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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-08-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:03 alt39247 joined #minetest
00:05 Sketch2 there doesn't seem to be an input tho
00:05 Sketch2 you don't get the option to put anything into it from your inventory
00:06 Sketch2 and you can't seem to pipe anything with an item-injector
00:09 alt93244 joined #minetest
00:16 alt02157 joined #minetest
00:16 Hirato joined #minetest
00:18 est31 joined #minetest
00:35 est31 wow, sethome is a mod of minetest_game?
00:35 est31 didnt know
01:01 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
02:01 wilkgr G'bye all
02:01 wilkgr Going to CoderDojo now :D
02:21 sloantothebone joined #minetest
02:23 Viper168 joined #minetest
03:34 Jousway joined #minetest
04:07 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
04:27 Weedy joined #minetest
04:28 Weedy_ joined #minetest
04:30 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
05:18 OldCoder <WizardSchool> *** OldCoder joined the game
05:18 OldCoder <WizardSchool> <crainer> hi admin
05:18 OldCoder <WizardSchool> <OldCoder> hi crainer
05:18 OldCoder <WizardSchool> *** crainer left the game
05:18 OldCoder <WizardSchool> *** OldCoder left the game
05:18 OldCoder Somebody faked me on my own world just half an hour ago
05:19 OldCoder Just to do that :-) Why in the world go to the effort?
05:28 swift110-phone joined #minetest
05:28 nore joined #minetest
05:40 johnwayne1986 joined #minetest
05:46 DMackey joined #minetest
05:54 swift110-phone joined #minetest
06:17 OldCoder joined #minetest
06:21 CWz joined #minetest
06:31 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
06:51 Calinou joined #minetest
06:51 Krock joined #minetest
07:06 msantana joined #minetest
07:20 israuor joined #minetest
07:26 swift110-phone joined #minetest
07:28 nrzkt joined #minetest
07:38 CWz joined #minetest
07:38 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
07:38 CWz how high off the ground the structure must be to not cast shadow
07:39 swift110-phone joined #minetest
07:50 rubenwardy joined #minetest
07:55 CWz joined #minetest
07:57 sd1001 joined #minetest
08:00 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:04 greenman_ joined #minetest
08:11 sloantothebone joined #minetest
08:11 err404 joined #minetest
08:17 rubenwardy what do you think?
08:17 rubenwardy !title
08:17 MinetestBot rubenwardy: · GitHub
08:25 Viper168_ joined #minetest
08:32 est31 joined #minetest
08:40 Krock rubenwardy, amazing idea. But that's just a candy. I doupt this will be a big motivation
08:40 rubenwardy no
08:40 rubenwardy we need sticks too
08:40 Krock ..sticks??
08:41 rubenwardy you know, carrot and stick?
08:41 rubenwardy !g the carrot and the stick
08:41 MinetestBot rubenwardy:
08:41 Krock Ah, the thing with the donkey..
08:42 rubenwardy It was also thinking about doing a bug award, but it's harder to define those...
08:42 rubenwardy maybe do a competition of the most bugs fixed :P
08:43 rubenwardy also, I want to do a diverse award, where people are rewarded for subgames that go beyond the MC-like
08:43 Krock but then don't mix "fixed" with "eaten", there are many supid competitions all over the world
08:43 rubenwardy s/award/competition/
08:44 rubenwardy lol
08:59 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
09:20 Trustable joined #minetest
09:35 tuy joined #minetest
09:39 sloantothebone joined #minetest
09:48 err404 joined #minetest
09:54 sloantothebone joined #minetest
10:06 Donillo what are ways to light up something?
10:06 Donillo only lava?
10:07 est31 I think so, yes
10:07 est31 corium lights up too
10:07 est31 so it depends on the mods you have installed
10:07 Donillo huh, I need safe way
10:07 Donillo I just wanna burn down one tree
10:08 est31 but in minetest_game only lava ignites
10:08 Donillo rubber tree is somewhat hard to get rid of
10:11 est31 in the old days, stuff ignited fast
10:12 est31 since paramat's changes, you'll need a half hour to burn down the tree
10:12 est31 perhaps only 10 minutes
10:13 est31 if you have technic installed, use the mk3 drill
10:13 Donillo have not got it yet
10:14 Donillo how it can ignite stuff?
10:14 nanepiwo generally, why are mesecons considered laggy? is it many abms?
10:15 est31 nanepiwo, you really want me to install them? well, then lets do it.
10:15 nanepiwo what?
