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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-11-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 iqualfragile well, it does in fact sound like a nice addition to gameplay
00:01 kaeza if nodeboxes were editable on the fly, this could be done
00:01 kaeza (they aren't, right?)
00:01 iqualfragile kaeza: that was my proposal but no
00:02 iqualfragile because if those othervoxels are actualy represented as voxels then you can manipulate those on the fly
00:02 iqualfragile and have circuits and stuff inside them
00:02 Peacock well being able to change any of the node's properties (limited to the current session) would probably save lots of duplicates
00:03 KingsleyT Peacock: "limited to the current session"?
00:03 iqualfragile Peacock: limited to the current session is not good enought
00:03 iqualfragile but persistency would not be that hard
00:04 iqualfragile you just need to save the dimensions and the offset of the voxelgrid
00:04 OWNSyouAll joined #minetest
00:04 iqualfragile and then you can just dump binary data
00:04 Peacock well persistence would mean storing those changes somewhere between sessions
00:04 iqualfragile or whatever format minetest is using right now
00:04 Peacock that'd be like saving a shit-ton of meta stuff
00:04 iqualfragile "dimensions"
00:05 KingsleyT I guess a good place to put this would be the feature discussion forum?
00:05 kaeza celeron55 has a (discontinued) branch somewhere to store node properties in the node meta
00:05 iqualfragile KingsleyT: inofficial engine dev
00:05 kaeza per-node
00:06 KingsleyT iqualfragile: gotcha
00:06 iqualfragile kaeza: not the right thing for this usecase
00:07 KingsleyT rather than just fling ideas out there, maybe I'll look over the minetest code and polish my unity prototype over the weekend
00:08 Peacock why polish when you can czeck?
00:08 Peacock :P
00:08 KingsleyT XD
00:08 KingsleyT oh you~
00:09 Peacock i am the paragon of seriousness XD
00:09 iqualfragile KingsleyT: protip: do not use c# or .net if you want to be taken seriously
00:10 Peacock oddly enough, blockscape is written in C# and by one man, and its got more features, so it can't be that bad a language
00:10 KingsleyT its not a great language, performance wise
00:10 Peacock (dont take my word for it, try the demo)
00:11 Peacock well the default view range on BS is 135m
00:11 Exio4 Peacock: minecraft is java, and its gameplay is awesome
00:11 iqualfragile the problem about c# and .net is that they are completly unnescesary
00:11 iqualfragile there is java for the usecase they are trying to cover
00:11 Peacock most IT employers would disagree lol
00:11 KingsleyT so if anything, the fact it runs in a slower language should make it *more* convincing XD
00:12 Peacock well, java was supposed to be "write once, run everywhere"
00:12 Peacock instead it became "write once, debug everywhere" XD
00:12 iqualfragile Peacock: it is
00:12 iqualfragile nah
00:12 iqualfragile as long as you use the right vm it works
00:12 Exio4 java is awesome but is overused
00:13 Peacock well different versions of VM will give different bugs, no?
00:13 Peacock by version i mean on different platforms
00:14 Peacock in any case, my BAC is running dangerously low, brb
00:14 VanessaE haha
00:15 iqualfragile java is not awsome
00:15 iqualfragile it is horrible
00:15 iqualfragile but c# and .net have quite a litle bit of a problem: they are run by one company
00:15 iqualfragile and i quite much dislike that one
00:16 Exio4 i guess i should have used a <sarcasm> tag around my last message
00:16 iqualfragile yes
00:16 iqualfragile i personaly prefer python at the moment
00:17 Exio4 C is a pretty nice language
00:17 iqualfragile it has a beautiful syntax, you are not forced to use object orientatio but you can when you think it fits
00:18 iqualfragile it forces newbs to format correctly
00:18 iqualfragile it integrates with c programs
00:18 iqualfragile you are incredibly quick when writing python programs
00:18 Exio4 python's syntax beautiful?
00:18 iqualfragile and you can not fuck up memory management and add hard to find security problems
00:19 Exio4 if you add a GC, it doesn't mean your code is now 125% safer than before
00:19 anunakki joined #minetest
00:20 Exio4 because there can be security bugs, most of them are hard to find, doesn't matter how you cause them
00:20 iqualfragile Exio4: no, but it means that use after free and other similar bugs will not happen
00:21 Ditti joined #minetest
00:21 Exio4 i think python's syntax is shit, ad it has the downside of forcing people to use some way to indent the code, also, it has a shitty OOP, it doesn't even have "private" methods, you need to use shit that looks like an unhygienic macro
00:21 Exio4 iqualfragile: why would you free a resource that you would use later?
00:22 iqualfragile by accident
00:22 iqualfragile happens all the time
00:22 iqualfragile well, you can still choos how "deep" you intend your code
00:22 iqualfragile not needing to put a semicolon beind every statement is a huge relief
00:23 iqualfragile and just not having to use brackets is great
00:23 iqualfragile python just removes some redundancies
00:23 Exio4 i hope you are kidding with that
00:24 iqualfragile i am not
00:25 iqualfragile if you write clean code you have one statement per line
00:25 iqualfragile and you have one intendation per block
00:25 KingsleyT I like how the OOP hatred flows freely in a channel about a game written in C++
00:25 KingsleyT :D
00:25 Exio4 with semicolons and brackets, you know where the code exactly starts and end
00:25 KingsleyT also, DOD mustard race
00:25 iqualfragile there is no actual need to use semicoli and brackets to signal that you are actualy finishing your statement/beginning/ending a block
00:26 iqualfragile Exio4: with python the code end when you hit enter
00:26 Exio4 exactly
00:26 Exio4 that is why it looks that ugly
00:26 iqualfragile KingsleyT: where do you see oop hate?
00:26 iqualfragile oop is a good ide
00:26 iqualfragile idea
00:26 Exio4 it isn't
00:27 iqualfragile but i just do not need any objects when i just want to create some damn simple application
00:27 Exio4 "How to overcomplicate any algorithm?" "Make an OOP implementation of it!"
00:27 KingsleyT iqualfragile: mainly referring to Exio4
00:27 KingsleyT who I actually agree with
00:27 iqualfragile why would that be ugly?
00:27 iqualfragile it is clean
00:27 Exio4 basic OOP is nice, and lets you write easy to follow code, but only some basic-basic OOP
00:27 ShadowNinja So, this is what the server list looks like in YAML:
00:28 KingsleyT OOP can make it easier to think about things, but only sometimes
00:28 KingsleyT its better to use it only in cases where performance isn't an issue
00:28 iqualfragile i mean: how often does it happen in your code that you do not intend when you start a new block?
00:28 KingsleyT organizing by verb rather than by noun is far more suited to how the CPU works
00:28 iqualfragile or that you put more then one statement in one line?
00:28 Exio4 it isn't that, but the thing that you are FORCED to do something
00:29 iqualfragile you would do it anyways
00:29 Exio4 that is the shitty part
00:29 iqualfragile otherwise i am FORCED!! to put a ; behind every line
00:29 ShadowNinja Created with this:
00:29 iqualfragile even throught the cases when i would actualy put two statements in one line are allmost nonexistent
00:30 iqualfragile Exio4: scan throught some code you wrote and search for line which contain multiple semicoli
00:30 KingsleyT iqualfragile: write your own parser :3
00:31 KingsleyT aww yiss
00:31 * KingsleyT actually wished this thing existed
00:31 iqualfragile no need to, i have python and i want others to be able to read and understand my ccode
00:31 iqualfragile KingsleyT: which thing?
00:31 Exio4 only in for loops iqualfragile
00:32 iqualfragile i assume those one statement loops?
00:32 iqualfragile -.-
00:32 Exio4 for(p = strtok_r(str,"\n", &rest); p; p = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &rest))
00:32 KingsleyT iqualfragile: software that would let me write C++ without semicolons
00:32 iqualfragile sorry, a bit sleepy
00:33 KingsleyT it'd add them in automatically and then run THAT through the compiler
00:33 iqualfragile KingsleyT: that would not be *that* hard
00:33 KingsleyT so I never have to see them
00:33 Exio4 that is called preprocessor
00:33 KingsleyT iqualfragile: I know, just lazy
00:33 KingsleyT :B
00:33 iqualfragile actualy it would be quite easy
00:33 iqualfragile like: realy easy
00:33 KingsleyT really?
00:33 Exio4 it isn't that easy
00:33 KingsleyT it strikes me that making sure what lines NOT to put semicolons after seems tricky
00:33 Exio4 how would you do that iqualfragile?
00:33 iqualfragile ah, right you would need to differ between statements and lines without statements
00:33 KingsleyT considering different coding styles with brackets etc
00:34 KingsleyT yeah
00:34 ShadowNinja KingsleyT: You mean this?
00:34 Exio4 coding styles, there
00:34 KingsleyT ShadowNinja: that...sounds pretty darned close yup
00:34 Exio4 anyway
00:34 Exio4 lisp-like syntax
00:34 iqualfragile there is a reason for python beeing quite popular
00:34 iqualfragile Exio4: that is horrible
00:35 Exio4 nope
00:35 * KingsleyT tries to figure out wtf a mapnode is
00:35 * KingsleyT assumes it's a block
00:35 Exio4 it is amazingly clear
00:35 iqualfragile KingsleyT: voxel
00:35 Exio4 KingsleyT: 16x16x16
00:35 Exio4 nodes
00:36 iqualfragile whatevers
00:36 KingsleyT Exio4: 16x16x16?
00:36 iqualfragile good night
00:36 KingsleyT night iqualfragile
00:36 Exio4 night
00:36 Rigo joined #minetest
00:37 Exio4 what do you think about lisp's syntax KingsleyT?
00:37 iqualfragile this one would be quite amazing
00:37 KingsleyT Exio4: I've poked at it, the syntax seems pretty good
00:37 KingsleyT (it being clojure)
00:37 KingsleyT their naming of things is a bit counterintuitive
00:38 * KingsleyT prefers Haskell
00:38 Exio4 ML!
00:38 KingsleyT Haskell breast syntax
00:38 KingsleyT :3
00:38 iqualfragile erlang!
00:38 Peacock breast syntax?
00:39 KingsleyT like best, but better
00:39 KingsleyT because breasts
00:39 VanessaE bleah.  BASIC ftw :)
00:39 Peacock
00:39 iqualfragile assembler!
00:39 VanessaE iqualfragile: only if it's 6502 :)
00:39 Exio4 i would like to learn assembler
00:39 Exio4 but lazy
00:39 KingsleyT linolium!
00:39 VanessaE else gtfo P)
00:39 VanessaE :)
00:40 iqualfragile well, i have to
00:40 iqualfragile my university more or less forces you to do so
00:40 Exio4 i would like to go to that university
00:40 KingsleyT in case nobody else got that
00:40 Peacock might not be too tough to put an assembler thingy in mt
00:40 * ShadowNinja is learning 80x86 ASM...
00:41 iqualfragile what i dislike about python is that you do not have to specify what type your variables have…
00:41 Exio4 didn't know about that KingsleyT
00:41 Exio4 so, you don't like the whole idea of a dynamic typed language?
00:41 Exio4 lol.
00:41 VanessaE ShadowNinja: and you're still sane??
00:42 ShadowNinja VanessaE: I think so. ;-)
00:42 ShadowNinja VanessaE: I just started though...
00:42 Peacock what i dislike abut python is the multiple versions and having scripts that work in one but not the other
00:42 KingsleyT iqualfragile: I dislike dynamic typed languages too X]
00:42 KingsleyT bad experiences..
00:42 Exio4 dynamic typed languages can be good
00:42 iqualfragile i do not get what the advantage would be
00:43 ShadowNinja Peacock: There are only two widely used major versions currently, and python3 is about 99.98% backward compatible.
00:43 Exio4 how would you make a function that returns a string, a number or a pointer? depending on the input and some algorithm
00:43 Peacock i prefer dynamically typed lol even a throne doesn't need to know what the inputs are
00:43 KingsleyT Exio4: WHY WOULD I DO THAT
00:43 iqualfragile typing your variables makes everything faster for the interpreter/easier to compile
00:43 iqualfragile and they make it harder to produce errors
00:44 iqualfragile because compiler errors are allways better then actual errors^^
00:44 iqualfragile Exio4: seriously: why would you do that?
