Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
Nocte| |
And they always got those light hearted comedy moments to lift up the mood a bit from the dark and gritty stuff. |
00:00 |
Peacock |
yeah but you shouldn't be mixing horror and comedy |
00:00 |
Peacock |
it ceases to be either and becomes pop |
00:00 |
Nocte| |
(Definition of light hearted is... Not the normal.) ;) |
00:01 |
Nocte| |
"That might've been the double cheese." - Dean to a guy who just died from eating pizza. |
00:02 |
Peacock |
though with breaking bad off the air thats one fewer decent shows on tv |
00:02 |
Peacock |
most of the good stuff starts up next spring |
00:03 |
Naked |
im watching many new shows |
00:03 |
Peacock |
mad men and walking dead were pretty boring both in the last seasons |
00:03 |
Nocte| |
They even threw a Shining reference where Sam was mad and chased bobby with an axe... You can guess the reference. |
00:03 |
Peacock |
walking dead: takes forever for something to happen, spend next 3 episodes talking about happened |
00:04 |
Naked |
so its like Star Trek |
00:04 |
Naked |
too much talking |
00:04 |
Peacock |
TNG yeah |
00:04 |
Nocte| |
Star Trek... "NOTHING *ING HAPPENS!" |
00:04 |
Peacock |
ds9 not so much |
00:05 |
Peacock |
there's a huge diff between TNG and walking dead, in walking dead, you can't wait for half the characters to die lol |
00:05 |
Naked |
TNG being attack by aliens. hmm Troi what do you feel? Data anything we can use to communicate? no worf no attacking, Geordi more power to the shields, Dr Crusher set up emergency room now |
00:06 |
Naked |
then the next 30 minutes with Picard talking |
00:06 |
Naked |
too muuuuch talking |
00:07 |
Peacock |
TNG is notorious for holding meetings lol |
00:07 |
Peacock |
denofgeek even reviews each episode with "time to conference" lol |
00:08 |
Peacock |
giving how much time it took to hold their first meeting |
00:08 |
Nocte| |
Oh also Peacock: Gore is acceptable in action sequences (Not just murderours rampages if you get what I mean.) |
00:08 |
Peacock |
noctel well ive always been drawn to crime stories, so yes, please gore lol |
00:08 |
Nocte| |
Also: Fallout 3's gore makes me laugh a bit. |
00:09 |
Nocte| |
Its just funny blasting a guy's head of with a pistol. |
00:09 |
Nocte| |
off* |
00:10 |
Nocte| |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82sozf-PYag <- this. (Violent content, don't watch if you are a kid who doesn't stand gore.) |
00:10 |
Naked |
I wonder how a Star Trek shooter with phasers would fare against a shooter today |
00:10 |
Peacock |
all star trek themed games have sucked balls |
00:11 |
Naked |
I know but I meant a starfleet dude with uninpressive phaser gun vs some military dude today |
00:11 |
Naked |
Star treks shooters are notoriously blind |
00:12 |
Naked |
they always cowboy shoot everything |
00:13 |
Nocte| |
Peacock, have you watched Sherlock yet btw? |
00:13 |
Peacock |
nope |
00:13 |
Peacock |
saw enough bad reviews to avoid it |
00:14 |
milleja46 joined #minetest |
00:14 |
Naked |
the british show? |
00:14 |
Peacock |
yup |
00:14 |
Peacock |
reviews by a british site no less |
00:14 |
Naked |
wow |
00:14 |
Naked |
all I see are good stuff |
00:14 |
Naked |
it was good anyway |
00:15 |
Peacock |
benedict cumberpatch right? |
00:15 |
Naked |
ohhh they also added a new and last episode for IT crowd |
00:15 |
Naked |
yes |
00:15 |
Peacock |
yeah he wasn't terribly good in star trek |
00:16 |
Nocte| |
The British one is good. |
00:16 |
Nocte| |
He is great as Sherlock. |
00:16 |
Naked |
^ |
00:16 |
Nocte| |
Fits the role nearly perfectly. |
00:17 |
Nocte| |
And acts way better than the Elementary (American poor copy of the idea.) Sherlock actor. :| |
00:17 |
Naked |
yeah of the two shows the british is the best |
00:17 |
Naked |
I still like elementary. watching it too this fall |
00:17 |
Nocte| |
In Sherlock you can clearly see Sherlock trying to figure things out. |
00:18 |
Nocte| |
In Elementary, Sherlock just reads the script. ;) |
00:18 |
Nocte| |
"Oh, its this and that. Also I know this and this made up fact." |
00:19 |
Peacock |
not as interested in the stories of cops over the stories of gangsters lol |
00:19 |
Naked |
the crimes seem too easy for the great sherlock |
00:19 |
Peacock |
hence, boardwalk empire |
00:20 |
Peacock |
sucks but HBO seems to have more budget for period shows than BBC |
00:20 |
Menche |
what does the "level" group do? |
00:20 |
Menche |
this is #minetest right? |
00:21 |
Peacock |
wrong |
00:21 |
Peacock |
down the corridor and to the left |
00:21 |
Menche |
ah right, joined #show-discussion instead |
00:22 |
Peacock |
righty-o |
00:24 |
Peacock |
good luck with your question though, i bet those of us active here will bend over backwards to find your answer :-) |
00:24 |
Nocte| |
HBO can't seem to do good shows. ;) |
00:24 |
Nocte| |
I just want a TV show that has story and character progression. :| |
00:24 |
Menche |
just when i thought i understood weapon damage and tool wear/times... |
00:24 |
Nocte| |
With some fantasy/horror or other type... |
00:25 |
Nocte| |
Types* of elemnts. |
00:25 |
Nocte| |
Elements* DAMN IT! |
00:26 |
Naked |
I dont understand levels either |
00:27 |
Peacock |
leveled/range/finite, dont get it don't need it lol |
00:28 |
Nocte| |
What are the classic horror movies in your opinion Peacock? |
00:28 |
Peacock |
The Shining, Silence of the Lambs |
00:29 |
Nocte| |
Meh. :p |
00:30 |
Peacock |
thats all i can remember off the top of my head lol |
00:30 |
Peacock |
steampunk |
00:30 |
Peacock |
oups |
00:30 |
Peacock |
meant to type that on a wiki lol |
00:31 |
Nocte| |
Hehe. |
00:32 |
Peacock |
trying to find out if any shows are based off it, so far... nil |
00:33 |
Nocte| |
I guess I like more of Psychological horror movies that look somewhat ok, normal... Then "WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST WATCH?" |
00:33 |
Nocte| |
After I figure out the stuff in it that is. |
00:34 |
Nocte| |
That stuff happens in the Twilight Zone episodes. |
00:35 |
Peacock |
there were alot of mindfuck movies in the late 90s early 2000's, but like everything else it was overdone |
00:35 |
Nocte| |
The Shadow Man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUP64E930iw , Wong's Lost and Found Emporium. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32A2h9AzG_E |
00:35 |
Nocte| |
Those were my favorites. |
00:35 |
Menche |
lol, one of the default group names is "explody" |
00:37 |
Peacock |
sounds like a minetestian name lol |
00:37 |
Nocte| |
Oh also: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.. Just awesome gore-ish anime. |
00:37 |
Nocte| |
And also a mindfuck. |
00:38 |
paramat |
i'll just have to rewrite paragen to have a z y x loop instead like the example in the lvm thread, i may have to calculate biome at every node |
00:38 |
Nocte| |
First its all 'cute' and normal. Then it goes into "Why did that just happen?" type of thing. |
00:38 |
Nocte| |
Sort of a troll-ish. |
00:39 |
Peacock |
dont like anime, all the characters look the same |
00:39 |
Nocte| |
Hehe. |
00:40 |
Nocte| |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRtsIJXrhqc <- the opening is as big of a mindfuck as the anime. |
00:45 |
Nocte| |
Well.. Goign to sleep. |
00:45 |
Nocte| |
Later. |
00:45 |
Nocte| left #minetest |
00:53 |
Evergreen |
I just had an idea, I could probably auto edit videos with gimp scripts + bash scripting |
00:53 |
Evergreen |
I would put different characters to specify when to do a certain editing process |
00:54 |
Evergreen |
(special characters in the image names) |
01:04 |
ShadowNinja |
Evergreen: Unified inventory adds and uses the creative privilege. (from yesterday) |
01:04 |
Evergreen |
Why are you telling me that? :P |
01:04 |
Evergreen |
Oh yes, I remember |
01:04 |
Evergreen |
It's been worked out |
01:06 |
Wuzzy2 joined #minetest |
01:32 |
VanessaE |
hi |
01:33 |
us_0gb |
Hello! |
01:42 |
Naked |
hello |
01:44 |
paramat |
we are the knights who say nvals[ni]! |
01:46 |
kaeza |
hola |
01:46 |
VanessaE |
ha! |
01:47 |
us_0gb |
? |
01:54 |
xiong |
Pipeworks does no look-ahead, right? Items just decide which way to go at each junction. |
01:54 |
xiong |
Actually, I thought the knights were trying to say 'nil'. |
01:56 |
VanessaE |
nope |
01:56 |
VanessaE |
it takes things one node at a time |
01:57 |
xiong |
My dilemma is this: Should the sorting system be open or closed? That is, a single main line with short branches to each chest -- open; or several loops, each of which has branches to chests -- closed. |
01:57 |
VanessaE |
a loop is less likely to allow items to pop out of the tube |
01:57 |
xiong |
There are advantages and disadvantages to either approach and only some are obvious; I worry about ones I may not even though about. |
01:58 |
xiong |
Well, my open setup had one "free" chest at the very end; so nothing pops out. |
01:59 |
VanessaE |
then stick with the open style if it works |
01:59 |
VanessaE |
it's probably faster. |
01:59 |
xiong |
That's one advantage of the open system; there's no need to anticipate every possible item that might be going through. If it's not been allowed for, it ends up in the last box. |
01:59 |
xiong |
Otherwise, items not allowed for will circulate forever... or until something fails. |
02:01 |
xiong |
However, the open geometry is harder to build. As the system gets large, adding on more branches requires cutting and jumping; it's unlikely that available space will always allow one to add on strictly to the current end-of-line. |
02:01 |
xiong |
Easier to just stick in a plain junction anywhere on a loop and lead that to another loop. |
02:02 |
VanessaE |
exactly |
02:02 |
VanessaE |
use both methods as appropirate |
02:02 |
VanessaE |
appropriate* |
02:02 |
xiong |
Oooh, you like to play with fire. I don't see mixing them. |
02:04 |
xiong |
My mother would have had an answer; she was a graph theorist. |
02:05 |
xiong |