10:15 Vargos joined #minetest
10:20 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
10:20 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
10:23 est31 nanepiwo, mesecons and pipeworks now installed on trepca server
10:23 est31 have fun :)
10:24 nanepiwo well....
10:24 Donillo he asked why mesecons are considered laggy :/
10:24 nanepiwo and I though trepca was turned off
10:24 Donillo for me toggling mesecons stuff causes short, but noticeable game freeze
10:24 est31 no, its still there
10:24 est31 but very low on the list :(
10:25 nanepiwo I think everyone left when they were told it would be shut off
10:26 nanepiwo though its not a creative server, and I haven't really played there, so will be hard to get mesecon stuff for testing
10:29 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
10:30 Amaz joined #minetest
10:31 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
10:33 * Krock tries to build 0.4.13-dev with postgresql
10:48 Donillo
10:48 Donillo I think trees should not grow like that, even if there are a dirt node
10:52 rubenwardy
10:53 Lunatrius joined #minetest
10:55 err404 joined #minetest
10:56 Donillo damn it
10:56 Donillo that's not a mese, that's sulfur
10:56 Donillo what uses sulfur have?
11:01 Calinou joined #minetest
11:04 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
11:09 zupoman joined #minetest
11:23 greenman_ joined #minetest
11:38 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
11:55 Out`Of`Control joined #minetest
11:59 TheWild joined #minetest
12:01 Jordach joined #minetest
12:15 VargaD joined #minetest
12:39 Donillo holy shit
12:39 Donillo what do with corium?
12:42 shadowzone joined #minetest
12:50 Souler joined #minetest
12:57 nore joined #minetest
12:57 nore_ joined #minetest
12:57 nore_ left #minetest
13:02 Megaf joined #minetest
13:03 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
13:09 Out`Of`Control joined #minetest
13:13 Donillo how to deal with corium?
13:13 Donillo I've used worldedit to get rid of one source I've placed
13:14 Jousway joined #minetest
13:14 technics_ joined #minetest
13:20 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
13:22 johnwayne1986 joined #minetest
13:28 turtleman_ joined #minetest
13:34 swift110-phone joined #minetest
13:37 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
13:38 behalebabo joined #minetest
13:45 STHGOM joined #minetest
14:00 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
14:05 sebastian joined #minetest
14:07 ShadowBot` joined #minetest
14:08 sythe_ joined #minetest
14:09 Cryterion joined #minetest
14:10 swift110-phone joined #minetest
14:10 turtleman__ joined #minetest
14:11 ploopkazoo joined #minetest
14:11 xnrand joined #minetest
14:19 ruskie joined #minetest
14:21 CWz "A member of the core team has finished abstracting away Irrlicht, and can now run MT with Orge3D - however it's quite buggy. Lots of work is still needed." where  can i find that rubenwardy?
14:21 CWz or was it a joke
14:22 Amaz CWz,
14:23 CWz Zeno is an hero
14:27 Donillo left #minetest
14:32 nore joined #minetest
14:36 Viper168 joined #minetest
14:47 nrzkt joined #minetest
14:55 aheinecke joined #minetest
14:57 est31 joined #minetest
15:03 STHGOM where could i find info about perlin noise?
15:04 STHGOM oop, that wiki page didnt seem to be there a day ago :P
15:04 STHGOM nvm
15:05 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
15:06 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
15:08 Wolfruddel joined #minetest
15:08 Wolfruddel Hi
15:09 luizrpgluiz hi :)
15:10 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
15:19 Siva_Machina joined #minetest
15:32 swift110-phone joined #minetest
15:46 Siva joined #minetest
15:47 CWz Yugioh is the snowest paced anime ever
15:48 CWz by the time a duel ends minetest devs would release 4 versions of minetest and return from vacation in Hawaii
15:48 sfan5 >yugioh
15:48 sfan5 and
15:48 sfan5 >hawaii
15:49 STHGOM snowest?
15:49 CWz *slowest
15:49 CWz i should probably stop typing too fast
15:49 est31 joined #minetest
15:50 SylvieLorxu >tfw Minetest lacks mod store :(
15:50 CWz um no. I'm pretty sure there is one
15:51 CWz never used it though. i mush prefer using git
15:54 Emperor_Genshin joined #minetest
15:55 Amaz CWz, it was disabledin 0.4.13
15:55 Amaz *disabled in
15:56 CWz hmm
15:56 CWz Oh well
15:57 * CWz thinks about opening a club for all those old versions minetest that nobody plays anymore..
