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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-12-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 iqualfragile yeah
00:00 kaeza LAD: use "/msg moltenbot !time"
00:00 LAD lol
00:00 LAD i figerd it out
00:00 LAD i did !joke
00:00 LAD look
00:01 LAD <moltenbot> "Every time someone uses the word "intense", LAD  always replies "you know what else is intense?" followed by a roundhouse kick to the face."
00:01 kaeza chuck norris jokes FTW!
00:01 LAD XD
00:01 LAD yup
00:01 LAD he keeps giving thm to me
00:01 iqualfragile but please this channel is about minetest
00:01 iqualfragile not about bots
00:02 kaeza (if I say for the bad he may /roundhouse_kick me) :)
00:02 LAD lol
00:02 LAD im useing him in a PM
00:02 iqualfragile !t bots
00:02 moltenbot Bots are there to help you and the channel, dont missuse them to spamm. You can use /msg moltenbot
00:02 kaeza spam*
00:02 berome joined #minetest
00:03 KikaRz !date Portugal
00:03 moltenbot Do 20. Dez 00:03:18 WET 2012
00:03 KikaRz cool.
00:03 kaeza it's wet in purtugal
00:03 VanessaE haha
00:03 kaeza portugal*
00:08 KikaRz esiy
00:09 KikaRz *wait, let me see one thing
00:09 KikaRz i need to adjust my 3 watches
00:09 KikaRz !date GMT
00:09 moltenbot Do 20. Dez 00:09:20 GMT 2012
00:09 KikaRz ok
00:10 kaeza !tw kaeza
00:10 Minetest-tan เวลากับใจคนจิงๆ (@kaeza)
00:10 kaeza ?
00:10 kaeza oh right
00:10 kaeza !tw lkaezadl3
00:10 Minetest-tan @RobDenBleyker When will there be a new C&H animated short? It's been a while since the last one (@lkaezadl3)
00:10 kaeza lol
00:10 kaeza that was looooooong ago
00:11 * VanessaE looks at Minetest-tan
00:12 VanessaE don't you use THAT kind of language in this channel - most of us can't frickin' read it :D
00:12 kaeza language?
00:12 kaeza ??
00:13 VanessaE kaeza: on my screen I see what looks sorta like ancient Phoenician.
00:13 kaeza yes
00:13 kaeza mistyped my username
00:13 kaeza i'm `lkaezadl3' on twitter
00:13 kaeza not `kaeza'
00:14 VanessaE kaeza: it's a joke, whenever someone says something in an either gibberish- or completely misunderstood language or dialect, Abe or I would say "Don't you use THAT kind of language at me!" as if to say "Don't you curse at me!"
00:14 kaeza oh
00:14 VanessaE :)
00:14 kaeza sorry
00:14 kaeza :P
00:15 VanessaE It's funny.  Laugh. :-)
00:15 kaeza but @kaeza may very well be saying "You Son of A..."
00:15 kaeza :P
00:15 * kaeza laughs
00:15 kaeza lol
00:16 Exio it is me or the 'link' to the minetest_game in github in the Downloads section links to the minetest repository?
00:16 kaeza ...
00:16 VanessaE Exio: the game content:
00:16 moltenbot VanessaE's link: celeron55/minetest_game ? GitHub
00:16 VanessaE the engine:
00:16 moltenbot VanessaE's link: celeron55/minetest ? GitHub
00:17 * VanessaE wields a steel-toed boot ready to kick the bot for describing links we already all know :-)
00:17 * kaeza agrees
00:17 Exio VanessaE: i know, i already have it downloaded, i just ask about the link in the Downloads section
00:18 VanessaE oh ok.  Just for reference then.
00:18 kaeza It seems someone is going to port MT to Android
00:19 KikaRz kaeza, that twitter is from alkaeza maybe.
00:19 VanessaE cool
00:19 VanessaE should be doable
00:19 VanessaE what's Android run on, ARM or something right?
00:19 kaeza KikaRz: al qaeza*
00:19 kaeza lol
00:19 KikaRz Hey
00:19 kaeza :)
00:19 KikaRz VanessaE
00:20 VanessaE hi KikaRz :-)
00:20 KikaRz Tomorrow's doodle: 200nd anniversary of Grimm's stories.
00:21 NakedFury december 21 doodle will probably be some ancient mayans looking to the sky and watching a meteor fall and in the process destroying the planet or our atmosphere
00:22 NakedFury or just an image of earth blowing up
00:22 KikaRz yea
00:22 KikaRz xd
00:22 KikaRz or not
00:22 NakedFury I will most probably will be alive and saying happy birthday to my mother
00:24 KikaRz (In your opinion, which may be the doodle of day 21/12/12)
00:24 moltenbot KikaRz's link: Na sua opiniao, qual sera o Doodle no Google no dia 21/12/2012? | Picks em Livra Brasil
00:24 kaeza1 joined #minetest
00:24 kaeza k
00:24 KikaRz 1 day left!!!
00:25 KikaRz :(
00:25 KikaRz options in english:
00:25 KikaRz A mayans calendar;
00:25 KikaRz Something related to the poster of movie "2012"
00:26 KikaRz Something happy and cool, like... uncle, we still here.
00:26 kaeza In the 22nd, I'll run across the street yelling "happy new world"! :P
00:26 KikaRz Something inspirational and suggestive
00:26 KikaRz Something emblematic
00:26 KikaRz ... Everything ok and in peace.
00:26 KikaRz We are waiting something happens... then, we will decide.
00:27 NakedFury should be known that every year after december 21 2012 we shall celebrate a global holiday, the New World Day
00:27 kaeza for myself, it'll be another day here at the channel
00:29 KikaRz yea.
00:31 Uberi sad how the new world will be just as polluted, corrupted, and sick as our old one :)
00:33 kaeza Uberi: on that topic, I believe something big will change
00:34 kaeza something more or less like the flood
00:34 Uberi can only wait and see!
00:35 KikaRz DIA 21 DE DEZEMBRO TÁ CHEGANDO SE FOR O FIM DO MUNDO COMO VC ACHA QUE VAI ACABAR? - Day 21 December is coming, if its the end of the world, how do you think its going to finish?
00:35 Uberi kaeza: nah the biblical flood took over 40 days before Mt. Ararat was covered
00:35 ecube wat
00:35 KikaRz C) It's going to transform in Pizza
00:36 ecube C!!! I Pick C!!!!
00:36 kaeza I like C
00:36 ecube omfg! I want to die with pizza
00:36 KikaRz I pick D.
00:36 marktraceur D) +q
00:36 Uberi that is a valid option as well
00:36 marktraceur KikaRz: Please don't spread religious FUD here, especially don't flood the channel with it. Thanks.
00:37 marktraceur I'll unmute you shortly.
00:37 Aqua joined #minetest
00:37 kaeza hello Aqua
00:37 Aqua Hello
00:38 KikaRz D) Raining Food and money. (and a bomb to marktraceur's head
00:38 kaeza lol
00:38 kaeza sowwy
00:40 Uberi well that would increase inflation overnight
00:40 Uberi all you would have is currency devaluation
00:40 Uberi it's the end of the financial world!
00:41 KikaRz Yea. And Portugal will be corrupted. (We are getting without money D; )
00:42 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
00:43 Aqua Hello
00:44 KikaRz hi
00:46 jojoa1997 hi
00:47 kaeza1 joined #minetest
00:51 LandMineOG joined #minetest
00:51 LandMineOG .
00:51 LandMineOG hi marktraceur :)
00:51 kaeza hi LM
00:52 LandMineOG hi kaeza
00:52 marktraceur LandMineOG: Hi! I see you've dubbed yourself an Original Gangster. Very clever.
00:53 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
00:53 jordan4ibanez Are these too many demands?
00:53 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: Christmas Minetest Wishlist (Page 1) - General Discussion - Minetest Forums
00:53 kaeza jordan4ibanez: maybe
00:54 LandMineOG yeah marktraceur thats me
00:54 LandMineOG a clever guy
00:54 * marktraceur is impressed
00:56 jordan4ibanez You know i'm glad that that guy death dealer finally left, he was a fucking asshole lol
00:56 LandMineOG so mark you gave up yesterday eh?
00:57 marktraceur LandMineOG: Yup. If you want to destroy a community that wants to create something awesome for your enjoyment, I've realized I can't stop you. It's up to you to have a conscience.
01:01 marktraceur I happen to think that you can be a great member of this community. I'm excited to see what you can do when you spend time on positive things rather than trying to antagonize people.
01:02 hmmmm ah
01:02 hmmmm the reason why I don't like you, oldcoder, is because you're always super serious
01:02 hmmmm like wtf
01:02 hmmmm it's just a game
01:02 hmmmm you're like the kind of kid who would show up to school with a briefcase or something
01:03 ecube the game has potential and for the first stages of it, it's serious
01:04 jordan4ibanez Yay, someone shares my dislike of oldcoder
01:04 marktraceur What on earth? Can't we talk about something other than who dislikes whom?
01:05 jordan4ibanez Nope!
01:06 KrayonWork joined #minetest
01:06 marktraceur This is supposed to be a place to chat cordially about a piece of software. Why must you bring in personal gripes?
01:07 marktraceur "I don't like older people" "I don't like younger people" "That one's too serious" "That one's a girl"
01:07 marktraceur Quit it.
01:07 jordan4ibanez No, no, no, you see, old coder is the one that mainly starts trouble with a lot of people, same with landmine, i mean, i try to tell people exactly what you just told me, but there are just too many people that argue with them
01:08 STHGOM joined #minetest
01:09 jordan4ibanez All of this, right here, has nothing to do with what i do with minetest, i could be the only person who plays minetest,  and i would still enjoy it
01:09 jordan4ibanez I don't understand what is wrong with the rest of you people
01:09 ecube what are you trying to say?
01:10 jordan4ibanez Everyone fights over this game, i hate old coder because of who he is, i hate landmine because of who he/she/it is, why do you people quarrel over software?
01:11 STHGOM ?
01:11 STHGOM i came in late
01:11 ecube The software created a community
01:11 ecube Within a community you will always have some sort of conflict
01:11 Uberi jordan4ibanez: fair enough, you are free to hate whomever you please
01:11 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: I don't quarrel over the software. If someone is causing trouble *in this channel*, I will deal with it to the best of my ability without jeopardizing my sanity.
01:12 jordan4ibanez and then we had another great developer, who got into an argument over a game, and because he compared his reality (veganism) with the game (his vegan pack) and then landmine started to toy with him, he left
01:12 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
01:12 LandMineOG lol jordan4ibanez your funny
01:12 kaeza hello Dogzilla131
01:13 STHGOM Hello!
01:13 ecube herro
01:13 Dogzilla131 hi kaeza, STHGOM, ecube
01:13 jordan4ibanez The way you people compare reality to online interactions makes no sense
01:13 NakedFury right back to you hating a person online
01:13 LandMineOG says the dude who is online all day
01:14 STHGOM so who was the person i met on #powder?
01:14 ecube jordan4ibanez: Hate is real both online and in reality
01:14 kaeza Dogzilla131: have you updated your moreflags lately?
01:14 jordan4ibanez I hate oldcoder because he takes himself way to seriously, not because of how he plays this game, and on top of that i put him on ignore
01:15 jordan4ibanez Not only this, but when i un-ignored i saw that he was taunting me to get me to put me to put him back to voiced on my client, why is he even an op?
01:15 STHGOM hmm...?
01:16 STHGOM thats odd...
01:16 jordan4ibanez also to that: i may spend a shit ton of my time online, but i do not let it affect who i am mentally
01:17 Uberi jordan4ibanez: are you sure that was the actual OldCoder? there have been cases of impersonation you know
01:17 Uberi I'm just saying, I don't think that sounds like OldCoder
01:17 jordan4ibanez I am 100% sure that that was oldcoder, he was +O at the time
01:17 kaeza1 joined #minetest
01:17 STHGOM but you should still respect him if you are going to be on this channel
01:17 STHGOM ask him why he taunted you...
01:18 jordan4ibanez I would respect him, but when he pms me talking about how landmine is a ghost, and how i should step down from my high horse, why should i un-ignore him? I don't understand why this guy is an op
01:18 Taoki joined #minetest
01:19 kaeza1 hey Taoki
01:19 STHGOM high horse?
01:19 STHGOM hi
01:19 Uberi jordan4ibanez: wait what? a ghost? am I missing something here?
01:19 LandMineOG no
01:19 STHGOM ask him about it then
01:20 jordan4ibanez I don't have any idea what he was talking about either, but oldcoder should not be an op
01:20 jordan4ibanez Fuck no, I'm all set with talking to him in general
01:20 STHGOM what does that mean?
01:21 jordan4ibanez I don't know you ask him
01:21 kaeza joined #minetest
01:21 jordan4ibanez Anyways, i have made some weird discoveries, entities can be stuck to eachother when they are created
01:21 STHGOM did he say " Fuck no, I'm all set with talking to him in general"?
01:21 NakedFury entities are like when you drop items?
01:22 Uberi jordan4ibanez: yeah I saw the issue, apparently it's a client thing
01:22 jordan4ibanez Yes, and yes
01:22 STHGOM ok...
01:22 KikaRz good night
01:22 LandMineOG later
01:22 KikaRz Portugal: 1 day left.
01:22 STHGOM bye
01:22 jordan4ibanez It happens server-side too, sometimes my npcs will stick together and will print the same position
01:22 Uberi (I say that because they can happen to some clients but not others, on the same server)
01:22 KikaRz For the end of the world
01:22 LandMineOG bye
01:22 KikaRz :)
01:22 LandMineOG :)
01:22 KikaRz (world will transform in pizza
01:22 STHGOM :)
01:22 Uberi jordan4ibanez: oh, maybe they are two separate issues...
01:23 NakedFury the end of the world happens on mayan time zone so sync your watches
01:23 KikaRz mayan time zone = ?
01:23 KikaRz !date mayan
01:23 moltenbot Do 20. Dez 01:23:44 mayan 2012
01:23 KikaRz o_o'
01:23 jordan4ibanez Yes they are, it's strange
01:23 OldCoder Hi
01:23 OldCoder Who rang?
01:23 KikaRz bot has the mayan timezone?
01:23 ecube hi
01:23 KikaRz '-'
01:24 NakedFury mayan time zone = place where they lived = mexico
01:24 * OldCoder sighs
01:24 KikaRz !date mexico
01:24 moltenbot Do 20. Dez 01:24:15 mexico 2012
01:24 KikaRz !date Mexico
01:24 moltenbot Do 20. Dez 01:24:21 Mexico 2012
01:24 ecube i love it
01:24 KikaRz ... not working
01:24 OldCoder I suppose it would be redundant to comment to jordan4ibanez again
01:24 KikaRz bye.
01:24 Uberi OldCoder: probably, considering he has likely ignored already
01:24 OldCoder He has indeed
01:25 OldCoder I am kind of tired of this stuff
01:25 LandMineOG its 7:24 pm here in mexico
01:25 OldCoder This exchange above...
01:25 LandMineOG mayas lived in yucatan
01:25 OldCoder has come right after some stuff with hmmm...
01:25 LandMineOG its like +2 hours
01:25 OldCoder I am not going to pull a Cornernote...
01:25 LandMineOG so it would be 9:25 there
01:25 OldCoder But I may have had enough
01:25 OldCoder LandMineOG, Hi
01:25 OldCoder hmmmm, rather
01:25 LandMineOG hi oldcoder
01:26 OldCoder Why the Hell would I put myself out when people are going to react like that?
01:26 OldCoder I'm going to ask RBA if he wishes to fork and set up Minebest
01:26 Uberi minebest?
01:26 STHGOM OldCoder...
01:26 OldCoder STHGOM, yes?
01:27 OldCoder Look, I know any group is going to have a few bad apples
01:27 OldCoder But frankly I think LandMineOG here is miles above jordan4ibanez and hmmmm
01:27 OldCoder I really don't need that kind of crap
01:27 STHGOM did you hear everything whats-his-name said about you
01:28 jordan4ibanez Oldcoder, i have un-ignored you for 5 seconds to tell you this
01:28 OldCoder left #minetest
01:28 LandMineOG lol
01:28 jordan4ibanez lmfao
01:28 STHGOM wow
01:28 ecube wut
01:28 LandMineOG he must not be feeling good
01:28 LandMineOG he usually doesnt take anything to serious
01:29 jordan4ibanez Well he's been causing trouble since he got here,so thank goodness he left
01:30 NakedFury he still has Backupcoder account
01:30 LandMineOG true....dont know if he uses it though
01:30 LandMineOG yesterday i sent him a pm and he never responded
01:30 NakedFury is there gonna be any mayan event going on in mexico LandMine>
01:30 NakedFury ?
01:31 LandMineOG well not where i live
01:31 LandMineOG maybe yucatan and the south parts of mexico
01:31 NakedFury so business as usual?
01:31 LandMineOG im in mexico city
01:31 LandMineOG thats in the middle
01:31 LandMineOG yeah
01:31 LandMineOG anyhow ill be back in 1-2 hours
01:31 LandMineOG dont miss me to much peeps
01:31 ecube you fooled me into un-iptables-ing you by saying i dropped all the mexican packets
01:32 LandMineOG ecube i didnt lie
01:32 LandMineOG all mexico city ips start with 189
01:32 jordan4ibanez left #minetest
01:32 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: Blogs | Quassel IRC
01:32 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
01:32 jordan4ibanez left #minetest
01:32 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: Blogs | Quassel IRC
01:32 STHGOM jordan : <OldCoder> Tell him to fuck himself. I am not returning to be told something for "five seconds"
01:32 ecube That might be true, but... oh well.
01:33 LandMineOG well jordan left so lol
01:33 STHGOM :P
01:33 STHGOM ohh well
01:33 ecube i love how that always happens
01:33 LandMineOG brb peeps
01:36 NakedFury this minecraft mod needs to come and join minetest:
01:36 moltenbot NakedFury's link: [1.4.5] TabbyChat v1.4.3 - Chat Tabs (and more) for Multiplayer - custom chat filters, chat logging, highlighting... - Minecraft Forum
01:38 leo_rockway I think one channel is enough. If I want to chat, I'd be on IRC, not playing.
01:38 leo_rockway and there's an IRC mod already.
01:38 NakedFury its was mainly so we get a better chat ingame
01:39 ecube and so that you can passively monitor a server without having the game open
01:40 NakedFury that would be nice but that mod is for ingame chat tabs
01:40 NakedFury just like any other mmo game has Local, Global, Guild, Party, etc
01:40 NakedFury you could do the same in minecraft
01:41 anunakki joined #minetest
01:42 Uberi the passive chat is a great feature to have
01:44 Sparky joined #minetest
01:44 Sparky sorry about that
01:44 Sparky AAGH
01:45 kaeza hey leo_rockway
01:46 leo_rockway greetings and salutations
01:47 kaeza no need to be to formal :P
01:47 kaeza so*
01:47 leo_rockway sup, hommie?