However, she would have refused to give it, condemning the entire affair as silly. |
02:06 |
xiong |
Let me tell you why I inquired about look-ahead, even though it didn't seem likely to me. I saw an item bounce from a mese junction with the chest branch disabled but the loop sides both enabled. The same item went sailing through several others set up just this same way. |
02:07 |
xiong |
It looked a little like bad look-ahead -- the item could see that there were another five junctions ahead, all of whose branches were disabled, and rather than go the long way around, decided to reverse and take the shorter way around the loop to the proper chest. |
02:07 |
xiong |
I didn't *think* that was the case but I'm glad you ruled it out. |
02:09 |
xiong |
Anyway, if this backing up is possible -- and it is, regardless of the reason -- then I worry about oscillation in the closed-loop system. If it's a single loop then junctions can be set so items never go counter-flow; but with multiple loops, there needs to be some bidirectional freedom. |
02:10 |
xiong |
Either that or very careful planning. |
02:14 |
dafull97 joined #minetest |
02:15 |
dafull97 |
Hey guys |
02:15 |
us_0gb |
Hello! |
02:15 |
VanessaE |
hi |
02:15 |
dafull97 |
us_0gb, wanna teach me now? =D and hey VanessaE |
02:16 |
us_0gb |
I need to finish up homework real fast first. |
02:16 |
dafull97 |
ok... |
02:16 |
us_0gb |
After that, we can start with Lua basics. |
02:16 |
dafull97 |
have you heard of http://koding.com |
02:16 |
us_0gb |
I have not. |
02:17 |
dafull97 |
its a live coding envirment and they give you a free server to test with |
02:17 |
dafull97 |
environment* |
02:17 |
us_0gb |
Okay. I'm not sure that will work with Minetest scripts. |
02:18 |
dafull97 |
yea, it wont... but with basics of lua? |
02:19 |
us_0gb |
I'm not sure ... Well, actually maybe. If nothing else, it should be able to verify syntax. |
02:19 |
dafull97 |
well, its an attempt... who knows how to use VPS's? |
02:20 |
us_0gb |
Sorry, no idea. |
02:20 |
dafull97 |
well that is what i host my Minetest Server on, its a Virtual Pro\ivate server... |
02:20 |
dafull97 |
private** |
02:21 |
dafull97 |
its basically a remote computer, nad you only have shell to control it via ssh |
02:21 |
us_0gb |
I know what a VPS is, I just have never used one. |
02:22 |
dafull97 |
you can get a free one... i host my minetest server on it hahaha, anyway here is the link - |
02:22 |
dafull97 |
http://members.host1free.com/vps?ac=h1f_register_vps |
02:22 |
dafull97 |
that is a real business, check out host1plus |
02:23 |
dafull97 |
*Sorry about sapmming chat guys :/* |
02:23 |
dafull97 |
Note: If they ask why you want it, provide a business reason... and i meant spamming |
02:24 |
us_0gb |
Minetest isn't much of a business reason, and they can see what you're doing with it. They'll know you lied. |
02:24 |
dafull97 |
yea i know i have done it several times |
02:25 |
dafull97 |
* i meant i have hosted many differant servers |
02:25 |
us_0gb |
I'd rather just use my own server anyway. |
02:25 |
dafull97 |
yea i would too... but my ISP is VERY Picky if you dont have the business plan |
02:25 |
dafull97 |
so i cant atm |
02:25 |
us_0gb |
Ah, that's too bad. |
02:26 |
dafull97 |
yea, sucks |
02:27 |
dafull97 |
but i will host a light server on my networks soon |
02:27 |
dafull97 |
network* singular |
02:28 |
dafull97 |
us_0gb, we can learn tomarrow... its late and have to get to bed soon |
02:28 |
dafull97 |
got school tomarrow ;/ |
02:28 |
us_0gb |
Okay, sorry about that. Tomorrow is my mother's birth day though, so I may not be here. |
02:29 |
dafull97 |
friday? |
02:29 |
zat |
http://uppix.net/YlFnJH.png |
02:29 |
us_0gb |
Probably. |
02:29 |
dafull97 |
will be open from 1 - 6 prob |
02:29 |
us_0gb |
Nice house! |
02:30 |
us_0gb |
TIme zone? |
02:30 |
zat |
http://uppix.net/7SDlB2.png |
02:31 |
dafull97 |
North Carolina, EDT i think not really good with time zones haha |
02:32 |
dafull97 |
oh and taht time was talking about friday, tomarrow i will be able 4:30pm - 11pm |
02:32 |
dafull97 |
*i mean thursday* - im tirrrreeeddd |
02:32 |
zat |
http://uppix.net/OwbOCv.png |
02:32 |
zat |
Thanks us_0gb. |
02:32 |
us_0gb |
Eastern ... I'm at work during those times. |
02:32 |
zat |
I thought someone would show a super ultra brootal house compared to mine. |
02:33 |
us_0gb |
zat, is that the Texan flag? |
02:33 |
us_0gb |
I suck at building. |
02:33 |
zat |
No, us_0gb, it is the flag of Chile. |
02:33 |
us_0gb |
Oops, my bad. |
02:33 |
zat |
Texan flag has blue from top to bottom iirc. |
02:44 |
dafull97 |
us_0gb, how to become a Mod/Admin of the game? just Make mods and help out to earn your name? |
02:45 |
Niften joined #minetest |
02:45 |
Niften |
hello! |
02:46 |
us_0gb |
A mod/admin helps run a particular server. SO you need to become a respected member of that particular server. |
02:46 |
ShadowNinja |
us_0gb: You need a better editor, your stairs changes have added indentation on empty lines. |
02:46 |
Niften |
0gb :D |
02:46 |
us_0gb |
Hello! |
02:46 |
Niften |
Hi! |
02:46 |
Niften |
I'm working with MGV7 |
02:46 |
us_0gb |
ShadowNinja, I need to get my configuration fixed, I thing. I can't see tabs. |
02:47 |
Niften |
Apparently instead of engine tree generation they have something seperate.. |
02:47 |
Niften |
but I couldn't figure out how to generate trees. |
02:47 |
us_0gb |
So I've heard. |
02:47 |
Niften |
So, I was thinking that another LUA mod like MoreTrees by VanessaE could fix that. |
02:47 |
us_0gb |
Trees can be done with the L-system or by placing saplings. |
02:47 |
Niften |
I tested it and it did. |
02:47 |
Niften |
Mmhmm. |
02:47 |
Niften |
L-system seems complicated D: |
02:47 |
* VanessaE |
likes her moretrees mod :) |
02:47 |
Niften |
<3 |
02:48 |
VanessaE |
never tried it on a mgv7 map. does it work okay there? |
02:48 |
Niften |
Yeah. |
02:48 |
us_0gb |
I'm going to experement with the L-system when I have time, but I agree, it looks hard. |
02:48 |
Niften |
Only solution to trees atm |
02:48 |
us_0gb |
Today I'm making dead-simple letter nodes instead. |
02:48 |
Niften |
'Nice. |
02:49 |
ShadowNinja |
us_0gb: It should auto-remove indentation on empty lines that you change. |
02:49 |
Niften |
I'm trying to learn turtle graphics/l-system |
02:49 |
Niften |
But, mgv7 should be implemented into the game. |
02:49 |
us_0gb |
ShadowNinja, I hate auto-removal of anything I type. |
02:49 |
Niften |
I mean, our game. |
02:50 |
us_0gb |
What if I WANTED those tabs? I didn't, but I should have the option. |
02:50 |
Niften |
Does anyone agree that we need a better livestock mod? |
02:50 |
us_0gb |
Our game will implement whatever map generator the users tell it to implement. |
02:51 |
us_0gb |
The choice is made at world creation time. |
02:51 |
* Niften |
thinks that MGV7 would work best |
02:51 |
us_0gb |
We can't choose. The users choose. |
02:51 |
ShadowNinja |
us_0gb: :set noautoindent or some such. |
02:52 |
us_0gb |
Does that colon prefix mean something? |
02:52 |
Niften |
0gb, I think we shouldn't have the : when doing /giveme and other commands. |
02:52 |
Niften |
We could just set aliases to like, default:wood=wood |
02:52 |
dafull97 |
us_0gb, thanks! |
02:53 |
us_0gb |
Niften, so you are saying you want a bunch of aliases defined? |
02:53 |
us_0gb |
ShadowNinja, it seems this version of Gedit doesn't have the option to show invisible characters for some reason. |
02:54 |
Niften |
0gb, technically yes, but I think we should do it because it makes it easier. |
02:54 |
ShadowNinja |
us_0gb: The : is vim syntax. |
02:54 |
Niften |
For example, if we've forgotten if flowers are in a seperate mod or in another, it wouldn't matter. |
02:54 |
Niften |
We could just go /giveme rose |
02:54 |
Niften |
Or something. |
02:54 |
us_0gb |
Niften, I'm not judging your idea, I'm making sure I understood what it even was. |
02:55 |
Niften |
I know. |
02:55 |
Niften |
It's just an idea anyway :p |
02:55 |
us_0gb |
Okay. Just making sure. |
02:55 |
ShadowNinja |
minetest.register_alias("rose", "flowers:rose") |
02:56 |
us_0gb |
Yeah, that. |
02:56 |
ShadowNinja |
I believe stone, wood, and the like are already aliased. |
02:56 |
Niften |
exactly |
02:56 |
Niften |
Wait, really? |
02:56 |
Niften |
Hmm |
02:57 |
Niften |
What does the average IRC look like? |
02:57 |
us_0gb |
Yeah, but we don't have the minetest_game scripts, so the default code won't matter much. |
02:57 |
Niften |
Anything annoying, anything good? |
02:57 |
us_0gb |
The "average IRC"? What? |
02:57 |
Niften |
Like |
02:57 |
Niften |
When you go into the IRC |
02:58 |
Niften |
What do you see? |
02:58 |
khonkhortisan |
it looks like this |
02:58 |
Niften |
What is usually here? |
02:58 |
Niften |
like it is now? |
02:58 |
us_0gb |
Pretty much. People also go off topic all the time. |
02:58 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
02:58 |
khonkhortisan |
you're using webchat. The average irc looks better than yours |
02:58 |
us_0gb |
It probably should be taken to ##minetest , but no one seems to care. |
02:59 |
us_0gb |
It seems to be that way on most channels. |
02:59 |
Niften |
To me it looks like 70% talk about code and off-topic, and the other 30% is full of other lumps who talk about themselves being a core dev and developing OS's. |
02:59 |
Niften |
Lumps :D |
02:59 |
us_0gb |
I'd love to help develop an OS, but I don't have the time. |
03:00 |
ShadowNinja |
Heh, true khonkhortisan. |
03:00 |
VanessaE |
heh |
03:00 |
Niften |
0gb, I'm talking about the ones who talk about themselves all the time and expect to start a conversation about code they don't know about. xD |
03:00 |
khonkhortisan |
I stay away from my os. When it breaks, it breaks worse than regular programs. |
03:00 |
Niften |
khon xD |
03:02 |
dafull97 |
us_0gb, know of ideas to make some money with a vps? |
03:03 |
us_0gb |
Not really. You could try to provide a service from one, I guess. |
03:04 |
dafull97 |
well i will look into it... gtg, im tirrreeeeddddd hahaha |
