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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-03-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 us_0gb It depends on your vision threshold, and your monitor settings.
00:01 us_0gb NoooOOOOooo!!! Now it freezes every time .....
00:02 us_0gb Why won't Minetest work in Debian? It works in Ubuntu ....
00:02 us_0gb Both compiled with the same instructions ....
00:02 * us_0gb is not amused
00:03 khonkhortisan debug it
00:03 LAD joined #minetest
00:04 khonkhortisan should be easier to find the problem when you have a working version
00:04 RealBadAngel us_0gb, it works on debian
00:04 us_0gb Debug how? I already posted the error in the forum.
00:05 RealBadAngel im on debian all the time
00:05 us_0gb Okay. So maybe I killed my copy of Minetest somehow?
00:05 RealBadAngel try fresh
00:05 us_0gb Are you on stable or unstable Debian?
00:05 RealBadAngel im on most fucking stable possible distro ever made
00:06 RealBadAngel squeeze
00:06 us_0gb Yes, but even Debian has an unstable branch. I thought you might be using the unstable version.
00:06 us_0gb I don't know what Squeeze is. Is that Debian 6?
00:06 RealBadAngel i prefer stability over fireworks
00:07 us_0gb Me too.
00:07 khonkhortisan I prefer unstable over fireworks
00:07 khonkhortisan Let me guess, I can't use tiles to subtract two images?
00:08 RealBadAngel i guess its 6
00:09 RealBadAngel 6.0.7 actually
00:09 jordan4ibanez I made a better background, but realbadangel, how do I enable the footer?
00:09 VanessaE menufooter.png or menufooter_clouds.png
00:09 VanessaE depending which mode you're texturing for.
00:09 jordan4ibanez menufooter.png but in my client it's not enabled?
00:10 VanessaE do you have clouds turned on?
00:10 VanessaE in the menu I mean
00:10 jordan4ibanez Yeah
00:10 VanessaE then use menufooter_clouds.png
00:10 VanessaE (I think that's the name we settled on)
00:10 RealBadAngel std::string path = getTexturePath(clouds ?
00:10 RealBadAngel "menufooter_clouds.png" : "menufooter.png");
00:11 us_0gb I don't know what the point of these code name is. It's like, "well, you need Wheasy or later for this software", "Well, I'm on Squeeze. Is that later or earlier?" With version numbers such as 6.0.7, it's a LOT easier to compare things.
00:11 jordan4ibanez Very important screenshot_path = . should default to a screenshots folder inside of minetest's folder
00:11 us_0gb *names
00:11 jordan4ibanez OH that's why!
00:11 RealBadAngel squeeze is the last one to get updates
00:12 RealBadAngel its a solid concrete
00:12 us_0gb Why does everyone need to give their major products stupid names though that need to be memorized if you want to compare things though?
00:12 PilzAdam bye
00:12 RealBadAngel whatever works in test, goes to the stable, than yr after it hits squeeze
00:13 us_0gb So Squeeze is ALWAYS the stable version?
00:13 jordan4ibanez Is there a limit to how big it can be?
00:13 jordan4ibanez does it not support alpha opacity?
00:13 RealBadAngel no, its like solid-stable
00:14 jordan4ibanez well apparently not, it doesn't support this
00:15 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: not really, but it's best to stick images that are say 1280x1024 or smaller, since not many people have screens even that size, or 1920x1080 if you wanna format for HD
00:15 jordan4ibanez that is smaller than 1280x1024
00:15 VanessaE it should be working then
00:16 jordan4ibanez it doesn't show up at all
00:16 VanessaE (HDX uses a 1280x1024 image for the menusplash)
00:16 jordan4ibanez maybe it just hates me
00:16 RealBadAngel jordan4ibanez, put the image in /textures/all
00:16 RealBadAngel name: menusplash.png
00:17 VanessaE or menusplash_clouds.png
00:17 VanessaE he has clouds turned on.
00:17 jordan4ibanez thank you!
00:17 RealBadAngel lets stay with just one name ;)
00:17 VanessaE RealBadAngel: we settled on doing it this way for aesthetic reasons
00:20 Psychotic So how come minetest is so laggy on multiplayer while minecraft handles it just fine? <clarification, im not bashing minetest, if anything, minetest is better in every regard, i just wanted to know
00:21 us_0gb On a fast server/connection, I get no lag in Minetest.
00:21 us_0gb For example, I usually get no lag at VanessaE's place.
00:21 Psychotic ^ Strange, as i have stated several times, i have a 20mbps connection
00:22 us_0gb The SERVER needs to be on a fast connection too.
00:22 Psychotic That remains at that constant speed
00:22 us_0gb Not just the client.
00:22 VanessaE us_0gb: glad to hear that my server finally no longer lags for someone ;)
00:22 jordan4ibanez AWWWWW YEAH
00:23 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: looks good
00:26 us_0gb Okay. Recompiled, and all graphic settings (aside from shaders) disabled. Let's see if this works now.
00:27 us_0gb Now I cannot connect. At all.
00:28 jordan4ibanez Thanks
00:30 us_0gb Okay ... Connecting to ... But it refuses to connect to ...
00:31 VanessaE weird
00:31 VanessaE wtf?
00:31 VanessaE I can't connect to my server now?
00:31 us_0gb Hmm?
00:32 us_0gb Lovely.
00:32 us_0gb Minetest wants us to go see other worlds.
00:32 VanessaE oh wait
00:32 VanessaE I'm already on in another session
00:32 us_0gb Ah, that makes sense.
00:33 us_0gb So it's just that Minetest doesn't like me.
00:33 VanessaE hmmmm: I think that constitutes a minor bug - shouldn't the server tell you you're signed in elsewhere?
00:33 us_0gb Or maybe Debian doesn't lime me.
00:33 hmmmm what?
00:33 VanessaE hmmmm: try to sign into the same server twice from two client instances
00:33 VanessaE same userid.
00:33 hmmmm same userid, or same peer id?
00:33 us_0gb *like
00:33 VanessaE same userid.
00:34 hmmmm that's expected
00:34 us_0gb And once I got in, I crashed. Again.
00:34 hmmmm did you want it to append a #2 or something?
00:34 VanessaE i.e. I signed on as me on one instance, then tried to sign on as me again in another instance.  shouldn't the server tell me I am already signed in somewhere?
00:34 VanessaE instead, "failed to emerge player" in the server log.
00:34 VanessaE and silent failure on the second client instnace
00:34 VanessaE instance
00:35 VanessaE I think a warning from server->client->user is sufficient
00:36 jordan4ibanez
00:36 jordan4ibanez very nice
00:37 VanessaE just a tad...dark :)
00:37 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: seen mine?
00:37 jordan4ibanez invert colours, profit
00:38 VanessaE that'll work too
00:38 jordan4ibanez I built an entire house for that one picture XD
00:39 jordan4ibanez Yes I have, I don't really feel for it :V
00:39 jordan4ibanez it's too, smooth
00:40 us_0gb I do not get this .... Minetest will not work on this computer any more ....
00:42 us_0gb *sigh* Maybe I'm better off switching back to Ubuntu ....
00:45 jordan4ibanez Keep switching operating systems until you find one that satisfies you
00:46 us_0gb Ubuntu satisfies me. I just wanted to try something new for a while.
00:46 us_0gb And now, I think I like Debian better, aside from the fact that I can't get the client to run.
00:47 RealBadAngel debian is not to satisfie. it has to work.
00:47 us_0gb Mint is nice as well. As is OS X, though I can't legally run it on this computer.
00:47 RealBadAngel this box is never turned off
00:47 RealBadAngel since a year or something like that
00:48 us_0gb My other Debian machine keeps losing its network connection, and needing a reboot to get it back.
00:48 us_0gb And this one won't run the client.
00:48 jordan4ibanez Consult #debian?
00:48 us_0gb Hmm. I tried in the Debian forum, but I didn't think of looking for a Debian chat room.
00:50 jordan4ibanez fuckin' majestic.
00:50 jordan4ibanez lol xD
00:57 VanessaE joined #minetest
01:01 Psychotic Forums about to reach 5k members.
01:02 us_0gb I don't have time for this. I'm sure there's a way to configure Debian to make it work, but if I go back to Ubuntu, it'll work (mostly) out of the box. I give up. Ubuntu it is, for now.
01:03 NekoGloop joined #minetest
01:05 Psychotic Yo.
01:12 jordan4ibanez
01:14 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
01:15 VanessaE us_0gb: what's broke anyway?
01:16 * jojoa1997|Tablet sighs
01:16 jojoa1997|Tablet Pilzadam I think in order to make minetest work with map gen you have to redefine everything.
01:17 jordan4ibanez pilzadam isn't even online dudedki mc brudesky
01:17 jordan4ibanez And what are you even talkin about
01:17 jojoa1997|Tablet Minetest game
01:18 jordan4ibanez What about it?
01:18 jojoa1997|Tablet He wants to redefine everything
01:18 jordan4ibanez So what?
01:18 jojoa1997|Tablet I tried spent half a day doesn't work
01:18 monkeycoder joined #minetest
01:18 jordan4ibanez That's the point of an unstable, it's unstable!
01:18 jojoa1997|Tablet Map gen wants default blah not Minetest blah with an alias
01:20 jordan4ibanez So what? It's an unstable
01:21 jordan4ibanez Why does everyone complain about this? If you want the old way of minetest, play old minetest
01:21 jojoa1997|Tablet .
01:21 jojoa1997|Tablet ?
01:21 jojoa1997|Tablet He wanted something and I tried to do it
01:22 jordan4ibanez Oh, well what's the debug?
01:23 jordan4ibanez
01:23 jordan4ibanez "Damage calculation
01:23 jordan4ibanez Ehm, you don't want to know."
01:24 jojoa1997|Tablet The problem is this
01:24 jojoa1997|Tablet One sec
01:31 jojoa1997|Tablet can i do this
01:31 jojoa1997|Tablet local MINITEST = "minitest"
01:32 jojoa1997|Tablet minetest.register_node(MINITEST..":dirt", {
01:32 Exio you can a
01:33 Exio s/a$//
01:33 jojoa1997|Tablet ?
01:33 Exio what?
01:33 jojoa1997|Tablet so can ot cannot i do that
01:45 jordan4ibanez Why does mapgen edit the terrain after it's been generated?
01:45 jordan4ibanez It would speed it the CRAP up if it didn't
01:49 jordan4ibanez That's a bottleneck
01:49 us_0gb VanessaE: You asked what broke? Where, on my computer?
01:53 Exio jordan4ibanez: hm, what?
01:53 us_0gb VanessaE: On my Debian laptop, I can't get Minetest above two frames per second with all graphical options disabled. I need shaders to make working underground viable, and with them enabled, the game crashes or freezes every time I log in. As for my Debian server, it runs for several hours, then just decides to quit talking to the network. At all. The only way to get it back online is to reboot Debian. I've never had this sort of troub
01:53 us_0gb le on Ubuntu.
01:53 us_0gb And it seems IRC has a character limit. Now I know.
01:53 jordan4ibanez Because it's excess time/cpu spent on a chunk, I bet mapgen would be even FASTER if it didn't edit the chunk it just generated
01:57 jordan4ibanez Is that part done in lua? or is the c++ part?
01:57 Exio C++
01:57 jordan4ibanez It's like the map editor has ocd
01:57 jordan4ibanez xD
01:58 Exio map editor? what?
01:58 Exio do you mean mapgen?
01:58 jordan4ibanez No, because there's one part of it that generates it, and the other half edits the generated terrain
01:59 VanessaE Exio: he means thing like laying down the stone and dirt, and then a second process going back and cutting caves, adding trees, etc.
01:59 jordan4ibanez ^'zactly!
02:00 Exio ah, multithreaded emerged thread?
02:00 Exio i never saw that without it
02:00 Exio s/emerged/emerge/
02:00 jordan4ibanez I think we can remove the treegen, and cavegen and use the l-type tree gen instead for more interesting terrains or whatever treegen is called
02:00 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: moretrees will do that, to some degree
02:01 jordan4ibanez No, I mean in the default engine/game
02:01 Exio the trees are done in "this way" because backward compatibility actually
02:01 VanessaE it can "hide" default trees (alias them to air) and generate beech trees in their place.
02:01 us_0gb Nice.
02:01 Exio for those big changes you would need to wait for the and super-cool mapgenv7
02:02 VanessaE it isn't as fast as it would be with native C++ code, but most seem to consider it to be 'fast enough'
02:02 jordan4ibanez How do you even generate a tree?
02:02 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: what do you mean?  in L-systems?>
02:02 jordan4ibanez YEs
02:02 Exio you learn brainfuck
02:02 jordan4ibanez Yes*
02:02 Exio then you use it :D
02:03 VanessaE you pass a tree definition to it as a table, written in a language not too different from brainfuck actually, and then call spawn_tree(pos,{treedef})
02:03 Exio see :P
02:03 VanessaE it's explained in the API how to create a tree def
02:03 jordan4ibanez which part?
02:04 Exio ctrl-f
02:04 Exio tree and see
02:04 VanessaE
02:04 VanessaE like 1182.
02:04 VanessaE line*
02:04 VanessaE below the defs you will see an example
02:04 VanessaE for a new kind of apple tree.  this is substantially the same tree def that's used in moretrees
02:04 VanessaE for that same tree.
02:06 jordan4ibanez how do I define a tree?
02:06 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: see line 1228.
02:06 Exio .
02:06 VanessaE that table there is an example of the tree definition you seek
02:07 VanessaE somewhere around here I have a screenshot of an apple tree generated with that definition
02:07 VanessaE
02:07 VanessaE here's one from RBA's images.
02:09 us_0gb Yeah, that tree is awesome.
02:09 jordan4ibanez treegen is really slow
02:09 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: no, actually it's nearly instantaneous.  the problem is how long it takes for the server to tell the client about the change in the scenery
02:10 jordan4ibanez No it isn't, it takes forever to generate a normal forest of trees I know, I tried to exit and it took the server 30 seconds to stop
02:11 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: strange, it's fast as shit for me
02:11 VanessaE how are you spawning them?
02:11 jordan4ibanez Are you using emerge threads?
02:12 VanessaE plants_lib just generates stuff using on_generated()
02:12 VanessaE for trees anyway
02:12 jordan4ibanez With my code, set to 1% scarcity which gives it a very even generation on super_flat terrain
02:12 VanessaE (saplings are via abm of course)
02:12 jordan4ibanez oh yeah, tree gen with your code is really really slow too
02:12 VanessaE like I said
02:13 VanessaE it's the server taking forever to deal with the changes
02:13 VanessaE the actual changes themselves are made instantly
02:13 jordan4ibanez Well what is the source of the issue with the server losing track of itself?
02:13 VanessaE hmmmm: I can't explain this properly, can you?
02:14 hmmmm hmm?
02:14 hmmmm what are we explaining
02:14 VanessaE hmmmm: why it takes so long for a large change in the map, such as a large tree being generated, to be echoed to and displayed by the client.
02:14 Elcrapocrew1 joined #minetest
02:15 jordan4ibanez It's not lagging echoing to client
02:15 hmmmm because it sets the blocks that were modified as not sent, so it waits a whole server tick for it to resend the blocks to the client, which then deserializes it and goes through that whole routine
02:15 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: to see what I mean, try printing os.time(), generate about 20 ot 30 random trees using the smallest amount of code possible, and then print os.time again
02:15 hmmmm it might be slowness, you never know
02:16 hmmmm gotta profile it and see what's going on
02:16 hmmmm vanessae, you can't use os.time(), that only prints integer seconds
02:16 hmmmm you need to use os.clock(), that gives you a floating point number for time
02:16 hmmmm multiply the difference by 1000 to get the number of ms
02:16 VanessaE hmmmm: that's fine here.  he only needs to see that much, since he's talking 30+ seconds' worth of lag.
