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IRC log for #minetest, 2016-04-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:16 Someguy123 joined #minetest
00:24 Player_2 joined #minetest
00:58 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Default: Create 'grass', 'dry_grass' groups, use in dirt conversion ABM 0ca43e4 (2016-04-18T01:52:03+01:00)
00:58 MinetestBot [git] sofar -> minetest/minetest_game: Character: Fix boat leg wobble. 33aa5e7 (2016-04-18T01:51:57+01:00)
01:10 STHGOM joined #minetest
01:30 DI3HARD139 Anyone know if there are any plans to use Vulkan?
01:33 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest
01:57 lambda-11235 joined #minetest
02:17 Yst joined #minetest
02:47 Megaf joined #minetest
02:53 sofar DI3HARD139: that would be an irrlicht question
03:06 misprint joined #minetest
03:36 bugzapper joined #minetest
04:25 ssieb joined #minetest
04:29 LazyJ joined #minetest
05:11 jin_xi joined #minetest
05:25 cimbakahn joined #minetest
05:25 cimbakahn Hello!
05:26 cimbakahn Does anyone know what this means ----> ERROR[main]: NodeResolver: failed to resolve node name 'technic:uranium_mineral'.
05:28 sofar broken mod, or unstinstalled mod?
05:29 cimbakahn I am attempting it again to see if it shows up again......
05:32 cimbakahn Yep!  It still shows.
05:33 cimbakahn Could it be that the node is misspelled?
05:34 cimbakahn Is technic:uranium_mineral the correct spelling?
05:35 sofar minetest.register_node( ":technic:mineral_uranium", {
05:35 sofar misspelled, yes
05:37 cimbakahn Ok.  Thank you!  Just need to find out where to rename it......
05:56 cimbakahn I downloaded the newest one and it has the correct spelling.
06:18 Krock joined #minetest
06:29 CWz joined #minetest
06:55 redsPL joined #minetest
07:34 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:52 nrzkt joined #minetest
08:13 sonicpp joined #minetest
08:23 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
08:42 Markow joined #minetest
09:07 JamesTait joined #minetest
09:12 Yst joined #minetest
09:14 Asuran joined #minetest
09:22 The_Loko joined #minetest
09:40 germanuel24 joined #minetest
09:41 germanuel24 mesecons texture question: When i place mese_lamp nodes on top of each other and put another node in front the mese_lamp node light shines THROUGH the edges which looks extremely to fix this?
09:43 germanuel24 It only happens with mese_lamp nodes..others like lightstone do not have this issue..i looked at the texture itself but cannot find a problem
09:45 germanuel24 Maybe the LIGHT_MAX setting is too high?
09:58 germanuel24 Ok so changing the light source setting did not help at I'll try to change the PNG a bit
10:24 tpe joined #minetest
10:37 Krock what if you dig the stuff and place them again with the new light source value?
10:43 germanuel24 Krock, Sorry i made a mistake it's the default:meselamp not mesecons one... i tried now: 1. reduce light_source of node by 1/2 no change 2. edited PNG file and made sides darker (little change)
10:43 germanuel24 by 1 and 2*
10:43 Krock you can't stop the light that goes through the edges
10:43 Krock it's a core problem (??)
10:43 Krock could also be something with irrlicht
10:44 germanuel24 But it doesn't happen with mesecons_lightstone?
10:45 Krock it always happens. No screenie no proof
10:46 germanuel24 It seems to depend on how bright the node is.. darker = need to be further away to notice it
11:00 Guest80120 joined #minetest
11:04 OldCoder_ joined #minetest
11:04 openfbtd_ joined #minetest
11:05 TC01_ joined #minetest
11:07 Krock again a server down?
