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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-05-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:03 Fixer gn
00:04 rud0lf joined #minetest-hub
00:07 twoelk left #minetest-hub
00:08 paramat joined #minetest-hub
00:18 paramat #7365 is fairly trivial so will merge later if no objection
00:18 ShadowBot -- Schematic decorations: Fix placement bug when centred and rotated by paramat
00:45 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
00:48 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
00:49 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
01:18 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
01:23 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
01:29 paramat oops wrong channel
01:29 tumeninodes lol, good thing it's not top secret
02:39 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
02:55 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-hub
05:13 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-hub
06:22 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
09:54 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:31 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
10:59 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
11:59 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
11:59 tenplus1 hi folks
12:01 ANAND Hey tenplus1! :)
12:01 tenplus1 hi ANAND
12:04 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
12:04 tenplus1 hi fussel
12:04 IhrFussel Can I change the collision box of an entity dynamically like the visual size?
12:05 tenplus1 I would hope so...
12:05 IhrFussel Hi tenplus1
12:05 IhrFussel Cause I want to spawn random "giant" types of monsters
12:06 tenplus1 use the on_spawn() function to randomly select size etc.
12:12 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-hub
12:12 tenplus1 hi longer
12:13 longerstaff13 Ello eleven :P
12:13 tenplus1 o/
12:19 IhrFussel tenplus1, api.lua already adjusts the collision box so I could've answered this myself
12:19 tenplus1 ehehe
12:26 IhrFussel tenplus1, if I increase the visual size I also need to increase reach correct?
12:27 IhrFussel Looks like bigger mobs cannot damage players otherwise
12:27 tenplus1 yep
12:28 IhrFussel So is self.reach calculated from the center of the entity size?
12:28 tenplus1 calculated from self.object:get_pos() which is generally bottom node of player
12:28 tenplus1 er... mob even
12:29 IhrFussel If I make mobs twice as wide should I make reach *2 too?
12:30 tenplus1 yeah
12:30 IhrFussel I want to make sure that all giant types can still damage players
12:40 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
12:40 tenplus1 hi twoelk
12:40 twoelk o/
12:42 twoelk I added a new table to the wiki page about farming redo - not sure how to proceed though :-D
12:44 twoelk haven't got a clue how such a table would work when viewed on a mobile device
12:44 tenplus1 good point, tiny screen... well, maybe depending on model
12:46 twoelk yeah I was sort of getting excitted about adding lots of columns with sortable info but that would probably only be useable on a pc screen with mouse
12:46 tenplus1 must be another way to handle info
12:47 twoelk well the old way is for each plant a chapter of its own on a long scrollable list
12:49 tenplus1 how abut a basic list and you can click an item for more details, like mc wiki
12:49 twoelk the only interesting thing you could sort by at this moment would be number of growth stages
12:50 twoelk I was planning to add the biomes the wild forms could be found at, what they look like and such
12:50 twoelk so that you could see at a glance what to look for in jungle for example
13:01 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
13:04 tenplus1 hi mister
13:04 Mr_Pardison ahoy
13:04 tenplus1 o/
13:04 Mr_Pardison online but only for about 20 more minutes.
13:05 tenplus1 that's ok... rl beckons :P
13:22 twoelk hmm, aren't onion, cucumber or tomato used for anything in farming redo?
13:23 tenplus1 bbq mod uses onion and tomato, cucumber has a salad in xanadu which I could add maybe
13:24 tenplus1 yep, potato salad uses cucumber & baked potato, will add that :D
13:26 twoelk cool :)   hm although maybe splitting farming and cooking someday might be usefull
13:26 tenplus1 indeed, farming provides the base ingredients, as does mobs redo
13:26 twoelk argh now I'm hungry for a potato salad
13:27 tenplus1 lol
13:28 twoelk pepper is a little irritating in the mod - I remember pepper plantations looking similar to vine yards
13:31 Mr_Pardison have to hop now, cya l8r I hope.
13:32 twoelk the mod seems to be mixing black pepper and capsicum
13:42 tenplus1 k, added Potato Salad and Blueberry Pie to farming redo :) am gonna shrink salt and pepper shakers
13:43 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:43 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
13:44 * twoelk just decided to leave the wiki be and instead visit xanadu
13:44 tenplus1 ehehe
13:44 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
13:47 twoelk there added to the WIP page
13:48 tenplus1 thx twoelk :)
13:49 twoelk wierd, I thought I left at the other house yesterday
13:50 twoelk hm, my inventory got wiped?
