Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
emerge182-rc joined #minetest |
00:09 |
bye |
00:13 |
Dogzilla131 |
how does a geothermal generator work? |
00:14 |
Uberi |
from harnessing the heat underneath the surface of the earth, Dogzilla131 |
00:14 |
Uberi |
the heat comes from mainly the pressure and the radioactive materials that are decaying in the crust |
00:14 |
Dogzilla131 |
that means not lava |
00:15 |
Uberi |
actually, lava under the surface of the earth is called magma |
00:15 |
Uberi |
but yes, it is inefficient to dig all the way down to the upper mantle |
00:15 |
Dogzilla131 |
yeah, but the lava it's in the top of the surface |
00:16 |
Uberi |
wait are you talking about tekkit or something? |
00:22 |
jin_xi |
technic mod |
00:23 |
Uberi |
technic, that's what it's called |
00:23 |
jin_xi |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsAJ-ux-Ryk |
00:24 |
simion314 |
could it be posible to makea something like a dispensor that can plant seeds? then you could automate farming, |
00:24 |
Uberi |
simion314: I've got a proposal for a mesecon allocator in the worls |
00:24 |
Uberi |
* works |
00:25 |
Dogzilla131 |
hey to you make stainless steel |
00:31 |
simion314 |
i will leave now, good night |
00:31 |
Uberi |
see you |
00:37 |
* OldCoder |
has an errand for 1.5 to 3 hours but will be here for the rest of the evening afterward |
00:41 |
kaeza1 |
are there any plats to add vertical wires to mesecons? |
00:41 |
kaeza1 |
plans* |
00:41 |
Uberi |
kaeza1: not very high priority |
00:42 |
Uberi |
what do you need them for? |
00:42 |
VanessaE |
hi all. |
00:42 |
kaeza1 |
they would reduce the space required for some things |
00:42 |
Uberi |
hey VanessaE |
00:42 |
kaeza1 |
hey V |
00:42 |
VanessaE |
hi hi |
00:43 |
kaeza1 |
VanessaE: https://github.com/kaeza/minetest-irc |
00:43 |
Taoki joined #minetest |
00:44 |
Uberi |
hey Taoki |
00:44 |
Taoki |
hi |
00:44 |
kaeza1 |
hey Taoki |
00:44 |
VanessaE |
hi Taoki |
00:44 |
VanessaE |
kaeza1: cool |
00:44 |
kaeza1 |
the README is outdated though |
00:44 |
kaeza1 |
been a bit lazy :P |
00:45 |
kaeza1 |
Uberi: currently you need a 2blocks wide column to take power vertically |
00:45 |
Uberi |
kaeza1: not quite |
00:46 |
Uberi |
stack mesecon torches to make it 1x1 |
00:46 |
kaeza1 |
hmm... |
00:46 |
kaeza1 |
interesting |
00:46 |
kaeza1 |
how did I not notice the torches? |
00:46 |
Uberi |
well there is one downside |
00:47 |
Uberi |
they add about 0.5s delay to their signal |
00:47 |
kaeza1 |
what? |
00:47 |
jin_xi |
Hey VanessaE check latest git |
00:47 |
kaeza1 |
per torch? |
00:47 |
Uberi |
yeah, kaeza1 |
00:47 |
kaeza1 |
that's a nono |
00:47 |
VanessaE |
shaders!? |
00:47 |
VanessaE |
!?!?!? |
00:48 |
Uberi |
00:48 |
Uberi |
(optional, though) |
00:48 |
kaeza1 |
imagine a player having to wait 5 secs(not including lag) to open something |
00:49 |
VanessaE |
lots of talk I saw about shaders earlier. How does this affect the end user? :-) |
00:49 |
VanessaE |
I don't quite understand them |
00:49 |
Uberi |
VanessaE: there are some nice example shaders already :) |
00:50 |
VanessaE |
Uberi: I saw some screenshots, but I meant these commits :-) |
00:50 |
Uberi |
in that case I haven't a clue in the slightest |
00:51 |
VanessaE |
oh well. I'll build it anyway and see what it breaks :D |
00:55 |
kaeza1 |
ummm... how does one get the update using git? |
00:55 |
kaeza1 |
I suck at this git thing |
00:55 |
Uberi |
git pull URL_GOES_HERE |
00:55 |
Uberi |
it'll pull to your cd |
00:55 |
kaeza1 |
thanks! :P |
00:55 |
jin_xi |
or just git pull if you're in a repo |
00:55 |
kaeza1 |
:D* |
00:56 |
kaeza1 |
thanks |
00:56 |
kaeza1 |
that should do it |
00:56 |
kaeza1 |
I think... |
00:56 |
kaeza1 |
k building :) |
00:57 |
kaeza1 |
just the usual warnings in l_register_item_raw |
01:00 |
VanessaE |
Uberi: oh I see it now.. tops of everything is brighter than the sides |
01:00 |
VanessaE |
are* |
01:00 |
Uberi |
wow, I can't wait for that |
01:00 |
VanessaE |
it's already there. |
01:01 |
Uberi |
anyone know about the progress on the automatic view distance adjustment? |
01:01 |
VanessaE |
it does something strange to my homedecor lights though |
01:01 |
VanessaE |
they seem...dimmer than before |
01:01 |
Uberi |
VanessaE: yeah but way too lazy to boot into Ubuntu and compile it |
01:02 |
VanessaE |
heh |
01:04 |
VanessaE |
in fact that 'dimmer' look applies to all lighted objects |
01:04 |
VanessaE |
3dforniture lamps, my homedecor lights, bobblocks... |
01:04 |
Uberi |
anything to do with the lighting update? |
01:04 |
VanessaE |
beats me, I have no idea |
01:05 |
kaeza |
I haven't tried it with homedecor, but yes. everything seems dimmer except the tops which seem way brighter |
01:05 |
kaeza |
hmm. |
01:05 |
VanessaE |
that said, I'm seeing objects that used to have broken lighting (like stairs) now working correctly. |
01:05 |
Uberi |
might be a few issues still to iron out |
01:06 |
kaeza |
<offtopic> Is /giveme aware of aliases? </offtopic> |
01:06 |
Uberi |
yep |
01:07 |
kaeza |
"/giveme pick_mese" says "cannot give an unknown item" |
01:07 |
Uberi |
kaeza: it's default:pick_mese |
01:07 |
Uberi |
legacy doesn't have the alias |
01:07 |
kaeza |
ok |
01:08 |
kaeza |
ummm... is this right? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1495591034.jpg |
01:09 |
kaeza |
I mean the gap |
01:09 |
Uberi |
ew |
01:09 |
jin_xi |
it is not |
01:10 |
jin_xi |
read -dev log about it |
01:11 |
jin_xi |
anyway i'm off |
01:13 |
kaeza |
brb. food is calling :) |
01:13 |
Uberi |
call of the wild |
01:16 |
Dogzilla131 |
Who kbows how to make tubes for the technic |
01:20 |
Dogzilla131 |
*knows |
01:25 |
kaeza |
back |
01:26 |
* kaeza |
puts a plate with a chunk of pizza |
01:26 |
kaeza |
anyone wants? |
01:26 |
* Uberi |
wants pizza |
01:26 |
kaeza |
suit yourself :) |
01:27 |
Uberi |
D: |
01:31 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
01:42 |
OldCoder |
Back |
01:42 |
NakedFury |
welcome back |
01:42 |
OldCoder |
Thank you |
01:43 |
NakedFury |
I keep seeing this weird worldedit bug. sometimes in a stack command it will create a bunch of sand or dirt at the end |
01:43 |
NakedFury |
for no reason |
01:43 |
kaeza |
wv OC |
01:44 |
kaeza |
wb* |
01:44 |
kaeza |
GAWD! a typo in a two-letter word... |
01:44 |
* VanessaE |
is back too. |
01:44 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, It happens |
01:44 |
OldCoder |
Ti happens |
01:44 |
OldCoder |
:-) |
01:45 |
kaeza |
lol |
01:45 |
kaeza |
(23:28:35) STHGOM [~STHGOM 71-13-157-143.static.ftbg.wi.charter.com] ha entrado en la sala. |
01:45 |
kaeza |
(23:28:44) STHGOM ha salido de la sala (quit: Client Quit). |
01:46 |
kaeza |
OldCoder: ^ |
01:46 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
01:47 |
kaeza |
hmmm... |
01:47 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
01:47 |
kaeza |
is that you OC? |
01:48 |
OldCoder |
Yes |
01:48 |
OldCoder |
01:49 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: care to test the IRC mod to see if it does work for you? |
01:50 |
VanessaE |
no :-) |
01:50 |
VanessaE |
I *just* updated to latest git (and turned shaders off :( _ |
01:51 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, that will be a nice mod |
01:51 |
ruskie joined #minetest |
01:51 |
kaeza |
but I don't know why it works for me but not for others |
01:52 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
01:52 |
kaeza |
hey Kacey |
01:52 |
Kacey |
stupid windows... |
01:52 |
kaeza |
yeah :) |
01:52 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: shaders works fine for me - except that light-emitting objects look dim |
01:52 |
Kacey |
sorry i didnt get on today or last night |
01:52 |
VanessaE |
s;ok |
01:52 |
NakedFury |
are the shaders option ingame? |
01:53 |
VanessaE |
in the menu, not in-game |
01:54 |
Kacey |
we need to make an in-game menu |
01:54 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: I'm talking about the irc mod. not about shaders |
01:54 |
NakedFury |
ingame playing menu |
01:54 |
NakedFury |
but yeah vanessa I meant that menu |
01:54 |
VanessaE |
[12-01 20:53] <NakedFury> are the shaders option ingame? |
01:54 |
VanessaE |
[12-01 20:54] <VanessaE> in the menu, not in-game |
01:54 |
VanessaE |
OH |
01:54 |
VanessaE |
gitchya |
01:54 |
VanessaE |
gotchya. |
01:55 |
Kacey |
i like gitchya better |
01:55 |
NakedFury |
would it take an experienced coder to apply all config stuff to the options menu?? |
01:55 |
kaeza |
git: 'chya' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. |
01:55 |
VanessaE |
lol |
01:55 |
Kacey |
lolz |
01:56 |
* Kacey |
slaps nyan-cat with a rainbow trout |
01:57 |
leo_rockway |
shaders? o.o |
01:57 |
kaeza |
hey leo |
01:57 |
leo_rockway |
hello |
01:58 |
leo_rockway |
I built the shaders_v4 branch the other day |
01:58 |
* Kacey |
slaps leo_rockway with a rainbow trout |
01:58 |
leo_rockway |
everything looked bluish |
01:58 |
kaeza |
shaders are now in master |
01:58 |
leo_rockway |
\o/ |
01:58 |
Kacey |
shaders? what are shaders? |
01:58 |
kaeza |
and they work ok |
01:58 |
leo_rockway |
Kacey: it's a duel! |
01:58 |
leo_rockway |
I'm building now |
01:58 |
leo_rockway |
I'll test in about... 2 minutes |
01:59 |
* Kacey |
slaps leo_rockway with a big red brick |
01:59 |
kaeza |
Kacey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shader |
02:00 |
leo_rockway |
I was watching a video of Terasology the other day |
02:00 |
leo_rockway |
and my mom saw it |
02:00 |
leo_rockway |
she thought it was beautiful |
02:00 |
Kacey |
stupid windows... |
02:00 |
kaeza |
true ^ |
02:01 |
Kacey |
internet explorer is not working. search for the solution onlie. |
02:01 |
kaeza |
use Linux :) |
02:01 |
Kacey |
-_- |
02:01 |
kaeza |
YOU USE IE???? |
02:01 |
leo_rockway |
I use Windows at work v.v |
02:01 |
kaeza |
02:01 |
Kacey |
not anymore |
02:01 |
NakedFury |
for gods sake use firefox or chrome man |
02:01 |
leo_rockway |
> using Windows |
02:01 |
NakedFury |
madness |
02:01 |
leo_rockway |
eh... |
02:01 |
leo_rockway |
> using IE |
02:01 |
leo_rockway |
02:01 |
Kacey |
i use chrome but it decided not to work so i went to ie |
02:01 |
kaeza |
the only thing IE is good for is for downloading Chrome |
02:02 |
Kacey |
which crashed and now i have no good browser for a while |
02:02 |
VanessaE |
leo_rockway: please pull from git for plantlife, see if your bug is fixed :-) |
02:02 |
leo_rockway |
I have Firefox 20... I hate their versionitis. |
02:02 |
leo_rockway |
VanessaE: okay! =] |
02:03 |
kaeza |
Firefox 20 is versionitis? how about nVidia driver 67.xx? |
02:03 |
Kacey |
i cannot click anything on sfan5's website... |
02:03 |
VanessaE |
20?? I'm still on 17! |
02:03 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: >.< |
02:03 |
leo_rockway |
VanessaE: nightly. |
02:03 |
leo_rockway |
18 is beta, 19 is aurora, 20 is nightly |
02:03 |
kaeza |
Kacey: you have to compile |
02:04 |
VanessaE |
ah. you got brass ones for using a firefox nightly ;) |
02:04 |
Kacey |
O.o |
02:04 |
leo_rockway |
I barely have problems, VanessaE |
02:04 |
leo_rockway |
whenever I have issues, they get fixed overnight. |
02:04 |
VanessaE |
cool |
02:04 |
leo_rockway |
I did have addons compatibility issues |
02:04 |
Kacey |
it is precompiled i just need to CLICK the frewaking LINK |
02:04 |
kaeza |
I don't thing sfan5 has it built yet |
02:04 |
VanessaE |
I know I know, say I after just updating to latest bleeding edge minetest :D |
02:04 |
kaeza |
umm.... frewaking? you're waking up a fre? |
02:05 |
leo_rockway |
I want preloading, right? |
02:05 |
VanessaE |
yes. |
02:05 |
Kacey |
lol w button is being wwierd |
02:05 |
VanessaE |
otherwise creative inventory will be all black between pages. |
02:06 |
Kacey |
sewe iwt HAWTES me!!!!! |
02:06 |
leo_rockway |
VanessaE: no errors on plantlife. |
02:06 |
kaeza |
lolw |
02:06 |
Kacey |
WALRUS!!!!!!! |
02:06 |
leo_rockway |
I don't notice any difference with the shaders. |
02:06 |
VanessaE |
leo_rockway: excellent. Are you using it with nature_pack by chance? |
02:07 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: <thexyz> shaders are now in master, nice, before: http://i.imgur.com/GzThO.png, after: http://i.imgur.com/CBqtf.png |
02:07 |
VanessaE |
leo_rockway: look at the tops of the blocks vs. sides. shaders = brighter tops. Look at light-emitting objects like super glow glass. it looks dim now :-/ |
02:07 |
leo_rockway |
VanessaE: yes, controlled. Without irontrees: bushes/ nature/ vines/ |
02:07 |
VanessaE |
leo_rockway: yeah, that's why. I forgot to assume seed = 0 if the calling mod doesn't supply it. |
02:07 |
VanessaE |
instead it was getting a default of nil. |
02:08 |
leo_rockway |
VanessaE: should I use it with other mods instead? |
02:08 |
VanessaE |
naw, it's fine now. |
02:08 |
VanessaE |
that was a bug on my part. |
02:08 |
kaeza |
Kacey: see README.txt, and no more PMs please |
02:09 |
Kacey |
like what files must i move again? |
02:09 |
kaeza |
move? |
02:10 |
Kacey |
like from irrlicht to mingw and etc |
02:10 |
kaeza |
lib/Win32-gcc/libirrlicht.a |
02:10 |
kaeza |
to C:\MinGW\lib |
02:11 |
kaeza |
and include/* to C:\MinGW\include |
02:11 |
Kacey |
everything in the include folder? |
02:11 |
kaeza |
yes |
02:11 |
Kacey |
k |
02:11 |
kaeza |
'*' means everything... remember? |
02:12 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: thanks. I notice the difference now. |
02:12 |
Kacey |
ooh ok |
02:12 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: np |
02:12 |
Kacey |
what about the PATH? |
02:13 |
kaeza |
Right click "My Computer" |
02:13 |
kaeza |
Properties |
02:13 |
Doc22_ joined #minetest |
02:13 |
kaeza |
Advanced Tab->Environment Variables |
02:13 |
Doc22_ |
Kacey are you still interested in machines lol |
02:13 |
Kacey |
let me compile first |
02:13 |
Doc22_ |
o |
02:13 |
Doc22_ |
ok |
02:13 |
Doc22_ |
arrgh |
02:13 |
kaeza |
append ";C:\MinGW" (without quotes) to PATH |
02:14 |
Doc22_ |
trigger happy pinky |
02:14 |
Kacey |
but yes i am interested |
02:14 |
Doc22_ |
ok |
02:14 |
Kacey |
dont have PATH |
02:14 |
Kacey |
hmmm |
02:14 |
kaeza |
... |
02:14 |
Kacey |
ok done |
02:14 |
leo_rockway |
there's stone monster exactly on my bed >.< |
02:15 |
Kacey |
made a PATH variable |
02:15 |
* sokomine |
places a sand block on the stone monster's head |
02:15 |
leo_rockway |
also, I see that water doesn't reach all the way up. |
02:15 |
leo_rockway |
that looks good |
02:15 |
VanessaE |
yes |
02:15 |
VanessaE |
but there's a side effect with it: |
02:15 |
Kacey |
stone monster? |
02:16 |
leo_rockway |
Kacey: simple mobs |
02:16 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: except for this https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1495591034.jpg |
02:16 |
VanessaE |
an object placed on water does not touch it anymore :( |
02:16 |
kaeza |
small problem |
02:16 |
leo_rockway |
VanessaE: yeah, that doesn't look good :S |
02:16 |
VanessaE |
such as flowers:waterlilies and flowers:seaweed. |
02:16 |
leo_rockway |
so they hover? |
02:17 |
leo_rockway |
I thought shaders would make MT look like Terasology o.o |
02:18 |
leo_rockway |
yeah, I see a waterlily now... |
02:18 |
VanessaE |
yes |
02:18 |
VanessaE |
they always did, but they do it worse now |
02:18 |
NakedFury |
leo that could happen later, first lets have shaders |
02:18 |
kaeza |
I like the shaders, but I like how the water looked the old way. can it be fixed to mix both things? |
02:18 |
VanessaE |
signlike/raillike always hover away from the cube face they are placed on, this just makes the effect worse on water. |
02:19 |
Doc22_ |
kacey so you ready? |
02:19 |
Kacey |
not yet... |
02:19 |
kaeza |
BTW is this stone monster real? |
02:20 |
VanessaE |
that's probably pilzadam's simple mobs mod. |
02:20 |
leo_rockway |
yes, simple mob |
02:20 |
kaeza |
hmm... didn't work for me on 0.4.3 |
02:20 |
kaeza |
I guess I'll try it again |
02:20 |
leo_rockway |
it has the problem that they sometimes stop responding |
02:20 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
02:20 |
kaeza |
now on 0.4.4 |
02:20 |
leo_rockway |
and they can hit you, even behind doors |
02:20 |
kaeza |
who is this STHGOM? |
02:21 |
leo_rockway |
and damage calculation is not that great in MT |
02:21 |
leo_rockway |
and when you hit the mob, it doesn't get pushed back |
02:21 |
Kacey |
ok small problem while compiling... |
02:21 |
leo_rockway |
so they keep hitting you and hitting you |
02:21 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: that also happens in MOBF |
02:21 |
leo_rockway |
yup |
02:21 |
kaeza |
I fixed it somehow |
02:21 |
leo_rockway |
oh? |
02:22 |
kaeza |
but kept doing a constant damage regardless of weapon |
02:22 |
kaeza |
5HP per hit |
02:22 |
kaeza |
it can be fixed though |
02:22 |
kaeza |
but i'm a bit lazy |
02:22 |
Kacey |
same error... |
02:22 |
sparky the happy girrafe |
02:22 |
:) |
02:23 |
kaeza |
Kacey: if it's not too long paste here. else use a pastebin |
02:23 |
Kacey |
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. |
02:23 |
Kacey |
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: |
02:23 |
Kacey |
02:23 |
Kacey |
used as include directory in directory G:/minetest/minetest/minetest-master/src |
02:23 |
Kacey |
used as include directory in directory G:/minetest/minetest/minetest-master/src |
02:23 |
Kacey |
used as include directory in directory G:/minetest/minetest/minetest-master/src/jthread |
02:23 |
Kacey |
used as include directory in directory G:/minetest/minetest/minetest-master/src/sqlite |
02:23 |
Kacey |
used as include directory in directory G:/minetest/minetest/minetest-master/src/lua/src |
02:23 |
Kacey |
02:23 |
Kacey |
linked by target "minetest" in directory G:/minetest/minetest/minetest-master/src |
02:23 |
kaeza |
nononononono |
02:23 |
kaeza |
02:23 |
kaeza |
hmmm... |
02:23 |
Kacey |
only 10 lines |
02:23 |
Muadtralk joined #minetest |
02:23 |
kaeza |
hey Muadtralk |
02:23 |
VanessaE |
hi Muadtralk |
02:24 |
leo_rockway |
more than 3 is flood in IRC |
02:24 |
kaeza |
this^ |
02:24 |
Kacey |
hello Maudtralk |
02:24 |
Kacey |
i posted over 20 at one point... |
02:24 |
kaeza |
you sure are looking for a /kick |
02:24 |
Kacey |
close window.. reopen |
02:25 |
my minetest name is sparky |
02:26 |
kaeza |
Kacey: it looks like CMake can't find your Irrlicht |
02:26 |
kaeza |
use the GUI to point those vars to the correct dirs |
02:27 |
Kacey |
ooh ok |
02:27 |
kaeza |
IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR should be something like C:\MinGW\include |
02:27 |
Kacey |
... |
02:27 |
kaeza |
and IRRLICHT_LIBRARY should be something like C:\MinGW\lib\libirrlicht.a |
02:27 |
Kacey |
i got it anyway |
02:29 |
kaeza |
oh and remember to put bin/irrlicht.dll into either C:\MinGW\bin or the same dir as minetest.exe |
02:29 |
Kacey |
nvm just a bunch of CMake files... |
02:29 |
kaeza |
? |
02:29 |
Kacey |
no minetest but CMake files |
02:30 |
kaeza |
the bin/ dir on your minetest-mastr dir |
02:30 |
kaeza |
master* |
02:30 |
Kacey |
? |
02:30 |
kaeza |
that's where minetest.exe will go |
02:30 |
kaeza |
put irrlicht.dll there |
02:32 |
Kacey |
uugh it was just working a minute ago |
02:32 |
Kacey |
ok how do i do it in the command line |
02:32 |
Kacey |
OldCoder ^ |
02:33 |
OldCoder |
Kacey, Hi! |
02:33 |
Kacey |
how do i compile using command line? |
02:33 |
OldCoder |
Kacey, kaeza I only build MT under Linux; even for Windows |
02:34 |
OldCoder |
Kacey, I have scripts for this and I'll share them |
02:34 |
Kacey |
ok |
02:34 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
02:34 |
OldCoder |
I'm close to my next release |
02:34 |
OldCoder |
Finishing a project this weekend |
02:34 |
OldCoder |
Been preoccupied with that |
02:34 |
kaeza |
OldCoder: I can't get my mingw32 package to work. else I'd do it too |
02:34 |
OldCoder |
But we'll see soon |
02:34 |
Kacey |
just run them and it will work right? |
02:34 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, I can help with that I think |
02:34 |
OldCoder |
Kacey, No |
02:34 |
OldCoder |
You need a script |
02:34 |
OldCoder |
And to set things up. I'll show you. |
02:35 |
Kacey |
but run the script and it will work right? |
02:35 |
OldCoder |
Probably |
02:35 |
OldCoder |
Mostly you need a good copy of mingw |
02:35 |
Kacey |
-_- |
02:35 |
OldCoder |
o_____________o |
02:35 |
Kacey |
i have a good copy |
02:35 |
OldCoder |
x_________________________________________________-x |
02:35 |
OldCoder |
then you are all set maybe |
02:35 |
OldCoder |
I will try to help |
02:35 |
OldCoder |
But I need more time |
02:35 |
kaeza |
OldCoder: I have made a toolchain file to compile MT with it |
02:35 |
OldCoder |
Time is the simplest thing |
02:35 |
Kacey |
ok |
02:36 |
kaeza |
but doesn't seem to work |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, I have my trees |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
They are the bee's knees |
02:36 |
Kacey |
HA idea |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
Give me a chance to make them work |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
Until then I'll lurk |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
right here |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
Never fear |
02:36 |
kaeza |
k |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
We will see if we can compile MT |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
the best |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
3D game |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
There is no shame |
02:36 |
kaeza |
this^ |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
In building MT |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
You will see |
02:36 |
OldCoder |
02:37 |
kaeza |
... |
02:37 |
kaeza |
... |
02:37 |
kaeza |
Thinking [20% |
02:37 |
kaeza |
] |
02:37 |
Kacey |
what is command to make |
02:37 |
kaeza |
"make" |
02:37 |
kaeza |
:) |
02:37 |
Kacey |
for mingw |
02:37 |
jordan4ibanez |
it finally works |
02:37 |
Kacey |
tried that |
02:37 |
kaeza |
mingw32-make |
02:38 |
Kacey |
tryed that also |
02:38 |
kaeza |
or else get MSYS |
02:38 |
Kacey |
have that |
02:38 |
kaeza |
then you didn't set up your PATH correctly |
02:38 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: ? |
02:39 |
jordan4ibanez |
My quarry mod |
02:39 |
Kacey |
i set PATH to C:\MinGW |
02:39 |
kaeza |
oh crap my bad |
02:39 |
kaeza |
it should be C:\MinGW\bin |
02:39 |
Kacey |
uugh |
02:40 |
kaeza |
sowwy |
02:40 |
Kacey |
still not working |
02:40 |
kaeza |
hmmm... |
02:40 |
kaeza |
where did you install MSYS? |
02:41 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: link? |
02:41 |
Kacey |
C:\MinGW\msys\ |
02:41 |
kaeza |
Kacey: then also add ";C:\MinGW\msys\bin" to PATH |
02:41 |
jordan4ibanez |
it's not complete yet, just the mechanics |
02:42 |
kaeza |
I think it may be \msys\<version>\bin |
02:42 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: k |
02:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
k for kaeza? |
02:42 |
kaeza |
yup :) |
02:43 |
kaeza |
... |
02:43 |
Kacey |
i found a ms-dos file |
02:44 |
kaeza |
Usage: [O]k: -- tells a person something is good. Parameters: O just to feel a little smarter (optional, default: nil) |
02:45 |
kaeza |
Kacey: ? |
02:45 |
Kacey |
i found a batch file |
02:45 |
kaeza |
... |
02:45 |
kaeza |
where? |
02:46 |
Kacey |
C:\MinGW\msys\1.0 |
02:46 |
kaeza |
add C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin to path |
02:46 |
Kacey |
ooh ok |
02:47 |
kaeza |
ermm... PATH |
02:47 |
Kacey |
ok now... |
02:47 |
kaeza |
works? |
02:48 |
Kacey |
no makefile found |
02:48 |
kaeza |
at least it can find make |
02:49 |
Kacey |
ya |
02:49 |
kaeza |
you have Visual Studio installed? |
02:49 |
Kacey |
? |
02:49 |
kaeza |
just asking |
02:49 |
Kacey |
y |
02:49 |
kaeza |
because CMake will use it by default on Windows |
02:49 |
Kacey |
im not using CMake |
02:49 |
kaeza |
-.- |
02:49 |
Kacey |
im using command prompt |
02:50 |
* kaeza |
facepalms |
02:50 |
kaeza |
cmake is also a command line program |
02:51 |
kaeza |
Welcome to CMake, the cross-platform, open-source build system. CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. |
02:52 |
Kacey |
? |
02:52 |
kaeza |
from http://cmake.org |
02:52 |
Kacey |
and... |
02:52 |
Kacey |
well i am cheating and usin that batch file i found |
02:53 |
kaeza |
you need CMake to build Minetest, remember? |
02:53 |
Kacey |
now it says no rule to make target |
02:53 |
kaeza |
post complete LINE |
02:53 |
kaeza |
no target <...> |
02:54 |
kaeza |
and what are you using that batch file for? |
02:54 |
Kacey |
make: *** No rule to make target 'rules'. Stop. |
02:54 |
Kacey |
to "make" |
02:55 |
kaeza |
are you sure you CD'd to the root minetest dir? |
02:55 |
Kacey |
i am using the batch file |
02:55 |
Kacey |
check it out |
02:55 |
kaeza |
... |
02:55 |
kaeza |
nonononono |
02:56 |
kaeza |
don't post it here |
02:56 |
Kacey |
C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat |
02:56 |
kaeza |
oh |
02:56 |
kaeza |
but what does that have to do with this? |
02:56 |
Kacey |
ya look at it for yourself |
02:56 |