11:07 Freejack joined #minetest
11:08 greeter joined #minetest
11:13 iqualfragile joined #minetest
11:15 eeew joined #minetest
11:16 iangp joined #minetest
11:23 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest
11:28 nrzkt !server Apple
11:28 MinetestBot nrzkt: AppleTree - Survival PvE & Build | | Clients: 6/50, 7/16 | Version: 1.0.0-alpha19-dev / epixel | Ping: 17ms
11:29 nrzkt sfan5, maybe could be good to add lag to this command output ? :)
11:30 sfan5 maybe
11:37 Wayward_One joined #minetest
11:44 iangp joined #minetest
11:50 Hirato joined #minetest
12:13 cimbakahn joined #minetest
12:22 STHGOM joined #minetest
12:49 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
12:49 PseudoNoob joined #minetest
12:50 cimbakahn joined #minetest
12:55 Wuzzy joined #minetest
13:10 Hirato joined #minetest
13:21 Fixer joined #minetest
13:26 sonicpp joined #minetest
13:34 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
13:38 Freejack joined #minetest
13:42 PseudoNoob joined #minetest
13:46 redsPL joined #minetest
13:48 kaadmy joined #minetest
13:56 DMackey- joined #minetest
13:59 davisonio joined #minetest
14:25 lambda-11235 joined #minetest
14:26 iamtew joined #minetest
14:26 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
14:32 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:35 theTroy joined #minetest
14:47 Darcidride joined #minetest
14:56 davisonio joined #minetest
15:07 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:10 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
15:27 CWz_ joined #minetest
15:38 Vadtec joined #minetest
15:38 VadtecWk joined #minetest
15:43 Weedy joined #minetest
15:45 jvalleroy joined #minetest
15:46 davisonio joined #minetest
15:50 jvalleroy joined #minetest
15:52 pampeho joined #minetest
15:54 jin_xi joined #minetest
16:01 H-H-H joined #minetest
16:18 davisonio joined #minetest
16:30 LNJ2GO left #minetest
16:35 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
16:40 redsPL joined #minetest
16:47 germanuel24 joined #minetest
16:48 germanuel24 Is there a way to adjust the breath losing under water without an extra mod? Like is it hard coded in C++?
16:49 nrzkt joined #minetest
16:50 sofar client side, even
16:52 germanuel24 Which file do i need to edit for that?
16:56 Markow joined #minetest
17:10 Calinou joined #minetest
17:12 germanuel24 I cannot find it =/ Surely there must be a setting anywhere that tells the engine after how many seconds to reduce the breath?
17:13 Krock germanuel24, environment.cpp:2536
17:14 Krock hardcoded to 2.0 seconds
17:14 germanuel24 So it IS hard coded...and can i adjust it with the API?
17:14 Krock if it's hardcoded, how would you want to change it?
17:14 Krock because that's what hardcoded means..
17:14 Krock you can't change it
17:15 germanuel24 So any server that has a higher delay is edited + compiled?
17:16 Krock bingo
17:16 germanuel24 And there is no hacky way around?
17:17 Krock hacky would be if you change it by yourself
17:17 Krock of add a minetest setting into the source code for this value
17:17 Krock *minetest.conf
17:19 germanuel24 So without compiling i can give up...
17:20 Krock yep. use the white flag to resign
17:22 germanuel24 Is compiling hard for a noob?
17:22 Urist joined #minetest
17:23 Krock germanuel24, not for linux. But you're not a noob if you can't do that on windows
17:23 germanuel24 I have i need the software gcc and the source folder from github right?
17:24 * Calinou removes Babun and installs Cygwin
17:24 Calinou bare Cygwin + some packages + ConEmu is very good, and less bloated than Babun
17:24 Krock there are simple one-line commands on the forum
17:24 Calinou it just needs zsh and oh-my-zsh :)
17:24 Krock germanuel24,
17:25 Krock it will install you everything you need
17:25 germanuel24 But i can edit the files before? Like adjusting chat messages and timers?
17:26 Krock germanuel24, do the whole script until " cd ..;"
17:26 Krock after that it will start cmake and all the build stuff
17:28 germanuel24 ok and when I'm done editing just the rest?
17:29 germanuel24 So i run everything after cd ..?
17:29 Krock yep
17:29 germanuel24 Will it install minetest-stable or dev?
17:29 Krock it will use the code frmo github master, so indev
17:30 Krock *from
17:30 germanuel24 Isn't that rather bad for a server?
