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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-10-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 diemartin joined #minetest
00:05 diemartin https://mediacru.sh/ldIxTBg47WPC
00:05 n4x \o
00:06 * kaeza hugs n4x
00:06 shadowzone joined #minetest
00:06 * n4x hugs kaeza back
00:24 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
00:27 ElectronLibre left #minetest
00:36 exio4 joined #minetest
00:37 carlvelleri joined #minetest
00:47 VanessaE kaeza: what the fuck?
00:48 shadowzone joined #minetest
00:48 jin_xi selection accident
00:49 VanessaE oh now I see it
00:51 Djohaal joined #minetest
00:51 VanessaE at first it looked like some sort of deformed arachnid :P
00:56 OldCoder Um regular arachnids are not that attractive and cuddly VanessaE
00:56 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
00:56 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
00:56 VanessaE well I *did* say "deformed"
00:56 OldCoder Yes, so less attractive still, I assume
01:15 kaeza VanessaE, skinning fail. original: https://mediacru.sh/Yd8vNI0M1QVx
01:16 kaeza (well, older version anyway)
01:17 VanessaE kaeza: you made that?
01:17 shadowzone Nice
01:18 kaeza yep, just learning blender
01:19 VanessaE you're picking it up fast
01:19 kaeza my head hurts keeping track of all the modes, views, etc
01:19 shadowzone Yeah.
01:19 shadowzone I suck at Blender
01:19 Viper168 joined #minetest
01:20 kaeza shadowzone, it's quite easy actually
01:20 shadowzone I know.
01:20 shadowzone But I have a horrible sense of imagination.
01:21 * jordan4ibanez gives shadowzone some of his imagination
01:21 shadowzone Thanks.
01:21 shadowzone I saw your MT Map.
01:21 kaeza he has plenty
01:21 shadowzone Nice job.
01:22 kaeza :D
01:22 jordan4ibanez thank you
01:22 jordan4ibanez o/
01:25 freelikegnu I miss playing with blender
01:25 jordan4ibanez Then get it
01:25 freelikegnu I have it, just not devoting time to it
01:25 jordan4ibanez Then do it
01:26 freelikegnu hard for me to concentrate on models now that I have kids
01:26 kaeza that sounded...dirty somehow
01:27 jordan4ibanez Then uhhh, teach them how to do it
01:27 freelikegnu jordan4ibanez: they are very good at modeling clay, which is important
01:28 freelikegnu I prefer they continue on learning on clay and legos for now
01:28 freelikegnu it will make them very ready for digital modeling
01:28 VanessaE it's not legos, it's just LEGO :P
01:29 jordan4ibanez It's buildablocks
01:29 jordan4ibanez No copyright in here plz. :///
01:29 freelikegnu when I was a kid I played with legos
01:29 jordan4ibanez Even though I'm sure buildablocks is copyrighted. >.>
01:29 freelikegnu and thats what they are to me... I'm not trying to sell them or write a formal letter
01:29 * VanessaE gasps
01:30 kahrl joined #minetest
01:31 freelikegnu and you did not capitalize or punctuate your statement... does that make it less valid?
01:31 VanessaE I was joking, jeez. :P
01:31 jordan4ibanez I found this http://legostarwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lego_Star_Wars_Wiki:GNU_Free_Documentation_License
01:31 freelikegnu hehe
01:32 freelikegnu legos legos legos leggo my eggos!
01:32 VanessaE haha
01:33 freelikegnu on vacatation with Chevy aint got a Winnebago
01:33 jordan4ibanez What kind of chevy?
01:33 freelikegnu the kind that Chases
01:33 jordan4ibanez aww
01:34 VanessaE "Radar repaired, sir.  We're picking up the outline of a ... Winnebago.."
01:35 carlvelleri lol
01:35 freelikegnu :D
01:35 carlvelleri i love that movie
01:35 jordan4ibanez Steam's fonts look a lot better in arch, oh my
01:36 freelikegnu gah its not a font its a typeface!!!!1111oneoene Cue Cathy screaming down the office corridor...
