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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-03-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:14 Enke joined #minetest
00:19 MrBeNNy joined #minetest
00:27 us`0gb joined #minetest
00:39 monkeycoder joined #minetest
00:50 domtron joined #minetest
00:53 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
00:55 arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest
00:57 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
00:57 arsdragonfly2 joined #minetest
01:01 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
01:03 arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest
01:16 hunterx689 joined #minetest
01:16 hunterx689 hi
01:39 domtron joined #minetest
01:42 Enke joined #minetest
01:48 frecel_ joined #minetest
01:54 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
03:27 Weedy joined #minetest
03:27 Weedy joined #minetest
03:50 Eater4 Hey
03:56 Eater4 Anyone?
03:57 Menche hay
04:01 Menche joined #minetest
04:16 * Eater4 is bored
04:37 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
04:38 stormchaser3000 hi
04:38 Menche hello
04:38 stormchaser3000 can someone help me with microsoft vidual studio 2013
04:38 stormchaser3000 oh hi Menche
04:38 stormchaser3000 i got a new computer
04:38 Menche you don't like lit pumpkins? :(
04:38 stormchaser3000 nope
04:39 Menche :/
04:39 stormchaser3000 that is one of the main reasons that i have skiped many voxle based games
04:39 stormchaser3000 because well the jackolantern is suposed to be a head for ghosts
04:39 stormchaser3000 (in the history of halloween)
04:41 stormchaser3000 and also how to compile the irc mod on windows
04:43 us`0gb I am so lost. That short conversation made so many jumps that I have no idea what it was about.
04:45 stormchaser3000 lol
04:45 stormchaser3000 well 0gb do you know how to use microsoft vissual studio 2013
04:46 stormchaser3000 us'0gb *
04:49 Vargos joined #minetest
04:51 enchilado us`0gb: vidual studio 2013 is supposed to be a head for voxel-based skipping
04:51 us`0gb Um. You're talking to a Debian user here. Microsoft refuses to release Linux versions of any of their software.
04:51 us`0gb What is voxel-based skipping?
04:51 enchilado I don't know
04:51 enchilado That's just what I gathered from the conversation
04:52 Menche apparently visual studios doesn't even work in wine
04:53 * Menche still doesn't understand why stormchaser3000 avoids games because of illuminated pumpkins
04:55 us`0gb What do pumpkins have to do with Microsoft software?
04:59 VanessaE us`0gb: ironically, about MS not releasing linux versions of their software,they just released an Android version of office but I guess it's little more than a glorified web browser tied to some online service
05:00 Menche Android's not really a typical linux OS
05:00 VanessaE no, but it's at least the Linux kernel and a bash-like shell
05:01 Menche some weird Java userland IIRC
05:01 us`0gb VanessaE: Hmm, I see. I've never really liked office applications online. Google's version, Microsoft's version, I don't care. I like to keep my documents on my machine.
05:01 VanessaE Menche: java-oriented, yeah, but not strictly java-only
05:03 VanessaE Menche: for example, the Android edition of Minetest that sapier et al. are working on is still C++ and Lua to do all the hard work, with only a small Java wedge to make Android happy, and some custom UI code to make it suitable for touch screens
05:05 us`0gb I hope that version has both the server and the client. It turns out my choice of data plans is between a 2G data plan and no data plan. Probably not suitable for Minetest.
05:05 VanessaE it should
05:05 VanessaE it's a set of patches against the main codebase
05:05 VanessaE which are scheduled to go into mainline soon
05:06 us`0gb Oh, awesome. Having everything in one code base is helpful.
05:24 werwerwer_ joined #minetest
05:35 kaeza joined #minetest
06:50 phantombeta| joined #minetest
06:53 dhbiker joined #minetest
06:57 John___ joined #minetest
06:57 John___ left #minetest
06:57 Minetestian joined #minetest
06:58 Minetestian Coming back to this game,
06:58 Minetestian Nostalgia
06:58 Minetestian overload
06:58 Minetestian i played MT 2 or 3 years ago
06:58 Minetestian so much has happened since then
06:58 banjo_gibby joined #minetest
06:59 Minetestian Anyways
07:00 Minetestian I'm making a Minecraft texture pack for minetest.
