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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-10-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:25 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
00:55 Grandolf_ joined #minetest-hub
01:40 lhofhansl joined #minetest-hub
01:50 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
02:08 ThomasMonroe what are the bandwidth requirements for running a server?
02:13 ThomasMonroe celeron55, ^
02:13 sofar not much
02:13 ThomasMonroe ah ok thanks sofar
02:13 sofar depends heavily on the gameplay type though
02:14 ThomasMonroe yeah that is true
02:14 sofar 1mbit is probably already fine for small servers
02:14 sofar i can get some stats from my server, but they are probably not entirely relevant since it's a very custom game
02:15 ThomasMonroe so a 3.5Ghz quad should suffice XD
02:16 sofar cpu speed is almost irrelevant
02:16 sofar as long as it's not an arm processor. i do work for Intel :p
02:16 ThomasMonroe :P
02:18 benrob0329 sofar: minetest is #sponsored by Intel, indirectly anyways :P
02:19 sofar in a way, yes
02:20 ThomasMonroe I hate calling myself a contributor because i can't "contribute" as in programming, but I do know how to test and give suggestions as how to make things better :/
02:20 sofar the question is, do they know? :p
02:20 ThomasMonroe not that I can't program, just not in c++
02:21 sofar everyone contributes in their own capacity
02:21 ThomasMonroe true, true..
02:21 sofar just look at my server... check out the puzzles that some people made
02:22 sofar absolutely talented builders
02:22 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
02:22 ThomasMonroe which one is that one?
02:22 ThomasMonroe hey behalebabo
02:22 sofar inside the box
02:22 behalebabo hello
02:23 ThomasMonroe thx i'll check it out
02:23 benrob0329 It's a great server, makes me want to play Minetest more :P
03:54 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
04:10 paramat joined #minetest-hub
06:13 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:10 lisac joined #minetest-hub
07:56 Krock joined #minetest-hub
09:04 Calinou <sofar> cpu speed is almost irrelevant
09:05 Calinou I'd say it's pretty relevant, you need decent single-thread performance
09:05 Calinou moreover, prefer hosting on bare metal rather than in a VM
09:05 Calinou this is especially true if you increase the server step rate
09:06 Calinou you'll also need a decent amount of RAM if you plan to use PostgreSQL or Redis, 4 GB should be enough
09:06 Calinou (that is, if you have 10+ players)
09:06 Calinou (and you have other things running on the server)
09:06 Calinou check out the settings I use on my server:
09:36 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
09:56 paramat joined #minetest-hub
10:29 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:33 nerzhul Calinou, 2GB is sufficient for pg with 1 GB shared_buffer
10:34 nerzhul 1GB can be sufficient too, i don't think index is more than 500 MB
10:43 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
10:53 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
11:03 Megaf Hi all
11:03 Megaf root@aluminium:/home/reglnx# free -m
11:03 Megaf total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
11:03 Megaf Mem:           3692        3535          97           1          59           8
11:04 Megaf Should I be worried? :)
11:05 rdococ you know what, im sick of coming up with stupid excuses not to format this hard drive and install linux.
11:05 rdococ Gonna finally do so now.
11:15 Megaf rdococ, meh, stick to windows, windows is great
11:15 Megaf Linux sucks man
11:19 rdococ Nah.
11:19 Megaf rdococ, whatever you do, dont use Ubuntu
11:19 rdococ Im not gonna
11:20 rdococ Figuring out how to disable secure boot
11:20 Megaf As I been saying for several years, I rather run Windows Vista in a Microsoft Virtual PC VM running on Windows ME than run Ubuntu
11:20 rdococ Lol
11:20 red-001 one of these days ubuntu will finally figure out how to be an OS
11:21 red-001 but that day is not today
11:21 rdococ Um...
11:22 Megaf And with mother Linux Distros you might not even need to disable Secure Boot
11:22 rdococ Im trying to install debian
11:23 Megaf atta boy!
11:23 Megaf Great choice
11:23 Megaf # cat /etc/debian_version
11:23 Megaf buster/sid
11:23 rdococ But when i clicked to resume the installation process, the screen says that 'windows failed to start'. Wat.
11:23 Krock if you don't want to run ubuntu, you can still try Mint or X/L/Kubuntu :P
11:24 Megaf Resume instalation? Is this a thing?
11:24 Megaf Where do you see that?
11:24 rdococ Idk...
11:24 red-001 virtual box is confusing me, whats "windows 2016"?