02:16 hmmmm 30+ seconds, there's something else wrong
02:17 VanessaE yeah
02:17 hmmmm really wrong
02:17 VanessaE not even a full blown install of plants_lib + moretrees + all other plants + snow biomes is THAT slow
02:17 hmmmm btw
02:17 Exio even my netbook handle trees faster!
02:17 hmmmm i optimized find_nodes_in_area()
02:17 VanessaE hm?
02:17 Exio :P
02:17 hmmmm it's 11.65x faster
02:17 VanessaE oh yes, I saw that
02:18 Exio 13.37x *
02:18 hmmmm that ought to help plants_lib
02:18 jordan4ibanez GOOD!
02:18 VanessaE hmmmm: yep, it should help considerably
02:18 Exio what jordan4ibanez?
02:18 VanessaE lesse, I'm at 414f0275[...] on the server right now
02:19 VanessaE oh good, that's the latest.
02:19 jordan4ibanez the find_nodes_in_area, I was going to make it so surfacegen can find a node near the position and generate flowers near ores on the next version
02:19 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: just use plants_lib, it already does all of that
02:19 hmmmm hah vanessa, that isn't the latest
02:19 hmmmm check the commits log now
02:19 sdzen joined #minetest
02:19 VanessaE hmmmm: I hate you.
02:19 VanessaE :)
02:19 jordan4ibanez It does it really slowly, that's why I developed this
02:19 sdzen woah
02:19 hmmmm hey it's bleeding edge
02:20 VanessaE I'm kidding :D
02:20 sdzen I join and hear some strong words being thrown
02:20 sdzen :P
02:20 Exio hahaha
02:20 VanessaE Scripts/ ......
02:20 VanessaE one command and two passwords and I'm up-to-date and able to post a new build on the forum :-)
02:21 sdzen joined #minetest
02:24 VanessaE build posted.
02:25 hmmmm ahh
02:25 hmmmm i forgot about pilzadam's is_ground_content fix, i can use that to fix "mapgen griefing"
02:25 VanessaE cool
02:25 hmmmm well =/ we all know the right way of fixing it
02:25 jordan4ibanez for it to generate 53 trees takes 18.65 seconds
02:26 Exio are you using your old 386 as server?
02:26 VanessaE that's too slow
02:26 Exio or it is a 286? :)
02:26 hmmmm yeah what are you using jordan
02:26 jordan4ibanez and trees are just 3 high stumps
02:26 Sketch2 lol
02:26 jordan4ibanez an athlon ii x2 4.2 ghz
02:26 hmmmm so it's getting cut off?
02:26 jordan4ibanez No, it's just fuckin slow
02:26 Exio what the hell?
02:26 hmmmm you said they're three high stumps
02:26 sdzen 18 seconds
02:27 jordan4ibanez I made them 3 high tree stumps
02:27 sdzen yeah sounds about right
02:27 VanessaE 18 seconds is insane
02:27 jordan4ibanez to see if it was the actual generation but it's not
02:27 sdzen no it isn't :)
02:27 VanessaE it shouldn't take you more than 1 second to spawn 20 trees, even giant sqeuoias.
02:27 jordan4ibanez something in the treegen code is slowing down the whole thing
02:27 VanessaE sequoias*
02:27 hmmmm well, honestly, it shouldn't even take 1 second to spawn 20 sequoias
02:27 hmmmm should take less than that
02:27 hmmmm like a lot less
02:27 VanessaE exactly my point
02:28 jordan4ibanez I'm using luajit too, when I wasn't it took over a minute to generate trees with vanessae's tree mod
02:28 VanessaE oh that's fucking insane
02:28 VanessaE what are you using, an XT?
02:28 jordan4ibanez xt?
02:28 VanessaE you know, the old 8088?
02:28 hmmmm it sounds like he's having problems elsewhere with an errant lua script
02:28 Sketch2 a Ti-83
02:29 jordan4ibanez I'm not, at all
02:29 jordan4ibanez This is how treegen has always been for me
02:29 VanessaE it takes only a couple of seconds on my machine with moretrees to generate a chunk, and less than 10 to generate far enough otu to start building something *very* large
02:29 VanessaE and that's without luajit
02:30 sdzen does anyone think that a server should announce the *** Slowpoke joined the game, after it leaves the loading screen?
02:30 Sketch2 szden, if you're saying what I think you mean, yea
02:31 jordan4ibanez realbadangel did you put a bottleneck in for windows users? lol
02:31 sdzen because It ticks me off when I say hello to people and they don't get it cause they were loading
02:31 Sketch2 like, it announces you logged on to everybody on the server, even before you are actually playin'
02:32 sdzen I assume it does it on initial connection
02:32 jordan4ibanez Wait, I think I can actually generate my own lua trees faster than treegen can lol
02:33 sdzen which worked back when you actually could get on minetest that fast
02:33 VanessaE sdzen: I agree
02:33 VanessaE it should not announce you have joined or show you in the world to other players until you yourself are able to play
02:33 Sketch2 right, that'd be nice
02:34 sdzen though some part of me wants it to notify like each and every process of it
02:34 VanessaE sdzen: naw, tmi.
02:34 sdzen *** Slowpoke has connected to the game.
02:34 jordan4ibanez lmfao! I CAN!
02:35 sdzen *** Slowpoke is loading the game.
02:35 VanessaE the server could log it maybe, then announce the join after the player is able to play
02:35 sdzen *** Slowpoke is watching the screen freeze.
02:35 Sketch2 initially something like *Sketch is logging in* - then another that announces *Sketch has arrived!*
02:35 Psychotic Psychotic uses disrupt conversation!
02:35 Psychotic Its super effective!
02:36 Psychotic Conversation faints!
02:36 VanessaE heh
02:36 sdzen *** Slowpoke is finally playing.
02:36 Sketch2 dunno, just putting it in the logs is 'prolly good
02:36 Exio *** Slowpoke is now falling asleep at the computer when waiting
02:36 VanessaE yeah
02:36 Exio sdzen: that ^
02:36 sdzen *** Slowpoke left the game. (times out)
02:36 Exio xD
02:37 VanessaE just log the process.  "[VERBOSE] So_and_so connects from" "[VERBOSE] So_and_so has joined the game." --> announce to all players.
02:37 sdzen ahem
02:37 jordan4ibanez I created treegen and surface gen with the same code, I'mma monser!
02:37 jordan4ibanez monster*
02:37 sdzen dont announce the first part
02:38 VanessaE no, only the second part.
02:38 Sketch2 I was thinking it'd be smooth to give the players a hint at the IP address
02:38 VanessaE Sketch2: some players may not like that
02:38 Sketch2 like the first 3 digits, so as to verify it is who it is
02:38 VanessaE only the server admin needs to know that imho
02:38 sdzen I would like it if it randomized them
02:38 sdzen and announced the wrong one
02:38 sdzen :)
02:39 * us_0gb tests
02:39 VanessaE us_0gb: FAIL
02:39 VanessaE ;)
02:39 Sketch2 well, yeah, it could be coded
02:39 us_0gb In my other tab, nothing I type gets through. But here, it does ....
02:39 us_0gb Fail in what way?
02:39 VanessaE us_0gb: joke.
02:40 Sketch2 I figure that way people who log out with one account, then bounce in with another name would have a harder time with lurking
02:40 us_0gb My connection is clearly still up....
02:40 rarkenin Try /part followed by /join
02:40 rarkenin Write down what you want to save though.
02:40 VanessaE us_0gb: I only see you in here once
02:40 rarkenin It might clear your scrollback.
02:41 us_0gb I'm only in THIS room once, but I can't type anything in the other room.
02:41 rarkenin VanessaE: One of the IP addresses I regularly use to connect to the forum is blocked for some reason. I am told that I am a bot when I try to log in from there.
02:41 jordan4ibanez In 0.7 seconds I was able to generate twice of what tree_gen could do in 17 , and in lua :<
02:41 VanessaE rarkenin: msg me the IP address so I can look it u
02:41 VanessaE up*
02:41 rarkenin I'll have to look, I'm not at it right now.
02:42 us_0gb Okay. seems functional now. Thanks, rarkenin!
02:42 rarkenin Can I get the IP, and PM it to you later after logging in on a good IP?
02:42 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: but are you generating the humongous trees like treegen does?
02:42 jordan4ibanez Yes!
02:42 VanessaE rarkenin: sure
02:42 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: pics or it didn't happen
02:42 rarkenin It'll be a week or two. I'm not at that location for a while.
02:42 jordan4ibanez I'm going to try to make even bigger ones, and I'm going to post pics soon ^^
02:43 rarkenin It's a shared IP, though, so I don't want to open up the forum to spamming by doing this...
02:43 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: how many iterations are you using in your tree model?
02:43 jordan4ibanez iterations: word unknown
02:43 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: then you're not using l-systems properly
02:44 VanessaE a tree model requires a number of iterations.
02:44 Sketch2 multiple passes
02:44 VanessaE
02:44 khonkhortisan a trunk, branches, branches on branches, leaves on branches
02:45 hmmmm hey you guys can do constants in Lua, right?
02:46 VanessaE sure, of course
02:46 Sketch2 constants?  like x=1
02:46 VanessaE they aren't typed, of course, but yeah
02:46 hmmmm i want to hardcode a mapping between a name and a number
02:47 VanessaE hmmmm: local such_and_such = 123456
02:47 hmmmm that's declaring a variable and setting it equal to something....
02:47 VanessaE if such_and_such == 123456 then print(such_and_such) end
02:47 hmmmm what i want is the equivalent to #define FOO 4
02:47 Sketch2 well, it's a variable with a constant setting. doesn't matter if you set it or pull it from somewhere else
02:47 VanessaE OH
02:47 hmmmm or static const int FOO = 4;
02:47 VanessaE hm
02:48 VanessaE well in Lua the two would be equivalent
02:49 hmmmm from what i'm reading, no, lua doesn't have constants
02:49 VanessaE (since Lua doesn't, afaik, use any kind of "preprocessor")
02:49 VanessaE what would the purpose be?
02:49 hmmmm in order to do what i'd like to do, i need to use some metatable funny business
02:49 hmmmm so someone can pass a set of flags to register_ore
02:50 VanessaE something like that is dead easy
02:50 hmmmm maybe like minetest.ore.FLAG_ABSOLUTE + minetest.ore.FLAG_PERLINDIST + blah
02:50 VanessaE foo = { bar = true, baz = false, quux = 3 }   register_ore(larry, moe, curly, foo) or something to that effect
02:50 hmmmm that's passing another table along
02:50 VanessaE I know
02:50 hmmmm but
02:51 VanessaE but that's how you'd do it in lua
02:51 hmmmm i have to treat it like a table instead of an integer
02:51 hmmmm extra work for me
02:51 hmmmm i guess you're right, that's really how you're supposed to do it
02:51 sdzen VanessaE: No Shemp?
02:52 VanessaE sdzen: nope :)
02:52 Sketch2 lols
02:52 VanessaE to hell with shemp :D
02:52 Sketch2 he had his funny moments
02:53 VanessaE blasphemy.
02:53 VanessaE :)
02:54 sdzen lies, lies and slander!
02:54 VanessaE hmmmm: now depending on how you plan to USE those variables, it might not be quite so bad.
02:54 Sketch2 getting somewhere with this web-app project
02:54 Sketch2 it sux tho
02:54 VanessaE since you can pick from the table by field if want, that's quite common
02:55 Sketch2 had to jump through a thousand hoops to get anywhere.  gonna have to compile each library from source
02:55 Sketch2 totally not diggin' it now that I started in on it
02:55 VanessaE Sketch2: oh that's right, you're trying to compile this to run in chrome or so?
02:56 jordan4ibanez Treegen is too slow, I'm to tired from super optimized surface gen to make lua treegen, why is treegen so slow? It's not because I'm doing something wrong, if it's the case than you're doing something wrong too VanessaE
02:56 Sketch2 yeah, but it's nowhere near as easy as I thought.  slept about 4 hrs in the bast 2 days
02:56 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: it works for me, I've tested it *extensively* and benchmarked it
02:56 Sketch2 *past.  lotsa compiling
02:56 jordan4ibanez Then what the fuck happened to minetest on the windows build?
02:56 VanessaE I don't have my figures handy, but it was generating trees at a rate of at least a few a second.
02:57 VanessaE and it was blowing through mapblocks at a rate of easily 10/sec
02:57 jordan4ibanez Every time I tried it it takes forever
02:57 jordan4ibanez Let me try it again
02:57 VanessaE (the "a few a second" being because not every mapblock got even one sometimes)
02:57 sdzen tuhtuthtuhuh ten?
02:58 VanessaE sdzen: yes.
02:58 sdzen thank you for making my computer feel like shit :)
02:58 VanessaE that's how fast it was processing blocks, as fast as 10/sec to as slow as one per second or so.
02:58 VanessaE but never as slow as what jordan4ibanez is experiencing
02:58 VanessaE hahaha
03:02 jordan4ibanez Now it takes 7 seconds to generate one tree in a single chunk or mapblock whatever it's called
03:03 jordan4ibanez 5 seconds for 3 small apple trees
03:03 VanessaE [Plantlife] Spawn tree at {{y = 1, x = -476, z = -63}}
03:03 VanessaE [Plantlife] Started this tree at 8.93
03:03 VanessaE [Plantlife] Finished at 9.19
03:03 VanessaE there
03:03 VanessaE 0.2s for one tree
03:04 VanessaE (most likely it was a giant sequoia, that's the most common type)
03:04 jordan4ibanez how do I turn the debug on?
03:04 VanessaE that's a new bit I just added
03:04 VanessaE gimme a few and I'll push it
03:04 sdzen debug = 5
03:04 VanessaE but you change plants_lib/init.lua
03:05 VanessaE top of the file
03:05 VanessaE DEBUG = true
03:05 sdzen ahhh
03:05 sdzen you mean in plantlib
03:06 VanessaE no
03:06 VanessaE I mean plants_lib
03:06 VanessaE :)
03:07 VanessaE
03:07 VanessaE there, an example debug log from a fresh map, among lots of newly-generated moretrees
03:07 VanessaE it took about 3 seconds for the world to show up, but the engine was going apeshit generating the terrain anyway
03:08 VanessaE look for entries "Started this"
03:08 VanessaE that'll get you chunks and individual trees
03:08 sdzen oh the vegetation bookery?
03:08 jordan4ibanez I got nothing from your debug XD
03:08 jordan4ibanez Can you show me how to spawn a _basic_ apple tree vanessae?
03:08 jordan4ibanez the right way or whatever
03:08 VanessaE as you can see from that debug log, that is about 13 seconds worth of log output
03:09 VanessaE jordan4ibanez:
03:09 VanessaE define that table you see there, then execute that single call (like 1242) to generate the tree at 'pos'
03:09 jordan4ibanez NO, [22:44:37] <VanessaE> jordan4ibanez: how many iterations are you using in your tree model?
03:09 jordan4ibanez [22:44:54] <jordan4ibanez> iterations: word unknown
03:09 jordan4ibanez [22:45:03] <VanessaE> jordan4ibanez: then you're not using l-systems properly
03:09 VanessaE (pos being the usual three-entry table)
03:09 jordan4ibanez What the hell is an iteration?
03:10 VanessaE RE\AD THE DAMN API
03:10 VanessaE I linked to the EXACT line
03:10 sdzen L-systems shoit
03:10 VanessaE an iteration is the number of times the engine will step through your rules after it executes the axiom
03:10 jordan4ibanez Thank you for explaining it
03:12 VanessaE
03:13 VanessaE here is approximately 1 minute of debug output on my machine
03:13 VanessaE there are NO default trees in this map (I have moretrees configured to replace them), and there are a few small conifers from snow biomes mod in there also.
03:13 TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest
03:15 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
03:16 jojoa1997|Tablet can anyone explain how the new damage system works
03:16 VanessaE no clue
03:16 VanessaE (except I need to figure out how to update gloopblocks to use it)
03:17 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah
03:17 us_0gb I'll find it in the doc. I know I saw it.
03:17 Exio VanessaE: i wonder, why "disable" in that way?
