Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
GunshipPenguin joined #minetest |
00:04 |
Megaf joined #minetest |
00:06 |
sofar |
ugh needless abstractions.... |
00:07 |
Fixer |
walking on sky platform +1000 blocks above feels so good, no lag, no stutter |
00:08 |
sofar |
who writes a function that returns a function |
00:08 |
sofar |
then calls that function |
00:08 |
sofar |
I mean, wth? |
00:09 |
Hijiri |
haskellers? |
00:09 |
Hijiri |
is that the only place the function is used |
00:09 |
sofar |
I'm definitely seeing a pattern with some people |
00:09 |
sofar |
of course it's the only use of that function |
00:10 |
sofar |
so actually |
00:11 |
sofar |
there's a function that calls a function that calls a function. The third function returns a function. The second function stores the function return value, and then calls that returned function. And then the second function returns the return value to the first function. |
00:13 |
sofar |
http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/28385590.jpg |
00:13 |
Hijiri |
this is from a while ago, but take a look at this: https://github.com/raymoo/minetest-wireworld/blob/master/church/init.lua |
00:14 |
Hijiri |
there are helpers specifically for turning normal functions into functions returning functions |
00:14 |
sofar |
http://www.mtv.com/news/wp-content/uploads/geek/2012/11/picard-facepalm2.jpg |
00:15 |
sofar |
I started with this set of 2 mods with 1200 lines |
00:15 |
sofar |
I haven't killed any functionality and I'm down to 300 or so |
00:18 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
00:32 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
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jn__ joined #minetest |
00:59 |
jn__ |
i had an idea today: a mod that adds a MIDI keyboard and a MIDI synth, which communicate via digilines |
01:05 |
jordan4ibanez |
Is there an easy way to load a mod last? |
01:09 |
sofar |
make it depend on all other mods |
01:11 |
jordan4ibanez |
sofar, can I make it depend on modpacks? |
01:11 |
sofar |
why do you need to wait until mods are loaded? |
01:11 |
sofar |
are you modifying items? |
01:12 |
sofar |
or do you just want to run some code after all mods are loaded? |
01:17 |
lambda-11235 joined #minetest |
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Robby joined #minetest |
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RealBadAngel joined #minetest |
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LazyJ joined #minetest |
02:01 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
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STHGOM joined #minetest |
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STHGOM joined #minetest |
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Lunatrius joined #minetest |
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nanovad joined #minetest |
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iama joined #minetest |
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jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
03:43 |
jordan4ibanez |
Can I make an entity so you can't point at it, ie no selection box |
03:45 |
RealBadAngel |
have you tried to give it empty table as selection box? |
03:49 |
kaadmy |
last i checked, entities have a shared selection and collision box |
04:02 |
hmmmm joined #minetest |
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Ronsor joined #minetest |
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Cryterion joined #minetest |
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melzua joined #minetest |
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Cryterion joined #minetest |
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Lunatrius joined #minetest |
06:57 |
Alduin_ joined #minetest |
07:05 |
Cryterion joined #minetest |
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Alduin_ joined #minetest |
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Cryterion joined #minetest |
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alt43134 joined #minetest |
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hmmmmm joined #minetest |
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Yst joined #minetest |
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ekem joined #minetest |
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Ronsor joined #minetest |
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cheapie joined #minetest |
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xeranas joined #minetest |
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aheinecke joined #minetest |
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Trustable joined #minetest |
08:30 |
MinetestBot |
[git] RealBadAngel -> minetest/minetest: Mapblock mesh: Eliminate meshgen lags 0851724 https://git.io/vg7G1 (2016-02-16T08:23:32Z) |
08:37 |
YstDawson joined #minetest |
08:39 |
nrzkt joined #minetest |
09:36 |
Ardonel joined #minetest |
09:40 |
JamesTait joined #minetest |
09:40 |
JamesTait |
Good morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Innovation Day! 😃 |
09:41 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
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JamesTait joined #minetest |
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Telesight joined #minetest |
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everamzah joined #minetest |
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est31 joined #minetest |
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proller joined #minetest |
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S joined #minetest |
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proller joined #minetest |
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proller joined #minetest |
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Megaf joined #minetest |
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Thomas-S joined #minetest |
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Jordach joined #minetest |
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Fixer joined #minetest |
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grimelle joined #minetest |
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tpe joined #minetest |
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STHGOM joined #minetest |
