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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-07-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
00:01 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
00:03 bigfoot547_ joined #minetest-hub
00:13 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
00:13 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
00:38 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
01:03 JordachL_ joined #minetest-hub
01:16 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
01:16 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
01:21 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
01:29 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
02:57 octacian__ joined #minetest-hub
04:10 octacian joined #minetest-hub
05:01 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
05:01 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
05:20 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
05:20 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
05:43 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
06:34 CWz joined #minetest-hub
06:46 Bobr2 joined #minetest-hub
07:27 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
07:27 tenplus1 hi folks
07:31 tenplus1
07:32 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
07:32 tenplus1 hi behalebabo
07:34 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
07:34 tenplus1 hi raven
07:41 Dumbeldor hi
07:41 tenplus1 hi Dumbeldor
07:42 Dumbeldor how are you ?
07:43 tenplus1 good ta, you ?
07:43 tenplus1
07:43 tenplus1 noooooooooooooooooooo dont click that
07:43 tenplus1 wrong window
07:43 tenplus1 <-- click dat
07:44 Dumbeldor good thanks
07:44 Dumbeldor haha
07:44 Dumbeldor sorry i click :D but i dont have a permission ;)
07:44 tenplus1 lolol
07:44 Dumbeldor xD
07:45 Dumbeldor beautiful
07:45 tenplus1 she's losing at Uno so not a happy kid
07:45 Dumbeldor is it your creation ?
07:45 tenplus1 lol no
07:53 Raven262 Hello tenplus1
07:53 tenplus1 o/
07:53 paramat joined #minetest-hub
07:53 tenplus1 hi paramat
07:54 * tenplus1 is trying new mapgen... niiiiice
07:54 Raven262 Its awesome
07:54 Raven262 I already found a "bug"
07:54 tenplus1 ooh, lemmie try it with Ethereal.... also.... what bug ?????
07:55 Raven262 YOu know those mountain lakes that generate above the water level?
07:55 Raven262 Well they seem to generate even if there is grass, trees and stuff already there
07:55 tenplus1 arent those highland pools ?
07:55 Raven262 Yea
07:55 Raven262 So i have submerged grass in the lakes
07:55 tenplus1 ouch, that's not good
07:55 Raven262 But trees growing out of the lake look good :D
07:55 tenplus1 looking up mountains for bug
07:56 tenplus1 I do like the river trails it shows... those are a nice touch
07:57 Raven262 I love the mountains, they look really realistic
07:57 paramat bug in carpathian? that has no highland lakes
07:57 Raven262 Well, how did i find it then?
07:58 paramat but if you raise water_level above 1 biomes are misaligned and have submerged grass amd trees
07:58 paramat check your water_level setting
07:59 Raven262 Its on default, i didn't change anything
07:59 tenplus1 it's a very nice mapgen but seems to generate slow
08:00 paramat hm weird
08:00 Raven262 Found one of these lakes:
08:01 tenplus1 gonna try with etehreal ?DDD
08:01 tenplus1 o.O that's not right
08:01 Raven262 Gonna try it with LOTT xD
08:02 paramat looks like river water
08:02 Raven262 It is river water
08:02 tenplus1 so this mapgen has different heatmaps thehigher you go
08:03 paramat carpathian doesn't place river water at all, oddly
08:03 paramat in the code
08:03 Raven262 That is very odd
08:03 tenplus1 ooh, snow biome next to jungle :)
08:04 paramat the terrain is very '3D noise' looks more like one of my mapgens
08:05 Raven262 I have checked the surroundings on that place an found the mountains that don't appear in v6 or 7
08:05 Raven262 *and
08:05 Raven262 So i ts not v7 or v6
08:05 Raven262 *its
08:05 Raven262 And i have created the world with carpathian selected
08:06 paramat ok i'll check the seed and co-ords. no mods running?
08:06 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
08:07 Raven262 No mapgen mods except villages
08:07 tenplus1 I really like the landscape it makes...  turning ambience on to test with sounds/music :DD
08:08 paramat it should not generate slow, i'll check by timing it
08:08 tenplus1 weirdly it's faster now I'm using ethereal...