00:44 Exio4 it can be useful with HOFs
00:44 KingsleyT what is a HOF
00:44 Exio4 high order function
00:44 Exio4 or partial execution
00:45 KingsleyT pbbft
00:45 KingsleyT I prefer my program to work
00:45 KingsleyT or not compile
00:45 iqualfragile why wouldnt you just create three seperate functions?
00:45 Exio4 or partial execution < other reason of it can be useful
00:45 Exio4 iqualfragile: what?
00:45 iqualfragile just create three seperate functions
00:45 iqualfragile if you have different inputs and outputs
00:46 iqualfragile you can put some common part into a fourth function
00:46 iqualfragile but i think its quite a bad idea to have some function return values of different types
00:46 iqualfragile i do not want to depend on code that works that way
00:47 Peacock heh, thats why i avoid cpp and such languages like the plague
00:47 Peacock the more specific you have to be, the likelier it is i'll screw up on some obscure detail lol
00:48 Exio4 meh
00:48 Exio4 when i uploaded some shit he left
00:48 Peacock "Pianist could face six years in jail over noise complaint for playing piano more softly than a normal conversation" in Spain... and i thought Franco was dead lol
00:49 KingsleyT Peacock: the less specific I have to be, the more likely the compiler will guess wrong
00:49 KingsleyT there are no details, only truths )oDo)^ *sparkle sparkle*
00:49 Peacock kingsley ill admit im not crazy about compiling either lol i find simply having to restart MT between mod changes annoying enough, and that takes seconds
00:49 Exio4 KingsleyT: code working in that way can let you work with "uber-dynamic" code
00:50 KingsleyT uber-dynamic frameworks plz
00:50 Exio4 no
00:50 KingsleyT code hard like abs
00:50 Peacock time for D programming language, and the eventual D+ (or DP)
00:50 KingsleyT time for Rust!
00:50 KingsleyT soon(tm)
00:51 kaeza lol rust :|
00:51 KingsleyT SOON
00:51 * KingsleyT weeps softly
00:51 * kaeza puts a â„¢ on KingsleyT's head
00:52 us-0gb joined #minetest
00:52 * KingsleyT dries eyes with it
00:53 Ditti joined #minetest
00:53 Peacock thank god mapp's still up despite 4aiman being banned
00:53 kaeza Peacock, try my coroutine fork
00:53 kaeza he never got to merge in his repo :|
00:53 us-0gb 4aiman was banned? What happened?
00:53 Peacock wheres the thread?
00:53 Peacock or post as the case may be
00:53 kaeza
00:54 Peacock was thinking of using the map thingy in conjunction with my glass computer to control shields and forcefields
00:54 kaeza Peacock, this one:
00:55 Peacock is that the same thing i just downloaded? or is this a dependency?
00:55 kaeza it's a fork
00:55 kaeza the advantage is that it does not block the server
00:55 Peacock ogb dont know why, likely same reasons as cornernote, though i saw he's back, i guess RBA managed to convince him
00:55 kaeza the disadvantage is that it is a bit slower
00:55 Peacock well if i remember correctly, map is continuously updating?
00:55 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
00:56 kaeza speaking of the devil
00:56 Peacock all hail RBA! leader of the Empire
00:56 us-0gb Ah, I remember why Cornernote was banned That was kind of dumb of him/her.
00:57 RealBadAngel ;) hi folks
00:57 us-0gb Hello, RealBadAngel!
00:57 kaeza hai RBA
00:57 Peacock well cornernote was pretty hyperactive, hyperactive people tend to burnout periodically
00:58 us-0gb I see. That must suck for them.
00:58 RealBadAngel
00:58 RealBadAngel screenshots of ores and metal blocks for them
00:58 Peacock kaeza, which link is hte one using the coroutines?
00:59 RealBadAngel how do you like them?
00:59 kaeza Peacock, this one:
00:59 us-0gb RealBadAngel, What is the blue on on shot six?
00:59 RealBadAngel mithril
00:59 VanessaE nice, RealBadAngel
01:00 us-0gb Oh, right. I forgot about moreores.
01:00 VanessaE RealBadAngel: I would suggest, btw, that you use a different coal image for the mineral.
01:01 VanessaE the one you use now is what HDX uses for the lump :)
01:01 RealBadAngel hehe, i will think about it
01:01 Peacock i wonder if mapp could be tweaked to use voxmynips to load a bigger area
01:01 VanessaE ditto for the lapis la---er..  mithril :)
01:01 VanessaE Peacock: in theory yes
01:01 VanessaE but I don't know that anyone's actually done that uet
01:01 VanessaE yet*
01:02 Peacock the only voxmynips experience i have so far is converting paramat's mods lol i still have to figure out how to load an area not in the context of ongen
01:03 Peacock probably easier than i think it is but still
01:05 Peacock that force load thing was never added right? i wanted to make space probes for finding asteroids
01:05 Rigo joined #minetest
01:06 us-0gb I want to probe for surface dungeons as well.
01:07 anunakki joined #minetest
01:07 us-0gb I might do that using a teleporting player though.
01:07 Peacock im not crazy about rigging a client as a bot to probe the map though
01:07 Hunterx689 joined #minetest
01:08 Hunterx689 HEY
01:08 Peacock id either have to set several of them up or make a queue system for everyone to take turns using it
01:08 us-0gb Yeah, me neither. It's a hacky way to do it, but as I only plan to probe once, it's a working solution in my case. It wouldn't work for you though.
01:09 Peacock ironically enough, i think force load was turned down because it faked the entity being a player, which is exactly what the lack of the feature is forcing us to do anyways lol
01:10 us-0gb That is amusing. Though if that was indeed the reason, I agree that it shouldn't be added.
01:10 paramat Peacock, i seem to remember the latest worldedit mod uses LVM in an alternative way to force load a larger volume of world, how much bigger i know not
01:11 Peacock well players are practically entities, the only difference is the world loads around players, so i dont see why it would such a big deal if entities had the same flag/option
01:12 Peacock true i could use lvm, but i'd constantly be loading and unloading chunks around the entity as the probe travels
01:12 Peacock a very hacky way of imitating what happens to players as they move
01:13 Peacock as it stands i think i'll just map the asteroids myself and let players claim them
01:14 paramat yeah i think the worldedit trick only loads a slightly larger area around the player, not sure it could cope with a distant automated probe
01:15 Peacock well i did want an exploratory aspect to the game, without necessarily letting people drift in random directions for hours lol
01:16 Peacock the only question now is whether to use protection blocks or sentinels
01:16 RealBadAngel Peacock, there was already pull with entities forcing load
01:16 * us-0gb votes for the blocks
01:17 Peacock my advanced power cells already emit a small quantity of lethal radiation, sentinels would emit enough to whack intruders
01:17 Peacock RBA yeah but it wasn't added so my probe idea will have to be shelved for now
01:18 Peacock the thing with protection blocks is i have to override minetest dig and place functions, sentinels would simply seek out and kill non friendlies
01:20 us-0gb Peacock, The protection block issue has been fixed in the unstable version, which is scheduled to go stable today.
01:20 Peacock i wouldn't use that one, i write almost everything from scratch suited to what i need for this game :P
01:20 Megaf I fuking hate minetest
01:20 Megaf fucking bugged
01:20 VanessaE ??
01:20 Megaf Im totally fed up with this
01:20 VanessaE what bug?
01:21 Peacock heck after trying 4-5 different broken craft guides i wrote my own in less time lol
01:21 Megaf everytime is finds a new reason to crash
01:21 VanessaE Megaf: actually,
01:21 Megaf now its crashing when Im rollbacking the griefers actions
01:22 VanessaE never had that happen before
01:22 Megaf I had minecraft servers for some months, do you now how many times did it crash?
01:22 Megaf NONE
01:22 VanessaE have you filed a github issue?
01:22 Megaf And now I just got a "Killed" on the terminal
01:22 kaeza lol
01:22 kaeza seems familiar
01:22 Peacock rollback? YouDontNeedThatâ„¢ WorksAsDesignedâ„¢ RFTMâ„¢ :P
01:22 Megaf how will I track that down?
01:23 VanessaE "killed" means your OS killed the process
01:23 VanessaE maybe out of memory or something
01:23 EvergreenTree Not minetest's fault
01:23 VanessaE have you filed a github issue?
01:23 VanessaE EvergreenTree: it is, if it's an inordinate amount of memory usage
01:23 EvergreenTree Right
01:23 Megaf I will have to fill my bank account, coz Im paying to have my servers
01:23 Megaf I wanted the best servers possible
01:24 Peacock lemme guess, rollback loads the whole log into memory?
01:24 Megaf but its not worth it
01:24 Renoki joined #minetest
01:24 VanessaE Megaf: have you filed a github issue or not!?
01:24 Megaf No I did not
01:24 VanessaE why not?
01:24 Peacock LowPriorityEnhancementâ„¢ :P
01:25 Megaf all bugs I had till now were known bugs
01:25 VanessaE how are the devs supposed to know about a bug unless you tell about it?
01:25 Megaf "they are fixed on the master branch"
01:25 Peacock most of the devs are on here as much as on #*-dev :P
01:25 Megaf the hell with the master and the 0.4.8, do you know what stable means?
01:25 Peacock megaf try 0.4.6, it was pretty solid for me
01:26 Megaf how do I get that?
01:26 Megaf theres the 0.4 branch
01:26 VanessaE Megaf: "the master branch" == github -dev
01:26 VanessaE as in download the fucking git sources
01:26 VanessaE instead of 'stable'
01:26 Megaf I give up
01:26 Peacock people like to say 0.4.7 is old, but latest doesn't always mean greatest
01:26 VanessaE 'stable' is five fucking months old and has had many improvements since it came otu
01:26 VanessaE out*
01:26 Megaf and still bugged
01:27 Megaf broken unban, bug on the players "mod"
01:27 VanessaE did you actually try?
01:27 VanessaE that shit's long since been fixed.
01:27 Megaf all fixed, on the master branch
01:27 kaeza >broken unban
01:27 kaeza O_o
01:27 Megaf yep
01:27 VanessaE download the fucking git sources!
01:27 kaeza update please
01:27 Megaf VanessaE, thats what I do
01:27 Megaf every fucking time
01:27 VanessaE 0.4.7-stable IS NOT CONSIDERED CURRENT.
01:27 kaeza stable is not stable
01:27 kaeza unstable is not unstable
01:27 VanessaE master branch, not stable branch
01:28 Megaf Minetest need a new manager
01:28 Megaf its totally lost
01:28 Peacock actually the head is fine, its the devs that work at cross purposes lol
01:28 VanessaE if you had downloaded the -dev branch, you would not be seeing those crashes.
01:28 VanessaE er master branch, -dev code, you know
01:29 Megaf VanessaE, I got the lastest source from git, yesterday
01:29 Megaf yesterday I downloaded the latest code for minetest, minetest_game and the latest versions of all mods I use
01:29 Megaf And compiled all over again
01:29 Megaf totally useless
01:29 Peacock always test before switching your server over, or you'll regret it lol
01:29 Megaf just seems like theres no quality control whatsoever
01:29 VanessaE but did you get the matser branch or 0.4.7-stable brancgh?
01:30 Megaf master
01:30 VanessaE impossible.
01:30 Megaf I tried a lot the latest 0.4 branch
01:30 VanessaE if you had, you would not be getting the /unban crash
01:30 Megaf but it kept crashing
01:30 VanessaE NOT the latest "0.4" branch!
01:30 VanessaE the MASTER branch
01:30 Megaf so I switched to master
01:31 VanessaE all right, what do you get from,  minetest --version
01:31 Megaf I had a whole new project on going, based on minetest,.
01:31 Megaf $ ./minetestserver --version
01:31 Megaf minetestserver 0.4.7-MegafServerV0.6
01:32 VanessaE this is not a git build.
