Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
EvergreenTree joined #minetest |
00:05 |
EvergreenTree joined #minetest |
00:16 |
Hirato_ joined #minetest |
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DMackey joined #minetest |
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lloydsmart joined #minetest |
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zat joined #minetest |
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PapaJacky joined #minetest |
01:08 |
PilzAdam |
bye |
01:18 |
Adarqet joined #minetest |
01:22 |
ShadowBot` joined #minetest |
01:23 |
iqualfragile_ joined #minetest |
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PapaJacky joined #minetest |
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monkeycoder joined #minetest |
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fwilson joined #minetest |
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cosarara joined #minetest |
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bas080 joined #minetest |
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us_0gb joined #minetest |
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zat joined #minetest |
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cj joined #minetest |
02:11 |
Tecan joined #minetest |
02:17 |
]DMackey[ joined #minetest |
02:21 |
jacob_ joined #minetest |
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andrew3 joined #minetest |
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codehero joined #minetest |
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ungali joined #minetest |
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Someguy123 joined #minetest |
02:45 |
Megaf |
VanessaE, movestone just caused this http://paste.debian.net/80947/ |
02:45 |
VanessaE |
lemme check my code |
02:47 |
PapaJacky joined #minetest |
02:50 |
VanessaE |
your copy of pipeworks is out of date |
02:50 |
VanessaE |
I already have something in place to stop that crash |
02:51 |
VanessaE |
something is calling the scan_for_tube_objects() function with a nil for the pos{} table |
02:51 |
VanessaE |
so I inserted something a little while back to check for that and abort the scan if that happens |
02:51 |
VanessaE |
it's probably due to an unknown node in the vicinity |
02:51 |
Megaf |
hm |
02:51 |
Megaf |
well, Im going to sleep now, good night |
02:52 |
VanessaE |
wait! |
02:52 |
VanessaE |
don't DO that! |
02:52 |
Megaf |
ok |
02:52 |
VanessaE |
NEVER file a bug report and then just...leve |
02:52 |
VanessaE |
leave* |
02:52 |
Megaf |
sorry |
02:52 |
VanessaE |
pastebin the autoplace_tubes.lua file please, I wanna make *sure* of what your copy has |
02:53 |
Megaf |
http://paste.debian.net/80948/ |
02:53 |
VanessaE |
ok you're up-to-date. |
02:53 |
VanessaE |
So, |
02:54 |
VanessaE |
try updating now |
02:54 |
VanessaE |
see if what I just pushed fixes the crash |
02:55 |
Megaf |
ok |
02:55 |
Megaf |
wait a sec please |
02:56 |
Megaf |
I think it fixed |
02:56 |
Megaf |
VanessaE, what is the movestone for anyway? |
02:57 |
VanessaE |
it's used to push other blocks around normally |
02:57 |
VanessaE |
like a piston but it moves *itself* around as well |
02:57 |
VanessaE |
a piston stays anchored in one place and pushes a row or column exactly one node |
02:57 |
VanessaE |
a movestone moves around along a line of mesecons wires and perhaps drags a block around with it |
02:58 |
VanessaE |
someone probably used a sticky movestone to drag a tube around |
02:58 |
VanessaE |
and it probably got dragged past an unknown node |
02:58 |
Megaf |
ok |
02:58 |
Megaf |
crashed again |
02:58 |
VanessaE |
pastebin the error please |
02:58 |
Megaf |
VanessaE, you can reproduce there, I know the problem |
02:58 |
Megaf |
I place the push button in the front/back side of the movestone |
02:58 |
Megaf |
then it cant move |
02:58 |
VanessaE |
can you please give me a screenshot of a circuit/layout that I can use to reproduce? |
02:59 |
VanessaE |
and pastebin the new error message |
02:59 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
02:59 |
Megaf |
http://paste.debian.net/80949/ |
03:01 |
VanessaE |
ok, update and try again |
03:03 |
Megaf |
VanessaE, in order |
03:03 |
Megaf |
http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot345416857.php# |
03:03 |
Megaf |
http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot345426748.php# |
03:04 |
Megaf |
And then as soon as I hit the button, it crashes and it turned into this http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot345428487.php |
03:04 |
VanessaE |
did you update again like I said just a moment ago? |
03:06 |
VanessaE |
hm, wouldn't help anyway, I can reproduce it locally. |
03:06 |
VanessaE |
let me investigate, but I think this is actually a bug in mesecons |
03:06 |
Megaf |
sorry VanessaE still crashing, Im not crashing my server anymore, theres people playing |
03:06 |
VanessaE |
oh wait, |
03:06 |
Megaf |
you have the exact recipe to reproduce the problem |
03:06 |
VanessaE |
lemme put my code into place, I haven't updated my own game yet ;) |
03:06 |
VanessaE |
stay here. |
03:07 |
Megaf |
Im almost falling of my chair, really sleepy |
03:07 |
VanessaE |
well next time, don't file bug reports when you're half asleep :) |
03:07 |
Megaf |
I had some beer too |
03:07 |
Megaf |
VanessaE, see you tomorrow? |
03:08 |
VanessaE |
grr |
03:09 |
Megaf |
VanessaE, ok, im gonna wait |
03:12 |
VanessaE |
interesting thing is the movestone still manages to complete its move before the crash |
03:13 |
VanessaE |
when you bring the map back up after the crash, you can see that the move was completed, I mean |
03:13 |
VanessaE |
and a duplicate movestone is created, too |
03:13 |
Megaf |
yep |
03:13 |
Megaf |
well, who else would use it as I did? |
03:13 |
VanessaE |
idk |
03:14 |
Megaf |
isnt that totally unexpected? |
03:14 |
VanessaE |
