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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-12-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 benrob0329 how can I set the entity light level/glow?
00:24 Jordach
00:25 Jordach set:properties({glow = <light_value>})
00:26 benrob0329 Jordach: but if I add glow = 14 to the entity def, it doesnt work. Do I need to add it after the fact?
00:26 Jordach use set properties
00:26 Jordach it should do
00:31 benrob0329 set_properties({glow = 14}) right after the thing is spawned and attached doesnt work
00:31 benrob0329 does attaching an entity override glow?
00:31 Jordach probably
00:31 Jordach it does some weird shit as usual
00:31 Jordach set glow first then attach
00:32 * benrob0329 swears
00:32 Jordach welcome to minetest, shitlord
00:32 Jordach on_step object ref is different to add_entity object ref
00:32 Jordach say local ent = minetest.add_entity()
00:33 Jordach set properties can be applied directly to the object ref
00:33 Jordach while using things like custom fields for entities
00:33 Jordach you need to do local ent_data = entity:get_luaentity()
00:34 Jordach so you can do, ent_data.value = "whatever"
00:34 Jordach while in on_step, this is handled automatically
00:34 Jordach simply: self.value = "this"
00:34 Jordach and self:set_properties({}) works
00:35 benrob0329 nope, setting before attachment doesnt work
00:35 benrob0329 nor does setting the parent glow
00:35 Jordach benrob0329: try self.glow = <value>
00:36 Jordach start with glow = 0 inside the local entity reference
00:36 Jordach then use self.glow = <val>
00:38 Jordach that might work
00:38 Jordach no expectations
00:39 benrob0329 Jordach: attempt to index userdata
00:39 Jordach benrob0329: inside on_step or not
00:39 Jordach because that's the big question
00:39 Jordach if it's outside
00:39 Jordach you need to do
00:39 benrob0329 from add_entity
00:39 Jordach local ent_data = entity:get_luaentity()
00:39 Jordach ent_data.glow = <int>
00:40 Jordach that's stupid, but minetest is special
00:41 Jordach on_step can handle that stuff as self.glow = <int>
00:41 Jordach but elsewhere needs get_luaentity() first
00:41 Jordach to access those fields inside the table
00:42 benrob0329 nope
01:23 twahm joined #minetest-hub
01:24 paramat joined #minetest-hub
01:34 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
02:03 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
02:13 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
02:31 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
03:16 twahm_ joined #minetest-hub
03:16 twahm__ joined #minetest-hub
03:20 twahm joined #minetest-hub
03:27 Megaf Heya
03:33 Megaf cya
06:13 paramat joined #minetest-hub
07:14 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:30 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
07:53 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
10:07 celeron55 i'd like to mention that anyone who is not happy with the recent server list whitelists can freely make a PR to the master server and minetest implementing a proper system
10:08 celeron55 it's not useful to complain about a necessity or the fact that people don't feel like making something fancier
10:12 celeron55 admins don't like to be very public about these targeted attacks because it seems to be the goal of the attacker to get attention
10:13 celeron55 so... just assume it's the same old thing when something like that is done
10:14 celeron55 personally i think sfan5 is doing a way better job than can be expected from him
10:16 celeron55 running the server list is not the most glorious thing to do
10:33 shivajiva ^ well said celeron55 :)
11:42 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
11:57 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
12:09 Krock joined #minetest-hub
12:09 MinetestBot Krock: Dec-29 23:24 UTC <Fixer> lool
12:19 aerozoic Anybody know why rollback of only a few seconds would cause the server to freeze for several minutes?
12:33 aerozoic error msg:  2017-12-30 11:25:53: ERROR[Server]: Map::setNode(): Not allowing to place CONTENT_IGNORE while trying to replace "wool:orange" at (-23361,175,-27649) (block (-1461,10,-1729))
12:38 sfan5 rollback huh
12:38 sfan5 it was added at some point and not touched afterwards
12:38 sfan5 it wouldn't really expect it to work without bugs
13:17 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
13:23 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
13:27 srifqi2 joined #minetest-hub
13:56 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
14:27 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
14:27 tenplus1 hi folks
14:30 Jordach can we as a community come to an agreement?
