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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-06-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:06 MarioBranco joined #minetest
00:15 octacian joined #minetest
00:22 CalebDavis joined #minetest
00:42 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
00:43 tiwake joined #minetest
00:53 Tmanyo joined #minetest
00:58 AntumD joined #minetest
01:02 AntumD I posted an issue on GitHub about Minetest not recognizing the /etc/hosts file (, but I also wanted to mention it here. I hope that is appropriate...
01:05 AntumD I would like to be able to use the /etc/hosts file, or another method if available, on my android devices to be able to use a human-readable alias for my local server rather than entering the IP address.
01:07 all|knowing joined #minetest
01:12 lumidify_ joined #minetest
01:14 VanessaE AntumD: isn't it up to your system's DNS resolver to handle /etc/hosts?
01:15 VanessaE i.e. at a level below/outside of minetest
01:16 AntumD That sounds correct, I'm just not that experienced with it. I've read that Android systems don't use /etc/hosts like desktop systems do.
01:17 VanessaE sounds like you need dnsmasq or something maybe
01:17 AntumD But, is there an alternative way to use server aliases in the client?
01:17 VanessaE like, on whatever PC you use as your gateway
01:19 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Mgv6 mudflow: Also check for 'ignore' nodes 212945c (2017-06-16T01:17:25Z)
01:19 AntumD Is there a way around using /etc/hosts or dnsmasq for devices that are not rooted?
01:21 AntumD Or by using dnsmasq I can set an alias that is universally recognized by the local network & will send all requests to my server's address?
01:23 redblade joined #minetest
01:24 redblade hi
01:24 VanessaE AntumD: I couldn't say, sorry
01:24 redblade i got a REALLY weird problem
01:24 * VanessaE hides
01:24 redblade one of my servers has a chest "frozen open"
01:24 redblade i used worldedit to get rid of it
01:25 redblade but every time i put a chest back there it's stuck in the open position
01:25 redblade it's just that one spot
01:25 redblade and i cant get rid of it unless i worldedit
01:25 VanessaE you should be able to just right-click the chest and let it close on its own
01:25 AntumD Thanks anyway VanessaE. I will investigate my options with what you've said.
01:27 redblade nope
01:27 redblade it's frozen in the open position
01:27 redblade i dont know who managed to do that
01:27 redblade but every time a chest is in that node
01:27 Taoki joined #minetest
01:27 VanessaE no idea, redblade
01:27 redblade it cant close
01:27 redblade anyone else having weird problems with the new chests on their servers?
01:30 VanessaE only if you use pipeworks.
01:30 redblade no pipeworks
01:30 VanessaE the new chests are sorta-broken in that case
01:30 redblade i learned my lesson from that years ago
01:31 VanessaE ...
01:32 redblade it's not hurting anyone so i guess i'll leave it there
01:33 redblade it's the "take a penny, leave a penny" chest i leave on all my servers next to spawn
01:33 VanessaE if it's stuck open it's probably a corrupt internal database of players' open chests
01:33 VanessaE reboot the server.
01:33 VanessaE that'll clear out that status
01:35 redblade i'll try a clearobjects first
01:35 redblade since someone opened my farm doors and all my animals escaped and died
01:36 redblade need to find a better way to keep them inside
01:36 VanessaE that won't help
01:36 VanessaE /clearobjects only erases entities, not nodes.
01:42 CalebDavis joined #minetest
01:45 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
01:45 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
02:09 AntumD Well, I was wrong about Android ignoring the /etc/hosts file. I read a thread that suggested adding an empty line to the end of it. That seems to have worked. However, it is still not a solution for non-rooted Android devices because the file cannot be edited.
