hydro Electric.  Problem is, I can't remember if I did it on stormchaser3000's old server or on my own single player world.
11:37 deltasquared iska: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11:37 deltasquared I don't claim to be finding the 100% most compact layout :P
11:37 deltasquared that said, doing a thing, one moment
11:38 iska doesn show much of the cabiling but the top right corner shows the 4 hydro columns, under the protection block is cable column
11:38 iska 14:14 < deltasquared> JDCodeIt: you forgot this -->  /
11:38 iska 14:14 < deltasquared> :P
11:38 iska
11:38 iska need to configure my putty, right click paste >.<
11:39 cimbakahn deltasquared, I was just thinking, I do have the habit of saving minetest screenshots...... maybe I will look on my external hard drive and see if I have any screenshots there of the engineering room.
11:42 deltasquared cimbakahn: anyways, wrt putting cables in the bottom, if you must do it that way: this setup still maxes out each generator. notice they're still raised
11:47 cimbakahn deltasquared, I believe by staggering the hydro generators in a certain way I was able to space save.  And I believe I had the white cables coming up directly through the bottom of the hydro generators.
11:48 JDCodeIt Client 0.5.0 memory - Inside client.cpp, function step() can make a call to addBlock which will call the cacheCleanup. But I doubt we are adding blocks while sitting at the main menu.
11:48 cimbakahn deltasquared, I am looking through the screenshots on my external hard drive now.
11:49 deltasquared cimbakahn: actually that sorta makes sense
11:49 deltasquared JDCodeIt: I would more focus on where they are (not) removed again
11:54 cimbakahn deltasquared, I believe that picture is a little similar to what I did.
12:07 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
12:15 twoelk joined #minetest
12:23 LaCosa joined #minetest
12:23 LaCosa joined #minetest
12:24 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
12:25 tpe joined #minetest
12:37 JDCodeIt Memory free 0.5.0 - It would seem at first glance, the Map and the MiniMap are independently managing map blocks - true?
12:42 JDCodeIt ..and it seems the management inside Map has a timer to unload them eventually, but the implementation of MiniMap will never unload them.
12:43 JDCodeIt ..unless you at some point call addBlock
12:43 Lunatrius joined #minetest
12:50 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
12:52 cimbakahn deltasquared.  Are you still here?  I did have pictures of the engineering room.  Here they are:
12:53 cimbakahn Can anyone tell by looking at those pictures if I was on a server online, or on my single-player world?
13:11 Lunatrius joined #minetest
13:12 iska cimbakahn: looks like single-player because of stacks of 99 :)
13:13 iska you probably dont have stack of batteryboxes in online server
13:18 cimbakahn iska, I was just curious, because I found some Old Worlds on my external hard drive as well, so I thought I would teleport myself to the location in the first screenshot and each one of the Worlds.
13:18 iska good idea
13:22 cimbakahn iska, Oh!  Another thing.  If I was on stormchaser3000's old server (at the time), I was a moderator there, so I could have had many stacks of 99.
13:29 JDCodeIt Memory usage client 0.5.0 - In the Menu loop, the_game is no longer running, so should the previous "run" have freed its map block caches on exit?
14:00 Beton joined #minetest
14:00 deltasquared joined #minetest
14:04 jluc joined #minetest
14:15 JDCodeIt joined #minetest
14:15 Krock joined #minetest
14:17 JDCodeIt Hi all, just repeating the question in case any of you are able to answer: Considering memory usage client 0.5.0 - In the Menu loop, the_game is no longer running, so should the previous "run" have freed its map block caches on exit?
14:20 antims joined #minetest
14:26 Krock mapblocks should all be freed when returning to the mainmenu
14:27 Krock however, I observed that returning to the mainmenu and starting a new minetest instance does not quite result in the same RAM usage
14:28 JDCodeIt Chasing a lingering memory allocation today - starts with 38M, then after a short game, return to the menu with 991M still allocated.