01:37 jordan4ibanez actually it's a renderface
01:37 freelikegnu wwaaaaaaaaahh
01:37 jordan4ibanez check->mate
01:37 freelikegnu my face is rendered speechless
01:38 jordan4ibanez I wish ubuntu didn't go brainsoft and decide to mod gnome 2 into whatever it is
01:38 jordan4ibanez unity, that's it
01:38 zlsa joined #minetest
01:38 freelikegnu gnome 3 was ahlfway there anyways
01:39 freelikegnu I switched to xfce and found inner peace
01:39 freelikegnu now that thunar can sftp
01:39 Out`Of`Control joined #minetest
01:40 freelikegnu looking forward to lxqt
01:41 jordan4ibanez Mate all the way
01:41 jordan4ibanez M84lyf
01:42 freelikegnu ok is it Mah-teh or mate?
01:44 freelikegnu chocolate or cho-co-lah-tay?
01:44 jordan4ibanez Oh my god
01:44 jordan4ibanez http://i.imgur.com/3JkghXq.jpg
01:44 jordan4ibanez that's rediculous
01:45 freelikegnu what game even needs all that?
01:45 jordan4ibanez That's more video memory than my system has holy shittttt
01:45 jordan4ibanez gta v, the witcher, arma 3
01:45 zlsa blender
01:45 jordan4ibanez arma 3 probably needs another 980 to run on max settings though
01:45 freelikegnu when it gets turned on, its like millions of kittens vaporize
01:46 freelikegnu and are then silent
01:46 jordan4ibanez when you wake up and find your electric bill at the end of the month a million irs agents get paid
01:46 * freelikegnu happily runs minetest on atom/ion
01:47 jordan4ibanez I need to upgrade my cpu, I'm still running athlon ii x2
01:47 freelikegnu that guy (and yeah it must be a guy) is compensating for something
01:48 jordan4ibanez Not compensating, but the fact that he can buy all that means he has a really nice job
01:48 jordan4ibanez hnnnnnnnnng
01:49 freelikegnu or a fat trust fund
01:50 freelikegnu someone who actually earns that much money is not likely taking time to post photos of such a setup
01:50 freelikegnu unless its for insurance purposes
01:50 freelikegnu or maybe he is hoping someone will put it together for him
01:52 jordan4ibanez Or maybe he's snooty
01:53 freelikegnu childhood was more simple when I was a kid: http://imgur.com/gallery/qiJL160
01:55 jordan4ibanez I take your cigarette and raise you a semi-gnu-compliant desktop http://i.imgur.com/rHbtE8I.png
01:56 freelikegnu I'd show my desktop, by my desktop icon hoarding is too shamefull
01:56 freelikegnu plus there is a TESO packground that is more shamefull still
01:57 jordan4ibanez JUST DO IT!
01:57 jordan4ibanez Oh yeah!
02:06 jordan4ibanez So like, why isn't compiz supported anymore? What happened to it?
02:07 exio4 unity ate it
02:14 zat joined #minetest
02:19 roboman2444 joined #minetest
02:21 Enke joined #minetest
02:23 roboman2444 joined #minetest
02:27 freelikegnu you can still use compiz with mate iirc
02:29 jordan4ibanez I had to downgrade to 0.8
02:41 Out`Of`Control freelikegnu:  you can use mate with compiz???
02:42 Thenextlevel joined #minetest
02:49 Zeno` joined #minetest
03:03 lasers joined #minetest
03:06 jordan4ibanez Out`Of`Control, HELL YEAH
03:08 MikeFair joined #minetest
03:08 Out`Of`Control jordan4ibanez:  latest mate version? i wonder how you did it
03:10 jordan4ibanez compiz 0.8 and then just replace the window manager using dconf
03:10 Out`Of`Control ah
03:10 jordan4ibanez also arch linux
03:10 Out`Of`Control debian
03:11 jordan4ibanez might work
03:11 jordan4ibanez you'll have to use yaourt to get compiz I think?