03:17 jojoa1997|Tablet i am helping develope MINItest but i just dont get it
03:18 Exio shouldn't removing the flag "trees" in minetest.conf be better than that?
03:18 jojoa1997|Tablet also the diamond sword there is the worst weapon
03:18 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: worst case scenario, it takes around 0.23s to check a mapblock, and about 0.25 to generate a big tree.
03:18 jojoa1997|Tablet anyone know an uploading app for android?
03:18 Exio what?
03:18 jojoa1997|Tablet an app where i can upload stuff
03:19 VanessaE jojoa1997|Tablet:  and best case I'm seeing is when a mapblock has no surfaces to check, it finishes that chunk in about 0.04 seconds or so.
03:19 VanessaE oops
03:19 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: ^^^^^^^
03:19 sdzen to where?
03:19 sdzen upload to where?
03:20 jordan4ibanez for me it takes 0.7-2 seconds to generate normal apple trees, but the total combined update time for the chunk is around 4-8 seconds
03:20 jordan4ibanez why is that gap so huge?
03:20 jojoa1997|Tablet to the internet
03:20 Exio ???
03:20 TheBonsai joined #minetest
03:20 jojoa1997|Tablet like imgur
03:21 us_0gb jojoa1997:
03:21 jordan4ibanez it seems that it could generate trees much faster, since surface finding is extremely fast, but there's like a delay after the tree is generated
03:21 VanessaE jordan4ibanez:  maybe because I'm at latest git and I run luajit also.
03:21 VanessaE but even then
03:21 VanessaE my machine's only 2.8GHz, which is hardly fast by today's standards
03:21 jojoa1997|Tablet us_0gb i have read it twice but i cant make the connection from api to ingame'
03:22 Exio VanessaE: the GHz means nothing
03:22 VanessaE 6 cores but the mapgen is running in single-threaded mode in my singleplayer instance.
03:22 VanessaE Exio: GHz still has meaning.  It just isn't the only thing to look at.  I am well aware of this.
03:22 jojoa1997|Tablet us_0gb i mean the groups on swords
03:22 Exio the intel celeron at the city is at like 2.6 GHz
03:22 jordan4ibanez What do I do to run in dual core mode for minetest.conf?
03:23 us_0gb Oh, I don't know then. Sorry. I'm not into tools, so I didn't study them. I think we have enough tools, but it looks like we're getting more?
03:23 Exio my AMD Duron at 900 MHz beats it
03:23 TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest
03:23 jojoa1997|Tablet more tools are good . . .
03:23 jojoa1997|Tablet when they do different things
03:23 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: mapgen is meant for at least 4 cores.  num_emerge_threads=2 if you have 4 cores.
03:23 jojoa1997|Tablet also
03:23 Exio jojoa1997|Tablet: do you like optifine's zoom option?
03:23 jojoa1997|Tablet i think we should have gold tools just for looks
03:23 us_0gb Not particularly. But I guess that's just one man's opinion.
03:24 jojoa1997|Tablet Exio
03:24 * jojoa1997|Tablet crazily /
03:24 VanessaE (num_cores-2, with a minimum value of 1 of course)
03:24 jojoa1997|Tablet MAKE IT FOR MINETEST
03:24 Exio well, i got it working locally
03:24 Exio hahaha
03:24 TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest
03:24 Exio i guess that
03:24 jojoa1997|Tablet imagine with wide eyes and a knofe in my hand for anyone who says no
03:24 jojoa1997|Tablet WHAT?!?!?
03:24 Exio what wat
03:24 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: if you have hyperthreading on that thing, you can count those as cores too for the sake of that setting.
03:24 us_0gb It would be nice if there was a way to use copper that didn't require wasting precious iron.
03:24 jojoa1997|Tablet wait locally?
03:25 Exio i have it here, testing if it works
03:25 jojoa1997|Tablet is it source code?
03:25 jojoa1997|Tablet or a mod?
03:25 jordan4ibanez I set it to quadcore and it didn't do shat, I can compile minetest with -j48 so there's no problem with emerge threads
03:25 Exio yes, source code, a small change
03:25 jojoa1997|Tablet Exio you use windows?
03:25 Exio nope
03:25 jojoa1997|Tablet i cant compile
03:25 Exio you can but it is a PITA, tomorrow we will see
03:25 jojoa1997|Tablet well add a pull request then
03:25 jojoa1997|Tablet i want zoom
03:26 Exio i'm still testing it and tweaking the stuff a bit
03:26 jojoa1997|Tablet show me a comparison between no zoom and zoom
03:26 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: for some people, it offers no benefit.
03:26 VanessaE jojoa1997|Tablet: what all mods are you running in your test?
03:26 jojoa1997|Tablet what do you mean? in what?
03:26 jojoa1997|Tablet for what?
03:28 VanessaE DAMN IT
03:28 VanessaE sorry jojoa1997|Tablet
03:28 VanessaE that was for jordan4ibanez
03:28 Psychotic Whats wrong vanessa?
03:28 VanessaE tab-complete needs to follow my brain damn it:-)
03:28 VanessaE Psychotic: nothing that can't be solved by paying attention to what I'm doing :D
03:29 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: I pushed the extra benchmark code
03:29 Psychotic Oh, ok then, just checkin'
03:29 VanessaE just turn on debug and run it on a fresh map
03:30 jojoa1997|Tablet Psychotic
03:30 Exio
03:30 Psychotic Yes?
03:30 jojoa1997|Tablet Can I see that paper on similarities and differences between my and mc
03:31 jojoa1997|Tablet Exio pics for comparison
03:31 Psychotic Err, joj, i still havent found it, but i think i know where it is, and ill send it to you tomorrow if i can find it
03:31 jojoa1997|Tablet Wait didn't you write it?
03:32 Psychotic no, i wrote it, but i cant find it
03:32 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
03:32 Psychotic Look, ill keep looking for i, and if i can find it, ill post it on the forums.
03:33 jojoa1997|Tablet Oh ok
03:33 jojoa1997|Tablet Shoot he left
03:34 sdzen left #minetest
03:37 Sketch2 jojoa, id dyou ever find a way to upload to web?
03:38 jojoa1997|Tablet No
03:38 Sketch2 if it's less than 100 meg, you can do it through wikisend -
03:38 jojoa1997|Tablet Stupid tablet store won't show me any apps
03:39 Sketch2 yeah, have a ViewSonic Gtablet that was a bit of a pain at times like that
03:40 Sketch2 kept updating the ROM with tweaked out copies.  never really found a version of Android that I really liked on it
03:41 Exio and
03:42 Exio jojoa1997|Tablet: ^
03:43 Exio maybe making that configurable, "zoom_fov"
03:43 WiredOnLinux joined #minetest
03:43 WiredOnLinux hello
03:43 Exio actually, it is a 3 lines change
03:43 Exio hi WiredOnLinux
03:43 WiredOnLinux is it possible to play Minetest on Windows 2000?
03:43 WiredOnLinux i got a dell laptop
03:43 WiredOnLinux runs great and it has windows 2000
03:44 WiredOnLinux I was wondering if there is a way to make it run
03:44 us_0gb If you're a Linux guy, why do you want to play it on Windows?
03:44 WiredOnLinux good question!
03:44 WiredOnLinux lol, Xubuntu did not work well on it
03:44 WiredOnLinux Lubuntu crashed the laptop
03:44 cisoun joined #minetest
03:44 WiredOnLinux drove it in the ground
03:45 us_0gb I can't get it to run well on Debian, either. It works quite well on Ubuntu though.
03:45 WiredOnLinux I tried Ubuntu
03:45 WiredOnLinux Xubuntu
03:45 us_0gb Oh, it also runs just as well on Mint.
03:45 WiredOnLinux its a lightweight version of ubuntu
03:46 us_0gb Maybe BECAUSE it's light weight then? I don't see why else it would run on Ubuntu but not well on Debian.
03:58 VanessaE zzz
03:58 Exio night? :P
03:59 VanessaE no, just getting tired :)
03:59 Exio well, i should be saying "zzz" before every line then
04:06 Frogcrush joined #minetest
04:06 Sketch2 Debian testing is the best
04:07 Exio squeeze in "server" and gentoo in "desktop" imo
04:07 khonkhortisan gentoo desktop server?
04:08 Exio aw
04:08 Frogcrush Whats wrong wit Arch?
04:08 khonkhortisan Gentoo on a Debian Squeeze desktop server
04:08 Exio Frogcrush: unstable as hell
04:08 Frogcrush Lol
04:08 Exio and most of stuff isn't tested properly
04:09 Exio the developers accept that, and if you see the forum "when bug reporting" i would say most of the stuff is because, 1) bugs directly "of" upstream what weren't tested properly on an installed system (archlinux bow with that hardware), or bugs what are caused because bad packages, bad dependencies and so on
04:10 us_0gb I want to use Debian, but I can't get it to run Minetest well, so I'm switching back to Ubuntu.
04:10 Exio and the testing "part" is a joke, only the kernel and some very basic stuff is really "tested" on it
04:11 Exio us_0gb: i have no about your problem really, i never had those problems *only* in debian
04:11 Exio *i had similar problems with a broadcom wireless, think why*
04:12 Sketch2 yeah, I had probs with old Debian and wireless
04:12 Sketch2 the new stuff is great tho.  rolling upgrades
04:12 khonkhortisan I keep forgetting I have to replace the node for the formspec to change
04:12 Exio my problem is just the wireless card :)
04:14 us_0gb The thing is, on the same computer at different times, I can make Minetest run well in Mint and Ubuntu with no issue.
04:15 Exio maybe it is just a problem with your HW and the kernel or some very old bug with that
04:15 Exio no idea really
04:16 us_0gb Yeah, I have no idea either. I just know I can fix it by uninstalling Debian.
04:17 Sketch2 did'ja try installing Nonfree in your repo's
04:17 Sketch2 Deb defaults to just the free repos
04:17 Exio nonfree alone is just a repo
04:17 Exio it will not install anything
04:18 Sketch2 yeah, but thtat's where you find the broadcom firmware
04:18 Sketch2 that's what I ran into, cuz Broadcom is a buisness name with patented junk that Deb can't release as free
04:18 us_0gb How do I install nonfree in the repositories? I considered that might be the issue, but couldn't find a way to fix it.
04:18 Sketch2 so it's in the non-free
04:18 Exio vim /etc/apt/sources.list
04:19 Exio add "contrib nonfree" to the end of the "main" lines
04:20 khonkhortisan Can I use an inventory cube in formspec?
04:20 Sketch2 you go into Synaptic Package Manager, Settings, Repositories, then check Non DFSG compatable software (nonfree)
04:20 Sketch2 then you close that and hit Reload
04:21 Sketch2 that's the way you get your flash-plugin for your browser as well
04:21 Sketch2 flashplugin-nonfree
04:22 us_0gb Awesome, thanks Exio and Sketch2!
04:23 us_0gb How do I get the software to render Minetest better?
04:23 Sketch2 yep, just make sure to reload after you enable it
04:23 us_0gb I reloaded, but what do I need to install?
04:24 Sketch2 lemme think tor a sec.  it's like firmware headers for broadcom
04:24 Exio us_0gb: do you have a broadcom wireless in your server?
04:25 Exio if not, what Sketch2 is saying is useless :)
04:25 us_0gb I don't have any wireless on the server. I'm on the laptop right now. Also, my wireless works.
04:26 us_0gb Although, the server's wired connection keeps failing.
04:26 Sketch2 I think it depends on how old it is.  'prolly firmware-brcm80211
04:27 us_0gb firmware-brcm80211 does what? Fix the connection, or make Minetest render better?
04:27 Sketch2 you might need b43-fwcutter, but it's been a while since I've done it
04:28 Sketch2 that fixes the wireless.  lemme see if I can find a web site to describe the steps
04:29 us_0gb No worries. My wireless works fine.
04:29 us_0gb My hordwired connection is the one that doesn't work.
04:29 us_0gb *hardwired
04:31 Sketch2 oh, didn't know.  gonna head out soon with chick to fill gas tank :P
04:31 Sketch2 so I'll describe how to speed up minetest real quick
04:31 us_0gb Okay, thank you!
04:37 Sketch2 edit minetest.conf - add these lines to it -
04:38 Sketch2 when you get into it, tap the minus key to reduce view depth
04:38 Exio ...
04:38 Exio he needs that in a server
04:38 Exio not the client
04:39 Sketch2 oh, I'm sleep deprived, misunderstood
04:39 us_0gb No, it's my client that has issues.
04:39 Exio it is yours?
04:39 us_0gb My frame count is at two.
04:39 Exio so, both of your things aren't working?
04:39 Exio the server or the client?
04:39 us_0gb My server is having issues with conectivity, my client is having frame rate issues.
04:39 Sketch2 yeah, fullscreen 800x600 helps.  turn off all effects
04:40 us_0gb I can't stand full screen mode.
04:40 Sketch2 yeah, but it's way faster framerate
04:40 us_0gb I do turn off most effects, but I still need shaders to see.
04:40 us_0gb I'm blind without them.
04:41 Sketch2 kaeza, well I gotta help her.  too dark out for her to fill car on her own :(
04:41 us_0gb I already tried all that. On Ubuntu, I can turn all the effects on, and still get about 30 FPS.
04:42 Exio what gpu do you have?
04:42 Exio driver issues
04:42 us_0gb Although, I still keep the effects off just because the game looks nicer without them.
04:42 Sketch2 uh, it's auto-completing names accidentially.  AFK
04:42 kaeza lol
04:42 Exio poor kaeza
04:42 us_0gb GPU: not sure how to find out. Driver issues: I'v considered that so many times, but I don't know how to check.
04:43 us_0gb *I've
04:43 Exio lspci | grep -i vga
04:43 Exio in your term, post the info
04:44 us_0gb 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]
04:44 Sketch2 yeah, I've got a Radeon 1950 X Pro
04:45 Sketch2 kick-ass card, but crappy linux performance
04:45 Exio i'd like most of the ATI GPUs
04:45 us_0gb It works just fine in Ubuntu, just not Debian.
04:45 Exio us_0gb: i'm checking
04:46 Sketch2 the latest Debian Wheezy version has much improved Radeon drivers
04:46 Sketch2 they were horrible just a few months ago
04:46 us_0gb So going unstable fixes the issue?
04:46 Sketch2 yeah, definitely
04:47 Sketch2 no no, not unstable, testing
04:47 Sketch2 unstable is Sid
04:47 Sketch2 don't do unstable.  do testing
04:47 us_0gb Unstable is the untested / unverified. So if testing, then unstable.
04:48 us_0gb Are testing and unstable different things in Debian?
04:48 Exio yes
04:48 Sketch2 what's Sid?  the bleednig edge one called then
04:48 Exio stable < testing < sid
04:48 Exio actually, Squeeze < Wheezy < Sid
04:48 Exio sid is always sid, what changes is the stable/testing "names"
04:48 Exio 6.0 7.0 ?.?
04:48 Sketch2 yea. that's what I was thinking
04:49 Sketch2 I think 6 is stable. and 7 is testing "Wheezy"
04:49 Sketch2 you want Wheezy.  if you go with Gnome, you may want to log in with Gnome Classic
04:49 Exio you are right with that
04:50 us_0gb I've got to go. I''ll read the log when I get back.
04:50 Sketch2 cuz Gnome 3 sux.  it's like a tablet interface or something
04:50 Sketch2 k, cool.  got 2 go 2
04:50 us_0gb Yeah, GNOME classic is awesome.
04:50 Sketch2 good luck
04:50 us_0gb Thanks!
04:50 Exio same! :P
04:50 Exio (the good luck)
04:51 jojoa1997|Tablet RealBadAngel any news on UI mod support
04:53 khonkhortisan I don't want code folding, I want window folding!
04:53 us_0gb joined #minetest
05:08 khonkhortisan Is node tile rotation documented?
05:10 Exio should be with the new changes
05:10 Exio in 'any case', this is unfair
05:11 khonkhortisan Case not detected. Break any case.