14:29 deltasquared it'd be useful if we could track different categories of memory allocation for debugging purposes (sub-allocators may have been the easiest trick, but... *shrug*)
14:29 deltasquared inb4 patches welcome :P
14:30 deltasquared nah, kidding. but that kind of change would require changes all over the place, most likely >_>
14:30 JDCodeIt and function calls incur overhead of course
14:30 deltasquared JDCodeIt: memory allocation is already overhead :P
14:31 deltasquared like, there's structure traversals and likely cache misses all over the place. it's not like I'm suggesting every call to operator new be logged
14:59 cimbakahn deltasquared, Hello again!
14:59 ehlodex joined #minetest
15:00 Lunatrius joined #minetest
15:01 * deltasquared waves
15:02 cimbakahn deltasquared, Well, I found 12 worlds on my external hard drive, and I teleported myself to those coordinates and found nothing in each and every one of them.  I bet the engineering room was on stormchaser3000's old server, or it was one of my old worlds that I deleted.
15:03 deltasquared cimbakahn: was said older server taken down? I can't say I'm familiar with it
15:05 cimbakahn deltasquared, Isn't there anything in any of these pictures that would give someone a clue if this was on a server online, or in a single player world ---->
15:06 cimbakahn deltasquared, stormchaser3000 has a new server now. The server I was talking about was his older one that no longer exists.
15:08 jluc joined #minetest
15:09 Akberid joined #minetest
15:20 deltasquared cimbakahn: your RTT: suggests it would be local
15:20 deltasquared 0.001, <1ms? sounds like local connection to me
15:24 cimbakahn deltasquared, Thank you very much for helping me with the missing engineering room!  I guess I'll just have to build another one and do even better this time around, but next time make sure I don't lose it.
15:27 deltasquared cimbakahn: I would plug a server I moderate buuuuuut.... probably breaking a rule somewhere ;)
15:27 deltasquared and in all fairness technic on there is laggy as all hell
15:28 Krock somewhere we have an issue about RTT not updating. Use the profiler graphs for more accurate values
15:28 cimbakahn deltasquared, I've never had any problems with Technic.
15:29 cimbakahn Krock, Hello!
15:29 deltasquared cimbakahn: on VE-Survival, there's just so much of it. technic wasn't built to scale to many dozen thousands of cable nodes and such
15:29 Krock hi cimbakahn
15:29 deltasquared and a lot of machines
15:29 deltasquared as a result, technic's ABMs get throttled hard
15:30 deltasquared (everything else runs more or less the same, if not slightly unevenly/jittery, though mesecons gets the same treatment)
15:30 deltasquared Krock: actually that reminds me, is per-mod ABM throttling a thing
15:30 deltasquared or possible per-node, if my memory of how technic's power code works is correct
15:31 deltasquared say some mod or an ABM in a given mod was using an inordinate amount of server time
15:31 Krock the ABM handler does not know where the ABM was registered, so throttling it by mod isn't a thing
15:32 Krock use the profiler to record the individual timings
15:32 Krock > profiler.load = true
15:33 deltasquared Krock: we have on this particular server, so we know what's being so slow. it may be it's own internal throttle-back then, because we have the wierd situation where vanilla furnaces out-perform even HV technic furnaces
15:33 deltasquared wait, MV furnace? forgot the ranks of machines, damnit
15:34 proller joined #minetest
15:35 Krock vanialla furnaces use node timers, whereas technic may still use ABMs to update it
15:36 deltasquared huh, ok, that could do it I guess, if the server is just overburdened that all ABM triggers slow down, but furnaces will still try to go off more or less on time?
15:36 deltasquared I probably don't really know what I'm talking about here
15:37 Markow joined #minetest
15:41 cimbakahn deltasquared, I read an article a few years ago.  A man was working on a code.  The code was gorgeous!  The code was the future.  With this code you could whittle down anything to 1/16th of its original size.  Do you understand what this means?  Unfortunately he died, and nobody was able to find the code that he was working on.  And I have been unable to find the article ever since then.  I should have bookmar
15:41 cimbakahn ked the damn thing!  We need this code today!
15:44 deltasquared cimbakahn: erm, context halp? what was size in this context and does it have anything to do with minetest :P
15:45 * Markow wonders the same. What does it have anything to do with Minetest?
