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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-06-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:19 VargaD joined #minetest
01:01 VargaD joined #minetest
01:14 realtinymonster joined #minetest
01:18 realtinymonster I am really lonely
01:18 realtinymonster and school is being a little shit
01:18 realtinymonster ...and nobody cares
01:20 unclouded don't worry.  once you're older you won't have to go to school any more
01:20 DMackey joined #minetest
01:20 realtinymonster unclouded: that will be nice, except for that I am one of the few individuals that actually enjoy school
01:21 unclouded you could always become a teacher then.  then you can stay at school forever
01:22 realtinymonster you know, that may not be a bad idea
01:22 realtinymonster BUT I need to pass this grade first...
01:42 BrandonReese joined #minetest
02:03 bas080 joined #minetest
02:07 * realtinymonster throws at bas080
02:32 zsoltisawesome joined #minetest
02:40 Piggybear87 How would I make a chat command be able to read a text file? Like  say "/news" will read ~/minetest/mods/news/news.txt
02:43 BrandonReese
02:43 bas0801 joined #minetest
02:43 BrandonReese ^ Piggybear87
02:46 Piggybear87 BrandonReese, Ok, I was going to fake and say news. What I'm trying to acheive is /rules, they read the rules then /agree and then they are granted interact.
02:48 BrandonReese Ok gotcha. You might be able to use some of the code from my news mod to help either way.
02:51 Piggybear87 OK, thanks.
02:54 ShadowNinja BrandonReese: That re-reads the file and regenerates the formspec on each join.  It should be done on startup.  It also uses both "news.txt" and "news_news.txt".
02:56 antinode joined #minetest
02:56 BrandonReese I had it re-read the file so it could be updated without a server restart. I didn't realize it was using both of those files, I can fix that
03:13 bas080 joined #minetest
03:17 ungali joined #minetest
03:20 SoniEx2 joined #minetest
03:22 realtinymonster joined #minetest
03:25 realtinymonster ShadowNinja: you do not know how many times i have seen that link :P
03:36 OldCoder BrandonReese, Hi. PM?
03:36 Exio4 joined #minetest
03:57 Megaf joined #minetest
03:57 Piggybear87 joined #minetest
03:58 WindHero joined #minetest
04:02 asie joined #minetest
04:06 WindHero well
04:06 WindHero I started making a small mod to print out humidity and temperature
04:06 WindHero into the HUD
04:06 WindHero however, it currently only works with skylands and watershed :P
04:15 antinode joined #minetest
04:17 antinode joined #minetest
05:39 Piggybear87 Smart people HELP!!
05:40 Piggybear87 kaeza, HELP!
05:42 Piggybear87 My girlfriend's computer doesn't like Minetest... The debug.txt has a million weird characters, and it started beeping through the speakers.
05:44 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
05:44 VanessaE no clue at all, Piggybear87
05:45 Piggybear87 GAH! I've never seen it before...
05:46 VanessaE my only guess is to have her try a different build (e.g. from a different user - if Blockmen's didn't work, try sfan5's, etc)
05:46 VanessaE and try 32 bit if she tried 64 bit before
06:07 Piggybear87 VanessaE, Hate to tell you, but, One of the problems was moretrees.
06:07 VanessaE impossible
06:08 VanessaE moretrees has no sounds.
06:08 Piggybear87 We removed that, and darkage and it works now. And it was more of an "error" sound form the computer itself.
06:09 Piggybear87 It made the beeps AFTER the crash.
06:10 VanessaE did you also remember to iunstall plantlife?
06:10 VanessaE install*
06:10 VanessaE moretrees needs that
06:10 Piggybear87 Yes.
06:10 Calinou joined #minetest
06:10 asie joined #minetest
06:10 VanessaE strange
06:10 VanessaE moretrees is a very lightweight mo
06:10 VanessaE mod
06:11 Calinou « moretrees is a very lightweight mod » —VanessaE (2014)
06:12 Piggybear87 I know. I have no clue, it may be non compatible with darkage or something.
06:12 VanessaE Calinou: moretrees has almost no active code now
06:12 Calinou it's often said to be an heavy ogre :P
06:12 Calinou especially on map generation
06:12 VanessaE nope.avi
06:12 LemonLake joined #minetest
06:12 VanessaE all of the heavy lifting is done by plants_lib and by default, it generates saplings.
06:12 VanessaE has for months
06:12 Calinou anyway, hi :)
06:13 VanessaE hi
06:13 Piggybear87 Anyway. I'm off to bed. night!
06:13 * kaeza codes a mod to randomly output BEL to console
06:14 kaeza mwahahaha
06:14 VanessaE haha
06:15 Calinou my PC doesn't seem to have hardware bell
06:15 Calinou it uses LEDs + error codes to tell issues on POST
06:15 Calinou (shows CPU temperature once running)
06:15 kaeza mine neither... it's either the OS' "generic beep" sound or nothing
06:20 Calinou MediaCrush is down, so I use “the host which uses the MLP font as title font”
06:20 Calinou
06:20 Calinou some manufactured blocks in Carbone (new textures)
06:20 Calinou it isn't down
06:20 Calinou but it responded much faster here
06:28 diemartin joined #minetest
06:30 VanessaE Calinou: looks like plastic boxes
06:30 Calinou lol
06:33 VanessaE no seriously
06:33 VanessaE
06:33 VanessaE cheapie has factories that make these on VE-Survival
06:33 Calinou oh, the ore blocks
06:33 VanessaE nope.avi
06:33 LemonLake plastic blocks
06:33 VanessaE they're made from raw plastic that's derived from leaves
06:34 LemonLake ^
06:34 LemonLake so a tree farm > an autocrafted or something?