the way this is behaving, it should happen with any use of a movestone, in fact. |
03:14 |
Megaf |
actually thats not the way it was when it first crashed |
03:15 |
Megaf |
movestone wasnt near any node but the button itself |
03:15 |
VanessaE |
doesn't seem to matter |
03:15 |
VanessaE |
it's a callback that's failing |
03:15 |
Megaf |
In the screenshot is just a way I found to replicate that |
03:15 |
VanessaE |
so it could just be an empty world, no content at all whatsoever but a movestone and a button, and it would probably still crash |
03:16 |
Megaf |
I see |
03:16 |
Megaf |
will you let me go now? |
03:16 |
VanessaE |
no :) |
03:16 |
VanessaE |
no :) |
03:16 |
VanessaE |
oops |
03:16 |
VanessaE |
actually I guess so |
03:16 |
VanessaE |
but do me a favor |
03:16 |
Megaf |
sure |
03:17 |
VanessaE |
don't do this again - if you have a bug to report, set aside an hour or so to work with me on resolving it. |
03:17 |
VanessaE |
:) |
03:17 |
VanessaE |
or at least, |
03:17 |
VanessaE |
don't report a bug and then just disappear. |
03:17 |
Megaf |
I will be here tomorrow to help you. |
03:18 |
VanessaE |
hm, interesting. |
03:18 |
Megaf |
see you tomorrow VanessaE and thanks a million for you dedication |
03:18 |
VanessaE |
cya. |
03:18 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
03:18 |
Megaf |
I really do appreciate your effort |
03:18 |
VanessaE |
I try |
03:18 |
VanessaE |
I just found an interesting thing here btw: |
03:19 |
Megaf |
hm |
03:19 |
VanessaE |
I'm still checking. |
03:19 |
VanessaE |
go on to bed |
03:19 |
Megaf |
ok, thanks |
03:19 |
* Megaf |
falls asleep |
03:19 |
VanessaE |
this is a mesecons bug |
03:20 |
VanessaE |
pull the latest mesecons and re-clone pipeworks please. |
03:20 |
IceCraft joined #minetest |
03:20 |
RealBadAngel |
http://i.imgur.com/8XRh4BT.jpg |
03:20 |
VanessaE |
mesecon:register_on_mvps_move(function(moved_nodes)) sometimes gives a list of positions, but sometimes it gives somethign like {["param1"] = 95, ["name"] = "default:glass", ["param2"] = 0} |
03:21 |
RealBadAngel |
^^ 64px normals |
03:21 |
VanessaE |
and that is what's throwing pipeworks for a loop |
03:21 |
VanessaE |
RealBadAngel: offtopic. |
03:21 |
RealBadAngel |
yup :P |
03:21 |
VanessaE |
Megaf: ^^^^^^ |
03:25 |
Guest36237 joined #minetest |
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farlepet joined #minetest |
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farlepet joined #minetest |
03:35 |
VanessaE |
Megaf: *poke* |
03:35 |
VanessaE |
https://github.com/Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons/issues/147 |
03:36 |
tiemay joined #minetest |
03:37 |
tiemay |
how do I make it so my server has only fake fire? |
03:37 |
VanessaE |
in your minetest.conf, disable_fire = true |
03:38 |
VanessaE |
then load the fake_fire mod, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=92725#p92725 |
03:42 |
PapaJacky joined #minetest |
03:46 |
tiemay |
do fake fire and classic fake fire conflict? |
03:47 |
VanessaE |
idk what "classic" fake fire is, the only one I know about is the one I link to; I use it myself. |
03:47 |
tiemay |
the page you linked to links to this page http://seanemmett4.wix.com/infinatum-minetest#!fake-fire/c16hi |
03:47 |
tiemay |
which has fake fire and classic fake fire |
03:48 |
VanessaE |
just get the one i nthe forum link |
03:48 |
VanessaE |
at the bottom of the post: https://forum.minetest.net/misc.php?action=pun_attachment&item=59&download=1 |
03:48 |
VanessaE |
in the forum *attachment* link I mean. |
03:49 |
tiemay |
ah, thank you, the other link has a ton of ad stuff to weed through |
03:49 |
tiemay |
* other link on that page |
03:52 |
MrBeNNy joined #minetest |
04:03 |
Guest37917 |
Hey How doI use the bring command? |
04:10 |
Guest37917 |
Does anyone know how to use the bring function? |
04:15 |
tiemay |
Guest37917: working on it... |
04:17 |
PapaJacky joined #minetest |
04:21 |
Guest37917 |
Does anyone know how to use bring? |
04:21 |
tiemay |
Looks like the code for it is on line 303 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/857a49e08131bb46ca18d08d3b4aba44df1676d1/builtin/chatcommands.lua#L315 |
04:21 |
tiemay |
I havn't figured out how to use it yet though |
04:23 |
VanessaE |
shouldn't it just be /bring <playername> ? |
04:23 |
VanessaE |
teleports that player to you? |
04:24 |
tiemay |
when I try it gives me `-!- Invalid command: bring` |
04:24 |
VanessaE |
hm |
04:24 |
VanessaE |
maybe that's the priv that lets you do /teleport <otherplayer> <yourname> |
04:25 |
VanessaE |
/teleport tiemay VanessaE teleports you to me, maybe I need the bring priv to do that. |
04:26 |
bspkrs|out joined #minetest |
04:27 |
Guest37917 |
Yes with the bring priv you can do /teleport name_of_person your_name |
04:27 |
Guest37917 |
Sweet thanks |
04:48 |
]DMackey[ joined #minetest |
04:53 |
* VanessaE |
wanders off to bed |
04:57 |
PapaJacky joined #minetest |
04:57 |
farlepet joined #minetest |
05:09 |
paramat joined #minetest |
05:49 |
paramat |
hi hmmmm ... ive written 2 posts explaining a mapgen method that enables the normal mapgen loop to create floatlands throughout the atmosphere, and caves underground. if you're interested, posts 4 and 5 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=129155#p129155 |
05:50 |
hmmmm |
sounds cool |
05:50 |
hmmmm |
i still have yet to write a wiki page on luavoxelmanip exactly |
05:50 |
hmmmm |
but that's because i have better things to do with my time... i figured i'd reserve writing that for while i'm at work and i have nothing else to do |
06:07 |
paramat |
oh and good work on mg params. i was considering whether your optional 3D mountain noise in MGV7 could be extended up in a similar way to create optional floatlands, or maybe perhaps in MGV5 since that is a 3D noise mapgen ... |
06:34 |
nore joined #minetest |
06:37 |
paramat |
0/ |
06:40 |
VanessaE |
ah sleep. thou dost evade me as a snowfall evades the summer's heat. |
