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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-08-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 Guest68603 joined #minetest-hub
00:04 garywhite1 joined #minetest-hub
00:04 nchambers joined #minetest-hub
00:04 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
00:05 rubenwardy tes
00:05 RubenBot joined #minetest-hub
00:07 rubenwardy Sharker (~torrezno@ has joined #freenode
00:07 rubenwardy cooool
00:08 garywhite1 thanks
00:08 bigfoot547 Wow
00:08 bigfoot547 the joined :P
00:08 garywhite1 I can't identify with NS, & it says I'm banned from #freenode when I'm not
00:08 bigfoot547 Nickserv netsplit
00:09 garywhite1 Oh, there's no services...
00:09 bigfoot547 Nopw
00:09 bigfoot547 services. netsplit, as I said :P
00:10 garywhite1 I may stick to Discord for the time being till this blows over
00:11 rubenwardy it was a network fault, apparently
00:11 [bigfoot] garywhite1: I saw no host of yours on the banlist
00:12 garywhite1 My client says different
00:26 garywhite1 VanessaE: Are you giving up Minetest?
00:26 VanessaE no
00:27 VanessaE my husband died this morning, so I will have to cut expenses
00:27 garywhite1 Oh...
00:27 garywhite1 my condolences
00:27 VanessaE (because I'll be forced to move out of my current home and find cheaper living)
00:28 rubenwardy I have a 3.4GHz / 1TB HHD / 8GB RAM I could host a smaller one on, however there may be slow downs every so often as I also use it to build projects when I commit to them (CI)
00:29 rubenwardy I'm also not that interested in full on moderating (I'm quite Laissez-Faire)
00:30 rubenwardy It may be worth seeing if people would contribute to a patreon
00:35 VanessaE thanks rubenwardy
00:36 VanessaE I'll bbl
00:38 rubenwardy Does anyone remember nolsen?
00:38 rubenwardy He's in #freenode atm, thought it was a funnyish coincidence
00:38 rubenwardy !seen nolsen
00:38 ShadowBot rubenwardy: I haven't seen nolsen in #minetest-hub.
00:39 rubenwardy <MinetestBot> rubenwardy: nolsen was last seen at 2016-09-21 22:38:18 UTC on #minetest
00:44 lisac VanessaE, sorry to hear that :( my condolences
00:45 lisac rubenwardy, I made a gamebanana profile for Minetest and uploaded my mod. Do you think it is a good idea?
00:46 rubenwardy dunno
00:46 rubenwardy does it handle installing / package managing at all?
00:46 lisac well, it places 'Manual download' option to my mod
00:46 lisac so I'm guessing there are other installation options
00:52 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
00:52 [bigfoot] Hey tumeninodes
00:53 tumeninodes Hi bigfoot
00:53 lisac Hi tumeninodes
00:53 tumeninodes hello lisac
00:57 benrob0329 VanessaE: my sincere condolences, I am very sorry to hear that :'-(
00:57 tumeninodes lisac, you two have dug quite a hole for yourselves :P
00:57 tumeninodes hi benrob
00:58 lisac how so, tumeninodes? :D
00:58 tumeninodes maybe I'm mistaken? I thought you and raven were building a large underground thingy
00:59 [bigfoot] hahaaaaaaaaa
00:59 lisac oh we were lol
00:59 tumeninodes wait.... I thought... what??? this is not my locker....
00:59 [bigfoot] heh?
00:59 lisac tumeninodes,
01:00 tumeninodes he he, I'm a ranked tool
01:01 lisac I added minetest to GB is the point lol
01:01 tumeninodes yes... I know
01:03 tumeninodes you added MTG itself? or just your mod? 0_o
01:03 lisac Minetest.
01:03 lisac :P
01:03 lisac now others can add their mods
01:04 lisac we also need some community moderators there, I guess.
01:04 tumeninodes ohhh, you added the category Minetest... cool
01:04 * tumeninodes really needs to increase his dosage
01:05 lisac it's 03:05 here lol
01:05 lisac seems I'm the one to increase dosage
01:05 tumeninodes this is a good thing... hmmmmmmm. How many moderators do they required?
