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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-05-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 paramat joined #minetest-hub
00:38 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
00:48 octacian joined #minetest-hub
00:56 rdococ I was happy but now I'm a little frustrated
01:31 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
01:51 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
02:07 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
02:30 benrob0329
03:00 Miner_48er joined #minetest-hub
03:10 octacian joined #minetest-hub
03:28 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
07:22 longerstaff13 morning
08:02 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
08:02 tenplus1 hi folks
08:41 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
08:42 tenplus1 hi nerzhul
08:43 nerzhul hi tenplus1
08:43 tenplus1 o//
09:33 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
09:35 tenplus1 wb red
10:04 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
10:05 tenplus1 o//
10:39 Calinou Fedora 28 is out!
10:39 Calinou upgrading my laptop and desktop right now
10:39 Calinou
10:40 tenplus1 no Cal... nooooooooo....
10:40 tenplus1 also hi
10:40 Calinou hi :)
10:41 tenplus1 o/
10:57 tenplus1 it's kewl that redhat comes with vbox additions as standard tho
11:13 CWz joined #minetest-hub
11:13 tenplus1 hi CWz
11:17 CWz joined #minetest-hub
11:18 CWz Hello tenplus1
11:18 tenplus1 o//
11:18 CWz wanna hear something funny
11:19 tenplus1 whassat ?
11:19 CWz latest kernel for linux mint 17.3 doesn't work with the driver of GLX
11:19 tenplus1 which version is that ?
11:22 tenplus1 4.15 or 4.16 ?
11:26 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
11:26 tenplus1 hi evergreen
11:29 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:29 tenplus1 o/ fixer
11:32 rubenwardy 0.4.16-dev for stability
11:32 rubenwardy *0.4.17
11:32 rubenwardy /jk
11:32 tenplus1 is 0.4.17 released yet
11:32 rubenwardy no, not sure what's happening
11:33 rubenwardy not a good time for me anyway
11:35 tenplus1 has changelog been updated to show main differences between 0.4.16 and .17 ?
11:36 rubenwardy there's not really many changes
11:36 tenplus1 really ?
11:36 rubenwardy
11:39 tenplus1 lol, quite extensive list :D
11:39 Fixer \o
11:40 tenplus1 a lot of bugs fixed
11:42 tenplus1 was the chest fix added after player leave ?
11:42 tenplus1 I dont see that on list
11:43 rubenwardy that's MTG
11:43 tenplus1 checking changes tehre :D
11:44 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest-hub
11:44 tenplus1 yay its there
11:44 tenplus1 hi longer
11:44 longerstaff13-m Hi 10+1
12:07 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
12:07 tenplus1 wb nerzhul
12:25 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
12:25 Mr_Pardison \o
12:25 tenplus1 hey mister
12:26 ThomasMonroe hey tenplus1 :P
12:26 tenplus1 hi thomas :D
12:27 tenplus1 hows things
12:27 ThomasMonroe good :)
12:27 tenplus1 :) kewl
12:27 ThomasMonroe I'm makin' a huge build on HOMETOWN
12:27 tenplus1 ooh nice... what ya building ?
12:27 ThomasMonroe tbh it's probably gonna take half a year or more XD
12:27 ThomasMonroe a city
12:28 tenplus1 sweet... mind and post screenshots on forum :)
12:29 Mr_Pardison interesting thing about screenshots.
12:29 Mr_Pardison some ppl takethem when they have all sorts of stuff cluttering the screen like chat, debug info and the HUD.
12:30 tenplus1 just gotta turn all that off before hand :D
12:30 ThomasMonroe lol there's nothing worth taking pics of yet anyways
12:30 ThomasMonroe just a bunch of stone and wood
12:30 tenplus1 w00t! wood :D
12:30 Mr_Pardison whale then....
12:32 tenplus1 been watching this guy for ideas: his builds are quite amazing and giving me lots of ideas for coloured glass effects
12:32 Mr_Pardison they use YKW.
12:33 tenplus1 that doesnt matter :) end effects are the same
12:35 rubenwardy heresy"
12:37 tenplus1 the glowing cave effect was really well done with some simple coloured glass and lava :D
12:37 tenplus1 tried and tested on mt
12:37 Mr_Pardison abriglass + default:lava?
12:38 tenplus1 abriglass, cblocks and lava. hes
12:38 tenplus1 *yes
12:39 Mr_Pardison I still have to learn lighting effects for large builds that require it, especially those that are underground.
12:40 tenplus1 meselamp's with slabs on top ets light through
12:40 tenplus1 same for ceilings and walls :D
12:40 tenplus1 can ligth a full room with hidden lamps
12:42 Mr_Pardison Have I shown this to y'all before?
