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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-02-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Pulec are there also isometric maps?
00:00 Pulec like
00:00 VanessaE onomotopea.
00:00 VanessaE xyz's mapper
00:00 VanessaE but it's rather outdated now
00:00 VanessaE
00:01 VanessaE
00:01 VanessaE example in active use ^^^^
00:01 VanessaE (it doesn't know how to render nodeboxes or meshnodes though)
00:02 VanessaE (note that the guy whose site I linked to is not well-received by the minetest community.  that's just the first link that had a working example)
00:03 est31 he's forked it too?
00:03 VanessaE he's probably just linking back to the original example site
00:03 VanessaE embedding, etc
00:04 Pulec ook
00:04 VanessaE someone needs to fork that code and bring it up-to-date
00:04 est31 the tiles are hosted on
00:04 Pulec but somebody needs to update it, right?
00:04 CryptoNaut I should start making plans for screenshotting my tilted rhombic dodecahedron prototype
00:05 est31 lol
00:05 VanessaE afaik, that code also relies on a very interpreted mapper, python or some such
00:05 VanessaE very slow*
00:05 CryptoNaut using the cubic symmetry of minetest, building a rhombic dodecahedron cell with a tilted floor =P
00:05 Wayward_One <x0> I'm having trouble booting up a single player world with Mesecons.
00:05 Wayward_One <x0> I get this error in debug.txt
00:05 Wayward_One <x0> And it will display on the minetest window "ModError: Failed to load and run /home/x0/.minetest/mods/Jeija-minetest-mod-mesecons-eb41647/mesecons_movestones/init.lua"
00:05 VanessaE no idea, Wayward_One
00:06 x0 joined #minetest
00:06 FreeFull Cool, a new mapper
00:06 est31 x0 thats because minetest is outdated
00:06 x0 Is it?
00:07 x0 0.4.9?
00:07 est31 yes
00:07 VanessaE way outdated
00:07 est31 you should update to 0.4.12
00:07 VanessaE 0.4.12 is current
00:07 VanessaE 0.4.9 is like, a year old
00:07 VanessaE :)
00:07 x0 This is the version in my package manager.
00:07 est31 that version didnt have table.copy
00:07 VanessaE don't rely on your package manager, get it from git, "stable-0.4" branch
00:07 VanessaE or from the "stable" PPA
00:07 x0 I will do that.
00:07 x0 Thank you all very much, I had no idea I was so out of date.
00:08 VanessaE
00:08 VanessaE
00:08 est31 x0, as another option you can ofc take the mesecon version of one year ago
00:08 est31 that should work
00:08 Viper168 joined #minetest
00:08 est31 but I'm not reccomending that
00:08 x0 Well I'm planning on setting up public server so that might be a bad idea.
00:08 VanessaE yeah. :)
00:08 est31 yes
00:09 x0 Again, thanks.
00:18 Pulec anyone running minetest server in a different screen?
00:18 Pulec I forgot how you use screens
00:18 Pulec I used it long time
00:18 Pulec ago
00:19 Wayward_One different screen?
00:19 Pulec so you can switch to screen where server is running and then back to shell
00:20 Wayward_One ah, ok
00:20 Wayward_One alt tab, if you're on ubuntu or a derivative, i believe
00:20 LazyJ I used gnu-screen for almost two years. Recently I switched to tmux.
00:21 Wayward_One oh, *not* switching from window to window...
00:22 LazyJ I'm guessing that's what Pulec was referring to.
00:22 Pulec oh, I dont use any kind of X
00:22 Pulec just ssh to server
00:23 LazyJ
00:23 MattJ joined #minetest
00:23 Pulec but I like to use
00:23 LazyJ "Basic tmux Tutorial - Windows, Panes, and Sessions over SSH"
00:24 Pulec which is fairly similar to tmux as I see
00:24 Pulec oh, but that could replace my uxvrt
00:25 Pulec btw i have big expectation about this
00:26 Pulec paradox is my favorite company when games are conserned
00:31 shadowzone joined #minetest
00:34 Erthome joined #minetest
00:37 Dumbeldor joined #minetest
00:50 Pulec ok so there is serious money flow
00:55 _schism_ joined #minetest
00:56 VanessaE Pulec: saw that on facebook.  neat huh?
00:56 Pulec awesome
00:56 Pulec I wanted to set up beehives
00:57 Pulec but since I was always in town I didnt
00:57 est31 more innovation than exploding kittens
00:57 Pulec yeah :D
00:57 Pulec how much % is it now?
00:57 est31 what
00:57 Pulec 10m ago it were 371%
00:57 Pulec the goal on the indiegogo
00:57 Pulec 5m ago it was 471%
00:57 Pulec yeah almost another 100% up
00:58 Pulec its crazy
00:58 est31 508
00:58 Pulec so 42 days, 100% every 5 minutes...
