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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-08-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:09 jojoa1997 back
00:14 harrison The Zoloft bug, the Pristiq doll and the Abilify umbrella walk into a bar. The bartender says "Hey! I recognize you guys from TV! I went through a bad depression a few years ago and every drug my doctor tried gave me sexual side effects. Frankly, your ads are misleading, and no genitalless kawaii floating ovoid, prim little clockwork, or notetaking umbrella sidekick at an applepicking picnic can change that."
00:14 harrison The Pristiq doll replies "Oh yeah? How's this for a sexual side effect?"
00:14 harrison "F*** YOU!"
00:16 Leoneof joined #minetest
00:22 jojoa1997 so on a happy note
00:22 jojoa1997 whats up
00:34 jojoa1997 left #minetest
01:05 babyface1031 joined #minetest
01:08 PilzAdam bye
01:16 bas080 joined #minetest
01:17 kaeza joined #minetest
01:18 aldobr joined #minetest
01:18 aldobr hi all
01:46 bas080 joined #minetest
01:52 Miner_48er joined #minetest
02:18 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
02:37 kaeza joined #minetest
02:41 kaeza joined #minetest
02:56 kaeza joined #minetest
03:04 Mossmanikin bye, later
03:18 roboman2444 joined #minetest
04:13 babyface1031 joined #minetest
04:15 Renoki joined #minetest
04:42 away joined #minetest
04:46 VanessaE quiet night ...
05:04 OldCoder joined #minetest
05:19 nore joined #minetest
05:20 nore hi all
05:21 VanessaE I think it's just us, everyone's asleep/afk
05:22 nore ah, ok
05:28 ch98 joined #minetest
05:37 Miner_48er what happens when reactor core reaches 0%
05:37 Miner_48er *?
05:42 VanessaE it runs out?
05:42 VanessaE I'd assume the reactor just shuts down
05:43 Miner_48er ok
05:43 Miner_48er thx
05:44 kaeza joined #minetest
05:45 VanessaE kaeza: *poke*
05:53 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
05:56 marcusb joined #minetest
06:15 kaeza joined #minetest
06:16 khonkhortisan it might just keep cooling itself
06:27 VanessaE bbl
06:27 sfan5 hi everyone
06:53 khor joined #minetest
06:59 _ecks joined #minetest
07:00 diemartin joined #minetest
07:01 fortytwo_ joined #minetest
07:15 rsiska joined #minetest
07:16 khonkhortisan Huh. I just realized I pulled a cornernote in another game, but they convinced me not to let them ban me.
07:16 khonkhortisan Is worldedit gui dead?
07:36 meldrian joined #minetest
07:52 diemartin
07:52 diemartin :I
08:04 diemartin joined #minetest
08:06 Zacrath joined #minetest
08:11 Calinou joined #minetest
08:11 Pest joined #minetest
08:26 djdduty joined #minetest
08:26 djdduty I am trying to think up ways of handling biomes and such, I figure here is a good place to ask.(from dev, I realize that is a more serious chat...)
08:26 djdduty Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could point me at a ton of terrain generation resources using perlin noise. ^
08:52 sfan5 :/
08:53 sfan5 khonkhortisan: yes
08:54 MinetestBot joined #minetest
08:57 TheLastProject joined #minetest
08:57 Semilevel joined #minetest
09:04 jin_xi joined #minetest
09:32 nore jin_xi: I have an idea for turtles
09:32 nore you could make villages with them
10:17 Jordach joined #minetest
10:25 Jordach MinetestBot!
10:25 MinetestBot Jordach!
10:25 * Jordach pets MinetestBot
10:25 Jordach i know you're there sfan5
10:25 sfan5 yes I am
10:30 proller nore, in next now enabled stone flowing, teleport to -30000 and MEEELT 8)
10:30 proller ups, stone melting
10:31 proller now without nodeupdate and fast
10:31 proller AND!!
10:31 proller sand flowing!
10:32 proller no more sand pillars!