02:29 nalkri joined #minetest
02:55 Menche joined #minetest
02:56 Fritigern joined #minetest
03:00 Menche joined #minetest
03:16 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Chests: Check 'def' of node above chest to avoid crash 120e969 (2017-06-16T03:11:33Z)
03:16 MinetestBot [git] red-001 -> minetest/minetest_game: Books: Also limit the max size of the title 502720b (2017-06-16T03:11:00Z)
03:17 Menche joined #minetest
03:34 kline left #minetest
04:10 all|knowing joined #minetest
04:45 kaeza joined #minetest
05:19 MinetestBot [git] Rui-Minetest -> minetest/minetest: Fix deserialization of ItemDefinition (#5995) 49d6e5f (2017-06-16T05:17:30Z)
05:54 kimitux joined #minetest
06:02 imr joined #minetest
06:03 imr joined #minetest
06:13 Hawk777 joined #minetest
06:18 Foz joined #minetest
06:26 CWz joined #minetest
06:28 Fritigern joined #minetest
06:53 iisu joined #minetest
07:08 Foz joined #minetest
07:46 Blo0D joined #minetest
07:49 Raven262 joined #minetest
07:53 nalkri joined #minetest
08:09 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
08:20 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:35 ensonic joined #minetest
08:42 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
08:45 nalkri joined #minetest
09:13 Raven262 joined #minetest
09:26 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: C++11 patchset 9: move hardcoded init parameters to class definitions… 76be103 (2017-06-16T09:25:52Z)
09:32 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
09:34 proller joined #minetest
09:35 redblade7 joined #minetest
10:01 srifqi joined #minetest
10:04 Fixer joined #minetest
10:17 Darcidride joined #minetest
10:24 jin_xi joined #minetest
10:35 heavygale joined #minetest
10:36 Rat_Salad joined #minetest
10:38 Rat_Salad in a server with mods, do the game go faster if i install the mods on my client?
10:39 sfan5 no that doesn't matter
10:39 Rat_Salad does minetest do some cache for that?
10:41 troller joined #minetest
10:43 sfan5 yes media is cacched
10:43 sfan5 cached*
10:43 sfan5 in theory you can populate the cache if you download the mods beforehand but that's more work
10:44 Rat_Salad ok, thanks
10:44 srifqi sfan5, so the name file in cache is actually a checksum of that file?
10:45 sfan5 yes
10:45 sfan5 sha1
10:49 nalkri joined #minetest
10:49 lisac joined #minetest
10:50 nac joined #minetest
10:57 nalkri joined #minetest
11:16 Brackston joined #minetest
11:17 iisu joined #minetest
11:38 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
11:47 Jordach joined #minetest
11:49 NathanS21 joined #minetest
11:55 proller__ joined #minetest
12:04 IhrFussel joined #minetest
12:05 IhrFussel I see horizontal trees on the ground... are those intended?
12:06 NathanS21 three or four nodes long, and just trunks, yes
12:06 NathanS21 they are fallen trees.
12:06 NathanS21 If they have leaves on them though, then it's a bug.
12:07 IhrFussel Some are 2 nodes long though
12:07 NathanS21 ya, those too.
12:07 IhrFussel 2 doesn't look good honestly...minimum should be 3
12:13 Guest42412 joined #minetest
12:16 Jordach joined #minetest
12:19 Jordach joined #minetest
12:20 IhrFussel Where was it added? in MTG?
12:21 IhrFussel Or is it v7 engine specific?
12:21 sfan5 pretty sure in mtg
12:23 IhrFussel I'll open an issue/suggestion
12:41 Menche joined #minetest
13:04 twoelk joined #minetest
13:11 Jousway joined #minetest
13:14 Jordach joined #minetest
13:20 cx384 joined #minetest
13:26 QwertyDragon joined #minetest
13:26 CalebDavis joined #minetest
13:35 antims joined #minetest
13:35 Fipsy joined #minetest
13:37 DerFipsy joined #minetest
13:37 DerFipsy hello
13:37 ensonic joined #minetest
13:38 DerFipsy hello
13:39 DerFipsy Is anybody there ?
13:40 jcalve yes why?
13:41 DerFipsy I need help wth my server , I installed it on debian with apt-get install minetest-server but when i start minetest and try to joint theres everytime a outdated server message so how do i update my server
13:44 jcalve i think there's a ppa
13:44 jcalve or just compile it
13:44 DerFipsy for the server ?