03:14 soft_libre joined #minetest
03:15 soft_libre Hey! Enke... what happened? I cannot connect now :-(
03:15 Enke Server's down... I guess for a while.
03:15 Enke :-/
03:15 soft_libre :-(
03:16 Cylus joined #minetest
03:16 Enke They're doing something with textures.
03:16 soft_libre I was just to say that you miss one rule :-P
03:16 soft_libre No dating!
03:16 Enke Yes!
03:16 Enke Very important!
03:16 Out`Of`Control how do you date on minetest???
03:16 soft_libre The common rules I found added the "no dating"...
03:16 soft_libre eehhh... complicated :-P
03:16 Enke Out`Of`Control: Very very very stupidly
03:17 Zeno` lol
03:17 soft_libre but still I find people asking for a date!
03:17 Out`Of`Control i tell them to date my pick axe
03:17 Zeno` people fall in love with the avatars
03:17 soft_libre jaja :D
03:17 Enke For me to be dating would require that I have the time and energy to invest in such things.
03:17 soft_libre Maybe!! jaja :D
03:17 Enke Which I don't.
03:18 Out`Of`Control Zeno`:  you mean in pixels
03:18 Zeno` Oh... that SamII guy... he so cute!
03:18 Zeno` Out`Of`Control, I do
03:18 soft_libre Well... first you have to find a suitable minetest server with coffe and a restaurant :-P jajaja :D
03:18 Enke *swoons* XD
03:18 soft_libre If it is a survival server it's a bit more complicated :-P
03:19 soft_libre You have to build your coffeee... :-P jaja :D
03:19 Enke "And you can die"
03:19 Zeno` No it's not. Giving apples is a great way to show your affection
03:19 soft_libre Ohhhh!!! that's terrible :-P jaja :D
03:19 Zeno` Or, if a girl player gives you a loaf of bread... WOW
03:19 soft_libre jaja :D yep! Apples and eggs :-P
03:19 soft_libre maybe carriots...
03:19 Enke Zeno`: You one lucky guy
03:20 Zeno` lol
03:20 Zeno` a stack of diamonds for you
03:20 Zeno` you may wear that on your finger
03:20 Zeno` meh, make it diamond blocks!
03:21 Markus_ joined #minetest
03:21 Enke soft_libre: If Shadowserver doesn't come back up before I go to bed in about 15 minutes, I'll grant you interact when I get on tomorrow.
03:21 Enke Assuming it's up then
03:22 Markus_ left #minetest
03:22 soft_libre jajajaja
03:23 Zeno` I'm guessing your a Spanish (or dialect) speaker?
03:23 Zeno` you're
03:24 * Zeno` thinks
03:24 soft_libre yep :P why?
03:24 Zeno` ok, that's enough thinking for today
03:24 Enke I'm done too
03:24 Enke ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
03:24 Enke ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
03:24 Zeno` morse code!
03:24 Enke No more thinking for me!
03:24 * Zeno` decodes the secret message
03:25 Zeno` Enke, I can't read it
03:25 Enke Haha!
03:25 soft_libre What is that??? point space point space point space
03:26 * Zeno` looks at space... why are you pointing up there?
03:26 Zeno` Oh I see... a UFO!
03:26 soft_libre Zeno`:  why you asked about spanish?
03:26 * Zeno` points at space as well
03:26 Enke Actually, just point point point point
03:26 Zeno` soft_libre, it was just in reference to "jejejeje" etc
03:26 Zeno` I was just wondering that's all
03:27 soft_libre did I write "jeje" :-P
03:27 Zeno` no, but you may have written jajaja
03:27 soft_libre didn't realize I write that :-P
03:27 soft_libre my unconcious mind... full of surprises :_P
03:27 soft_libre jo jojojo
03:27 VanessaE I assumed it was pronounced like "yah yah yah..."
03:27 Zeno` That is why I am Inspector Gadget... I notice these things like a detective
03:27 Zeno` Go go Gadget arm!