Kacey |
that is what i am using |
02:56 |
kaeza |
not on windows, remember? |
02:56 |
Kacey |
i opened it by clicking on it |
02:57 |
Kacey |
ooh ya |
02:57 |
Kacey |
lucky |
02:57 |
kaeza |
? |
02:57 |
Kacey |
you are not on windows |
02:58 |
Kacey |
Doc22 are you alive? |
02:58 |
kaeza |
I'm not lucky |
02:58 |
Kacey |
ya you are |
02:58 |
kaeza |
you can get Linux too |
02:58 |
Kacey |
no i cant |
02:58 |
kaeza |
why? |
02:58 |
Kacey |
grandparents wont allow |
02:58 |
leo_rockway |
VM |
02:58 |
kaeza |
download VirtualBox |
02:58 |
Kacey |
wont boot properly |
02:59 |
Kacey |
i have a VM but it wont boot right |
02:59 |
kaeza |
why? |
02:59 |
kaeza |
what distro? |
02:59 |
Kacey |
xubuntu |
02:59 |
leo_rockway |
weird |
02:59 |
Kacey |
but it wont set up again |
03:00 |
kaeza |
try http://puppylinux.org |
03:00 |
Kacey |
no i like xubuntu |
03:01 |
kaeza |
... |
03:01 |
OldCoder |
Umm |
03:01 |
* OldCoder |
scrolls up |
03:01 |
Kacey |
lol |
03:01 |
OldCoder |
I really recommend doing this under Linux |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
I swear I'd try to help tonight but I'm nearly done with a real project |
03:02 |
VanessaE |
Taoki|away: you here? |
03:02 |
kaeza |
Kacey: just try it |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
I already spent time today fixing corruption |
03:02 |
kaeza |
if you don't like it ditch it |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, I added a workaround for the playerargsend crash |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
<kaeza> you can get Linux too |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
<Kacey> no i cant |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
<kaeza> why? |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
<Kacey> grandparents wont allow |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
Geenz |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
Geez |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
Tell them it isn't Communist or whatever |
03:02 |
OldCoder |
:p |
03:03 |
kaeza |
OldCoder: I'm currently running Ubuntu 12.04 |
03:03 |
OldCoder |
Good |
03:03 |
VanessaE |
get your own computer? :) |
03:03 |
kaeza |
this^ |
03:03 |
OldCoder |
Though Mint > Ubuntu |
03:03 |
Kacey |
crashed under windows did my laptop lol |
03:03 |
kaeza |
PuppyLinux > everything :) |
03:03 |
OldCoder |
Get Mint and Mate that is best Fate |
03:03 |
OldCoder |
Ah |
03:03 |
OldCoder |
But MY distro > All |
03:03 |
OldCoder |
:D |
03:03 |
Kacey |
ha it is booting |
03:03 |
leo_rockway |
OldCoder: your distro! \o/ |
03:03 |
* OldCoder |
sighs |
03:04 |
VanessaE |
fuck mint - get Xubuntu :) |
03:04 |
OldCoder |
IF I can ever release it |
03:04 |
kaeza |
03:04 |
VanessaE |
XFCE Is Your Friend â„¢ |
03:04 |
OldCoder |
Openbox is good too |
03:04 |
Kacey |
xubuntu YA!!!!! |
03:04 |
leo_rockway |
OldCoder: beginners want shiny |
03:04 |
Kacey |
fatal error again |
03:04 |
OldCoder |
Openbox can be very shiny |
03:04 |
OldCoder |
It just doesn't have dancing icons 'n' stuff |
03:05 |
Kacey |
freaking vm wont WORK!!!! |
03:05 |
kaeza |
I used to use JWM, but then the OpenBox nation attacked |
03:06 |
kaeza |
oh and BTW Kacey, OldCoder: http://www.funnyscreenshots.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/bluescreen-fail.jpg |
03:06 |
Kacey |
found the error |
03:07 |
Kacey |
too much memory allocated to the vm |
03:08 |
Kacey |
nvm |
03:08 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: priceless |
03:08 |
Kacey |
let me check the log |
03:09 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: everyday i'm BSOD'ing |
03:09 |
OldCoder |
R |
03:09 |
kaeza |
:) |
03:09 |
OldCoder |
Oh |
03:09 |
OldCoder |
That still happens |
03:10 |
Kacey |
blue screen did an illegal thing? it IS illegal |
03:10 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=54602#p54602 |
03:10 |
kaeza |
the illegal thing is that Microsoft charges you $300 to stare at a blue screen |
03:11 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: nice! |
03:11 |
jordan4ibanez |
Yes yes |
03:15 |
Kacey |
maybe it is my iso |
03:15 |
kaeza |
Kacey: what's the error? |
03:15 |
Kacey |
cannot find it... |
03:16 |
kaeza |
how much mem do you have PHYSICALLY? |
03:16 |
Kacey |
how do i check... |
03:16 |
kaeza |
Right click on My Computer->Properties |
03:17 |
Kacey |
512mb of RAM |
03:17 |
Kacey |
i have more than that in my BRAIN!!!!!!! |
03:17 |
kaeza |
XP needs at least 256MB of it |
03:17 |
kaeza |
anyway XP is a mem hog |
03:18 |
Kacey |
ya |
03:18 |
kaeza |
try PuppyLinux! it can run with 64MB |
03:18 |
Kacey |
lets try it now... |
03:18 |
Kacey |
ubuntu |
03:19 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: how's xubuntu speaking of memory use? |
03:19 |
Kacey |
VanessaE do you use xubuntu? |
03:20 |
bye |
03:21 |
Kacey |
bye |
03:21 |
kaeza |
slow |
03:21 |
kaeza |
:) |
03:21 |
jordan4ibanez |
xubuntu uses 256 mb min |
03:21 |
jordan4ibanez |
use archbang |
03:21 |
kaeza |
or Puppy :) |
03:21 |
Kacey |
ha it booted |
03:21 |
jordan4ibanez |
or if you are new to linux, crunchbang, it uses 25m |
03:21 |
VanessaE |
Kacey: yes I do |
03:21 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: seems pretty lightweight to me |
03:21 |
kaeza |
for a 512MB machine? |
03:22 |
VanessaE |
dunno, my machine has 4GB |
03:22 |
leo_rockway |
I had LAMP on a computer with 64MB of RAM, Pentium 233mhz. |
03:22 |
VanessaE |
but ti should be fine for that much too |
03:22 |
leo_rockway |
it served my blog |
03:22 |
jordan4ibanez |
is it possible to use multiple skins on a server yet? |
03:22 |
jordan4ibanez |
I'm not making the tf2 mod until it is lol |
03:22 |
VanessaE |
jordan4ibanez: since forever. use Muadtralk's player_textures mod. |
03:22 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: yes |
03:22 |
Kacey |
my brain has 8gb at least of RAM |
03:22 |
jordan4ibanez |
with 3d player? |
03:23 |
kaeza |
Kacey: of which 7.9 Gigs seem to be broken |
03:23 |
Kacey |
lol |
03:23 |
Kacey |
no half of it is inaccessable |
03:23 |
VanessaE |
jordan4ibanez: yeah. I have that on my server |
03:23 |
VanessaE |
seems to work fine for everyone. |
03:23 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: a tf2 mod? |
03:23 |
kaeza |
cool |
03:24 |
Kacey |
tf2? |
03:24 |
VanessaE |
team fortress |
03:24 |
kaeza |
Team Fortress 2 |
03:24 |
Kacey |
ooh ok |
03:25 |
kaeza |
Kacey: though with 512 MB you will only play TFC |
03:25 |
Kacey |
03:25 |
VanessaE |
Kacey: what did? |
03:25 |
Kacey |
my VM |
03:25 |
Kacey |
but i must get off |
03:26 |
Kacey |
bbl k? |
03:26 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: He wants to boot xubuntu under win xp |
03:26 |
VanessaE |
oh. using a VM? |
03:26 |
VanessaE |
gotchya |
03:27 |
kaeza |
<Kacey> Quit: Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs. <-- LOL |
03:32 |
jordan4ibanez |
Ever since 5:04pm my browser stopped tracking history lol |
03:34 |
NakedFury |
entered incognito mode? |
03:36 |
VanessaE |
ain't it the truth. |
03:37 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: I like that jetpack thing |
03:37 |
jordan4ibanez |
me too |
03:40 |
mt_game joined #minetest |
03:42 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> jordan4ibanez: how do you get the jetpack? :) |
03:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
you make it like a boat |
03:43 |
Muadtralk |
an air boat? |
03:43 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> k |
03:43 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> oh and nice inv image BTW |
03:44 |
jordan4ibanez |
<not_singleplayer> ikr |
03:44 |
jordan4ibanez |
OH |
03:44 |
jordan4ibanez |
OH |
03:44 |
jordan4ibanez |
you're in the minetest irc right |
03:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
the in game ird |
03:45 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> yup |
03:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
irc* |
03:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
That thing needs to catonize only the last part of the sentence and it would be perfect, to remove the <singelplayer> poop |
03:45 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> umm... it tends to go underwater |
03:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
It's not really a boat broskimctoasty |
03:47 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> YAY! the boat is flying!! nice physiz engine |
03:47 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> physix |
03:47 |
jordan4ibanez |
Physics* |
03:47 |
jordan4ibanez |
03:47 |
NakedFury |
what is <singleplayer>? |
03:47 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> really nice though |
03:48 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> like a free_mode withing noclip |
03:48 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> without* |
03:48 |
jordan4ibanez |
The minetest irc is directly translating what the server is saying |
03:48 |
jordan4ibanez |
it needs to remove the <asdsddas> |
03:49 |
kaeza |
NakedFury: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3905 |
03:50 |
NakedFury |
if you play online will it say <multiplayer> or <servers name here>? |
03:51 |
kaeza |
that is configurabl |
03:51 |
kaeza |
e |
03:51 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: actually, |
03:51 |
VanessaE |
do this instead: |
03:52 |
jordan4ibanez |
Kaeza it's really nice bro |
03:52 |
VanessaE |
well, make the IRC nick == "mt_game"..player_name..count |
03:52 |
VanessaE |
(count = number of people on IRC with the desired name) |
03:52 |
jordan4ibanez |
Hey that's actually a good idea |
03:52 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: thanks, I know :P |
03:52 |
VanessaE |
then when someone chats, we would see: <mt_game_VanessaEzekowitz> Hi All! |
03:52 |
VanessaE |
makes it easier to tab-complete |
03:52 |
kaeza |
but wouldn't that require multiple connections? |
03:53 |
VanessaE |
hrm. |
03:53 |
VanessaE |
good point. To an IRC server it would look like a bunch of clones. |
03:54 |
VanessaE |
you need to at the very least allow for multiple mt_game instances, so that in future let's say I have it, redcrab, you, half a dozen others |
03:54 |
VanessaE |
we'd all still be able to get on here via your mod. |
03:55 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
03:55 |
VanessaE |
maybe just mt_game_12.34.56.78 |
03:55 |
kaeza |
yes |
03:55 |
kaeza |
I get your point |
03:56 |
kaeza |
what's the api function to get the current host? |
03:56 |
VanessaE |
dunno |
03:56 |
kaeza |
from MT that is |
03:57 |
kaeza |
I guess socket.gethostname() (from luasocket) should suffice |
03:58 |
kaeza |
It didn't work for OC |
03:58 |
jordan4ibanez |
With that couldn't you have people connect to other servers through yours? |
03:58 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: there's a SERVER variable for that |
03:58 |
jordan4ibanez |
:O:O:O:O |
03:59 |
kaeza |
you can connect to ANY IRC network |
03:59 |
Octupus joined #minetest |
03:59 |
kaeza |
hola Pulpo |
03:59 |
jordan4ibanez |
Oh, no i meant to other servers like teleports and poop |
03:59 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
03:59 |
Octupus |
Hi |
04:00 |
jordan4ibanez |
Hi squid |
04:00 |
Octupus |
Lol |
04:01 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: what do you mean connect to other servers? |
04:02 |
kaeza |
like "teleport" to other servers? |
04:02 |
jordan4ibanez |
Basically, d/c then r/c to another server |
04:02 |
kaeza |
not quite yet |
04:03 |
kaeza |
I'm trying to get it working correctly first :) |
04:03 |
kaeza |
care to test it? |
04:03 |
jordan4ibanez |
Test what exactly? |
04:03 |
kaeza |
If you can connect |
04:03 |
kaeza |
OC couldn't |
04:03 |
kaeza |
and KikaRz neither |
04:04 |
jordan4ibanez |
Sure |
04:04 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8KzZpX0evc&feature=youtu.be Why |
04:04 |
jordan4ibanez |
Just |
04:04 |
jordan4ibanez |
Why |
04:04 |
kaeza |
04:04 |
kaeza |
YYYYY????? |
04:05 |
kaeza |
oh heck "This video is currently unavailable" |
04:06 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: https://github.com/kaeza/minetest-irc if you would |
04:08 |
jordan4ibanez |
Hang on, working on guns_n_poop |
04:10 |
kaeza |
If there would be a callback for F12 I could also add screenshot sharing |
04:11 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: first get your IRC-related code patched into MT :-) |
04:12 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
04:12 |
kaeza |
good |
04:12 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: btw, go on my server. look at the inventory :) |
04:12 |
kaeza |
if only I could understand the mess the C++ code is :) |
04:13 |
kaeza |
k |
04:13 |
kaeza |
going in |
04:13 |
kaeza |
erm... |
04:13 |
kaeza |
Internet Protocol Address plz |
04:14 |
Octupus joined #minetest |
04:14 |
kaeza |
I'm writing it down this time |
04:14 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: ^ |
04:20 |
kaeza |
:( |
04:21 |
VanessaE |
ok |
04:22 |
VanessaE | port 30000 |
04:22 |
VanessaE |
yes, use that pencil and paper thing sitting on your desk. I seem to recall they |
04:22 |
VanessaE |
they're designed for that purpose ;-) |
04:27 |
kaeza |
I can't find the pencil until I get rid of the garbage I have sitting on top of my desk |
04:27 |
kaeza |
:) |
04:28 |
VanessaE |
lol |
04:30 |
* kaeza |
is secretly doing a marketing campaing for VanessaE's server |
04:30 |
VanessaE |
heh |
04:30 |
VanessaE |
careful, mine is bleeding edge, so some stuff may break from time to time :-) |
04:30 |
kaeza |
k |
04:32 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: I want that inventory! |
04:32 |
VanessaE |
:D |
04:32 |
kaeza |
It's awesomesauce(tm) |
04:32 |
VanessaE |
that's RBA's Unified Inventory mod. the C++ code it needed has been pushed to git master about 10 hours ago today |
04:33 |
VanessaE |
so now I run it on my server :-) |
04:33 |
kaeza |
cool |
04:33 |
kaeza |
and the search works |
04:34 |
kaeza |
don't need to browse through 1923 pages again! |
04:34 |
VanessaE |
yes! |
04:34 |
kaeza |
I just searched for "wood" and it shows all wooden stuff |
04:34 |
kaeza |
cool |
04:35 |
VanessaE |
yup, or at least everything where the mod writer was smart enough to say it's made of wood :-) |
04:36 |
kaeza |
I'm gonna DL this mod |
04:37 |
kaeza |
BTW how's plantlife working? |
04:37 |
VanessaE |
weems to be okay except for one minor bug |
04:37 |
VanessaE |
(jungle grass keeps turning into dry shrubs even on grass, unless those are leftovers from a previous version. |
04:38 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
04:38 |
kaeza |
that's not too bad |
04:39 |
kaeza |
I see you added technic too |
04:39 |
VanessaE |
yep, had that for a while |
04:40 |
RealBadAngel |
tip: searching by modname also works |
04:40 |
kaeza |
hey RBA |
04:40 |
RealBadAngel |
hi |
04:41 |
kaeza |
well... since the item name includes the mod name I already guessed that was possible |
04:41 |
kaeza |
but thanks for the tip |
04:41 |
RealBadAngel |
not really |
04:42 |
RealBadAngel |
it does actually two searches |
04:42 |
RealBadAngel |
by description and by ingame item name |
04:42 |
kaeza |
oohhh |
04:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
RBA what happened to the tecnhic of tekkitnich |
04:43 |
RealBadAngel |
so you can search "technic" to get all the mods items |
04:43 |
kaeza |
so in my example even if the mod dev didn't include "wood" in the name but did so on desc the item will be found |
04:43 |
RealBadAngel |
will be back on the own page |
04:43 |
RealBadAngel |
anyway is still on git |
04:44 |
RealBadAngel |
kaeza: yes |
04:44 |
kaeza |
cool |
04:44 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez: tecnhic? |
04:44 |
jordan4ibanez |
teackhznitch |
04:44 |
RealBadAngel |
lol |
04:47 |
kaeza |
http://cheezburger.com/6822771968 |
04:47 |
kaeza |
^ |
04:47 |
kaeza |
FTW! |
04:48 |
kaeza |
just like 2012-12-12 12:12, it won't be seen till next millenium |
04:51 |
jordan4ibanez |
I can't remember how to give an entity a drawtype |
04:51 |
jordan4ibanez |
04:52 |
RealBadAngel |
sclerosis multipleksis |
04:53 |
RealBadAngel |
stop eating so much fats |
04:53 |
RealBadAngel |
:) |
04:54 |
kaeza |
And then... BSOD: http://cheezburger.com/6823233280 |
04:55 |
RealBadAngel |
if some1 would like to test it: |
04:55 |
RealBadAngel |
http://realbadangel.pl/technic_ambience.zip |
04:55 |
RealBadAngel |
my version of ambience mod |
04:55 |
kaeza |
ambience lagged the hell out of my pc |
04:55 |
RealBadAngel |
one time lag |
04:56 |
RealBadAngel |
once cached its ok |
04:56 |
kaeza |
I'll try it |
04:58 |
jordan4ibanez |
Makingthegunzisfunz |
04:58 |
kaeza |
hey! look at this: http://cheezburger.com/6818912512 |
04:58 |
kaeza |
cool |
05:02 |
VanessaE |
oh that'll fuck with your head |
05:05 |
kaeza |
:) |
05:15 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://freesound.org/people/junggle/sounds/29301/ |
05:15 |
jordan4ibanez |
lmfao |
05:16 |
jordan4ibanez |
Can we use it in minetest's menus celeron55 can we pweaaaaaaaaaase |
05:16 |
jordan4ibanez |
just kidding |
05:17 |
kaeza |
can't play it :( |
05:17 |
jordan4ibanez |
It's minecraft's menu button sound |
05:17 |
kaeza |
ok nvm |
05:18 |
kaeza |
though I would like someone to add UI sounds |
05:23 |
kaeza |
gawd I write badly in english, but this guy is trying to google-translate using borked spanish: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3930 |
05:26 |
jordan4ibanez |
klik here |
05:32 |
kaeza |
hey this faildesk.net site is awesome |
05:32 |
kaeza |
look at this: http://faildesk.net/2012/02/21/finally-a-true-purpose-for-internet-explorer/ |
05:37 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: that google translate fail was painful to read :S |
05:38 |
kaeza |
you too? |
05:38 |
leo_rockway |
particularly the bits that got untranslated because of bad Spanish |
05:39 |
kaeza |
I still can't guess what's he saying in the post |
05:39 |
leo_rockway |
I guess it's a minetest game? |
05:39 |
leo_rockway |
with things from the technic mod...?? |
05:39 |
kaeza |
there you see my bas englisch^^ |
05:39 |
kaeza |
bad* |
05:40 |
leo_rockway |
but your English is understandable |
05:40 |
leo_rockway |
it's not bad |
05:40 |
kaeza |
creo que serÃa mejor si lo posteara en la sección en Español |
05:40 |
leo_rockway |
sÃ, definitivamente |
05:41 |
VanessaE |
Error while reading /dev/minetest: parse error; language pack not found |
05:41 |
jordan4ibanez |
https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commit/566f7f638a00a698a25b73adc2e619fe63e1a802 I didn't crank that up, pilzadam did, mine was at 3.5 lol |
05:41 |
kaeza |
BTW thanks :) |
05:41 |
kaeza |
hmm... checking |
05:42 |
RealBadAngel |
its a modpack |
05:42 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: lol |
05:42 |
RealBadAngel |
i mean this spanish one |
05:43 |
RealBadAngel |
mixed with minetest game |
05:43 |
kaeza |
would it be better if I spoke japanese? |
05:43 |
RealBadAngel |
weirdo |
05:43 |
kaeza |
in* |
05:43 |
RealBadAngel |
hehe |
05:43 |
kaeza |
arigato |
05:43 |
kaeza |
or whatever |
05:43 |
RealBadAngel |
hai |
05:44 |
kaeza |
05:44 |
kaeza |
4.5? |
05:44 |
RealBadAngel |
mod packs shall not be mixed with minetest_game |
05:44 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: that's the 11th |
05:45 |
kaeza |
ummm... |
05:45 |
kaeza |
what was the word? |
05:45 |
kaeza |
commandment |
05:45 |
RealBadAngel |
theres other way to do modpacks |
05:45 |
RealBadAngel |
lol |
05:46 |
RealBadAngel |
put the mods inside one directory in /mods/minetest/your_modpack_name |
05:46 |
RealBadAngel |
and add there also a file: modpack.txt |
05:47 |
RealBadAngel |
it will indicate that it is the modpack and mods will be loaded from subdirectories |
05:47 |
kaeza |
I did that for V's grass mods before she released plantlife |
05:47 |
RealBadAngel |
theres also another valid reason for that |
05:48 |
RealBadAngel |
minetest and minetest game changes often |
05:48 |
kaeza |
what? |
05:48 |
kaeza |
yes |
05:48 |
kaeza |
true |
05:48 |
RealBadAngel |
this way you will overwrite default mods even user had them up to date |
05:48 |
kaeza |
that's why most packages on any linux distro have separate xxx-data packs |
05:49 |
jordan4ibanez |
Vanessae: Please make this my skin on your server http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/568249/dj-enderman/ |
05:49 |
RealBadAngel |
and your pack will become outdated and in fact broken in no time |
05:49 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
05:49 |
kaeza |
hey Calinou |
05:49 |
RealBadAngel |
hi calinou |
05:50 |
RealBadAngel |
Calinou, do you have latest git already? |
05:50 |
Calinou |
hi |
05:50 |
VanessaE |
jordan4ibanez: done. |
05:50 |
Calinou |
RealBadAngel: for minetest? of course :P |
05:50 |
jordan4ibanez |
AEAWJAAKASD what is your server vaneessa? |
05:50 |
RealBadAngel |
Calinou, then try this out: http://realbadangel.pl/UI.zip |
05:50 |
VanessaE | port 30000 |
05:51 |
RealBadAngel |
or connect to the server above |
05:51 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: great work on that one |
05:51 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: you will need minetest git less than ~12 hours old to use it (the code it needs is that recent) |
05:51 |
kaeza |
I've seen it in V's server |
05:52 |
VanessaE |
jordan4ibanez: seems to work. |
05:52 |
Calinou |
k |
05:52 |
Calinou |
wow, new lighting looks much better |
05:52 |
RealBadAngel |
check the inventory :) |
05:52 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: look at glow glass :( |
05:53 |
jordan4ibanez |
https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commit/fa76057e7f6811a8e7388a70d6fde7af61aa0bee It's about fucking time |
05:53 |
Calinou |
does it use shaders, or was the lighting just tweaked? |
05:53 |
RealBadAngel |
shaders |
05:53 |
jordan4ibanez |
Shaders |
05:53 |
Calinou |
k |
05:53 |
jordan4ibanez |
Hey this is becoming a real game |
05:53 |
RealBadAngel |
check also the water |
05:53 |
Calinou |
doors are still darker than other geometry, they should let light pass through... |
05:53 |
Calinou |
:/ |
05:53 |
Calinou |
like many other common items |
05:54 |
RealBadAngel |
yup |
05:54 |
RealBadAngel |
but at least we have improvements |
05:54 |
kaeza |
hmmm... Calinou made me thing |
05:54 |
kaeza |
think* |
05:54 |
Calinou |
blocks in hand don't have correct lighting, too |
05:54 |
kaeza |
is there a group for that? |
05:55 |
kaeza |
I mean, the basic door has a window in it |
05:55 |
Calinou |
new checkboxes in main menu! |
05:55 |
kaeza |
so it should at least let some light pass through |
05:55 |
jordan4ibanez |
Really? |
05:55 |
jordan4ibanez |
I'm installing ubuntu 12 just to try out new version |
05:56 |
kaeza |
but the wooden door from the xdoors mod should not |
05:56 |
jordan4ibanez |
calinou: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3928 |
05:56 |
Calinou |
what does shaders bring, other than lower water surface/smooth lighting? |
05:57 |
kaeza |
hmm... while on that, are there any plans to do antialiasing/anisotropic filtering? |
05:57 |
RealBadAngel |
its still WIP |
05:57 |
RealBadAngel |
kaeza, this stuff is already here |
05:58 |
kaeza |
how? |
05:58 |
kaeza |
sorry for asking :P |
05:58 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: Settings tab. |
05:58 |
jordan4ibanez |
You'll never know kaeza |
05:59 |
jordan4ibanez |
05:59 |
kaeza |
lol |
05:59 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: thanks |
05:59 |
RealBadAngel |
heheheh |
05:59 |
kaeza |
05:59 |
VanessaE |
np. |
05:59 |
kaeza |
I didn't see the new settings page |
06:00 |
RealBadAngel |
what version are you using? |
06:00 |
kaeza |
last time I checked it had only 4 checkboxes |
06:00 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: 0.4.4-dev with shaders |
06:00 |
kaeza |
I think it's the latest |
06:01 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: it's been in for about a week or two |
06:02 |
kaeza |
I don't visit the settings page regularly |
06:02 |
mt_game joined #minetest |
06:02 |
kaeza |
mt_game is me |
06:02 |
kaeza |
gosh I have to disable that thing |
06:02 |
leo_rockway |
I only noticed because there was a post about it |
06:03 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> but It's cool anyways |
06:03 |
mt_game |
<singleplayer> meh. I like the blocky textures better |
06:04 |
leo_rockway |
I like AA and stuff, when it's far. Up close it doesn't look too good. |
06:05 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: care to test it? |
06:05 |
leo_rockway |
test what? |
06:05 |
kaeza |
the mod |
06:05 |
kaeza |
irc |
06:05 |
leo_rockway |
I was planning to. I will in a bit. I'm chatting with my girlfriend at the moment. |
06:05 |
Calinou |
leo_rockway: if you want pixelized textures but no noise effect at distance, just use mipmapping :P |
06:07 |
leo_rockway |
mipmapping alone looks good unless you're using lowres textures. |
06:07 |
leo_rockway |
I usually keep mipmapping. |
06:08 |
jordan4ibanez |
so now minetest has optifine built in? |
06:10 |
Calinou |