00:58 est31 lol
00:59 est31 hope they have patented it
00:59 Pulec thats a lot of percent right there
00:59 Pulec they worked 10 years on it, I am sure they had a thought
01:00 Pulec well I think they will make something close about 1 000 000 000
01:01 Pulec but since the hype before the launch it will be not more then 5 000 000
01:04 Menche joined #minetest
01:05 VanessaE well the video says this thing's 10 years in the making and 3 years of testing with this final prototype
01:05 VanessaE I wish them well
01:05 Salbei left #minetest
01:05 VanessaE oop, you already said that
01:07 est31 USPTO returns 0 results :(
01:07 Player_2 joined #minetest
01:09 Pulec whatever, I am going for Flow Light
01:13 Pulec
01:13 Pulec cool
01:17 VanessaE I'm too afraid to keep bees
01:17 VanessaE aside from the fact that I know I'll eventually get stung, sooner or later I'll have to tear the hive apart to service it in some manner and to do that, I'll need full beekeeping gear.
01:19 shadowzone joined #minetest
01:20 FreeFull Getting stung is inevitable
01:21 STHGOM joined #minetest
01:22 Wayward_One so, what happened to semantic versioning?
01:23 est31 ?
01:24 Wayward_One i was under the impression, due to a previous discussion, that the next release would be 1.0, yet now everyone's talking about it being 0.5.0
01:24 Pulec VanessaE, if you have good bees and you dont smell or have a paranoia from bees they are pretty allright
01:24 Pulec with flowhive you dont have to tinker with them that much
01:25 VanessaE Pulec: well I mean sooner or later you have to take the hive apart, remove excess wax, excess dead bees, that sort of thing, no?
01:25 Pulec of course
01:25 VanessaE that's where I would have to step away
01:25 Pulec but that will be easy as to have another box
01:25 VanessaE no way in hell could I do that
01:25 Pulec then you will put all the frames there
01:25 Pulec clean it up
01:26 Pulec its super easy :-)
01:26 Pulec if you do not throw the frames around its cool
01:36 STHGOM joined #minetest
01:45 roboman2444 joined #minetest
01:47 x0 Anyone here know what the RDF was?
01:54 Xenoth joined #minetest
01:57 STHGOM joined #minetest
01:58 Trustable joined #minetest
02:06 LazyJ joined #minetest
02:11 Wuzzy joined #minetest
02:52 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
02:53 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:04 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
03:12 Enke joined #minetest
03:14 NekoGloopMkII joined #minetest
03:31 CryptoNaut For pipeworks mod to work, do I need mesecons?
03:32 CryptoNaut it has a suspiciously low rating, the latter
03:32 est31 mesecons is good
03:32 est31 dont rate the rating high :)
03:34 LazyJ Some of Pipeworks won't fully function or will seem useless without Mesecons and Technic.
03:34 LazyJ Pipeworks is more of a support mod to Technic.
03:34 CryptoNaut technic isn't listed as depends =\
03:35 CryptoNaut ah, the other way around?
03:35 LazyJ Pipeworks doesn't need Technic.
03:35 LazyJ But some of Pipeworks functions won't be all that useful by themselves.
03:36 LazyJ Setup a test world in creative mode, use only minetest_game and Pipeworks and try out all of Pipeworks stuff.
03:36 CryptoNaut I'm just curious about it, I saw that the in game mods repo doesn't list "sponge"
03:36 CryptoNaut =\
03:37 LazyJ It all depends on what you want to do with a mod. Some mods do more than you want, some work better with companion mods.
03:37 LazyJ The best way to figure out the right combination of mods is to setup test worlds and evaluate the mods individually.
03:38 LazyJ Then when you are familiar with the individual mod's capabilities and functions, then start combining them to find a mix that works for you.
03:39 LazyJ Some of *my* favorite mods wouldn't even get 1/8th of a star rating from other players.
03:39 CryptoNaut thanks for all the tips
03:40 LazyJ Like est31 said, don't give the ratings too much weight. Stuff depends too much on personal tastes.
03:40 LazyJ yw ;)
03:41 LazyJ If you know a bit of Lua, try tinkering with the mods' code and you can tweak them even further to suit your preferences.
03:52 Zeno` joined #minetest
03:53 roboman2444 joined #minetest
04:39 ShadowNinja Wayward_One: Jumping to 1.0 would be contrary to semantic versioning unless we decide it's the final stable API release.
04:40 ShadowNinja According to semver the major version is only incremented on api-breaking changes after the 1.0 release.
04:41 ShadowNinja The 0 release is allowed to break things whenever and increments the minimum version.
04:41 ShadowNinja Minor, rather.
04:42 Zeno` "If you have a stable API on which users have come to depend, you should be 1.0.0."
04:42 Zeno` I think that we certainly have a stable API on which users have come to depend...