13:51 tenplus1 joining
13:51 tenplus1 when was the last time you were on server ?
13:51 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
13:51 tenplus1 hi Gael-de-Sailly
13:52 Gael-de-Sailly hi
13:52 tenplus1 Farming Redo updated on github with 2x new recipes and salt/pepper shakers resized
14:08 Mr_Pardison how do I re-enable my public server list?
14:08 tenplus1 should be a tick box  below Host Server called Announce Server
14:11 Mr_Pardison under the play online tab.
14:11 Mr_Pardison I can't get it to display other servers other than what I type in and have saved as the favorites.
14:11 tenplus1 ohhh, thought you wanted to announce your server... oops
14:12 Mr_Pardison don't have the resources to run a server.
14:13 ANAND Mr_Pardison, if ur on 0.5.0-dev, there's a refresh button
14:13 Mr_Pardison on 0.4.16
14:13 ANAND ah
14:13 tenplus1 I usually switch tabs to refresh
14:14 Mr_Pardison still doesn't show.
14:19 Mr_Pardison leaving cya
14:25 tenplus1 Shara: latest creative changes added to git
14:45 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
14:45 tenplus1 hi Jordach
14:57 twoelk ah, just noticed you asked, I was on Xanadu yesterday night, expanding the caverns under my hut near spawn. (white area I think)
15:00 Krock joined #minetest-hub
15:01 Krock hio tenplus1
15:01 tenplus1 ohio :P
15:06 tenplus1 it's kewl that players are finding some really amazing caverealms caverns :P the larger one's look great now the lignting is sorted
15:16 Krock oh, by the way. I found out the reason for the slow falling on top of a node when jumping
15:16 tenplus1 do tell ?
15:16 Krock like jumping on the node (1m)
15:17 Krock well, the collision detection has a certain tolerance to make it easier to get on a surface - but that applies regardless on the speed
15:17 Krock so this effect also occurs when falling down
15:17 tenplus1 is it easily fixed ?
15:17 Krock a trivial four-line change
15:18 tenplus1 sweet :) you gonna backport it as well ?
15:18 Krock but I still struggle finding the issue for the weird jumping - the side-movements
15:18 tenplus1 side movements ?
15:18 tenplus1 havent noticed that one
15:18 Krock then try to move in a straight line (45° angle) while permanently jumping
15:19 tenplus1 checking
15:19 Krock it will move you up to an entire node (I think) to the side sometimes
15:19 Krock backporting? surely not for 0.4.17. if there is a release afterwards, then most likely - otherwise you'll have to wait for 0.5.0
15:20 tenplus1 nope, working a-ok here
15:20 Krock moment.. trying to record a video
15:24 IhrFussel tenplus1, is there a reason that you don't use vector.distance() in get_distance() ?
15:24 tenplus1 cause that function works faster :)
15:32 tenplus1 I have a 'test' mod so I can run 1000's of iterations on a function to see which is better :P
15:33 IhrFussel tenplus1, but yours should still work diagonally right?
15:34 tenplus1 yeah
15:34 tenplus1 it just works a different way from vector.distance()
15:34 xerox123 hello
15:35 tenplus1 hi xerox
15:36 tenplus1 mind you, if a better way to do something appears then I'll try it out and switch to improve :PP
15:44 Krock tenplus1,
15:44 Krock took a moment to learn how to use OpenShot lol
15:45 tenplus1 I see what you mean... but, it doesnt seem to happen here... lemmie double check
15:46 tenplus1 which build is that ?
15:47 Krock that? about a six days old 0.5.0-dev version
15:47 tenplus1 ahh, so it's a new issue... gotcha...  0.4.16-3 here
15:47 Krock it's not a new issue
15:47 nerzhul Hello Krock
15:47 Krock hi nerzhul
15:47 tenplus1 hi nerzhul
15:47 nerzhul echo echo
15:47 nerzhul :D
15:48 Krock cho cho
15:48 tenplus1 lol
15:48 Krock tenplus1, #6886
15:48 ShadowBot -- Unexpected collision when beginning a jump that pushes the player sideways or backwards
15:53 tenplus1 I did like the coloured beds idea in mt-game but only for base 8 colours and if beds are a single nodebox
15:54 nerzhul Krock, can you reminind me what are the remaining showstoppers for releasing 0.4.17 ?
