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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-08-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:12 Guest84644 joined #minetest
00:30 Jordach joined #minetest
00:30 lisac joined #minetest
00:53 Guest84644 joined #minetest
00:59 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Floatland biomes: Simplify to grassland 5757759 (2017-08-06T00:54:47Z)
00:59 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Player_api: Integrate settable player collisionbox b4abb07 (2017-08-06T00:54:47Z)
00:59 MinetestBot [git] danielmeek32 -> minetest/minetest_game: Player API: Apply model default textures when passing nil to 'set_tex… 271b2be (2017-08-06T00:53:53Z)
01:17 lumidify_ joined #minetest
01:18 torgdor joined #minetest
01:37 soupfly joined #minetest
01:43 Guest84644 joined #minetest
01:55 soupfly joined #minetest
01:59 MrbpBlueEyes joined #minetest
02:00 MrbpBlueEyes left #minetest
02:12 dan2wik_ joined #minetest
02:30 Jas3 joined #minetest
02:33 Jas3 Hello
02:37 tentkls_in_casca joined #minetest
02:39 tentkls_in_casca is NSSM broken for CURRENT?
02:41 tentkls_in_casca or more to the point, what it the protocol to try and get a patch
03:03 Hawk777 joined #minetest
03:07 Jas3 joined #minetest
03:21 Jas3 !server dcbl
03:21 MinetestBot Jas3: dcbl | | Clients: 0/15, 0/1 | Version: 0.4.16-dev / dcbl | Ping: 130ms
03:33 Natechip
03:33 Natechip creates nil value, can anyone please explain or show me a diffren on_rightclick function
03:37 Jas3 Look up the functions in lua_doc.txt
03:37 Jas3 Func args wrong
03:38 Jas3 Minetest.in_place does not exist
03:40 tentkls_in_casca im trying to create a world-of-warcraft like world. WE buildings, but i have to manually place mobs... just spamming teleport
03:44 Jas3 Just a thought: look up mobs_spawner mod
03:45 tentkls_in_casca Jas3, do you mean. mobs_redo spawner?
03:46 Jas3 Its a separate mod by sakel placeable mob spawner nodes
03:46 tentkls_in_casca the issue is i cant figure out how to preset them to certain mobs
03:46 tentkls_in_casca oh alright thanks for the tip
03:47 Jas3 Yw.  You can change what nodes the mobs spawn on specifcally but it may require modding.  I'd ask in the mibs_redo forum thread
03:48 Natechip thanks Jas3
03:48 Jas3 You're welcome : )
03:49 Natechip Jas3: errr where can I find lua_doc.txt
03:50 Natechip ive never seen it before sorry
03:50 Jas3 In the doc dir
03:54 tentkls_in_casca Jas3,  man you made my night :D i been at this a while. thanks for responding
03:54 Jas3 Glad to be of some help then!
03:54 tentkls_in_casca i couldnt get over the meta-data issue that wuzzy told me about
03:55 Jas3 What's that?
03:56 tentkls_in_casca how mt stores mob data in meta, and such. so boxs/mobs_redo_spawner dont work in WE. maybe i misunderstood him
03:57 Jas3 Maybe.  Not sure about worldedit.  But if the map comes with spawners using metadata and it's not working that is a bummer.
03:58 tentkls_in_casca well your solution works so its ok
03:58 Jas3 Mobs_redo does come with a single spawner node that i believe does use metadat to store config
03:59 Jas3 Good luck!
04:09 Lymkwi joined #minetest
04:28 Natechip Jas3: sorry. still cant find the docs dir
04:28 Natechip is it in .minetest?
04:32 Jas3 No.  It's in the minetest source directory.  Not docs but just doc.
04:33 Natechip Jas3: im such a noob. where is minetest source dir..?
04:34 Jas3 Or wherever you run minetest from.  Find minetest.exe and u should find doc/
04:34 Natechip im on linux, maybe thats why?