04:43 Zeno` We hardly ever change the API in a way that breaks backwards compatibility
04:43 Zeno` I can't think of any instance actually...
04:44 Zeno` well, no deliberate ones heh
04:48 Wayward_One ShadowNinja: ah, ok. thanks for clarifying :)
04:50 ShadowNinja Zeno`: I'd still like to fix a few issues with it though, like the use of globals.
04:51 Zeno` ShadowNinja, of course. I suppose there is the security that needs to be merged as well
04:52 ShadowNinja ^ that too.
04:53 ShadowNinja And it's not quite stable, things are deprecated and eventually dropped.  That's why there's an "Old mods" section on the forum.
04:54 kahrl_ joined #minetest
04:55 ShadowNinja And, eg, node_ownership still works -- I think, but /help won't recognize it's commands and the command won't work in a command block for example.
04:55 ShadowNinja (it uses the ancient method of using on_chat_message directly)
05:00 Megal joined #minetest
05:06 _schism_ joined #minetest
05:13 OldCoder joined #minetest
05:23 bas080 joined #minetest
05:23 bas080 Kaeza, you left your TV on  > Share link:
06:10 Zeno` waste of power that is
06:11 Viper168_ joined #minetest
06:29 x0 left #minetest
06:39 TheBonsai joined #minetest
06:39 TheBonsai joined #minetest
06:41 blaze joined #minetest
06:43 Menche joined #minetest
06:48 DMackey joined #minetest
06:49 Wuzzy joined #minetest
06:52 MinetestBot [git] 4Evergreen4 -> minetest/minetest: Add src/network/CMakeFiles/ and src/client/CMakeFiles to gitignore 51057a5 (2015-02-23T16:50:28+10:00)
06:52 MinetestBot [git] kahrl -> minetest/minetest: Disallow object:remove() if the object is a player 38cf080 (2015-02-23T16:49:48+10:00)
07:04 mazal joined #minetest
07:15 sofar Feb 22 23:14:25 htpc minetestserver[10523]: 23:14:25: ERROR[main]: Assignment to undeclared global "override" inside a function at ...test/.minetest/mods/plantlifemodpack/vines/functions.lua:97.
07:15 sofar Feb 22 23:14:24 htpc minetestserver[10523]: 23:14:24: WARNING: Undeclared global variable "adv_spawning" accessed at /home/minetest/.minetest/mods/adv_spawning/init.lua:13
07:15 sofar tip of git
07:16 sofar (mobf is just the worst, not even listing that... is that even maintained?)
07:20 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
07:23 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
07:27 gorilla joined #minetest
07:36 CWz joined #minetest
07:41 barrydk joined #minetest
08:01 Haudegen joined #minetest
08:12 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
08:14 peacock486 joined #minetest
08:26 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
08:27 barrydk_ joined #minetest
08:28 barrydk joined #minetest
08:30 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
08:36 theTroy joined #minetest
08:37 ImQ009 joined #minetest
08:38 Haudegen joined #minetest
08:42 Trustable joined #minetest
08:43 est31 joined #minetest
08:48 Trustable joined #minetest
08:55 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
08:58 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:59 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
09:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
09:10 crazyR guys is it possible to remove a player by doing "minetest.auth_table["playername"] = nil" then removing his file from /players directory?
09:11 crazyR what i mean is when minetest updates the auth file will it remove the player auth details if i use the above aproach
09:15 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
09:20 alket joined #minetest
09:28 Fritigern joined #minetest
09:34 Tg1 joined #minetest
09:54 est31 joined #minetest
09:59 Amaz joined #minetest
10:02 JamesTait joined #minetest
10:06 VanessaE wait for it...
10:08 * VanessaE looks at JamesTait
10:08 JamesTait :D
10:09 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Banana Bread Day! :-D
10:09 VanessaE there it is ;)  morning James.
10:25 FR^2 joined #minetest
10:35 Haudegen joined #minetest
10:37 JamesTait Ugh, Monday mornings. It's not the getting up and going I have a problem with, it's the "ZOMG HOW MANY EMAILS???!!?!?!!eleven!"
10:39 VanessaE heh
10:39 VanessaE not many for me
10:53 est31 joined #minetest
11:16 Jousway joined #minetest
11:16 VanessaE est31: what are you doing up? :)
11:16 est31 ??
11:17 VanessaE damn it
11:17 VanessaE there we go
11:17 VanessaE est31: nothing, I was kidding :)
11:18 * est31 doesnt understand the joke
11:18 VanessaE nevermind :)
11:18 est31 k lol
11:18 VanessaE "up" as in "awake", out of bed :)
11:18 est31 ah
11:18 est31 and why "there we go"?