17:30 Krock why?
17:30 Krock it has backwards compatibility
17:30 germanuel24 Well most people tell me to always use stable versions
17:30 germanuel24 to run servers*
17:30 Krock everywhere else yes - but not in Minetest :P
17:31 germanuel24 Okay..i will try now thanks
17:31 Krock the last stable was released months ago, so you would miss many changes
17:31 Krock ack. it's about a half year now
17:31 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
17:34 Someguy123 joined #minetest
17:36 germanuel24 Krock, Yes but sometimes the dev version has new bugs too
17:36 Asuran Krock, hardcocded means its not easy editable
17:36 Asuran it means its coded in c++ instead of an easy language to program it or even a config
17:37 Krock Asuran, if it was in Lua, it wouldn't be harcoded
17:37 Asuran real problem comes when hardcoded is complexer then changing an int from 20 to 10 or such or 20 to 35
17:37 Krock no matter how, lua is easy to edit
17:37 germanuel24 Can i edit .cpp files in any editor?
17:37 Asuran yes
17:38 Krock geany, atom.. doesn't matter as long you have a good syntax highlighter
17:38 germanuel24 Ok and before i continue with the cmake command i need to make sure the .minetest folder is empty right?
17:38 Asuran but no editor with extra tags like word
17:39 Calinou germanuel24, sometimes, Git versions of software are more stable than the stable versions
17:39 Calinou this is why some software is rolling-release, there are no fixed releases or deadlines.
17:39 Krock germanuel24, sometimes there are bugs, yes. But with many testers around they're reported and fixed quickly. Just blame the developer who wrote the bad commit and there will be some activity :P
17:39 Calinou germanuel24, compiling Minetest on GNU/Linux is very easy, but on Windows it'll take hours because you need to gather dependencies :)
17:40 Asuran i know this too
17:40 Krock ^ and finding the errors when it doesn't compile
17:40 Krock gawd.. I hate you, leveldb!
17:40 germanuel24 Okay... so i am in the minetest folder now..i edit all the files with my editor and save them and when I'm done i BACKUP my old .minetest folder or just the world folder?
17:40 Calinou Krock, use an IDE :D
17:40 Asuran manuel is the breath controled server side or jsut checked to prevent cheating?
17:40 Asuran or whatever it does
17:41 Asuran *else
17:41 Calinou germanuel24, the Minetest source is cloned with Git with that script; the original version will be kept locally
17:41 Krock Calinou, you ninja'd me :<
17:41 redsPL joined #minetest
17:41 Calinou if you screw up, you can type "git reset --hard HEAD" to undo all local changes in ~/minetest
17:41 Calinou (~/minetest, not ~/.minetest)
17:41 Krock Asuran, yes. That way it's not possible to cheat there
17:42 germanuel24 Oh..right now my version is in ~/.minetest so the commands will not affect it?
17:42 Krock or at least it's difficult
17:42 Krock Calinou, an IDE doesn't help when there are unresolved external symbols
17:43 Asuran Krock, wait, doesn't visual studio help there?
17:43 Asuran im unsure
17:43 germanuel24 But at the end it will replace the contents of my ~/.minetest folder no? So i need to make sure i backup the world folder somewhere so that i can just paste it
17:43 Krock I have visual studio but I doubt it would make any change if I would compile it there
17:43 Asuran idk
17:43 Asuran im no programmer
17:44 Krock become a programmer
17:44 Asuran haha i guess no
17:44 Krock why not? it's something great
17:44 Asuran not in this world
17:44 Asuran ^^
17:44 Asuran anyways
17:44 Asuran i tried
17:44 germanuel24 WAIT LevelDB is not SQL? So map.sqlite is not compatible with this version?
17:44 Krock Asuran, switch the world then. You're definitely in a wrong one
17:44 Asuran i switched the world maybe
17:44 Krock germanuel24, SQLite and LevelDB are two different database backends
17:44 Asuran to something different
17:45 Asuran was kicked by ShadowBot: Message flood detected.