01:47 kaeza ...
01:47 kaeza the first one was better :P
01:48 leo_rockway hehe
01:48 leo_rockway I haven't touched MT in over a week.
01:49 kaeza yes :) I didn't see you around here lately
01:49 kaeza been busy with exams?
01:49 leo_rockway my laptop is still sick. I'm using my work laptop (with Windows :S) and I can't install anything on it.
01:49 kaeza oh too bad
01:50 leo_rockway the cooler doesn't start on my laptop. Hopefully it is _just_ the cooler and not a sensor.
01:50 leo_rockway if it's just the cooler, I'll replace it eventually.
01:51 Uberi man laptop coolers are a pain to take out
01:51 leo_rockway I already did
01:51 RealBadAngel another reason why laptops sucks ;)
01:51 leo_rockway I cleaned it out, but it's still not starting.
01:51 leo_rockway RealBadAngel: they do. Particularly Dells.
01:51 kaeza hi RealBadAngel
01:51 RealBadAngel hi all
01:51 Uberi I spent over 2 hours prying off the sides, and then I noticed there was a flap on the side that pops the top right off :/
01:51 anunakki joined #minetest
01:51 leo_rockway my sister has the exact same model, so I'm going to take her cooler and check if it works on my laptop.
01:51 Uberi hey RealBadAngel
01:51 leo_rockway then I'll try to find a replacement cooler
01:51 VanessaE leo_rockway: the cooler doesn't work under separate power?
01:52 leo_rockway VanessaE: I have no way to try it out...
01:52 RealBadAngel hi VanessaE
01:52 VanessaE they're usually only 5v or 12v DC
01:52 kaeza wb V
01:52 VanessaE RealBadAngel, oldcoder needs to speak with you
01:52 VanessaE thanks :-)
01:52 leo_rockway how do I connect it to power, VanessaE?
01:52 VanessaE leo_rockway: benchtop power supply, gator clips, and straight pins.
01:52 RealBadAngel VanessaE, i saw something in logs, but he seems to be offline
01:53 leo_rockway VanessaE: I have none of those o.o. The fastest way for me would be to try my cooler on my sister's laptop and her cooler on my laptop.
01:53 VanessaE well I guess if that's all you got...
01:54 leo_rockway my sister is worried I'll break her laptop >.<
01:54 * kaeza is glad to have a desktop PC
01:54 VanessaE well it's a legit worry - even the best, most experienced techs make mistakes.
01:54 leo_rockway if it's just the cooler, I found a place that says they sell replacements for about 65 USD
01:54 VanessaE $65 for a laptop cooler?  that seems a bit high.
01:55 leo_rockway VanessaE: my country has heavily restricted importing stuff...
01:55 VanessaE jeez
01:55 leo_rockway I may be able to find it a bit cheaper, but not much cheaper.
01:55 leo_rockway VanessaE: we can't buy USDs either...
01:56 VanessaE what good is a USD?  they're practically worthless anyway :D
01:56 leo_rockway VanessaE: they are more stable than Argentine pesos.
01:56 kaeza Euro FTW!
01:56 VanessaE I guess you mean USB?
01:56 leo_rockway but we can't buy Euros either.
01:56 VanessaE oh ok, you really meand USD then :)
01:56 VanessaE meant*
01:56 leo_rockway yup
01:56 leo_rockway we can't buy any foreign currency
01:57 leo_rockway and we have an inflation that's close to 25%
01:57 leo_rockway so pesos' value depreciate fast
01:57 leo_rockway depreciates*
02:06 STHGOM joined #minetest
02:06 STHGOM halloo
02:07 * leo_rockway highfives STHGOM
02:07 STHGOM ...
02:07 leo_rockway I scared STHGOM away o.o
02:08 66MAADMAU joined #minetest
02:08 STHGOM joined #minetest
02:34 Aqua joined #minetest
02:34 Aqua Hi
02:35 STHGOM hi
02:35 NakedFury
02:35 moltenbot NakedFury's link: Christmas Minetest Wishlist (Page 1) - General Discussion - Minetest Forums
02:36 NakedFury jordan4ibanez has a huge christmas wish list
02:37 kaeza1 joined #minetest
02:47 kaeza1 zzz
02:47 kaeza1 It's been pretty quiet around here :(
02:49 NakedFury what else do you play besides minetest>
02:49 NakedFury ?
02:54 NakedFury or are you working on any mt related project?
02:54 kaeza1 NakedFury:
02:54 moltenbot kaeza1's link: Legend of Cosmo
02:55 kaeza1 but it's not much of a game right now
02:56 NakedFury with rpg maker?
02:56 Aqua im recodring minetest files with david
02:56 kaeza1 NakedFury: in plain C
02:57 kaeza1 a custom engine
02:57 NakedFury ohh full game by yourself
02:57 NakedFury you already knew c or learning as you go?
02:57 kaeza1 more or less
02:57 NakedFury what do you mean recording minetest files Aqua?
02:58 kaeza1 I have plenty of knowledge about c
02:59 kaeza1 but you always learn new things by doing your own games :)
03:00 Aqua i making a new series minetest files
03:01 Aqua kaeza's idea
03:01 NakedFury but files? making videos about each mod?
03:01 kaeza1 lol the minetest files was your idea
03:01 kaeza1 NakedFury: a parody of The X Files
03:02 NakedFury ok get it now
03:02 NakedFury does it work like a story lets play?
03:03 Aqua sort of like chimneyswifts minecfraft files
03:04 Aqua i tired redcrabs but neuro was talking bout privacy and everything
03:04 Aqua and being really annoying
03:07 Aqua Can you recommend a server>
03:07 NakedFury what would you need?
03:08 NakedFury a quick peaceful list are the oldcoders servers. 17 of them with varying game modes
03:08 kizeren joined #minetest
03:09 Aqua i need one where u get build by default
03:10 NakedFury your name in game?
03:11 NakedFury I can give you interact in the 30000
03:11 Aqua ok
03:13 VanessaE don't forget mine
03:13 Aqua sDid i join?
03:13 VanessaE :-)
03:13 NakedFury yes you did
03:13 VanessaE
03:13 NakedFury vanessa and oldcoder both have great servers
03:14 NakedFury with tons of mods
03:14 Aqua i need one that lets me record
03:14 kaeza1 OldCoder you here?
03:14 NakedFury No problem at Oldcoders
03:15 kaeza1 hmm seems like he's still off
03:16 VanessaE Aqua: record?
03:16 Aqua Yeh
03:16 Aqua minetest files
03:16 Aqua with davidpace
03:16 VanessaE I'm not sure I understand
03:16 kaeza joined #minetest
03:16 kaeza aaargh
03:17 NakedFury david with capital D and P as in DavidPace?
03:17 Aqua I tried recrab but neuro didnt let me
03:17 VanessaE all lowercase actually is how he writes it
03:17 VanessaE Aqua: record what?  I don't understand
03:17 Aqua so I'm trying to find another one which let's me record
03:17 Aqua record a video
03:18 VanessaE toh
03:18 Aqua to put on youtube
03:18 VanessaE oh
03:18 kaeza Aqua: have you tried those I suggested
03:18 kaeza ?
03:18 VanessaE well a server owner can sure request that you don't record from their servers, but there's really nothing to stop you from doing so.  On mine, I don't care if you record, as long as you turn off the chat (F2, unless it is directly germane to the purpose of the recording)
03:20 Aqua i know thats what i did but neuro still didnt let me
03:25 * VanessaE waits patiently for PilzAdam to show up
03:25 kizeren Hi all.
03:26 VanessaE hi kizeren
03:27 kizeren HI VanessaE
03:28 kizeren Did they rremove passing through walls in 04.4. with fly on?
03:28 NakedFury I think so
03:28 NakedFury cant do it any more
03:28 kizeren I wondered why I was yet again stuck in a wall :P
03:28 VanessaE no theydidn't
03:28 VanessaE you need noclip priv
03:28 VanessaE then hit 'h' to enable it.
03:29 kizeren Ahhh yes thanks Vanessae
03:29 VanessaE that was a recently added option
03:30 Exio i'm having a weird problem,
03:30 VanessaE turn off shaders in the Settings menu
03:31 ecube VanessaE: The noclip option... does that prevent players from passing through protected walls by mining and lagging?
03:31 VanessaE ecube: not afaik
03:31 VanessaE you pass through everything if noclip is enabled.
03:31 Exio oh, thanks
03:31 ecube thanks
03:32 Exio i should ask why it happens :P
03:33 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
03:34 VanessaE it happens on DirectX systems mostly
03:34 VanessaE (Windows, when not using OpenGL mode)
03:34 Exio i'm using linux
03:34 VanessaE odd
03:34 Exio well, nice, i'm very lucky
03:34 Exio DirectX problem using OpenGL :P
03:34 VanessaE you could try editing minetest.conf and change it to '2'
03:34 VanessaE ot
03:35 VanessaE it's probably set for '1'
03:36 Exio i don't have any config atm
03:36 Exio well, i will try setting it to 2
03:36 VanessaE you do.
03:36 Exio just the defaults :P
03:36 VanessaE it's created when the game first starts, afaik :-)
03:39 Exio i think i got the problem
03:39 Exio GLSL not available.
03:39 Exio when i start mt ^
03:40 Aqua naked fury im finally on your server
03:40 NakedFury OldCoders
03:40 VanessaE Exio: = no shaders :(
03:41 NakedFury you are free to video and act the series
03:41 VanessaE Exio: open source video drivers?
03:41 kaeza Exio: what gfx card do you have?
03:41 Exio VanessaE: netbook
03:41 VanessaE 'nuff said
03:41 Exio 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
03:41 VanessaE you probably have no shaders on that
03:41 leo_rockway intel atom
03:41 leo_rockway so probably no shaders indeed
03:41 VanessaE you probably don't even have much of 3d accel on that either
03:41 Exio yeah, intel atom, just a 'normal' netbook :P
03:41 kaeza 945 doesn't have shaders IIRC
03:41 VanessaE laptop/netbook video ain't made for gaming :-)
03:42 leo_rockway Exio: a few years ago you wouldn't even had been able to start MT... o.o
03:42 VanessaE leo_rockway: a few years ago MT didn't exist :D
03:42 Exio i know, i'm going to buy a real computer soon :P
03:42 leo_rockway the drivers used to be terrible, but they are getting love
03:42 Aqua What griefing is allowed>
03:42 Aqua ?
03:42 leo_rockway VanessaE: well... also that, haha.
03:42 kaeza lol how old is MT?
03:42 VanessaE kaeza: about two years I thinj
03:42 leo_rockway less than 2 years?
03:42 VanessaE think*
03:42 Aqua NakedFury: Griefing is allowed?
03:43 leo_rockway "It has been in development and use since October 2010. "
03:43 leo_rockway so a bit over 2 years
03:43 NakedFury you can build protector blocks. but im not sure OldCoders rule on that
03:43 Exio well, 30~50 FPS in minetest
03:43 NakedFury and people need interact to play
03:43 leo_rockway "Minetest is technically simple, stable and portable. It is lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware. It currently runs playably on a laptop with Intel 945GM graphics. Though, as for the CPU, dualcore is recommended. "
03:44 Aqua wicked sounds
03:44 kizeren Aqua that is my favorite server.
03:44 Exio is possible to have a '3d view' of the player? like f5 in MC
03:44 Aqua Ummm is there bones?
03:45 kizeren type /mods
03:45 kizeren will tell you all installed mods but I think no
03:45 leo_rockway Exio: not yet.
03:45 kaeza I downloaded an old Win version the other day
03:45 Exio oh, thanks
03:45 leo_rockway Exio: but it has been requested.
03:47 Exio nice
03:47 Exio MT is getting good
03:48 Aqua NakedFury: can i have home privs?
03:48 NakedFury you cant do it? I thought they are in defaults
03:48 Aqua it says missing privvs: home
03:48 NakedFury a moment
03:49 Aqua this is a really nice server
03:49 kizeren Yea my Shaun account can't do it either NakedFury
03:49 NakedFury what is the name? home?
03:49 Aqua Aqua
03:49 Aqua theres a teexture bug
03:49 NakedFury ok try now Aqua
03:50 Aqua ok it worked thx
03:50 NakedFury you too Shaun
03:50 Exio well, i'm getting some "lags", very rare, and i get things like it
03:50 Exio 03:33:06: ACTION[ServerThread]: Player singleplayer tried to access [node under=36,-94,-33 above=36,-93,-33] from too far: d=177.127, max_d=140. ignoring.
03:51 kizeren Yes I was able to set home
03:52 VanessaE I see that from time to time also Exio
03:52 VanessaE on my server
03:52 Exio hm, any ideas about that?
03:52 VanessaE and when that happens, it's almost as though the server has "forgotten" where the player is because from that player's perspective, they can't dig/build
03:53 VanessaE no idea why
03:53 Exio yeah, is like a 'freecam'
03:55 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
04:00 Exio woo, floating gravel :P
04:01 VanessaE haha
04:01 Exio i never saw floating gravel, floating dirt yes, but never gravel :P
04:01 kizeren Minetest anything is possible.
04:01 ecube I did
04:02 ecube i see it in caves
04:02 ecube it's technically not floating, though, it's more like... suspended in the ceiling
04:02 ecube BUT, I did see a 2-big piece of floating gravel once
04:02 ecube high in the sky
04:03 Exio well, i saw it in a cave very deep (-540~)
04:04 Exio now, going to sleep, bye!
04:18 jordan4ibanez
04:22 kizeren VanessaE can I get interact on my account on your server?
04:22 VanessaE got a forum account?
04:23 NakedFury any way to clear chat?
04:23 kizeren this name doesn't my the game account does.
04:23 kizeren Shaun
04:23 VanessaE kizeren: that's fine, as long as you request it on the forum thread for the server.
04:23 kizeren Okay will do in a moment.
04:24 kizeren Posted.
04:28 VanessaE granted :-_)
04:28 VanessaE :-)
04:28 kizeren I saw thanks!.  Going to learn about some mesecons fun.
04:29 VanessaE have fun :-)
04:30 kizeren Wow....server is loaded upwith all kinds of prettys in the inventory :)
04:31 VanessaE yepperz
04:39 kaeza what happened V?
04:39 kizeren ya crashed it :P
04:40 kaeza VanessaE: you there?
04:40 VanessaE eh?
04:40 kaeza server shut down
04:41 VanessaE 23:39:55: ERROR[main]: ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: ServerError: LuaE
04:41 VanessaE rror: error: ...s/minetest-mod-mesecons/mesecons_movestones/init.lua:141: attemp
04:41 VanessaE t to call global 'addPosRule' (a nil value)
04:41 VanessaE it restarts automatically.
04:41 kaeza ohh
04:41 kaeza sorry
04:41 kaeza that was me
04:41 kizeren Yep kaeza crashed it :P
04:41 kaeza I was playing with movestones
04:42 kizeren Its not loading for me.
04:42 kizeren kaeza if you want to think on that.
04:42 kaeza I'm at black screen
04:42 VanessaE hold, I'll report it.
04:42 kaeza sorry V
04:42 kizeren I am off tomorrow and will have alot more time to mess with it.
04:43 kaeza k
04:43 VanessaE what precisely did you do?
04:43 VanessaE your exact series of actions if you can tell me?
04:43 kaeza I just put a switch and two mesecons
04:44 kaeza acting as a movestone rail
04:44 kaeza when I placed the movestone it crashed
04:44 VanessaE ok
04:44 VanessaE was the switch already on?
04:45 kaeza yes
04:45 VanessaE reported.
04:45 kaeza I won't play again with movestones in the meantime
04:46 kaeza you should consider removing them for now just in ase
04:46 kaeza case*
04:48 kaeza VanessaE: I have left the construction that caused the crash in case you want to see it later
04:48 VanessaE ok
04:48 kaeza I've put a cobble in place of the movestone
04:48 kaeza it's near my "KAEZA #YOLO" banner
04:50 VanessaE ok
04:50 VanessaE I'll take a look later
04:50 VanessaE in the meantime, it's still up, so feel free to play normally...just don't use movestones ;-)
04:52 kaeza k
04:52 kaeza note taken
04:52 kaeza and sowwy
05:00 VanessaE it's okay
05:10 kaeza k people, gtg. See you later kizeren, VanessaE, ecube
05:10 kaeza good night
05:20 kotolegokot joined #minetest
05:45 ecube movestones do crashing again?
06:15 VanessaE night all.
06:18 rsiska joined #minetest
07:00 sebastiansam55 joined #minetest
07:03 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
07:05 Zeg9 joined #minetest
07:05 jin_xi joined #minetest
07:23 Zeg9 Hello there
07:26 celeron55 paroneayea: oh god what a backlog... you're lucky i was bored enough to scroll that far; anyway - why do you ask (about js bombers)?
07:51 neko259 joined #minetest
07:56 Minetest-tan GIT: dannydark (DannyDark) commited to celeron55/minetest: Fixed u64 ambiguous symbol error 40dac4cde4 2012-12-19T23:53:25-08:00
07:57 anunakki joined #minetest
08:21 kotolegokot joined #minetest
08:34 KittenGNU joined #minetest
08:34 SpeedProg joined #minetest
08:35 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
09:33 whirm1 joined #minetest
09:43 yxkvast joined #minetest
09:45 aheinecke joined #minetest
09:45 yxkvast Hi, i have a problem with starting up minetest. i dont have any glx support. so i got the idea of downloading (7.9~git20100924-0ubuntu2 (libegl1-mesa).). but my computer say that that i need to install packages from unreliable sources to do that, and the download is canceled.
09:45 yxkvast what to do now?
09:52 Calinou joined #minetest
09:54 * Calinou switched to firefox
09:55 Calinou looks like it is actually faster than chromium for loading pages ;-;
10:06 KittenGNU joined #minetest
10:26 stump_ joined #minetest
10:29 Cerise joined #minetest
10:29 Cerise joined #minetest
10:41 brobostigon joined #minetest
10:54 theTroy joined #minetest
10:56 yxkvast left #minetest
11:10 john_minetest joined #minetest
11:15 KittenGNU Hi.
11:16 KikaRz joined #minetest
11:16 KikaRz joined #minetest
11:16 KikaRz Hi there!
11:16 KikaRz why my XChat reseted?
11:16 KikaRz to the predefinitions
11:17 KikaRz the type of letter is again with terminal or idk.
11:17 KikaRz and the nick name to enter, was as my windows nick
11:19 iqualfragile joined #minetest
11:19 SpeedProg joined #minetest
11:21 Calinou running xchat as root == bad
11:21 Calinou :>
11:22 KikaRz joined #minetest
11:23 KikaRz joined #minetest
11:23 KikaRz Hi people
11:23 KikaRz what you going to do on this fabulous day? First, ops. what you going to do ? (VanessaE and marktraceur)
11:28 iqualfragile Calinou: who does that?
11:29 iqualfragile who runs anything as root?