11:24 rdococ I installed the .iso
11:24 Megaf red-001, great question, just noticed that too
11:25 red-001 oh it must  be the server version
11:25 Megaf Windows 10 Creators Update or Windows Server 2016
11:25 red-001 and they dropped the server part in thier infinate wisdom
11:25 rdococ lol
11:25 Megaf red-001,
11:26 * red-001 checks if you can setup a reactos dev enviroment on linux
11:26 rdococ gah.
11:27 Megaf Crazy thing is that VirtualBox on Linux host uses Hyper-V to run Windows Guests
11:28 red-001 isn't that the MS hypervisor?
11:28 Megaf I never knew Linux could be a Hyper-V host
11:28 Megaf red-001, precisely
11:28 rdococ Lol
11:29 Megaf So I just created two VMs, one for Debian and other for Windows 10
11:29 Megaf the Debian one is KVM
11:29 Megaf the Windows 10 is Hyper-V
11:29 rdococ gah
11:29 red-001 well I guess it doesn't matter that much to hypervisors, don't they run at a higher level then the OS?
11:29 rdococ i cant install debian on it?
11:30 Megaf red-001, nope, hyperversor is as low as  the kernel
11:30 Megaf if not lower
11:31 Megaf rdococ, what do you mean?
11:31 rdococ Nvm
11:31 Krock make sure that your username contains "user" in Windows (8.1). Taskhost will love it
11:32 red-001 I meant higher as in closer to the CPU (yes I know thats not the typical terminology)
11:32 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
11:33 rdococ oh duh
11:34 rdococ this isnt amd
11:34 rdococ Lol
11:34 Megaf rdococ, if it is 64 bit you use amd64 version
11:34 Megaf because 64 bit intel uses was created by AMD
11:35 rdococ but that didnt work and im sure this is 64bit
11:35 Megaf EMT64 is the Intel's version I think, but is deprecated
11:35 Megaf rdococ, man, details
11:35 Megaf what are you trying to do, and how
11:35 rdococ Hold om
11:36 rdococ Ik u need detaila
11:37 rdococ My spelling on a tablet is atrocious
11:38 rdococ okay, now its just my cursor on a blank screen.
11:39 Megaf rdococ, Are you using a DVD? Flash drive? What version of Debian? What CPU you have? Is it EFI?
11:39 rdococ um
11:39 Megaf If USB, how did you put Debian there?
11:39 rdococ Im using an .iso
11:39 rdococ Its debian 9
11:39 rdococ Yes, the laptop has EFI
11:39 rdococ I think
11:40 Megaf rdococ, do you want to wipe the whole disk?
11:40 rdococ Secure boot is on, couldnt disable it
11:40 rdococ Yes
11:40 Megaf are you using the full DVD or some sort of LiveCD?
11:41 rdococ the one that needs an internet connection
11:41 rdococ during installation
11:41 rdococ here
11:41 Megaf netinstal?
11:41 rdococ Ye
11:41 rdococ \g2ldr.mbr
11:42 Megaf ok, do you know if UEFI mode is enabled?
11:42 rdococ Yes
11:42 rdococ ugh,the computer turned itself off before I could type the message
11:49 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
11:49 Megaf Hi Jordach
11:59 rdococ Change of plan. Im going back to my other laptop. For some reason, its purring.
12:01 Megaf Just dont use KDE on Debian
12:01 Megaf KDE is pretty broken
12:01 Megaf MATE works perfect, and GNOME works pretty ok too
12:02 Calinou hi
12:02 Megaf Hi Calinou
12:02 Calinou red-001: Windows 2016 is server, indeed
12:02 Calinou the Creators Update was released in 2017, by the way
12:03 Megaf "The screen locker is broken and unlocking is not possible anymore. In order to unlock switch to a virtual terminal (e.g. Ctrl+atl+F2), log in and execute the command: loginctl unlock-sessions Afterwards switch back to the running session (Ctrl+Alt+F7).
12:04 Megaf Message I get in my Debian KDE....
12:04 rdococ Lol
12:04 Megaf how do I send a ctrl alt f2 in vbox?
12:06 Megaf that was easy enough
12:06 Megaf the special key + F2
12:07 rdococ Gah, same error on this lap
12:08 Megaf what error!?
12:08 rdococ Ugh
12:08 rdococ Something about required files not being there
12:09 Megaf your ISO must be corrupted then
12:09 Megaf or the cdrom
12:09 rdococ I literally just downloaded it, lol
12:12 rdococ Oh, yay, IE is frozen downloading the firefox installer, even tho its at 100%...
