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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-01-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 sfan5 bit_shifter: set video_driver to ogles1 in minetest.conf
00:01 sfan5 bit_shifter: or ogles2
00:03 bit_shifter Either option gives me:
00:18 ShadowNinja ~tell Jordach Minetest should never segfault, no matter how much it's drawing, and my laptop can easily handle Minetest with 1M vertices.  The issue isn't related to drawing, it's related to schematics and the VoxelManipulator.
00:18 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: O.K.
00:25 DarkFire left #minetest
00:40 cornernote how the heck do people build like this -
00:41 cornernote how to get those nice curves? -
00:46 ShadowNinja cornernote: Probably a lot of WorldEdit.  And I've seen things like those curves with the turtles mod.
00:46 Tiktalik joined #minetest
00:47 VanessaE those structures were imported from minecraft though, but likely there are similar mods.
00:54 cornernote how do you import from minecraft ?
00:55 cornernote amazing buildings, i guess a bit of worldedit for structure, then a lot of placing nodes and a little more worldedit to copy/repeat things
00:58 cornernote some of them would be really awesome in the mods i have that make buildings... towntest for example
00:59 cornernote in towntest i need to make the man bulid the closest block instead of the next block in the schema
01:03 Wayward_One o.o valgrind just told me to "go fix my program" xD
01:04 Wayward_One *your
01:06 compunerd joined #minetest
01:08 Wayward_One joined #minetest
01:15 shadowzone joined #minetest
01:22 turtleman_ joined #minetest
01:22 VargaD_ joined #minetest
01:35 shadowzone joined #minetest
01:43 Megaf_ joined #minetest
01:45 harrison 01,09memehopper
01:45 Ataron joined #minetest
01:46 MinerDad joined #minetest
01:47 Aragas_ joined #minetest
01:47 Aragas_ left #minetest
01:48 Aragas joined #minetest
01:56 FreeFull joined #minetest
02:00 Enke joined #minetest
02:09 DuDraig joined #minetest
02:37 AndChat215124 joined #minetest
02:38 AndChat215124 Does jbevren hang out around here?
02:44 AndChat215124 Last time I saw mention of him was regarding ECCC 2014 with DMackey and VanessaE
02:45 VanessaE er, why would he be in here?
02:45 AndChat215124 I'm stalking my uncle
02:46 VanessaE jbevren can usually be found on Newnet.
02:46 AndChat215124 I don't know that he would be, but most IRC logs for him are pretty old. I didn't know if IRC was really his thing
02:46 AndChat215124 Ah ok
02:47 AndChat215124 Maybe I'll catch up with  him there sometime, thanks a bunch.
02:47 VanessaE he's there now.
02:47 VanessaE shit.
02:58 AndChat215124 joined #minetest
02:58 AndChat215124 VanessaE: Did you need something else?
03:00 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:03 VanessaE AndChat215124: yeah, jbevren is available now on Newnet if you need hi,m
03:03 VanessaE him*
03:03 VanessaE he asks who you are also :)
03:04 AndChat215124 Ah OK I saw your message in the log after I accidentally quit.
03:04 AndChat215124 I'm his nephew Quinn
03:04 AndChat215124 I'm over there as qwood
03:33 Zeno` joined #minetest
03:33 LazyJ joined #minetest
03:34 Tablet_One joined #minetest
03:37 AndChat215124 left #minetest
04:19 roboman2444 joined #minetest
04:25 MinetestBot [git] kahrl -> minetest/minetest: Update bundled SQLite to 060ae29 (2015-01-04T05:21:59+01:00)
04:30 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
04:37 MinerDad joined #minetest
04:53 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
05:00 MinerDad joined #minetest
05:01 MinerDad joined #minetest
05:33 n4x Пересылаем тр-ию, полученную по локальной сети, конечному ноду, указанному в первых 100 байтах тр-ии
05:34 n4x sounds like a deal
05:34 n4x code written in english, but the comments are all in russian
05:34 n4x "decode_length" ...
05:38 Pentium44 joined #minetest
05:49 Viper168 joined #minetest
06:21 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
06:38 leat joined #minetest
06:50 ibloat joined #minetest
07:03 T4im joined #minetest
07:06 rickmcfarley joined #minetest
07:20 CWz joined #minetest
07:43 chchjesus joined #minetest
08:00 chchjesus joined #minetest
08:09 leat joined #minetest
08:13 Calinou joined #minetest
08:38 Akagi201 joined #minetest
09:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
09:07 redstonecraftpl joined #minetest
09:08 Krock joined #minetest
09:21 rasheed joined #minetest
09:21 rasheed ...
