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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-06-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 RealBadAngel
00:01 RealBadAngel this is without any maps, all is generated on the fly with shaders
00:03 Viper168_ joined #minetest
00:04 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
00:06 est31 joined #minetest
00:22 AnDroidEL joined #minetest
00:24 jordan4ibanez I want it NOW :O
00:25 RealBadAngel
00:25 RealBadAngel check out lava :)
00:45 jordan4ibanez That looks a lot better than Minecraft tbh
01:01 Darcidride joined #minetest
01:07 jordan4ibanez RealBadAngel: How does water look?
01:09 jordan4ibanez RealBadAngel: I'mma post that on reddit
01:13 jordan4ibanez And tweet it
01:59 hack_ joined #minetest
02:02 kaeza_ joined #minetest
02:28 LazyJ joined #minetest
02:43 jordan4ibanez Very interesting
02:50 frecel joined #minetest
02:53 kaeza joined #minetest
02:55 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest
03:09 jordan4ibanez So can I attach a particle spawner to an entity?
03:12 kaeza nope
03:13 kaeza but you can re-create a PS at the object pos every second or so
03:13 kaeza (deleting the old one)
03:14 jordan4ibanez Can you hack into the particle spawner and change it's location?
03:14 jordan4ibanez But I think you're idea is better haha
03:15 jordan4ibanez your*
03:16 kaeza also its* :P
03:17 jordan4ibanez No, it's is possessive!
03:17 * jordan4ibanez pulls up his pants
03:17 jordan4ibanez check and mate
03:17 jordan4ibanez Lololololol
03:26 BirdyMeows joined #minetest
03:28 jordan4ibanez I think I scared him away
03:34 Meep joined #minetest
03:41 OldCoder joined #minetest
03:42 GeHa joined #minetest
04:11 OldCoder Quiet tonight
04:11 OldCoder Too quiet
04:12 OldCoder >>
04:12 OldCoder >
04:12 jordan4ibanez It is
04:12 jordan4ibanez I think we need to yell
04:13 Xenoth joined #minetest
04:22 Jousway joined #minetest
04:35 Jousway joined #minetest
04:39 DacThenextlevel joined #minetest
04:39 DacThenextlevel left #minetest
04:40 mazal joined #minetest
04:49 bobomb how would one employ voxelmanip to make AMBs more efficient?
04:49 barrydk joined #minetest
04:52 Pest joined #minetest
05:02 ac_minetest joined #minetest
05:04 est31 What does the ABM do?
05:05 bobomb it grows the node but based on the presence of other similar nodes of same type (actually same metadata)
05:06 bobomb i'm thinking: allow the abm to register all nodes it applies to to a table, then use that table to discover the pmin and pmax for the voxelmanip
05:06 jordan4ibanez Active block modifier
05:06 jordan4ibanez Every server step you can have it do something
05:07 jordan4ibanez Also goodnight
05:07 bobomb yeah i could have it all done by globalstep
05:08 est31 if you only create one or two nodes, then you dont need a voxelmanip
05:08 bobomb no there are lots
05:08 est31 in fact, its far slower then
05:08 bobomb oh
05:08 est31 yes, but if you have the ABM run on every single node of that type
05:08 est31 then you generate one voxelmanip on every single node
05:08 est31 and thats horribly laggy
05:09 bobomb i like my idea. use the abm to find the extent, then call voxelmanip on that extent
05:09 bobomb i wish abm could look at the metadata too
05:11 est31 minetest.get_node(node_pos)
05:11 bobomb but another problem is that amb seems to be only applied to blocks near the player
05:11 est31 yes of curse
05:11 est31 only for loaded blocks
05:11 est31 otherwise it would mean too much lag
05:13 bobomb i mean it would be nice if the abm definition could include a field "metafield={fieldname, value}" without having to add it to the action as a filter
05:15 est31 it can be retrieved easily
05:15 bobomb yes i am doing that now.
05:15 bobomb so there is NO way to query the sqlite db for all nodes of a given type? let's say i'm not scared of lag.
05:16 est31 hehe
05:16 est31 no there is none
05:16 est31 at least not that I knew
05:17 bobomb i guess if i kept my own table of all nodes placed in the world of a given type... keep track of it in-mod
05:17 bobomb then i wouldn't need abm
05:17 est31 that would work
05:18 est31 but its very bad design
05:18 est31 why is it that important to have all your nodes in the whole world grow
05:19 bobomb doesn't have to be the whole world, but i am making large areas grow that often get out of sync when the player is a little too far away. also some nodes should be able to travel long distances at a predictable pace and be present where they are supposed to be if encountered.
05:20 bobomb the large areas need to stay in sync. they aren't THAT large, but larger than the closest draw distance setting (r)
05:20 est31 a table of nodes is faster than an abm (if you discard the fact that the table also contains the unloaded)
05:20 est31 but still bad
05:21 bobomb why bad?