13:44 DerFipsy i dont know how to compile
13:44 DerFipsy and i dont know if the game ppa is for the server too
13:45 DerFipsy link to ppa would be nice
13:45 jcalve maybe it's just for ubuntu i don't know
13:45 IhrFussel DerFipsy, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable
13:46 DerFipsy ubuntu ppa works fine on debian
13:46 DerFipsy thank you very much xD
13:49 IhrFussel DerFipsy, to start the game as server type --server on command line
13:49 DerFipsy only have commandline xD
13:50 DerFipsy but i have the server package
13:50 IhrFussel Yes so minetest --server or if you install minetestserver you don't need it
13:51 Fixer joined #minetest
13:52 IhrFussel You can also install the newest dev version if you want..I think the ppa is minetestdevs/daily but not 100% sure
13:52 srifqi joined #minetest
13:54 IhrFussel Right now stable and dev are only 13 days apart
13:54 DerFipsy I get following error wen i try update after adding ppa
13:54 DerFipsy W: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found  E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
13:57 DerFipsy i found following ppa for server experimental (rc-buggy) (games): Multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox (server)  0.4.16+repack-1: alpha amd64 arm64 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 m68k mips mips64el mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 ppc64el s390x sh4 sparc64
13:57 DerFipsy but what does rc buggy means ?
13:57 kimitux joined #minetest
13:58 IhrFussel RC = Release Candidate
13:58 IhrFussel So like a Beta
13:58 DerFipsy can i use this for my server or is t not recommendet ?
13:59 ensonic joined #minetest
13:59 DerFipsy or can i use a ver 15 ppa to for a actual server ?
14:00 octacian joined #minetest
14:00 IhrFussel Many mods won't work with 0.4.15 stable
14:01 IhrFussel Try the daily PPA I gave you? minetestdevs/daily?
14:02 IhrFussel Correction: minetestdevs/daily-builds
14:02 DerFipsy ppa wont work for updating server
14:02 DerFipsy can i use the rc buggy ? or is it unplayable ?
14:03 DerFipsy are they maybe germans ?
14:04 IhrFussel channel minetest-de
14:04 DerFipsy ok
14:04 DerFipsy but what version may i use ?
14:11 red-001 minetestdevs/daily-builds
14:11 red-001 or minetestdevs/stable
14:11 red-001 or just build it yourself
14:12 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
14:18 WoodenPlanks joined #minetest
14:18 WoodenPlanks Hi
14:18 WoodenPlanks anyone could help me?
14:19 srifqi Just ask.
14:19 WoodenPlanks i have problem with my server
14:19 WoodenPlanks i done everything correctly but its doesnt work
14:19 srifqi Any error logs?
14:20 WoodenPlanks nope
14:20 WoodenPlanks like players cannot join and its not shown in server list
14:20 WoodenPlanks but i can join from my home devices
14:21 srifqi Have you open port forward in your router?
14:21 WoodenPlanks yes
14:21 srifqi Have you add server_announce = true to your minetest.conf?
14:21 WoodenPlanks of course
14:22 srifqi What's your server name?
14:24 WoodenPlanks The Unknown Survival
14:25 srifqi It's not listed. ._.
14:25 WoodenPlanks yep
14:26 srifqi Can you upload your minetest.conf in a temporary pastebin?
14:26 srifqi I want to see it.
14:26 WoodenPlanks Sure wait sec
14:27 WoodenPlanks
14:28 srifqi Is it minetest.conf or minetest.confg?
14:28 WoodenPlanks conf
14:29 IhrFussel Are you sure that you redirect the EXTERNAL port 30000 (or whichever you chose) to the INTERNAL port 30000?
14:29 WoodenPlanks yes
14:29 IhrFussel Did you redirect both UDP and TCP?
14:29 WoodenPlanks yes
14:30 IhrFussel Try disabling your firewall and try again
14:30 WoodenPlanks already desabled
14:31 IhrFussel Did you disable both firewalls? Router and PC
14:32 IhrFussel And are you sure that you redirect the connection to the correct INTERNAL IP of your PC?
14:32 srifqi The port is still closed.
14:32 WoodenPlanks the router's one is almost desabled
14:33 WoodenPlanks low
14:34 WoodenPlanks i forwarded the port : 30000
14:34 srifqi is closed. ._.
14:36 WoodenPlanks thats not my ip
14:36 IhrFussel WoodenPlanks, check the internal IP you redirect it to
14:37 IhrFussel srifqi, that is my server IP xD
14:37 WoodenPlanks lol
14:37 srifqi :O
14:37 WoodenPlanks
14:38 srifqi Seems like WoodenPlanks just playing in IhrFussel 's server.
14:39 red-001 WoodenPlanks, is your ISP vodafone?
14:39 WoodenPlanks ?
14:40 srifqi What's your ISP?
14:40 red-001 oh it's just that I have a router with the same interface
14:40 srifqi Huawei?
