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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-12-17

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 Wayward_One joined #minetest
00:14 meldrian joined #minetest
00:26 rcmaehl joined #minetest
00:26 rcmaehl joined #minetest
00:44 proller joined #minetest
00:47 cornernote joined #minetest
00:47 cornernote gm all
00:56 shadowzone joined #minetest
00:56 grondilu left #minetest
00:57 shadowzone joined #minetest
01:06 MinerDad joined #minetest
01:09 theTroy joined #minetest
01:10 diemartin joined #minetest
01:36 exio4 joined #minetest
01:38 hoodedice joined #minetest
01:41 MinerDad joined #minetest
01:43 hoodedice kaeza!
01:43 hoodedice awake so late?
01:44 kaeza eh? it's only 23:44
01:45 kaeza "only"
01:48 hoodedice > 23:44
01:48 shadowzone XD
01:48 hoodedice > you're from South 'Merica?
01:48 hoodedice I thought you were from europe
01:49 hoodedice wait
01:49 * hoodedice sucks at time related things
01:50 kaeza GMT-3
01:51 hoodedice ...not sure if that is in the middle of the atlantic or where...
01:52 hoodedice Greenland?!
01:52 hoodedice oh, South America after all
02:00 exio4 kaeza, more like 11:00?
02:00 hoodedice_ joined #minetest
02:03 kaeza DST
02:04 kaeza ...or something
02:09 kaeza hoodedice, functions and methods are the same thing, except it is called a "method" when it is applied to an object using the foo:method notation
02:10 hoodedice but I see that C# calls what java calls a method, a function
02:11 hoodedice rephrase: C# calls a function, the same thing what java calls a method
02:12 hoodedice so what exactly is the difference? function is applied to a var, method is applied to the object?
02:12 kaeza for all practical purposes, it doesnt matter
02:12 hoodedice ...ok.
02:13 kaeza a method is a function called on an object; if you have an object 'o' and it has a field 'f' which is a function, it is said that 'f' is a method of 'o'
02:14 hoodedice function TwoPlusSquare (in) /n return in * in + 2  /n end (/n is newline)
02:14 kaeza you should probably consult a WP article or something for the formal definition
02:14 hoodedice is ^ legal?
02:15 Megaf joined #minetest
02:16 kaeza no, it is illegal. the FBI is now after you
02:16 hoodedice okay.
02:17 hoodedice As a non-american citizen in Murica, that is actually somehting that can happen to me. So, not funny
02:18 kaeza
02:19 kaeza BTW, your code would be "illegal" or "not valid" Lua because it uses "in", which is a reserved keyword, as a variable name
02:20 kaeza also, that would be called a "function", because it is not associated with an object
02:23 hoodedice okay, thanks
02:28 hoodedice bbl
02:28 hoodedice left #minetest
02:31 shadowzone bye
02:40 Zeno` joined #minetest
02:45 zBuilder joined #minetest
02:54 hmmmm you know there's been a huge push to add doxygen comments to the core
02:54 hmmmm shouldn't the lua api be the first thing to get documented instead?
02:54 hmmmm it has a library-like interface and would maximally benefit from doxygen-style documentation
02:55 MinerDad joined #minetest
02:55 VanessaE um, it is documented?
02:55 hmmmm it is?
02:55 VanessaE
02:56 VanessaE unless you mean more than this.
02:56 hmmmm oh
02:56 hmmmm i thought that was an attempt at comedy
02:57 hmmmm stuff that bad doesn't count as documentation
02:57 VanessaE heh
02:57 exio4 joined #minetest
02:57 VanessaE well I have referred to the lua doc as a 'travesty' before
02:57 VanessaE mostly because it's so terse
02:59 Zeno` maybe someone should do it
02:59 hmmmm the people who want it done are the ones busy doing other things
02:59 Zeno` it won't get done then :D
03:00 electrodude512 joined #minetest
03:00 hmmmm i already have plans to work over christmas break on a lua api unittest mod to be included as part of minimal
03:00 hmmmm i call it - minetesttest
03:01 Zeno` why not testoftheminetesttest
03:01 hmmmm test_of_minetest
03:01 VanessaE hmmmm: such a package exists already.  it's called Dreambuilder ;)
03:01 VanessaE I'm pretty sure with the shitton of mods in that game, most of the API gets used :)
03:01 hmmmm vanessae, i want something that's a part of minimal and something that can be run automatically
03:02 Megaf joined #minetest
03:03 hmmmm hehe, i think i came up with a winner of an interface for NodeResolver 2.0:
03:05 VanessaE jeez, when I try to be serious, it's called a joke.  I try to make a joke and it's taken seriously.  I give up :P
03:06 VanessaE I can't win for losing (and I probably couldn't lose for winning, either :P )
03:11 MinerDad joined #minetest
03:25 Megaf joined #minetest
03:36 Megaf joined #minetest
03:41 crazyR joined #minetest
03:53 DMackey joined #minetest
03:59 DMackey joined #minetest
04:02 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
04:13 Megaf joined #minetest
04:17 exio4 joined #minetest
04:18 DMackey joined #minetest
04:52 Vargos joined #minetest
05:00 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
05:00 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
05:09 DMackey joined #minetest
05:19 DuDraig joined #minetest
05:29 sol_invictus joined #minetest
05:33 paramat left #minetest
05:42 exio4 joined #minetest
05:55 preludelinux joined #minetest
06:02 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
06:02 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
06:16 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
06:29 compunerd joined #minetest
06:31 Bratmon joined #minetest
06:33 preludelinux joined #minetest
06:41 DMackey joined #minetest
06:57 Jousway joined #minetest
06:59 chchjesus joined #minetest
07:00 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
07:05 exio4 joined #minetest
07:27 preludelinux joined #minetest
07:30 Megaf_ joined #minetest
07:33 CWz joined #minetest
07:40 jin_xi joined #minetest
07:42 Haudegen joined #minetest
07:43 Viper168_ joined #minetest
07:50 LazyJ joined #minetest
07:57 Fritigern joined #minetest
08:13 proller joined #minetest
08:21 Amaz joined #minetest
08:25 jalcine joined #minetest
08:28 enricom joined #minetest
08:29 exio4 joined #minetest
08:31 Trustable joined #minetest
08:37 chchjesus joined #minetest
08:43 rickmcfarley joined #minetest
09:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
09:09 Amaz left #minetest
09:10 OldCoder joined #minetest
09:11 aheinecke joined #minetest
09:34 theTroy joined #minetest
09:43 FR^2 joined #minetest
09:47 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
09:51 exio4 joined #minetest
09:57 theTroy joined #minetest
10:13 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:14 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
10:21 ImQ009_ joined #minetest
10:24 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:33 crazyR joined #minetest
10:39 CW2 joined #minetest
10:40 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
10:40 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
10:50 proller joined #minetest
10:51 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
11:10 DFeniks joined #minetest
11:10 exio4 joined #minetest
11:26 DFeniks joined #minetest
11:26 ImQ009 joined #minetest
11:47 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
11:51 someguy_irc joined #minetest
12:01 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:01 theTroy joined #minetest
12:09 crazyR joined #minetest
12:14 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:15 FreeFull Pro tip: use coal blocks to make your bread
12:15 catninja I think my landlord would complain
12:16 FreeFull Your minetest landlord?