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H-H-H joined #minetest |
14:16 |
Fixer joined #minetest |
14:21 |
grimelle joined #minetest |
14:24 |
Out`Of`Control joined #minetest |
14:25 |
Fixer |
damn, that cheap china shit is so brittle, 1 slight fall to the ground of plastic clock = dead clock |
14:27 |
kaadmy joined #minetest |
14:27 |
Fixer |
also, +16*C, nice good european winter |
14:27 |
Fixer |
full of s*** |
14:34 |
RealBadAngel |
hehehe |
14:34 |
RealBadAngel |
Fixer, theres something for you to test a bit ;) |
14:35 |
Calinou |
Vulkan 1.0 is out: https://www.khronos.org/vulkan/ |
14:35 |
RealBadAngel |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/3720 |
14:35 |
RealBadAngel |
i need some feedback on it |
14:36 |
RealBadAngel |
preferably on machines that have overall low fps |
14:37 |
Fixer |
RealBadAngel, wait, is not celeron removed auto range anyway? |
14:37 |
Fixer |
in that farmap PR? |
14:37 |
Fixer |
RealBadAngel, what should i test? performance? what view settings to use? min/max? |
14:41 |
RealBadAngel |
view_range is the only setting |
14:41 |
RealBadAngel |
use +- |
14:42 |
RealBadAngel |
paramat said that he intended to remove it, i just coded it |
14:45 |
RealBadAngel |
Fixer, just checked c55's farmap branch, he havent removed that |
14:52 |
est31 joined #minetest |
14:54 |
lambda-11235 joined #minetest |
14:55 |
yukaputz joined #minetest |
14:55 |
yukaputz |
Hello, is anyone available to answer a question about install problem I'm having? New to minetest and linux. |
14:56 |
est31 |
yukaputz, go on |
14:57 |
yukaputz |
I am working on setting up a private server for my kids, on a headless ubuntu server. I was given a script to follow and I am getting an error with cmake. It may be easier to review this thread if anyone has a moment. https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14042 |
14:57 |
yukaputz |
Thats for taking a look est |
14:58 |
yukaputz |
Thanks. |
14:59 |
Fixer |
RealBadAngel, yes, i will look at it today |
15:01 |
RealBadAngel |
Fixer, ok |
15:01 |
Fixer |
RealBadAngel, today = now |
15:02 |
RealBadAngel |
hehe :) good |
15:02 |
RealBadAngel |
i will push some changes, but thats mostly cosmetic |
15:02 |
RealBadAngel |
you can grab it now |
15:03 |
est31 |
yukaputz, I think rubenwardy helped you there already |
15:03 |
est31 |
yukaputz, whats the issue you are facing now |
15:04 |
yukaputz |
Yes, he was been great, except the error I'm getting now is CMake Error: The source directory "/home/yukaputz" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt. |
15:04 |
yukaputz |
Thats what I get when I build it. |
15:05 |
yukaputz |
<---- feel like such a tard when it comes to compiling in nix. |
15:06 |
est31 |
yukaputz, it seems cmake gets executed from the wrong directory |
15:06 |
yukaputz |
Is the answer as simple as sticking a copy of cmakelists.txt in the directory and rerun? |
15:06 |
est31 |
no |
15:06 |
yukaputz |
Ok. |
15:06 |
est31 |
you have to go to the directory the minetest source is in |
15:06 |
est31 |
what commands did you execute |
15:06 |
yukaputz |
sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential libirrlicht-dev libgettextpo0 libfreetype6-dev cmake libbz2-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg8-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libsqlite3-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libluajit-5.1-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libleveldb-dev; cd; git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git; cmake . -DENABLE_GETTEXT=1 -DENABLE_FREETYPE=1 -DENABLE_LEVELDB=1 -DBUILD_CLIENT=0 -DBUI |
15:06 |
yukaputz |
LD_SERVER=1; make -j$(nproc); sudo make install; mkdir ~/.minetest; mkdir ~/.minetest/games; cd ~/.minetest/games/; git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game.git; echo -e "\n\n\e[1;33mYou can run Minetest again by typing \"minetest\" in a terminal\nYou can install mods in ~/.minetest/mods, too.\e[0m" |
15:06 |
Fixer |
RealBadAngel, close enough, grabbed right one and compiling it, i also see some mesh lag commit thing |
15:06 |
est31 |
well that command is obviously wrong |
15:07 |
est31 |
do the following |
15:07 |
RealBadAngel |
Fixer, yeah, ive found the bug |
15:07 |
yukaputz |
The portion that does the directory changes is here. sudo make install; mkdir ~/.minetest; mkdir ~/.minetest/games; cd ~/.minetest/games/; git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game.git; echo -e "\n\n\e[1;33mYou can run Minetest again by typing \"minetest\" in a terminal\nYou can install mods in ~/.minetest/mods, too.\e[0m" |
15:07 |
Fixer |
RealBadAngel, fix for est31 problem? |
15:07 |
RealBadAngel |
yes |
15:08 |
RealBadAngel |
and everybody propably too |
15:08 |
est31 |
yukaputz, how many cores does your server have? |
15:08 |
est31 |
cpu cores |
15:08 |
RealBadAngel |
lags caused by it were insane |
15:08 |
yukaputz |
8 |
15:09 |
yukaputz |
gen 6 proliant ml350 |
15:09 |
est31 |
oh ok |
15:10 |
est31 |
yukaputz, do this git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git minetest; cd minetest; cmake . -DENABLE_GETTEXT=1 -DENABLE_FREETYPE=1 -DENABLE_LEVELDB=1 -DBUILD_CLIENT=0 -DBUILD_SERVER=1; make -j 8; sudo make install; mkdir ~/.minetest; mkdir ~/.minetest/games; cd ~/.minetest/games/; git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game.git; echo -e "\n\n\e[1;33mYou can run Minetest again by typing \"minetest\" in a terminal\nYou can install mods |
15:10 |
est31 |
in ~/.minetest/mods, too.\e[0m" |
15:10 |
Fixer |
\e[0m" |
15:10 |
est31 |
git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git minetest; cd minetest; cmake . -DENABLE_GETTEXT=1 -DENABLE_FREETYPE=1 -DENABLE_LEVELDB=1 -DBUILD_CLIENT=0 -DBUILD_SERVER=1; make -j 8; sudo make install; mkdir ~/.minetest; mkdir ~/.minetest/games; cd ~/.minetest/games/; git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game.git; |
15:10 |
est31 |
or better that ^ its shorter |
15:10 |
est31 |
(last thing isnt needed) |
15:11 |
asl97 joined #minetest |
15:11 |
Calinou |
est31, I've noticed sometimes, copy-pasting it all doesn't work well |
15:11 |
Calinou |
better split it into individual commands |
15:11 |
Calinou |
or… curl | sh :> |
15:12 |
yukaputz |
yeah... I"m a little confused, is that all one command or two seperate commands that do the same thing? |
15:12 |
Calinou |
yukaputz, try copy-pasting the second one |