12:13 rdococ Um... nvm?
12:14 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
12:15 Megaf The song Mother by Pink Floyd always gets me, right in the feelings
12:15 IhrFussel What's with the Ubuntu hate? Is it just the DE? I don't see why Ubuntu is "bad" I use it on my dedi where my MT server runs and it never did anything unexpected + I use Xubuntu on my home PC for years now and the only time it crashed was when my HDD failed
12:16 LazyJ The luxury of having so many distros to choose from.
12:17 red-001 bad drivers for graphic cards in my case
12:17 IhrFussel Ubuntu is in ANY case more stable than Windows and that's a fact
12:17 red-001 and updates messing up the system
12:18 IhrFussel Maybe if your graphic card is too new...My PC uses the on-board chip and I never experienced such things
12:18 LazyJ I gave up on distro hopping years ago. I need my computer to get work done, not for me to spend my time trying to get my computer to work.
12:19 LazyJ Ubuntu fit that need well enough for me so I stuck with it.
12:19 LazyJ If I were more techy and had more time I might indulge in the finer points of distros and hardware.
12:19 Megaf Oh, Hi LazyJ
12:20 LazyJ That may be the case for other folks too. They just find something that works for them and stick with it and accept its quirks.
12:20 IhrFussel I mean the only point IMO where Windows wins is available drivers/libraries/support for almost any device
12:20 LazyJ Howdy Megaf ;)
12:20 Megaf Shara, I was crying moments ago =/
12:20 rdococ Google > Microsoft, in any case.
12:21 Megaf rdococ, You are mistaken
12:21 Megaf pretty much so
12:21 Megaf Microsoft controls the hardware industry
12:21 rdococ Ya think?
12:21 Megaf man, how many brands you see selling machines with Linux
12:21 rdococ I meant in terms of which one I generally prefer, lol.
12:21 Megaf or with AMD for that matter
12:22 Megaf Intel and Microsoft pay good money to manufactures so they keep to the monopoly
12:22 IhrFussel Megaf, you do know that 97% of all servers use Linux?
12:22 IhrFussel MS is only strong in the desktop market, not on servers
12:22 Megaf IhrFussel, I'm not sure about that number, and don't get me wrong, I'm one of the biggest Linux suporters
12:23 IhrFussel Android uses Linux, almost any router uses Linux, most web servers use Linux ... Linux is clearly the winner outside of desktop PCs
12:24 Megaf the kernel that is
12:24 Megaf the dominant OS is Windows
12:25 Megaf a Linux based OS on a smartphone or router or even a TV has little to no resemblance to a Linux based Desktop OS
12:25 Megaf they dont even use X
12:25 Megaf they came up with other graphical servers
12:25 Megaf and Im sure they dont use Pulse either
12:26 Megaf Whats the stack that ChromeOS uses anyway?
12:26 LazyJ If manufacturers and software companies want to make a profit (to pay employees and such), they have to go where the money is. Microsoft dominates the desktop market, that's where the money is.
12:27 rdococ I prefer Google to Microsoft, but I prefer Microsoft to Apple.
12:28 * LazyJ scratches his head wondering if this is either the umpteenth or hunnerd-sumpthin time this same discussion has been had in this channel.
12:28 Megaf LazyJ, this discussion is a little different tho
12:28 IhrFussel Megaf, W3Cook May 2015 98.3% 96.6% 1.7    1.7% (total marketshare, linux, FreeBSD, Windows)
12:29 LazyJ Ok, I'll throw a cat in the middle of the pigeons:  Donuts are far superior to bagels. :0)-
12:29 Calinou Google has a much better track record of contributing to open source software
12:29 Calinou also, most of their products are Linux-friendly (but certainly not all)
12:30 Calinou while it's still a minority thing for Microsoft
12:30 Megaf LazyJ, I prefer sourdough bread
12:30 LazyJ :p
12:30 IhrFussel Different surveys show different shares but that depends on a lot of things
12:30 Megaf Calinou, now a days Google has turned his back to Linux desktop mostly
12:30 Megaf Google has an awesome App portifolio for Linux
12:31 Megaf Google Talk, Picasa, Earth, Sketch Up,
12:31 Calinou what about Hangouts?
12:31 Megaf But we never had a Drive sync for example
12:31 Calinou Drive? :P
12:31 Megaf Do we?