10:34 Mati^1 joined #minetest
10:34 Mati^1 hi
10:37 q66 joined #minetest
10:37 nore sand flowing???
10:38 Jordach
10:39 Tom-s joined #minetest
10:39 blaze joined #minetest
10:43 VanessaE stone melting?
10:43 VanessaE heh
10:44 Jordach hey VanessaE
10:44 VanessaE hi
10:55 proller nore, not like liquid, its stay solid block, but jumping down if can
10:55 proller can try on sky server
11:04 bas080 joined #minetest
11:06 Jordach hello bas080
11:06 bas080 Hey Jordach
11:06 Jordach
11:06 Jordach ^ might wanna see that
11:08 bas080 cool. keeping it 16x16px?
11:08 Jordach yes
11:08 Jordach smoothed lrfurn, mmm
11:08 Jordach might call it smooth'd
11:09 Jordach smooth'd(efault)
11:10 Jordach say fucking what!? clementine is burning 50% of cpu time
11:11 Jordach better, lowered the audio buffer, changed output
11:14 bas080 i was wondering if it is possible to get node meta data using voxelmanip. I want to make a tool that removes all nodes placed by a defined player.
11:14 Jordach bas080, /rollback <player>
11:14 Jordach if rollback is enabled
11:15 bas080 nice!
11:15 Jordach drop a bucket of lava? no problem!
11:15 Jordach it clears the source AND the flowing
11:15 bas080 so how can i see if rollback is enabled?
11:15 Jordach it's a conf setting
11:15 bas080 rollback = true?
11:15 bas080 and can i set it after the map has been made?
11:16 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:16 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:16 Jordach
11:16 bas080 Hey PilzAdam
11:16 Jordach bas080, ^
11:16 Jordach the rollback log can be used at any time
11:17 bas080 Ok ty Jordach
11:17 Jordach bas080, be warned, it likes to use lots of hard disk space
11:17 bas080 i am
11:18 Jordach VanessaE's server had horror
11:18 Jordach that*
11:19 VanessaE ?
11:20 Jordach where the rollback log filled your drive
11:20 VanessaE oh, no it never did that.
11:21 VanessaE it got pretty big, but never filled the drive
11:21 VanessaE redcrab's logs did that once I think, though
11:21 VanessaE but that was the debug log, not rollback
11:22 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest
11:26 bas080 so what if some one started fixing the nodes that you want to apply rollback to. What happens to the nodes that where changed after the "troll" did his work?
11:27 Taoki joined #minetest
11:29 Jordach if they were replaced, they return to what they were
11:29 Jordach before the troll made improvements
11:30 Jordach so if i mined some coal, that coal would go back into that cave as if i never mined it
11:31 bas080 cool. and if i dirtified a house and the owner of the house digged it out and placed a table in his house the table would be gone
11:31 Jordach if you rolledback his actions
11:31 Jordach yes.
11:31 bas080 and if i rollback my actions
11:31 Jordach the house returns to normal
11:32 bas080 with or without table?
11:32 Jordach without, he never dug out his house
11:32 proller calinou destroys 8000+ blocks on my server, and rollback was disabled ;(
11:32 Jordach nor did he place the table, as you just said
11:33 bas080 Jordach, awesome
11:36 Taoki joined #minetest
11:37 Jordach Minetest Classic just got this:
11:44 Zacrath left #minetest
12:08 jin_xi nore: sorry, been afk... but yes you could make villages with it... or castles or whatever really
12:14 Semilevel joined #minetest
12:15 dhbiker joined #minetest
12:19 krofek joined #minetest
12:23 Wuzzy joined #minetest
12:30 Calinou joined #minetest
12:38 nore hi Calinou
12:39 nore btw, have you looked at my pull request?
12:40 Calinou where?