01:06 tumeninodes sleep is for the weak
01:06 lisac they require none, actually
01:06 lisac but we can't add an icon without one
01:07 lisac I probably don't fill the requirements
01:07 tumeninodes that's stupid :P
01:07 lisac lol maybe
01:07 lisac it's automated
01:08 tumeninodes I probably don't meet requirements either, seeing as I'm a sociopath
01:09 tumeninodes hmmmm #3 is questionable
01:10 lisac Do you consider yourself mature and responsible?
01:10 lisac hmm
01:10 lisac ye... es?
01:11 lisac :(
01:11 tumeninodes hahaha
01:11 tumeninodes well, it depends on what your definition of "mature and responsible" is
01:12 tumeninodes the ? at the end would be a classic
01:12 tumeninodes I thin bigfoot is still laughing at me
01:13 tumeninodes *k
01:15 tumeninodes I'll check it out lisac, I'm honestly not sure if I will have time currently. I would say I think you should post about it on the forum but, then again :/
01:15 lisac I'll just apply then resign if some of the project members decide they should take it over.
01:17 tumeninodes sounds like a good idea... I can apply as well probably better to have a few to split the task
01:19 lisac sure lol
01:19 lisac I just applied
01:20 tumeninodes heh Im a bit more cautious, I'll check it tomorrow :P
01:24 BakerPrime joined #minetest-hub
01:29 lisac okay, I'm going to sleep
01:29 lisac Cya tomorrow
01:29 tumeninodes night
01:30 rubenwardy !seen cheapie
01:30 ShadowBot rubenwardy: I saw cheapie in #minetest-hub 6 weeks, 6 days, 11 hours, 15 minutes, and 38 seconds ago saying "Maybe just shorten it to "isksk"?"
01:53 tumeninodes night all
01:53 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
02:23 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
05:59 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
06:20 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:03 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:07 rdococ Yay!
08:08 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
09:46 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
09:55 nerzhul haha break mt code
09:58 Dumbeldor :D
10:04 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
10:09 lisac joined #minetest-hub
10:20 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
10:35 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
10:48 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
10:48 Megaf Hi all
10:49 Dumbeldor Hi Megaf
10:49 DS-minetest hi
11:15 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
11:29 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
11:32 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
11:33 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
11:51 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:02 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
12:04 lisac joined #minetest-hub
12:07 Fixer o_O my condolences to VanessaE
12:07 CWz What happened?
12:08 CWz Fixer?
12:15 DI3HARD139 I missed something. What I miss?
12:16 rdococ O_______O
12:19 DI3HARD139 My condolences VanessaE
12:23 Raven262 What did we miss?
12:23 Raven262 This is getting creepy.
12:24 rdococ Raven262: [01:26:35] <VanessaE> my husband died this morning, so I will have to cut expenses
12:24 Raven262 My condolences, VanessaE.
12:24 Raven262 I did not know, sorry.
12:26 Fuchs oh :/
12:26 Fuchs VanessaE: I'm sorry for your loss, my condolences
12:30 Dumbeldor My condolences VanessaE :(
12:31 Calinou hi
12:31 DI3HARD139 Hello Calinou
12:31 Calinou my condolences, VanessaE
12:31 ThomasMonroe im sorry VE
12:41 Raven262 hi Calinou
12:47 CWz My condolences as well
12:50 paramat joined #minetest-hub
12:50 Raven262 hi paramat
12:52 DI3HARD139 Hello paramat
12:53 ThomasMonroe hi paramat
12:54 Dumbeldor Hello paramat
12:55 CalebDavis hi paramat
12:56 rdococ hi paramat
12:56 rdococ bye Megaf
12:56 VanessaE thanks for the kind words everyone.