07:00 Minetestian No, just kidding
07:00 Minetestian I am making a Minetest texturepack for Minecraft
07:06 sfan5 that does not make any sense
07:06 sfan5 hi everyone BTW
07:09 PenguinDad joined #minetest
07:18 khor joined #minetest
07:25 Leoneof joined #minetest
07:50 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
07:50 arsdragonfly Ooooops
07:51 arsdragonfly Never had I expected that my phone server would crash this way: running out of electricity :-(
07:52 arsdragonfly There were ~10 players and the rig is getting hot. Apparently a 5V 0.4A input is far from enough
07:55 Krock joined #minetest
08:15 Quall joined #minetest
08:16 monkeycoder joined #minetest
08:16 kahrl joined #minetest
08:19 PenguinDad joined #minetest
08:20 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
08:20 CheapSeth joined #minetest
08:25 ImQ009 joined #minetest
08:30 Hunterz joined #minetest
08:32 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
08:34 CWz joined #minetest
08:35 CWz redcrab server is full of idlers
08:41 Krock Anyone know why a 0.4.8 stable client isn't able to connect to a 0.4.9-dev server?
08:42 crazyR has the server got strict client mode on?
08:43 Krock no idea, is it by default on?
08:52 PenguinDad Krock: I think 0.4.8 is too old for 0.4.9-dev servers
08:53 Krock PenguinDad, well, I though there would come up a message somewhere if a client isn't accepted by server
08:56 PenguinDad with "strict_protocol_version_checking" enabled the client would show a message
08:57 PenguinDad but with that anyone who wants to play on the server would have to use 0.4.9-dev
08:58 Krock and that's way too strict :/
09:00 reactor joined #minetest
09:01 CWz i was able to connect to vannesaE's vanilla server using version 0.4.6
09:02 CWz but that was a a few months ago
09:02 reactor Mowning.
09:02 PenguinDad joined #minetest
09:02 reactor ...we had a system crash (out of swap?), and now Minetest server won't start.
09:03 reactor 02:54:44: ERROR[main]: Subgame [] could not be found.
09:03 reactor ...someone tampered with the server?
09:03 sfan5 reactor: --gameid minetest
09:03 reactor ...but how would it start requiring that all of the sudden? No one had changed anything there. It was just a crash.
09:05 reactor sfan5: that helped a little, but it still complains about not finding the mods and crashes
09:05 sfan5 sounds like the files were damaged
09:06 reactor Probably.
09:06 reactor fsck showed no errors; it isn't a guarantee against silent corruption
09:06 sfan5 take a look at
09:06 reactor SMART says the disk is healthy.
09:07 reactor looks good.
09:07 reactor I'm sure all mods it enables are present here.
09:08 reactor Removed it. Now "ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: ServerEnvironment::loadMeta(): EnvArgsEnd not found"
09:09 sfan5 take a look at env_meta.txt
09:09 reactor Empty
09:10 sfan5 you better have a backup
09:10 sfan5 otherwise you'll have ugly borders
09:10 reactor Restoring it from a backup was the first thing I did.
09:10 kahrl sfan5: that's map_meta.txt not env_meta.txt
09:10 sfan5 kahrl: oh
09:10 sfan5 mh.. right
09:10 kahrl reactor: just delete env_meta.txt
09:11 sfan5 let's hope map_meta.txt isn't corrupted too
09:11 sfan5 why do we have map_meta.txt and env_meta.txt instead of just one file?
09:11 reactor map_meta looks okay
09:11 reactor woah, I removed the env_meta.txt and it fired up
09:12 kahrl sfan5: so env_meta.txt can be corrupted without much hassle :P
09:12 reactor unbelievable, counting the file was zero length
09:13 kahrl (I don't get why it becomes corrupted even though safeWriteToFile is used)
09:14 sfan5 if the whole OS crashes nothing can save you
09:16 reactor Yeah. Sucks.
09:16 reactor Idk why exactly we had the crash.
09:16 reactor The machine has transient maladies. Probably ACPI-related.
09:16 reactor ACPI is spawn of Satan himself.
09:23 arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest
09:23 Krock Feature request. Define distance of player position transfers get sent
09:24 CWz +1
09:24 reactor Krock: ?
09:25 Krock reactor, until now it's just "send all player's positions over x distance" = true/false
09:25 reactor oh
09:25 reactor yeah
09:25 reactor Me, I would like to have ability to hide users' names if they're behind something.
09:26 reactor Leaving them visible spoils all possible surprises.
09:26 Krock Hmm that would require some node checking whenever one of the players move
09:31 reactor Rather, checking if there's a node between players.
09:32 reactor That could more conveniently be done on client side.
09:32 reactor Because it decides what to draw.
