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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-03-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:21 calculon joined #minetest
00:32 troller joined #minetest
00:40 Tmanyo joined #minetest
01:16 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
01:31 Freejack joined #minetest
01:38 ircSparky joined #minetest
01:40 octacian_ joined #minetest
01:49 comradmax joined #minetest
02:47 riff-IRC -__-
02:50 kaeza joined #minetest
02:53 twoelk left #minetest
02:57 whitephoenix joined #minetest
02:58 whitephoenix How would I go about replacing default nodes in worldgen with my own?
02:58 whitephoenix e.g. I want to use my own dirt block instead
03:02 Menche_ joined #minetest
03:12 Weedy joined #minetest
03:13 ircSparky_ joined #minetest
03:39 octacian joined #minetest
03:46 Weedy joined #minetest
03:54 ircSparky joined #minetest
03:55 whitephoenix Alright I used register_alias to change some mapgen stuff to my own nodes, but now I'm seeing this
03:55 whitephoenix It's weird because the things not rendering correctly are rendering correctly elsewhere
03:56 whitephoenix I have no idea what would cause this
03:57 Hawk777 joined #minetest
04:16 octacian_ joined #minetest
04:38 kaeza joined #minetest
04:53 octacian joined #minetest
05:27 Menche joined #minetest
05:29 Freejack joined #minetest
05:36 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
06:03 kimitux joined #minetest
06:30 Taose joined #minetest
07:02 Menche joined #minetest
07:04 Markow joined #minetest
07:09 CWz joined #minetest
07:18 passant joined #minetest
07:51 xerox123 joined #minetest
08:13 Fritigern joined #minetest
08:17 PureTryOut[m]1 you could also replace the original dirt block I think by making a new node with the ":default:dirt" name
08:20 ensonic joined #minetest
08:31 An0n3m0us joined #minetest
08:32 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
08:35 An0n3m0us spammer on called OswaldoCheta
08:36 Darcidride joined #minetest
08:38 lordfingle joined #minetest
08:45 xerox123 joined #minetest
09:03 JamesTait joined #minetest
09:03 est31 joined #minetest
09:05 JamesTait Good morning all! Happy Wednesday, and happy International Women's Day! 😃
09:06 sonicpp joined #minetest
09:12 srbaker_ joined #minetest
09:14 lordfingle o/
09:24 Szkodnix joined #minetest
10:16 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
10:46 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
10:50 troller joined #minetest
11:03 DI3HARD139 Is there a known bug that's causing secure.trusted_mods to not work?
11:09 riff-IRC joined #minetest
11:09 An0n3m0us joined #minetest
11:14 proller__ joined #minetest
11:15 riff-IRC hi
11:15 An0n3m0us hey
11:15 riff-IRC how are you?
11:16 An0n3m0us fine
11:21 riff-IRC :)
11:24 srbaker_ joined #minetest
11:36 nowhere_man joined #minetest
11:39 proller__ joined #minetest
11:52 AndDT joined #minetest
12:00 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
12:02 newbie|8 joined #minetest
12:12 xerox123 joined #minetest
12:20 riff-IRC lolwut?
12:29 kimitux joined #minetest
12:31 Jordach joined #minetest
12:32 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
12:47 captpete joined #minetest
13:09 Fixer joined #minetest
13:13 lisac joined #minetest
13:22 red-001 joined #minetest
13:24 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
13:39 Szkodnix joined #minetest
13:56 XtremeHacker joined #minetest
13:57 twoelk left #minetest
14:06 zygfrid joined #minetest
14:06 zygfrid hello
14:12 Zygfrid joined #minetest
14:12 Zygfrid left #minetest
14:38 yusf[m] Exciting with two multi-layerd underworld mods:
14:56 xerox123 joined #minetest
15:06 octacian joined #minetest
15:09 Yruama_Lairba joined #minetest
15:11 Yruama_Lairba hello, i just tried minetest 0.4.15 x64 for win and i find glasses very ugly, is it normal ?