12:59 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
13:00 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
13:03 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
13:08 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
13:10 mransom joined #minetest-hub
13:19 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
13:20 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
13:21 RobbieF Good morning
13:23 Dumbeldor Hello RobbieF
13:40 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
13:41 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
14:21 RobbieF Hi Dumbeldor
14:49 lisac joined #minetest-hub
14:58 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
15:30 paramat joined #minetest-hub
16:13 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
16:26 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:27 Krock o/
16:28 KaadmY \o
16:29 CalebDavis o/ -> o- -> o\ -> o- -> o/
16:30 Krock you have weird arms, CalebDavis
16:30 CalebDavis XD
16:30 Krock s/arms/arm/
16:31 CalebDavis \o/ -> _o_ -> \o/
16:31 CalebDavis much better XD
16:35 rdococ Ha, nothing compares to this:
16:36 rdococ \o/
16:36 rdococ |
16:36 rdococ / \
16:37 CalebDavis XD
16:37 CalebDavis \o/
16:37 CalebDavis |
16:37 CalebDavis / \
16:38 CalebDavis \o/
16:38 rdococ Oof, that looks like it hurt. :P
16:38 CalebDavis |
16:38 CalebDavis :P
16:38 rdococ Oof, again! :P
16:38 CalebDavis \o/
16:38 CalebDavis |
16:38 CalebDavis / \
16:38 rdococ CalebDavis: Use a text editor and copy it into the chat, that's what I do :P
16:38 CalebDavis :P
16:38 rdococ anyway... HI! *waves*
16:38 rdococ o/
16:38 rdococ ||
16:38 rdococ |
16:38 Krock GUYS, please.
16:39 ThomasMonroe uimm that has to hurt rdococ
16:39 rdococ Yay, it's a Krockodile!
16:40 CalebDavis \o/
16:40 CalebDavis |
16:40 CalebDavis _o_
16:40 CalebDavis |
16:40 CalebDavis o
16:40 CalebDavis _o_
16:40 rdococ ...Ew.
16:40 CalebDavis |
16:40 CalebDavis \o/
16:40 CalebDavis |
16:40 CalebDavis umm that didnt work
16:40 ThomasMonroe are you doing jumping jacks?
16:41 rdococ No, it just looked... gross. :P
16:41 CalebDavis i am on hexchat and it took the / as a command
16:41 rdococ Look below the first stickman's body, you'll see what I mean.
16:41 rdococ CalebDavis: You can use two /s like this: "// \" to prevent it.
16:41 rdococ /like this.
16:42 CalebDavis \o/
16:42 CalebDavis |
16:42 CalebDavis / \
16:42 CalebDavis
16:42 CalebDavis _o_
16:42 CalebDavis |
16:42 CalebDavis / \
16:42 CalebDavis
16:42 CalebDavis o
16:42 CalebDavis /|\
16:42 CalebDavis / \
16:42 CalebDavis
16:42 CalebDavis _o_
16:42 Wayward_One probably shouldn't spam too much..
16:42 CalebDavis |
16:42 CalebDavis / \
16:42 CalebDavis
16:42 CalebDavis \o/
16:42 CalebDavis |
16:42 CalebDavis / \
16:42 CalebDavis yea prbly not :)
16:42 rdococ Uh oh, it looks like a... /spammer alarm!/ Everyone evacuate! :P
16:43 ThomasMonroe yep hes doing textual jumping jacks, EVACUATE!!!!!
16:43 ThomasMonroe left #minetest-hub
16:43 CalebDavis XD
16:43 rdococ left #minetest-hub
16:43 rdococ joined #minetest-hub
16:43 CalebDavis XD
16:44 Wayward_One ...well then
16:44 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
16:44 Wayward_One lol
16:44 ThomasMonroe is he gone?
16:44 CalebDavis no
16:45 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
16:46 CalebDavis you do know that you can just leave one channel
16:46 ThomasMonroe yes ik i acidentally did /quit instead of /leave
16:46 CalebDavis XD
16:49 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
16:51 paramat ok, that's enough playing thanks :]
17:38 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
17:42 IhrFussel Can anyone with a dev server version (recently compiled) check if the death bug still exists there? Steps to reproduce: 1. Join any dev version server 2. Die somehow 3. "You died" formspec CLOSE the client 4. Reconnect and try to interact with stuff
17:47 IhrFussel The server needs to have anticheat enabled to properly test it
17:49 rdococ LS-S has a glitch where people can be standing in random places, and then they die suddenly for no real reason. If they were standing still, which I assume they were, I doubt it would be kill-blocks.
17:49 rdococ s/LS/CG
17:54 Shara Hi everyone.
17:54 IhrFussel rdococ, that sounds strange but this bug is wayy worse if it still exists in dev ... player THINK they are alive on the server when in reality they're still dead after leaving without respawning
17:55 Shara Sorry to anyone I didn't answer messages from. Had no internet connection for a few days.