06:40 |
* VanessaE |
sighs. |
06:42 |
paramat |
hmmmm, in case you didnt see it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD3O6FFKowI |
06:45 |
PenguinDad joined #minetest |
06:47 |
hmmmm |
the reason why i'm shying away from floatlands is because floatlands are really what the aether is supposed to be |
06:47 |
hmmmm |
that fits in with the entire realm concept that's kinda-far-off |
06:48 |
hmmmm |
the default v7 aether generator won't be absolutely ridiculous like the aether minecraft mod terrain, and it won't be boring terrain like minetest floatlands. it'll be sort of a cross in between, leaning toward the crazy side just a little |
06:51 |
hmmmm |
by the way, i'm not sure if you got the memo or not but i changed the way the mapgen flags work.. mudflow is now a "v6 specific flag" (set through mgv6_spflags) and it's changed from v6_nomudflow to simply nomudflow |
06:51 |
paramat |
cool, good to hear there will be a v7 aether realm |
06:51 |
hmmmm |
it's supposed to come alongside the nether |
06:54 |
paramat |
so shadow decay seems quite important, since it looks like MT is moving towards stacked realms ... |
06:56 |
paramat |
oh and yeah im not happy with core floatlands at all, i can do much better now :) |
06:57 |
VanessaE |
paramat: half the stuff I've seen you do should have been implemented into core ages ago :) |
06:57 |
paramat |
ive also been having thoughts math mapgen should go and possibly even indev ... |
07:03 |
Cerise joined #minetest |
07:13 |
VanessaE |
I think there's already been consensus to ditch the math mapgen actually? |
07:13 |
VanessaE |
inb4 <proller> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo |
07:15 |
mrtux joined #minetest |
07:20 |
hmmmm |
consensus? |
07:20 |
hmmmm |
i thought it was just me |
07:20 |
hmmmm |
basically all of the stuff that proller did should've been a mod. |
07:21 |
hmmmm |
and yeah, indev and math really don't add too much stuff of value... people who want floatlands can get it from a mod.... the farlands thing is pretty gimmicky and can be done with a mod as well if really desired |
07:22 |
hmmmm |
argh, if not for the serverlist thing, we could ditch json as well |
07:24 |
proller joined #minetest |
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monkeycoder joined #minetest |
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mrtux joined #minetest |
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Vargos joined #minetest |
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blaze joined #minetest |
08:15 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
08:19 |
reactor joined #minetest |
08:19 |
reactor |
08:19 |
reactor |
...0.4.9 server incompatible with 0.4.8 clients? |
08:19 |
khor joined #minetest |
08:20 |
reactor |
After I updated, I started getting many "invalid packet" messages. |
08:38 |
Adarqet joined #minetest |
08:40 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
08:52 |
sfan5 |
hi everyone |
08:52 |
sfan5 |
meow |
08:55 |
reactor |
Elo. |
08:56 |
reactor |
sfan5: are there any ways to work around the absence of rcon? |
08:56 |
reactor |
A fake client, maybe? |
08:56 |
sfan5 |
!g rcon |
08:56 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=RCON |
08:56 |
sfan5 |
lol |
08:56 |
sfan5 |
!g rcon protocol |
08:56 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_RCON_Protocol |
08:56 |
reactor |
remote console |
08:56 |
reactor |
Sorry. |
08:58 |
sfan5 |
one could use a fake client |
08:58 |
reactor |
...is there any? |
08:58 |
sfan5 |
no |
08:59 |
reactor |
...is there a well put together protocol spec? |
08:59 |
sfan5 |
not reall |
08:59 |
sfan5 |
y |
08:59 |
reactor |
Hmm. |
08:59 |
sfan5 |
but there is clientserver.h, protocol.h and protocol.txt (a bit outdated) |
09:00 |
reactor |
aha |
09:00 |
reactor |
I'll check them out next time I mess with it. |
09:00 |
reactor |
Ty. |
09:09 |
john_minetest joined #minetest |
09:10 |
reactor |
Hello every zoo. |
09:11 |
reactor |
I am not a reactor, ok? |
09:11 |
MinetestBot |
09:12 |
!rainbow I am a useless bot. |
09:12 |
MinetestBot |
4I4 4a7m7 7a8 8u8s3e3l3ess 6b6o6t. |
09:13 |
анальный? |
09:14 |
Банальный? |
09:14 |
You're wrong, mate. |
09:14 |
Someone copy-pasted your mind from Wikipedia. |
09:14 |
No offence. |
09:17 |
* sfan5 |
puts a kitten on john_minetest's head |
09:18 |
* john_minetest |
puts a kitten on sfan5's head |
09:19 |
* sfan5 |
puts a wub wub wub on john_minetest's keyboard |
09:19 |
*sneeze* Okay, if you not stop messing around with kittens, I will make a new Chernobyl for you. |
09:19 |
* john_minetest |
puts a kitten in a lead next generation exoskeleton protection suit on RBMK. |
09:19 |
* sfan5 |
splits an atom |
09:19 |
* RBMK |
snatches and puts the kitten in a elad box. |
09:19 |
It's contaminated. |
09:20 |
sfan5 |
wub wub wub wub john_minetest wub wub wub wub wub https://soundcloud.com/cookiemonstatc/big-booty-bass wub wub wub wub |
09:21 |
* john_minetest |
puts a graphite and reinforced concrete-eating kitten in a lead next generation exoskeleton protection suit on RBMK. |
09:21 |
* sfan5 |
puts concreate on john_minetest's kitten |
09:21 |
sfan5 |
concrete* |
09:25 |
* john_minetest |
puts a ninja kitten on sfan5's head. |
09:27 |
* sfan5 |
throws CH3COOH at john_minetest's kitten |
09:27 |
* RBMK |
feeds john_minetest a contaminated cookie. |
09:28 |
Gotta run o/ |
09:28 |
mrtux joined #minetest |
09:29 |
sfan5 |
D-: |
09:29 |
* sfan5 |
open()'s /dev/null and activates black hole mode |
09:32 |
* sfan5 |
aims a multi-bit-cannon in mode 64 at john_minetest and pulls the trigger |
09:32 |
sfan5 |
john_minetest's kitten is hit and damaged |
09:33 |
sfan5 |
the protective sphere of the black hole disintgrates as the stream of bytes stopped |
09:33 |
sfan5 |
around* disintegrates* |
09:36 |
* john_minetest |
wins |
09:36 |
* sfan5 |
switches into kernel mode and freezes john_minetest |