15:57 CWz ^oddie
15:57 Amaz
15:58 est31 see commit description for reason
15:59 SylvieLorxu I'm really sad about the mod database going offline
15:59 SylvieLorxu That stuff was good :(
16:04 CWz Amaz: doctor Zeno` ported minetest to OgreEngine he is still doing tests
16:05 Chanku joined #minetest
16:09 rubenwardy the mod database never really worked
16:10 rubenwardy it was impractical and clunky
16:19 Lunatrius joined #minetest
16:22 CWz i think it only worked 15% of the time
16:22 CWz and was laggy
16:23 israuor joined #minetest
16:25 VanessaE joined #minetest
16:31 Player_2 joined #minetest
16:31 tpe joined #minetest
16:39 cimbakahn joined #minetest
16:41 cimbakahn Does anyone know what's happening with stormchaser3000's server?  I am getting "Connection timed out" error.
16:41 STHGOM joined #minetest
16:43 cimbakahn I am not the only one.  Others can't get logged in there either.
16:45 CWz it probably crashed or it locked up
16:45 Telesight joined #minetest
16:46 cimbakahn I wish i could find out when it will be up next.  Noone can get in touch with stormchaser.
16:47 VanessaE which server are you lookign for?  his skyblock seems to be up now?
16:48 cimbakahn
16:48 Siva It is called The Storm
16:49 Siva it yseally attached to
16:49 Siva in #minetest there
16:50 CWz no that is the economy server
16:50 CWz not the skyblock
16:50 Siva yes it is
16:50 cimbakahn Port 30002
16:50 cimbakahn I'm still getting "Connection timed out" error.
16:50 Siva we're oridibarly on the econy server
16:51 Siva ordinarly
16:51 Siva economy :-)
16:51 Krock !up 30002
16:51 MinetestBot is up (112ms)
16:51 Calinou
16:51 Calinou lol
16:51 CWz VanessaE: likes skyblocks?
16:52 CWz i don't get it Calinou
16:52 Krock Calinou, how did it get that many followers?
16:53 Calinou it's a thing used bypass China firewall apparently
16:53 Calinou GFW = great firewall I guess
16:53 Calinou most users commenting are Chinese
16:53 VanessaE CWz: yes, I do.
16:54 VanessaE but storm reset the map recently and all my stuff is gone.  I had a nice house and orchard and was reasonably wealthy :(
16:55 LandMine joined #minetest
16:56 LandMine what happens?
16:58 Telesight1 joined #minetest
16:59 CWz a few I saw video of a guy blowing up minecraft knockoff toys. i smiled when the creeper toy exploded
17:00 Siva Only Minecraft YouTubers I watcj are thr ypgcasy
17:00 CWz most of them MCyoutubers do the exact same thing
17:01 LandMine add me on steam niggs
17:01 LandMine
17:01 LandMine why isnt MT on steam!!!
17:01 LandMine i would have added up so many hours lol
17:02 rubenwardy Do you think it would be greenlit?
17:02 LandMine yeh
17:02 CWz No minecraft fanboys would downvote  it
17:03 LandMine but MC is not even on steam ethier
17:03 rubenwardy I don't think MT is of high enough quality
17:03 rubenwardy as in polishness and bug-free
17:03 cimbakahn I fear if Minetest was on Steam, Steam would make people pay for it.
17:03 CWz We need to weaponize  zeno
17:04 CWz 12$
17:04 rubenwardy I'd pay for Minetest
17:04 rubenwardy as long as it was FOSS
17:04 rubenwardy I'd probably pay about £3 if it is a game I've never heard of before, and I'd been sold it enough
17:05 rubenwardy also, and gogs
17:05 Calinou paying for copies of digital works? no thanks, I'll get a gratis copy
17:05 rubenwardy So all software should be gratis?
17:05 Calinou yep :-)
17:05 Calinou don't sell software itself, sell services
17:05 Calinou or physical goodies, or such
17:06 LandMine i think you can put a game for free on steam
17:06 Calinou you can put gratis games on Steam
17:06 Calinou but Greenlighting costs ~$ 100
17:07 Calinou so you're making a net loss :)
17:07 LandMine ill give you those 100
17:07 rubenwardy what's the open source steam-like called?
17:07 CWz 100$ aint worth it what about desura
17:07 rubenwardy desura?