06:34 Calinou they look similar
06:34 LemonLake autocrafter*
06:34 VanessaE LemonLake: yes, about like that
06:34 Calinou someone stone all my wheat on Vanilla, lol
06:34 VanessaE Calinou: heh, and I rendered these by hand.  go figure :P
06:34 Calinou I don't care, I can replant it
06:35 VanessaE (well partly, I based the current textures on what cheapie originally supplied, I think)
06:35 VanessaE (I forget now)
06:37 CraigyDavi_ joined #minetest
06:58 asie joined #minetest
06:58 Jousway joined #minetest
07:04 jp__ joined #minetest
07:07 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
07:22 Weedy joined #minetest
07:27 asie joined #minetest
08:41 Xack joined #minetest
09:25 kaeza
09:41 asie joined #minetest
10:09 asie joined #minetest
10:11 kaeza blarghargh
10:26 enricom joined #minetest
10:56 VanessaE sfan5: I've been using latest git HEAD of the official mapper with the default colors.txt...  with leveldb worlds, it's really quite fast, and generates accurate overview images without any problems at all
10:56 VanessaE MUCH faster than sqlite
10:56 VanessaE roughly twice as fast, I would say
10:57 VanessaE (by latest, I mean updated less than an hour ago)
11:01 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
11:01 Exio4 joined #minetest
11:14 NakedFury joined #minetest
11:36 Megaf joined #minetest
11:38 * sfan5 meows at VanessaE
11:38 sfan5 hi everyone
11:41 ImQ009 joined #minetest
11:44 sfan5 kaeza: y u no use
11:46 PenguinDad joined #minetest
11:48 * kaeza pets sfan5
11:48 * sfan5 meows at kaeza
11:48 kaeza because... dunno :)
11:49 kaeza and now, I'm off to bed
11:49 kaeza nights/mornings
11:52 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
12:03 enricom joined #minetest
12:09 restcoser joined #minetest
12:11 asie joined #minetest
12:18 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:19 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
12:26 asie joined #minetest
12:29 LazyJ joined #minetest
12:39 kizeren joined #minetest
12:45 Piggybear87 joined #minetest
12:48 hmmmm joined #minetest
12:51 BrandonReese joined #minetest
12:54 raffahacks joined #minetest
12:54 raffahacks hi!
12:54 bas080 hey
12:55 raffahacks 108 zombies here?
12:55 raffahacks hi bas thanks for answer:)
12:56 raffahacks *q
12:57 bas080 my name is bas080. Respect my parents choice please.
13:05 Amaz bas080: Are you still working on your OCD game? I really like it!
13:12 PenguinDad hi raffahacks
13:36 Piggybear87 Whenever my girlfriend punches a tree the game crashes. Just the tree wood, not the leaves.
13:37 sfan5 post debug.txt
13:37 PenguinDad Piggybear87: are there any mods installed?
13:38 Piggybear87 Moreores and money2. sfan5, I'm getting it, hold on.
13:43 Piggybear87
13:43 Piggybear87 sfan5, ^ There's no error...
13:44 sfan5 Piggybear87: >0.4.7 update to 0.4.9 at least
13:44 Piggybear87 She got the latest pilzadam one.
13:45 Piggybear87 Ok, I see now...
13:45 sfan5 Piggybear87: pilzadam stopped making periodic builds
13:46 Piggybear87 Ah, OK. Maybe that post should be removed from the downloads page? Lol.
13:46 sfan5 hm, maybe
13:57 Piggybear87 OK, sfan5, I just got her Blockmen's build. It works fine in singleplayer, but when she tries to launch a server (even a local one) she gets this
13:58 sfan5 uh
13:58 sfan5 try my build
13:58 Piggybear87 Side question, do we know when 0.5.0/0.4.10 is coming out?
13:58 Piggybear87 She wants minetest_gane
13:58 sfan5 it's still a long way until 0.5.0
13:58 sfan5 my builds have minetest_game
13:59 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
13:59 sfan5 I thought it was clear that mt_game is always there
13:59 sfan5 0.4.10 should come out soon-ish
13:59 Piggybear87 Oh, it says that it includes neXt and carbone.
13:59 Piggybear87 and SWEET!.... more compiling...
13:59 sfan5 yeah
14:00 sfan5 (note: soon-ish could mean within the next month or could also mean in 4 months)
14:01 RealBadAngel i can see sapier menu rework brought some new bugs...
14:02 RealBadAngel i just noticed he removed "generate normalmaps" setting for some unknown reason too
14:04 sfan5 Piggybear87: clearer like this?
14:04 sfan5 >Latest git & stable version with Gettext, FreeType2, cURL, LuaJIT and LevelDB 7zip 64 bit
14:04 sfan5 Included games: minetest_game (obviously), Minetest NeXt and Carbone
14:05 Piggybear87 Lol. Yes. I have seen some that don't come with minetest_game..... on Linux...
14:05 sfan5 that is because the debian maintainers like to split up stuff into single packages
14:15 Piggybear87 sfan5,
14:17 sfan5 Piggybear87: and?
14:17 sfan5 I see nothing wrong
14:18 Piggybear87 It didn't work. It crashed with no error...
14:18 sfan5 did you try the 64bit build?
14:19 Piggybear87 She has a 32bit OS and (I presume) processor.
14:19 sfan5 hm :/
14:19 sfan5 which windows version?
14:19 Piggybear87 7
14:20 sfan5 how exactly did it crash?
14:20 Piggybear87 She won't switch to Lubuntu with me...
14:21 Piggybear87 Trying to launch a local server. The first time I opened the inventory and it crashed, but that somehow fixed itself.