09:22 nore joined #minetest
09:22 Krock …
09:27 pygmee joined #minetest
09:30 Mati^1 joined #minetest
09:43 FourFire joined #minetest
09:47 ImQ009 joined #minetest
09:56 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:15 T4im will high alltitudes (when sorrounded only by air), still run mapgen expensivly? also will it increase the maps databasesize?
10:15 sfan5 empty (just air) MapBlocks also take space
10:15 T4im ah, ok, thanks
10:15 sfan5 but they take very few space
10:22 Lunatrius joined #minetest
10:27 jluc joined #minetest
10:41 jin_xi joined #minetest
10:52 Zeno` joined #minetest
11:08 redstonecraftpl afk
11:18 roniz joined #minetest
11:24 Trustable joined #minetest
11:24 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
11:45 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
11:53 Viper168 joined #minetest
11:56 MinetestBot [git] Zeno- -> minetest/minetest: Remove freezemelt documentation from lua_api.txt 64cdbae (2015-01-04T21:53:25+10:00)
12:00 Ataron joined #minetest
12:03 tpe joined #minetest
12:15 Aragas joined #minetest
12:16 Ritchie joined #minetest
12:17 Ataron joined #minetest
12:18 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
12:32 Tg1 joined #minetest
12:33 Akagi201 joined #minetest
12:38 redstonecraftpl afk
12:42 Akagi201 joined #minetest
12:45 pygmee_ joined #minetest
13:16 stewi joined #minetest
13:28 Ataron_ joined #minetest
13:31 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
13:39 compcube joined #minetest
13:43 ImQ009 joined #minetest
13:45 Zeno` joined #minetest
13:47 Jordach joined #minetest
13:48 Zentdayn joined #minetest
13:50 Jordach !tell Calinou a little icy over here
13:50 MinetestBot Jordach: yeah, sure, whatever
13:53 Wayward_One joined #minetest
13:56 Krock 2 °C isn't icy
13:59 * Jordach grumbles about Firefox randomly deleting pinned links on newtab
13:59 alexxs joined #minetest
14:00 stewi Haha, cracked me up. Did you just start up? or is that an error?
14:01 roniz joined #minetest
14:01 PilzAdam joined #minetest
14:03 Jordach at random
14:03 Jordach i had to restore it using about:config
14:08 ImQ009 joined #minetest
14:16 sfan5 Krock: the temp on the screenshot is 17°C not 2°C
14:17 Krock oh. Haven't seen those numbers. I thought the number on the right of
14:18 Krock ..the graph were meant
14:18 stewi I have the same program for my graphics card and it is super misleading
14:19 Krock me not.
14:24 Zentdayn left #minetest
14:25 Wayward_One joined #minetest
14:26 tyteen4a04 joined #minetest
14:39 Jordach jin_xi, err this might be related to you: 0x00000000005b53f9 in Schematic::blitToVManip(irr::core::vector3d<short>, ManualMapVoxelManipulator*, Rotation, bool, INodeDefManager*) ()
14:44 Jordach jin_xi, sorry, it's not youy
14:44 rubenwardy joined #minetest
14:44 rubenwardy Hi all!
14:45 rubenwardy Any recommendations for video editors for Kubuntu 14.04?
14:45 Jordach kdenlive
14:45 rubenwardy No
14:45 Jordach u wot m8
14:45 rubenwardy Tried it, it is not very user friendls
14:45 rubenwardy friendly
14:45 Jordach u wot m8
14:45 rubenwardy It doesn't support custom width/height
14:45 rubenwardy Croppinh
14:48 rubenwardy OpenShot looks okay
14:48 Jordach rubenwardy, the author of OpenShot 2.0 went MIA since November 2014
14:48 Jordach he's run off with the kickstarter cash
14:49 sfan5 !g linux video editor
14:49 MinetestBot sfan5:
14:49 sfan5 ^ try this rubenwardy
14:49 roniz joined #minetest
14:49 rubenwardy Was just reading that
14:51 ziggy909 so is there an rpg mod?
14:52 rubenwardy Clarify
14:52 rubenwardy Rocket Propelled Grenade or Role playing game
14:52 rubenwardy They are rather different things
14:53 ziggy909 roleplaying
14:53 ziggy909 i see lots of separate mods
14:53 ziggy909 healthbars, armor etc
14:53 ziggy909 no skills/experience ones though
14:56 kahrl
14:59 Wayward_One ziggy909, how about this one?;t=9184&amp;hilit=adventuretest
14:59 turtleman_ joined #minetest
15:00 Wayward_One well, it's more of a subgame, actually, but it has experience
15:00 Wayward_One and skills
15:11 rubenwardy Why is voice acting so painful :(
15:12 Megaf_ What's the Amaz's server?