12:41 Calinou calinou_mods is obsolete by the way
12:41 nore moreores
12:48 Mati^1 joined #minetest
13:00 bas080 special group bouncy isn't working like it should. When holding jump i get shot up at a value that is way to large. I can show you on the nyan server where the nodes bouncy value is 20
13:07 Calinou set jumpable to false
13:24 rsiska joined #minetest
13:40 proller joined #minetest
13:44 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
13:44 DanDuncombe VanessaE, can you please update the tbm mod on your server? I have added the alternate recipe changes like you said, and finally moved it to github. Here is the github download link:
13:45 DanDuncombe There are also a couple of other changes
13:45 Leoneof joined #minetest
13:47 DanDuncombe The nodebox is finally satisfactory too
13:52 DanDuncombe What time is it wherever VanessaE is?
13:53 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest
13:53 kahrl joined #minetest
13:56 Gethiox joined #minetest
13:58 NekoGloop joined #minetest
14:05 progers joined #minetest
14:12 PilzAdam bbl
14:12 dhbiker joined #minetest
14:35 proller joined #minetest
14:36 WolfgangB joined #minetest
14:43 krofek_ joined #minetest
14:46 bas080 joined #minetest
14:51 babyface1031 joined #minetest
14:51 DanDuncombe Is VanessaE awake yet?
14:52 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:56 OldCoder joined #minetest
14:59 whirm1 joined #minetest
15:03 ecube joined #minetest
15:06 thexyz
15:07 DanDuncombe Lol
15:08 DanDuncombe Is VanessaE there?
15:10 thexyz no
15:11 DanDuncombe Will she be awake soon?
15:24 Gethiox joined #minetest
15:27 cisoun joined #minetest
15:30 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:30 progers joined #minetest
15:31 Calinou joined #minetest
15:31 Tom-s joined #minetest
15:32 Tom-s left #minetest
15:33 jojoa1997|PC joined #minetest
15:35 jojoa1997 I get this when i run technic
15:35 jojoa1997 mods\technic\technic\init.lua:
15:35 jojoa1997 10:36:19: ERROR[main]: C++ exception
15:35 jojoa1997 and up until the dofile(modpath) stuff it work fine
15:39 Zeg9 joined #minetest
15:39 hmmmm hrmm
15:39 hmmmm
15:39 hmmmm samsung 840 250gb for 48 gbp
15:40 jojoa1997 can anyone answer my problem
15:42 thexyz hmmmm: what's the catch?
15:43 hmmmm well you have to be from england to have sane shipping charges
15:43 Calinou obvious mistake = they can take it back
15:43 nore Calinou:
15:44 Calinou merged
15:44 thexyz Calinou: ah, okay
15:45 Calinou well it depends on countries
15:45 nore Zeg9, do items in item frames re-appear when you do /clearobjects?
15:46 jin_xi so i am still wondering about what would be a sane way to use decorations to find places to spawn turtles.
15:50 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
15:53 Peacock joined #minetest
15:53 jojoa1997 So i am using the game from VanessaE's(one on her server) and everytime i load it i get somekind of error saying"C++ Exception". Now does anyone know what it means? I have only found the bug in gloopblocks and technic. <ight it be because i am using windoews  or maybe my C++ is out of date?
15:53 rsiska joined #minetest
15:54 Exio4 C++ is the language
15:55 Peacock you need to buy a new copy of C++
15:57 jojoa1997 i know but why does it happen
15:57 Exio4 it is available for only 350USD+shipping!
15:57 jojoa1997 also i cant but C++
15:57 jojoa1997 anyways isnt C++ free?
15:57 jojoa1997 since i already have it on my computer
15:58 Exio4 if you know what it is you can't be seriously asking that jojoa
15:58 Exio4 it is the language
15:58 Exio4 *and only the language*
15:58 Vargos joined #minetest
15:58 Exio4
15:59 DanDuncombe jojoa1997,  You need to adjust your client specially to cope with the sheer  number of nodes. I can't remember what you have to change, ask VanessaE
16:00 DanDuncombe Can a moderator move my TBM reloaded mod to mod releases please?