no |
06:22 |
kaeza |
<offtopic>I LOL'd: http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2807#comic </offtopic> |
06:26 |
blaze joined #minetest |
06:30 |
Calinou |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3930 < wtf |
06:30 |
Calinou |
my eyes are bleeding |
06:30 |
kaeza |
Calinou: See further above in the IRC log |
06:31 |
kaeza |
(03:20:16) kaeza: gawd I write badly in english, but this guy is trying to google-translate using borked spanish: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3930 |
06:31 |
kaeza |
(03:23:24) jordan4ibanez: klik here |
06:31 |
kaeza |
(03:29:51) kaeza: hey this faildesk.net site is awesome |
06:31 |
kaeza |
(03:34:41) leo_rockway: kaeza: that google translate fail was painful to read :S |
06:31 |
kaeza |
( |
06:31 |
kaeza |
sorry for flooding |
06:33 |
Calinou |
np |
06:33 |
ball_of_dust joined #minetest |
06:34 |
* ball_of_dust |
is passing by |
06:35 |
anunakki joined #minetest |
06:40 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
06:40 |
jordan4ibanez |
Wow this version is getting polished |
06:41 |
jordan4ibanez |
that water height is a nice touch |
06:41 |
jordan4ibanez |
Dare i say it, minetest feels like minecraft beta 1.3 |
06:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
All this needs is a way to get texture packs from zip files and it will official make me not want to play minecraft anymore |
06:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
from the gui that is |
06:42 |
kaeza |
+100 |
06:43 |
jordan4ibanez |
Wow these shaders make minetest look as good as minecraft |
06:43 |
Calinou |
no smooth lighting on nodeboxes, unlike minecraft |
06:43 |
Calinou |
:p |
06:44 |
RealBadAngel |
aim is to look better than mc |
06:44 |
RealBadAngel |
be patient please :) |
06:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
Right now it looks like beta 1.7.3 |
06:45 |
RealBadAngel |
we are developing it way faster |
06:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
I can tell, that water level thing looks really nice, you guys should put in the innirtia jeija put into blockplanet, which made walking smoother, and diving into liquids smoother, like you just don't stop, you slowly slow down |
06:47 |
Calinou |
+1, maybe remove air control too |
06:47 |
Calinou |
(make it very small so that you can still climb blocks by jumping) |
06:47 |
Calinou |
i'd like to have more realistic physics than in minecraft, but these should be optional |
06:48 |
jordan4ibanez |
There was also something jeija did so you cannot fly through nodes |
06:48 |
Calinou |
it's better to be able to fly through nodes |
06:48 |
Calinou |
don't clone a MC mistake |
06:49 |
SpeedProg joined #minetest |
06:49 |
jordan4ibanez |
That's not better, then you can see that the nodes are not solid and it ruins the feeling of the map |
06:49 |
jordan4ibanez |
https://github.com/Jeija/BlockPlanet/commits/master |
06:49 |
jordan4ibanez |
the sneeking animation was my favorite |
06:50 |
Calinou |
sneaking should be walking, not crouching |
06:50 |
Calinou |
IRL, when you want to walk carefully, do you suddenly become smaller? nope :P |
06:51 |
Calinou |
jordan4ibanez: about graphics, we still don't have model lighting |
06:51 |
Calinou |
texture brightness is the same on all faces |
06:52 |
jordan4ibanez |
I just gave you guys the goldmine of c++ changes, please use them, Eating animation/inertia/breathing bar (for underwater)/hunger/hunger bar Please use some of them |
06:53 |
jordan4ibanez |
Sneaking is slightly crouching down |
06:56 |
leo_rockway |
that, plus arrow shooting animation o.o |
06:56 |
leo_rockway |
and FOV for running |
06:56 |
jordan4ibanez |
Yea, and minetest++ has running and fov that adjusts when you run |
06:56 |
jordan4ibanez |
and it uses your hunger bar faster |
06:56 |
leo_rockway |
MT has running too |
06:57 |
jordan4ibanez |
No, real running |
06:57 |
leo_rockway |
I tried MT++, I don't remember the difference. |
06:58 |
jordan4ibanez |
We added in so much stuff it was rediculous |
06:58 |
leo_rockway |
I don't like how the water feels in MT |
06:59 |
leo_rockway |
it feels a bit like jello |
06:59 |
jordan4ibanez |
Yes, that was fixed in minetest, somewhere, you'll have to ask jeija |
06:59 |
leo_rockway |
and jumping feels a bit too high |
07:00 |
leo_rockway |
I think the better digging animation is in MT already |
07:00 |
jordan4ibanez |
Here, I've found the rest of the commits https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/minetest/commits/master |
07:00 |
Calinou |
your're cloning minecraft with hunger |
07:00 |
jordan4ibanez |
This whole game is a clone of minecraft. |
07:01 |
Calinou |
i'm not against sprinting, but 1) it should use a single key, not double-tap, 2) stamina would be ok, but please no hunger |
07:01 |
Calinou |
hunger artificially grows difficulty of the game |
07:02 |
jordan4ibanez |
That's actually a good idea, i think e should be sprint not double tap |
07:02 |
leo_rockway |
I don't like double tap |
07:02 |
jordan4ibanez |
That's how it should've been in minecraft, why don't we fix that? |
07:02 |
leo_rockway |
sprinting bar? |
07:03 |
jordan4ibanez |
No, sprinting button |
07:03 |
leo_rockway |
I don't know if MT needs a hunger bar, but it does need something that forces you out of your house / secure location |
07:03 |
leo_rockway |
there's a fast button now |
07:03 |
leo_rockway |
it could be turned into a fast button |
07:03 |
leo_rockway |
into a sprinting button* |
07:05 |
jordan4ibanez |
I hope celeron55, or pilzadam, or xyz or SOMEONE puts the better physics/water physics in minetest, it made the game feel better |
07:06 |
leo_rockway |
yes, it did |
07:06 |
Calinou |
jordan4ibanez: sprint is doubletap in mc |
07:07 |
jordan4ibanez |
Yes, so why not make it e? |
07:07 |
leo_rockway |
doubletap sprinting in MC felt annoying |
07:07 |
Calinou |
leo_rockway: fast and sprinting should be different |
07:07 |
Calinou |
jordan4ibanez: or any other key, i suggest shift as default, and put ctrl for sneak |
07:07 |
leo_rockway |
keep fast as a privilege and sprinting as something normal? |
07:07 |
Calinou |
leo_rockway: sprinting takes stamina, makes you walk 40% faster |
07:07 |
leo_rockway |
with a stamina thing |
07:07 |
leo_rockway |
yeah, that sounds good to me |
07:07 |
Calinou |
fast makes you walk 5x faster, no stamina used, requires priv |
07:08 |
jordan4ibanez |
We had stamina/hunger/air tuned better than minecraft |
07:08 |
leo_rockway |
I'm leo_rockway and I approve this message |
07:08 |
jordan4ibanez |
and i'm building it right now to see how it felt |
07:08 |
Calinou |
now code it :p |
07:08 |
leo_rockway |
:S |
07:08 |
Calinou |
also, jumping would also take some stamina, and walking makes it regen slower |
07:09 |
leo_rockway |
and what about all the eating? there's apples, food mod, animals to cook... |
07:09 |
leo_rockway |
and the food only replenishes health right now |
07:10 |
jordan4ibanez |
It replenished hunger bar in minetest++ |
07:11 |
jordan4ibanez |
in the second version i posted, jeija hadn't tuned the sprint yet, so there's an instant transition, but the physics feel solid :D |
07:15 |
kaeza |
does anynoe know how to do port forwarding on a huawei e1756? I googled it and can't find any useful answer |
07:15 |
Calinou |
since when huawei makes routers? |
07:15 |
Calinou |
:o |
07:15 |
Calinou |
kaeza: portforward.com :p |
07:16 |
Calinou |
anyway, usually you have to go to or |
07:16 |
Calinou |
then log in (username/password should be written on router), go to NAT |
07:16 |
Calinou |
forward port 30000 in UDP to your internal IP |
07:16 |
kaeza |
Calinou: thanks |
07:16 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://i.imgur.com/fiQFF.png Look how freakin polished this looks :o |
07:18 |
leo_rockway |
07:18 |
jordan4ibanez |
lol what? |
07:18 |
Calinou |
faithful textures :p |
07:19 |
jordan4ibanez |
Yes, they're really nice, i wish there was a technic part of them |
07:19 |
VanessaE |
there. |
07:19 |
VanessaE |
Gloopores is in HDX. |
07:19 |
VanessaE |
(yet I still have to update it again later to get homedecor up to date :-) ) |
07:20 |
jordan4ibanez |
bb |
07:21 |
leo_rockway |
Minecraft for the lose o.o |
07:22 |
Calinou |
loss |
07:23 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: have you added farming[_plus] to HDX? |
07:29 |
VanessaE |
no |
07:30 |
VanessaE |
too lazy to get the textures for it :-) |
07:30 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
07:31 |
kaeza |
I tried wikimedia but there are no useful textures |
07:42 |
Calinou |
since when wikimedia has textures |
07:42 |
Calinou |
good ones* |
07:43 |
* OldCoder |
is tired |
07:44 |
* OldCoder |
will rest now |
07:44 |
kaeza |
whatever, you get what i'm trying to say |
07:44 |
kaeza |
bye Coder |
07:44 |
OldCoder |
c u |
07:45 |
kaeza |
I may as well follow your lead shortly |
07:56 |
marktraceur joined #minetest |
07:56 |
marktraceur |
"bad argument #2 to 'get_craft_result' (table expected, got userdata)" <-- anyone come across this before? |
07:57 |
marktraceur |
(since there shouldn't be a second argument to get_craft_result, and I don't supply one, it's a very strange error) |
08:00 |
kotolegokot joined #minetest |
08:02 |
marktraceur |
Apparently constructing an ItemStack isn't the best way to do that |
08:02 |
marktraceur |
(check for the fuel-ness of an item) |
08:05 |
kotolegokot joined #minetest |
08:08 |
kaeza |
hi marktraceur |
08:08 |
marktraceur |
Hi! |
08:08 |
marktraceur |
I figured it out, FYI |
08:08 |
marktraceur |
Er |
08:08 |
marktraceur |
Worked around it, I guess |
08:08 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
08:09 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: if you are interested... https://github.com/kaeza/minetest-irc |
08:10 |
marktraceur |
Meh |
08:10 |
kaeza |
also shaders are now in master |
08:10 |
marktraceur |
Maybe sometime, but I don't really need it |
08:10 |
marktraceur |
And once shaders are released, I'll get excited, until then |
08:10 |
marktraceur |
I can't use them for much |
08:11 |
kaeza |
hello sfan5 |
08:11 |
leo_rockway |
now that water is a bit lower, the calculation for when to turn the screen a blueish hue is a bit off |
08:11 |
sfan5 |
hi kaeza |
08:11 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
08:12 |
kaeza |
.c 1/0 |
08:12 |
MinetestBot |
Sorry, no result. |
08:12 |
kaeza |
I love this thing |
08:13 |
marktraceur |
*sigh* |
08:13 |
sfan5 |
kaeza: could you merge this: https://github.com/kaeza/minetest-irc/pull/1 |
08:13 |
opticlove joined #minetest |
08:13 |
marktraceur |
Hrm, interesting....InvRef:remove_item isn't working very well....or maybe my quackulations are off? /me will check |
08:14 |
kaeza |
sfan5: ok |
08:14 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
08:14 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: what needs compiling for irc-mod? |
08:16 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: just CMake |
08:16 |
kaeza |
nothing more nothing less |
08:16 |
RealBadAngel |
sfan5, my patch is in the main tree, check this mod out now: http://realbadangel.pl/UI.zip |
08:17 |
RealBadAngel |
delete of default creative is recommended |
08:17 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: but I see luasocket, luairc, lua... |
08:17 |
leo_rockway |
in src/ |
08:17 |
leo_rockway |
I'm guessing this depends on those |
08:17 |
kaeza |
they are self-contained, so it should be just CMake |
08:18 |
leo_rockway |
okay |
08:18 |
kaeza |
and of course a C compiler |
08:18 |
leo_rockway |
yeah, of course |
08:18 |
celeron55 joined #minetest |
08:18 |
RealBadAngel |
real hardcore compile their code themselves, doesnt need compiler to do the job ;) |
08:19 |
RealBadAngel |
i know a guy that back in 80's dissasembled ZX Spectrum ROM |
08:20 |
RealBadAngel |
he borrowed a monitor to run the machine |
08:20 |
RealBadAngel |
started program to READ aloud byte by byte |
08:20 |
RealBadAngel |
of rom, wrote it down |
08:21 |
RealBadAngel |
then in school, during lessons he dissasembled it |
08:21 |
RealBadAngel |
all 16kb |
08:22 |
RealBadAngel |
he is the best nerd i even seen |
08:23 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: cool |
08:23 |
RealBadAngel |
he can even multiply and divide in hex in memory |
08:23 |
kaeza |
you don't see such nerds so often now |
08:23 |
RealBadAngel |
yup, thats sad |
08:24 |
RealBadAngel |
we were doing some weird things in assembler |
08:24 |
RealBadAngel |
but he was a few levels above us |
08:24 |
kaeza |
sfan5: sorry for the delay, I'm just starting in this git stuff |
08:25 |
RealBadAngel |
now by nerd folks mean some1 able to use IE and Word ;) |
08:26 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: that's very true... and sad at the same time |
08:26 |
kaeza |
sfan5: merged |
08:26 |
RealBadAngel |
kids have too much to choose from |
08:26 |
RealBadAngel |
and choose easy ways |
08:27 |
RealBadAngel |
we were forced to learn assembler to get something done |
08:27 |
kaeza |
before you had to deal with Lisp and thigs like thes |
08:27 |
kaeza |
or even build your own parser |
08:27 |
RealBadAngel |
Basic wasnt just enough |
08:27 |
kaeza |
yeah |
08:28 |
kaeza |
I remember typing games I saw on magazines |
08:28 |
kaeza |
back in my days |
08:28 |
RealBadAngel |
golden days indeed |
08:28 |
kaeza |
yep :) |
08:28 |
kaeza |
not everyone could afford a disk drive |
08:29 |
sfan5 |
kaeza: thanks |
08:29 |
RealBadAngel |
disk drive, oh my |
08:29 |
kaeza |
or tape player :) |
08:29 |
RealBadAngel |
i remember playing with tape recorders |
08:29 |
RealBadAngel |
givin to the moter twice as high voltage |
08:29 |
RealBadAngel |
to roll the tape faster |
08:30 |
RealBadAngel |
and make the TURBO loading for ZX Speccy |
08:30 |
kaeza |
08:30 |
kaeza |
now every n008 codes a bit in PowerBasic or such half-assed language and release it on a $1 CD |
08:31 |
kaeza |
and BAMM! they are Mojang :) |
08:31 |
RealBadAngel |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdwK1vBnZ7A |
08:31 |
kaeza |
next they release some half assed game |
08:32 |
kaeza |
which some half-assed coders are now mimicking |
08:32 |
kaeza |
:) |
08:32 |
kaeza |
J/K |
08:33 |
kaeza |
ahhh... the sound of youth |
08:33 |
* kaeza |
is remembering old times |
08:34 |
kaeza |
sadly my Speccy died a few years ago |
08:34 |
RealBadAngel |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFD2zfD6qa8 |
08:34 |
RealBadAngel |
watch this, you gonna rotfl |
08:36 |
leo_rockway |
I have a cassette adapter. I wonder if this can be used for a C64 as well o.o |
08:37 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: he's a great SoaB |
08:37 |
RealBadAngel |
it should work also |
08:37 |
RealBadAngel |
same way |
08:38 |
leo_rockway |
time to remove the dust off of my C64 |
08:39 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: I still don't believe what I saw |
08:39 |
RealBadAngel |
hehehe |
08:39 |
kaeza |
coolness incorporated |
08:39 |
RealBadAngel |
could you belive web browser on atari 800 xl? |
08:40 |
RealBadAngel |
i saw it in action :) |
08:40 |
kaeza |
wat |
08:40 |
kaeza |
best I saw was a browser for DOS 2.0 |
08:40 |
kaeza |
what was it... |
08:41 |
kaeza |
286? |
08:41 |
kaeza |
but atari?? |
08:42 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
08:42 |
kaeza |
I also saw a Win95 clone for Gameboy |
08:42 |
RealBadAngel |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0b9LED6vJQ |
08:43 |
kaeza |
"This video is currently unavailable" |
08:43 |
kaeza |
:( |
08:43 |
kaeza |
youtube doesn't like me |
08:44 |
RealBadAngel |
dunno why, im watchin it right now |
08:45 |
kaeza |
but I believe if we removed all the bullshit HTML has, even the speccy could have a decent browser |
08:46 |
kaeza |
(if there was a network adapter that is) |
08:46 |
Calinou |
kaeza: youtube-dl |
08:46 |
Calinou |
sudo apt-get install youtube-dl |
08:46 |
Calinou |
youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0b9LED6vJQ |
08:46 |
Calinou |
there you go |
08:46 |
kaeza |
heck |
08:46 |
kaeza |
hell yeah!! |
08:46 |
kaeza |
I forgot about youtube-dl |
08:46 |
RealBadAngel |
theres also online one |
08:47 |
kaeza |
vid something |
08:47 |
kaeza |
can't remember |
08:47 |
kaeza |
heck I even made a youtube-dl frontend using gtkdialog |
08:48 |
RealBadAngel |
http://keepvid.com/?url=www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0b9LED6vJQ |
08:48 |
PilzAdam joined #minetest |
08:48 |
RealBadAngel |
use keepvid just |
08:48 |
PilzAdam |
Hello everyone! |
08:48 |
kaeza |
yeah that is Keepvid |
08:48 |
leo- joined #minetest |
08:48 |
RealBadAngel |
hi PilzAdam |
08:48 |
leo- |
<singleplayer> greetings from within minetest |
08:48 |
RealBadAngel |
PilzAdam, http://realbadangel.pl/UI.zip |
08:48 |
leo- |
<singleplayer> kaeza: I didn't compile anything. I installed luasockets and lua-irc-git from AUR. |
08:48 |
RealBadAngel |
test it with latest git :) |
08:48 |
kaeza |
hey |
08:49 |
kaeza |
leo |
08:49 |
kaeza |
it worked |
08:49 |
leo- |
<singleplayer> indeed |
08:49 |
kaeza |
cool |
08:49 |
kaeza |
how do you feel? |
08:49 |
kaeza |
any lag? |
08:49 |
leo- |
<singleplayer> nope |
08:50 |
kaeza |
you using linux? |
08:50 |
Calinou |
what's the ip of your server? |
08:50 |
leo- |
<singleplayer> Arch |
08:50 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: downloading... |
08:50 |
kaeza |
oh |
08:50 |
marktraceur |
Ugh, this mod can get finished later. |
08:50 |
* marktraceur |
goes to bed |
08:51 |
kaeza |
bye mt |
08:51 |
kaeza |
mark* |
08:51 |
marktraceur |
marktraceur* |
08:51 |
kaeza |
k |
08:51 |
kaeza |
sowwy |
08:51 |
kaeza |
:) |
08:51 |
leo- |
<singleplayer> opaque water works \o/ |
08:51 |
* Calinou |
tried to code player yaw smoothing again, failed |
08:51 |
leo- |
<singleplayer> also, I fixed my Irrlicht colour problems using a post in the forum =] |
08:51 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: Tab-completion, it's useful :) |
08:51 |
Calinou |
i looked through like 15 code files to find how to get entity's yaws |
08:51 |
* leo_rockway |
test something |
08:52 |
Calinou |
best i did was 3 errors :> |
08:52 |
leo- |
<singleplayer> kaeza: the /me commands are not showing up in MT. |
08:52 |
jin_xi joined #minetest |
08:52 |
kaeza |
hmmm... |
08:52 |
kaeza |
lemme see |
08:52 |
leo- |
<singleplayer> kaeza: not from actual IRC into MT, not from MT into actual IRC. |
08:52 |
kaeza |
oh that |
08:53 |
kaeza |
lemme see what I can do about it |
08:53 |
Zeg9 joined #minetest |
08:53 |
mt_game joined #minetest |
08:54 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: PRIVMSG #minetest :ACTION |
08:54 |
leo_rockway |
check for those |
08:54 |
Zeg9 joined #minetest |
08:54 |
kaeza |
I'm on it |
08:55 |
leo_rockway |
=] I like this mod |
08:55 |
anunakki joined #minetest |
08:55 |
anunakki joined #minetest |
08:55 |
leo_rockway |
thanks, kaeza! |
08:55 |
kaeza |
thanks to you for remembering me :) |
08:55 |
kaeza |
about it |
08:55 |
kaeza |
that is |
08:57 |
leo- joined #minetest |
08:57 |
kaeza |
k now testing |
08:59 |
leo_rockway |
RealBadAngel: I like the UI. |
08:59 |
leo_rockway |
I should go to sleep |
08:59 |
leo_rockway |
I'm supposed to be on call starting in 3 hours :S |
08:59 |
leo_rockway |
goodnight |
09:01 |
kaeza |
night leo |
09:03 |
sfan5 |
new minetest build building!! |
09:03 |
jin_xi |
RealBadAngel: how do i test your unified inv? just install it like a mod? anything else? |
09:04 |
PilzAdam |
remove creative inv |
09:04 |
RealBadAngel |
and install it as a mod |
09:04 |
sfan5 |
and install http://realbadangel.pl/UI.zip |
09:04 |
jin_xi |
3 guys one answer hehe |
09:04 |
RealBadAngel |
git repo coming shortly |
09:04 |
RealBadAngel |
hehe |
09:05 |
jin_xi |
whare/which creative do i delete? |
09:05 |
RealBadAngel |
/games/mintest_game |
09:06 |
jin_xi |
oh |
09:06 |
RealBadAngel |
look for creative there and delete the folder just |
09:06 |
RealBadAngel |
believe me, you wont miss it :) |
09:09 |
sfan5 |
new minetest build for win: http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-dev-566f7f6-win32.7z |
09:09 |
kaeza |
sfan5: cool |
09:10 |
kaeza |
though I don't need it :D |
09:10 |
kaeza |
personally that is |
09:11 |
RealBadAngel |
thx sfan5 |
09:11 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
09:11 |
RealBadAngel |
https://github.com/RealBadAngel/unifiedinventory |
09:14 |
RealBadAngel |
i will create topic in forums for it |
09:15 |
RealBadAngel |
and please all feel free to comment on usage and possible improvements |
09:16 |
jin_xi |
Hey RealBadAngel i think it would be good if you restored technic mod on the forums |
09:16 |
hmmmm |
Enterprise solution - solvent used for dissolving excessive piles of cash in corporate vaults. |
09:17 |
RealBadAngel |
jin_xi, it will be restored, together with its own page |
09:17 |
jin_xi |
oh ok |
09:18 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: now its 110% awesome :D |
09:23 |
RealBadAngel |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=54671#p54671 |
09:23 |
simion314 joined #minetest |
09:27 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: I'm amazed at that web browser. |
09:28 |
kaeza |
I just can't believe it |
09:28 |
kaeza |
how's that even possible? |
09:28 |
jin_xi |
yeah, very nice |
09:29 |
kaeza |
jin_xi: http://minetest.net/forum/index.php |
09:29 |
RealBadAngel |
some1 made ethernet card for 800xl simply :) |
09:29 |
kaeza |
sorry |
09:29 |
kaeza |
wrong link |
09:29 |
kaeza |
jin_xi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0b9LED6vJQ |
09:30 |
kaeza |
that partly explains it |
09:30 |
kaeza |
RBA^ |
09:30 |
kaeza |
hmmm... |
09:37 |
jin_xi |
i learned english trying to read manuals of Sozobon C. That and maniac mansion ;) |
09:46 |
OldCoder |
Good morning |
09:46 |
kotolegokot |
Good afternoon :) |
09:46 |
kaeza |
morning OC |
09:47 |
kaeza |
jin_xi: videogames were my teachers :) |
09:48 |
kaeza |
I have a favor to ask of forum mods |
09:48 |
kaeza |
could it be possible to create a sub-forum for spanish speakers? |
09:52 |
Calinou |
juse use "discussion in other languages" |
09:52 |
jin_xi |
el barrio |
09:53 |
kaeza |
ok |
09:54 |
kaeza |
jin_xi: ... |
09:55 |
jin_xi |
sry i dont even know spanish :D |
09:56 |
kaeza |
no hay problema :) |
09:57 |
home joined #minetest |
09:57 |
home |
hello everyone^^ |
09:57 |
kaeza |
hey Taoki |
09:57 |
OldCoder |
Hi |
09:57 |
home |
ohh hey oldcoder |
09:57 |
home |
:) |
09:57 |
kaeza |
ummm... hi home? |
09:57 |
home |
lol |
09:58 |
home |
i havent register yet so ignore it lol |
09:58 |
home |
oldcoder |
09:58 |
kaeza |
...? |
09:58 |
OldCoder |
? |
09:58 |
home |
i need ur help |
09:58 |
OldCoder |
k |
09:58 |
home |
forgive me if i sound rude |
09:58 |
OldCoder |
Go on |
09:58 |
home |
i posted a texture |
09:58 |
home |
on the Zeg9 forum |
09:58 |
OldCoder |
k |
09:58 |
home |
its my skin |
09:58 |
home |
ummm |
09:58 |
OldCoder |
Fine |
09:59 |
OldCoder |
Link? |
09:59 |
home |
im still not textured lol |
09:59 |
OldCoder |
Link? |
09:59 |
home |
hold on |
09:59 |
home |
link to the forum?? |
09:59 |
OldCoder |
I have not been presented yet with the skin |
09:59 |
OldCoder |
The post |
09:59 |
home |
aight boss |
09:59 |
OldCoder |
or the two images |
10:00 |
home |
http://minetest.web1337.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3&sid=28aecf8abc8cc38ba730e2d37177bb41 |
10:00 |
home |
^^ |
10:00 |
OldCoder |
Wait |
10:00 |
home |
lol |
10:00 |
home |
aight boss |
10:00 |
OldCoder |
Are you Ghostash? |
10:00 |
OldCoder |
Or Klunk? |
10:00 |
OldCoder |
home, ^ |
10:00 |
home |
Ghostash |
10:01 |
home |
^^ |
10:01 |
OldCoder |
I updated you |
10:01 |
OldCoder |
Hold on |
10:01 |
OldCoder |
Verifying |
10:01 |
OldCoder |
Ah |
10:02 |
OldCoder |
You are updated in every world *but* Zegaton :-) |
10:02 |
OldCoder |
All of them are you |
10:02 |
john_minetest joined #minetest |
10:02 |
home |
so i need to reconnect? |
10:02 |
OldCoder |
I must fix Zegaton separately |
10:02 |
OldCoder |
home, Not yet |
10:02 |
OldCoder |
john_minetest, Hi |
10:02 |
OldCoder |
home, I will fix it now |
10:02 |
OldCoder |
Allow a few minutes |
10:02 |
home |
oh hello john ^^ |
10:02 |
home |
its me Ghostash |
10:03 |
kaeza |
hey john_minetest |
10:03 |
home |
hello ^^ |
10:03 |
Zeg9 |
OldCoder, why don't you make a symbolic link for all player_textures ? |
10:03 |
OldCoder |
Explain? |
10:03 |
OldCoder |
To display? |
10:03 |
OldCoder |
Sure |
10:04 |
OldCoder |
Working on things now |
10:04 |
home |
ohh heyy zeg^^ |
10:04 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, two questions for you: |
10:04 |
home |
its me Ghostash |
10:04 |
Zeg9 |
brb :/ |
10:04 |
OldCoder |
1. You left me an inv_advanced mod |
10:04 |
OldCoder |
Wanted to use that instead of the other? |
10:04 |
OldCoder |
2. Was there a new description mod? |
10:04 |
OldCoder |
Done |
10:04 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, ^ |
10:05 |
OldCoder |
home, allow a few minutes |
10:05 |
OldCoder |
I am fixing things thank you |
10:05 |
home |
allow?? |
10:05 |
OldCoder |
Yes |
10:05 |