15:12 Megaf_ !server moontest
15:12 MinetestBot Megaf_: OldCoder Moontest | | Clients: 4/25, 1/9 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / moontest_game | Ping: 135ms
15:12 rubenwardy I give up
15:12 rubenwardy I'll use subtitles
15:13 Megaf_ the problem is, you are not used to your own voice
15:13 n4x rubenwardy: wut?
15:13 rubenwardy My microphone is shit]
15:14 rubenwardy It's not a problem with my voice, it's just it crackles a lot
15:14 rubenwardy An audacity fails on me
15:20 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
15:20 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
15:23 ImQ009 joined #minetest
15:23 geggam joined #minetest
15:24 Yepoleb joined #minetest
15:44 Calinou joined #minetest
15:54 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:55 pygmee_ joined #minetest
15:57 rubenwardy Meh, kdenlive's okay. It's just not serif
15:57 rubenwardy or finalcut
16:03 rubenwardy !title
16:03 MinetestBot rubenwardy: GIMP - Changing the Iris Color - YouTube
16:13 Fusl joined #minetest
16:14 Enke joined #minetest
16:19 DFeniks joined #minetest
16:29 puhfa joined #minetest
16:45 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
16:49 OldCoder That is not Amaz's server
16:53 roniz joined #minetest
17:01 ImQ009 joined #minetest
17:02 PilzAdam joined #minetest
17:14 kaeza joined #minetest
17:15 kaeza greetings
17:15 n4x hai
17:16 AndreeeCZ joined #minetest
17:16 AndreeeCZ hi guys
17:16 AndreeeCZ i just have stumbled across minetest after a really long time
17:17 AndreeeCZ i would like to help with sounds/foley and music
17:17 Calinou hi
17:17 AndreeeCZ i'm a musician and a sound engineer
17:18 Calinou I suggest you make a thread on forums and expose some of your sounds
17:18 AndreeeCZ good idea
17:18 AndreeeCZ what is the state of the sounds and music?
17:18 AndreeeCZ i played a little a couple of minutes ago, so there already is some sound
17:19 AndreeeCZ what is the extent of those?
17:19 nman3600 joined #minetest
17:20 nman3600 yooo
17:20 Calinou there is no music
17:20 Calinou the sounds are mostly basic, we could definitely have more/better sounds
17:24 rubenwardy We need better sounds
17:30 AndreeeCZ do you need music?
17:30 AndreeeCZ in general
17:30 AndreeeCZ minecraft's original music added a lot of the feel
17:30 Calinou music could be useful
17:30 Calinou AndreeeCZ, you could implement all this using a mod like Ambience
17:31 Calinou;t=2807
17:31 Calinou you'd have to replace the sounds with your own, that's all
17:31 Calinou (make sure they have similar volume to the old ones!)
17:34 Jordach hmmmm, theres a nice shiny gdb log with bt full for you
17:34 hmmmm where
17:35 Jordach i responded
17:38 hmmmm ahh that is much more helpful
17:39 hmmmm so can i see the schematic you tried to place?
17:39 catninja_ a 3d printed minetestcat!
17:40 stewi that server has an SSL sercificate that has not been signed.
17:40 Megaf_ Hi all
17:41 Megaf_ Is there a way to register a node that gives neutral boiance?
17:41 stewi atleast not by a certificate authority
17:41 Calinou boiance?
17:41 Calinou stewi, you can probably trust it y ourself
17:41 Calinou or use HTTP (if it exists)
17:41 catninja_ stewi: it uses ca-cert
17:41 Megaf_ something air like or water like, but where you would float when on it
17:42 Calinou you can install CACert in your browser
17:42 Calinou Megaf_, nope, except by using climbable = true
17:42 Megaf_ hm
17:42 Megaf_ That can be an intersting solution
17:42 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
17:44 rubenwardy XD
17:45 Calinou both “contributers” and “contributors” exist, apparently
17:45 Calinou although the latter is more common
17:45 Gael-de-Sailly Wuzzy has made a tuto for beginners. I wanted to test it a few hours ago, and it crashes.
17:45 Gael-de-Sailly There is a problem with auth.txt
17:46 Gael-de-Sailly;t=10192&amp;start=98
17:48 Gael-de-Sailly Am I alone to have this pb ?
17:48 rubenwardy 31MB D:
17:50 Wuzzy joined #minetest
17:51 Gael-de-Sailly @Wuzzy : You join the channel exactely when I need your help !