15:46 deltasquared I wonder if he was referring to something like MC's chisels and bits mod (omg I loved that mod so much)
15:46 Markow deltasquared: I haven't tried that mod yet.
15:46 cimbakahn deltasquared, It has to do with anything that runs on any computer.  Any operating system, any program, any application etc etc..
15:46 proller joined #minetest
15:46 deltasquared cimbakahn: you can't make everything 1/16th of it's original size, some things are already highly compressed
15:47 deltasquared the solution we have today: use the best compression for the data at hand
15:48 ssieb joined #minetest
15:48 est31 joined #minetest
15:49 cimbakahn deltasquared, As far as I can remember this code didn't have anything to do with compression.
15:50 deltasquared cimbakahn: shrinking data into a smaller space is by definition compression :P
15:51 troller joined #minetest
15:51 ThomasMonroe deltasquared, define data :P
15:51 cimbakahn deltasquared, I guess I'll just have to find an article about him somehow.  From time to time I still do Google searches trying to find information about the man and the code he was working on.  So far no luck.
15:52 deltasquared ThomasMonroe: pony art
15:52 deltasquared nah jk, but generally anything your computer can store
15:53 ThomasMonroe lol
15:53 ThomasMonroe ik XD
15:53 ThomasMonroe that was more of a sarcstic comment :P
15:53 ThomasMonroe sarcastic*
15:56 proller__ joined #minetest
15:57 deltasquared “y'know, important stuff, like p- errr art. yeah, just artwork. *cough*”
16:02 ehlodex_ joined #minetest
16:02 LaCosa joined #minetest
16:02 LaCosa joined #minetest
16:05 proller joined #minetest
16:07 cimbakahn Got to go.  Everyone have a fine day!
16:07 JDCodeIt Sometimes there is a trade-off between easily maintainable code and speed.
16:08 deltasquared JDCodeIt: true, but usually if you make it work first then make it work fast, you can have both
16:08 deltasquared besides, I tend to find code written "with performance in mind" which abandons readability is often premature, and incorrect, optimisation
16:10 deltasquared or, quick hacks don't solve anything in the end, don't do it
16:10 CarbineMorpho joined #minetest
16:13 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
16:27 Lone-Star joined #minetest
16:28 JDCodeIt Yes, takes a long time to find the elegant way
16:29 ehlodex joined #minetest
16:35 JDCodeIt Maybe found the memory issue. ClientMap is created by passing a pointer to Map created with new, but only calls the default destructors for the object. It never explicitly deleted as far as I can see.
16:37 Darcidride joined #minetest
16:39 deltasquared JDCodeIt: interesting, I would advocate using an std::unique_ptr there
16:39 deltasquared especially to store it internally
16:40 JDCodeIt It's stored in a member variable - a pointer, but the destructor probably should have handled the delete.
16:41 deltasquared JDCodeIt: if a unique_ptr was used to store it then it would almost certainly be so. that said, does ClientMap not call delete in it's constructor? *pulls up local clone*
16:42 deltasquared ... wait what, but ClientMap *inherits* Map? *continues reading*
16:42 deltasquared also, non-inline methods in a header file. *twitch*
16:43 JDCodeIt mean destructor of the member variable - only for non-variant ones, right?
16:44 deltasquared JDCodeIt: did you mean MapBlock btw? because I can see an std::map of vectors (presumably mapblock coords) to MapBlock pointers
16:46 deltasquared interestingly, ClientMap's destructor is defaulted, so while that would destroy the std::map, as it's just raw pointers to MapBlocks... hmm, they wouldn't get freed surely
16:49 deltasquared but then again, raw pointers convey precisely nothing about the ownership situation.
16:49 deltasquared which is precisely why their use for referencing objects is discouraged
16:50 JDCodeIt in our case here, some function needs to take responsibility, so the question is where to delete
16:50 deltasquared JDCodeIt: well it depends, I haven't figured out where the mapblocks *come from* or who else might be referencing them
16:51 deltasquared shared_ptr can be a bit ouch in the event that it's not well defined when the lifetime should end
16:51 deltasquared (that said, a threadlocal_shared_ptr with non-atomic refcounts shouldn't be too hard to write)
16:52 deltasquared I'm a bit leery about going that route, though. shared_ptr-like solutions are almost always an admission of "I've lost track of who owns what"
16:55 JDCodeIt I'm also not sure about the member initialization in the constructor. m_client is a pointer to Client, but in the initialization is treated like a varaible, even though nobody called new yet at that point
16:56 deltasquared all I can say is, at times it is quite evident to me that minetest was originally written in a very... well, pre-C++11-y way.