OldCoder |
I request patience |
10:05 |
home |
ohh LOL |
10:05 |
home |
take ur time :) |
10:06 |
OldCoder |
I wish to ask Zeg9 those two questions before proceeding |
10:06 |
home |
aight boss |
10:06 |
Zeg9 |
Back |
10:06 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9 see two questions above |
10:07 |
Zeg9 |
The inv_improved mod is for places/descriptions |
10:07 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, how does it work? |
10:08 |
Zeg9 |
In the inventory, there is a "My places" button |
10:08 |
OldCoder |
Go on |
10:08 |
Zeg9 |
When you click on it, you can save a place, with its name and description |
10:08 |
OldCoder |
Ah |
10:08 |
Zeg9 |
If you want to see these places, they are saved in world/places |
10:08 |
OldCoder |
I will see this then! |
10:08 |
OldCoder |
It is in your world |
10:08 |
OldCoder |
you can ask others to use this? |
10:08 |
OldCoder |
Will this work in other worlds? |
10:08 |
Zeg9 |
It will, if you of course install it there too |
10:09 |
Zeg9 |
Could you link it to the webserver too? |
10:09 |
OldCoder |
Does it conflict with anything but inv_skin? |
10:09 |
OldCoder |
Yes |
10:09 |
OldCoder |
All the mods are there for you |
10:09 |
Zeg9 |
Oh... |
10:09 |
OldCoder |
I will document this |
10:09 |
OldCoder |
Does it conflict with anything but inv_skin? |
10:09 |
Zeg9 |
It conflicts with inventory plus :/ |
10:09 |
OldCoder |
Does it conflict with anything but inv_plus |
10:09 |
OldCoder |
Does anybody need inv_plus ? |
10:09 |
Zeg9 |
It will conflict with any mod which modifies the inventory |
10:09 |
OldCoder |
Examples? |
10:09 |
Zeg9 |
I may make it compatible with inv_plus though |
10:10 |
OldCoder |
What mods are barred? |
10:10 |
Zeg9 |
inv_plus, and all mods that depend on it |
10:10 |
OldCoder |
Can you name any examples? |
10:10 |
OldCoder |
Or is a change simple? |
10:10 |
Zeg9 |
Example: bags, home gui |
10:10 |
OldCoder |
Ah |
10:10 |
Zeg9 |
I'll just make it compatible with inv_plus I think |
10:10 |
OldCoder |
Can't use it elsewhere then |
10:11 |
OldCoder |
Thanks |
10:11 |
OldCoder |
Let me know |
10:11 |
OldCoder |
Does anybody else wish skins mods or changes today? |
10:11 |
OldCoder |
To any world? |
10:14 |
RealBadAngel |
hi Oldcoder |
10:14 |
OldCoder |
RealBadAngel, Hi! |
10:14 |
RealBadAngel |
are the worlds up to date with git? |
10:14 |
OldCoder |
RealBadAngel, which git? |
10:14 |
OldCoder |
Do you mean 0.4.4 ? |
10:14 |
RealBadAngel |
yes |
10:14 |
OldCoder |
No as it does not support LevelDB |
10:15 |
RealBadAngel |
its still not fixed? |
10:15 |
Aqua joined #minetest |
10:15 |
OldCoder |
RealBadAngel, any mod changes recently? |
10:15 |
Aqua |
Hi on my ipad |
10:15 |
RealBadAngel |
yup |
10:15 |
OldCoder |
Such as? |
10:15 |
RealBadAngel |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=54671#p54671 |
10:15 |
Aqua |
I like your creative |
10:15 |
OldCoder |
R |
10:15 |
OldCoder |
Aqua, hi |
10:15 |
RealBadAngel |
but this requires very latest git |
10:15 |
OldCoder |
No dice then ty |
10:16 |
OldCoder |
Plus we will need all new clients for 0.4.4 |
10:16 |
Aqua |
Actually works on ipad=D |
10:16 |
OldCoder |
And I am told it crashes |
10:16 |
OldCoder |
Aqua, really? |
10:16 |
Aqua |
Yep |
10:16 |
OldCoder |
Good |
10:16 |
Aqua |
Does 0.4.4 run on windows? |
10:17 |
OldCoder |
Not sure |
10:17 |
kaeza |
Aqua: sfan5 has a build I think |
10:17 |
kaeza |
oh gone |
10:17 |
OldCoder |
Aqua has made a mailbox mod |
10:17 |
OldCoder |
Is it useful? |
10:17 |
sfan5 |
... |
10:17 |
kaeza |
not really |
10:18 |
kaeza |
It could be improved |
10:18 |
Aqua joined #minetest |
10:18 |
sfan5 |
i have to restart my computer just because this shitty gvfs-fuse-daemon fucked up :/ |
10:18 |
kaeza |
Aqua: sfan has a build I think |
10:18 |
OldCoder |
Useful Deserts is updated |
10:18 |
sfan5 |
Aqua: http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-dev-566f7f6-win32.7z |
10:18 |
home |
oldcoder? sry to interrupt |
10:18 |
Aqua |
Oldcoder are you a computer engineer or something? |
10:18 |
OldCoder |
Yes |
10:19 |
OldCoder |
http://oldcoder.org/ |
10:19 |
home |
umm |
10:19 |
OldCoder |
home, go on |
10:19 |
OldCoder |
I will be done soon |
10:19 |
home |
aight boss |
10:19 |
OldCoder |
I am updating mods |
10:19 |
OldCoder |
Such as Useful Deserts |
10:19 |
kaeza |
You are BoldCoder? |
10:19 |
OldCoder |
Yes |
10:19 |
OldCoder |
On Twitter I am |
10:19 |
kaeza |
hmm.. |
10:20 |
OldCoder |
Do you Follow me there yet? |
10:20 |
kaeza |
I've seen your tweets somewhere |
10:20 |
OldCoder |
Oh? |
10:20 |
PilzAdam |
.tw BoldCoder |
10:20 |
OldCoder |
? |
10:20 |
* OldCoder |
is interested |
10:20 |
home |
hmmm oldcoder are u done with my skin? if u dont mind me askin |
10:20 |
kaeza |
nope |
10:20 |
PilzAdam |
:( the bot is dead |
10:20 |
kaeza |
.c 1 |
10:20 |
OldCoder |
home, It is done but here is how it works: |
10:20 |
OldCoder |
home, I must shut down the worlds |
10:20 |
OldCoder |
home, If I am to shut down the worlds I should update mods. Is this correct? |
10:20 |
home |
yep |
10:21 |
OldCoder |
Working |
10:21 |
home |
im so sry if i made u mad |
10:21 |
home |
i truly am |
10:21 |
home |
pls forgive me |
10:21 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, Yes I am BoldCoder |
10:21 |
* OldCoder |
laughs out loud |
10:21 |
* OldCoder |
offers home virtual pizza and cake |
10:21 |
home |
ohh thx ^^ |
10:21 |
Aqua |
Whos skip? |
10:21 |
PilzAdam |
sfan5, wheres the bot? |
10:21 |
Aqua |
Sfan on my ipad now |
10:21 |
OldCoder |
https://twitter.com/BoldCoder |
10:21 |
Zeg9 |
OldCoder, mod is ready |
10:22 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, ^ |
10:22 |
sfan5 |
PilzAdam: umm... |
10:22 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, why thank you! |
10:22 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, link? |
10:22 |
kaeza1 joined #minetest |
10:22 |
Zeg9 |
Please wait, uploading. |
10:22 |
OldCoder |
kaeza1: |
10:22 |
* kaeza1 |
wants to kill his modem |
10:22 |
OldCoder |
https://twitter.com/BoldCoder |
10:22 |
OldCoder |
kaeza1, ^ |
10:22 |
kaeza1 |
OldCoder: gotcha |
10:22 |
sfan5 |
PilzAdam: connection problems.. |
10:22 |
OldCoder |
k |
10:22 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
10:22 |
PilzAdam |
.tw BoldCoder |
10:22 |
sfan5 |
.tw BoldCoder |
10:23 |
MinetestBot |
Story: The Masked Lua tells the story of Dude the Cat at: http://christfollower.me/#D121201DUDECAT pic.twitter.com/Yoa142IV (@BoldCoder) |
10:23 |
MinetestBot |
Story: The Masked Lua tells the story of Dude the Cat at: http://christfollower.me/#D121201DUDECAT pic.twitter.com/Yoa142IV (@BoldCoder) |
10:23 |
Aqua |
Hey whos skip oldcoder? |
10:23 |
OldCoder |
Skip? On my site? |
10:23 |
sfan5 |
.sv |
10:23 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: PlanetMinetest Creative Server | planetminetest.com:30000 down |
10:23 |
Aqua |
Yeh |
10:23 |
OldCoder |
He is a retired engineer who is painting despite a disability |
10:24 |
OldCoder |
He lives in Arizona U.S.A. |
10:24 |
Aqua |
Your friend? |
10:24 |
OldCoder |
Yes |
10:24 |
chaplain joined #minetest |
10:24 |
Zeg9 |
OldCoder, http://ompldr.org/vZ2o2Mw |
10:24 |
kaeza1 |
OldCoder: now I'm stalking...err...following you :) |
10:24 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, thank you! |
10:24 |
home |
aight |
10:24 |
OldCoder |
kaeza1, thank you! |
10:24 |
Zeg9 |
OldCoder, please keep the non-inventory_plus on my world |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, yesterday's version? All right |
10:25 |
home |
LOL i keep thinking my nickname was oldcoder |
10:25 |
home |
lol |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
This is a fork then? |
10:25 |
Zeg9 |
Yeah |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
home, why? |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, thank you! Done |
10:25 |
home |
idk lol everytime i see ur name |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
I will give them different names |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
home, k |
10:25 |
home |
i thought its mine LOL |
10:25 |
Zeg9 |
And, could you link places like auth.txt? |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
Working |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, yes |
10:25 |
Aqua |
Cy |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
Remind me if I don't |
10:25 |
Zeg9 |
OldCoder, thanks |
10:25 |
OldCoder |
Sure |
10:28 |
home |
alright bye everyone ^^ |
10:28 |
home |
cya |
10:28 |
home |
i gtg sry |
10:28 |
OldCoder |
c u |
10:28 |
home |
:) |
10:28 |
home |
cya Oldcoder And Zeg9 ^^ |
10:28 |
OldCoder |
k |
10:28 |
Zeg9 |
home, bye |
10:29 |
Zeg9 |
... |
10:29 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, so new inv_improved can simply be added to every world but yours? |
10:29 |
Zeg9 |
The new one is called places, and yes |
10:30 |
OldCoder |
called places? |
10:30 |
OldCoder |
Is that name available? |
10:30 |
kaeza1 |
are the default chat commands like /me hard-coded into the game? |
10:31 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
10:31 |
kaeza1 |
hey rsiska |
10:31 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, was it inv_skin I was to delete from your world? |
10:31 |
Zeg9 |
It was puttin the current skin/player texture in the inventory |
10:32 |
Zeg9 |
inv_improved does this, and it adds places too |
10:32 |
kaeza1 |
... |
10:32 |
Zeg9 |
places mod only adds places, and is the only one compatible with inventory_plus |
10:33 |
kaeza |
... |
10:34 |
Zeg9 |
kaeza: I think these commands are in builtin.lua |
10:35 |
kaeza |
Zeg9: thanks |
10:35 |
kaeza |
I was only browsing my files in ~/.minetest |
10:35 |
kaeza |
so I couldn't infd it |
10:35 |
kaeza |
find* |
10:37 |
OldCoder |
Does Jeija's slimes work? |
10:38 |
Zeg9 |
OldCoder, they do, but when I tried it, it made lag the server |
10:39 |
OldCoder |
k |
10:39 |
Zeg9 |
And I have a good cpu... |
10:39 |
OldCoder |
Any other mod suggestions? |
10:40 |
OldCoder |
Preparing to update |
10:41 |
OldCoder |
Worlds going down |
10:41 |
Zeg9 left #minetest |
10:41 |
Zeg9 joined #minetest |
10:42 |
OldCoder |
Oh my |
10:42 |
OldCoder |
Recipe is removed though |
10:42 |
OldCoder |
Does anybody else have a skin they wish? For 2D? |
10:43 |
Penguin joined #minetest |
10:43 |
OldCoder |
Penguin, hi |
10:43 |
Penguin |
hi |
10:43 |
Zeg9 |
OldCoder, what about the IRC mod ? :D |
10:43 |
Zeg9 |
Hello |
10:43 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, he needs to debug it |
10:43 |
OldCoder |
It does not work |
10:43 |
Zeg9 |
Alright. |
10:43 |
OldCoder |
Oops |
10:43 |
OldCoder |
No |
10:43 |
OldCoder |
I meant you |
10:43 |
OldCoder |
k |
10:43 |
Penguin |
OldCoder You Do Ing Back Up? |
10:43 |
OldCoder |
Yes |
10:44 |
OldCoder |
About one minute |
10:44 |
Penguin |
okay |
10:45 |
kaeza |
hey Penguin |
10:45 |
PilzAdam |
yay! snow! |
10:45 |
kaeza |
what? |
10:45 |
OldCoder |
10:45 |
* PilzAdam |
throws a snowball at #minetest |
10:45 |
OldCoder |
Penguin, Zeg9 others: The worlds are restarting |
10:45 |
kaeza |
... |
10:46 |
kaeza |
It's around 30ºC here |
10:46 |
PilzAdam |
it started to snow in RL |
10:46 |
Penguin |
hey Old Coder can update to the new http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3761 its been updated |
10:46 |
OldCoder |
R |
10:46 |
Zeg9 |
I see you installed the snow mod</troll> |
10:46 |
OldCoder |
NOW you tell me :p |
10:46 |
OldCoder |
Penguin, I did |
10:46 |
OldCoder |
It is in there already |
10:46 |
OldCoder |
Have fun |
10:46 |
Penguin |
okay |
10:47 |
OldCoder |
c u |
10:47 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, let us know about IRC mod |
10:47 |
OldCoder |
It is a good idea |
10:47 |
kaeza |
I'm adding support for /me |
10:47 |
kaeza |
currnetly |
10:47 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, it needs to work though |
10:47 |
OldCoder |
That is more important |
10:47 |
kaeza |
it worked for leo_rockway |
10:47 |
OldCoder |
Not for me |
10:47 |
OldCoder |
You saw the logs |
10:48 |
kaeza |
yep |
10:48 |
OldCoder |
I have 18 worlds |
10:48 |
kaeza |
I still don't know why |
10:48 |
OldCoder |
I will make channels for them |
10:48 |
OldCoder |
I will run debug for you |
10:48 |
OldCoder |
Just add more debug |
10:48 |
OldCoder |
10:48 |
kaeza |
k |
10:48 |
kaeza |
I have added debug for everything from my mod |
10:49 |
SpeedProg joined #minetest |
10:49 |
kaeza |
have to work out to add debug from the LuaIRC layer |
10:49 |
Penguin |
Old Coder can u add this mod http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=978 ? |
10:49 |
OldCoder |
R |
10:49 |
OldCoder |
Penguin, I have been asking people to request |
10:49 |
OldCoder |
And *now* you do? |
10:49 |
Penguin |
i have just come on irc |
10:49 |
OldCoder |
Penguin, the tree mods like that are said to be slow |
10:49 |
OldCoder |
Ask VanessaE |
10:50 |
OldCoder |
Will anybody comment? |
10:50 |
OldCoder |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=978 |
10:50 |
OldCoder |
Is this mod safe and fast? |
10:50 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
10:50 |
kaeza |
lemme check |
10:50 |
kaeza |
please use ompldr, dropbox or some such next time |
10:51 |
OldCoder |
Hey, I downloaded this mod, and I was going to put the trees on top of my house... When I planted them and let them grow for awhile, I discovered that I could not destroy the leaves... Is this on purpose, or a bug? Help please... >.< |
10:51 |
kaeza |
I hate mediafire |
10:51 |
OldCoder |
Looks risky |
10:51 |
Penguin |
its slow dont add i juts read it |
10:51 |
OldCoder |
k |
10:52 |
Zeg9 |
mediafire, too much ads and popup spams |
10:52 |
kaeza |
Penguin: ^^ |
10:53 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, I will probably work on my MT site today |
10:53 |
OldCoder |
To add links you request |
10:53 |
OldCoder |
ed |
10:54 |
Zeg9 |
OldCoder, thanks, maybe I could make some php script to convert the places to html |
10:54 |
OldCoder |
I can handle that |
10:54 |
kaeza |
what's the function to print something to the log file? |
10:55 |
OldCoder |
Explain |
10:55 |
kaeza |
I'm using print() |
10:55 |
OldCoder |
Is this Lua? |
10:55 |
kaeza |
yup |
10:55 |
OldCoder |
Not an expert yet |
10:56 |
kaeza |
hmmm... |
10:56 |
Penguin |
Old Coder this could add a bit of life to the server http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2807 |
10:56 |
OldCoder |
R |
10:56 |
OldCoder |
Penguin, I have been asking for days |
10:56 |
OldCoder |
Penguin, we have that |
10:56 |
OldCoder |
On most of the worlds |
10:56 |
Penguin |
we dont |
10:56 |
OldCoder |
Octupus did not want it on that world |
10:57 |
Penguin |
oh okay |
10:57 |
OldCoder |
Sorry; didn't mean to sound annoyed |
10:57 |
kaeza |
ambience is slow |
10:57 |
kaeza |
lags as hell |
10:57 |
OldCoder |
Nope |
10:57 |
OldCoder |
Not at all |
10:57 |
OldCoder |
It is the network bug |
10:57 |
kaeza |
fixed? |
10:57 |
OldCoder |
Nope |
10:57 |
OldCoder |
Sorry |
10:57 |
Penguin |
look at this no offence to him i think its point less http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2209 |
10:57 |
kaeza |
hadn't tested ambience recently |
10:58 |
OldCoder |
Will be same |
10:58 |
kaeza |
hmmm... |
10:59 |
kaeza |
found it! |
10:59 |
kaeza |
it's `minetest.log(level,message)' |
11:00 |
kaeza |
this lua_api.txt needs a bit of cleanup |
11:00 |
kaeza |
s/cleanup/reformatting/ |
11:02 |
Taoki |
Anyone know if half-transparent pixels work for png textures? So you can have areas which are neither 0% or 100% transparent, eg: To make dark glass that you can still see through? |
11:05 |
Zeg9 |
Taoki, maybe water does that, but I'm really not sure about it. |
11:05 |
Taoki |
water transparency is specified in code IIRC |
11:06 |
blaze joined #minetest |
11:08 |
Penguin |
hello |
11:08 |
kaeza |
OldCoder: could it be possible that the problem is if the IRC server does not get a response in time? |
11:09 |
Penguin |
kaeza ? |
11:09 |
kaeza |
yes? |
11:09 |
thexyz |
kaeza: i suggest this instead of lua_api.txt http://wapi.minetest.ru/ |
11:09 |
Penguin |
what you doing |
11:09 |
thexyz |
or http://api.minetest.net/ |
11:09 |
kaeza |
Penguin: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3905 |
11:10 |
RealBadAngel |
Taoki, i tried to make semi transparent ice, but was gettin strange side effects |
11:10 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, it says flood |
11:10 |
Taoki |
ok. IIRC there's a menu setting to make water semi-transparent, so I assume it's code |
11:10 |
OldCoder |
kaeza, not sure how delay produces flood |
11:10 |
RealBadAngel |
like on the side touchin another solid node x-ray effect, like with flying with noclip |
11:10 |
Taoki |
RealBadAngel: Did it work still? |
11:11 |
kaeza |
hmmm... |
11:11 |
RealBadAngel |
yup |
11:11 |
RealBadAngel |
water is displayed in right way |
11:12 |
RealBadAngel |
tried to make ice a liquid and use a liquid drawtype |
11:12 |
RealBadAngel |
then it wanted to spread like a liquid |
11:13 |
RealBadAngel |
somethin in the middle is needed |
11:15 |
kaeza |
testing :) |
11:16 |
mt_game joined #minetest |
11:16 |
OldCoder |
Question. I load some of VanessaE textures first and then dokutest. Penguin wants order reversed so VanessaE are used in preference. Any consensus? |
11:16 |
mt_game |
[GAME:singleplayer]: Hi Penguin |
11:16 |
mt_game |
[GAME:<ACTION>]: * singleplayer is looking if this gets to IRC |
11:17 |
kaeza |
sfan5: ^^ |
11:17 |
sfan5 |
:D |
11:17 |
mt_game |
[GAME:<ACTION>]: * singleplayer will go back to coding |
11:17 |
OldCoder |
I'd like to get that working in my worlds |
11:18 |
Penguin |
wdf why is the irc specking to me |
11:18 |
Penguin |
[11:16] <mt_game> [GAME:singleplayer]: Hi Penguin |
11:18 |
kaeza |
Penguin: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3905 |
11:19 |
* PilzAdam |
points at his improved player controls branch: https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/tree/controls |
11:20 |
Penguin |
old coder can u reverve texture |
11:21 |
OldCoder |
Penguin, ask for consensus |
11:21 |
OldCoder |
Question. I load some of VanessaE textures first and then dokutest. Penguin wants order reversed so VanessaE are used in preference. Any consensus? |
11:21 |
* OldCoder |
shrugs |
11:21 |
OldCoder |
Anybody? |
11:21 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
11:21 |
kaeza |
R :) |
11:21 |
FreeFull |
PilzAdam: What's wrong with sneaking while flying? What if you want to fly slower? |
11:22 |
FreeFull |
Wait, nevermind |
11:22 |
kaeza |
FreeFull: turn off fast_move |
11:22 |
PilzAdam |
it doesnt fit with the other changes |
11:22 |
FreeFull |
kaeza: Slower than non-fast flying speed |
11:22 |
PilzAdam |
you dont need to turn off fast mode with my changes |
11:24 |
kaeza |
OldCoder: I don't know which to choose |
11:24 |
kaeza |
so don't mind me |
11:26 |
kaeza |
... |
11:27 |
theTroy joined #minetest |
11:27 |
Taoki |
Damn... farmesh is pretty broken |
11:27 |
* Taoki |
wanted to use farmesh to give myself the feeling I'm using a smoothing / marching cubes algorithm even when I'm not :) |
11:31 |
Taoki |
It also decreases performance when it should be increasing it |
11:35 |
PilzAdam |
Taoki, do you have any idea why capital E is handled like space? |
11:35 |
Taoki |
no idea |
11:37 |
PilzAdam |
i guess thats an Irrlicht bug |
11:38 |
Taoki |
Irrlicht is a graphics engine, it doesn't handle pressed kmeys |
11:38 |
q66 joined #minetest |
11:38 |
Taoki |
It's likely a bug with whatever handles or translates or passes keyboard input |
11:46 |
thexyz |
of course it handles pressed keys |
11:48 |
Taoki |
ah, didn't know that. Probably yes then |
11:51 |
DarkDracoon joined #minetest |
11:51 |
OldCoder |
Hi! |
11:51 |
DarkDracoon |
Hi there, im kika's brother |
11:51 |
DarkDracoon |
OldCoder, huh? i know you. |
11:51 |
OldCoder |
DarkDracoon, Hi |
11:51 |
OldCoder |
How so? |
11:51 |
DarkDracoon |
my sis talks on you a lot of times |
11:51 |
OldCoder |
Ah |
11:51 |
OldCoder |
Yes |
11:51 |
OldCoder |
She is hard working |
11:51 |
DarkDracoon |
telling that you're amazing |
11:51 |
OldCoder |
??? |
11:51 |
OldCoder |
<--- Not amazing |
11:51 |
DarkDracoon |
I guess you are. |
11:51 |
OldCoder |
But thank you |
11:53 |
DarkDracoon |
soon, ill dualboot this pc as: |
11:53 |
DarkDracoon |
Crunchbang - Linux/Debian (and ) Windows XP |
11:54 |
OldCoder |
k |
11:55 |
* PilzAdam |
points at his player controls branch again: https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commits/controls |
11:56 |
DarkDracoon2 joined #minetest |
11:56 |
DarkDracoon2 |
fuck |
11:56 |
DarkDracoon2 |
my father turned modem off |
11:57 |
OldCoder |
Oh? |
12:00 |
DarkDracoon joined #minetest |
12:02 |
anunakki joined #minetest |
12:02 |
anunakki joined #minetest |
12:03 |
* kaeza |
is reading the IRC log |
12:04 |
* kaeza |
is amused |
12:04 |
* kaeza |
goes back to code his damned thing |
12:07 |
sfan5 |
.sv |
12:07 |
kaeza |
gone |
12:07 |
kaeza |
ping timeout |
12:07 |
sfan5 |
it should auto-reconnect |
12:08 |
kaeza |
not yet it seems |
12:08 |
kaeza |
.c 1 |
12:08 |
kaeza |
nop |
12:08 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
12:08 |
sfan5 |
.sv |
12:08 |
sfan5 |
.c 1 |
12:08 |
kaeza |
there |
12:08 |
MinetestBot |
1 |
12:08 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: Mrtux's Minetest server | minetest.org:30001 up (90.502%) |
12:09 |
OldCoder |
Oh; my worlds are listed? |
12:09 |
kaeza |
.g Minetest |
12:09 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: http://minetest.net/ |
12:09 |
kaeza |
.g kaeza |
12:09 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: http://www.kaezafearn.com/ |
12:09 |
kaeza |
wut? |
12:09 |
kaeza |
that's not me |
12:10 |
Basstard` |
.g ass |
12:10 |
MinetestBot |
Basstard`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ass |
12:11 |
kaeza |
.g lol |
12:11 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: http://leagueoflegends.com/ |
12:11 |
kaeza |
wut? |
12:12 |
Basstard` |
.g search |
12:12 |
MinetestBot |
Basstard`: http://search.yahoo.com/ |
12:13 |
kaeza |
.g Legend of Cosmo |
12:13 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: http://www.amazon.com/Legend-Cosmo-Archangel-Joseph-Kaufman/dp/9655440001 |
12:13 |
kaeza |
sorry |
12:13 |
sfan5 |
why sorry? |
12:14 |
kaeza |
flooding :) |
12:14 |
Basstard` |
.g sorry |
12:14 |
MinetestBot |
Basstard`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorry!_(game) |
12:14 |
sfan5 |
no problem |
12:14 |
sfan5 |
kaeza: you can also chat in query |
12:14 |
Zeg9 |
.g Zeg9 |
12:14 |
MinetestBot |
Zeg9: http://www.rightwingnews.com/republicans/is-herman-cain-the-star-personality-candidate-republicans-have-been-waiting-for-and-which-goper-do-you-like/ |
12:14 |
Zeg9 |
o_O |
12:14 |
kaeza |
lol |
12:15 |
sfan5 |
.g sfan5 |
12:15 |
kaeza |
sfan5: explain plz |
12:15 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: https://github.com/sfan5 |
12:15 |
sfan5 |
kaeza: /privmsg MinetestBot .sv |
12:15 |
kaeza |
k |
12:15 |
sfan5 |
try that und you'll understand |
12:15 |
OldCoder |
Much better |
12:15 |
sfan5 |
.gc sfan5 |
12:15 |
MinetestBot |
NameError: global name 'new_gc' is not defined (file "/home/stefan/mtbot/modules/search.py", line 87, in gc) |
12:15 |
OldCoder |
No more bot fights please |
12:15 |
sfan5 |
ok |
12:16 |
kaeza |
my IRC client is broken |
12:16 |
Basstard` |
.g OldCoder |
12:16 |
MinetestBot |
Basstard`: http://oldcoder.org/ |
12:16 |
kaeza |
"/privmsg MinetestBot .sv" "unknown command" |
12:16 |
Zeg9 |
kaeza, try /mnt |
12:16 |
Zeg9 |
/msg* |
12:16 |
Zeg9 |
o.o |
12:16 |
kaeza |
"/msg MinetestBot .sv" "unknown command" |
12:17 |
kaeza |
sorry |
12:17 |
kaeza |
wrong line |
12:17 |
kaeza |
testing again |
12:17 |
kaeza |
yup /msg works |
12:19 |
kaeza |
(10:15:58) kaeza: .g pr0n |
12:19 |
kaeza |
(10:15:59) MinetestBot: kaeza: Search term contains badword |
12:19 |
kaeza |
that's better |
12:20 |
thexyz |
oh |
12:20 |
thexyz |
badword |
12:20 |
thexyz |
challenge accepted |
12:21 |
kaeza |
though pr0n gives urban dictionary as first hit |
12:21 |
PilzAdam |
.sv |
12:21 |
MinetestBot |
PilzAdam: AviActu Global Minetest Server (0.4.3) | aviactu.info:30000 up (95.783%) |
12:22 |
PilzAdam |
.sv |
12:22 |
MinetestBot |
PilzAdam: Redcrab's server 0.4 dev20120106-1 | redcrab.suret.net:30000 up (86.475%) |
12:22 |
Basstard` |
.sv |
12:22 |
PilzAdam |
.sv |
12:22 |
MinetestBot |
Basstard`: Calinou's Server | calin.sytes.net:30000 up (91.341%) |
12:22 |
MinetestBot |
PilzAdam: Redcrab's server : for serious builder | redcrab.suret.net:30401 up (95.739%) |
12:23 |
kaeza |
sfan5: is ".help" a command? |
12:23 |
sfan5 |
no |
12:23 |
kaeza |
oh ok |
12:24 |
kaeza |
.wik Iron Pick |
12:24 |
MinetestBot |
"There is currently no text in this page." - http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Iron_Pick |
12:24 |
kaeza |
.wik Steel Pick |
12:24 |
MinetestBot |
"There is currently no text in this page." - http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Steel_Pick |
12:25 |
sfan5 |
.wik Iron Pickaxe |
12:25 |
MinetestBot |