16:01 jojoa1997 ok
16:01 jojoa1997 does that mean compileing stuff
16:02 DanDuncombe I don't know
16:02 Peacock you have to compile the latest Assembly
16:04 Peacock effing sweet:
16:04 DanDuncombe Will a moderator move the TBM Reloaded mod?
16:04 jojoa1997 DAn
16:05 jojoa1997 DanDuncombe you have to ask in the topic move section in the forum
16:05 DanDuncombe Not necessacrily
16:05 DanDuncombe I have asked here for pretty much all of my mods
16:06 jojoa1997 yeah but it is better fro the forum
16:06 jojoa1997 you ask once and they will move it
16:06 DanDuncombe They sometimes take weeks to move though
16:06 jojoa1997 also when no moderator is on irc which will never happen probably then they can still move it
16:06 jojoa1997 not lately and if it doesnt move one day ask the next
16:07 DanDuncombe I have asked now
16:08 Peacock dude, i once waited 3-4 weeks, be patient :p
16:08 DanDuncombe I waited 2 billion years
16:09 * jojoa1997 10 minutes later...Is it there yst?.....10 minutes later.....Is it there yet?.....wash,rinse,repeat
16:09 DanDuncombe Is it moved yet?
16:09 Peacock besides even the american moderators are on european time :p
16:09 DanDuncombe Is it moved yet?
16:10 DanDuncombe I won't ask again
16:10 DanDuncombe A nice screeny of VanessaE's survival server:
16:11 jojoa1997 yeah
16:11 jojoa1997 Peacock if VanessaE was up at normal times(aka my times) i would be able to ask atm
16:12 DanDuncombe Shows most good stuff,except for twoelk's awesome castle
16:12 jojoa1997 it is noon in our time
16:12 jojoa1997 but her sleep schedual is all over the place
16:12 DanDuncombe It is 5:15 PM my time
16:12 Peacock seems very few of us in N.A. actually sleep at night lol
16:12 DanDuncombe She sleeps whenever she is tired
16:12 Peacock hell even i can get by on 3-4 hours sleep for weeks on end lol
16:13 jojoa1997 NA?
16:13 jojoa1997 oh north america
16:13 jojoa1997 well VanessaE doesnt have a job outside of her house(haveing to drive to work) or something so she pretty much is on her own schedual
16:14 Peacock and im on contract so lol doesn't matter when i get shit done
16:14 Peacock though the neighbours find it weird when i work through the night and drink at 9am lol
16:15 DanDuncombe WHAT THE FUCK???
16:15 Peacock ah, the unknown biome
16:15 DanDuncombe A biomeof unknown nodess...
16:15 DanDuncombe Kinda random
16:16 Peacock we need more biomes in general, there's gotta be more to earth than plain dirt/desert/jungle
16:16 DanDuncombe Tundra for a start
16:16 DanDuncombe Then grassy plains
16:16 DanDuncombe Then, mud deserts
16:16 Peacock epic valleys and plateaus
16:16 DanDuncombe Proper mountains
16:17 Peacock yes
16:19 DanDuncombe The forum is boring right now
16:19 Peacock when is it not?
16:19 DanDuncombe At my midnight
16:20 DanDuncombe Carts of some form need to be added to defautlt
16:21 Calinou cats, too
16:21 WolfgangB joined #minetest
16:23 dhbiker joined #minetest
16:27 jojoa1997 Calinou already done
16:27 jojoa1997 nyan cat
16:30 jin_xi so, if you're bored and looking for biomes, try this:
16:35 DanDuncombe ShadowNinja, you maintain the Technic rewrite branch, which VanessaE uses, correct?