11:29 KikaRz I do :)
11:32 Calinou iqualfragile: red eclipse server admins
11:32 iqualfragile dear god…
11:33 iqualfragile thats so unsafe
11:33 iqualfragile well… i guess when using apparmor or stuff its actualy not that bad to run stuff as root
11:33 Calinou apparmor is for fedora users
11:36 artur99 joined #minetest
11:38 markveidemanis[m joined #minetest
11:41 markveidemanis[m OldCoder
11:59 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
12:03 jojoa1997_ joined #minetest
12:10 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
12:23 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
12:23 RagnarLaud hi
12:23 RagnarLaud Merry Christmas to all!
12:23 RagnarLaud !tw shibby2142
12:24 Minetest-tan @IIJERiiCHOII that pen is lonely (@shibby2142)
12:24 RagnarLaud hi moltenbot
12:24 RagnarLaud hi minetest-tan
12:24 Minetest-tan Hey RagnarLaud!
12:26 RagnarLaud !g
12:26 Minetest-tan RagnarLaud:
12:27 Zeg9 joined #minetest
12:28 RagnarLaud hi Zeg9
12:28 Zeg9 Hi
12:29 jordan4ibanez
12:29 jordan4ibanez
12:29 jordan4ibanez I have a series of super modded survival i'm making later :D
12:29 RagnarLaud minecraft huh... :/
12:30 jordan4ibanez I'll come back to minetest when it's improved don't worry
12:31 RagnarLaud oh...i thought you made a 99.9% minetest-like mod for minetest :(
12:31 Zeg9 minetest-like mod for minetest ?
12:31 RagnarLaud !g byethost
12:32 Minetest-tan RagnarLaud:
12:32 Zeg9 Did you mean minecraft-like ?
12:32 RagnarLaud yeah
12:32 RagnarLaud yeah yeah sorry... :D
12:36 Calinou joined #minetest
12:37 RagnarLaud yo Calinou
12:37 RagnarLaud hows it hanging_
12:37 RagnarLaud ?
12:37 Calinou hi
12:38 RagnarLaud motherf***king answer my motherf***king question you motherf***ker!
12:38 RagnarLaud :D
12:38 Zeg9 leet time
12:38 RagnarLaud too much?
12:40 MilanFIN joined #minetest
12:57 Zeg9 Yep
12:57 davidpace joined #minetest
12:57 Zeg9 I was only to notice it
12:58 davidpace Hi All
12:58 Zeg9 Hi
12:58 RagnarLaud hi davidpace
12:58 RagnarLaud hi john_minetest
12:59 RagnarLaud john_minetest help me
12:59 RagnarLaud Zeg9 is afk i think
12:59 RagnarLaud wait no, he isnt
13:07 q66 joined #minetest
13:11 * Zeg9 will be back in 2 hours
13:14 iqualfragile Calinou:
13:14 moltenbot iqualfragile's link: Fix default_grass_side, improve dirt by iqualfragile ? Pull Request #73 ? celeron55/minetest_game ? GitHub
13:17 iqualfragile well, read it ^^
13:17 iqualfragile it just fixes two textures
13:22 iqualfragile ah, in minetest you can connect two textures
13:22 iqualfragile that just lays one texture under the other one and uses the resulting texture
13:22 iqualfragile grass allready joins those two textures
13:22 ttk2 joined #minetest
13:23 iqualfragile but the "grass_side" texture had no transparency so the dirt-texture was not used
13:23 iqualfragile so i removed that
13:23 iqualfragile the transparency is now filled with default_dirt
13:27 jordan4ibanez i wish we could give nodes a model
13:31 paroneayea celeron55: ah, a friend and I played a lot of minebombers when I was a kid.
13:41 artur99 there is a type of wall: an cube, witch looks like chess
13:41 artur99 how to make it
13:41 artur99 ?
13:41 RagnarLaud i need help in html!
13:42 RagnarLaud who ever will help a 13 year old on christmas!
13:42 RagnarLaud srsly?
13:42 RagnarLaud no one?
13:44 codile joined #minetest
13:46 jordan4ibanez
13:46 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: Welcome to
13:48 jordan4ibanez There is where you will learn html!
13:52 VanessaE morning all.
13:53 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
14:00 Octupus joined #minetest
14:01 Octupus Hi
14:04 VanessaE morning Octupus
14:04 Octupus :)
14:05 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
14:09 preludelinux_lap joined #minetest
14:10 youlysses joined #minetest
14:12 jordan4ibanez the way trains need to work is that there needs to be 2 bogies with a train mounted on top, then the yaw of the train is calculated between the bogies, and since minetest has no way of doing that i cannot create trains
14:13 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:14 Octupus hello jojoa1997
14:15 artur99 joined #minetest
14:16 Octupus hi artur99
14:16 artur99 hi
14:17 jojoa1997_ joined #minetest
14:18 Octupus hi jojoa1997_
14:18 jojoa1997_ hi
14:20 Octupus jojoa1997_: i saw your requests it is being takin under consideration
14:20 jojoa1997_ ?
14:22 RagnarLaud hi jojoa1997
14:22 RagnarLaud remember me?
14:22 RagnarLaud the "trojan"
14:22 RagnarLaud xD
14:22 RagnarLaud did you ACTUALLY belive that crap?
14:22 RagnarLaud LOL
14:23 Octupus jojoa1997_: boats
14:23 RagnarLaud hvg wasnt High Voltage Guard, it was HVGaming
14:23 RagnarLaud LOL
14:23 RagnarLaud hi octupus
14:24 Octupus hi RagnarLaud
14:24 RagnarLaud
14:24 moltenbot RagnarLaud's link: .:HVGaming:.
14:24 RagnarLaud my website
14:24 RagnarLaud YAY
14:25 RagnarLaud not ready yet tho
14:29 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:29 jojoa1997 yay there is boats
14:29 * VanessaE pokes jojoa1997
14:30 Octupus jojoa1997: will be
14:31 jojoa1997 could someone make a survival server using the realtest mod
14:32 jojoa1997
14:32 moltenbot jojoa1997's link: [Game] The RealTest Game [realtest] (Page 1) - Minetest Games - Minetest Forums
14:34 Calinou <RagnarLaud> i need help in html!
14:34 Calinou html is easy like hell
14:34 Octupus Calinou,css is a bit confusing
14:35 Calinou +1
14:35 Calinou still easy
14:43 oa_Bob1 joined #minetest
14:45 jordan4ibanez I have good news, i have discovered an easier way to calculate train bogie paths on rails
14:46 jordan4ibanez it does: left<right, forward>backwards, left-right<forward-backward
14:46 artur99 what is this... Crafting is:
14:46 artur99 0 0 0
14:46 artur99 s s 0
14:46 artur99 s s 0
14:46 artur99 where 0=nothing  s=stick
14:46 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:47 artur99 what is that?
14:49 artur99 ???
14:49 artur99 aaa
14:49 iqualfragile what are you talking about?
14:49 artur99 when i mouseover it, apears nothing
14:50 moltenbot john_minetest's link: sticks+     0.1 (Page 1) - Modding General - Minetest Forums
14:51 artur99 and how to transform it?
14:51 artur99 after crafting there apears something like a spider
14:57 RagnarLaud hi john?minetest
14:57 RagnarLaud john_minetest *
14:57 RagnarLaud im still getting used to the american keyboard settings :D
14:57 jojoa1997 calinue can you somehow change the recipe for horizontal panals on your stair mod cause they overide the pressure plates with the meaecon mod
14:58 RagnarLaud jojoa1997
14:59 RagnarLaud
14:59 moltenbot RagnarLaud's link: .:HVGaming:.
15:02 jojoa1997_ joined #minetest
15:05 * jojoa1997_ test signal
15:06 * john_minetest is tired but wants to get linu
15:06 * john_minetest is tired but wants to get linux on qemu to run*
15:10 Jousway joined #minetest
15:12 theTroy joined #minetest
15:13 jojoa1997_ can anyone run a survival server that used the realtest mod
15:17 Calinou john_minetest: real men use virtualbox!
15:31 RealBadAngel he should say: virtual box runnin on linux microwave owen
15:31 RealBadAngel thats hardcore
15:32 RealBadAngel terminal of course made in l33t on timer disply
15:33 kizeren joined #minetest
15:34 Calinou real men don't live in the sea
15:34 Calinou 16:34 here
15:34 devlab joined #minetest
15:34 celeron55 17:39
15:34 celeron55 i'm ahead of everyone
15:34 celeron55 actually, :34
15:34 devlab hello,
15:35 * Calinou commits to github "in 5 minutes"
15:35 Calinou that always happens :>
15:35 thexyz 19:34
15:35 RealBadAngel 16:34
15:35 devlab my pc's time also says 17:35 as 05:35PM
15:35 celeron55 jin_xi probably went to take his night's sleep sleep up there
15:35 celeron55 because .ch
15:36 KikaRz 15:36
15:47 ObKo joined #minetest
15:51 artur99 joined #minetest
15:52 artur99 how to make papyrus seeds?
15:52 VanessaE in the default game, papyrus doesn't use seeds.
15:52 Calinou you can't, you have to collect papyrus first
15:52 Calinou and it doesn't grow too :/
15:53 artur99 no?
15:53 artur99 why?
15:54 VanessaE it never has.
15:54 VanessaE well certainly not in recent memory
15:54 VanessaE want it to grow, you probably need nature_pack
15:56 Jordach joined #minetest
15:56 Jordach joined #minetest
15:57 VanessaE hey Jordach
15:57 Jordach hello VanessaE
15:58 artur99 should i rename the nature pack mod?
15:58 VanessaE why would you?
15:59 VanessaE it should just be nature_pack if it isn't already
15:59 Zeg9 joined #minetest
15:59 shirish joined #minetest
15:59 artur99 aha
15:59 artur99 the name is : neko259-nature-0d564c52a457
16:00 mauvebic joined #minetest
16:00 VanessaE well
16:00 VanessaE it's a modpack
16:00 VanessaE so you don't really need to rename it
16:00 VanessaE it'll work fine as-is, but the proper name is nature_pack
16:00 neko259 It's because you download tip revision of mercurial.
16:00 NakedFury joined #minetest
16:00 VanessaE john_minetest: modify the timber mod to do that if it doesn't already
16:01 Zeg9 Hi there
16:01 neko259 I'm not making download archives because it's easier to create a tag.
16:01 VanessaE hi zeg9
16:01 artur99 and where to put it?
16:01 artur99 in mods?
16:01 VanessaE neko259: I even dispensed with that and just always expect users to use latest git of my mods :-)
16:01 VanessaE artur99: yes
16:01 VanessaE just copy the folder to <minetestfolder>/mods/minetest
16:02 neko259 VanessaE: I often commit bad changes, so I don't expect users to check the latest revision. And it's too difficult to check version.
16:02 VanessaE true
16:03 VanessaE of course I just never ever EVER makde bad commits.  Impossible.  ;-)
16:03 artur99 mod erorr
16:03 artur99 failed to load and run
16:03 VanessaE artur99: use a pastebin service, give us the text from the black terminal window.
16:03 VanessaE it'll have two lines that say something like "start of lua error" and "end of.."
16:05 Calinou john_minetest: make a pull request with these changes
16:05 Calinou and it'll probably be merged :P
16:06 VanessaE Calinou: half wall slabs plz? :-)
16:07 harrison
16:07 moltenbot harrison's link: AV2AK - YouTube
16:08 artur99 18:02:35: ERROR[main]: ModError: Failed to load and run C:\Users\artur99.admin-PC\Desktop\minetest-0.4.4-dev-566f7f6-win32\bin\..\mods\minetest\neko259-nature-0d564c52a457\init.lua
16:09 VanessaE artur99: we need more
16:09 artur99 ok
16:09 artur99 Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.2 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition  (Build 7600) Using renderer: OpenGL 3.2.9262 ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470: ATI Technologies Inc. OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better. GLSL version: 1.5 Resizing window (800 600) Loaded texture: C:/Users/artur99.admin-PC/Desktop/minetest-0.4.4-dev-566f7f6-win 32/textures/base/pack/menubg.png Loaded texture: C:/Users/artur99.admin-PC/Desktop/minetest-0.4.4-dev-566
16:10 VanessaE no
16:10 VanessaE use a pastebin service
16:10 VanessaE give us the entire screenful, there will be other "ERROR" lines
16:10 artur99 i cant write more here
16:10 artur99 in irc
16:10 MrSparkle joined #minetest
16:11 STHGOM joined #minetest
16:11 VanessaE maybe stuff mentioning dependency problems, or something referencing 'nil value' or whjatever
16:11 VanessaE no, not here.
16:11 artur99 Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.2 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition  (Build 7600) Using renderer: OpenGL 3.2.9262 ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470: ATI Technologies Inc. OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better. GLSL version: 1.5 Resizing window (800 600) Loaded texture: C:/Users/artur99.admin-PC/Desktop/minetest-0.4.4-dev-566f7f6-win 32/textures/base/pack/menubg.png
16:11 VanessaE you must use a pastebin, such as
16:11 artur99 Loaded texture: C:/Users/artur99.admin-PC/Desktop/minetest-0.4.4-dev-566f7f6-win 32/textures/base/pack/menulogo.png 18:09:44: ERROR[main]: Error loading mod "neko259-nature-0d564c52a457": modname does not follow naming conventions: Only chararacters [a-z0-9_] are allowed. 18:09:44: ERROR[main]: Server: Failed to load and run C:\Users\artur99.admin-PC\ Desktop\minetest-0.4.4-dev-566f7f6-win32\bin\..\mods\minetest\neko259-nature-0d5
16:11 VanessaE NO!
16:11 artur99 18:09:44: ERROR[main]: ModError: Failed to load and run C:\Users\artur99.admin-P C\Desktop\minetest-0.4.4-dev-566f7f6-win32\bin\..\mods\minetest\neko259-nature-0 d564c52a457\init.lua
16:11 artur99 all
16:11 artur99 was kicked by VanessaE: I said use a pastebin
16:11 artur99 joined #minetest
16:11 harrison harrison is the best. true or false? discuss.
16:12 VanessaE I don't even know who harrison is :-)
16:12 Jordach This sentance is neither true or false.
16:12 VanessaE Jordach: so it's a definite maybe? ;-)
16:12 artur99
16:12 moltenbot artur99's link: Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.2  Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition  (Build 7600 -
16:12 mauvebic the guy who did muppets?
16:12 VanessaE mauvebic: that's henson :-)
16:13 artur99 is that good?
16:13 VanessaE artur99: paste the rest there also.  everything that was below line 19.
16:13 VanessaE ohwait
16:13 VanessaE there it is
16:13 VanessaE rename nature pack to get rid of the dashes.
16:13 artur99 thats all
16:13 artur99 i dont have more
16:13 Calinou why do you have a . in your username and a space?
16:13 Calinou nevermind about space
16:13 Calinou also, nice ultimate you have there :P
16:14 VanessaE artur99: rename nature pack to just nature_pack then
16:14 Calinou VanessaE: loads faster and has no ads, it should be used as often as possible
16:14 artur99 ok
16:14 VanessaE (kinda stupid that you can't have a dash)
16:14 VanessaE Calinou: I never have problems with
16:14 VanessaE I've used it for years
16:14 VanessaE ads?  what ads?
16:15 VanessaE I don't see any ads :-)
16:15 artur99
16:15 moltenbot artur99's link: Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.2  Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition  (Build 7600 -
16:15 Calinou VanessaE: pastebin has ads and takes forever to load
16:15 Calinou and has occasional captchas
16:15 VanessaE artur99: you are not listening - I said twice to rename the modpack to get rid of the dashes.
16:15 Calinou also the "recent pastes" link points to links that are far from safe :P
16:16 VanessaE Calinou: wow, guess I've gotten used to the web sans ads :-)
16:16 VanessaE AdblockPlus ftw :-)
16:16 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:16 Calinou VanessaE: half wall slabs? panels?
16:16 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
16:16 Calinou not everyone uses adblock :P
16:16 VanessaE Calinou: half-thickness
16:16 Calinou btw I switched to firefox, just saying
16:16 Calinou oh
16:16 VanessaE Calinou: like the half-thick wall lights in homedecor
16:16 artur99 i renamed it
16:16 Jordach calinou fails
16:16 Calinou quarter slabs, but on walls?
16:17 artur99 "artur99.admin-PC\Desktop\minetest-0. 4.4-dev-566f7f6-win32\bin\..\mods\minetest\nature_pack\init.lua"
16:17 VanessaE artur99: it looks like you did not download the whole file, there shouldn't BE an init.lua at all
16:17 artur99 nature_pack
16:17 VanessaE artur99: or you didn't copy the entire folder
16:17 artur99 i copied the entire folder
16:17 artur99 i must go
16:17 artur99 bye
16:18 VanessaE Calinou: half-slabs = quarter nodes, e.g. {-0.5, -0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
16:18 VanessaE so yeah I guess you called them quarter slabs :-)
16:19 VanessaE hi PilzAdam
16:19 Calinou k then :>
16:19 Calinou *opens init.lua*
16:19 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:22 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
16:23 Minetest-tan GIT: VanessaE (Vanessa Ezekowitz) commited to celeron55/minetest_game: Changed Mese to act like an object cut out of a block of stone, rather than an 1bf62bbad4 2012-12-18T08:56:23-08:00
16:23 VanessaE WOO!!
16:23 thexyz huh, finally
16:23 VanessaE hmmmm: well, your idea was an epic fail. :-) I'm now running the server with OldCoder's build settings, just to see what changes.
16:23 Calinou done -- prepare to make good-looking circles :D
16:24 hmmmm my idea?
16:24 hmmmm what you mean deleting the logs?
16:24 VanessaE hmmmm: yeah, about seeing if nukign that gazonga log file helps.
16:24 VanessaE in fact, it made it worse :-)
16:24 neko259 artur99: You just had to rename the folder.
16:24 hmmmm it didn't make it worse, that's not possible
16:24 VanessaE the server was, get this, sucking 135% CPU (so I get one core plus 35% of another)
16:24 hmmmm alright
16:24 VanessaE before it was 100-105%
16:24 VanessaE when it deadlocked I mean :-)
16:25 hmmmm that _can_ easily happen
16:25 neko259 I think I have to start making download zips, the users can't even rename the mod directory :D
16:25 VanessaE neko259: I know, irritating isn't it? :-/
16:25 Calinou neko259: make a modpack
16:25 VanessaE if you don't know how to rename a file/folder, should you really even be using a computer?
16:25 hmmmm something in ServerThread was taking up 100% cpu, and then EmergeThread was running
16:25 Calinou with a single mod, that works too
16:25 hmmmm apparently
16:25 VanessaE Calinou: it is.
16:25 Jordach neko259, all N0085 4r3 liek 7#15
16:25 Calinou hmmmm: this means a gentoo user is griefing on your server...
16:25 VanessaE hmmmm: I already killed the log from that last run, but Emergethread was running normally
16:26 Calinou isn't "emerge" a command about package management on gentoo?