09:37 |
* sfan5 |
freezes john_minetest's kitten in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_%28operating_system%29#Uninterruptible_sleep |
09:38 |
* sfan5 |
SIGKILL's john_minetest |
09:38 |
* sfan5 |
switches back into user mode |
09:39 |
* john_minetest |
is revived by kitten medicins |
09:39 |
LazyJ joined #minetest |
09:39 |
* john_minetest |
uses kamikaze kitten! |
09:40 |
* sfan5 |
activates the UPS |
09:40 |
sfan5 |
UPS provides power for the CPU to continue running |
09:41 |
sfan5 |
:D |
09:42 |
sfan5 |
a russian pirate? |
09:46 |
Cerise joined #minetest |
09:47 |
grrk-bzzt joined #minetest |
09:57 |
Hirato joined #minetest |
10:07 |
PilzAdam joined #minetest |
10:07 |
reactor joined #minetest |
10:07 |
PilzAdam |
Hello everyone! |
10:12 |
PilzAdam |
hi john_minetest |
10:12 |
PilzAdam |
have you written any exams yet? |
10:12 |
* john_minetest |
puts a graphite and reinforced concrete-eating kitten in a lead next generation exoskeleton protection suit on PilzAdam's head. |
10:13 |
PilzAdam |
I write math in 2 days |
10:16 |
sfan5 |
>Everybody going home on the weekends. |
10:16 |
sfan5 |
what do you expect? |
10:56 |
proller joined #minetest |
11:08 |
Gethiox2 joined #minetest |
11:16 |
PenguinDad joined #minetest |
11:36 |
Maxou56800 left #minetest |
11:37 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
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proller joined #minetest |
11:40 |
reactor joined #minetest |
12:26 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
12:26 |
Jordach |
afternoon |
12:27 |
SylvieLorxu joined #minetest |
12:29 |
Jordach |
lol |
12:55 |
* Megaf |
is baaaack! |
12:56 |
PenguinDad |
hi Megaf |
12:56 |
Megaf |
Hi there |
12:56 |
Megaf |
VanessaE, you there? |
12:57 |
CheapSeth_ joined #minetest |
12:57 |
john_minetest joined #minetest |
13:00 |
PapaJacky joined #minetest |
13:05 |
CheapSeth joined #minetest |
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ImQ009 joined #minetest |
13:07 |
* sfan5 |
throws http://i.imgur.com/cnAhBds.png at john_minetest |
13:08 |
w_laenger joined #minetest |
13:10 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
13:10 |
Jordach |
13:13 |
CraigyDavi joined #minetest |
13:14 |
CraigyDavi |
You can't run two servers at the same time from one installation of minetest, can you? |
13:14 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: I recreated the libc my raspberry pi kernel provides with an SDL interface |
13:14 |
sfan5 |
CraigyDavi: you can |
13:14 |
sfan5 |
but not the the same world folder/config/debug.txt |
13:15 |
walshy007 joined #minetest |
13:15 |
CraigyDavi |
Something bad heppened when I ran two servers at the same time. One sec i'll get a pic. |
13:15 |
walshy007 |
Hello Craigy |
13:15 |
walshy007 |
It's DK, this is my main alias on freenet etc |
13:15 |
CraigyDavi |
Hello DK |
13:15 |
Jordach |
sfan5, http://i.imgur.com/V2zjIip.png |
13:16 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: nice |
13:16 |
Jordach |
sfan5, going to toy with volumetric lasers |
13:16 |
CraigyDavi |
This happened when i tried running 2 servers at the same time: http://i.imgur.com/q4O3r6a.png |
13:16 |
CraigyDavi |
The area around spawn seems to have regenrated. |
13:18 |
ImQ009 joined #minetest |
13:18 |
* john_minetest |
throws this all-time-hit back at sfan5: http://i.imgur.com/5zKhwNA.jpg |
13:19 |
IceCraft joined #minetest |
13:21 |
PapaJacky_ joined #minetest |
13:21 |
sfan5 |
john_minetest: http://i.imgur.com/TC7fv.jpg |
13:22 |
IceCraft joined #minetest |
13:22 |
IceCraft joined #minetest |
13:22 |
sfan5 |
CraigyDavi: did you make sure not to use the same world on both server |
13:22 |
sfan5 |
s |
13:22 |
Jordach |
omfg |
13:23 |
Jordach |
i'm using blender to make blender UV maps |
13:23 |
Jordach |
hax? |
13:23 |
CraigyDavi |
yes they were two different worlds |
13:23 |
specing |
proller: someone killed a shop clerk @ Road :/ |
13:23 |
sfan5 |
CraigyDavi: then this could be an issue with a mod writing something to the mod directory (which is the same for both servers) |
13:24 |
CraigyDavi |
Oh I see. So it is a problem with a mod? |
13:25 |
sfan5 |
probably |
13:26 |
CraigyDavi |
This was the error: http://pastie.org/pastes/8714987/text?key=yyeair2upkzujvf4g1ypow |
13:26 |
CraigyDavi |
Just before the world messed up. |
13:29 |
sfan5 |
john_minetest: http://i.imgur.com/xRPBWSw.jpg |
13:30 |
proller |
specing, what> |
13:30 |
CraigyDavi |
So maybe it could be the no_guests mod which did it. Considering the error can right after that. |
13:32 |
walshy007 |
yeah, but when I first joined I didn't specify a password, came up with the error printed without (hopefully) killing your server |
13:35 |
CraigyDavi |
Yeah I know. Oh and sfan, it was not the same mod directory for both servers. I stored the mods in the world file separatly for each server. |
13:37 |
Jordach |
CraigyDavi, running out of space on the server? |
13:37 |
PapaJacky joined #minetest |
13:38 |
specing |
proller: what I said |
13:38 |
specing |
proller: shop is abandoned |
13:38 |
CraigyDavi |
Jordach: What do you mean? On my computer there is sufficient space. |
13:39 |
Jordach |
CraigyDavi, that's been the cause before of world regens |
13:39 |
proller |
specing, it was protected? |
13:40 |
proller |
specing, and where is pull? ;) |
13:40 |
CraigyDavi |
Jordach, So it was caused by not enough space on my computer? I have enough hard drive space. Maybe not so much CPU or RAM. |
13:41 |
Jordach |
CraigyDavi, redcrab's did that when it hit 0 bytes of the drive left, yours is odd |
13:41 |
Jordach |
UHOH: (Leftover data: #1 ServerMap::emergeBlock: p=(-2,3,3), create_blank=0) |
13:42 |
Jordach |
your server signalled part of the world as IGNORE, so it forcefully regenerated |
13:42 |
CraigyDavi |
Hmm well i have almost 500GB space left. Could it be caused by something else? |
13:43 |
specing |
proller: was not protected |