11:20 VanessaE because I kit a key and my irc client did something stupid
11:20 VanessaE took a sec to figure out how to undo it
11:20 est31 k makes more sense now
11:36 crazyR joined #minetest
11:36 crazyR joined #minetest
11:38 alket joined #minetest
11:49 Drangue joined #minetest
12:06 alket joined #minetest
12:12 Viper168_ joined #minetest
12:13 chchjesus joined #minetest
12:14 Zeno` joined #minetest
12:19 gravgun_ joined #minetest
12:34 est31 formspecs broke again
12:34 est31 got even larger
12:34 Zeno` yay
12:34 est31 especially the usernames
12:34 Zeno` from what commit?
12:34 est31 change of the last 5 days
12:34 est31 bisecting...
12:34 basxto joined #minetest
12:35 Zeno` man, this font issue really needs to be sorted out properly :(
12:36 VanessaE est31: that's expected.  4d744cf8
12:36 VanessaE that would be where it "broke".
12:36 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
12:36 VanessaE the main menu just needs to be scaled down to 84 percent of its default size.
12:37 Zeno` 4d744cf8?
12:37 est31 even in-game?
12:37 VanessaE est31: wait, some new issue then?
12:38 VanessaE (that commit should only affect the pause and main menu)
12:38 est31 three issues: 1. the mainmenu is larger, 2. the esc menu is larger 3. usernames are drawn larger. that can however be debated whether its more readable, but it should be the same size as chat
12:38 VanessaE user names are commit aa31e3c7
12:38 Zeno` I would not have committed (3) myself, but.. hmmm
12:38 VanessaE the main menu and pause menu are 4d744cf8
12:39 Zeno` aa31e3c7 make, in my mind, the playernames too large
12:39 est31 yes
12:39 est31 I agree that this is a valid issue:
12:40 VanessaE they could stand to be made a *little* smaller, or be made configurable, or perhaps auto-scale by player distance
12:40 est31 but playernames should have the same fontsize as chat
12:40 VanessaE but it's a damn sight better than what it was :P
12:42 * est31 just realized that the font size is the same as chat now
12:42 VanessaE haha
12:43 VanessaE !next
12:43 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
12:43 Zeno` maybe it should not be white
12:43 est31 !rainbow usernames
12:43 MinetestBot 4us7er8na3mes
12:43 Zeno` well, no... not that either lol
12:43 Zeno` maybe a very light grey
12:44 VanessaE light grey usernames with a white box around them?
12:44 est31 you are right 'm never getting when you are serious and when youre joking
12:44 Megal joined #minetest
12:44 sfan5 !cat
12:44 MinetestBot
12:44 VanessaE (as in a frame, not a solid field)
12:44 Zeno` I'm always serious
12:45 VanessaE now mind you the player font now uses the freetype "drop shadow" effect also
12:46 sfan5 !cat
12:46 MinetestBot
12:46 est31 meh I think this is even something I can get accustomed to
12:46 VanessaE sfan5: awwww
12:46 sfan5 :3
12:48 est31 !doge
12:48 MinetestBot
12:51 MinetestBot [git] Zeno- -> minetest/minetest: Fix wrapDegrees family of functions 3b6480c (2015-02-23T22:50:32+10:00)
12:56 est31 joined #minetest
13:00 Pest joined #minetest
13:00 ElectronLibre_ joined #minetest
13:01 brothersome joined #minetest
13:08 crazyR can anyone think of a way to remove a players account via ingame command.... Ive tried "minetest.auth_table["playername"] = nil" to clear the user from the auth table/file but that doesnt work
13:08 hollandais joined #minetest
13:09 VanessaE no idea
13:09 brothersome crazyR, It looks like a database 1-N, do normally it is not possible
13:10 crazyR maybe il have to create a modified version of the authentication handler
13:10 crazyR add it in there
13:11 crazyR i was hoping it wouldnt come to that though
13:12 brothersome crazyR, with a duplicate or lost key a user cannot login anymore, perhaps that is a solution
13:13 Vargos joined #minetest
13:13 crazyR brothersome i think you mis understand me, i dont want to stop people from accessing the game. i can do that with bans.... i want to make it possible to remove a user entirely via command from within the game
13:14 JamesTait joined #minetest
13:14 brothersome crazyR, what about the chests of the user? pedestals? doors?
13:15 crazyR thats contain in /players directory and can be deleted by delting the player file. but the auth file is a little more delicate
13:18 turtleman_ joined #minetest
13:21 est31 crazyR, you can actually open the file and edit it:)
13:21 MinetestBot [git] gregorycu -> minetest/minetest: Optimise MapBlockMesh related functions 577701c (2015-02-23T23:20:31+10:00)
13:22 est31 and when you're cautious, you can even do sed on that file
13:22 Zeno` you can only really edit the file when minetestserver is not running
13:22 est31 as in sed -i auth.txt '/\:playername\:/d'
13:22 est31 thats true
13:23 crazyR est31 i know i can.... but as i siad above im looking to create a way to do it from within a minetest mod. and also if i do it whilst its running i have to refresh the auth
13:24 tim_flatus joined #minetest
13:25 tim_flatus Is there any way of deleting mapchunks from the database?