05:21 bobomb what if it was stored in the db not a lua variable or file in the mod folder?
05:21 est31 because its creating lag without the player being there
05:22 bobomb i see. on principle. i get that. but nobody interested in this mod will care, in fact they will expect it.
05:23 bobomb and i will build in limits, to avoid infinite expansion.
05:24 bobomb is there a way to test if a node is loaded?
05:28 Thron joined #minetest
05:34 est31 minetest.get_node(position) ~= nil
05:34 est31 it returns nil if its not loaded
05:40 bobomb oh. so is there any way to get a node or set its metadata or set it even if it is not loaded?
05:41 est31 no
05:41 est31 you have to force-load it
05:41 est31 just create a small voxelmanip inside the block the node is
05:41 est31 the voxelmanip doesnt even have to contain the node
05:42 bobomb ? a vm can be less than a node?
05:42 est31
06:04 Akagi201 joined #minetest
06:18 aheinecke joined #minetest
06:19 mazal joined #minetest
06:20 kaeza_ est31, AFAIK, get_node would return a node table (not nil) whose 'name' is "ignore"
06:22 kaeza_ Also bobomb^
06:22 est31 ah its get_node_or_nil
06:23 _Raiz joined #minetest
06:23 kaeza_ ^
06:33 bobomb i've looked it up thanks. got lots of ideas to try now
06:33 Viper168 joined #minetest
06:45 hexafluoride joined #minetest
06:57 CWz joined #minetest
06:58 Calinou joined #minetest
07:04 _Raiz
07:07 kaeza_ Brb
07:08 kaeza_ joined #minetest
07:09 Ep1cMaN Im guessing the 7.1 one surround sound isnt supported on minetest. Or is it just my settings?
07:11 Darcidride joined #minetest
07:31 Calinou Ep1cMaN, we'll probably never support that, judging how such setups are so rare :P
07:31 Calinou stereo master race
07:33 Ep1cMaN yeah thought so. Would be nice, but not needed.
07:36 jin_xi joined #minetest
07:37 Cryterion joined #minetest
07:40 OldCoder joined #minetest
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:07 Trustable joined #minetest
08:58 JamesTait joined #minetest
08:59 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Hug Your Cat Day! 😃
09:07 Cryterion joined #minetest
09:16 Telesight joined #minetest
09:29 barrydk joined #minetest
09:29 mazal joined #minetest
09:33 Megaf_ joined #minetest
09:33 * kaeza_ hugs sfan5
09:35 barrydk joined #minetest
09:35 mazal joined #minetest
09:45 barrydk joined #minetest
09:48 Ep1cMaN should this script still work for the latest minetest ---> . Also I have already gathered my textures. So could I make the worlddir redirect to the gathered ones instead? Or would this just mess the script up?
09:50 Ep1cMaN nevermind I looked closer. I get it now :P
09:56 barrydk joined #minetest
10:14 mazal joined #minetest
10:18 Jordach joined #minetest
10:23 TheWild joined #minetest
10:28 Haudegen joined #minetest
10:34 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:36 Amaz joined #minetest
10:55 ecutruin joined #minetest
11:31 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
11:31 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
11:34 crazyR is it possible to make 1 texture cover a node that is 2 blocks in height without it repeating. the node type is a nodebox. so its effectly just 1 node
11:36 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
11:39 Megaf_ crazyR: you can scale a texture
11:39 Megaf_ I mean, node
11:57 The_Loko joined #minetest
12:07 john_cephalopoda left #minetest
12:17 Viper168 joined #minetest
12:33 est31 joined #minetest
12:41 Wayward_One joined #minetest
12:44 Akagi201 joined #minetest
12:48 SopaXT joined #minetest
12:52 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
12:53 Milan joined #minetest
12:54 Milan hi there - is it possible to set a texturepack path into the minetest.conf for the server? texture_path = doesnt work
13:01 est31 Milan, what is your engine version?
13:01 Milan engine? you mean minetest version? 0.4.12-2
13:01 est31 -2 ??
13:01 Milan arch
13:02 Milan community/minetest-server 0.4.12-2 [Installiert]
13:02 est31 texture_path = only works on git versions of minetest
13:02 Milan thats good to know for the main server ^^
13:02 est31 its not released yet
13:03 Milan oh, i see :D
13:03 est31 with "released" meaning inside an official release
13:03 Milan any other solutions? or i have to replace all textures on the testserver again? :D
13:05 est31 compiling minetest isnt hard at all
13:05 Milan another question ... after a git pull its enough to do a 'make', not cmake, right?
13:05 est31 it depends on the change
13:05 Milan no, but replace the textures by hand isnt funny xD
13:05 est31 always do cmake to be secure
13:06 Milan okey, thanks for the info :) - maybe so i bring the buckets back to work on the main server :P
13:10 Wayward_One joined #minetest
13:15 Milan (dont understand me wrong - the buckets are broken since we installed the server from git...)