12:22 GeHa joined #minetest
12:23 ThatGraemeGuy pro tip automate it all with pipeworks and technic and always have enough bread whenever you need some
12:27 tpe joined #minetest
12:28 exio4 joined #minetest
12:29 someguy_irc_ joined #minetest
12:30 crazyR_ joined #minetest
12:36 Aragas joined #minetest
12:44 kaeza joined #minetest
12:52 kaeza mornings
12:53 Zeno` nobody is awake
12:54 Zeno` they are in eternal sleep
12:56 hoodedice joined #minetest
12:57 hoodedice ayyy morning people!
13:00 troller joined #minetest
13:06 crazyR_ joined #minetest
13:16 Zeno` 'shrooms!
13:21 exio4 Zeno`, some people is just dead
13:23 Ataron joined #minetest
13:35 hoodedice left #minetest
13:36 PilzAdam joined #minetest
13:42 exio4 joined #minetest
13:58 Wuzzy joined #minetest
13:59 shadowzone joined #minetest
14:11 gravgun joined #minetest
14:20 exio41 joined #minetest
14:23 n4x systemd is one of the best things in the world
14:25 n4x I mean, really! who wouldn't like something that doesn't work correctly?
14:27 marktraceur n4x: Sigh.
14:28 n4x had to restart my system for getting it working
14:28 marktraceur I was going to make an impassioned and eloquent plea to keep the channel on-topic and avoiding drama, but I'm so damn tired of it all, I can only sigh.
14:28 jin_xi yes keep this channel pure...
14:29 n4x we're using C++ for the code, and that language ain't pure!
14:29 * jin_xi is on fedora
14:29 * shadowzone is on windows
14:30 proller joined #minetest
14:30 shadowzone I say that and proller joins
14:30 shadowzone maybe if I say it again he'll leave
14:30 shadowzone I dunno
14:31 marktraceur If you say it three times, Bill Gates will materialize in your house.
14:32 marktraceur And start padlocking your cabinets.
14:32 shadowzone hmmm, better not say it then.
14:32 shadowzone I did that when the ISIS thing started.
14:32 marktraceur Padlocked your cabinets?
14:33 shadowzone Yep
14:34 marktraceur I was thinking of getting the ISIL flag and sticking it in mutton. Islamic State in Iraq of Lamb.
14:34 shadowzone Lol
14:35 jin_xi but keeping this channel pure is a more pressing issue of course
14:35 shadowzone jin_xi, wot?
14:35 marktraceur jin_xi: Obviously not :)
14:35 marktraceur I'm just using my preferred form of impurity while we're here.
14:35 jin_xi im using systemd to chat here
14:35 jin_xi all new irc module
14:35 marktraceur Liar. :)
14:35 Zeno` I don't mind systemd
14:35 marktraceur 2014-12-17 - 08:35:47  CTCP VERSION reply from jin_xi: irssi v0.8.15 - running on Linux x86_64
14:36 shadowzone irssi
14:36 n4x I didn't mind it either, but it doesn't work Zeno`
14:36 shadowzone *barfs*
14:36 marktraceur shadowzone: Shut your whore mouth.
14:36 jin_xi spoofing user agent with all new stealth securityd
14:36 shadowzone Lol
14:36 shadowzone I use hexchat
14:36 shadowzone muchs nicer
14:36 shadowzone *much
14:36 n4x it is crap
14:36 n4x I am using it on my desktop because I am lazy though
14:36 n4x good enough
14:37 Zeno` systemd vs. init is flamewar material hehe
14:37 marktraceur It's the only way I can has persistent connections that don't suck
14:37 marktraceur My friends who have ZNC bouncers...they miss too much conversation
14:37 marktraceur I can come back and read all the scrollback. :)
14:37 n4x I didn't like systemd, I used it and because "it just worked" I didn't mind it, after a month of normal usage, it basically didn't work until I had to reboot
14:37 Zeno` speaking of which, vim is obviously the better editor
14:38 jin_xi i find other init systems irc support lacking
14:38 Zeno` lol jin_xi
14:38 n4x systemd is materialized skynet
14:38 marktraceur So how bout them minetests?
14:38 n4x it is all over your system, if someday you get an AI in the systemd core, it'll be able to control about 99% of the system
14:38 Zeno` minetest is not a very good text editor at all
14:39 marktraceur jin_xi: Tried emacs? :)
14:39 n4x emacs isn't either
14:39 jin_xi marktraceur: why bother, it will be included with the all new minit system
14:39 shadowzone I might try emacs
14:39 shadowzone I've heard it's good
14:39 n4x I've heard the same about systemd
14:39 jin_xi also yes i use emacs
14:39 n4x hint: it isn't
14:39 n4x (systemd)
14:39 jin_xi and vim
14:40 Zeno` n4x, what's wrong with it?