03:28 Zeno` brb, off to find Penny
03:28 soft_libre hey! I didn't write jeje
03:28 * Enke doesn't know what to think anymore
03:28 Zeno` * Markus_ (18c85d51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left
03:28 Zeno` <soft_libre> jajajaja
03:28 Zeno` <soft_libre> Maybe!! jaja :D
03:28 Zeno` exhibit one!
03:29 soft_libre so I wrote jaja!
03:29 Zeno` Court is now in session
03:29 Zeno` How do you plead?
03:29 soft_libre jaja :D jaja :D
03:29 Enke *WHAM*
03:29 * soft_libre confused
03:29 Zeno` case dismissed!
03:29 * soft_libre speak spanish...
03:29 Zeno` That's ok. I tend to confuse people :(
03:29 * Enke confuses himself
03:30 * Zeno` looks at Enke
03:30 Enke Me?
03:30 * soft_libre don't know how to laugh!!!
03:30 Zeno` Yes
03:30 Enke Pewf
03:30 soft_libre No dating!
03:30 Zeno` That's a fine pair of slippers you're wearing
03:30 soft_libre jajaja :D
03:30 Zeno` lol soft_libre
03:30 Enke *WHAM* Court is now in session!
03:30 Zeno` lol
03:30 soft_libre lol
03:31 Enke No laughing in court!
03:31 * Zeno` bangs his gravel
03:31 soft_libre wait, are other people listeting to this court session?
03:31 Zeno` LOL ... nice wig
03:31 Enke I said no laughing! *WHAM*
03:31 soft_libre it's an open court!
03:32 * Zeno` puts hand over mouth to try and hide snickering
03:32 Enke They are witnesses! Approach the bench! *WHAM*
03:32 Enke You! Bail is set at 1 Zillion Pengos
03:32 Enke *WHAM
03:32 * Zeno` bursts out laughing and approaches the bench
03:32 * soft_libre goes out of cout lol
03:32 soft_libre jaja :D
03:32 Enke I am Snow White!
03:32 Zeno` *WHAM* ... ok, Enke is now unconscious
03:32 Enke You are sentenced to death by puppies! Case dismissed *WHAM*
03:33 Enke Goodnight
03:33 soft_libre We cann't speak seriusly now...
03:33 Zeno` please... no!
03:33 Zeno` ok
03:33 soft_libre :-D
03:33 soft_libre oh... he shutted down the server :-(
03:33 Zeno` I didn't hit Enke that hard did I? :(
03:33 soft_libre :-D lol
03:34 soft_libre Fine, I have to play minetest as singleplayer :-(
03:35 soft_libre why there are so much people and they don't chat :-/
03:36 christian joined #minetest
03:36 soft_libre ah! that's why... I close the chat window :-P
03:36 Zeno` They are thinking
03:36 soft_libre too much building there...
03:37 Zeno` There are many great thinkers in this channel. It's like a library of philosophers
03:37 Zeno` sssshhhhhh!
03:37 soft_libre jajaja :D
03:37 soft_libre well... I found someone nicknamed "Brains"... :-P
03:38 soft_libre it's true then... we're all philosophers after all...
03:39 Zeno` yes, it's true
03:39 soft_libre VanessaE: Can I play in your creative server?
03:39 VanessaE sure
03:39 Zeno` that's why there are so many books surrounding us
03:39 soft_libre thanks! :-)
03:39 Zeno` It's like the library at the Unseen University
03:40 soft_libre Unseen University? where's that?
03:40 soft_libre have you see it? :-P
03:40 Zeno` http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unseen_University
03:40 Zeno` Yes I am a faculty member
03:40 Zeno` The official motto of Unseen University is "Nunc Id Vides, Nunc Ne Vides", loosely translated as "Now you see it, now you don't". The unofficial motto is "η β π", or "Eta Beta Pi" ("Eat a Bit of Pie" or "Eat a Better Pie"
03:41 soft_libre jajaja :D Eta Beta Pi is a good motto!
03:41 Zeno` yes :)
03:41 soft_libre wow! all that is at Wikipedia! You're a wizard!!!
03:42 Zeno` yes
03:42 Zeno` we all are
03:42 Zeno` VanessaE is the librarian
03:42 VanessaE heh
03:42 soft_libre thanks VanessaE !