13:16 Thron joined #minetest
13:20 crazyR millan. why dont you use a media server and then updating your textures is much easier
13:23 Wayward_One joined #minetest
13:24 Milan crazyR, maybe ... but we have our texture pack on github, so its not bad to work mit push&pull too :P
13:25 Milan well thats funny texture_path seems dont work on fresh installed minetest server from git too :D
13:25 Wayward_One joined #minetest
13:27 crazyR clone all your textures from github to a webserver... then in your conf. set your "remote_media ="
13:27 kahrl joined #minetest
13:28 Milan interesting o.O will test this!
13:32 CWz just sad,
13:32 Wayward_One joined #minetest
13:37 Wayward_One joined #minetest
13:37 CWz and this person thinks it's ok to spam chat
13:38 Akagi201 joined #minetest
13:39 Haudegen joined #minetest
13:41 Wayward_One joined #minetest
13:43 Milan remote_media = ... i have access to the pictures...not to the directory... is that a problem? there are no new textures with that option enabled^^
13:46 Milan no problem... but minetest says no xD
13:46 brothersome joined #minetest
13:49 YvesLevier joined #minetest
13:50 TheWild nobody said anything since 5 min, so I'll bring a little theory about one "thing done right": the MapBlock and it's name-id mapping.
13:50 TheWild Minetest uses name-id mapping per MapBlock to translate between node name and it's local ID, what causes:
13:51 TheWild 1. the MapBlock format itself is not a limiting factor* for number of nodes registered (unlike Minecraft) and
13:51 TheWild 2. Modder don't have to think about past, present and future when claiming block ID (also unlike Minecraft). Even more: a modder is only using node names - IDs are left only to the engine's interest.
13:51 TheWild * MapBlock holds 16x16x16 = 4096 nodes, but can map 65536 node names. Because number of nodes required to hold in MapBlock is less than number of nodes possible to map in MapBlock, we can theoreticaly register even 1000000 nodes and not reach any limit (except operating memory installed in computer which size varies)
13:51 TheWild MapBlock uses 16 bits per node, but because MapBlock can hold max 4096 nodes, we're using only lowest 12 bits - 4 bits remain unused, am I right?
13:58 meldrian joined #minetest
14:01 est31 TheWild, try it, I wonder whether deflate will eat the difference up or not
14:02 Wayward_One joined #minetest
14:02 est31 also the way we store param1 and 2 is extremely wasteful
14:02 est31 but I guess the deflate makes it good again
14:05 TheWild yeah, deflate (more specifically it's zlib, but since zlib supports only deflate for now...) saves us from bloating our disks. I was wondering if we could use additional 4 bits in any way. Maybe store light parameter here instead of abusing param1.
14:10 tpe joined #minetest
14:17 Milan crazyR, now i have an index file created ... the result is, my client "couldn't resolve adress" ?? o.O
14:25 Milan crazyR, lol corrected all to www-data:www-data ... client can connect to server again and use the default textures :D
14:28 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:30 Haudegen joined #minetest
15:02 Shackra joined #minetest
15:04 ReactOsItaly joined #minetest
15:08 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest
15:17 Player_2 joined #minetest
15:18 phantombeta joined #minetest
15:30 hoodedice anyone knows if Scite has a fork that is still developed?
15:30 ReactOsItaly hi
15:31 hoodedice ello
15:32 ReactOsItaly how you going?
15:33 hoodedice I'm not going anywhere...
15:42 twoelk joined #minetest
15:54 H-H-H joined #minetest
15:55 phantombeta joined #minetest
15:55 alket joined #minetest
15:55 ReactOsItaly left #minetest
16:04 Pest joined #minetest
16:23 SopaXT joined #minetest
16:25 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:29 fusion44 joined #minetest
16:31 Krock joined #minetest
16:31 Freejack joined #minetest
16:32 Cryterion joined #minetest
16:33 Krock hi
16:37 twoelk hi hi
16:41 twoelk
16:44 Krock If I just could be that productive
16:49 hoodedice hehe
16:49 rubenwardy 3 years ago I worked with a project called 3M. I've only just realised that 3M = 3 x M = Minetest Mod Manager
16:49 rubenwardy It just never occured to me XD
16:49 hoodedice what did you work as?
16:50 rubenwardy I created the server side system
16:50 rubenwardy !g minetest extensions
16:50 MinetestBot rubenwardy:
16:50 rubenwardy :(
16:50 rubenwardy
16:52 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
16:53 rubenwardy 3M was a client program, it used MTE as a mod store.
16:54 hoodedice at least you now have something new to write in your signature =)
16:54 hoodedice Calinou, atom is beautiful
16:54 hoodedice got a 32 bit build from a webupd8 ppa
16:55 rubenwardy I use atom, it's pretty good.