08:08 tenplus1 could simply be the amount of biomes/ores registered in default
08:09 tenplus1 I feel it on my wee net-top more than others
08:10 tenplus1 ooOOOOoh, the ambiance music makes it eery as hell exploring at night :D
08:10 Raven262 paramat, i'm not sure but now that i have disabled the villages modpack and running a new world, no river water seem to generate
08:13 tenplus1 cant find any crystal or grey biome
08:14 Raven262 me never found those at all
08:14 Raven262 *me
08:14 Raven262 */me
08:14 Raven262 well then
08:14 tenplus1 you need to use ethereal to add those :D
08:14 * Raven262 never found those at all
08:14 Raven262 I know
08:15 Raven262 I never found them in it
08:15 tenplus1 weird... am using my 'test' seed and typicalyl find them quick... maybe the heatmap in this mapgen is different
08:15 tenplus1 ooh, mesa biome :D
08:16 tenplus1 willows :) yay
08:16 Raven262 How many bioms are there in ethereal?
08:17 Raven262 *biomes
08:17 tenplus1 22 I think...
08:17 tenplus1 gotta re-count... added swamps last time
08:17 Raven262 Well, i found some 6 i think
08:17 Raven262 :P
08:17 Raven262 Also, oceans don't count
08:17 tenplus1 I found a willow forest and prairie
08:17 tenplus1 just need crystal biome and we've got em all
08:17 tenplus1 lol I know
08:17 Raven262 So its 22 without oceans?!
08:18 Raven262 Well thats a lot
08:18 tenplus1 24
08:18 Raven262 Nice
08:19 tenplus1 glacier, bamboo, mesa, alpine, healing, snowy, frost, grassy, caves, grayness, grassytwo, prairie, jumble, junglee, desert, grove, mushroom, quicksand, plains, savannah, fiery, sandclay, swamp
08:20 tenplus1 gotat find swamp and frost and then I'll be happy
08:21 Raven262 Okay, i found: glacier, bamboo, frost, grassy, mushroom, quicksand, fiery, sandclay. Heh thats 8!
08:22 tenplus1 omg, I found the tiniest frost biome with 4x crystal trees... ahahahahaha
08:22 tenplus1 it's kinda rare in this mapgen, but that's not so bad... I wanted crystal ingots to be hard to make
08:22 Raven262 I never found a large one tbh
08:23 Raven262 Do they even get large?
08:23 tenplus1 jungle and healing tree to go now
08:23 tenplus1 they use to... I dunno what changed but you woudl find huge bimoes ages ago
08:23 tenplus1 prolly just depends on the seed used for mapgen
08:23 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
08:24 tenplus1 ahh, found a large one :D nice
08:24 tenplus1 just as the music kicked in...... ominous :PP
08:24 Raven262 Hope its not bamboo biome
08:24 tenplus1 no no, large crystal biome :D
08:24 Raven262 Ah :D
08:24 paramat ok
08:26 tenplus1 still weird that the jungle appears next to a snow biome
08:26 paramat the villages modpack may include a 'highland pools' type mod
08:27 Raven262 Nice that nothing is wrong with the mapgen then
08:27 tenplus1 I may need to squeeze a bimoe inbetween jungle and glacier
08:27 tenplus1 something aint right
08:28 paramat hehe
08:29 tenplus1 219 high bahemoth mountain
08:30 paramat do you have a forum link to the modpack?
08:30 tenplus1 villages ? isnt that in
08:31 paramat the modpack Raven was using
08:31 paramat just want to see what mods are included
08:32 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
08:33 tenplus1 crap, healing tree's arent being placed on map
08:34 tenplus1 paramat:;t=13589&amp;hilit=villages+modpack
08:35 paramat thanks
08:37 Raven262 Yea that is the one.
08:37 paramat ok i don't see it but my highland pools mod is probably incuded in there somewhere, which is indeed buggy
08:38 tenplus1 kill it with fire
08:44 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
08:56 tenplus1 back later
08:56 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
08:57 lisac joined #minetest-hub
09:04 paramat ok tested speed of carpathian, no slower than mgv7, about 100ms per chunk
09:07 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
09:14 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
09:40 JordachL mow
09:40 JordachL meow
09:40 Raven262 MOW!
09:41 JordachL what the actual fuck
09:41 JordachL i was making food at my microwave and the wifi didn't cut out one bie
09:41 JordachL bit
09:41 JordachL yes, this surface was beside it
09:42 Raven262 Your microwave disrupts you wifi?