17:51 Gael-de-Sailly I get an error when I try to play your Tutorial game.
17:52 Wuzzy hi
17:53 Wuzzy which version do u use (tutorial, minetest)?
17:53 Gael-de-Sailly I've installed your Tutorial game AND map downloaded from the first post.
17:54 Gael-de-Sailly I have minetest 0.4.11-dev, updated nearly every day with Ubuntu PPAs
17:54 Wuzzy oh god, not another -dev version ...
17:55 Wuzzy whatever
17:55 Wuzzy please describe your bug
17:55 Wuzzy if possible can you test it with 0.4.11 as well?
17:55 Gael-de-Sailly 11:51:45: ERROR[main]: /usr/share/minetest/builtin/game/auth.lua:48: Invalid line in auth.txt: "singleplayer::"
17:55 rubenwardy I don't think calling it -dev really matters, it is meaningful too the user (this is a development). Not so meaningful to the developer, though.
17:56 Wuzzy it means its some of the unstable builds
17:56 Wuzzy hmmm funny
17:57 Wuzzy so the old auth.txt is rejected by Minetest now. o_O
17:57 Wuzzy Why would they want to change the format of auth.txt?
17:57 Wuzzy I wanna bet its just another engine bug again. :D
17:57 Gael-de-Sailly Another precision : other worlds, in other games, works
17:58 Wuzzy you have to know this world is a 0.4.11 world
17:58 Wuzzy if they changed something to the world format, that may be a problem
17:58 Wuzzy hmmm I need more research about this
17:58 Wuzzy ah
17:58 Wuzzy I could just try to reproduce your bug xD
17:59 Gael-de-Sailly Maybe it comes from that : ?
18:00 Gael-de-Sailly but it will be strange that anyone noticed this bug before me ... in 2 monthes !
18:03 Wuzzy I reproduced it!! omg
18:04 Gael-de-Sailly You have the same pb ?
18:04 Wuzzy yes
18:04 Wuzzy in 0.4.11 Tutorial works fine
18:04 Viper168 joined #minetest
18:05 Wuzzy in 663e42ca… it works not
18:07 T4im if not (name and password and privilege_string) then error("Invalid line in auth.txt: "..dump(line)
18:07 T4im singleplayer is missing anything but the name
18:07 T4im remote the line and it should work
18:08 T4im remove*
18:09 Gael-de-Sailly With string.split, "singleplayer::" should return "singleplayer" and 2 empty strings
18:09 T4im yea
18:09 T4im oh wait.. are you talking about a singleplayer or multiplayer world?
18:09 Gael-de-Sailly but here, it returns nil instead of empty string
18:10 Gael-de-Sailly singleplayer
18:10 T4im I think there was a commit changing the split function though
18:10 * T4im checks
18:10 Gael-de-Sailly
18:11 Gael-de-Sailly but "singleplayer::some_privs" works
18:11 Gael-de-Sailly so it's only the privs who are set to nil
18:13 Jousway joined #minetest
18:13 Gael-de-Sailly I know LUA but this code is complex, probably too complex for me :/
18:17 Gethiox joined #minetest
18:18 T4im the sub looks weird to me..
18:18 T4im seems to miss a parameter
18:18 Wuzzy Gael-de-Sailly: I have reported this in #minetest-dev and the developers are in bug hunt mode I guess. :)
18:18 rubenwardy We've worked out the problem in #minetest-dev
18:19 rubenwardy Damn, inb4
18:19 Gael-de-Sailly So… the problem is from the core
18:20 Gael-de-Sailly and not from your tuto
18:20 rubenwardy The string:split function was changed. It splits up "username:password:privs:last_login" into different variables.
18:20 rubenwardy !tell Jordach
18:20 MinetestBot rubenwardy: I'll pass that on when Jordach is around
18:22 dbz2k joined #minetest
18:23 Gael-de-Sailly bye
18:27 Pest joined #minetest
18:34 roniz joined #minetest
18:34 Jordach rubenwardy, ya
18:34 rubenwardy XD
18:38 Vargos joined #minetest
18:49 Miner_48er joined #minetest
18:50 n4x joined #minetest
18:52 Remy__ joined #minetest
18:53 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
18:54 iio7 joined #minetest
18:55 iio7 Hi, I have installed minetest 0.4.11-54-g663e42c on a Linux server and the exact same version on two other Linux clients. The server is running on Alpine Linux, while the clients are running on Debian. All have been compiled from source..
18:56 iio7 We are unable to login to the server and gets this error:
18:57 iio7 "The server is probably  running a different version of Minetest.", it is not, they are identical.