17:55 IhrFussel The server only resets the HP when the player respawns it seems
17:59 rdococ O_
17:59 rdococ O
18:00 rdococ IhrFussel: does sethp fix it?
18:00 IhrFussel Mobile players leave A LOT after dying without clicking "respawn" and my log is FULL OF "anticheat: xyz tried to interact while dead;ignoring"
18:00 IhrFussel Yes set_hp(20) fixes it on join
18:01 rdococ So I guess I could create a temporary patch in Lua.
18:01 IhrFussel I already did that but it's hacky IMO...the engine should properly handle this scenario
18:02 rdococ Yeah. Kinda sounds like a horror story tbh.
18:02 rdococ "You died... you are now a ghost." :P
18:02 IhrFussel rdococ, exactly...the worst part is the players do NOT get any warning that they are dead still...they simply cannot interact with anything until they die again and respawn properly
18:03 rdococ So when a ghost dies, it gets revived? :P
18:03 IhrFussel I want to open an issue about it but I need someone with a current dev server & client to test it there first
18:04 rdococ Does the same bug happen with an old client and a new server, or with a new client and old server?
18:05 IhrFussel I have no old clients to test it :/ ... I only know it happsn on 0.4.16 stable server with 0.4.16 clients but since many mobile apps don't even use 0.4.16 as engine and still have that problem I'm assuming older clients are affected too
18:09 IhrFussel STOP
18:10 rdococ ?
18:10 IhrFussel I found out the cause of this behavior: It only happens when the server shows a custom FORMSPEC on joinplayer
18:10 IhrFussel It overrides the "you died" formspec and therefore makes proper respawning impopssible
18:10 IhrFussel impossible*
18:13 CWz joined #minetest-hub
18:16 IhrFussel I can't find any issues related to that I'll open one
18:19 rdococ Do you have any info on the random death glitch, or do you think it might just be killblocks?
18:21 IhrFussel ... rdococ I never had that issue, sorry
18:25 lisac joined #minetest-hub
18:43 paramat joined #minetest-hub
18:43 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
18:46 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
18:52 paramat anyone know of a good 'map' item texture? i might make a PR soon for a paper map enabling minimap
19:00 CalebDavis hmm the gps mod has a good map
19:01 paramat ok i'll open a PR soon then people can make suggestions there
19:06 Shara paramat: Can it please be an optional feature?
19:06 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
19:06 Shara It's something I think would be very good to have, but optional.
19:08 paramat there could be a setting for it, i wouldn't mind that
19:09 paramat it would be auto-enabled in creative or for players with creative priv
19:11 paramat i guess you're concerned about players who are now used to getting minimap for nothing in survival? :]
19:15 KaadmY Also there should be a way to have the server "need" the minimap
19:15 KaadmY So people don't get confused that the map in their inventory doesn't do anythign
19:16 Shara paramat: It's mostly just about enabling options.
19:16 Shara I think I'd want this on my survival server for example, but maybe not for my moderator team (they don't get creative priv)
19:17 Shara So it could be nice if it's got the flexibility to turn on/off per player
19:17 Shara Not really sure which approach would be best
19:20 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
19:20 tenplus1 hi folks
19:20 Shara Hi Ten
19:20 tenplus1 o/ hi Shara :P
19:21 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
19:21 tenplus1 hi robbie
19:21 RobbieF Hi there tenplus1
19:21 RobbieF how are you today?
19:21 tenplus1 tired... long day at work... you?
19:21 Raven262 Hi tenplus1
19:21 tenplus1 hi raven
19:22 RobbieF I'm pretty well thanks, though been a tough 24 hours: last night there was an explosion and fire at our local fibre hub - several hundred strands of fibre were melted... including those leading to our game servers.
19:22 RobbieF we're just waiting patiently....
19:22 tenplus1 erk, how'd that happen /
19:23 RobbieF a painter backed the lift they were driving into an electrical pole. It broke the wire which fell to the ground hitting a junction which sparked a cascade of 3 explosions
19:23 sofar RobbieF: o_O
19:23 sofar terrorist attack on pixel shadow?