13:25 crazyR maybe this should be a core feature... with an api to allow mods to do things via function like: register_on_delete_player(player)
13:25 est31 tim_flatus, yes
13:25 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
13:25 est31 try the /deleteblocks command
13:25 est31 there is also a worldedit variant //deleteblocks
13:25 tim_flatus est31: you make me happy. Is it documented?
13:25 est31 yes
13:26 est31 should be
13:26 tim_flatus OK deepjoy
13:26 est31 tim_flatus, be cautious, only run it in non-inhabited areas
13:27 est31 because removing the mapblock triggers mapgen which triggers mud reflow and cavegen
13:27 est31 and those two things can affect areas outside of the mapblock
13:27 tim_flatus 0.4.12 broke mah mapgen - actually it didn't completely. It works fine in a new world, but has b0rked in the existing one. I know how to fix that, however.
13:28 tim_flatus Thanks for the warning est31
13:28 est31 crazyR, why not minetest.delete_player ?
13:28 est31 tim_flatus, I had to clean up the spawn area of my server. mud reflow isnt like real mud flows. it doesnt just cover stuff in mud it also removes it.
13:29 tim_flatus Fortunately the problem is not in developed areas
13:29 * Zeno` wonders what commit caused that
13:29 tim_flatus And there is usually a mapblock between
13:30 est31 tim_flatus, thats not enough
13:30 est31 read the docs for the deleteblocks command
13:30 tim_flatus Zeno`: was that ironic / rhetorical?
13:30 crazyR est31: what i mean, is the core should do the deleteing, as described above. register_on_delete_player(player) basically allow mods to clean there own files up in the event that a player is deleted.  and yeah minetest.delete_player could be used as a way for mods to delete a player. but i cant see a reason for a mod to do that if its already built into the core
13:31 Zeno` anyway if someone wants to write a deleteuser or rmuser command that requires server privs I'll probably merge it
13:31 tim_flatus est31: naturally - in fact I will make a copy of the world, which is now offline and test first
13:31 est31 great :)
13:31 Zeno` delete_player*
13:33 est31 joined #minetest
13:34 bas080 joined #minetest
13:34 est31 crazyR, it would be great however to have a lua api function too, then you can do things like VanessaE's removal of stale users inside lua.
13:35 crazyR yeah thats true..
13:45 SopaXorzTaker joined #minetest
13:54 MinetestForFun Hi everybody, please someone can help me with a bash script which launch my server in a loop but in a screen window, it doesn't work for the moment... (the crontab : script :
13:57 electrodude512 joined #minetest
14:00 sfan5 MinetestForFun: "screen -S foobar" is waiting for input
14:01 sfan5 MinetestForFun: try this in a shell: "screen -S foobar; echo test"
14:01 sfan5 MinetestForFun: it will not echo test until you exit the screen
14:12 FreeFull joined #minetest
14:15 ipv6b joined #minetest
14:21 * tim_flatus is deliriously happy to report that /deleteblocks appears to be doing exactly what is required at this point. :-)
14:23 electrodude512 joined #minetest
14:28 turtleman_ joined #minetest
14:29 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
14:29 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
14:34 shadowzone joined #minetest
14:36 mazal joined #minetest
14:37 shadowzone joined #minetest
14:39 tim_flatus I am investigating the possibility that mapgen is b0rked for multiplayer/survival mode but not in singleplayer/creative, which doesn't make much sense.
14:40 tim_flatus The simple answer to that is to pre-gen the map as my players aren't great explorers. Apart from Xanthin who discovered the bug.
14:40 shadowzone How y'all doing?
14:41 tim_flatus Mapgen bugs aside, great :-)
14:43 tim_flatus In an odd kind of way it's actually a pleasant break from dealing with squabbling teenagers ;-)
14:49 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
14:51 raffahacks joined #minetest
14:53 raffahacks left #minetest
14:56 STHGOM joined #minetest
14:57 Gizmo joined #minetest
15:10 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:34 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:35 tim_flatus can anyone point me to some documentation for /deleteblocks or a usage example. I'm not sure I have the syntax right.
15:42 est31 joined #minetest
15:43 tim_flatus est31: I haven't found any docs for /deleteblocks - can you point me to a usage example - I'm not sure I have this right.
15:44 tim_flatus I'm assuming it's a wrapper for minetest.delete_area()
15:45 tim_flatus Ah - d'oh
15:46 tim_flatus No that doesn't help much
15:47 est31 tim_flatus, it is a wrapper
15:47 est31
15:47 tim_flatus It's possible that I simply asked it to delete too large an area and crashed the game.