16:26 hmmmm yeah it is, but it's also the name for the thing that generates blocks, grabs them from disk, or from memory
16:27 Muadtralk joined #minetest
16:27 neko259 Calinou: I have a modpack already.
16:27 NakedFury steam beta for linux users open
16:27 Calinou steam--
16:28 NakedFury steam is just like gamestop shop but without never doing discounts and having stuff perpetually stuck at high prices
16:30 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
16:30 Calinou new stairs+ release
16:30 Calinou john_minetest: real friends use linux!
16:30 STHGOM :P
16:30 STHGOM lots bad stuff
16:31 rsiska joined #minetest
16:31 jojoa1997 not all real friends
16:31 * jojoa1997 xough cough
16:33 STHGOM brb
16:33 STHGOM joined #minetest
16:35 Zeg9 Steam for linux is only for debian-based distributions?
16:35 devlab atm
16:35 devlab ,
16:35 devlab yes
16:36 devlab *facepalm*
16:36 Zeg9 Well, there is still alien...
16:36 Zeg9 and dpkg can also be installed on other distros :')
16:37 Calinou devlab: why facepalm? :D
16:37 Zeg9 You will notice they say: Grab ubuntu 12.04 and NOT 12.10
16:37 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
16:37 STHGOM hey does anyone have a rasberry pi?
16:37 Zeg9 facepalm because they say "linux" but it is "ubuntu"
16:37 Jordach no, silicon tastes horrible
16:38 STHGOM lol
16:38 STHGOM have you tried it?
16:41 Zeg9 o_o steam on linux is actually an apt repository
16:41 Zeg9 are they fucking kidding us?
16:42 VanessaE what's wrong with apt?
16:42 VanessaE everyone can run that anymore
16:42 VanessaE (except maybe gentoo ;-) )
16:42 Calinou apt ftw!
16:42 VanessaE Apt is Your Friendâ„¢
16:42 jojoa1997_ joined #minetest
16:42 Calinou apt-get moo
16:44 jojoa1997__ joined #minetest
16:46 Zeg9 lol arial
16:48 TForsman joined #minetest
16:52 Zeg9 Steam works in arch linux
16:52 Zeg9 (news guy)
16:53 VanessaE hmmmm: the server/map loading is hung up again, and the server is spinning at about 60% CPU.
16:53 Jordach VanessaE, DANGER CLOSE!
16:53 VanessaE the client shows a fairly continuous stream of packets incoming, but they're not as fast as usual
16:53 VanessaE (maybe 5/second)
16:53 Jordach have you tried turning it on and off again?
16:54 thexyz Zeg9: what's wrong with "linux" part? it works flawlessly on gentoo for me
16:54 thexyz except that NOGAEMS thing
16:54 Zeg9 Onlt that they only provide a .deb package, but finally it works
16:54 Zeg9 I was shouting for nothing, sorry
16:54 VanessaE Zeg9: alien.
16:55 Zeg9 There is actually an AUR package
16:55 thexyz VanessaE: ar
16:55 VanessaE that too
16:55 Zeg9 And, the APT repository I saw was actually an option/shortcut I think
16:57 Zeg9 john_minetest don't worry most my friends are like this
16:58 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:58 VanessaE hey rubenwardy.
16:59 STHGOM Hello!
17:00 rubenwardy hi
17:00 Zeg9 My brother hates windows
17:00 Zeg9 XD
17:01 Zeg9 Babylon toolbar?
17:01 Zeg9 In my school they installed babylon, then they'll teach us not to get viruses and stuff...
17:02 Zeg9 lol steam crashed
17:03 Jordach Zeg9, good thing i only download things that i actually need, no WANT
17:03 Jordach not
17:04 Jordach because i frequently install xp home ed for people with those machines, and my backup cds break from huge amounts of use, i have to reburn them, which damages the .iso
17:04 Zeg9 What do you think about window$ 8 ?
17:05 Jordach its good
17:05 Jordach (much faster than 7 is)
17:05 Jordach (7 drains all my availible ram, 8 does not)
17:06 Jordach john_minetest, my screen is not very big
17:06 Zeg9 Internet explorer icon: Is it the new background ? oh no, it's the shortcut
17:06 Jordach 1280x1024
17:07 Jordach even the default font i struggle to read at times
17:07 Jordach (8 solves this with larger default sizes)
17:07 Jordach john_minetest, look at apple
17:07 Jordach they beat them to it.
17:08 * Zeg9 hates apple too
17:09 kizeren Windows 8 seems to me like they are trying to compete with andriod.....but why put it on Desktops/laptops....???
17:10 Exio is someone here playing in a netbook? just for asking what mods/game are they using
17:10 Zeg9 I heard people needs to pay for a start menu, or the media player
17:10 VanessaE hmmmm: I am beginning to think I have a corrupted map :-(
17:11 Jordach well, i did hear that the mac eula allows copying and pirating
17:11 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
17:12 moltenbot john_minetest's link: Downloads Tiny Core Linux
17:12 STHGOM left #minetest
17:12 Zeg9 pacman -Syu time
17:17 rubenwardy1 joined #minetest
17:18 markveidemanis joined #minetest
17:18 hmmmm corrupted map?
17:18 hmmmm how so
17:18 hmmmm how far out are you in the map?
17:19 hmmmm having a corrupted map wouldn't lead to haltups like you're saying though, i don't think
17:19 hmmmm it could depending on *what way* it's corrupted
17:20 hmmmm i'm sure a screwed up piece of data for a given block would wreak havok when you tried to deserialize it - like maybe it'd try to add 592345390 ABMs
17:21 jojoa1997 i could not find anything in the forums
17:21 rubenwardy1 Bloody hell:
17:21 moltenbot rubenwardy1's link: General Discussion (Page 1) -- Minetest Test Forum
17:21 jojoa1997 wrong query
17:22 NakedFury you need a bot detector'
17:22 hmmmm ruben, i guess they want you to get an all in one mortgage cost loan
17:22 jojoa1997 me
17:23 jojoa1997 right next to the backspace
17:23 jojoa1997 = backspace
17:23 jojoa1997 1234567890-=backspace
17:24 jojoa1997 that is the layout
17:24 jojoa1997 did anyone answer to my question about someone making a realtest server
17:24 Calinou do it
17:24 jojoa1997 ah
17:24 Calinou we're not your free slaves :P
17:24 jojoa1997 do what
17:25 Calinou the server
17:25 jojoa1997 i cant host a server
17:25 jojoa1997 that is why
17:26 Calinou then learn how to
17:26 jojoa1997 i mean even if i knew i could not
17:26 jojoa1997 i have parents
17:27 Calinou and?
17:27 Calinou since when you have to be orphan to host:P
17:28 mauvebic run the server and if your parents ask about bandwith just say pron
17:28 mauvebic :p
17:28 jojoa1997 complicated rules with parents and would be on randomly
17:29 Zeg9 Then they'll install a proxy and pron won't work anymore </geek parents>
17:29 Calinou since when geek^Wnerd parents exist
17:29 Calinou "geek" is a term for "facebook and twitter and linkedin and pinterest user"
17:29 jojoa1997 my mom is very pc literate thank you
17:30 mauvebic geek didn't mean that in my time since none of those existed
17:30 Zeg9 This is what geek means in france, not sure in other countries
17:30 jojoa1997 it would be the most unreliable server ever
17:30 kizeren it is amazing how much gekk and nerd have changed over the years.
17:30 kizeren *geek
17:30 Zeg9 jojoa, you can also pay a VPS
17:30 mauvebic for us, you were a geek if you played MUDs lol
17:31 mauvebic then there was this telnet game called mtrek lol
17:31 kizeren Yep!
17:31 Zeg9 jojoa1997; or if you have a wii or ps3, host on it, if you have some usb disk for ram and stuff
17:31 jojoa1997 dont have allowence
17:31 jojoa1997 dont have those either
17:31 Zeg9 jojoa, why did you ask you dumbass
17:32 jojoa1997 i thought maybe someone might like the idea
17:32 kizeren seems like you have other things to worry about then worrying about a test server for minetest.
17:32 mauvebic ironically ... it wouldn't be that difficult to code a MUD to work within minetest on one of those computer mods (though who would want to?)
17:32 jojoa1997 .
17:32 jojoa1997 ._.
17:33 Zeg9 Or make a mud that actually connects to minetest servers...
17:33 Zeg9 harder...
17:33 Zeg9 That could be possible with 2D air view (df-like)
17:33 mauvebic well before doing MUDs we should prolly find ways to display pages and paragraphs of text lol
17:34 mauvebic RPGs and MUDs both have lots of storytellin'
17:34 kizeren how would you display the "old_style_npc" from a mud in minetest :)
17:35 mauvebic display.. i thought muds were all text? or did these things live on longer than i thought?
17:36 kizeren Yea they are still there.
17:37 kizeren Even writting in java to have the normal "txt" view and a grphical view in your browser.
17:37 mauvebic must be slower than the originals lol
17:37 kizeren probably
17:38 mauvebic anything worth doing in Java is worth doing properly lol
17:38 marktraceur mauvebic: I'm not entirely sure that's true....
17:38 markveidemanis joined #minetest
17:39 theTroy joined #minetest
17:39 mauvebic well for a language that was sposed to be revolutionary, it didn't catch on much beyond their core group of admirers
17:40 * kizeren away
17:40 jojoa1997 left #minetest
17:41 mauvebic i guess its just too different from everything else ive learned
17:41 Jordach mauvebic, compiling is a shit-hole in c++
17:41 marktraceur mauvebic: No, I mean, I think Java programmers might do some things that other programmers would never do (on account of those pesky thoughts we have)
17:41 mauvebic C++ drives me nuts with those acronymed prefixes that tell you nothing
17:42 Zeg9 It's better we have realistic graphics irc...
17:42 Zeg9 irl*
17:42 Zeg9 ...
17:42 Zeg9 No joke about that typo lol
17:42 marktraceur john_minetest: If you're looking for a story in an MMORPG, you're playing the wrong genre. RPG means you make your own story! :)
17:44 mauvebic php its the dollar signs that drives me nuts, i bet most programmers can't see the '4' key anymore lol
17:44 marktraceur john_minetest: I'd argue it's not, but you could equally make the argument that it is.
17:45 mauvebic well php is prolly the easiest to setup a dynamic website quick'n'dirty
17:45 mauvebic but, also the easiest to poke holes in it
17:46 marktraceur mauvebic: I'd say it depends on the languages with which you're comfortable....I could write a JS website faster than I could write a PHP website, depending on the function
17:46 marktraceur On average I'd say JS edges out PHP.
17:47 mauvebic again, in my day, JS and PHP were in seperate categories
17:47 mauvebic PHP served the data, JS formatted it
17:47 marktraceur Of course, if you're writing it quick'n'dirty, that seems....wrong.
17:47 mauvebic well, if youre writing a fansite, do you really need a cart and a gift shop with shitty printed tshirts? lol
17:48 mauvebic thats what i mean by quick'n'dirty lol
17:48 marktraceur mauvebic: If I'm writing a fansite, something is very wrong.
17:48 marktraceur mauvebic: But I didn't mean "if you aren't adding features...", I meant, "if you aren't writing it correctly...".
17:49 mauvebic fansites, when they were dominant, offerred inifintely more insight than wikipedia on some topics
17:50 thexyz how should they look?
17:50 mauvebic yeah but donate for what? new forum software, a central game server, features?
17:51 Jordach someone who codes full time
17:51 Jordach :D
17:51 marktraceur That would be cool.
17:51 * marktraceur points at celeron55
17:51 marktraceur You sir!
17:51 mauvebic one idea: setup a kickstarter and pay C++ devs for certain features?
17:51 thexyz yeah... features...
17:51 moltenbot thexyz's link: Free Game Modding | Indiegogo
17:51 marktraceur mauvebic: I may have done it wrong, but even my initial round of "Hey here's this idea I'll help make this game better" didn't get anything.
17:51 marktraceur thexyz: Thanks for the link :)
17:52 * Zeg9 would like to have a minetest t-shirt
17:52 marktraceur Taoki was kind enough to pitch in, but meh.
17:53 marktraceur I think there needs to be a more concentrated press effort, along with a wider variety of work (that will appeal to more people), and maybe more direct marketing to people who use competing software. Just a thought.
17:53 marktraceur In any case, having a bit saved up to start such an effort, maybe to show that the concept works, would be a good idea. Anyone want to register a non-profit for this? :)
17:55 mauvebic another idea: find a way to print worlds/creations to t-shirts, i bet that would go fast
17:57 Muadtralk left #minetest
17:57 marktraceur Might be more asspensive. I'd go with printing some beautiful landscapes or creations en masse, then maybe offer group printing of 20 shirts for custom designs. Of course, people will just do it themselves for the most part.
17:57 analphabet joined #minetest
17:58 analphabet Where's the minetest dev server gone?
17:58 marktraceur john_minetest: Motive? You mean idea?
17:58 analphabet john_minetest: I'd strip out the "Welcome."
17:58 analphabet marktraceur: oh, hey!
17:58 mauvebic well you really should put the designs to a vote to see which are more likely to sell before getting them printed
17:59 marktraceur analphabet: Gasp!
17:59 analphabet hehe
17:59 marktraceur analphabet: You're just determined to find all my channels, eh? What brings you in?
17:59 analphabet minetest, obviously (I wasn't looking for you...)
18:00 marktraceur analphabet: I guess I meant what brought you to minetest :)
18:00 marktraceur analphabet: In any case, the dev server may have gone offline. You'd have to ask celeron55.
18:00 marktraceur john_minetest: "motif" is the word we use, I think. But it's not frequent.
18:01 analphabet mh, what brought me to minetest? i dunno.
18:02 NakedFury the prospect of future awesomeness?
18:02 analphabet it's like asking: what brought me to programming?, I really have no memory, actually ...
18:02 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
18:02 analphabet NakedFury: might be, it's quite awesome already!
18:02 analphabet I just saw the new release
18:02 neko259 joined #minetest
18:03 NakedFury but it will still be more awesome\
18:03 Calinou runs slower with swrast(R)
18:03 Muadtralk joined #minetest
18:03 analphabet and reading through the changelog i really wanted to checkout those animated 3D players
18:04 analphabet marktraceur: you're not running a server by any chance?
18:04 marktraceur analphabet: I am, but I can't give you privs (at work) and there may not be people on it. It's at port 30000, though.
18:04 Calinou analphabet: run two clients :D
18:04 Calinou port 30000
18:04 Calinou ^ this,
18:05 marktraceur Calinou: Both work, they point to the same machine currently
18:05 analphabet Calinou: yea i thought about running two clients but i was afraid of my computer going down...
18:05 Calinou why would it
18:05 Calinou even my netbook can handle that :P
18:05 Calinou very slow though
18:05 analphabet :)
18:06 analphabet well, I'm using my fridge apparently... ;)
18:06 Calinou marktraceur: you should maybe install moreblocks and stairsplus
18:07 marktraceur Calinou: IIRC moreblocks seemed pretty frivolous to me, and I don't recall seeing anything super-important in stairs+ either
18:07 Zeg9 joined #minetest
18:07 NakedFury the animated character moves even when still
18:07 NakedFury as if he was breathing
18:07 markveidemanis joined #minetest
18:07 marktraceur You know me, I'm exacting in my mod selection :)
18:07 mauvebic frivolous? you havent seen all the crap my wife made me add lol
18:08 * Calinou goes to google translate
18:08 Calinou heh
18:08 marktraceur Calinou: I've said many times that I'm receptive to suggestions, but nobody's suggested much yet (well, darkrose keeps asking for tricorders, and I keep meaning to add them, but we're both half-joking)
18:09 marktraceur There's also consistent requests for carts, mobs, and I'm interested in boats. I just need to find time (HA) to test them and see if anything needs patching up.
18:09 mauvebic lol tricorders lol
18:09 mauvebic can we attach formspecs to tools?
18:09 KittenGNU joined #minetest
18:09 marktraceur I doubt'd need to make it a detached inventory, probably.
18:10 analphabet i must say:
18:10 analphabet THIS IS AWESOME!
18:10 mauvebic meh, i prefer to keep the inventory as clean and minimal as possible
18:10 mauvebic i tried adding *all* my gui's to it, and it made me want to retch lol
18:12 analphabet this project has evolved so much since I last checked thoroughly
18:12 rubenwardy tractors for minetest...
18:12 mauvebic tractors? see ufos
18:12 marktraceur analphabet: Setting the community loose with the modding API really helped :)
18:12 marktraceur Actually, VanessaE, is your server still up? analphabet might like to see the wide range of mods you have there.
18:12 VanessaE no, I took it down about an hour ago.
18:13 VanessaE it's having major mapgen problems.
18:13 marktraceur Damn shame.
18:13 VanessaE it's not off permanently though
18:13 mauvebic mapgen has bugs
18:13 VanessaE just until I solve the problem.
18:14 mauvebic whenever i make very large shapes (spheres, wtv) the mapgen kicks in, punches holes (caves) and dumps dirt and trees on top
18:14 sokomine hi
18:14 mauvebic dunno if its related
18:14 FreeFull joined #minetest
18:15 sokomine mauvebic: i'd like formspecs for npc. but that seems more complicated...especially if the server has to send individual formspecs to players
18:15 marktraceur mauvebic: Do you make them so they reach into blocks you haven't explored yet?
18:16 mauvebic probably with radii of 100,200,300
18:16 marktraceur Yeah that might do it.
18:16 Jordach OMFG
18:16 mauvebic but at y = +5k?
18:16 mauvebic how would the edges even reconcile lol
18:16 Jordach Minecraft 1.5 Texture Format: IT'S THE GODDAMN SAME AS Minetest
18:16 * Jordach rages
18:16 Exio i saw it
18:16 marktraceur mauvebic: Doesn't matter--if some freak mountain became that high, I'd expect there to be caves in it
18:16 sokomine any progress on the mapgen problem, vanessa? can you pinpoint it to c++ or lua?
18:16 Exio and server-side mod api Jordach
18:17 * Jordach rages again
18:17 Calinou marktraceur: there is a large wood building which is floating near glass domes, is this normal? /P
18:17 Calinou :P*
18:17 Calinou on your server
18:17 marktraceur Jordach: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
18:17 VanessaE sokomine: I am completely clueless at this point :-(
18:17 sokomine mauvebic: yes. those holes are very annoying. i call it "griefed by mapgen". happened to my minecraft classic structures and is one of the major reasons why i didn't post my converter/importer yet
18:17 Jordach mauvebic, its related to the amount of new chunks being made
18:18 mauvebic weather its considered a bug or not - its new behaviour lol
18:18 Jordach * PilzAdam has quit (Quit: PilzAdam.shutdown()) - wtf
18:18 mauvebic that map i posted long time ago, with the big spheres - didn't do that
18:18 sebastiansam55 joined #minetest
18:18 marktraceur Calinou: Um, so TheLastProject kind of burned a lot of stuff down.