14:31 Jordach stop using fucking pngcrush
14:32 tenplus1 hi Jordach, what happened with pngcrush ?
14:32 Jordach >so you'd like to edit this texture
14:32 Jordach from indexed to RGBA is a massive pain in the arse
14:34 tenplus1 does optipng make them indexed and not rgba ?
14:34 Jordach no idea
14:35 Jordach and rarely, it'll complain about incorrect iCCP values
14:35 tenplus1 cause I use that and never had an error using them sof ar
14:36 sfan5 Jordach: it's two clicks in gimp
14:36 Jordach sfan5: and when there's 100 textures to fucking do
14:36 Jordach that's autistic
14:37 Jordach saving a few bytes isn;t worth it these days
14:37 sfan5 then use a script?
14:37 Jordach its not 1985
14:37 Jordach >not everyone runs Linux
14:37 Krock > implying scripts don't work on Windows
14:38 tenplus1 o/ sfan, krock
14:38 Krock o/ tenplus1
14:38 Krock aww. didn't see that greeting coming
14:39 tenplus1 I has issue with entity collision
14:40 tenplus1 if stepheight is set to 1.1 and it's a 2 high stone wall around entity, it can still glitch UP onto top of wall
14:41 tenplus1 seems entities can glitch up onto a block even if the one above is solid and many a mob user is complaining about this one
15:05 Megaf Hi tenplus1
15:05 tenplus1 hi Megaf
15:07 Shara Hi all :)
15:07 tenplus1 hi Shara :)
15:08 tenplus1 k, Mobs_Animal updated, animals now have 0.6 stepheight to stop glitching...  Mobs Redo API updated, added mob fence (looks like normal fence but collision is 2x high)
15:12 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
15:12 tenplus1 wb Evergreen
16:23 aerozoic tenplus1, are you referring to the glitch that causes them to kill themselves?
16:23 aerozoic btw hi
16:24 tenplus1 hi aerozoic
16:24 tenplus1 I disabled suffocation for mobs in last update...  for some reason stepheight and entities in general can easily glitch inside a wall
16:25 tenplus1 tested this with many things, but it's only damage control I can add like lowering stepheight for mobs themselves and 2 high fences
16:25 aerozoic I haven't grabbed an update for a few months but many of my players have complained about mob animals killing themselves.
16:27 tenplus1 that'll be the api with mob suffocation active by default
16:27 tenplus1 today's upload has many things fixed
16:27 tenplus1 for mobs redo api and mobs animals
16:27 aerozoic ok :)  I should go get the update!
16:28 tenplus1 yeah :)   it will help.... updating Xanadu shortly with it also
16:29 aerozoic I still wish there was a single setting to control all spawn rates XD  My map is covered with mobs. :P
16:31 tenplus1 like  'mob_spawn_amend = 0.5' to half all the rates or 2.0 to double them ?
16:31 aerozoic precisely
16:32 aerozoic If i installed all the mob mobs, i'd have to adjust like a billion spawn rates XD
16:32 tenplus1 very true, hold on, lemmie add just now
16:42 tenplus1 aerozoic: Mobs Redo API updated with 'mob_spawn_amend' variable added to minetest.conf
16:42 aerozoic :D
16:42 aerozoic Thanks so much!
16:42 tenplus1 no probs, was an easy addition
16:44 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
16:45 tenplus1 hi fixer
16:45 Fixer hi
16:56 aerozoic tenplus1, just lookin at the change. The new setting could accept any number between 0 and infinity?
16:57 * RoaryTiger roars at Shara
16:57 tenplus1 pretty much, no restrictions yet, but defaults to 1.0
16:57 aerozoic Excellent, i'm gonna try setting it to 20 XD
16:57 aerozoic and then -20
16:58 Shara Hi Tiger
16:58 RoaryTiger Folks, any recommendation of a collocation service in Europe?