15:48 tim_flatus Thank you  :-)
15:48 est31 yea it is crashy
15:48 est31 thanks for confirming :)
15:48 tim_flatus Right. lol
15:48 est31 I didn't have the time to do actual research on it
15:49 tim_flatus Yep I didn't get the return false message
15:50 shadowzone What is a wrapper?
15:51 est31 its a minimal piece of code that doesn't do much more than call to something else
15:51 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:58 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
15:59 tim_flatus Interesting. It seems like it's doing it, but crashing the game before delivering any success / fail message. I'll try it on a smaller area. /deleteblocks here works fine
16:00 tim_flatus I guess that could be a memory issue on my machine
16:01 alket joined #minetest
16:02 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
16:08 jin_xi joined #minetest
16:09 Erthome joined #minetest
16:14 tim_flatus Case in point. minetestmapper confirms that /deleteblocks deleted about the same number of mapblocks each time before crashing.
16:14 jin_xi left #minetest
16:15 roniz joined #minetest
16:15 tim_flatus We can work with that. I'll just chunk it down
16:16 SopaXorzTaker joined #minetest
16:16 * tim_flatus resorts to graph paper
16:16 minehippie joined #minetest
16:16 minehippie Heyho :D
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16:49 tim_flatus est31: My other suspicion is that /deletebocks is crashing when it tries to delete an ungenerated chunk. So I'm going to fly the map in noclip and use /deleteblocks here.
16:49 tim_flatus Once I've got the map back in shape I could test this properly if that's of any use.
16:50 est31 tim_flatus, that suspicion would be very easy to test
16:50 * est31 is testing...
16:53 * Zeno` is resting...
16:54 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
16:56 est31 ok wasnt that easy :(
16:57 est31 I've tried to call the api function twice from the wrapper
16:57 est31 and I was horribly stupid
16:57 est31 if core.delete_area(p1, p2) or core.delete_area(p1, p2) then
16:57 est31 ofc this only calls the method once
16:58 tim_flatus est31: it's a fine line. You make me feel so much better. :-)
16:59 tim_flatus That is exactly the sort of thing I would do :-D
16:59 est31 ok even when I run it twice it still works
17:00 est31 might be some other reason
17:00 est31 I'll look at it when I have more time
17:00 tim_flatus OK, I'll go back to the memory limitations theory. Thanks.
17:01 electrodude512 joined #minetest
17:01 \er change p1 and p2 to semi-random values :P
17:01 tim_flatus Let me know if you need someone to try doing Really stupid things with ti ;-)
17:01 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
17:02 est31 \er,  yet another place where you could use those proposed MAP_MAX constants
17:02 \er est31, those should be added
17:02 est31 future-proof deletion
17:02 \er I think I said so in the PR?
17:02 est31 yes
17:02 \er phew
17:02 \er I sometimes forget
17:02 berome joined #minetest
17:03 est31 it was more meant as a joke :P
17:05 Calinou you should use minetest., not core.
17:05 Calinou core. is internal (builtin) only
17:12 Krock joined #minetest
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17:17 est31 Calinou, I've changed builtin/chatcommands.lua for my tests. core is ok for that isnt it :)
17:18 Calinou yes
17:19 Krock meow
17:25 Jordach joined #minetest
17:31 CWz joined #minetest
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17:42 Calinou – chess anyone? (first one to click plays)
17:45 Calinou
17:45 Calinou try again, I was afk :P
17:47 Haudegen joined #minetest
17:55 tim_flatus I might try hacking /deleteblocks here to affect the blocks above and below at the same time. I think that may be a better behaviour.
18:00 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:04 rubenwardy Hi all!
18:04 Calinou hi rubenwardy
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20:07 rubenwardy Compiling takes soo long...
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20:16 Pulec whats the best way to run dedicated server on debian and the like?
20:16 Pulec i used init.d script from github I tried yesterday, but it seems buggy
20:16 Pulec I am thinking of using screen
20:17 ecutruin joined #minetest
20:22 _schism_ anyone runing a server on ubuntu?
20:23 MattJ joined #minetest
20:25 Pulec its like debian, what is your problem _schism_
20:25 Pulec I really wish I chose centos anyway
20:26 Pulec with debian its best to build everything
20:26 Pulec and arch is too complicated to run :-/
20:26 _schism_ Pulec, Im not the brightest bulb in the pack but I can't find the server config file anywhere.
20:27 rubenwardy Amaz,
20:27 _schism_ Pulec, if you are looking for a arch based one look at manjaro.  I am oving machines to it right now.  Kind of like ubuntu for arch :)
20:27 rubenwardy That was the ctf bug
20:38 Pulec oh i meant arch based vps
20:38 shadowzone joined #minetest
20:38 Pulec but thx for the tip, I will be installing arch based distro to my mothers netbook soon
20:38 Pulec installed windows there but updates got stuck and are in infinite loop now, causing perfomance hell
20:42 Pulec _schism_, just pass the minetest server --config parameter and link it
20:42 Pulec or just use find ~ -name minetest.conf
20:43 _schism_ yeah tried the find command no love which is odd considering the server is running
20:44 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest
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20:57 Menche joined #minetest
21:02 sfan5 Pulec: i hope you don't want to install arch for your mother to maintain
21:03 Pulec yeah I would explain the whole pacman problematic...