03:42 soft_libre jaja :D you're a Wizard tooo! :-) at the Unseen University! wow!...
03:43 lycide joined #minetest
03:43 Zeno` Hex is the UU's first mainframe computer, though instead of RAM, it is powered by a waterwheel inside a ram skull, and its mouse is an actual mouse. Its "brain" consists of a series of glass tubes filled with ants, which form its processor, and a beehive in a back room, which comprises its hard drive.
03:44 Zeno` I am porting minetest to Hex
03:44 soft_libre LOL!!! :-D
03:44 soft_libre X-D
03:44 carlvelleri rofl
03:44 Zeno` It bears a sticker up front saying that there is an anthill inside
03:45 Zeno` No Intel Inside at the UU!
03:45 soft_libre and AMD?
03:45 soft_libre ah! anthill!
03:45 Zeno` no ... just Anthill Inside
03:45 Zeno` lol
03:45 soft_libre lol!
03:46 carlvelleri lol
03:48 soft_libre wow VanessaE has a very nices city at this server! :-)
03:49 VanessaE many people built there
03:49 carlvelleri building cities is fun
03:49 VanessaE but it's largely idle these days
03:54 soft_libre ohhhh... I love building :-)
03:54 soft_libre maybe more than the survival :-)
03:54 carlvelleri me 2
03:55 soft_libre wow! there's a castleee!!!
03:56 Cylus_ joined #minetest
04:03 Vadtec joined #minetest
04:07 cmhobbs joined #minetest
04:07 cmhobbs joined #minetest
04:16 soft_libre good bye!!! :-)
04:18 freelikegnu Out`Of`Control: http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/compiz
04:19 Out`Of`Control freelikegnu:  thanks
04:19 freelikegnu np
04:23 freelikegnu played so much minetest tonight, things in RL are starting to look like nodes
04:27 Out`Of`Control haha
04:27 VanessaE freelikegnu: soon they'll look like meshes
04:28 carlvelleri you know you been playing minetest for to long when you try right clicking on the door
04:33 Miner_48er joined #minetest
04:51 fling joined #minetest
04:51 VanessaE bbl, bed.
05:13 blaze joined #minetest
05:42 Erthome joined #minetest
06:11 CWz joined #minetest
06:15 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
06:15 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
06:46 zat joined #minetest
07:06 nore joined #minetest
07:10 sol_invictus joined #minetest
07:11 fling joined #minetest
07:12 MarkBe joined #minetest
07:13 proller joined #minetest
07:16 MarkBe I have an error. "Faulting application name: minetest.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000 Faulting module name: ntdll.dll" ... Has anyone seen this? Win8.1 x64
07:18 proller joined #minetest
07:19 MarkBe minetest-0.4.10-d221917-win64  Game = Carbone. No mods except unified inventory
07:40 Miner_48er joined #minetest
07:49 ImQ009 joined #minetest
07:52 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
07:57 phantombeta joined #minetest
08:05 proller joined #minetest
08:18 Cacatoes joined #minetest
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08:32 enricom joined #minetest
08:46 LazyJ joined #minetest
08:48 daswort joined #minetest
08:57 zat joined #minetest
09:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
09:07 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
09:15 Viper168 joined #minetest
09:16 zat joined #minetest
09:17 meldrian joined #minetest
09:21 nore joined #minetest
09:49 FR^2 joined #minetest
09:55 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:11 JamesTait joined #minetest
10:30 jin_xi joined #minetest
10:34 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
10:50 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
10:57 proller joined #minetest
10:57 tpe joined #minetest
11:11 Amaz joined #minetest
11:12 Jousway joined #minetest
11:19 iqualfragile joined #minetest
11:40 ElectronLibre_ joined #minetest
11:57 exio4 joined #minetest
11:59 iqualfragile joined #minetest
12:00 Jordach joined #minetest
12:09 exio4 joined #minetest
12:17 Trustable joined #minetest
12:17 iqualfragile_ joined #minetest
12:24 Amaz joined #minetest
12:25 kaeza joined #minetest
12:27 exio4 joined #minetest
12:28 kaeza mornings
12:31 exio4 hai
12:35 Zeno` hi
12:39 ElectronLibre Good morning kaeza .