14:40 WoodenPlanks yes
14:40 WoodenPlanks Djaweb Huawei
14:40 red-001 ah I see
14:40 srifqi Lol, me too.
14:40 WoodenPlanks where are u from XD
14:40 srifqi Some ISP disable static IP for home user. .-.
14:41 WoodenPlanks but 2months ago my server worked succesfully
14:42 red-001
14:42 WoodenPlanks :o
14:43 jin_xi joined #minetest
14:43 kimitux joined #minetest
14:43 srifqi WoodenPlanks, have you set static IP in your computer?
14:43 WoodenPlanks nope
14:43 red-001 you don't need a static ip but it helps to have one
14:43 srifqi Just in case your router restart.
14:43 IhrFussel Why is my server IP in that pastebin code??
14:44 red-001 WoodenPlanks, set your internal ip to be static
14:44 srifqi Last server connected, IhrFussel.
14:44 WoodenPlanks how
14:44 red-001 you are using ethernet right?
14:44 srifqi Also, use higher number to prevent conflict with other devices.
14:44 WoodenPlanks ye
14:44 IhrFussel the conf saves that as "address"? it should be "last_played_server" or something like that
14:45 red-001 basic->lan
14:45 srifqi Yup, it is saved as address.
14:45 red-001 then
14:45 red-001 IP Address Reserve
14:46 red-001 paste your mac address in then and chose an ip
14:46 WoodenPlanks need to make new?
14:46 red-001 it's easier to chose a high one like since then you can easily id that ip
14:46 WoodenPlanks oh
14:47 ensonic joined #minetest
14:47 red-001 then change the port forwarding to use that ip
14:47 WoodenPlanks how to find the mac address?
14:47 WoodenPlanks :/
14:48 red-001 just google it
14:48 red-001 it's diffrent for every OS
14:48 WoodenPlanks ok
14:56 WoodenPlanks ok done
15:00 WoodenPlanks That problem really annoys me :(
15:02 CWz joined #minetest
15:03 WoodenPlanks red
15:05 red-001 what problem?
15:06 WoodenPlanks the problem that my server doesnt work lol
15:07 red-001 you have a dedicated machine thats the server right?
15:08 IhrFussel red-001, which dedicated server has a router?
15:08 WoodenPlanks hmm
15:08 IhrFussel Unless you mean a Home Server
15:09 red-001 IhrFussel, they could be running a server at home
15:09 red-001 it's still a dedicated machine as long as it's only used as a minetest server
15:10 red-001 WoodenPlanks, can you connect to your sever locally?
15:10 IhrFussel It's still different from most real dediacted's unlikely that you have a 1git/s internet connection at home
15:10 WoodenPlanks Yes i can
15:10 IhrFussel gbit/s*
15:11 red-001 you only need to forward UDP
15:11 WoodenPlanks i did
15:11 srifqi joined #minetest
15:11 WoodenPlanks oh only udp?
15:12 red-001 alright so if connecting to 192.168.1.*:30000 works that means you messed up port forwarding
15:12 WoodenPlanks ok wait
15:12 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
15:13 red-001 !up
15:13 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:14 WoodenPlanks i can join localy
15:14 Jousway joined #minetest
15:14 red-001 !up
15:14 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:15 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
15:18 srifqi Port forwarding fails.
15:18 WoodenPlanks so?
15:18 Alcyone2 joined #minetest
15:19 WoodenPlanks :o
15:19 srifqi Seems like dead-end to me.
15:19 WoodenPlanks :/
15:19 WoodenPlanks no solutions?
15:22 IhrFussel WoodenPlanks, you would have to post screenshots of your router settings
15:23 IhrFussel Like the page where you defined the ports
15:23 WoodenPlanks i did
15:23 WoodenPlanks
15:26 IhrFussel Try to disable the firewall completely for a few minutes not just "almost disable"
15:27 WoodenPlanks ok sure
15:27 WoodenPlanks done
15:28 nalkri joined #minetest
15:28 IhrFussel Now start/restart minetest
15:29 IhrFussel And tell us when it's running
15:31 WoodenPlanks done
15:32 IhrFussel !up
15:32 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:32 WoodenPlanks lol
15:32 IhrFussel Is that your IP?
15:32 WoodenPlanks idont know
15:33 IhrFussel go to
15:33 IhrFussel And tell us which IP you see
15:33 WoodenPlanks thats it
15:35 IhrFussel Where did you disable the firewall? PC or router?