15:54 nerzhul currently only gitlab failed
15:55 nerzhul but travis is happy :p
15:55 nerzhul and gitlab CI failed on ubuntu 16.10 & 17.04 due to apt mirroring problems...
15:58 tenplus1 we got an 18.04 release ?
16:00 Krock tenplus1, GitLab does not produce 18.04 binaries yet
16:00 tenplus1 ahh, soon... soon :P
16:04 nerzhul it can be done if needed but currently apt-get update failed lol
16:06 tenplus1 finally managed to build 0.4.17 on my ubu 18.04 desky, took forever
16:08 Raven262 Is the blocky lighting meant to look like this or is there something wrong?
16:08 Raven262 And the smooth lighting at the same place:
16:08 tenplus1 hi raven
16:08 Raven262 Hi ten
16:09 tenplus1 wow, smooth lighting really addas a lot to the game
16:10 Raven262 I don't remember the last time i used the ordinary lighting, just tried it now to see if it makes the game darker. (boxes in the insidethebox mostly)
16:11 Raven262 That shadow patch on the floor looks bit extreme though.
16:13 tenplus1 wasnt the lighting changed in 0.5x
16:14 tenplus1 is calculating and displaying smooth lighting intensive ?
16:15 Raven262 This is 4.17
16:15 Raven262 But I can try it in 0.5 too
16:15 tenplus1 testing 0.4.17 now
16:16 Raven262 Wait I can't, insidethebox doesn't allow 0.5 clients :P
16:18 Krock Raven262, *this is 0.4.17
16:18 Raven262 Oh yeah, just wanted to shorten it :P
16:18 Krock also, it's the client that disconnects (AFAIK), not the server
16:19 Krock depending on which side gets the opportunity first to detect the remote proto version
16:20 Raven262 Still, I can't connect to this server with a 0.5 client.
16:20 Raven262 And I can't save the map locally in order to check it offline :P
16:21 tenplus1 would be nice of 0.5 had a compatibility mode for older servers
16:21 * Krock headdesks
16:21 tenplus1 lolol, jk
16:23 Krock well, one could try to use the map saving as a real-time pipe to explore a map of an incompatible server - but the irony is that you'd need a compatible client to connect to it for the local map save
16:23 Krock twoelk, lol. indeed we need more doors mods
16:24 sofar Totally
16:24 tenplus1 o/ sofar
16:24 sofar Don't hit me!
16:25 tenplus1 vanessa could convert her homedecor doors to standard doors
16:25 Krock hi sofar
16:25 sofar Lol
16:25 tenplus1 they do look really nice, but homedecor only
16:25 Krock it takes a while for mods to adapt APIs
16:25 * twoelk wonders wether sorcerykid might publish her doors mod
16:26 sofar Probably not
16:26 tenplus1 from what I gather sorcerykid doesnt like git
16:31 * sofar listens to vp chat
16:31 tenplus1 vp?
16:31 sofar Corporate
16:38 sofar Fun chat about how my project will be more and more important in the future
16:38 * sofar & job security
16:38 * tenplus1 replaces staff with robots
16:40 sofar As long as they are running Linux ;)
16:40 tenplus1 systemd
16:40 sofar Yay
16:41 sofar 238?
16:41 sofar Ubuntu used to Snoop search input from their desktop env
16:41 tenplus1 237-3
16:41 tenplus1 might be in proposed repo
16:44 tenplus1 anything major 238 fixes?
16:44 sofar Just small things, as usual
16:46 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
16:47 tenplus1 hi Jordach
16:47 Jordach b e e p
16:48 tenplus1 omg, the've already replaced jordach with a robot
16:52 tenplus1 lol, love it when players want an invisible sword :P
16:53 sofar Just show then yours
16:53 sofar Them*
16:53 tenplus1 I did, and mines even has sound effects :) cnofuses them
16:55 tenplus1 pop onto xanadu if u wanna see/hear
16:56 sofar Tough choice, listen to a Veep about how my job is going to be important, or hear an invisible sword whoosh on Xanadu...