12:40 * Zeno` pours kaeza a glass of orange juice
12:40 Zeno` sit back and relax
12:40 Zeno` the main breakfast will arrive shortly
12:43 jin_xi breaking the fast! breaking the fast!
12:47 Zeno` yay
12:49 iqualfragile joined #minetest
12:52 kilbith joined #minetest
12:56 shadowzone joined #minetest
13:03 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
13:32 zat joined #minetest
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13:44 exio4_ joined #minetest
13:49 Gethiox joined #minetest
13:50 Gethiox joined #minetest
13:54 raffahacks joined #minetest
13:55 raffahacks Hey
14:01 exio4_ joined #minetest
14:02 ImQ009 joined #minetest
14:05 alket joined #minetest
14:05 alket joined #minetest
14:09 * raffahacks downloads kitten pictures to kill the time
14:13 raffahacks joined #minetest
14:17 UnknownSentinel joined #minetest
14:18 Haudegen joined #minetest
14:19 zlsa joined #minetest
14:25 Cylus_ joined #minetest
14:27 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:31 ecutruin joined #minetest
14:32 asie joined #minetest
14:56 Wuzzy joined #minetest
14:59 shadowzone joined #minetest
15:03 Gethiox joined #minetest
15:06 Hobodium joined #minetest
15:17 blaze joined #minetest
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15:30 MikeFair joined #minetest
15:31 jin_xi joined #minetest
15:39 dhasenan joined #minetest
15:44 asie joined #minetest
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15:49 LittleJoe joined #minetest
15:51 ElectronLibre_ joined #minetest
15:59 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
16:01 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
16:04 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:05 carlvelleri joined #minetest
16:08 Megaf joined #minetest
16:17 Calinou joined #minetest
16:28 zat joined #minetest
16:41 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
16:43 proller joined #minetest
16:46 kilbith joined #minetest
16:48 kilbith very quiet today...
16:52 ElectronLibre Yes.. Everyone is probably in the street, asking for candies.
16:54 carlvelleri lol
16:54 carlvelleri i prefer buying candy from the stores
16:55 carlvelleri this way i can pick what i want :D
16:55 ElectronLibre It's an easiest, but more expensive way :D
16:56 exio4 >being outside
16:56 exio4 oh
16:56 exio4 true, it is that thing where kids go outside and ask for drugs
16:56 exio4 I mean, candies
17:00 PenguinDad joined #minetest
17:00 ElectronLibre Aren't candies a type of drug? x)
17:01 carlvelleri i wish lol
17:03 kilbith halloween is a conspiracy from dentists anyways
17:03 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
17:04 carlvelleri yeah they wish is was all year around so they can make more money
17:04 kilbith exact
17:07 Jordach exio4, i already have joke signs outside of the house...warning of a masked gunman (has a .22 calibre rifle)
17:08 exio4 sounds cool
17:08 exio4 oh, you said joke
17:08 exio4 nevermind
17:08 Jordach exio4, i'm going to hide in the buses with woodland camo
17:09 Jordach bushes
17:11 carlvelleri i remember one halloween this lady was giving out fried bacon instead of candy
17:11 exio4 I don't really like halloween
17:12 ElectronLibre Bacon? I really wonder why O_o...
17:12 PenguinDad Bacon!
17:22 Krock joined #minetest
17:23 carlvelleri i asked her one day why she only gave fried bacon and she said its better than candy
17:24 ElectronLibre That's what she said.. That's what she thinks.
17:24 Krock H l o
17:24 Krock e l
17:24 ElectronLibre Maybe it's true.
17:24 zat systemd is great, I just dont get all the clueless people that hate it.
17:24 carlvelleri i dont know but i rather have the candy
17:25 * PenguinDad hugs zat
17:25 zat >.<
17:29 * Calinou brohooves PenguinDad
17:29 PenguinDad zat: you don't like hugs do you?