15:14 PureTryOut[m]1 now that's a shitty image host... but what's ugly about the glass? seems fine to me
15:20 ircSparky joined #minetest
15:25 Exagone313 joined #minetest
15:34 Yruama_Lairba before, adjacent glasses block where linked
15:37 PureTryOut[m]1 ooh, I believe that's a client-side setting
15:43 Yruama_Lairba holy sh... your are true
15:44 Yruama_Lairba it just found the unified glass option
15:46 PureTryOut[m]1 there you go ;) happy playing
15:47 Yruama_Lairba thank you, i did'nt rememder the were an option for that
15:47 PureTryOut[m]1 no problem
15:48 Yruama_Lairba wow, many mods seems to have been integrated to the default game beetween 0.4.14 and 0.4.14
15:50 proller__ joined #minetest
15:51 agaran beetween 0.4.14 and 0.4.14 ?
15:56 Yruama_Lairba sorry, beetween 0.4.14 and 0.4.15
15:58 Yruama_Lairba i also disabled shader, i found it unconfortable
15:58 lumidify joined #minetest
15:59 Yruama_Lairba for the galsse, i have a strange behaviour in a server. this server provide a object called woden framed glass wich doesn't affected by "connected galss" option
16:00 sfan5 that's entirely possible
16:00 VanessaE Yruama_Lairba: because that's an olllllld legacy node that uses the standard glass drawtype
16:00 VanessaE (wooden framed glass is a building_blocks node, so homedecor modpack)
16:01 Szkodnix joined #minetest
16:02 Yawin joined #minetest
16:02 Yruama_Lairba ok, i don't know very well the tehcnic side of minetest
16:04 Yruama_Lairba when i read mods code source, it's mainly to know how it work. unfortunatly, many mod don't include a complete documentation
16:06 VanessaE until a couple months ago, homedecor modpack's documentation was fairly good, now it's somewhat outdated
16:09 Yruama_Lairba i wasn't talking about "homedecor" in particular
16:10 ircSparky joined #minetest
16:10 ircSparky joined #minetest
16:10 VanessaE I know, just saying.
16:10 Yruama_Lairba a i think the actual of mod for framed glass on the server is xdecor
16:10 VanessaE that's kilbith's territory then :)
16:16 Yruama_Lairba typpically, xdecor don't have a real doc
16:18 Yruama_Lairba and some objects from this aren't only a decoration, they have a functionnality
16:20 Yruama_Lairba the funnyiest is the claudron, it allow to make soup, but it's almost impossible to discover how to do by chance
16:22 GreenDimond joined #minetest
16:22 GreenDimond anyone here good with aliases? I need some help with them.
16:23 Yruama_Lairba what do you want to do ?
16:24 GreenDimond In my sandplus mod, I need to create aliases for all my nodes so the mod transitions to 0.4.15-dev/0.4.16 nicely.
16:25 GreenDimond People dont want to have to replace all the sandplus nodes they used with the default by hand.
16:25 VanessaE why woudl they change?
16:26 GreenDimond because the mod should not need to be used in 0.4.16
16:26 VanessaE normally you don't need to worry about node names and such from one version of MT to another unless you plan to remove some nodes from your mod
16:26 VanessaE why not?
16:26 GreenDimond the mod content was merged
16:26 VanessaE in any case, minetest.register_alias(old name, new name)
16:26 GreenDimond
16:26 GreenDimond yes i know
16:26 GreenDimond but i dont think its working
16:27 GreenDimond if I enable the mod, the nodes just show up again.
16:27 Menche joined #minetest
16:27 GreenDimond they arent replaced like they should be
16:27 VanessaE as far as I know, aliases don't actually *replace* nodes in the map
16:28 GreenDimond;t=16281&amp;p=255906#p255906   <--- people wanting the aliases
16:28 Yruama_Lairba "register_alias_force" maybe ?
16:28 GreenDimond well then not replace.
16:28 VanessaE they just link the names to something else
16:28 GreenDimond something :/
16:28 VanessaE if you want the old nodes to be removed from the map and replaced with something else permanently, use an LBM
16:29 GreenDimond why suggest the aliases then?
16:29 GreenDimond mod compatibility?
16:29 VanessaE without looking at the code, I couldn't tell you
16:29 GreenDimond which code? mine or default?
16:29 GreenDimond mine:
16:30 VanessaE nevermind, I get what you're saying
16:30 VanessaE the proper solution is to add aliases to mt_game to cover the nodes your mod used to supplyu.