17:45 Krock was kicked by ShadowBot: Paste flood detected. Use a pastebin like or
17:45 Krock joined #minetest
17:45 Krock err what?
17:46 germanuel24 So the map file can be .sqlite with LevelDB?
17:46 Krock germanuel24, no. leveldb will save it in a seperate "map" directory
17:46 Krock or similar
17:46 Calinou Redis is not SQL either, I think
17:47 germanuel24 So i cannot use my old world with this version then?
17:47 Krock germanuel24, you can have both backends supported
17:47 Krock "libsqlite3-dev", you installed that one with that command
17:47 Krock this means you have sqlite support to access to that older world
17:47 germanuel24 Ok good!
17:48 Krock lol.. would be dumb as hell if there was just one backend
17:48 Krock either leveldb or sqlite.. nah.
17:52 germanuel24 All 0.4.13 mods are 100% supported in the dev version?
17:52 ssieb joined #minetest
17:53 Calinou Krock, I'm installing MinGW-w64 too
17:53 Calinou I chose posix threads and seh exception, that's the defaults... looked a bit on Stack Overflow
17:53 Krock germanuel24, yes.
17:53 Krock Calinou, nice :)
17:57 AndDT joined #minetest
17:57 misprint joined #minetest
18:00 germanuel24 if(m_drowning_interval.step(dtime, 2.0)) thats the line for the breath losing interval right?
18:00 Calinou yes
18:00 Calinou dtime is delta time, in seconds
18:01 germanuel24 if(m_breathing_interval.step(dtime, 0.5)) and that's for giving breath back?
18:02 Calinou Krock, also getting 32-bit version
18:02 Calinou germanuel24, yes
18:03 Calinou Krock, now I'll have 4 compilers (if not more) installed on my system \o/
18:03 Calinou VS in 32 and 64-bit, MinGW in 32 and 64-bit
18:03 germanuel24 Oh by the way...did the script download 32-bit?
18:03 Calinou that should be enough to compile any Windows software on earth, I hope \o/
18:03 Krock scripts don't care on what platform you are
18:03 Calinou germanuel24, no, it compiles for 64-bitif you're on 64-bit, or 32-bit if you're on 32-bit
18:03 germanuel24 Ok so i don't need to choose
18:03 Krock Calinou, whoa. That's a huge collection :<
18:04 Erthome joined #minetest
18:05 Calinou germanuel24, yes
18:06 germanuel24 Does anyone know where the join/leave messages are? I want to edit those
18:06 Calinou you can use grep
18:07 Calinou use cd to navigate to the Minetest source folder (~/minetest/src), type: grep -r "joined the game"
18:07 Calinou and grep -r "left the game"
18:07 Calinou it'll return all files that contain it :)
18:09 germanuel24 -R -n to even return the line nice
18:12 STHGOM joined #minetest
18:13 davisonio joined #minetest
18:15 germanuel24 To remove an entire message i only delete the message =+ lines
18:16 germanuel24 ?
18:16 germanuel24 +=* sorry
18:16 Calinou germanuel24, I don't think it'll work
18:17 germanuel24 Or i leave them empty will it not send then?
18:22 germanuel24 Does the script enable cURL?
18:24 Calinou germanuel24, I'm pretty sure it does
18:24 Calinou it enables most optional features
18:25 germanuel24 Ok cause you need cURL for announcing right?
18:27 germanuel24 Will LevelDB need more performance over just SQL?
18:27 germanuel24 I mean enabling both
18:27 Calinou a world only uses one database backend at once.
18:28 Calinou if you play multiplayer, you won't notice any difference on the client.
18:28 germanuel24 And as server?
18:28 Calinou if you play singleplayer, note that using LevelDB is not always faster, and it's not the default back-end anyway (you need to edit a file to change the world's database backend)
18:28 Calinou my advice is, stick to SQLite in most cases
18:28 Calinou it's enough for small servers (up to 10-15 players)
18:28 germanuel24 Ok but just enabling LevelDB will not eat resources when i play on a SQL map?