14:40 n4x so far, all I had were problems
14:40 n4x stuff doesn't work, it crashes and I need to reboot my system
14:40 Zeno` it's open source, you can fix it
14:40 * shadowzone glares at ShadowBot and feels like spamming
14:40 n4x I am not going to fix it, they sell it as THE thing, and there are other things that already work
14:41 n4x after I finish upgrading my system, I'll remove it, and lock all the packages with systemd in their names
14:41 Zeno` X11 already works
14:41 Zeno` it doesn't mean I don't wait for Wayland
14:41 n4x systemd didn't do anything new
14:41 n4x Wayland is a hipster thing that does a new cool thing, systemd is 1% new features, 99% NIH
14:42 n4x some concepts are good, but please, why do you have to takeover everything that works and rewrite it for the sake of doing it?
14:42 Zeno` Sounds like minetest
14:43 Zeno` We should just stick with how minetest already is!
14:43 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
14:43 n4x minetest isn't considered stable, and production-ready, is it?
14:44 Zeno` Lua is stable
14:44 n4x systemd developers have been selling it as the thing that works and does everything right compared to anything because it does everything by itself! and it is modular! you have 4000 binaries, where if you need one of those, you'll probably need 300 too, so it isn't that modular
14:47 sol_invictus n4x: have you already donated bitcoins to hire an assassin for the systemd devs?
14:47 n4x err. no, I haven't, I totally didn't do that, I mean, what are you talking about?
14:48 sol_invictus I heard some people wanted to start a camplaing
14:48 sol_invictus that would be a great thing to do
14:48 jin_xi just use minix now
14:48 jin_xi no need to kill
14:53 exio4 joined #minetest
14:53 exio4 jin_xi: their work has been being dedicated to kill software that works and replace it with half-baked crap
14:55 exio4 it isn't killing, but getting back stuff that works
14:57 Zeno` geez
14:58 Zeno` nobody is stopping anybody from using initv scripts :/
14:58 sol_invictus tell me more
14:58 exio4 systemd developers work harder at doing that
14:58 sol_invictus I tried to get back sysvinit on my debian and I failed
14:59 sol_invictus now it's half broken
14:59 exio4 you're always free to use another distro!
14:59 exio4 and switch to windows too!
14:59 * gravgun makes custom distro with custom init, problem solved
14:59 Zeno` I find threatening developers quite sickening
14:59 exio4 I like some concepts out of systemd, but the implementation and their way of doing this the worst thing anyone could ever imagine
15:00 Zeno` if you can do better then make your distro
15:00 Zeno` nobody is stopping you
15:00 Zeno` just do it
15:00 MinerDad joined #minetest
15:00 exio4 I'd switch to gentoo, but still
15:01 Zeno` no, not "but still"
15:01 Zeno` if you're so passionate you should do it
15:01 exio4 your solution is like telling "linux sucks, you can switch to windows"
15:01 Zeno` no it's not
15:01 exio4 it is, duh
15:01 sol_invictus I did switch, but still
15:02 Zeno` my solution is that if you don't like something and that something can be fixed then do it!
15:02 exio4 systemd is a regression
15:02 exio4 "stuff has been working for N years, something appears, stuff breaks, get something else"
15:02 Zeno` exio4, if it's a regression it will lose in the long run
15:02 Zeno` that
15:02 Zeno` that's how things work
15:03 exio4 yes, long run
15:03 shadowzone I am using windows for the time being
15:03 Zeno` exio4, but you can fix it
15:03 exio4 how could I fix it?
15:03 exio4 starting a new distro? it isn't something a single person can do, it is like saying "you don't like the kernel? write your own!"
15:04 Zeno` by making your own distro, or forking from an established distro just before it was mergered
15:04 Zeno` *shrug*
15:04 Zeno` the option is there
15:04 exio4 it isn't a real option
15:04 Zeno` of course it's a real option
15:05 sol_invictus it wouldn't be a problem if the systemd devs weren'ttrying to push it anywhere they can
15:05 exio4 that too
15:05 exio4 systemd devs should work at marketing, not being developers
15:05 Zeno` so why aren't the major distros objecting to it?
15:05 exio4 because major distros are either, under the influence of redhat, or because the system devs are in the "admin team"
15:05 Zeno` lol
15:06 Zeno` debian is influenced by redhat?
15:06 sol_invictus of course
15:06 exio4 their "main" team is filled with systemd devs and fans
15:06 exio4 I would say it counts as that
15:06 exio4 it is like debian and ffmpeg
15:07 exio4 your solution are "well, if you don't like the new hispter thing that is everywhere, start your own"
15:07 Zeno` well, if you're not willing to put in your own time to change this I guess nothing will happen
15:08 Zeno` it's not impossible
15:08 Zeno` I think that sometimes people are scared of change
15:09 exio4 I already said I like systemd concepts
15:09 Zeno` Which is only human of course
15:09 exio4 I wish I could have a cool init system
15:09 exio4 that did those things
15:09 exio4 but systemd is basically a catch-all program that replaces 27 of 30 parts
15:09 exio4 where only one of those is the init system
15:10 Zeno` Well, you can't have cool things unless you're willing to wait (or make the cool things yourself)
15:10 exio4 systemd devs pushed it everywhere
15:10 sol_invictus I wonder, is anyone happy with pulseaudio?
15:10 proller__ joined #minetest
15:10 exio4 I am not
15:10 Zeno` exio4, they pushed it... nobody was forced to accept it
15:11 exio4 Zeno`: if you have a monopoly (of opinion), what you said is always the majority
15:13 sol_invictus Zeno`: btw that argument about major distros... some debian devs loft the team after systemd was accepted
15:13 exio4 and some debian devs have resigned
15:13 gravgun exio4: devuan?
15:14 exio4 cool, haven't heard of it, I mostly saw single-app replacements
15:16 proller__ joined #minetest
15:17 Zeno` sol_invictus, and they forked it
15:17 Zeno` this was the right thing to do
15:17 shadowzone joined #minetest
15:17 sol_invictus Zeno`: are there any proves it was them?