18:57 iio7 How do I deal with this error: "A serialization error occurred: decompressZlib: inflate failed"?
18:58 ElectronLibre (In my opinion you should use the sources from instead of the lastest one.)
18:58 iio7 Why?
18:59 ElectronLibre You're using an unstable version of the game, try running the last stable release.
18:59 iio7 Using Git, how can I pull the latest stable? Does it have a branch or a specific tag?
19:00 ElectronLibre It's tagged "0.4.11".
19:01 ElectronLibre It's on the branch called stable-0.4 if I remember correctly.
19:02 iio7 Thanks!
19:03 ElectronLibre Your welcome. But if the error keeps occuring, it must be a problem related to either the server's or the client's configuration/system. (I think)
19:04 iio7 Okay, thanks a lot!
19:07 Ataron joined #minetest
19:11 shadowzone joined #minetest
19:12 Mapoot joined #minetest
19:12 Mapoot Hello
19:12 Mapoot left #minetest
19:20 theTroy joined #minetest
19:22 iio7 joined #minetest
19:23 iio7 So I downgraded both the server and the client to version 0.4.11 latest stable, but I still get "decompressZlib: inflate failed" upon connection.
19:25 ElectronLibre iio7, so, it's probably becaus of one of your computers..
19:25 ElectronLibre *because
19:26 iio7 In what way? I have checked the server configuration and very few options are set, like enable damage, all is default.
19:27 ElectronLibre So I have no idea.. Sorry.. Does anyone else have an idea?
19:30 iio7 I am wondering if the zlib stuff could be different between OS's, between Alpine Linux and Debian.
19:31 ElectronLibre Maybe.
19:32 ElectronLibre (That's a thing I thought about, maybe two incompatible version of a minetest's dependence.)
19:33 iio7 Yeah..
19:39 rubenwardy Now, I like receiving feedback, but this makes me feel rather lonely:
19:40 ElectronLibre ^ Oh my Voxel's god, I cannot imagine how much time you have to spend to answer all the topics ._.
19:40 rubenwardy That's PM
19:41 ElectronLibre Oh, ok.
19:41 ElectronLibre It must still take a lot of time to do.
19:41 rubenwardy It's rather impressive
19:42 rubenwardy The ones I have replied to have a bar down the left side
19:43 Krock rubenwardy, that looks like a file from the CIA
19:43 Krock everything black
19:43 rubenwardy Yeah. All redacted
19:43 rubenwardy
19:45 Krock ^ yeah, like that
19:46 Tg1 Does anyone know if there is an I OS Version wich really works?
19:46 rubenwardy !c 'Android' > 'iOs'
19:46 MinetestBot False
19:46 rubenwardy damn
19:46 rubenwardy !c 'Android' > ' iOs'
19:46 MinetestBot True
19:46 Krock wuut
19:47 Krock space is worthless?
19:47 rubenwardy What are you asking, Tgl?
19:47 rubenwardy Minetest works, or iOS works?
19:48 rubenwardy Krock, space has a lower ASCII character than "A"
19:48 Krock ah k
19:48 iio7 joined #minetest
19:48 Krock <3 those threads:;t=10905
19:49 ElectronLibre ^ Ok what the shell is that post exactly?
19:49 ElectronLibre *thread
19:50 iio7 On Debian libbz2-dev is running version 1.0.6 and on Alpine Linux it is called bzip2-dev and it is also version 1.0.6, so the "decompressZlib: inflate failed", doesn't really make sense.
19:50 Krock it's text, filled with nonsense and some parts of lead-nowhere-phrases
19:50 iio7 Should I perhaps report this as a bug?
19:51 * ElectronLibre is pretty sure it's inspired of something like GGO.. DIO.. SAO maybe..
19:51 rubenwardy Basically asking for someone else to do coding, it seems
19:51 ElectronLibre The best way to have your problem solved is to report it indeed :
19:51 Tg1 a version of minetest for i os wich works
19:52 Krock there are only OS X builds
19:54 Tg1 so this is the reason why the builds for i pads make so man problems on our server :D
19:54 Tg1 your*
19:55 Krock not the app is the problem; the people/kids using it can be a problem
19:56 Tg1 well they can not get things out of chests and furnaces
19:56 ElectronLibre In my opinion it's a good things they cannot... These clients are a problem.
19:57 Krock and mostly horribly outdated
19:57 Tg1 yeah but if they cannot use furnaces they just bild cobble houses
19:57 Enke joined #minetest
19:58 rubenwardy iOS apps are not supported by us. They are made by third-party developers, often illegally.