16:56 deltasquared JDCodeIt: wait what hold on
16:58 JDCodeIt Yeah, check it out...
16:58 fireglow joined #minetest
16:58 deltasquared JDCodeIt: well the variable itself is a pointer and the constructor argument is a pointer, nothing wrong about it (bar again not documenting lifetimes)
17:00 JDCodeIt Symantics means what in the initialization? m_client(client)
17:01 JDCodeIt Does the mean copy the pointer?
17:02 deltasquared JDCodeIt: yeah basically
17:03 deltasquared they're both pointers, and the assignment operation for pointers just copies them by value
17:04 JDCodeIt Since it is a pointer, if this class were to take responsibility for the pointer, then the destructor should call "delete m_client"
17:05 Telesight joined #minetest
17:05 deltasquared JDCodeIt: except that it is hard to tell who "owns" the pointed-to object here
17:05 deltasquared if someone else holds a pointer and we delete it, BANG
17:06 deltasquared that said, the naming of this class and it's purpose suggests it *should* take responsibility for them.
17:07 deltasquared in which case, the correct solution would be making the map have a value type of std::unique_ptr (key type can remain the same)
17:07 deltasquared then destroying the map would call the destructors on all those unique_ptrs which in turn deletes the objects
17:07 deltasquared less error prone than having to iterate through the map and call delete manually
17:17 deltasquared hmm, have to go get dinner.
17:19 proller joined #minetest
17:29 \[k00l]shamoanja joined #minetest
17:33 IcyDiamond ok so i turned my server into a 0.5 server
17:33 IcyDiamond and im now announcing it to the list
17:36 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
17:44 JDCodeIt Is there a reasone 0.5.0 only supports protocol 36?
17:45 IcyDiamond why does mobf keep crashing on 0.5
17:46 JDCodeIt What is in debug.txt?
17:46 IcyDiamond 2018-04-11 19:44:49: ERROR[Server]: MOBF: movement generator "probab_v2_mov_gen" not found!
17:46 IcyDiamond oh k
17:46 IcyDiamond is that a mod?
17:48 IcyDiamond i sure cant find it
17:48 JDCodeIt sapier has this on the mod Github - looks like there are newer versions available
17:49 JDCodeIt Ran into same issue just now with fresh installs of latest mods from GitHub clones. Solved by switching to mobf_2_6_dev branch as @numberZero suggested. Thank you!
17:49 IcyDiamond hm ok
17:50 JDCodeIt At least that solved it for Guard13007
17:51 IcyDiamond animals_modpack has no 2.6 support tho?
17:51 IcyDiamond aw
17:51 rubenwardy JDCodeIt: 0.5.0 is a major release which breaks network compatability
17:52 rubenwardy (Minetest uses 0.Major.Minor, which is a bit stupid imo - but what it is)
17:52 rubenwardy there's also a mod breakage - mods need to update their offset for player models
17:53 rubenwardy for the most part mods won't be broken
17:53 rubenwardy and worlds won't be at all
17:54 JDCodeIt What is the upgrade path for the Players directory going to sqlite?
17:54 sofar run the conversion from the cmdline
17:55 JDCodeIt Cool.
17:55 sofar I think it might even automatically do it at the end
17:55 rubenwardy I recommended avoiding that
17:55 rubenwardy until 0.5.0
17:55 rubenwardy I found it to cause massive disk I/O
17:55 rubenwardy (on my HDD)
17:56 rubenwardy 0.5.0 includes a small bug fix, not sure if the problem is completely fixed though
17:56 JDCodeIt What is the disk i/o issue? fflush called too often?
17:56 rubenwardy loads of -journal creations
17:57 rubenwardy like, maybe up to 50 per save which is every 10(?) seconds
17:57 JDCodeIt There are some settings to make sqlite less bullet-proof. Did you try it?