05:11 Exio every time i check my clock there are 4 more hours than before :P
05:11 Exio ffs khonkhortisan
05:17 khonkhortisan I don't even see "first.png^second.png" in doc/lua_api.txt
05:17 Exio ehm
05:18 Exio i don't know how that stuff works
05:18 chynggyz joined #minetest
05:18 RealBadAngel jojoa1997|Tablet, it will come, im rewriting whole technic now
05:19 khonkhortisan found it
05:20 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
05:22 jojoa1997|Tablet Oh been gone for while so must have not seen post
05:23 jojoa1997|Tablet Well off to bed cya
05:25 jordan4ibanez Feature freeze is in effect
05:25 jordan4ibanez Look at the optimizations pouring in already
05:26 * us_0gb is back
05:26 khonkhortisan Can a pull request be merged if it isn't a "feature"?
05:26 us_0gb Rewriting all of technic? Sounds like you've got quite a job ahead of you.
05:27 jordan4ibanez Well that's the point of a feature freeze, bugfixes and optimizations for days man
05:27 khonkhortisan hmmm m.
05:28 jordan4ibanez ^nice touch
05:29 jordan4ibanez Installing kubuntu along side windows so I can test these delicious features
05:31 VanessaE jordan4ibanez:
05:31 VanessaE Benchmarks section
05:31 VanessaE I added some data you may find useful.
05:31 jordan4ibanez I will benchmark your code on kubuntu :)
05:32 VanessaE these benchmarks were taken on xubuntu 12.04
05:33 khonkhortisan Texture corruption makes it difficult to design formspecs
05:33 jordan4ibanez I don't trust the windows version anymore, if everyone was so surprised at the performance dip
05:36 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: what kind of marks are you getting?
05:36 jordan4ibanez I haven't benchmarked it yet, let me do a real benchmark and then compare
05:37 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: run the mod for about two minutes and copy the log output to a file.
05:37 jordan4ibanez Okay
05:37 VanessaE then run this code:  t=0;c=0; for i in `cat log.txt |grep "Evaluated/populated" |cut -f 5- -d " "|sed s/ms//`; do c=`echo "$c + 1"|bc`; t=`echo "$t + $i"|bc`; done; echo $c; echo $t; echo "$t / $c"|bc
05:38 VanessaE the outputs are the number of samples taken, the total time of all samples, and the average time.
05:38 VanessaE in milliseconds.
05:38 VanessaE that bit of code is for map chunk times.
05:38 VanessaE if you want to check tree code, change "Evaluated/populated" to just "Executed"
05:39 VanessaE on my system, a map chunk takes an average of 290 ms.  Trees average about 113 ms.  Nearly all of the time in both is spent inside the engine.
05:39 jordan4ibanez Create a windows version of that command so I can compare please, I'm going to have to enable the debug.txt file >.<
05:39 VanessaE you said you were on kubuntu.
05:39 jordan4ibanez It's installing
05:39 VanessaE nonono
05:39 VanessaE not debug.txt
05:40 VanessaE just the output from your terminal
05:40 jordan4ibanez Okay, well I have to see if the issue is the same on linux dudeski
05:40 jordan4ibanez I haven't tested treegen on linux minetest
05:40 blaze joined #minetest
05:40 khonkhortisan So you can change cat log.txt to bin/minetest?
05:40 jordan4ibanez brb
05:41 VanessaE khonkhortisan: good question, didn't even think to try to capture the output directly
05:41 khonkhortisan :)
05:42 us_0gb left #minetest
05:43 us_0gb joined #minetest
05:53 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
05:53 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
05:54 jordan4ibanez My computer is fast again
05:54 jordan4ibanez \o/
05:55 Exio did you remove kubuntu
05:55 us_0gb Huh. Someone was saying there are issues with 0.4.5 on Linux not showing the favorite servers.
05:55 jordan4ibanez I installed kubuntu
05:55 us_0gb On the official package, I have that issue. On my compiled copy, I don't ....
05:56 jordan4ibanez even the reqonk browser is fast
05:58 jordan4ibanez It feels like windows 7 but crisper
05:59 jordan4ibanez how do I compile luajit for minetest?
06:00 khonkhortisan There's instructions for that in a forum post...
06:01 khonkhortisan
06:01 jordan4ibanez NO FORUM POST
06:01 khonkhortisan worksforme
06:01 * jordan4ibanez knocks the link out of your hand
06:01 khonkhortisan ?
06:01 jordan4ibanez MAKE ME A SCRIPT!
06:01 jordan4ibanez rajkdaskjds!
06:01 khonkhortisan I did, how did you know?
06:02 jordan4ibanez Because I'm magic
06:02 khonkhortisan it doesn't download or compile luajit, it just does the linking stuff
06:02 jordan4ibanez That'll work
06:03 jordan4ibanez I'll try it myself first though
06:03 jordan4ibanez And then when I start to cry in a feedle position after 50 failures I might just ask for it
06:04 * khonkhortisan produces a copy anyway:
06:04 jordan4ibanez That's neato
06:04 khonkhortisan really short though
06:04 jordan4ibanez Better than nothing
06:06 jordan4ibanez We should recode c++ and make it more efficient for minetest!
06:07 khonkhortisan the horror...
06:07 jordan4ibanez I know right xD
06:07 khonkhortisan reminded me of a tv show
06:08 Sketch2 haven't read thread yet, but is LuaJIT used for client??
06:08 jordan4ibanez Goodnight
06:09 khonkhortisan I don't think the client uses lua at all
06:10 Exio the client doesn't use lua
06:13 khonkhortisan LuaJIT does what PerlJIT would do if it - oh it does exist!
06:13 Sketch2 well, mods are LUA and those are all server-side.  makes sense
06:15 Sketch2 might do a bit faster on sinlgleplayer
06:16 NekoGloop meow
06:27 khonkhortisan jordan, that script isn't enough, you still have to change serialize.lua.
06:27 khonkhortisan oh that's why tab-complete wouldn't work
06:39 sfan5 mornin' everyone!
06:40 Exio Sun Mar 31 03:40:11 ART 2013
06:40 Exio i'll say good night soon
06:40 Exio but, good night+morning sfan5!
06:45 kaeza mornings sfan
06:45 * VanessaE pokes kaeza
06:46 lamefun joined #minetest
06:46 kaeza what's up V?
06:47 VanessaE not much
06:47 kaeza I've got a nice idea for your unifieddyes
06:47 VanessaE oh?
06:47 VanessaE (see pm, btw)
06:49 TTChangeTheWorld joined #minetest
07:03 Sketch2 man, this isn't going so great.  none of the libraries are porting
07:06 Sketch2 oh, whadd'ya know.  got one.
07:06 VanessaE heh
07:16 MinetestBot joined #minetest
07:29 Exio sfan5: ping?
07:30 sfan5 pong
07:30 Exio were you the one who used mt with custom shaders?
07:30 Exio if yes, what shaders?
07:44 Exio i think i'll need to start doing stuff like this for running MC shaders :/
07:44 Exio s/running/using/
07:48 blaze joined #minetest
07:49 VanessaE night all
07:49 Exio night VanessaE
07:59 Nore joined #minetest
08:17 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
08:19 markveidemanis joined #minetest
08:19 Jeija joined #minetest
08:19 markveidemanis joined #minetest
08:19 markveidemanis joined #minetest
08:22 alex256 joined #minetest
08:23 alex256 how do i get my server to show up in the list of servers?
08:24 Exio you enable the "server_announce" option in minetest.conf
08:24 Exio check the options behind it, too
08:24 alex256 ok i diddn't see it
08:24 alex256 yill look now thanks
08:25 Jeija joined #minetest
08:32 Exio Jeija: ping? :P
08:32 Jeija Exio: pong?
08:32 Exio as random question, did you get any other shader more than the "test" in minetest?
08:33 Jeija No, just the water test shader thing
08:33 Exio hm
08:53 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
09:31 Exio night now, bye!
09:31 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
09:37 Nore joined #minetest
09:38 Nore hi
09:38 kaeza 'ello
09:39 Nore do you think it will be merged one day?
09:43 Jeija Nore: You should talk to the devs (preferably PilzAdam) and sqash the commits
09:44 Nore well, I tried to sqaush them, and that time, it didn't work
09:44 Jeija You need to make a new branch based on master and cherry-pick the commit
09:45 pandaro joined #minetest
09:45 Nore how? (it don't know how to use git, except to make a commit and to push it)
09:45 Jeija PilzAdam told me, I also didn't know ;)
09:45 Jeija git checkout master
09:46 Jeija git checkout -b new_forceloading
09:46 Jeija git cherry-pick 5818a538fd20edd50f0a276d0ff8b2062a3f33ac
09:46 Nore thanks... and did you suceed running the mesecons computer?
09:46 Jeija then likely there will be some conflicts
09:46 Jeija git status
09:46 Jeija open the conflicting files and resolve conflicts
09:46 Jeija git add . and commit
09:47 Jeija then git checkout old_forceloading
09:47 Jeija forget the previous command, use:
09:48 Jeija git branch -d old_forceloading
09:48 Jeija git branch -m new_forceloading old_forceloading
09:48 Jeija then you can push --force it and the pull request will update
09:49 Jeija The mesecons computer worked for some time but after a while the gates overheated
09:49 Nore I know, and I don't know why it happens, so I had to disable gate overheat
09:50 Nore About git, the problem is that my master branch is the one where I did the changes
09:50 Jeija oh, I did the same mistakes in the beginning ^^
09:50 Jeija the git branch -m master new_name
09:51 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:51 Jeija and then get the upstream somehow
09:51 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
09:51 Jeija Hi PilzAdam!
09:51 kaeza hey Adam
09:51 us_0gb Hello, PilzAdam!
09:51 Jeija PilzAdam: We were just talking about this: Will it ever get merged?
09:52 Jeija Nore: I can also try to rebase the commits for you
09:52 Nore I'd like to, because every time I tried to make such changes, I broke my repo
09:53 PilzAdam the serialization isnt backwards compatible
09:54 Jeija Are there other changes affecting serialization? So that they could all be merged at once?
09:56 PilzAdam just move the readU8() into the catch block
09:56 PilzAdam oh, wait
09:57 PilzAdam it already is in a try block
10:04 Nore with that try block, it will be backwards compatible, no? But old versions trying to open a new world file will have problems.
10:19 Nore left #minetest
10:23 us_0gb left #minetest
10:27 Matsetes joined #minetest
10:29 markveidemanis joined #minetest
10:30 q66 joined #minetest
10:37 MinetestBot joined #minetest
10:38 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
10:39 LunaVorax joined #minetest
10:42 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
10:46 monkeycoder joined #minetest
11:01 PilzAdam bbl
11:03 markveidemanis Hiii
11:03 markveidemanis joined #minetest
11:03 markveidemanis joined #minetest
11:11 TheLastProject joined #minetest
11:18 markveidemanis h
11:18 sdzen joined #minetest
11:18 sdzen where is sapier?
11:23 yvi joined #minetest
11:23 yvi Hi
11:24 kaeza hi
11:24 yvi my minetest window goes black. I suppose I'm burried in the ground or something. Is there a way for me to respawn or resurface ?
11:25 kaeza you can try /grant singleplayer all
11:25 kaeza it will allow you to fly to the surface
11:25 * yvi trying
11:26 yvi where should I type this ? I suppose I need to invoke a console ?
11:26 kaeza type 'T' to open the chat window
11:27 yvi
11:27 * yvi trying
11:28 kaeza wait
11:28 kaeza 0.3.1??
11:28 yvi hum
11:28 yvi I suppose it's outdated...
11:28 kaeza man... they should take down that thing from theh repos...
11:28 yvi :-P
11:28 yvi ahahah
11:28 yvi ok
11:28 * yvi upgrading
11:29 kaeza latest is 0.4.5
11:29 sdzen theres a reason why its there
11:29 kaeza or at least rename it
11:30 sdzen minetest 0.3.1 (outdated)
11:31 yvi
11:31 yvi 0.3.1 is the only version , nothing in experimental
11:31 Xenux joined #minetest
11:31 kaeza sdzen, yeah I know. said by c55 himself, "0.3.1 is a solid game", but most newcomers install it first
11:31 * yvi looking for third party packages
11:32 kaeza yvi, if all else fails, use this:
11:33 troller joined #minetest
11:34 yvi compiling from source is good
11:34 * yvi trying this
11:35 sdzen
11:35 sdzen bastards :P
11:37 sdzen I asked why minetest-c55 is outdated on their repository
11:37 sdzen they directed me to this
11:40 kaeza that's pretty much bullshit
11:40 kaeza Mt has come a long way from 0.3.1
11:40 sdzen not only that but it doesn't answer why
11:40 sdzen yes it has
11:40 sdzen someone needs to rip the stick out of their ass
11:41 kaeza and frankly, some ubuntu packages are no more stable than minetest
11:41 * kaeza points at empathy
11:41 * yvi building
11:45 sdzen "A new version of Ubuntu is released every 6 months, so every 6 months  new packages are prepared, tested, customized and released with a new  version"
11:45 sdzen if this is true then why has it been 12?
12:00 yvi joined #minetest
12:01 yvi kaeza: thank you, I compiled 0.4.5 and it works like a charm :-)
12:01 kaeza good :)
12:02 kaeza now try pimping up yoursingle player experience with some mods :)
12:02 kaeza *your single
12:11 yvi joined #minetest
12:15 markveidemanis I need someone to test by bot
12:15 markveidemanis *my
12:15 kaeza nope
12:23 Gambit joined #minetest
12:25 MasterBot joined #minetest
12:26 MasterBot joined #minetest
12:26 MasterBot left #minetest
12:32 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
12:33 jordan4ibanez WiredOnLinux umustbe new here
12:37 kaeza wat
12:37 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
12:37 jordan4ibanez I was up all night
12:37 jordan4ibanez but I came up with some cool things
12:37 kaeza ORLY?
12:37 jordan4ibanez Interpolated entities, so item entities and mobs appear smoother
12:38 jordan4ibanez jeija I have some code and sounds for your pistons mod I'm going to make and give you the sounds in a little while
12:38 jordan4ibanez Can liquids flow push entities and players around based on it's vascocity? in c++ or lua
12:39 jordan4ibanez I'm also going to be making a detector for item entity so that item drops get out of blocks instead of staying hidden
12:39 jordan4ibanez pilzadam I have some better door sounds, and you should include blockmen's trapdoors from his doors mod
12:40 jordan4ibanez jeija, I'm going to make it so pistons can push entities and players around, but if you get to that first good on you
12:40 jordan4ibanez I'm also going to work on finding better sounds, I already have a couple great ones
12:41 jordan4ibanez Also: if you stand on a halfslab and hold shift, your player floats
12:42 jordan4ibanez Also, the main menu's clouds rerender when you do stuff in the menu, sometimes the shitty menu texture is rendered in front of the clouds also
12:43 jordan4ibanez when you leave the server 3 times and join the fourth (in the windows version at least) the sound buffer is destroyed and sounds just loop over and over again, giving thousands of errors
12:44 jordan4ibanez players flying around with fast enabled still get checked for normal speed, and are sent back as if they were hacking
12:47 jordan4ibanez the 3d cube item entity could be made from an animated mesh, and somehow use the nodebox of whatever it's set as, that way it would take a small amount of load off of the servers that use item drops
12:49 jordan4ibanez item drops could have a timer, and delete themselves, this could be turned on or off in the minetest.conf and the time limit of drops set in the .conf also
12:49 markveidemanis can you pastebin all this?