"There is currently no text in this page." - http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Iron_Pickaxe |
12:25 |
Zeg9 |
.g Iron pickaxe |
12:25 |
MinetestBot |
Zeg9: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Pickaxe |
12:25 |
Zeg9 |
.g Steel pickaxe |
12:25 |
MinetestBot |
Zeg9: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Steel_pickaxe |
12:25 |
Zeg9 |
Why runescape and minecraft ? x) |
12:25 |
sfan5 |
.g Minetest Iron Pickaxe |
12:25 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: http://minetest.net/wiki/doku.php?id=crafting |
12:25 |
sfan5 |
Zeg9: ask google |
12:25 |
Zeg9 |
... |
12:25 |
Zeg9 |
My dumb x) |
12:26 |
OldCoder |
Could we reduce the botting a little? |
12:26 |
kaeza |
sorry OC |
12:27 |
DarkDracoon |
so pplz |
12:27 |
DarkDracoon |
what you doing? |
12:27 |
DarkDracoon |
.g Minetest Wood Shovel |
12:27 |
MinetestBot |
DarkDracoon: http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Shovel |
12:27 |
DarkDracoon |
wanted hwo to craft it |
12:27 |
DarkDracoon |
:P |
12:27 |
kaeza |
you don't know how to craft a shovel??? |
12:28 |
kaeza |
... |
12:29 |
kaeza |
lol just one more |
12:29 |
kaeza |
.g wut |
12:29 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrnq4SZ0luc |
12:30 |
* kaeza |
is satisfied |
12:30 |
* kaeza |
goes back to code |
12:30 |
Xenux joined #minetest |
12:32 |
* OldCoder |
is resting briefly |
12:32 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
12:32 |
sfan5 |
.g test |
12:32 |
sfan5 |
.g test |
12:32 |
kaeza |
.g hmmmm |
12:33 |
sfan5 |
syntax error |
12:33 |
kaeza |
where? |
12:33 |
sfan5 |
Error loading search: invalid syntax (search.py, line 98) (in bot.py) |
12:33 |
kaeza |
get it up again |
12:34 |
sfan5 |
starting... |
12:34 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
12:34 |
sfan5 |
.g test |
12:34 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: http://www.test.com/ |
12:34 |
kaeza |
.gc |
12:34 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: No query term. |
12:34 |
kaeza |
.gc a |
12:34 |
MinetestBot |
NameError: global name 're' is not defined (file "/home/stefan/mtbot/modules/search.py", line 107, in new_gc) |
12:34 |
kaeza |
hmmmm |
12:35 |
sfan5 |
let me fix that |
12:37 |
neko259 joined #minetest |
12:37 |
kaeza |
hey neko |
12:39 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
12:39 |
sfan5 |
.g test |
12:39 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: http://www.test.com/ |
12:39 |
sfan5 |
this looks good: "[LOG]: sfan5 queried Google Result for 'test'" |
12:40 |
sfan5 |
.gc test |
12:40 |
MinetestBot |
test: 634,000,000 |
12:40 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
12:40 |
thexyz |
awful |
12:40 |
kaeza |
seems good to me |
12:40 |
kaeza |
how long did it take? |
12:40 |
sfan5 |
what? |
12:40 |
kaeza |
the search |
12:41 |
sfan5 |
dunno |
12:41 |
sfan5 |
... |
12:41 |
sfan5 |
derp |
12:41 |
kaeza |
seems like less than a sec |
12:41 |
kaeza |
lol |
12:42 |
sfan5 |
nickname blacklisting should work fine now |
12:42 |
KikaRz |
.g test |
12:42 |
MinetestBot |
KikaRz: Nope! |
12:43 |
sfan5 |
yep! it does |
12:44 |
Sudi joined #minetest |
12:47 |
thexyz |
lol |
12:47 |
simion314 |
how long it should take to load a multiplayer world? in my case it is stuck at "Media 0%" |
12:48 |
sfan5 |
simion314: depends on how fast your and the servers connection is |
12:48 |
sfan5 |
and how many media is transferred |
12:48 |
kaeza |
sfan5: lol |
12:48 |
NakedFury |
that was nice sfan |
12:48 |
simion314 |
what is the media? |
12:49 |
NakedFury |
sounds |
12:49 |
neko259 left #minetest |
12:49 |
NakedFury |
files |
12:49 |
kaeza |
sfan5: It would be better if it sent a private message |
12:49 |
neko259 joined #minetest |
12:49 |
NakedFury |
all the mods and extras the server has |
12:49 |
neko259 |
Hello everyone. |
12:49 |
NakedFury |
hello |
12:49 |
kaeza |
hello neko259 |
12:49 |
simion314 |
if the server has mods and textures packs it will send them to the client before starting? |
12:49 |
neko259 |
Can anyone tell me, how to make my nodes decay like leaves? They are in leafdecay group, but they drop themselved when decaying. |
12:50 |
sfan5 |
yes |
12:50 |
kaeza |
simion314: yes |
12:50 |
neko259 |
And I get dozens of dropped leaves. |
12:50 |
simion314 |
thx all |
12:51 |
kaeza |
stand by |
12:51 |
kaeza |
testing |
12:52 |
mt_game joined #minetest |
12:52 |
mt_game |
[GAME:singleplayer]: 1 2 3 testing |
12:52 |
mt_game |
[GAME:<ACTION>]: * singleplayer is yaying |
12:52 |
mt_game |
[GAME:singleplayer]: someone use /me from IRC please |
12:52 |
* sfan5 |
tests |
12:53 |
sfan5 |
i did |
12:53 |
kaeza |
I'm not getting it from there |
12:53 |
* kaeza |
is checking the code |
12:54 |
* NakedFury |
hi |
12:56 |
mt_game joined #minetest |
12:56 |
mt_game |
[GAME:singleplayer]: again plz |
12:56 |
* kaeza |
tests |
12:58 |
fus_ro_dah joined #minetest |
12:59 |
* kaeza |
tests |
12:59 |
neko259 |
Are there any mod devs here? :D |
13:00 |
thexyz |
of course there are |
13:00 |
fus_ro_dah |
[GAME:singleplayer]: neko259: yes |
13:00 |
neko259 |
fus_ro_dah: Please see my question. |
13:00 |
thexyz |
kaeza: can you test your bot in some other channel? |
13:00 |
home joined #minetest |
13:00 |
kaeza |
sowwy |
13:00 |
home |
hello everyone im back^^ |
13:05 |
thexyz |
neko259: they don't drop themselves, see https://github.com/celeron55/minetest_game/blob/master/mods/default/leafdecay.lua#L74 |
13:09 |
PilzAdam |
back |
13:10 |
doserj joined #minetest |
13:11 |
neko259 |
thexyz: But my blossom nodes drop themselves. |
13:11 |
neko259 |
Why so? |
13:12 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
13:13 |
kaeza |
I'm having a slight headache |
13:13 |
kaeza |
gonna take a nap for a few mins |
13:13 |
kaeza |
c u |
13:16 |
simion314 joined #minetest |
13:22 |
neko259 |
thexyz: Зайди в linux-anime плиз. |
13:54 |
Penguin joined #minetest |
13:54 |
Penguin |
hi |
13:54 |
Zeg9 |
Hello. |
13:54 |
Zeg9 |
Is anyone reading the chat here? |
13:55 |
Zeg9 |
Apart the logger ? |
13:55 |
Penguin |
Anyone Coming On Octus Server minetest.org 30004 ? |
13:55 |
PilzAdam |
somehow |
13:55 |
PilzAdam |
version? |
13:56 |
Penguin |
1.4.2 |
13:57 |
PilzAdam |
?!?! |
13:57 |
Penguin |
0.4.2 |
13:57 |
Penguin |
fail 0.4.3 |
13:58 |
PilzAdam |
no 3D models :-( |
13:58 |
Penguin |
? |
14:14 |
DarkDracoon |
14:31 |
shadowjay1 joined #minetest |
14:51 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
14:55 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
14:56 |
sfan5 |
.sv |
14:56 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: AviActu Global Minetest Server (0.4.3) | aviactu.info:30000 up (95.808%) |
14:57 |
sfan5 |
.c 1+1 |
14:57 |
MinetestBot |
2 |
14:57 |
jin_xi |
so, anyone knows about detached inventories? |
14:58 |
jin_xi |
what are they detached from? |
14:59 |
thexyz |
from nodes |
14:59 |
thexyz |
and players |
15:00 |
thexyz |
Inventory location: |
15:00 |
thexyz |
- "context": Selected node metadata (deprecated: "current_name") |
15:00 |
thexyz |
- "current_player": Player to whom the menu is shown |
15:00 |
thexyz |
- "player:<name>": Any player |
15:00 |
thexyz |
- "nodemeta:<X>,<Y>,<Z>": Any node metadata |
15:00 |
thexyz |
- "detached:<name>": A detached inventory |
15:02 |
jin_xi |
so, how is it accessed? |
15:02 |
jin_xi |
i mean what actions cause it to appear on your screen |
15:03 |
* jin_xi |
feels foolish |
15:05 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
15:08 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
15:21 |
Zeg9 |
Anyone has access to OldCoder's mod folder? :/ |
15:22 |
NakedFury |
no. do you want to know what mods he has? |
15:22 |
Zeg9 |
No, I made a mod that has a huge bug I just fixed :/ |
15:23 |
NakedFury |
ohh well is it possible to leave a msg for when he gets online? |
15:25 |
Zeg9 |
I sent him a message, as well as memo's with memoserv |
15:26 |
NakedFury |
ohh then you can be sure he will see it |
15:27 |
PilzAdam |
back |
15:27 |
NakedFury |
welcome back |
15:28 |
Zeg9 |
Welcome back |
15:28 |
PilzAdam |
anything happend? |
15:28 |
Zeg9 |
My mod crashed my world on OldCoder's server, that's all I think |
15:32 |
Zeg9 |
.sv |
15:32 |
MinetestBot |
Zeg9: M13's Server (0.4.3) | m13.servegame.com:30001 down |
15:32 |
Zeg9 |
.sv |
15:32 |
MinetestBot |
Zeg9: cosarara97's server | cosarara97.cu.cc:30000 down |
15:33 |
Zeg9 |
Any 0.4.4 server up ? |
15:33 |
PilzAdam |
minetest.ru:12345 |
15:34 |
Zeg9 |
Thanks |
15:35 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
15:35 |
* Calinou |
rants about new light changes |
15:35 |
Calinou |
sunlight is way too bright :| |
15:36 |
NakedFury |
that must be how it was on earth before the industrial age |
15:37 |
Calinou |
lol |
15:38 |
Calinou |
erm, nevermind |
15:38 |
Calinou |
stuff seems to be much brighter on my netbook with shaders, but it looks ok on my desktop |
15:39 |
NakedFury |
is it possible to add a source of light as bright as the games sun and have it be tied to the games day/night cycle? for use in deep underground cities to simulate a sun |
15:39 |
NakedFury |
I have to wait for a windows compiled shaders client |
15:40 |
Calinou |
light needs to be tweaked in fixed-function mode imo, also the new style water should be backported... |
15:41 |
NakedFury |
I have to place ridiculous amount of torches in my construction |
15:41 |
Zeg9 |
NakedFury, I had a bug on Calinou's server once, in my mine there was daylight. I think it was a light map bug, though |
15:42 |
NakedFury |
ohh I have that in several places |
15:42 |
NakedFury |
but I have thousands of torches placed all around |
15:44 |
Zeg9 |
How do you change player's texture/skin on 0.4.4 ? |
15:44 |
PilzAdam |
overrride character.png |
15:45 |
Zeg9 |
I mean, per player, I heard it was possible |
15:45 |
Zeg9 |
Or it will need a mod, like before ? |
15:45 |
PilzAdam |
sdzen's modfiied player_textures mod |
15:45 |
Zeg9 |
Ok, thanks |
15:45 |
PilzAdam |
link is in the forum topic of player_textures |
15:47 |
babyface1031 joined #minetest |
15:57 |
RealBadAngel |
NakedFury, sfan5 compiled latest already |
15:57 |
NakedFury |
with the shaders?? |
15:57 |
sfan5 |
yes |
15:57 |
NakedFury |
damn your fast |
15:57 |
NakedFury |
I already had the other 0.4.4 |
15:57 |
RealBadAngel |
no, youre to slow to get it ;) |
15:58 |
RealBadAngel |
*too |
15:58 |
NakedFury |
no he is fast |
15:58 |
NakedFury |
fast sfanfive |
15:58 |
RealBadAngel |
with this build you can test Unified Inventory |
15:59 |
RealBadAngel |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3933 |
15:59 |
NakedFury |
sfan5 cant you sticky your build post?? |
16:00 |
NakedFury |
downloading |
16:00 |
sfan5 |
NakedFury: i don't know if celeron55 would allow that |
16:00 |
NakedFury |
ohh |
16:01 |
sstrandberg joined #minetest |
16:03 |
Zigz1 joined #minetest |
16:04 |
Zigz1 |
crapsters, caught kaeza on afk~ |
16:05 |
NakedFury |
preload items visual. what is that? what does it improve? |
16:05 |
Zigz1 |
Does anyone know how to make mods (items, entities, tools, etc) and is willing to help me~ ? |
16:06 |
Zigz1 |
I'd like to know how to make items/entities/tools, because I only know how to make blocks so far. I also have a problem with a log texture. |
16:06 |
NakedFury |
I know some and what I dont I check other mods to learn |
16:08 |
RealBadAngel |
it was supposed to skip rendering items inv textures at start |
16:08 |
VanessaE |
hi all |
16:08 |
RealBadAngel |
and render them on demand |
16:08 |
RealBadAngel |
effect is that that both Creative and Unified Inventory suffers from it |
16:08 |
VanessaE |
...but it has the side effect of making the creative invetory screen turn black between pages |
16:09 |
RealBadAngel |
so recommendation is to avoid using that |
16:09 |
jin_xi |
fast joins (no black screen) but delays when item images are generated |
16:09 |
Zigz1 |
The minetest tree log has 2 textures - top and side. I tried making files for my rainbow log end with _side and _top, thinking that it should do something. Instead it just makes the texture not able to load~ |
16:09 |
RealBadAngel |
and blackouts |
16:09 |
RealBadAngel |
zigz: every node has 6 textures |
16:10 |
RealBadAngel |
if just one is given, it will be the same on all 6 faces |
16:10 |
Zigz1 |
I did two |
16:10 |
Zigz1 |
I put them in code |
16:10 |
RealBadAngel |
6 |
16:10 |
Zigz1 |
I need to do 6? :( |
16:10 |
RealBadAngel |
4 sides, up and bottom |
16:10 |
RealBadAngel |
for example tree has 2 textures |
16:10 |
Zigz1 |
Yes, it does, |
16:10 |
RealBadAngel |
1 for up and bottom, 1 for four sides |
16:11 |
Zigz1 |
And my rainbow log is a tree too |
16:11 |
RealBadAngel |
hold on |
16:11 |
Zigz1 |
Well, I don't really understand how default has only 2 textures for the tree and it works~ |
16:11 |
NakedFury |
check default |
16:11 |
Zigz1 |
I did. |
16:11 |
jin_xi |
you can use the same for all 6 |
16:11 |
jin_xi |
see above |
16:11 |
Zigz1 |
Wait a second. |
16:12 |
Zigz1 |
I think I did something wrong, that might be |
16:12 |
NakedFury |
you have to tell it always example: default_log, default_log, upside_log, default_log, bottom_log |
16:12 |
Zigz1 |
..Hmm |
16:12 |
RealBadAngel |
tiles = {"top.png", "bottom.png", "side0.png","side1.png", "side2.png", "side3.png"}, |
16:12 |
Zigz1 |
So I can use the same texture in the code for a couple of times ? |
16:12 |
jin_xi |
yes |
16:12 |
NakedFury |
follow the order of realbadangel |
16:13 |
RealBadAngel |
if top and bottom are the same use same textures for both |
16:13 |
Zigz1 |
Do I have to make the names like that, or do I just put them in some order? |
16:13 |
RealBadAngel |
so in your case top and bottom will be one texture |
16:13 |
RealBadAngel |
and all sides another |
16:13 |
RealBadAngel |
names i gave them means the order |
16:14 |
Zigz1 |
All right, i'll try right now |
16:14 |
RealBadAngel |
1st is bottom, 2nd up, etc |
16:14 |
VanessaE |
oooo check out c55's latest commit - smooth shader-based day<->night transitions :-) |
16:14 |
Zigz1 |
By the way, gimp is useful if you want to make textures |
16:14 |
VanessaE |
looks beautiful |
16:14 |
RealBadAngel |
sfan5? |
16:14 |
Zigz1 |
Yeah, someone suggested it on the forum |
16:15 |
NakedFury |
another update? |
16:15 |
RealBadAngel |
lets check how fast he is really :) |
16:15 |
NakedFury |
he must already be halfway through |
16:16 |
Zigz1 |
My mod concept is to make rainbow stuff like rainbow cookies, etc. |
16:16 |
Zigz1 |
But the bad thing is, that I don't know how to make items |
16:16 |
Zigz1 |
I know how to make recipes though! |
16:17 |
Zeg9 |
Do you mean craftitems? |
16:17 |
Zigz1 |
Wait a second, realbadangel |
16:17 |
Zigz1 |
Are you from poland? |
16:17 |
RealBadAngel |
yes |
16:17 |
Zigz1 |
Me too! We should keep it english though, as for this chat is public, right? |
16:17 |
RealBadAngel |
indeed |
16:18 |
RealBadAngel |
tip: if you want to learn LUA pick a mod and check it, how the things are done |
16:18 |
RealBadAngel |
best way |
16:19 |
Zigz1 |
:( the textures still wont load |
16:19 |
RealBadAngel |
because you will get working examples |
16:19 |
RealBadAngel |
pastebin your code please |
16:20 |
Zigz1 |
16:20 |
Zigz1 |
16:21 |
Zigz1 |
16:21 |
Zigz1 |
I need to fix it up |
16:21 |
Zigz1 |
I forgot the "s |
16:21 |
Zigz1 |
Ah, silly me |
16:22 |
Zigz1 |
I'll check it now |
16:22 |
Zigz1 |
.... |
16:22 |
Zigz1 |
............ |
16:22 |
Zigz1 |
The texture still won't load. |
16:23 |
Zigz1 |
Perhaps that wasn't the problem? |
16:23 |
RealBadAngel |
hehe, gimme the code i will look for problem |
16:23 |
Zigz1 |
Dammit |
16:23 |
Zigz1 |
I did a problem again |
16:23 |
hmmmm joined #minetest |
16:23 |
Zigz1 |
mistake* |
16:24 |
Zigz1 |
because i gave the wrong name of the texture |
16:24 |
Zigz1 |
THERE we go! |
16:24 |
Zigz1 |
It looks funny |
16:25 |
RealBadAngel |
17:24:36: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Creating a dummy image for "door_wood_a_r.png" |
16:25 |
RealBadAngel |
whos texture is that? |
16:25 |
RealBadAngel |
i keep getting this error since morning or so |
16:26 |
VanessaE |
that's a default texture from the original doors mod |
16:27 |
VanessaE |
not sure if the revised doors PilzAdam added use the same filenames or not |
16:27 |
VanessaE |
(I think they do) |
16:27 |
PilzAdam |
*_r.png images arent used in the new doors mod |
16:28 |
PilzAdam |
the other ones are flipped by the engine |
16:28 |
Zigz1 |
Hehe http://i49.tinypic.com/1z5kjeu.png |
16:28 |
VanessaE |
Zigz1: you think we can see that? |
16:28 |
VanessaE |
looks sorta rainbow-colored |
16:29 |
Zigz1 |
Yeah, the one on the left is rainbow wool and the one on the right is a rainbow tree log. |
16:29 |
VanessaE |
protip: |
16:29 |
VanessaE |
/time 6000 |
16:29 |
VanessaE |
then take a screenshot :) |
16:29 |
PilzAdam |
first F1 and F2 |
16:29 |
Zigz1 |
Meh, fine. |
16:31 |
Zigz1 |
Here's your ultra rainbow. http://i47.tinypic.com/w5x6u.png |
16:31 |
VanessaE |
cute :-) |
16:31 |
Zeg9 |
Why isn't the screenshot the same size ! |
16:31 |
VanessaE |
suggestion: radial rainbow on the top side of the tree |
16:31 |
NakedFury |
using /time 6000 before taking screenshots is super important |
16:32 |
Zigz1 |
The textures are 32px because I thought 16px was a bit ugly |
16:32 |
Zigz1 |
The rainbow is more noticable with 32px |
16:32 |
RealBadAngel |
its hard to make nice lookin 16px texture |
16:32 |
Zigz1 |
True |
16:32 |
PilzAdam |
RealBadAngel, speaking about textures... |
16:33 |
* RealBadAngel |
fires up gimp |
16:33 |
PilzAdam |
:D |
16:33 |
Zigz1 |
Gimp? |
16:33 |
Zigz1 |
I made those textures with gimp also, lol |
16:33 |
* VanessaE |
goes to her HDX folder...... |
16:33 |
PilzAdam |
everyone uses Gimp |
16:33 |
RealBadAngel |
it was hard to learn |
16:34 |
Zigz1 |
VanessaE, if I were to speak about your HDX textures, those are some badass huge files. |
16:34 |
RealBadAngel |
but i cannot even imagine now workin with another tool |
16:34 |
VanessaE |
yep I know |
16:34 |
VanessaE |
but bandwidth, storage, and good video cards are cheap :-) |
16:34 |
NakedFury |
I use paint.net |
16:34 |
Zigz1 |
Here video cards aren't cheap, in poland |
16:34 |
RealBadAngel |
Zigz1, try this one https://github.com/RealBadAngel/HavenTP |
16:35 |
Zigz1 |
Ya know guys, I don't like drawing with gimp/paint.net or stuff like that |
16:35 |
NakedFury |
its the shipping that rips you another ahole |
16:35 |
Zigz1 |
I like something like kerpoof, when i draw there i feel like the lines move swiftly with grace |
16:35 |
NakedFury |
you find a cheap hardware piece and then find that you need to pay almost the same amount in shipping and handling |
16:35 |
Zigz1 |
When I draw in gimp/paint.net, I feel like the lines were shaky as hell |
16:35 |
VanessaE |
Zigz1: that said, the 64px size of HDX is only 8.5MB |
16:36 |
Zigz1 |
Still a heavy file, herp |
16:36 |
VanessaE |
that's smaller than the initial cache download on my server :-) |
16:36 |
PilzAdam |
my minimal GAME has ~200KB |
16:36 |
VanessaE |
8.5MB is heavy?? |
16:36 |
Zigz1 |
In fact, for a texture its pretty much heavy |
16:36 |
VanessaE |
"1718 images (in the larger sizes), counting all of the above supported mods, and still growing" |
16:36 |
VanessaE |
that's why it's 8.5MB :-) |
16:36 |
Zigz1 |
Yeah, thats why I'm saying it's heavy. For a TEXTURE pack. |
16:37 |
VanessaE |
meh. you want quality, it'll cost ya :P |
16:37 |
PilzAdam |
and it doesnt look good |
16:38 |
Zigz1 |
Btw, vanessaE, I published your texture pack on my website and didn't even tell ya, sorry. But I'm sure it's fine because I was giving full credit and the download isn't an ad.fly link that gives me free monies, and on the other side, the site isn't popular at all, pretty much nobody knows about it. |
16:38 |
Zigz1 |
I'm still working on it. |
16:38 |
RealBadAngel |
depends on who is lookin ;) |
16:39 |
RealBadAngel |
i prefer at least 128px |
16:39 |
VanessaE |
it's okay, publish it all you want, just be sure you keep it updated :-) |
16:39 |
Zeg9 |
Zigz1, what is your website ? XD |
16:40 |
Zigz1 |
Well, if you want it.. Most of the websites are empty, because I have lazy buttocks. |
16:40 |
Zigz1 |
http://minetest.manifo.com |
16:40 |
Zigz1 |
Yes, I love free stuff |
16:40 |
Zigz1 |
Because I can't create my own. |
16:41 |
Zigz1 |
By the way, Vanessa, your 512px pack's size is blastin'. |
16:42 |
Zigz1 |
The texture packs page, even though it has much more stuff than the other pages, still feels shining empty to me. |
16:42 |
Zeg9 |
Zigz1, why do you use a minecraft background and music if you're talking about minetest ? ;) |
16:42 |
Calinou |
df -h says my /home partition would like to have some texture packs: |
16:42 |
Calinou |
/dev/sda4 1,8T 14G 1,7T 1% /home |
16:42 |
Calinou |
thank you OEM for giving me a 2TB disk :| |
16:42 |
VanessaE |
Zigz1: heh, you shoulda seen it before I recompressed it into jpg :-) |
16:42 |
Zigz1 |
Because minetest dirt is ugly 8) |
16:42 |
Calinou |
+1 |
16:43 |
Calinou |
updated my changelog btw: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/82342922/0.4.x-changelog.txt |
16:43 |
Zigz1 |
I'm pretty sure almost nobody knows me here, just from my not-so-many posts on the forum~ |
16:43 |
VanessaE |
Zigz1: "looks empty" <-- add screenshot thumbnails |
16:44 |
Zigz1 |
I hope you like the slider on the homepage, because ITS NOT MINE. |
16:44 |
Zigz1 |
Also, what the dirt should I add there? I have no idea at all |
16:45 |
Zigz1 |
Maybe someone would fix the page's logo for me, it's seriously simple for me. |
16:45 |
Zeg9 |
I see, the WOWSlider.com |
16:45 |
Zigz1 |
I tried to remove it, but to no avail |
16:45 |
PilzAdam |
Calinou, what about attached nodes? |
16:46 |
Calinou |
PilzAdam: see "modding related changes" section |
16:46 |
Zigz1 |
I hate when people try to make me give credit to them, but I do that if they just ask me nicely, for me WOWSlider is just an ugly usual ordinary money-wanting campaign of idiots. |
16:46 |
PilzAdam |
the default nodes that use this groups hould be mentioned |
16:46 |
Zeg9 |
Just use an open-sourced stuff ;) |
16:46 |
celeron55 |
is that a changelog from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4-dev? |
16:46 |
PilzAdam |
yep |
16:47 |
Zigz1 |
Would anyone be good-hearted and let me know how to make items/tools/entities? |
16:47 |
Calinou |
wowslider? |
16:47 |
Calinou |
celeron55: yes |
16:47 |
Zigz1 |
I want to make rainbow cookies |
16:47 |
Calinou |
feel free to use it :P |
16:47 |
Calinou |
Zigz1: look at my mods' code (eg. moreblocks), it should be self-explanatory |
16:47 |
Zigz1 |
Wait a sec, is that celeron55? |
16:47 |
Zeg9 |
Zigz1: http://api.minetest.net/page/view/view/items.html |
16:48 |
Zeg9 |
Wait |
16:48 |
Zigz1 |
I don't know why, I always feel weird when I type to a game creator/famous person |
16:49 |
Zigz1 |
And always when I make a mistake with spelling or something like that, I feel like I failed the whole life and wanted to kill myself |
16:49 |
OldCoder |
Hi |
16:49 |
Zeg9 |
Hello OldCoder, sorry for the flooding I did... |
16:49 |
* OldCoder |
reviews |
16:50 |
OldCoder |
k |
16:50 |
VanessaE joined #minetest |
16:50 |
VanessaE |
Ahh linux. wonderfully stable. Except when it hard-locks. |
16:50 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, wb |
16:52 |
Zigz1 |
That moment when you forget a person on skype and weirdly ask him/her the ultra-ordinary question "Who are you?" |
16:52 |
Zigz1 |
Happened a while ago to me. |
16:54 |
Zigz1 |
If anyone doesn't mind non-minetest content, heres my first ever color splash I did not a long time ago. http://i46.tinypic.com/2hzcrm.jpg |
16:54 |
Zigz1 |
I just noticed i seriously have a obsession with rainbows. |
16:57 |
VanessaE |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=54680#p54680 |
16:57 |
VanessaE |
wtf? second-to-last screenshot with the sky background. HOW!? |
16:57 |
VanessaE |
surely it's been 'shopped? |
16:57 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, 0.3.1? |
16:58 |
PilzAdam |
skyblock.png? |
16:58 |
VanessaE |
oh hell |
16:58 |
VanessaE |
you're right, that was 0.3.1. I didn't look at the top left corner |
16:58 |
PilzAdam |
you also see the "1" at the stacks in the creative inv of 0.3 |
16:59 |
VanessaE |
been too long since I used 0.3.x :-) |
16:59 |
celeron55 joined #minetest |
17:02 |
* VanessaE |
feels stupid for misreading the screenshot, and also wants skyboxes or some equivalent back :-) |
17:02 |
* PilzAdam |
just thinks about the flame wars when Minetest will be as good as MC |
17:02 |
Zigz1 |
Well i'll be going, gonna play with a friend |
17:02 |
Zigz1 |
Goodbye everyone, have a nice night, morning, day, or whatever |
17:02 |
VanessaE |
bya |
17:02 |
VanessaE |
bye |
17:09 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
17:10 |
PilzAdam |
hi J4I |
17:10 |
babyface1031 |
hi OldCoder |
17:10 |
OldCoder |
babyface1031, Hi |
17:10 |
jordan4ibanez |
hi |
17:10 |
VanessaE |
hey babyface1031 |
17:11 |
babyface1031 |
hi VanessaE |
17:12 |
jordan4ibanez |
what does preload item visuals do? |
17:12 |
PilzAdam |
preload was default of the previous versions |
17:13 |
simion314 joined #minetest |
17:13 |
jordan4ibanez |