13:43 |
Jordach |
CraigyDavi, your server marked a already generated area as not generated |
13:43 |
specing |
proller: pull is on todo |
13:43 |
CraigyDavi |
Oh I see. |
13:44 |
werwerwer_ joined #minetest |
13:45 |
CraigyDavi |
Well I will make more frequent backups as I guess that this cannot be fixed easily. |
13:46 |
CraigyDavi |
Do you think it is best to run servers on separate minetest instalations? Or shall I risk it? |
13:49 |
Jordach |
sfan5, http://i.imgur.com/U6YPpwZ.png |
13:49 |
Jordach |
CraigyDavi, yeah |
13:49 |
Jordach |
that's actually preferred |
13:49 |
CraigyDavi |
Ok I'll do that, thanks. |
13:51 |
PapaJacky joined #minetest |
14:06 |
Jordach |
yay |
14:07 |
CraigyDavi joined #minetest |
14:12 |
SylvieLorxu joined #minetest |
14:20 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
14:21 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
14:23 |
Megaf |
I need help with piston timing, can anyone go to my server and give me a hand please? |
14:28 |
CraigyDavi |
Sorry, I have no clue how to use mesecons. |
14:28 |
PenguinDad |
Megaf: here's a hand https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Handskelett.png :P |
14:28 |
Rhy5 joined #minetest |
14:28 |
Megaf |
Thanks :P |
14:29 |
CraigyDavi |
haha |
14:29 |
Rhy5 |
Craig. ^_^ |
14:29 |
CraigyDavi |
Hi Rhys |
14:29 |
Rhy5 |
Hey. :3 |
14:29 |
reactor joined #minetest |
14:29 |
reactor joined #minetest |
14:34 |
Megaf |
nevermind, I solved my issue |
14:36 |
nyuszika7h joined #minetest |
14:41 |
zat joined #minetest |
14:41 |
SylvieLorxu joined #minetest |
14:50 |
Yepoleb joined #minetest |
14:54 |
sfan5 |
!title |
14:54 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: Swingle Singers underground tube subway - YouTube |
14:56 |
Rhy5 |
Hey sfan. :) |
14:56 |
harrison |
14:56 |
harrison |
14:57 |
Rhy5 |
I would like your AI, harrison. >:) |
14:58 |
harrison |
Yeah, that's what I thought. |
15:05 |
Rhy5 joined #minetest |
15:06 |
Rhy5 |
cmd grant germangamelp VE-Realtest interact |
15:07 |
Rhy5 |
Gah.. |
15:07 |
Rhy5 |
How do ya do it. Lol. |
15:07 |
Rhy5 |
cmd grant Krock interact |
15:07 |
Rhy5 |
Hmm. |
15:09 |
Rhy5 joined #minetest |
15:09 |
Rhy5 |
Hmm? |
15:09 |
Rhy5 |
It's fine now. |
15:10 |
Rhy5 left #minetest |
15:10 |
Rhy5 joined #minetest |
15:18 |
blaze joined #minetest |
15:19 |
Ipos joined #minetest |
15:19 |
harrison |
john_minetest: did you mean GNU/wildebeest, the free open source antelope? |
15:23 |
mrtux joined #minetest |
15:26 |
PilzAdam joined #minetest |
15:26 |
reactor |
john_minetest: nerd. |
15:28 |
reactor |
йохн_минетеÑÑ‚ |
15:28 |
MinetestBot |
15:30 |
CheapSeth |
!rainbow What does the bot says!? |
15:30 |
MinetestBot |
4W4h4a7t7 7d8o8e8s3 3t3he b6o6t6 say4s4!4? |
15:30 |
CheapSeth |
Sorry, that wasn't usefull. |
15:31 |
* sfan5 |
taps john_minetest |
15:31 |
* sfan5 |
taps john_minetest |
15:31 |
* sfan5 |
gives john_minetest a kitten |
15:32 |
sfan5 |
!title |
15:32 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: Hand Feeding & Playing With A Friendly Platypus - YouTube |
15:32 |
Vargos joined #minetest |
15:33 |
sfan5 |
yes |
15:33 |
sfan5 |
https://lh3.ggpht.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TiTtIFjpI/AAAAAAAACxQ/HXLdiZZ0goU/s1600/ALOT14.png |
15:34 |
PilzAdam |
that feeling when you write code for 6 hours and it doesnt work |
15:34 |
CheapSeth |
Am I the only one who find that platypuses are awesome? |
15:35 |
* sfan5 |
throws a meowing alot at john_minetest |
15:35 |
CheapSeth |
I have to make a mod that add platypuses |
15:35 |
* john_minetest |
puts a smiling coder kitten sir with monocle and hat on PilzAdam's head. |
15:35 |
blaise joined #minetest |
15:36 |
dhbiker joined #minetest |
15:36 |
CheapSeth |
+1 |
15:36 |
* sfan5 |
throws an ARM Cortex-M4 microprocessor at john_minetest |
15:36 |
reactor |
!rainbow RBMK |
15:36 |
MinetestBot |
4R4B4M7K |
15:36 |
PilzAdam |
quote of the day: "slow loading chunks healp pleas" |
15:36 |
CheapSeth |
From the help topic? |
15:37 |
* john_minetest |
downgrades sfan5's processor so it isn't advanced anymore. A bit of RISC must be taken. It is punday. |
15:37 |
reactor |
PilzAdam: why does that problem happen? |
15:37 |
* sfan5 |
pins john_minetest's pun onto the wand |
15:37 |
* sfan5 |
throws an oscillator at john_minetest |
15:37 |
PenguinDad |
!rainbow Cubietruck |
15:37 |
MinetestBot |
4C4u4b7i7e7t8r8u8c3k |
15:38 |
* john_minetest |
repeats every 2 pies. |
15:38 |
sfan5 |
!rainbow Freescale i.MX6Q |
15:38 |
MinetestBot |
4F4r4e7e7s7c8a8l8e3 3i3.MX​66Q |
15:38 |
MinetestBot |
4x4​84​67 7i7s8 8m8u3c3h3 coo6l6e6r |
15:38 |
sfan5 |
!rainbow meow, x86 is for dogs, kittens use x86-64 |
15:38 |
MinetestBot |
4m4e4o7w7,7 8x8​88​63 3i3s fo6r6 6dogs4,4 4k7i7t7t8e8n8s3 3u3se x6​86​66-​6​4 |
15:39 |
proller joined #minetest |
15:40 |
sfan5 |
they actually reduced it, AArch64 doesn't include conditional executing for every instruction |
15:41 |
sfan5 |
2nd quote of the day: 'I can not instalat mods!' |
15:41 |
sfan5 |
>instalat |
15:42 |
sfan5 |
>sounds like salat |
15:42 |
sfan5 |
john_minetest: debian |
15:42 |
PilzAdam |
sfan5, I cant salat mods either! |
15:43 |
* sfan5 |
throws lua code salat at PilzAdam |
15:43 |
sfan5 |
!g debian arm |
15:43 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: https://www.debian.org/ports/arm/ |
15:43 |
sfan5 |
john_minetest: /\ |
15:43 |
reactor |
15:43 |
MinetestBot |
4б4Ш4Ф7И7Ы7В8М8И8 3Ф3Ш3ГВИЫ6 6K6OI-​84 4Т4Ш7Ф7Ы7И8В8! |
15:44 |
sfan5 |
john_minetest: http://archlinuxleg.org/ |
15:45 |
CheapSeth |
Ubuntu has an ARM port too |
15:45 |
sfan5 |
ugh ubuntu |
15:45 |
sfan5 |
!g crunchbang arm |
15:45 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: http://pibanglinux.org/ |
15:45 |
sfan5 |
lol, ofc that is the first result |
15:45 |
CheapSeth |
(But archARM is much better) |
15:46 |
hmmmm joined #minetest |
15:46 |
sfan5 |