17:07 LandMine if you really need ot pay it
17:07 Calinou Lutris
17:07 Calinou Desura went bankrupt
17:07 Calinou (oh, Minetest is already on Lutris)
17:07 CWz Desura rip
17:08 CWz that means my account is gone too
17:08 cimbakahn The things that separate Minetest from Mine craft is:  Minetest runs faster on your computer, and it is free as in cost, and it is open source.
17:08 CWz minecraft runs better for me then minetest does on windows
17:08 Calinou Minetest is not faster
17:08 Calinou Minecraft is well optimized as of 1.8
17:08 LandMine lol CWz same for me
17:08 CWz + optifine
17:08 Calinou it's also less buggy
17:08 Calinou no, even without Optifine, CWz
17:09 rubenwardy apparently they're recovering:
17:09 Siva Desura probably shouldn't of been by Bad JuJu
17:09 Siva developed
17:10 Siva thanks for dropping words keyboard
17:10 Siva I have?
17:10 Siva O_o
17:10 Calinou I could of done this; this would be better then not typing that.
17:11 Siva_Machina joined #minetest
17:12 CWz I wonder if there is an opensource the Sims
17:13 cimbakahn I'm still getting "Connection timed out" error.
17:13 rubenwardy I'd like an open source Sims
17:13 rubenwardy I started writing one, but it's too much for my skills :P
17:14 LandMine lol
17:14 rubenwardy I'd also like an open source Stronghold game
17:14 CWz i hope if one ever gets made it won't be called opensims
17:14 greenman_ joined #minetest
17:14 rubenwardy because it already exists
17:14 LandMine who else gets a AV pop up from the main page of
17:14 rubenwardy as that ###life
17:15 rubenwardy AV?#
17:15 rubenwardy !g AV
17:15 LandMine antivirus
17:15 MinetestBot rubenwardy:
17:15 rubenwardy not me
17:15 rubenwardy I use GNU/Linux
17:15 CWz i wonder if Notch has heard about minetest
17:16 CWz and played it
17:16 Calinou maybe in secret, but definitely not in public :P
17:16 Calinou rubenwardy, an open source GTA!!!
17:16 Calinou I want to be a gangsta!!!
17:16 Calinou :p
17:16 CWz i think there might be open source gta but probbaly not
17:17 LandMine i dont think so
17:17 rubenwardy unfortunately, if you are good enough to make such projects and invest enough time you want to make loads of profit
17:17 LandMine it would be cool
17:17 Calinou rubenwardy, there are exceptions
17:17 LandMine if it was multiplayer though
17:17 Calinou many great projects made today are not-for-profit
17:17 rubenwardy while you can make money with FOSS, it's not so "traditional"
17:17 Calinou sadly this is so rare in gaming
17:17 rubenwardy yeah
17:17 Calinou the problem is that gamers don't want free/libre software, they want hype
17:17 LandMine lol
17:17 Calinou they want stuff to be encrypted around so that you can't "cheat" or "know secrets"
17:19 Calinou rubenwardy, have you looked at Godot?
17:19 rubenwardy yeah
17:19 Hijiri is that the one freedomware game engine
17:19 Calinou I made Libre Pinball in it :)
17:19 Calinou Hijiri, yes
17:20 Calinou see
17:20 rubenwardy I have, it's a very good list
17:20 Siva GTA would be mostly boring without cheats
17:21 rubenwardy I was watching talks about procedural generation from it
17:21 Hijiri Calinou: does it come with precise sound timing
17:21 CWz what scripting language does godot use
17:21 Siva_AndroIRC joined #minetest
17:21 Hijiri like could I play some music, then get a very accurate reading of the current position
17:21 Siva_AndroIRC joined #minetest
17:21 Calinou if your game runs smoothly, possibly
17:22 cimbakahn I agree!  We should have an open source Sims3 clone, and a GTA Vice City clone.
17:22 Calinou CWz, its own language: GDScript.
17:22 rubenwardy CWz: GDScript
17:22 Calinou it is similar to Python
17:22 rubenwardy damn
17:22 Hijiri I want it to be independent of how smooth the game is running
17:22 Hijiri if the music lags then the timing should lag too
17:22 rubenwardy music in games sucks, there's almost no work on sound physics engine
17:22 rubenwardy s
17:22 Calinou well, you can always use streams (.ogg music)...