12:49 markveidemanis Use Pastie
12:49 jordan4ibanez it would be cool if we could have individual digging and placing animation for tools and nodes
12:49 jordan4ibanez No, I'm just typing out the notes I took down
12:50 jordan4ibanez But there is one more, and I can't read it
12:51 markveidemanis say what you can read
12:51 jordan4ibanez Oh, full screen toggling in the settings menu
12:51 markveidemanis i just press F11
12:51 markveidemanis Thats in my OS
12:51 jordan4ibanez Well not everyone has that
12:52 markveidemanis make it into the game so it can adjust on F11
12:52 markveidemanis Do u know python
12:52 jordan4ibanez yeah
12:53 PilzAdam joined #minetest
12:53 jordan4ibanez but what does that have to do with minetest? XD
12:58 yvi joined #minetest
12:58 markveidemanis yvi: do you know python
12:58 jordan4ibanez why don't you ask in #python?
12:59 markveidemanis i am and i did
12:59 jordan4ibanez then you stink at asking questions
13:00 markveidemanis I needed someone who stinks at answering questions so i came to you :P
13:00 jordan4ibanez ouch yvi he just told you!
13:01 markveidemanis I PM'd you, jordan4ibanez
13:01 jordan4ibanez No no no.
13:01 jordan4ibanez Nu
13:01 jordan4ibanez I gave up my life of python a long time ago
13:01 jordan4ibanez after the python famen of '12
13:03 jordan4ibanez oh yeah
13:03 jordan4ibanez there's an xbox 360 emulator
13:06 kaeza I love's description on
13:09 yvi joined #minetest
13:09 yvi kaeza: reading
13:27 moruk joined #minetest
13:27 evil_jordan4iban joined #minetest
13:27 evil_jeb No one saw that
13:29 evil_jeb left #minetest
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13:29 yvi joined #minetest
13:55 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
13:57 jordan4ibanez Where do I  get the common mods game mode?
13:58 Nore joined #minetest
13:59 john_minetest joined #minetest
13:59 Nore hi
13:59 rarkenin Hi.
14:00 Nore what do you think of that?
14:02 jordan4ibanez But how would it work?
14:02 Nore I already have done something in lua, but it doesn't work very well
14:02 Nore you check if the node you place on is ignore
14:02 Nore if not, no problem
14:03 jordan4ibanez What are you trying to do in lua?
14:03 Nore else, you save it in a table, which is saved on server shutdown
14:03 jordan4ibanez And I am literally almost shitting my pants over the hand animation in the metology game
14:03 jordan4ibanez well maybe not literally but almost literally
14:04 Nore I'm talking about a safe add_node function
14:04 jordan4ibanez Why do you need it?
14:04 Nore because you often have problem because you want to place nodes in unloaded area
14:04 jordan4ibanez xD
14:04 Nore for example, the landup mod has square holes in the mountains
14:05 jordan4ibanez Are you talking about map generating?
14:05 Nore yes, mostly
14:05 jordan4ibanez Land up has squares in the mountain because it's badly coded >.>
14:05 jordan4ibanez You cannot generate into the ungenerate area
14:05 jordan4ibanez because it basically does not exist
14:06 Nore well, I have tried to correct it, but the only difference with before is that I get less holes, but much bigger
14:06 Nore and because you cannot place nodes in unloaded area, I save them in a table, and place them when the area is loaded
14:06 jordan4ibanez If you're going to do: for y = 0,2000 do: well of course you're going to get errors!
14:07 jordan4ibanez You have to find some kind of way for the mountain to generate in chunks
14:07 jordan4ibanez like, get land_up stone, and build from there
14:08 Nore the problem with landup is that it can't be coded in an other way, because it needs the results of the mapgen at the bottom
14:08 jordan4ibanez Well you need to build up from that mapgen, I don't know how to explain it, either way it's going to be REALLY slow
14:09 Nore it is already...
14:09 jordan4ibanez I know :D
14:09 jordan4ibanez It's kind of like a ghetto hack
14:10 Nore the problem is that I don't know why my code has bugs, because it shouldn't have
14:10 Nore the only thing that could create a bug is, I think, a node that isn't ignore but on which set_node doesn't work
14:11 jordan4ibanez well how far up are you generating these mountains? You should stay within the vacinity of your chunk
14:11 jordan4ibanez and then just check if there's land_up stone below the chunk that generates above that chunk, and keep generating the mountain
14:14 Nore the most strange thing is that if I am far, there are fewer problems than when I am near
14:15 jordan4ibanez that is weird
14:15 markveidemanis left #minetest
14:15 Nore when using my patch
14:15 pyJordach joined #minetest
14:15 jordan4ibanez _what_ patch?
14:16 pyJordach hey
14:16 jordan4ibanez and wow! the metology client's hand thing is so... well nice I might just stick to it :D
14:16 Nore the safe add_node that doesn't work very well
14:16 pyJordach hey guys, there is a possible way to make a music box using mesecons
14:17 pyJordach (it uses solar panels and inversions)
14:17 Nore do you use a luacontroller?
14:17 pyJordach Nore: nope, i prefer Microcontrollers
14:18 jordan4ibanez where is common folder for mods?
14:18 Nore will you present it for the mesecons competition?
14:18 pyJordach Nore: probablyu
14:18 jordan4ibanez oh
14:18 Nore jordan4ibanez: on github
14:18 jordan4ibanez I'm derpin today
14:18 pyJordach i could decode MIDI files on the fly using structs
14:18 pyJordach and then send the notes through and through
14:19 * pyJordach would have to remove overheating
14:19 Nore did you see my computer? I had too (and it lags my server a lot)
14:19 rarkenin_ joined #minetest
14:19 rarkenin_ joined #minetest
14:20 pyJordach Nore: go grab yourself a vps
14:20 pyJordach
14:20 Nore ?
14:20 pyJordach then it's a bit easier
14:21 Nore why?
14:22 pyJordach because your computer is already choked with serveral threads for rendering, Lua, etc
14:22 pyJordach having it on a vps lowers the problem as all your client does is render and use network
14:23 pyJordach anyways, im not at home atm, so bye!
14:23 pyJordach left #minetest
14:25 jordan4ibanez Using kde, is like driving a train, with tank treads, but a 1200hp engine, and it handles like a ferrari
14:31 jordan4ibanez "Enchant and smoking crafts (just a crazy idea I whipped up)" Metology - What is that?
14:36 Zeg9 joined #minetest
14:37 pandaro joined #minetest
14:40 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
14:40 jordan4ibanez pilzadam did you make it so sounds play at random frequencies? ^^
14:41 blaze joined #minetest
14:42 rarkenin Speaking of sounds and randomness, I was looking through the really old main comment on GitHub, and it mentioned implementing something like Otomata. Could this be implemented now?
14:44 jordan4ibanez What is Otomata?
14:45 Zeg9 Hi rarkenin
14:45 PilzAdam joined #minetest
15:00 MilanFIN joined #minetest
15:04 LAD joined #minetest
15:05 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
15:06 jojoa1997|Tablet Is it possible to have
15:06 jojoa1997|Tablet Recipe = {
15:06 jojoa1997|Tablet {'Default:dirt 2'}
15:07 jojoa1997|Tablet }
15:13 jojoa1997|Tablet Pilzadam
15:13 jojoa1997|Tablet Also when I say redefine I mean :default:blah
15:13 jojoa1997|Tablet Mese will be gotten rid of
15:13 jojoa1997|Tablet And copper and beonze
15:15 PilzAdam ehm, it isnt a problem if you dont load the default from common
15:16 VanessaE +
15:22 jojoa1997|Tablet Yes it is
15:22 jojoa1997|Tablet The C++ map gen code wants default something not minitest
15:22 PilzAdam no, it wants mapgen_*
15:23 PilzAdam like mapgen_dirt
15:23 PilzAdam what default does, it sets alias("mapgen_dirt", "default:dirt"), so we do this too
15:23 PilzAdam but with minitest
15:25 ShadowNinja Can someone help me with texturing a nodebox? I am trying to give vessels a nodebox
15:25 jojoa1997|Tablet Oh
15:25 kaeza just noticed that there are new mese tools in default
15:25 kaeza ShadowNinja, sure
15:26 VanessaE hi all
15:26 kaeza hey V
15:26 jojoa1997|Tablet Hi
15:26 ShadowNinja hi VanessaE
15:26 jojoa1997|Tablet I wish I knew that before redefining everything
15:26 jojoa1997|Tablet Well now I have even more work ahead
15:27 ShadowNinja kaeza: This is what I have now:
15:28 jojoa1997|Tablet Kaeza good news
15:28 jojoa1997|Tablet There is now a zoom button
15:28 ShadowNinja the top and buttom textures have to be changed, and there are textures showing up inside it
15:28 kaeza ShadowNinja, I can whip up a texture for that
15:28 ShadowNinja ok, thanks
15:28 jojoa1997|Tablet It would work well with your gun mod
15:29 kaeza can you PM the nodebox for reference?
15:30 kaeza hmm... actually, there's no need
15:33 kaeza ShadowNinja, is the bottle neck 3px high?
15:34 ShadowNinja yes
15:37 kaeza hmm... the repeating texture cannot be fixed until that patch to texture individual nodeboxes is merged
15:38 ShadowNinja I think it is, RBA fixed it with 6d facedir
15:40 jojoa1997|Tablet Guys
15:40 jojoa1997|Tablet And gals
15:40 VanessaE ShadowNinja: no.
15:40 jojoa1997|Tablet Why does the upsidedown torch look so stupid
15:40 VanessaE the texturing of individual nodeboxes is not in yet, but rba did say that 6d facedir code will make it much easier.
15:41 VanessaE jojoa1997|Tablet: because my low-rez texturing skills suck?
15:41 jojoa1997|Tablet Someone needs to make it be straight upsidedown
15:41 ShadowNinja oh, ok
15:41 jojoa1997|Tablet OK FIX IT
15:41 ShadowNinja well I will finish the nodeboxes at least
15:41 VanessaE and it's supposed to look like it's at a slight angle, with the flame rising upward
15:42 khonkhortisan straight upsidedown at a slight angle
15:42 kaeza ShadowNinja,
15:42 kaeza see ifthat fits the theme
15:42 kaeza *if that
15:43 khonkhortisan While facedir was being worked on, nodes did have textures stretch across them
15:44 VanessaE left #minetest
15:44 jojoa1997|Tablet When will someone make wool obtainable in vamilla
15:44 VanessaE joined #minetest
15:44 VanessaE oops.
15:44 khonkhortisan "Leaving"
15:44 kaeza C-q again?
15:44 Zeg9 jojoa, when we have "official" mobs that really work without lag and all ?
15:44 khonkhortisan C-q sounds like emacs
15:45 VanessaE ctrl-w
15:45 rarkenin joined #minetest
15:46 rarkenin joined #minetest
15:46 khonkhortisan yes the official way to get wool would be from sheep
15:49 ttk2 joined #minetest
15:50 kaeza ShadowNinja, did the textures work?
15:52 ShadowNinja oh, didn't see that, one sec
15:54 kaeza tell me if they are a bit displaced or needs a bit more/less detail
15:55 ShadowNinja the top appears at the top of every nodebox
15:55 ShadowNinja How do I move a selection downward in gimp?
15:57 kaeza well... that's not my problem 8) you'll need to wait for the aforementioned patch
15:58 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
15:59 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:59 kaeza what adjustments do the textures need?
16:00 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:03 khonkhortisan pasting a new layer removes your selection
16:05 ShadowNinja I think the drinking glass is done, I may tweak your bottle before redoing the nodebox for it :-)
16:06 ShadowNinja oh, and then deleting some of the dozen textures I have
16:06 kaeza cool :)
16:07 Final joined #minetest
16:19 khonkhortisan Assertion 'facedir <= 23' failed.
16:19 khonkhortisan I think I wrote a function wrong
16:23 khonkhortisan silly me, I forgot a modulus
16:28 john_minetest joined #minetest
16:31 Deivan Is possible send a item to a inactive area (without players)?  If no, how I active a area to send some?
16:31 PilzAdam what do you mean "sending" an item?
16:33 iqualfragile joined #minetest
16:33 Deivan Add a node...
16:33 Deivan Well...  I need read some nodes before to.
16:34 PilzAdam the environment loads mapblocks if you access nodes from unloaded ones
16:34 Deivan How?
16:35 Deivan When I direct read I receive strange data...
16:35 PilzAdam it does it automatically
16:35 PilzAdam well, i dont know if it does it for reading
16:36 Deivan Then, If I try add a block to a position without players and try read after the data is readable?
16:36 TheLastProject joined #minetest
16:38 PilzAdam dunno, play a bit arround with it
16:38 Deivan Roger, roger.
16:38 Deivan Thanks.  AFK
16:44 khonkhortisan on_generated for xyz add_node(get_node(pos), pos)
16:44 khonkhortisan that would corrupt the world if you were indeed getting wrong data
16:53 VanessaE "each bitcoin currently sells for more than $90 U.S."
16:53 VanessaE ho.  ly.  shit.
16:56 rubenwardy Pilzadam:
16:57 khonkhortisan A user who obtains convertible virtual currency and uses it to purchase real or virtual goods or services is not… under FinCEN’s regulations,”
16:57 khonkhortisan So we have to convert it to different currency before using it?
17:02 Jordach|3DS joined #minetest
17:02 * VanessaE pokes Jordach|3DS
17:03 Jordach|3DS hey all
17:03 Jordach|3DS hi vanessa
17:03 VanessaE hi
17:03 Jordach|3DS i know what i'm doing for mesecons competition 3
17:04 VanessaE I decided not to get involved in that.  my mesecons skills suck :)
17:05 khonkhortisan I can build a machine, but when it starts getting too large, I can't depend on it to update
17:07 VanessaE you have to increase your active block range
17:08 VanessaE I have to wonder, with as fast as the engine is getting, and luajit to boot, can we not increase that by default now?
17:08 kaeza hell no
17:08 kaeza a range of 85 kills my FPS :(
17:09 khonkhortisan 85‽ I only have mine set to 5
17:09 kaeza actually, I'm just bitching
17:09 kaeza go ahead
17:09 kaeza I only see FPS drops at about 300 or so
17:09 rarkenin joined #minetest
17:09 rarkenin joined #minetest
17:09 VanessaE nonono
17:10 VanessaE active block range, not view range
17:10 kaeza whoops
17:10 kaeza nvm then :P
17:10 VanessaE mine's at the default setting, whatever that is (2 or 3 I think?)
17:11 khonkhortisan let's see, it's about 90x80, so that would be 5 blocks, which is my current setting.
17:11 khonkhortisan I'll try ten.
17:13 Jordach|2DS joined #minetest
17:14 Jordach|2DS trigger buttons = back and forwards buttons :P
17:15 IceCraft What is a 2DS?
17:15 khonkhortisan --3DS
17:15 Jordach|2DS my other nick timed out
17:16 Jordach|2DS or left
17:16 VanessaE IceCraft: it's a 3ds with one broken screen ;-)
17:16 IceCraft Aah
17:17 Jordach|2DS anyways, i plan on building a midi player using luacontrollers and note blocks
17:17 markveidemanis joined #minetest
17:17 VanessaE heh good luck with that
17:17 markveidemanis joined #minetest
17:17 markveidemanis joined #minetest
17:18 Jordach|2DS VanessaE, all you need is structs
17:18 khonkhortisan follow the midi standards, including plugin design
17:18 bas080 joined #minetest
17:18 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
17:19 jojoa1997|Tablet Pilzadam good news
17:19 VanessaE
17:19 VanessaE whhhhhhaaaaaaattttt?
17:19 jojoa1997|Tablet I got Minetest working well
17:19 VanessaE they threw out a SOFTWARE patent finally?
17:19 PilzAdam w
17:19 PilzAdam nice
17:20 PilzAdam -w
17:20 jojoa1997|Tablet Pilzadam see my pull request
17:20 jojoa1997|Tablet 179 files changed
17:20 PilzAdam I will review it later
17:20 jojoa1997|Tablet K
17:20 jojoa1997|Tablet It is almost a complete rewrite
17:20 jojoa1997|Tablet Well Minetest mod is
17:21 khonkhortisan I stop reading the patent at "and a mantissa portion,"
17:21 Jordach|2DS khonkhortisan, probably will google gpl lua midi
17:21 jojoa1997|Tablet Also here is a site with recipes
17:21 jojoa1997|Tablet
17:22 Jordach|2DS jojoa1997, Minetest != Minecrap
17:23 jojoa1997|Tablet No
17:23 jojoa1997|Tablet Wait what?