john_minetest: You just said 'I want an OS that automatically has drivers for everthing' |
15:46 |
sfan5 |
anyway, ask google |
15:46 |
PenguinDad |
!g fedora arm |
15:46 |
MinetestBot |
PenguinDad: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM |
15:46 |
troller joined #minetest |
15:47 |
CheapSeth |
(john_minetest: ArchLinux is fine. You can use enlightenment with the "tablet" profile as WM) |
15:48 |
sfan5 |
john_minetest: (almost) EVERY mobile processor has it's stuff at other addresses so you will need to google for the device you want to have it working on |
15:49 |
CheapSeth |
john_minetest: on a desktop PC, awesome is awesome. |
15:49 |
Egbert9e9 joined #minetest |
15:49 |
Egbert9e9 |
hey! |
15:50 |
Egbert9e9 |
john_minetest: you're into xmonads as well? |
15:50 |
mrtux joined #minetest |
15:50 |
Egbert9e9 |
oh brother... i now have 21 open buffers, each for another channel or PMing |
15:51 |
FreeFull |
That's not many |
15:53 |
Egbert9e9 |
FreeFull: not many... how much do you have on your max? |
15:53 |
tomreyn joined #minetest |
15:54 |
w_laenger joined #minetest |
15:55 |
w_laenger |
hi |
15:55 |
grrk-bzzt joined #minetest |
15:55 |
Egbert9e9 |
anyone remembers jibberish? |
15:56 |
w_laenger |
I read this name somewhere |
15:56 |
w_laenger |
!help |
15:56 |
MinetestBot |
https://github.com/sfan5/minetestbot-modules/blob/master/COMMANDS.md |
15:57 |
w_laenger |
!seen jibberish |
15:57 |
MinetestBot |
w_laenger: Sorry, I haven't seen jibberish around. |
15:58 |
w_laenger |
!sfu jibberish |
15:58 |
MinetestBot |
Jibberish 8New member 1 posts, registered on 2012-07-07 | id: 2311 |
16:01 |
MinetestBot |
jmf Member 167 posts, registered on 2012-11-05 | id: 3464 |
16:02 |
w_laenger |
http://is.gd/XQv9NS |
16:02 |
FreeFull |
Egbert9e9: Right now I am in 91 channels |
16:02 |
w_laenger |
!sfu MinetestBot |
16:02 |
MinetestBot |
w_laenger: No Results found |
16:03 |
Jordach |
sfan5, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXXMiRnUquA |
16:03 |
PenguinDad |
!sfu Erna |
16:03 |
MinetestBot |
PenguinDad: No Results found |
16:03 |
Egbert9e9 |
FreeFull: :O |
16:04 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: nice |
16:04 |
w_laenger |
!seen Erna |
16:04 |
MinetestBot |
w_laenger: Sorry, I haven't seen erna around. |
16:04 |
Egbert9e9 |
w_laenger: why |
16:05 |
Egbert9e9 |
w_laenger: im a bit nauseous right now because of that flash |
16:05 |
JackGruff joined #minetest |
16:05 |
JackGruff |
\join |
16:05 |
w_laenger |
!b64d YmVjYXVzZSAhc2Z1IEVybmE= |
16:05 |
MinetestBot |
because !sfu Erna |
16:06 |
w_laenger |
do you see a difference if you change the quality? |
16:13 |
MrSparkle_ joined #minetest |
16:15 |
Rhy5 |
!sfu Rhys |
16:15 |
MinetestBot |
Rhys Member 329 posts, registered on 2013-05-22 | id: 5732 |
16:15 |
Rhy5 |
And dats me. :3 |
16:16 |
w_laenger |
!sfu w_laenger |
16:16 |
reactor |
w_laenger: ? |
16:16 |
Rhy5 |
Without a space. |
16:16 |
Rhy5 |
!sfu w_laenger |
16:16 |
MinetestBot |
Rhy5: No Results found |
16:16 |
w_laenger |
!sfu w_laenger |
16:16 |
Rhy5 |
!sfu w_laenger |
16:16 |
MinetestBot |
Rhy5: No Results found |
16:16 |
reactor |
Space! Let go, we're in space! |
16:16 |
w_laenger |
!sfu w_laenger |
16:16 |
w_laenger was kicked by ShadowBot: Message repetition flood detected. |
16:17 |
Rhy5 |
Ah. |
16:17 |
w_laenger joined #minetest |
16:17 |
Rhy5 |
Uh.. |
16:17 |
w_laenger |
pfft# |
16:17 |
Rhy5 |
Your unknown mate. |
16:17 |
Rhy5 |
"It seems we have a mystery on our hands, gang" |
16:17 |
MrSparkle_ joined #minetest |
16:18 |
w_laenger |
ShadowBot ignores me, I think |
16:18 |
w_laenger |
ShadowBot ignores me, I think |
16:18 |
w_laenger |
ShadowBot ignores me, I think |
16:18 |
w_laenger |
ShadowBot ignores me, I think |
16:18 |
w_laenger was kicked by ShadowBot: Message repetition flood detected. |
16:18 |
w_laenger joined #minetest |
16:19 |
w_laenger |
I don't know a different way to test it |
16:21 |
Jordach |
can we stop abusing the bots |
16:21 |
w_laenger |
ok http://wiki.minetest.net/images/e/ea/Diamond.png |
16:23 |
Rhy5 |
I have a better gem, the rarest one ever, better than diamond. |
16:23 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
16:23 |
w_laenger |
iringnite ore? |
16:23 |
Rhy5 |
Muuuch better |
16:23 |
w_laenger |
shadow gem? |
16:24 |
Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest |
16:24 |
w_laenger |
iringnite is not a gem |
16:25 |
w_laenger |
antimese crystal? |
16:25 |
w_laenger |
it's used to craft antigravity blocks |
16:25 |
Rhy5_ joined #minetest |
16:26 |
Rhy5_ |
Hmm, wasn't able to type anything. |
16:26 |
w_laenger |
https://raw.github.com/Zeg9/minetest-weirdores/master/weirdores/textures/weirdores_antimese.png |
16:27 |
w_laenger |
but you typed "Hmm, wasn't able to type anything." |
16:27 |
Rhy5__ joined #minetest |
16:27 |
w_laenger |
hi |
16:27 |
Rhy5__ |
What's happening. :O |
16:27 |
Rhy5__ |
Something strange is happening. |
16:28 |
w_laenger |
sorry |
16:28 |
Rhy5__ |
For what? |
16:28 |
w_laenger |
you're herbert freenode, too |
16:29 |
Rhy5__ |
Do I need to restart my computer or what? |
16:29 |
MichaelRpdx joined #minetest |
16:31 |
Miner_48er joined #minetest |
16:31 |
Rhy5 joined #minetest |
16:31 |
Rhy5 |
There, all I had to do was refresh my connection. |
16:34 |
blaze joined #minetest |
16:42 |
w_laenger joined #minetest |
16:43 |
w_laenger |
!top |
16:44 |
w_laenger |
bash: /flop: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden |
16:44 |
reactor |
!rm -rf / |
16:44 |
w_laenger |
bash: !flop: event not found |
16:44 |
w_laenger |
!sudo rm -r / |
16:46 |
w_laenger |
!while true; do; minetest &; done |
16:46 |
Jordach |
lol |
16:46 |
Jordach |
not even eaten breakfast today :) |
16:46 |
reactor |
o/ Jordach |
16:47 |
w_laenger |
5 PilzAdam14357212246407505today"sfan5, that flashgame clop?" |
16:47 |
sfan5 |
w_laenger: would you please stop spamming? |
16:49 |
Miner_48er joined #minetest |
16:49 |
Rhy5 |