14:23 Wuzzy joined #minetest
14:23 Piggybear87 "Minetest engine core main application has stopped working"
14:24 Piggybear87 sfan5, ^
14:24 sfan5 that is bad
14:24 Piggybear87 Is there a fix?
14:26 sfan5 how do you think developers fix stuff?
14:26 sfan5 "It crashed somewhere" is not enough info
14:26 sfan5 (but windows does not give you more, so it's not your fault)
14:26 Piggybear87 ~~~~<insert magic here>~~~~
14:27 ShadowBot Piggybear87: Error: You don't have the channel,op; channel,halfop capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
14:27 Piggybear87 That's how you fix it...
14:27 PenguinDad lol
14:27 Piggybear87 Shut up ShadowBot...
14:28 LemonLake joined #minetest
14:30 Piggybear87 Hmm, I don't think she tried stable... maybe I should try that... I'm such a genius...
14:32 RealBadAngel hold on, win64 build and 32bit os?
14:32 Vazon good morning all
14:33 bas080 joined #minetest
14:33 RealBadAngel Piggybear87, shouldnt she try 32bit build instead? ;)
14:34 Piggybear87 No, I got the 32bit build, he suggested the 64bit, then I told him that she had the 32bit OS.
14:34 RealBadAngel ah ok
14:36 zsoltisawesome joined #minetest
14:36 zsoltisawesome Hi
14:36 CraigyDavi Hi
14:36 zsoltisawesome I like pie
14:36 zsoltisawesome :P
14:38 RealBadAngel youre askin for absolution or what? go have some pizza instead :P
14:39 zsoltisawesome RealBadAngel: I don't like pizza too much
14:40 zsoltisawesome but thanks anyway :P
14:40 RealBadAngel there was a movie about a guy that liked pie
14:41 zsoltisawesome really?
14:41 LemonLake Teamviewer are damn lazy
14:41 RealBadAngel so much that he f..ed it ;)
14:41 LemonLake Instead of making a linux port they just make it run in wine
14:41 zsoltisawesome Lemon!
14:41 zsoltisawesome RealBadAngel: lol
14:41 LemonLake Mhm?
14:41 Piggybear87 OK, ok, ok... 0.4.9-stable official build... This happend twice, once by opening the inventory, once by digging. This is the one from the crash while digging.
14:41 RealBadAngel zsoltisawesome, american pie
14:41 zsoltisawesome hehe
14:45 RealBadAngel zsoltisawesome, just for you:
14:46 zsoltisawesome lol
14:46 zsoltisawesome "This video may be inappropriate for some users."
14:46 zsoltisawesome no shit
14:50 realtinymonster joined #minetest
14:51 Garmine joined #minetest
14:52 Vazon joined #minetest
14:53 phantombeta joined #minetest
14:53 realtinymonster waht in narnia!
14:55 MatiBln^1 joined #minetest
14:57 ThisIsMyNickname hehe
14:58 Jordach joined #minetest
14:59 ThisIsMyNickname Jordach! How are you? Anything new on BFD?
15:03 Jordach ThisIsMyNickname, busy with exams and shit
15:03 ThisIsMyNickname ah, not fun, I am busy with stuff like that myself
15:06 asie joined #minetest
15:06 * Jordach considers throwing a few euros at sapier
15:07 realtinymonster Jordach: throw them at  me!
15:07 Jordach nope.avi :p
15:07 realtinymonster :(
15:09 Jordach Irony of the month award!
15:09 Jordach chose to post an image of a setting that's turned off
15:10 raffahacks joined #minetest
15:10 realtinymonster lol
15:10 raffahacks hi!
15:10 raffahacks how r u?
15:10 antinode joined #minetest
15:10 raffahacks realtinymonster
15:10 realtinymonster I iz gud
15:10 realtinymonster :P
15:11 raffahacks sorry didn't look your chan
15:11 raffahacks can you link again
15:11 realtinymonster sure
15:11 realtinymonster i msg you
15:24 Krock joined #minetest
15:24 Krock Hello people
15:25 CraigyDavi Hi Krock
15:35 zat joined #minetest
15:46 ImQ009 joined #minetest
15:50 PilzAdam joined #minetest
15:54 m5 ~up 30010
15:54 ShadowBot m5: port 30010 is down
15:54 m5 ~up 30010
15:54 ShadowBot m5: port 30010 is down
15:54 m5 No
15:54 m5 It's not down ShadowBot
15:57 sfan5 !up 30010
15:57 MinetestBot is up (1213ms)
15:57 sfan5 ^ m5
15:57 m5 ...
15:57 m5 Wut
15:57 * m5 accepts it
15:57 m5 That is some ping
15:58 raffahacks joined #minetest
15:59 realtinymonster m5: yes
15:59 m5 realtinymonster, Did ZNC break?
16:00 realtinymonster i think so
16:01 m5 It works
16:01 m5 I can connect anyway
16:01 Calinou joined #minetest
16:04 Calinou hi
16:05 realtinymonster hi
16:05 m5 MinetestBot, Hi
16:15 Calinou underwater nyan cat!
16:16 realtinymonster :O
16:16 Krock ~whois m5
16:16 ShadowBot Krock: Got ZNC? (~markveide@unaffiliated/marktwain) has been on server since 06:46 AM, May 18, 2014 (idle for 10 minutes and 56 seconds) and is on #minetest.
16:16 PenguinDad ~whois ShadowBot
16:16 ShadowBot PenguinDad: ShadowBot (Limnoria) (~Limnoria@unaffiliated/shadowninja/bot/shadowbot) has been on server since 02:54 PM, May 05, 2014 (idle for 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, and 40 seconds) and is an op on #minetest and is also on #minetest-dev.