12:32 Calinou Earth/Picasa/Sketch Up are "legacy" by now
12:32 Megaf Hangouts is Chrome App, doesnt count
12:32 Calinou Sketchup isn't even owned by Google anymore, too
12:32 rdococ Self-hard driving cars ;)
12:32 Calinou (and no longer has a Linux version, IIRC)
12:32 Calinou Megaf: most Google employees use Macs, IIRC
12:32 Calinou I'm not sure if they can choose
12:42 rdococ Lol
12:42 rdococ Id like someone to make a game which uses affine texture mapping on purpose for effect
12:46 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
12:47 LazyJ What are the prospects of adding a skins section to the forums or something like for MT?
12:48 Megaf we need a default standard de-facto default built in skin support first
12:48 Megaf we need to define standards
12:48 LazyJ Every time a player requests a custom skin I have to tell them to go to Minecraft.
12:48 Megaf we need to know first if we are building a game, a core or an engine
12:48 Megaf Minetest is like Linux
12:48 Megaf the most confusing thing ever
12:49 LazyJ Heh.
12:49 Megaf it's a piece of code that alone does nothing
12:49 Megaf it has all the code to do everything, yet does nothing
12:50 LazyJ Sounds like a politician. :)-
12:50 Megaf hah
12:50 Megaf well observed
12:50 LazyJ Yeah, MT's user friendliness needs rehab.
12:50 Megaf has anyone notice that Megaf Server has been turned off for like two months?
12:50 Megaf =/
12:51 * LazyJ raises his hand
12:51 LazyJ Don't fret it, Megaf. Like wine, some things get better with age and looking after.
12:51 Megaf I waiting for the final release of 0.4.17 to do an overhaul in the server
12:51 Shara LazyJ: use a mod that lets you add skins, then tell the player to send you them?
12:52 LazyJ I caught a glimpse of nerzuhl saying sometime in late November/early December for 0.4.17
12:52 Megaf LazyJ, there is a voting going on in GitHub for that
12:53 Megaf I voted for December
12:53 LazyJ Shara, that's the setup I have but it would be nice not to have to refer players back to Minecraft stuff for Minetest things.
12:53 paramat joined #minetest-hub
12:54 Calinou <rdococ> Id like someone to make a game which uses affine texture mapping on purpose for effect
12:54 Calinou you should work at Sega Saturn
12:55 Shara Why refer them to minecraft at all?
12:55 LazyJ also has a built-in skin editor. That is something that would be abused but that could be mitigated by requiring the skins to be manually uploaded by the server's admins. They could review the skin and make the call to accept or deny.
12:56 Calinou I'd just add premade skin parts and let players choose between them
12:57 Calinou it looks more consistent this way (no offensive or ugly skins)
12:57 Aerozoic dafuq? 4.17? What happened to 5.0?
12:57 LazyJ Why refer them to Minecraft for skins? Because Minetest doesn't have the selection, quality, or easy to refer to place to look.
12:57 Calinou Aerozoic: if you compile the stable-0.4 branch from GitHub, it will be named 0.4.17 but it acts exactly like 0.4.16
12:58 Calinou this is why my server reports as 0.4.17
12:58 LazyJ The past MT skin attempts have been rather mixed in success and upkeep.
12:58 Shara LazyJ: You still need to actually point them at MC though. You can simply say if they send you something you will add it.
12:58 Shara still don't need*
12:58 Shara It's really down to them if they look online for a ready-made skin or attempt to create their own
12:59 LazyJ What to tell them when they ask were to get skins?
12:59 Calinou adding skins to a large, popular server gets pretty tiring over time, I can guess
12:59 Calinou skin composition can be done from the game itself by players, using a GUI or commands
12:59 Shara Calinou: Yes. I refuse to add any to RC since it has a couple of hundred choices or so.
12:59 Shara But I will sometimes add skins at request on DL, since the selection there is very small
13:00 LazyJ The gist of my original question was to have an easy, central place for MT players to peruse MT skins.
13:00 Shara Though I'll only do it if the player has been around for a while.
13:00 Calinou we already have a skin database
13:00 Calinou (is it still up?)
13:00 Shara LazyJ: It would be nice, it's just that someone actually needs to make an maintain it.
13:00 Calinou yes:
13:00 LazyJ MT has Minecraft textures in the forums but the topic of skins is bare (pun).
13:01 Calinou reminds me, I should make myself a nice skin :P
13:01 Shara That page would be nice if it could display more at once.