03:05 |
us_0gb |
Good night. |
03:05 |
OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest |
03:05 |
Niften |
Nught. |
03:05 |
Niften |
Night. |
03:06 |
Niften |
xD |
03:06 |
Niften |
br. |
03:06 |
Niften |
brb. |
03:06 |
Niften was kicked by ShadowBot: Message flood detected. |
03:10 |
ShadowNinja |
Good timing. ;-) |
03:10 |
ShadowNinja |
I recently did some backend improvements to that plugin. |
03:15 |
Naked |
its working goo |
03:15 |
Naked |
d |
03:17 |
* NekoGloop |
smacks ShadowNinja with a spiffy lookin mese sword |
03:17 |
* ShadowNinja |
saw the mese sword.. |
03:17 |
NekoGloop |
I know you did |
03:18 |
NekoGloop |
that's why I didn't bother linking it |
03:19 |
Miner_48er joined #minetest |
03:26 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
03:28 |
VanessaE |
bbl |
03:41 |
Sokomine joined #minetest |
03:50 |
diemartin joined #minetest |
03:51 |
ImQ009 joined #minetest |
03:57 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
04:01 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
04:53 |
OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest |
04:59 |
milleja46 joined #minetest |
05:03 |
Weedy joined #minetest |
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Weedy joined #minetest |
05:42 |
Semilevel joined #minetest |
05:43 |
Hunterz joined #minetest |
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prestotron55 joined #minetest |
05:55 |
Semilevel joined #minetest |
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cy1 joined #minetest |
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TheLastProject joined #minetest |
06:53 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
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theTroy joined #minetest |
06:56 |
Krock joined #minetest |
06:57 |
Krock |
hello. |
07:05 |
Semilevel joined #minetest |
07:06 |
prestotron55 joined #minetest |
07:09 |
cy1 |
Hello Krock. |
07:15 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
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aheinecke joined #minetest |
07:26 |
Cerise joined #minetest |
07:53 |
whirm joined #minetest |
08:16 |
JamesTait |
Good morning all; happy Farm Animals Day! :-D |
08:17 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
08:22 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
08:26 |
Jordach |
hey rubenwardy |
08:26 |
rubenwardy |
Hi ya |
08:27 |
rubenwardy |
Would a formspec editor be ok if it was made in HTML5? |
08:29 |
Jordach |
i'm (sick) again |
08:30 |
ruskie |
:( |
08:32 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
08:34 |
Jordach |
*starts torrent* |
08:34 |
Jordach |
08:34 |
mahomet joined #minetest |
08:41 |
Jordach |
....annnndddd done |
08:47 |
prestotron55 joined #minetest |
08:48 |
Nocte| joined #minetest |
08:48 |
Jordach |
hello Nocte| |
08:48 |
Jordach |
...want to play multiplayer (im home all day, so it's possible) |
08:55 |
Nocte| |
Okay. :p |
08:56 |
* Nocte| |
pokes Jordach. |
08:56 |
Jordach |
spinning up minetestserver |
08:56 |
twoelk joined #minetest |
08:57 |
Jordach |
!up |
08:57 |
MinetestBot | is up (219ms) |
08:57 |
Jordach |
well that's a good start |
08:57 |
Jordach |
ocean |
08:58 |
Nocte| |
Soo... What do I have to do to join? :p |
08:58 |
Nocte| |
Use that as the 'adress'? |
08:58 |
Nocte| |
Add* |
08:58 |
Jordach |
head to the multiplayer / client tab and enter the as address |
08:59 |
Nocte| |
Trying to connect. |
08:59 |
Jordach |
i'm on 30000 |
08:59 |
Nocte| |
It reads 'Connecting to server' with full grey box... |
09:00 |
Jordach |
(btw, im using a rather recent build, might want a developer one) |
09:00 |
Nocte| |
Do I need to change the Port thing? |
09:00 |
Jordach |
Nocte|, is it 30000 |
09:00 |
Nocte| |
Okay, there. :p |
09:00 |
Jordach |
give it 5-10 mins |
09:01 |
Nocte| |
Seems to be loading. Media takes a bit. |
09:01 |
Jordach |
my upload isn't as good as my download |
09:01 |
Jordach |
(and me being fair, i moved you to dry land as you'll drown multiple times while loading media) |
09:01 |
Nocte| |
So, its Survival style server btw? |
09:01 |
Jordach |
yes |
09:02 |
Jordach |
except i'm using nore's and sfan5's mapgen |
09:02 |
Nocte| |
Then, we must make a house! |
09:02 |
Jordach |
i didn't install mobs |
09:02 |
Jordach |
(i only have 2 threads, 1 core) |
09:02 |
Nocte| |
Your client's version may not be fully compatible with this server. |
09:02 |
Jordach |
Nocte|, i use a developer buid |
09:02 |
Jordach |
build* |
09:03 |
Nocte| |
Ah. |
09:03 |
Jordach |
most major mod devs use it |
09:07 |
rubenwardy |
dev builds ftw |
09:12 |
* rubenwardy |
is writing c++... with out a compiler! |
09:31 |
Semilevel joined #minetest |
09:35 |
Jordach |
wtf, stairs+ stairs are unbreakable |
09:35 |
Nocte| |
Hehe. |
09:35 |
Nocte| |
Found some smithing places. |
09:36 |
Nocte| |
Or rather melting. :| |
09:38 |
Ritchie joined #minetest |
10:09 |
proller joined #minetest |
10:11 |
q66 joined #minetest |
10:14 |
Jordach |
i see nessie is about |
10:23 |
* Nocte| |
pokes Jordach. |
10:24 |
theTroy joined #minetest |
10:26 |
xnrand joined #minetest |
10:26 |
Jordach |
Nessie = VanessaE |
10:29 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
10:37 |
dhbiker joined #minetest |
10:39 |
proller joined #minetest |
10:48 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
10:51 |
jojoa1997 joined #minetest |
10:53 |
jojoa1997 |
Hi |
10:55 |
Krock |
hey |
11:02 |
jojoa1997 joined #minetest |
11:05 |
Nocte| |
Going AFK now. |
11:06 |
BrandonReese_ joined #minetest |
11:06 |
Jordach |
Fun fact: i play Minetest with the sound off |
11:08 |
jojoa1997 |
To make a windows build in Linux do I just run this? buildwin32.sh |
11:09 |
jojoa1997 |
Also is there script to make a Linux build automatically? |
11:09 |
Jordach |
you have to make your own |
11:10 |
Jordach |
nobody wipes other people's asses when using linux |
11:13 |
jojoa1997 |
Sorry but I meant how do I do it |
11:14 |
jojoa1997 |
Is the instructions in the readme uptodate |
11:14 |
Jordach |
-_- |
11:14 |
jojoa1997 |
Well windows is not so I want to make sure |
11:16 |
Pelayo joined #minetest |
11:21 |
hoodedice joined #minetest |
11:21 |
hoodedice joined #minetest |
11:21 |
hoodedice joined #minetest |
11:21 |
hoodedice |
So... |
11:23 |
hoodedice |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7348 |
11:23 |
hoodedice |
Why isn't it deleted? |
11:24 |
Jordach |
....annnnnddd donre |
11:24 |
Jordach |
done* |
11:24 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
11:25 |
hoodedice |
Cool. |
11:26 |
hoodedice |
I have the worst PC possible for playing minetest |
11:26 |
* Jordach |
eats a egg and cress sandwich |
11:26 |
hoodedice |
Specs? i3 |
11:26 |
hoodedice |
*an egg |
11:27 |
hoodedice |
Unless you say 'yegg' like Indians do =P |
11:27 |
hoodedice |
Hey Jordach |
11:27 |
Jordach |
mhm |
11:28 |
hoodedice |
What is the best distance between your mouth and a mic? |
11:28 |
hoodedice |
*a mouth |
11:28 |
Jordach |
3-7 cm, depending on the sensitivity |
11:28 |
hoodedice |
oookay thnx |
11:28 |
Jordach |
sometimes closer if it seems distant or muffled |
11:28 |
Jordach |
(i use a headset irl) |
11:28 |
hoodedice |
Me to |
11:28 |
hoodedice |
o\ |
11:28 |
Jordach |
\o./ |
11:34 |
hoodedice |
Wow. |
11:35 |
hoodedice |
The only difference in all i3 Sandy Bridges is their clock speed |
11:35 |
* hoodedice |
levels up |
11:36 |
Jordach |
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ http://imgur.com/gallery/kQSlvYr |
11:36 |
hoodedice |
XD |
11:37 |
mahomet joined #minetest |
11:37 |
hoodedice |
Makes my superfast 15 Mbps n00by |
11:38 |
hoodedice |
*superfast* |
11:39 |
Jordach |
http://i.imgur.com/8Yi6s7h.png |
11:40 |
hoodedice |
(But then again, I don't get the joke) |
11:41 |
Jordach |
aww; http://i.imgur.com/LhzAwuA.jpg |
11:42 |
hoodedice |
Sup with the American shutdown thingy? |
11:43 |
hoodedice |
(Wonder why terrorists don't find THIS to be a convenient time to strike. Not that I endorse terrorism, just sayin) |
11:44 |
jrabbit |
msot thigns are running that revovle arodu nsecurity |
11:44 |
hoodedice |
" msot thigns are running that revovle arodu nsecurity" |
11:44 |
hoodedice |
But unfortunately, your keyboard isn't |
11:45 |
hoodedice |
Jordach |
11:45 |
hoodedice |
Know any mod that removes all dropped items? |
11:48 |
hoodedice |
cornernote:Dude left, or got banned? |
11:58 |
dafull97 joined #minetest |
11:59 |
thexyz |
hoodedice: both |
12:03 |
dafull97 |
hey all! |
12:07 |
hmmmm joined #minetest |
12:14 |
n4x joined #minetest |
12:17 |
Taoki joined #minetest |
12:17 |
mahomet joined #minetest |
12:19 |
babyface1031 joined #minetest |
12:21 |
Taoki joined #minetest |
12:33 |
dafull97 |
anyone present? |
12:33 |
dafull97 |
or active? |
12:33 |
dafull97 |
Lol |
12:33 |
andersje |
I'm here, but about to leave for work |
12:33 |
andersje |
whattup? |
12:34 |
hoodedice |
no |
12:35 |
dafull97 |
Lol, oh jhust wondering if anyone is here... =D im bored... school |
12:39 |
andersje |
i remember those days |
12:40 |
dafull97 |
haha, yea... how old u? im 16 |
12:43 |
hoodedice |
17 here |
12:43 |
hoodedice |
=.= |
12:44 |
Jordach |
hoodedice, wut |
12:44 |
hoodedice |
wut wut? |
12:45 |
hoodedice |
this: Know any mod that removes all dropped items?? |
12:45 |
hoodedice |
found it |
12:47 |
hoodedice |
Anywa. |
12:47 |
hoodedice |
*y |
12:47 |
hoodedice |
I was thinking of adding human sounds to the game |
12:49 |
dafull97 |
7yea sounds awesome, goodedice |
12:49 |
dafull97 |
7yea sounds awesome, hoodedice* |
12:51 |
hoodedice joined #minetest |
12:51 |
hoodedice joined #minetest |
12:51 |
hoodedice joined #minetest |
12:52 |
hoodedice |
(goodedice) |
12:52 |
hoodedice |
That's a new low on typos bro. |
12:53 |
hoodedice |
But as I was saying |
12:53 |
hoodedice |
My voice sucks |
12:53 |
hoodedice |
So, I'll do everything that doesn't involve heavy breathing |
12:54 |
dafull97 |
hoodedice said: "That's a new low on typos bro." <- what you mean |
12:55 |