16:56 tenplus1 no contest :D
16:56 * sofar conflicted
16:58 sofar Ook now she's talking about drinking beer
16:58 IhrFussel tenplus1, you have to define the visual_size and collision box EACH time the mob gets reactivated?
16:59 sofar I think she's beaten tenplus1 there
17:00 tenplus1 fussel, if you set self.base_size and self.base_colbox / selbox it'll save the size
17:01 tenplus1 it uses those as a backup of original size for re-activation and for child mobs growing
17:06 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
17:09 tenplus1 wb mister
17:09 Mr_Pardison gracias 10+1
17:30 Krock hi Mr_Pardison
17:49 Mr_Pardison 'ello Krock
17:50 entuland joined #minetest-hub
17:50 tenplus1 hi entuland
17:51 Jordach sofar: inb4 you end up as a VP yourself
17:51 entuland hey there
18:04 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
18:04 Mr_Pardison computer restarted on me for some reason.
18:09 entuland may be a security feature of the MoBo for overheating of the CPU
18:10 Mr_Pardison no... everything feels cool to the touch.
18:10 entuland laptop?
18:10 Mr_Pardison yup.
18:10 entuland were you using it while it happened?
18:11 Mr_Pardison well, kinda.
18:11 entuland running wincrap or something else?
18:11 Mr_Pardison I had just gotten back from lunch (was afk) and had typed a few things on other channels when it just restarted on me for some reason.
18:12 Mr_Pardison CPU, mem and swap looked fine.
18:12 entuland wincrap 10 does that, but it's a regular shutdown... was it all of a sudden as if it had the power cut?
18:13 entuland the fact that you mention the swap indicates nix of some sort :P
18:13 xerox123 joined #minetest-hub
18:13 tenplus1 wb xerox
18:13 xerox123_ joined #minetest-hub
18:13 entuland I would keep an eye on the temps in any case
18:14 entuland I had to dismantle my laptop, clean it from the dust, detach the heatsink from the cpu and replace the paste cause it was all dried out
18:14 entuland it didn't felt too hot still the CPU was freaking out
18:15 entuland pretty old laptop
18:15 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
18:15 xerox123 my ZNC took 14 seconds to shutdown...
18:15 xerox123 [24-May 19:10:49] -Notice- {from *status} *** ZNC is being shut down NOW!
18:15 xerox123 [24-May 19:11:03] [MODE] xerox123 sets mode -I xerox123
18:15 xerox123 usually it's instant, if not a second
18:16 xerox123 probably explains all the latency I was getting
18:18 IhrFussel Regarding 0.4.17: EVERY code change that gives server owners more control over client-side stuff minus brand new features (such as flavors) should be backported ... don't force server owners to upgrade their version and risk losing MOST of their playerbase *just* to have a healthy environment that prevents all the cheats
18:20 IhrFussel That's a pretty shady move to basically tell server owners "upgrade now or let your servers get destroyed"
18:23 Shara Fussel, if something is being missed that is a fix of some kind, just point it out. No need to accuse peopel of anything shady.
18:23 IhrFussel Every server owner with a somewhat established userbase would agree here... it's not easy to get good active players onto your server
18:23 sfan5 IhrFussel: that makes no sense
18:23 sfan5 "giving more control to server owners" requires client coorperation
18:23 sfan5 but 0.4.17 is compatible to 0.4.16
18:23 tenplus1 o/ sfan
18:23 sfan5 so if you add those features, people can just use older clients to bypass that
18:24 sfan5 hi ten
18:24 IhrFussel sfan5, that's not what I meant... the server side should do its very best (as long as it's possible with current code without breaking changes) to fix secrity issues
18:24 sfan5 security fixes were of course backported
18:24 IhrFussel Security also includes cheating in my eyes
18:24 Shara Fussel, point out what is being missed
18:25 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
18:25 Mr_Pardison keyboard quit responding.
18:25 IhrFussel I didn't check the whole list of missing commits from backport, I just wanted to point out that if he release 0.4.17 next week or in 2 weeks as final version then all those commits should be included by then
18:26 IhrFussel if they*
18:26 IhrFussel There is also the problem of devs not caring enough to write fixes for 0.4.17 which are obsolete in 0.5.0 ...that's another problem
18:27 Shara "all those commits"...?  if there is something you feel needs to be there,  you have to say which are missing
18:28 IhrFussel Shara, I am no c++ dev so I cannot possibly know which commits would even be possible to simply be backported (c++ 11 changes, breakages)
18:29 Shara Yet instead of being polite and asking if maybe there are more to add, you just accuse of devs of not caring?