19:23 RobbieF haha
19:23 RobbieF no
19:23 sofar lol/ouch
19:23 RobbieF nothing that large
19:23 RobbieF small, isolated explosions
19:23 xerox123 joined #minetest-hub
19:24 RobbieF it's the fire really that caused all the damage (melted fibre lines)
19:24 tenplus1 ouch... what's the chances...  hope it can all get fixed soon enough
19:24 sofar it crossed the streams :)
19:24 tenplus1 hi sofar
19:24 RobbieF yeah tenplus1
19:24 RobbieF my servers are getting a nice little rest  :)
19:24 tenplus1 heh, then back to 24/7 operation
19:24 RobbieF they're all up, but no fibre connection  :D
19:24 Shara Hi sofar
19:25 Shara I'm just happy I have servers after the last few days :P
19:25 Calinou hi
19:25 Calinou I have my driving theory exam tomorrow
19:25 tenplus1 hi Cal... good luck dude
19:25 Shara good luck Calinou
19:26 tenplus1 if you feel nervous just imagine the driving instructor naked
19:28 RobbieF Good luck Calinou
19:28 RobbieF tenplus1 what if she's cute?
19:28 Raven262 Gl Hf Calinou
19:28 RobbieF then even MORE nervous!
19:28 Raven262 And say gg wp after you pass
19:28 tenplus1 ehehehehehehe
19:28 paramat well enabling per-player can always be done with a simple mod of your own, it may be difficult to build-in per-player enable to this PR, but a global setting is easily possible
19:28 Calinou it's theory exam, it's just a quiz
19:29 tenplus1 hi paramat
19:32 CalebDavis hi ten
19:32 tenplus1 hi caleb
19:32 RobbieF oh tenplus1 - btw, players ADORE the car fix; thanks so much.
19:32 tenplus1 sweet, glad it helps :) otherwiswe you'd have 1000's of parked cars everywher
19:32 RobbieF saves our mods SO much time re. car grief
19:32 RobbieF exactly
19:33 RobbieF people were planting thousands all over spawn
19:33 RobbieF no doubt wee children, but now it just won't happen
19:33 tenplus1 lol... if you fork carts and boats I'll do the same for those if ya like...
19:33 RobbieF Could the same thing be applied to soccer balls?
19:33 RobbieF would love that
19:33 Shara I came back to messages about the cars... if that is dealt with, glad to hear it.
19:33 tenplus1 hrm... could make it so that soccer balls that dont move for 30 seconds drop as items
19:35 RobbieF Shara yeah - totally dealt with!
19:35 RobbieF tenplus1 made 'em vanish after 10 seconds of no use
19:35 tenplus1 we use same technique on Xanadu for carts and boats
19:36 RobbieF tenplus1 yeah that's what I'm thinking - that'd be GREAT for soccer balls. Even pets!
19:37 RobbieF tenplus1 can you throw me the git links of what you want me to clone to add the patch?
19:37 Raven262 tenplus1, can I somehow get a pet on Xanadu? And if yes, which animals am i able to tame?
19:38 tenplus1 raven, you can tame hogs, horses, cats, wolves -> dogs, npc's, cows, sheep, penguins
19:38 tenplus1 RobbieF: will look into that another day tho and sort carts/boats/soccer balls
19:39 RobbieF alright - thanks man. Want me to fork those now?
19:39 RobbieF soccer balls will be ASTONISHING!
19:39 tenplus1 yeah, plop soccer balls in there someplace and I'll have a fiddle and see about dropping after 30 seconds on inactivity
19:39 tenplus1 brb,
19:40 RobbieF thanks dude
19:42 lisac Hey tenplus1
19:42 lisac good to finally find you online lol
19:42 lisac can you open Xanadu's borders so that some of my MT friends can join?
19:42 RobbieF Done tenplus1
19:42 lisac also:
19:43 lisac I added Minetest to gamebanana
19:43 lisac and my mod :P
19:46 Raven262 There is no Xanadu right now, it seems.
19:46 tenplus1 seems xanadu is down
19:46 tenplus1 wonder if storm in area
19:46 RobbieF AND TPS is obviously down  :(
19:46 RobbieF not a good day for MT players.