09:33 reactor (that's cheating-unsafe, though)
10:00 PenguinDad joined #minetest
10:01 naccall joined #minetest
10:33 tim_flatus joined #minetest
10:34 Hunterz joined #minetest
10:42 Jordach joined #minetest
10:42 Jordach joined #minetest
10:44 tim_flatus I'm trying to get my head around mapgen rather than just blindly trusting other people's coding. If I create a new plant, how do I ensure it gets spawned at mapgen time?
10:49 * tim_flatus is a MT n00b.
10:50 tim_flatus I guess this channel doesn't really wake up until they smell the coffee in California?
10:58 tim_flatus How I love talking to myself on IRC. So ... on to the runcible nerf spork ...
11:05 tim_flatus If anyone does have time to talk me through mapgen I'd be incredibly grateful. I have RTAFM by the way, studied the API and read forums until my eyes fell out. TIA.
11:05 Jordach !tell hoodedice
11:05 MinetestBot Jordach: I'll pass that on when hoodedice is around
11:06 tim_flatus Oh, and then how do you test mapgen apart from creating a new world and running around / digging a lot?
11:13 rsiska joined #minetest
11:18 kaeza joined #minetest
11:19 pitriss tim_flatus: No need to talk with yourself.. just ask and wait.. *points at channel topic*
11:20 * tim_flatus studies the past few days IRC logs while he waits patiently.
11:28 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
11:39 sfan5 !unban *!*@unaffiliated/jordach$#fix_your_connection
11:39 sfan5 ShadowNinja: does ShadowBot auto-ban with ...$#fix_your_connection ?
11:39 sfan5 if so, the limit is a bit low
11:49 Gambit joined #minetest
11:52 Jordach ShadowNinja, do that again and ShadowBot ain't welcome here
12:01 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
12:02 q66 joined #minetest
12:04 meldrian joined #minetest
12:05 q66 joined #minetest
12:09 PilzAdam joined #minetest
12:09 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
12:09 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
12:10 firefly29 joined #minetest
12:10 firefly29 left #minetest
12:10 Krock hi PilzAdam
12:11 CWz left #minetest
12:11 reactor Hi PlizAdam!
12:14 PilzAdam Hi recactor!
12:14 reactor has anyone beside me encountered this: "ERROR[ServerThread]: Got packet command: 60 for peer id ${4NUMBER} but client isn't active yet. Dropping packet"
12:14 reactor recator*
12:15 Krock reactor, already got that arror 3 itimes today
12:15 reactor I get tons of them in the log.
12:17 crazyR PilzAdam: am i right in thinking its the top function in the "item_drop" mod that does the picking up?
12:17 PilzAdam crazyR, yes
12:20 crazyR :) thanks
12:22 heavygale joined #minetest
12:23 arsdragonfly1 Anyone tell me how to write an autorestart script?
12:24 arsdragonfly1 Or is there an available one out there?
12:24 reactor I have one.
12:24 PilzAdam arsdragonfly1, what platform?
12:26 Althorim joined #minetest
12:26 Althorim Is it possible to have a R-rated section n off-topic?
12:27 Althorim *on
12:40 spillz joined #minetest
12:42 spillz joined #minetest
12:45 spillz joined #minetest
12:58 spillz joined #minetest
12:59 NakedFury joined #minetest
13:03 Krock joined #minetest
13:04 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:04 markveidemanis Hi
13:08 arsdragonfly1 PilzAdam: linux
13:10 PenguinDad arsdragonfly1: maybe ask Vanessa
13:12 Badoojaflammaers joined #minetest
13:12 arsdragonfly1 PenguinDad: She posted one on the forum but it seems to start the server every second,and when it fails to bind to a port it quits
13:12 arsdragonfly1 Thus flooding the log
13:12 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:14 markveidemanis ~seen Rhy5
13:14 ShadowBot markveidemanis: I saw Rhy5 in #minetest 2 weeks, 5 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes, and 31 seconds ago saying "is afk"
13:14 markveidemanis ~seen Rhys
13:14 ShadowBot markveidemanis: I haven't seen Rhys in #minetest.
13:16 PenguinDad ~logger seenany Rhy5
13:16 ShadowBot PenguinDad: I saw Rhy5 in #minetest 2 weeks, 4 days, 23 hours, 50 minutes, and 28 seconds ago quiting (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
13:21 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:27 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:27 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:32 nore joined #minetest
13:42 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
13:44 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:44 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:49 phantombeta joined #minetest
13:51 anunakki joined #minetest
13:54 tim_flatus I'm trying to get my head round mapgen - if I want a new plant to spawn at mapgen time, do I need to use plantslib:spawn_on_surfaces() or plantslib:register_generate_plant()?