17:23 VanessaE maybe you meant minItest :-)
17:23 jojoa1997|Tablet Oh I am talking about minitest
17:23 jojoa1997|Tablet Stupid auto correct
17:23 Jordach|2DS just because they are the same genre, does not mean they should be the same
17:24 VanessaE PilzAdam: see?  I told you.  even your own devs get it confused :D
17:24 jojoa1997|Tablet Minitest
17:24 khonkhortisan that's a dry cookie
17:24 jojoa1997|Tablet Snonono vanessae
17:24 jojoa1997|Tablet I have Minetest in my tablet dictionary but not minitest
17:24 khonkhortisan and I should get a seedless melon when taking the seeds out
17:24 jojoa1997|Tablet So it auto correct to minetest
17:24 Jordach|2DS call it minecrap and leave it at that
17:25 jojoa1997|Tablet But o just fixed it
17:25 VanessaE jojoa1997|Tablet: no excuses :-)
17:25 VanessaE read before you press "send"
17:25 jojoa1997|Tablet I call it mincra at a more advanced level and higher dev apot
17:25 jojoa1997|Tablet Spot
17:25 Jordach|2DS huh, 3DS lacks scrollback
17:26 jojoa1997|Tablet Wait
17:26 jojoa1997|Tablet You can get irc on 3ds
17:26 jojoa1997|Tablet VanessaE its called fast typing
17:26 markveidemanis ^ Bullshit.....
17:26 VanessaE jojoa1997|Tablet: it's called "read before you press SEND".
17:26 Jordach|2DS < webchat user
17:26 VanessaE proofreading.
17:26 khonkhortisan it's called watch people battle it out on irc
17:27 jojoa1997|Tablet Its called I win
17:27 jojoa1997|Tablet Muwhajaha
17:27 VanessaE jojoa1997|Tablet: see? :)
17:27 * khonkhortisan forgot to register as a contestant
17:27 Jordach|2DS <PilzAdam> pull request denied
17:27 jojoa1997|Tablet Will 62bit for windows be faster than 32bit minetest
17:27 jojoa1997|Tablet Jordach this is not for common
17:28 Jordach|2DS 62 is bullshit
17:28 Jordach|2DS youre looking for 64bit no?
17:28 khonkhortisan I didn't even notice that
17:28 khonkhortisan it can be done, it's just not common
17:29 jojoa1997|Tablet 64 bit
17:29 jojoa1997|Tablet Also
17:29 Jordach|2DS and no, minetest win32 is compiled for win32 systems
17:29 jojoa1997|Tablet I mean compile for 64 bit
17:29 Jordach|2DS if you want the speed benefit, youll have to compile yourself
17:30 Jordach|2DS e.g. uninstall windows and install a distribution
17:30 Jordach|2DS of linux*
17:30 khonkhortisan mesecons without abms should work without extending active_block_range
17:31 khonkhortisan only five nodes have abms
17:31 Jordach|2DS you can only modify blocks in a loaded area
17:31 khonkhortisan How long does it stay loaded for?
17:32 khonkhortisan Until I move far enough away?
17:32 jojoa1997|Tablet There should be a mesecons for vanilla game
17:32 Jordach|2DS until the player leaves the chunk area for about a minute
17:32 khonkhortisan I should set the block range to the view range to make it simpler
17:34 Jordach|2DS mesecons is for vanilla game
17:35 Jordach|2DS im also surprised at how good the 3DS predicted text is
17:36 jojoa1997|Tablet No a light version of mesecpns
17:36 lamefun joined #minetest
17:37 jojoa1997|Tablet Jordach is the app free?
17:39 khor joined #minetest
17:42 alex256 joined #minetest
17:42 alex256 how do you give your server a name instead of an ip address?
17:43 alex256 free dns hmmm never even heard of it...i am such a noob... i will look into it ...thanks
17:44 alex256 is it like having a server cloud?
17:44 Bomfunk joined #minetest
17:47 Psychotic joined #minetest
17:47 Psychotic What mito did didnt work, i still cnt lofin.
17:47 Psychotic cant* login*
17:48 john_minetest joined #minetest
17:48 Bomfunk joined #minetest
17:49 john_minetest joined #minetest
17:50 celeron55 joined #minetest
18:05 jojoa1997|Tablet How do I make my version of common updated with the current version in github
18:05 rarkenin jojoa1997|Tablet: Create a new branch in your git repo, fetch minetest/common:master into that branch, git merge
18:06 jojoa1997|Tablet How do I fetch
18:07 VanessaE bbl
18:07 khonkhortisan git pull does fetch + merge
18:07 jojoa1997|Tablet Okk
18:07 jojoa1997|Tablet Says already up to date
18:08 jojoa1997|Tablet But it isnt
18:11 markveidemanis i need a python program to completely remove all comments from a file
18:21 jojoa1997_Tablet joined #minetest
18:24 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
18:33 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
18:38 Calinou joined #minetest
18:41 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
18:50 Calinou "i don't want to play this game anymore"
18:50 * Calinou finished building a new pc, somehow
18:56 artur99 joined #minetest
18:57 artur99 is the europe server active anymore?
18:57 artur99 and is it
18:57 artur99 or .org?
18:58 kaeza joined #minetest
18:59 artur99 and whitch is the most popular server?
19:01 troller artur99,
19:02 artur99 thanks
19:03 troller look at topic 8)
19:03 markveidemanis Hey can i get my server added to that list?
19:04 OldCoder joined #minetest
19:07 markveidemanis hey OldCoder
19:07 OldCoder markveidemanis, hey
19:07 markveidemanis How is the server proccess going
19:08 IceCraft Yo
19:09 OldCoder markveidemanis, process... we will talk this week. IceCraft Hi.
19:09 IceCraft Heyho
19:11 us_0gb joined #minetest
19:11 yvi joined #minetest
19:21 yvi joined #minetest
19:22 markveidemanis Help...
19:22 markveidemanis
19:22 markveidemanis ine 46
19:23 markveidemanis and 98, 103
19:28 NakedFury joined #minetest
19:30 cisoun joined #minetest
19:31 Matsetes joined #minetest
19:31 yvi joined #minetest
19:40 Mitt_Romney joined #minetest
19:41 Mitt_Romney *hears the sounds of crickets* Well, if anyone remembers the barack obama plays minecraft vid, ill be doing one for minetest. Ciao.
19:42 Mitt_Romney -_-
19:44 WiredOnLinux PilzAdam, are you here?
19:49 khonkhortisan woah colors
19:52 Kacey joined #minetest
19:52 Kacey joined #minetest
19:52 Kacey ipv6 is activated of course
19:55 Kacey hi all! happy Easter!
19:58 VanessaE happy sombie day to you, too :)
19:58 VanessaE zombie*
20:00 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:02 Kacey lol i get it
20:02 kaeza ^slowpoke
20:02 Kacey i had to wake up at 5:30 MST today
20:02 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
20:03 PilzAdam WiredOnLinux, yes
20:03 Sketch2 happy sombie day, lol.  we all gotta put our sombrero's on and par-tay!
20:04 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam how does the fleshy damage system work
20:04 * jojoa1997|Tablet ?.?
20:05 PilzAdam the tool defines the damage and the entity define how much % of the damage it recieves
20:05 jojoa1997|Tablet ok
20:05 jojoa1997|Tablet so 2.0 means 2 hearts?
20:05 * Sketch2 needs caffeine
20:05 PilzAdam what 2.0?
20:05 * kaeza puts a mug of coffee on Sketch2's head
20:05 * jojoa1997|Tablet gives Sketch2 chocolate bunnies
20:06 PilzAdam do you know how the previos damage system works?
20:06 jojoa1997|Tablet nope
20:06 Sketch2 lols, ty guys.
20:06 jojoa1997|Tablet !up
20:07 Sketch2 have half-a-doz of these libraries compiled, so I'm about halfway there with that
20:07 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, the tools defines the damage in HP, wich is 1/2 a heart
20:07 PilzAdam so the player has 20 HP, aka 10 hearts
20:07 jojoa1997|Tablet what number = 1/2 a heart
20:07 Sketch2 got distracted with other open-source irrlicht code tho
20:07 PilzAdam bbl
20:08 kaeza jojoa1997|Tablet, do some math pls
20:08 jojoa1997|Tablet so what is the difference between [1]=0.5 and [1]=1.0
20:08 jojoa1997|Tablet kaeza i typed and sent before he answered
20:08 kaeza jojoa1997|Tablet, do some math pls
20:08 kaeza that is for your last question
20:09 jojoa1997|Tablet i mean what are the damages
20:09 Sketch2 found this abandoned project called PuzzleMoppet that we could totally glean some code from
20:09 jojoa1997|Tablet cause 2.00 is worse than 1.00
20:09 Sketch2
20:10 us_0gb I like Puzzle Moppet.
20:10 Sketch2 the game is goofy, but the swirly vortex thing is cool
20:10 us_0gb Though it isn't open source, I don't think.
20:10 Sketch2 yeah, he decided to ditch it and give the code out as do WTF you want with it
20:11 us_0gb Oh, my bad.
20:11 Sketch2 could totally snag the character from it too, and have a goofy guy like that running through minetest
20:12 us_0gb And maybe we could turn the Puzzle Moppet puzzles into a Minetest game, if we could find a way to prevent jumping.
20:14 kaeza you can prevent jumping IIRC
20:14 kaeza set a high gravity or smth like that
20:16 monkeycoder joined #minetest
20:16 Sketch2 yea, that'd be awesome
20:17 jojoa1997|Tablet no
20:17 jojoa1997|Tablet a high gravity means that a little jump gives damage
20:18 Sketch2 oh, you're right
20:18 jojoa1997|Tablet one block fall = lots of damage
20:19 us_0gb Yeah, falling one (or many) blocks in Puzzle Moppet doesn't damage you.
20:20 Sketch2 well, you could put a variable in... is_jump_allowed
20:20 Sketch2 then set it to false on moppet servers
20:20 jojoa1997|Tablet wait
20:21 jojoa1997|Tablet also 0gb is your server up?
20:23 jojoa1997|Tablet ok
20:24 jojoa1997|Tablet in groups of every node you dont want to jump put
20:25 jojoa1997|Tablet diasable_jump=1
20:25 jojoa1997|Tablet disable
20:25 jojoa1997|Tablet and 0gb is your server up?
20:26 us_0gb No, server is down.
20:26 Sketch2 oh, just on certain blocks instead of server-wide?  I guess that'd word
20:27 Sketch2 *work
20:27 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
20:27 jojoa1997|Tablet rarkenin how is the client coming
20:28 rarkenin Temporarily halted as my priorities have changed.
20:29 jojoa1997|Tablet k
20:37 WiredOnLinux PilzAdam, how do you start a server from that small client you have
20:37 WiredOnLinux the minetest-10-10-24-wonderful.tar.gz
20:44 sdzen joined #minetest
20:46 TheLastProject joined #minetest
20:57 ttk2 joined #minetest
20:59 PilzAdam WiredOnLinux, it starts automatically a server
20:59 PilzAdam just  type the IP at startup into the console
21:01 PilzAdam there is no way to run a dedicated server
21:02 berome joined #minetest
21:02 berome left #minetest
21:02 Bomfunk joined #minetest
21:04 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
21:04 jojoa1997|Tablet anyone got a good mod that they need testing?
21:05 jojoa1997|Tablet PilzAdam
21:06 sokomine you can play around a bit with my random_buildings if you like. just do /giveme random_buildings:build  and place the chest
21:06 sokomine to everyone: happy easter
21:06 jojoa1997|Tablet nah
21:06 jojoa1997|Tablet you too
21:06 jojoa1997|Tablet sokamine do you play miecraft
21:07 kaeza thanks sokomine. you too!
21:07 kaeza jojoa1997|Tablet, miecraft? this is mietest!
21:08 jojoa1997|Tablet it is about minitest
21:08 jojoa1997|Tablet see here
21:08 sokomine only classic from time to time. it is very slow on my hardware
21:08 jojoa1997|Tablet what do you think of the pull rqeust
21:08 PilzAdam when was the node replacement bug introduced?
21:08 jojoa1997|Tablet it is big but changes alot of stuff that seem simple
21:10 us_0gb PilzAdam: I'm not sure, but I know it was in 0.4.4, and I didn't notice it in 0.4.3.
21:10 jojoa1997|Tablet brb
21:11 PilzAdam us_0gb, what name do you want in the changelog?
21:12 us_0gb, please.
21:12 sokomine there's a lot in that pull request
21:12 sokomine node replacement bug?
21:12 us_0gb It's a bug where you place a node, and it replaces the node under it, deleting it forever.
21:13 Kacey joined #minetest
21:13 Kacey joined #minetest
21:13 us_0gb It's particularly fun when the lost node is a locked chest with all your good stuff ....
21:15 Kacey joined #minetest
21:16 jojoa1997|Tablet back
21:17 jojoa1997|Tablet sokamine i had to define every node under "minitest:ssd" instead of "default:ssd"
21:17 us_0gb I'm going to go take out my frustration about having lost a full chest of steel block on my grass, by hacking it to pieces.
21:17 jojoa1997|Tablet then i added other mods and spruced up some more
21:17 us_0gb No really though, I'm gonna' go mow the lawn. See y'all later.
21:17 jojoa1997|Tablet PilzAdam please look at this
21:18 sokomine urgs. ok. sounds bad, us_0gb
21:18 sokomine mow the lawn today? hm
21:19 jojoa1997|Tablet sokamine did you see some of what i changed
21:19 sokomine no, not in detail, jojoa
21:19 jojoa1997|Tablet try looking at other ones than miniitestt mmod
21:20 jojoa1997|Tablet but         chack out the chests
21:20 jojoa1997|Tablet they drrop  sttuff when dug
21:22 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, why dont you create newlines at the end of files?
21:22 sokomine hm. how can i find out if there is alreday an entity (player or npc) at a given position or extremly close (less than 1 node) to it?
21:22 Exio he has the "annoying_eof" plugin in his editor :)
21:23 PilzAdam sokomine, minetest.get_objects_inside_radius()
21:23 khonkhortisan newlines are line separators, not line terminators.
21:23 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, also, the content of default/init.lua is _completly_ useless
21:23 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
21:24 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah
21:24 jojoa1997|Tablet it is meant to be
21:24 jojoa1997|Tablet wait did i change it
21:24 sokomine pilzadam: thanks!
21:24 khonkhortisan my vim forces \nEOF
21:24 PilzAdam also remove everything that has to do with glassdoors
21:24 jojoa1997|Tablet i did
21:25 PilzAdam what is  mods/doors/textures/door_glass.png  then?
21:26 jojoa1997|Tablet forgot to delete
21:26 PilzAdam why do you cook flowers for color?
21:26 jojoa1997|Tablet that was the begining of getting dyes
21:26 PilzAdam AFAIK in MC its just a shapeless craft
21:27 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah that is before i found a recipe list
21:27 Exio cactus -cooking-> green dye
21:27 Exio (mc recipe) ^
21:27 Exio the other recipes are shapeless or directly obtained
21:27 jojoa1997|Tablet remaking recipes now
21:27 Exio a la lapis lazuli being a dye by default, bone meal too
21:27 khonkhortisan minetest should cache the results of its debug tests so I can get it running without it starting over and over
21:27 PilzAdam change "Minetest 0.4 mod: default" to "Minetest 0.4 mod: minitest" in the README
21:28 jojoa1997|Tablet which readme
21:28 PilzAdam and add Copyright PilzAdam; original author celeron55, Perttu Ahola
21:28 jojoa1997|Tablet found it
21:28 PilzAdam and add fucking newlines at the end of files!
21:29 jojoa1997|Tablet newlines?