13:02 LazyJ Zeg9 had a skin mod that included a script that converted the skin map into an image that represented what the avatar would look like in png format that was used to display the selection in the mod.
13:03 LazyJ I think it was Zeg9... or zeg-something. Years ago, faded in memory.
13:03 Krock wasn't there also a topic somewhere you could show the skins?
13:03 Krock LazyJ, that script is still used in skinsdb
13:04 LazyJ Upload a skin to the forum, a script automatically runs to generate a preview, click on the submit botton to post.
13:04 Krock or no.. in the old u_skinsdb mod, but it was removed because the skin database generates them automatically
13:05 LazyJ Well, I'm in no position to make it happen so, like most other suggestions, it won't.
13:06 Shara Problem with the mod is that you ended up with hundreds of skins, many of which didn't have enough difference to justify being included
13:06 * LazyJ shrugs
13:07 Shara LazyJ: There's lots of things I wish I could just make happen as well
13:07 LazyJ If it weren't for that dang J.O.B. thing and those pesky bills that always want more money. :p
13:08 Shara :P
13:13 Calinou I'd work on a skin database thing for fun, but no time :(
13:13 Calinou the one I posted above is getting a bit dated
13:36 Fixer scrolled two pages, tl;dr minetest sucks
13:36 Fixer (c)
13:45 paramat not all skins are going to be good obviously, MC is likely like that too
13:47 Krock no big deal if there's a voting system. taking the best voted ones and problem solved
13:47 Krock that's what the skin database really needs
13:48 LazyJ Voting system or tracking which skins are downloaded the most and putting them ahead of the others.
13:48 Calinou sure, dealing with abusive votes isn't easy though
13:48 Calinou (but it can be done)
14:05 LazyJ Carzy idea - MT has a team of code devs, why not an art team that focuses on textures and skins?
14:05 LazyJ *Crazy idea...
14:07 * Jordach looks at Solar Plains
14:07 * Jordach wonders why this doesn't occur
15:26 paramat joined #minetest-hub
15:48 Fixer LazyJ: minetest_game needs much more contributors, para-mat is not enough to do all work
15:49 Shara Fixer: MTG needs a list of things people can work on
15:50 LazyJ Spitting in the wind is not very good target practice. A list of attainable goals would help, indeed.
15:50 Shara There is no direction to help contributors
15:50 Shara But now it seems they want to add a bows mod... even though there is nothing to shoot at...
15:50 LazyJ Of course there would need to be contributors, but a list would be a starting point.
15:51 paramat heh i hadn't thought about lack of things to shoot =)
15:51 Shara I've already said I'd be happy to try and help with it - but I'm not willing to work on things when I don't even know if the concept would be approved
15:51 Shara paramat: MTG should not accept content that serves no purpose within MTG
15:51 LazyJ paramat does what he can, trying to appease at least two committees: fellow devs and the MT community.
15:52 Shara The moment you add mobs or work out some other use for shooting, it would be great to have bows
15:52 Shara Until then, it's just adding it for the sake of it
15:52 paramat ah, they're usable for pvp
15:52 paramat otherwise, why have swords?
15:53 Shara PVP means playing with people, and generally means adding other mods anyway
15:55 paramat if you have an idea, open an issue to gauge devs support. following issues gives an idea of the things to work on
15:55 Shara I just wish MTG would have clear direction.
15:55 LazyJ Minecraft has fishing poles and fish. Works for both singleplayer and multi-player. Would also put something in the bigger bodies of water in MT.
15:55 Shara That could be nice to have
15:56 LazyJ The redneck in me says there are bottle to place on fences and shoot at.
15:56 Shara There's already mods that add fishing though
15:56 LazyJ Aye, but as an addition to MTG.
15:56 paramat you can play with other people in vanilla MTG, also ... swords
15:56 Shara There's mods adding lots of things.
15:56 Shara But which of those does MTG want?
15:57 LazyJ Swords in vanilla MT singleplayer are machete's for whacking leaves.
15:57 Shara That ^
15:57 LazyJ *machetes for...
15:57 Shara paramat: to be fully honest, I have wondered why MTG has swords
15:58 LazyJ Because Minecraft has swords.
15:58 LazyJ Swords could be pulled out and left for armor mods.
15:58 Shara They are there ow and mods have been made to build on the fact that they are there, so removing them would obviously be wrong.
15:58 Shara But they are mostly pointless.