09:42 Raven262 *your
09:42 JordachL they sometimes do, but most now have shielding for the 2.4ghz bands
09:42 Raven262 Mine never cut my wifi so i guess mine has that kinda shielding
09:43 Raven262 Wait, that means i can disrupt other people's wifi using microwaves? NIce.
09:43 JordachL probably because of new FCC regulations related to
09:44 Raven262 xD
09:44 JordachL i think i know why the wifi specifically potatos on this machine
09:45 JordachL it's the 5ghz band causing issues'
09:45 JordachL the thing is, the main Asus router emits 5G and 2.4G
09:46 JordachL and this wants to use 5G mostly
09:46 Raven262 Can't you connect via LAN? Makes stuff easier
09:46 JordachL no ethernet option downstairs
09:46 Raven262 I mean, look at my room, it might be full of cables but everything works.
09:47 Raven262 Ah
09:47 Raven262 I would never play games over wifi though
09:47 Raven262 Its too inconvenient
09:48 JordachL i use my desktop for games
09:48 JordachL in home streaming with a bluetoom xb controller if needed
09:49 Raven262 Nice
09:50 Raven262 I only have a desktop, since i can use it for almost everything, so i have no need for tablet or a phone.
09:51 JordachL Raven262,
09:51 JordachL there's two networks with that name, i'm assuming that might be the cause
09:52 Raven262 I wonder how did you manage that :P
09:52 JordachL it's a dualband router
09:52 JordachL both 5ghz and 2.4ghz
09:52 Raven262 There are three
09:53 Raven262 and its not the only one of which there are three
09:53 JordachL Raven262, my phone and tablet are android based and do the same thing
09:53 JordachL even the linux laptop does it
10:09 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
10:10 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
10:10 tenplus1 hi folks
10:17 Raven262 Hello tenplus1
10:17 tenplus1 heyas
10:17 Raven262 That is, wb tenplus1
10:18 tenplus1 ehe, I has foody now :D
10:20 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
10:20 tenplus1 am watching a Vice show on the sisterhood festival in columbia :P
10:20 tenplus1 hi DS
10:20 DS-minetest hi tenplus1
10:25 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
10:26 tenplus1 hi ruben
10:40 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
10:40 tenplus1 wb Jordach
10:58 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:59 lisac joined #minetest-hub
11:01 tenplus1 hif ixer, hi lisac
11:35 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
11:35 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
11:39 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
11:50 JordachL_ joined #minetest-hub
11:52 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
11:59 Fixer hi
12:00 tenplus1 o/
12:01 lisac joined #minetest-hub
12:13 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
12:27 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
12:28 tenplus1 hi RobbieF
12:30 RobbieF Hi tenplus1! how are you today?
12:30 tenplus1 not too shabby... you /
12:32 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
12:32 tenplus1 got a question for ya, who do you think will win: Intel Core i9 or AMD Ryzen Threadripper CPU's ???
12:39 JordachL_ joined #minetest-hub
12:53 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
12:58 tenplus1 hi nrz
13:01 nerzhul hi
13:07 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
13:23 Fixer *,...,*
13:31 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
13:40 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
13:58 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
14:06 Fixer f-ing firefox
14:08 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
14:10 KaadmY ^
14:14 IhrFussel Hi^^ ... my connection seems to be stable now since my ISP replaced my router box ... maybe it was a hardware problem after all
14:14 Fixer IhrFussel: nobody cares, move along :D
14:15 paramat joined #minetest-hub
14:15 IhrFussel It's just funny how my ISP told me a week ago "Your router is perfectly fine we see no internal issues"
14:16 IhrFussel And I still wonder how they can even KNOW how healthy my router is without taking it apart
14:17 KaadmY Supper sekrit NSA bakdorz
14:18 IhrFussel They told me they can connect to my router and literally see if there's something wrong...but I don't think you can detect a hardware problem via software
14:19 KaadmY They probably have diagnostics
14:19 KaadmY Plus you could just run a speedtest to see if it's working
14:20 KaadmY Depends on the actual issue though
14:20 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
14:22 IhrFussel They didn't test the connection or speed...they said they are able to see if the router is working properly and I wonder how...I mean yes it is THEIR router so they likely implemented some kind of diagnostic tools into it and made it accessible ... but can you really tell a computer to write down ANY kind of hardware problems?