15:18 Zeno` sol_invictus, only that their names are the ones in the fork ;)
15:18 Zeno` if the fork prevails then it will become mainstream
15:19 Zeno` see the gcc vs egcc thing
15:19 sol_invictus both debian and devuan has silly names \:
15:20 Zeno` egcs*
15:21 Zeno` egcs got merged back into gcc
15:21 Zeno` who knows... if systemd is so bad then devuan will get merged back into debian
15:23 exio4 if windows is so bad, why is it used everywhere?
15:23 shadowzone exio4, cause it's not that bad
15:23 shadowzone I don't care which OS I use as long as I have one
15:24 exio4 the only argument in favor of windows, is third-party software, games
15:25 ImQ009 joined #minetest
15:28 DevilRomeo2 joined #minetest
15:28 DevilRomeo2 i am really dissapointed
15:28 exio4 me too
15:28 exio4 we should hug
15:28 DevilRomeo2 very dissapointed of Xandu Server
15:29 DevilRomeo2 Titan one of the staff member remove my priv and kicked me for no reason i did not even troll or swear i did not break the rules this staff is abusing his power
15:29 mint joined #minetest
15:30 sol_invictus surprisingly, that's not the first time I hear a story like that about xanadu
15:30 DevilRomeo2 swag
15:37 DevilRomeo2 joined #minetest
15:37 DevilRomeo2 TESTING 12
15:39 eeeeeta joined #minetest
15:40 DevilRomeo2 ssss
15:40 marktraceur DevilRomeo2: Hush
15:40 marktraceur You'll wake the baby
15:41 DevilRomeo2 huh
15:41 DevilRomeo2 you cant shush me :P
15:41 shadowzone DevilRomeo2, type /server
15:41 shadowzone then type /join #minetest
15:42 DevilRomeo2 left #minetest
15:44 Viper168 joined #minetest
15:49 hoodedice joined #minetest
15:51 hoodedice IDEA: An option to permanently download all server assets
15:52 CWz there is a cache folder  which all of the textures and stuff is stored
15:55 hoodedice well
15:55 hoodedice in non-cached form
15:55 hoodedice also, sfan5! RC wielditems are messed up
15:55 hoodedice including hand
15:59 exio4 joined #minetest
16:02 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:13 jalcine joined #minetest
16:18 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
16:19 hoodedice joined #minetest
16:21 crazyR joined #minetest
16:25 someguy_irc joined #minetest
16:27 LittleJoe-HexCha joined #minetest
16:29 Calinou joined #minetest
16:31 f01 joined #minetest
16:34 kaeza RC?
16:35 Cacatoes joined #minetest
16:35 * exio4 hugs kaeza
16:35 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
16:36 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
16:36 * kaeza hugs exio4 back
16:37 exio4 how is it going kaeza!
16:37 ElectronLibre left #minetest
16:37 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
16:37 kaeza good I guess :P
16:40 roboman2444 joined #minetest
16:49 hoodedice joined #minetest
16:50 eeeeeta joined #minetest
16:52 hoodedice cold milk in winter is a bad idea
16:53 john_minetest joined #minetest
16:53 exio4 hi
16:57 sloopy joined #minetest
16:57 sloopy joined #minetest
16:57 meldrian joined #minetest
17:00 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
17:09 mpa1212 joined #minetest
17:09 VanessaE joined #minetest
17:10 Jordach joined #minetest
17:16 exio4 joined #minetest
17:23 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:24 rubenwardy Yo!
17:24 rubenwardy Wat up, birches?
17:24 Calinou hi
17:25 Zeno` Calinou, 1984 is more of a feature right?
17:25 Zeno` so it should probably wait until after 0.4.11
17:25 Calinou my PR is purely a fix
17:25 Calinou wtf
17:25 Zeno` fix?
17:25 Calinou a one-line change like that has to wait after 0.4.11?
17:26 Zeno` is testsounds/ a bug?
17:26 Calinou it fixes something awkward
17:27 Calinou it shouldn't have “test” in its name
17:27 Zeno` this whole thing is awkward hehe
17:27 Zeno` (I agree with you btw)
17:27 gravgun >implying whole MT code is not awkward
17:28 * gravgun gets out
17:28 CWz hey Zeno`
17:29 Zeno` hi Cwz :)
17:29 marktraceur Has anyone had any trouble with time_speed?
17:29 marktraceur I wanted to set it to 0 but it doesn't appear to work.
17:30 Calinou marktraceur, /set -n time_speed 0
17:32 marktraceur Thanks :)
17:33 marktraceur I got tired of typing /time 5800 :)
17:33 MinetestBot [git] Zeno- -> minetest/minetest: Do not allow the m_transforming_liquid queue to increase until all RAM is consumed 082256a (2014-12-18T03:32:19+10:00)
17:36 rubenwardy <Calinou> it shouldn't have “test” in its name
17:36 rubenwardy Hmmm
17:37 Calinou joined #minetest
17:39 kaeza mine_game? <_<
17:50 Krock joined #minetest
17:51 Jordach dammit dammit dammit
17:51 Krock yes. Hi.
17:51 * Jordach ordered presents
17:51 Jordach turns up tomorrow
17:52 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
17:52 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
17:52 Jordach and nobody is here, except it'll be at the post office for me to collect tomorrow
17:52 hoodedice joined #minetest
17:56 hoodedice uncle got a smart TV with 4k res
17:56 hoodedice installed it right in the next room
17:56 hoodedice it uses Wifi.
17:57 hoodedice My laptop also uses WiFi. It has a Realtek 8188EE.
17:57 hoodedice tl;dr I can't play LoL anymore.
17:58 Krock Flash player crashed
17:58 Krock \o/
17:58 hoodedice MFW I can't play League because my 2 year old cousin is watching Handy Manny
17:58 hoodedice Flash is eil
17:58 hoodedice *evil
17:58 Calinou (-:
17:58 hoodedice (jk)
17:59 hoodedice ^how to make Calinou mad.