15:58 LazyJ The ax could server for leaf harvesting.
15:58 LazyJ Or just a super karate-leaf-chopping wield hand.
16:00 LazyJ When selecting MTG, a pop-up/hover message could state that it is a starting point, mods will have to be added to compliment.
16:00 LazyJ Or maybe an info tab on the main menu explaining such with where to find mods to add.
16:01 paramat 'pointless' swords? ;]
16:01 Shara :D
16:01 Shara Actually, they do look kinda blunt :P
16:02 LazyJ So many servers are based on MTG that changing it is tricky.
16:02 paramat pvp is enough reason for swords
16:02 LazyJ As for a better singleplayer experience, that's where a separate sub-game should fill the need.
16:02 LazyJ Or a functioning mod store.
16:03 LazyJ All stuff that's been hashed through time and time again.
16:03 Shara I'm pretty sure the things I'd like to do for MTG would not get support anyway.
16:04 LazyJ Engine development and game development sort of go hand-in-hand, don't they? I mean, you can't do things in the game if the engine doesn't support it and how will the engine devs know what to create if there is no game needing it?
16:05 LazyJ Chicken and the egg.
16:13 Fixer Shara: list is already there somewhere in issues, but dev process is too closed for outsiders
16:13 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
16:13 Fixer so nobody cares for now
16:14 paramat wut?
16:15 Shara Fixer: only things I've seen are very general and high level I think
16:15 paramat we don't accept contributions and nobody cares about them ...
16:15 Shara Unhelpful bits like "we want mods at some point"
16:15 Shara mobs*
16:16 Fixer mods are here, just stop reinventing the wheel
16:16 Fixer and mobs
16:16 Shara paramat: He didn't say you don't accept contributions.
16:17 paramat we absolutely rely on outsiders and spend a lot of time reviewing and working with them
16:17 paramat no more ridiculous negativity please ;)
16:18 LazyJ The stuff people want added to MTG would require stouter devices to run.
16:18 Shara LazyJ: Some of the stuff I'd like to add wouldn't
16:18 Shara Neither would your fishing idea
16:18 LazyJ So either better info about how and why MTG is limited or move away from supporting older or weaker hardware.
16:19 paramat oh 'dev process is too closed for outsiders' i see, sorry
16:20 Shara But to throw something out there - I have spent a lot of time lately working on fair ways to add teleporting for players. Pretty much every game I played that has large maps has a teleport or quick travel ability of some kind.
16:20 paramat erm, if you follow dev and issues you can know the direction, devs are just busy and don't feel like maintaining a summary text, contributors have to put some effort into following dev and reading issues
16:21 LazyJ Another thought - include a bundle of mods along with the MTG download and leave it up to the user to install all, some, or none as they like or their device can handle.
16:21 Shara But I don't know 1 - if even the high level concept of adding teleporting would be wanted and 2 - if so, what specific features would be desired
16:22 Shara And since I don't know that, it's always better to just write the mod I want, which just about always will leave it not being suitable for MTG anyway - but at least then it's sure to get used.
16:22 paramat my previous comment is not directed at anyone, and not meant to be grumpy :)
16:22 LazyJ Ok, no stoning paramat this five minutes. :p
16:23 Shara But the issue is that if I knew a thing would be wanted for MTG, I'd write with MTG in mind, or even make two versions.
16:24 paramat Shara you could open a teleportation issue for devs to consider, then you'll have the information you need
16:25 LazyJ Stuff from MoreOres has been gradually added to MTG over the years. Perhaps that is the formula to follow for including things in MTG?
16:25 Shara If I open an issue, and a dev likes it, the dev will likely just go write it :P
16:25 paramat i'd quite like to be stoned ;]
16:26 Shara This isn't an "issue", this is me being willing to actually do something if it's wanted.
16:26 LazyJ Sorry paramat, no substance abuse, just traditional rocks and other hard objects.
16:26 Shara Hehehe
16:26 * LazyJ looks for his week-old donuts. Those are pretty solid by now.
16:27 Shara Letting doughnuts get so old.. what a crime :(
16:27 * ThomasMonroe waits for a shout and a frantic LazyJ trying to find his tooth.
16:27 LazyJ Bachelor living hides/loses many things.
16:28 ThomasMonroe XD
16:29 LazyJ It is not unheard of for a contributor to create a PR and that PR to be debated for a year or more only to be denied and dropped.