12:43 tenplus1 wow, that's a large underaking ?D
12:43 Mr_Pardison that was on a local game where I worked on learning technic and pipeworks.
12:44 tenplus1 richard jeffried did a nice youtube video on tecnhic reactors as well :D
12:44 tenplus1
12:47 tenplus1 would be scared of blowing up the map building one :PPP
12:50 Mr_Pardison That's why you build it away from buildings in the event that it melts down.
12:50 tenplus1 how big is the explosion radius :PPPP
12:50 Mr_Pardison safest way to prevent it from melting down when you need to add more fuel is to take out the switching stations.
12:50 Mr_Pardison when it melts down, it releases corium which is a liquid.
12:53 rubenwardy I need to make a unloaded block supporting mechanics mod
12:53 rubenwardy so it stores graphs which represent the links between nodes, and allows it to be updated whilst the block isn't loaded
12:53 rubenwardy optionally with multithreading
12:53 tenplus1 ahh, that would be handy
12:53 tenplus1 kinda like furnace
12:54 rubenwardy no
12:54 rubenwardy furnace doesn't work when unloaded
12:54 rubenwardy it catches up
12:54 tenplus1 oh, thought that's what ya meant
12:54 Mr_Pardison like keeping the map chunk there loaded while away?
12:54 rubenwardy no
12:55 rubenwardy the mapblock will be unloaded, but the electronics and stuff will still work
12:55 tenplus1 storing machine in memory and running when it's not active ?
12:55 rubenwardy pistons won't be supported
12:55 rubenwardy but things like pipe works, conveyor belts, and stuff
12:55 rubenwardy in terms of design, I think I'll make a Lua HTTP server to act as an outside worker
12:56 tenplus1 hrmm
12:56 rubenwardy would need block loading callbacks though
12:58 Mr_Pardison tenplus1: this is the video that shows how to build the reactor and what happens when it melts down:
12:58 Mr_Pardison !title
12:58 MinetestBot Mr_Pardison: Minetest: Technic Mod - Nuclear Reactor + Meltdown - YouTube
12:58 tenplus1 heh
13:02 Mr_Pardison if fire is enabled, it will set wood and other nodes that burn on fire.
13:03 tenplus1 kinda like that scene in terminator when the blastwave comes and cooks everything :D
13:16 tenplus1 is there any real reason not to replace air with fire and fire with air using swap_node instead of set_node ???
13:33 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
13:40 tenplus1 wb
13:40 Mr-Pardison ty
13:41 Fixer ---- summer!
13:41 Fixer +30*C is not okay
13:41 tenplus1 that's not too bad...
13:42 Fixer it is +30 right now
13:44 Fixer the heat is burning
13:44 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
13:44 Mr-Pardison that's actually a cool day during the summer where I live.
13:44 tenplus1 wb evergreen
13:45 * Fixer sends heat to everyone
13:46 * Mr-Pardison encloses himself in an ice cavern
13:46 tenplus1 lol, it's 11c here so send another 9c
13:46 Fixer european weather sucks
13:46 Fixer these days it is also weird
13:52 Fixer i have no idea why people settle in heat burning areas
13:53 tenplus1 for the lulz
13:54 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
13:54 tenplus1 hi sniper
13:56 sniper570 yo tenplus1
14:22 Fixer o_o
14:22 tenplus1 o.O
14:27 Mr-Pardison O.o
14:27 tenplus1 ehehe
14:36 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
14:49 Krock joined #minetest-hub
14:49 tenplus1 hey Krock
14:49 Krock hi tenplus1
14:49 Mr-Pardison quack!
14:49 Krock S P A C Y
14:49 tenplus1 :P
14:51 tenplus1 Krock: quick question, is there any down side to using swap_node for fire mod in swapping between air and flame and vice versa to speed things up ?
14:51 Fixer S P I C Y
14:52 tenplus1 Spice is life
14:52 Krock the only downside is that the callbacks aren't run - but that can be done manually if needed
14:52 tenplus1 that's the thing though, basic_flame and air dont have callbacks when placing
14:53 tenplus1 skipping the meta altogether and callbacks would greatly improve speed for fire mod
14:53 * tenplus1 has been using this on Xanadu for over a year with no side effects
14:59 tenplus1 ooh wait, does a node timer stop when you swap that node to "air" ?
15:01 BillyS I would assume so
15:01 tenplus1 ah kewl :P
15:18 tenplus1 fire redo updated with changes if anyone interested:
15:19 Krock tenplus1, sometimes I just laugh how ridiculous easy some speedups can be:
15:20 tenplus1 lol, every little helps :)
15:20 tenplus1 especially on a busy server
15:20 Krock heh yes. every little. how about a 1/100th of the previous execution time?