oh, so now it supports changing textures while server is running? |
17:13 |
PilzAdam |
no |
17:13 |
PilzAdam |
its faster loading of the map |
17:14 |
jordan4ibanez |
wait on or off? |
17:14 |
PilzAdam |
off |
17:14 |
jordan4ibanez |
i can really feel the difference, the map doesn't spazz out while loading chunks anymore :) |
17:15 |
jordan4ibanez |
pilzadam: https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/minetest/commits/master |
17:15 |
PilzAdam |
its actually only the black screen when entering the game |
17:16 |
Calinou |
you get a small black screen when opening inventory/mining an item sometimes :( |
17:16 |
PilzAdam |
yea, thats the downside |
17:17 |
revengeiseek joined #minetest |
17:17 |
jordan4ibanez |
I like how the inventory doesn't spazz out anymore |
17:17 |
DarkDracoon |
showing to revengeiseek how its this |
17:17 |
Zeg9 |
J4I try using craft guide now :D |
17:18 |
Zeg9 |
Or creative, I think, too |
17:18 |
jordan4ibanez |
pilzadam, can you add in the inertia that was in minetest ++ to minetest? |
17:18 |
jordan4ibanez |
Yes, it's very smooth |
17:18 |
PilzAdam |
what? |
17:19 |
jordan4ibanez |
read commits i posted above in that link |
17:20 |
DarkDracoon |
revengeiseek, i see your ip :D |
17:20 |
revengeiseek |
D:D:D: |
17:20 |
revengeiseek |
wtf |
17:20 |
revengeiseek |
hey, how i hide my ip? |
17:20 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, Penguin wishes me to swap Dokutest and your textures to give yours priority. Any reason to do so or not? |
17:21 |
OldCoder |
revengeiseek, you can obtain a cloak |
17:21 |
revengeiseek |
how? |
17:21 |
OldCoder |
revengeiseek, Google Freenode cloak and this should explain further |
17:21 |
revengeiseek |
ok thanks |
17:21 |
revengeiseek |
:D |
17:22 |
OldCoder |
What was that about? |
17:23 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: the download size may be prohibitive, but I certainly wouldn't complain :-) Recommend you limit it to the 64px size if you use mine. |
17:23 |
VanessaE |
(it's an 8.5MB download for the current version) |
17:23 |
PilzAdam |
jordan4ibanez, can you point me to the commit? |
17:23 |
jordan4ibanez |
There are A LOT of commits, which one do you want first? inertia? hungerbar? drowning bar? |
17:24 |
PilzAdam |
the inertia thing you mentioned |
17:24 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: that reminds me... please remove flowers, jungle grass, and poison ivy (they're all obsolete now) from your servers and install Plantlife instead. |
17:25 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: it is a drop-in replacement for those three and is much faster, too. |
17:25 |
VanessaE |
inertia? maybe. Hunger/drowning/suffocating? do not want. |
17:26 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
17:27 |
jordan4ibanez |
Okay, i'm going to give you the commits in order that they were posted, since some of them are fixes and such |
17:27 |
NakedFury |
hunger and drowning wanted too |
17:28 |
jordan4ibanez |
pilzadam http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=kPZRxT3p |
17:29 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: re: the video link in -dev, I can't say I care for the motion blur or the shadows cast by the plants. The rest looks nice though. |
17:29 |
NekoGloop |
Alright, time to make myself a skin! :D |
17:29 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: MC + GLSL shaders? |
17:29 |
jordan4ibanez |
It needs further tuning while in water, but it was almost perfect |
17:29 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=54645#p54645 |
17:29 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, Plantlife is backwards compatible with all other mods? and 0.4.3 ? |
17:29 |
babyface1031 |
flowers are no good anymore VanessaE? |
17:29 |
sfan5 |
VanessaE: which video? |
17:29 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: afaict, yes. |
17:29 |
PilzAdam |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHHxUzp29HA |
17:30 |
VanessaE |
babyface1031: obsoleted and replaced by plantlife mod: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3898 |
17:30 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
17:30 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: That looks a hell of a lot better than the picture i had. |
17:30 |
VanessaE |
babyface1031, OldCoder: just download that ^^^ and install, and delete flowers/junglegrass/poisonivy |
17:30 |
sfan5 |
i want that shaders for minetest too |
17:30 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: as I tried to tell you, people do like that mod - oldcoder uses it on his servers, as do I. |
17:30 |
* PilzAdam |
too |
17:30 |
babyface1031 |
i am on OldCoder servers so nothing fo rme to download |
17:31 |
VanessaE |
sfan5: well the latest shaders in MT git master look nice. |
17:31 |
sfan5 |
yeah |
17:31 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, I will proceed |
17:31 |
sfan5 |
some comments in the shaders in master would be nice |
17:31 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, Zegaton will be updated after I complete VanessaE changes |
17:31 |
VanessaE |
sfan5: smooth day-night transitions, bright light-emitting objects, lighting differences between block sides/tops, some misc. too I guess |
17:32 |
babyface1031 |
what is poison ivy used for? |
17:32 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: How many people will actually bother downloading it from a third-party anyway? |
17:32 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: there is one minor bug: jungle grass keeps turning into dry shrubs even on grass (should only happen in the desert) |
17:32 |
VanessaE |
babyface1031: an annoying plant :-) |
17:32 |
NekoGloop |
And it lacks the animated torches. |
17:32 |
Zeg9 |
OldCoder, I found the failure which gave all privs to some people... |
17:32 |
Zeg9 |
I'll tell you by pm |
17:32 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: I don't know, and yeah I know it lacks them. I couldn't find the version with the animated torches. |
17:33 |
NekoGloop |
Then make them. |
17:33 |
babyface1031 |
ok so no real use yet |
17:33 |
NekoGloop |
Chop-Chop. |
17:33 |
VanessaE |
babyface1031: nope. cut them down and trash them. they're just there to add some variety to the world. |
17:34 |
babyface1031 |
ok we need a good trash can mod that ppl dont complain about the texture of |
17:34 |
VanessaE |
babyface1031: RBA's unified inventory has a trash field. |
17:34 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: well, if *someome* hadn't pulled a cornernote... :-) |
17:34 |
babyface1031 |
i dont think we have that mod |
17:35 |
Zeg9 |
this mod is included with mesecons, I think |
17:35 |
PilzAdam |
RealBadAngel, how texturing going? |
17:35 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: Well if there was one person who had spoken up, then i would have. |
17:35 |
Zeg9 |
Or I installed it by error, idk |
17:35 |
RealBadAngel |
PilzAdam, still doin it |
17:35 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: I just added gloopores support to HDX. |
17:35 |
PilzAdam |
k |
17:35 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: Good for you. |
17:35 |
VanessaE |
john_minetest: that is not a default part of mesecons is it?? |
17:35 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: Curiousity strikes me with which ores you used? |
17:36 |
Zeg9 |
VanessaE: It is |
17:36 |
Zeg9 |
https://github.com/Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons/tree/master/mesecons_commandblock |
17:36 |
Zeg9 |
But it isn't craftable |
17:36 |
Zeg9 |
I had put it for some reason, I didn't know anyone could edit it |
17:37 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: for the lumps, I used three different pieces of lead, a chunk of pyrite, and something called cinabrio. For the ores, several different clips from a big amethyst crystal. |
17:37 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, should I wait until the bug is fixed? |
17:38 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, O.K. |
17:38 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: Show me. :P |
17:38 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: well, worst case is you'll end up with too many dry shrubs ;) |
17:38 |
OldCoder |
How many is too many? |
17:39 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: in theory, the whole biome :-) |
17:39 |
OldCoder |
Is there a possible patch? |
17:39 |
OldCoder |
Oh |
17:39 |
VanessaE |
yeah, I can fix it, I just haven't gotten to it yet |
17:39 |
OldCoder |
A shrubbed world |
17:39 |
OldCoder |
Not much better than a lavaed one |
17:39 |
OldCoder |
I think I'll wait |
17:39 |
VanessaE |
john_minetest: which component? I don't see anything related in my local copy of mesecons. |
17:39 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: one sec.. |
17:40 |
Zeg9 |
VanessaE: It is in the latest git |
17:41 |
VanessaE |
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mineral_Cinabrio_GDFL013.jpg -- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Pyrite_3.jpg -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Amethyst_Quartz.jpg -- and the three galena lumps were mine. |
17:41 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: ^^^^^^^^^^ |
17:41 |
VanessaE |
check github for the results. |
17:42 |
VanessaE |
Zeg9: ok, I don't have latest mesecons git. good thing, too :) |
17:42 |
Zeg9 |
It's a good thing, just that owner should be checked when the form is received... |
17:43 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: in the case of the amethyst, I did a crop-selectbycolor-delete to get them to look like random lumps of crystal-ish material. All were of course re-colored. |
17:44 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: github link: https://github.com/VanessaE/512px-realistic-textures/tree/master/Vanessa_512HD |
17:47 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
17:49 |
NekoGloop |
I have no idea what you just said, vanessae. |
17:49 |
Zigz1 joined #minetest |
17:50 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: Make the Kalite Torches have Kalite instead of Coal :P |
17:50 |
Zigz1 |
Alright people, I need butter texture, rainbow dough texture, sugar texture, flour texture |
17:50 |
Zeg9 |
Check food mod? |
17:51 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: Your axes look like the handles are made of foam. |
17:51 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: yeah, they need some work yet. |
17:52 |
VanessaE |
oops! yeah, the kalite torches shouldn't have black on them. I'll fix it in a while |
17:52 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: Were the original axes foam, by any chance? |
17:52 |
VanessaE |
haha |
17:53 |
NekoGloop |
Because those look like dollar-store toys. |
17:54 |
VanessaE |
the axe was derived from a small hatchet actually. |
17:55 |
NekoGloop |
I have a grand total of 50 mods in my minecraft.jar. Time to party because of -no crashing- *dances* |
17:55 |
VanessaE |
axe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Accetta.jpg |
17:55 |
rubenwardy |
(5:50:32 PM) Zigz1: Alright people, I need butter texture, rainbow dough texture, sugar texture, flour texture |
17:55 |
rubenwardy |
The food mod has a sugar texture. If you are making a food mod, you would be welcome to contribute or make an extension to the Food Mod |
17:56 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
17:56 |
VanessaE |
I kept only the head, resized it, added a different handle from another image. |
17:56 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, I wish to avoid worlds filled with shrubs. Any chance of the fix? |
17:56 |
rubenwardy |
brb, restarting in Ubuntu |
17:56 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: let me look at it... |
17:57 |
babyface1031 |
OldCoder are you changing the texture to Vanessa's |
17:58 |
RealBadAngel |
NekoGloop, use modmanager instead of puttin everythin into jar |
17:58 |
RealBadAngel |
its way easier |
17:58 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
17:58 |
NekoGloop |
eh... why the hell did i say that. |
17:58 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: hrm...tis will take a bit. |
17:58 |
NekoGloop |
of course I'm using forge. |
17:58 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: do not update yet. |
17:58 |
NekoGloop |
but still, no conflicts/crashing. |
17:59 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
17:59 |
Jordach |
hey VanessaE |
17:59 |
VanessaE |
hey Jordach |
18:00 |
* Jordach |
has got back from a sleepover |
18:00 |
VanessaE |
cool |
18:01 |
NekoGloop |
RealBadAngel: I'm using forge, derp. |
18:01 |
NekoGloop |
RealBadAngel: Still, 50 mods without conflicts. On anything. Amazing, no? |
18:01 |
roboman2444 joined #minetest |
18:01 |
Calinou |
mods without conflicts in MC? /me is impressed |
18:01 |
NekoGloop |
Calinou: 50 mods without conflicts in MC. |
18:02 |
NekoGloop |
No ID conflicts, no recipe overlaps, nothing. |
18:02 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
18:02 |
RealBadAngel |
50 air swords? amazing :) |
18:02 |
rubenwardy |
(Spoiler) Food Mod version 0.8 coming soon! |
18:02 |
rubenwardy |
Roast Meals, Pies, Soups and Stews! |
18:03 |
PilzAdam |
why dont you give spoiler alert first? |
18:03 |
RealBadAngel |
but where to find a cow to get meat for a stew? :) |
18:03 |
NekoGloop |
RealBadAngel: No, try metallurgy II (all modules), thaumcraft 3, buildcraft 3, thermal expansion, additional buildcraft pipes, OptiFine, Portal Gun mod, immibis's version of eloraam's microblocks, NEI, some NEI plugins, etc.... |
18:04 |
Kacey |
i am considering that my vm hates me |
18:04 |
NekoGloop |
I would have EE3 except it sucks ATM, and IC2 except ID conflicts like you would not believe! |
18:05 |
doserj joined #minetest |
18:05 |
Calinou |
"You Still Have A Chance To Share Your Thoughts On GNOME" --phoronix |
18:05 |
* Calinou |
already did |
18:05 |
Calinou |
:> |
18:05 |
NekoGloop |
RealBadAngel: Oh yeah, and Universal Electricity with all the 1.4.5 mods that are available for it, and Factorization. |
18:06 |
NekoGloop |
There aint no 50 air swords here. |
18:06 |
rubenwardy |
PilzAdam, is your version of Minetest_Game = to official minetest_game |
18:07 |
PilzAdam |
my fork was renamed to PilzTest and i think i dont develop it futher |
18:07 |
PilzAdam |
(now I have access to upstream) |
18:07 |
rubenwardy |
so official is better |
18:07 |
sstrandberg joined #minetest |
18:08 |
Zeg9 |
brb |
18:08 |
* rubenwardy |
is making minetest branch shaders_v4 |
18:08 |
PilzAdam |
ehm |
18:08 |
PilzAdam |
the shaders_v are now upstream |
18:08 |
PilzAdam |
*v4 |
18:09 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, I will wait a bit |
18:09 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, see above |
18:09 |
sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest |
18:10 |
sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest |
18:10 |
rubenwardy |
86% :D |
18:10 |
Kacey |
VM is booting (sw) |
18:11 |
* Jordach |
kills google chrome with 42 tabs and the process ends in 0.42 seconds! |
18:11 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: I'm working on a fix now. |
18:12 |
sfan5_[iPod] joined #minetest |
18:13 |
Kacey |
:D |
18:13 |
Kacey |
D: |
18:13 |
Kacey |
nvm |
18:13 |
Calinou |
:D: |
18:13 |
Calinou |
confusing face ^ |
18:13 |
Kacey |
:D: |
18:14 |
Kacey |
lol it shows up as a smiley with a colon behind it |
18:14 |
Kacey |
stupid VM |
18:14 |
rubenwardy |
in Gimp, how do you make it so there is no transparencies like 58%, only 100% or 0% |
18:15 |
celeron55 |
use the pen instead of the brush |
18:15 |
Jordach |
tools -> alpha -> semi-flatten |
18:16 |
Kacey |
there sure is alot of bots on... |
18:16 |
Calinou |
layers > alpha > alpha threshold |
18:16 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: ok, the latest plandlife is under test on my server now. Let's see how long until it crashes ;) |
18:16 |
Kacey |
;-) |
18:16 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: semi-flatten is better for inventory images. |
18:17 |
VanessaE |
but threshold alpha is better for wield images and in-game nodes |
18:17 |
OldCoder |
k |
18:17 |
* Jordach |
still uses gimp 2.6.12, feel free to kill jordach |
18:17 |
Calinou |
2.8 FTW |
18:17 |
* Kacey |
kills Jordach |
18:17 |
Calinou |
single windows :) |
18:17 |
celeron55 |
i have 2.8 and it sucks |
18:17 |
OldCoder |
It is a mixed bag |
18:17 |
Calinou |
don't blame the export feature, the shortcut just changed from ctrl+shift+s to ctrl+shift+e... |
18:17 |
OldCoder |
I have both |
18:18 |
celeron55 |
it sometimes starts to eat all CPU for no reason, etc |
18:19 |
celeron55 |
2.6 always worked flawlessly |
18:19 |
Jordach |
+1 |
18:19 |
Kacey |
sfan5[iPod]: i cannot click anything on your website |
18:20 |
OldCoder |
john_minetest, It is relevant to authors of mods |
18:21 |
Kacey |
O.o i almost put xubuntu on my computer O.o |
18:21 |
Calinou |
xubuntu ftw |
18:21 |
Kacey |
+1 ^ |
18:21 |
mark__ joined #minetest |
18:21 |
Jordach |
trolololololololololololololololololololol |
18:21 |
mark__ |
hi |
18:21 |
Kacey |
bye |
18:21 |
Kacey |
lolz |
18:22 |
sfan5[iPod] |
Kacey: which website? |
18:22 |
Kacey |
sfan.funpic.de/minetest-builds or something like that |
18:22 |
mark__ |
who is online, is it the list on the right |
18:22 |
OldCoder |
john_minetest, what does auth.txt show? |
18:22 |
OldCoder |
mark__, Yes |
18:22 |
Kacey |
hacked client |
18:23 |
sfan5[iPod] |
Kacey: its your browsers fault, open a new tab and type in the address again |
18:23 |
iqualfragile joined #minetest |
18:23 |
Kacey |
stupid google chrome |
18:23 |
sfan5[iPod] |
Kacey: you can't hack fast priv |
18:23 |
mark__ |
khonkhortisan? |
18:23 |
* mark__ |
18:23 |
sfan5[iPod] |
google chrome sometimes does that |
18:23 |
Jordach |
Kacey - google chrome works |
18:23 |
sfan5[iPod] |
rh |
18:23 |
Jordach |
for me |
18:23 |
Calinou |
chromium > chrome |
18:23 |
Calinou |
same thing, no spyware, cooler logo |
18:23 |
Jordach |
i can dl fine anyday of the week |
18:24 |
mark__ |
google chrome works, chromium doesn't |
18:24 |
Calinou |
it does |
18:24 |
Jordach |
thank you |
18:24 |
Calinou |
goo.gl/A5jMJ |
18:24 |
Calinou |
there you have win builds |
18:24 |
* kaeza|AFK |
is back |
18:24 |
mark__ |
and i have chromium :( |
18:24 |
Kacey |
WB!!!!! |
18:25 |
kaeza |
hey Kacey |
18:25 |
Kacey |
stupid vm... |
18:25 |
Calinou |
mark__: chromium is better than chrome |
18:26 |
* kaeza |
kaeza grabs a popsickle |
18:26 |
mark__ |
not the open source |
18:26 |
Kacey |
but ie wins lol |
18:26 |
kaeza |
uhh.. fail? |
18:26 |
if anyone is going to do an evin mob mod I think they should have outlaws instead of monsers |
18:26 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
18:26 |
Jordach |
no. |
18:26 |
sfan5[iPod] |
IE sucks! |
18:27 |
Jordach |
true dat |
18:27 |
sfan5[iPod] |
STHGOM: check out mobs mod |
18:27 |
mark__ |
how i add another tab on irc? |
18:27 |
mark__ |
l |
18:27 |
Kacey |
18:27 |
sfan5[iPod] |
mark__: what irc client? |
18:27 |
Jordach |
mark__ /join #<channel name> |
18:27 |
VanessaE | port 30000 if anyone cares to wander around lag-ville ;) |
18:27 |
mark__ |
freenode |
18:28 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: ^^ plantlife under test there. |
18:28 |
Jordach |
or /join ##<channel name if its you just on there> |
18:28 |
kaeza |
.. |
18:28 |
stan5[iPod] isn't that vombies? |
18:28 |
RealBadAngel |
sfan5, ie doesnt suck, its actually pretty usable |
18:28 |
RealBadAngel |
http://faildesk.net/2012/02/21/finally-a-true-purpose-for-internet-explorer/ |
18:28 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, Indicate when I should attempt upgrade |
18:28 |
OldCoder |
But perhaps we'll wait a few days |
18:28 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: what's new in it? |
18:28 |
mark__ |
i will. |
18:28 |
mark__ |
yay lagville! |
18:28 |
kaeza |
RealBadAngel: lol |
18:28 |
Kacey |
brb |
18:28 |
Dogzilla131 joined #minetest |
18:28 |
sfan5[iPod] |
RealBadAngel: ie is the best browser.. for downloading other browsers |
18:28 |
OldCoder |
Dogzilla131, |
18:28 |
OldCoder |
Hi |
18:29 |
* Jordach |
feels much better now |
18:29 |
Dogzilla131 |
Hi |
18:29 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: just bug fixes - I tried to fix the issue with waterliles, jungle grass turning into dry shrubs, and a growing nodes bug (see the forum post, bugs are still listed there) |
18:29 |
* Jordach |
drinks an incredible amount of energy drink#] |
18:29 |
VanessaE |
I guess I need testers for this. |
18:30 |
VanessaE |
download the mod, change the delay and chance values near the start of the file to about 1/100 their current value, try it out on a fresh new world and see if it worked |
18:30 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, I'm reluctant to use the existing worlds for this |
18:30 |
mark__ |
what mod |
18:30 |
OldCoder |
Restarting worlds now |
18:30 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: it won't break anything. |
18:30 |
OldCoder |
I don't want worlds full of shrubs |
18:31 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: it just may or may not fix anything ;) |
18:31 |
OldCoder |
Shrubs are nice but |
18:31 |
OldCoder |
Hmm? Go on |
18:31 |
VanessaE |
mark__: plantlife: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3898 |
18:31 |
mark__ |
ty |
18:31 |
OldCoder |
I'll restart now because Zeg9 people are waiting |
18:32 |
mark__ |
who wants to test my server |
18:33 |
mark__ |
EDIT: who wants to test my "server" |
18:34 |
OldCoder |
Zeg9, john_minetest please test your world |
18:34 |
mark__ joined #minetest |
18:35 |
mark__ |
pp |
18:35 |
berome joined #minetest |
18:35 |
VanessaE |
mark__: sorry for the long download time, I have tons of mods :-) |
18:35 |
mark__ |
who want to test my server? |
18:35 |
mark__ |
i think i opened the ports... :) |
18:36 |
mark__ | port: 30000 or 30001 |
18:37 |
mark__ |
who will test my server?? |
18:38 |
VanessaE |
Taoki: (and others) my server is restarted with latest git (15b86a6b9b[...]) -- anyone who is connected right now, please dis-/re-connect. |
18:38 |
OldCoder |
mark__, welcome to serverhood |
18:39 |
OldCoder |
:-) |
18:39 |
Taoki |
tx |
18:39 |
mark__ |
so test my server?? :) |
18:39 |
mark__ |
:)( |
18:40 |
klunk |
what version is needed to connect ? |
18:40 |
klunk |
(mark ?) |
18:41 |
mark__ |
and how do i set up a console server?, i have ubuntu |
18:41 |
mark__ |
is it typing "minetestserver" in terminal? |
18:41 |
RealBadAngel |
run game from terminal |
18:42 |
* klunk |
lesson rba |
18:42 |
klunk |
listen |
18:43 |
babyface1031_ joined #minetest |
18:44 |
mark__ |
it not work |
18:44 |
mark__ |
signal_handler_init() Using system-wide paths (NOT RUN_IN_PLACE) path_data = /usr/games/../share/minetest path_userdata = /home/mark/.minetest Debug streams initialized, disable_stderr=0 18:43:40: ACTION[main]: minetest with SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST=20, VER=0.3.1 RUN_IN_PLACE=0 USE_GETTEXT=1 INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr BUILD_TYPE=Release INFO: Initial run of init_mapnode with g_texturesource=NULL. If this segfaults, there is a bug with somethi |
18:45 |
mark__ |
and console says version = 0.3.1 |
18:45 |
Garp joined #minetest |
18:45 |
RealBadAngel |
you compiled it or got it from somewhere? |
18:46 |
mark__ |
but never mind that, i have a multiplayer game, someone tell me if it works plz. |
18:46 |
mark__ |
compiled, but used sudo apt-get for the minetestserver function in terminal |
18:46 |
mark__ |
and i installed 0.3.1, not really surprise then |
18:47 |
RealBadAngel |
heheh |
18:47 |
mark__ |
but i think i got the server running in-game |
18:47 |
RealBadAngel |
grab the latest one |
18:47 |
mark__ |
plz test |
18:47 |
RealBadAngel |
with what? |
18:47 |
mark__ |
i did |
18:47 |
RealBadAngel |
i dont have 0.3.1 |
18:47 |
mark__ |
umm... |
18:47 |
mark__ | |
18:47 |
RealBadAngel |
get 0.4.4dev |
18:48 |
mark__ |
port 30000 or 30001, opened both |
18:48 |
klunk |
(0.4.3 for me ...) |
18:48 |
RealBadAngel |
https://github.com/celeron55/minetest |
18:49 |
RealBadAngel |
here you can get latest sources |
18:49 |
mark__ |
i compiled latest with cmake |
18:50 |
babyface1031_ |
hey everyone have you tryed the new inventory_plus feature you can add all you place easy and describe them too |
18:50 |
mark__ |
0.4.4 dev? soz just noticed |
18:50 |
OldCoder |
babyface1031_, Explain how please |
18:51 |
OldCoder |
Others: Do this because I can see the output and will make screenshots |
18:51 |
babyface1031_ |
all you have to do is go to your inventory then main then my places |
18:51 |
Octupus joined #minetest |
18:51 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: is the world up? |
18:51 |
mark__ |
nah inventory plus not for me i use bigger creative inventory with clear function |
18:51 |
VanessaE |
yes |
18:51 |
babyface1031_ |
then just name your area and describe it |
18:51 |
kaeza |
I got ping timeout |
18:51 |
VanessaE |
taoki and I are on it. |