13:57 tim_flatus The latter I guess.
14:02 Krock hint: take a look at pilzadam's farming_plus
14:03 PilzAdam hint: PilzAdam's farming_plus doesnt use plantslib at all
14:03 _BrandonReese joined #minetest
14:05 tim_flatus PilzAdam: I see that plantslib:register_generate_plant() is basically just a wrapper for minetest.register_on_generated(). Ah yes, this was all started by me trying to fix the banana tree.
14:06 tim_flatus I've never seen a banana tree. I didn't know they looked like that. :p
14:06 Krock oh the farming_plus has its own system :3
14:06 Krock my fail
14:07 tim_flatus Krock: all the more worth looking at then.
14:08 Krock tim_flatus, mapgen is the easiest thing to understand
14:09 tim_flatus My problem is that I don't entirely understand how mapgen works, but if all I have to do is write a minetest.register_on_generated() stanza, I probably don't need to understand much. ;-)
14:12 tim_flatus Can you specify neighbours using groups. (Guess I should try it and find out). I just discovered papyrus wasn't growing on farming:soil_wet - it would be sensible to specify group:soil rather than a list of nodes.
14:13 Megaf joined #minetest
14:15 reactor Megaf: ahoy!
14:24 tim_flatus Do carrots and potatoes not spawn on mapgen? At least I can't see how they do from looking at farming_plus
14:24 tim_flatus Is there something I'm missing?
14:26 Krock they actually spawn
14:26 Mati^1 joined #minetest
14:30 Sokomine tim_flatus: perhaps carrots, potatoes etc. spawn only at mapgen when you use plantslib. afaik there's no way to get them if you only have farming_plus
14:31 rsiska joined #minetest
14:32 PilzAdam
14:32 PilzAdam they should spawn
14:33 Sokomine ah, do they now? fine. i saw wild ones on some servers, and they're very decorative. older versions did not spawn any
14:41 SirDigby joined #minetest
14:43 Althorim joined #minetest
14:44 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
14:45 Megaf Hi reactor, hi PilzAdam, hi Sokomine, hi everyone
14:45 Megaf How are things?
14:49 reactor Not very good, but I'm holding up.
14:49 reactor You?
14:50 Megaf Just a little afraid of a big change comming to my life
14:50 Megaf and baking some brad on minetest :)
14:51 Megaf And I'm thinking in making a machine to mine on it's own, using only mesecons and pipeworks
14:51 Megaf perhaps with some simple gates and movestones
14:52 tomreyn joined #minetest
14:55 tim_flatus Sokomine: I don't see why it would depend on plantslib. I guess I'm looking at an older version of farming_plus.
14:55 tim_flatus PilzAdam: Thanks. :-)
14:57 crazyR is there a way to control what startup items new players get?
14:58 PilzAdam crazyR, look at minetest_game/mods/give_initial_stuff/init.lua
14:58 crazyR thanks
15:00 twoelk joined #minetest
15:04 Enke joined #minetest
15:07 anunakki joined #minetest
15:08 _BrandonReese joined #minetest
15:10 Megaf How do I make a new server tu use leveldb instead o sqlite?
15:11 PilzAdam Megaf, just --migrate to leveldb
15:12 PilzAdam or create the world by hand: create the and write gameid=minetest \n backend=leveldb
15:12 Megaf PilzAdam: what about cmake things and compilation, any special thing to do besides this?
15:12 Krock Why does this not wear out?
15:12 Krock pastebin :D
15:12 PilzAdam Megaf, "LevelDB backend enabled" thats enough
15:15 Krock PilzAdam, what are causes for a not-wearing-out tool?
15:15 PilzAdam dunno
15:15 Krock k :/
15:16 crazyR krock i may be wrong: but do yo not need to define the wear = 0 or wear = 1 param?
15:17 Krock crazyR, there are no "wear" atributes in register_tool
15:17 Krock or..I saw none at the default tools
15:18 crazyR  <---- example
15:19 PilzAdam crazyR,
15:19 PilzAdam "wear" doesnt exist
15:19 PilzAdam it simply does nothing if you write it into your itemdef
15:23 Krock weird, I can't find a way to add damage to that tool :/
15:24 Krock with the default tools it works the same way and there it works
15:25 PenguinDad Krock: did you try it on a crumbly node?