15:12 |
est31 |
yukaputz, no its two separate commands |
15:12 |
yukaputz |
Ok. Thought so. |
15:12 |
Calinou |
est31, generally you should clone minetest_game in the Git directory |
15:12 |
Calinou |
not really in user data |
15:13 |
est31 |
idk I just "fixed" what yukaputz gave me earlier |
15:13 |
Alduin_ joined #minetest |
15:13 |
est31 |
Calinou, for example I hate doing "make install" |
15:13 |
Calinou |
it works without make install |
15:14 |
est31 |
also probably it isnt a "headless" setup where only minetestserver is compiled |
15:14 |
yukaputz |
Ugh.. tons of errors. Want me to email them to you? |
15:14 |
est31 |
but as yukaputz already installed all the packages |
15:14 |
est31 |
it should work |
15:14 |
yukaputz |
it is a headless setup. Server only. |
15:15 |
est31 |
still one can install X packages on a server too |
15:15 |
est31 |
had this |
15:15 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: Could not open file for write in copy operation /home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/ |
15:15 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: : System Error: No such file or directory |
15:15 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake:189 (configure_file): |
15:15 |
yukaputz |
configure_file Problem configuring file |
15:15 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:15 |
yukaputz was kicked by ShadowBot: Paste flood detected. Use a pastebin like pastebin.ubuntu.com or gist.github.com. |
15:15 |
est31 |
just very bad if then systemd tries to start X, that fails because server, and systemd now declares the computer broken and gives you a rescue shell |
15:16 |
yukaputz joined #minetest |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCCompiler.cmake:131 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID) |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
-- The C compiler identification is unknown |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: Could not open file for write in copy operation /home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/ |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: : System Error: No such file or directory |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCCompiler.cmake:186 (configure_file): |
15:17 |
est31 |
lol yukaputz use a pastebin |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
configure_file Problem configuring file |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:17 |
est31 |
yukaputz, not here please |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file: /home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/ |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:99 (file): |
15:17 |
est31 |
well I cant kick |
15:17 |
kaadmy |
gahh |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
file problem creating directory: |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
/home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/ |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:17 |
kaadmy |
lol |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:39 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID_BUILD) |
15:17 |
sonic joined #minetest |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler.cmake:127 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID) |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:99 (file): |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
file problem creating directory: |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
/home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/ |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:39 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID_BUILD) |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler.cmake:127 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID) |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:469 (file): |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
file Internal CMake error when trying to open file: |
15:17 |
yukaputz |
/home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log for |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
writing. |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:48 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID_VENDOR) |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler.cmake:127 (CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID) |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: Could not open file for write in copy operation /home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/ |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: : System Error: No such file or directory |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler.cmake:185 (configure_file): |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
configure_file Problem configuring file |
15:18 |
giho_ |
Kick him someone |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file: /home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/ |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:35 (file): |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
file Internal CMake error when trying to open file: |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
/home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/testCCompiler.c |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
for writing. |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:18 |
kaadmy |
omg not done yet :| |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:47 (try_compile): |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
Unknown extension ".c" for file |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
/home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/testCCompiler.c |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
try_compile() works only for enabled languages. Currently these are: |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
15:18 |
SylvieLorxu joined #minetest |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
See project() command to enable other languages. |
15:18 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- broken |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:58 (file): |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
file Internal CMake error when trying to open file: |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