01:32 VanessaE I mean, not a -dev build.
01:32 VanessaE what does it say when you build without changing the VERSION strings?
01:32 Megaf where the heck is that dev build?
01:32 Megaf theres not dev branch here
01:33 Peacock should be a download button tho
01:33 kaeza git clone
01:33 VanessaE "dev" and "master" are synonyms.
01:33 Megaf so, I always get the master one
01:33 VanessaE what does it say when you build without changing the VERSION strings?
01:33 kaeza yes
01:33 Rigo left #minetest
01:33 Megaf and usually, master means devel, that mean unstable, on working
01:33 Megaf stable means, well, STABLE
01:34 VanessaE not in minetest.
01:34 VanessaE what does it say when you build without changing the VERSION strings?
01:34 Megaf something that was tested and works
01:34 Megaf no idea
01:34 Megaf im not doing anything now
01:34 Megaf Im furious
01:34 Peacock well to be fair, git is synonymous with guinea pig in minetest :P
01:34 Megaf just the the heck of a grief on my spawn and cant rollback because this shit will crash
01:34 MrBeNNy joined #minetest
01:35 Peacock drop rollback and use protection
01:35 Megaf just get the heck*
01:35 VanessaE Megaf: for the fourth time, what does it say when you build without changing the VERSION strings?
01:35 Megaf Peacock, I use protection, but its worthless against buckes of lava and water and its sources
01:35 Peacock get rid of buckets
01:35 Megaf VanessaE, for the first time, I have no idea
01:35 Megaf Peacock, I did
01:35 Peacock you still have giveme and give for that
01:36 Megaf but since I have to recompile this everytime, sometimes it misses me
01:36 VanessaE Megaf: then undo your changes and try again.
01:36 Megaf and I forget to get rid of the buckets
01:36 Megaf then the buckets are on for just a couple of hours, and this idiots manage to find it and go and grief
01:36 Vargos joined #minetest
01:37 Peacock who's the idiot?
01:37 Megaf BlueFire, Emderman, Sleepy
01:37 kaeza lol
01:37 VanessaE Megaf: undo your G*d damned changes to the source code and give us a clean build and clean version message.
01:37 kaeza BlueFire
01:37 * VanessaE <--- fuming now
01:37 Megaf I still fuming
01:37 * Peacock <--- hummus now
01:38 Peacock well kaeza's got a public ban mod thats quite some ways more efficient than the shitty builtin ban system
01:38 Peacock and i got a geoip based on for geographically concentrated douchery
01:38 Peacock *one
01:38 Megaf VanessaE, why do you want to see my version? I told you, I got it from the master branch, YESTERDAY
01:39 Megaf wget -O master.tar.gz
01:39 Megaf thats how Im getting the source
01:39 VanessaE Megaf: because I want proof that you're building from the real master branch.  you are complaining about bugs that were fixed ages ago.
01:39 kaeza wget? O_o
01:39 kaeza use git
01:39 VanessaE that's a good start at least, but you changed the version string, so I can't see what commit you're at.
01:39 Megaf VanessaE, yes, those bugs are present on the "stable-0.4" branch
01:39 Megaf that I USED to use
01:40 Megaf Im no longer having the unban and player bugs
01:40 VanessaE ok, you were not clear about this
01:40 Megaf because since YESTERDAY im using the master branch
01:40 VanessaE you made it sound like you kept re-pulling git master and still getting those old bugs
01:40 Megaf however, I had never had any issue with rollback
01:40 Megaf and now all of the sudden I can no longer rollback
01:41 Peacock prevention is better than repair
01:41 VanessaE ok, so report the bug on github so the core devs can fix it
01:41 Megaf I think I will get rid of lava and water too
01:41 Megaf and fire
01:41 VanessaE and by the way, there already is a new rollback mechanism in the works
01:41 Peacock you still got fire? lol
01:41 VanessaE
01:42 Peacock fire = abm-rape
01:42 ShadowNinja Don't bother reporting bugs with rollback. A rewrite is comming...
01:42 VanessaE so your problem is being addressed.
01:42 VanessaE ShadowNinja: ninja'd.
01:43 Megaf thats like the v7 mapgen
01:43 Peacock Soonâ„¢
01:43 Megaf theres a option to use it but its not functional
01:44 Megaf minetest@li677-246:~/121113/games/minetest_game/mods$ ls
01:44 Megaf animated_furnace  currency   doors    flowers    mesecons    moreores   node_ownership  stained_glass  unifieddyes
01:44 Megaf coloredblocks     default    dye      homedecor  mines       moretrees  plantlife       stairs         wool
01:44 Megaf coloredwood       digilines  farming  jail       moreblocks  mushroom   sethome         streets
01:44 Megaf what else should I remove?
01:44 EvergreenTree Ehm, yes v7 is functional
01:44 Megaf streets and digilines
01:44 VanessaE v7 works perfectly fine for those who use it.
01:44 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Can you test that? Probably on a test world as the old rollback won't be deleted but new entries will only be aded to the SQLite log.
01:44 EvergreenTree And if you have a mod that uses it
01:44 VanessaE why the biomes aren't distributed with it, I can only defer to hmmmm
01:45 VanessaE ShadowNinja: I don't really have a test world suitable for it, but I can just deploy it easily enough and see if it works well
01:45 ShadowNinja VanessaE: And poke people in -dev to agree to it. ;-)
01:45 VanessaE (not suitable because nothing I have has much of a rollback log to test against)
01:46 VanessaE they won't listen to me to sign off on a merge, I'm not a core dev :)
01:46 Peacock heck half the ones they have can hardly agree lol
01:47 Miner_48er joined #minetest
01:47 Peacock MT could use a 5-year plan XD
01:47 Peacock first, we collectivize the farming mods :P
01:47 ShadowNinja VanessaE: I said poke, not agree to.
01:47 kaeza Minetest 13.04 LTS
01:47 VanessaE heh ok :)
01:48 VanessaE only need applied to the server?
01:48 Peacock LTS's might not be a bad idea
01:48 Peacock a version where shaky features aren't included (like common which was removed not long after its' introduction)
01:49 Peacock servers could definately use an LTS flavour of MT
01:49 Megaf thanks VanessaE and Peacock,
01:49 Megaf I was about to remove my server forever
01:49 Megaf im fixing the griefing by hand
01:49 VanessaE don't know that I did much, but you're welcome.
01:50 Peacock like i said, dump buckets, fire, and if protection sucks, get a better one
01:50 Megaf well, I came here furious and impolite and you tried to help me
01:50 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Yes.
01:50 kaeza happens
01:50 VanessaE Megaf: well I tried.  The thing you need to remember is that this is a free, unpaid project, so we're allowed to break it now and then :P
01:50 Peacock business as usual lol
01:51 Peacock ItsFreeSoYouCantComplainâ„¢ :P
01:51 kaeza most of the time they just go "fak u" and blanking posts :P
01:51 VanessaE no, he can complain, he just has to give lots of time for those complaints to be heeded :)
01:51 * kaeza points at 4aiman
01:51 VanessaE kaeza: suddenly:  forum attachments :)
01:51 Peacock yeah and the minute people realize they can't delete them, they'll use the old methods lol
01:52 Peacock because if you can't even control your own files, why bother? lol
01:52 VanessaE kaeza: imho, it shall be forum policy to copy a mod release into an attachment to the first post for that mod if the poster starts showing signs of just disappearing or pulling a jordan4ibanez.
01:52 ShadowNinja VanessaE: How many entries does your largest log have? ("wc -l rollback.txt")
01:52 VanessaE (I can't say 'pulling a cornernote' because he came back :) )
01:53 VanessaE ShadowNinja: 522148 /home/minetest/.minetest/worlds/Creative_World/rollback.txt
01:53 Peacock well, the more the project tries to assert control over modders and their works, the fewer modders there are, that's surely not a coincidence
01:53 VanessaE that's the largest one at present
01:53 kaeza VanessaE, seems feasible
01:53 VanessaE Peacock: the more the modders act like little babies and 'take their ball and go home', the more the forum mods will assert some control over their works.
01:54 Megaf VanessaE, My girlfriend is learning to code and make minetest mods (because of me), can you tell me how the moretrees works?
01:54 Peacock well, it is their ball
01:54 kaeza VanessaE, it also reduces chances of another "omp ate my filez"
01:54 VanessaE the supposed 'right to be forgotten' as I understand is written into German law, is not recognized on the forum, afaik
01:54 VanessaE kaeza: +10000000
01:54 Peacock no but copyright is recognized internationally
01:54 Megaf VanessaE, I mean, are those trees generated each time or you built them first?
01:55 VanessaE Megaf: well in short, moretrees uses the plants_lib library to decide where the trees will be placed and under what conditions they can grow.  Moretrees provides the models, which are constructed in realtime
01:55 VanessaE they are procedurally generated.
01:55 Peacock but hey, you dont have to take my word for it, simply enjoy the dwindling amount of new mods :P
01:55 VanessaE brbb
01:55 Megaf hm
01:56 ShadowNinja VanessaE: The bigest I can get(by cating two logs) is 15403963.
01:57 VanessaE Peacock: an artifact of the genre waning a bit and minetest not having had a new stable release in nearly half a year.
01:58 Peacock alot of creative people have been leaving before the last stable version came out, you can believe that if you want, but i dont personally think that's the cause
01:58 VanessaE Peacock: the licenses allowed in forum Mod releases do not generally allow the author to revoke the license.
01:58 VanessaE this is a copyright law issue.
01:58 VanessaE this is why we only allow free, open source licenses.
01:58 Peacock and that's why i no longer contribute either :P rba wanted me to work on technic and i had to say no lol
01:58 VanessaE once it's out there, it stays out there.  that's the core meaning of things like the GPL or cc-by-sa
01:58 VanessaE ShadowNinja: big log :)
01:58 Megaf VanessaE, so, theres an algorithm for each tree that generate them
01:58 Megaf right?
01:58 VanessaE Megaf: correct.
01:59 VanessaE they're in the 'models' file.
01:59 VanessaE tree_models.lua I think it is.
01:59 VanessaE they use L-Systems syntax, which is like LOGO but in 3d
01:59 VanessaE (well like LOGO transformed into Brainfuck, in 3d ;) )
02:00 VanessaE ShadowNinja: I am ready to deploy that pull to my servers.  safe?
02:00 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Yes, but you will have to wait a minute for it to convert.
02:00 VanessaE ok
02:04 VanessaE ok, all five servers have been updated.
02:15 VanessaE good, all of my usual patches to the client work together with your, sapier's, and kahrl's latest changes
02:15 * VanessaE is happy
02:18 Megaf good night
02:19 kaeza nite
02:22 OldCoder c u
02:28 VanessaE hm, HDX 512px is rather slow (10 fps, view range of 30 at the spawn on Survival), even with all these client patches, but its playable
02:28 paramat hmmmm, proller, issue 1005 is much improved default settings for floatland perlin noise 1, please can this be merged for 0.4.8?
02:28 VanessaE fps goes up when I ...oh, maybe entities.
02:29 VanessaE 412 of them near the spawn.
02:32 paramat ... the new settings have been tested in my own flolands mod
02:34 ShadowNinja lol, I tried a big rollback log with SQLite rollback and it overflowed the int used to store the filesize.
02:44 * paramat cant post in minetest-dev =/ (unsurprisingly)
02:45 kaeza paramat, get a real client!