18:30 Mr_Pardison g2g now cya
18:30 Mr_Pardison byeeee
18:30 Shara See you :)
18:30 IhrFussel Some commits also are related to yet other commits which could make the picked commit incompatible with 0.4.17 code
18:30 * Mr_Pardison hugs Shara and promises to finish the mod
18:30 * rdococ hugs
18:31 Shara Fussel - for the last time - then point out the actual problems you see instead of hurling insults.
18:31 tenplus1 hi rdococ
18:31 IhrFussel I didn't say that devs are doing shady stuff...I said *if* they do it the way I explained (forcing server owners to upgrade for security) then they it's shady business
18:32 rdococ who mentioned shady stuff?
18:32 Shara "There is also the problem of devs not caring enough"
18:33 Shara "That's a pretty shady move"
18:33 Shara Read what you write Fussel.
18:33 IhrFussel But what I really meant was that core devs don't seem to care about 0.4.X much anymore and basically abandon us
18:34 rdococ abandon us... what...
18:34 Krock first: yes, latter: no.
18:34 Shara There you go. Devs are shady, don't care and abandon people.
18:34 IhrFussel I'm not upgrading for a looooong time...not even all my mods will be compatible with 0.5.0 ... they say *most* mods should still work...but out of 180 on a server I bet that there are quite a few that break
18:34 Krock tbh the crashes in 0.5.0 and the missing network improvements there increase the will to take care of 0.4.x
18:35 Krock there's a reason for "most". because 180/180 working would be "all"
18:35 Shara I have someone in a PM right now (not in this channel) telling me he's just switched back to stable because dev version crashes endlessly
18:35 Krock whereas 176/180 is "almost all" or "most"
18:35 Krock only 0.5.x suffers from crashes #7272
18:35 ShadowBot -- Occasional crash on shutdown / other reported crashes
18:36 Shara Yup. I've had issues with it too.
18:37 Shara And I'm in no hurry to jump my servers to 0.5, but we don't know when 0.5 will be released. A lot might change by then.
18:37 Krock however, the backtrace is there but it seems like further research is needed to find the real cause of this issue
18:37 Shara Personally I think rushing to update a server for a compat breaking release is risky, but you'll also loose people if you delay too long
18:37 IhrFussel 0.5.0 will likely not crash a lot anymore when it releases, but that also idn't my point... I mean most server owners with an already established userbase will likely stay on 0.4.X for a while simply because 70-80% of MT users are on mobile devices and ~ 90% of those users don't use the official MT client and must rely on a 3rd-party-app which might not upgrade to 0.5.0 ever
18:37 Krock s/idn/isn/
18:39 Krock it's only our issue when our app is outdated
18:40 Krock just to have it mentioned: there were quite a few improvements regarding the android app, so 0.5.0 won't be an issue because they can still use their 3rd party app and the official in parallel
18:40 paramat joined #minetest-hub
18:40 Krock hello paramat
18:40 tenplus1 o/ paramat
18:42 IhrFussel The fact that there is no official iOS app will haunt us forever
18:43 IhrFussel Sadly many people only buy iDevices
18:43 rdococ why would it?
18:43 Krock the fact that iOS' store guidelines are like that will hurt them forever
18:45 IhrFussel What should server owners tell their userbase though? "Buy Android" isn't gonna help
18:48 Krock they can instead request official apps which must then be installed manually
18:48 Krock or rather unusual: root their phone and use the good hardware for another OS
18:48 IhrFussel Always the same "how do I fly?" "press the airplane button on your screen" "it says i need to be v.i.p." "what app are you using" "[random app name]"
18:49 * tenplus1 doesn't like the iOS device mentality
18:49 rdococ does the iOS app store have any minetest client, official or not?