15:25 tim_flatus 'uses' surely?
15:25 Krock PenguinDad, there are 3 diffrent nodes in my new game... all crumbly
15:25 reactor tim_flatus: ever tried tim_coal?
15:26 reactor s/tried/met/
15:26 * tim_flatus is not pregnant
15:26 reactor Absorbent.
15:26 tim_flatus met no.
15:27 reactor Never mind.
15:28 * tim_flatus giggles
15:29 reactor Markov chain?
15:33 crazyR PilzAdam: im still very new to the modding side of mt, my skills are php so still coming to terms with lua lol.
15:37 crazyR is there anyway for me to block certain player names from joining the server before they have chance to connect, like guest_* or admin. etc
15:37 PilzAdam there is a mod for that
15:41 crazyR do you remember the name? i looked but couldnt see it :)
15:42 PilzAdam no_guests or so
15:44 crazyR thanks
15:54 harrison Anime isn't just a bunch of cheap American ripoffs of cartoons, it's art. Next time you American sheeple are watching your simpsons or south park or whatever mindless American cartoons that have plots, storylines and comedy, I'll be Admiring the wonderful and superior art of Chinese cartoons.
15:56 sfan5 harrison: >Anime (Japanese: アニメ?, [anime] ( listen); English Listeni/ˈænɨmeɪ/) are Japanese animated productions usually featuring hand-drawn or computer animation.
15:56 sfan5 not chinese
15:57 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:58 Jordach NekoGloop, maul harrison please
15:59 * sfan5 noms NekoGloop
16:01 en_uk joined #minetest
16:01 en_uk Hello, anyone there ?
16:02 harrison Jordach: I feel offended by your recent action(s). Please read
16:02 * harrison is not so fond of the mauling thing
16:02 sfan5 en_uk: there are plenty of people here
16:03 harrison people.... and possibly others
16:03 Jordach harrison, i don't give a shit
16:03 Jordach never have and never will
16:03 en_uk Er... ?
16:03 harrison Please keep the tone light and the language family-friendly Jordach
16:04 Jordach rules are for the people in power to stay in power
16:04 DMackey joined #minetest
16:04 harrison Strive to be more like the ideal IRC chatter
16:04 harrison me
16:05 en_uk Are there any dev's in this chat ?
16:06 Jordach as PilzAdam or sfan5
16:06 en_uk Who ?
16:07 sfan5 me
16:07 en_uk oh.
16:08 en_uk I was just wounding if you needed any help ?
16:08 sfan5 en_uk: read
16:09 en_uk I have 10 years of C/C++ programming under my belt. And just wondered if the game could use some optimization etc.
16:10 sfan5 sure
16:10 en_uk Sorry my internet is so slow.
16:10 sfan5 no need to be sorry
16:11 sfan5 if you want to get more involved with core development you should consider the wiki article I linked and join #minetest-dev
16:12 PilzAdam although webchat is muted there
16:12 en_uk OK, will do.
16:13 en_uk Nice engine structure "".
16:18 OldCoder joined #minetest
16:18 en_uk I must say very' very nice implementation here.
16:20 en_uk sfan5, What 3rd party dependence are you using in MineTest?
16:21 sfan5 irrlicht
16:22 sfan5 optionally: {vorbis, ogg, openal} sound {freetype} ttf support {leveldb} Leveldb DB backend {curl} serverlist etc. {gettext} translations
16:23 en_uk And are threads pthreads or C++11 standard threads. (i know it makes no difference just wondering)
16:23 sfan5 pthreads
16:24 en_uk Nice, I have not gotten around to using std::threads fully yet.
16:26 sfan5 we haven't either, partly because many compilers which are used to make "production" builds (specificially for windows) do not support C++11
16:26 iqualfragile joined #minetest
16:28 en_uk Really, MinGW std::threads worked fine for me' last time i tried.
16:30 sfan5 !tw @mediacru_sh
16:30 MinetestBot sfan5: Give me a link, a username, or a tweet id
16:30 sfan5 !tw mediacru_sh
16:30 MinetestBot @Alex_Travkin We don't subscribe to any particular -ism. (@mediacru_sh)
16:33 PenguinDad joined #minetest
16:34 PilzAdam sfan5, its funny how everyone first tries !tw @foo instead of !tw foo
16:34 PilzAdam you might consider to change that
16:34 sfan5 will do
16:35 en_uk sfan5, Can you point me to the games source repository?