16:59 RoaryTiger or you know any of the guys in this list?
17:00 RoaryTiger This looks good. Thou it must be expensive
17:01 tenplus1 hi roary
17:01 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
17:01 tenplus1 hi srifqi
17:02 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
17:02 srifqi hi tenplus1
17:02 tenplus1 o/
17:02 IhrFussel Hello people
17:02 srifqi o/
17:03 tenplus1 hi fussel
17:03 srifqi Hi IhrFussel
17:03 srifqi It's already Sunday here. ._.
17:04 * RoaryTiger has to check to calendar to see which day it is at his location
17:04 RoaryTiger it's Saturday here
17:05 RoaryTiger Hi gentlemen
17:05 tenplus1 lol
17:05 RoaryTiger !title
17:05 MinetestBot RoaryTiger: LARVA - DRIVING RULES LARVA | Cartoon Movie | Cartoons For Children | Larva Cartoon | LARVA Official - YouTube
17:06 RoaryTiger is it worth watching?
17:06 RoaryTiger I'm on 1GB cap data connection
17:07 tenplus1 erk, dont wanna waste your bandwidth with cartoons, will leave that up to you :@D
17:07 RoaryTiger youtube-dl -f 133+139
17:07 RoaryTiger That will help ^
17:07 RoaryTiger 426x240 video and 48K audio
17:08 RoaryTiger [download]   0.5% of 29.27MiB at  5.98KiB/s ETA 01:23:07
17:08 RoaryTiger LOL
17:08 RoaryTiger wont happen
17:08 tenplus1 eheheheh
17:10 RoaryTiger !server Megaf
17:10 MinetestBot RoaryTiger: Megaf Server V4.17 | | Clients: 0/10, 0/0 | Version: 0.4.17-Megaf / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 12ms
17:13 aerozoic Shara, since you responded to my question yesterday, i just thought i'd mention worldedit does have //cube and //hollowcube as of August, i just needed to update. LOL
17:14 Shara Ahh, nice
17:27 RoaryTiger left #minetest-hub
17:31 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:33 tenplus1 hi nerzhul
17:38 nerzhul hi tenplus1
18:20 aerozoic Anybody know why rollback of only a few seconds would cause the server to freeze for several minutes?
18:20 aerozoic error msg:  2017-12-30 11:25:53: ERROR[Server]: Map::setNode(): Not allowing to place CONTENT_IGNORE while trying to replace "wool:orange" at (-23361,175,-27649) (block (-1461,10,-1729))
18:22 rubenwardy have you removed any nodes?
18:23 rubenwardy ie: uninstalled mods
18:32 tenplus1 o/ ruben
18:33 aerozoic rubenwardy, not in the last few months.
18:33 tenplus1 any idea which mod the error is coming from ?
18:33 aerozoic That is the only error msg so i have no clue.
18:34 aerozoic The only thing i removed on my server was several months ago i replaced farming with farming redo. But rollback has been working fine until just the last week or two.
18:34 tenplus1 farming redo wouldnt cause that error
18:35 tenplus1 I wonder what's trying to replace orange wool?
18:36 aerozoic I was using maptools at the time. Hmm i wonder if that mod was involved in the other rollback fails.
18:37 tenplus1 what were maptools used for ?
18:38 aerozoic All the special nodes it creates.
18:40 tenplus1 it makes a lot of special nodes that are already in-game... wonder why ?!?!
18:40 srifqi Too late for me, see you! :)
18:41 Shara I've had that error with rollback as well before
18:41 Shara I don't think it's to do with removing things, though I could be wrong (I very rarely remove anything)
18:42 IhrFussel Shara, I already explained the reason for the "too many users" error: Players that are in the process of downloading media count as well AFAIK
18:43 Jordach clients in download mode do count
18:43 Jordach how do i know?