18:50 sfan5 official, no; unofficial ones yes but none are called "Minetest"
18:50 IhrFussel If the stupid iOS app devs wouldn't modify the client so much and put fly and other stuff behind a paywall then it wouldn't be *that* much of a problem to manage players with other apps
18:51 sfan5 that not stupid
18:51 sfan5 it's clever, it makes money
18:51 IhrFussel MT is not meant to make you money
18:51 Krock and none seems to control these apps so their calculations work
18:51 IhrFussel So they are stupid in my eyes
18:51 rdococ sfan5 is correct, it's malicious but not stupid
18:51 Krock LGPL allows selling
18:52 IhrFussel I know that it's allowed, still not what the MT community expects
18:52 Krock but the apps are doing it in almost all cases in the license-violating way by not sharing the code
18:53 IhrFussel Try to set up a server where you pay afee every month... no one will play there for sure
18:54 IhrFussel The app devs exploit the "helpless" state of the people
18:54 Krock I can't imagine paying McAfee
18:55 IhrFussel People who just want to play on MT servers with iOS get an inferior experience
18:55 rdococ iOS is all about inferior experiences
18:56 Shara I've been offered money toward server costs each month by players before. (I've refused it though.) Some people are okay with paying... (but yes, I doubt it would be enough people for a busy server, or even that they'd have been willing to offer money if they had not experienced the server qand got to know the people involved first)
18:56 IhrFussel I dislike iOS myself and would never buy an Apple product cause each one of them is pretty much overpriced...but it's sad that I cannot offer every player the same gameplay
18:56 Shara and*
18:57 nerzhul hey, is there any moderator ? spam there:
18:57 nerzhul and we need a stick here
18:57 IhrFussel That is why I implemented a "server side fly" mode... cause I don't give up on the iOS users
18:57 Shara I can kill spam :)
18:58 IhrFussel The app devs have no control over the server code and server owners can use that to their advantage
18:58 Shara Or I guess someone beat me to it
18:58 sfan5 :)
18:58 Shara Hehe :)
18:59 IhrFussel Of course the server side fly is not nearly as good as the real thing, but "better than nothing"
19:01 rdococ I see no point in trying to cater to iOS users
19:02 Shara well, there is a point, but it's basically impossible
19:04 IhrFussel I won't give up on the many iOS feels like every 3rd mobile user uses an iPhone or iPad
19:05 IhrFussel I cannot stop supporting 1/3 of my playerbase
19:05 BillyS I must be one of the thirds, then/
19:05 BillyS Personally, I didn't know that minetest on iOs was a thing
19:06 IhrFussel BillyS, cause the app names are different and don't even indicate that the app could be about MT in the first place "Exploration"
19:07 IhrFussel Some don't even believe that the original game is Minetest and not their shitty 3rd-party-app's name
19:08 BillyS Ah
19:08 IhrFussel Even "Multicraft" doesn't sound like MT in the slightest
19:08 IhrFussel That can confuse people easily
19:09 BillyS *sigh*
19:09 BillyS Stupid apple developers
19:10 IhrFussel Multicraft is by the way the most used app on both Android and iOS
19:10 BillyS I at least prefer to try and stay original
19:10 BillyS Really?
19:10 BillyS More so then YKW?
19:10 IhrFussel No not that...the most used MT app
19:10 BillyS Oh.
19:11 IhrFussel The real Minetest only got a fraction of its downloads/ratings
19:11 Jordach IhrFussel: i'd rather deal with apple
19:11 BillyS Yeah, welcome to the world of open-source, I suppose
19:11 Jordach that privacy policy is top notch
19:12 Jordach you're paying more for that fact that they aren't datamining yo
19:12 paramat multicraft is sloppy coding too, a messy bunch of mods
19:12 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
19:13 BillyS My coding is sparsely commented, but I try to keep it organized
19:13 IhrFussel << look at the download number
19:14 IhrFussel It's more popular than the real thing even though it contains ADS and INAPPS
19:14 IhrFussel Unbelievable
19:15 BillyS Kids are usually glued to phones or xboxes, not computers I suppose
19:15 tenplus1 mobile is a big thing
19:17 IhrFussel BillyS, the real thing is available for Android, but people still download the ads client
19:18 xerox123 ads!