18:18 markveidemanis 2D player skins?
18:19 marktraceur Calinou: On the east-west road you'll find a little hut with signs that say "On 2012-12-XX, TLP burned down parts of the world." and explains further.
18:19 sokomine vanessa: mapgen (on_generated) without any mods took significant time with 0.4.x. like 500 ms. all the rest was much faster
18:20 VanessaE sokomine: nothing in my world uses on_generated (to my knowledge); there are several ores being generated, and quite a lot of abm activity, but the server normally only uses ~15% CPU in even the busiest parts, except when it starts to hang for no apparent reason :(
18:21 sokomine hm. good for the minecraft players if they get a better modding api. when i searched for ways to do things it turned out to be rather difficult. and those patches are complicated as well. good that it learns from minetest which does this way better!
18:21 VanessaE when players are actively building, it seems to rise to around 35-40% but even that's highly variable
18:21 markveidemanis any links to 2d player skins?
18:21 sokomine 2d? we do have nice 3d now :-)
18:21 mauvebic a lot of ore mods use on generated
18:22 Calinou they seem to work just fine
18:22 Muadtralk left #minetest
18:22 VanessaE mauvebic:  moreores, technic, gloopores are the only ores-additive ones I run.
18:22 Calinou also the default mod uses on_generated for ore, cacti, papyrus
18:22 Calinou clay too
18:23 sokomine even without further mods on_generated used up quite a lot of time. the default mods iirc generate coal and iron that way
18:23 sokomine right. those things as well
18:23 rubenwardy <markveidemanis> any links to 2d player skins?
18:23 rubenwardy
18:23 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Gallery - Minetest Mods
18:23 sokomine map generation in a new world slows my computer down significantly
18:23 rubenwardy download all from zipball:
18:23 mauvebic id look at those then first
18:24 sokomine hm. might be intresting what happens when i change the default stuff to a really simple world without coal, iron, clay, plants etc., yes
18:24 mauvebic well i doubt its the default ores that would be causing the problem
18:26 sokomine depends. i suppose on_generated prints its time consumption per chunk? if it's 500 ms per chunk and there are many generated that may sum up
18:29 mauvebic lately im leaning towards creating my own terrain - so as far as im concerned, the mapgen could be flat lol
18:30 NakedFury lately you mean after the gun tools?
18:30 mauvebic yup lol
18:30 ChanServ joined #minetest
18:30 mauvebic thinking up new ones too
18:30 NakedFury I would agree on that
18:30 analphabet joined #minetest
18:30 mauvebic i wanna add all the shapes as brushes
18:30 NakedFury those basic tool you have for now are awesome
18:31 mauvebic theres just this entity bug that im trying to workaround
18:31 NakedFury you could try flat: circle or square
18:31 NakedFury flat on ground and then flat as in wall
18:31 mauvebic will disk is circle
18:32 mauvebic *well
18:32 NakedFury yes I know
18:32 NakedFury just mentioning some the voxelsniper has
18:32 mauvebic adding the conics will be cool for lower & raise
18:32 mauvebic creating the rock formations from 'gehns world" in riven
18:34 NakedFury have you tried the line yet?
18:35 mauvebic naw i actualyl forgot about it up until yesterday when i thought of the other brushes
18:35 mauvebic *actually
18:36 rubenwardy I need to find a minecraft skin viewer I can embed and give URL's for a skin to be displayed
18:36 rubenwardy for
18:36 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Welcome - Minetest Mods
18:36 mauvebic though the shape of the brush would have to be a command instead of seperate guns : ive run out of colors :/
18:37 NakedFury yes
18:37 NakedFury in the end commands would just have to be in the mod
18:38 rubenwardy is loading slowly...
18:38 analphabet is there something like redstone already?
18:38 NakedFury yes
18:38 NakedFury mesecons
18:38 analphabet really? (*excited*)
18:39 rubenwardy any one experiencing problems?
18:40 Calinou works for me
18:40 Calinou analphabet: much more powerful actually
18:40 NakedFury that too
18:41 Calinou vertical wires, object detectors, ICs (can be used as replacement for AMD CPUs and graphics cards)
18:41 VanessaE and bearing textures made by yours truly ;-)
18:41 mauvebic the guns only fire for people with server priv 'least
18:41 NakedFury dont add a recipe
18:41 NakedFury so others cant craft them unless admin or mods
18:42 Calinou are privilege-based recipes possible (eg. remove item after crafting if not having priv)?
18:42 leo_rockway joined #minetest
18:44 mauvebic i dont have recipes for anything lol
18:44 mauvebic or a craft area in my inv lol
18:45 mauvebic theyd have to add a priv flag to crafts like you have for chat commands
18:46 mauvebic i dont know if the inventory's on_put function applies to items added by mods or commands
18:46 mauvebic otherwise you might use that to check what was added to who
18:47 * VanessaE is sad :(
18:47 VanessaE my server's basically hosed now :(
18:47 Calinou why?
18:47 Calinou oh no, my minecraft rollercoaster with its amazon ads :(
18:47 mauvebic no rollback?
18:48 sfan5 !up
18:48 moltenbot Minetest server DOWN
18:48 VanessaE Calinou: something in the map data is causing the map gen/loader to crash now - I can't even leave the general area of the spawn anymore - the map just refuses to load even after waiting several minutes.
18:48 analphabet omg, holy shit. (just watched a vid about mesecon) -- A W E S O M E
18:48 sfan5 VanessaE: error message?
18:48 analphabet really exciting
18:48 sfan5 analphabet: i can confirm, mesecons is awesome
18:49 mauvebic whats the error output?
18:49 analphabet what's the superlative of camazing?
18:50 NakedFury camazingning
18:50 VanessaE sfan5: none whatsoever.  mapgen/loader iseither silently failing to load blocks, or the engine's failing to send them to the client, I don't know which - and the client is on the same box as the server/.
18:50 sfan5 ...
18:51 analphabet sfan5: hah :)
18:51 * analphabet stops spamming awesome people now (they like a quiet life, them; so diligent..., so awesome..)
18:51 analphabet KEEP ROCKING!
18:51 VanessaE sfan5: yet, it executes commands, runs abms, lets players log in/out, chat works... just no mapgen.
18:52 mauvebic well when you run the server from the terminal, what does it say when it dies? pcloadletter/stack overflow?
18:52 VanessaE mauvebic: no errors whatsoever.  silent failure.
18:52 sfan5 so it just exits?
18:52 VanessaE mauvebic: just normal activity in the logs at both ends.
18:52 mauvebic thats damn peculiar
18:52 VanessaE sfan5: no, it spins at 100% CPU or close to it.
18:52 VanessaE it does not exit.  it gets stuck.
18:53 sfan5 ...
18:54 mauvebic youve already tried undoing recent changes?
18:54 mauvebic or loading different backups (same problem)
18:54 VanessaE mauvebic: if I had a clue where to start, I would.
18:55 mauvebic well whatever mods you recently removed, try adding them back
18:55 analphabet hah, just got chucked out of #minecraft for telling them minetest is better... stupid gits :)
18:55 mauvebic whatever ones you recently added you should try removing 1 by 1
18:55 VanessaE This is now happening directly from a server- and client cold restart, and if it doesn't, then it takes several hours before it happens.
18:55 mauvebic if all else fails, try loading your latest backup
18:55 mauvebic is it a grief or a bug causing it?
18:55 Jordach VanessaE, there is light at the ned of this tunnel
18:56 sfan5 can you debug running c++ functions with gdb?
18:56 Jordach you have a .we version of the coaster :3
18:56 LandMine joined #minetest
18:56 codile joined #minetest
18:56 analphabet left #minetest
18:56 berome joined #minetest
18:56 LandMine left #minetest
18:56 * Jordach whisles
18:56 VanessaE Jordach: yeah, .wem format but same difference.
18:57 VanessaE mauvebic: it's a bug in the engine afaict but where?  I don't know.
18:57 Calinou AndrewPH: try stairsplus too
18:57 Calinou oh he left
18:57 Calinou wrong guy :sadface:
18:57 Jordach VanessaE, it does not happen under 0.3.2 form my knowledge
18:57 mauvebic the only times ive seriously wrecked a map like that was with mod testing :/
18:57 VanessaE Jordach: eh?
18:58 Jordach the maps back then and blocks were saved in numbers and not text
18:58 VanessaE oh
18:58 Jordach it seems to be the mapsaving itself
18:58 * Jordach has not had any 0.3.x map go wrong ever
18:59 VanessaE Jordach: that's the kicker!  In the areas that DID load?  I can build!
18:59 VanessaE and it gets saved.
18:59 VanessaE if I sign out of the client and come back in, the construction is still there
18:59 VanessaE and I'm pretty sure it survives a server restart too
18:59 Jordach VanessaE, run the lua mod slowness tracer
19:00 VanessaE did.
19:00 VanessaE technic and mesecons use up some CPU, but not enough to account for the server just puking like this.
19:00 VanessaE the rest aren't even worth counting.
19:01 Jordach this is why we should have a pure C++ based api, (like BASIC, or something)
19:01 Jordach VanessaE, can i check if your server works for me?
19:01 VanessaE Jordach: go ahead, I've started it.
19:01 Jordach i just logged in :D
19:02 VanessaE I've signed in and am standing at the spawn, I think
19:02 VanessaE I see two mapblocks' worth of data out in front of me about 50 nodes away I'd guess.
19:03 Jordach did you check the .conf for any changes?
19:03 VanessaE there, the spawn just loaded, a minute after I signed in
19:03 mauvebic Jordach id say the opposite almost, id rather the mapgen was all lua so wed know better how it works
19:03 Jordach speed > knowlegde
19:04 marktraceur Hopefully soon it won't be a trade-off.
19:04 mauvebic why not compile all mods then?
19:04 * marktraceur figures it's a good time to write an announce for that doc sprint
19:04 mauvebic ive thought about it but the uproar... lol
19:04 marktraceur Ehhh.....tonight.
19:05 Jordach VanessaE, loads fine from my end
19:06 mauvebic would mods accessing the sqlite be faster too though?
19:06 mauvebic *directly
19:06 VanessaE no because sqlite is doomed to die in a fire, hopefully :-)
19:06 rubenwardy I need to find a minecraft skin viewer I can embed and give URL's for a skin to be displayed
19:06 rubenwardy for
19:06 rubenwardy Can anyone help?
19:06 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Welcome - Minetest Skins
19:07 berome left #minetest
19:07 NakedFury;rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=web&amp;cd=1&amp;cad=rja&amp;sqi=2&amp;ved=0CDQQFjAA&amp;;ei=5WHTUNXpLIuK8QTbsICgDA&amp;usg=AFQjCNGczgNyH6Tjy-Y-byiuesOdTiN32w&amp;sig2=rVgSMIdEa5-tQeJe1y3ClQ&amp;bvm=bv.1355534169,d.eWU
19:07 NakedFury
19:07 moltenbot NakedFury's link: The Skindex - Minecraft Skins
19:07 NakedFury stupidcopy and paste
19:07 NakedFury would that link work?
19:07 mauvebic for my mapgen problem, going to the db directly might solve the problem
19:08 * mauvebic redundancy department of redundancy
19:09 MilanFIN joined #minetest
19:10 VanessaE Jordach: are you still reading me on the server?
19:10 Jordach yes
19:10 rubenwardy I need to be able to do <embed src="..."></embed> and supply some parameters to the skin
19:11 mauvebic runbenwardy you could prolly use PIL to generate custom skins
19:11 marktraceur mauvebic: Were they the ones who instituted the backup of the backup policy creation policy? You know, in case the normal backup policy creation policy fails?
19:12 rubenwardy viewer, not editor
19:12 frogcrush joined #minetest
19:12 mauvebic web based?
19:13 Landminemtt joined #minetest
19:13 rubenwardy yes
19:13 Landminemtt No
19:13 rubenwardy (7:06:35 PM) rubenwardy: I need to find a minecraft skin viewer I can embed and give URL's for a skin to be displayed
19:13 rubenwardy (7:06:35 PM) rubenwardy: for
19:13 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Welcome - Minetest Skins
19:14 Jordach VanessaE, i took a screenshot of the load only area
19:14 mauvebic what id do: JS editor, python/PIL to create and save texture, then serve it up
19:14 VanessaE oh good
19:14 VanessaE lemme see it
19:14 VanessaE I'm curious if it matches what I see
19:14 Landminemtt Hi jordach
19:14 Jordach Landminemtt, cant touch me
19:14 Landminemtt U think
19:14 mauvebic you can touch me but its gonna cost you lol
19:15 Jordach jordach@unaffiliated/jordach
19:15 Jordach screw you.
19:15 Landminemtt So
19:15 rubenwardy I want a simple script that I can give a url to a skin file, which then turns it into a model in the browser, similar to this
19:15 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Pikaset2 | Minecraft Skin
19:17 rubenwardy maybe a <embed>
19:17 Landminemtt Why so defensive jordach?
19:17 mauvebic simple would be JS then, offer templates for clothes, let them choose the colors, and python could creat the texture file
19:17 rubenwardy no, NOT AN EDITOR
19:17 rubenwardy a VIEWER
19:17 Landminemtt Mauvebic that idea is awesome
19:18 Jordach Landminemtt, paranoia + panic attacks
19:18 mauvebic you mean actually apply the texture to a 3d model in the browser as opposed to the user just trying it out?
19:18 rubenwardy It would be good to have an editor, but I need a viewer now, for the home page
19:18 Landminemtt Paranoid of what exactly jordach
19:18 rubenwardy yes, like this
19:18 rubenwardy they  cant edit it
19:18 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Pikaset2 | Minecraft Skin
19:18 Jordach people.
19:19 Jordach not to mention other peoples habits
19:19 Landminemtt Rubenwardy goto and see the viewer there
19:20 Landminemtt I thnk that's what u want
19:20 Jordach actually, yes. thats a good one.
19:20 rubenwardy yes
19:20 mauvebic id say learn webgl then lol
19:20 VanessaE Jordach: screenshot?
19:21 Jordach hold on dammit
19:21 mauvebic everything else will go by the wayside anyhow
19:21 * VanessaE holds :-)
19:21 * Jordach is busy with other shit
19:21 Jordach its not like in hanging of the edge of my sofa with a black hole trying to suck me in dammit, is it
19:21 Jordach s/in/im
19:22 Jordach s/of/off
19:22 VanessaE haha
19:22 Landminemtt jordach what wrong have u done that has u like this?
19:23 Jordach
19:23 moltenbot Jordach's link:             The world has not ended. Sincerely, Australia. - Imgur
19:23 NakedFury doesnt count
19:23 VanessaE haha
19:23 NakedFury it has to be mexican time
19:23 NakedFury the mayan where not from australia
19:23 mauvebic mexican time? thats GMT + 2 hour nap? :p
19:24 Jordach did they ascociate a specific timezome?
19:24 Jordach then no.
19:24 Landminemtt Its 1:27 here mauveric
19:24 * Jordach shows the middle finger
19:24 NakedFury JOrdach they did when they said its a mayan shit
19:24 mauvebic 1/4 of my family is there actually
19:24 Landminemtt Its 3:27 where the mayans were
19:24 Jordach
19:24 Landminemtt Mauveric are u mexican?
19:24 * Jordach holds the keys to VanessaE's picture
19:25 mitori joined #minetest
19:25 mitori hello
19:25 Jordach hello mitori
19:25 NakedFury hey
19:25 Landminemtt Mauvebic are u mexican?
19:25 mitori vanessa or pilzadam here?
19:26 Jordach VanessaE is
19:26 mitori cool
19:26 mauvebic vanessa is mexican?
19:26 Landminemtt Looks like it
19:26 Jordach nah, the way she speaks is pure english
19:26 VanessaE mexican?  fuck no
19:26 Jordach not broken english
19:26 Someguy1234 joined #minetest
19:26 mitori VanessaE you asked for textures, didn't you? i made a mese crystal texturte
19:26 VanessaE I'm actually from Kansas and I live in North Carolina.
19:26 Jordach ....and better than mine
19:27 VanessaE mitori: send them to PilzAdam
19:27 Landminemtt Clark kent is from kansas
19:27 mitori how?
19:27 mauvebic naw im french/scot, father  and brother married to peruvian and mexican respectively
19:27 NakedFury and dorothy is from kansas
19:27 * Jordach pokes VanessaE with a stick
19:27 VanessaE ow.
19:27 Jordach crafted from a block of oak wood
19:27 VanessaE sorry, got sidetracked - talking to the contractor for our home remodel
19:28 VanessaE (he's here working on stuff)
19:28 KikaRz Back
19:28 Jordach sweet, i forgot to mention something
19:28 VanessaE Jordach: that's consistent with what I was seeing.
19:28 Jordach okay,
19:28 mitori VanessaE how do i send textures to adam?
19:28 Jordach pull request
19:29 mitori omg
19:29 Jordach mitori, or send them to me and i do the work
19:29 Landminemtt Mitori take it to pm pleas2
19:29 mitori ok, sorry
19:29 VanessaE mitori: as Jordach said, expanding on it:  fork minetest_game, put your textures into place, then issue a pull request and let PilzAdam knoe about it.
19:29 VanessaE know*
19:29 KikaRz VanessaE, i'm sorry for not playing now too much on your server
19:29 KikaRz :(
19:30 rubenwardy link to 3d skin, please
19:30 Landminemtt jordach wanna be me e-buddy???
19:30 VanessaE KikaRz: it's okay, the server's taken a shit anyway :-/
19:30 Jordach ho ho no.
19:30 rubenwardy nevermind
19:30 VanessaE anyway
19:31 Landminemtt Why jordach?
19:31 marktraceur Jordach: As your lawyer, I'm advising you not to answer.
19:31 marktraceur As your bartender, shut up and have a drink.
19:31 KikaRz VanessaE.
19:32 Landminemtt Ohh hi marktraceur
19:32 KikaRz Now i'm on AoS... (0.75)
19:32 Landminemtt Didn't see u
19:32 Jordach Landminemtt, remember when i gave a shit? yeah, me neither
19:32 VanessaE KikaRz: have fun with it.
19:32 KikaRz tomorrow im going to play 5 games
19:32 KikaRz FUCK YOU MAyANS!
19:32 Landminemtt Jordach come up with somthing original u say that all the time
19:32 KikaRz "Nobody can choose the day of the end, neither the people, neither the tribals, neither the Son.
19:33 KikaRz But yes, the Father"
19:33 mauvebic everyone knows the end of the world is going to come with the north korean invasion of cleveland
19:33 marktraceur Jordach: Once again, I advise you to zip it.
19:33 marktraceur Jordach: We really don't need another flame war here.
19:33 Jordach i gave a fuck once, it was terrible
19:33 marktraceur mauvebic: But...why would they want to invade Cleveland?
19:33 mauvebic seriously lol
19:34 Jordach Guess what i got you for christmas, Landminemtt
19:34 Landminemtt I'm jewish
19:34 mauvebic or my native city for that matter. theyve arrested something like 6 or 7 mayors this year.