18:51 |
babyface1031_ |
hi OCtupus |
18:51 |
Taoki |
Yes, if anyone wants join VanessaE's server for more testing and stuff |
18:51 |
Octupus |
Hi babyface1031_ |
18:51 |
Taoki |
It seems to no longer be lagging too |
18:52 |
VanessaE |
odd, she was just saying how it connects many times faster too |
18:52 |
mark__ |
@vanessae joining ur server coz mine sucks |
18:52 |
VanessaE |
mark__: welcome :-) When you do, please give it lots of time to download |
18:52 |
mark__ |
ok |
18:52 |
mark__ |
already connecting |
18:52 |
mark__ |
how do i do an internet speed test? |
18:53 |
VanessaE |
go to speedtest.net |
18:53 |
mark__ |
item and node defenitions done.. |
18:53 |
VanessaE |
that's the site my ISP recommends. |
18:53 |
mark__ |
k ty |
18:54 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, please let me know when you trust plantlifee |
18:54 |
OldCoder |
*e |
18:54 |
VanessaE |
ok |
18:54 |
Jordach |
OldCoder just use -e |
18:54 |
Jordach |
;) |
18:55 |
mark__ |
ur server still not load |
18:55 |
VanessaE |
it takes a lot of time, mark |
18:57 |
mark__ |
what mods do u have? |
18:58 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: I didn't compile anything to make the irc mod work. I installed the lua-irc-git and luasockets packages for my system, using the package manager. Then I had to symlink the files, because for some reason it was only looking in /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/share instead of /usr/lib and /usr/share |
18:59 |
leo_rockway |
then I copied the .lua files for your mod in the right folder. |
18:59 |
VanessaE |
mark__: a metric assload ;) |
18:59 |
OldCoder |
Jordach, habit |
18:59 |
leo_rockway |
also, good afternoon everyone |
18:59 |
OldCoder |
leo_rockway, Hi |
18:59 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: |
18:59 |
kaeza |
that's good |
19:00 |
Omnistudent joined #minetest |
19:00 |
mark__ |
metric, not imperial |
19:00 |
mark__ |
modern unit |
19:00 |
kaeza |
It works too |
19:00 |
VanessaE |
mark__: vanessa rainbird:~$ ls -m ~/.minetest/games/vanessa_game_testing/mods/ |
19:00 |
VanessaE |
3dforniture, add_moreores_tool, bobblocks, bucket, campfire, carts, default, |
19:00 |
VanessaE |
doors, dye, farming, fire, give_initial_stuff, gloopores, hatches, homedecor, |
19:00 |
VanessaE |
legacy, locked_sign, maptools, mese_starter_kit, minetest-mod-jumping, |
19:00 |
VanessaE |
minetest-mod-mesecons, mods_here.txt, moreblocks, moreores, node_ownership, |
19:00 |
VanessaE |
particles, pipeworks, plantlife, player_textures, sethome, signs, stairs, |
19:00 |
VanessaE |
stairsplus, technic, unifiedbricks, unifieddyes, unified_inventory, vessels, |
19:00 |
VanessaE |
wool, workbench, worldedit, xdoors2, xpanes |
19:00 |
VanessaE |
that's what. :-) |
19:00 |
kaeza |
I had to patch some thinngs in luasockets to get it working again on linux |
19:01 |
mark__ |
holy.... |
19:01 |
leo_rockway |
default luasockets worked for me |
19:01 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: mods_here.txt? |
19:01 |
mark__ |
lol, lists mods here.txt |
19:01 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: eh? |
19:01 |
kaeza |
(16:57:41) VanessaE: minetest-mod-mesecons, mods_here.txt, moreblocks, moreores, node_ownership, |
19:01 |
VanessaE |
oh, heh |
19:01 |
VanessaE |
well that file just comes with minetest_game, I didn't delete it because I forgot it |
19:01 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: this: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/luasocket/ |
19:02 |
Taoki |
Anyone else wanna join VanessaE's server? I'm no now testing stuff :P |
19:02 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: checking... |
19:02 |
babyface1031_ |
OldCoder Penguin says the textures are still the same |
19:02 |
mark__ |
its still connecting |
19:02 |
leo_rockway |
that's just a package in Arch, it worked for me. |
19:03 |
leo_rockway |
and then I installed this one: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lua-irc-git/ |
19:03 |
mark__ |
i started my server |
19:04 |
mark__ |
its on |
19:04 |
mark__ |
port 30000 or 30001 |
19:04 |
mark__ |
c'mon join! :) |
19:05 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: the luasocket version is the same I'm using |
19:05 |
leo_rockway |
okay |
19:06 |
mark__ |
does my server work?? |
19:06 |
Omnistudent |
I cant connect to it |
19:07 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: LuaIRC looks different though |
19:07 |
ssstrandberg joined #minetest |
19:07 |
leo_rockway |
well, it works for me (TM) |
19:08 |
mark__ |
ohhh. here goes port forwarding #2 |
19:08 |
kaeza |
sssssssssound familiar |
19:08 |
OldCoder |
babyface1031_, shrug but ty |
19:09 |
kaeza |
gawd damn it latest git commit broke something |
19:09 |
mark__ |
try |
19:10 |
leo_rockway |
mark__: that's your internal IP |
19:10 |
leo_rockway |
you can only access that within your LAN |
19:10 |
mark__ |
just try, if external not work :) |
19:10 |
Omnistudent |
I tried it, didn't work |
19:11 |
mark__ |
ok, gonna reconfigure port forward |
19:11 |
Jordach |
.wik Setting_up_a_server |
19:11 |
MinetestBot |
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'nick' (file "/home/stefan/mtbot/modules/wikipedia.py", line 53, in wikipedia) |
19:11 |
mark__ |
do i need to restart router? |
19:11 |
Sudi |
hey how do i use the furnace? |
19:11 |
Jordach |
sfan5 - i errored the bot |
19:12 |
sfan5 |
uh... |
19:12 |
sfan5 |
my fault |
19:12 |
sfan5 |
i added a logging functionality |
19:12 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
19:13 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: its fixed now |
19:13 |
Jordach |
.wik Setting_up_a_server |
19:13 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
19:13 |
Jordach |
.wik Setting_up_a_server |
19:13 |
MinetestBot |
"Start your server on your desired port Note: It is recommended to leave the port at the default (30000)" - http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Setting_up_a_server |
19:13 |
mark__ |
ABC (Another Bittorent Client) Age of Empires Age of Mythology AIM Talk Aliens vs. Predator America s Army Azureus Bay VPN BearShare BitTorrent Black and White BT Homesafe Alarm BT Homesafe Camera Call of Duty Call of Duty - United Offensive CarbonCopy32 Castle Wolfenstein Championship Manager 03-04 Checkpoint FW1 VPN Command and Conquer Generals Command and Conquer Zero Hour Counter Strike Cu-SeeMe Cornell |
19:14 |
mark__ |
which one?? |
19:14 |
Jordach |
nonononono, use pastebin |
19:14 |
sfan5 |
derp |
19:14 |
mark__ |
TCP or UDP |
19:14 |
Jordach |
19:15 |
mark__ |
whats a trigger protocol |
19:17 |
mark__ |
try my servver now. |
19:19 |
jordan4ibanez |
what exactly does get_staticdata do? |
19:19 |
Jordach |
is it not obvious enough? |
19:19 |
PilzAdam |
jordan4ibanez, the returned string will be passed to on_activate() |
19:20 |
PilzAdam |
because all variables are lost otherwise |
19:20 |
mark__ |
vannesae |
19:20 |
jordan4ibanez |
Well, no, because my quarry mod is not laggy for about 30 seconds, then it starts becoming laggy, and it was not having that problem before i used staticdata |
19:21 |
jordan4ibanez |
i mean, did i do something wrong here? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Da7WSYQG |
19:22 |
PilzAdam |
looks ok |
19:23 |
leo_in-game joined #minetest |
19:24 |
mark__ |
khonkhortisan... |
19:24 |
mark__ |
vanessae... |
19:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
Oh wait... |
19:25 |
jordan4ibanez |
It does math.floor every time it moves, could that be it? |
19:25 |
PilzAdam |
thats not a CPU intensive function |
19:26 |
mark__ |
VanessaE |
19:27 |
PilzAdam |
if you look at my carts mod code you will see you can do quite a lot in on_step() |
19:27 |
mark__ |
adam, why does /clearobjects take so long?? |
19:27 |
PilzAdam |
it always takes long |
19:27 |
mark__ |
and what are you on about |
19:28 |
Renoki joined #minetest |
19:28 |
mark__ |
what mod do u recommend |
19:28 |
Zeg9 |
Bye, all |
19:28 |
mark__ |
i need the perfect mods to make a hotel |
19:29 |
leo_in-game joined #minetest |
19:29 |
klunk left #minetest |
19:31 |
jordan4ibanez |
I'm going out on a limb and saying it is not my mod, but the fact that my mod modifies the terrain so much that it causes map saving to lag the game |
19:32 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> jordan4ibanez: did water push the player in MT++? |
19:32 |
jordan4ibanez |
no |
19:32 |
Muadtralk joined #minetest |
19:32 |
mark__ |
?? |
19:32 |
mark__ |
mt++?? |
19:33 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> a fork |
19:33 |
Muadtralk |
has been abandoned for a rather long time |
19:33 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> yup |
19:33 |
mark__ |
what mods do you recommend for making a hotel |
19:33 |
PilzAdam |
default |
19:33 |
mark__ |
wait, leo in game???? |
19:33 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> yup |
19:34 |
Muadtralk |
beat me to it pilzadam |
19:34 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> I'm chatting from within MT, thanks to kaeza. |
19:34 |
mark__ |
with irc mod?? |
19:34 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> correct |
19:34 |
mark__ |
never got it to work |
19:35 |
Jordach |
mark__ it does not run on windows systems |
19:35 |
kaeza |
mark__: I'm fixing some things |
19:35 |
kaeza |
latest git commit broke some things |
19:35 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> water and moving water have a different hue of blue... |
19:35 |
mark__ |
i dont have windows |
19:35 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> kaeza: latest commit of irc mod? |
19:35 |
kaeza |
yes |
19:35 |
mark__ |
i have lubuntu |
19:35 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> I haven't updated yet. I'm on very latest MT, though. |
19:36 |
* marktraceur |
waves |
19:36 |
* mark__ |
wave too |
19:36 |
* mark__ |
waves too |
19:36 |
leo_in-game |
<singleplayer> huh... a rat was walking with a dirt monster attached >.< |
19:36 |
* mark__ |
traceur |
19:37 |
mark__ |
__ |
19:37 |
* mark__ |
__>> |
19:37 |
marktraceur |
mark__: I think I know the person who has the un-underscored version of that nick, strangely |
19:37 |
leo_in-game |
*** singleplayer left the game |
19:38 |
Taoki |
I wonder if it's considered evil to use "Disable camera updates" to find hidden underground caves :P |
19:38 |
jordan4ibanez |
I can't wait until you cannot place items inside yourself |
19:38 |
marktraceur |
*nod* Mark Bergsma, he's one of our ops-type people IIRC |
19:38 |
jordan4ibanez |
taoki, shouldn't that be removed? :o |
19:38 |
Taoki |
It's an useful feature |
19:39 |
jordan4ibanez |
oh okay |
19:39 |
mark__ |
what mods do u recommend to make a hotel |
19:39 |
jordan4ibanez |
3d fornature, |
19:40 |
mark__ |
got it |
19:40 |
* Jordach |
feels rage coming on |
19:40 |
leo_rockway |
mark__: some sort of currency mod... |
19:41 |
jordan4ibanez |
I love the blueness at night |
19:41 |
mark__ |
thats only for when i got my server running |
19:41 |
leo_rockway |
I told a friend of mine about the advancement in MT in the last few days |
19:41 |
leo_rockway |
I mentioned the things that MT++ could do |
19:41 |
leo_rockway |
and he says "Everything but the hunger bar plox" |
19:41 |
mark__ |
unless i can get NPC's in game |
19:42 |
mark__ |
is player an entity |
19:42 |
mark__ |
is the player an entity |
19:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
plox? |
19:43 |
leo_rockway |
it's a silly way of saying "please" online >.< |
19:43 |
jordan4ibanez |
oh okay lol |
19:45 |
marktraceur |
So |
19:45 |
marktraceur |
http://paste.marktraceur.info/12 |
19:45 |
marktraceur |
For some reason, the factory won't remove the item from the src inventory. |
19:45 |
Garp joined #minetest |
19:46 |
marktraceur |
This should happen at line 79 of factory_abm.lua |
19:46 |
marktraceur |
But the for loop at line 77 actually never fires |
19:46 |
mark____ joined #minetest |
19:46 |
mark____ |
lol 4 _ _ _ _ now |
19:47 |
marktraceur |
Which is strange, because it should be the output of get_craft_recipe().items, with the crafted item coming directly from a get_craft_result() call. |
19:47 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
19:47 |
bob_286 joined #minetest |
19:48 |
markveidemanis |
hihihi |
19:48 |
marktraceur |
I have to figure that the for loop is somehow wrong, or the output of get_craft_recipe is something I don't expect. But the API doesn't seem to disagree with me. |
19:48 |
bob_286 |
hi |
19:48 |
markveidemanis |
know any good mods for making a hotel? |
19:48 |
bob_286 |
what is minetest |
19:48 |
bob_286 |
lok |
19:48 |
bob_286 |
lol |
19:49 |
bob_286 |
its me doc22 |
19:49 |
Jordach |
an alternative to minecraft] |
19:49 |
markveidemanis |
ur on the wrong channel |
19:49 |
markveidemanis |
go to channel #minecraft |
19:49 |
Doc22_ |
i was joking |
19:49 |
Doc22_ |
lol |
19:49 |
Doc22_ |
I sometimes get bored |
19:49 |
Doc22_ |
and do something dumb |
19:49 |
Doc22_ |
:P |
19:50 |
markveidemanis |
question to modder... |
19:50 |
markveidemanis |
how do i make a dropped item move |
19:50 |
Doc22_ |
im not quite sure |
19:50 |
marktraceur |
markveidemanis: set_velocity? |
19:50 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: fixed |
19:50 |
Doc22_ |
lemme look at api |
19:50 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
19:50 |
Doc22_ |
hey kacey |
19:50 |
kaeza |
hey Kacey |
19:50 |
kaeza |
hey Doc22_ |
19:51 |
markveidemanis |
is it in your mod |
19:51 |
markveidemanis |
industrial or soething |
19:51 |
marktraceur |
markveidemanis: Sorry, setvelocity |
19:51 |
Doc22_ |
hey kaeza |
19:51 |
Kacey |
hey doc |
19:51 |
markveidemanis |
industru |
19:51 |
marktraceur |
markveidemanis: Look at doc/lua_api.txt, it has more information on setvelocity (you can perform a text search for it) |
19:51 |
markveidemanis |
y modpack |
19:52 |
Doc22_ |
kacey you want to work on mesecons |
19:52 |
marktraceur |
markveidemanis: My modpack doesn't use setvelocity, no |
19:52 |
Kacey |
0.4.3 please |
19:52 |
Jordach |
Kacey - most Unix users use latest git |
19:52 |
Jordach |
(in fact 90% of them use latest git) |
19:52 |
Kacey |
unix? |
19:52 |
Jordach |
not to mention the modders |
19:53 |
markveidemanis |
but the transactor... |
19:53 |
marktraceur |
Kacey: More accurately, GNU (which is Not UNIX) |
19:54 |
Kacey |
i have windows |
19:54 |
markveidemanis |
my lubuntu skips to the start of a directory when exiting into it |
19:55 |
markveidemanis |
+ anyone know a goo currency mod |
19:55 |
markveidemanis |
#goo |
19:55 |
markveidemanis |
19:56 |
jordan4ibanez |
Umm, how do i craft a creeper? |
19:56 |
jordan4ibanez |
19:56 |
jin_xi joined #minetest |
19:57 |
Kacey |
jordan4ibanez: what mod? |
19:57 |
jordan4ibanez |
19:57 |
marktraceur |
markveidemanis: This is the only one I know: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2263 |
19:57 |
marktraceur |
markveidemanis: I haven't used it, but it looks relatively not painful |
19:58 |
marktraceur |
Does anyone have any idea what gets returned from get_craft_recipe().items? I have to assume it's a table of ItemStacks, but I haven't been able to confirm that |
19:58 |
Jordach |
then use dump(get_craft_recipe().items) |
19:58 |
marktraceur |
Hrm. |
19:59 |
marktraceur |
print(dump()), right? |
19:59 |
Jordach |
yeah |
19:59 |
marktraceur |
Hm, it's always nil by the time it gets to me. Odd. |
20:00 |
marktraceur |
Jordach: Thanks, that helps |
20:00 |
jordan4ibanez |
If you don't use print(dump(value())) then it will crash |
20:00 |
Jordach |
marktraceur - as with all languages, remember to use print() often to find out whats happenining |
20:00 |
jordan4ibanez |
well, my quarry seems to be running fine on linux, i don't know what the issue is on windows |
20:01 |
artur99 joined #minetest |
20:01 |
jordan4ibanez |
Why is it that even valve has found that linux runs games faster than windows? |
20:01 |
artur99 |
in 044 are there mesecons? |
20:02 |
Jordach |
yed |
20:02 |
Jordach |
yes |
20:02 |
kaeza |
artur99: 0.4.4* |
20:02 |
Jordach |
but not included |
20:02 |
artur99 |
i have mese, how to make? |
20:02 |
marktraceur |
Jordach: I had forgotten about dump() is all :) |
20:02 |
Kacey |
afk |
20:03 |
* Jordach |
sighs |
20:03 |
artur99 |
? |
20:04 |
markveidemanis |
minetest unified inventory not work... |
20:04 |
marktraceur |
Jordach: What's up? |
20:05 |
RealBadAngel |
PilzAdam, i have to give up :( all i draw looks like shit |
20:05 |
VanessaE |
marktraceur: do you have latest git less than ~18 hours old? |
20:05 |
PilzAdam |
:( |
20:05 |
RealBadAngel |
im not good at all at 16px |
20:05 |
VanessaE |
markveidemanis: ^^^^^^^^ |
20:05 |
marktraceur |
VanessaE: Nope, sorry |
20:05 |
marktraceur |
Oh, heh |
20:06 |
RealBadAngel |
PilzAdam, im sorry |
20:06 |
VanessaE |
stupid tab complete...match my thoughts, not what I type damn it :) |
20:06 |
marktraceur |
Woo, factory works |
20:07 |
VanessaE |
cool |
20:07 |
marktraceur |
VanessaE: FYI, XChat's "tab-complete based on who last spoke" might help sometimes. It wouldn't have, above, but meh |
20:07 |
* OldCoder |
is AFK for just 15 minutes and will be here all day afterward |
20:07 |
VanessaE |
well fortunatelt it has re-tabbing also. |
20:08 |
artur99 |
is this interviory disponibble: http://realbadangel.pl/unified_inventory.png ? |
20:09 |
Sudi |
hey how do i use the furnance? |
20:09 |
Sudi |
to melt stuff? |
20:10 |
artur99 |
do u have wood? |
20:10 |
Sudi |
yes |
20:10 |
artur99 |
sudi: do u have wood? |
20:10 |
artur99 |
aha |
20:10 |
artur99 |
ok |
20:10 |
VanessaE |
Sudi: find some coal, find something to smelt. put the coal in the lower left slot of the furnace, put the other material in the upper left slot. |
20:10 |
artur99 |
put the wood down |
20:10 |
FreeFull joined #minetest |
20:10 |
Sudi |
lol |
20:10 |
VanessaE |
any other flammable stuff will work too, e.g. the aforementioned wood |
20:11 |
Sudi |
whats the slots on the right? |
20:11 |
VanessaE |
output |
20:11 |
Sudi |
ahh |
20:11 |
VanessaE |
whatever the furnace makes, it puts there. |
20:16 |
* kaeza |
is looking at the IRC log |
20:16 |
kaeza |
hmmm.... |
20:20 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
20:20 |
markveidemanis |
hiiiiiiiiiiiii |
20:21 |
VanessaE |
hi |
20:21 |
kaeza |
hi |
20:21 |
Kacey |
back |
20:21 |
Kacey |
hi |
20:21 |
kaeza |
wb |
20:21 |
Kacey |
mmmm delicious lunch |
20:21 |
* kaeza |
wants some lunch |
20:22 |
markveidemanis |
who knows a better inventory mod |
20:22 |
kaeza |
unified_inventory |
20:22 |
VanessaE |
does minetestserver use any port other than 30000 (or whatever you've told it to use)? Like for outgoing connections or whatever |
20:22 |
markveidemanis |
it not work |
20:22 |
Kacey |
idk |
20:23 |
VanessaE |
markveidemanis: do you have latest 0.4.4-dev git from no more than 18 hours ago? |
20:23 |
kaeza |
markveidemanis: what MT version do you have? |
20:23 |
markveidemanis |
no, idk |
20:23 |
kaeza |
see at the top-left of the screen |
20:23 |
markveidemanis |
i need latest |
20:23 |
markveidemanis |
yep |
20:23 |
kaeza |
you should see something like "0.4.x" |
20:23 |
Kacey |
kaeza can you get on VanessaE's server? |
20:23 |
VanessaE |
markveidemanis: you need to update. |
20:24 |
markveidemanis |
0.4.3 |
20:24 |
kaeza |
Kacey: k |
20:24 |
markveidemanis |
ok.how |
20:24 |
VanessaE |
0.4.3 is too old for unified_inventory |
20:24 |
Kacey |
wow already? |
20:24 |
markveidemanis |
so how do i compile latest |
20:24 |
kaeza |
you talking to me Kacey? |
20:24 |
Kacey |
patience |
20:25 |
VanessaE |
instructions are in the README. https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/README.txt#L78 |
20:25 |
Kacey |
no i was talking to everyone |
20:25 |
kaeza |
k |
20:25 |
kaeza |
Kacey: i'm in |
20:25 |
markveidemanis |
k ty |
20:26 |
Kacey |
hang on |
20:26 |
Kacey |
and my client crashes... |
20:26 |
VanessaE |
heh |
20:26 |
Kacey |
might not have latest |
20:27 |
kaeza |
Windows... |
20:27 |
Kacey |
sucks ^ |
20:27 |
kaeza |
heck |
20:27 |
opticlove joined #minetest |
20:27 |
VanessaE |
heh |
20:27 |
kaeza |
as I said Windows I crashed |
20:27 |
Kacey |
lol |
20:27 |
kaeza |
Seg fault it seems |
20:28 |
Kacey |
lol |
20:28 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: Say it ain't so! |
20:28 |
Kacey |
HA i can click again!!!!!1!!! |
20:29 |
Kacey |
getting the dev... |
20:29 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: I prefer Puppy Linux |
20:29 |
kaeza |
i'm using Ubuntu 12.04 |
20:29 |
marktraceur |
*nod* |
20:30 |
kaeza |
cause I couldn't get a DRI driver for my card |
20:30 |
* marktraceur |
was reminded by himself that Oasis is amazing, so is now listening to that |
20:30 |
marktraceur |
Wait. That's not Oasis. |
20:30 |
marktraceur |
Weezer. Well, that's next then. |
20:31 |
* kaeza |
is listening to November Rain by Guns N' Roses |
20:31 |
kaeza |
pretty sad song |
20:31 |
Kacey |
the pride by five finger death punch is awesome |
20:32 |
* Jordach |
likes money for nothing by dire straits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwDDswGsJ60 |
20:32 |
kaeza |
now Walking on the Sun by Smash Mouth |
20:33 |
marktraceur |
Request: Someone should write a method for getting all fuel items from registered_items or so |
20:33 |
kaeza |
^+1 |
20:33 |
Kacey |
kaeza: are you on the server? |
20:33 |
kaeza |
yes |
20:33 |
kaeza |
seems so |
20:33 |
Kacey |
k |
20:34 |
Kacey |
i got latest |
20:34 |
Kacey |
walk over to me kaeza |
20:35 |
kaeza |
WTF is that??? |
20:35 |
Kacey |
what |
20:36 |
kaeza |
here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1565639742.jpg |
20:36 |
Kacey |
my skin? |
20:36 |
kaeza |
yes |
20:36 |
VanessaE |
kaeza, kaeza, Taoki : server restart coming... |
20:36 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: k, k |
20:36 |
kaeza |
:) |
20:37 |
VanessaE |
done. |
20:37 |
thexyz |
kaeza: everything is too blurry |
20:37 |
kaeza |
thexyz: it's mipmapping and antialiasing |
20:37 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
20:37 |
thexyz |
you'd better disable it; i guess it's only useful for high-res texture packs |
20:37 |
Kacey |
that is my custom skin |
20:38 |
kaeza |
Kacey: cool |
20:38 |
markveidemanis |
minetest is compiling..... |
20:38 |
Kacey |
did you restart the server VanessaE? |
20:38 |
VanessaE |
already yes |
20:38 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: connecting |
20:38 |
Kacey |
k that explains my disconnect |
20:39 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: anything new? |
20:39 |
Kacey |
i like my blond skin |
20:40 |
Kacey |
blonde guy skin* |
20:40 |
markveidemanis |
what this about?? |
20:40 |
Kacey |
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1565639742.jpg |
20:40 |
* Kacey |
is a master at copy and paste |
20:41 |
* Jordach |
smells the hd filtering enabled |
20:41 |
markveidemanis |
altialiasing screws up player...yes |
20:42 |
kaeza |
Kacey: learn Ctrl+Insert and Shift+Insert first |
20:42 |
Kacey |
nope |
20:42 |
markveidemanis |
hd filter?? |
20:42 |
Kacey |
right-click and copy |
20:42 |
Jordach |
we've had that for sometime now |
20:42 |
markveidemanis |
minetest 70% compiling |
20:42 |
kaeza |
that is n008 Kacey |
20:42 |
Kacey |
i know |
20:42 |
markveidemanis |
takes up more space than minecraft!! |
20:43 |
kaeza |
cool there is a shower behind the cart station |
20:43 |
markveidemanis |
not efficient yet |
20:43 |
marktraceur |
markveidemanis: Because you get the source code. That's a good thing :) |
20:43 |
celeron55 |
the end result is a couple of MBs though 8) |
20:43 |
marktraceur |
markveidemanis: Only a very small portion of that disk space will actually be accessed during runtime, so don't worry |
20:43 |
kaeza |
hey celeron55 |
20:44 |
jordan4ibanez |
Hello celeron55 |
20:44 |
markveidemanis |
ok, so slow tho |
20:44 |
SpeedProg joined #minetest |
20:44 |
kaeza |
markveidemanis: are you using opengl? |
20:44 |
markveidemanis |
currently, i got 20 MB |
20:44 |
markveidemanis |
ni, irrnicht, i think |
20:44 |
markveidemanis |
irrlicht |
20:44 |
Kacey |
irrlicht |
20:45 |
markveidemanis |
...i think# |
20:45 |
Kacey |
lol |
20:45 |
markveidemanis |
94%... |
20:45 |
markveidemanis |
95... |
20:45 |
markveidemanis |
98... |
20:45 |
Kacey |
wow unresponsiveness |
20:45 |
markveidemanis |
98!!!>>>> |
20:46 |
markveidemanis |
(99)!!!!!!:):):):):) |
20:46 |
marktraceur |
markveidemanis: Please don't post your progress bar output in the channel |
20:46 |
kaeza |
can the trampolines be fixed to not damage the player? |
20:46 |
Kacey |
+1 ^ |
20:46 |
markveidemanis |
1000 sorry |
20:46 |
kaeza |
yay I got +1 by accident :D |
20:46 |
markveidemanis |
it not doing anything not |
20:46 |
Kacey |
lol |
20:46 |
markveidemanis |
now |
20:46 |
markveidemanis |
nvm, works |
20:47 |
Kacey |
you deserve it though kaeza |
20:47 |
kaeza |
oh stop it you :) |
20:47 |
Kacey |
i need about +9999999999999 for that skin i made |
20:47 |
kaeza |
+1 |
20:47 |
markveidemanis |
permission denied to remove minetest build folder |
20:47 |
Muadtralk |
what skin? |
20:47 |
kaeza |
now you need +9999999999998 |