15:36 WoodenPlanks both
15:37 IhrFussel Look for a router setting that's called something like "Exposed Host"
15:37 sfan5 no
15:37 sfan5 don't
15:37 sfan5 you should under no circumstances use that setting
15:37 IhrFussel It is for testing to see if the router is the problem
15:40 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
15:41 est31 joined #minetest
15:43 WoodenPlanks IhrFussel , nothing found
15:44 est31 left #minetest
15:45 IhrFussel Then there's nothing I can do I guess...wait for someone with better knowledge or try another channel maybe =/
15:45 WoodenPlanks :((
15:45 WoodenPlanks thanks anyways
15:46 IhrFussel I myself once tried to run a server on my home PC 2 years ago ... and the only setting that made it possible was Exposed Host ... without enabling it it didn't work even though I disabled firewall and forwarded the ports correctly just like you
15:47 WoodenPlanks Where to find Exposed Host setting exactly?
15:47 red-001 WoodenPlanks, whats your router version?
15:47 nalkri I had to reset my router after setting up the port forwards
15:47 srifqi Ask your ISP, they may help you to port forward.
15:48 red-001 if you are using the HG658c the steps I mentioned should be enough
15:48 red-001 oh srifqi has a poiny
15:48 red-001 point*
15:48 red-001 you need to restart after setting up static ips
15:48 WoodenPlanks HG532e
15:49 srifqi Just restart all your devices: router and computer.
15:49 WoodenPlanks i done that many time
15:49 WoodenPlanks s
15:49 DI3HARD139 What I miss?
15:50 red-001 WoodenPlanks, so you can connect from the different PC on your network right?
15:50 srifqi Many things, I think, DI3HARD139.
15:50 red-001 but not from an outside pc
15:50 DI3HARD139 Trying to port forward and announce to
15:50 red-001 well it's possible that your ISP blocks the port minetest uses
15:50 WoodenPlanks yes red-001
15:50 WoodenPlanks oh
15:51 DI3HARD139 Use a random port in the higher ranges. Ex. 45990
15:51 WoodenPlanks ok lemme try
15:51 red-001 try a port between 49,152 and 65,535
15:51 IhrFussel But you will also have to specify the port in minetest.conf !
15:51 red-001 and forward it
15:51 * DI3HARD139 use 48250+
15:52 WoodenPlanks yes IhrFussel
15:52 WoodenPlanks ill try 49152
15:53 DI3HARD139 server_announce = true | port = <choose one thats above 45000> | remote_port = <refer to 'port'> | server_address = <Your external IP, Some servers dont announce without this setting for some reason> | Also, Whats your Router Model and ISP?
15:54 IhrFussel DI3HARD139, he already posted a screenshot of his router settings..maybe he can post it again
15:55 DI3HARD139 I wasn't around on this PC when he posted it then
15:55 IhrFussel Here it is
15:56 IhrFussel I somehow don't think his internal PC IP is .2
15:56 DI3HARD139 The server's IP IS right? That doesn't sound right
15:56 IhrFussel Usually those are .1XX
15:57 WoodenPlanks remote_port need to be same with 'port'?
15:57 DI3HARD139 do ipconfig /all (Windows) or ifconfig (linux).
15:57 DI3HARD139 yep
15:57 DI3HARD139 remote_port is the same as port
15:57 red-001 or just pass the port using the command line
15:57 red-001 --port 335466
15:57 DI3HARD139 ^
15:58 WoodenPlanks done
15:58 IhrFussel WoodenPlanks, check your INTERNAL IP of your PC
15:59 IhrFussel I don't think it is
15:59 red-001 WoodenPlanks, did you set up the static ip thing and change the forwarded ip?
16:01 WoodenPlanks ididnt set the static ip
16:01 IhrFussel WoodenPlanks, my PC has the INTERNAL IP ... where did you get yours from?
16:01 Freejack joined #minetest
16:02 WoodenPlanks ihrfussel from Ipconfig?