16:37 NakedFury joined #minetest
16:39 thexyz jin_xi: all those *~ files
16:40 nore Calinou, you need to update the license on the topic
16:41 Calinou ok
16:41 nore that was fast ;)
16:43 jin_xi well, fuckin emacs
16:45 * Calinou uses geany
16:45 * Peacock uses calinou
16:45 Calinou nano if I absolutely need to use CLI
16:47 thexyz nano sucks
16:47 Calinou it does, yes
17:05 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
17:08 TheLastProject joined #minetest
17:14 Semilevel joined #minetest
17:16 PilzAdam joined #minetest
17:28 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Fix bug in pathfinder causing endless loop in some situations 5d0f19fd7d 2013-08-31T10:26:51-07:00
17:43 DanDuncombe left #minetest
17:59 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
18:03 * NekoGloop noms MinetestBot
18:05 kahrl are pumpkins ever spawned in pilztest?
18:06 Peacock only on halloween :p
18:12 jojoa1997 /time set halloween
18:13 jin_xi /time 25 DEC
18:13 PilzAdam kahrl, yes, in forests
18:14 nore 25 DEC = 31 OCT
18:15 kahrl PilzAdam: I can't find any
18:15 jojoa1997 jin_xi DEC 25 is christmass for me
18:15 PilzAdam then keep searching ;-)
18:15 * jojoa1997 hopes holoween doesnt take over christmass
18:16 jojoa1997 does anyone know how to saise the max nuber of nodes your game can have?
18:17 nore you need to edit a file, and then recompile
18:17 jojoa1997 that stinks
18:17 nore VanessaE has the manip explained somewhere
18:17 jojoa1997 maybe minetest should raise it by default
18:17 jojoa1997 cause i cant compile and i want here game
18:32 jojoa1997 so is anything new going to be added to minetest_game
18:37 bas080 joined #minetest
18:40 nore Do you remember the discussion about the size of a KB a few weeks ago?
18:41 nore I have the answer:
18:48 PilzAdam joined #minetest
18:50 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
19:10 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Use wstring for vertlabels 71a6ffa762 2013-08-31T12:07:53-07:00
19:11 whirm1 joined #minetest
19:28 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
19:29 DanDuncombe Is there any way of setting a collisionbox for a node?
19:31 LazyJ joined #minetest
19:31 DanDuncombe Is there?
19:39 DanDuncombe Hellooooooooo?
19:41 Calinou joined #minetest
19:44 DanDuncombe Is anyone there??
19:44 Calinou DanDuncombe: ask your question
19:44 DanDuncombe Is there any way of setting a collisionbox for a node?
19:45 DanDuncombe Because my nodebox is way bigger than normal node size
19:45 Calinou collision box is linked to node :/
19:45 DanDuncombe In fact, 3x3x5
19:46 bas080 joined #minetest
19:46 DanDuncombe But collision only seems to be up to half a node beyond normal node size
19:46 Calinou terrible hack: use an ABM or such (look at doors mod) to put a walkable, invisible nodebox node above a non-walkable and visible nodebox node
19:46 Calinou offset it, and use it as collision box
19:48 DanDuncombe Also, with my tbm reloaded mod, should it use tbm:floor as flooring as it does currently, or go back to the cheaper but uglier cobblestone,which it can get whilst mining?
19:49 DanDuncombe Or should it use whatever is in the floor slot?
19:49 DanDuncombe Or, should it use unlimited floor nodes, but they don't drop anything when broken?
19:50 DanDuncombe I think I should switch back to cobble.
19:55 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:04 jojoa1997 left #minetest
20:11 khonkhortisan Minetest lets me choose the mapgen and the mods, it should also let me choose mg_flags so I create a flat world
20:19 dhbiker joined #minetest
20:24 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:25 ruskie joined #minetest
20:30 Semilevel joined #minetest
20:34 Evergreen joined #minetest
20:35 Evergreen *phew*   It's nice to be back
20:35 Evergreen I was on an overnight hiking trip
20:36 PilzAdam Evergreen, FYI, there is a mobs branch at Pilztest now
20:36 PilzAdam it currently contains only a stone monster
20:46 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:50 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
20:51 DanDuncombe Can someone give me an abm or whatever to make tbm:tbm emit a particle at 1 second intervals with a smoke texture, that slowly floats upwards and disappears after ~5 seconds?