19:59 ElectronLibre And often contains ads, and a lot of disgusting things.
19:59 rubenwardy Do we have an official account on Google Play?
19:59 Tg1 oh okey  it was just a question because on krocks server there are those problems with this ipad players
20:01 ElectronLibre There should be a way to ban/kick them based on their OS..
20:01 rubenwardy Yeah
20:02 Krock \o/ linux servers gonna kick windows players
20:02 ElectronLibre For example x)..
20:02 Krock I hate this feature
20:02 rubenwardy if player:os():contains("microsoft") then player:kick() end
20:02 ElectronLibre But I was only thinking about unofficial clients in fact..
20:02 Krock since when is os() a function?
20:03 ElectronLibre Since he imagined it was.
20:03 NekoGloop joined #minetest
20:03 rubenwardy ElectronLibre, "unofficial builds"
20:03 rubenwardy most builds are unofficial
20:03 Krock eeks. 502 bad gateway
20:03 rubenwardy On Linux we build the latest versions ourselves
20:04 Krock ..or download the daily builds
20:05 ElectronLibre Yes I meant.. Builds put on Apps' markets by third-party people.
20:05 ElectronLibre Which includes ads and all these things.
20:06 rubenwardy How would you be able to detect that?
20:07 ElectronLibre I have indeed no idea..
20:07 ElectronLibre But by knowing there is no official-build for iOS we should at least do something to that..
20:07 * ElectronLibre removes a '-'
20:09 rubenwardy The client could just fake the operating system. That's the problem
20:11 acerspyro joined #minetest
20:14 Tg1 joined #minetest
20:21 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
20:26 DFeniks joined #minetest
20:34 frecel joined #minetest
20:38 ImQ009 joined #minetest
20:38 Player_2 joined #minetest
20:40 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
20:44 Ataron joined #minetest
20:45 Ataron joined #minetest
20:51 ShadowNinja What rubenwardy is talking about is doable, it's just not easy.  You'd have to set up a remote media server and have it will you the player's OS from the user agent.
20:51 ShadowNinja was talking about*
20:51 ShadowNinja s/will/tell/
20:51 H-H-H joined #minetest
21:00 prozacgod joined #minetest
21:01 Jordach hmmmm, i thought you were going to be an ass with the Mapgen/Biome API <3
21:01 hmmmm ....?
21:01 hmmmm what are you talking about
21:01 Jordach hmmmm, regarding a few days ago convo over the Biome API argument
21:02 hmmmm i do not want the biome api to be documented at this point
21:02 hmmmm you're encouraging people to use somethig that's clearly of alpha quality
21:02 Jordach hmmmm, if people use it we can find bugs :P
21:03 hmmmm oh, i know you can
21:03 hmmmm your contribution there is not welcome
21:03 hmmmm i don't really care for people finding bugs with the biome api
21:03 Jordach hmmmm, if it crops up at release that's your problem
21:03 hmmmm technically nothing is my problem
21:03 hmmmm this is all being coded for free and released free as in freedom
21:04 hmmmm i can just not work on minetest ever again if i wanted
21:04 Jordach hmmmm, i wouldn't - you're more likely to whip other developers
21:04 hmmmm huh?  whatever
21:05 Jordach hmmmm, you're an excellent slave driver, nearly moreso than c55
21:05 hmmmm i don't see how
21:05 Jordach hmmmm, you actually try to sort things out, including the silly naming scheme, etc
21:06 Jordach also: you don't leave a monstrous 6 mile creek of bugs when adding features
21:08 hmmmm i try though
21:09 hmmmm alright, so i'm not able to tell precisely which portion of that line failed
21:09 Amaz joined #minetest
21:09 hmmmm there are two possibilities though
21:10 hmmmm if i am to believe that valgrind was not lying to me, that means schemdata had never been allocated
21:10 zat joined #minetest
21:10 hmmmm if it was lying to me, then there is some issue with node resolution
21:11 hmmmm ahh i see what the problem is... the pending nodes are never being resolved
21:11 hmmmm valgrind was utterly useless in this case aside from giving a very rough idea of where the segfault was
21:12 redstonecraftpl joined #minetest
21:13 hmmmm pending node resolutions after the registration phase has been completed... this can be fixed by immediately triggering the callback from within pendNodeResolve
21:22 ImQ009 joined #minetest
21:25 ElectronLibre left #minetest
21:34 hmmmm Jordach:  try the current HEAD
21:36 carjack joined #minetest
21:36 proller hmmmm, why you sapierizing node resolver ?
21:37 proller was kicked by VanessaE: proller
21:37 hmmmm what..?