16:56 CoconutOfDeath joined #minetest
16:57 Thron joined #minetest
17:00 Calinou hoodedice, build from source :P
17:00 Calinou easy, and you get features before everyone else
17:01 hoodedice it won't compile, like godot
17:01 hoodedice :p
17:01 Calinou what error?
17:01 hoodedice ws jk
17:03 twoelk what a stupid name godot is, it's hard to not make remarks about waiting for it ;D
17:06 rubenwardy slowdot?
17:07 hoodedice bloatdot?
17:07 rubenwardy Doesn't rhyme :P
17:07 Calinou god-ot
17:07 Calinou inb4 oh-my-godot
17:10 twoelk argh, don't tell the secret meaning Samuel Becket tried to hide
17:11 hoodedice youneedteethreedee
17:13 Wuzzy joined #minetest
17:14 hoodedice heya Wuzzy
17:14 Wuzzy hi
17:16 CWz rubenwardy: ABJ disapproves of Limiting chat message length probably because he think is acceptable to flood chat. it's the only reason i can think of. I witnessed ABJ attitude on the other thread before.
17:17 hoodedice ABJ is prolly a kid
17:17 hoodedice script kiddie moreso
17:17 hoodedice we've had tons of them
17:17 rubenwardy If that thread was on GitHub issues, it'd be that c guy
17:18 rubenwardy but it's on the forum, so it's ABJ :D
17:23 andrea joined #minetest
17:26 LNJ joined #minetest
17:26 LNJ HI
17:26 hoodedice .
17:26 LNJ Does smb. know how to make mgv7 biomes
17:27 LNJ (best with a easy fuc.)
17:27 rubenwardy It's undocumented because it's liable to change
17:28 LNJ what is liable
17:28 LNJ my english isn't so good!
17:28 rubenwardy
17:29 rubenwardy It may change, they don't know yet if it will
17:29 LNJ thanks I look
17:29 rubenwardy I'm not sure how up to date that it
17:29 LNJ ok
17:29 rubenwardy *is
17:29 rubenwardy also see
17:29 LNJ Thanks for your help!
17:31 Calinou +1 for .odt
17:33 rubenwardy I don't even have office on my computer. I use libreoffice. Jordach wrote that, btw
17:33 hoodedice +1 for +1 #Google+
17:34 Calinou +1 for +1 for +1
17:34 Xenoth joined #minetest
17:37 rom1504 +1
17:38 Calinou ±1
17:38 rom1504 [0,2]
17:41 LedInfrared joined #minetest
17:49 TheBonsai_ joined #minetest
17:59 phantombeta joined #minetest
18:02 Calinou PSA: my mod repos are back on GitHub, NotABug won't be updated anymore
18:02 VanessaE what prompted you to move back?
18:05 Calinou everyone is there :/
18:05 hoodedice =(
18:05 Calinou right now GitHub isn't hell
18:05 Calinou but it'll probably end up having ads or such
18:06 hoodedice github already has a bitch of an SJ movement going along
18:08 sfan5 hoodedice pls
18:08 hoodedice w0t
18:08 hoodedice djang or something: changed "master/slave" notation because feels
18:09 sfan5 django
18:09 hoodedice thank you
18:09 sfan5 and how does that make github worse
18:09 Calinou we know GitHub is a nice trolling platform
18:09 Calinou that sometimes benefits me :P
18:09 Ataron joined #minetest
18:09 hoodedice okay, why don't we look at the actual administration of github itself?
18:09 hoodedice they support this kind of shenanigans
18:10 sfan5 surely they do
18:13 Calinou they rarely ever ban people
18:13 Calinou and I think asking such questions in issues is fine; it's the spirit of issues
18:14 Niebieski joined #minetest
18:14 hoodedice "rarely ever ban people"
18:15 Niebieski Guys, I'm trying to build Minetest but I'm getting undefined references on leveldb for snappy.
18:15 hoodedice (bitbucket took it down as well)
18:15 Niebieski I'm using Ubuntu 12.04
18:15 hoodedice > 12.04
18:15 hoodedice pls
18:16 hoodedice oh wait, I remember you, you're the 1GB RAM guy!
18:16 Niebieski LOL, no I have limited free disk space.
18:16 Niebieski xD
18:16 hoodedice xubuntu >_>
18:16 hoodedice git it
18:17 Niebieski You meant get it ?
18:17 Calinou hoodedice, it went on Gitorious then
18:17 zat undefined references sounds like it can't link?
18:17 Calinou and I guess they're on GitLab now
18:17 Calinou Gitorious did not do anything
18:17 sfan5 Niebieski: update to a newer ubuntu version
18:18 Calinou obviously, because the organization was inactive before it was bought out… just like the software
18:18 sfan5 Niebieski: libleveldb is broken on 12.04
18:18 hoodedice hahahaha
18:18 hoodedice nice one Cal
18:18 hoodedice brb btw
18:19 CWz 1GBRam_Guy. the fastest swap spacer In the WildWest
18:19 Niebieski sfan5, there is no way of fixing it ?
