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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2019-03-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 kaeza rubenwardy: that text is huge
00:08 rubenwardy lol
00:08 rubenwardy I didn't do much testing on mobile
00:19 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
00:32 Calinou hah, nice
00:35 benrob0329 Oh he did it
01:07 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
01:24 Jordach reeeeeeeeeeee nvidia pls
01:24 Jordach i just had to abuse a long forgotten xrandr command to wake the clearly not sleeping display
01:24 Jordach everytime i adjusted video settings through sys settings it sort of woke then blacked out again
03:10 Ganome joined #minetest-hub
04:38 Flitzpiepe joined #minetest-hub
04:39 greeter joined #minetest-hub
05:07 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
05:09 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
05:57 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
07:22 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:22 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
10:13 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
10:25 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:08 ShadowBot` joined #minetest-hub
12:08 sofar_ joined #minetest-hub
12:19 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
12:24 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
12:47 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
14:28 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
14:56 benrob0329 Holy crap people can never just accept an inconsequential change can they?
15:03 Jordach i want that sauce
15:41 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
16:34 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
16:34 tenplus1 hi folks :)
16:37 tenplus1 Mobs Animals updated (new chicken model; textures; animations)
16:42 benrob0329 Nice
16:42 tenplus1 hi benrob :P
16:42 FrostRanger joined #minetest-hub
16:47 tenplus1 D'ayums :P
16:49 tenplus1 yay for stamina mod and farming redo :D
16:51 benrob0329 Oh BTW, farming redo now defines extra blueberries
16:51 tenplus1 redo had blueberries before 5.0 added them again :) lol... will have to do something about those (or rename)
16:51 tenplus1 blackberries maybe
16:52 benrob0329 That'd work
16:53 tenplus1 btw if you have a mese/diamond sword and have really good timing, you can reflect dungeon master fireballs :DDD
16:55 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
16:55 tenplus1 hi fixer
17:03 calcul0n hi ten
17:03 tenplus1 hi calcul0n :P
17:04 calcul0n i have another big problem with farming mod : why the hell can we eat raw potatoes :p
17:04 tenplus1 lol, should I change it so they only give (1) hp/hunger point and need to be cooked for the full amount ?
17:05 calcul0n hmm, i think they should just be uneatable without cooking
17:05 tenplus1 was following mc rules, raw potatoes can be eaten... but yeah, if enough ppl agree I'll change :D
17:06 tenplus1 yup, 1 hp when raw, 6 hp when cooked
17:07 tenplus1 raw potato can be eaten irl but I coudl make it so that a 1 in 3 chance of poisoning instead of healing ???
17:09 calcul0n seems fair :)
17:09 tenplus1 :) will do taht now
17:11 calcul0n cool, thanks
17:17 tenplus1 git updated, 1 in 3 chance of raw potato being poisonous
17:20 benrob0329 tenplus1: also also, why do you punch to place bonemeal?
17:20 tenplus1 you USE to spread it :)
17:20 tenplus1 not place it
17:20 tenplus1 it's like a tool
17:21 benrob0329 Yes but most other place/spready things in MT are rightclick
17:22 tenplus1 hrm... what other spready things ?
17:25 benrob0329 Seeds, buckets, etc
17:25 tenplus1 oh
17:26 benrob0329 Although I think flint+steel is punch..hmm
17:26 benrob0329 This feels inconsistent
17:27 tenplus1 yeo :D
17:29 benrob0329 But I generally think of "placing" the bonemeal onto the plant, as it is a consumed item and not some form of spreading apparatus
17:30 tenplus1 to me it's a tool/item to be used like fertilizer to left click feels natural... but, I'll ask players which they prefer and change if necessary :)
17:30 tenplus1 which reminds me, I gotta add the cactus sapling to bonemeal mod...oops
17:32 benrob0329 Does it make sense given cactuses' natural soil?
17:32 benrob0329 Cactuses? Cacti?
17:32 benrob0329 Cactusi?
17:33 tenplus1 what's the difference between jungle sapling and emergent jungle sapling ?
17:33 benrob0329 Well obviously one is emerging and one is not :P
17:34 tenplus1 ehehehe
17:34 tenplus1 gotta add that also with blueberry bush sapling
17:36 tenplus1 ohhhh, emergent is the large jungle tree that emerges from the leaves above :)
17:49 Fixer hi
17:50 tenplus1 o/
17:58 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
17:58 tenplus1 hi ssieb
17:58 ssieb hi
18:02 tenplus1 bonemeal; farming redo updated with changes
18:06 Krock joined #minetest-hub
18:06 tenplus1 hi Krock
18:06 Krock hi tenplus1
18:06 Krock oww
18:06 tenplus1 :)
18:06 tenplus1 ows you ?