Miner_48er, long time no see bud. |
16:50 |
Miner_48er |
hi what server did you go to? |
16:50 |
Rhy5 |
Hmm? |
16:51 |
Rhy5 |
I'm god, I am everywhere. |
16:51 |
Rhy5 |
:P |
16:51 |
Egbert9e9 |
w_laenger: how do i get to the jibberish posts on the forum? |
16:51 |
PapaJacky joined #minetest |
16:53 |
Miner_48er |
ok just haven't been in game at the same time |
17:01 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
17:01 |
Jordach |
hey Calinou |
17:12 |
Calinou |
hi |
17:12 |
Jordach |
http://i.imgur.com/MVgFMgB.png |
17:16 |
PenguinDad |
AVinter? |
17:17 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
17:22 |
Calinou |
ARummer! |
17:25 |
Jordach |
if one were to turn their heads to the FireFox window... |
17:27 |
Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest |
17:29 |
* Jordach |
is capable of extracting mesh data from real time video |
17:30 |
* sfan5 |
is capable of putting kittens on other peoples heads |
17:30 |
Jordach |
this might be related to my mental disability |
17:31 |
Enke joined #minetest |
17:32 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
17:33 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
17:35 |
Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest |
17:35 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
17:36 |
rubenwardy |
Hi all! |
17:36 |
Jordach |
hey ruby |
17:36 |
rubenwardy |
I recommend that a moderator closes this: www.fossevents.org |
17:36 |
reactor |
http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/body-mod-hipsters-lips-ring.jpg << Ubuntu users. |
17:36 |
rubenwardy |
woops |
17:36 |
rubenwardy |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=8536 |
17:36 |
EvergreenTree joined #minetest |
17:36 |
EvergreenTree joined #minetest |
17:36 |
EvergreenTree |
o/ |
17:39 |
hmmmm |
guys |
17:39 |
Jordach |
yus |
17:39 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Add capability to read table flag fields from Lua API 9a5977bdd9 2014-02-09T09:38:50-08:00 http://git.io/RNYB4w |
17:39 |
hmmmm |
from now on everybody should use getflagsfield() to read flags from the lua api |
17:39 |
hmmmm |
instead of doing their own custom thing |
17:40 |
hmmmm |
there is especially no reason not to be consistent now |
17:40 |
rubenwardy |
flags? |
17:40 |
rubenwardy |
booleans? |
17:40 |
Jordach |
rubenwardy, minetest.conf files |
17:40 |
PilzAdam |
flags mod? |
17:40 |
rubenwardy |
ah |
17:42 |
hmmmm |
whoops |
17:42 |
rubenwardy |
So instead of minetest.get_settings_bool()? |
17:42 |
rubenwardy |
Or was that meant to be posted in #minetest-dev? |
17:42 |
hmmmm |
this is for people who are developing new api |
17:43 |
rubenwardy |
(ie, use getflagsfield in c(++)) |
17:43 |
rubenwardy |
Okay |
17:43 |
PilzAdam |
hmmmm, the old way still works? |
17:43 |
hmmmm |
what's the old way |
17:43 |
PilzAdam |
whatever was used previously to set flags for ores or schematics |
17:43 |
hmmmm |
i know that previously, everybody had their own way of doing the same thing and it caused a lot of inconsistency |
17:43 |
hmmmm |
that's the string version |
17:43 |
PilzAdam |
where in lua-api.txt is your new function? |
17:44 |
hmmmm |
have you actually read lua-api.txt? |
17:44 |
hmmmm |
did you even look at the diff? |
17:44 |
PilzAdam |
sure |
17:44 |
PilzAdam |
there is no getflagsfield() |
17:44 |
hmmmm |
what's https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/9a5977bdd93eb1b1ce41b67e9f835ea4c0915164#diff-fc5bd7f599797bce163af517e57a314cR842 |
17:45 |
PilzAdam |
thats not lua-api.txt |
17:45 |
hmmmm |
this isn't a part of the lua api |
17:45 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Add capability to read table flag fields from Lua API 2a01050a0c 2014-02-09T09:44:31-08:00 http://git.io/ALypQw |
17:45 |
Jordach |
now you can |
17:45 |
hmmmm |
everything that needed to be added to lua_api.txt was added to lua_api.txt |
17:46 |
hmmmm |
okay people seem to be confused here |
17:46 |
PilzAdam |
ah, you werent talking to modders |
17:46 |
rubenwardy |
LOol |
17:46 |
rubenwardy |
oops |
17:46 |
rubenwardy |
Lolling about LOol |
17:46 |
PilzAdam |
why do you say it in this channel then? |
17:46 |
hmmmm |
what i am saying is that for lua api that used to take the old "string, flag, field" format for specifying what flags are set |
17:46 |
hmmmm |
you can do it in a table format |
17:46 |
rubenwardy |
<hmmmm> whoops |
17:46 |
rubenwardy |
He didn't mean too |
17:46 |
rubenwardy |
*to |
17:49 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
17:51 |
reactor |
Hmm. |
17:51 |
reactor |
I've come up with an interesting trick. |
17:51 |
reactor |
Write-protect map.sqlite to periodically reset the world to its original state. |
17:59 |
Xenux joined #minetest |
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MrElmux joined #minetest |
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farlepet joined #minetest |
18:04 |
MrElmux |
the latest git fails from (probably) missing strlcopy function in c_content.cpp |
18:05 |
Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest |
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Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
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troller joined #minetest |
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Leoneof joined #minetest |
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MichaelRpdx |
I'm totally new to minetest, if enable_damage is true what happens? or not? (link to documentation page would be great) |
18:16 |
EvergreenTree joined #minetest |
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Leoneof joined #minetest |
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MichaelRpdx |
nevermind, I employed the "ask so you'll find the answer four seconds later" trick. |
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Rhy5 joined #minetest |
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frecel_ |