02:59 thexyz iqualfragile: Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
03:00 thexyz hmmm... I guess we still don't have !tell in the bot
03:01 Peacock ze bot only recently stopped kicking for obscenely small amounts of flooding lol
03:01 VanessaE paramat: [He|X]chat Is Your Friendâ„¢
03:01 Peacock (which isn't really flooding if each line is different)
03:01 VanessaE er [Hex|X]
03:01 Peacock xchat
03:01 paramat thanks
03:01 thexyz on the other hand, sfan5 was working on the new rainbow feature very hard
03:02 Peacock hexchat is rape on the eyes
03:02 thexyz
03:02 * paramat has very sensitive eyes
03:02 kaeza wut
03:03 kaeza Peacock, I've seen no real difference between hexchat and xcaht
03:03 Peacock
03:03 kaeza (from the UI perspective that is)
03:03 Peacock well last time i used hexchat it didn't use system colors/themes at all
03:04 Peacock thats just as annoying as java apps in windows lol
03:11 kaeza it uses the Gtk+2 theme
03:11 kaeza
03:12 Peacock well it looked weird on my archbang setup, havent tried it since switching to crunchbang
03:13 Peacock chances are i wont be sticking with crunchbang much longer either though, debian repos annoy and are outdated lol
03:15 Peacock i might give mint another shot
03:15 Peacock the xfce version, if there is one
03:18 KingsleyT Peacock: might want to give elementaryOS a try too
03:18 KingsleyT I'm pretty happy with it
03:18 Peacock i tried that 2-3 years ago
03:18 Peacock for awhile it felt like the devs lost interest
03:19 Peacock though #! suffers from the same problem at times
03:19 kaeza try ReactOS *evil laugh*
03:19 KingsleyT nah, they're gearing up for their third release right now
03:19 Peacock thats why i dont like derivs of derivs of derivs, the closer you are to the root, the likelier things are up to date
03:20 Peacock reactOS, youre kidding me right? :P
03:20 us-0gb joined #minetest
03:21 kaeza I've fiddled a bit with it, still need to try any comples app on there
03:21 kaeza -s+x
03:21 Peacock
03:22 Peacock it's a bad soviet joke on windows lol
03:23 paramat hey Peacock, i know you've started a world but the new asteroid mod mapgen is a huge improvement :) also i'll be writing the LVM / perlinnoisemap version soon
03:24 paramat its cool you brought my attention to it, i left it in an embarassingly bad state, however unfortunately (for you) that means i started changing it heh
03:25 Peacock well its no biggie i got shit tons to do on my game on my side too lol
03:27 Peacock currently trying to figure out this lvm shield gen lol
03:28 paramat non-ongen LVM use?
03:28 Peacock pretty much lol
03:28 paramat that requires a different method of using LVM (as far as i know)
03:29 Peacock well i'll soon find out, just wrapped up the prototype
03:29 paramat ive seen this different method in Sokom'nes villages mod and worldedit mod
03:30 paramat dunno much about it though
03:33 Peacock seems youre right lol
03:33 Peacock vm returned nil
03:34 Peacock though i just spotted some bad code in the villages mod
03:35 Peacock could run get_content_id once outside of the triple loop, instead of on each iteration
03:38 paramat the new asteroid mod mapgen will blow your mind ... maybe, i guess you may be beyond the blowing of mind
03:39 Peacock i guess ittl depend on how many differences remain once i reimplement my changes - different ores, no liquids in all i mean
03:42 Peacock im looking for the MC screenshot im basing my game on but i cant find it :/
03:43 Peacock its got a mix of a few big asteroids and alot of small ones in between
03:43 us_0gb joined #minetest
03:44 Peacock for my game i'd figure the small ones would be good for resource extraction while the big ones serve to setup colonies/bases
03:50 paramat mmm ... my mod isnt too good at creating lots of small ones between larger ones, although increasing persistence will help with that
03:51 Peacock ive been playing around alot with the settings :-)
03:51 paramat good
03:53 Peacock id have to setup a table of presets
03:54 paramat ... what i could do is have 2 3D noises, one for small bodies and one for big and rare, they would also intersect which could be fun
03:55 paramat i think it might be fairly easy to derive this too :)
03:56 paramat im cetainly happy to do *some* customisation to your requirements, so feel free to let me know what those are
03:57 Peacock well ideally i just want players to be able to see the next asteroid so they can build towards it, and from there maybe spot the next one
03:58 Peacock so far i've managed to either make *lots* of tiny asteroids, or *lots* of big asteroids stuck close together
03:59 Peacock ahah! like this:
04:00 Peacock couldnt find screens but i found the vid
04:00 * paramat looks
04:00 EmmetCooper joined #minetest
04:01 nadnadnad joined #minetest
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04:04 paramat just awesome ... 8P'
04:04 Peacock i mean the present settings would be fine if i could setup probes, but for lack of probes, i need the players to see something to build torwards, otherwise my game will probably suck lol
04:05 paramat the small asteroids look good, will definately need a 2nd noise, easy enough to do :) im now inspired to work on this
04:05 Peacock well thats the vid that inspired on space-based voxel game in the first place :P
04:05 paramat max separation of ... ? nodes
04:06 Peacock well the next asteroid needs to be within view range, size doesn't matter
04:06 Peacock so long as players can build a bridge to the next one, and spot the next one from there
04:06 paramat 64-128 perhaps
04:09 paramat yep, 2 noises means i can guarantee close small structures but still have the really big epic ones
04:09 EmmetCooper left #minetest
04:09 Peacock well if that's what it takes i'm all for it :-)
04:10 paramat on my slow laptop im often down to 64 nodes view range so i'll go with very roughly that
04:10 Peacock my whole map is asteroids, nothing else :-)
04:10 paramat oh you want no comets
04:10 Peacock naw i want a mix of ice and stone
04:11 Peacock since both are important to setting up a base/colony
04:11 paramat okay good, the new comets are now dirty snowballs
04:11 paramat so they have ores
04:11 Peacock need the ice/snow to do algea farming, stone/dust/ores for construction materials
04:13 Hunterz joined #minetest
04:15 paramat new comet interior the bigger they are the more stone blended towards the centre
04:16 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
04:20 Peacock nice
04:27 Peacock omg fuck this lvm bullshit, the old method works fine until a plain english version comes out lol
04:28 Peacock (ive never seen such a convoluted way to generation a simple sphere lol)
04:28 Peacock *generate
04:49 DarinM1967 joined #minetest
04:49 paramat heh ^_^
04:50 DarinM1967 Hey everyone!  If anyone is familar with "Simply Mobs", please let me know.  I've created a "Brute Mutant" monster for the "Wastelands" mod and for some reason most of the time they won't attack me in "Enable Damage" mode.
04:51 DarinM1967 Sorry I think it's called "Simple Mobs".
04:51 VanessaE DarinM1967:
04:52 VanessaE oh wait, you already got it :P
04:52 DarinM1967 Thanks VanessE I'll review it again.  Maybe I missed something about passive monsters.
04:54 DarinM1967 How's your night going VanessaE?  I've been working on making the "Wastelands" an more interesting "Survival Mod" by adding mobs like my "Brute Mutant" and rats, which are included in "Simple Mobs", but made them very rare and a good secondary source of food.
04:55 VanessaE it's going okay
04:56 DarinM1967 Cool!
04:57 Peacock ah no seriously, i wish there was a simple tutorial on how to draw a bloody sphere with lvm lol because the old way seems much simpler
04:57 DarinM1967 My brute mutant is a modified "Character.blend", that has a "zombie" like texture, but way more vicious looking and a lot bigger.  They can barely get through a doorway, which is want I wanted.
04:58 DarinM1967 I exported it as a .b3d so that it's smaller in size.  I added both a random sound and a attack sound too.
04:58 kaeza Peacock, try looking at Shadow's nuke mod
05:03 Peacock whats it called?
05:03 Peacock im only finding sfan's on google
05:04 kaeza I guess that's the one then
05:10 Peacock doesn't seem so :( well i'll call it quits on lvm tonight and watch man of steel, ttyl
05:15 DarinM1967 VanessaE I'm upto page 10 and still nothing about monster mobs only attacking sometimes.  Do you use "Simple Mobs" on your server or single player game?
05:16 VanessaE I use it on both creative and survival servers - creative is non-hostile only, so I get only rats and sheep
05:16 VanessaE survival is the full mod, so there are sand, dirt, stone monsters, tree monsters, oerkkis and DM's I think
05:17 VanessaE Nostalgia has its own set of mobs - namely the old 2d oerkkis, DMs and rats.
05:17 kaeza off to bed, night all
05:17 VanessaE night
05:18 DarinM1967 Night Kaeza. Take care now.
05:19 lamefun joined #minetest
05:21 DarinM1967 Yes VanessaE in creative mode the monsters are not hostile.  My issue is in "Damage Enable" mode only.  Initially I went in creative to give myself 5 brute mutants to spawn in "enable damage" mode, which I did at night.  The first one I spawned went right after me, which I later killed with a stone sword.  I was tested how fast they move, their attack sound, the amount of damage they cause.  After I killed him,
05:21 DarinM1967 I created another which just wondered around like I wasn't there.  I killed him and created another, which did the samething as did the other 2 I created later.
05:22 DarinM1967 I also went to one of the ruins, which is where they normally spawn at night.  There were two brutes.  One tried to attack me, but couldn't figure out how to jump up out of the ruin and the other who had gotten out, was wondering around like I wasn't there.
05:37 DarinM1967 Has anyone else having similar issues with their monster mobs in "Simple Mobs"?
05:46 lamefun left #minetest
05:51 DarinM1967 VanessaE when is usually a good time to come to this room?  I'm usually a late night person, but when I come here, I see a lot of nicks, but very, very few conversations.
05:52 DarinM1967 Also have you tried Blockmen's "Wasteland" mod? I think it's cool!  I'm working on adding some mobs and additional mods to it and giving it a story with goals.
05:55 DarinM1967 It will be like "MineCraft" meets "Fallout" where surviving won't be the only objective.  I'd like to have it where through the help of the player the world will be returned to it's beautiful, natural and lively state from the devasted mutantation infested world and desolated world it will start at. :)
05:58 khor joined #minetest
06:03 DarinM1967 Hey Khor.  How you doing tonight?
06:09 darkrose joined #minetest
06:11 DarinM1967 Hey Darkrose how's your night going?
06:26 VanessaE DarinM1967: any time is fine, but expect it to get pretty quiet between about 1am and 7am GMT.
06:27 DarinM1967 Okay VanessaE thank you!  So how's your server doing? Do you run only one? How many players can a server hold at one time btw?
06:29 VanessaE I run five, they seem to be doing okay, but aren't played on much
06:29 VanessaE except for the realtest one, that stays somewhat active.
06:29 VanessaE the others are quiet, but still get a few players now and then
06:30 VanessaE mostly it's because I run development builds from source and most people don't, so version incompatibilities I assume is why
06:30 VanessaE I figure when 0.4.8 comes out I'll see a surge of players.
06:38 Miner_48er when will it come out?
06:39 VanessaE dunno
06:39 VanessaE end of November probably
06:39 VanessaE that's the plan, but that is subject to change
06:43 sfan5 thexyz: yes, I'll add !tell
06:48 Hunterz joined #minetest
06:52 TheLastProject joined #minetest
06:54 DarinM1967 So what was the highest number of players you've had on Realtest VanessaE?
06:54 VanessaE I don't recall
06:54 VanessaE maybe a dozen on the Nostalgia server, then suddenly everyone just disappeared.
06:55 DarinM1967 Was just curious.  I'm on satelite internet so I can't play realtime anything.  Probably one of the reason's I'm working on modifying the "Wastelands" into a more richer game.
07:00 NakedFury joined #minetest
07:01 DarinM1967 Well VanessaE I'm upto "Simple Mobs" page 24 and found out why they don't jump up a block to pursue, but haven't seen anything that would make them just ignore me sometimes while attacking me once in awhile.
07:01 DarinM1967 I'm still reading because it might be up a few more pages.
07:05 VanessaE you'll probably have to code a patch for simple mobs them - I know sometimes the most hostile of the mobs (seems to be the sand monster) ust don't bother to attack, so there must be, if not a feature, then a bug you can exploit :)
07:08 DarinM1967 Okay, I found information about it finally on page: 26.  I'm reviewing it now. :)
07:08 VanessaE then*
07:17 darkrose joined #minetest
07:21 DarinM1967 Yea it's a bug in PilzAdam's code.  He confirmed it on 2013-10-15.
