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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-03-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
00:08 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
00:15 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
00:40 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
01:35 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
01:51 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
02:28 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
02:33 srifqi \o
02:34 rubenwardy o/
02:36 paramat srifqi we do have a MT offtopic channel, i seem to remember you asking, #minetest-chat
02:39 srifqi Oh, okay. Thanks!
02:43 paramat but shortish offtopic is fine here and in #minetest
02:53 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
02:54 srifqi \o
02:54 benrob0329 o/
03:56 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-hub
04:04 NathanS21 joined #minetest-hub
04:50 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
04:51 tumeninodes a couple days ago celeron55 said "23:14 celeron55" . I call BS, HD texture packs NEVER look that good :D
05:01 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
05:38 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
06:36 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
10:39 lisac joined #minetest-hub
10:40 lisac lol
10:51 CWz joined #minetest-hub
11:30 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:14 Peppy joined #minetest-hub
12:18 Beug_ joined #minetest-hub
12:22 Krock joined #minetest-hub
12:37 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
12:47 xerox123_ joined #minetest-hub
12:50 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
14:23 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
14:56 srifqi left #minetest-hub
15:15 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
15:26 srifqi \o
15:28 srifqi Any idea for this:
15:28 srifqi
15:28 srifqi Just a proof of concept from me.
15:29 Megaf srifqi: I quite like it
15:33 rubenwardy !title
15:33 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Translated Server Ruies and Common Phrases - Minetest Forums
15:33 rubenwardy Shara ^
15:36 srifqi rubenwardy: How about using weblate?
15:36 rubenwardy I suggested that
15:36 rubenwardy issue is ending up with an unreadable translate file in git
15:36 rubenwardy but it's probably the best option
15:37 srifqi I agree on that.
15:38 srifqi BTW, there is a mistype at the title.
15:38 rubenwardy oh lol
15:38 rubenwardy i looks similar to l in profile
15:39 srifqi quickfix :)
15:39 rubenwardy XD
16:13 Megaf hum, I will die in 2109
16:14 Megaf So I still have 91 years to go
16:14 rubenwardy why hum?
16:14 Megaf Not too bad
16:14 rubenwardy watcha humming?
16:15 Megaf rubenwardy: human life record is 122 years. Considering my birthdate it means I can live up to 2109
16:15 Megaf Tho I've been thinking to live to as old as 300 years old. Will not die anytime sooner
16:15 rubenwardy I've realised that I'm immortal
16:16 rubenwardy I've had 0 deaths in 20 years
16:16 Megaf So, if anyone that was born around 1800s managed to live to 122 years old, I'm quite sure with the future medicine and healthy life style I will live much longer
16:16 rubenwardy extrapolating that means I'll live for infinite years
16:16 rubenwardy ergo, i'm immortal
16:16 rubenwardy Q.E.D, bitch
16:16 Megaf rubenwardy: I know right!
16:17 Megaf I even crashed in several cars with my body
16:17 Megaf got electruted and drawned
16:17 Megaf still alive
16:17 rubenwardy erm
16:17 Megaf Also had lack of oxygen when a baby, didn't die
16:17 celeron55 it's difficult to die when you're young but it gets easier over time
16:17 rubenwardy > several cars
16:17 shivajiva lol wait till you lose the spring in your step, ageing isn't that pleasant imo
16:17 rubenwardy how have you been in several car crashes?
16:17 Megaf celeron55: so it means that to solve that you just have to stay young forever
16:18 Megaf simple
16:18 rubenwardy are you a really bad driver, or is everyone in Ireland bad at driving?
16:18 celeron55 i've been in several car crashes; not uncommon when it's your primary transportation
16:18 celeron55 most are kind of lame though
16:18 Megaf rubenwardy: in my home country I hit a car with my bike at 63 KM/h
16:18 rubenwardy ouch
16:19 Megaf in Ireland a car hit me once when I was in the cycle lane
16:19 Megaf and another time I hit a car, that was in the cycle lane..