04:39 Jas3 No, same thing minus the .exe
04:40 Jas3 If u installed from rpo idk. Try and look in doc/ there
04:40 Jas3 Repo*
04:41 Jas3 If from distro repo then i would check /usr/share/minetest or
04:42 Jas3 /usr/share/doc/minetest
04:51 Natechip Jas3: lua_api.txt?
04:51 Natechip u should have said that I was looking for lua_doc.txt
04:51 Natechip XD
04:53 Jas3 I believe i did.  Best wishes.
05:01 rdococ moo.
05:01 Jas3 Muuuuu
05:47 tentkls_in_casca recommended to go thru advanced_spawn mod for mobs_redo?
05:47 tentkls_in_casca its difficult to know which mod to commit to the research
05:58 dan2wik_ joined #minetest
06:34 CWz joined #minetest
06:43 Jordach joined #minetest
08:09 slemonide joined #minetest
08:10 Tirifto joined #minetest
08:20 Piejacker joined #minetest
08:21 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
08:32 xerox123 joined #minetest
08:32 DuCake joined #minetest
08:35 DS-minetest joined #minetest
08:38 Telesight joined #minetest
08:42 ensonic joined #minetest
10:16 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
10:18 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
11:10 Fixer joined #minetest
11:11 Freejack joined #minetest
11:12 enricom joined #minetest
11:32 Freejack joined #minetest
11:39 ManElevation joined #minetest
11:41 AndDT joined #minetest
11:42 Brackston joined #minetest
11:50 Wuzzy joined #minetest
12:08 http_GK1wmSU joined #minetest
12:10 http_GK1wmSU left #minetest
12:13 ensonic sofar, do you remmeber what the falg in mcresconv was supposed to do?, you aren't actually using it
12:13 ensonic
12:37 Player_2 joined #minetest
12:45 http_GK1wmSU joined #minetest
12:47 http_GK1wmSU left #minetest
12:47 skrp joined #minetest
12:51 skrp is it possible to force a mobs_redo spawner to work off of x,y,z zones?
12:53 DuCake skrp what are you wanting to achieve ?
12:53 skrp if x[100-250], y[0-40], z[1400-240] { zombies, pigs, chickens }
12:53 sfan5 you can always edit the code
12:54 skrp thats what ive been working on, trying to work on advanced_spawner
12:54 skrp DuCake, the goal is to create zones with harder mobs
12:54 skrp so if you have x-level gear it is recommended to travel 100,0,1400.
12:56 DuCake you would need to do some explicit coding then. either modifying mobs_redo, or a separate mod to perform the zone specific spawning...
12:56 skrp DuCake, do you know if that would be workable on the engine?
12:57 DuCake engine? this has nothing to do with minetest engine.
12:58 skrp for example: chicken x[0-100] y[0-40] z[0-100]; elite_chicken x[1000-5000] y[0-40] y[1000-5000]
12:58 skrp DuCake, in regards to how the engine handles spawn. if it would cause too many sql lookups or whatnot
12:58 DuCake mobs_redo has a mobs:register_spawn (or something like that) which allows specifying based on type. What you would need to do is to specify your own area_spawn() function that takes, say, (pos1, pos2, mobname, maxhp). for example.
12:59 DuCake nothing to do with the engine.
13:00 skrp alright :D
13:00 DuCake engine doesn't "handle" spawn.... mobs_redo handles it based on ABMs and checking node types
13:02 Taoki joined #minetest
13:03 skrp DuCake, I see your server specializes in mobs, you have any recommendations
13:04 skrp on which spawner function to use? there are a few. If not I'll just start hacking at the first one
13:06 DuCake there are two spawn methods ; one is clearly marked as "older". The most recent should be spawn_specific
13:07 skrp sorry, 'specific' threw me off as it not being the main fn ":| mb
13:21 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest
13:24 skrp DuCake, tail parameters shouldn't break anything right? as they are ignored if not used
13:25 fengshaun_ joined #minetest
13:26 DuCake adding extra params will not break other mods being able to tall the function no; but you do need to rememebr to check for them, before using them
13:40 Fixer joined #minetest
14:07 hisforever joined #minetest
14:10 hisforever Had to reinstall OS this morning. Installed Minetest but my Advanced trains mod isn't loading the traind the track with all the other things load?