twoelk joined #minetest |
12:55 |
hoodedice |
I meant that that was the worst typo I've eve seen |
12:55 |
hoodedice |
*ever |
12:55 |
hoodedice |
lol |
12:56 |
dafull97 |
ohh, haha... and how the letters are right beside each other? |
12:56 |
hoodedice |
Actually, the word 'goo' coming up in there |
12:56 |
hoodedice |
=| |
13:01 |
werwerwer joined #minetest |
13:03 |
dafull97 |
haha, you own a server? |
13:04 |
hoodedice |
server? |
13:04 |
hoodedice |
No? |
13:04 |
hoodedice |
No. |
13:06 |
dafull97 |
ohh, i own my own server for minetest |
13:07 |
hoodedice |
nice? |
13:08 |
FreeFull joined #minetest |
13:09 |
dafull97 |
omg, im so bored |
13:09 |
dafull97 |
Lol |
13:11 |
hoodedice |
Who isn't? |
13:13 |
dafull97 |
Lol... you still in school? |
13:15 |
Pelayo_ joined #minetest |
13:16 |
Nocte|AFK |
Jordach! |
13:16 |
* Nocte|AFK |
is back. |
13:18 |
* dafull97 |
Don't care about Nocte |
13:18 |
dafull97 |
LOL, jk... |
13:18 |
Nocte |
Damn it. :| Trying to get sounds to play through my TV. |
13:19 |
Jordach |
Nocte, back |
13:20 |
Jordach |
Nocte, server spinning up |
13:20 |
dafull97 |
Nocte, is a wiring issue? |
13:21 |
Nocte |
Hmm dunno. |
13:21 |
Nocte |
I need to set this TV to play music.... :| |
13:22 |
dafull97 |
haha, i could help if i had a picture... send me a picture of wiring and where they hook up to.. send me them at dafull97 gmail.com if you need help |
13:23 |
andersje |
dafull97: sorry, was commuting. I'm 41. |
13:24 |
dafull97 |
oh, nice... it is alot more boring now |
13:24 |
Naked joined #minetest |
13:25 |
Nocte |
I'm going to join the server once I get my CD playing. |
13:25 |
Nocte |
Won't be bothering trying to use the audio jack thing through TV.. |
13:26 |
xrosnight joined #minetest |
13:28 |
hoodedice |
So... |
13:28 |
andersje |
dafull97: man, I'm watching what my kids are covering in school, and it would kill me. |
13:28 |
andersje |
I wanted to claw my eyes out through most of high school. |
13:28 |
Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest |
13:28 |
andersje |
college was tons better |
13:28 |
andersje |
that was more like drinking from a fire hose |
13:30 |
dafull97 |
high school is alot harder than it was when you went, not calling you old... jsut changed alot |
13:30 |
dafull97 |
my dad is 40 so... haha |
13:30 |
Nocte |
Okay Jordach! |
13:30 |
Nocte |
Coming to the server. |
13:31 |
andersje |
We'll see if my kids do much in the high school. |
13:31 |
andersje |
I'm pushing for PSEO |
13:31 |
andersje |
so they can start college classes earlier. |
13:31 |
dafull97 |
yea... well time change calsses will be on later |
13:31 |
dafull97 |
yea here is is called lee early college |
13:31 |
andersje |
my eldest has already exhausted the math curricula at the grade school, and tested out of the junior high curricula |
13:32 |
dafull97 |
wow |
13:32 |
dafull97 |
nice |
13:32 |
andersje |
he's something alright. |
13:32 |
andersje |
my younger son, the griefer, he's more interested in...shaped charges. |
13:32 |
andersje |
which reminds me, I have to look up the contact information for a cousin of mine in MT who does demolition for a living. |
13:32 |
andersje |
maybe my youngest can find a career doing that |
13:33 |
dafull97 |
yea, im youngest in my family |
13:33 |
Exio4 |
dafull97: you don't need to say you're 16, it is guess-able |
13:33 |
Exio4 |
look at your nick |
13:33 |
dafull97 |
yea, haha |
13:33 |
dafull97 |
save people from math ;) |
13:34 |
Exio4 |
and i'm 16, too |
13:34 |
* andersje |
nods |
13:34 |
Nocte |
Hmm.. |
13:34 |
andersje |
I remember being 16. the worst part of it was being treated like I was an idiot kid |
13:34 |
Nocte |
Could somebody tell me the reason why when playing music straight from CD it sounds broken? |
13:34 |
Exio4 |
maybe that explains why i am weird |
13:35 |
andersje |
by people who were older, more educated, but essentially less clever than me. |
13:35 |
Exio4 |
andersje: same |
13:35 |
Exio4 |
"hahaha, you're 16, gtfo" |
13:35 |
Exio4 |
in short ^ |
13:35 |
andersje |
sixteen year olds may be ignorant, but that's not the same as stupid. |
13:35 |
dafull97 |
Haha, yea |
13:35 |
andersje |
raw intelligence has high value. |
13:35 |
andersje |
I used to teach at a technical college. |
13:35 |
andersje |
you guys were my favorite students |
13:35 |
andersje |
the highschoolers taking college classes at night because the HS was tired of dealing with their shit. |
13:35 |
andersje |
I could explain a concept, and the PSEO guys would say "OMG, I _get_ it!" |
13:36 |
andersje |
and then they'd run with it. |
13:36 |
andersje |
hack my servers |
13:36 |
andersje |
then show me how they did it. |
13:36 |
dafull97 |
wow nice bye change class |
13:43 |
hoodedice |
... |
13:56 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
14:04 |
sfan5 |
hi everyone |
14:06 |
hoodedice |
hi |
14:07 |
PilzAdam joined #minetest |
14:08 |
xrosnight joined #minetest |
14:08 |
PilzAdam |
Hello everyone! |
14:08 |
Exio4 |
hello PonyAdam |
14:08 |
Exio4 |
:D |
14:09 |
hoodedice |
Sup PilzAdam |
14:09 |
PilzAdam |
hi PrincessExio |
14:09 |
hoodedice |
Thanks a lot for PilzTest |
14:11 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
14:14 |
andersje |
good morning. |
14:14 |
andersje |
PilzAdam: where in Germany are you? |
14:14 |
PilzAdam |
Lower Saxony |
14:17 |
hoodedice |
(Lower) |
14:19 |
Jordach |
that's a fucking bug |
14:19 |
Nocte |
What happened? |
14:19 |
Jordach |
access violation my ass |
14:19 |
Jordach |
in other words, it shit its guts out |
14:20 |
Nocte |
Haha. |
14:20 |
Jordach |
server spinning up |
14:20 |
Nocte |
Join back again? :p |
14:25 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
14:26 |
Hunterz joined #minetest |
14:34 |
Yepoleb joined #minetest |
14:35 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
14:44 |
Hunterz1 joined #minetest |
14:45 |
Nocte |
My character started to move without me doing anything. |
14:45 |
Nocte |
:| |
14:51 |
dsfsgslsl joined #minetest |
14:54 |
* Jordach |
pokes sfan5 |
14:54 |
* VanessaE |
pokes Jordach on sfan5's behalf |
14:54 |
Jordach |
hey VanessaE |
14:54 |
VanessaE |
hi |
14:55 |
Jordach |
have you ever noticed while smelting (be it food or ingots) that some take longer than others |
14:55 |
* sfan5 |
pokes VanessaE for not letting him poke Jordach |
14:55 |
VanessaE |
lol |
14:55 |
Jordach |
there is only one item that takes an age to cook is bread. |
14:55 |
Jordach |
even with coal blocks, it takes it's time |
14:56 |
Nocte |
And I'm building a tower now. :p |
14:56 |
Jordach |
maybe we should be able to cook bread and make toash |
14:56 |
Jordach |
toasy |
14:56 |
Jordach |
toast* |
14:56 |
Jordach |
yes, fresh toast |
14:56 |
VanessaE |
mmtoast |
14:57 |
VanessaE |
breakfast for me was biscuits 'n gravy + hash browns |
14:57 |
sfan5 |
this is more interesting than it is supposed to be: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma |
14:57 |
Nocte |
I need some glass for the windows. :| |
14:57 |
sfan5 |
Nocte: you could use linux too, you know? |
14:58 |
Nocte |
Too lazy to install anything like that. |
15:00 |
Hunterz1 |
have minetest server something like permission groups? players are in the default, admins are in admin group etc... |
15:00 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
15:00 |
VanessaE |
Hunterz: privileges. |
15:01 |
VanessaE |
all minetest servers have that |
15:01 |
Jordach |
Biggest MG village to date: http://i.imgur.com/7Akn6Z6.jpg |
15:01 |
VanessaE |
Jordach: nice |
15:01 |
PilzAdam |
that TP is horrible |
15:01 |
PilzAdam |
the grass is way darker than dirt_with_grass |
15:02 |
Jordach |
PilzAdam, design changes which i forgot to fix |
15:02 |
Jordach |
(i bitched about it as usual this morning, when i just noticed) |
15:02 |
hoodedice |
Indeed horrible |
15:05 |
Hunterz |
i see privileges, bu only players, group |
15:05 |
Hunterz |
is possible create group? |
15:06 |
Hunterz |
then add player to group |
15:06 |
Hunterz |
and only set privileges to group |
15:06 |
Hunterz |
not for every player |
15:09 |
Hunterz |
ah, found a mod for this... |
15:10 |
mahomet |
hi Jordach |
15:15 |
dsfsgslsl joined #minetest |
15:23 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
15:26 |
Hunterz1 joined #minetest |
15:32 |
Exio4 |
Jordach: how do you import maps from MC to MT? |
15:32 |
Exio4 |
iirc there was only a classic importer |
15:33 |
Jordach |
ask sfan5 |
15:33 |
Jordach |
he actually has a anvil importer in Java IIRC |
15:34 |
Exio4 |
ok |
15:34 |
Exio4 |
sfan5: how do you import maps from MC to MT? |
15:35 |
sfan5 |
Exio4: use mcedit |
15:35 |
sfan5 |
and ... |
15:35 |
sfan5 |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6007 |
15:39 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
15:40 |
Exio4 |
sfan5, ah |
15:41 |
Exio4 |
i thought you had a way to convert the whole map :P |
15:42 |
sfan5 |
no not yet |
15:42 |
Exio4 |
make a filter that outputs a sqlite database |
15:42 |
sfan5 |
that would be possible but... nah |
15:42 |
sfan5 |
I need to do other things now anyway |
15:43 |
GNADev|zRokh joined #minetest |
15:45 |
GNADev|zRokh |
hi |
15:50 |
Jordach |
!wik papyrus |
15:50 |
MinetestBot |
"Papyrus (sometimes called Sugar Cane, Reeds or Bamboo) is found near water." - http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Papyrus |
15:50 |
Jordach |
^ Nocte |
15:54 |
andersje |
is there documentation on the MC map format? |
15:56 |
Nocte |
Aha. |
15:57 |
Calinou |
andersje: yes |
15:57 |
Calinou |
Nocte: yes |
15:58 |
Calinou |
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Level_Format |
15:59 |
andersje |
thanks |
15:59 |
* andersje |
wonders about an automated converter |
15:59 |
andersje |
holy crap, that's a lot of files. |
15:59 |
* andersje |
thinks the sqlite db is a cleaner approach |
16:00 |
andersje |
oh. whoa. So...MT could handle regions via multiple sqlite files... |
16:04 |
Dan_D joined #minetest |
16:09 |
GNADev|zRokh left #minetest |
16:14 |