hello |
18:36 |
sfan5 |
hi |
18:36 |
frecel_ |
I just started toying around with minetest yesterday |
18:36 |
frecel_ |
and I have a few questions |
18:37 |
sfan5 |
feel free to ask |
18:37 |
sfan5 |
!deop Jordach |
18:37 |
frecel_ |
to regenerate the map on my server is it enough if I just deleate map.sqlite? |
18:37 |
sfan5 |
yes |
18:37 |
sfan5 |
but you may want to delete the players directory too |
18:38 |
sfan5 |
otherwise if someone was in a cave he will be at the same position when the map regenerates |
18:38 |
frecel_ |
oh ok thanks |
18:38 |
Rhy5 |
That happened to me once, it was horrible. |
18:38 |
frecel_ |
also is there a mob mod that works and is supported? |
18:38 |
Rhy5 |
I was in my house, the server went to a new world, I was in the same position, stuck in a stone wall. |
18:39 |
frecel_ |
I tried mob framework but it didn't work very well and simple mods doesn't seem to be developed anymore |
18:39 |
sfan5 |
simple mods is actively developed IIRC |
18:39 |
frecel_ |
8 months since last commit on github |
18:40 |
sfan5 |
that doesn't mean it is bad or not working |
18:40 |
frecel_ |
true, but if an update for Minetest comes out and Simple Mobs has to be uptaded to work and no one works on it that that kinda screws things over |
18:42 |
sfan5 |
PilzAdam is in the core development team of Minetest, it is unlikely that he'll miss a release |
18:42 |
frecel_ |
also will world.mt autogenerate using the mods in my mods folder or do I have to make it manually? |
18:42 |
sfan5 |
also minetest mods need (really need) to be updated for new versions lately |
18:42 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
18:43 |
sfan5 |
you have to make world.mt manually or you can use configure option in the main menu |
18:43 |
sfan5 |
minetest mods are not like MC's mods that NEED to be updated for every release |
18:44 |
frecel_ |
I'm doing this through ssh on my vps so I don't really have acces to the menu |
18:44 |
frecel_ |
is there a flag I could use to generate world.mt? |
18:44 |
sfan5 |
well manually then |
18:44 |
sfan5 |
no |
18:44 |
sfan5 |
you don't need any flag |
18:44 |
sfan5 |
just run minetestserver --world <path to world> |
18:44 |
sfan5 |
you can then edit world.mt and set some/all mods to true |
18:45 |
MrElmux |
is there any mod or whatever so other player see that other players wield ? |
18:45 |
rubenwardy |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6407 |
18:45 |
sfan5 |
MrElmux: have you asked google yet? |
18:45 |
pandaro joined #minetest |
18:46 |
MrElmux |
oh well brain fart |
18:58 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Define strlcpy on platforms that do not have it a0683b811c 2014-02-09T10:57:29-08:00 http://git.io/X8SJBg |
19:00 |
Leoneof joined #minetest |
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19:15 |
MichaelRpdx |
is there a means to generate a new world with some buildings? |
19:15 |
sfan5 |
MichaelRpdx: buildings? |
19:15 |
dhbiker joined #minetest |
19:16 |
sfan5 |
if you want auto-generated villages use the mg mod |
19:16 |
MichaelRpdx |
houses, sheds, barns, teepees |
19:16 |
sfan5 |
mod that includes villages: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7263 |
19:18 |
MichaelRpdx |
ah good, thank you |
19:20 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
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19:38 |
reactor |
Hmm. |
19:38 |
reactor |
How does Minecraft limit fires? |
19:39 |
specing |
with water? |
19:39 |
Enke joined #minetest |
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Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest |
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Mati^1 joined #minetest |
19:56 |
sfan5 |
topic of the day: 'Minetest on Platstation 2' |
19:57 |
MichaelRpdx |
In my newly created worlds I cannot mine wood from a tree. I go up, click a couple of dozen times and nothing happens aside from a few chips flying. What basic mistake am I making? |
19:57 |
sfan5 |
hold down your mouse button? |
19:58 |
troller |
11000+ road built |
20:00 |
MichaelRpdx |
Yes, that's right. Holding it down does work where single clicking doesn't. Thank you. <scratch head/> |
20:02 |
MichaelRpdx |
While I'm at it...flying is disabled in singleplayer mode but enabled in server mode. That normal? |
20:02 |
sfan5 |
yes |
20:02 |
Jordach |
MichaelRpdx, localhost logins are treated as admins |
20:02 |
Miner_48er |
/grant singleplayer fly |
20:02 |
sfan5 |
you can give yourself fly privs in sp |
20:04 |
MichaelRpdx |
and the lights go on. Thank you again. |
20:07 |
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MinetestBot |
GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: ServerEnvironment: Remove direct dependency on EmergeManager 89f7dc1efd 2014-02-09T13:36:30-08:00 http://git.io/LAgCCQ |
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Megaf |
Folks, one of the players who plays on my server wants to build a suspension bridge, do you have any idea how can he do the cabling thing? |
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us_0gb joined #minetest |
22:50 |
FreeFull |
Megaf: There should be some mods with cables, not sure which though |
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zat1 joined #minetest |
22:58 |
Megaf |
FreeFull, theres this one https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=127804#p127804 |
23:00 |
Megaf |
Jordach, ping |
23:00 |
Jordach |
qtf |
23:00 |
Jordach |
wtf |
23:01 |
Jordach |
you ping me as i check IRC |
23:01 |
Megaf |
Jordach, did you ever managed to build a suspension bridge? |
23:01 |
Jordach |
i did one |
23:01 |
Jordach |
once |
23:01 |
Jordach |
i used fences in 1x<height> setting |
23:01 |
PilzAdam |
qtf! |
23:02 |
Megaf |
how? |
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zat joined #minetest |
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Pest joined #minetest |