14:11 hisforever traind = trains
14:13 hisforever think I'll delete the mod and download again
14:19 hisforever I fixed it
14:25 Jordach joined #minetest
14:26 hisforever joined #minetest
14:27 hisforever lost connection
14:29 hisforever Whitch HDX texture pack should i get the 128px or 64px?
14:29 xerox123 joined #minetest
14:34 habeangur hisforever: depends on your self
14:34 habeangur yourself*
14:35 habeangur hisforever: 128px is heavier but you'll have more quality
14:38 hisforever thanks
14:40 hisforever I'd like to be able to have mostly flat land but a mountain or two. How would I go about that?
15:17 sonicpp joined #minetest
15:28 jcjordyn120 joined #minetest
15:28 riff-IRC joined #minetest
15:30 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:33 soupfly joined #minetest
15:36 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest
15:49 Worldblender joined #minetest
16:05 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
16:13 Tirifto Hello all!
16:25 tpe joined #minetest
16:39 Calinou hi Tirifto
16:40 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
16:40 soupfly joined #minetest
16:41 FreeFull joined #minetest
16:43 Tirifto I guess “oerekki” does not have a standard pronunciation?
16:46 Calinou Tirifto: it's written oerkki (it's not "oreokki" :D)
16:47 Tirifto Ah, right, sorry! (“Oreokki” – who wants to sign the petition?)
16:50 Calinou I don't know how it should be pronounced, but I pronounce it "oh-air-kee" myself
16:53 Lymkwi joined #minetest
17:01 soupfly joined #minetest
17:04 Natechip joined #minetest
17:10 Krock joined #minetest
17:32 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
18:04 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
18:06 Fixer_ joined #minetest
18:10 cx384 joined #minetest
18:15 Fritigern joined #minetest
18:20 skrp joined #minetest
18:20 skrp minetest spawns on loaded 'chunks' or does mt not have mc chuncks
18:24 Fritigern joined #minetest
18:36 skrp i stripped 164 mobs:spawn statements from all mods to consolidate... but i can't find out how to strip mobs:spawn_specific from mods_redo:animals
18:40 swift110 joined #minetest
18:40 fengshaun joined #minetest
18:42 fengshaun joined #minetest
18:43 Gundul joined #minetest
18:47 Tirifto joined #minetest
19:01 pozzoni_ joined #minetest
19:03 Ritchie_ joined #minetest
19:06 xerox123_ joined #minetest
19:07 red-001_ joined #minetest
19:10 Fritigern joined #minetest
19:11 CWz joined #minetest
19:13 WillMoogle joined #minetest
19:13 Fusl joined #minetest
19:19 paul018 joined #minetest
19:26 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
19:42 Worldblender joined #minetest
19:48 CalebDavis joined #minetest
20:02 bigfoot547 joined #minetest
20:04 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
20:15 Tirifto joined #minetest
20:28 Chinchou joined #minetest
20:35 Chinchou Fun(sarcasm):
20:35 Chinchou How do I identify the commit ID(or whatever you want to call it)?
20:36 Etzos[m] joined #minetest
20:36 sfan5 git status
20:36 Chinchou Short version:  `undefined reference to `Json::Value::Value(Json::Value&&)'`, among others.
20:37 sfan5 also use -DENABLE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP=1
20:37 Chinchou sfan5, `git status` didn't tell me the commit, just the branch.
20:37 sfan5 right
20:37 sfan5 git rev-parse HEAD
20:38 Wysteriary[m] joined #minetest
20:38 Chinchou `8325d7f48230a653668eecf17652f9410510a3fd`
20:38 Chinchou I enabled that cmake flag, I'll try the build again now.
20:43 Foz1 joined #minetest
20:51 MatrixTraveler[m joined #minetest
20:52 Chinchou sfan5, setting that flag did it.
20:52 Chinchou It built properly this time.  Maybe the default should be ON?