Hunterz joined #minetest |
16:14 |
Jordach |
> Nbtsheet.png keepInventory: Whether players keep their inventory after they die. False by default. <- sounds familiar |
16:16 |
Calinou |
gamerules |
16:20 |
ImQ009 joined #minetest |
16:20 |
Nocte |
Hmm. Do you need seeds for the bamboo thing to grow? |
16:29 |
Dan_D |
According to cola git gui, murder_hole.lua is unw do I fix this?tracked, so it won't commit it,ho |
16:29 |
dafull97 joined #minetest |
16:30 |
dafull97 |
hey guys |
16:30 |
Dan_D |
Never mind,hi dafull97 |
16:34 |
Dan_D |
Ok,I can't push to github |
16:35 |
Dan_D |
Never mind |
16:36 |
Dan_D |
VanessaE, you there? |
16:37 |
Nocte |
Where the hell did Jordach go. :| |
16:37 |
* Dan_D |
keeps prodding Jordach |
16:39 |
Jordach |
Nocte, eating bacon |
16:39 |
Nocte |
Hehe. |
16:42 |
Nocte |
Come and take look at the tower. :| |
16:45 |
VanessaE |
Dan_D: both servers are clearing objects now. |
16:45 |
Dan_D |
Yep |
16:45 |
VanessaE |
I'll restart them when it's done, if necessary |
16:45 |
Dan_D |
I saw a while ago |
16:45 |
VanessaE |
did you see a message? |
16:45 |
VanessaE |
ok |
16:45 |
Dan_D |
I've logged out |
16:45 |
VanessaE |
oh ok |
16:45 |
Dan_D |
And I saw a clearing objects message |
16:45 |
VanessaE |
ok good |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
it didn't give me any feedback that the command was received. |
16:46 |
Hunterz |
is possible get node with which player interact (right clicking) ? |
16:46 |
Nocte |
The tower has come a looong way. |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
Hunterz: that does not make sense? please explain. |
16:46 |
Hunterz |
i would like make own tool |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
oh sure |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
you can do that with a mod |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
there are many mods that add tools |
16:46 |
Hunterz |
for getting info about node |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
sure |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
you could do that; worldedit allows that already |
16:47 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
16:47 |
VanessaE |
( //inspec on and then just punch a node) |
16:47 |
Hunterz |
now have mod for pung, but that destroy for example torch |
16:47 |
Dan_D |
Yeah, says nameand coords of punched node |
16:47 |
VanessaE |
//inspect on I mean |
16:47 |
Hunterz |
punch |
16:47 |
TheSprtCz joined #minetest |
16:47 |
TheSprtCz |
Hi |
16:47 |
Hunterz |
i do not want punch with left button, need right clicking |
16:47 |
Dan_D |
on_rightclick |
16:48 |
Dan_D |
Intead of on_punch |
16:48 |
Hunterz |
thanks |
16:48 |
Dan_D |
That's fine |
16:49 |
* VanessaE |
waits for the servers to get their heads out of their asses. |
16:50 |
Nocte |
What's the code to delete highlighted items? |
16:50 |
Dan_D |
You mean an item your are holding? |
16:50 |
Hunterz |
is there any mod which store data to mysql using lua? |
16:50 |
Dan_D |
If so,/pulverize |
16:50 |
TheSprtCz |
Dan_d: so the it will be minetest.register_on_rightclick() ? |
16:50 |
Dan_D |
Yes |
16:50 |
Dan_D |
Or somethinglike that |
16:50 |
VanessaE |
Hunterz: not directly, but anything you add to the map is stored in the mapfile, which is sqlite by default. |
16:52 |
Hunterz |
I would like store node changes to mysql and make own tool for getting node changes ingame |
16:54 |
Dan_D |
VanessaE, you will update castle? |
16:54 |
VanessaE |
sure |
16:54 |
Dan_D |
Thnx |
16:54 |
Dan_D |
I may make another update in ~20 min |
16:54 |
VanessaE |
soon as the servers finish their rectal craniotomy. |
16:55 |
Dan_D |
:D |
16:55 |
Dan_D |
It sounds kinda painful... |
16:56 |
VanessaE |
no lube and no anesthetic ;) |
16:57 |
VanessaE |
rectal craniotomy: a surgical procedure involving the removal of one's head from their ass. |
16:57 |
Dan_D |
BD |
16:59 |
SpeedProg joined #minetest |
16:59 |
TheSprtCz |
Does anyone know how to do that tool doesn't do any damage to any block? |
17:03 |
Nocte |
Woot!! Finally the Tower is finished. |
17:04 |
Nocte |
Took me about one day. :| |
17:04 |
Dan_D |
Should I have decorative vats of oil, possibly burning, in castle? |
17:04 |
Dan_D |
Actually not now |
17:04 |
VanessaE |
Dan_D: survival is cleared and restarted. |
17:04 |
Dan_D |
Thanks VanessaE |
17:04 |
VanessaE |
oil? no |
17:05 |
VanessaE |
leave that to some other mod |
17:05 |
Dan_D |
I may add epic flowerpots though |
17:05 |
VanessaE |
no |
17:05 |
Dan_D |
Yes |
17:05 |
Dan_D |
Just for a laugh |
17:05 |
VanessaE |
homedecor has terracotta flowerpots. |
17:05 |
Dan_D |
Castlestoneflowerpots |
17:05 |
andersje |
flowerpots made from human skulls |
17:05 |
andersje |
that would be epic |
17:05 |
Dan_D |
:D |
17:06 |
Jordach |
andersje, +1 |
17:06 |
VanessaE |
oh no. |
17:06 |
VanessaE |
-10 |
17:06 |
Jordach |
+10 |
17:06 |
Dan_D |
I will consider it |
17:06 |
* andersje |
tallies his score, finds he's still at +1 overall |
17:06 |
VanessaE |
-20 |
17:06 |
andersje |
Dan_D: also, have you thought of adding heads on posts? |
17:06 |
Jordach |
VanessaE, more satisfying to kill your enemy and then make his death seem pitiful |
17:06 |
Jordach |
+200 |
17:06 |
VanessaE |
-infinity :P |
17:07 |
andersje |
nothing says "don't eff with my castle" like a road lined by the LAST guys who tried it |
17:07 |
* andersje |
channels Vlad Tepes |
17:07 |
VanessaE |
heh |
17:07 |
Dan_D |
Indeed |
17:07 |
andersje |
can I talk about last season of Walking Dead w/o ruining it for anyone? |
17:07 |
VanessaE |
heads on posts? familygrog did that already |
17:07 |
* andersje |
doesn't want to give out spoilers |
17:07 |
Dan_D |
Don't F**k with my castle, suckers! Or end up like your friends, with a tulip through your skul... |
17:07 |
VanessaE |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7020 |
17:09 |
proller joined #minetest |
17:10 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
17:12 |
rubenwardy |
Hi all |
17:12 |
andersje |
VanessaE: but that takes more work. Castle should just have generic human heads on posts |
17:12 |
andersje |
or skeletons on posts |
17:12 |
VanessaE |
ehhhh |
17:12 |
Dan_D |
Skull on post. |
17:12 |
andersje |
my youngest would LOVE it ;P |
17:12 |
Dan_D |
Easy |
17:13 |
VanessaE |
this isn't the castle of Vigo or Vlad the Impaler, come on |
17:13 |
andersje |
but I'd love it to be the castle of Vlad Tepes |
17:13 |
VanessaE |
the only way you could get something like that would be to craft it from bones. |
17:13 |
* andersje |
nods |
17:13 |
VanessaE |
andersje: that IS Vlad the Impaler. |
17:13 |
andersje |
making it even more horrific |
17:13 |
andersje |
to see a castle with like FORTY skulls on posts |
17:14 |
andersje |
"wow, that guy killed 40 people" |
17:14 |
Dan_D |
I may add skulls later. |
17:14 |
andersje |
howabout a conditional in your code, so if there are vombies, killing them also gets you a skull? |
17:14 |
Dan_D |
IDK,maybe |
17:14 |
Nocte |
I want to see you guys do a tower style building. :] |
17:15 |
Dan_D |
What about automatic street lights? Totally medieval... |
17:15 |
andersje |
hahaha |
17:15 |
andersje |
make the skulls light up |
17:15 |
andersje |
8P |
17:16 |
Gethiox joined #minetest |
17:18 |
xnrand joined #minetest |
17:18 |
Dan_D |
Demon red-eye glowing skulls? Maybe... |
17:18 |
Jordach |
torch + skull = lighting skull |
17:18 |
Exio4 joined #minetest |
17:20 |
nyuszika7h joined #minetest |
17:22 |
andersje |
skull + uranium == phosphorent skull |
17:22 |
andersje |
sorry, phosphorescent |
17:22 |
* andersje |
cannot spell |
17:26 |
VanessaE |
Dan_D: [10-02 13:29] <aracnus> Doesn't cobble glass recipe work? |
17:26 |
Dan_D |
Oh |
17:27 |
andersje |
just to prove my age, I'm now sending all my pseudo code samples around the office in BASIC. |
17:27 |
andersje |
complete with line numbers and GOTO |
17:27 |
VanessaE |
haha |
17:27 |
* andersje |
considers sending pseudo-code around in syntactically correct Pascal. |
17:28 |
andersje |
hey has anyone else watched the movie fathead? |
17:28 |
Jordach |
andersje, you troll |
17:28 |
VanessaE |
if you REALLY want to prove your age, you'll pass your pseudo samples around in COBOL :) |
17:28 |
Jordach |
make it work for the BBC :D |
17:28 |
Jordach |
17:28 |
Jordach |
^ much bette |
17:28 |
Jordach |
r* |
17:28 |
andersje |
I should just send screenshots of punchcards |
17:28 |
Jordach |
HA |
17:28 |
Peacock joined #minetest |
17:29 |
Jordach |
Peacock, http://i.imgur.com/LhzAwuA.jpg |
17:29 |
* andersje |
migrates |
17:29 |
Peacock |
gress? |
17:30 |
Jordach |
Say congress |
17:30 |
TheLastProject joined #minetest |
17:31 |
Peacock |
lol canucks busted silk road |
17:34 |
Nocte |
Hmm. Do any of you guys play any instruments? :P |
17:36 |
VanessaE |
piano, a little |
17:38 |
Jordach |
i've mastered the keyboard... |
17:38 |
Jordach |
i can play ctrl + alt + del, alt + f4 and everyones favourite: ctrl + c and ctrl + v |
17:39 |
Jordach |
ShadowNinja, are those handmade or pregenerated buildings you posted |
17:40 |
Jordach |
(also, try making them bigger next time) |
17:40 |
Nocte |
xHaha. |
17:40 |
Jordach |
Nocte, http://mg.viewskew.com/u/jordach/m/minetest-music/ |
17:40 |
Jordach |
^ my masterpiece for minetest i've had sitting about from (early 2012??) |
17:40 |
rubenwardy |
Any americans here? |
17:41 |
Nocte |
Oh. Its slooooooooooo-oooo----oooo---ooo--oo-o-oo-w. |
17:41 |
Jordach |
i remember building this PilzAdam http://mg.viewskew.com/mgoblin_media/media_entries/13/3D-Model.png |
17:42 |
PilzAdam |
Jordach, it was on RBAs server, IIRC |
17:42 |
Jordach |
it was |
17:43 |
Jordach |
Calinou, Taoki, sfan5 iirc |
17:43 |
Calinou |
highlight all the bronies day |
17:43 |
* Calinou |
gallops away |
17:43 |
sfan5 |
heh |
17:43 |
Nocte |
And VanessaE, how long did it take to learn to play piano? :p |
17:44 |
Jordach |
rubenwardy, VanessaE is US |
17:44 |
VanessaE |
years, and I suck at it. |
17:44 |
Jordach |