17:59 twoelk joined #minetest
18:00 hoodedice MFW I will now spend my whole day listening to kiddy songs because my headphone is open ended and I can't listen to music because my ears hurt anyway
18:00 marktraceur I can't see your face at all
18:00 hoodedice there should be a #rant
18:00 marktraceur There is, /join #fsf
18:00 Jordach zing
18:00 Jordach marktraceur, i *may* eventually donate :P
18:00 Jordach ISIC card 4 lyfe
18:01 marktraceur Jordach: That would be cool of you! The foundation is great.
18:01 hoodedice thanks marktraceur! /s
18:02 Jordach marktraceur, i can agree (if they were a bit more supporting of non-free in certain conditions where it would be impossible, ala pushing Gaming on Linux via Valve)
18:02 marktraceur "impossible" is a relative term.
18:02 Jordach considering how Windows is a primary platform for it? yes.
18:02 marktraceur Jordach: Certain members of the community are more or less supportive of compromising with non-free software in certain places.
18:03 marktraceur Jordach: Gaming, I think, is one place where it's silly to compromise
18:03 marktraceur *most* of the time.
18:03 marktraceur Console gaming is more of an issue
18:03 Jordach marktraceur, been using FOSS in my Creative IT course instead of Adobe junk
18:03 hoodedice *facepalm*
18:03 marktraceur Neat.
18:03 Jordach (Blender, Krita, GIMP, Inkscape)
18:03 hoodedice gaming is relevant #gamergate
18:03 Jordach marktraceur, consoles suck anyways
18:03 hoodedice ^
18:03 marktraceur Jordach: Nuh uhhhh
18:04 hoodedice ^peasant.
18:04 Jordach marktraceur, older consoles from 1985-2004
18:04 Calinou Jordach, cool
18:04 hoodedice <MinetestBot> marktraceur is a peasant
18:04 Jordach those are fine, but these new ones? oh fuck no (read; i want to play games, not sit there waiting for patches and other BS to download)
18:04 marktraceur hoodedice: It's true.
18:04 Calinou <marktraceur> Jordach: Gaming, I think, is one place where it's silly to compromise
18:05 Calinou indeed; free gaming is possible
18:05 marktraceur Jordach: So...PS2? :)
18:05 hoodedice <MinetestBot> marktraceur is a filthy console peasant
18:05 Calinou people compromise out of comfort as usual
18:05 Jordach marktraceur, i can't argue with one of the best consoles of all time
18:05 hoodedice <MinetestBot> #PCMasterRace
18:05 Jordach i even have a modified PS2 controller that works on PC/Linux
18:05 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:06 Jordach i might also try out Debian with Steam just to see how well my 750ti performs
18:06 hoodedice
18:06 hoodedice > PS2 controller
18:06 hoodedice #PS4controllerMasterRace
18:06 Jordach hoodedice, busted my 360 troller
18:07 marktraceur hoodedice: What the hell, dude.
18:07 Jordach (the wiring got torn apart inside the protective cable around it when getting rolled under my chairs wheels)
18:08 Jordach marktraceur, you know what's saddening?
18:08 Jordach OpenShot 2.0 promised Windows, Mac and Linux support, and it's gone MIA since the kickstarter
18:08 shadowzone joined #minetest
18:10 marktraceur Jordach: So what does it support, OpenBSD?
18:10 marktraceur LoseThos?
18:10 marktraceur DOS?
18:10 marktraceur XBMC?
18:11 marktraceur LibreWRT?
18:11 hoodedice marktraceur:
18:11 Wayward_One joined #minetest
18:12 Jordach marktraceur, it supports Linux only
18:12 marktraceur Jordach: Ah.
18:12 marktraceur hoodedice: #fsf has enough trolls without you
18:12 hoodedice well
18:12 hoodedice you were the one who told me to go there.
18:12 Jordach marktraceur, i still want the KDE project to put KDEnLive on Windows systems
18:12 marktraceur hoodedice: No I didn't.
18:13 marktraceur Jordach: And how. I haven't used it in a while, though.
18:13 hoodedice [13:00:35] <marktraceur> There is, /join #fsf
18:13 Miner_48er joined #minetest
18:13 Jordach marktraceur, there's a probject to put the best KDE software onto Win systems
18:13 Jordach
18:14 marktraceur > probject
18:14 marktraceur I like it.
18:14 Calinou that project is pretty much secondary in their to-do list
18:14 marktraceur I'd imagine so, it's hard enough getting traction among GNU/Linux users for KDE
18:14 * Calinou is not a KDE user :)
18:16 * gravgun is using Quassel, i.e. KDE software! (notice me Calinou !)
18:16 Jordach Quassel is a very good client
18:16 gravgun As much as KDevelop is an awesome IDE
18:16 * hoodedice uses Quassel too
18:16 gravgun using it right now
18:17 hoodedice they don
18:17 gravgun \o/
18:17 hoodedice they don't have auto-uodate tho
18:17 hoodedice which is sad
18:17 gravgun What auto-update?
18:17 hoodedice because I was running the heartbleed SSl for a very long time
18:17 hoodedice I'm on Windows
18:17 gravgun I'm on Arch, birch
18:17 gravgun :P
18:17 hoodedice k
18:17 gravgun rolling release ftw
18:18 Yellowberry joined #minetest
18:19 Jordach marktraceur, in recent times my Blender skill has reached a ceiling
18:19 Yellowberry hi
18:19 Jordach i can't make it look better without learning Cycles or post-pro
18:20 Calinou is Cycles faster than Blender:Render?
18:20 Jordach Calinou, GPU dependant
18:20 Jordach it needs CUDA
18:20 gravgun Wait
18:20 gravgun CUDA?
18:20 Jordach ...if you want to go fast
18:20 Jordach gravgun, nvidia tech
18:20 gravgun No OCL?