19:47 Raven262 *goes to play singleplayer*
19:47 CalebDavis hey ten i just set custom sky and clouds for my subgame
19:47 CalebDavis
19:47 CalebDavis there's a screenshot
19:48 Raven262 Dat skybox dude
19:48 Raven262 I mean really
19:55 lisac CalebDavis, it really looks like a box
19:55 lisac :P
19:55 CalebDavis ik i need to work on the skybox textures
19:56 paramat interesting alien look to that though
19:57 CalebDavis thx paramat
19:59 Fixer CalebDavis: jpeg
20:00 CalebDavis ok ill keep that in mind :)
20:13 paramat add map mod
20:14 tenplus1 +1
20:15 paramat a global setting to enable minimap in survival mode could be added
20:15 tenplus1 I like it
20:16 Shara I like it, but do think it should be optional.
20:16 Raven262 A map scroll is a good idea, though that outline makes it look a bit odd.
20:18 paramat let's wait for more opinions about an option, i'm neutral on that, this is just basic functionality so far WIP
20:18 paramat texture suggestions welcome, it's a placeholder
20:18 paramat we're a few years late with proper integration of minimap into MTG :]
20:18 paramat as usual
20:19 Shara Just a few :P
20:19 tenplus1 it would be a good option though
20:19 CalebDavis hey do you think it would bee cool to make the builtin sky able to use textures for the sun and moon
20:19 CalebDavis -e
20:20 Shara I thought it could?
20:20 CalebDavis ohh i didnt find anything in the api
20:20 tenplus1 didnt latest changes make it so that clouds worked on skyboxes, dunno if moon/sun is still working
20:20 paramat it can, but possibly only from a texture pack
20:21 Shara There's a few servers with different sun/moon textures around
20:21 Shara Alternative skyboxes never worked with sun/moon, only the default sky
20:21 CalebDavis ohh ok
20:22 Calinou yeah, custom skyboxes don't have the concept of sun/moon
20:22 Shara I'd love if they could.
20:24 Raven262 Imagine all the possibilities...
20:24 tenplus1 :P
20:25 CalebDavis maby it could be done by adding 2 more textures to the skybox definition
20:25 CWz Minetests needs ability to have 2 suns
20:25 CWz or more
20:25 CalebDavis ohhhhh that sounds cool
20:26 Raven262 And some more orbiting objects
20:26 tenplus1 hi CWz...  making the skybox into a sort of skyHUD would be fun... adding new features as and when required
20:26 Raven262 With settable orbits
20:26 tenplus1 e.g.  moon phases
20:26 paramat yes custom sky somewhat needs work on a sun/moon/stars API
20:27 paramat currently you can only have stationary objects added to the skybox textures
20:28 Raven262 And they will appear stretched if you don't make the texture right.
20:29 tenplus1 nite folks :D o/
20:29 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:36 IhrFussel Can I access the extended player attributes of a player on_prejoinplayer()? I guess not
21:10 rubenwardy IhrFussel, no
21:10 rubenwardy the player object hasn't been initialised yet
21:10 rubenwardy afaik
21:10 rubenwardy I'm not 100%
21:11 IhrFussel Could be useful for temp ban parameters
21:37 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
21:47 IhrFussel nerzhul, regrding the bug: I think the actual problem is that the death formspec is lost when the other formspec'd likely have to either ignore the custom formspec if HP is 0 or set an interval that checks every X secs for the HP and then displays the formspec
21:47 IhrFussel Also a shame that formspecs don't stack, cause that would've solved this behavior
21:51 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
21:52 IhrFussel Actually a check every X secs would make more sense...on_joinplayer() is NOT the only callback where you can display a formspec
21:53 IhrFussel I have a command on my server that display a custom formspec as "global message" in register_globalstep() ... if ANY player died before this global message the bug will happen
21:54 IhrFussel AFAIK EVERY formspec can and will overwrite the death formspec and therefore the option to respawn is lost
21:55 IhrFussel Other servers use formspecs for teleport request, friend requests, trade requests etc etc
22:11 nerzhul_ joined #minetest-hub
22:34 paramat joined #minetest-hub
22:53 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
22:54 Megaf Heya
23:06 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
23:59 twoelk left #minetest-hub

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