/home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log for |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
writing. |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:61 (message): |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
The C compiler "/usr/bin/cc" is not able to compile a simple test program. |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
It fails with the following output: |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project. |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
Call Stack (most recent call first): |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMakeLists.txt:9 (project) |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: Cannot open file for write: /home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeCache.txt.tmp |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: : System Error: Permission denied |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: Unable to open cache file for save. /home/yukaputz/.minetest/games/minetest/CMakeCache.txt |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
CMake Error: : System Error: Permission denied |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/yukaputz/.minetest’: File exists |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/yukaputz/.minetest/games’: File exists |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
fatal: destination path 'minetest_game' already exists and is not an empty directory. |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
yukaputz media-1:~/.minetest/games$ |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
woops...got myself punted. |
15:19 |
yukaputz |
Sorry about that. |
15:20 |
kaadmy |
heh |
15:20 |
kaadmy |
just please use a pastebin next time :X |
15:20 |
grimelle joined #minetest |
15:20 |
est31 |
yukaputz, don't paste this much stuff in IRC |
15:20 |
yukaputz |
understood my apologies |
15:20 |
est31 |
thats why you got kicked the first place |
15:21 |
yukaputz |
http://pastebin.com/B9f9AJcs |
15:23 |
est31 |
seems you have to install the required packages first |
15:25 |
est31 |
run this command first then run the other command again: sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential libirrlicht-dev libgettextpo0 libfreetype6-dev cmake libbz2-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg8-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libsqlite3-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libluajit-5.1-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libleveldb-dev |
15:26 |
yukaputz |
All the dependencies are already on board. http://pastebin.com/5A9Fgiad |
15:27 |
est31 |
yukaputz, can you do sudo ap-get build-dep minetestserver ? |
15:28 |
yukaputz |
yukaputz media-1:~$ sudo apt-get build-dep minetestserver |
15:28 |
yukaputz |
Reading package lists... Done |
15:28 |
yukaputz |
Building dependency tree |
15:28 |
yukaputz |
Reading state information... Done |
15:28 |
yukaputz |
E: Unable to find a source package for minetestserver |
15:28 |
yukaputz was kicked by ShadowBot: Paste flood detected. Use a pastebin like pastebin.ubuntu.com or gist.github.com. |
15:28 |
yukaputz joined #minetest |
15:29 |
yukaputz |
Ok... no more pasting ever. |
15:29 |
yukaputz |
Again... sorry everyone. |
15:30 |
yukaputz |
Please don't lynch me. |
15:31 |
est31 |
just dont paste :) |
15:31 |
est31 |
one or two lines thats okay |
15:33 |
est31 |
hrmmm |
15:33 |
est31 |
can you do rm -rf minetest |
15:33 |
est31 |
it removes the minetest directory |
15:33 |
est31 |
then do the compilation command |
15:35 |
Player_2 joined #minetest |
15:35 |
yukaputz |
I had actually already done that previous to running the compile command. Just tried it again for giggles, pukes like before. |
15:41 |
grimelle joined #minetest |
16:04 |
est31 |
hrmm idk then sorry |
16:04 |
est31 |
best you put it on forum |
16:04 |
est31 |
perhaps rubenwardy has an idea yukaputz |
16:05 |
superfly joined #minetest |
16:06 |
XeonSquared joined #minetest |
16:07 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
16:11 |
thomax joined #minetest |
16:13 |
thomax |
hi, i try to setup a minetest server on a linux server (server only). when i try to connect to the up and running server i get a connection timeout. (VERBOSE[Server]: Server: Ignoring multiple TOSERVER_INITs) |
16:14 |
thomax |
is this the right channel to ask questions about setting up a server? |
16:14 |
est31 |
thomax, yes it is |
16:15 |
est31 |
thomax, which minetest versions? |
16:15 |
est31 |
client and server |
16:15 |
thomax |
server is git head clinent is git head 2 weeks old |
16:15 |
GeHa joined #minetest |
16:17 |
est31 |
hmmm i have one suspicion |
16:17 |
est31 |
can you try most recent client? |
16:18 |
thomax |
ok. one sec |
16:18 |
nanovad joined #minetest |
16:21 |
thomax |
takes a bit, needed to make a fresh cmake |
16:21 |
ElectronLibre joined #minetest |
16:22 |
asl97 joined #minetest |
16:23 |
thomax |
same thing |
16:23 |
est31 |
hrmmm |
16:24 |
est31 |
you sure that you can access the server at the specified port? |
16:24 |
est31 |
e.g. did it work before, and you updated |
16:24 |
est31 |
or is it broken since you set it up |
16:25 |
thomax |
no, fresh install on the server. lsof -i -n tell me, that the server listens on port 30000 and when the client tries to connect to it, i get reactions on the server side |
16:26 |
est31 |
is there a firewall between client and server or something like that? |
16:27 |
thomax |
no firewall |
16:28 |
giho_ |
New doors api is incompatible with old one, right? |
16:28 |
thomax |
i see the client connection attempts |
16:29 |
ElectronLibre |
giho_, apparently it is. |
16:30 |
thomax |
wait, i pastebin cleint and server outputs |
16:30 |
ElectronLibre |
I just broke 4 mods by updating Minetest Game so I guess I'll have to recode them. The new API doesn't let much space for third-party mods to have their own customs though, I cannot even register a door without the door prefix. I don't even want to imagine how to recode the overrides. |
16:31 |
giho_ |
Just T.T |
16:32 |
est31 |
ElectronLibre, you best speak with sofar about this |
16:35 |
ElectronLibre |
At this point I don't even want to argue about the legitimity/advantages of such modifications of the doors mod ; I just want to fix my broken mods and warn some admin that his servers are gonna have to suffer through risky updates and mods modifications. |