20:51 DanDuncombe Sorry to be a bore
20:51 DanDuncombe (no pun intended)
20:54 DanDuncombe Also, should I remove rails placement from tbm, and make it a slot to put the drill instead?
20:55 DanDuncombe Actually, I won't
20:55 DanDuncombe Can a node force-load chunks around itself?
20:56 DanDuncombe sfan5, do you know
20:56 proller search pull about it
20:56 DanDuncombe Errm?
20:57 proller Novatux:forceload
20:58 DanDuncombe But, can nodes use it?
21:01 DanDuncombe left #minetest
21:01 john_minetest joined #minetest
21:04 jin_xi joined #minetest
21:05 jin_xi small generated castle type thing:
21:06 proller need bigger! more! random! elements
21:06 jin_xi boring as fuck, but im going for the low hanging fruit now...
21:06 proller to autobuild great city
21:06 jin_xi yeah, im trying to do this... atm only random rotation done.
21:08 jin_xi but somehow i think ppl dont like big and nice generated stuff... maybe cause it makes their builds look lame?
21:09 proller maybe multi level intersections of 5-10 house blocks can produce something intresting
21:12 kaeza joined #minetest
21:16 jin_xi hey kaeza
21:17 kaeza o/
21:17 kaeza evenings
21:17 Leoneof joined #minetest
21:18 john_minetest joined #minetest
21:19 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
21:22 proller john_minetest, i want something automatic with lot of params
21:24 proller skyscraper == big city  but with big Y and small area
21:29 rsiska joined #minetest
21:29 jin_xi turtle mod does this, but buildings should not be a problem
21:33 jojoa1997 <john_minetest> jojoa1997: Hi, did your atomar reactor work?: Nope i have finished building it i am too low on iron
21:33 jojoa1997 i have not
21:35 jojoa1997 yeah that was just to test the blowing up radius to see if it is too close to my place on survival
21:35 jojoa1997 also VanessaE is offline atm(bad storms i think) so i cant really go on to collect more iron
21:36 jojoa1997 is anyone working on biomes atm
21:36 jojoa1997 is anyone working on biomes atm
21:36 jojoa1997 sorry didnt update
21:40 jojoa1997 ?
21:43 jojoa1997 um
21:43 jojoa1997 is there any way to reduce lag from my lan server?
21:44 VanessaE joined #minetest
21:44 khonkhortisan QoS
21:51 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
21:55 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:57 OldCoder Hey
22:01 OldCoder Ah
22:01 OldCoder Glad to hear it
22:01 sdzen joined #minetest
22:01 * OldCoder look forward to LevelDB integration
22:01 OldCoder sdzen hi
22:01 OldCoder *looks forward
22:01 OldCoder I'll need the revert to make old worlds compatible or I ain't upgrading
22:05 OldCoder john_minetest, Whatever seems best
22:07 VanessaE hi all
22:13 diemartin joined #minetest
22:15 dhbiker joined #minetest
22:15 krofek__ joined #minetest
22:28 iqualfragile joined #minetest
22:31 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
22:32 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
22:42 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
22:42 thefamilygrog66 howdy folks
22:42 kaeza hey grog
22:42 thefamilygrog66 I have a question about sounds
22:43 iqualfragile hi kids
22:43 thefamilygrog66 hey
22:44 thefamilygrog66 hey john
22:45 kaeza just ask
22:46 diemartin joined #minetest
22:47 VanessaE thefamilygrog66: *poke*
22:48 thefamilygrog66 howdy V
22:48 VanessaE lrfurn has HDX support now :)
22:48 thefamilygrog66 what does that mean? haha
22:49 VanessaE my texture pack, silly :)
22:50 thefamilygrog66 ahh, gotcha
22:50 thefamilygrog66 cool! such a hassle making that many textures...
22:51 VanessaE actually once I came up with a good template for the couches, it became pretty easy
22:51 thefamilygrog66 hey, lua uses pseudo-random for math.random, correct?