16:35 sfan5 en_uk: and
16:36 en_uk thank you.
16:36 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:36 PenguinDad en_uk
16:36 PenguinDad got ninja'd :D
16:36 en_uk Er.. ok _game or just minetest ?
16:37 sfan5 en_uk: minetest is the engine, minetest_game is the actual (standard) content
16:37 en_uk OK, thanks
16:38 heavygale joined #minetest
16:42 en_uk I just had a quick look at the source and from what i have seen' are you using lua to invoke the engine. i.e the all the mods in "_game"?
16:43 sfan5 yes
16:43 sfan5 we are
16:45 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
16:45 en_uk Ok, just wondering because i don't really know Lua.
16:45 en_uk -_-
16:50 sfan5 PilzAdam:
16:54 en_uk Em.. what is the data type "v3s16"
16:54 en_uk .
16:56 Jordach some 3rd dimensional vector with 16bits
16:56 PilzAdam MinetestBot: reload
16:56 MinetestBot PilzAdam: no such module!
16:56 PilzAdam MinetestBot: reload twitter
16:56 MinetestBot PilzAdam: <module 'twitter' from '/home/user/mtbot/modules/twitter.pyc'> (version: 2014-02-25 20:11:55)
16:56 PilzAdam !tw @foo
16:56 MinetestBot PilzAdam: Give me a link, a username, or a tweet id
16:57 sfan5 PilzAdam: I did not git pull yet
16:58 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:58 sfan5 en_uk: irr:core::vector3d<s16> which is probably irr:core::vector3d<signed short>
16:59 en_uk OK, thanks.
16:59 en_uk :]
16:59 sfan5 see irr_v2d.h and irr_v3d.h
17:00 sfan5 !tw @mediacru_sh
17:00 MinetestBot Compliments as a service - (@mediacru_sh)
17:00 sfan5 ^ PilzAdam
17:00 rubenwardy Hi all
17:01 en_uk Hello
17:03 AndChat-93396 joined #minetest
17:03 Calinou joined #minetest
17:06 _BrandonReese joined #minetest
17:07 en_uk joined #minetest
17:09 crazyR anyone know what i would need to change the co-ordinates to in order to put the time in the top right corner based on the this script:
17:14 AndChat-93396 joined #minetest
17:15 heavygale try: position = {x=1, y=0}, offset = {x=-205, y=5},  scale = {x=200,y=25},  alignment = {x=1, y=1},
17:16 Megaf !up 30002
17:16 MinetestBot is up (594ms)
17:17 Eater4 joined #minetest
17:18 Megaf can anyone try to join please? Its an anarchy server
17:18 Krock k
17:20 Megaf lol
17:20 Megaf thanks
17:20 crazyR heavygale: thanks that worked perfect :)
17:21 e1z0 joined #minetest
17:23 CheapSeth joined #minetest
17:28 e1z0 joined #minetest
17:28 monkeycoder joined #minetest
17:32 e1z0 joined #minetest
17:43 Krock Megaf, I upgrated
17:43 Megaf im now on my another server
17:43 Krock eh revenge must wait /afk
17:43 Renoki joined #minetest
17:43 Megaf !up 30003
17:43 MinetestBot is up (652ms)
17:44 lamefun joined #minetest
17:47 GhostDoge ~up 30001
17:47 ShadowBot GhostDoge: port 30001 is down
17:48 Megaf !up 30002
17:48 MinetestBot is up (837ms)
17:48 Megaf two servers up at the moment
17:52 exoplanet joined #minetest
17:57 crazyR !up 31000
17:57 MinetestBot is up (81ms)
17:58 markveidemanis joined #minetest
17:59 Leoneof joined #minetest
18:09 twoelk sfan5, can I upload your pic of mods on servers stats to the wiki?
18:09 sfan5 twoelk: sure
18:09 twoelk thx
18:25 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
18:27 cheapie joined #minetest
18:28 Krock Cool! Am I the first one who published a mapgen game?
18:28 twoelk sfan5: have added it to the Mods page of the wiki. You may want to add some licence to the file page.