07:24 DarinM1967 It appears that EletricSolstice made a fork.  I'm going to download it and check it out.  Might be what I'm looking for. :)
07:32 KingsleyT joined #minetest
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07:48 DarinM1967 VanessaE I tested the "Simple Mob" fork .api and it works like a charm.  Every monster mob tries to pursue me and they will jump up a block to get me.
07:48 VanessaE good deal
07:51 DarinM1967 Yea now I can properly test my brute mutant and get started on making the rats look more like rats and not mice.  Here's the link VanessaE in case you want it for your servers:
07:53 OldCoder joined #minetest
07:54 rsiska joined #minetest
07:56 VanessaE I'll look at it later.
07:56 VanessaE for now, I'm off to bed.
07:57 VanessaE good morning, OldCoder
07:57 VanessaE night all
07:57 OldCoder Hi
07:57 OldCoder VanessaE, Good night
08:03 DarinM1967 Good night VanessaE and take care. :)
08:08 DarinM1967 Hey OldCoder do you use "Simple Mobs"?
08:21 Fadi joined #minetest
08:21 Fadi 1
08:21 Fadi Hello
08:27 reactor joined #minetest
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08:46 CaveJohnson joined #minetest
08:48 DarinM1967 hey Fadi.
09:00 Annahstas joined #minetest
09:02 Annahstas Hey VanessaE- Do you know if Dan did any updates tot he server?
09:02 Annahstas to the*
09:04 rsiska joined #minetest
09:35 darkrose joined #minetest
09:42 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day! :-D
09:46 reactor joined #minetest
09:46 reactor joined #minetest
09:49 reactor Hello, and again welcome to the Aperture Science coenricentre.chmentmputer-aided
10:14 proller joined #minetest
10:15 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:16 Megaf joined #minetest
10:30 reactor Anyone doing OpenMP?
10:33 Megaf Good Morning
10:33 Megaf any idea how to make minetest client actually cache textures and media? So it wouldnt have to get everything again each login?
10:55 john_minetest joined #minetest
10:57 reactor There are no kittens here.
10:57 reactor john_minetest: hello everyfool.
11:00 reactor I feel offended by your message.
11:00 reactor
11:01 reactor Because.
11:02 reactor Most people don't like being called cute.
11:02 reactor Because it imples being stupid.
11:03 reactor Any animal, compared to human, is stupid.
11:05 reactor I would also argue that any human, compared to a more or less powerful computer, is stupid, at least logically and mathematically.
11:05 reactor Humans kill each other for a reason.
11:05 Thorn_ There's always a reason
11:07 reactor There is not always an external reason.
11:07 reactor Your examples are internal, subjective reasons.
11:07 reactor But they're reasons.
11:08 reactor Whether it's right or wrong to rely on subjective arguments is another question.
11:10 reactor I would say, eh. Only mentally ill people kill for no reason.
11:10 reactor Mentally ill animals can kill for no reason.
11:10 reactor Ever heard of killer sharks?
11:12 reactor There still are deranged sharks.
11:12 reactor Like there are deranged humans.
11:12 reactor But there are more deranged humans, due to cacogenics.
11:13 reactor That's another story.
11:13 Thorn_ I'm going to kill you both for arguing on the internet and being deranged isn't going to be a prerequirement
11:13 * Thorn_ stabs reactor and john
11:13 reactor Good luck finding us, chump.
11:14 * reactor sparks.
11:15 reactor If there were too many rats on the planet, their population would destroy itself, too.
11:16 reactor That's the problem. There are way too many humans, and the percentage of ones with bad genes is too high.
11:16 reactor Do you think sane people would behave like that?
11:18 reactor Also, do you fucking think deranged ones (the ones who do kill for no reason, in particular) are worth being called human beings?
11:18 reactor Maybe they're not worth being alive at all?
11:19 reactor Maybe they are better off becoming coal substitute, or test subjects!
11:19 reactor Or being taken apart for replacement organs.
11:20 reactor Who said "racism", how it's defined by those politically correct morons is a bad thing?
11:20 reactor It's alright not to accept foreign cultures.
11:20 reactor It's alright not to like different kind of people being in your country.
11:21 reactor I also don't get it why you Germans still bear that guilt complex.
11:21 q66 joined #minetest
11:21 reactor You don't.
11:22 reactor If you don't close your borders for the Turkish, for example, Germany is not gonna be Germany soon.
11:22 reactor People usually don't want to learn local language, traditions, etc.
11:22 reactor Bullshit.
11:23 reactor There are many young native people in European countries.
11:23 reactor Why not.
11:24 reactor THe world is overpopulated.
11:24 reactor s/TH/Th/
11:24 reactor If you didn't let these in, you would have more place for your own people.
11:24 reactor s/place/space/
11:24 TheLastProject joined #minetest
11:24 reactor It is..
11:25 reactor How would you explain why most food is filled with chemical substitutes nowadays?
11:25 reactor Isn't that because there is not enough food anymore?
11:25 reactor Aha.
11:25 reactor You're saying we should let the Chinese in?
11:25 reactor That would effectively turn our country into Chinese colony.
11:26 reactor And they they would claim us to be their territory.
11:26 reactor And force locals to learn their language.
11:27 reactor So you say other countries should come over and take Russian territory? No, thanks.
11:28 reactor Also, if the world was not overpopulated, there would be job for everyone.
11:29 reactor What we have now is almost half people are unemployed or have jobs totally unrelated to their education.
11:29 reactor And there would be enough other stuff beside food for everyone.
11:30 reactor Wasn't it?
11:30 reactor I don't know about you, but our family lived well during socialism.
11:31 reactor We are broke-ass now.
11:31 reactor It's better than having lots of stuff lying on shelves because people can't buy it.
11:32 reactor It wouldn't.
11:32 reactor All it takes is reducing the population to sustainable level.
11:33 reactor "stupid extremists" have a point. At least, they contribute to reducing population. Heh.
11:34 reactor Those who killed the USSR will regret it.
11:35 reactor Because there is no one to oppose the USA now.
11:35 reactor s/one /country/
11:35 reactor s/yto/y to/
11:36 reactor Bullshit. Russia is American, Chinese and every fucking one's colony.
11:41 MinetestBot GIT: commited to minetest/minetest: Improved default settings for floatland perlin noise 1. Larger, more detailed floatlands. 9a750450ed 2013-11-14T03:38:32-08:00
11:41 reactor bloatlands
11:42 proller john_minetest, russia keep 400-500B$ in usa, and cant oppose
11:44 thexyz- joined #minetest
11:45 thexyz- sfan5: how was it?
11:47 reactor Heck.
11:47 reactor I would so much like to break out of this shithole and go count my days in Switzerland.
11:49 thexyz- what's stopping you?
11:49 reactor By the way, john_minetest. What are professors' wages at your uni?
11:49 reactor thexyz-: I'm broke as hell.
11:50 reactor I don't see how I would make money as theoretical physicist in this pisshole.
11:50 reactor Our country doesn't appreciate scientists' work.
11:50 cisoun joined #minetest
11:51 reactor Interesting. Why did the person I know tell me to go to Germany then?
11:51 reactor How about medical service there, john_minetest?
11:51 reactor Do they fix you for free there?
11:52 reactor How about non-life-threatening problems?
11:52 reactor In Russia, they charge for treating them.
11:53 reactor Let me guess. By Hitler?
11:53 reactor He made a lot for the country back then.
11:53 reactor Oh.
11:54 reactor I read that.
11:54 reactor Bismarck, then Hindenburg?
12:01 anunakki joined #minetest
12:01 reactor The only shit he did is the war.
12:01 reactor And murder.
12:02 reactor But war would being Germany new territories if he had known where to stop.
12:03 reactor Russia is too much to chew on in a single bite.
12:04 reactor True that.
12:05 reactor Well, if he had by some miracle managed to get Russia, we would be better off now.
12:05 reactor France got pwned in pieces.
12:06 reactor Because there would be a bit more Ordnung in Russia.
12:06 reactor Plus we wouldn't have to survive what nappened in 1991.
12:07 reactor USSR was great, but it didn't end well. Its governing structures become increasingly corrupted in the eighties.
12:08 reactor Rather, it all started in late seventies: Brezhnew was not very well in his last years mentally.
12:09 reactor Because of that, corruption arose.
12:10 reactor Also, it was not Gorbi who killed the country, but he always gets blamed by layman. It was Yeltsin.
12:15 Fadi
12:15 Fadi what does this mean
12:16 TheLastProject Fadi: Probably some mod trying to use an undefined variable
12:16 reactor john_minetest: btw. Imlenau?
12:16 reactor s/mlen/lmen/
12:18 Fadi :|
12:19 Fadi TheLastProject it's something from my code and ye it's my mod doing that
12:19 Fadi says it's in lne 247 but nothing wrong with it tbh
12:19 TheLastProject Nah, that line is fine\
12:20 TheLastProject The variable "fuel" just doesn't seem to be created in that context and your mod tries to read/modify it
12:20 TheLastProject Not sure how Lua works, but the point is that you'll have to define "fuel" somewhere :P
12:21 TheLastProject (Could also be you have it defined but in a place where that part of your code can't access it)
12:21 TheLastProject Maybe someone else can help you, I have to go now :P
12:22 Fadi alrighty thanks and cya
12:22 * Fadi pokes kaeza in the eye with a banana
12:24 reactor Sometimes a banana is just a banana.
12:25 Fadi sometimes a banana is just a cucumber
12:28 sfan5 thexyz: how was what?
12:28 sfan5 hi everyone btw
12:32 reactor hi sfan5
12:33 IceCraft hi
12:36 Fadi hi
12:41 paramat joined #minetest
13:00 kaeza mornings
13:01 reactor Good owning.
13:01 reactor Weren't you already here, kaeza?
13:03 * kaeza puts a default:apple on Fadi's head
13:03 kaeza reactor, bouncer
13:03 reactor Oh, that.
13:04 reactor I once considered installing one.
13:04 reactor But meh. My disks would overflow with channel logs that I never participated in.
13:04 reactor Other than logging channels 24/7, I don't see any use.
13:05 reactor (Oh, and being available for IRC and IM 24/7, which is quite useful)
13:05 reactor ((IM, in case you have an IRC-to-IM gateway))
13:07 * sfan5 puts Derpy Hooves on kaeza's head
13:08 reactor Of course they are different.
13:08 reactor But the difference is more clear if you call them "base system" and "user packages".
13:08 reactor You don't need GNOME preinstalled.
13:09 reactor Or office.
13:09 reactor The user will choose to install them on their own.
13:09 reactor Whereas, say, everyone needs shell.
13:09 reactor Or a package manager.
13:10 reactor What everyone (I mean absolutely every fucking one!) needs should be in the base system.
13:10 reactor What only some people need should be in packages.
13:10 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
13:11 reactor For example, I don't give a single French word about D-Bus. I don't need it.
13:11 reactor Why should it be in the base?
13:13 reactor I'm not gonna repeat myself.
13:14 reactor Not only these.
13:14 reactor Also cron and vi.
13:14 reactor But not only them.
13:14 reactor Yes.
13:14 reactor How are you supposed to run periodic maintenance?
13:14 reactor It is.
13:14 reactor Some things should be done periodically unattended.
13:14 reactor It is not.
13:14 reactor For reliable operation, it is mandatory.
13:15 reactor Windows is the system that does not maintain itself periodically.
13:15 reactor No they can't.
13:15 reactor You at least need ed.
13:15 reactor But in the era of video terminals, vi is a lot better than ed.
13:15 reactor echo and cat are not editors
13:16 kahrl joined #minetest
13:16 reactor I would say, most, if not all, of what is included in base *BSD, should be in base.
13:16 reactor AND maintained by the same team as the kernel.
13:17 reactor john_minetest: that is not enough.
13:17 reactor You at least need sed or awk to change things in already existing files.
13:17 reactor But that still would be slower than usign ed.
13:17 reactor Yes.
13:17 reactor Otherwise it's a mess as it is.
13:17 reactor But fuck Linux.