16:19 shivajiva Megaf: you are supposed to avoid the cars :P
16:19 Fixer if time and universe is infinite, you will relive infinite amount of times infinite amount of universe, what sucks about diying is leaving this current world you live and like
16:19 * Fixer sounds like zucc
16:19 Megaf oh, and several years ago I crashed in a VW bus in a kickscooter
16:19 rubenwardy true immortality would suck if you had to outlast the planet and solar system
16:20 rubenwardy like, not being able to breathe in space
16:20 rubenwardy but also being unable to die
16:20 rubenwardy just floating in excruciating pain for eternity
16:20 shivajiva Brahma doesn't think so :)
16:20 Megaf I think immortality as in not ageing beyong a certain point is pretty neat
16:20 rubenwardy so I'd want immortality as in no-aging, rather than invincibility
16:21 rubenwardy lol Megaf
16:21 Megaf I've never broken a single bone
16:21 Megaf nor teeth
16:21 Fixer we need humanoid robots
16:21 rubenwardy also, if people found out that you were immortal they could cut you up or bury you
16:21 Megaf and it wasn't for the lack of trying and exposing myself to denger
16:21 rubenwardy which is worse than death
16:21 Megaf rubenwardy: I agree
16:22 Megaf well, truth is, if you don't eat, you die
16:22 rubenwardy this is probably too much offtopic
16:22 Megaf how did we get to this topic anyway?
16:22 shivajiva easy, stop reincarnating in a physical vessel...all these symptoms relate to physical vessels
16:23 Megaf New channel rule. OffTopic is welcomed on Sundays
16:24 Megaf what's the limit of channels one can be in at the same time on Freenode?
16:24 Megaf I seem to have reached such limit
16:24 Megaf 16:12 * 405 #Freenode You have joined too many channels
16:34 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
17:11 paramat joined #minetest-hub
17:49 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
17:59 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
18:35 CWz joined #minetest-hub
18:55 Sokomine Megaf: how can you manage to read so many channels? i mostly manage only this one and react when someone highlights me elsewhere
19:09 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
19:47 Krock left #minetest-hub
19:47 Krock joined #minetest-hub
20:02 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
20:30 rubenwardy Sokomine: his client only shows ones which have been active recently
21:09 Calinou my client displays all channels, and I'm on ~60 :P
21:09 sfan5 30 here
21:14 Fixer 9
21:32 Sokomine that's a lot. i'm on about 10 and still can't keep up reading all of them
21:32 IhrFussel I didn't expect people to be dumb enough to type "/pw PASSWORD" when they read "Please type /pw PASSWORD"
21:34 IhrFussel But they do and I had to deny that one now "[ERROR] You were supposed to type your own password and not "PASSWORD"!"
21:39 germanuel24 joined #minetest-hub
21:40 Fixer lol
21:41 Fixer those are kids
21:43 Fixer minetest is so awesome, it is like golden days of minecraft, but in 2018
21:43 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
21:44 Fixer paramat: you should work on new apple trees, they are the worst right now
22:09 Sokomine fixer: in how far? i liked the old apple trees with one trunk and without branches more. other than that the trees seem fine?
22:10 Fixer Sokomine: tree with branches problem, it feels the same everywhere
22:11 Fixer varying number of branches does not help, still looks the same
22:12 paramat i suggested an additional larger apple tree, might do it
22:14 paramat now we have 2 tree types in every forest, at last
22:14 Sokomine could something similar to the old apple tree be reproduced with the schematics? with all that randomness and a few diffrent models it might work sufficiently well
22:16 Fixer
22:17 Sokomine the forrests are very fine. hope i'll get along to adopt the method of placing houses from basic_houses for some lumberjack huts in those forrests. first tests with a slightly diffrent setup where very promising. only trouble there is that not all trees form forrests. acacia usually doesn't come in forrests
22:34 paramat no, schematics can't create the same randomness of the mgv6 apple trees, but they are faster generating (i dislike mgv6 apple trees)
22:49 * Fixer starts vaporwave
23:35 Sokomine paramat: irrc you where working on something to select a random schematic? perhaps that could be engouh to emulate the old trees. a few schematics, a few leaves declared as random, random rotation thrown in. even trees that are all the same may look sufficiently diffrent in some situations (diffrent heights and so on)
23:36 paramat yes that feature is useful, i don't yet know how to code it, maybe i'll work it out
23:46 Sokomine hope you do. it'd be very nice to have

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