Nocte, fun fact: all my music is CPU generated |
17:45 |
Jordach |
Nocte, http://mg.viewskew.com/u/jordach/m/r-s-e-credits/ |
17:45 |
VanessaE |
rubenwardy: what's up? |
17:45 |
Jordach |
^ almost 1:1 realism |
17:45 |
Jordach |
(but even with the same notes, i can never make the identical one) |
17:45 |
Nocte |
Seems like Piano is a hard one to learn. |
17:45 |
Jordach |
Nocte, i've completed Guitar Hero (i can play expert+ as well as most GH instruments) |
17:46 |
Nocte |
I already know how to play Peter Gunn theme. |
17:46 |
Nocte |
And some other bit harder practice stuff. |
17:47 |
mahomet |
oh dear |
17:48 |
mahomet |
Dread Pirate Roberts has been arrested |
17:48 |
mahomet |
the clown linked his real email address to a forum post when he first started Silk Road |
17:48 |
Nocte |
Pirate Roberts who? |
17:49 |
Peacock |
idiot Ulbricht mailed himself fake id's through canada post lol |
17:49 |
mahomet |
Nocte: he ran the Silk Road, a notorious online drugs marketplace |
17:50 |
mahomet |
he also called out hits on users, which will be bad for his defence |
17:50 |
Nocte |
Oh. I see. |
17:50 |
ShadowNinja |
Jordach: Handmade and then copied with WE. |
17:50 |
Nocte |
Very, very stupid. |
17:50 |
Jordach |
ShadowNinja, ah |
17:50 |
ShadowNinja |
A lot of them are unique though. |
17:50 |
Jordach |
seems legit |
17:51 |
* Jordach |
suggests OpenSpades on ShadowNinja's server |
17:52 |
Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest |
17:55 |
Nocte |
Do you guys know any good free horror games? |
17:55 |
Nocte |
(Like for example: Imscared.) |
18:00 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
18:15 |
samnob joined #minetest |
18:18 |
roboman2444 joined #minetest |
18:33 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
19:03 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
19:06 |
Dan_D joined #minetest |
19:20 |
Vargos joined #minetest |
19:24 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
19:34 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
19:38 |
Wuzzy joined #minetest |
19:51 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
19:52 |
Miner_48er joined #minetest |
20:09 |
PilzAdam |
!unmute prestotron55 |
20:10 |
proller |
bad idea |
20:12 |
Niften_ joined #minetest |
20:12 |
Niften_ |
hi guys |
20:12 |
Niften_ |
oh dear |
20:12 |
* Nocte |
sets a TNT trap in front of Niften_. |
20:12 |
* Niften_ |
jumps over the TNT trap |
20:13 |
Niften_ |
:D |
20:13 |
Jordach |
Nocte, i was playing OpenSpadewas |
20:13 |
Jordach |
Spades* |
20:13 |
Jordach |
!g "openspades lets play" |
20:13 |
Nocte |
The TNT explodes when Niften_ was in mid air. |
20:13 |
MinetestBot |
Jordach: No results found for '"openspades lets play"'. |
20:13 |
Jordach |
!g "openspades lets play youtube" |
20:13 |
MinetestBot |
Jordach: No results found for '"openspades lets play youtube"'. |
20:13 |
Nocte |
It was motion activated trap! |
20:13 |
Jordach |
!g openspades lets play youtube |
20:13 |
MinetestBot |
Jordach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpfoElUU1nE |
20:13 |
Niften_ |
lol clever nocte |
20:13 |
Niften_ |
jordach |
20:13 |
Jordach |
20:14 |
Niften_ |
do you notice you're one of the only blender artists in the whole MT community? |
20:14 |
Niften_ |
:p |
20:14 |
Nocte |
DAMN IT! Jordach, why do you rape my ears with that music!?!?!? /rant. |
20:14 |
Nocte |
You could've warned me of it. |
20:14 |
Niften_ |
lol rape my ears xD |
20:15 |
Niften_ |
i wonder if i should continue cinema4d or use blender |
20:15 |
sdzen joined #minetest |
20:15 |
khor joined #minetest |
20:15 |
Niften_ |
hi |
20:15 |
Nocte |
I could've broken my ears. :| |
20:15 |
Niften_ |
*flies* to the hearing doctor! |
20:15 |
dafull97 joined #minetest |
20:15 |
dafull97 |
Hey guys |
20:15 |
Miner_48er |
hi |
20:15 |
Nocte |
My ears can't like that type of music you know? ;) |
20:15 |
prestotron55 |
[deleted] |
20:16 |
* prestotron55 |
runs away and wont be back til tomorrow |
20:16 |
sdzen |
wait did someone say ear rape? |
20:16 |
* Calinou |
takes Princess Luna and puts her horn in sdzen's ear |
20:16 |
sdzen |
I had something like that happen to me with my cassettes |
20:17 |
Nocte |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvQyHzlT6JA <- put your volume on LOUD for this music. ;) |
20:17 |
sdzen |
I forgot to lower my volume when listening to rush with headphones |
20:17 |
sdzen |
the strip spun |
20:17 |
Nocte |
Hehe. |
20:17 |
sdzen |
and so did my head |
20:18 |
* sdzen |
removes horn from ear and propels Princess Luna at Nocte |
20:18 |
Nocte |
Oh also: Wasn't Germany some wacky place where they censored M/18+(Pegi) games? |
20:18 |
sdzen |
gotta love censorship |
20:19 |
Jordach |
the No Russian mission in MW2 is missing |
20:20 |
Nocte |
No Russians, yeah right. That couldn't be so bad. |
20:21 |
Jordach |
Nocte, you run through a civilian filled airport shooting everything |
20:21 |
Jordach |
including the civilians |
20:21 |
Nocte |
They should've included an achievement "We Love Censorship!" for skipping that part. |
20:21 |
Nocte |
;) |
20:21 |
Nocte |
Yeh. I know Jordach. |
20:23 |
Nocte |
I wonder what other games have been censored in Germany in recent years. |
20:25 |
Nocte |
Oh wow, they censored Fallout 3 in Japan? O.o |
20:30 |
q66_ joined #minetest |
20:33 |
* dafull97 |
is afk |
20:37 |
Calinou |
don't use away nicks/messages, dafull97|AFK |
20:37 |
Calinou |
just use /away [reason] and /back :) |
20:38 |
* Nocte |
didn't know those existed. |
20:46 |
* Peacock |
fires away nicks at calinou |
20:46 |
* Peacock |
gallops away |
20:50 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: would you mind pushing a quick update to item_drop to let one easily turn the two features on/off? |
20:51 |
VanessaE |
(namely to turn off the part where items drop when dug, but keep the auto-pickup enabled_) |
20:51 |
Nocte |
So, is there a Minecraft texture mod for Minetest? |
20:52 |
VanessaE |
no |
20:52 |
VanessaE |
but there are some converted packs |
20:52 |
VanessaE |
Sphax BDCraft and Misa's pack come to mind |
20:53 |
Nocte |
Ok. |
20:53 |
ShadowNinja |
I have a texture converter for <1.5 MC TPs. |
20:53 |
ShadowNinja |
Jordach has MC4MT7 |
20:53 |
Nocte |
:| |
20:53 |
Nocte |
I don't have Minecraft myself so... |
20:54 |
* Calinou |
has |
20:54 |
Calinou |
Nocte: there are tons of MC texture packs :P |
20:56 |
Nocte |
I spawned in a middle of some island with TONS Of caves. |
20:58 |
Nocte |
How can I give myself the priviledge to fast move in single player game? :p |
20:59 |
Miner_48er |
/grant singleplayer fast |
21:00 |
ShadowNinja |
Or /grant singleplayer all |
21:03 |
Nocte |
Started building a house RIGHT next to a cave. :p |
21:04 |
Nocte |
With tin inside. :| |
21:04 |
Calinou |
moreores user spotted |
21:04 |
Calinou |
gtg, night |
21:04 |
Nocte |
Hehe, later. |
21:06 |
jin_xi joined #minetest |
21:10 |
Nocte |
Hmm, why does the sound of other stuff sound bad when Minetest lags? |
21:16 |
VanessaE |
bbl |
21:28 |
dafull97|AFK |
Back, hey all] |
21:36 |
Menche joined #minetest |
21:37 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
21:40 |
PilzAdam |
bye |
21:40 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
21:40 |
* Peacock |
pushes the pilzadam power button |
21:40 |
* Peacock |
gallops away |
21:41 |
zat joined #minetest |
21:48 |
zat |
Someone knows how to use technic:flashlight? |
21:50 |
Nocte |
Lol, I almost lost my house. :D |
21:50 |
Nocte |
I had to look for sand. |
21:50 |
Nocte |
:| |
21:50 |
kaeza |
zat, charge it in a battery box, then put it in your hotbar |
21:51 |
kaeza |
also: hi all |
21:51 |
Peacock |
greetings |
21:51 |
zat |
will try kaeza thx |
21:53 |
Nocte |
House build in single player... |
21:53 |
Nocte |
Now what? :P |
21:54 |
Nocte |
Build a mine under it? :D |
21:54 |
zat |
uh I need energy D: |
21:55 |
* Peacock |
attaches jumper cables to a car battery and zat's balls |
21:55 |
Nocte |
No energy for you!>:[ |
21:55 |
zat |
nu no |
21:57 |
Nocte |
BTW Peacock, I was at Anttila (One of the shops in Finland.) and spotted 'Dawn of the Dead' (The original with EU version) and 'The Shining' movies. Should I get the Dawn of the Dead? (I'm somewhat into the whole Post-apocalyptic/zombie thing. |
21:57 |
Nocte |
)* |
21:59 |
Peacock |
which dawn of the dead? |
22:00 |
Nocte |
I think its the original Romero. |
22:00 |
Peacock |
i'd go with the Shinning |
22:01 |
Nocte |
I have to see if my dad has Shining. He mentioned he might have it. |
22:03 |
Nocte |
I would also like to see someone do a Viking style longhouse. :p |
22:04 |
ndjdjksisksk joined #minetest |
22:04 |
ndjdjksisksk |
hi |
22:04 |
Nocte |
Lol.. Somebody hammered the keyboard. ;) |
22:04 |
ndjdjksisksk |
how is everyone doing |
22:04 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:04 |
Nocte |
Great, just tired. :| |
22:04 |
Peacock |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L0uK4LzAec |
22:04 |
Nocte |
Its 01:04 in here. |
22:04 |
zat |
How are you supposed to charge things? |
22:04 |
ndjdjksisksk |
no i used this user name on scratch in fourth grade |
22:05 |
ndjdjksisksk |
and memorized it |
22:05 |
Nocte |
Officially ruined the movie. ;) |
22:05 |
ndjdjksisksk |
? |
22:05 |
Nocte |
@Peacock. |
22:05 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh |
22:05 |
Nocte |
And I see @username thing. |
22:05 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:06 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ndjdjksisksk |
22:06 |
Nocte |
Supernatural had more humor when they did the parody. |
22:06 |
ndjdjksisksk |
or use ndj for short |
22:07 |
Nocte |
Sam went mad, chased bobby with an axe and when he hit a hole into the door, Bobby was like: "Please don't say: Here come's Sammy!" |
22:07 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:07 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i have a youtube chanel where i upload minetest videos |
22:07 |
Nocte |
Cool. |
22:07 |
ndjdjksisksk |
but my internet is 14.7 kb a sec :P |