17:23 rubenwardy well, not "sucks"
17:23 rubenwardy more "misses potentials"
17:23 rubenwardy all the work is by researchers, and not actually implemented
17:24 Calinou reverberation is possible in Godot, I think
17:24 rubenwardy that's cool
17:25 rubenwardy I can't wait to start uni, and learn more higher level stuff
17:27 Calinou I start uni in 10 days :p
17:27 Calinou I'll learn mostly high-level stuff
17:27 Calinou probably no C or CC
17:27 Calinou C++*
17:27 rubenwardy
17:27 rubenwardy monkey isn't FOSS
17:28 rubenwardy I start in a month :(
17:29 Calinou
17:29 Calinou yeah it's strange
17:34 exio4 Calinou: what are you going to study?
17:35 exio4 been at uni for over a year, boring stuff mostly
17:35 Calinou
17:35 Calinou here you can find a list (in French)
17:36 Calinou hmm, doesn't go well in translator
17:36 Calinou so... we will study infography (using proprietary software), project management (also using proprietary software), Web development (mostly using free software!), networks (using Debian, likely)
17:36 Calinou and more
17:37 exio4 so you aren't studying computer science
17:37 exio4 I realized, I may don't know french but the language gives enough hints
17:37 Calinou it isn't computer science per se
17:38 exio4 Anglais sounds like English
17:38 Calinou yes, it is English
17:38 exio4 boring then
17:38 exio4 TICs are boring too
17:38 exio4 it's like software engineering and random stuff
17:38 Calinou many areas will help me dive into computer science, probably
17:38 Calinou like, more "advanced" maths
17:39 Calinou I don't think I have to touch C++ or Java anyway :-)
17:39 Calinou literally everything can be made in HTML, CSS, JavaScript
17:39 Calinou and other high-level languages
17:39 exio4 are you learning anything interesing?
17:40 Calinou well, JavaScript should sure be interesting...
17:40 exio4 I repeat my answer
17:40 exio4 like, something interesing with technical points in favor
17:41 exio4 not just marketing and/or forced-popularity
17:41 Calinou the university I go to doesn't plan to teach how to be a software developer
17:41 Calinou it's how to be a Web developer and designer
17:41 exio4 I never talked about being a software developer
17:42 exio4 ah, well
17:42 exio4 nothing from a technical point is interesing there :>
17:42 harrison joined #minetest
17:42 exio4 I found uni to be too damn boring so far
17:43 exio4 doesn't show anything nice
17:43 Calinou look, I don't need C++ to make games, since I can use Godot...
17:43 Calinou exio4, click on Semestre 1 to see only activites of first semester btw
17:46 exio4 yea
17:46 exio4 h
17:46 exio4 what's réseaux?
17:46 exio4 research?
17:46 exio4 it doesn't look like tha
17:46 exio4 t
17:47 Calinou réseaux = networking
17:47 exio4 makes sense
17:47 Calinou should make heavy use of GNU/Linux :)
17:47 exio4 that looks like one of the boring parts too
17:47 exio4 I dislike everything actually
17:48 exio4 (I am not talking about your stuff, also mine)
17:52 LandMine calinou
17:52 LandMine where you from?
17:53 Calinou France
17:53 LandMine ok
17:54 exio4 oh, it's a short thing now that I see
17:55 Calinou exio4, it's only 2 years yes
17:55 Calinou but can be extended to 3 years
17:56 exio4 "extended" as in ?
18:00 Telesight1 Hello, where can i find the description of all the variables of the mapgenerator settings in minetest.conf ? Like this: mgv7_np_terrain_base = 4, 70, (600, 600, 600), 82341, 5, 0.6, 2.0
18:01 Siva joined #minetest
18:04 cimbakahn joined #minetest
18:06 cimbakahn If anyone sees stormchaser3000.  Please tell him the servers down.  Noone can log in.  I am getting "Connection timed out" error.
18:06 Calinou this is why you invest in an automatic restart script :)
18:08 Krock cimbakahn, sent him a message
18:11 cimbakahn Thank you very much!
18:13 hmmmm joined #minetest
18:15 hmmmm can somebody delete this post;t=13071#p187730
18:16 sfan5 done
18:18 TheWild 0.4.13 and my computer hasn't enough memory to handle Minetest
18:19 hmmmm i have trouble understanding why people would feel compelled to make shitposts like that
18:20 CWz what was the shitpost?
18:21 sfan5 "FIRST!!!!!!"