13:18 reactor It's a mess, and it always has been. A poor clone of UNIX.
13:18 reactor It is UNIX.
13:18 reactor The idea is the same.
13:18 reactor I would rather say, an implementation of UNIX.
13:19 reactor Or a fork.
13:19 reactor Not a clone, though.
13:19 reactor BSD <=> evolution; Linux <=> revolution.
13:20 reactor History has proven thousands of times evolution is better.
13:20 reactor john_minetest: that argument is unfounded.
13:20 reactor s/argument/claim/
13:20 reactor Some custom shit hardware may be.
13:21 reactor NetBSD runs on all that.
13:21 reactor Or on most of that.
13:22 reactor Modern BSD don't support the 11.
13:24 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:25 reactor Many systems also run BSD.
13:26 reactor Why not.
13:26 reactor Reduced, but a little less reduced?
13:26 reactor By the way. Ever wanted to build an ARM-based machine?
13:28 proller reactor, no problem on 4-8 cores
13:28 reactor proller: context?
13:29 proller build
13:29 reactor proller: you're doing hardware design?
13:30 Fadi can anyone help me with
13:30 reactor john_minetest: you're crazy.
13:30 reactor Just try BSD.
13:31 reactor It's not worth it making your own OS.
13:31 reactor The cost is too high.
13:31 reactor Yes. Time is priceless.
13:31 kaeza Fadi, there's no line 247 in your code
13:31 reactor And you're gonna waste it.
13:31 kaeza can you pastebin the full file?
13:32 reactor Oh man.
13:33 reactor You must have too much free time or something.
13:33 reactor s/free/spare/
13:33 Fadi okay
13:33 reactor Why not dedicate it to learning programming?
13:33 reactor What languages?
13:33 reactor Why don't you learn FORTRAN?
13:33 Fadi
13:34 Fadi learn C#
13:34 reactor FORTRAN is widely used in science.
13:34 Fadi well if you're into software development
13:35 kaeza lol C#
13:35 kaeza better learn *plain* C or C++
13:35 reactor If you're into software development, you should learn C and FORTRAN even better.
13:35 reactor Because there is already much crappy software in esoteric languages.
13:36 Fadi lol C
13:36 reactor C++ is confusing as hell.
13:36 reactor Object programming is.
13:37 reactor Functional programming is easier to get, imho.
13:37 kaeza Fadi, add "if not fuel then return end" before line 247
13:39 Fadi done well now it's another thing
13:39 Fadi ;-;
13:39 Fadi
13:41 Wuzzy joined #minetest
13:41 FreeFull Functional programming is beautiful
13:41 FreeFull Object oriented programming often ends up being abstraction just for the sake of abstraction
13:41 FreeFull Does C++ even do message passing?
13:42 kaeza Fadi, see line 43
13:42 Fadi doesn't seem anything wrong with it to me
13:43 kaeza >frismod.furnace_inactive_formspec
13:43 reactor That's why I say fuck C++, john_minetest.
13:43 reactor C is quite enough on itself.
13:43 kaeza where is the `frismod ' table defined?
13:43 * kaeza highfives reactor o/
13:43 Fadi oh
13:43 Fadi sheit
13:43 reactor \o
13:44 reactor Object-oriented programming is BDSM.
13:47 Fadi I fixed it but now if I open the furnace it crashes minetest
13:47 Fadi lol
13:51 kaeza delete debug.txt, reproduce the error, and pastebin the new debug output
13:55 Fadi I fixed it
13:55 Fadi :p
13:55 kaeza good :)
13:56 Fadi Do you know a way of making a furnace only function with one type of fuel?
14:00 kaeza override allow_metadata_inventory_put
14:01 Fadi thanks
14:01 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
14:04 EvergreenTree sfan5, Nice channel topic.   :P
14:07 reactor ?
14:08 Megaf joined #minetest
14:09 Fadi kaeza, that froze my game
14:09 Fadi xd
14:09 Megaf 11:43:22: ERROR[main]: ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: ServerError: LuaError: error: .../../games/minetest_game/mods/node_ownership/init.lua:175: attempt to index local 'pos' (a nil value)
14:09 Megaf 11:43:22: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:
14:09 Megaf is there any other good kind of protection?
14:10 kaeza Fadi, read the text
14:10 kaeza Megaf, try Zeg9's protector, or ShadowNinja's areas
14:12 Fadi o
14:12 Fadi I kinda fixed it
14:12 Fadi but managed not to let anything be put in as the fuel
14:12 Fadi lol
14:13 reactor Wanna be put in it as the fuel?
14:14 reactor Cal 8-XXX-APERTURE
14:14 sfan5 EvergreenTree: thanks :P
14:15 reactor s/al/all/
14:15 pitriss I want to ask.. How is it witht that basic node protection in latest git? Is it already in master? Does it need any mod to use that?
14:25 * sfan5 's inbox is currently being spammed by facebook notifications because someone marked me in a post..
14:25 sfan5 s/me/him/
14:26 kaeza sfan has FB? O_o
14:26 sfan5 yes
14:27 * kaeza puts on sfan5's head
14:27 * sfan5 puts a kitten on kaeza's head
14:27 * sfan5 throws a kitten at sfan5
14:28 sfan5 plol
14:28 sfan5 wrong button
14:28 kaeza plol
14:29 reactor facefuck
14:32 AspireMint joined #minetest
14:33 rubenwardy joined #minetest
14:33 Fadi doesn't look that bad eh?
14:34 sfan5 a special furnace? nice!
14:35 Fadi lol
14:35 Fadi what do you think about the textures
14:35 reactor Human-powered furnace.
14:36 Fadi btw is there some sort of redstone mod?
14:37 reactor YEAH! IN YOUR FACE!
14:37 Fadi joined #minetest
14:37 Fadi <Fadi> btw is there some sort of redstone mod?01
14:38 proller mesecons
14:38 reactor </Fadi>
14:39 Fadi wat
14:39 Fadi oh I see
14:39 kaeza <div><b><i>reactor</b></i></span>
14:41 reactor kaeza: unmatched
14:41 rubenwardy <b> & <i> are obsolete!
14:42 kaeza rubenwardy,
14:43 kaeza :<
14:45 Fadi joined #minetest
14:45 TheLastProject joined #minetest
14:55 rsiska joined #minetest
15:02 Fadi so I've set my ore to generate in the world, yet it doesn't generate, I'm sure I did everything the right way
15:02 Fadi help
15:06 ShadowNinja ~later tell Peacock My nuke mod (With LVM) is at
15:06 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: The operation succeeded.
15:11 Fadi I feel lek asking this question before but if I put a .zip in the mods folder, will the game read the contents inside of it?
15:12 zat joined #minetest
15:15 sfan5 Fadi: no
15:26 Fadi alrighty
15:27 iqualfragile joined #minetest
15:27 thexyz sfan5: steins;gate, how was it?
15:27 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
15:27 thexyz iqualfragile: you probably didn't see my response
15:27 thexyz iqualfragile: you should watch Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
15:28 iqualfragile thexyz: no, i did not see it, how did that happen?
15:28 thexyz well you was offline
15:29 iqualfragile so you answered like 4 hours later?
15:29 iqualfragile ok
15:30 iqualfragile i will take a look at it
15:32 thexyz yeah, you know, I was sleeping
15:33 proller joined #minetest
15:36 sfan5 thexyz: the first 4 episodes were good
15:36 sfan5 but now the website of the fansub group is down..
15:38 thexyz what subs are you watching?
15:39 sfan5
15:39 sfan5 the ddl still works but didn't reset the daily upload counter yet
15:39 sfan5 download*
15:40 thexyz oh so local ones
15:40 thexyz also >hardsub
15:40 sfan5 yes, hardsubs are bad
15:41 thexyz why not english?
15:41 sfan5 because german is easier for me (not saying that I'm bad in understanding english)
15:42 thexyz okay
15:43 sfan5 I have enough time to watch it anyway
15:43 thexyz no idea about quality of german subs, but i can speak for russian ones
15:43 sfan5 next time the site goes up I'll go for torrent
15:44 sfan5 I haven't seen any bad quality subs yet
15:44 thexyz most of the time they translate from english, and the problem is that neither they know english nor russian
15:44 thexyz and most of the time subs are eye cancer
15:44 sfan5 lol
15:46 sfan5 in the fansub of 'Choujigen Game Neptune: The Animation' I watched they corrected the japanese text of the title song a little bit in every ep
15:46 sfan5 and they didn't get that 'compiler' is an english word
15:47 sfan5 <offtopic> also TIL my favourite artist on deviantart watches animes </offtopic>
15:48 thexyz like everything else isn't offtopic
15:48 sfan5 heh, right
15:50 sfan5 wat Aquarion Evol is PG-13 and Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. is R+
15:50 sfan5 that makes no sense
15:51 rsiska joined #minetest
15:52 BlockMen joined #minetest
15:52 BlockMen hi everyone
15:52 sfan5 hi
15:53 iqualfragile sfan5: who is on devianart and does not watch anime??
15:54 iqualfragile hi BlockMen
15:54 sfan5 dunno, maybe the deviantart staff..
15:57 OldCoder Hi
15:58 OldCoder We need a !tell command so that I can respond to questions like Darin's
15:58 OldCoder sfan5, ShadowNinja ^ ?
15:59 thexyz eh
16:00 sfan5 this code looks so complicated:
16:00 OldCoder joined #minetest
16:01 Ditti joined #minetest
16:01 thexyz that's only because they store stuff in a weird way
16:01 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Elaborate.
16:02 ShadowNinja OldCoder: ShadowBot has a tell command, although I may have it disabled.
16:02 OldCoder ShadowNinja, darin asked me a question above. But he left so there is no way to answer. Perhaps a bot might help.
16:02 thexyz why is it disabled?
16:02 OldCoder !tell darinsomething The answer is that I am not using the mod
16:02 OldCoder Like that
16:02 ShadowNinja OldCoder: ,,(help later tell)
16:02 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: (later tell <nick> <text>) -- Tells <nick> <text> the next time <nick> is seen. <nick> can contain wildcard characters, and the first matching nick will be given the note.
16:03 OldCoder !help later tell
16:03 MinetestBot
16:03 OldCoder Hmm
16:03 OldCoder Is it turned on or off?
16:03 ShadowNinja OldCoder: It is enabled.
16:03 OldCoder I shall try this now
16:03 OldCoder !later tell ShadowNinja bacon
16:04 OldCoder later tell ShadowNinja bacon
16:04 OldCoder I did that
16:04 ShadowNinja But ShadowBot ignores commands in this channel that aren't from me.
16:04 OldCoder So now what happens?
16:04 OldCoder ShadowNinja, fine but that leaves me with the original question
16:04 OldCoder The fact the bot supports the command for you does not help me or others
16:04 ShadowNinja I can undo that, as MinetestBot and ShadowBot shouldn't conflict any more...
16:04 OldCoder Hmm
16:04 OldCoder There are risks
16:05 ShadowNinja !channel lobotomy remove
16:05 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: The operation succeeded.
16:05 OldCoder Do not let people tell the bot to tell itself things
16:05 OldCoder Recursion!
16:05 OldCoder !later tell ShadowNinja bacon
16:05 ShadowBot OldCoder: The operation succeeded.
16:05 OldCoder later tell ShadowNinja bacon
16:05 OldCoder I did that
16:05 OldCoder when will it speak to you?
16:06 ShadowNinja No, I might have to speak...
16:06 OldCoder You just did
16:06 OldCoder Did it say bacon yet?
16:06 ShadowNinja <ShadowBot> Sent just now: <OldCoder> bacon
16:06 OldCoder Very well
16:06 OldCoder But should we open the bot entirely or just for tell commands?
16:06 OldCoder Is it moderately safe?
16:06 thexyz ShadowNinja: can you make it just "!tell"?
16:07 NakedFury joined #minetest
16:07 ShadowNinja thexyz: Yes, with a defaultplugin...
16:07 OldCoder !later tell NakedFury Hi
16:07 ShadowBot OldCoder: The operation succeeded.