19:34 Jordach a few seconds of less life
19:35 Landminemtt And vanessae has oldcoder been on since yesterday?
19:35 KikaRz Everyone
19:35 KikaRz I got a gift for everyone.
19:35 Jordach STFU?
19:35 VanessaE Landminemtt: I don't know, but I have not seen him.
19:35 thexyz
19:35 moltenbot thexyz's link: Animirus: Postmas - YouTube
19:35 Landminemtt He got mad at ibanez for some reasn and left
19:35 VanessaE thexyz: care to sign onto the server and watch what it does?  per the discussion in -dev
19:35 mauvebic gotta start the sunday gravy
19:35 marktraceur KikaRz: Please keep the religious chatter to a minimum.
19:36 marktraceur (sorry, delayed response, read backlog)
19:37 Jordach Okay, breaking news, scientists found another mayan calendar that carries on where the first ended. it was found behind a sofa
19:37 KikaRz marktraceur, go to biblia.
19:37 marktraceur What?
19:37 Landminemtt Jordach u seem tense...what's going on in your life?
19:37 KikaRz Lol, Jordach.
19:37 Jordach im looking for some stupid people to entertain me
19:38 Landminemtt Why is that?
19:38 * Jordach puts sunglasses on
19:38 Jordach deal with it mutherfucker
19:38 Landminemtt Kikarz do u really read the bible?
19:38 KikaRz No.
19:38 Jordach its 2500 pages that could have been used for flyers somewhere else
19:38 KikaRz I've "read"
19:38 marktraceur Landminemtt, KikaRz, I don't like holy wars any more than flame wars.
19:38 KikaRz at 5 years ago
19:38 Jordach because the leak?
19:38 Jordach they
19:39 Someguy1234 joined #minetest
19:40 Landminemtt Kikarz last time I read u said u were another users mom.... is that true?
19:41 KikaRz ??
19:41 KikaRz what?
19:41 Someguy123 joined #minetest
19:41 Landminemtt You said u were another user`s mom
19:41 Landminemtt Is that true?
19:42 KikaRz ???
19:42 KikaRz user's mom ?
19:42 KikaRz o_o'
19:42 Landminemtt Yeah
19:42 KikaRz ??
19:42 sfan5 why does team fortress 2 have to be 10 gb to download? :(
19:42 KikaRz didnt understoo
19:42 marktraceur KikaRz: As in, someone in this channel is your child.
19:42 KikaRz d
19:42 KikaRz *d
19:42 STHGOM joined #minetest
19:42 KikaRz no, im just telek's mother
19:42 KikaRz stupid RagnarLaud.
19:43 Jordach <sfan5> why does team fortress 2 have to be 10 gb to download? :( - i know
19:43 Landminemtt Kikarz how was my question unclear?
19:43 mauvebic 10gb? does it come with debian?
19:43 * Jordach sniggers
19:43 sfan5 Jordach: mauvebic: the open beta of steam for linux started
19:44 Jordach YES YES YES
19:44 Jordach fuck yeh
19:44 mauvebic read about it on ./ :-)
19:44 * Jordach downloads steam
19:44 thexyz lol
19:44 thexyz now enjoy your no gaems
19:44 Jordach on a windows machine
19:44 marktraceur mauvebic: /.?
19:44 mauvebic no games?
19:44 mauvebic slashdot :p
19:44 Jordach O.O
19:44 sfan5 Jordach:
19:44 Landminemtt Anybody play black op 2?
19:45 * Jordach prefers /b/ and /r/
19:45 Jordach im a asshole to others, deal with it
19:45 Landminemtt Jordach no your not
19:45 Landminemtt U only act hard on the web
19:45 thexyz well, there's ton of indie shi^Wgames, tf2, serious sam 3: bfe, have i forgot anything?
19:45 Landminemtt In rl everyone steps over u
19:45 Jordach Landminemtt, ask my selection of working rifles
19:46 Jordach all of them eat nato spec rounds
19:46 Jordach and yes, im licensed
19:46 Landminemtt That just proves my point
19:46 mauvebic no one remembers games like arc and wulfram or the TEN game thingie? lol
19:46 marktraceur Jordach: Don't threaten other people please.
19:47 sfan5 why the fuck do I have to download the whole game again to upate? why not just a patch?
19:47 whirm1 joined #minetest
19:47 thexyz oh, well, there's also sale in steam right now
19:47 Landminemtt Marktraceur has oldcoder been back sine he raged quit?
19:47 mauvebic i tried desura a while back and was like "meh" so ill pass on steam
19:48 marktraceur Landminemtt: Not that I know of, no.
19:48 sfan5 i wish there would be borderlands 2 for linux
19:48 mauvebic wine?
19:49 codile joined #minetest
19:49 KikaRz stupid wine.
19:49 sfan5 you can drink wine
19:49 mauvebic try participating :P i test alot of games and pass on the results, and when you mention flaws they tend to get fixed:p
19:49 KikaRz;t=187
19:49 KikaRz u_u'
19:50 KikaRz fail!
19:50 KikaRz Wrong channel
19:50 rubenwardy If any one would like to make/implement a 3d skin viewer, the place is here:
19:50 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Minetest-Avatar-Forum/scripts/setup.php at master ? rubenwardy/Minetest-Avatar-Forum ? GitHub
19:52 rubenwardy who made the default 3d skin?
19:52 rubenwardy Jordach?
19:52 Landminemtt Jordach as u have seen being a bully leaves no good
19:53 sokomine 185% cpu usage after (admittedly on purpose) running around fast in a new world? at least it looks as if both cpus are used
19:53 Landminemtt Keep it to a minimum
19:53 Jordach and another ignore, i hoped to avoid it
19:53 Landminemtt Lol
19:54 Landminemtt Once he can't control a situation he simply starts to ignore people
19:54 marktraceur Landminemtt: Jordach had a bit of an outburst, it doesn't make him a bully. He's not about to repeat the behaviour.
19:54 sfan5 ^
19:54 Landminemtt Gonna eat brb
19:55 * Jordach has had a long week and is tired, depressed and grumpy
19:55 * mauvebic hands jordach a beer
19:55 sokomine oh :-(
19:56 mauvebic its not 5 o clock here but it must be where you are so im good
19:56 * sokomine picks some apples and hands them to jordach for healing
19:56 Jordach mauvebic, /ctcp time
19:56 mauvebic ctcp?
19:56 Jordach just use
19:56 Jordach it
19:56 Jordach it tells you the time from my time zone
19:57 mauvebic how would it know though? i didndt have to chose a timezone on my client :/
19:57 sokomine maybe through the ip range
19:57 Jordach it uses system time
19:57 sfan5 mauvebic: it just reads the local time?
19:57 sfan5 sokomine: how?
19:57 sfan5 its 14:54 at mauvebic
19:58 mauvebic sounds about right
19:58 sfan5 and 19:57 at Jordach
19:58 sfan5 and 20:57 at myself
19:58 sokomine i don't even know the command. but ips are not exactly secret on irc
19:58 * sokomine is in sfan5s timezone
19:58 mauvebic i use a romulan cloaking device for mine
19:58 Jordach * [Jordach] (~Jordach@unaffiliated/jordach): realname
19:58 sfan5 ​/ctcp sokomine TIME
19:59 sfan5 i have no cloak
19:59 * sokomine pretends to be overworked and uses that as an excuse to steal the cloaking device from mauvebic
19:59 sfan5 but if you reverse dns the ip you'll get to
19:59 rubenwardy ===Skin Selector News===
19:59 mauvebic though considering i never check the time before beer, i wasn't gonna check jordach's before giving him one lol
20:00 rubenwardy ===Skin Selector News===
20:00 rubenwardy 3d skins are now supported
20:00 rubenwardy
20:00 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Welcome - Minetest Skins
20:00 Jordach mauvebic, im a sleepy drunk, not a angry one
20:00 mauvebic im a functional drunk lol
20:01 mauvebic this one time, i left a bar downtown at 2am, walked home and got there by 7 (had to cross a few bridges)
20:01 mauvebic wouldnt do that now
20:02 mauvebic too many shitty neighbourhoods in between
20:06 sokomine when running singleplayer, the server process does not seem to be a seperate process?
20:07 davidpace joined #minetest
20:07 davidpace Hi all
20:08 rubenwardy 20:08 at me
20:10 Zeg9 joined #minetest
20:12 sokomine hi
20:12 sokomine hm. seems client and server both reach a peak when i run around (fast in a new world)
20:12 rubenwardy1 joined #minetest
20:14 sokomine the server does recover relatively fast. ok...i know i have a not-well-suited grapics card. and it runs much better than minecraft :-)
20:16 rubenwardy1 left #minetest
20:17 markveidemanis joined #minetest
20:17 markveidemanis hihi
20:17 LAD hmm
20:17 markveidemanis hi
20:17 LAD !joke
20:18 LAD nope dont work here
20:18 SpeedProg joined #minetest
20:18 markveidemanis !define joke
20:18 moltenbot http://ddg.dg: joke definition: something said or done to provoke laughter; '''especially'''.
20:18 LAD ??
20:18 markveidemanis !joke
20:18 markveidemanis moltenbot!
20:18 markveidemanis [20:18] <moltenbot> "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. He who lives by markveidemanis , dies by the roundhouse kick."
20:18 KittenGNU HAHA it's connected to
20:18 markveidemanis ???
20:19 KittenGNU !define bottoms
20:19 moltenbot http://ddg.dg: bottom definition: the underside of something.
20:19 markveidemanis !define $#!T
20:19 KittenGNU !ud o/
20:20 KittenGNU Seemingly not all !bangs works here.
20:20 moltenbot no definition found, try to use 'thinking'
20:20 marktraceur markveidemanis: Watch the bot usage.
20:20 Jeija joined #minetest
20:20 markveidemanis why?
20:20 markveidemanis minetest-tan
20:20 markveidemanis Minetest-tan
20:20 KittenGNU !roll 1d20
20:20 NakedFury because they are not made to spam the chat
20:21 markveidemanis +Minetest-tan
20:21 markveidemanis !up
20:21 moltenbot Minetest server DOWN
20:22 sokomine @vanessae the cpu's athlon x2 4850e, 3.5 ghz. a recent celeron of 2.5 mhz would be 50% faster
20:22 markveidemanis !joke dzho
20:22 markveidemanis [20:22] <moltenbot> "markveidemanis  is currently suing myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you."
20:24 VanessaE markveidemanis: anything starting with 10.x.x.x is always a LAN IP.
20:24 VanessaE same for 192.168.x.x
20:24 VanessaE no one will be able to reach those.
20:25 markveidemanis just test (random)
20:25 VanessaE oh ok
20:26 markveidemanis my server is testing the skins mod by Zeg9 please come on and report bugs
20:26 markveidemanis or anything
20:26 markveidemanis or have fun:)
20:26 markveidemanis where are passwords kept?
20:27 marktraceur markveidemanis: auth.txt
20:27 markveidemanis are they encrypted?
20:28 marktraceur markveidemanis: Damn right they are
20:28 markveidemanis k4RFv3sGES+UI09Aev+Z17W2oqY
20:28 markveidemanis how to un...
20:28 markveidemanis encrypt
20:28 marktraceur (what is this, amateur hour?)
20:28 marktraceur markveidemanis: Don't. Ever. Do that.
20:28 markveidemanis why
20:28 marktraceur markveidemanis: Because it's a security breach, a violation of your users' privacy, and illegal in most places.
20:29 markveidemanis but how do i do it ()
20:29 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:29 KikaRz markveidemanis, stop spamming.
20:29 marktraceur markveidemanis: You don't. Don't come in here asking how to steal someone's password.
20:29 markveidemanis is it "A=bubkhjh" or more complex
20:30 marktraceur God damn. People just don't listen.
20:30 marktraceur markveidemanis: You don't unencrypt passwords. It's not a good idea.
20:31 marktraceur markveidemanis: If you're trying to accomplish something innocent, ask a broader question, there's probably a better way to do it.
20:31 KikaRz stupid hacker.
20:31 marktraceur KikaRz: Not a hacker so much as a skiddie.
20:32 marktraceur markveidemanis: Behave.
20:32 markveidemanis what am i doing?
20:32 marktraceur markveidemanis: You're asking how to circumvent security that's put there for a reason.
20:33 markveidemanis but is it possible yes/no
20:33 mauvebic joined #minetest
20:33 markveidemanis ("yes"/"no"0
20:33 marktraceur markveidemanis: No. Give it up.
20:33 markveidemanis ok
20:34 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:35 marktraceur markveidemanis: Did you have another question? What were you going to do with the unencrypted passwords?
20:35 markveidemanis just interested
20:35 STHGOM left #minetest
20:36 mrmeow joined #minetest
20:39 kaeza joined #minetest
20:40 kaeza hi!
20:40 leo_rockway I'm sorry, I know where you're coming from, marktraceur, but it is possible to break any encryption. It just takes more or less time.
20:40 leo_rockway so people should use common sense with their passwords
20:40 kaeza hey leo
20:40 leo_rockway hello, kaeza
20:41 kaeza mey mark
20:41 kaeza hey*
20:41 markveidemanis hi
20:41 markveidemanis im testing the skins mod on my server
20:42 kaeza has anyone seen OldCoder lately?
20:42 kaeza markveidemanis: good
20:42 leo_rockway it's not ethical to try to break the users' passwords, but everyone should be aware that ANY admin (not of minetest, but of any online app) can try and break their passwords.
20:43 kaeza leo_rockway: a simple rule of thumb: don't use the same passwords for your accounts
20:44 kaeza no matter how "strong" the encryption is, sooner or later somebody will be able to decrypt them
20:44 kaeza of course, changing passwords frequently also pays off
20:45 ruskie passwords tend to be stored in one-way hashes
20:45 ruskie not encrypted
20:45 ruskie usually
20:45 leo_rockway ruskie: hashes can be broken.
20:45 leo_rockway md5hashes, for instance
20:45 ruskie they can be colided
20:45 leo_rockway well, yes
20:45 leo_rockway okay, you're right
20:45 ruskie so that something produces the same hash
20:45 leo_rockway still
20:45 ruskie still won't provide the final password most of the time
20:46 leo_rockway yes, that's correct
20:46 leo_rockway thanks for clarifying
20:48 Zeg9 joined #minetest
20:49 Splizard joined #minetest
20:50 Morrolan joined #minetest
20:50 ecube \o/
20:51 kaeza hey ecube
20:51 ecube hey
20:51 kaeza hey Zeg9, Splizard, Morrolan
20:51 Splizard hi
20:52 Splizard Its the end of the world here in New Zealand today, ill let you guys know if were all destroyed :D
20:52 Zeg9 Hi!
20:53 kaeza oh please
20:54 mauvebic its simply the end of one calendar and the start of another
20:54 markveidemanis WERE ALL GOING TO DIE
20:54 * marktraceur warns people once more about spreading religious crap in the channel
20:54 markveidemanis ITS EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF
20:55 Jordach the end of the world is bullshit
20:56 kaeza I'm going to say "happy new world" to everybody on the 22nd
20:56 sokomine in minetest the end of the world is at 30000. or when the server shuts down :_)
20:56 kaeza like one says "happy new year"
20:56 kaeza sokomine: lol
20:56 kaeza sokomine: it's at 301212
20:56 sokomine ok :-)
20:56 kaeza err
20:56 sokomine ,-)
20:56 kaeza 31212
20:56 kaeza :P
20:57 mauvebic they prolly didn't have gregorian calendars or leap years back then either lol
20:58 markveidemanis never worry about the world ending today; its already tomorrow in australia
20:58 marktraceur mauvebic: I'm sure the insane SOB who came up with the doomsday theory was intelligent enough to calculate using leap years.
20:59 marktraceur Educate y'all selves:
20:59 moltenbot marktraceur's link: 2012 phenomenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20:59 mauvebic there have been how many thousand doomsday theories so far? lol
20:59 VanessaE marktraceur: I dunno....there's some pretty stupid people in this world - after all, he came up with the doomsday shit to start with :-)
21:00 marktraceur VanessaE: Read the article, some interesting insight
21:00 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:01 Zeg9 Hi OldCoder
21:01 Splizard I saw a shop the other day advertising "get your 21/12/12 survival kits now"
21:01 leo_rockway joined #minetest
21:01 Splizard it was a laugh
21:01 marktraceur Wow people are dumb.
21:01 marktraceur Why would the day go first? You can't sort dates as easily if you do that!
21:02 OldCoder left #minetest
21:02 marktraceur And besides, didn't we learn anything from the Y2K bullshit? Jesus, use the four-digit year format.
21:02 Zeg9 "after end of the world kit" <<useful
21:02 ruskie yyyy-mm-dd works great
21:02 marktraceur Yeah. People only get bloody well paid to come up with useful standards, why not use them?
21:03 * ruskie does
21:03 marktraceur ruskie: Well, I'll see you on 2012-12-22 then :)
21:04 marktraceur 2012-12-22T00:00:01-5, I suppose, to be more exact.
21:04 ruskie it's not even 2012-12-21 yet
21:04 marktraceur Right. Just saying.
21:04 kaeza also it seems scientists or the maya (can't remember) miscalculated something or such and the end of the world is in 140 years lol
21:05 Splizard ruskie: it is in New Zealand
21:05 ruskie Splizard, true hehe
21:07 * Zeg9 feels asleep; g'night all
21:09 mauvebic it also depends if you see the end of world as the extinction of life, or the end of life as we know it (no governments, hospitals, etc.)
21:10 mauvebic if anything i thought the financial crisis was it
21:10 mauvebic could still be
21:10 kaeza I'll die if there is no internet for three days as some say
21:11 leo_rockway kaeza: moreores on master would be awesome!
21:11 kaeza thx
21:11 kaeza really
21:11 Jeija left #minetest
21:11 leo_rockway and portals between servers would give us another clear advantage over MC
21:12 markveidemanis mauvebic
21:12 kaeza ask RBA about that, he was coding 'em
21:12 markveidemanis any updates on the gui mods
21:12 markveidemanis and inventories
21:12 mauvebic didnt write those
21:12 mauvebic cornernote did
21:13 markveidemanis link?
21:14 mauvebic forums
21:14 mauvebic theyre not all there but the fans tried to put back as many as possible
21:14 leo_rockway well, I just updated the server... too bad I can't log in to try it o.o
21:16 markveidemanis any cool mod links?
21:16 markveidemanis to do with inventory
21:17 markveidemanis an
21:17 kaeza markveidemanis: unified inventory?
21:17 markveidemanis no. not that..
21:18 kaeza markveidemanis: 0gb_us posted a new bookmarks mod on the forums
21:18 markveidemanis i need it to work with: skins mod, inventory_plus
21:18 markveidemanis hmmm
21:18 Xenux joined #minetest
21:19 calinou joined #minetest
21:19 calinou ohai from TTY1
21:19 markveidemanis why did cornernote get banned?