18:19 CWz Even 3GB is barely enough nowdays
18:19 Viper168_ joined #minetest
18:20 sfan5 Niebieski: compile leveldb yourself and install it
18:21 the0loko joined #minetest
18:21 twoGBRAMguy also, ddr2
18:21 sfan5 >not ddr3
18:22 twoGBRAMguy 2006, m8
18:22 sfan5 E: Execution failed: Exec format error
18:22 sfan5 goddamnit cdebootstrap
18:23 twoGBRAMguy !g cdebootstrap
18:23 MinetestBot twoGBRAMguy:
18:29 crazyR_ joined #minetest
18:29 crazyR_ joined #minetest
18:39 Xenoth joined #minetest
18:45 Builder123 joined #minetest
18:48 est31 joined #minetest
18:52 Hijiri joined #minetest
18:54 greenman_ joined #minetest
19:03 Builder123 joined #minetest
19:04 SopaXT joined #minetest
19:06 Cryterion joined #minetest
19:08 Wuzzy Sneaking is weird.
19:08 Wuzzy You can drop from 100 nodes high and still suffer no fall damage if you drop on a corner sneaking...
19:08 Calinou yeah
19:08 Calinou sneaking code needs to be redone entirely
19:08 Calinou to support nodeboxes
19:09 est31 I like it this way
19:10 Wuzzy this behaviour is totally unacceptable for competivie games
19:10 est31 (the nodebox way)
19:10 Wuzzy ah
19:10 est31 that you are elevated to a whole node number
19:10 Cryterion joined #minetest
19:11 Xenoth I've often used that.. *ahhem* "feature" to jump from a roof and land on snow. It's common, and I incur no damage whatsoever. Of course, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
19:11 Wuzzy yeah, that one is weird, too
19:11 Xenoth Fixing this would render sneakladders useless, though
19:11 Wuzzy it also defeats fall damage
19:11 Wuzzy Well, it is mostly fixed
19:11 Wuzzy except the nodeboxes
19:11 Wuzzy well
19:11 Wuzzy it is not REALLY fixes
19:12 Wuzzy instead, you have to use set_physics_override xD
19:12 Wuzzy you can disable your magic sneaking and even the sneak glitch
19:12 Calinou Xenoth, we can already disable sneak ladders
19:12 Wuzzy I think the only use case of those sneak elevators is for creative servers
19:13 Wuzzy for competivive games, however, it destroys a lot of gameplay IMO
19:13 ElectronLibre I'm really wondering if it is the same rubberduck who did this as the one we know :
19:13 Wuzzy so basically, you'd need to disable sneak glitch AND sneaking for those games
19:13 Wuzzy probably yes
19:14 Calinou yes it is, ElectronLibre
19:14 Calinou he also worked on Stunt Rally
19:15 ElectronLibre Oh.
19:15 Wuzzy would it be controversial if the magic sneaking power (no fall damage, sneak elevators) would be removed completely from the Hungry Games?
19:15 Wuzzy so sneaking only makes you walk slower, but that's it
19:15 zeRez joined #minetest
19:15 est31 sneaking has other features too
19:15 est31 that you can walk a bit in the air
19:15 est31 not much
19:16 est31 a bit
19:16 Wuzzy yes
19:16 Wuzzy thats the main use
19:16 est31 yes
19:16 Wuzzy or the "official" one xD
19:16 Wuzzy with disabling sneaking completely, you would just drop off the corner if you continue walking
19:17 Wuzzy the negation of fall damage is the thing which really bothers me
19:18 CWz what point does sneak serve. in minecraft it hide the player name tag and maybe lower players footprints sound.
19:18 est31 I see it as one of the features you can use in order to win :)
19:18 est31 like you can sprint on the hungry games server, or you can also never spring
19:19 est31 sprint*
19:19 Calinou what's the IP of hungry games server?
19:19 est31 minetest.gunshippenguin…:30001
19:19 CWz There 2 hunger game servers
19:20 Wuzzy
19:20 Wuzzy port 30001
19:20 est31
19:20 Wuzzy by OldCoder
19:20 Calinou I saw it in list
19:20 Wuzzy ALMOST always empty ...
19:20 est31 never figured out how to use bow and arrow
19:20 Wuzzy but GunshipPenguin's server is currently a bit weird
19:20 Wuzzy some griefers managed to mess up the spawn
19:21 Wuzzy I have still no clue how they did it
19:21 Wuzzy even the glass form the lobby was removed O_O
19:21 Calinou whoa so many people stuck at spawn
19:21 Calinou no one can move
19:21 Calinou this server is out of date… old skin, no client side animations
19:21 Cryterion joined #minetest
19:21 Wuzzy client-side animations?