16:30 VanessaE -u
16:30 GreenDimond and how does one do that?
16:30 VanessaE one yells at the Mt_game devs :P
16:31 GreenDimond so I have no solution that I can do myself?
16:31 VanessaE simple: write appropriate aliases, add them to mt_game/mods/default where appropriate, and make a pull request against mt_game
16:32 GreenDimond ah...
16:32 GreenDimond or just create an issue asking someone else to?
16:32 VanessaE discuss it with the mt_game devs on github, and if they refuse, write a small stub of a mod that supplies only those aliases.
16:32 VanessaE you could raise an issue, but a pull request is more likely to gain favor
16:33 GreenDimond tru tru...
16:35 Taose joined #minetest
16:35 GreenDimond lets see if I can do it
16:36 GreenDimond this will be my first PR ever :P
16:36 VanessaE it should be pretty simple... put your aliases in mt_game/mods/default/aliases.lua
16:36 GreenDimond oh. looks simple....
16:37 GreenDimond so i need my block aliases, what about stairs?
16:37 GreenDimond they node names are same
16:37 VanessaE wait
16:37 GreenDimond since i just use the register_stair
16:37 VanessaE well wait, if the node names are the same, then you shouldn't need to do anything
16:38 GreenDimond thats just for stairs
16:38 GreenDimond the node names for the sandplus have sandplus: as prefix
16:38 GreenDimond so they still need an aliase
16:38 VanessaE ok
16:38 GreenDimond right?
16:38 VanessaE yes
16:38 ircSparky joined #minetest
16:39 VanessaE if any part of the node name has changed, use an alias.  the same is true for the stairs/slabs versions (don't call register_stair if you don't really need it, use aliases to cover the old names)
16:39 GreenDimond and for some odd reason i used desert/silver_sandstonebrick instead of desert/silver_sandstone_brick
16:40 GreenDimond I will need to fix the sandstone_brick stairs then...
16:40 GreenDimond shall I just use an aliase for those or fix my mod?
16:41 GreenDimond easier just use aliase yes?
16:49 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
16:51 ircSparky_ joined #minetest
16:55 xerox123 joined #minetest
17:05 nowhere_man joined #minetest
17:10 Menche joined #minetest
17:24 xerox123 joined #minetest
17:26 AndDT joined #minetest
17:41 GreenDimond joined #minetest
17:41 GreenDimond fine time for the network to go down |:|
17:41 Krock joined #minetest
17:44 Web_44 joined #minetest
17:44 VanessaE it's all your fault, GreenDimond.
17:44 VanessaE you must have tripped over the Internet's main cord :)
17:45 VanessaE ( )
17:45 Web_44 left #minetest
17:46 Telesight joined #minetest
17:51 VanessaE see?  told you.
18:00 GreenDimond joined #minetest
18:00 GreenDimond this internet tho.
18:00 GreenDimond -.-
18:00 GreenDimond let's hope I dont disconnect again :)
18:03 VanessaE it's all your fault, GreenDimond.
18:03 VanessaE you must have tripped over the Internet's main cord :)
18:03 VanessaE ( )
18:03 Krock thanks for repost
18:03 GreenDimond lol
18:03 Krock the black hat dude only knows himself
18:03 GreenDimond back to what we was talkin bout before
18:03 VanessaE heh
18:03 GreenDimond how to PR.
18:03 GreenDimond git or guithub?
18:03 GreenDimond *git
18:04 GreenDimond *github
18:04 VanessaE GreenDimond: fork, edit, upload changes to your fork, go to github and send a new pull request
18:04 GreenDimond nemehemewhowa?
18:04 Krock huh
18:04 GreenDimond fork mt_game
18:04 VanessaE yes
18:04 GreenDimond put changes
18:05 Krock spoon it if you want, yes.
18:05 GreenDimond lol
18:05 GreenDimond oh the spork is on github so I have to push the changes
18:05 VanessaE go to github, mt_game page.  tell it to fork.  then go to your command line, clone from your fork.  make changes, upload back to your fork
18:05 GreenDimond and then send PR
18:05 VanessaE there will be a grene button on the page for your fork that says something like "new pull request"
18:06 GreenDimond fork option...fork option....