21:19 calinou (on my netbook, playing minetest in fullscreen prevents me from using alt-tab :P)
21:19 leo_rockway markveidemanis: he asked for it.
21:19 calinou using irssi :)
21:19 markveidemanis really, why>
21:19 leo_rockway calinou: if you haven't tried Weechat, you might like it. At least I liked it better.
21:20 calinou is it a CLI client?
21:20 leo_rockway yes
21:20 calinou k
21:20 calinou i'll try :P
21:20 calinou *switches TTY*
21:20 leo_rockway it's more featureful by default
21:20 leo_rockway and you can also try kaeza's irc mod
21:20 leo_rockway markveidemanis: veganism arguments
21:20 markveidemanis ?
21:20 calinou how can I switch channels in irssi? and how can I change some settings? :P
21:21 kaeza calinou: /join #minetest-irc-testing
21:21 kaeza if you can
21:21 leo_rockway you edit text files in Irssi. I don't remember if you can change settings from within irssi.
21:21 Aggies joined #minetest
21:21 Aggies sup everybody
21:21 leo_rockway switch channels... I used the go plugin. /go channel
21:21 leo_rockway I don't remember how to switch channels in default
21:21 leo_rockway Aggies: \ø greetings
21:22 marktraceur calinou: /win # will take you to a window. Alt-[1234567890qwertyuiop] will bring you to channels 1 through 19.
21:22 marktraceur Sorry, not p. P is page up.
21:22 marktraceur Er, Alt-p is.
21:23 markveidemanis alt+P??
21:23 markveidemanis :P
21:24 Aggies im slim shady the real slim shady all you other shadys are just imatating will the real slim shady please stand up please stand up
21:25 marktraceur Aggies: Fascinating.
21:25 kaeza hey Aggies
21:25 Aggies hey
21:26 Aggies these are some good songs
21:26 markveidemanis who has skins link
21:27 Aggies gtg
21:28 kaeza d
21:28 celeron55 markveidemanis: the passwords are sha1 hashed, salted by the username
21:28 celeron55 it's not a secret and i don't believe in security by obscurity
21:28 KikaRz LAWL
21:28 celeron55 however, that is somewhat crappy hashing
21:28 KikaRz ChanServ can net split too!
21:28 markveidemanis sha1?
21:29 markveidemanis what do you mean by the username
21:29 celeron55 so don't crack them if you can, because it's not fun
21:29 marktraceur celeron55: Might be worthwhile to throw a sha512 in there :)
21:30 markveidemanis idk what you all are on about :P
21:30 ruskie well last I checked sha1 is still rather solid
21:30 marktraceur ruskie: I heard it got brute-forced by about $2 worth of virtual machines on AWS.
21:30 celeron55 well, more like a couple of rounds of sha256 with a random salt
21:30 ChanServ joined #minetest
21:31 * marktraceur doesn't get why you'd use sha256 when sha512 is around, but OK
21:31 frogcrush joined #minetest
21:31 hmmmm does it really matter
21:31 hmmmm just hash it twice
21:31 celeron55 because it's useless
21:31 celeron55 the point of a password hash is to 1) be secure, 2) be slow to calculate
21:32 celeron55 not to have a huge number of result bytes
21:32 celeron55 really the largest problem of the current system is because it uses so predictable salts
21:32 marktraceur *nod*
21:32 marktraceur Though either way, if you get auth.txt, you're going to have the salt.
21:32 celeron55 or, well, predictability is not a problem, but the fact that they are always the same for the same user
21:33 celeron55 it doesn't matter if somebody gets the salt
21:33 celeron55 but it matters if the salt is the same on all servers for the same user
21:33 celeron55 ...i wonder when i or somebody else will get into fixing that up
21:33 markveidemanis_ joined #minetest
21:33 markveidemanis_ hi
21:34 hmmmm you need an idea first in order to fix it up
21:34 markveidemanis all: post your local time
21:34 marktraceur markveidemanis: No.
21:34 markveidemanis 21:34
21:34 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
21:35 hmmmm the thing that first comes to mind is a randomly generated value that's persistant for the entire existence of that server
21:35 marktraceur markveidemanis: If you must know somebody's local time, use /ctcp time <username>
21:35 hmmmm like you'd store it in a config file
21:35 celeron55 hmmmm: no no no
21:35 hmmmm got any other ideas? :/
21:35 marktraceur Er sorry
21:35 celeron55 hmmmm: the right way is to randomly generate a salt for each password
21:35 marktraceur markveidemanis: /ctcp <username> time
21:35 marktraceur Bloody order of arguments
21:36 celeron55 and store it next to the salt+hashed password
21:36 hmmmm okay
21:36 hmmmm then we'll do that
21:36 celeron55 but it has implications to the network protocol
21:36 hmmmm how are we going to keep backwards compatibility
21:37 markveidemanis ok, who will comeon my server to build a subway-train station
21:37 celeron55 hmmmm: the client sends the protocol versions it supports when it connects to the server
21:38 NakedFury is it possible to do timed priviledges?
21:38 hmmmm celeron, have you ever looked into SRP?
21:39 hmmmm that would probably be the ideal solution but it'd take a lot of work to implement
21:39 markveidemanis who wants to build a space base+tunnel
21:40 marktraceur markveidemanis: You already asked. I've told you before, announce on the forums and ask here _once_ if something changes on your server.
21:40 markveidemanis it's just on for a bit now
21:40 markveidemanis it not usually
21:40 celeron55 hmmmm: well the ideal solution would be to set up an unauthenticated encrypted connection and do everything on top of it
21:41 celeron55 (and it becomes authenticated when you do password authentication on it)
21:41 celeron55 it's not that hard at all (just the regular diffie-helmann stuff) but... well
21:41 ruskie someone just needs to implement it ;)
21:42 celeron55 i think it should be postponed to some larger protocol redesign, but i have no idea when such is going to happen
21:43 ruskie the important thing is to have it in mind when doing it
21:44 celeron55 i'm quite terrified to even think of doing anything like that, because minetest is somewhat tied to the current protocol
21:45 celeron55 if you design the perfect universal mine* protocol, it's a pain in the ass to implement in MT 8)
21:46 celeron55 of course less of a PITA than writing an MC clone from scratch, but, not something you do in one night
21:47 ruskie wouldn't just adding a ssl layer on top via stunnel solve a large chunk?
21:47 hmmmm an added advantage to SRP is that the password, or the cryptographic equivalent, is never sent over the wire
21:48 hmmmm but
21:48 hmmmm is there really that much of a problem with the salt being sent through the network
21:49 Splizard New release for snow mod:
21:49 moltenbot Splizard's link: [Mod] Snow Biomes [1.4] [snow] (Page 1) - Mod Releases - Minetest Forums
21:49 celeron55 when a middleman siis the salt and the hash, cracking the password is reduced to cracking a non-salted password
21:49 celeron55 but they see it now too
21:49 markveidemanis
21:49 moltenbot markveidemanis's link: MarkVeidemanis's Server (Page 1) - Servers - Minetest Forums
21:50 celeron55 i don't really know if the current system is *too bad*
21:50 celeron55 probably not
21:52 celeron55 it's at the limit of what is easy to make but still hides passwords from any non-serious cracker
21:52 sokomine does mt work with port forwarding?
21:53 hmmmm this might be stupid but
21:53 hmmmm what if you send a hash of the salt, salted with some random value
21:54 hmmmm and the client also uses a random value to salt with in addition to what the server sent it to use
21:54 hmmmm and the client will send the random value it used to salt
21:54 celeron55 umm... that probably too reduces to brute forcing the plain password 8)
21:54 celeron55 (if the traffic is collected by someone)
21:54 hmmmm so you have something like password hash = SHA(SHA(password) + client_value + SHA1(key + server_value))
21:55 hmmmm so they never know what the acutal salt is
21:55 kaeza celeron55: hi. I see your point, but I think it's not worth the effort adding strong encryption/hashing/whatever to mt passwords. It's just a game after all
21:55 hmmmm because it's hashed along with a random valued salt
21:55 hmmmm and it changes for each logon
21:55 ruskie so a session key or so
21:55 kaeza but that's just my opinion
21:55 hmmmm yeah i guess
21:55 celeron55 ehm
21:55 sokomine yes, kaeza's right
21:56 hmmmm kaeza, the problem is that users use passwords they use on other websites and stuff
21:56 hmmmm like normally i'd agree with you
21:56 sokomine there might be some risk if players use their password elsewhere. but if they do they'll do so at other less secure services as well
21:56 hmmmm but this is human nature :/
21:56 kaeza nobody is going to store their super secret documents in it
21:56 ruskie I just use low-security disposable PWs for games
21:56 kaeza if you want mine, it's just 1234
21:57 celeron55 good: game passwords: foo1, cat2, asd
21:57 kaeza (for MT)
21:57 celeron55 -:
21:57 hmmmm the problem is that you don't know for sure if they share your same mentality or not
21:57 hmmmm those damn humans are so unreliable
21:57 celeron55 that is exactly why i implemented the hashes in the first place
21:57 celeron55 imagine not having username salted hashes 8)
21:57 hmmmm i wish we could replace them with robots so we can standardize on behavior
21:57 ruskie well I'm a tad more paranoid so it's a bit longer and can haze various crap
21:58 hmmmm but anyway i like my solution
21:58 hmmmm so if i were to do this that's how i'd implement it
21:59 hmmmm it requires more crosstalk between the server and client though
21:59 hmmmm client initializes connection, sends client key, server sends SHA(user specific salt + server key)
22:00 hmmmm then the client logs on by calculating SHA(SHA(password) + client_key + hash_from_server)
22:01 mauvebic simpler solution is to never use the same password twice :p
22:02 shaun__ joined #minetest
22:02 hmmmm relying on humans is UB
22:03 mauvebic lol seriously when websites get sick of people like me creating dozens of accounts, they wont require them to do simple things lol
22:03 markveidemanis joined #minetest
22:03 markveidemanis
22:03 moltenbot markveidemanis's link: MarkVeidemanis's Server (NO_MAPGEN) (Page 1) - Servers - Minetest Forums
22:03 mauvebic i never chose the same passwords but i rarely remember them either so lol
22:04 markveidemanis !define server
22:04 moltenbot http://ddg.dg: server definition: one that serves food or drink.
22:04 markveidemanis !define waiter
22:04 moltenbot no definition found, try to use 'thinking'
22:05 marktraceur markveidemanis: What did I say about the bots?
22:05 * I dont know
22:05 * I hello
22:05 * I hi
22:06 marktraceur Guest79418: Refrain from flooding the channel in the future. Unmute in ~15 minutes.
22:07 Guest79418 left #minetest
22:08 Splizard does anyone here use/used snow mod?
22:09 sokomine for a short time, yes. i'm having problems with mt beeing slow on world generation
22:10 marktraceur john_minetest: Did he PM you?
22:10 markveidemanis joined #minetest
22:10 marktraceur Interesting.
22:10 leo_rockway Splizard: yes
22:10 marktraceur markveidemanis: I unilaterally muted you because you were misusing the bots and using the channel for inane IRC tests.
22:11 marktraceur markveidemanis: If you have a problem with that, you can PM me directly.
22:14 ray8888 joined #minetest
22:15 ray8888 left #minetest
22:18 marktraceur Not an awful idea.
22:18 markveidemanis joined #minetest
22:18 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
22:18 marktraceur Of course, you could just make such a channel
22:18 marktraceur And ask the bot owner to add the bot to it
22:21 marktraceur john_minetest: I think there's an armour mod. I don't know where it is exactly.
22:21 kaeza1 joined #minetest
22:21 marktraceur markveidemanis: Unmuted. Welcome back.
22:21 sokomine afaik not yet. taoki wrote something about supporting them in the future?
22:21 marktraceur Dunno, actually, john_minetest.
22:21 markveidemanis
22:21 moltenbot markveidemanis's link: MarkVeidemanis's Server (NO_MAPGEN) (Page 1) - Servers - Minetest Forums
22:22 jojoa1997 left #minetest
22:23 markveidemanis can armor mod add overlay textures to the player
22:24 markveidemanis like minec*aft
22:24 marktraceur I don't know, but it doesn't seem obviously possible
22:24 marktraceur I guess you could change the player textures (see also player_textures by IIRC PilzAdam
22:24 marktraceur But I'm not sure how you would. I'm no graphics person.
22:24 markveidemanis
22:25 moltenbot markveidemanis's link: Armor - Minecraft Wiki
22:25 markveidemanis could someone make a mod that does the following
22:25 markveidemanis
22:25 moltenbot markveidemanis's link: Empty Booze Barrel - Industrial-Craft-Wiki
22:27 landminebusy Back
22:27 ecube wb
22:27 landminebusy Ty
22:28 markveidemanis;num=10&amp;hl=en&amp;tbo=d&amp;biw=1024&amp;bih=512&amp;tbm=isch&amp;tbnid=dzK0qOSxKRgPMM:&amp;imgrefurl=;docid=UN6HDFdlkgkTvM&amp;imgurl=;w=5616&amp;h=3744&amp;ei=3ZDTUO7-MKWV0QWysYD4Ag&amp;zoom=1&amp;iact=hc&amp;vpx=606&amp;vpy=178&amp;dur=132&amp;hovh=183&amp;hovw=275&amp;tx=164&amp;ty=111&amp;sig=106104872686144412907&amp;page=2&amp;tbnh=141&amp;tbnw=178&amp;st
22:28 markveidemanis whoops
22:28 ecube shpam
22:28 ecube ;)
22:28 ecube haha shit
22:28 landmineog Hi moltenbot
22:28 markveidemanis well, theres google for you :D
22:28 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
22:28 ecube It redirects to
22:28 ecube /imghp
22:29 markveidemanis found it
22:29 markveidemanis [22:25] <markveidemanis> could someone make a mod that does the following
22:32 marktraceur markveidemanis: You've asked. Wait.
22:32 markveidemanis is anyone going to go on my server? (to shutdown or to not shutdown, that is the question)
22:32 markveidemanis first one on gets to be admin
22:33 marktraceur markveidemanis: Again, you've asked, just chill.
22:35 Uberi joined #minetest
22:36 sokomine msg vaneessae tell me that location so i may check locally
22:36 marktraceur Heh.
22:36 sokomine sorry...forgot the /
22:36 markveidemanis *cricket chirps
22:36 Uberi :O
22:36 markveidemanis also, name is spelled wrong
22:37 sokomine does the cricket give experience points? :)Ö
22:37 sokomine oh. true
22:37 sokomine well, she might read it anyway :-)
22:37 Uberi crickets drop 1 dead cricket upon death
22:37 Uberi you can eat it but it only restores a half heart
22:38 sokomine well...i better let them cirp then :-)
22:38 markveidemanis hey, first one on my server gets to be admin for the night
22:39 VanessaE ok guys I need an expert here.
22:39 VanessaE if I can borrow someone e.g. uberi, celeron55, etc..
22:39 marktraceur markveidemanis: Last warning, stop asking. If anyone is interested they'll come.
22:39 VanessaE between now with it apparently working acceptably:  and before when it was broken:
22:39 moltenbot VanessaE's link: creative_mode = 1  enable_damage = 1  name = VanessaEzekowitz    default_privs = -
22:39 Uberi I'm an expert now?
22:39 Uberi when did that happen? :P
22:39 VanessaE why does the second config file make my server go apeshit but the first does not?
22:40 Uberi :/
22:40 markveidemanis noclip??
22:40 VanessaE markveidemanis: fly through walls (used to be the default in early 0.4.4 and prior)
22:40 markveidemanis but is that not "fly", of free_move?
22:41 Uberi noclip was added recently, markveidemanis
22:41 VanessaE markveidemanis: fly lets you fly :-)  noclip lets you pass through walls when flying
22:41 kaeza1 hi VanessaE
22:41 VanessaE you need both privs to get the early-0.4.4-and-before behavior.
22:41 VanessaE hey hey kaeza1
22:41 NakedFury what is fast for?
22:41 markveidemanis is that a mod
22:41 Uberi VanessaE: null video driver, perhaps?
22:41 NakedFury we cant run
22:41 kaeza1 what's up?
22:41 VanessaE NakedFury: sprinting e.g. the j/e keys
22:41 Uberi markveidemanis: nah it's in trunk now
22:41 kaeza1 I will enter the server
22:41 Uberi hey kaeza1
22:41 VanessaE kaeza1: go agead
22:41 VanessaE go ahead*
22:42 NakedFury really? j lets you sprint???????
22:42 markveidemanis its e
22:42 VanessaE NakedFury: running fast = sprinting afaik
22:42 VanessaE use e to actually do it, j just turns it on/off.
22:43 Uberi VanessaE: other than the video driver setting I can't think of anything :/
22:43 VanessaE Uberi: ok.
22:43 VanessaE celeron55: can you look at those two configs?
22:43 VanessaE celeron55: the server's working nearly perfectly with the stripped-down config.
22:43 babyface1031 joined #minetest
22:44 Uberi VanessaE: but then again I can't be too sure either way, you're better off doing an elimination test
22:45 Uberi what is the issue with the server?
22:45 markveidemanis so non-noclip is in default now?
22:45 Uberi markveidemanis: apparently
22:45 markveidemanis then i am not updating
22:45 VanessaE Uberi: mapgen failing to either load blocks or send them to the client.
22:46 Uberi VanessaE: oh is it that hanging issue?
22:46 VanessaE yeah
22:46 Uberi there was a mapgen debug setting in there, I think
22:46 Uberi but you probably added that after experiencing the issue, huh
22:47 VanessaE I stripped down my config file to just what's in that first link (except my motd is much longer than seen there - copy&paste error)
22:47 VanessaE Uberi: yes, that was suggested by hmmmm to try to find the issue
22:47 Uberi is the hanging reproducible?
22:47 Uberi can you make it happen by doing something specific?
22:48 sokomine INFO[EmergeThread]: on_generated took 4324ms
22:48 Uberi :O
22:48 sokomine that is for vanessas world with the same mods installed as she has. computer not doing much more than running server + one client (ok, there are other things running as well, but their load is neglible)
22:49 landmineog I
22:49 Uberi landmineog: !
22:49 Uberi er, OK
22:49 Uberi sokomine: does it happen with a new map?
22:50 sokomine yes; although without mods (vanessas world has a lot installed) it is by factor 10 less
22:51 VanessaE sokomine: ores.
22:53 markveidemanis i am going to bed anyone want my server to stay up?
22:53 markveidemanis no?
22:54 markveidemanis bye
22:54 markveidemanis cya tomorrow
22:54 marktraceur Cod damn it.
22:55 sokomine hm?
22:55 sokomine sleep well
22:55 mauvebic joined #minetest
22:55 iqualfragile joined #minetest
22:58 VanessaE ok...  here's the config file with the changes merged into my script.  What is commented out is what was missing from the "working" config:
22:58 moltenbot VanessaE's link: creative_mode = 1  enable_damage = 1    #video_driver = null    name = VanessaEz -
22:58 VanessaE can someone PLEASE tell me why any of those commented-out options would break it?