18:21 Ataron joined #minetest
18:22 CWz I hate those. they really must have an uneventful life
18:25 sfan5 FOR FUCKS SAKE
18:25 sfan5 Lua Errors... (New posts)
18:25 sfan5 by Tmanyo » 17. Aug 2015, 03:45
18:25 sfan5 in fucking general discussion
18:27 sfan5 !title;t=12983
18:27 MinetestBot sfan5: I got a DeviantArt Page - Minetest Forums
18:27 sfan5 nobody gives a shit
18:27 sfan5 why is that in general discussion
18:34 dvere joined #minetest
18:34 sfan5 found [snip]
18:34 sfan5 (Inocudom's Intuition: >_> Dude, when will you [snip])
18:34 sfan5 I will be a real man and give my intuition the boot right now!
18:34 sfan5 SLAM!!!
18:34 sfan5 was kicked by ShadowBot: Paste flood detected. Use a pastebin like or
18:34 sfan5 joined #minetest
18:34 sfan5 !deop ShadowBot
18:35 sfan5 for fucks sake
18:35 sfan5 anyway
18:35 sfan5
18:35 sfan5 did that guy take drugs or something
18:35 VanessaE wat
18:38 Siva someone should let hm know...."drugs are bad mmkay."
18:38 Krock lolz
18:39 Krock rekt
18:47 israuor hmm.. why don't I get a activation mail from ?
18:48 Calinou israuor, what is your forum username?
18:48 israuor israuor
18:49 Calinou I activated your account, you may now log in
18:49 rubenwardy while we're on it,;t=13044
18:49 israuor yeee thx.
18:49 rubenwardy should be in bugs and problems
18:51 * Out`Of`Control don't use forums
18:51 Out`Of`Control Krock:  converting map fixed error
18:51 Krock good.
18:52 Out`Of`Control ty
18:52 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
18:52 CWz ^^[citation needed]
18:53 israuor CWz if it works... why not ;)
18:53 Out`Of`Control why don't they suicide to get near jesus?
18:53 CWz wow another person from my country
18:54 israuor ?
18:54 israuor CWz why do you think I'm from your country ..
18:55 israuor btw.. which one is "your" country ?
18:55 CWz nvm
18:55 israuor ?
18:55 Out`Of`Control israuor:  from ?
18:57 israuor IL
18:58 CWz Nice country.
19:11 twoelk joined #minetest
19:13 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
19:15 brothersome joined #minetest
19:15 israuor nice .. but too expensive here for my taste ;)
19:17 Krock what's too expensive?
19:18 israuor living, eating, fucking.. everything.
19:21 Krock don't care about it. You won't need your money once you're dead.
19:24 CWz israuor: indeed
19:24 israuor ;) right.. that could've come out of my mouth as well ;_)
19:26 CWz israuor: that and constant terrorist threats by terrorist
19:27 israuor believe me.. nobody cares about that
19:31 WSDguy2014 joined #minetest
19:32 WSDguy2014 Hello guys, 0.4.13 can generate acacia trees from mapgen v6?
19:32 CWz i think so
19:33 Krock testing is the fastest way
19:33 WSDguy2014 CWz, thats can generate cacia trees, right?
19:39 Krock cactus is not a tree
19:41 israuor I don't think he was meaning cactus ;p
19:41 WSDguy2014 guys how i do download latest dev version?
19:42 israuor which OS ?
19:42 WSDguy2014 Windows
19:43 israuor hnmm.... I have no Idea form windows.. but I guess you can find it here:
19:43 Wuzzy joined #minetest
19:43 Krock WSDguy2014, see forums, Builds section
19:44 israuor
19:44 israuor why are you using windows ? ... minetest runs much better on a gnu linux system.
19:48 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
19:48 luizrpgluiz hi all
19:48 israuor hi luizrpgluiz
19:49 luizrpgluiz israuor: hi,how are you?
19:49 israuor I'm good.. thank you for asking. :) How are you doin' ?
19:51 Telesight1 Hello, where can i find the description of all the variables of the mapgenerator settings in minetest.conf ? Like these: mgv7_np_terrain_base = 4, 70, (600, 600, 600), 82341, 5, 0.6, 2.0
19:51 WSDguy2014 allright, theres no download latest dev version
19:51 WSDguy2014 :|
19:52 israuor hm... I don't think you can download compiled daylies for windows..
19:52 israuor (I'm not sure about that)
19:52 israuor but a possibility would be, to compile from source yourself
19:53 Krock <israuor>hm... I don't think you can download compiled daylies for windows..
19:53 Krock true, but
19:53 Krock it's just that 0.4.13 stable is the newest build
19:54 israuor I know.. but there are no daily builds for windows, are ther?
19:54 israuor e
19:54 israuor (not that I'm interested in them)
19:54 WSDguy2014 okay, bye, i am gonna playing on singleplayer world.