18:20 gravgun ikr
18:20 Calinou yes, no OpenCL
18:20 Calinou not planned apparently
18:20 Calinou Blender devs sold them to two devils at a time
18:20 gravgun me disappointed very much
18:20 Jordach (seriously, fuck nvidia, might go AMD when the next blender releases with OCL type)
18:21 gravgun fuck nvidia AND amd, intel
18:21 Calinou there won't be OpenCL in the near future
18:21 eeeeeta joined #minetest
18:21 Calinou what gravgun said
18:21 Calinou they all suck, ultimately
18:21 gravgun oh and the worst
18:21 gravgun ImgTech
18:21 Jordach Calinou, AMD cards with the Omega driver support OCL
18:21 marktraceur Kid CUDA, his new single, Pursuit of Performanceness
18:21 Calinou yes they do
18:21 Calinou but will Blender?
18:21 gravgun x)
18:21 Jordach Calinou, Cycles-dev supports OCL
18:21 Calinou are there missing features?
18:21 Jordach not sure
18:21 Jordach i still love Interals like crazy
18:22 gravgun you accidentally an n I think
18:22 Jordach (the other renderers love their Intel + nvidia CGPUs and windows)
18:23 gravgun Anyway I'm crap at Blender
18:23 gravgun I can make cubes
18:23 gravgun woo
18:23 Jordach gravgun, 16k render of a blender cube over here
18:23 gravgun yay
18:24 Jordach (that little shit crashes browsers)
18:24 gravgun 16k? I ain't even mad
18:24 Jordach also, jesus students get cheap booze at places that support ISIC cards
18:24 Jordach £1.50 for a pint?!??!?
18:25 gravgun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18:29 roniz joined #minetest
18:31 roniz why does V7 mapgen have no biomes?
18:32 hmmmm because nobody put biomes into minetest_game
18:32 DevilRomeo2 joined #minetest
18:32 hmmmm minetest_game is someone elses' responsibility..
18:33 DevilRomeo2 sup
18:34 shadowzone sup DevilRomeo2
18:35 DevilRomeo2 are u still at school ?
18:37 shadowzone Nope
18:37 shadowzone It's break
18:37 Yellowberry aw
18:37 shadowzone Yeah..
18:37 Yellowberry mine doesn't start till Friday
18:37 Yellowberry :(
18:38 shadowzone Lucky
18:38 DevilRomeo2 calinou sup
18:38 DevilRomeo2 Calinou*
18:38 Calinou hi
18:38 DevilRomeo2 How are you ?
18:39 Calinou fine
18:41 hoodedice DevilRomeo2: type half the name like hood, then press TAB
18:41 hoodedice hood <TAB>
18:41 DevilRomeo2 hoodedice: bish you guese it
18:41 DevilRomeo2 xD
18:41 rubenwardy Make sure you check, otherwise you end up writing "ShadowBot"
18:41 rubenwardy when you wanted Ninja
18:42 shadowzone I have it set to last said
18:42 hoodedice Webchat tells you if there are multiple people
18:42 DevilRomeo2 I don't wanan copy fireball code to make Z Staff feel bad about copying other people's hardwork code
18:43 DevilRomeo2 well since they ban me from xandu server for no reason I guese I have to cancle Z Staff sorry Zeno_Effect
18:44 hoodedice bl
18:44 hoodedice *bbl
18:44 hoodedice left #minetest
18:44 Calinou you can copy it, under certain conditions
18:45 DevilRomeo2 idc If that license is wtfpl
18:45 DevilRomeo2 I still feel bad
18:45 DevilRomeo2 That's why my license code is BY NC ND
18:46 * Calinou facepalm
18:46 Calinou that license isn't allowed in Mod Releases forum
18:46 Calinou also, about prohibiting commercial use, see
18:46 shadowzone It isn't?
18:46 DevilRomeo2 mine is at WIP XD
18:46 Calinou it won't be moved out of WIP, until you change licensed
18:46 Calinou -d
18:47 DevilRomeo2 well let it be on wip then forever
18:47 DevilRomeo2 xD
18:48 theTroy joined #minetest
18:48 DevilRomeo2 well I just need a license that can stop any player re modify my code and post it as his own code
18:49 marktraceur DevilRomeo2: Attribution will do that, and pretty much any free license has protections for attribution.
18:49 Yellowberry BY SA does that right?
18:49 marktraceur Even just BY.
18:50 rubenwardy BY
18:50 marktraceur But if you're licensing code, *please* don't use CC.
18:50 marktraceur It's just silly.
18:50 Yellowberry why/
18:50 Yellowberry ?
18:50 rubenwardy GPL 3.0 or later is standard
18:50 rubenwardy CC is for media, like images and text
18:50 rubenwardy Not for code
18:50 marktraceur It's not meant for code, it never was.
18:50 rubenwardy It works, but doesn't completely protect
18:50 marktraceur There are things involved in software that aren't dealt with by CC.
18:50 marktraceur Patents, compiling, etc.
18:51 DevilRomeo2 oh god whats with nova skin webpage get ur ass online bro its been 4 days
18:51 Calinou <rubenwardy> GPL 3.0 or later is standard
18:51 Calinou incompatible with Minetest upstream
18:51 Calinou prefer “LGPL 2.1 or later”
18:51 marktraceur Despite my best efforts
18:51 rubenwardy LGPL sucks
18:51 marktraceur And how.
18:51 Calinou it may do, but it is what Minetest uses
18:51 Yellowberry you see, that is why I don't deal with licences
18:52 rubenwardy You can always relicense, but the GPL 3.0 will still be available.
18:52 Calinou I deal a lot with licenses, it's entertaining
18:52 DevilRomeo2 what about GNU
18:52 Calinou rubenwardy, or dual-license
18:52 Yellowberry and get say, screw it, Unlicence
18:52 Calinou “LGPL 2.1 or later” + “GPL 3 or later”
18:52 kaeza Yellowberry++
18:52 Calinou people can choose either, or one of them
18:52 kaeza or BSD, or MIT, or CC0
18:52 Calinou this is what Qt did for a while
18:53 shadowzone DevilRomeo2, no one will maliciously wreck or distribute your code.