18:07 Krock oww you were faster
18:08 Krock but I thought I would be unexpected
18:08 tenplus1 like a ninja sneaking around :D
18:12 aerozoic wazup tenplus1 !  Anything significant in the farming update?
18:12 tenplus1 hey aerozoic o//
18:12 tenplus1 raw potato has 1 in 3 chance of poisoning player
18:13 tenplus1 bonemeal mod supports mt 5.0 saplings
18:13 aerozoic oh interesting
18:13 tenplus1 mob animals has new chicken model, animation and textures :P
18:13 tenplus1 ethereal ng has 5.0 support for biomes and decoration :D
18:16 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
18:17 tenplus1 o/ gary
18:17 garywhite hello ten
18:17 tenplus1 hows you
18:26 tenplus1 Q. How much more memory does Minetest 5.0 use over 0.4.17 ??
18:27 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
18:27 tenplus1 hi kaeza
18:27 rubenwardy it should use less lua memory with builtin SQLite auth support
18:27 rubenwardy probably more C++ memory though
18:27 tenplus1 hey Ruben...  I gotta switch the player database over someday
18:30 tenplus1 suppose am worried incase it screws up somehow
18:32 rubenwardy I'm keeping with sauth for now
18:32 rubenwardy I trust shivajiva and a year or so more than nerzhul and a month
18:33 tenplus1 doesnt sorcerykid have an auth system as well
18:33 rubenwardy she does
18:33 rubenwardy it's rather impressive
18:33 rubenwardy note that the performance stats for it are out of date
18:33 tenplus1 wonder why we didnt switch to one of those
18:34 rubenwardy sauth performs a lot better now that a few bugs were fixed, although unsure how well in comparison to redux
18:34 tenplus1 :) should do a new table of comparison, would be handy for 5.0 switchover
18:35 kaeza Greetings, tenplus1.
18:35 tenplus1 :PP
18:43 tenplus1 I like how smooth entity rotation is now in 5.0 :)
18:49 Krock np :D
18:49 Krock hi rubenwardy, kaeza
18:49 rubenwardy o/
18:49 rubenwardy did you see my issue
18:50 rubenwardy ah, you did
18:51 Krock tuning the metadata saving mechanism now
18:51 tenplus1 ?
18:51 Krock #8414
18:51 ShadowBot -- Heavy mapblock save traffic since 5.0.0 update
18:51 tenplus1 oh yeah,read that earlier
18:54 kaeza Krock: o/
18:57 BuckarooBanzai joined #minetest-hub
18:58 tenplus1 hi buckaroo o//
18:58 BuckarooBanzai hey tenplus1
18:58 BuckarooBanzai whats up?
18:58 tenplus1 binge watching "How It's Made" on youtube :P you ?
18:58 BuckarooBanzai hehe, nice :D
18:58 BuckarooBanzai figuring out what to do with this one:
18:59 BuckarooBanzai i wanna play tonight but it is pretty laggy with that :/
18:59 tenplus1 ouch, krock just linked it in chat... wonder what's causing it all
19:00 BuckarooBanzai no idea, i tried to read into the c++ code but there are some huuge files in there :D
19:00 Krock MOD_STATE_WRITE_AT_UNLOAD could be used but that could result in data loss on crash
19:00 Krock I'm not sure why exactly it now writes more to the disk. are you sure it's the map which gets written?
19:00 tenplus1 what's making it write so much now ?
19:01 BuckarooBanzai Krock: no pressure, better a safe solution than data loss..
19:01 rubenwardy tenplus1: it now saves when metadata changes
19:01 tenplus1 but didnt mods write metadata seperately ?
19:01 rubenwardy tenplus1: before metadata wouldn't trigger a save every 10(?) seconds, but just be saved on unload
19:01 tenplus1 ah gotcha
19:01 BuckarooBanzai Krock 100% sure, i rechecked everythin the last few days :) i even shut down all my other services..
19:02 BuckarooBanzai *everything
19:02 BuckarooBanzai i think my mesecons/technic mod combo is pretty deadly in combination with that bug :)
19:02 tenplus1 always updating with those 2... ouch!!!
19:05 BuckarooBanzai tenplus1: i'm behind with your latest mod updates, i'm excited whats new again :)
19:05 Krock BuckarooBanzai: if you'd like to experiment.. replace this with MOD_STATE_WRITE_AT_UNLOAD
19:05 tenplus1 Bonemeal supports 5.0 saplings, farming redo has chance of poisoning player with raw potato, mobs animal has brand new chicken model, animation and textures :D
19:05 tenplus1 ethereal ng has 5.0 decorations and biomes added
19:06 garywhite wait, now raw potato can poison you?