18:06 VanessaE hit that, tell it you're comparing against the mainline mt_game repo (that should be the default)
18:06 GreenDimond where be the fork button?
18:06 VanessaE upper right corner of the page
18:06 VanessaE "unwatch, star, fork"
18:06 VanessaE ([un]watch)
18:06 GreenDimond ah
18:06 GreenDimond thnx
18:06 GreenDimond now I need to change stuffs...
18:08 Krock make sure that you only change one "problem" or "thing". Don't mix the "new bed node" and "fix torch glowing green bug" into one pull
18:08 VanessaE right
18:08 Krock create a new branch for each change, so it is structurized
18:08 GreenDimond im only changing one file :P
18:09 GreenDimond *adding to it
18:09 CWz joined #minetest
18:10 VanessaE I always have problems with branches.  one branch off of mainline/master, that's fine...  it's when you get one branch that depends on another, which conflicts with a third, etc etc etc and all the while, all of those changes are needed... that's when I get confused
18:10 GreenDimond so I am editing the thing directly on GitHub (my fork)
18:10 GreenDimond what do when added changes?
18:10 VanessaE GreenDimond: you should make changes using a local fork, not on github
18:11 GreenDimond whoops. :P
18:11 srbaker_ joined #minetest
18:11 VanessaE e.g. clone, fire up your favorite editor, edit, save, git add/git commit/git push
18:11 VanessaE however if you're gonna do it through github, you just need to save your changes and provide an edit summary, then issue a pull request.
18:12 GreenDimond so I can do it on GitHub?
18:12 VanessaE if you really must
18:12 VanessaE it's just not considered a good idea if you're editing code or something, because then you can't as easily test it
18:13 VanessaE the edit-on-the-website feature is probably more intended for ordinary plain text files, comments, README's and so on, rather than working code.
18:13 GreenDimond tru but I could just clone now from my fork and test
18:13 VanessaE yes
18:13 GreenDimond hm..
18:13 VanessaE but then you could just edit the files in your clone, then :)
18:14 GreenDimond i will clone my fork then edit
18:14 GreenDimond ehh...
18:14 VanessaE plus if you clone first, change, test, repeat [...], you only have to make one single commit after the testing process yields acceptable results.
18:14 GreenDimond what happens when I clone the fork?
18:14 VanessaE it downloads a copy of your fork to your PC
18:14 GreenDimond do I need to create a new mt file?
18:14 VanessaE no
18:14 GreenDimond so now i would have 3?
18:14 GreenDimond oh
18:15 GreenDimond cuz rn I have stable and daily
18:15 VanessaE then yes, you'd have three.
18:15 GreenDimond do I clone to the daily?
18:15 GreenDimond oh
18:15 VanessaE upstream, upstream stable, and your copy
18:15 xerox123 joined #minetest
18:15 VanessaE your copy would be in a separate folder.  as far as git is concerned, it may as well be a copy of photoshop.
18:15 VanessaE i.e. it's separate and distinct
18:16 GreenDimond so create a new, do git add .  then do clone?
18:16 VanessaE no
18:16 VanessaE just clone.
18:16 VanessaE it'll create the new folder.
18:16 GreenDimond no git add? oki
18:16 GreenDimond (im not a git expert, sorry)
18:17 GreenDimond wait dont even make a new folder?
18:17 VanessaE go to github, fork.  go to your command line, clone the fork to your PC.  edit, save, test, repeat.  git add .; git commit -a; git push
18:17 VanessaE the clone process creates a new folder.
18:17 GreenDimond okay
18:17 GreenDimond never cloned before (i think. maybe i have...)
18:17 GreenDimond how do I clone it?
18:17 GreenDimond it has been sporked
18:17 VanessaE forget about branches and stuff for now.  learn that later after you're familiar with the basic process of making changes like this
18:18 VanessaE ok, on the right is a green button that says "clone or download"
18:18 VanessaE click that, copy the address it gives you
18:18 GreenDimond oh duh
18:18 VanessaE then at the command line,  git clone <that url>
18:19 GreenDimond cloning to minetest_game?