20:47 |
Muadtralk |
I wanna see |
20:47 |
markveidemanis |
HELP!!! |
20:47 |
Kacey |
+99999999999999998 more... |
20:47 |
Kacey |
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1565639742.jpg |
20:48 |
Kacey |
that skin |
20:48 |
Muadtralk |
:P +1 and you look like your using burningsvideo |
20:48 |
VanessaE |
THERE we go |
20:48 |
Kacey |
kaeza took that pic |
20:49 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: I think I fixed the junglegrass bug. |
20:49 |
kaeza |
what pic? |
20:49 |
Kacey |
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1565639742.jpg |
20:49 |
Muadtralk |
or is it some other setting to make things look fuzzy |
20:49 |
kaeza |
that's the one i made |
20:49 |
leo_rockway |
what's the recipe for rails? o.o |
20:49 |
kaeza |
.wik Rails |
20:49 |
MinetestBot |
"There is currently no text in this page." - http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Rails |
20:49 |
leo_rockway |
thanks |
20:49 |
leo_rockway |
oh |
20:49 |
VanessaE |
leo_rockway: I believe it is: |
20:49 |
leo_rockway |
:S |
20:49 |
VanessaE |
S - S |
20:49 |
VanessaE |
S s S |
20:49 |
VanessaE |
S - S |
20:50 |
VanessaE |
S = steel, s = stick |
20:50 |
leo_rockway |
thanks |
20:50 |
leo_rockway |
I was doing the opposite |
20:50 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, k |
20:50 |
Muadtralk |
its expensive to make such almost useless things |
20:50 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: still testing. |
20:50 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, play with it a bit. I'll update later today if you wish me to. |
20:50 |
OldCoder |
Then you will have plenty testing |
20:50 |
markveidemanis |
shaders??? |
20:51 |
thexyz |
shaders! |
20:51 |
VanessaE |
shaders. |
20:51 |
Muadtralk |
link or it doesnt exist |
20:51 |
kaeza |
20:51 |
Taoki |
indeed :) |
20:51 |
NakedFury |
the game looks better with them |
20:51 |
kaeza |
Muadtralk: master |
20:51 |
kaeza |
github master |
20:51 |
thexyz |
Muadtralk: i've already posted some screenshots |
20:51 |
Muadtralk |
whos master? |
20:52 |
Muadtralk |
not celerons |
20:52 |
thexyz |
<thexyz> shaders are now in master, nice, before: http://i.imgur.com/GzThO.png, after: http://i.imgur.com/CBqtf.png |
20:52 |
RealBadAngel |
Muadtralk, then try this http://realbadangel.pl/unifiedinventory.zip |
20:52 |
RealBadAngel |
with latest build of course :) |
20:52 |
Muadtralk |
why did you turn on new style water for the second? |
20:53 |
kaeza |
WOW can you see me Kacey? |
20:53 |
kaeza |
in the server |
20:53 |
kaeza |
lol |
20:53 |
Muadtralk |
it made me think for a second that the shaders added this feature |
20:53 |
kaeza |
20:53 |
leo_rockway |
my friend says the cart riding is smoother than MC |
20:53 |
thexyz |
Muadtralk: they did |
20:53 |
artur9 joined #minetest |
20:53 |
thexyz |
the only setting changed between taking those screenshots is enable shaders |
20:54 |
Muadtralk |
0.0? |
20:54 |
Muadtralk |
that water is my favorite setting..... now its broken? |
20:54 |
VanessaE |
wow, gravel biome in the middle of the desert |
20:55 |
VanessaE |
seed 7373524391885539576 near coords 376,15,-315 |
20:57 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: checking... |
20:57 |
thexyz |
can anybody confirm this https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/issues/332 ? |
20:57 |
Muadtralk |
it crashed |
20:58 |
VanessaE |
thexyz: yeah, I had that happen before too. |
20:58 |
thexyz |
why didn't you report it then? |
20:58 |
VanessaE |
because it didn't occur to me to report it? :-) |
20:59 |
sfan5 |
.c 1 |
20:59 |
MinetestBot |
1 |
20:59 |
kaeza |
.c 255 & 25 |
20:59 |
MinetestBot |
Sorry, no result. |
20:59 |
kaeza |
sfan5: no binary math? |
21:00 |
sfan5 |
blame google caculator |
21:00 |
kaeza |
err..bitwise operators |
21:01 |
sfan5 |
or write a python script that does that [input=string, output=number or None] |
21:01 |
kaeza |
.c 1 or 2 |
21:01 |
MinetestBot |
Sorry, no result. |
21:02 |
Kacey |
.c 1 & 0 |
21:02 |
MinetestBot |
Sorry, no result. |
21:02 |
kaeza |
.cl |@~|#~ |
21:03 |
leo_rockway |
dat fly privilege and suffocate mod... |
21:03 |
leo_rockway |
I keep losing hearts :S |
21:03 |
Kacey |
haha make it think |
21:03 |
Kacey |
.commands |
21:03 |
kaeza |
.gc |@~|#~ |
21:03 |
MinetestBot |
|@~|#~: 0 |
21:04 |
* kaeza |
is satisfied |
21:04 |
Kacey |
.commands |
21:04 |
Kacey |
uugh why not... |
21:05 |
kaeza |
.g Kacey |
21:05 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0434144/ |
21:06 |
PilzAdam |
gtg; bye |
21:06 |
thexyz |
wtf |
21:06 |
kaeza |
bye |
21:06 |
thexyz |
porn in #minetest, again |
21:06 |
kaeza |
WTF MinetestBot??? |
21:08 |
Muadtralk |
cool kacey |
21:08 |
RealBadAngel |
nice site you have lol |
21:09 |
* kaeza |
thinks Kacey is fapping |
21:09 |
Muadtralk |
ah yes ClubKacey.com has such class |
21:09 |
kaeza |
lol |
21:10 |
thexyz |
Muadtralk: please, discuss porn somewhere else |
21:11 |
thexyz |
i don't have anything personally against it, but some people don't agree that #minetest is good for such discussions |
21:11 |
Muadtralk |
minetestbot started it |
21:12 |
Muadtralk |
and kaeza escalated it |
21:12 |
kaeza |
no u |
21:12 |
Kacey |
what about me?!?! |
21:12 |
Kacey |
.g |
21:12 |
MinetestBot |
Kacey: .g what? |
21:13 |
Kacey |
.g your mom |
21:13 |
MinetestBot |
Kacey: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=your%20mom |
21:13 |
Muadtralk |
I will stop :| |
21:13 |
kaeza |
me too :| |
21:14 |
kaeza |
.g lol |
21:14 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: http://leagueoflegends.com/ |
21:15 |
kaeza |
that should be "Laugh Out Loud" |
21:15 |
kaeza |
or even "Legend of Legaia" |
21:15 |
Kacey |
.g weed |
21:15 |
MinetestBot |
Kacey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weed |
21:15 |
NakedFury |
guys please dont spam the bot, it wasnt made to play around |
21:15 |
Kacey |
lol |
21:15 |
thexyz left #minetest |
21:16 |
thexyz joined #minetest |
21:16 |
kaeza |
NakedFury: sowwy |
21:16 |
NakedFury |
not me, its the other guys with power to kick. |
21:16 |
Kacey |
lucky |
21:19 |
* Kacey |
will take orders now for custom skins |
21:19 |
Kacey |
you know what confuses me |
21:20 |
Kacey |
why do we stay in 0.4.x when we could be in 0.5.x |
21:20 |
marktraceur |
Kacey: How they let California drivers on the road when they clearly can't read the word "Stop"? |
21:20 |
marktraceur |
Oh, K |
21:20 |
Kacey |
+1 ^^ |
21:20 |
VanessaE |
Kacey: because c55 is waiting for some kind of major architectural/engine change for that |
21:21 |
VanessaE |
so far there hasn't been anything he'd call "major" yet. |
21:21 |
Kacey |
-_- |
21:21 |
Kacey |
i wish there was client side skins |
21:23 |
kaeza |
hmmm... |
21:23 |
Kacey |
afk |
21:24 |
kaeza |
surely 1.0 will be a freaking great release |
21:24 |
kaeza |
if we ever get that far |
21:24 |
Muadtralk |
we will |
21:24 |
* VanessaE |
argues with some code |
21:24 |
Muadtralk |
I sure of that |
21:25 |
NakedFury |
slowly and steadily towards the 1.0 release |
21:27 |
Kacey |
backz |
21:28 |
Kacey |
.g minetest |
21:28 |
MinetestBot |
Kacey: http://minetest.net/ |
21:28 |
Kacey |
hmmmmm wow |
21:28 |
Kacey |
.g celeron55 |
21:28 |
MinetestBot |
Kacey: https://github.com/celeron55 |
21:28 |
Kacey |
ok im done |
21:29 |
marktraceur |
Kacey: Good. |
21:29 |
leo_rockway |
tekk.com.ar:30000 in case anybody wants to chill |
21:29 |
Kacey |
had to see |
21:29 |
Kacey |
k ill get on |
21:29 |
marktraceur |
Kacey: You do realize there's a web interface to Google |
21:29 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: es un servidor permanente? |
21:30 |
Kacey |
ya but chrome wont work |
21:30 |
marktraceur |
Kacey: Then use Firefox |
21:30 |
Kacey |
i use that at school and HATE it |
21:30 |
marktraceur |
Kacey: Then use Lynx |
21:30 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: lol lynx |
21:30 |
Kacey |
naw ill stick wit chrome |
21:30 |
marktraceur |
Kacey: But don't bitch at me that your browser isn't working, it's not my problem |
21:31 |
Kacey |
leo_rockway: im on |
21:32 |
leo_rockway |
there's nothing in that world |
21:32 |
leo_rockway |
just build whatever |
21:32 |
Kacey |
k |
21:32 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: más o menos |
21:32 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: I want it to be, but, who knows? |
21:33 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: because the folks at the spanish section have been looking for a 100% spanish server |
21:35 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: yes, I saw that, but I can't guarantee it will be 100% Spanish |
21:35 |
leo_rockway |
they should join though |
21:36 |
leo_rockway |
Kacey: do you feel it laggy? |
21:37 |
leo_rockway |
drop_items feels laggy to me |
21:38 |
Kacey |
it was kind of laggy and the inventory was weird |
21:39 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: that's why I'm not sure if it should be a permanent server. |
21:39 |
Kacey |
lol spanish is fun |
21:40 |
leo_rockway |
I like how the carts debug is in German |
21:40 |
Kacey |
lol |
21:40 |
leo_rockway |
or looks like German |
21:40 |
Kacey |
i understand german also |
21:40 |
leo_rockway |
[cartsDebug] => return { ["items"] = { }, ["fallen"] = false, ["dir"] = "z-", ["bremsen"] = false, ["fahren"] = false, ["weiche"] = { }, ["old_dir"] = "z-" } |
21:40 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
21:40 |
Kacey |
HOLA!!!! |
21:41 |
kaeza |
hola Kacey. hablas español? no lo creo :) |
21:42 |
marktraceur |
Donde esta el queso de governmente? En mi pantalones! |
21:42 |
Kacey |
si habla español |
21:42 |
Kacey |
ok kinda |
21:42 |
leo_rockway |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3940 <--- somebody trying to bring herobryne (sp?)? |
21:45 |
marktraceur |
leo_rockway: Herobrine, 'brine' is spelled the same way it is normally |
21:45 |
leo_rockway |
okay |
21:45 |
leo_rockway |
thanks |
21:46 |
kaeza |
Kacey: that's bad google translate |
21:46 |
Kacey |
el gato (forgot the word for purple) |
21:46 |
kaeza |
purpura |
21:46 |
FreeFull |
Cat? |
21:47 |
Kacey |
trying to say the purple cat |
21:47 |
kaeza |
"El Gato Púrpura" |
21:47 |
Kacey |
mexican spanish |
21:47 |
kaeza |
that's "the purple cat" |
21:48 |
Kacey |
.g translator |
21:48 |
MinetestBot |
Kacey: http://translate.google.com/ |
21:48 |
Kacey |
of course |
21:49 |
Kacey |
german |
21:49 |
FreeFull |
Perro pequeño |
21:49 |
kaeza |
sfan5: can the bot be fixed to interface with google translate? |
21:49 |
kaeza |
FreeFull: "small dog" |
21:49 |
jin_xi |
but why |
21:49 |
FreeFull |
kaeza: Ayup |
21:50 |
FreeFull |
I forgot what hotdog was |
21:50 |
kaeza |
"perro caliente" |
21:50 |
kaeza |
o "perrito caliente" |
21:50 |
Kacey |
kann jemand verstehen? |
21:50 |
kaeza |
O.o |
21:51 |
FreeFull |
Ja |
21:51 |
Kacey |
aufhören google translate |
21:51 |
celeron55 |
23:21:19 < Kacey> why do we stay in 0.4.x when we could be in 0.5.x |
21:51 |
FreeFull |
Use UTF-8 for your IRC client please |
21:51 |
celeron55 |
yeah, let's just raise the version number to, say, 42 |
21:51 |
celeron55 |
because higher means better! |
21:51 |
FreeFull |
1000000.3.1 |
21:51 |
celeron55 |
1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
21:51 |
kaeza |
lol^ |
21:51 |
Kacey |
ooh hallo c55 |
21:52 |
kaeza |
celeron55: https://github.com/kaeza/minetest-irc |
21:52 |
celeron55 |
minetest 9000000000 turbo |
21:52 |
celeron55 |
deluxe extreme edition |
21:52 |
Kacey |
ich gebe Ihnen ein Cookie, wenn Sie mir, was dieser sagt zu sagen |
21:52 |
FreeFull |
90000000000b |
21:52 |
FreeFull |
90000000000 zeta gamma epsilon mega |
21:53 |
Kacey |
ooh too much fun |
21:53 |
celeron55 |
http://www.nothings.org/stb_vorbis/ <- see "Version History" |
21:53 |
Kacey |
.g ich gebe Ihnen ein Cookie, wenn Sie mir, was dieser sagt zu sagen |
21:53 |
MinetestBot |
Kacey: http://www.implenia.com/de-ch/medien/themen-amp-projekte/frauen-bei-implenia.html |
21:53 |
celeron55 |
i'm going to do that |
21:53 |
kaeza |
"minetest z5555555 (1e+1000).0.0 deluxe extreme premium ultra enterprise edition" |
21:54 |
Kacey |
minetest 0.0.1 where everthing does not exist |
21:54 |
FreeFull |
MinetestPlus Chicago |
21:55 |
FreeFull |
No version numbers at all |
21:55 |
kaeza |
celeron55: what was the first minetest version? just for the lulz |
21:55 |
celeron55 |
i'm using firefox 15 which is basically exactly the same as 3.6 |
21:55 |
FreeFull |
celeron55: Eh, 4 did introduce some important good stuff |
21:55 |
FreeFull |
I'm using firefox 17 |
21:55 |
NakedFury |
its gonna be Minetest [insert animal type] [insert animal name]. example: Minetest Mammal Iguana edition/version |
21:56 |
FreeFull |
Minetest Sneaky Elephant |
21:56 |
* Kacey |
loves german |
21:56 |
kaeza |
NakedFury: seems like Ubuntu naming scheme |
21:56 |
FreeFull |
Minetest Mexican Salad |
21:56 |
NakedFury |
and apple with their animal names and java too |
21:56 |
celeron55 |
ok, i'll call minetest versions by diffent names of poop |
21:56 |
Kacey |
minetest german lardyman |
21:56 |
FreeFull |
Minetest Gutsy Guts |
21:56 |
NakedFury |
Minetest Le Tiger version |
21:56 |
celeron55 |
0.4.3 is "minetest doodoo" |
21:56 |
FreeFull |
celeron55: Best idea |
21:56 |
celeron55 |
0.4.4 will be minetest crap |
21:57 |
FreeFull |
0.4.5 will be minetest caca |
21:57 |
Kacey |
no 0.3.1 is sh*t |
21:57 |
FreeFull |
With built in cacalib support for graphics |
21:57 |
Kacey |
minetest sh*t |
21:57 |
kaeza |
and minetest 1.0 "THA SHIZZZNESS" |
21:57 |
FreeFull |
1.1 shizznizzle |
21:57 |
NakedFury |
Minetest Mojon version |
21:57 |
Kacey |
2.0 sall be the Chuck Norris edition |
21:57 |
FreeFull |
Minetest Antivirus 2020 |
21:57 |
Kacey |
shall* |
21:57 |
NakedFury |
or Minetest Submarine |
21:58 |
kaeza |
FreeFull: lolz |
21:58 |
berome joined #minetest |
21:58 |
leo_rockway |
FF 20! |
21:58 |
Kacey |
brb |
21:58 |
kaeza |
leo_rockway: Final Fantasy 20? |
21:58 |
FreeFull |
Why did firefox overtake final fantasy on numbers |
21:58 |
FreeFull |
Why |
21:58 |
leo_rockway |
kaeza: Firefox o.o |
21:58 |
cyb3rm00se joined #minetest |
21:58 |
kaeza |
FreeFull: and Final Fantasy is even older than firefox |
21:59 |
FreeFull |
They're just copying chrome's versioning |
21:59 |
FreeFull |
Final Fantasy is up to 14 right now, numberwise |
22:00 |
FreeFull |
Firefox is at 17 |
22:00 |
leo_rockway |
yes, I don't like how they release a new version number every few months. |
22:00 |
kaeza |
it's marketing crap |
22:00 |
FreeFull |
I bet the next ubuntu will be named Horny Hedgehog |
22:00 |
leo_rockway |
also, minetest caca would be awesome, hehe |
22:00 |
kaeza |
the user will be "OMG!!! I CAN HAZ FIREFOX 231!!! |
22:00 |
Kacey |
celeron55 werden es nie erfahren, dass ich heimlich genießen beobachtete ihn durch das Internet ... |
22:01 |
FreeFull |
Firefox 1337 |
22:01 |
Kacey |
hey anyone want to join my server? |
22:01 |
kaeza |
firefow will never 3v4r be 1337 |
22:02 |
kaeza |
firefox* |
22:02 |
FreeFull |
M1n3t3s7 1333337 |
22:02 |
kaeza |
he is more of a number 008 |
22:02 |
kaeza |
08* |
22:03 |
kaeza |
FreeFull: that's better |
22:03 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
22:04 |
kaeza |
Kacey: Internet Protocol Address plz |
22:05 |
FreeFull | |
22:06 |
OldCoder |
Hmm |
22:06 |
marktraceur |
OK, factories and transactors are both working well now, I'll start the release process |
22:07 |
babyface1031_ |
what do your factories do? |
22:07 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: link? |
22:08 |
marktraceur |
babyface1031_: They auto-craft, of course |
22:08 |
babyface1031_ |
cool |
22:08 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: Not ready yet, need to create a bunch of repos and then update the modpack to have all of the mods |
22:09 |
kaeza |
gawd that guilleelcapoextra guy in the forums makes my eyes bleed |
22:14 |
anunakki joined #minetest |
22:24 |
khonkhortisan |
hello mark__ |
22:26 |
khonkhortisan |
aha. Using the ip from the private chat and the log of this channel, I know it was markveidemanis. |
22:35 |
Dogzilla131 joined #minetest |
22:35 |
jin_xi joined #minetest |
22:41 |
Kray joined #minetest |
22:44 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3804 done |
22:45 |
* marktraceur |
will work on screenshots |
22:47 |
kaeza |
http://cheezburger.com/6823491072 |
22:49 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: whi is the bzip2 WAAAAAY much smaller than the gzipped version? |
22:49 |
kaeza |
why* |
22:49 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: I don't know, could be anything |
22:49 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: Maybe bz2 does better with whitespace? |
22:50 |
kaeza |
maybe |
22:50 |
kaeza |
but 158K vs 35K? |
22:50 |
kaeza |
gzip sucks |
22:50 |
marktraceur |
Or better at images, possibly |
22:52 |
babyface1031_ |
how so you make glass tubes |
22:53 |
marktraceur |
Boy, it's not easy making a factory :) |
22:54 |
marktraceur |
I'm happy it worked out that way |
22:54 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: now testing... |
22:55 |
VanessaE |
Taoki, kaeza, others: sorry for the server being slow. It was my fault. restarted with a fix in place - it should be better now. |
22:55 |
VanessaE |
(I mean slow in the last couple of hours) |
22:55 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: are the items in creative inv? |
22:56 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: np |
22:56 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: Probably not |
22:56 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: your waterlily bug ain't fixed yet, but I think I finally fixed the dry shrub and growing-surfaces bugs. |
22:57 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: Great! take your time. I'm not in a hurry about it |
22:57 |
kaeza |
:) |
22:57 |
Kray joined #minetest |
22:57 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: any objections if I just make it dependent on depth of the water immediately below the node? Such a fix would be pretty easy |
22:57 |
kaeza |
I could use the `clean' mod to remove them all and start again anyways |
22:58 |
kaeza |
VanessaE: no |
22:58 |
kaeza |
that's what I was thinking |
22:58 |
kaeza |
how much depth are you planning? |
22:59 |
VanessaE |
maybe 2 nodes below has to be default:dirt |
22:59 |
VanessaE |
so: |
22:59 |
VanessaE |
L |
22:59 |
VanessaE |
W |
22:59 |
VanessaE |
W |
22:59 |
VanessaE |
D |
22:59 |
VanessaE |
L - waterlily, W = water, D = dirt |
22:59 |
kaeza |
good to me |
22:59 |
kaeza |
more depth will make them spawn again in open sea |
23:00 |
kaeza |
and besides most "lakes" are that depth |
23:00 |
kaeza |
deep* |
23:02 |
Taoki |
VanessaE: It's ok. Need to log off soon as well for a bit so will join tomorrow perhaps |
23:02 |
VanessaE |
Taoki: you're already logged off; I restarted the server ;) |
23:02 |
jin_xi |
23:02 |
jin_xi |
oops |
23:03 |
marktraceur |
Raugh |
23:03 |
marktraceur |
Factories don't check for enough resource, damn it |
23:07 |
Taoki |
yeah. BBl in about an hour |
23:11 |
Doc22_ joined #minetest |
23:23 |
Doc22_ joined #minetest |
23:24 |
Octupus joined #minetest |
23:26 |
Doc22_ |
hey octu |
23:26 |
Doc22_ |
are you on ipod? |
23:27 |
Doc22_ |
Octupus^ |
23:27 |
Octupus |
Yes Doc22_ |
23:27 |
Doc22_ |
dang it |
23:29 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
23:29 |
kaeza |
hmmm |
23:30 |
kaeza |
what drawtype do you use to draw a flat entity? |
23:30 |
kaeza |
hey Neko |
23:31 |
jin_xi |
upright_sprite |
23:31 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
23:31 |
kaeza |
jin_xi: thanks |
23:33 |
marktraceur |
Anyone who already downloaded the factory mod, please update, major bugfix |
23:34 |
kaeza |
marktracer: DL'ing and testing |
23:34 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: ^ |
23:34 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: Best of luck! |
23:34 |
jin_xi |
any screens up yet? |
23:34 |
kaeza |
I always forget about tab completion |
23:34 |
NekoGloop |
"factory"? |
23:35 |
NekoGloop |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3928 Disgusting. |
23:36 |
NekoGloop |
And what's Adam talking about an unbreakable node for, the buildcraft quarries -and- the quarry-frames are both breakable. |
23:39 |
marktraceur |
NekoGloop: What's your objection? |
23:39 |
NekoGloop |
With what? |
23:39 |
marktraceur |
Oh, sorry |
23:39 |
marktraceur |
Thought your "Disgusting" was WRT factories |
23:40 |
marktraceur |
NekoGloop: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3804 |
23:40 |
NekoGloop |
I saw that. |
23:40 |
NekoGloop |
This might interest you: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1578105-145forge-cogs-of-the-machine/ |
23:40 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: works perfectly now. Awesome job sir |
23:41 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: I'm happy to hear that :) |
23:41 |
marktraceur |
kaeza: I'm mostly happy I caught that bug so quickly |
23:41 |
NekoGloop |
marktraceur: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1578105-145forge-cogs-of-the-machine/ might interest you. |
23:41 |
kaeza |
NekoGloop: double post |
23:41 |
VanessaE |
ok, i suppose I should look into this factory mod huh. :-) |
23:42 |
marktraceur |
NekoGloop: I saw, but I'm not sure how useful it will be, since A) it's under a nonfree license and B) it's for a different game |
23:42 |
NekoGloop |
kaeza: I didnt ping him the first time |
23:42 |
NekoGloop |
marktraceur: just some general ideas. |
23:42 |
kaeza |
NekoGloop: nvm |
23:42 |
kaeza |
ok |
23:42 |
marktraceur |
VanessaE: If you were bored and looking for something to make textures for.... ;0 |
23:42 |
marktraceur |
;) gorram keyboard |
23:42 |
NekoGloop |
Speaking of which, I should install this mod :P |
23:43 |
marktraceur |
Also, anyone who has a suggestion as to how I can get a wishlist for the transactors without such a long loop.... |
23:43 |
marktraceur |
Merge requests *very* welcome |
23:43 |
VanessaE |
marktraceur: hah |
23:43 |
NekoGloop |
I dont even know if that mod is compatible with the 50 I have installed :P |
23:43 |
marktraceur |
(for both factories and furnaces, actually, because I loop through all of minetest.registered_items each time the ABM fires, which is obviously bad. |
23:44 |
VanessaE |
*looks at forum post* |
23:44 |
* marktraceur |
is going to go shower now, because he feels very disgusting |
23:44 |
VanessaE |
marktraceur: brushed up against a windows box again? ;) |
23:44 |
marktraceur |
VanessaE: Brushed up against two straight days of hacking, more like |
23:45 |
VanessaE |
heh |
23:45 |
VanessaE |
ok |
23:45 |
NekoGloop |
Hey, if we finally get technic-pack level stuff, and someone gets off their ass and actually compiles some windows builds, I might play minetest again :P |
23:49 |
kaeza |
marktraceur: I doesn't craft tools. Is this intentional? |
23:49 |
kaeza |
It* |
23:50 |
NekoGloop |
Remind me why no one makes windows builds>? |
23:50 |
VanessaE |
sfan5 does |
23:50 |
VanessaE |
and his are usually up-to-date |
23:51 |
kaeza |
http://cheezburger.com/6823491072 |
23:51 |
VanessaE |
oldcoder does also I thin |
23:51 |
VanessaE |
think* |
23:52 |
* NekoGloop |
googles sfan5 |
23:52 |
* NekoGloop |
finds this: https://minebook.me/sfan5 |
23:52 |
NekoGloop |
23:52 |
VanessaE |
http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/ |
23:52 |
kaeza |
.g sfan5 |
23:52 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: https://github.com/sfan5 |
23:53 |
kaeza |
NekoGloop: ^ |
23:53 |
VanessaE |
his 0.4.4 build is a little outdated though... |
23:53 |
NekoGloop |
kaeza: ? |
23:53 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: Remind me why the most used OS is not supported here? |
23:53 |
kaeza |
.g NekoGloop |
23:53 |
MinetestBot |
kaeza: http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/2012-11-01 |
23:53 |
NekoGloop |
kaeza: You arent going to find much outside of irc logs. |
23:53 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: eh? those are windows builds |
23:54 |
NekoGloop |
VanessaE: You just said it's out of date. |
23:54 |
Taoki joined #minetest |
23:54 |
kaeza |
hey Taoki |
23:54 |
Taoki |
hi |
23:54 |
VanessaE |
NekoGloop: his latest build appears to be from yesterday. |
23:55 |
VanessaE |
http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-dev-566f7f6-win32.7z |
23:55 |
VanessaE |
that was the last commit posted to github last night |
23:56 |
VanessaE |
looking at the latest commits, the only thing you won't see are a few bug fixes and the smooth day/night transition. |
23:57 |
NekoGloop |
0.4.3 mods work with 0.4.4? |
23:57 |
VanessaE |
yep, afaict. |
23:58 |
NekoGloop |
My last version of minetest was 0.4.3-1db0334 |
23:58 |
berome joined #minetest |
23:58 |
VanessaE |
out of the ~1400 items defined by my collection, none have been lost when moving to 0.4.4 (indeed, RBA's unified inventory needs 0.4.4-dev from around the middle of the day yesterday or newer) |
23:59 |
berome joined #minetest |
23:59 |
NekoGloop |
will there be a better inventory_plus then |