16:36 |
ElectronLibre |
(But if giho_ wants to discuss the matter with the PR's creator they are free to.) |
16:37 |
thomax |
http://pastebin.ca/3374929 |
16:37 |
giho_ |
Nah. I just jury-rigg'ed doors_fallback mod that adds doors.register_door. |
16:38 |
giho_ |
It's not a problem to copy-paste and write some shit code. |
16:39 |
est31 |
wow cool ascii art |
16:39 |
ElectronLibre |
It's still shit code. That's still a problem, although not as much as broken mods crashing a server at startup. |
16:39 |
thomax |
just banner |
16:40 |
ElectronLibre |
thomax, if you haven't already, you should check out that program called "toilet" which creates ascii art based on text with multiple filters. |
16:40 |
giho_ |
ElectronLibre: If you worry about having shitcode running on your server you should really reconsider having minetest server. No offence. |
16:40 |
* giho_ |
hides |
16:40 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: sec, reading backlog |
16:41 |
thomax |
ElectronLibre: nice tip. will check that out |
16:41 |
est31 |
thomax, seems the server can't reach the client, but the client can reach the server |
16:41 |
hmmmm joined #minetest |
16:41 |
ElectronLibre |
giho_, I agree on that. |
16:41 |
ElectronLibre |
Oh crepe sofar is there. |
16:41 |
* ElectronLibre |
hides |
16:41 |
thomax |
est31: oh, right! my client is behind a firewall.. do i need to open udp port 30000 for my client or something? |
16:42 |
sofar |
thomax: yes |
16:42 |
est31 |
thomax, you have to let communication through, yes |
16:42 |
ElectronLibre |
Maybe also TCP 30000, doesn't Minetest use some bits of TCP or is it purely UDP? |
16:42 |
est31 |
whether you open the port or allow all udp packets from the server's ip |
16:43 |
est31 |
ElectronLibre, no its just UDP |
16:43 |
est31 |
minetest implements the reliability it needs on UDP |
16:43 |
ElectronLibre |
Oh OK. It's cool to know. |
16:43 |
sofar |
I'm reading 6 days of irc backlog, sec folks |
16:43 |
est31 |
wow |
16:44 |
ElectronLibre |
While I'm on the matter of specs does anyone know where I could find documentations on Minetest's schematic files? |
16:44 |
est31 |
though question im not that much of a mapgen guy |
16:44 |
ElectronLibre |
I'm writing a little python library to manipulate map databases and more generally world files and extracting/importing schematics inside maps would be cool to implement. |
16:44 |
est31 |
but I _think_ a schematic is "just" a mapblock stored on disk |
16:45 |
est31 |
I'm not sure though |
16:45 |
est31 |
best ask hmmmm or paramat or so |
16:45 |
ElectronLibre |
Thanks. I will do so. |
16:47 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: https://github.com/minetest-mods/saveschems/blob/master/init.lua |
16:48 |
ElectronLibre |
There is an organization called minetest-mods? I didn't even know that. |
16:48 |
ElectronLibre |
Ok I see. I'll have to dig in some engine code. |
16:48 |
sofar |
I started it a month back |
16:48 |
sofar |
22 mods now and growing |
16:49 |
sofar |
(need more) |
16:49 |
sofar |
anyway, about doors |
16:49 |
ElectronLibre |
Many of them are forks aren't they? |
16:49 |
sofar |
no, we don't fork |
16:49 |
ElectronLibre |
Or mirrors. |
16:49 |
sofar |
repos are moved in general |
16:50 |
ElectronLibre |
I see. |
16:50 |
sofar |
everyone has adjusted forum links to point to this new location as well |
16:50 |
sofar |
(as far as I checked anyway) |
16:50 |
sofar |
do you want to contribute some mods and maintain them in minetest-mods? |
16:51 |
thomax joined #minetest |
16:52 |
ElectronLibre |
Well I have a few mods stored at MinetestForFun's organization, but they're related to its servers so I won't really need to move them. However, I think I might want to contribute in the future. But not right now, I have stuff to fix, sadly. |
16:53 |
thomax |
hmmm. i allow udp on port 30000 from wan any to lan any but this didn't help. |
16:53 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: kilbith fixed up xdecor, perhaps you can borrow how he fixed up his doors with that code? |
16:53 |
ElectronLibre |
That was my intention yes, the problem is that a lot of mods used to manipulate the two nodes of a door. |
16:54 |
sofar |
thomax: allowing isn't enough, port forwarding is needed if the server is running on an internal IP |
16:54 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: yes, which is what the API removes, I hope you at least like that part... |
16:54 |
thomax |
i mean, the udp connection on port 30000 is inititiated by the client already. why does the server need to open a connection to the client? |
16:54 |
ElectronLibre |
In overrides of alternate on_rightclick functions. I have to rewrite them to take in count only one node. The problem is, I didn't write those mods, so I have to learn their mechanics as I try to make them work. |
16:55 |
thomax |
sofar: no, the server is in the open internet |
16:55 |
RealBadAngel |
ElectronLibre, having nodes composed of separate halfs or like in case of stargate 9 nodes was plain stupid when we have meshes |
16:55 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: are those mods open? |
16:55 |
RealBadAngel |
and it caused more dead stupid code than good |
16:55 |
ElectronLibre |
Using a single node is a good thing, although, it has one bad consequence. Modders were so used to the cr*p that were 2-node doors that they just started dealing with it. But now we have to accustom to the good standard. |
16:55 |
sofar |
thomax: is the server listening on the proper external IP (or some internal 192.168.x) ? |
16:56 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: it's painful, yes. Keep crud around it starts to accumulate more :( |
16:56 |
RealBadAngel |
ElectronLibre, if some1 get used to shitty solution, it will be far easier to get used to proper one |
16:56 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: I'd be happy to help though |
16:57 |
sofar |
the right-click thing may be tricky, so I'd like to know what mechanic is needed/requested |
16:57 |
ElectronLibre |
RealBadAngel, not in that case. Maybe getting used to the good way will be easy but adaptating the code will be a pure pain. The worst might be to make it retro-compatible. |
16:57 |
RealBadAngel |
meshes are aviable since a VERY long time already, im kinda suprised it wasnt done earlier |