16:07 OldCoder NakedFury, speak; this is a test
16:07 ShadowNinja !defaultplugin tell Later
16:07 NakedFury hello
16:07 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: The operation succeeded.
16:07 sfan5 yay, a kernel panic happend
16:07 OldCoder NakedFury, did you get a PM from the bot?
16:08 OldCoder sfan5, jump with joy
16:08 NakedFury yes
16:08 OldCoder NakedFury, thank you
16:08 Fadi doesn't look that bad eh?
16:08 OldCoder ShadowNinja, I shall answer Darin now. Thank you.
16:08 ShadowNinja You're welcome. :-)
16:08 q66_ joined #minetest
16:08 Jordach joined #minetest
16:09 EvergreenTree Jordach!   \o
16:09 sfan5 Fadi: looks nice
16:09 OldCoder !later tell DarinM1967 I do not use Simple Mobs yet; just regular Mobs. I need to know if they conflict.
16:09 Jordach EvergreenTree, o/
16:09 ShadowBot OldCoder: The operation succeeded.
16:09 ShadowNinja Note: ShadowBot will respond to commands like !op now if you have the capability.
16:09 Jordach interesting fact: the IT team of my college is a bunch of retards
16:09 OldCoder ShadowNinja, one suggestion for later. Possible to make ShadowBot echo the nick and message back to the sender so that errors may be observed?
16:09 thexyz uh
16:10 OldCoder The same way that PMs work now in hexchat
16:10 Jordach they showed the users of Photoshop the VOLUME LICENSE
16:10 OldCoder ShadowNinja, k
16:10 thexyz why does it 1) tell privately instead of publicly 2) spams channel with meaningless "the operation succeeded"
16:10 OldCoder thexyz, ^ agreed; perhaps echo the send operation via PM
16:11 OldCoder As far as private goes that seems safer
16:11 sfan5 Jordach: you mean like the license code?
16:11 thexyz it should either don't say anything or reply with what actuallly happened
16:11 OldCoder It is like a delayed PM
16:12 ShadowNinja thexyz: I could change the second one. The first one is better as you don't get the message in the channel again.
16:12 thexyz like "OldCoder: I'll pass the message to XXX when they're around."
16:12 ShadowNinja thexyz: And it supposts being used in PM, so...
16:12 OldCoder ShadowNinja, thexyz, I'd like to see the actual message that I sent with the nick used
16:12 Jordach sfan5, yup
16:12 OldCoder Safer
16:12 thexyz I don't get it then, you use !tell in the channel, why would it reply in the private?
16:12 sfan5 Jordach: lol
16:12 Jordach sfan5, and it's 500 volume keys
16:13 sfan5 uh
16:13 OldCoder thexyz, that is a point but less important. Answer is that message might be intended either way.
16:13 sfan5 I guess it's time for a backup
16:13 thexyz if it's intended to be sent in private then why use !tell in a public channel
16:13 OldCoder thexyz, but what if it is intended to be private?
16:13 OldCoder thexyz, the point of !tell is that it works even if somebody is not present
16:13 OldCoder thexyz, cannot send PM under that circumstane
16:14 OldCoder * circumstance
16:14 ShadowNinja thexyz: It can also be used in PM.
16:15 thexyz [20:13:21] <thexyz> if it's intended to be sent in private then why use !tell in a public channel
16:15 thexyz in can be but it will make even less sense
16:15 thexyz well, maybe not less
16:16 thexyz but every implementation of !tell command i've ever seen just posts the message publicly
16:16 OldCoder ShadowNinja, How may I use it in PM if the person is not present?
16:16 thexyz this doesn't mean you should do it the same way, of course
16:16 thexyz but it just feels wrong to me for that reason
16:16 ShadowNinja thexyz: I think private is better. One of the reasons is that the bot may see them in another channel but not in the one it was sent in.
16:17 thexyz then this feature should be implemented in MinetestBot
16:17 ShadowNinja OldCoder: /msg ShadowBot later tell <nick> <text>
16:17 thexyz because if you're asking the bot to pass the message you expect to find the person in this channel
16:17 thexyz because you asked the bot in this channel damnit
16:18 OldCoder ShadowNinja, thexyz Not a big deal; work it out over time
16:18 thexyz n-not like i care anyway
16:18 OldCoder ShadowNinja, but one technical question. To ensure delivery to right person, could it echo nick and text back to sender in PM? And could the public "succeeded" messages be turned off?
16:19 OldCoder Well, two technical questions :-)
16:19 dafull97 joined #minetest
16:19 ShadowNinja OldCoder: I can have it reply in private if you like.
16:20 dafull97 hey guys
16:20 ShadowNinja OldCoder: The rest sounds like something to discuss with ProgVal.
16:20 OldCoder ShadowNinja, the "succeeded" message is not useful. is ProgVal the one who wrote the bot?
16:20 OldCoder dafull97, hello
16:20 OldCoder ShadowNinja, if it echoed the nick and sender back in PM this would be quite helpful
16:20 dafull97 OldCoder been a day or so since we talked haha
16:21 OldCoder dafull97, k
16:21 ShadowNinja OldCoder: The main maintainer of the bot I use, yes.
16:21 OldCoder ShadowNinja, thexyz regardless; thanks for your thoughts! I am headed to work now. Back a little later.
16:21 thexyz bye
16:21 OldCoder ShadowNinja, perhaps drop the suggestion to him in the bug tracker?
16:21 * OldCoder will return in perhaps an hour or two
16:22 dafull97 thexyz, ShadowNinja, how ya been
16:22 thexyz dunno?
16:22 ShadowNinja OldCoder: her* and I'm not sure exactly what you want.
16:22 ShadowNinja :-( too late.
16:24 thexyz time to install some archlinux
16:26 thexyz wow this thing has got secureboot
16:26 dafull97 thexyz, have you tried xbuntu?
16:28 thexyz not even going to try
16:29 iqualfragile thexyz: secureboot… can you set your own keys?
16:29 thexyz I think I can, I've read some article about it
16:30 thexyz anyway, I've turned it off for now
16:30 thexyz lol nice blank screen
16:30 thexyz what a stupid thing
16:31 iqualfragile thexyz: nah, imeant: does the firmware allow you to?
16:31 iqualfragile some dont
16:32 thexyz oh, dunno
16:32 thexyz maybe it doesn't since it's a laptop
16:32 Jousway joined #minetest
16:32 thexyz maybe it does
16:33 Fadi joined #minetest
16:35 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:35 dafull97 thexyz, why not try it?
16:35 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
16:36 EvergreenTree Hey
16:36 thexyz because i prefer to be in control of the distro, not to be controlled by it
16:36 kaeza hey
16:36 thexyz and too lazy to compile gentoo on it/set up distcc
16:36 dafull97 hey EvergreenTree
16:36 dafull97 ohh =/
16:36 dafull97 ok Thexyz
16:42 thexyz well to be honest i already have distcc set up and working but don't want to manage another gentoo installation; and am curious about how's arch doing
16:54 ganoo joined #minetest
16:55 NekoGloop joined #minetest
16:59 Calinou joined #minetest
17:03 berome joined #minetest
17:03 thexyz lol
17:03 thexyz buy laptop for $1000
17:04 thexyz it can't even stand still
17:04 iqualfragile hi PilzAdam
17:04 berome left #minetest
17:04 iqualfragile thexyz: oh, great
17:05 iqualfragile i never buy laptops, they are just overpriced and hard to upgrade
17:07 Calinou +1 but some people need them
17:07 Calinou hi :)
17:10 iqualfragile indeed
17:10 iqualfragile but i would not buy an expensive one
17:12 dafull97 joined #minetest
17:15 thexyz hey hey, there's that nice quote about being not rich enough to buy cheap things
17:20 Calinou use pony name as hostname, john_minetest
17:20 * Calinou just uses calinou-desktop though...
17:23 Hunterz joined #minetest
17:25 thexyz no no, you should use your waifu's name
17:27 kaeza this guy is really depressing:
17:32 cx384 joined #minetest
17:38 djdduty joined #minetest
17:40 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:42 cx384 left #minetest
17:43 bas080 joined #minetest
17:45 ShadowNinja Adding blockly support seems very doable. This may be helpfull:
17:45 rubenwardy Hi all
17:45 rubenwardy Seriously?
17:46 rubenwardy Most of minetest's api is just lists of data
17:46 LazyJ joined #minetest
17:57 JackGruff joined #minetest
17:58 Megaf joined #minetest
18:00 Megaf Hi all
18:00 Megaf How's things?
18:00 Megaf !seen Gronx
18:00 MinetestBot OperationalError: database is locked (file "/home/user/mtbot/modules/", line 65, in seen)
18:00 thexyz lol
18:00 thexyz sfan5: use redis
18:00 thexyz redis is cool
18:01 sfan5 what is redis?
18:01 sfan5 !seen Gronx
18:01 MinetestBot OperationalError: database is locked (file "/home/user/mtbot/modules/", line 65, in seen)
18:01 sfan5 !seen Gronx
18:01 MinetestBot sfan5: gronx was last seen at 2013-11-12 22:20:28 UTC on #minetest
18:01 sfan5 ah
18:01 thexyz the best key value store
18:01 thexyz
18:02 sfan5 can I use it from multiple threads?
18:03 thexyz of course you can why not
18:04 thexyz
18:04 thexyz check "thread safety" section though
18:04 thexyz also be aware of
18:04 sfan5 I'll see
18:05 thexyz but I just feel like you don't really need all features SQLite has
18:06 MinetestBot GIT: BlockMen commited to minetest/minetest: Fix formspec background padding when clipped 3f519eb729 2013-11-14T10:03:55-08:00
18:10 rubenwardy Why do you need a key value store when python does that already?
18:10 rubenwardy (thexyz)
18:10 thexyz persistence
18:11 thexyz and python doesn't do that
18:11 thexyz redis has more data structures than python does
18:11 thexyz i.e. sorted set
18:12 sfan5 I think I'll just add locks because I'm lazy
18:12 thexyz well redis is damn simple
18:13 thexyz you just r = StrictRedis() and then you can execute commands like r.hset("minetest_seen", "xyz", "1384452817")
18:13 dafull97 what is a good reliable server RAM memory? for about 30 people?
18:14 sfan5 1 GB should suffice
18:14 thexyz and then you r.hget("minetest_seen", "xyz") and that's all
18:14 thexyz and in sqlite you just reimplement this stuff
18:14 thexyz but if you feel like it's easier then do that
18:15 Leoneof joined #minetest
18:17 Miner_48er joined #minetest
18:22 * rubenwardy is playing with prolog
18:22 thexyz much fun?
18:22 rubenwardy hmmm
18:22 rubenwardy It is like no over programming language I have tried
18:22 rubenwardy *other
18:23 khor joined #minetest
18:27 thexyz what have you tried?
18:28 ImQ009 joined #minetest
18:32 Dan_D joined #minetest
18:32 Dan_D Is there any way to give non-liquid nodes viscosity?
18:33 rubenwardy A family tree, and seeing if two people are related
18:33 thexyz eh?
18:34 thexyz I was asking about what other languages have you tried
18:37 rubenwardy C++, C#, JS, Python, Lua, PHP, VB, BlitzBasic, UnityScript, AS, Assembly  ...[HTML/CSS]
18:37 rubenwardy and proberly more
18:37 rubenwardy *probably
18:39 PilzAdam HTML isnt a programming language
18:42 proller rubenwardy, try perl.
18:42 rubenwardy thats why it is in brakets
18:42 rubenwardy And it is a mark up language, which is a language
18:43 PilzAdam doesnt make it a programming language, though
18:43 kaeza [16:34:10] <the_xyz> I was asking about what other languages have you tried <-- don't dee "programming" here
18:43 kaeza see*
18:44 Fadi rubenwardy, do you know VB.Net?