17:29 * PenguinDad brohooves Calinou
17:30 zat PenguinDad: I was kawaiily blushing
17:31 PenguinDad zat: that emoji always looks annoyed to me
17:31 zat PenguinDad: >/////<
17:33 OldCoder Calinou, you wanted a Kindle Death Patch. I will have one in a few minutes.
17:33 OldCoder I.e. a way to lock out Kindles
17:34 Calinou to lock out all mobile clients would be good
17:34 OldCoder There is a really really weird bug that locks out at least some Kindles
17:34 Calinou PenguinDad> zat: you don't like hugs do you?
17:34 OldCoder Nailing it down now
17:34 Calinou my name means “hug” in French
17:34 OldCoder Calinou is huggy huh
17:34 PenguinDad TIL
17:36 * Jordach wonders if Calinou is huggably sof
17:36 Jordach soft*
17:36 Viper168 joined #minetest
17:37 Jordach "killing a squadron of soldiers in OpenRA with artillery feels satisfying"
17:40 zat le Calinou
17:41 Calinou artillery spam is fun in all games, Jordach
17:42 Jordach Calinou, except in RE
17:43 Jordach because rocket-dm-instagib-jetpack
17:43 Jordach it devolves into a clicking contest
17:47 Calinou ballistic is gone
17:48 PenguinDad and so is jetpack
17:51 OldCoder https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5026
17:52 OldCoder Calinou, that seems to be a Kindle Death Mod
17:52 OldCoder For at least some Kindle Fire users. Install it and some Kindles go away. But why??
17:53 Jordach or just have a formspec on join that's very very hard for them to click on
17:53 Jordach wrong button = kick
18:11 Inspire049 joined #minetest
18:11 Inspire049 back
18:11 PenguinDad ^ He's been back for a long time
18:16 Enke joined #minetest
18:19 CraigyDavi` joined #minetest
18:21 CraigyDavi`` joined #minetest
18:24 dust_ joined #minetest
18:25 PenguinDad https://i.4cdn.org/g/1414767065376.jpg :D
18:26 Krock PenguinDad, your base_game fork is outdated.
18:26 PenguinDad Krock: I know that
18:26 Krock https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-VoCMLC--L7g/U_Myn_AokZI/AAAAAAAAQdU/zsFhb2uFrxI/w500-h246/2014%2B-%2B1
18:29 Krock o/ we're dust-free
18:31 PenguinDad Krock: whowhowho also left :P
18:31 Krock oh yes. who is it?
18:31 PenguinDad Krock: werwerwer
18:32 Krock but who is wer?
18:32 Krock who is who? who am I?
18:32 PenguinDad Krock: yes you're right
18:32 Krock oh good
18:32 * sfan5 meows at PenguinDad
18:33 * PenguinDad pets sfan5
18:33 * sfan5 purrs
18:34 PenguinDad Halloween contribution graph :D https://github.com/sfan5
18:35 Krock omg-
18:35 Krock I like this fake yellow
18:35 * sfan5 paws Krock
18:36 * Krock paws sfan5
18:36 * sfan5 licks Krock
18:36 * PenguinDad wings Krock
18:36 * Krock gives sfan5 some <°(((-<
18:36 * Krock wonders about the statistics of this channel
18:36 * ElectronLibre meows at sfan5
18:37 * sfan5 curls up to ElectronLibre's lap
18:37 sfan5 Krock: I'm busy making a backup
18:37 Krock k.
18:37 sfan5 and I would have to re-write the regexes because hexchat is a bit different than xchat
18:38 sfan5 and I have to learn
18:38 sfan5 tl;dr not happening soon
18:38 gravgun joined #minetest
18:42 Zephlon joined #minetest
18:45 Salbei_ joined #minetest
18:50 gravgun joined #minetest
18:52 proller joined #minetest
18:52 zat joined #minetest
19:01 * Jordach is most likely the least healty and active Minetester
19:02 meldrian joined #minetest
19:05 kaeza I'm a bird! https://mediacru.sh/_LqsSdXRlp3f
19:06 Calinou better be a pony
19:06 Calinou (-:
19:06 ElectronLibre You could try to fly, but I don't think you could do anything else than crashing on the floor :°
19:08 PenguinDad kaeza: I'm a bird too!