16:31 LazyJ How many versions of the cart mod were developed, forked, and installed on servers for years before they were added to MTG?
16:33 ThomasMonroe paramat what would the MapGen capabilities be if libnoise was added?
16:33 ThomasMonroe er utilized?
16:34 ThomasMonroe because it would be awesome to have a terrain with this noise
16:34 ThomasMonroe
16:35 LazyJ Using Carts and MoreOres as examples, mods are added to MTG when a dev feels interested in it enough.
16:37 ThomasMonroe what I think should be done is default be put in it's own repo, and let MTG become the face of Minetest
16:38 LazyJ So, Shara and other mod makers, create mods for your servers and others and maybe someday they will be added to MTG in some form. Until then, players can enjoy them on your servers. Those mods also make your servers stand-out from the others. That's a plus.
16:39 LazyJ ThomasMonroe, MTG is the base for a lot of servers. Adding to MTG can cause conflicts with other mods or duplicates.
16:40 LazyJ Keeping MTG as it is but with a different name (and info on where to change that name in what file for servers) and creating a more feature rich, flagship game for MT is my preference.
16:40 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:40 ThomasMonroe right
16:40 ThomasMonroe like calling it default_server_base
16:40 ThomasMonroe game* not server
16:41 LazyJ yup.
16:41 LazyJ Now, about adding signing fish and beer goggles to MTG. :0)-
16:42 ThomasMonroe lazyJ what do you think of the noise that I suggested for the maps?
16:42 LazyJ Ahk... *singing fish... though self-autographing fish might be a fad.
16:42 LazyJ ThomasMonroe, that's way beyond my savvy. I have no understanding of it.
16:43 ThomasMonroe XD
16:43 ThomasMonroe np
16:43 LazyJ As a player, I'm less interested in the realism of the landscape as I am in how it affects the game play and availability of resources.
16:43 ThomasMonroe true
16:45 LazyJ What would be a nice tool to have is one that smooths out the transition between different mapgen vintages.
16:46 LazyJ I.e.: smoothing box canyons and box cliffs into the landscape.
16:47 LazyJ Or when biomes clash - jungles next to snow biomes.
16:48 ThomasMonroe right
16:48 LazyJ Pick the tool, enter 50% grassy plain, 50% winter tundra, whack the ground along the dividing boundary between the jungle and winter biome to blend the two more smoothly.
16:48 LazyJ Bonemeal does something like that with standing grass and flower spread.
16:49 LazyJ sfan5 added something experimental to WE that sort-of remakes grass and dirt formations.
16:50 sfan5 correction: it's not in worldedit (yet) but part of we_env
16:50 LazyJ The pieces of the puzzle are there, I just don't have the coding skill to bring them together. :/
17:12 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
17:13 Megaf rdococ, New on the install?
17:14 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:14 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
17:18 IhrFussel Is it important to re-set the wielded item after taking the current one? Or is it optional?
17:19 IhrFussel I found this code: item:take_item() clicker:set_wielded_item(item)
17:40 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
18:00 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
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19:06 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
19:11 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
19:33 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
19:36 Calinou
19:37 Calinou fun useless fact: December 3 is when we celebrate the 7th birthday of Minecraft Alpha 1.2.6, the last Minecraft Alpha release
19:37 Calinou :P
19:42 IhrFussel Someone on my server requested the FPGA part of mesecons...will it cause lots of lag?
19:43 IhrFussel As I understand it is able to connect lots of gates as an "array" of sorts
19:44 Calinou FPGA = Field Programmable Gate Array, so yes
19:44 Calinou :p
19:44 Calinou not that I've ever used them, though
19:47 IhrFussel I will enable it for now and see how it goes
19:52 sfan5 it has no overheating so a badly constructed circuit can actually make your server lag (provided it's in an active mapblock)
20:02 lhofhansl joined #minetest-hub
20:06 IhrFussel Is there no limit as to how many gates you can connect to it?
20:07 IhrFussel Or limiting execution of code or something like that
20:08 sfan5 neither of those limits would make sense
20:08 sfan5 what would make sense is how many times it can fire per second
20:08 IhrFussel So it fires every step?
20:08 sfan5 no, it fires every time mesecons deems it necessary
20:09 IhrFussel But it *could* fire every step depending on the curcuit?
20:10 sfan5 maybe
20:11 IhrFussel I should probably remove the craft recipe and only hand them to players manually when needed
20:17 Shara IhrFussel: I restrict mesecons to a priv on my server due to how crazy some players can get with it.