17:57 rubenwardy shouldn't need to, it shouldn't write so much
17:58 rubenwardy
17:58 IcyDiamond k whatever im not gonna start the server then
18:25 ensonic joined #minetest
18:30 paramat joined #minetest
18:35 Wuzzy joined #minetest
18:37 JDCodeIt1 joined #minetest
18:39 illwieckz joined #minetest
18:45 LaCosa joined #minetest
18:53 grumblr joined #minetest
18:58 JTE joined #minetest
18:59 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
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19:14 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
19:20 AntumD joined #minetest
19:25 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
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19:51 fwhcat joined #minetest
19:53 deltasquared joined #minetest
20:21 __vy_ joined #minetest
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20:22 Calinou_ joined #minetest
20:26 proller joined #minetest
20:27 serpp joined #minetest
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20:33 xerox123 joined #minetest
20:57 Viper hi
20:58 Viper is there any ETA of 0.5?
21:00 Fixer when it is ready
21:00 Fixer just use 0.4.16/0.4.17
21:00 Viper Fixer: when devs plan to release 0.5 stable
21:00 Fixer Viper: please consider installing on your server
21:00 Fixer Viper: iirc there is no clear date
21:01 rubenwardy June/July ish
21:01 rubenwardy could be later
21:01 troller joined #minetest
21:02 Fixer +1/+2/+N years later
21:02 deltasquared rubenwardy: are there any blocking bugs at least? (forgot the github tag)
21:02 rubenwardy we should totally do a HL3 on this
21:02 rubenwardy just delay the date everytime someone asks
21:03 Fixer rubenwardy: i'm more worried about ---
21:03 deltasquared "can't pipe items out because of the pipeworks API" hmmmm
21:04 deltasquared I'd have to see if I could ask the guy why this would be so
21:04 deltasquared though, I'm less familiar with the item transport code than I am with the fluid pipe code
21:05 deltasquared hmm, offski times
21:05 deltasquared left #minetest
21:06 jluc joined #minetest
21:08 Viper rubenwardy: nothing wrong with delay, as long no ugly bugs sneak into stable
21:08 rubenwardy hopefully not
21:08 rubenwardy I foresee 0.5.1 being very close to 0.5.0, to provide bug fixes
21:09 rubenwardy close meaning a month rather than 6
21:13 swift110 joined #minetest
21:18 Sokomine MTBuilder: (hm, not there right now?): someone else reported a problem with the traders as well. i need to check it
21:22 Boingo joined #minetest
21:32 Markow joined #minetest
21:40 rdococ <rubenwardy> we should totally do a HL3 on this
21:40 rdococ hehe
22:01 Edgy1 joined #minetest
22:25 rohju joined #minetest
22:52 JDCodeIt1 Hi all, did some more searching for the memory issue in 0.5.0, but didn't find the culprit yet. Starting the client, joining a game exiting the game, then repeat has the following memory usage by minetest: 55MB, 1.252GB, 844MB, 1.400GB, 1.237GB, 1.496GB, 1.503GB, 1.567GB, 1.571GB. Yes, there were actually times returning to the menu resulted in higher memory usage.
22:57 Fritigern joined #minetest
23:13 JDCodeIt joined #minetest
23:21 motni_ joined #minetest
23:29 Natechip joined #minetest
23:33 Zigara joined #minetest
23:34 JDCodeIt left #minetest
23:35 navi` joined #minetest
23:36 paramat joined #minetest
23:41 octacian joined #minetest
23:41 octacian joined #minetest
23:46 Fritigern joined #minetest
23:50 paramat !tell JDCodeIt1 thanks, are you able to open an issue in Github about this? it looks possibly like the mesh cache isn't cleared when exiting to menu, maybe because the player might return to the same world?
23:50 MinetestBot paramat: I'll pass that on when JDCodeIt1 is around
23:53 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Ore distribution: Deeper iron, diamond and mese block, tune gold (#2107) 8d8f2f7 (2018-04-11T23:51:56Z)
23:53 Lymkwi joined #minetest

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