19:55 Krock AFAIK no
19:55 TheWild 0.4.13 just came few days ago
19:55 TheWild I'll ask some questions about the beginnings?
19:56 israuor right.. but he was asking for latest dev builds
19:56 TheWild Why C++? And why Irrlicht?
19:57 CWz Why not?
19:57 israuor hhhh
19:57 israuor just wanted to answer the same..
19:57 israuor I guess, that Cpp was the developer's favourite programmiong language..
19:57 israuor and irrlich..
19:57 israuor hm.. it's open source.. high performance realtime 3D enginge..
19:57 israuor also written in C++
19:58 israuor it's completely cross-platform, using D3D, OpenGL ... bla bla bla..
19:58 israuor so I don't see a reason not to use it.
19:58 TheWild yeah, it's also about "not reinventing the wheel", but the problem is: When Irrlicht has bug, Minetest has bug too.
19:59 CWz i heard that some dev guy is porting minetest to ogreengine
19:59 CWz i think he's been smoking jungle_grass
20:00 israuor lol
20:00 israuor TheWild hmm... but when another enginge would have a bug.. .minetest would have a bug as well... same shit.. just another engine ;)
20:01 TheWild I wasn't ever messing with these engines. What such engine gives you that raw GL does not?
20:01 israuor I've got another question... When nobody is active in a  part of a map... nothing's working there... tree's not growing... pipeworks as well ..... a bot would be nice... who's just ther to keep things going...
20:02 israuor I know, I could open another minetest instance for that .. but that uses a lot of resources.. .don't need a graphical interface for that... a little minetest - cli  would be enough... has anyone done something like that already ?
20:03 TheWild well, actually I can understand why Minetest is working this way. Minecraft isn't better.
20:03 Brains israuor: I think you want one of the anchors..  World anchor?  Basically keeps that bit loaded.
20:03 israuor Brains : anchors ??? never heard of them... gimme more information :) sounds interesting.
20:04 Brains israuor: The one I'm using is part of technic...  "Administrative World Anchor"
20:05 * israuor is becoming horny now.
20:05 Amaz
20:05 Brains israuor: technic:admin_anchor.  I believe that you have to have an admin give it to you (not craftable or anything like that) and you might want to up the config option that limits the loaded blocks...
20:05 * Brains uses it to keep his quarries and processing plant running when he's doing silly things like sleeping.
20:06 TheWild about furnaces: It seems that someone was thinking harder and got the idea of storing the last time the furnace was active or something like to keep the information when server was unloading chunk where the furnace was. Some more theory, and when you go back to this chunk, amount of smelted stuff is magically recalculated.
20:06 israuor Brains yesss ... I guess that's exatly what I want...
20:06 israuor thank you so much for that information.
20:07 TheWild I do not remember it was done to the game or left to implement later (or never)
20:08 Brains TheWild: I am in a similar spot, I remember such talk but not if it was ever done.  I'm also not sure how that would interact with the transport/sorting stuff.
20:08 * Brains usually has "surge" loops on his processing stuff so that bits can wait their turn while the machines were busy...  So that bit of magic wouldn't really help a lot.
20:09 behalebabo joined #minetest
20:10 * TheWild is now AFK
20:10 luizrpgluiz It is simple to answer, C++ is a programming language faster than using Java, so you don't need to install another language like java to run on your computer
20:11 israuor Brains: surge loops ?
20:13 Brains israuor: Buffer is a better way to describe it...  The loops just give breathing room between the surging output of the quarry and the steady processing of the machines.
20:14 Brains Anything new from the quarry that is already being processed in the machines can slide right in but new types will just circle around in the loop until the machine is free.
20:14 israuor okay.. now I understand... we do similar on our server .
20:15 israuor the problem alle the time is.. nobody there.. nothings working..
20:15 israuor hashtag teleportin tubes.
20:15 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
20:16 zat joined #minetest
20:16 Brains Yeah, the admin anchor will solve that for you.  I have a set of 8 quarries working with one anchor that teleports the output to another room with the processing stuff and another anchor.  Heck, I even get my uranium ground, centrifuged, and smelted for me.  (Never bothered to set up a fuel rod creator bit, I can handle that manually well enough.)
20:17 * Brains only plays on a house server with his son and sometimes his wife.  He has chests full of materials for whenever he gets bored.
20:18 israuor orrr... so no entry from outside ?
20:18 israuor just for looking ?