16:16 Krock marktwain
16:17 realtinymonster lol
16:22 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:27 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:29 PenguinDad best song ever!
16:30 Krock beats the best song ever!
16:30 * Jordach expected RickRoll
16:31 Krock false
16:31 Calinou new desert textures in Carbone
16:31 PenguinDad Jordach: for my link true
16:31 rubenwardy Hi all!
16:31 rubenwardy !titke
16:31 rubenwardy !title
16:31 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Ottawan - Hands Up - YouTube
16:32 Krock hi rubenwardy
16:33 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:38 Calinou hi rubenwardy
16:58 sapier joined #minetest
16:58 realtinymonster :O
16:58 realtinymonster Alt + number is helpful in bash
16:59 m5 I missed someone highlight me
17:00 m5 Saw it green when it crashed
17:00 nman3600 joined #minetest
17:00 nman3600 hey
17:01 m5 Hey nman3600
17:01 m5 #mt-servers
17:01 nman3600 m5 i'm on that
17:01 m5 oh ok
17:01 nman3600 i'm on #multitest if you want to suggest things
17:01 m5 >> #mt-servers then :)
17:03 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
17:09 q66 joined #minetest
17:09 q66 joined #minetest
17:16 Wooldoor joined #minetest
17:19 Wooldoor Hello fellow miners... I keep getting the 'Assertion '0' failed' error on my server, caused by several mods but really random and often after hours of stable running. I currently have a watchdog which restarts the server after a crash, but do any of you have similar issues and what's your work-around? Catching exceptions like this in the first place would be nice.
17:20 Calinou which mods do you run, Wooldoor?
17:20 Calinou I'm pretty sure you run a mod that causes the crashes
17:20 Krock Wooldoor, make sure, you've enough free memory
17:21 Wooldoor Well, yeah, I know it's the mods, but it's kind of a different one each time. I had problems with moreblocks (the circular saw), with signs lib, and now with mailbox. It's weird.
17:22 Calinou Circular saw has quite a few issues :'(
17:22 Calinou has duplication glitches, too
17:23 Wooldoor I disabled moreblocks and then after a couple hours a different mod caused an Assertion 0 error. Not to mention the 'unknown items' all over my world :)
17:24 Calinou you can make circular saw uncraftable (will restrict the number of Stairs+ nodes obtainable)
17:24 PenguinDad What's the full error message
17:24 PenguinDad +?
17:24 Calinou so that you have More Blocks without bugs
17:24 Wooldoor Is there any way of configurating minetestserver to gracefully handle exceptions rather than shutting down the whole server?
17:24 Calinou no
17:24 Calinou it obviously can't
17:25 realtinymonster Calinou: that's why it needs to bewriten in python!
17:25 realtinymonster lol
17:26 Wooldoor Latest full error message is this:
17:27 Wooldoor Thanks for the tips so far guys
17:30 Wooldoor This error is very similar to previous errors with other mods, always a nil value involved.
17:32 q66 joined #minetest
17:32 q66 joined #minetest
17:38 Vargos joined #minetest
17:46 kaeza joined #minetest
17:49 Guest42825 joined #minetest
17:51 LemonLake joined #minetest
17:53 lemonlake_ joined #minetest
17:53 nore joined #minetest
17:57 ligeti joined #minetest
17:57 ligeti Hello
17:58 Calinou hi ligeti
17:59 ligeti question... I am running minetest 4.9 on Debian, and I want to run a server... so I setup the world (in the server tab) and configured it (the mods) and I check "Public" ... port 30000 of course
18:00 ligeti and I want to connect from local host (from Mint OS)
18:00 ligeti I can't
18:00 ligeti I see that the port is not opened on the server side!
18:01 ligeti although there is a rule in iptables to accept udp 30000
18:01 ligeti 0     0 ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *              state NEW tcp dpt:30000
18:01 the-loop-digga joined #minetest
18:01 ligeti am I missing something? am I totally lost? do I have to dig into the documentation, too lazy :P
18:02 ligeti even nmap says that port 30000 is closed
18:02 ligeti any idea?
18:03 Taoki joined #minetest
18:05 Megaf ligeti: wrong IP address?
18:05 Megaf try with its local IP address
18:05 ligeti I am testing the port form the server itself!
18:05 Megaf also, on the server side, find the like bind_address, and set ti to =
18:05 ligeti it is
18:05 Megaf And by the way, is 0.4.9, not 4.9
18:05 ligeti the server work locally
18:06 Amaz Is the server on the same computer as you want to play it on?
18:06 Megaf try using IPs like 10.16.x.x or 192.168.x.x
18:06 PenguinDad "0     0 ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *              state NEW tcp dpt:30000" maybe the iptables rule is wrong
18:06 Megaf not your external UP
18:06 Megaf and yes, minetest uses UDP
18:06 Megaf not TCP
18:07 Megaf usually there's no need at all to change/make those rules, unless you know what you are doing
18:07 ligeti Megaf, my ip address is
18:07 ligeti wait
18:07 ligeti let me check something :D
18:07 ligeti yes it i :D
18:08 ligeti and no the port is closed (tested with both nmap and netstat)
18:08 ligeti OK...
18:09 ligeti got it (I guess... ) :D
18:09 ligeti it was a glitch I think (not that I was testing the wrong ip ... no no no I don't do that... never, and I don't lie... ever... as well!)
18:09 ligeti lol
18:09 ligeti sorry guys
18:09 ligeti :P
18:10 Enke joined #minetest
18:10 ligeti brb (has to restart)
18:12 Mogwai joined #minetest
18:13 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
18:17 LemonLake joined #minetest
18:17 Stormer97_znc joined #minetest
18:22 kaeza evenings
18:23 LemonLake nevelings
18:28 fireglow joined #minetest
18:28 fireglow I have an idea for tool selection: previous-tool: i.e. you are on slot 1, press 2 to go to slot 2. nothing new, but now, you press 2 again, and you are on your previous slot, 1.