22:07 |
Nocte |
I won't probably remember the channel if it has the same name. ;) |
22:08 |
* Nocte |
has the worst memory ever. |
22:08 |
ndjdjksisksk |
no it does not have the same name |
22:08 |
ndjdjksisksk |
it is i sutter |
22:08 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i messed up when u was making my username |
22:08 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i not you |
22:08 |
* ndjdjksisksk |
fails epicly |
22:09 |
Nocte |
I can't even find the house I build WITH the coordinations. :| |
22:09 |
* Peacock |
fails spicely |
22:09 |
ndjdjksisksk |
wow |
22:09 |
Nocte |
Yeah. |
22:09 |
Nocte |
Imagine me walking in a town without a map IRL. :| |
22:09 |
Nocte |
No chance. |
22:09 |
ndjdjksisksk |
O_O |
22:09 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i rarly am abel to log into irc lol |
22:10 |
Nocte |
Hmm, I found something red-ish. |
22:10 |
ndjdjksisksk |
? |
22:10 |
ndjdjksisksk |
an apple? |
22:10 |
Nocte |
22:10 |
Peacock |
a communist? |
22:10 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:10 |
Nocte |
Iron vein under my house! MWAHAHA! |
22:10 |
ndjdjksisksk |
tlol epic |
22:11 |
Peacock |
iron vein? use the emo tool to cut it ! |
22:11 |
ndjdjksisksk |
sorry i am used to using t to open chat |
22:11 |
Nocte |
And now it dried. :| |
22:11 |
Nocte |
It was small amount of Iron. |
22:11 |
ndjdjksisksk |
:( |
22:11 |
Nocte |
Game trolls meh. :( |
22:12 |
ndjdjksisksk |
O\_/O |
22:12 |
Nocte |
O)_(O |
22:12 |
ndjdjksisksk |
mv |
22:12 |
ndjdjksisksk |
nvnm |
22:12 |
ndjdjksisksk |
nvm* |
22:12 |
ndjdjksisksk |
............................................................ |
22:13 |
ndjdjksisksk |
. |
22:13 |
Nocte |
What? |
22:13 |
ndjdjksisksk |
nvm |
22:13 |
ndjdjksisksk |
idk |
22:13 |
Nocte |
You are starting to sound like funnymouth. |
22:13 |
ndjdjksisksk |
? |
22:13 |
ndjdjksisksk |
O_O |
22:13 |
ndjdjksisksk |
what is funnymouth |
22:13 |
Nocte |
Creepypasta character. |
22:14 |
zat |
someone here knows about technic? |
22:14 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i am going to play on the landrush server so if you want to come on there i will se you all |
22:14 |
Nocte |
Also: I found some Tin ore. :D |
22:15 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ok i did not know you had moreores installed |
22:15 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:15 |
Nocte |
Now you know. |
22:16 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lololololololollololol |
22:16 |
Nocte |
I think I found some more Iron. |
22:16 |
Nocte |
Yup. |
22:16 |
Peacock |
moreoreos |
22:17 |
Nocte |
Anyone who has watched SpoonyExperiment? :p |
22:17 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i have mobs 3d armor mesecons all of the default stuff and player textures and mod menu and the craftomg mod with different textures |
22:17 |
ndjdjksisksk |
crafting* |
22:17 |
Nocte |
Found some Silver. :D |
22:17 |
ndjdjksisksk |
:D |
22:18 |
dafull97 |
who would like a free vps |
22:18 |
ndjdjksisksk |
me |
22:18 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i want to hoost a server |
22:18 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i have wnted to for a long time |
22:18 |
Peacock |
give a hoot, hoost a server |
22:18 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh and hi defuall |
22:18 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i meant host* |
22:18 |
Peacock |
:P |
22:19 |
Nocte |
Hehe, everyone tyoping so much today. ;) |
22:19 |
ndjdjksisksk |
defaull can i have free vps |
22:19 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:19 |
ndjdjksisksk |
dafull97 |
22:20 |
ndjdjksisksk |
um hi |
22:20 |
ndjdjksisksk |
sorry i am spamming |
22:20 |
Nocte |
I'm finding so much stuff in here. :D |
22:20 |
ndjdjksisksk |
:( |
22:20 |
Peacock |
i'll take two dozen, are you also serving flapjacks, or is it too early? :S |
22:20 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:20 |
dafull97 |
yes, anyone that wants one... and this sin't a scam research reveiws online |
22:20 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ha ha ha ha |
22:20 |
dafull97 |
host1free.com |
22:20 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ok i will look at it |
22:20 |
dafull97 |
they are hosted by host1plus |
22:22 |
Nocte |
What do you typically do with massive amounts of stone? |
22:22 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ok i am going to try it expect a server to be up soon |
22:22 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ndjdjksisksk's survival server |
22:22 |
prestotron55 joined #minetest |
22:24 |
Menche |
Nocte, epic castle? |
22:24 |
ndjdjksisksk |
what the how do i make a host name |
22:24 |
Menche |
is what i'd do |
22:24 |
Nocte |
Ah. |
22:24 |
Menche |
not a whole lot of other uses for stone |
22:25 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh hi menche |
22:25 |
Nocte |
Hmm, Maybe I should actually try and make a wall for my building thing. |
22:25 |
* ndjdjksisksk |
is wondering how to make a vps server with host1free.com |
22:26 |
ndjdjksisksk |
what server are you two on |
22:26 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh and dafull can you show me how to make a srver |
22:26 |
ndjdjksisksk |
on host1free.com |
22:26 |
Nocte |
I'm just playing singleplayer. |
22:26 |
Peacock |
1) steal underpants 2) ????? 3) Server! |
22:27 |
zat |
someone knows how to make a forcefield generator work? I have connected it to HV solar arrays and still says unpowered |
22:27 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i think that that is a lag glitch |
22:27 |
ndjdjksisksk |
in tachnic |
22:27 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i have had glithces like tta |
22:28 |
zat |
but it is really bad |
22:28 |
zat |
I actually have not got anything to work yet |
22:28 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i have that same glitch |
22:28 |
ndjdjksisksk |
you have to make a new world |
22:28 |
ndjdjksisksk |
as far as i kno |
22:28 |
zat |
Five arrays, with 2600 EU each, all connected to anything, nothing ever powers up. |
22:28 |
ndjdjksisksk |
:( |
22:28 |
zat |
damn |
22:29 |
Nocte |
Also: For those interested in music related news: A vocalist from Melodic Death Metal band Amon Amarth is going to be in a movie about vikings. And guess what the lyrical themes of their music is? Vikings and Norse mythology. :| |
22:29 |
zat |
My world is well developed, I wont change it. |
22:29 |
mahomet joined #minetest |
22:29 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i know minetest glitches like crud |
22:29 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ok but you can take the map data from your world |
22:29 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i think |
22:29 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i will ahve to experimaent with it |
22:29 |
zat |
you can tell me ndjdjksisksk once you try |
22:30 |
zat |
I wont risk my world for that plugin, I better disable technic if it wont work. |
22:30 |
ndjdjksisksk |
hmmmmmm oh do you use a swithing station |
22:30 |
zat |
nu |
22:30 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:30 |
ndjdjksisksk |
tthat s why |
22:30 |
zat |
I have searched and could not find a single manual teaching how to use technic |
22:30 |
ndjdjksisksk |
you need a swiching station |
22:30 |
ndjdjksisksk |
it is an update |
22:30 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:31 |
mahomet joined #minetest |
22:31 |
zat |
uh |
22:31 |
zat |
what does it do? |
22:31 |
zat |
and what do I connect it to? |
22:31 |
ndjdjksisksk |
it turned on the circut lol |
22:31 |
zat |
(it says no network) |
22:31 |
ndjdjksisksk |
just a sec i ahve to download the mod |
22:32 |
zat |
lol oks |
22:32 |
Nocte |
Do you guys know any movies that are not related to music that have actors who are active musicians? :p |
22:33 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:33 |
ndjdjksisksk |
no |
22:35 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh man lag |
22:35 |
ndjdjksisksk |
can anyone hear me |
22:35 |
Nocte |
Yeah. |
22:35 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh good |
22:35 |
Nocte |
Do you mean ingame lag? |
22:35 |
ndjdjksisksk |
whew |
22:35 |
Peacock |
no i left ten minutes ago |
22:35 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i though i was anned from a server |
22:36 |
Nocte |
Minetest causes my laptop to lag a bit sometimes. |
22:36 |
ndjdjksisksk |
just for mantioning irc |
22:36 |
ndjdjksisksk |
my laptop lags like crud sometimes |
22:36 |
ndjdjksisksk |
but that is when i am using the hdx texture pack lol |
22:38 |
Nocte |
Making some steel. :D |
22:42 |
* Nocte |
tempts ndjdjksisksk to step out of the door. |
22:42 |
Nocte |
Best troll ever? Wait for somebody in Minetest to walk out of the door: Then shut it in their face. Childish, but funny. |
22:44 |
* ndjdjksisksk |
thinks that Nocte is a troll (griefer) |
22:44 |
Nocte |
Nah. |
22:44 |
ndjdjksisksk |
jk |
22:44 |
Nocte |
I only do it when it does no harm. |
22:44 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
22:44 |
ndjdjksisksk |
me ot |
22:44 |
ndjdjksisksk |
to |
22:44 |
Nocte |
And don't try to cause chaos. |
22:44 |
Nocte |
:p |
22:44 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i am an anti-griefer |
22:44 |
ndjdjksisksk |
and i make a good mod or amdmin |
22:45 |
Nocte |
Fricking lava! |
22:46 |
Nocte |
I'm at -69.5 (Not kidding about the number. ;) ) |
22:46 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh man |
22:47 |
ndjdjksisksk |
zat i have the technic mod |
22:47 |
Nocte |
I think I found gold. |
22:47 |
Nocte |
Yup. |
22:48 |
Nocte |
More Iron! WOOT! |
22:49 |
Nocte |
Take that lava! :D |
22:50 |
zat |
doooooog ndjdjksisksk |
22:51 |
ndjdjksisksk |
? |
22:51 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ok i am ready to play with th technic mod |
22:51 |
Nocte |
7 gold. :D |
22:55 |
Nocte |