20:18 israuor entrance
20:19 Brains Quarry->tele->processing->tele->storage
20:19 * Brains will usually leave a teleporter or elevator or something to visit the machines.  Oh, also gotta remember to put a vacuum tube in there for times when something gets messed up...
20:21 * TheWild is no longer AFK
20:22 TheWild luizrpgluiz, thanks for bringing the fact that "C++ is a programming language faster than using Java".
20:22 TheWild unfortunately, and by unknown reasons Minetest at current state doesn't work faster than our Java competitor
20:23 zat says who
20:23 TheWild me
20:23 zat and you are??
20:24 zat who knows you? :P
20:24 zat Minecraft has always been a resource hog everytime I try it
20:26 TheWild but see other side. Minecraft can generate terrain visible from 150 blocks, while Minetest stays at 75 to keep its performance... moderate!
20:26 zat change the... config? DUHHHHH
20:26 Brains 75?  I could swear that I'm seeing farther than that...
20:28 zat distance for terrain generation is a thing, not necessarily same as how much your client will keep in sight.
20:28 zat however, no setting there is forced.
20:30 TheWild ok, it seems I have to dig the old stuff
20:31 Brains Dig the old stuff?
20:33 TheWild I haven't running that Minecraft hog for some time
20:36 err404 joined #minetest
20:39 TheWild okay, you were right. Nothing to show today. Minecraft oscillates around 30 FPS. But feels smoother than Minetest... maybe because it does not change FPS that drastically.
20:39 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:46 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
20:47 israuor I'm most of the time around 60 fps..
20:47 israuor never more than 60
20:47 israuor I guess that's limited form the game itself.
20:48 johnwayne1986 joined #minetest
20:48 TheWild 60 FPS is the common stardand in gaming
20:48 casimir joined #minetest
20:48 israuor ;) no idea..
20:49 israuor I'm not gaming at all... just started minetesting a few weeks ago.
20:49 brothersome There is a setting in minetest.conf that sets the FPS
20:49 israuor good to know :)
20:50 brothersome That is the Maximum FPS
20:52 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
20:57 israuor yess sir... just saw the /usr/share/doc/minetest/minetest.conf.example
20:57 israuor for the first time ;)
20:57 technics_ are you sure the anchor thing is into the technic mod? doesnt find it into git repo...
20:58 Viper168 joined #minetest
20:59 bjrohan joined #minetest
20:59 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
20:59 greenman_ joined #minetest
20:59 Shackra joined #minetest
21:00 technics_ oh. found it
21:05 israuor yeeeeehh...
21:05 * israuor 's sitting on hot coals
21:06 israuor Looking forward to see the fu**ing world anchor
21:11 technics_ hm...
21:12 TheWild Superflat - what a stupid map, better try another seed.
21:13 technics_ :D
21:18 rubenwardy joined #minetest
21:21 e1z0 joined #minetest
21:26 rubenwardy israuor, Irrlicht is outdated and rarely updated
21:26 israuor okay... didn't know that..
21:26 israuor As I mentioned.. I'm not a gamer at all ;)
21:27 israuor Just obsessed with / addicted to minetest
21:27 rubenwardy also, we're probably not switching to Orge, they used it to test whether the abstraction works
21:29 TheWild What such engine gives you that raw GL can't?
21:33 israuor was there an idea to switch to Orge?
21:34 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
21:38 TheWild yeah, if Minetest get shadows, we can switch to Ogre
21:51 e1z0 joined #minetest
21:54 e1z0 joined #minetest
21:57 e1z0 joined #minetest
21:58 israuor so guys... was nice here.. but I've got to go tob bed.. work tomorrow ..
21:58 israuor see'ya
22:05 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
22:05 LazyJ joined #minetest
22:18 roboman2444 joined #minetest
22:18 sloantothebone joined #minetest
22:24 israuor joined #minetest
22:24 israuor left #minetest
22:26 israuor joined #minetest
22:38 phantombeta joined #minetest
22:46 swift110-phone joined #minetest
22:51 Souler joined #minetest
22:54 Siva joined #minetest
22:59 Out`Of`Control hi, i keep getting error with many new mods,  "default.LIGHT_MAX" lines, if i remove "default." works fine. Do i need special mod for that???
23:00 Out`Of`Control light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX-2
23:01 Out`Of`Control mt 0.4.13 dev, i get same error with 0.4.12
23:05 LazyJ joined #minetest
23:06 phantombeta joined #minetest
23:54 sloantothebone Soooo, anybody working on the last 2 issues for 0.4.13?

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