20:17 Shara (especially since it's creative and they don't need to craft the things...)
20:26 jas_ re: "why does minetest have swords" -- good for leaves and other vegetation, i couldn't imaging using anything else for large swaths of grass and leaves and wheat and flowers...
20:28 Fixer why does minetest has anything?
20:28 * Fixer collapses into core dump
20:45 Calinou does it have air swords yet?
20:46 rdococ Lol
20:47 Shara Calinou: rumours say they can be found on Red Cat :P
20:48 Shara I did consider removing all other swords, until I found players were placing them in item frames as decoration :(
20:59 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
22:13 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
22:15 Megaf Nothing like a fresh install of Debian stable
22:15 Megaf it's amazing how well it works. Let's see if I can resist the temptetion of new less tested software
22:15 sfan5 doing a fresh install of outdated software sounds ironic
22:16 Megaf was running Buster before, pretty updated
22:16 Megaf but now I decided to use these LTS softwares
22:16 Megaf for college stuff
22:20 Calinou heh
22:20 Calinou Megaf: this morning, I used IntelliJ EAP at uni on my laptop
22:20 Calinou with Firefox Nightly
22:20 Calinou :D
22:21 Calinou YOLO
22:21 Calinou (Early Access Preview)
22:21 Megaf Calinou, IntelliJ?
22:21 Megaf What's that again?
22:21 Calinou Java IDE
22:22 Calinou :P
22:22 Calinou I have all JetBrains IDEs
22:23 Megaf Calinou, Nightly is fine, but man, early access IDE?
22:23 nerzhul i only use clion and pycharm, other languages are useless :p
22:23 Megaf You like living dangerously
22:23 Megaf I often use Chrome Dev and Firefox Nightly here
22:23 Calinou an EAP is a weekly build
22:23 Calinou Nightly is more frequently updated than EAP
22:23 Megaf but Eclipse I will be use the very LTS old version on Debian 9
22:23 Calinou but it's only available for Rider (since it was recently released)
22:24 Calinou I feel sorry for you :(
22:24 Megaf I don't need a stupid bug hour prior submitting a college assignment
22:24 Megaf hours*
22:24 Calinou I'm lucky, I almost never run into bugs :P
22:24 Calinou also, it's easy to switch between versions with the JetBrains toolbox
22:24 Calinou you can have them installed side-by-side, too
22:24 Megaf So, now, for colleges sake, I'm using only stable software
22:24 Calinou I'm a college student too :P
22:24 Megaf The testing fun shall live in VMs :D
22:25 Megaf using latest VirtualBox 5.1.x from Oracle's repo
22:25 Megaf Because for some reason Debian 9 doesn't have VirtualBox
22:25 Calinou the latest VirtualBox is 5.2 :P
22:25 Calinou released 2 days ago
22:25 Calinou I already updated :)
22:25 Megaf Debian 8 has and so does 10
22:25 Calinou Debian 9 doesn't have VirtualBox because of licensing issues
22:26 Megaf Calinou, I know, I have it runnign on the other laptop
22:26 Calinou (the OpenWatcom compiler, required to build the BIOS, is non-free)
22:26 Megaf I have latest Windows 10 there and Windows 2008 R2 too
22:26 Megaf running on vbox 5.2
22:26 Calinou VirtualBox isn't 100% open source :^)
22:26 Megaf the Debian version is
22:26 Calinou nope
22:26 Calinou it's in `contrib`
22:26 Calinou
22:27 Calinou it still is
22:27 * Megaf clicks
22:27 Calinou contrib = depends on non-free things
22:27 Calinou it also is in stretch-backports, by the way
22:28 Megaf yep, but I rather use the Oracle version I guess
22:28 Megaf I'm using some non-free software anyway
22:28 Megaf AMD CPU microcode, Radeon firmware...
22:28 Megaf and that's about it
22:38 Calinou you can install OpenJDK fairly easily on Windows
22:38 Calinou oh, nevermind
22:39 Calinou I thought you were talking about Java
22:39 Calinou I use Oracle JDK here (on Windows), but I could swap it for OpenJDK if I wanted
22:39 Calinou (there's no official Windows builds, so you have to use some third-party ones)
22:39 Calinou and, boy, the JDK grew pretty large as of Java 9…
22:40 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
23:16 Megaf Night
23:37 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
23:50 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
23:52 Fixer glass fragments
23:53 lhofhansl joined #minetest-hub

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