18:35 Calinou it won't
18:35 Calinou none of the LevelDB-specific code will run
18:39 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
18:39 germanuel24 Should i uninstall the stable first that i got via software-center?
18:40 Calinou yes
18:41 Calinou although they don't interfere per se
18:42 MinetestBot joined #minetest
18:43 LNJ2GO left #minetest
18:44 Vadtec joined #minetest
18:49 germanuel24 How long does compiling take on an old computer? Any estimates?
18:49 sfan5 depends on how long
18:49 sfan5 s/long/old/
18:50 germanuel24 Uh..I'm lost
18:51 germanuel24 I mean does anyone have estimates on how long it takes on an old machine?
18:52 germanuel24 Intel Celeron  @ 2.6 Ghz
18:54 kaadmy takes about 5-10 minutes for me
18:54 Krock germanuel24, if it's singlecore expect 15 minutes
18:54 germanuel24 Ok so it will definitely not take an hour or more?
18:55 Krock naah
18:55 Calinou Krock, my MinGW 64-bit works, it can compile Lua :)
18:55 Krock Calinou, that's great to hear :D
18:55 kaadmy Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU L7100 @ 1.20GHz
18:55 germanuel24 Dou is dual-core?
18:55 Krock Athlong 64 4000+ @ 2.4 GHz
18:55 Krock *Athlon
18:56 Krock that's singlecore and maybe a bit better than your celeron
18:56 germanuel24 Ok... does it also depend on RAM?
18:56 Krock naaaah.. never heard of ANY appliaction that would use any RAM
18:57 Krock yes sure it does.
18:57 germanuel24 I mean are there big difference in compiling?
18:57 kaadmy maybe a little slower at first guess
18:57 Krock if your swap is fast enough you won't notice much
18:57 germanuel24 I have 768 MB + 768 MB swap lol
18:57 Krock must be enough.
18:59 germanuel24 Ok so...i tell now everyone on my server that i take it offline for about 30 minutes, then i uninstall the stable version, then i run cmake..correct?
19:00 Krock cmake and make are required to build it
19:00 germanuel24 Yeah i followed the one-line script until the cd .. part
19:00 Krock not sure if you must uninstall the old version of if it's overwritten
19:00 Krock -of
19:01 * Krock points somewhere on the userlist with the hope someone could help
19:02 germanuel24 Right now part of my installation is in /usr/share/minetest... will the dev-build put files there too?
19:04 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
19:05 Calinou germanuel24, no, it'll put the data files in /usr/local/share/minetest
19:05 Calinou note the "local"
19:05 Calinou any "sudo make install"'d stuff lands in /usr/local
19:05 Calinou well, the sane stuff
19:05 Calinou some old things will insist and go in /usr, which is bad practice
19:08 Krock finally found out why the cordon bleu isn't blue
19:09 germanuel24 Calinou, thanks for answering so many questions... i just never compiled anything before just am good at scripting languages like PHP, JavaScript and about to learn Lua
19:09 Calinou Ceci n'est pas un compilateur !
19:10 Krock what else?
20:22 loggingbot_ joined #minetest
20:22 Topic for #minetest is now Welcome to #minetest, official Minetest channel | Latest version: 0.4.13 (2015-08-20) | Responses may take a while, be patient | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | IRC logs:
20:22 sfan5 test?
20:22 sfan5 nice
20:23 loggingbot_ joined #minetest
20:23 Topic for #minetest is now Welcome to #minetest, official Minetest channel | Latest version: 0.4.13 (2015-08-20) | Responses may take a while, be patient | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | IRC logs:
20:23 germanuel24 Do the dev-versions always say dirty at the end?
20:23 sfan5 yes
20:23 davisonio joined #minetest
20:23 Fixer PROCEDURE?
20:23 Fixer what is it?
20:24 Fixer sfan5, running something really old?
20:25 sfan5 old?
20:26 nrzkt Samson1, ?
20:29 sfan5 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/apscheduler/", line 3, in <module>
20:29 sfan5 version_info = tuple(int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in parsed_version.public.split('.'))