19:06 Krock but it's strange that there are now more saving events - the raiseModified calls were there before already
19:06 tenplus1 and my fork of boats, carts, mobs_horses checks for 0.4.17 or 5.0 and has player sit at proper lecvels on model
19:06 tenplus1 1 in 3 chance, yes... they can do so irl also :)
19:06 BuckarooBanzai Krock: sounds fun :D i can try that tonight, what's the worst that can happen?
19:06 Krock this might also be caused by an increased default value of active blocks
19:06 rubenwardy garywhite: raw potato is toxic
19:06 rubenwardy IRL
19:06 Krock well, item duplication caused by crashes. that's what can happen
19:06 tenplus1 abm range has increased, so metadata would be written more
19:07 Krock when players take an item, the server crashes, and on restart the old chest contents are still there
19:07 rubenwardy especially if the potato has a green tint
19:07 tenplus1 that isnt good... is that technic chests ?
19:07 rubenwardy or is sprouting
19:07 BuckarooBanzai hmm, sounds like a feature :P
19:08 Krock tenplus1: then it might be that. BuckarooBanzai: check your abm/mapblock settings
19:08 garywhite well, that makes MT farming more interesting, now you gotta cook potatoes
19:08 tenplus1 yup :) raw potato is nasty anyhoo
19:09 BuckarooBanzai Krock: same settings as before, abm_range was always 1
19:09 BuckarooBanzai and no forceloaded blocks...
19:09 tenplus1 I gotta think what to do with blueberries though... dont wanna replace them entirely cause 0.4.17 players cant grow them outwith farming redo... only 5.0 can
19:10 tenplus1 we set abm range to 2 on server, so meta lag hasnt hit us as yet
19:11 BuckarooBanzai tenplus1: shouldn't an increased range cause more lag?
19:11 tenplus1 it should, yes...  5.0 sets it to 3 if I'm correct
19:11 tenplus1 cant remember the actual change, but it was definitely changed
19:14 tenplus1 yup, active block range is now 3 and object send range is 4
19:15 Krock BuckarooBanzai: you could also increase the map save interval from 5s to 10s but I doubt that's your target
19:16 BuckarooBanzai Krock: already at 13.3
19:16 Krock ah
19:16 BuckarooBanzai Krock: building with your fix right now, i'll report back if i have news :)
19:17 Krock heh nice :D
19:23 tenplus1 looks like SorceryKid is working on a new version of AuthRedux and will post new results when done
19:26 Krock oof. u_i definitely needs an API documentation
19:26 Krock this is horrible
19:26 tenplus1 it doesnt already have ??? am surprised
19:27 Krock no, there's none. I guess the other mods just took the "bags" file from u_i to adjust it for their purpose
19:27 Krock not quite the idea of a proper API
19:27 tenplus1 we use bags seperately as well for inv+
19:28 tenplus1 as good as u_i is, I still feel it's rather slow and bloated
19:28 Krock ikr. the bags which all have the origin somewhere near cornernote's first inventory mod
19:29 Krock because they all suffered from the same problem and share major parts of the code
19:29 tenplus1 you fixed the csm issues with bags if I remember...
19:29 tenplus1 o.O ooh I just realised, I can disable CSM now... w00t!
19:29 Krock yes, that's what I meant and how I figured out that they're almost the same mod
19:30 Krock well yes.. you can disable them server-side, which has absolutely no effect for edited clients
19:30 Krock all you have to do is to undo one specific commit and resolve the merge conflicts
19:30 tenplus1 that;s fine for now, always wanted a simple OFF switch
19:31 tenplus1 majority of players wont know how to do that
19:31 Krock yes, luckily
19:31 Krock but I can confirm that it's very easy to work around it and still exploit server leaks
19:31 tenplus1 time to convert the inv+ mods to sfinv...
19:32 tenplus1 am wondering what csm mods are actually useful ? I havent seen many to date
19:34 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
19:34 tenplus1 o/ nerzhul
19:35 nerzhul hi
19:35 tenplus1 hurt and death sounds, distancer, coloured text and that seems to be it (apart from chest hack and ore finder)
19:37 scr267a joined #minetest-hub
19:37 tenplus1 allo scr o/
19:51 benrob0329 IMO bags should either work like Shulker Boxes or increase inventory size directly when equipped
19:53 tenplus1 I was going to change bags mod to a single slot on crafting screen to use like backpacks... still keeping small, medium, large, trolley's, but 1 bag only
19:54 tenplus1 having 4 slots feels more like cheating, especially when the items inside don't drop when you die
19:58 benrob0329 You could also make it to where bags are considered chest armour :P
19:58 benrob0329 That way players have to shoose what to equip
19:58 tenplus1 yeah, backpack or chestpiece
19:59 benrob0329 But then that begs the question of whether the items stay inside the backpack when unequipped
19:59 tenplus1 did that with nyan and mese boots... you lose lava protection (from full crystal set) to obtain high speed or high jump
19:59 benrob0329 I suppose you could go for a raw inventory increase and remove that ambiguity though
19:59 tenplus1 an entity can hold an inventory within, just not too huge
19:59 benrob0329 Make all extra items drop >:-)
20:00 tenplus1 mwhehehehe
20:00 tenplus1 we stopped armor from dropping on death cause too many noobs were crying when it happened :)
20:04 BuckarooBanzai Krock: thx for the quick help, i deployed the fix but it is still writing a lot of blocks :( i document that in the github ticket....