16:57 |
thomax |
sofat: a international routed ip address. with several other servers on it (like opensim, apache and stuff) |
16:58 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: I myself fixed up mesecons_doors in about 15 minutes, so |
16:58 |
thomax |
sofar, i meant |
16:58 |
ElectronLibre |
Well just look : https://github.com/MinetestForFun/protector/tree/master/doors_chest.lua |
16:58 |
* thomax |
blushes |
16:58 |
sofar |
thomax: if it's on an internal IP then you need to port forward/NAT |
16:59 |
RealBadAngel |
ElectronLibre, making stuff compatible with proper code will usually mean to trash all the fancy gimmicks old code and just use API |
16:59 |
ElectronLibre |
RealBadAngel, I'm mostly talking about node compatibility. Old door nodes risk to become unknown unless I create tons of aliases to make them go. |
17:00 |
ElectronLibre |
It's just one painful moment though, after that we'll be relieved. |
17:00 |
RealBadAngel |
exactly |
17:00 |
thomax |
sofar. as i said. it's hosted on a dedicated server in a bigger data center. est31 just told me the server is unable to open a connection to the client. the client is of cause behind a firewall on a local ip. |
17:01 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: doors API has a built-in replacement ABM |
17:01 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: you get it for free when you use the new API |
17:01 |
ElectronLibre |
Even for nodes which didn't use "doors:" as mod prefix? |
17:01 |
thomax |
sofar: here is a pastebin of server / client output http://pastebin.ca/3374929 |
17:02 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: no, that's probably not working... easy enough to copy the ABM code, though |
17:02 |
ElectronLibre |
I'm rather going to alias, that will cost less in terms of code writing. |
17:03 |
proller joined #minetest |
17:03 |
sofar |
yeah, sure |
17:03 |
giho_ |
Nobody forbids you to add compatible with old api functions to doors table as new api uses new functions as well. |
17:05 |
ElectronLibre |
I don't need any function compatible with the old api, my main goal is to change everything from old to new without breaking. |
17:05 |
sofar |
this code looks like a plain copy of the old doors mod. |
17:05 |
sofar |
I hope we can just register new API type doors |
17:06 |
sofar |
is it really just a personal protected door? |
17:06 |
thomax joined #minetest |
17:06 |
ElectronLibre |
I think is is yes. |
17:06 |
sofar |
how is it different from the steel door? |
17:06 |
ElectronLibre |
But with a custom craft recipe, and overrides to check and handle rotation/opening. |
17:07 |
thomax |
sorry, firewall restart always disconnects me. i hope i didn't missed a good hint?! |
17:07 |
sofar |
rotation is the same as the new doors API |
17:07 |
ElectronLibre |
^ Those two are my main problems right now. And also the naming convention which changes coupled with the fact that I will have to alias to use a new door called "door:protector_door_X[_something]". |
17:07 |
sofar |
screwdriver.rotate_simple |
17:08 |
sofar |
yes, you'll also need to make the new texture map |
17:08 |
ElectronLibre |
I have to adapt the check function though. on_rightclick. |
17:08 |
* thomax |
sighs |
17:08 |
ElectronLibre |
thomax, you didn't miss anything. |
17:08 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: as for the protection, that should be part of the API |
17:08 |
thomax |
k |
17:09 |
sofar |
ElectronLibre: if that isn't properly working in the new door API, then that's a bug that needs fixing ASAP |
17:09 |
ElectronLibre |
I didn't think about that. If there is a protection check inside the API then we don't need the overrides and our main problem will be aliasing. |
17:09 |
ElectronLibre |
Also I need the nil recipe fix urgently, otherwise protector won't even start. |
17:09 |
asl97 left #minetest |
17:10 |
ElectronLibre |
(well urgently is relative ; I'm not working on fixing the doors at the moment) |
17:11 |
sofar |
I need to push a fix to allow recipes |
17:12 |
thomax joined #minetest |
17:12 |
sofar |
I wonder why I didn't see that before |
17:12 |
sofar |
I'll get a PR out |
17:12 |
sofar |
it will allow passing your own recipe into the API |
17:12 |
sofar |
as well as nil |
17:12 |
ElectronLibre |
That would be better than having to give no recipe and handle it on your own, yes. |
17:12 |
sofar |
I mean, no, I already posted that PR |
17:12 |
sofar |
game#845 |
17:13 |
ElectronLibre |
Yes that's the one I'm refering to. |
17:13 |
Leoneof joined #minetest |
17:13 |
ElectronLibre |
I had to apply it onto my local clone in order to make minetest boot after commenting and removing mods. |
17:13 |
Leoneof |
hi |
17:13 |
Leoneof |
why i am here? |
17:13 |
ElectronLibre |
You chose your own fate maybe. |
17:14 |
Leoneof |
impossible! |
17:14 |
sofar |
Leoneof: free will is a myth. |
17:15 |
ElectronLibre |
Well either that or sajoin. |
17:15 |
ElectronLibre |
Or autojoin. |
17:15 |
ElectronLibre |
IRC is a funny protocol. |
17:16 |
ElectronLibre |
Also I just thought of that sofar : you could use #minetest-mods whenever you need to discuss about the mods in the organization. It could revive that channel (maybe). |
17:16 |
sofar |
I've been sitting in there, idling |
17:17 |
ElectronLibre |
Me too. There is really nothing else to do in there. |
17:17 |
ElectronLibre |
Unless someone sends a message. Which usually happens once or twice a month, if we're lucky. |
17:20 |
thomax |
what else can i try? the client connects and sends on udp 30000 but somehow didn't get any answers from the server. i have no clue if the server tries to send anything because i can't tcpdump on this vhost |
17:20 |
sofar |
does the server see a packet arrive? |
17:20 |
ElectronLibre |
Whatever tcpdump is, since minetest uses udp it shouldn't be of any help. |
17:20 |
thomax |
yes |
17:21 |
sofar |
tcpdump dumps any protocol |
17:21 |
sofar |
udp, icmp, anything |
17:21 |
ElectronLibre |
Does the server's IP tables allow for UPD packets entrance on port UDP/30000? |
17:21 |
thomax |
sofar: have you checked my pastebin? |
17:21 |
ElectronLibre |
Oh. They should have named it otherwise then. |
17:21 |
sofar |
thomax: are you using NAT or MASQUERADE? |
17:22 |
thomax |
the server is just hosted and a service provider with all ports open and public accessible ip address |
17:22 |
thomax |