18:44 rubenwardy Visual Basic, yes
18:44 rubenwardy or no
18:44 PilzAdam I think he used "language" instead of "programming language" because its shorter and you talked about programming languages
18:44 PilzAdam so no need to type it out
18:44 rubenwardy Nazi
18:45 Fadi You know more language than I do, nice
18:45 rubenwardy Not fluent in all of them
18:45 kaeza Godwin's law already?
18:45 rubenwardy I only added things together in Assembly
18:45 sfan5 I did that too
18:46 PilzAdam rubenwardy, what?
18:46 thexyz PilzAdam: no need to be picky
18:46 rubenwardy You dont need to say that HTML is not a language, but you go ahead and say it.
18:46 rubenwardy Drama queen, etc
18:46 Fadi I don't get Assemblly, I had a look at it but my tiny brain exploded
18:46 PilzAdam <rubenwardy> Nazi <- why did you say that?
18:46 rubenwardy ^^
18:46 rubenwardy Like Grammar nazi
18:47 thexyz rubenwardy: try lisp
18:47 rubenwardy but Is-It-A-Programming-Language nazi
18:47 PilzAdam rubenwardy, I think this is very insulting
18:47 rubenwardy I have tried perl, actually.
18:47 kaeza I think he used "Nazi" instead of "Grammar Nazi" because its shorter and you talked about grammar
18:48 rubenwardy The nazi bit, the phrase, or the Drama queen bit?
18:48 PilzAdam rubenwardy, the nazi part
18:48 Fadi rubenwardy, would you recommend python? Is it as good as people say?
18:48 rubenwardy Nazi' are quite insulting
18:48 rubenwardy Fadi: python is very easy to make things with
18:49 rubenwardy But maybe not practible for massive projects
18:49 rubenwardy I meant no offence
18:49 Fadi I only know C#, VB.Net, Lua and html/css
18:49 Fadi and ye
18:49 Fadi I got told that too by a friend
18:49 rubenwardy HTML isnt a programming language
18:49 Fadi I consider it as one tbh
18:49 Fadi oh and a lil' bit of javascript
18:49 thexyz kaeza: +1
18:49 PilzAdam Fadi, HTML is a markup language
18:50 thexyz oh wow some people just want to argue about something
18:50 Fadi oh it's hypertext markup
18:50 Fadi ye
18:50 thexyz yes it's a markup language happy now?
18:50 MinetestBot 7meo8w7 ~
18:50 Fadi When did I argue?
18:51 rubenwardy could XML be a programming language if you made an interpreter to do <if a><set id="a" to="sdfsdj"></if>?
18:51 sfan5 yes
18:51 sfan5 well.. no
18:51 kaeza rubenwardy, Apache Ant does that actually
18:51 sfan5 XML would then be the way of representing actions
18:51 sfan5 but not be the programming lang. itself
18:51 thexyz Fadi: I'm talking about PA
18:52 Fadi oh
18:52 thexyz there's XSLT which processes XML inputs
18:53 sfan5 just because I can do <file name='video.mp4' data='fe4ab3bff01...' /> XML is not a video codec/container format
18:53 kaeza wat
18:53 rubenwardy similar to django templates, XSLT appears to be
18:54 thexyz really?
18:54 thexyz i can agree that both suck
18:55 rubenwardy in django, <% if variable %> html here <% end if %>
18:55 thexyz uhh?
18:55 thexyz {% %}
18:56 rubenwardy I like django, but it is hard to get a good structure
18:56 rubenwardy oh, {}
18:56 rubenwardy in django, {% if variable %} html here {% end if %}
18:56 thexyz *endif
18:56 * proller for [% %]
18:57 rubenwardy what ever :PPP
18:58 Fadi How hard is java, it's next on my list to learn
18:58 sfan5 java is hard
18:58 PilzAdam java is relatively easy
18:58 sfan5 well more or less
18:58 Jordach get python, get real
18:58 Jordach or get Lua, get AWESOME.
18:58 sfan5 python is more powerful than lua
18:59 kaeza wrong
18:59 Jordach sfan5, depends on how one uses it ;)
18:59 PilzAdam sfan5, depends on the usecase
18:59 kaeza Python comes with more stuff by default; not necessarily more powerful
18:59 sfan5 kaeza: can you do array[5:17:2] = 44 in lua?
18:59 PilzAdam java comes with more stuff by default
19:00 OldCoder joined #minetest
19:00 kaeza sfan5, you can do that easily in Lua
19:00 sfan5 but in Java you need to do OOP even if you don't want to
19:01 sfan5 kaeza: it is faster if the python interpreter does it in c than doing it in lua
19:02 kaeza sfan5, implementation details; you can implement a table.copy() in C too
19:02 * kaeza wonders why Lua doesn't come with one by default
19:03 sfan5 yes you can but it's not in the default implementation
19:03 sfan5 lua doesn't come with table.copy because one may want to deepcopy, copy, metatables too or not
19:03 sfan5 and they chose to just keep it out
19:03 kaeza okay
19:05 thexyz lua is cool because it's simple yet powerful
19:06 sfan5 metatables are not simple
19:06 thexyz python is cool too because you can build anything
19:06 sfan5 but I agree
19:06 thexyz why?
19:06 thexyz simple from a different point
19:06 thexyz its internals are simple
19:07 sfan5 if you use metatables a lot your brain might hurt ;)
19:10 kaeza ehh no
19:11 Calinou java is usually less hard than C++
19:11 thexyz but probably harder than C
19:11 sfan5 yeah
19:12 rsiska joined #minetest
19:14 artur99 joined #minetest
19:14 artur99 hi
19:14 artur99 Huge error!
19:14 artur99 the download link doesn't work!
19:14 artur99
19:15 BlockMen artur99, the official site is
19:15 Fadi get it from
19:15 artur99 ok
19:15 artur99 but who owns the .com one
19:15 artur99 ?
19:15 Calinou Saxony
19:15 Calinou is inactive
19:16 BlockMen john_minetest, good luck to contact Saxony, i already tried a few month ago ;)
19:16 artur99 which is the last version?
19:17 artur99 0.4.7?
19:17 sfan5 !seen saxony
19:17 MinetestBot sfan5: Sorry, I haven't seen saxony around.
19:17 sfan5 artur99: yes
19:17 ShadowNinja Turn up to full speed and hit run:
19:17 artur99 port 30000 uses 0.4.7 ?
19:17 sfan5 !up
19:17 MinetestBot seems to be down
19:17 ShadowBot sfan5: seems to be down
19:17 sfan5 there is no minetest server at
19:18 MinetestBot seems to be down
19:18 ShadowBot john_minetest: seems to be down
19:18 MinetestBot seems to be down
19:18 ShadowBot john_minetest: seems to be down
19:18 sfan5 ShadowNinja: what the...
19:19 artur99 sorry, :D
19:20 ShadowNinja Hmmm. :-(
19:20 kaeza artur99, it does, but o is still migrating
19:20 ShadowNinja !stfu
19:20 MinetestBot someone thinks you need to shut the fuck up before you get muted.
19:20 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: The operation succeeded.
19:20 kaeza fak tab completion
19:20 sfan5 lol
19:20 Jordach ShadowNinja, explain yourself
19:21 AspireMint joined #minetest
19:21 sfan5 MV?
19:21 ShadowNinja Jordach: Poke someone else in #minetest-technic
19:21 Jordach ShadowNinja, ...who isn't idling
19:24 artur99 when was minetest launched first time?
19:35 Megaf_ joined #minetest
19:40 reactor joined #minetest
19:45 Leoneof joined #minetest
19:56 iqualfragile joined #minetest
19:57 artur99 hi
19:57 troller joined #minetest
19:57 proller joined #minetest
19:57 artur99 by mistake i pressed a button, and my hand and life dispearred. How to make them appear?
19:58 PilzAdam f1
19:58 artur99 thanks
20:02 kahrl at the SpaceBot Cup in Rheinbreitbach a robot pressed a button and then his life disappeared. it was his emergency shutdown button :P
20:02 Pest joined #minetest
20:04 sfan5 kahrl: I just read that article on
20:04 sfan5 they should've put the reset button at the top
20:07 kahrl of course then by murphy's law the quadrocopter would have landed on it ;)
20:12 Calinou joined #minetest
20:12 sfan5 heh
20:16 artur99_ joined #minetest
20:18 artur99 joined #minetest
20:18 artur99 left #minetest
20:18 artur99 joined #minetest
20:30 iqualfragile haha, looks like somebody at microsoft infected his pc with a botnet
20:31 iqualfragile at least those request are originating from a microsoft ip range
20:34 bcnjr5_ joined #minetest
20:37 * Leoneof *yaaaaaawn*
20:37 Leoneof why i'm here
20:37 Leoneof (;
20:38 werwerwer_ joined #minetest
20:40 theTroy1 joined #minetest
20:41 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
20:41 harrison
20:41 bas080 joined #minetest
20:42 harrison some interesting UI concepts
20:42 sfan5 iqualfragile: probably windows azure servers
20:44 sfan5 iqualfragile:
20:44 harrison doesn't seem to allow block removal, just addition
20:49 PilzAdam bye
20:51 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:53 Wuzzy joined #minetest
21:04 cisoun joined #minetest
21:05 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
21:08 VRandomUser joined #minetest
21:57 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
22:08 KingsleyT joined #minetest
22:13 Fadi I hope you guys love offensive humor
22:13 Fadi
22:14 sfan5 !title
22:14 MinetestBot sfan5: Because I&#39;m White (Afroman Parody) ~ Rucka Rucka Ali - YouTube
22:15 ecube joined #minetest
22:25 VanessaE wtf?  Is there no way to specify a different vertical setting for visual_scale than is used for horizontal?
22:25 bcnjr5 left #minetest
22:25 VanessaE for plantlike draw types I mean
22:28 stormchaser3000 um
22:29 stormchaser3000 oops
22:44 anunakki joined #minetest
22:46 dafull97 joined #minetest
22:51 Peacock joined #minetest
22:52 Peacock thanks for the link shadowninja  8) i somehow managed to create a bubble yesterday but part of it was always sliced off and some distance from the rest lol
23:01 ShadowNinja Peacock: Do you want a sphere or a bubble? If you want a bubble look at the technic forcefield code(Although I think it has a bug that makes it very slow currently...)
23:01 Peacock well sphere/bubble same thing, once i can do the sphere i can make it hollow np
23:01 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
23:02 Peacock though i wanted it in lvm so it could be big enough to encompass an asteroid
23:03 ShadowNinja Peacock: If you want some fun change the range to 92 or so and detonate one on a new world. :-D
23:04 Peacock well actually blast mining could be interesting, or heck even accidental blasts from powercell overloads lol
23:08 Peacock though im not sure the asteroids are big enough for that XD
23:08 Peacock or people might get upset lol
23:09 dafull97 joined #minetest
23:10 dafull97 hey guys
23:11 Peacock howdy
23:11 dafull97 How ya been Peacock???
23:11 Peacock just waking up lol
23:11 dafull97 sorry for many question marks, finger slipped haha
23:12 dafull97 oh, it is 6:11pm here
23:12 Peacock here too lol
23:12 dafull97 so 18:11
23:12 dafull97 whatttt?
23:12 dafull97 haha
23:12 * dafull97 thinks peacock is lazy =P
23:14 Peacock lazy implies im not up all night :P
23:14 dafull97 what you mean the night is early
23:15 Megaf joined #minetest
23:15 Peacock well i need to do shield thing tonight, integrate the shield/forcefield controls and the map to the computer thingy, etc. lol
23:16 dafull97 Peacock, English please? hahaha
23:17 dafull97 what about the forcefield thing?
23:42 q66_ joined #minetest
23:42 dafull97 Peacock still here?
23:44 VanessaE dafull97: he is working on a node that looks something like a computer terminal, but which will project a force field.
23:45 VanessaE where "force field" just means an indestructible node with a texture that, when tiled across a wall let's say, looks like a force field.
23:45 VanessaE technic has that feature also
23:51 NakedFury joined #minetest
23:56 Peacock though if i remember those fields are cubicle and protect something the size of a house?
23:56 Peacock unless im mistaken for another mod

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