16:02 DI3HARD139 Mine is
16:02 DI3HARD139 ipconfig /all if running windows or ifconfig if running linux on the host
16:02 WoodenPlanks ipconfig
16:02 IhrFussel It's weird that your IP ends with .1 if that's true
16:02 WoodenPlanks widnows
16:02 WoodenPlanks windows
16:03 WoodenPlanks .2
16:03 red-001 you really want to set that up if you are planing to host this longterm
16:03 WoodenPlanks
16:03 red-001 otherwise a reboot of anything could mess your whole port forwarding set-up up
16:03 IhrFussel Yes .2 not .1 ...but still
16:03 red-001 IhrFussel, that's normal with this series of routers
16:04 red-001 .1 is reserved for the router
16:04 red-001 and 2. -> 255 is for clients
16:04 IhrFussel red-001, usually routers should start at 1XX ... that router is weird then
16:04 WoodenPlanks lol
16:05 red-001 maybe it's a huawei thing
16:05 red-001 I mean you can reconfigure it if you want to ofcourse
16:05 red-001 of course*
16:08 WoodenPlanks can u check if its up now?*
16:09 red-001 what port?
16:09 red-001 !up
16:09 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:09 WoodenPlanks 45000
16:10 red-001 !up
16:10 MinetestBot red-001: use ' 1337' instead of ''
16:10 red-001 !up 45000
16:10 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:10 WoodenPlanks :/
16:12 red-001 are you sure you are not forwarding the wrong pc or something?
16:12 red-001 !up 51000
16:12 MinetestBot is up (33ms)
16:12 WoodenPlanks Yea am using the same pc
16:13 red-001 oh
16:14 red-001 this is on a desktop after all
16:14 red-001 make sure to allow the port through any firewall you have
16:15 WoodenPlanks i desabled the Firewall
16:16 WoodenPlanks :(
16:16 Tmanyo joined #minetest
16:17 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
16:20 tpe joined #minetest
16:25 IhrFussel WoodenPlanks, you need ANOTHER pc/device in the same network to test if you can access your PC
16:25 red-001 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
16:25 IhrFussel Like a smartphone/tablet
16:25 red-001 or laptop
16:26 WoodenPlanks ok smartphone
16:26 IhrFussel Yes connect your smartphone to your router wifi and then try to connect to the 192..... IP
16:27 WoodenPlanks why not my ip
16:27 FreeFull joined #minetest
16:29 IhrFussel No, ALL devices inside YOUR network need the internal IP
16:30 bigfoot547 joined #minetest
16:31 WoodenPlanks its doesnt work
16:32 red-001 there we go
16:32 red-001 that's the issue
16:33 IhrFussel WoodenPlanks, you tried to connect to with your smartphone?
16:33 Natechip joined #minetest
16:34 WoodenPlanks nvm its works
16:34 red-001 eh what
16:34 WoodenPlanks yes with
16:34 IhrFussel In Minetest? You need to open Minetest on your smartphone and enter and port 45000
16:34 WoodenPlanks lol i know
16:34 WoodenPlanks its works
16:34 red-001 !up 4500
16:34 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:35 IhrFussel Forgot a zero
16:35 bigfoot547 !up 45000
16:35 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:36 bigfoot547 !up 30000
16:36 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:36 IhrFussel Ok so the router is the problem
16:36 red-001 or ISP blocking of some sort
16:37 bigfoot547 Do you need to forward the port to yourself?
16:37 bigfoot547 that would be wierd
16:37 bigfoot547 weird*
16:38 IhrFussel My advice is don't run a MT Server on your home PC... 1. it may cost quite some power 2. Your ISP could potentially quit your contract 3. It won't be available 24/7
16:39 IhrFussel Most ISPs forbid such usage that's why it's risky
16:39 bigfoot547 I run a private, whitelisted, intra-net server.
16:40 IhrFussel You can get a VPS for $5/month ... plus you don't have to fiddle with router settings then
16:40 bigfoot547 A vps?
16:40 bigfoot547 What does that stand for?
16:40 red-001 yeah you should check your contract or get in contact with a rep from your ISP
16:40 IhrFussel Virtual Private Server
16:41 bigfoot547 I just run ./minetest --server [worldname]
16:41 red-001 some providers ban all servers, others only certain types, others don't care as long as you are not over any data cap limit, etc, etc
16:41 bigfoot547 then join
16:42 IhrFussel bigfoot547, yes that works for him/her but connecting from OUTSIDE their network is not possible
16:43 bigfoot547 Yes, that is the point.
16:43 bigfoot547 I'll get another internet drop if I want to host a server.