15:20 tenplus1 wow, is that how fast that one little change is ?
15:20 tenplus1 nice
15:21 Krock swap_node however doesn't have such big performance benefits unless you're mass-converting tens of nodes at once
15:21 tenplus1 with fire it may be the case... look how fast it can spread and die out
15:22 tenplus1 I've had burning forests bring a server to it's knees with lag, even this tiny change will help
15:22 Krock for entire forest fires it's maybe even better to use a vmanip in large scale
15:22 * Mr-Pardison accidentally starts a forest fire
15:22 Mr-Pardison seems I didn't listen to Smokey the Bear.
15:22 rdococ I was thinking about programming constructs today, and wondered if the 'switch' construct could be considered a generalized form of the 'if/elseif/else' construct
15:22 tenplus1 lol, it's ok mister, I have the /fire [on|off] setting just incase
15:23 tenplus1 hi rdococ
15:23 Krock rdococ, they're pretty much equivalent, yes
15:24 Krock in some languages (not sure about the C(++) compilers) a warning is thrown if you try to use it in an unusual way by not using a "break;" to automatically join and execute the next case
15:25 Krock break / continue / return / goto, whatever
15:28 tenplus1
15:36 Krock tenplus1, you can also change the abm to an LBM to remove the flames all together
15:38 tenplus1 the "Remove disabled fire" abm ?
15:38 Krock yes
15:38 tenplus1 sweet, lemmie test and update pull
15:41 tenplus1 minetest.register_lbm({name = "fire:disable_fire", nodenames = {"fire:basic_flame"}, run_at_every_load = true, action = function(pos, node) minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "air"}) end, })
15:41 tenplus1 hows that ?
15:43 tenplus1 do I really need the run_at_every_load ?
15:44 Krock I'm not quite sure how "name" and "label" differ but that's about right
15:45 tenplus1 seems to work well, and quickly
15:48 tenplus1 pull updated :)
15:53 tenplus1 thanks Krock :P
15:54 Mr-Pardison could this be turned into a CSM or sued as one?
15:54 Mr-Pardison *used
15:56 tenplus1 seen that earlier, looked interesting
15:56 tenplus1 if mt had levels for mining, buildling, farming etc. we could change hotbar for easy access to more items the more they level up :D
15:56 Mr-Pardison that would be nice.
15:57 Krock going to sue that piece of code now
15:57 tenplus1 what piece ?
15:57 Krock link above.
15:57 tenplus1 lol, how come ?
15:57 Mr-Pardison I typed in "sued" instead of "used"
15:57 tenplus1 ahahahaha
15:58 tenplus1 seems paramat is on board with new fire changes :)
15:58 Krock Mr-Pardison, yes. CSM already supports adding HUDs, so it's definitely possible to add more slots
15:59 tenplus1 thing is, without a scroll wheel or touch screen you can only really use 1 to 0 to select item, so 10 slots max
16:00 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
16:01 Krock tbh I never needed more than ~6 slots
16:01 tenplus1 yeah, it's easy enough to move things around... but... for levelling up some might find it handy
16:02 Mr-Pardison or for a large building project in creative where you use a lot of items. for it.
16:02 tenplus1 true
16:06 tenplus1 ooh, mtg copied stairs redo in crafting stairs back into blocks :) niiiiiice
16:09 rdococ can microblocks from the circular saw mod(s) be placed?
16:10 tenplus1 yeh
16:10 paramat joined #minetest-hub
16:10 tenplus1 o/ paramat
16:12 tenplus1 how handy would it be to have: minetest.set_node(pos, {name = node, param2 = p2, metadata = mymeta})
16:22 rubenwardy not setting a node though
16:23 rubenwardy a node and metadata :)
16:23 sofar while you're at that, also add nodetimer to that table
16:23 tenplus1 kinda like how we can now add an entity WITH metadata in 1 command
16:23 tenplus1 hi sofar
16:27 tenplus1 would be handy to set/swap/place a node with additional information set already
16:27 tenplus1 but then again, after_place is there for a reason I suppose
16:28 tenplus1 e.g.   minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "default:sign_wall", metadata = { {"sign:text", "hello joe"} })
16:33 tenplus1 laters all o///
16:33 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
17:02 Fixer CHAPA
17:24 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
17:25 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
17:26 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
17:33 Calinou hi :)
17:33 Calinou <Mr-Pardison> I typed in "sued" instead of "used"
17:33 Calinou that happens to me sometimes
17:37 Krock hello Calinou :)
17:38 Mr-Pardison hai Calinou
17:51 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
18:00 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
18:05 Mr-Pardison joined #minetest-hub
18:23 Mr-Pardison joined #minetest-hub
18:35 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
18:43 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
18:59 rdococ I feel warm and dehydrated
19:04 Fixer goto hydrate
19:05 * rud0lf sprinkles rdococ with fizzy water
19:06 rud0lf cold, too
19:07 rdococ Fixer: I do not have a goto construct in my system and I didn't call/cc to get a hydration continuation there
19:07 rdococ I do have a subroutine called getDrink, though, so I will try calling that.