18:43 Shara Fussel: yea, that's my understanding too, which is why I don't really get what a dev replied with there
18:44 IhrFussel I mean it only makes sense that those count as "taken slots" since they will (very likely) properly join after
18:46 IhrFussel Ok well the join chance changes with the amount of data to be loaded, since many mobile phones just crash to the home menu on a very heavy server
18:51 twahm joined #minetest-hub
18:54 IhrFussel This is the relevant line in the source code "if (m_clients.getClientIDs(CS_Created).size() >= g_settings->getU16("max_users")"
18:58 IhrFussel I only find "CS_CREATED" in this line: RemoteClient* client = getClient(pkt->getPeerId(), CS_Created);
19:01 IhrFussel CS_Created*
19:11 benrob0329
19:11 * benrob0329 is happy
19:11 tenplus1 ehehe, hi benrob
19:11 benrob0329 Hi tenplus1
19:12 benrob0329 That PR would make a lot of pain go away :P
19:12 Jordach i love pain
19:16 Krock Jordach, me too.
19:23 benrob0329 tenplus1: I have a fairly smooth fading effect though, and a fog glow around the light
19:23 tenplus1 yeah, working well with what we currently have :)))
19:23 benrob0329 Need to improve the glow texture and do some vmanip magic to manipulate lighting
19:24 tenplus1 how many node changes are you donig with the lighting ?
19:24 benrob0329 None, entities :P
19:25 tenplus1 ahh :P
19:25 aerozoic tenplus1, is reducing mob chance supposed to actually reduce the number of mobs i see in game?
19:25 benrob0329 Sprites are very useful for lighting effects :P
19:26 tenplus1 a chance of 7000 is 1 in 7000 nodes, reduce that to 1 in 3500 and you get more mobs appearing, double to 1 in 14000 reduces
19:28 aerozoic sorry i should have specified, i was referring to the new setting you just introduced.
19:28 tenplus1 if you put say 'mob_spawn_amend = 0.5' it halves the chance meaning MORE mobs... is 2.0 then it double chance and lowers mobs
19:28 aerozoic mob_spawn_amend = .01  should reduce the number of mobs i actualy see to almost nothing right?
19:29 aerozoic Ohhhh
19:29 benrob0329 You'd have to do a /clearobjects
19:29 tenplus1 :)
19:29 tenplus1 if you wanna reduce the mobs then maybe set to 5.0 instead
19:29 tenplus1 5x the chance values meaning they hardly appear
19:30 aerozoic benrob0329, everytime i ever tried that command, the server freezes and shutsdown.
19:30 tenplus1 instead use:    /clearobjects quick
19:30 tenplus1 only works on areas loaded with players in them
19:30 aerozoic ok, what does that do anyway?
19:31 aerozoic the /help doesn't really explain it
19:31 tenplus1 clears ALL entities in a loaded area (mobs, itemframes, signs, dropped items etc)
19:31 benrob0329 I feel like mob_spawn_multiplier would be a better name
19:32 benrob0329 Sign text, if you have signs_lib
19:32 benrob0329 Not the signs themselves
19:32 tenplus1 heh yeah, text only
19:32 aerozoic I was hoping for a more self explanitory setting...  .5 cuts the number of mobs i see in half, etc...
19:32 tenplus1 it multiplies the chance, higher the chance the lower they appear
19:33 aerozoic I'm sure i won't be the last to make that mistake :)
19:33 tenplus1 benrob is right though, that is a better setting name...
19:33 tenplus1 lemmie change and put better documentation on it's use
19:34 benrob0329 or mob_chance_multiplier
19:34 benrob0329 tenplus1: ^^
19:34 aerozoic yeah that's better
19:34 tenplus1 +1
19:35 benrob0329 1 in __*mob_chance_multiplier
19:36 aerozoic Or you could leave it as spawn_multiplier and change the function to divide instead of multiply XD
19:36 benrob0329 (A higher setting will reduce the chance of mobs spawning)
19:37 aerozoic Better to call it chance though since that's what it's modifying.