22:58 VanessaE and I'm about two seconds from kicking that bot out.
22:59 sokomine if i walk at normal speed in your world, vanessa, it generates fast enough. i see empty space ahead of me, but when i arrive it is ready to walk on. just fast seems too fast for my computer
22:59 sokomine which bot?
22:59 Uberi moltenbot, sokomine
22:59 NakedFury add pastebin to moltenbots ignore urls
22:59 mauvebic imo bots should only say when servers UP/DOWN
22:59 iqualfragile ok…
22:59 VanessaE sokomine: I've always been able to outrun the mapgen in 'fast' mode, even in singleplayer mode on a fresh world with no extra mods.
23:00 mauvebic everything else increases my urge to kill :(
23:00 mauvebic :P
23:00 sokomine ah. moltenbot's still on my igno list after ragnar played with it. the world gets a lot quieter with a bit igno :-)
23:01 Uberi well yeah I can always outrun mapgen when in fast mode
23:01 sokomine thanks :-) so it's not just my computer that is too slow for it
23:01 iqualfragile ragnar… should add him to ignore
23:01 iqualfragile will add him to ignore
23:01 iqualfragile later that day
23:02 sokomine but as i said is still way faster than minecraft :-) minecraft can't manage transparent leaves with the same hardware
23:04 sokomine here as well
23:04 mauvebic no point adding ppl to ignore they come back w/ diff names
23:04 NakedFury add /bot ignore [this stupid user] command to only work for bot owner
23:04 sokomine yes, sometimes
23:04 NakedFury easy
23:05 mauvebic we need to track them down, and dispatch a klingon bird of prey
23:05 sokomine make that usable for some regulars in the channel. that could help :-)
23:05 NakedFury nah too mercyful
23:05 NakedFury release the borg on them
23:06 sokomine they'd just capture it, slingshot around a convenient sun, and alter history so that they where never ignored by the bot :-)
23:06 mauvebic though in the irclogs i see these long hostnames you can prolly use that to ban them :P
23:06 kaeza1 VanessaE: remove movestones for now
23:06 kaeza1 or has the crash been fixed?
23:06 Uberi kaeza1: movestones were fixed
23:06 kaeza1 oh ok
23:06 Uberi a few hours ago, in fact
23:06 kaeza1 good
23:06 VanessaE you sure?
23:07 Uberi yeah I saw the commit
23:07 mauvebic map still down?
23:07 VanessaE ok
23:07 VanessaE mauvebic: my server's running normally now with that stripped-down config.
23:07 Uberi VanessaE: but ONLY in the nextgen branch
23:07 Uberi
23:07 moltenbot Uberi's link: Fix movestone crash bug ?  f114cb8 ? Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons ? GitHub
23:08 KikaRz guys
23:08 KikaRz im going out...
23:08 KikaRz i dont want tomorrow the world end...
23:09 KikaRz Bye people...
23:09 KikaRz If the world ends... Its the end.
23:09 KikaRz bye... <3
23:09 KikaRz i loved you all
23:09 KikaRz VanessaE, you were a good big friend...
23:09 VanessaE hah the world won't end
23:09 KikaRz kaeza1, you too... a special one.
23:09 mauvebic stripped down as in disabling alot of mods/abms?
23:09 kaeza1 huh?
23:09 KikaRz marktraceur, you were a bit special for me... but not only for me.
23:09 kaeza1 oh
23:09 VanessaE now get on my server and play - you have 10-15 mins before the next scheduled restart of the server :-)
23:09 kaeza1 thx
23:09 KikaRz VanessaE, im going out
23:10 marktraceur KikaRz: See you tomorrow!
23:10 kaeza1 and you too KikaRz
23:10 Uberi see you tomorrow KikaRz
23:10 KikaRz Bye everyone... See you tomorrow or... See you in Heaven / Hell.
23:10 kaeza1 see you
23:10 VanessaE nooooo
23:10 Uberi don't do anything too rash, though
23:10 KikaRz Why i said Hell? (i commited many problems and lied many times.
23:10 KikaRz See you all tomorrow.
23:10 Uberi o/
23:10 kaeza1 in that case I think no one of us is going to heaven KikaRz
23:10 john_minetest left #minetest
23:10 kaeza1 :P
23:10 VanessaE KikaRz: if you are truly sorry for the things you've done and tried to make it right by your diety i.e. G*d or whoever, you'll be fine.
23:11 mauvebic well if youre server is a PITA, you could always WEP most of your stuff and "transplant" to a new map
23:11 VanessaE (besides I don't believe in "hell" anyway
23:11 KikaRz I dont.
23:11 Uberi the great sky potato will be lenient in his judgement
23:11 KikaRz Hell dont exists
23:11 KikaRz neither the nether.
23:11 mauvebic my gods are dead
23:12 marktraceur KikaRz: See you in /dev/null
23:12 mauvebic ancient klingons and al...
23:12 KikaRz no marktraceur, see you in TMP.
23:12 marktraceur Ugh, nobody wants to be in /tmp
23:12 mauvebic thats because flash doesnt store anything there anymore
23:12 marktraceur I guess it might be worse to be in /opt
23:12 VanessaE ok, make that more like 3 minutes - server restarted with the latest build
23:13 Uberi /tmp is the purgatory that files go through to be cleansed before being able to pass on to /dev/null
23:13 Octupus joined #minetest
23:13 KikaRz Now:
23:13 KikaRz !c 23 - 17
23:13 Minetest-tan 6
23:13 Uberi KikaRz: say what time does the world supposedly end
23:13 mauvebic '/opt has return to castle woflenstein at least
23:13 KikaRz ok... in 6 hours, the world ends.
23:13 KikaRz so... at 5 AM,
23:13 Octupus Hi
23:13 Uberi GMT I mean
23:13 KittenGNU 6 AM here.
23:13 Uberi hey Octupus
23:13 KikaRz Uberi, 5 AM in (GMT)
23:13 kaeza1 !date Uruguay
23:14 kaeza1 ?
23:14 Uberi ah
23:14 KikaRz !date Portugal
23:14 marktraceur Yea, and on the day of the end, the Child Process shall return and `mv * /tmp` where it then shall `sort` the worthy from the unworthy, running `mv * /home` for the former and `mv * /dev/null` for the latter.
23:14 Uberi bwahahaha
23:15 KikaRz marktraceur
23:15 Uberi ls `yes`
23:15 KikaRz i'll move Portugal to /dev/null
23:15 KikaRz so...
23:15 ecube joined #minetest
23:15 KikaRz and moving World to /home
23:15 KikaRz and me and my family to /root
23:15 kaeza1 marktraceur: all hail master `init'! creator if it all
23:15 KikaRz
23:15 ecube Why to root though?
23:16 Uberi to be closer to our origin
23:16 KikaRz Look the weather
23:16 KikaRz Night: 4ºC
23:16 KikaRz Morning: 3ºC
23:16 KikaRz Afternoon 20ºC
23:16 mauvebic damn
23:16 KikaRz no signals of end of world
23:16 mauvebic sounds nice
23:16 sokomine oh...if the files could but sort themshelves...that would be great :-) all those you never going to need again removing themshelves...and the other sorting into helpful directories....
23:16 marktraceur kaeza1: And lo, the UNIXites did listen, and a voice came from the processor. "Hear me now, ye users. For I am upstart, and I am your new creator! Cast aside thy init-worship and instead worship me, for I am thy saviour!"
23:16 mauvebic im freezing my asterisk out here
23:17 mauvebic i even did my back in shovelling snow lol
23:18 KikaRz well
23:18 KikaRz people
23:18 KikaRz see you in heaven.
23:18 Uberi marktraceur: worship not the false idol of sysinit, or face eternal damnation in the pits of /dev/null!
23:18 KikaRz ly all! <3
23:18 KikaRz left #minetest
23:19 mrtux joined #minetest
23:19 drift joined #minetest
23:19 drift left #minetest
23:19 kaeza joined #minetest
23:20 mauvebic eternal damnation is updating binary graphics drivers lol
23:20 mauvebic many such occasions have nearly driven me to suicide
23:20 FreeFull Eternal damnation is not having package management in place
23:20 marktraceur AKA "the 1980s"
23:20 Uberi the unworthy files must install binary graphics drivers for an eternity
23:21 mauvebic why has no one thought of arch linux + synaptic? i would pay for that
23:21 NakedFury I think Eternal Damnation is vaporware. abandoned in the 8 da, the developer got lazy
23:21 marktraceur mauvebic: Largely the point of having different distros is to have different package management, and different repositories.
23:21 mauvebic i think distros are more than package management
23:21 mauvebic xfce isnt the same on ubuntu as it is on arch
23:22 marktraceur Well right, they have different versions.
23:22 mrtux joined #minetest
23:22 mauvebic ubuntu for starters patches way more stuff than the other distros
23:22 kaeza eternal damnation is running a suid root web browser
23:22 mauvebic which is often why things just dont work these days lol
23:22 FreeFull Debian does quite a bit of patchiing
23:22 marktraceur So probably the better way to go would be to take Debian, change the versions of packages, and release it as Debiarch GNU/Linux
23:22 Uberi or use Bedrock as the base
23:22 FreeFull Gentoo is mostly whatever you want it to be
23:23 mauvebic i like archbang cuz' you start with your very basic desktop and build up from there
23:23 mauvebic ubuntu is + 6 hours of removing crap
23:23 FreeFull mauvebic: I like Arch because you start with your basic almost nothing and build up from there
23:23 * marktraceur keeps meaning to move to Parabola. Bugger of a hard time, though.
23:23 Uberi mauvebic: nah I spent over 15 hours removing :P
23:24 kaeza FreeFull: but arch is no good for the user making a switch from Win
23:24 FreeFull True
23:24 mauvebic im not such an enthusiast that i would start with pure arch though lol
23:24 kaeza they just want to start right away
23:24 mauvebic but i like how many of the packages on arch do work
23:24 FreeFull I personally started with SuSE
23:24 FreeFull But then, my first ever OS was MS-DOS
23:24 kaeza me with Puppy
23:24 mauvebic which was a problem on buntu when something was slightly old (+6 months)
23:25 kaeza and Win95
23:26 mauvebic and in ubuntu filing bug reports is pointless because in six months theyll have removed the packages anyhow lol
23:26 FreeFull Arch means maintenance isn't done for you by the distro people
23:26 FreeFull You have to merge some changes yourself
23:26 mauvebic no but arch + synaptic would make maintenance easier
23:26 FreeFull Mostly just config stuff though
23:26 mrtux joined #minetest
23:27 shaun__ Chakara
23:27 shaun__ Arch with desktop already.
23:27 kaeza Arch is good though, for when you want to have almost total control over your OS
23:27 mauvebic well, a synaptic-like frontend for pacman...
23:27 shaun__ qt-applet is good frontend for pacman.
23:28 mauvebic didnt work for me
23:28 mauvebic none of the frontends have worked for me (all 3) lol
23:28 shaun__ Its resource hungry and can't cope with major changes.
23:28 kaeza shaagreed
23:28 kaeza fuck tab completion
23:29 kaeza shaun_ ^
23:29 kaeza agreed
23:29 mauvebic though i think overall, arch is on better track than 'buntu
23:29 mauvebic i have old P4's to think about lol
23:29 shaun__ But all in all.  I am very unpleased with the help you get in Arch channel.
23:29 kaeza mauvebic: you can run Puppy Linux out of a P2 lol
23:29 mauvebic arch on my P4 or the dualcore works nicely for both
23:30 kaeza you need only 32MB
23:30 kaeza of RAM
23:30 mauvebic arch help is no worse than any other distro, they say FIY
23:30 mauvebic or they refer you to a post from a year ago that doesnt apply lol
23:30 kaeza FOSS help sucks
23:30 mauvebic problem is noone's paid
23:31 kaeza yeh
23:31 shaun__ The help I see people giving in this channel is grade A compared to the grade y you get in arch channels.
23:31 mauvebic try finding someone with the same problem at the same time as you
23:31 kaeza so basically you get the help you paid for lol
23:31 mauvebic but FOSS OS's is built on the principal that you fix the problem yourself and share the patch
23:32 mauvebic though advertising to average PC users doesn't really fit into that
23:32 mauvebic if you have a problem you can't be average anymore lol
23:32 kaeza tell me of an average Win user that knows about command line and fixing things for yourself?
23:33 mauvebic knowing dos definately helps for first time linux users
23:33 mauvebic i would have been lost in the terminal otherwise
23:33 kaeza that does not happen too often with the average *nix user
23:33 kaeza lol
23:33 kaeza right
23:33 mauvebic over-reliance on GUI's is a problem..
23:33 kaeza I used to use MD to create dirs on windows
23:34 kaeza no right-click->new->floder
23:34 mauvebic hell the first graphical OS i saw was window 3
23:34 mauvebic i nearly shat myself (then)
23:34 mauvebic color monitors was another milestone lol
23:35 kaeza lol right
23:35 mauvebic 14 and 28K modems
23:35 kaeza who had hard drives then? lol
23:35 mauvebic obviously someone like me doesn't need GUIs for everything lol
23:35 shaun__ I did.    About 100mb drives.
23:36 kaeza yeh
23:36 kaeza but they were pretty expensive
23:36 shaun__ Yea.
23:36 kaeza they literally throw 80GB drives at you now
23:36 mauvebic 15 ~ 20 years ago you'd paid 2K for a shitty computer lol
23:37 shaun__ Heh...Can still pay that if your not careful.
23:37 mauvebic old people pay that to check lottery results
23:37 shaun__ Gahh...buntu wants reboot. brb.
23:37 mauvebic thats only cuz their kids dont go with them
23:37 kaeza reboot?
23:38 kaeza back on DOS era you were stuck with floppies
23:38 mauvebic reboot? p4 going on 17 days uptime lol
23:38 mauvebic i still remember all the sex jokes about floppies... over and over
23:38 kaeza hehe
23:39 mauvebic then it was discs...
23:39 mauvebic at least you cant compare a thumb drive to anything unless your very unfortunate
23:39 Aqua joined #minetest
23:40 kaeza lol I remember when having an 8x CDROM drive was cool
23:40 Aqua Hi
23:40 kaeza hey Aqua
23:40 mauvebic when myst was *the* shit lol
23:40 Aqua hey kaeza have you played my map?
23:40 mauvebic though 90s music was as bad then as it is now
23:41 kaeza Aqua: update?
23:41 Aqua
23:41 kaeza mauvebic: think of JB and you'll regret about that comment
23:41 mauvebic then of course there was celine dion in my country, we all expected the appocalypse there and then
23:41 kaeza hehe
23:41 Aqua I'm gonna make a map bout apocalypse maybe because today the world is ending
23:42 kaeza It seems Link has not found Majora's mask yet
23:42 kaeza so yep
23:42 mauvebic im still looking for the sword of kahless
23:42 mauvebic i have the shroud
23:43 kaeza I'm still stuck in the beginning :(
23:43 mauvebic im lost
23:43 kaeza ?
23:43 * mauvebic breaks out the palm beacons
23:45 kaeza Aqua: checking
23:46 kaeza Aqua: does it come with the mods as I suggested?
23:49 Aqua which mods?
23:49 Aqua Oh sadly no
23:49 Aqua I forgot how to do it
23:49 KikaRz joined #minetest
23:49 KikaRz Breaking news...
23:50 mrtux joined #minetest
23:50 KikaRz 10 minutes left for B'ak'tun era finished
23:50 Uberi did the world end prematurely?
23:50 KikaRz in GMT
23:50 KikaRz
23:50 Uberi man, I didn't get the memo
23:50 Uberi y'all should tell me sooner before ending the world like that
23:51 KikaRz 9 minutes.
23:51 mauvebic according to star trek our world would end in a conflict between the west and a coalition of the east :p
23:51 Uberi KikaRz: wait what does that mean, ends in GMT?
23:51 Octupus <Aqua> I'm gonna make a map bout apocalypse maybe because today the world is ending
23:52 Octupus NO Aqua NO
23:52 KikaRz 8 minutes left
23:52 KikaRz No Uberi
23:52 mauvebic im gonna nuke the first city on my map :D
23:52 Aqua I neraly finished my map.....
23:52 Aqua you know the movie 2012?
23:52 KikaRz no
23:52 KikaRz that movie sucks
23:52 KikaRz 7 minutes left
23:53 Uberi that movie had some alright visual effects
23:53 KikaRz my mom is telling me to go to bed...
23:53 KikaRz im getting more afraid...
23:53 Uberi and bring the flashlights and rations with you
23:54 KikaRz 6 minutes left
23:54 shaun__ joined #minetest
23:54 Aqua When i grow up(if i do) i'll show my children that movie and tell them i survived that
23:54 Octupus il be watching tv in the next 6 minutes :D
23:54 KikaRz 5 minutes left
23:55 KikaRz Wrong Octupus, just 5
23:55 Uberi eh I think I'll chill out while the world supposedly ends
23:55 VanessaE haha
23:56 VanessaE as I said before, grab a bag of popcorn, go sit at your laptop or PC, play some minetest, and let the world pass you by for the next day or so.
23:56 Aqua IM IN MY BUNKER
23:56 * Uberi goes off to play some AoS
23:56 Aqua 3 MINS GUYS
23:56 Aqua AND GIRLS
23:56 marktraceur For UTC, maybe
23:57 Uberi wait what time zone is the right one
23:57 Octupus VanessaE: im eating that cereal :)
23:57 VanessaE EST of course.
23:57 KikaRz 2:30!!!
23:57 Uberi I don't wanna listen to people saying, "seriously guys, it's in THAT time zone" for the next day
23:57 VanessaE doesn't the whole world go by US eastern time? :-)
23:57 marktraceur Uberi: Central/Yucatan time seems to make sense to most people.
23:57 KikaRz 2 Minutes left...
23:57 Uberi but they didn't even HAVE time zones back then
23:58 KikaRz AFRAID!!!
23:58 marktraceur Uberi: Yeah they did, they just didn't know about there being more than one.
23:58 KikaRz Uberi, which one?
23:58 VanessaE nothing's gonna happen, KikaRz.
23:58 KikaRz ALERT: 1 minute and 30 seconds left. Core corruption at 79%
23:58 Uberi marktraceur: well yeah I suppose you could put it that way
23:58 Aqua Did you know the calendar starts again after the blank?
23:59 Uberi coool
23:59 Aqua Which means some people survives
23:59 VanessaE I/O error reading /tmp/ unexpected EOF
23:59 Aqua and starts a new world
23:59 Uberi Generating Terrain...
23:59 Aqua 30
23:59 Aqua 25
23:59 marktraceur I mean it's not like you could say "Dear mama, I'm writing you at 12:30. What time is it there?", you'd get a response three weeks later like "It was nary but 13:00 when the postman arrived, dear!"

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