20:52 Chinchou (also, I use ccmake)
20:53 Chinchou No clue why I didn't think of poking it, it seems obvious in hindsight.  Thanks for the tip, by the way!
20:57 swift110 joined #minetest
21:00 proller joined #minetest
21:00 lisac joined #minetest
21:16 texmex joined #minetest
21:16 jbb[m] joined #minetest
21:16 Milan[m] joined #minetest
21:17 silwol joined #minetest
21:17 LNJ[Ellenjott][m joined #minetest
21:17 joenas[m] joined #minetest
21:19 Chinchou joined #minetest
21:20 ericxdu[m] joined #minetest
21:20 M-JLuc joined #minetest
21:20 sam7777[m] joined #minetest
21:20 jcgruenhage joined #minetest
21:32 MrBlueEyes joined #minetest
21:32 MrBlueEyes Hello
21:32 MrBlueEyes Dargod are you back?
21:40 Calinou * [Whois] Dargod is idling for 17 day, 2 h, 38 min, 49 sec (since 2017-07-20 19:01:51 UTC)
21:41 Calinou that would be a resounding "no"… ;)
21:42 rdococ hm. is the version cycle 0.4.15 -> 0.4.15-dev -> 0.4.16, or is it 0.4.15 -> 0.4.16-dev -> 0.4.16?
21:42 Calinou that's a good question actually
21:42 Calinou out of guessing, I would say the latter
21:42 Calinou (eg. we had 0.4-dev for a while, when 0.4 wasn't officially released)
21:43 rdococ hm, maybe, but I'm actually not sure that's right
21:43 Chinchou Same with 0.4.14, as I recall.
21:43 rdococ well, it depends. what version is KaadmY's shader branch (the one I have installed rn) based on?
21:44 rdococ "This branch is 22 commits ahead, 28 commits behind minetest:master."
21:45 rdococ I /assume/ that's minetest/minetest, but it could be kaadmy/minetest's master branch.
22:00 Al_ joined #minetest
22:00 Al_ Is there a Discord server for Minetest?
22:02 Chinchou There's a positional plugin for Mumble already, along with this channel...  I'd be asking about a Mumble server instead.
22:05 Lymkwi joined #minetest
22:06 sy Chinchou: there is?
22:07 Chinchou sy, you mean the positional plugin?  Yes.  I noticed it when I was poking around in Mumble a few months ago.
22:07 Chinchou In Mumble's configuration dialogs, I mean.
22:07 sy and it works in minetest?
22:07 Tirifto joined #minetest
22:08 Chinchou I haven't tried it - I don't use the voice component.
22:09 sy so you use mumble for things other than voice?
22:09 Chinchou I would think that it works, given that it has been around for a while.
22:09 Chinchou Yeah, the text channel with people who refuse to use IRC for some reason.
22:22 Calinou Chinchou: positional audio is largely a gimmick in my experience
22:22 Calinou it's not even working that well in Mumble, but I disable it all the time
22:22 Calinou (just like text-to-speech)
22:22 Calinou also, Mumble really is focused a lot on voice, the text chat is just a by-product and is really basic
22:23 Calinou lastly, Mumble is barely active development-wise…
22:25 Tirifto joined #minetest
22:26 Chinchou Yes, I'm aware.  I wouldn't use positional audio even if I used a voice channel
22:27 Chinchou And yes, I know.  I guess you didn't pick up on the "for some reason" there.  It means I vastly prefer IRC to mumble's basic one-channel-only text chat.
22:32 Chinchou Never seen *this* happen before... cmake suddenly can't locate the sound libraries and cURL.
22:33 Lukc left #minetest
22:33 Chinchou On top of that, it seems that the current pull of homedecor doesn't work in this current(as of ~1 hour ago) pull of MT... causing a crash with nothing useful in the traceback.
22:43 Chinchou left #minetest
22:53 Guest37757 joined #minetest
23:02 soupfly joined #minetest
23:04 rubenwardy joined #minetest
23:17 Fixer VanessaE:
23:21 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
23:49 rtjure joined #minetest
23:54 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest

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