19:40 tenplus1 git updated with new setting and explanation
19:40 tenplus1 also error check for below 1 chance
19:41 aerozoic hehe, i was just about to test negative numbers XD
19:43 tenplus1 lolol, min value of 1 for chance, no less
19:44 tenplus1;t=9917&amp;p=306231#p306231
19:49 tenplus1 I kept meaning to change animal spawning so it only happens if grass blocks are near actual grass, that way cleared lands for building dont spawn animals
19:52 aerozoic Good idea
19:54 tenplus1 would definitely make animals a lot rarer and more difficult to obtain... you would really need to tame and breed them
19:56 Shara The number of players who cry about leather would just increase more
19:56 tenplus1 so very true :) aahaha
19:56 tenplus1 although cows AND horses give leather now
19:57 Shara Why do bags need to be leather anyway?
19:57 Shara I made elephants give it on DL :P
19:57 tenplus1 could make rabbits drop pelts and 4x4 pelt = 1x leather
20:05 xerox123_ joined #minetest-hub
20:05 xerox123_ joined #minetest-hub
20:12 benrob0329 tenplus1: spawning only on newly generated land :^)
20:13 benrob0329 Force people to be smart with how many they kill
20:13 tenplus1 I thought of that but LBM's dont have neighbor setting
20:13 tenplus1 so cant do grass near air, woudl check ALL grass blocks
20:14 benrob0329 It would be in on_generate
20:14 tenplus1 so instead of checking top layer of sand for instance it would count each and every sand block generated
20:14 benrob0329 Possibly use an LVM to check the nodes
20:14 benrob0329 Hmm
20:15 tenplus1 if I change anything I'll have animals spawn on grass blocks near grass plants... that'll lower chances :P
20:16 benrob0329 I might experiment with on_generate checks
20:16 benrob0329 Maybe we should ask for neighbors in LVMs
20:17 benrob0329 I mean, you could reduce the amount of block to check with short circuit logic
20:17 tenplus1 short circuit logic ?
20:18 benrob0329 Aka check if its a grass block, then check if above is air or grass, then do chances
20:18 Jordach doing the MC method?
20:18 Jordach risky business
20:18 tenplus1 that means more checks, laggy business
20:18 Jordach tenplus1: animals spawned once per area generated doesn't as much
20:19 benrob0329 tenplus1: probably not with an LVM
20:19 benrob0329 Those are pretty fast
20:20 benrob0329 It would never get past the first or second check, both of which are very fast
20:20 Sokomine tenplus1: no animal that is on my kill list gives leather. only the peacefuls do. and there's no reason to kill them. so the only way for me to obtain leather is either to get it from other players or wait for the mobs to die of other causes
20:21 benrob0329 LVMs grab an area of the map to manipulate, and use block IDs for name checking
20:21 Sokomine Shara: elephants aren't any better. they're friendly animals as well. on dl, foxes ought to give pelts
20:21 tenplus1 hi Sokomine...  we dont have a monster that gives leather yet, but if you have an idea :)
20:21 benrob0329 DMs?
20:22 benrob0329 They seem pretty tough, might have a nice fur coat :-P
20:22 tenplus1 ehehe
20:22 Wayward_One hi all :)
20:22 Sokomine benrob0329: could help them against the cold, yes...
20:23 benrob0329 Hi Wayward_One
20:23 tenplus1 hi wayward
20:23 benrob0329 Then again, fur on something that breaths fire...