19:08 rdococ Hm, looking at the rdococ source code it does indeed require an argument of type Liquid
19:08 Mr-Pardison try corium.
19:09 rdococ I don't like the taste of corium, so I went for some lava
19:09 rdococ Earlier today, I saw some river lava, it was weird
19:12 rdococ Krock is quackers
20:18 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
20:34 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
21:03 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest-hub
21:09 rdococ My internet loves dropping out sometimes
21:11 paramat joined #minetest-hub
21:27 rdococ If the team allocation algorithm in CTF had access to how many matches a player has played, an algorithm that would fairly sort players into teams of equal ability would be easy to implement
21:27 rdococ Well, easier.
21:32 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
22:07 Fixer THE FINEST
22:17 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
22:19 aerozoic Why does the profiler disable armor???? -_-
22:21 ircSparky would having a table with 200+ position tables be harsh on RAM?
22:25 rdococ ircSparky: what would you need to store that many positions for? o_O
22:28 ircSparky I have loot spawners that spawn items in the same way that mobs spawners spawn mobs. I want to see if I can make stuff spawn without a player having to be within ABM range, by going through a big list of spawner positions and doing code there instead of in an ABM
22:28 ircSparky using node timers too
22:29 ircSparky hm, I guess i don't really need a table, if i just dump it all in a file
22:29 ircSparky but I guess then the question is would having that many node timers be heavy on the server?
22:30 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
22:31 Mr_Pardison \o benrob0329
22:31 rdococ ircSparky: Can't you use ABM catch_up?
22:31 ircSparky oooh whats that?
22:32 rdococ If true, the chance value (1/actual chance) is temporarily reduced when returning to an area to simulate time lost by the area being unattended.
22:32 benrob0329 Hello Mr_Pardison
22:33 rdococ E.G. if all players leaves the ABM range of a loot spawner for a period of time, and then some of them re-enter the range later, the ABM will be performed more often (higher chance of it occuring for each node that was unloaded) so as to compensate for it
22:34 Shara rdococ: yes, and if people were gone for days, it can then trigger some insane number of times
22:34 Shara I remember when a certain mod had that set up for mushroom growth in caves...
22:34 Shara The second time I went there, literally every node in the cave suddenly had a mushroom on it :D
22:35 rdococ Sounds like it needs a system for removing mushrooms when they grow too old
22:35 ircSparky cool, is there any way to control it better?
22:35 Shara Check for whatever it's producing and set an upper limit of some kind?
22:35 Mr_Pardison can you set a limit on the number of times it triggers?
22:36 ircSparky probably could make one
22:37 ircSparky the main issue would be that, normally, the items would despawn after 15 or so minutes
22:37 ircSparky and if it dosnt account for that
22:37 ircSparky player's would be swimming in loot
22:38 * Mr_Pardison dives in and plucks out the good stuff
22:39 paramat 200 positions in a table is very little in terms of RAM
22:39 paramat 200 node timers is lightweight too. ABMs are intensive
22:42 ircSparky ok
22:43 ircSparky why arm abms so intensive? its going through the active blocks anyways isnt it?
22:43 paramat all the searching every few seconds
22:47 paramat active block radius is now 3 blocks, so each search is almost a million nodes searched
22:48 paramat .. for each player
22:49 Mr_Pardison O.o
22:49 ircSparky well, wouldnt one ABM be as heavy as 30?
22:50 ircSparky or dosnt it work that way?
22:51 ircSparky I guess for every abm you add its another block it has to sort between
22:51 ircSparky even if its searching the same amount of nodes
22:54 paramat i doubt the ABMs actually share search info
22:54 paramat apparently they are very unoptimised
22:55 paramat luckily we have managed to remove many from MTG, some were a nightmare
22:55 sofar 30 abms is 30 times more work for the engine
22:56 ircSparky ok
22:57 ircSparky to be clear, for it would search the same nodes 30 times?
22:57 ircSparky disregard that "for" :P
23:00 paramat yes i think so
23:01 paramat which is silly if so
23:14 ircSparky yea
23:15 ircSparky definetly would explain why they are intensive
23:15 sfan5_ joined #minetest-hub
23:36 rdococ ircSparky: if you don't mind the lag of having tons of mapblocks loaded depending on how many loot spawners exist in your world, I guess you could just keep them loaded
23:38 ircSparky yea, maybe for singleplayer

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