19:22 Calinou predicted animations, supported since 0.4.10
19:22 Calinou also I can't move away from spawn, I'm stuck in grey space
19:22 Wuzzy yes, this is thanks to some griefers
19:22 Wuzzy well, the player model thing could be fixed. I have written a mod for that.
19:22 Wuzzy but then it must be stripped from default
19:23 Wuzzy but that should be totally doable
19:23 CWz If I recall Hungrygame is very outdated
19:23 Wuzzy I am working on it!
19:23 Wuzzy xD
19:23 Wuzzy the biggest issues are balancing and oh my gosh how did they manage to grief this spawn?!?
19:25 Wuzzy But I don't think it needs to follow Minetest Game for every little thing
19:25 Wuzzy for example, many items are useless or even harmful on Hungry Games
19:25 Wuzzy and many crafts should not exist
19:26 Wuzzy like you can craft wool, chests and furnaces
19:26 est31 hehe yes,
19:26 Wuzzy even locked chests >_>
19:26 est31 one strategy to survive a long time is to mine just down as fast as you can
19:27 est31 then come up
19:27 est31 and either kill the last remaining person, or dont kill them
19:27 CWz sounds like an issue as well
19:28 Cryterion-- joined #minetest
19:29 Wuzzy you can't mine in GunshipPenguin's server anymore
19:29 Wuzzy at least, I thought so
19:29 Wuzzy or how else did the griefers break the glass?!?! :-(
19:30 Wuzzy it is also strange because apparently, they also managed to obtain lava buckets
19:30 Wuzzy probably buckets must be removed entirely from this subgame
19:32 CWz maybe they got there hands on an admin account
19:36 Wuzzy I don't know..
19:37 CWz world seem pretty much stoned to me
19:38 TheBonsai__ joined #minetest
19:40 OldCoder The glass wall issue is a known problem
19:40 OldCoder Wuzzy, my world is sometimes quite crowded
19:40 OldCoder And people are not frozen in glass there :P
19:40 * OldCoder waves to all the people frozen in glass at Gunship Penguin's server
19:40 OldCoder o/
19:41 Wuzzy do you know how to break the glass?
19:41 OldCoder I did so before; but the fix is on the server side
19:41 Wuzzy O RLY?
19:41 OldCoder The safest thing for him to do is to regenerate though
19:41 OldCoder He just needs
19:41 Wuzzy urgh
19:41 OldCoder to copy his master back
19:41 OldCoder It's like 3 seconds
19:41 Wuzzy urrrrghghhhhghhghg
19:42 OldCoder If he lost it, he can borrow mine as a starting point but I'm sure he has a backup
19:42 Wuzzy the best solution would be to ensure the block never breaks
19:42 OldCoder Which block? Sorry
19:42 Wuzzy ah, you mean backup
19:42 Wuzzy the glass block
19:42 OldCoder Hungry Games is not for building
19:42 OldCoder So he should have
19:42 Wuzzy yes, I know
19:42 OldCoder a master copy to reset, right?
19:42 Calinou
19:42 OldCoder Do you know what triggered the issue?
19:42 OldCoder R
19:42 Wuzzy how inefficient would that be?
19:43 Wuzzy to reload the entire world of 400×400×IDONTKNOWHOWHIGH
19:43 OldCoder Not very
19:43 OldCoder 3 seconds
19:43 OldCoder What is Nobiax
19:43 OldCoder *google*
19:43 OldCoder Wuzzy the map is only like 5MB in size
19:43 OldCoder It is a 3 second copy to fix this
19:44 Wuzzy I still think the best solution would be to make sure the world can not actually be griefed to begin with ...
19:44 OldCoder All right
19:44 OldCoder Explain what happened; or I will scroll up
19:44 Wuzzy but backups are always goo
19:44 Wuzzy good
19:44 OldCoder goo
19:44 OldCoder ah
19:44 Wuzzy XD
19:44 OldCoder Wait
19:44 Wuzzy typo of the day
19:45 OldCoder He turned off mining
19:45 OldCoder So how did they grief?
19:45 OldCoder Hm
19:45 CWz How does one turn off minning?
19:45 OldCoder You have posted it?
19:45 OldCoder He added this to the mod
19:45 OldCoder Check out his fork
19:45 OldCoder It is a configurable feature
19:45 Wuzzy one possibility would be to make all blocks unbreakable by definitoin
19:45 Wuzzy xD
19:45 OldCoder Hm
19:45 Wuzzy maybe he forgot glass XD XD XD
19:46 OldCoder Is this possible at the mod level?