18:28 sfan5 wtfpl will do
18:36 twoelk interesting, all pictures on the Minetest-Wiki are "cc by sa" by default. Another licence seems to be not intended
18:36 sfan5 !tw
18:36 MinetestBot So there is a toy range based on vaguely sexualised half-pony-half human hybrids. Straight from DeviantArt to Toys 'R' Us. (@ashens)
18:36 sfan5 lol
18:37 anunakki joined #minetest
18:39 Calinou toys R us sells Minecraft plushes near me
18:39 Calinou we need to ask them to sell Minetest mugs
18:39 Jordach Calinou, i'm running the devils OS
18:40 Calinou Devilows
18:41 sfan5 Calinou: he's using windows and does not use linux because "my machine is new"
18:42 iqualfragile Jordach: your reasonig seems to be faulty
18:44 us`0gb Here's a question: Why is Windows the devil's OS? I mean, sure, I hate Windows as much as anyone, but if Windows is of the devil, where are the daemons? Linux and BSD have daemons, surely they are the systems of the devil.
18:45 us`0gb FreeBSD's mascot is even a daemon.
18:45 us`0gb Pitchfork and all.
18:46 GhostDoge so FreeBSD is the devil's OS
18:46 us`0gb Yeah, probably.
18:46 us`0gb Though the devil may have more than one OS, just the others are less open about it.
18:46 SirDigby lol
18:47 SirDigby like windows
18:47 us`0gb My own system is crawling with daemons. It's practically possessed!
18:47 us`0gb Windows might be the only "good" system. No daemons.
18:48 sfan5 but it has services which are basically the same thing as deamons
18:48 sfan5 es -> ae
18:48 sfan5 damnit
18:48 sfan5 I mean: ea -> ae
18:48 kaeza æ
18:49 us`0gb Angels are practically the same thing as daemons. Minions working for a higher power. They just answer to a different master.
18:50 kaeza also, Unix convention is to put the D at the end of daemons
18:50 * kaeza hides
18:50 us`0gb Aemonsd. Got it.
18:51 tim_flatus us`0gb: daemons are nothing to do with the devil. Daemons are greek mythological entities.
18:51 sfan5 hm
18:51 sfan5 I think we should rename *d (for * daemon) to *a (for * angel)
18:52 sfan5 "HTTP angel"
18:52 sfan5 sounds quite beautiful!
18:52 sfan5 !rainbow meow
18:52 MinetestBot 4m4e4o7w
18:52 us`0gb tim_flatus: I was unaware of the Greek meaning, but according to some dictionary I was looking at, "daemon" can be used as an alternative spelling for "demon", and is an evil hellish entity.
18:52 tim_flatus daemon means something like 'spirit'
18:53 tim_flatus Turning it into something evil is called demoniisation.
18:54 us`0gb Ha ha, nice.
18:55 quasar joined #minetest
18:56 tim_flatus They are messengers between magicians and the gods. Hence the computing term.
18:56 us`0gb I can't seem to find the evil meaning of "daemon" online .... perhaps the dictionary I referenced was simply wrong.
18:57 us`0gb Hmm. So if we have these guardian spirits and Windows does not .... Perhaps Jordach was right about the alignment of Windows.
19:06 * Krock is testing sfan5's 13 min' old build
19:10 john_minetest joined #minetest
19:12 Calinou all texture packs updated: ran OptiPNG on the textures, added info.txt
19:22 tim_flatus Splann! Meuras Calinou.
19:26 e1z0 joined #minetest
19:34 sfan5 I don't even
19:34 sfan5 how the..
19:34 sfan5 what?
19:34 sfan5
19:53 Krock is the wieldhand splitted by default or just at me?
19:53 Krock /refers to screenshots
19:58 iqualfragile sfan5: wat.jpg
20:04 PilzAdam "everyone except me is wrong about this"
20:11 Megaf sfan5: what kind of idiot is that?
20:11 Megaf I think it's a trap
20:12 crazyR Krock you here? was it you that tryed joining the ethic-rush server before?
20:13 Krock I was afk last 3 mins
20:13 Krock but yes
20:13 crazyR ahh noticed you timed out along with a fair few others was just wondering if you had any errors
20:14 Krock crazyR, once I had the mainlist == NULL error, but the other times I just timed out
20:14 Krock * draw_hotbar(): mainlist == NULL
20:15 crazyR yeah thats driving me mad lol few people are complaining abou tit
20:15 crazyR *it
20:16 Krock crazyR, try to set up a working vanilla or minimal server, then try to detect the cause for it.
20:16 Megaf sfan5: I just read the whole thing, that's amazing
20:17 Megaf in a terrible way
20:17 crazyR i would probably need some guidance when you or someone else isnt busy, as im still fairly new to running a minetest server.