18:29 ligeti joined #minetest
18:29 ligeti back
19:03 exoplanet joined #minetest
19:03 Vazon joined #minetest
19:08 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
19:09 exoplanet joined #minetest
19:09 exoplanet joined #minetest
19:09 alket joined #minetest
19:12 quasar joined #minetest
19:18 ligeti Guys I still have this problem with the port... (open|filtered) but it is not opened (I checked with netstat)
19:18 ligeti any ideas?
19:19 sapier what exact problem?
19:20 Megaf ligeti: again, minetest uses UDP, not TCP
19:20 ligeti I am running the server on and the client is on
19:20 ligeti Megaf, I know!
19:20 ligeti this is what I am looking for!
19:20 ligeti and it is not opened!
19:20 alket left #minetest
19:20 Megaf so change your iptables,
19:20 Megaf why are you using iptables anyway?
19:20 sapier and enable port forwarding
19:20 ligeti wireshark shows the the response is ICMP port unreachable
19:21 sapier did you configure port forwarding correct?
19:21 ligeti Megaf, ... I didn't touch the tables
19:21 ligeti sapier, ... ?
19:21 sapier ok lets start from beginning what do you actually wanna do
19:21 ligeti OK
19:22 ligeti I am on linux (all my computers)
19:22 ligeti so ...
19:22 sapier which distribution?
19:22 Megaf sapier: just scroll up
19:22 ligeti I want to set a lan connection (client-server)
19:22 Megaf [14:59:58] <ligeti> question... I am running minetest 4.9 on Debian, and I want to run a server... so I setup the world (in the server tab) and configured it (the mods) and I check "Public" ... port 30000 of course
19:22 Megaf [15:00:16] <ligeti> and I want to connect from local host (from Mint OS)
19:23 sapier ok can you delete debug.txt on your server and restart server, then post the content to pastebin
19:23 Megaf *on the server side
19:24 ligeti you think it is a server error? hmmm ok
19:24 ligeti testing
19:24 sapier I don't know but we have to start somewhere
19:26 ShadowNinja m5: It seems like #mt-servers is in the wrong namespace.  Also, see It has ~12 servers.
19:32 nman3600 left #minetest
19:32 ligeti joined #minetest
19:33 ligeti seems that I got a bad DC!
19:33 sapier dc?
19:34 ShadowNinja Disconnect?  Direct current?
19:34 ShadowNinja District of Columbia?
19:34 ligeti Disconnected :P
19:34 PenguinDad Disabled Cat?
19:34 kaeza lol
19:34 ligeti Disabled Cat? o.0!!!
19:34 ligeti lol
19:36 * Megaf understands DC as Direct Current
19:37 Megaf PenguinDad: disabled cat? lmao
19:39 zat Washington DC.
19:39 zat D:
19:41 * sfan5 meows at zat
19:42 zat super gay!
19:45 ligeti ...
19:46 asie joined #minetest
19:47 ligeti so ... now after I felt so sorry to use the acronym "DC" (idiot me) :P
19:47 ligeti hmmm
19:47 ligeti who is running linux here?
19:47 * sfan5 meows at zat
19:48 zat ligeti: around 99.99999999% I imagine :D
19:48 zat sfan5: Super gay!
19:48 * sfan5 flips zat
19:49 * sfan5 meows at zat
19:49 ligeti really...
19:49 ligeti :D
19:49 ligeti so did anyone try to run the server on LAN?
19:49 ligeti I guess you all did! :P
19:49 zat ligeti: what are you trying to do specifically? (seriously)
19:50 ligeti run a server on LAN
19:50 ligeti that's all!
19:50 zat and what is the problem?
19:50 ligeti I want to pentest it lol
19:50 ligeti the problem is that the server is not actually listening on port udp 30000 as i should be!
19:51 ligeti netstat is reporting nothig for 30000
19:51 ligeti or minetest
19:51 zat when you start it up, what server does it say to be listening on?
19:51 sapier doesn't netstat only report tcp ports anyway?
19:51 ligeti sapier, no!
19:52 ligeti but anyway... listen guys
19:52 ligeti I am also running wireshark on my server side
19:52 ligeti and it sees the request (the connection) and that the connection is refused (ICMP port unreachable)
19:52 zat you can: netstat -tulpn | grep PORT
19:52 ligeti so ... the server is not listening
19:52 sapier have you posted your server log yet?
19:52 ligeti my thoughts were "firewall"
19:52 ligeti but I have a rule to accept the connection!
19:53 zat ligeti: try that netstat on the server
19:53 ligeti sapier, yes and I posted the link (maybe you didn't see it because of the dc)
19:53 ligeti zat, I did
19:53 ligeti ... nothing!
19:53 sapier ok post again ;-)
19:53 zat can you temporarily take iptables down ligeti?
19:54 zat and, could it be that there is SELinux in that server running?
19:54 ligeti
19:54 sapier ok so local server works
19:55 ligeti zat ... no I am not running SELinux (I did open ports before for apache, snort, bind ... etc)
19:55 sapier you did start a server and not a singleplayer game?
19:55 ligeti yes
19:55 zat sapier: apparently he did, otherwise the player would be called minetest I think.
19:55 ligeti I should check public right?
19:55 sapier you're right it'd be singleplayer
19:55 LemonLake zat: Player is called singleplayer when in singleplayer
19:55 zat well ligeti, your server apparently is listening, otherwise how did you get to connect to it.
19:56 zat LemonLake: yes that.