21:29 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam cool down
21:29 PilzAdam just an empty line at the end of the file
21:29 jojoa1997|Tablet ok
21:29 jojoa1997|Tablet but i spent 3 days straight editing and deleting and reediting
21:29 PilzAdam and change "minitest:pick_mese" to pick_gold
21:30 PilzAdam dont keep the old names
21:30 PilzAdam we have aliases for that
21:30 mauvebic joined #minetest
21:30 monkeycoder joined #minetest
21:30 jojoa1997|Tablet actually i havent made aliases yet
21:30 PilzAdam (same for all other tools)
21:31 mauvebic heres an idea/request:
21:31 Sketch2 when programming minetest, what editors do you guys prefer?
21:31 PilzAdam oh, its good that you havent changed the name of the default table wich contains all the functions
21:31 mauvebic gedit
21:31 PilzAdam Sketch2, kate
21:32 Sketch2 something simple like gEdit, Kate, or something more heavy duty like a full IDE?
21:32 jojoa1997|Tablet wait what?
21:32 khonkhortisan vim, eclipse, kate/kwrite, gvim
21:32 mauvebic you dont need an IDE for lua
21:32 jojoa1997|Tablet what functions
21:32 PilzAdam nvm
21:32 khonkhortisan I didn't find an ide for lua
21:32 mauvebic though if you want a complete OS, emacs
21:32 PilzAdam its good like it is
21:32 jojoa1997|Tablet what line
21:32 Exio vim, geany and kate
21:32 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, what is the point of kwrite?
21:32 khonkhortisan it does tabs differently than kate
21:32 PilzAdam its the most useless editor I have ever seen
21:33 khonkhortisan and I'm not good at yank/put
21:33 Sketch2 found this thing called CodeLite, and my brain's too riddled with sleep-deprivation to make sence of it
21:33 Exio mauvebic: the problem is the "pathfinding"
21:33 Exio and some heavy stuff
21:33 sdzen kwrite? sounds like a rip off of gedit
21:33 mauvebic i dont want the heavy stuff for farm animals
21:33 mauvebic i want animals-light
21:34 Sketch2 kwrite's supposed to be pretty good
21:34 Exio yes
21:34 Exio but i mean, still
21:34 mauvebic they should just stand there, chill, move once every blue moon, and be slaughtered
21:34 PilzAdam sdzen, kwrite is kate without all features
21:34 Sketch2 I've used it long ago, but don't have KDE on here
21:34 sdzen that sounds like a strange feature
21:35 sdzen ie lack of
21:35 mauvebic the farm already has a ton of pipes and plants each with their own abms, i dont need animals that can check my facebook/email accounts :p
21:35 khonkhortisan kde's plasma-desktop completely covers xpenguins
21:35 sokomine pilzadam: do you know if radius can be a fraction or has to be an int for minetest.get_objects_inside_radius?
21:35 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, why do you put the old bucket textures into the bucket mod, and override them with the textures from the minitest mod?
21:35 PilzAdam sokomine, I would guess its a float
21:35 sdzen I once downloaded a version of xpenguins that killed my computer
21:35 sdzen I think it was malware of some sort :P
21:35 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, just use the correct textures directly in the bucket mod
21:36 khonkhortisan ick
21:36 jojoa1997|Tablet i was using regular minecraft textures
21:36 PilzAdam yes
21:36 khonkhortisan There was an old program where when you clicked it made circular holes in your windows - and the holes never went away
21:36 PilzAdam but you have the old textures in the bucket mod
21:36 PilzAdam and the MC like textures in the minitest mod
21:37 LunaVorax joined #minetest
21:37 mauvebic there are like half a dozen mob apis, each claiming to be simple, dont know which to use for farm animals lol
21:37 sokomine mauvebic: the "be slaughtered" part sounds a bit brutal :-(
21:37 mauvebic farm animals are not investment vehicles :P theyre meant to be slaughtered and gobbled up
21:37 Exio i want effects in MT
21:37 Exio => blood
21:38 mauvebic effects?
21:38 mauvebic aahh
21:38 khonkhortisan kept in a fence, fed until they make another one to kill
21:38 mauvebic red particles
21:38 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam changed anything else
21:38 Exio + shaders, yes
21:38 Sketch2 I might try putting Kate on here.  would I just load main.cpp for it to populate the sidebar with all the linked libraries?
21:38 jojoa1997|Tablet what files need an extra line at the end
21:38 khonkhortisan it does that?
21:38 Exio red particles with textures and what can "crash" with the ground and my "eyes"
21:38 mauvebic hmm, at the limit, the farm animals could "graze" (turn grass to dirt to something to that effect)
21:38 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, look at github, it adds warning if its missing
21:38 sokomine in mt, they're just supposed to stand around and go "muh" or "maeh" from time to time :)
21:38 * us_0gb is back
21:38 mauvebic actually, wasnt there a water drop mod? change that red
21:39 mauvebic like i said, i dont need a complete animals mod, just a basic one with performance in mind
21:39 sokomine i'm trying to teach sapiers trader mob to sit and sleep. which works to a degree. next step is teaching it not to use a bed/chair that is already occupied. the largest problem, however, is that the npc will seldom be in the vicinity of furiture suitable for sitting/sleeping :-(
21:40 Exio mauvebic: it is still heavy
21:40 sokomine the performance drops when you try to spawn them in intelligent ways or want them to avoid dropping into pits
21:40 Exio mauvebic: see the basic one
21:40 Exio LUA
21:40 sokomine if mobs are standing around or moving there's usually not much of a problem
21:41 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam anything else
21:41 mauvebic well they dont really need pathfinding either, move abit to the left,right,front, back, thats it. domobs did it easy, just moved whereever there was air
21:41 Exio so
21:41 sokomine mobf has more simple move algorithms as well afaik
21:41 Exio a mob walking, suddenly it falls in the water, sinks and die(?), because a pathfinding would be heavy
21:42 sokomine well, yes, but then they gather in the sea to die...
21:42 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, I dont see anything else
21:42 mauvebic domobos didn't jump into water, it just made sure the node in front was air and underneath solid
21:42 jojoa1997|Tablet ok
21:42 PilzAdam can you commit your fixes?
21:42 jojoa1997|Tablet i will update after i fix ending
21:42 PilzAdam just push your commit to the same branch and github will automatically add it to the pull request
21:43 mauvebic hell if entities are still a pain ITA then id go with nodeboxes and move those like you move a node
21:43 Exio ha-ha
21:43 Exio still, you can do that in lua
21:43 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah i know
21:43 Exio they will be heavy as hell because it is not the proper way
21:43 Exio but meh, if you want
21:44 sokomine afaik the problem is not weather they are nodeboxes, models or 2d-shapes (that does not seem to make much of a difference - not even as far as rendering goes - i can have a considerable number of animals in one place with my...not-for-gaming-onboard-card)
21:44 sokomine the problems seem to really start if you want to keep them from dropping. at least that is what i heared last time from sapier
21:45 mauvebic well when it comes to entities, using nodeboxes instead of animated meshes should improve performance?
21:45 mauvebic well you know me, creative player, i dont need animals to spawn randomly and avoid falling into the ocean :P id place them in pens myself
21:45 PilzAdam mauvebic, see forum
21:45 Sketch2 brb
21:45 mauvebic will do :-)
21:45 mauvebic checking now
21:45 jojoa1997|Tablet some problems for future fixes
21:45 sokomine hm, why? neither collide with anything but ground etc.? i don't think it makes much of a difference
21:46 jojoa1997|Tablet flint and steel light tnt
21:46 PilzAdam mauvebic, they are 2D, though
21:46 jojoa1997|Tablet tnt affects other tnt
21:46 jojoa1997|Tablet and addding emerrallds and lapiz  lazul
21:46 jojoa1997|Tablet also piilzadam
21:46 sokomine mauvebic: yes, that's what i did as well. and that works fine with mobf. they just committed suicide in an old version after having existed for 2 days. and there are sometimes grapical gltiches
21:46 mauvebic is 2d faster than nboxes/meshes?
21:46 jojoa1997|Tablet how will we  get bonessssssss
21:47 PilzAdam mauvebic, its easier to texture/create them
21:47 jojoa1997|Tablet maybe we should make a craft item that is a bone and it drops when we die
21:47 PilzAdam and by "easier", I mean a _lot_ easier
21:47 mauvebic but say you walk into an unloaded chunk, im assuming 2d will be a bit faster to load? unless it makes no difference
21:48 PilzAdam never tested it
21:48 mauvebic hmm, ill check it out and report back on it in a few days
21:48 mauvebic ideally you want people to visit, not avoid farm areas hehe
21:49 PilzAdam just stay under the engine limit of 49 objects per mapblock
21:49 mauvebic PilzAdam hadn't thought of sheep, so im to 4 animals :-)
21:49 mauvebic *im up to
21:49 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam synced
21:49 jojoa1997|Tablet go ahead and add it
21:49 jojoa1997|Tablet but
21:49 jojoa1997|Tablet you need to make sure swords are right
21:49 jojoa1997|Tablet gtg cya
21:49 sokomine there's no need to avoid farm areas. animals there don't constantly drop and need replacement. and they don't attack you. they don't cause too much trouble :-)
21:50 mauvebic 49 hmm, well for any farm you dont have all types of animals, usually chickens + cows, or chickens + pigs
21:50 mauvebic so a dozen or so of each
21:50 Exio a mapblock is 16x16
21:50 PilzAdam Oh my god
21:50 jojoa1997|Tablet oh how do i add a name to my account
21:50 Exio (x16?)
21:50 mauvebic oh thats fine then
21:50 PilzAdam this stupid Thumbs.db is there again!
21:50 mauvebic i could fit that many in there anyways lol
21:50 jojoa1997|Tablet account in irc
21:50 sokomine if you want to see such a farm at work, come to 30003 and visit my farm there
21:50 PilzAdam kill it, kill it with fire!
21:50 mauvebic *couldnt fit
21:51 jojoa1997|Tablet delete them i can find them in the file itself
21:51 Exio PilzAdam: kill what?
21:51 mauvebic cant right now :( running the local server
21:51 mauvebic got screen?
21:51 PilzAdam THUMBS.DB!
21:51 Exio hahaha
21:51 LunaVorax joined #minetest
21:51 sokomine mauvebic: just log in and convice yourshelf of the speed. guess that would be best?
21:52 sokomine the chicken "tunnel" through solid blocks though. keeping them is...difficult. cows and sheep work fine
21:52 mauvebic it has to be like low-latency anyways lol farm area has abms for pipes, tanks, spigots, the farm soil itself, and the plants lol
21:52 rsiska joined #minetest
21:53 mauvebic hmm, well if i have trouble with animals escaping ill remove their ability to move entirely and just update their yaw every once in awhile
21:53 rsiska joined #minetest
21:53 mauvebic i mean when you drive by a farm, these things are hardly moving anyhow lol
21:53 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
21:53 sokomine there's a small farming-field nearby
21:54 sokomine only the chicken tend to escape. maybe they fly or dig secret small tunnels :-)
21:55 mauvebic entities can have member variables, so one solution would be to save the initial position, and not have it move beyond a very small radius
21:55 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
21:56 mauvebic even set their age as a member
21:56 sokomine ah yes: the moretrees on the server *will* have an impact on possible view distance with old hardware
21:56 sokomine afaik they store that position already
21:56 mauvebic why would moretrees affect performance? once theyre spawned
21:56 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam will you merge it?
21:56 sokomine you want to look at the farm or not? it's hardly going to take long
21:57 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, the aliases for the old default prefix are missing
21:57 PilzAdam to support old maps
21:57 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah i told you i didnt do it
21:57 sokomine they're partly transparent, have lots of nodes -> *bad* for old grapics hardware like mine. but they look so good i like them
21:57 mauvebic im already running a server and the others here are lagging so icant start a 2nd client no :(
21:57 jojoa1997|Tablet could you?
21:57 mauvebic it takes forever and several tries for them to connect anyhow
21:58 sokomine ok. can't afford a second client either :-(
21:58 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam wait
21:58 mauvebic is it just me, or is it getting more difficult for identical clients to connect? lol
21:58 sokomine there's barely enough for one on my computer. but at least that usually works
21:59 mauvebic cant be just me though a few reviews mention it too
21:59 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam dont add it yet
22:00 us_0gb What is being added?
22:00 jojoa1997|Tablet i will add alias for nodes that are used currently but not unused atm
22:00 jojoa1997|Tablet minitest
22:00 jojoa1997|Tablet also you need to make a skeleton with your mobs mod
22:00 us_0gb . No wonder I can't see anything on Githum Minetest.Ah
22:00 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam
22:01 jojoa1997|Tablet should i put aliases in default/init.lua or minitest/alias.lua
22:01 Exio talking about mobs
22:01 PilzAdam make it in defaul
22:01 PilzAdam *default
22:01 PilzAdam oh, and dont add mobs yet
22:01 jojoa1997|Tablet i wont
22:01 jojoa1997|Tablet what about armor
22:02 PilzAdam if its like MC, sure
22:02 mauvebic us_Ogb you the one fixed node replace?
22:02 jojoa1997|Tablet i think stu's mod would be good since he also shows what players hold
22:02 us_0gb Yeah, I think so.
22:02 jojoa1997|Tablet but it neads inven_plus
22:02 mauvebic dang, such an obvious solution, and i thought the bug was in the engine lol
22:02 jojoa1997|Tablet so you have to add an edited version
22:03 us_0gb I think the bug IS in the engine.
22:03 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, there is already an "inventory" mod IIRC
22:03 PilzAdam edit this one
22:03 mauvebic well your fix restored the proper behaviour anyhow
22:03 us_0gb I mean, there was a bug in both the Lua AND in the engine, and fixing either fixes the issue.
22:03 mauvebic its almost embarassing (for everyone else) that it took this long for such a simple fix lol
22:04 us_0gb I'd love to fix the C++ error too, but when I look at the C++, I get confused.
22:04 mauvebic well i implemented your fix on an earlier version of 0.4.5 since the ignore thing still screws up blueprints and spawns
22:04 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam i am on a tight schedual and really have no time to add aliases
22:04 khonkhortisan wow how did I not see that if 1 == axis or axis == 2 then if axis == 4 then...
22:04 mauvebic i think id rather learn polish than c++ lol
22:04 jojoa1997|Tablet also i dont understand formspecs so maybe you oculd or someone else
22:04 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, noone is in a hurry here
22:04 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
22:05 PilzAdam yea, I could do the armor
22:05 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam
22:05 us_0gb Jojoa, you said there was a problem with using inventory_plus? Use the version from 0gb.us_game. It allows compatability, but does nothing else.
22:05 jojoa1997|Tablet no
22:06 jojoa1997|Tablet it is special to minitest
22:07 mauvebic lol another mayor arrested, at this rate were gonna run out of politicians in quebec lol
22:07 us_0gb Aw.
22:07 jojoa1997|Tablet minetest.register_alias(new, old)?
22:07 PilzAdam other way round
22:09 jojoa1997|Tablet would this work
22:09 jojoa1997|Tablet ALC{
22:09 jojoa1997|Tablet {old,new},
22:09 jojoa1997|Tablet {old,new},
22:09 jojoa1997|Tablet {old,new},
22:09 jojoa1997|Tablet }
22:10 jojoa1997|Tablet so i dont have to type ALC over and over
22:10 PilzAdam what?
22:11 jojoa1997|Tablet one sec
22:14 jojoa1997|Tablet
22:15 PilzAdam dont be so lazy, use copy and paste
22:15 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah well last time that made the entire world get corrupted
22:16 jojoa1997|Tablet im not lazy
22:16 jojoa1997|Tablet also like i said i am in a major time crunch but dont like leaving projects undone
22:16 jojoa1997|Tablet so would it work
22:18 PilzAdam it would work, but I dont like it
22:18 jojoa1997|Tablet why
22:18 PilzAdam why create a function for it when you can type it out?
22:18 us_0gb PilzAdam doesn't like loops.