21:37 proller joined #minetest
21:37 proller was kicked by hmmmm: go away
21:37 VanessaE well.  I didn't wanna go THAT far.
21:37 hmmmm i don't like that guy
21:38 sfan5 did you just ban /24?
21:38 hmmmm well, I guess I did
21:39 carjack sapierizing: word last used on 2014-05-27 by proller
21:39 sfan5 inetnum: -
21:39 sfan5 should've banned more
21:39 hmmmm haha..
21:39 VanessaE take out the whole /16 then :P
21:39 hmmmm that's what /ban on xchat does automatically
21:40 hmmmm fun fact, i've never banned anybody on any minetest related channels before today
21:40 VanessaE and that's the first time to my memory that I've kicked him.
21:40 Amaz Always a first time for everything :)
21:40 hmmmm he's always such a neg
21:41 hmmmm like why should we need to put up with that
21:41 hmmmm he's certainly not contributing to the conversation
21:41 hmmmm all he does is taunt
21:41 Amaz I've been waiting for that to happen for some time.
21:41 sfan5 i think i should complain about how VanessaE did not use MinetestBot to kick prol​ler
21:41 Amaz He also advertises.
21:41 hmmmm
21:41 carjack guy has a dummy web server
21:42 sfan5 <hmmmm>
21:42 sfan5 best commit
21:42 VanessaE sfan5: I can never remember the various bots' commands
21:43 sfan5 VanessaE: tip: !kick !{un,}{ban,mute} !{de,}op
21:44 carjack and !slap
21:44 VanessaE ah right
21:45 VanessaE most of the commit history:  "merge commit xxxxxx"
21:45 hmmmm or..
21:45 VanessaE wtf kind of useful messages is this?
21:45 carjack do you need an explicit deconstructer if the deconstructer does nothing?
21:45 shadowzone !slap shadowzone
21:45 hmmmm "fix <thing>"
21:45 VanessaE
21:45 shadowzone Am I still on ignore?
21:45 hmmmm "try 2"
21:45 blaise joined #minetest
21:45 * VanessaE ignores shadowzone  ;)
21:46 shadowzone Really?
21:46 VanessaE oh excuse me, that's just today's commits.
21:46 VanessaE shadowzone: kidding :)
21:46 carjack ignore yourself, it is fun
21:47 carjack but you start to smell after a few days
21:47 shadowzone Does that even work?
21:47 shadowzone Nope
21:48 carjack someone did this:
21:48 shadowzone That looks cool
21:51 SylvieLorxu I wonder how people make coloured QR codes...
21:53 sfan5 SylvieLorxu: 1) normal QR code 2) GIMP magic 3) ??? 4) profit
21:54 carjack it is created with visuallead and doesn't work afaict
21:56 raffahacks joined #minetest
21:57 VanessaE it DOES work, but it points to
21:57 VanessaE (assuming I typed that right; my phone scanned it fine anyway)
21:58 VanessaE oh heh, "incomplete visual QR code" it says when I go there
22:01 raffahacks joined #minetest
22:02 raffahacks left #minetest
22:02 blaise joined #minetest
22:11 carjack
22:15 carjack oh
22:16 rickmcfarley joined #minetest
22:19 VanessaE both work
22:19 acerspyro joined #minetest
22:28 marktraceur Heh, custom QR codes
22:28 marktraceur I wrote a webapp once that would do them.
22:29 marktraceur carjack: You could change the colours of the black grid squares, too. As long as the contrast is decent, it will still work.
22:29 marktraceur You could even make them into different node faces.
22:36 carjack nice
22:45 carjack I made a little mistake
22:46 exio4 joined #minetest
22:52 kaeza joined #minetest
22:54 carjack
22:56 Out`Of`Control joined #minetest
23:00 ShadowNinja hmmmm: I had a list of proller's IPs, but someone deleted them when his ban expired.  I should be able to get then from old revisions though.  Also, bans should be recorded so we know who a ban applies to and why.  I'll invite you to a channel with details.
23:06 hmmmm you have quite the system
23:06 hmmmm i'm not really interested in being a channel moderator, though
23:08 acerspyro joined #minetest
23:08 MichaelRpdx joined #minetest
23:09 ShadowNinja sfan5: I don't think proller has a /21 and /22...
23:11 turtleman_ joined #minetest
23:12 STHGOM joined #minetest
23:12 STHGOM;t=10766&amp;p=166931#p166931
23:12 STHGOM any recommended pic uploaders?
23:12 hmmmm his isp does
23:13 hmmmm the idea is that, if some user joins with the same ISP in the same neck of russia, it's quite likely that's proller.