.. hosted at a service provide.. |
17:23 |
sofar |
oh, I completely misread you |
17:23 |
sofar |
earlier, you said "an international routed IP address" |
17:23 |
thomax |
sofar: the same server runs opensim instances and web servers... also my xmmp server is on there |
17:23 |
sofar |
I read that as "an internal routed IP address" |
17:24 |
sofar |
the general term for "publicly routed IP addresses" is "publicly routed". International is not a term generally used, since it would imply thtat there are "nationally routed" IP addresses as well. And we're not China or NK |
17:25 |
sofar |
so, forget nat, you're on a publicly routed IP address that is directly reachable from the internet |
17:25 |
thomax |
sofar: some countries have national routed ip addresses (like china) |
17:26 |
sofar |
read the last 3 words of my previous message |
17:26 |
thomax |
sofar: hihi |
17:26 |
* thomax |
smirks |
17:26 |
sofar |
good reading is important, just like I misread "international" for "internal" :) |
17:27 |
* sofar |
needs more coffee, I suppose |
17:27 |
thomax |
sofar: have you seen my pastebin from before? |
17:27 |
sofar |
thomax: only thing I can think of now is that outgoing firewall is blocked - you allowed incoming but not outgoing |
17:28 |
thomax |
sofar: on the server side there is no firewall. |
17:28 |
sofar |
I saw it. a bit too verbose for my taste :) |
17:29 |
Obani joined #minetest |
17:29 |
thomax |
sofar: just read the last couple of lines of server and client output |
17:30 |
sofar |
yup, no packet makes it back to the client |
17:30 |
sofar |
while routing could possibly be an issue, I doubt it is |
17:31 |
sofar |
you can tcpdump on the vhost and monitor udp packets from sport 30000 on the external interface |
17:31 |
sofar |
if tcpdump shows the packets going on the wire, your ISP may be filtering |
17:32 |
sofar |
also, you have verified that your client can connect to other servers, correct? |
17:32 |
thomax |
ok, with wireshark i see the server tries to icmp (ping) my client, which is not possible because my clients ip address is |
17:33 |
thomax |
no, not tested another server. |
17:34 |
sofar |
try connecting to another public server just for kix |
17:34 |
sofar |
your client is behind a NATted firewall, I suppose? |
17:34 |
thomax |
yes |
17:35 |
sofar |
if you can play on just_test or something like that with it, then that's obviously not the problem. Good to eliminate |
17:35 |
Krock joined #minetest |
17:35 |
Vargos joined #minetest |
17:35 |
thomax |
can you give me a public test server? |
17:36 |
sofar |
just use the public server list option |
17:37 |
thomax |
ok, yggdrasil works |
17:42 |
proller joined #minetest |
17:45 |
thomax |
so, whats wrong with my server setup? i just made a server only, started it up and tried to connect to it. but without luck. |
17:48 |
sofar |
next thing to eliminate is making sure udp packets are leaving the server properly |
17:48 |
Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest |
17:49 |
thomax |
sofar: i can't test this on the server. but on the client i don't see incoming udp datagrams |
17:50 |
sofar |
why can't you tcpdump on the server? |
17:50 |
thomax |
sofar: it's on a vhost |
17:50 |
sofar |
do you have root? |
17:50 |
sofar |
you should still be able to tcpdump |
17:50 |
thomax |
yes, but the interface is encapsulated |
17:51 |
Robert_Zenz joined #minetest |
17:51 |
thomax |
it's a wired setup. don't have perms |
17:51 |
sofar |
then strace the server and look for outgoing packets that way |
17:51 |
sofar |
or hack up ifconfig and look at TX |
17:52 |
Obani |
RealBadAngel, I love your answer on this post https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14070 |
17:53 |
RealBadAngel |
;) |
17:54 |
Krock |
Oh, they have good arguments there. |
17:55 |
Krock |
Not sure what I could add |
17:55 |
Obani |
Yes |
17:55 |
Obani |
They went high |
17:56 |
Krock |
Hire some dealers |
17:56 |
Obani |
You want some ? |
17:57 |
Krock |
No thanks ;) |
17:59 |
Obani |
:'( |
17:59 |
Obani |
I'm the worst dealer on earth |
18:00 |
thomax |
sofar: the server calls sendto |
18:01 |
sofar |
thomax: yeah, I didn't think that would be wrong |
18:02 |
sofar |
thomax: still should really see if you can look at TX to confirm packet is leaving the vhost |
18:06 |
* thomax |
sighs. |
18:07 |
thomax |
i even tried a different port. no luck. do i need to configure anything on the server? i guess no. |
18:12 |
sofar |
Try a server port of 53 |
18:12 |
sofar |
just for kicks |
18:14 |
Megaf joined #minetest |
18:16 |
thomax |
sofar: i mean, i run other services on udp, like opensim and stuff.. |
18:17 |
sofar |
and they work? |
18:18 |
thomax |
yes |
18:19 |
thomax |
i'm clueless |
18:19 |
nrzkt joined #minetest |
18:20 |
thomax |
(tried udp port 53 as root as well) |
18:20 |
sofar |
you could try bridging with `nc` etc. |
18:21 |
sofar |
can you ssh forward X ? |
18:21 |
sofar |
from the vhost? |
18:21 |
thomax |
i have no x on the server |
18:22 |
thomax |
i think it must be something obvious stupid you all think a noob error. |
18:24 |
thomax |
i made `cmake . -DBUILD_SERVER=TRUE -DBUILD_CLIENT=FALSE -DIRRLICHT_SOURCE_DIR=/home/thomax/irrlicht-1.8.3` and `make -j 16` than changed to bin and started `./minetestserver` |
18:25 |
thomax |
oh, and cloned minetest_game in game/ of cause |
18:25 |
gamemanj |
Obani: "dealer" of what? Arguments? |
18:25 |
Obani |
dealer of dealers |
18:26 |
gamemanj |
so you deal dealers |
18:26 |
gamemanj |
what do those dealers deal? |
18:26 |
Obani |
every kind of non hard-drug |
18:26 |
RealBadAngel |
subdealers |
18:26 |
gamemanj |
Obani: ... |
18:26 |
Obani |
What ? That's true ! |
18:26 |
Obani |
No, in fact I'm dealer of dealers of dealers |
18:27 |
gamemanj |
Obani: ... |
18:27 |
gamemanj |
Obani: who deal what? |
18:27 |
gamemanj |
You deal dealers, who deal dealers, who deal what? |
18:27 |
Obani |
Some friends of friends |
18:27 |
gamemanj |
You deal dealers, who deal dealers, who deal friends of friends? |
18:27 |
gamemanj |
that... |
18:27 |
gamemanj |
what. |
18:27 |
Obani |
I deal dealers who deal dealers who deal all kinds of non-hard-drugs |
18:27 |
gamemanj |
18:27 |
* gamemanj |
fails to exist anymore |
18:28 |
Obani |
lel |
18:28 |
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18:28 |
gamemanj |
Ah, someone not associated with the drug trade. |
18:29 |