20:29 sfan5 what is this bullshit
20:34 Krock that's python
20:38 sfan5 Krock: can you try opening this link:
20:38 Krock rickroll incoming
20:39 sfan5 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-CH; rv: ?
20:39 Krock no rickroll? It's just a simple "index of /" page
20:39 Krock yeah, must be me
20:39 sfan5 nice you have ipv6
20:39 sfan5 thanks for testing
20:39 Krock np
20:40 Krock oh, my ISP finally supports ipv6? nice
20:41 Calinou IPv7!
20:41 Fixer finally? i think it is still rare :/
20:43 Calinou Google's traffic is ~5% IPv6
20:45 Krock routers became useless! free IP addresses for everyone!
20:48 swift110 joined #minetest
20:49 swift110 joined #minetest
20:54 sfan5 !op
20:55 Topic for #minetest is now Welcome to #minetest, official Minetest channel | Latest version: 0.4.13 (2015-08-20) | Responses may take a while, be patient | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | IRC logs:
20:55 sfan5 !deop
20:55 Krock ah. the log's URL updated
20:58 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
21:01 Samson1 nrzkt, Hello :)
21:02 nrzkt hello Samson1 , you want to talk with me ?
21:07 engineer-pearl joined #minetest
21:12 Ronsor` ok
21:13 Ronsor` who wants to join my minetest server?
21:13 Markow What's it like?
21:13 Markow mods, textures?
21:14 Ronsor` pretty quiet right now
21:14 Markow ...misc info
21:14 Markow survival or creative?
21:14 Ronsor` i've built a small town
21:14 Ronsor` we have snow, beaches, mountains, plains all nearby
21:19 kaadmy ...
21:20 Ronsor` not many mods
21:20 Ronsor` survival
21:21 Ronsor` sorry
21:21 Ronsor` my connection is lagging today
21:24 Ronsor` currently we have denaid protect
21:24 Ronsor` irc, maptools
21:32 Darcidride_ joined #minetest
21:37 Out`Of`Control Anyone know about torch bug, torch replaces door when you try to open holding torch
21:37 Out`Of`Control or its a door bug?
21:38 Out`Of`Control does not happen always
21:39 swift110 hey alkl
21:39 alket joined #minetest
21:40 sofar Out`Of`Control: torch bug? using a torch mod or?
21:40 Out`Of`Control sofar:  yes
21:40 sofar it's an "or" question
21:41 sofar not a "logical or" question
21:41 Out`Of`Control sofar:  i don't know its caused by torch mod or doors mod
21:41 sofar do you have a torch mod?
21:41 Out`Of`Control yes
21:41 sofar which torch mod?
21:43 Out`Of`Control need a bit time to find sry
21:43 bashterm joined #minetest
21:43 bashterm hello?
21:43 sofar hello?
21:43 Out`Of`Control sofar:  3d_torch
21:44 Out`Of`Control 0.1 v maybe there is update
21:44 sofar try switching to
21:44 rcmaehl joined #minetest
21:44 sofar Out`Of`Control: that version is maintained and will work with the torches already on your maps
21:45 Out`Of`Control what happens with torches placed on ceiling?
21:46 sofar it supports them
21:46 sofar if not then it's a bug and I'll fix it asap
21:46 Out`Of`Control sofar:  cool thank you
21:53 bashterm joined #minetest
21:57 Samson1 joined #minetest
21:59 GunshipPenguin_ joined #minetest
22:22 [BNC]NoivernOfDo joined #minetest
22:34 Hirato joined #minetest
23:15 wilkgr joined #minetest
23:15 wilkgr I just saw this on the sfan5-bot: "Location: /usr/bin/python2.7"
23:15 wilkgr lol
23:15 wilkgr (In its profile)
23:16 yang2003 joined #minetest
23:16 wilkgr Hi yang2003
23:18 yang2003 Hi wilkgr
23:18 yang2003 What's up?
23:22 wilkgr sfan5-bot has this as location: "Location: /usr/bin/python2.7"
23:22 wilkgr in its profile :)
23:25 yang2003 k

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