23:13 acerspyro STHGOM: For photos, there's imgur. Otherwise, you can use dropbox
23:13 kaeza no :(
23:13 acerspyro ^or that
23:14 carjack does allow hotlinking?
23:14 kaeza yes
23:14 STHGOM does imgur need registration?
23:14 acerspyro STHGOM: no
23:14 marktraceur STHGOM: is a bit lighter weight but also free (like
23:14 marktraceur Oh, I thought was a GMG instance.
23:14 VanessaE is slow as molasses for me.
23:15 kaeza "slow"? as in network (i.e. too much stuff) or JS?
23:15 acerspyro brb, I have partitioning shit to do
23:15 VanessaE network slowness - pics take forever to transfer/download
23:15 ShadowNinja ~mode -b+bbb *!*@80.240.216.* *!*@ *!*@2a02:6b8:0:40c:b499:ef31:2dfd:ba27 *!*@
23:15 kaeza VanessaE, OMG my net is faster than yours :O
23:15 acerspyro kaeza: Depends on the location
23:15 VanessaE heh
23:16 acerspyro I think might be oddly placed
23:16 acerspyro anyways, brb
23:16 carjack there is also
23:16 kaeza acerspyro, with this shit^Wmodem, it depends on the alignment of the planets and the phase of the moon
23:16 kaeza bleh
23:17 kaeza VanessaE, but seriously, it WFM, both responsiveness and network speed
23:18 kaeza imgur on the other hand...
23:21 STHGOM did it work?
23:21 younishd joined #minetest
23:22 STHGOM check link again?
23:23 STHGOM and what happens when i close
23:24 carjack internal server error
23:25 STHGOM ?
23:25 kaeza :P
23:25 carjack try imgur
23:27 VanessaE bbl
23:29 STHGOM_ joined #minetest
23:29 acerspyro joined #minetest
23:30 STHGOM so what was the problem with the picture? works fine 4 me
23:30 acerspyro what pic
23:30 acerspyro I was resizing my root partition
23:30 kaeza STHGOM, looks fine
23:30 carjack >bad decisions
23:31 kaeza and nice, BTW
23:31 STHGOM;t=10766 does the weeping angel pic at bottom load?
23:31 STHGOM yay!
23:31 STHGOM thanks
23:31 carjack I can only see hyprid's image
23:32 STHGOM how about this one?;t=10900&amp;p=166922#p166922
23:35 STHGOM can you see the picture?
23:36 carjack I cannot "o_o.
23:36 acerspyro Don't take your eyes off it, or it's gonna jump out of your monitor
23:37 Haudegen joined #minetest
23:37 carjack_ joined #minetest
23:38 STHGOM hmm
23:38 STHGOM strange
23:38 carjack maybe it is just me
23:39 STHGOM right click and open in new tab
23:39 STHGOM if you can
23:39 STHGOM :P
23:40 carjack open what?
23:40 carjack oh you are using webchat
23:41 acerspyro Don't you use webchat!
23:41 acerspyro It's a terrible sin of shittiness
23:41 STHGOM ?
23:41 STHGOM ?
23:41 acerspyro Get a real client, ya
23:41 acerspyro |:[
23:41 carjack STHGOM, when I click they open in a new tab in my browser
23:42 STHGOM im on someone else computer
23:42 acerspyro oh
23:42 STHGOM lol
23:42 carjack but I do not see any images in your thread
23:42 STHGOM what browser are you using?
23:43 carjack fatherfox
23:43 carjack firefox*
23:43 STHGOM whats that?
23:43 STHGOM oh
23:43 acerspyro firefuck :D
23:44 STHGOM anyone else using firefox?
23:44 acerspyro STHGOM: 50% of sane people?
23:45 acerspyro Other 50% is using Chrome or Chromium
23:47 STHGOM hmm
23:47 STHGOM carjack: do you have any other web browser to try it on?
23:48 carjack I think it doesn't matter; mediacrush image url is not loading for me
23:48 STHGOM ok
23:49 STHGOM thats too bad
23:49 acerspyro me either
23:50 acerspyro Just use imgur
23:50 acerspyro If it's to look at, use imgur
23:50 STHGOM ok
23:51 arricherekk joined #minetest
23:52 STHGOM work now?
23:53 MinetestBot [git] Sapier at GMX dot net -> minetest/minetest: Fix broken android version due to new openssl not linking correct to curl a92c083 (2015-01-05T00:51:35+01:00)
23:53 carjack yes
23:54 carjack
23:54 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
23:59 STHGOM joined #minetest
23:59 STHGOM thanks for your help cya later

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