18:19 GreenDimond k where did it put it?
18:19 VanessaE in the current directory
18:19 VanessaE which is probably /home/greendimond or whatever
18:19 GreenDimond ah
18:19 GreenDimond i will move to desktop :P
18:19 VanessaE (usually the shell is in your home dir)
18:19 VanessaE that's fine
18:20 GreenDimond now?
18:20 VanessaE now fire up geany or gedit or mousepad or whatever, and start making changes.
18:20 GreenDimond make changes?
18:20 VanessaE whatever your favorite text editor is
18:20 GreenDimond k
18:20 GreenDimond Geany. :P
18:21 GreenDimond changes are been made
18:21 VanessaE ok, copy the files over to wherever you need them at e.g. if you want to test your changes under the dev build, copy then the to there
18:21 VanessaE it's mt_game, so it'll be something of the form,  <mt dev folder>/games
18:22 GreenDimond yup
18:22 VanessaE you edited just that one file in default, right?  just copy that one file to <mt dev folder>/games/minetest_game/mods/default
18:22 GreenDimond it...half worked.
18:22 GreenDimond yeah already done and am testing
18:22 VanessaE ok, you're half-way there then :)
18:23 GreenDimond the solid nodes worked
18:23 GreenDimond but not the stairs...
18:23 GreenDimond oh wiat
18:23 GreenDimond *wait
18:23 GreenDimond i think ik wat happened
18:25 GreenDimond hey hey hey...i think it worked :D
18:25 VanessaE :D
18:25 GreenDimond doing more testing...
18:25 xerox123_ joined #minetest
18:25 xerox123_ joined #minetest
18:27 GreenDimond D:
18:27 GreenDimond ruh roh
18:27 GreenDimond lol I are fail
18:28 GreenDimond :D
18:28 GreenDimond "|
18:28 GreenDimond :|
18:29 ^7heo >|
18:29 ^7heo ;|
18:29 ^7heo !|
18:29 GreenDimond ack.
18:29 GreenDimond yeah. i need to fix my mod too
18:30 GreenDimond the naming is all wrong
18:30 GreenDimond (sandstonebrick vs sandstone_brick
18:30 GreenDimond creates problems :P
18:31 GreenDimond afk a bit. have to go haul wood. hopefully bbs.
18:38 rdococ GreenDimond!
18:38 comradmax joined #minetest
18:45 yusf[m] !mod subterrane
18:45 MinetestBot yusf[m]: Could not find anything.
18:45 yusf[m] :(
18:56 Krock !mod subterrain
18:56 MinetestBot Krock: Massive caverns [subterrain] by paramat -
18:56 Krock ^ yusf[m]
18:57 yusf[m] Krock: Ah! The dear FaceDeer misspelled it
19:01 grumble joined #minetest
19:02 Krock lol
19:02 Web_44 joined #minetest
19:02 Krock brb
19:09 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
19:10 QwertyDragon joined #minetest
19:23 Miner_48er joined #minetest
19:39 Krock joined #minetest
19:40 GreenDimond back
19:40 GreenDimond I get to fix my mod.
19:53 An0n3m0us joined #minetest
19:55 GreenDimond sandplus has been fixed.
19:55 GreenDimond now working on my fork...
19:56 srbaker_ joined #minetest
20:09 GreenDimond k i think I got it
20:10 GreenDimond VanessaE
20:12 GreenDimond !mod sandplus
20:12 MinetestBot GreenDimond: Sandplus [sandplus] by GreenDimond -
20:12 GreenDimond kewl.
20:12 GreenDimond !mod waffles
20:12 MinetestBot GreenDimond: Waffles [waffles] by GreenDimond -
20:12 GreenDimond !mod tac_nayn
20:12 MinetestBot GreenDimond: Tac Nayn [tac_nayn] by GreenDimond -
20:12 GreenDimond I will stop now.
20:13 Jordach that's obviously a good idea
20:13 GreenDimond I hopes VE will be back soon.
20:13 GreenDimond And Hi Jordach
20:23 GreenDimond VanessaE when I make this PR, what do I compare what to?