22:51 VanessaE your original textures were helpful to that end.*ahem* borrowed the contour shading (from the grey items) :-)
22:51 thefamilygrog66 right on
22:52 thefamilygrog66 wtfpl!
22:52 VanessaE :)
22:53 thefamilygrog66 if I want a sound to be generated on random punches/clicks, what would be the simplest way to do it?
22:53 kaeza math.random()
22:53 thefamilygrog66 that's pseudo-random though, no?
22:54 kaeza if math.random(1, 100) == 1 then --[[ play sound ]] end
22:54 thefamilygrog66 thanks, I'll try that
22:54 kaeza that's for a 1% chance
22:54 thefamilygrog66 exactly
22:54 VanessaE or better, a=math.random(1,10);  if a == 1 then --[[play a sound]] elseif a==2 then --[[play a different sound]] end
22:54 VanessaE for as many sounds as you want
22:55 VanessaE basically, the brute-force way :P
22:55 thefamilygrog66 heads need screams. occasionally.
22:55 thefamilygrog66 :)
22:55 VanessaE oh G*d
22:55 thefamilygrog66 muahaha
22:56 kaeza thefamilygrog66, what is "pseudo-random"? (in this context)
22:57 VanessaE less random than thermal noise :P
22:57 thefamilygrog66 I just read that, kaeza - in other words, it's not really random unless you add a math.randomseed based on the time, or something like that
22:58 kaeza VanessaE, hah
22:58 kaeza thefamilygrog66, FWIW, all (?) computer algorithms for generating random numbers are "pseudo random" :P
22:59 kaeza (unless you seed it with a hash of LM's messages)
22:59 thefamilygrog66 good enough for me
22:59 thefamilygrog66 now I just need to record some err...sounds. o_O
23:00 Miner_48er joined #minetest
23:00 thefamilygrog66 hey miner
23:01 kaeza in general, thoguh, it's recommended to use math.random() for all things except terrain generation, which should use PseudoRandom class {{cn}}
23:02 kaeza though*
23:03 kaeza anyway, back to adding something to the next technic (a.k.a. homedecor :P)
23:04 VanessaE haha
23:04 Mati^2 joined #minetest
23:04 VanessaE didn't I add config options to turn off some components of homedecor?
23:05 kaeza yup... but still I can't get off my head the idea of splitting the thing into a modpack
23:06 kahrl randomizing sound effects is built in by the way
23:06 kahrl just add a number to the file name
23:06 VanessaE oh I forgot about that
23:11 thefamilygrog66 random "OW" sound mission successful, hahaha
23:11 thefamilygrog66 now I need to records more sounds
23:12 thefamilygrog66 kahrl, what's the syntax for randomizing sound effects?
23:12 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
23:12 kahrl
23:13 kahrl though keep in mind each client randomized the sound on its own
23:13 kahrl so if several players hear the sound each may hear a different one
23:13 kahrl randomizes*
23:13 thefamilygrog66 sweet, that makes it very easy - thanks
23:14 thefamilygrog66 don't have to change the file name now
23:15 kaeza just grab your favorite sound editor and make 10 copies at different pitches
23:15 kaeza "I gave that pitch a change, pitches love changes" :P
23:18 thefamilygrog66 audacity
23:19 thefamilygrog66 Simonster's getting a kick out of the heads randomly yelling/grunting when hit
23:27 thefamilygrog66 thanks for the info, folks!
23:28 jojoa1997 left #minetest
23:32 Exio4 a=math.random(1,10);  if a == 1 then --[[play a sound]] elseif a==2 then --[[play a different sound]] end
23:32 Exio4 i would use an array
23:32 Exio4 sounds[x] with the data and x being 1-10
23:32 Exio4 or so
23:39 djdduty joined #minetest
23:54 VanessaE Exio4: or do what kahrl said
23:56 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
23:56 Exio4 yeah, but for the bruteforce way

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