19:46 OldCoder Wait I will look
19:46 Wuzzy yes
19:46 OldCoder *look* <- sound effect
19:46 OldCoder Wait
19:46 Wuzzy but it is a bit tricky to ensure it is REALLY unbreakable
19:46 Wuzzy (ignoring minetest.remove_node for now)
19:46 Wuzzy I even wrote a thread about that
19:46 Wuzzy and a mod, see [bedrock2]
19:47 OldCoder --Set what players can dig, should be modifyed along with glass_arena.replace
19:47 OldCoder -- (See Above Section)
19:47 OldCoder --Values "none" (can't di
19:47 est31 I have a theory on how it would have worked
19:47 Wuzzy nooooope noep nope nope nope nopen
19:47 Wuzzy nope nope nope
19:47 OldCoder He redefines hand
19:47 Wuzzy the glass arena mod is only for the big glass walls in the border
19:48 est31 15
19:48 Wuzzy NOT for the glass in the center of the map, this is just default:glass
19:48 OldCoder Interesting
19:48 OldCoder It does not really prevent digging
19:48 OldCoder Just turns off all of the usual tools...
19:48 Wuzzy ahh
19:48 OldCoder He does not disable lava
19:48 OldCoder Is that how they did it?
19:48 Wuzzy that would only explain the stone
19:49 Wuzzy but not how the glass has been removed
19:49 OldCoder He basically changes the tools
19:49 OldCoder To impact only flesh
19:49 Wuzzy thats a good idea
19:49 OldCoder So you can smack somebody with a shovel
19:49 Wuzzy maybe he forgot one tool?
19:49 OldCoder Could be; you can read for yourself; hold on
19:49 Niebieski sfan5, I built leveldb and I know have the libleveldb.a. I put it into /usr/lib but same errors appear.
19:49 Wuzzy I don't get it
19:49 sfan5 you need to build leveldb completly
19:50 sfan5 not just the .a
19:50 OldCoder
19:50 Wuzzy the hand has crumbly, snappy and oddly_breakable_by hand
19:50 OldCoder Wuzzy, ^
19:50 sfan5 Niebieski: leveldb should have a method to install itself
19:50 sfan5 you shouldn't need to copy any files manually
19:50 Niebieski I cloned it and then issued 'make.
19:50 Wuzzy OldCoder, where did  you get that code?
19:50 Wuzzy this is not the code I have
19:50 OldCoder I checked it out of his github
19:51 OldCoder Are you working from
19:51 OldCoder upstream or his fork?
19:51 sfan5 Niebieski: try running sudo make install
19:51 OldCoder He explains this in his thread
19:51 Wuzzy I am working upstream on his fork, yes.
19:51 OldCoder This is a recent copy of his weapons.lua
19:51 OldCoder Let's see if he's modified it...
19:51 Wuzzy post link please!
19:52 Wuzzy I have no weapons.lua
19:52 Niebieski "No rule to make target 'install'. stop."
19:52 OldCoder Wait
19:52 Wuzzy what commit do u use?
19:52 Wuzzy I use c9afd9445064e1dccf7e8ce266b48fa452ae8a9c
19:53 sfan5 Niebieski: where did you clone leveldb from?
19:53 OldCoder You have the wrong release I think
19:53 Wuzzy most certainly not
19:53 OldCoder git clone
19:53 Niebieski
19:53 Wuzzy This is where I posted all my PRs
19:53 OldCoder Wuzzy you are no longer fuzzy as here is the link I think in pixel ink
19:53 OldCoder git clone
19:53 OldCoder ^ Link
19:53 Wuzzy This is where I posted all my PRs
19:53 OldCoder kk
19:53 Player_2 joined #minetest
19:53 Wuzzy most of them were accepted
19:53 OldCoder Well, weapons.lua is there
19:53 Wuzzy and are now part of the server
19:53 sfan5 hm
19:54 OldCoder It appears to be identical to my version
19:54 OldCoder Though I have made fixes of my own
19:54 OldCoder I fixed the random teleport to 0,0,0 for example
19:54 OldCoder I have given the fix to him but he is not using it
19:54 Hijiri joined #minetest
19:54 Wuzzy OldCoder, I see no weapons.lua
19:54 Wuzzy
19:55 Wuzzy look here
19:55 OldCoder It is under hungry_games
19:55 Wuzzy :O
19:55 OldCoder look there
19:55 OldCoder It is under hungry_game *
19:55 OldCoder It is under hungry_games * plural
19:55 Wuzzy omg
19:55 sfan5 Niebieski: sudo cp libleveldb.* /usr/lib
19:55 OldCoder root@robert-temp:/opt/minebest/worlds/hungry/hungry_game/mods/upstream# ls hungry_games/mods/hungry_games/weapons.lua
19:55 OldCoder hungry_games/mods/hungry_games/weapons.lua
19:55 Wuzzy now I see some serious problems
19:55 Wuzzy hand is defined 2 times
19:55 OldCoder ono
19:56 Wuzzy I wonder which definition “wins”
19:56 * OldCoder work is done :P
19:56 OldCoder Glad to be of clarification
19:56 Wuzzy well
19:56 OldCoder 1st or 2nd one?