20:17 crazyR not sure where id start
20:19 Krock seriously, running a server is like singleplayer mode without gui
20:22 Krock Notice to myself: Spin the clock back 1 hour tomorrow
20:23 crazyR in single player you select minimal from the list. server i presume theres some command option to setup in minimal mode. also where would i start to detect the cause logs dont give off any info about the error
20:23 Krock crazyR, set up a world in singleplayer, close client and start server on that world name
20:24 Krock easy.
20:24 domtron joined #minetest
20:24 crazyR i dont have a client, its a vps server with no graphics drivers or gui
20:24 Megaf multiplayer host is totally different than a server
20:24 crazyR and it was compiled in server only mode too
20:24 Megaf crazyR: so you are doing it tight
20:25 Megaf right*
20:25 crazyR i hope so Megaf lol
20:26 Megaf Whats your server address crazyR ?
20:26 Renoki joined #minetest
20:27 crazyR  port 31000
20:28 Krock !up 31000
20:28 MinetestBot is up (67ms)
20:30 john_minetest joined #minetest
20:31 Megaf !up 31000
20:31 MinetestBot is up (38ms)
20:35 Krock that vps hates me.
20:35 crazyR lol i noticed.. no other errors
20:37 crazyR 20:28:12: ERROR[ServerThread]: Server::ProcessData(): Cancelling: peer 83 not found  <--- cou;d that have something todo withit that was around the time you tryed to connect
20:38 Krock ehem cool!
20:39 crazyR does that mean anything to anyone? ^
20:39 LazyJ joined #minetest
20:43 crazyR john could it be what making people unable to join?
20:44 Krock ugh... help! Somehow I miss the "Set password" button on the "ESC menu"
20:48 Krock invalid command and missing permission with /setpassword
20:48 Krock hmm better gonna update buitin first
20:50 Krock still...
20:52 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
21:01 GraemeLion joined #minetest
21:06 crazyR does anyone know what significant changes has happened since the stable-0.4 branch?
21:10 PilzAdam !dev Changelog
21:10 MinetestBot "Smaller gameplay tweaks" -
21:24 domtron joined #minetest
21:54 domtron joined #minetest
21:54 crazyR Krock if you still here, could you please try joinging the server again. just to see if the issue is fixed
21:56 sfan5 Megaf: you may enjoy this
22:03 crazyR !up 31000
22:03 MinetestBot is up (52ms)
22:04 KikaRz joined #minetest
22:04 KikaRz Haai :)
22:04 KikaRz VanessaE, how long time ago!
22:04 LazyJ joined #minetest
22:06 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
22:07 Jordach oh ello
22:07 KikaRz Jordach, how are you? *-*
22:07 Jordach fine
22:08 KikaRz My computer just broke up
22:08 KikaRz I'm running this 158 MB Ram's Tochiban Satellite.
22:08 KikaRz Intel Celeron.
22:08 Jordach while i got a new machine
22:08 KikaRz Good for you ;)
22:11 khonkhortisan What still needs to be made from mesecons?
22:12 KikaRz khonkhortisan, how are you??? I've missed you so much :(
22:12 khonkhortisan hi
22:12 KikaRz What about you kaeza ?
22:14 GhostDoge joined #minetest
22:19 PilzAdam celeron55, " – Temporarily down for maintenance"
22:23 PilzAdam "The 13 hour old backup is OK, and we are restoring that. It is currently about 9% restored and will take several hours."
22:27 GraemeLion left #minetest
22:28 arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest
22:32 hmmmmm joined #minetest
22:32 khonkhortisan I create a new world, enable the worldedit modpack, and it doesn't enable worldedit, does enable worldedit_commands _gui _limited _shortcommands, which require worldedit, so nothing got enabled.
22:32 khonkhortisan Why does enabling worldedit not enable worldedit/worldedit (and the same for mesecons/mesecons)?
22:33 sfan5 khonkhortisan: that is a bug, simply make sure the modpack does not have the name of an existing mod
22:33 khonkhortisan ah. That's simpler than renaming the mod
22:34 sfan5 renaming the mod won't work in mosts cases
22:34 Freejack joined #minetest
22:48 anunakki joined #minetest
22:59 OldCoder joined #minetest
23:16 Frogcrush joined #minetest
23:33 tim_flatus Thanks you everyone, that was most instructive.
23:33 tim_flatus left #minetest
23:42 john_minetest left #minetest
23:55 Hirato joined #minetest

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