19:56 sapier yes server is running I suggest starting wireshark on server and try to connect to that server
19:56 ligeti BECAUSE... I am connecting from the localhost!
19:56 ligeti sapier, I did that already!
19:56 zat then your problem isnt minetest listening
19:57 zat not* listening I meant
19:57 sapier obviously it is listening
19:57 sapier did you specify a listen interface?
19:57 ligeti I will turn down iptables
19:57 ligeti fluch everything
19:57 realtinymonster joined #minetest
19:57 ligeti and see how'll it go!
19:57 zat ligeti: make sure you don't lock yourself out of the server
19:58 ligeti what do you mean?
19:58 Arjuna joined #minetest
19:58 ligeti hmmm....
19:59 zat that for example your ability to reach the server through ssh depends on a iptables rule.
19:59 ligeti !
19:59 ligeti it is working now
19:59 zat so, now paste the iptables rule
19:59 ligeti ah no it is on a laptop (my server is running on a laptop)
19:59 ligeti I flushed everything :D
19:59 ligeti and now it i working
19:59 ligeti was the rule!
20:00 ligeti strange though (I didn't see anything abnormal about it!)
20:00 zat so you added the rule but didn't apply it?
20:00 Guy09 joined #minetest
20:00 ligeti I didn't add the rule btw
20:00 zat bah
20:01 Guy09 I'm back
20:01 ligeti it was added by the package manager I guess!
20:01 Arjuna joined #minetest
20:02 ligeti wb
20:02 Guy09 Let me try somethin
20:02 Guy09 ~~~~~~~~~~ is epic
20:02 ShadowBot Guy09: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
20:03 Guy09 oh :p
20:03 ligeti o.0
20:03 Guy09 ~seen kaeza
20:03 ShadowBot Guy09: I saw kaeza in #minetest 28 minutes and 55 seconds ago saying "lol"
20:03 kaeza pong
20:04 Guy09 Oh here u r XD
20:04 Guy09 can
20:04 Guy09 Can I ask a favour?
20:04 kaeza depends
20:04 Guy09 Its a question
20:05 kaeza "don't ask to ask, just ask"
20:05 Guy09 Oh k XD
20:05 Guy09 Well something's wrong with my client
20:06 realtinymonster I wonder
20:06 Guy09 every time i enter VE:Vanilla within 2 secs of entering the server automaticly makes me leave
20:07 realtinymonster 6,7Test!
20:07 Guy09 My question is: do u know the reason y?
20:08 Guy09 Man responses take a while
20:09 realtinymonster Guy09: Maybe ask VanessaE? she might have an answer for you
20:09 PenguinDad ?? seen PiIzAdam
20:09 ShadowBot PenguinDad: I saw PiIzAdam in #minetest 10 weeks, 0 days, 17 hours, 28 minutes, and 11 seconds ago saying "Just so you all know, I'm leaving Minetest. So go ahead and ban me on the forums."
20:10 realtinymonster hehe
20:10 realtinymonster LIES
20:10 realtinymonster ~seen Amaz
20:10 ShadowBot realtinymonster: I saw Amaz in #minetest 2 hours, 4 minutes, and 35 seconds ago saying "Is the server on the same computer as you want to play it on?"
20:12 realtinymonster ~seen lordcirth
20:12 ShadowBot realtinymonster: I saw lordcirth in #minetest 2 weeks, 0 days, 21 hours, 44 minutes, and 1 second ago saying "Why does technic quarry mine faster than it outputs? it leaves ore in the mine"
20:12 Guy09 ~seen CraigyDavi
20:12 ShadowBot Guy09: I saw CraigyDavi in #minetest 4 hours, 46 minutes, and 56 seconds ago saying "Hi Krock"
20:12 realtinymonster lol
20:12 realtinymonster double ping
20:13 IceCream joined #minetest
20:13 IceCream joined #minetest
20:13 Guy09 ~seen LemonLake
20:13 ShadowBot Guy09: I saw LemonLake in #minetest 17 minutes and 36 seconds ago saying "zat: Player is called singleplayer when in singleplayer"
20:13 LemonLake Right here.
20:13 PenguinDad ?? seen Birds
20:13 ShadowBot PenguinDad: I haven't seen Birds in #minetest.
20:13 LemonLake What's up?
20:13 Guy09 Ahhhhhgg
20:13 LemonLake ShadowBot: Neither have I.
20:14 realtinymonster ~seen jerks
20:14 ShadowBot realtinymonster: I haven't seen jerks in #minetest.
20:14 realtinymonster lol
20:14 IceCream joined #minetest
20:14 Guy09 since when did u un ignore me?
20:15 Guy09 ~seen Microchip
20:15 ShadowBot Guy09: I haven't seen Microchip in #minetest.
20:15 realtinymonster I need a friend!
20:15 Guy09 Waaaaaaaaaaat!!!!
20:15 PilzAdam PenguinDad, dat ping
20:15 Guy09 :0
20:15 * sfan5 meows at Guy09
20:15 kaeza Guy09, wrong network
20:15 * kaeza pets sfan5
20:15 Guy09 Oh lol
20:16 * sfan5 purrs
20:16 * realtinymonster noms sfan5
20:16 PenguinDad PilzAdam: There was no ping at least until now
20:16 * sfan5 throws FLACs at kaeza
20:16 * sfan5 flips realtinymonster
20:16 * kaeza converts to MP3s
20:16 * realtinymonster is sad
20:16 * Guy09 gives sfan5 some cat food surprize
20:16 * realtinymonster joins #defocus
20:16 * sfan5 meows at Guy09
20:17 * Guy09 tells sfan5 to eat it plz
20:17 * sfan5 throws Opus at kaeza and holds up a sign reading "Opus is much better than MP3!"