Obani |
Yes, some independent |
18:29 |
gamemanj |
... |
18:29 |
Obani |
Some teenage that has room to make it grow |
18:29 |
gamemanj |
is it just me or is Obani really insistent that everyone in the universe has something to do with drugs |
18:31 |
Obani |
Well I use to ask stressed people to take some soft things |
18:31 |
Obani |
Juts to have a calm mind |
18:31 |
gamemanj |
I have reached a level of confusion at which point I have no idea if Obani's playing a big joke or telling the truth |
18:32 |
Obani |
Why is everyone saying "meeeeh drugs are bad meeeeh" |
18:32 |
* gamemanj |
mumbles "at least I kept to just implying it" |
18:33 |
sofar |
thomax: I'm not thinking n00b error, especially not after everything seems fine and we've eliminated a bunch of stuff already |
18:34 |
thomax |
sofar: sqlite file just has one empty block table |
18:36 |
thomax |
sofar: when i start with --trace i see how it tries to send data to the client but it's not reaching the client |
18:37 |
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18:38 |
thomax |
on port 8878 |
18:45 |
thomax |
sofar: here is a very verbose trace pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/3375003 |
18:47 |
sofar |
shrug, at this point I really want to see the traffic on the interface instead |
18:47 |
thomax |
me too |
18:57 |
MinetestBot |
[git] Jeija -> Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons: Update documentation: Fix mesecons.net links f099b43 https://git.io/vgdZz (2016-02-16T19:55:46+01:00) |
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kaeza |
o/ |
19:28 |
Megaf |
folks, test this please https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/3713 |
19:33 |
kaeza |
change one file, rebuild 1000 |
19:34 |
kaeza |
thanks Ob^WC++! |
19:35 |
kaeza |
Java really shines in this area |
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19:44 |
gamemanj |
Megaf: can artificial network lag be introduced somehow? Might make it easier to test this |
19:45 |
Megaf |
not sure |
19:46 |
sofar |
yes, there are tools for that |
19:46 |
gamemanj |
it kind of seems like it requires a bit of network lag to actually cause, because you need just enough time for stuff to happen in the same mapblock. Very probable in a real-world environment |
19:46 |
sofar |
e.g. http://serverfault.com/questions/389290/using-tc-to-delay-packets-to-only-a-single-ip-address |
19:47 |
Megaf |
not sure if would help much, since he showed the issue in single player mode |
19:47 |
gamemanj |
yes, I'm wondering how |
19:49 |
gamemanj |
I guess if the network code is called the moment a node is set, it might be able to be triggered by racing the client thread, but I bet it would be a lot more reliably triggered in laggy conditions |
19:50 |
gamemanj |
Ofc, the lag only has to be client -> server... it doesn't have to be server -> client. |
19:51 |
gamemanj |
(because it's the server receiving gotblocks too late) |
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20:01 |
gamemanj |
there, I think I have loopback sufficiently laggy for my purposes... |
20:05 |
gamemanj |
...and with a two-second delay each way, nope. |
20:06 |
gamemanj |
Time to up it a bit and try putting the lights I'm using for this onto different power networks (running out of power acts as the timer) |
20:07 |
gamemanj |
Unless ofc the triggering of each block on different node timers makes any actual difference, in which case I'm going to need to rework my plan to trigger this to involve custom commands. |
20:08 |
gamemanj |
(Because I don't have mesecons installed right now.) |
20:12 |
gamemanj |
I think I triggered the bug on 0.4.13 stable, Megaf. |
20:13 |
gamemanj |
Took me upping latency to 2000 ms, and using a minetest.after (no mesecons to hand to test against) because it seems "4 nodes at the same time" is quite precise about what it means by "at the same time", |
20:14 |
gamemanj |
but this stone isn't turning into desert stone, so it's definitely there |
20:20 |
gamemanj |
Megaf: https://gist.github.com/gamemanj/8cf0ce1704f9ed994215 |
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20:37 |
gamemanj |
...except apparently the bug decides when it wants to be reproduced, and semi-randomly... |
21:15 |
gamemanj |
If Wuzzy ever comes along, pass them my thanks, I didn't know about shift + jump until now... |
21:29 |
jn__ |
gamemanj: what does shift+jump do? |
21:31 |
swift110_ joined #minetest |
21:31 |
sofar |
jump + shift, jumps higher |
21:32 |
gamemanj |
if you want to confuse someone who's too used to Minecraft: |
21:33 |
gamemanj |
1. Make jumps two blocks high |
21:34 |
gamemanj |
2. Sneaking "around" a wall just requires the lower block to be indented, not the upper block, so you can build a route around a wall and pretend it's just decorative |
21:38 |
gamemanj |
3. actually, could 1 and 2 be combined, I wonder... |
21:39 |
gamemanj |
yep, an "E" shape is climbable... |
21:39 |
Fixer |
what is this green toad everyone is memeing? |
21:39 |
gamemanj |
Depends. Does it say "All glory to the (etcetc)"? |
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EasyAppimage joined #minetest |
21:41 |
EasyAppimage |
Hello, packager here? |
21:41 |
EasyAppimage |
Important information |
21:46 |
EasyAppimage |
I hope someone reads this, Ismael will create an automatic programm for you if he finds time.... and here some help for easy packaging .. https://github.com/RazZziel/PortableLinuxGames/wiki |
21:48 |
Fixer |
gamemanj, no, that was different frog |
21:48 |
gamemanj |
In which case I have no idea. |
21:48 |
Fixer |
gamemanj, frog with big eyes that looks like Trump |
21:48 |
Fixer |
>_> |
21:49 |
gamemanj |
"green toad" wasn't really much of a description ^.^; |
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Megaf |
gamemanj, looks good |
22:11 |
Megaf |
and you tested his patch already? |
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iio7 |
When a player punches some mob from some mod Minetest writes "Foo punches object 54: LuaEntitySAO at..", is it not possible to get it to write what the player actually punched? |
23:16 |
iio7 |
Like "slimes:greenbig", or something rather than "object". |
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MinetestBot |
[git] est31 -> minetest/minetest: Clientiface: remove "value is dummy" from docs 4c65455 https://git.io/vgFnL (2016-02-16T23:58:30+01:00) |