20:04 Krock weird, then it must be another issue
20:08 BuckarooBanzai I'll take a look at the changes from to 5.0.0 myself when i have time (the server.cpp file is huuge though :)
20:08 tenplus1 am sure the solution will crop up eventually :P
20:11 tenplus1 did you reduce the active range to 2 ?
20:12 BuckarooBanzai tenplus1: it is already on 1 (always was there) :D
20:12 tenplus1 ahh kewl, even better :D
20:12 tenplus1 am a big fan of being next to a machine to keep it active (apart from farming)
20:13 BuckarooBanzai tenplus1: i'm planning to re-introduce forceloading zones/blocks, don't know how to "tax" them yet... :)
20:14 tenplus1 tax ? as in stress or monetary ?
20:14 BuckarooBanzai i hope it keeps a few players from afking in front of their machines....
20:14 BuckarooBanzai monetary i think...
20:14 tenplus1 could easily check player movement and if afk for a length of time, kick em out with message
20:15 BuckarooBanzai they are pretty resourceful though: we have an xp system that gives xp for crafting/placing and consorts, a player used a clicker app just to "farm" xp :/
20:16 BuckarooBanzai afk check can be overcome with something like that too...
20:16 tenplus1 hrm, resourceful lot :D
20:17 BuckarooBanzai some of them have explicit "forceload" account :( so better to fix the cause of this than the symptoms
20:17 BuckarooBanzai *accounts
20:17 tenplus1 yeah
20:20 tenplus1 does your server use hdd or ssd ?
20:20 BuckarooBanzai SSD
20:21 tenplus1 win or linux ?
20:21 BuckarooBanzai i had issues with that in the beginning, it was some kind of latency on the disk access. it translated through all layers up to the mods and resulted in heavy profiling times on all the mods....
20:22 BuckarooBanzai i contacted support and they "fixed" that latency somehow... :P
20:22 BuckarooBanzai linux of course :D
20:22 tenplus1 ehehe
20:22 rubenwardy help, I'm looking for a commit
20:22 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
20:22 tenplus1 the vm.swappiness and noatime additions help in disk access speeds which may help
20:22 tenplus1 what commit ruben ?
20:23 rubenwardy *comic
20:23 rubenwardy it's about spaghetti code. There's a big pile of living mass on the floor. Characters say it's a legacy code base. The new employee get's sucked in as a maintainer
20:23 rubenwardy may be by commit strip
20:23 tenplus1 o.O
20:23 BuckarooBanzai :D
20:28 tenplus1
20:28 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
20:29 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
20:29 tenplus1 hey twoelk
20:29 twoelk o/
20:31 tenplus1 wb gary
20:37 * rubenwardy gives up searching
20:37 tenplus1 lo0l
20:38 garywhite thanks
20:38 BuckarooBanzai i'm off for tonight, thx for all the help with the lag-issue :)
20:38 BuckarooBanzai bye all
20:38 tenplus1 cya
20:39 * tenplus1 is gonna eat :P   laters folks o//
20:39 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
21:09 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
21:11 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
22:40 paramat joined #minetest-hub
23:05 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
23:18 rubenwardy
23:18 rubenwardy should I reply from the Minetest account with "We don't seek approval from Nazis"
23:21 VanessaE wat
23:25 paramat heh, best not i think
23:25 rubenwardy :D
23:26 sfan5 I hate politics
23:26 rubenwardy yeah
23:26 rubenwardy what's the best weather mod?
23:27 paramat snowdrift
23:27 rubenwardy :D
23:27 paramat well, HW weather really
23:28 rubenwardy it's World Meteorological Day tomorrow
23:28 rubenwardy apparently
23:35 rubenwardy how does one say "Free as in freedom!" in french
23:36 rubenwardy
23:36 rubenwardy or maybe some connective
23:36 rubenwardy "more importantly, free as in freedom!"
23:40 kaeza Plays on words do not always have a meaningful translation.
23:41 rubenwardy true
23:41 rubenwardy et ce'st libre!

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