16:43 IhrFussel A VPS is just a shared machine @ a hoster have full control over it and no router bs
16:44 bigfoot547 Well, I'm not hinking about hosting a server.
16:44 bigfoot547 s/hinking/thinking
16:45 IhrFussel No it was my advice @ WoodenPlanks
16:45 bigfoot547 What?
16:46 IhrFussel To get a VPS for their server hosting cause hosting a PUBLIC server on a home PC is risky and complicated
16:47 bigfoot547 Ah. Yes. Credit is important on a minor thing like this.
16:47 IhrFussel ESPECIALLY when the machine is running WINDOWS
16:47 WoodenPlanks no solutions then
16:49 kaeza joined #minetest
16:49 bigfoot547 Hi KaadmY
16:49 bigfoot547 kaeza*
16:49 kaeza heyo bigfoot547
16:51 IhrFussel WoodenPlanks, honest question: do you plan to host the server LONGTERM?
16:51 WoodenPlanks IDK
16:52 IhrFussel Are you 18+?
16:52 WoodenPlanks 16
16:53 IhrFussel You can only try Google or another IRC channel that's about router settings/port forwarding
16:54 proller__ joined #minetest
16:54 WoodenPlanks yep
17:03 bigfoot547 joined #minetest
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18:16 LazyJ joined #minetest
18:27 cx384 joined #minetest
18:28 WoodenPlanks joined #minetest
18:28 WoodenPlanks Ayy
18:30 bigfoot547 Sup
18:30 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
18:32 red-001 hi WoodenPlanks
18:32 bigfoot547 Hi ThomasMonroe
18:32 red-001 !up 4500
18:33 MinetestBot seems to be down
18:33 red-001 !up 45000
18:33 MinetestBot seems to be down
18:33 red-001 !up
18:33 MinetestBot seems to be down
18:33 bigfoot547 Hey, WoodenPlanks you should get an irc client.
18:33 WoodenPlanks :D
18:34 kaeza HexChat!
18:34 kaeza KaeChat is better, though
18:34 bigfoot547 left #minetest
18:34 bigfoot547 joined #minetest
18:34 WoodenPlanks red-001 u have teamviewer?
18:34 bigfoot547 Hexchat is cool because you have 5Color!
18:35 bigfoot547 But so does most clients
18:35 red-001 nope
18:35 red-001 why>
18:35 red-001 why?*
18:35 WoodenPlanks so u can check the problem
18:35 Telesight joined #minetest
18:36 red-001 teamviewer is that remote desktop tool right?
18:36 WoodenPlanks yes
18:37 ThomasMonroe hi bigfoot
18:39 red-001 well I do now
18:39 WoodenPlanks wow :D
18:40 WoodenPlanks My ID = 460 691 989
18:40 WoodenPlanks Pass : 127jsh
18:40 red-001 eh
18:41 red-001 I do have to tell you just saying that in a random IRC is a pretty bad idea
18:41 WoodenPlanks yes red-001
18:41 WoodenPlanks Nah dont worry
18:41 WoodenPlanks the ip changes automatically :)
18:41 WoodenPlanks ID*
18:44 red-001 wow it's pretty laggy
18:45 red-001 there
18:46 red-001 !up 45000
18:46 MinetestBot is up (1197ms)
18:46 bigfoot547 !up
18:46 MinetestBot seems to be down
18:46 bigfoot547 lol
18:47 bigfoot547 That's the loopback address
18:48 bigfoot547 !up
18:48 MinetestBot seems to be down
18:50 red-001 !up 45000
18:50 MinetestBot seems to be down
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19:11 red-001 !up 45000
19:11 MinetestBot is up (817ms)
19:12 red-001 WoodenPlanks, that's some high ping
19:12 bigfoot547 !up 45000
19:12 MinetestBot is up (275ms)
19:12 bigfoot547 I'm getting a lower ping
19:13 red-001 !up 45000
19:13 MinetestBot is up (283ms)
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20:03 ThomasMonroe !up 45000
20:03 MinetestBot is up (580ms)
20:03 ThomasMonroe ouch
20:04 ThomasMonroe no wonder im slow at Minetest
20:07 sfan5 wut
20:07 ThomasMonroe im running an old computer
20:08 ThomasMonroe a Panasonic CF-29 Toughbook
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21:13 bigfoot547 Hello!
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