18:53 shadowzone So, why you are so bent on using a license that prohibits them from then dumbfounds me.
18:53 shadowzone Cause we're all family here.
18:53 shadowzone We would never do anything to hurt your code
18:53 shadowzone was kicked by ShadowBot: Paste flood detected. Use a pastebin like or
18:53 kaeza what
18:53 DevilRomeo2 poor shadow
18:53 rubenwardy ShadowBot--
18:53 Calinou probably used multi-line input
18:53 Yellowberry lol
18:53 kaeza Calinou, or lagging connection
18:53 Calinou anyone wants to play chess?
18:53 DevilRomeo2 well is swear word allowed in here
18:54 DevilRomeo2 xD
18:54 marktraceur DevilRomeo2: Fuckin' right they are
18:54 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:54 kaeza DevilRomeo2, yes, as long as they are fucking reasonable
18:54 Yellowberry lol
18:55 shadowzone joined #minetest
18:55 shadowzone yikes
18:55 Yellowberry enough of that :P
18:55 Calinou – 15+0 – first one to click plays
18:55 Calinou don't write in all-caps though
18:55 Yellowberry yep
18:55 DevilRomeo2 ah its so good yelling out my anger
18:55 kaeza and no "u" either
18:55 shadowzone what'd I miss?
18:55 Yellowberry everything
18:56 shadowzone Hmmmm
18:56 DevilRomeo2 you missed my swear xD
18:56 kaeza repeat after me: "I will not use 'u' in place of 'you'"
18:56 shadowzone been lagging a lot
18:56 shadowzone I will use u in replacement of you
18:56 DevilRomeo2 I will use u instead of you
18:56 DevilRomeo2 xD
18:57 DevilRomeo2 kae we all disagree
18:57 DevilRomeo2 xD
18:57 kaeza u sux
18:57 DevilRomeo2 your mama sux
18:57 DevilRomeo2 xD
18:57 kaeza yes :(
18:57 Yellowberry sux wat?
18:57 Yellowberry :P
18:57 DevilRomeo2 wait what!
18:57 DevilRomeo2 LMFAO
18:57 roniz joined #minetest
18:57 Calinou marktraceur / rubenwardy: chess?
18:57 shadowzone I like kaeza, doe.
18:58 shadowzone he is nice to me
18:58 shadowzone kaeza++
18:58 rubenwardy Busy. Always so busy. :)
18:58 exio4 joined #minetest
18:58 shadowzone hi exio4
18:58 DevilRomeo2 Anywone wanan play GunZ2 only for peeps who live at South East Asia
18:58 * kaeza hugs shadowzone
18:58 * kaeza licks exio4
18:58 * shadowzone meows at exio4
18:58 * DevilRomeo2
18:58 * DevilRomeo2 throws masterball to everywone
18:58 cg72 joined #minetest
18:59 * Yellowberry slaps everyone
18:59 DevilRomeo2 hey is that original cg that made pvp server x3
18:59 kaeza everywone! wabbits!
18:59 marktraceur Calinou: I'm kinda busy too, sorry
18:59 * DevilRomeo2 sings wiggle wiggle wigle
18:59 cg72 no its me DevilRomeo2
19:00 Calinou Yellowberry, chess?
19:00 DevilRomeo2 me what mew or mewtwo xD
19:00 shadowzone cg72, uh huh
19:00 Yellowberry hmm
19:00 DevilRomeo2 xD well don't ask me for chess cause I don't know how to play that
19:00 Bratmon joined #minetest
19:00 DevilRomeo2 I can play Dam anyone x3
19:01 cg72 left #minetest
19:01 DevilRomeo2 shadow say smaasitf
19:02 DevilRomeo2 forgot everywone cant talk their captured by my masterball xD
19:02 shadowzone joined #minetest
19:02 DevilRomeo2 shadow
19:03 DevilRomeo2 say smaasitf
19:04 DevilRomeo2 left #minetest
19:09 pandaro joined #minetest
19:16 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
19:19 exio4 hi kaeza / shadowzone
19:21 Calinou chess: – 15+0 – first one to click play
19:23 sol_invictus I guess Calinou doesn't know anything besides chess. oh.
19:23 Calinou now playing:
19:23 Calinou sol_invictus, no one clicked it :P
19:25 kaeza remember JSBombers? I miss that one :(
19:25 werwerwer joined #minetest
19:29 H-H-H joined #minetest
19:34 SirJacket joined #minetest
19:35 SirJacket left #minetest
19:45 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
19:46 rubenwardy
19:46 Calinou sounds like name of a vodka
19:46 ImQ009 joined #minetest
19:47 marktraceur I'd drink that mixed with tonic water.
19:47 rubenwardy Lol
19:49 rubenwardy Updated:
19:56 seasaw joined #minetest
20:03 exio4 joined #minetest
20:05 GaboXandre joined #minetest
20:07 GaboXandre left #minetest
20:08 Yellowberry I am lonely
20:08 Cacatoes joined #minetest
20:11 TenPlus1 joined #minetest
20:11 TenPlus1 hi folks... any devs in the house today ?
20:12 TenPlus1 need some help with latest MT dev and v7 mapgen, it's all gone kinda crazy o.O
20:12 Yellowberry TenPlus1: what's going on?
20:13 TenPlus1 running Ethereal on latest dev only gives bamboo biomes even though 13 exist...
20:13 Wayward_One joined #minetest
20:13 TenPlus1 I've tried to incorporate new values that paramat stated in forums but nothing works, it's always bamboo
20:14 FR^2 joined #minetest
20:14 Yellowberry I think that is paramat's problem
20:15 TenPlus1 v7 biomes were working nicely, what changed ?
20:18 Yellowberry since when has this been a problem?
20:19 TenPlus1 the last few daily releases, v7 mapgen has been screwy and not working properly, before that biomes worked fine...
20:19 TenPlus1 I was given this:;t=10621&amp;p=164110#p164110
20:20 TenPlus1 but sadly does not help any... they are still buggy...