20:23 Sokomine tenplus1: just take hostile animals that attack the player and have to get killed anyway. less meat, more bag-material
20:23 tenplus1 hehehehehe
20:24 Sokomine benrob0329: individual checks may be fast. trouble is that if there are too many of them they still do sum up. people tend to install quite a lot of mods
20:24 paramat joined #minetest-hub
20:26 tenplus1 o/ paramat
20:26 tenplus1 how about I add baby seals to frozen wastelands that shoot lazers, that way you gotta get them before they get you :P
20:27 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
20:28 tenplus1 wb evergreen
20:28 Wayward_One lol xD
20:28 IhrFussel tenplus1, the way I understand it /clearobjects quick will also clear all objects, but only those in loaded mapblocks immediately...the engine then will clear objects of an unloaded mapblock as soon as it gets loaded
20:28 Sokomine hmm. more life is always good, but...shooting lasers is nothing animals have been heard of doing
20:28 tenplus1 nope
20:28 benrob0329 Sokomine: you also have to remember that this would only be done for new terrain, so a speedup overall for a little lag on new bits of the map
20:29 tenplus1 clearobjects quick only works on loaded areas that one time... if anything else is loaded after objects are safe
20:30 IhrFussel No, mode = `"quick"`: Clear objects immediately in loaded mapblocks;
20:30 IhrFussel clear objects in unloaded mapblocks only when the mapblocks are next activated.
20:31 tenplus1 yay, mob fences work, they cant glitch through :D
20:31 IhrFussel It will run once for each loaded mapblock no matter if the blocks are loaded now or later
20:32 benrob0329 Can we have clearobjects work like deleteblocks?
20:32 benrob0329 clearobjects here 10
20:33 benrob0329 Or have it be a mapblock radius
20:33 tenplus1 but it'll do single checks for every block the LBM looks at instead of when the ABM checks the same block near it's neighbor which is a lot less
20:33 benrob0329 tenplus1: but a very fast check, and only once rather than every step
20:34 benrob0329 The ABM still has to check for neighbors
20:34 tenplus1 will look into a working lbm though...
20:34 tenplus1 would be handy
20:36 benrob0329 Grass is only on the surface most of the time anyways, so most block checks wouldn't get past the first ID check
20:36 tenplus1 depending on the mob it can be sand(s), stone, desertsand, sandstone etc... many MANY blocks to check
20:39 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
20:40 tenplus1 I also want a mob height clearance check :) from single node chickens up to multiple node high nssm mobs
20:40 benrob0329 tenplus1: but most of those wouldn't get past the second, also very fast ID check
20:41 tenplus1 will do time checks for a test lbm :P
20:41 benrob0329 Well then you'd want to add more air checks above a surface node
20:42 benrob0329 AFAIK ABMs probably have to check every node for neighbors anyways
20:42 tenplus1 yes but engine does that already, not lua
20:43 benrob0329 This is a boolean check, ID1 == ID2
20:43 tenplus1 will need to test each side by side and see which is better/smoother/laggier :)  wow, almost a daft punk song there
20:43 benrob0329 If its horridly slow, then maybe we ask for neighbors in VoxelManip :-)
20:44 tenplus1 I'd like neighbor in lbm :D
20:53 paramat tenplus1 "if stepheight is set to 1.1 and it's a 2 high stone wall around entity, it can still glitch UP onto top of wall" issue please
20:54 tenplus1 am sure I've added one, lemmie check
20:55 tenplus1
20:55 tenplus1 and it's a dupe at that :P
20:56 tenplus1 and yes, stepheight is 1.1 but shouldnt be able to walk up onto a node if there's one above it...
20:56 aerozoic
20:57 aerozoic Lazers!
20:57 tenplus1 lolol
20:59 tenplus1 loved that movie
21:03 paramat tenplus1 5966 doesn't mention the stepheight issue
21:03 tenplus1 checking
21:03 paramat please can you add that to the description?
21:03 paramat or open a new issue
21:04 tenplus1 desc updated
21:05 paramat might be related to
21:06 paramat 'inside walls' seems different to 'glitch UP onto top of wall'
21:06 tenplus1 could be, if it glitches into a solid wall it'll stop moving
21:06 tenplus1 soccer mod had ball shoot into solid walls and you couldnt get it back without digging
21:06 tenplus1 same with tnt explosions
21:06 tenplus1 it's a weird glitch
21:06 IhrFussel ... can a core dev confirm or deny this?