20:24 GreenDimond well it broke again nevermind
20:24 Jordach keep testing to make it work
20:24 Jordach then make a pull
20:25 VanessaE GreenDimond: you compare it to the upstream fork, "minetest/minetest_game master" or something similar to that
20:25 GreenDimond stupid code. one time the nodes get changed and the next they dont. wth.
20:27 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
20:30 whitephoenix joined #minetest
20:31 whitephoenix So does anyone knwo what's causing this? Without default blocks only render correctly most of the time
20:32 nasuga joined #minetest
20:34 GreenDimond VanessaE: oki...think I got it to work. one question: the mod will still run when enabled with minetest-dev, and the creative inventory contains the sandplus blocks (not stairs) as well as default. dont I need to fix this?
20:35 VanessaE GreenDimond: ordinarily you wouldn't even have your mod there defining the extra blocks
20:35 GreenDimond meaning?
20:36 VanessaE I don't know :P
20:36 VanessaE get rid of your mod first
20:36 GreenDimond D:
20:36 GreenDimond wait what?
20:36 VanessaE make sure your aliases do exactly what you want them to
20:36 VanessaE make your PR
20:36 VanessaE then alter your mod so that it checks whether it needs to register its own blocks
20:36 VanessaE that's all I got.
20:37 GreenDimond if I place the blocks from sp, then disable the mod and go back, they turn to default. re enable sp, they turn to sp blocks.
20:37 VanessaE that's normal
20:37 VanessaE that's what aliases do
20:37 GreenDimond so it worked?
20:37 VanessaE if some mod defines a block, and you alias it to something else, the alias is ignored.
20:38 VanessaE meaning you get two copies of the block - the one defined by "some mod" and the "something else" that you tried to alias it to.
20:38 VanessaE so do your alias testing without your mod in place
20:38 VanessaE if all of your mod's blocks show up properly without your mod installed, your aliases are working
20:38 Telesight joined #minetest
20:39 GreenDimond you make it sound like im trying to make the aliases turn MT blocks into my mods blocks
20:39 GreenDimond slightly confused
20:40 GreenDimond how do my mod's blocks show up if the mod isnt enabled?
20:43 VanessaE that's what the aliases are for
20:43 VanessaE you alias your mod's blocks to the new default ones
20:43 GreenDimond ah. so you are saying place my blocks, disable the mod, and if they are still there (but default version) then it worked?
20:43 VanessaE they're really just the default blocks of course, but MT will treat your blocks as if they're the defaults when it sees them in the map or in a recipe
20:43 VanessaE yes, exactly that.
20:44 GreenDimond oki then it works
20:44 GreenDimond so I need to alter my mod to not register the blocks?
20:44 VanessaE make your pull request now, if you're sure nothing's broken
20:44 GreenDimond fairly sure...
20:44 whitephoenix I realized my issue is from not aliasing trees/water
20:44 GreenDimond do i make the PR from my fork or on the minetest_game pr page?
20:44 VanessaE GreenDimond: yes.  next, make your mod look for the default blocks first, and only register its own versions if the default ones aren't found
20:45 VanessaE make it from your fork.
20:46 GreenDimond currently says comparing basefork:minetest/minetest_game to headfork:GreenXenith/minetest_game
20:46 GreenDimond is that correct?
20:48 VanessaE yes
20:48 VanessaE now give it an edit summary
20:48 VanessaE (when it asks)
20:49 Szkodnix joined #minetest
20:53 GreenDimond anything specific i need to put in the summary?
20:53 VanessaE just whatever you feel describes the reason for your changes
20:54 VanessaE a few lines, something concise.
20:56 ensonic joined #minetest
21:06 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
21:47 nowhere_man joined #minetest
22:00 nowhere_man joined #minetest
22:03 Szkodnix joined #minetest
22:09 kaeza joined #minetest
22:15 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
22:19 Taoki joined #minetest
22:22 Marcin joined #minetest
22:36 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
22:38 ircSparky_ joined #minetest
22:45 QwertyDragon joined #minetest
22:50 ircSparky_ joined #minetest
22:51 octacian My latest mod;t=16923
22:53 proller__ joined #minetest
23:02 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
23:07 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest
23:08 ircSparky joined #minetest
23:27 Tmanyo joined #minetest
23:54 calculon joined #minetest

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