19:19 IhrFussel The average joe likely just enters "minecraft" in google play and the first free app that matches is probably multicraft
19:19 BillyS yep
19:20 IhrFussel And then they even think that it's Minecraft (I see users trying to send /gamemode 0 all the time in my chat log)
19:21 * BillyS facepalms
19:21 BillyS This explains the n00b infestations on certain servers
19:22 paramat it's essentially a game that is MTG plus a mess of mods to make it 'look' slightly like MC (has mobs), that makes it popular
19:23 * BillyS hopes MC will sue the devs
19:23 IhrFussel Many different MT apps have different some apps players can only eat for example when pointing at a node and not air, other apps removed the DROP button so players have to use chests or the trash can in their inventory
19:23 paramat the engine is not changed much, the owner has no c++ ability
19:23 BillyS Hm
19:24 BillyS Well, it was smart of them.  Despicible, but smart.
19:24 IhrFussel Some apps don't let players eat at all and all they do is punch with foos in their hands
19:24 paramat the mods used are mostly other people's mods too
19:24 IhrFussel food*
19:25 IhrFussel Imagine "Wanna eat food on the server? Become V.I.P." haha
19:25 BillyS LOL
19:25 tenplus1 gawd
19:25 BillyS I really hate the hacked versions that allow people to pay for things like fly and noclip
19:26 IhrFussel You know maybe the drop button also appears when paying for V.I.P hmm
19:28 IhrFussel The app devs have so much control over their users...they could just decide to block them out of certain features or "feature" certain servers who paid them
19:29 IhrFussel And of course...the 30 secs VIDEO ads... you try to explain something to a new player *30 secs later* "oh sorry i had an ad can you tell me again?"
19:33 tenplus1 nite folks
19:33 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
19:35 xerox123 ...
19:35 Krock The Great Rename Flood
19:35 Shara Seems nickserv has gone insane
19:36 Krock They announced a service downtime of ~30 mins
19:36 Shara It started spamming me with nonsense :)
19:39 IcyDiamond Haha
19:39 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
19:40 entuland seems like we're immune from the renaming disease
19:55 VanessaE joined #minetest-hub
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19:59 paramat seems we are in 0.4.17 freeze now, please test backports branches
20:06 Shara :)
20:06 Shara FInally!
20:08 VanessaE yay?
20:09 xerox123 :O so 0.4.17 will be stable?
20:09 rdococ Yay!
20:09 BillyS I thought the 0.4.* branch WAS stable?
20:12 Krock yes, pretty much stable. it's now just the addition of the "Stable" label (formal stuff)
20:13 BillyS ah
20:16 paramat it means we stop backporting bugfixes and test it to officially release '0.4.17'. there will be a 0.4.18 in future as more bugfixes will happen
20:18 xerox123 and then 0.4.20, 0.4.21, and when we get bored of 0.4.x we'll have 0.5.0!
20:18 xerox123 yes, accidently skipping 0.4.19 as our love for 4 is so avid!
20:21 nerzhul xerox for me the 0.4.18 is useless
20:21 nerzhul we need to release 0.5.0 in 1 month or 2 as a maximum and fixed should be there
20:21 nerzhul fixes*
20:26 Shara I'd say we can't decide on whether a 0.4.18 is needed until 0.5 is ready... then if there were some major bugfixes to port back at that point, just do 0.4.18 almost as an aside with only those
20:27 Shara But release it same time as 0.5. Not as some seperate big release
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20:39 paramat IhrFussel i can assure you all possible server-control/CSM-security commits are included in 0.4.17, i make a big fuss about that stuff :)
20:40 paramat we're actually putting a lot of effort into 0.4.17 and adding as much as we can, if we wanted to force people to 0.5 we wouldn't do that
20:41 lisac rubenwardy, Shara:
20:41 lisac and everyone else too, I guess
20:42 lisac unfortunately the linked site is all in some incomprehensible dead language
20:43 Shara lisac: probably can't fit in much more travel than I already have planned for the next few months. Plus it's Brussels., and to me Brussels is... lawyers and work related things.
20:44 paramat "the problem of devs not caring enough to write fixes for 0.4.17 which are obsolete in 0.5.0" none that i know of, do point them out
20:44 Shara Would be awesome if anyone went though
20:46 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
20:46 paramat i expect most forked apps will update to 0.5 quite quickly, it's in their monetary interest to do so. the multicraft owner corrected me to say that app will update to 0.5
20:48 paramat that's cool. but educational stuff bores me =)
20:49 Shara It's a mix for me. Depends on what kind of teaching
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23:07 paramat joined #minetest-hub
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