21:03 Pulec what is the problem
21:03 Pulec you just do pacman -Syu
21:03 Pulec and its done
21:03 Pulec sometimes you accept pacmans recommendations
21:03 sfan5 except when you don't look at and everything breaks
21:03 Pulec in worst case it tells you to run upgrade db
21:04 Pulec sorry, but I didnt have that experience yet
21:04 Pulec I use arch just about year or so
21:04 sfan5 me neither
21:04 Pulec everything runs fine
21:04 Pulec I am not going to build system from scratch though
21:04 exio4 "everything works until it stops working"
21:04 Pulec I will probably use antergos
21:04 sfan5 when pacman told me to upgrade the db i did not understand it because the german translation was bad
21:04 Pulec german translation? :D
21:05 sfan5 exio4: "everything breaks until it works"?
21:05 sfan5 yes
21:05 sfan5 pacman uses german translations because my LANG is de_DE.UTF-8
21:05 Pulec as I look on minetest help, I see difference between what it prints to console, what is recommended, --info or --trace?
21:06 Pulec ah
21:06 Pulec why dont use us then? :D
21:07 sfan5 I'm actually not sure why I'm using german $LANG when I understand english just as good
21:08 Pulec I mean only some programs take translations from your locale, right?
21:08 exio4 the ''problem'' with archlinux for a normal average user is that you need to babysit it sometimes, like, not always, but _sometimes_ because that's how archlinux is, other distros are more conservative when it comes to upgrading the whole system so the software changes less => you don't need to reconfigure anything
21:08 Pulec and its mostly the stuff you have no problem understanding in english
21:09 Pulec archlinux is growing
21:09 Pulec lets hope we will not have so many problems in the future
21:09 exio4 what I said can't be avoided
21:09 Pulec but who knows where systemmd is going
21:09 exio4 systemd is crap, but that is a different thing :>
21:09 Pulec whats better then?
21:10 Pulec I am quite happy with what I have
21:10 exio4 openrc
21:10 Pulec googling it for first time
21:10 Pulec what about BSD then?
21:10 exio4 the main problem with systemd is that it being an 'init' is like 1% of what it is actually doing now
21:10 exio4 BSD isn't linux
21:11 Pulec its not, but it can do a lot too
21:11 exio4 yes
21:11 Pulec and from what I heard I see its a bit ¨cleaner¨
21:11 exio4 maybe
21:11 exio4 have you used it Pulec?
21:11 exio4 fbsd, obsd, netbsd?
21:12 Pulec never, I just read stuff, but I would lik to try
21:12 * Menche uses fbsd
21:12 Pulec minetestserver --config /home/minetest/.minetest/minetest.conf --logfile /var/log/minetest/minetest.log --info so that should do
21:13 exio4 Pulec: btw, Archlinux having 'problems with upgrades' is a natural thing, let's say tomorrow minetest starts using json for the config file, you get the new version in archlinux, ??
21:13 exio4 it's like, if you follow upstream you can't have more than what upstream gives you
21:13 Pulec yeah, but I am using debian on my vps now and its hell
21:14 exio4 (I am using an extreme example, the 'common thing' would be removed settings, and so on)
21:14 Pulec I have to build everything
21:14 exio4 why?
21:14 Pulec because the versions are too old
21:14 Pulec or I cant just use sources.list well
21:14 exio4 _are_ they?
21:14 Pulec minetest server was 0.3.3 or so
21:14 Pulec python is like 3.2
21:14 Pulec its debian 7 wheezy 64 minimal
21:14 Pulec I dont know whats wrong :D
21:14 Pulec bact to arch
21:14 Pulec *back
21:15 exio4 I am using a lxc with debian sid for my desktop
21:15 Pulec when you hit pacman -Syu
21:15 Pulec you get a list and you have to know what could get wrong
21:15 Pulec you would probably have backups
21:15 Pulec or at least read some info about minetest using json configs
21:15 exio4 yes
21:15 Pulec but that does not work for everybody
21:16 exio4 I wouldn't want to 4have to upgrade the system every a few weeks (and restart the system, and fix stuff) because upstream decided the setting X isn't cool enough and is now called Y
21:16 Pulec yeah for server its a bit crazy
21:17 Pulec I dont mind rebooting often on my desktop
21:17 exio4 sfan5: btw, I checked last week, I actually haven't used archlinux for 4+ years
21:17 Pulec I use dual boot anyway
21:17 Pulec thats a long time
21:17 exio4 Pulec: I actually do mind rebooting, I don't have any reason to reboot
21:17 exio4 at worst, I'll restart the container
21:17 Pulec I would mind rebooting my server a lot
21:17 Pulec container, ahh
21:17 Pulec I am still noob you know
21:18 exio4 my setup is a bit weird, but not so much, it's just a debian host + "bleeding-edge" distros in containers
21:18 Pulec well --info prints quite a lot
21:18 Pulec ah, virtualization then?