20:21 Yellowberry what is the last date that it worked properly?
20:21 TenPlus1 oh crap, say a week back... amnot 100% sure sorry
20:22 TenPlus1 I was testing ethereal udpate on standalone dev 31xx and it worked... since 321x it has been borked
20:22 TenPlus1 am using 3218build just now
20:23 Yellowberry hmm
20:23 Yellowberry hmmm
20:23 Yellowberry hmmmmm
20:24 TenPlus1 it was all working nicely before so I dont get the change...
20:25 PilzAdam TenPlus1, we told you, the API wasn't stable and will change
20:26 TenPlus1 I know PilzAdam but I never thought it would break this badly...  is there any way to get it working again ??
20:26 PilzAdam dunno
20:26 PilzAdam do you believe devs now if they tell you something is unstable?
20:27 TenPlus1 was testing everything before 0.4.11 was released...
20:27 TenPlus1 dont want ppl upgrading then all of a sudden Ethereal no longer workd
20:28 PilzAdam well, honestly, it's your fault if you use an unstable API
20:29 mizux joined #minetest
20:29 TenPlus1 agreed, but code mapgens like paramat uses are so damned slow... this was the fastest I'd ever used and Xanadu server works so well
20:30 PilzAdam it's still not in lua_api.txt, so it's still not "stable"
20:31 hmmmm biomes were never a supported feature
20:31 hmmmm also biomes and mapgen v7 work perfectly fine for me
20:31 TenPlus1 hmm,m, could you please send me a LUA example of your biomes
20:32 PilzAdam hmmmm, will they be supported for 0.4.11?
20:32 hmmmm they won't be supported until they're actually good
20:32 hmmmm TenPlus1, don't have any
20:32 TenPlus1 if it's just me and I'm doing something stupid then looking at your code will show me what I'm doing wrong...
20:32 TenPlus1 I have 13 biomes defined and all I see is one
20:34 TenPlus1 or could you look at this page and tell me if I'm doing something stupid:
20:34 Megaf_ hm, I'm living with my girlfriend for 4 months now, and we are practiacally living toguether for two and a half years
20:34 Megaf_ I think it's time to go one step further
20:34 Megaf_ Isn't it?
20:35 exio4 joined #minetest
20:36 hmmmm could it be that your ethereal options aren't set to 1?
20:36 TenPlus1 all biomes are set to 1 and enabled
20:37 hmmmm looks fine to me
20:42 TenPlus1 <fingers crossed> it's just a bug in the build...
20:43 hmmmm can confirm.  having problems with more than one biome.
20:44 TenPlus1 thx for checking dude
20:46 hmmmm wondering why nobody brought this problem up before seeing as how it's such a visible issue
20:49 TenPlus1 the major v7 mapgens like paramats use his own code to draw them so it wouldnt be noticable... it's only the few using v7 mapgen to do the actual work (ethereal, simplev7) that show the glitches
20:52 Amaz joined #minetest
20:53 TenPlus1 simplev7 shows only jungles everywhere
20:55 hmmmm ahh whoops, i forgot about checking the biome noise parameters when i added the auto-noise-transform feature
20:55 TenPlus1 could that be causing the 1 biome worlds ?
20:55 hmmmm ...yes... that's why I said it in the channel
20:56 TenPlus1 sweet, glad you found it :)  can't wait for tomorrow's daily
20:58 hmmmm thanks for reporting that btw
20:58 TenPlus1 no probs, thanks for finding it so quickly :P
20:58 TenPlus1 I'll update when new release is out and give it a good testing :)
20:59 Yellowberry ⁻‿⁻
20:59 TenPlus1 thanks all...  time for bed :P
21:07 HoloIRCUser6 joined #minetest
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21:09 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
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21:22 jalcine joined #minetest
21:24 Aragas joined #minetest
21:31 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
21:31 Amaz left #minetest
21:31 luizrpgluiz hi
21:47 exio4 joined #minetest
21:47 roniz hi luizrpgluiz
21:49 jojoa1997 why was 4aiman banned?
21:50 jojoa1997 oh nvm he wasnt. My fault for believing a single post
21:52 luizrpgluiz roniz: hi roni :)
22:07 roniz you know the ethereal world gen
22:07 roniz its really good
22:08 roniz is there a way to make it less flat and give more altitudes
22:10 luizrpgluiz I know him, he is very heavy here for my notebook
22:10 luizrpgluiz sorry for my english
22:10 luizrpgluiz i am portuguese brazilian
22:11 roniz its okay, most people speak with bad English on IRC
22:12 roniz if you need any help, ask
22:13 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest
22:18 gravgun (see #minetest-dev logs for allcaps justification)
22:21 theTroy joined #minetest
22:29 pro joined #minetest
22:32 kaeza wut
22:34 proller joined #minetest
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23:11 Megaf joined #minetest
23:22 jin_xi joined #minetest
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23:25 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
23:28 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
23:37 luizrpgluiz hi
23:42 ciwolsey joined #minetest
23:42 ciwolsey hey
23:43 ciwolsey does mesecons have batteries of any kind?
23:43 ciwolsey to store power from solar panels?
23:43 jin_xi that sounds more like whats in the technic mod
23:44 kaeza ciwolsey, no, mesecons are digital signals
23:44 ciwolsey ah so just like redstone?
23:44 ciwolsey is there anything like...
23:44 ciwolsey im not sure what mod it is
23:44 ciwolsey but where you can generate power, store it etc
23:44 ciwolsey like solar panels in tekkit lite
23:45 ciwolsey and mse
23:45 kaeza what jin_xi said
23:45 ciwolsey oh missed that, sorry, thanks!
23:45 kaeza use technic. it has "real" electricity
23:54 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
23:55 Viper168 joined #minetest
23:58 Bratmon Technic is very analogous to tekkt.
23:59 ciwolsey yup just looking at it
23:59 ciwolsey are there any complete texture packs?
23:59 ciwolsey that make things look better?

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