21:09 IhrFussel Or debunk*
21:22 tenplus1 nite folks o/
21:22 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
21:22 sfan5 IhrFussel: i remember looking at this issue with nrz
21:22 sfan5 not sure if it was ever solved
21:22 sfan5 but the described issue exists yes
21:23 IhrFussel sfan5, but it only makes sense that the engine counts connecting users as "slot taken" or else they would get the "too many users" *after* loading everything
21:31 nerzhul sfan5, it's solved yes
21:31 nerzhul in master branch
21:31 nerzhul the calculation was wrong
21:31 nerzhul (in 0.4.16)
21:31 nerzhul we moved from Session created to Session inited to reduce that cap
21:31 nerzhul limit*
21:31 sfan5 hm did i backport this=
21:31 sfan5 s/=/?/
21:32 IhrFussel That sounds bad, so now clients that have loaded everything can be denied just when they are ready to join?
21:32 nerzhul sfan5,
21:32 nerzhul +
21:32 Shara Fussel, you have to check it at one point or the other
21:33 IhrFussel IMO you should keep it the other way so that the connecting client sees if they'll be able to properly join
21:33 Shara What, and be stuck on 15/30? No thanks
21:33 sfan5 ok i don't think i've backported these
21:34 IhrFussel Then change the message at least and tell the user "please try again later" ... some (very stupid) players might think something is wrong with their client/the server
21:35 Shara FUssel, why not make a PR for the message then?
21:36 IhrFussel It will be very confusing in 0.5.0 ... cause usually when you connect to a server it's SAFE that you'll join successfully ... now it isn't anymore
21:36 rubenwardy how about not giving a player a slot when loading media. Then when media is loaded, it joins a queue. So the client sees "Waiting for free slots - 3rd in queue"
21:36 rubenwardy that why clients that take a while to load won't take up slots
21:37 Shara That would be nice if someone is able and willing to do it
21:37 rubenwardy whilst not completely rejecting clients after loading
21:37 IhrFussel A queue would be very nice
21:37 Shara Though keep in mind that there are very few servers busy enough to trigger it very often
21:38 rubenwardy then add IAPs on the server for a guaranteed server
21:38 rubenwardy *slot
21:38 Shara It would mostly help CTF :P
21:38 rubenwardy lol
21:38 IhrFussel Not sure how complicated it is to implement...I imagine not that hard (maybe some loop that checks every X secs if a slot is free)
21:39 IhrFussel Or maybe more efficient would be to check for waiting players as soon as someone disconnects
21:39 rubenwardy the issue is more client side
21:41 IhrFussel You think the check should be client side? No no no o.o easily hackable
21:42 rubenwardy the check isn't the problem
22:16 compunerd joined #minetest-hub
22:25 IhrFussel By the way the response regarding the VPS lags was "it looks like the cluster you're part of experienced an attack. We fixed it now and your server should operate normally again"
22:26 IhrFussel I still see hourly high lags in the logs but at least they are "only" ~ 20 secs now
22:50 IhrFussel Will 0.4.17 be a full release? By that I mean play store + binaries/apk on website
22:54 benrob0329 I think play store will get 0.5.0
22:55 benrob0329 part of the point of 0.5 is to improve the android app
22:55 Jordach "improve"
22:57 benrob0329 Jordach: its gotta happen somehow
22:57 Jordach >improving a turd
22:57 benrob0329 you can polish a turd, in fact
22:58 compunerd joined #minetest-hub
23:05 IhrFussel 2017-12-31 00:04:00: ACTION[Server]: AVG LAG: 2.515 ... MAX LAG: 222.447
23:05 IhrFussel Worse than anything before
23:16 IhrFussel Sent another email with the new lag times ... Let's see what they say this time
23:55 paramat no need for so much running commentary, please could you restrain it?

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