22:18 PilzAdam that just shows that the coder is lazy
22:18 PilzAdam and functions might be slower
22:19 mauvebic why write a wrapper for register_alias, its the exact same params and nothing more is done?
22:19 mauvebic youre just wasting namespace and resources
22:20 us_0gb I've never seen that syntax. Is that actual Lua syntax, or pseudocode?
22:21 PilzAdam no, thats not Lua
22:21 us_0gb Okay. Thanks!
22:22 jojoa1997|Tablet go ahead and write aliases for 179 blocks while you have hand written half the code in all the code files and completely hand wrote the entire minetest/init.lua so you would know that the nodes were right instead of find and replace messing you up
22:22 jojoa1997|Tablet then you can tell me not to be lazy
22:22 mauvebic well in lua you can have function name(params)
22:22 mauvebic but i find its better to do local fname = function(params)
22:22 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, thats why I have other people to code it :-)
22:23 LunaVorax_ joined #minetest
22:23 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah so maybe you should cut some slack for the person who writeing most of the nodes and items in the game
22:23 rarkenin jojoa1997: Just make a script to generate the aliases you need.
22:23 us_0gb Why use "local var = function(params)" when you can use "local function var(params)"?
22:23 mauvebic 179 aliases, isnt that a drag on the engine/client?
22:23 jojoa1997|Tablet i dont know any other code besides lua and a tiny buit of batch
22:23 jojoa1997|Tablet also
22:23 us_0gb Ah. Use a loop, but not in the Lua. Good idea!
22:24 mauvebic us_Ogb mostly for personal readability
22:24 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam you said you didnt care about mod support
22:24 jojoa1997|Tablet i changed the mod recipes
22:25 us_0gb I find the way without the equal sign more readable myself, but I guess that's a personal preference.
22:25 mauvebic that way i tend to miss both the scope and name and look for stuff longer lol but that all depends on what you were used to before learning lua, knowing both methods work
22:25 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam did you have an updated version of the carts mod there
22:26 jordan4ibanez pilzadam can you make it so papyrus checks the node under it and so that water can break papyrus nodes?
22:26 jordan4ibanez Useful for farming
22:27 mauvebic my wife says 3d papyrus looks more like bambou :p
22:27 mauvebic speaking of which, bambou
22:27 Kacey bamboo
22:27 mauvebic oups
22:27 jojoa1997|Tablet rarkenin
22:27 mauvebic using french spelling
22:27 jojoa1997|Tablet also i changed some tools like mese
22:27 jojoa1997|Tablet mese is now gold
22:27 mauvebic mese is gold? cool
22:28 jordan4ibanez It is?
22:28 jordan4ibanez NICE
22:28 mauvebic got rid of the shards and all that confusing stuff with the conversion charts?
22:28 jojoa1997|Tablet no
22:28 mauvebic dang
22:28 jojoa1997|Tablet meese is goonee
22:28 jojoa1997|Tablet golld  toook its plaacee
22:28 mauvebic i say make it like every other ore
22:28 jojoa1997|Tablet but gold ttools saame strengthhhhhhhhh as sstone
22:29 jordan4ibanez well are they faster?
22:30 jojoa1997|Tablet ok pilzadam i will update with some fixes and aliases
22:30 jojoa1997|Tablet but that is it
22:30 rarkenin jojoa1997: What?
22:32 jojoa1997|Tablet is this possible\minetest.register_alias("minitest:"..*, "default:"..*)
22:32 PilzAdam no, its not possible
22:32 jojoa1997|Tablet well it should
22:33 jojoa1997|Tablet wait
22:33 jojoa1997|Tablet what about this
22:33 jojoa1997|Tablet in minitest/init.lua
22:33 jojoa1997|Tablet have each node be registerd like
22:33 jojoa1997|Tablet mintest.register_node("minitest"..":dirt", {
22:34 jojoa1997|Tablet and so on then
22:34 jojoa1997|Tablet minetest.register_alias("minitest", "default")
22:35 jojoa1997|Tablet would that work
22:35 PilzAdam nope
22:36 jojoa1997|Tablet why not
22:36 PilzAdam there is no other way than typing it all out
22:37 Psychotic joined #minetest
22:37 jojoa1997|Tablet what do you mean?
22:37 Psychotic Im realyl starting to lose my patientience with this stupid password bug.
22:38 Psychotic i enter my password, the RIGHT password and it says HERP DERP, PASSWERD IS INVALID
22:38 PilzAdam the auth.txt of the server is probably corrupted
22:39 Psychotic Cant that be true for most servers? cause i enter my password, slowly, and it still wont let me in. huh.
22:40 VanessaE tried mine yet?
22:40 Psychotic eeyup.
22:40 VanessaE works?  doesn't work?  (I don't remember(
22:40 VanessaE )
22:41 VanessaE I see you at the spawn..
22:41 VanessaE so at least *that* works
22:42 Psychotic but it still saying waiting content.....
22:42 VanessaE it takes time.
22:42 VanessaE it's a bug in the server, it shows you in-game before you're actually able to play
22:42 yvi joined #minetest
22:43 yvi Hi. Is there a way to find gold ? Or am I to dig for a really long time before I get a chance to see gold ? :-P
22:43 khonkhortisan you have to have moreores to find gold
22:43 VanessaE khonkhortisan: not anymore.
22:43 khonkhortisan hmm
22:43 Jeija joined #minetest
22:44 khonkhortisan The mesecon master appears!
22:44 VanessaE yvi: it's rare, you just have to dig for it - make sure you're using the latest nightly build or git build, gold is fairly new in the default engine.
22:44 us_0gb You still need moreores if you're on the stable version.
22:44 Jeija khonkhortisan: lol; you won't believe it, but I just made RL mesecons:
22:45 VanessaE HAHAH!
22:46 Jeija Oh shit I forgot to patent it...; But I guess once I posted it, I can't do it anymore... grmpf
22:46 LunaVorax joined #minetest
22:47 VanessaE Jeija: that is just classic :)
22:47 jordan4ibanez unreal and homosexual
22:48 VanessaE Jeija: challenge:  craft that block back into crystals and make a mese pick :)
22:49 khonkhortisan that's just too believable for me
22:49 Jeija I only found one of them, and I don't know how to make crystals :(
22:49 mauvebic good lord, i suppose its only a matter of time before you make an addition to your house made entirely of blocks :p
22:49 VanessaE Jeija: in the game, place one in the grid and you get 9 crystals out of it.
22:49 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam done merg it i will add aliases later or you can
22:49 Jeija But RL is quite outdated
22:49 VanessaE hehe
22:50 jordan4ibanez If someone falls for this, we ban them
22:51 jordan4ibanez Jeija, show us your true form!
22:51 us_0gb Also, it's an old block. Those won't craft into crystals.
22:51 us_0gb True mese!
22:51 yvi joined #minetest
22:53 mauvebic LOL
22:53 jordan4ibanez and jeija I have something for you
22:53 Jeija jordan4ibanez: wut?
22:54 VanessaE Jeija: is your 'version' new enough to run a microcontroller and/or pipeworks? ;)
22:55 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
22:55 jojoa1997|Tablet sorry for the storming off
22:55 Jeija I need to find silicon for it, quite a lot I guess
22:55 jordan4ibanez;dl=1
22:55 jordan4ibanez Open it! it's a surprise!
22:56 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam i would like to make the aliases but i cant so you just have to warn people about the incompatability until i can get some alaises going
22:56 jojoa1997|Tablet please merge it
22:57 Jeija jordan4ibanez: Sounds good, can you send a pull request? Then we can discuss wheter to merge or not.
22:57 jojoa1997|Tablet oh and pilzadam the carts were updated with that pull request
22:58 jordan4ibanez pilzadam I have a surprise for you too!;dl=1
22:58 jordan4ibanez Yeah let me go do that
22:58 jordan4ibanez I can only push in the sound playing code, I'm too lazy to get git for windurz
22:59 mauvebic gravity seems fucked up when you have fast move enabled but not free move :/
22:59 jojoa1997|Tablet oh and pilzadam
22:59 jojoa1997|Tablet you kinda need to make mobs with your mob api
23:00 jojoa1997|Tablet mauvbic it is called slow mo and super fast
23:00 mauvebic its weird
23:00 * VanessaE grabs some chemical X and calls the powerpuff girls
23:00 mauvebic i can jump over entirely city blocks lol
23:01 * jojoa1997|Tablet grabs some chemical X and calls all monkeys
23:01 jojoa1997|Tablet try a negative number
23:01 jojoa1997|Tablet i use fly to do dive boosts
23:01 Jeija left #minetest
23:01 yvi joined #minetest
23:02 jordan4ibanez damnit jeija
23:03 VanessaE he musta gone off to find some silicon for the microcontroller :)
23:04 * jojoa1997|Tablet gives jejia chemical X for super speed
23:05 * VanessaE watches her stoner cat roll around in some catnip
23:08 sdzen seriously man catnip is like an intense drug for cats
23:08 jordan4ibanez omg
23:09 Psychotic This is some good catnip maaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn
23:09 VanessaE lol
23:09 VanessaE puff puff give, bitch! :)
23:09 jordan4ibanez mesecons sticky pistons removes the double && redstone law so you can activate multiple pistons connected to eachother without complex delayer inverter signals
23:09 Psychotic aiight aight, chill ?*hands catnip to vanessa*
23:09 VanessaE lol
23:10 sdzen when I was watching fritz the cat, all I could think was "now is it weed? or catnip?"
23:11 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
23:20 khonkhortisan When I use a digiline to make a 5-port microcontroller, it implies I'm sending more than a boolean across it.
23:21 NekoGloop joined #minetest
23:23 Psychotic I saw mitt_romney in the IRC chat earlier.
23:23 jordan4ibanez haha
23:23 jordan4ibanez mitt romney isn't real
23:24 jordan4ibanez silly!
23:24 Psychotic true...
23:24 us_0gb * jordan4ibanez doesn't believe in politicians
23:24 jordan4ibanez XD
23:25 Mitt_Romney joined #minetest
23:25 Mitt_Romney Someone called?
23:25 jordan4ibanez if you believe really hard, at the inagural election, bill clinton appears from dark alleyways and gives you a hand shake and a straight look
23:25 Mitt_Romney ^ LOL
23:25 jordan4ibanez No, we were looking for Matt_Rimnoy sorry dude
23:26 monkeycoder joined #minetest
23:26 Kim_ joined #minetest
23:26 Kim_ hello?
23:26 khonkhortisan Hello.
23:26 Kim_ Hai dar.
23:26 jordan4ibanez This is a test of your broadband internet.
23:27 Kim_ My full name is Kim Jong-un.
23:27 Kim_ Cant beat my #swag
23:27 Kim_ #Swag
23:27 VanessaE *snore*
23:27 Kim_ *arms nuclear warhead*
23:28 khonkhortisan I can't specify which pin a digiline signal comes from, can I?
23:28 Kim_ *fires it*
23:28 jordan4ibanez Why are there politicians in here?
23:28 jordan4ibanez WHY
23:28 Kim_ I dont know.
23:28 jordan4ibanez WHYYYYYYYYY
23:28 NekoGloop #politics
23:29 khonkhortisan Because
23:29 jordan4ibanez oh wait a second, I have the perfect gif
23:29 Kim_
23:30 * khonkhortisan wants to check
23:30 jordan4ibanez
23:31 jordan4ibanez This am are the purfuct pic fur dis situashun am I ¿are right?
23:31 khonkhortisan waah luaC + µC = end of signal
23:31 Kim_ I fight Psy in this episode.
23:32 rarkenin joined #minetest
23:33 Kim_ .
23:33 Kim_ And with that, im outta here!
23:34 Guest47137 joined #minetest
23:35 khonkhortisan Should I never mix luaC and µC batteries?
23:35 Kacey batteries?
23:35 VanessaE yeah, they might leak or explode
23:36 PewDiePie joined #minetest
23:36 PewDiePie TROLOLOL
23:37 khonkhortisan The µC doesn't notice when the luaC sends it a signal. Should I only use one or the other? I don't want to separate them by a wire.
23:37 khonkhortisan wb Kim
23:39 Kacey that iis one thing about ycs is that they don't need a wire inbetween to update
23:39 * khonkhortisan yearns for crossed mesecons
23:39 khonkhortisan the µC sends the signal to the luaC just fine
23:43 khonkhortisan oh, it's the luaC's problem with not sending.
23:44 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
23:48 us_0gb I'm so used to the pipe character meaning "or"/
23:48 us_0gb t.
23:48 us_0gb .
23:48 us_0gb I see you log in, and I pronounce it Jojoa1997 or tablet.
23:49 khonkhortisan I just made a button that moves the old BCDigit to the next digit, replacing it with the new one.
23:49 khonkhortisan But it's double the size it should be, due to luaCs
23:49 us_0gb Which is it? Are you my friend, or a piece of technology?
23:50 us_0gb (End of insanity.)
23:50 jojoa1997|Tablet me?
23:50 khonkhortisan Yes, you.
23:50 NekoGloop Yes, me
23:50 jojoa1997|Tablet i am neither jojoa1997 or Tablet i am
23:50 jojoa1997|Tablet ..
23:50 jojoa1997|Tablet ...
23:50 jojoa1997|Tablet ....
23:50 jojoa1997|Tablet .....
23:50 jojoa1997|Tablet YOU
23:51 khonkhortisan aah!
23:51 us_0gb You're not me. You use Windows, something I would not do willingly.
23:51 khonkhortisan I feel smart, I made a digit mover.
23:51 khonkhortisan Now to get it to erase...
23:52 us_0gb Also, if you were me, you'd know what I was doing this morning. What was it?
23:52 khonkhortisan mowing the lawn
23:52 us_0gb And how many fingers am I holding up?
23:52 us_0gb No, that was in the afternoon.
23:52 us_0gb I didn't mow the lawn untill later.
23:53 khonkhortisan If you are holding up three fingers, you are not holding up your thumb.
23:53 us_0gb IMPOSTER!
23:53 jojoa1997|Tablet 0gb i have linux installed
23:53 us_0gb My name does NOT contain a letter "O".
23:53 jordan4ibanez whoa, minetest actually feels like a game now
23:53 us_0gb Oh, yay! Which Linux?
23:54 us_0gb It felt like a game in 0.4.3, too.
23:54 jojoa1997|Tablet ubuntu but there is one problem
23:54 Kacey Jeija has too much time...
23:54 jojoa1997|Tablet it is in my dreams
23:54 us_0gb The desktop is hard to use?
23:54 jordan4ibanez No, it felt like an opensource minecraft clone lol
23:54 us_0gb Aw.
23:54 jojoa1997|Tablet i tried before but couldnt get it working
23:54 khonkhortisan Kacey is slow :P
23:54 us_0gb In 0.4.3, it was already way more playable than Minecraft.
23:55 LAD joined #minetest
23:55 jordan4ibanez No it wasn't it still isn't but it is getting there
23:55 NekoGloop minecraft is much more playable, it at least has an achievable goal.
23:56 jordan4ibanez I hope that that wield hand animation from metology when you switch items gets merged!
23:56 us_0gb I disagree. Minecraft is aweful, at least in my opinion.
23:56 jordan4ibanez Well your opinion is probably wrong lol
23:57 us_0gb No. I could say the same about yours, but it's just games. Opinions are not right or wrong in this case.
23:57 us_0gb It's a mater of prefference.
23:57 NekoGloop opinions can't be proven right or wrong
23:57 NekoGloop facts, however, can
23:58 jordan4ibanez Well you can create whatever you want in minecraft now, ftb, technic, tekkit so 'technic'ally you're wrong :<
23:58 us_0gb I misspoke. You are right, NekoGloop.
23:58 NekoGloop fact: MC has an achievable goal (slay the ender dragon (or the rest of the other things along the way))
23:58 VanessaE wow, 1:42 to preload item visuals at 512px when I sign onto my server
23:59 NekoGloop fact: MT has a lesser goal, which is encompassed in MC (find all the ores)

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