20:17 * sfan5 meows at Guy09
20:17 IceCream joined #minetest
20:18 * Guy09 takes the food away and asks sfan5 wat do u want?
20:18 * kaeza hands his old-as-ass MP3 player at sfan5
20:18 Taoki joined #minetest
20:18 IceCream joined #minetest
20:18 * sfan5 throws a cheap Android phone at kaeza
20:18 kaeza with 128MB of memory!
20:19 * sfan5 throws a sign reading "a 500G HDD" at Guy09
20:19 kaeza cost me around the same a phone costs now :x
20:19 kaeza a relatively good phone *
20:19 * sfan5 throws an used iPod touch 2G at kaeza
20:19 Piggybear87 kaeza, I just got a terms of service mod (originally by you), Does it show every time a player comes on, or just the first time?
20:19 * Guy09 says 'ur a cat y would u want that?
20:20 * sfan5 meows acknowingly at Guy09
20:20 kaeza Piggybear87, should show only to new players (first time)
20:20 Piggybear87 OK, thanks.
20:20 m5 Hi
20:20 IceCream joined #minetest
20:21 * Guy09 says 'Watever' and gives sfan5 a 500g HDD
20:21 * sfan5 installs Mac OS X Yosemite on it
20:21 realtinymonster sfan5: what?
20:21 realtinymonster thats a fucking thing?
20:21 sfan5 realtinymonster: google
20:21 realtinymonster lol
20:22 sfan5 ?????
20:22 * Guy09 demands a massive box of candy king fried eggs
20:22 * sfan5 purrs at Guy09
20:22 * realtinymonster noms Guy09
20:22 * Guy09 demands it from sfan
20:22 * sfan5 purrs at Guy09
20:23 * Guy09 tranforms into TNT the blows up in reals stomach
20:24 ligeti did anyone try to understand the packets? (in case someone wants to hack the game?) :P
20:24 Guy09 Lol
20:25 Guy09 This is even a game?!
20:25 ligeti I think I am going to download the source code now!
20:25 * realtinymonster is going to make a PC remake of Extreme-G
20:25 sapier I've once updated the dissector but it's still partial
20:25 ligeti Guy09, ... well!
20:25 ligeti true!
20:25 m5 hey realtinymonster
20:25 realtinymonster m5: hry
20:25 m5 ...
20:25 m5 Bad grammar and you do it wrong
20:25 realtinymonster hey
20:26 m5 </rant>
20:26 m5 Hey
20:26 m5 Server is up on 30010
20:26 realtinymonster nice
20:26 Arjuna_ joined #minetest
20:26 m5 IRC mod and LuaJIT are not working
20:26 ligeti public?
20:26 * realtinymonster likes Extreme-G
20:27 m5 It has 0 players because it can't report to master serverlist yet
20:27 * Guy09 likes Battle Conquest
20:27 m5 And it always seems to be night
20:27 realtinymonster For all of you that wonder, extreme-g is an oldass game for oldass people
20:27 realtinymonster :P
20:27 m5 realtinymonster, How is your website going?
20:28 * m5 goes though realtinymonster's files
20:28 realtinymonster m5:
20:28 LemonLake m5: How did you get
20:28 realtinymonster lol
20:28 Guy09 Battle Conquest is an epic MMORPG game with a tutorial
20:28 m5 Bye, cya
20:28 * realtinymonster wants Extreme-G2
20:28 Guy09 and u can play with other real people
20:29 realtinymonster LemonLake: OldCoder owns it I think, but its m5's world
20:29 * Guy09 yawns
20:29 Guy09 i'm goin to bed night guys!
20:30 kaeza night
20:31 kizeren joined #minetest
20:31 WindHero joined #minetest
20:32 realtinymonster Woot!
20:37 zat joined #minetest
20:38 IceCream joined #minetest
20:56 BrandonReese joined #minetest
20:59 exoplanet joined #minetest
20:59 exoplanet joined #minetest
21:00 Gambit joined #minetest
21:19 IceCream joined #minetest
21:22 fireglow pipeworks doesn't work with lava?
21:22 realtinymonster fireglow: 9
21:23 fireglow that's too bad :/
21:23 WindHero it wouldn't be that hard to expand
21:23 WindHero provided you know what you're doing
21:24 sylvieL joined #minetest
21:29 IceCream joined #minetest
21:33 Exio4 joined #minetest
21:34 FreeFull You could add heatproof pipes or such
21:34 realtinymonster who thinks I can make a 1024mb expantion pack for the n64?
21:36 ligeti ...
21:39 realtinymonster joined #minetest
21:39 realtinymonster Hi
21:41 LemonLake 1024mb for an n64?
21:42 LemonLake dude, expansion packs are usually 4mb
21:42 LemonLake why a 1024mb?
21:42 realtinymonster cause I want Minetest to run on it
21:42 realtinymonster :P
21:42 LemonLake AN N64
21:42 realtinymonster yeah
21:42 LemonLake k
21:42 realtinymonster lol
21:42 LemonLake good luck
21:43 realtinymonster thanks much
21:43 LemonLake tell me when you give up
21:43 WindHero rofl
21:43 realtinymonster lol
21:44 WindHero seriously, I wouldn't trust anything less than a Wii to process Minetest in real-time
21:44 LemonLake also, I'd like to see how well it can power a gb expansion pack
21:44 realtinymonster LemonLake: lol
21:45 LemonLake
21:45 LemonLake that's 4mb, yes?
21:46 LemonLake that's about the size of your average 4:3 handheld portable camera
21:46 LemonLake you know, the little ones that kids would have
21:46 realtinymonster yeah
21:46 LemonLake what you're making is that, times 256
21:46 LemonLake not to mention that you'd have to learn how to compile C
21:47 LemonLake and I know for a fax that you hate compiling
21:47 realtinymonster a fax?