21:19 exio4 no, lxc
21:19 exio4 linux containers, nothing fancy
21:20 _schism_ can minetest run without a conf file?
21:21 ElectronLibre If there is no conf file it will generate a default one and use it.
21:21 ElectronLibre So no.
21:21 ElectronLibre But yes in a way.
21:22 seamus__ joined #minetest
21:23 _schism_ grr cant find the freaking thing.  Time for a beer and come back and look some more
21:24 Pulec does minetestserver somehow flushes it memory sometimes?
21:24 Pulec i had a server running for a day, few users connected, about 80mb ram eated up
21:24 Pulec even when there was nobody online
21:25 Pulec after starting it up again, almost zero MB
21:27 Pulec are there must have plugins for server?
21:28 Pulec like border plugins and stuff like that
21:29 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest
21:30 Pulec _schism_, why not beer at pc?
21:31 Haudegen joined #minetest
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21:52 farfadet46 bonsoir
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21:54 farfadet46 hi
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22:27 coagen joined #minetest
22:27 coagen hello
22:27 coagen whats the news lately?
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22:28 coagen VanessaE: how are things?
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23:07 _schism_ pulec had to go start cooking supper lol
23:08 Pulec yaah, beer while cooking
23:09 whtemple1959 hello room, my son has been watching these minecraft youtube videos and the game sounds entertaining. During my research I found Minetest. What a joy free and Open Source. I would like to create a closed local system so he and I can play together as he learns the game. In my Mint synaptic I have the option to install PCs?mods. but in my debian server they are not available.
23:10 Pulec PCs?mods?
23:10 whtemple1959 Sorry about that typing snafu. In my Mint synaptic I have the option to install mods. but in my debian server they are not available.
23:11 Pulec I am a begginer myself, how did you install mods in Mint?
23:11 est31 whtemple1959, best way to get mods is to check them out from git
23:11 whtemple1959 My question. do these mods get installed to the server or the clients?
23:11 est31 on server only
23:11 Menche the server only
23:11 est31 client side are only texture packs and password manager mods
23:12 whtemple1959 est and Menche... thank you for that to finish up but I am sure I will be back as I am the clask new guy
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23:12 whtemple1959 and my chubby fingers just will not type
23:13 Pulec is there a page about mods on servers on wiki?
23:13 Menche page about what?
23:13 est31 whtemple1959, also its best to download minetest itself from git and compile it yourself or to use the ppa. if you check out the newest mod versions you might have problems with minetest being too old
23:14 est31 or use the ppa if you prefer that
23:14 est31
23:14 Pulec oh, mods are run along with world?
23:14 Pulec how clever
23:14 whtemple1959 you want miracles...I am just learning cimpiling skills leave much to be desired
23:16 est31 then do the ppa
23:16 est31 but dont use minetest 0.4.9 or so
23:16 est31 newest is 0.4.12
23:16 Pulec this might help you whtemple1959
23:18 whtemple1959 thank you Pulec and again est31...I shall return tpo discuss my victories...optimistic that I am.
23:19 whtemple1959 left #minetest
23:19 Pulec and he left, ah
23:23 LazyJ joined #minetest
23:26 whtemple1959 joined #minetest
23:26 whtemple1959 hello again room. I left too quickly
23:26 whtemple1959 est31 you gave me a ppa address for ubuntu I am using debian will there be a conflict?
23:29 whtemple1959 researching debian ppa possibilities now
23:29 VanessaE
23:32 whtemple1959 I found info at that points to deb sid main to install minetest_0.4.10+repack-3_i386 is this what I want?
23:33 est31 no whtemple1959, 0.4.10 is old.
23:33 VanessaE whtemple1959: just build or use the PPA I just pointed to.
23:35 whtemple1959 VanessaE first during my research I did see reverences to your work. as a new guy I get confused. I am using debian will ubuntu packages work on debian?
23:36 VanessaE I don't know
23:36 VanessaE but if you're on debian, you should just compile it.
23:36 VanessaE it's easy to do, only takes a few commands
23:37 VanessaE (I read your previous comment as you being on ubuntu, sorry about that)
23:37 whtemple1959 as I told est31 earlier my compiling skills...well suck. my son is calling I will be back so do not be offend if I do not respond quickly
23:40 est31 whtemple1959, see this
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