19:56 sfan5 Niebieski: and sudo cp -Rvf include/leveldb /usr/include
19:56 Wuzzy weird
19:56 OldCoder sfan5, couldn't he symlink?
19:56 Wuzzy what happens if you do minetest.register_tool(":") two times?
19:56 Wuzzy which definition “wins”?
19:56 * OldCoder has no iea
19:56 OldCoder idea *
19:57 sfan5 OldCoder: why would he? the goal isn't to preserve the broken libleveldb
19:57 * OldCoder wants to know about that 2GB texture pack
19:57 Wuzzy And why is it that in Hungry Games, it is apparently ALWAYS the definition on hungry_game
19:57 Wuzzy And why is it that in Hungry Games, it is apparently ALWAYS the definition on hungry_games
19:57 Wuzzy oops sorry
19:57 OldCoder sfan5, ok
19:57 Wuzzy maybe its because hungry_games comes later in alphabet than default? XD
19:57 Wuzzy Well, I haven't really found the source of this yet. :-(
19:58 Wuzzy (source of error)
19:58 Niebieski sfan5, I'm building now, lets see what will happen.
19:59 Wuzzy who the hell is so crazy and creates a 2 GB texture pack? lol
20:03 Niebieski sfan5, same errors.
20:04 sfan5 ah right
20:06 sfan5 Niebieski: edit build_detect_platform line 199 to "    if [ false ]; then", run make again and after that run the cp commands again
20:09 Wuzzy okay, I just updated the player model on my Hungry Games “fork”, a pull request is in the air. :-)
20:10 Wuzzy because someone compained about the outdated player model
20:11 Wuzzy what should be added later would be selectable skins. I wonder which mod would work best for that
20:12 Haudegen joined #minetest
20:13 hoodedice make your own
20:13 hoodedice =)
20:13 OldCoder Wuzzy there is a skins mod
20:13 OldCoder Only 5 screens or so though
20:13 Wuzzy screens?
20:14 OldCoder I prefer player_textures because any skin can be used
20:14 OldCoder You get about 30 skins to choose from
20:14 OldCoder Not enough
20:14 OldCoder I prefer player_textures because any skin can be used
20:14 OldCoder But server owner must install them
20:14 OldCoder I may add an upload capability
20:14 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
20:14 Wuzzy how?
20:14 Wuzzy would it work ingame? lol
20:14 OldCoder How to which part?
20:14 _Raiz joined #minetest
20:15 OldCoder Must restart
20:15 Wuzzy uploading
20:15 OldCoder to activate skins
20:15 OldCoder or people turn solid colors
20:15 OldCoder Web link
20:15 OldCoder Easy
20:15 OldCoder Trivial almost
20:15 Wuzzy XD
20:15 OldCoder Players prefer not to be all pink or green
20:15 OldCoder They rather it were skins
20:15 Wuzzy haha I am just messing around
20:16 OldCoder kk
20:16 hoodedice eyyo RBA
20:17 Niebieski sfan5, do I have to do 'make clean' to clean the previous make ?
20:17 sfan5 can't hurt
20:17 sfan5 you possibly need to do that
20:18 Niebieski I do it anyway.
20:18 Niebieski but since the built files are deleted, it starts all over, which takes some time.
20:19 Wuzzy Calinou: <>. It just waits to be merged by GunshipPenguin. :P
20:20 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest
20:20 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
20:21 Niebieski sfan5, same errors. :(
20:22 sfan5 it must be linking to the wrong library
20:23 Amaz joined #minetest
20:24 kaeza joined #minetest
20:24 Niebieski Do you want to see the error ?
20:28 TheWild joined #minetest
20:31 hoodedice Niebieski, doesn't hurt to paste ;D
20:32 hoodedice sfan loves
20:32 hoodedice hiya kaeza
20:34 kaeza_ joined #minetest
20:34 Trustable joined #minetest
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20:35 diemartin hoodedice, o/
20:35 Niebieski Here it is
20:36 hoodedice \o
20:36 ElectronLibre left #minetest
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20:47 TheWild GUI: instead of GUI scale factor I would be more happy with Gamma setting. GUI scale factor setting currently sucks the way a tiny black triangle is clicked, it changes its position because GUI scale changes. It goes even worse with scrollbar.
20:48 TheWild did anyone test it before approving?
20:48 Hijiri joined #minetest
20:49 Ep1cMaN joined #minetest
21:05 Niebieski I'm building the game with leveldb disabled eventually.
21:11 TheWild in meantime testing minetest.write_json. It works for most cases but not always: minetest.write_json({}) produces nil, minetest.write_json({[0]="test"}) produces nil
21:24 Hijiri_ joined #minetest
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23:37 diemartin asdf
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