19:08 kaeza :P
19:13 uroboro joined #minetest
19:24 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
19:34 asie joined #minetest
19:45 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
19:51 Mogwai joined #minetest
19:51 DFeniks joined #minetest
19:56 NemoMT joined #minetest
19:56 shadowzone joined #minetest
19:56 Enke joined #minetest
19:57 shadowzone joined #minetest
20:00 shadowzone joined #minetest
20:01 carlvelleri joined #minetest
20:13 Sokomine is there anyone besides paramat who understands that strange perlin noise stuff? or who can point me to a short description of what it is and how it's applied?
20:13 Sokomine it may be necessary to learn more about it in order to adjust the terrain around individual houses better. round terrain does not work well small-scale. it is too obviously round...
20:14 Calinou Wikipedia sure explains what it is ;)
20:15 Calinou “random formula where a pixel's colour depends on neighbouring ones”
20:20 sol_invictus anyone using tox?
20:21 sol_invictus (want to test if it works)
20:21 CaveJohnson hi :)
20:23 NemoMT Hello CaveJohnson
20:23 ElectronLibre sol_invictus, I may help you.
20:26 Calinou hi CaveJohnson
20:29 CaveJohnson hi Calinou
20:35 Miner_48er joined #minetest
20:44 Jordach !tell shadowzone dat bass from 2001 http://graemenorgate.bandcamp.com/track/scrapyard
20:44 MinetestBot Jordach: I'll pass that on when shadowzone is around
20:48 seasaw joined #minetest
20:51 Sokomine calinou: hmm. sounds like a short explanation which might work well enough :-) perhaps i really ought to start reading that article
21:06 basxto joined #minetest
21:22 Krock http://i.imgur.com/ZOIcAVP.png
21:22 Krock generated by nature
21:24 hisforeverkid joined #minetest
21:25 iqualfragile joined #minetest
21:30 Calinou https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mesecons
21:30 Calinou heh, first result
21:30 Calinou nice SEO
21:32 * Jordach may be working on automated machines that are autonomous once programmed
21:33 iqualfragile joined #minetest
21:40 Calinou :o neko259 is back
21:41 Calinou he registered on forums before me
21:41 Jordach Calinou, may be working on a team based modpack, starting with MORE entitynodes
21:47 iqualfragile joined #minetest
21:49 Calinou https://forum.kde.org/
21:49 Calinou that's a pretty phpBB
21:52 iqualfragile joined #minetest
22:00 Zephlon joined #minetest
22:01 shadowzone joined #minetest
22:12 iqualfragile joined #minetest
22:41 hisforever joined #minetest
22:41 hisforever Hi is there a way to rotate blocks that are in a colum at one time?
22:42 hisforever i'm in Single player mode tonight
22:42 Sokomine hisforever: worldedit has the orient command. you may also rotate one node and then use my replacer mod on the other
22:43 hisforever ty smokey
23:03 FreeFull joined #minetest
23:09 dhasenan joined #minetest
23:13 Sokomine hisforever: er..i do not agree with that way of putting my name. please use another abbreviation or none at all
23:17 zat ;Soko
23:18 hisforever sorry soko didn't mean to offend
23:25 hisforever is z axes the vertical?
23:25 VanessaE X and Z are horizontal (E/W and N/S to be exact), Y is vertical
23:26 hisforever ty Vanessa
23:27 hisforever I have a bunch of corner pieces to rotate in the vertical?
23:28 VanessaE use the screwdriver and pray :P
23:28 hisforever lol
23:28 VanessaE mode 3 usually works best for that
23:28 hisforever funney i'll use the screwdriver
23:28 hisforever ok
23:49 Cylus joined #minetest
23:50 ElectronLibre left #minetest
23:54 Vargos joined #minetest

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