21:47 realtinymonster lol
21:47 LemonLake mhm
21:47 LemonLake as well as that, you'd have to rewrite the engine that minetest is
21:47 realtinymonster meh
21:48 realtinymonster Hey!
21:48 LemonLake you'd also need a way to render the game in 320x240
21:48 realtinymonster I'll port it to SNES!
21:48 realtinymonster xP
21:48 LemonLake that's even worse
21:48 realtinymonster LemonLake: no shit
21:48 * realtinymonster noms LemonLake
21:48 LemonLake so uh, good luck
21:49 realtinymonster hehe
21:49 LemonLake so uhh
21:49 LemonLake you're 14
21:50 LemonLake and you want to make a huge expansion pack for an n64...
21:50 LemonLake 13*
21:50 LemonLake im done
21:50 LemonLake im just done
21:51 realtinymonster lol
21:51 WindHero I think I have to agree with LemonLake...
21:51 WindHero ambition is good
21:51 WindHero but not when it borders on insanity
21:51 The_Beast joined #minetest
21:51 realtinymonster it was a silly idea
21:51 realtinymonster Hi The_beast
21:52 The_Beast hey
21:52 realtinymonster WindHero: I never said I was actually gonna do it
21:52 realtinymonster lol
21:53 The_Beast RTM can i come bulid on your soon to be server
21:53 realtinymonster The_Beast, not right now, i'm real bus
21:53 realtinymonster y
21:54 The_Beast Dang PLease i want to build please dood
21:54 Exio4 WindHero: not actually MT but having a thing like a 3d engine EVEN if it is with a shitty quality is a nice thing for learning how to make a nice-in-performance graphics code and it'll be useful for learning some arch's ASM (basically learn ASM concepts too(
21:54 Exio4 )
21:54 realtinymonster )
21:55 Exio4 even if it is just 2FPS instead of 2SPF
21:55 The_Beast Please RTM
21:55 realtinymonster Exio4: shouldn't be too different, seeing that the N64 is a generic 64bit RISC processor
21:56 realtinymonster The_Beast: I can't sorry, maybe on saterday
21:56 kaeza people still develop demo stuff for old computers
21:56 The_Beast Sorry caps
21:57 Exio4 i've seen some awesome demos for old comps, yeah
21:57 kaeza people used to squeeze every last cycle they could out of the processors; now it's "lol why bother?"
21:57 realtinymonster kaeza: and people still make DOS games too
21:57 Exio4 >DOS games
21:57 kaeza realtinymonster, I'm talking about C64/Spectrum stuff :)
21:58 Exio4 kaeza: they made those cpus do more than they could
21:58 kaeza yep
21:59 kaeza it's amazing to see a 286 (or even an 8086 in extreme cases) do 3D with realtime lighting
22:01 Hirato joined #minetest
22:01 kaeza now you have computers with 128 cores running at 100THz with megathreading and shit
22:01 kaeza takes the fun out of stuff :<
22:02 Exio4 hey, supa uba mega fast computers are nice
22:02 fireglow how to destroy minecarts?
22:02 Exio4 the problem is that instead of having faster shit we have shit that looks nicer than before but is slower
22:02 kaeza ^
22:03 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
22:03 tredory joined #minetest
22:07 tredory Hi, i have just installed Minetest on Linux Mint 17. But i dont't know how to put items from my Inventory to my Toolbar o.O   Is there a trick ?
22:07 kaeza hi. the top row of the inventory acts as the hotbar
22:08 realtinymonster yeah
22:08 realtinymonster not the bottom (as mc has it)
22:08 tredory omg, ok thanks i got it.
22:08 The_Beast RTM i wont be on on saturday Can i please
22:09 kaeza fireglow, shift+click
22:09 realtinymonster The_Beast: /join #no
22:09 fireglow kaeza: thank you!
22:09 The_Beast I am in #no
22:09 realtinymonster Exio4: +1
22:10 realtinymonster The_Beast: lol
22:10 The_Beast Well bye
22:10 The_Beast left #minetest
22:18 WindHero joined #minetest
22:19 realtinymonster Hi!
22:20 realtinymonster WindHero: join the server, #main
22:20 WindHero 'k, fine
22:28 theTroy joined #minetest
22:33 zat joined #minetest
22:35 Vazon !up 30012
22:35 MinetestBot is up (548ms)
22:37 kizeren joined #minetest
22:38 Megaf !up 30003
22:38 MinetestBot is up (495ms)
22:38 Megaf !up 30003
22:38 MinetestBot is up (483ms)
22:38 Megaf Not for me
22:38 Megaf I can't join
22:40 Vazon Megaf dont feel bad i cnat join mine ether, i was doing a schematic save of the spawn to move it to another world but it was to large now the server is locked up
22:55 SoniEx2 DAE know about my love for recursion and tail calls?
22:56 ligeti time for bed
22:56 ligeti goodnight all
22:57 SoniEx2 well I mean now you do but still
23:14 Grickit joined #minetest
23:17 JamesTai1 joined #minetest
23:20 Ditti_ joined #minetest
23:20 Gizmokid2010 joined #minetest
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23:21 VadtecWk joined #minetest
23:25 ruskie joined #minetest
23:25 sapier left #minetest
23:27 twoelk joined #minetest
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23:35 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
23:41 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
23:45 kizeren joined #minetest
23:47 zat #j /lmms
23:52 Mallot1 joined #minetest
23:53 Mallot1 pp/join #minetest-delta
23:54 Mallot1 lol hey B)
23:58 SEx2 joined #minetest

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