I found 37 Iron. :D |
22:55 |
ndjdjksisksk |
O_o |
22:55 |
ndjdjksisksk |
O_O |
22:56 |
Nocte |
I had to evade some lava but that was it. |
22:56 |
ndjdjksisksk |
wow |
22:57 |
Nocte |
That was in the depth of 69.5 or around that level. |
22:57 |
Nocte |
Try to beat that. :D |
22:57 |
ndjdjksisksk |
:D |
22:57 |
zat |
kik |
22:57 |
ndjdjksisksk |
epic i have found a lot of lava pits |
22:58 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ok zat i am downloading one more dependancy |
22:58 |
zat |
which one |
22:58 |
ndjdjksisksk |
with 14.7 kb a sec internet |
22:58 |
zat |
wat why that slow |
22:58 |
ndjdjksisksk |
pipeworks |
22:58 |
zat |
cellphone or something? |
22:58 |
Nocte |
So many caves around my house. o.o |
22:59 |
ndjdjksisksk |
a tmobile internet plan |
22:59 |
zat |
lol |
22:59 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i am using a hot spot |
22:59 |
zat |
kik |
22:59 |
Nocte |
Mobile internet connection > uses to download > Is doing it wrong. |
23:00 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh man you are not kidding |
23:00 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i an barely get into irc |
23:00 |
ndjdjksisksk |
this is rare |
23:00 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i would not usualy be on |
23:00 |
Nocte |
I got like: 41 Steel Ignots. |
23:01 |
ndjdjksisksk |
wow |
23:01 |
ndjdjksisksk |
do you want to start a server i will join |
23:01 |
ndjdjksisksk |
just forward yyour port |
23:01 |
ndjdjksisksk |
then give me your public ip adress |
23:01 |
zat |
My server is Leklsak |
23:01 |
zat |
(in case someone would join) |
23:01 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh ok |
23:02 |
ndjdjksisksk |
see you on there |
23:02 |
ndjdjksisksk |
what is your username? |
23:02 |
zat |
I am contacting you there lol |
23:02 |
zat |
I am mod there |
23:02 |
zat |
you will recognize me |
23:02 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ok |
23:02 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i am going to use ndjdjksisksk |
23:04 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh ma i can't wait for the pipewroks mod to download so i can ge thte server list up |
23:05 |
Nocte |
Also: I'm a newb. Hehe. |
23:05 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
23:05 |
Nocte |
Whoa, the IRC lag. O.O |
23:05 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh no lag |
23:05 |
Taoki joined #minetest |
23:06 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag la gla |
23:07 |
Nocte |
Also: Want to know what I love? I don't need to hear about those two annoying music things again. :D |
23:07 |
Nocte |
Gangnam Style and what was it again? |
23:08 |
ndjdjksisksk |
gental men |
23:08 |
ndjdjksisksk |
lol |
23:08 |
Nocte |
Nah, not that. |
23:08 |
Nocte |
The one with the 'dance' thing. :| |
23:08 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i odn't know hwt ayou area talking about |
23:09 |
Nocte |
It was hmm... :| |
23:09 |
Nocte |
It was quite popular and was parodied a lot. |
23:09 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
23:09 |
ndjdjksisksk |
dance dance revoulution |
23:09 |
Nocte |
Around the same time as Gangnam Style. |
23:09 |
ndjdjksisksk |
(M) |
23:10 |
zat |
Trololo guy |
23:10 |
Nocte |
Harlem Shake was it or something? |
23:10 |
Nocte |
>:| |
23:11 |
Nocte |
See? They are so forgettable nobody remembers them after couple months. |
23:11 |
zat |
just some |
23:11 |
Nocte |
Rick Roll is always funny. |
23:11 |
zat |
Nobody cant forget the ultimate muscle roller legend for example. |
23:12 |
theTroy joined #minetest |
23:13 |
Nocte |
I'm building a wall now. :p |
23:14 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh man i am lagging lekslak server |
23:15 |
zat |
seems like lol |
23:15 |
zat |
can a player really lag the server? |
23:15 |
Nocte |
I'm so dumb I always block off the stairs into a higher place. :| |
23:19 |
* Nocte |
yawns. |
23:27 |
zat |
Is it /clearobjects? |
23:27 |
zat |
I am messaging my players with commands attempts!!!!! |
23:27 |
Nocte |
Dammit, I'm so hungry. :[ |
23:28 |
Nocte |
And its in the middle of the night. |
23:30 |
IceWarrior joined #minetest |
23:30 |
IceWarrior joined #minetest |
23:30 |
zat |
what is the difference between player/actor? |
23:30 |
zat |
and * |
23:31 |
ndjdjksisksk |
woah ou are in adiferent time zone |
23:31 |
ndjdjksisksk |
hi oogb |
23:31 |
ndjdjksisksk |
0gb |
23:31 |
ndjdjksisksk |
what happened to you server |
23:33 |
us}0gb |
Hello! |
23:33 |
us}0gb |
Happened? Is it down again? |
23:33 |
us}0gb |
!up 0gb.us |
23:33 |
MinetestBot |
0gb.us:30000 seems to be down |
23:33 |
us}0gb |
Hmm.... |
23:33 |
us}0gb |
Sshing in .... |
23:33 |
Nocte |
Aww shit. |
23:33 |
zat |
0gangbang? |
23:33 |
Nocte |
This is going to take a loong time. |
23:33 |
us}0gb |
WHat is? |
23:33 |
Nocte |
I need some more stone. :| Building a wall around my house. |
23:34 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ok ogb can i have interact on your server |
23:34 |
us}0gb |
Everyone gets interact by default. No need to ask. |
23:34 |
ndjdjksisksk |
? |
23:34 |
us}0gb |
Unless one of the moderators changed it on me .... |
23:34 |
ndjdjksisksk |
when i was on i did not have interact |
23:35 |
us}0gb |
I'll look into that and fix it. What's your in-game name (case sensitive)? |
23:35 |
ndjdjksisksk |
ndjdjksisksk i think i am chacking |
23:36 |
ndjdjksisksk |
nope the server id down |
23:37 |
ndjdjksisksk |
the server is down |
23:37 |
us}0gb |
Yeah. I just brought it back up, I don't know why it was down and don't have time to look into that. |
23:37 |
dafull97 |
ndjdjksisksk did you check it out? |
23:37 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i did |
23:37 |
dafull97 |
us}0gb, hey |
23:37 |
us}0gb |
I'm working on checking now. |
23:37 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i can not set my hostname |
23:38 |
us}0gb |
THe default priveleges include shout. I don't know why you don't have it, but I can fix that. |
23:39 |
Nocte |
Woot. :D |
23:39 |
cy1 |
VanessaE: just confirmed it works on SMP with technic on gold chests w/out side effects |
23:39 |
Nocte |
Gate has a fence. |
23:39 |
dafull97 |
ndjdjksisksk, what do you mean? |
23:39 |
us}0gb |
ndjdjksisksk, the server says you have shout and interact already. |
23:40 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i tried to set a host name and it did not work |
23:40 |
ndjdjksisksk |
but the server id down i can not get on |
23:40 |
ndjdjksisksk |
check the ipban file |
23:40 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i highly doubt it |
23:40 |
ndjdjksisksk |
but it is posible |
23:40 |
us}0gb |
Hmm. Checking ... |
23:41 |
cy1 |
And on mithril chests. |
23:41 |
us}0gb |
ndjdjksisksk, the file is empty. |
23:41 |
ndjdjksisksk |
wow |
23:41 |
ndjdjksisksk |
um |
23:41 |
ndjdjksisksk |
what is the serverip again |
23:42 |
ndjdjksisksk |
0gb.us port 30000 |
23:42 |
ndjdjksisksk |
? |
23:42 |
us}0gb |
I don't know the IP. Use the domain name, 0gb.us. |
23:42 |
us}0gb |
Port 32767. |
23:43 |
us}0gb |
Also, my mother just got home and it's her birthday. I have to go. |
23:43 |
ndjdjksisksk |
oh ok |
23:43 |
ndjdjksisksk |
i am on your serevr it was the port |
23:43 |
us}0gb |
!up 0gb.us |
23:43 |
MinetestBot |
0gb.us:30000 seems to be down |
23:43 |
us}0gb |
... |
23:44 |
us}0gb |
SOmething is going wrong now. When I log out of ssh, Minetest goes down. THat's new. |
23:44 |
ndjdjksisksk |
it is 32767 |
23:44 |
us}0gb |
OH! Right. |
23:44 |
us}0gb |
!up 0gb.us 32767 |
23:44 |
MinetestBot |
0gb.us:32767 is up (389ms) |
23:44 |
ndjdjksisksk |
not 30000 |
23:44 |
us}0gb |
Okay, good. |
23:44 |
us}0gb |
Gotta' go. Bye! |
23:45 |
Nocte |
http://oi42.tinypic.com/15eajvr.jpg <- this is my building I'm working on. |
23:46 |
* dafull97 |
is confused |
23:46 |
Nocte |
The thing you see in the front is the wall. |
23:46 |
Nocte |
Or rather, the gate . |
23:47 |
ndjdjksisksk |
dafull97 i can not get it to regester me |
23:47 |
zat |
who wanna see my house :c |
23:47 |
Nocte |
Sure, why not? @zat. |
23:47 |
Nocte |
Hopefully its not ugly as mine. ;) |
23:48 |
zat |
http://uppix.net/YlFnJH.png |
23:48 |
zat |
http://uppix.net/7SDlB2.png |
23:48 |
zat |
http://uppix.net/OwbOCv.png |
23:48 |
dafull97 |
the host1free? |
23:48 |
ndjdjksisksk |
yep the host1free |
23:48 |
dafull97 |
they will email you when they have set you up |
23:48 |
dafull97 |
it takes sometimes up to 1 wk. 1/2 |
23:48 |
Nocte |
:O <- my face right now. |
23:48 |
zat |
wat it is not that awesome |
23:49 |
Nocte |
Zat, how lang have you been doing that? |
23:49 |
Nocte |
24/7h? ;) |
23:49 |
zat |
it took like one hour |
23:49 |
zat |
no, not 6 hours :) |
23:49 |
Nocte |
Oh, mine take like 3 hours to get wood and materials and building. |
23:49 |
zat |
I mean. 3.4 |
23:49 |
zat left #minetest |
23:49 |
zat joined #minetest |
23:49 |
zat |
lol |
23:49 |
zat |
I am god in my servr |
23:50 |
Nocte |
Only 'cheat' I'm using is the Fast run thing. |
23:50 |
Nocte |
Still takes a lot of time. |
23:50 |
cy1 joined #minetest |
23:50 |
zat |
There is a small castle in the middle of the water lol |
23:50 |
zat |
and a lot of roads |
23:50 |
zat |
in Leklsak |
23:51 |
smoke_fumus joined #minetest |
23:51 |
zat |
(servers name) |
23:52 |
Nocte |
Could anyone try to make a Viking longhouse? |
23:53 |
zat |
ounds good |
23:53 |
zat |
sounds* |
23:53 |
zat |
photos? |
23:54 |
Nocte |
http://www.history.com/images/media/slideshow/viking-heroes-and-homes/viking-longhouse-slagelse.jpg <- something like this. |
23:55 |
deltib left #minetest |
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deltib joined #minetest |
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Wuzzy joined #minetest |
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mrtux joined #minetest |
23:58 |
Nocte |
Gotta go to sleep soon-ish. |
23:58 |
Nocte |
Anyone up for the challenge of building that kind of house? |