14:48 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
14:48 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
14:54 JordachL_ joined #minetest-hub
15:03 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
15:13 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
15:13 tenplus1
15:15 octacian__ joined #minetest-hub
15:17 octacian joined #minetest-hub
15:17 ThomasMonroe hehe
15:17 tenplus1 wb octacian, hi Thomas
15:17 ThomasMonroe thats actually funny
15:17 ThomasMonroe hi ten
15:17 tenplus1 :pPpP
15:17 ThomasMonroe XDP
15:18 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
15:18 tenplus1 hu tumeninodes
15:19 tenplus1 *hi
15:19 tumeninodes hu tenplus1 :P
15:19 tenplus1 lol
15:21 tumeninodes hey, there was (or is a PR) to change desert cobble texture..., is it considered ok to add other texture ideas to someone else's PR?
15:22 tenplus1 you can attach an alternative, yes...  but tbh I like current texture :PP
15:23 tumeninodes Hold on, let me upload these ex to a host site (which works best here?)
15:24 tenplus1 but... you never know, a texture might appear that's better still :DD
15:26 paramat you can drag images into the github posts, many do that to add a 16x16px texture to a post
15:26 paramat and yes that's ok
15:27 tenplus1 hi para:P
15:27 tumeninodes er, these are a bit bigger example, comparison type images. and hi paramat...
15:30 Sokomine i don't like changes of textures. adding new blocks is fine, but changing existing textures usually is not. i build my structures with the existing textures as found on the server. if the texture changes my creation is modified against my will. it's almost like griefing
15:30 Sokomine but then, some few texture changes are good...
15:31 tumeninodes I can fully understand and relate to that
15:32 Sokomine it's diffrent if a player chooses to play with a texture pack. that's the player's choice then. but changes to mtg's textures are...critical most of the time. unless it's something rarely used in buildings
15:32 tenplus1 true
15:32 tenplus1 am still miffed that Nyan was removed :P
15:34 tumeninodes awwww get over it :P
15:34 tenplus1 lol
15:34 tenplus1 I did... with Nyan Redo :DDDD
15:34 tumeninodes ha
15:34 tenplus1 it has the pup included as well
15:35 Sokomine :-) good
15:35 tenplus1 and MooGnu has it's own mod :D
15:36 ThomasMonroe who likes to program in c++ here?
15:37 tumeninodes these are uuuge! hope irc accepts.
15:38 tenplus1 actual desert stone
15:38 tumeninodes doh, hit enter before I added the 2d. the one on far right is done with a layer so can be faded to taste. but I need to redo as I closed out without saving the xfc :P
15:44 tumeninodes I love desert photos. Never been to one, but love the imagery.
15:47 tumeninodes file:///home/paul/Downloads/default_desert_cobble-2.png
15:47 tumeninodes file:///home/paul/Downloads/default_desert_cobble_3.png
15:47 tumeninodes file:///home/paul/Downloads/default_desert_cobble_4.png
15:47 Lupercus joined #minetest-hub
15:47 tenplus1
15:48 Fixer
15:48 tumeninodes well those didnt work :P I thought drag n drop worked here?
15:49 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
15:49 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
15:49 KaadmY Hehe
15:50 tenplus1 hi KaadmY
15:50 KaadmY Yo tenplus1
15:50 tumeninodes hi Kaadmy. Well, now you all know my computer's name...
15:50 KaadmY :P
15:51 KaadmY Fun fact: if you have a WM binding to toggle between two window sizes (windows and fullscreen for me) some nodes and objects randomly don't draw in Minetest
15:52 tenplus1 strange
15:52 KaadmY Well and if you hold that binding down
15:54 ThomasMonroe tenplus1 do you do any c++ programming of your own?
15:54 tenplus1  dawww, tiny Danger Noodle
15:54 tenplus1 I only tinker thomas, the line_of_sight change pull took me a week to figure out... hah
15:55 KaadmY Trying to get good shader lighting in Minetest
15:55 ThomasMonroe lol
15:55 KaadmY Ie. directional lighting on all models
15:55 KaadmY Including the world
15:55 KaadmY It's almost working..
15:56 tumeninodes ooooo... Kaadmy does shaders? nice
15:56 tenplus1 ooh, sounds good... what kinda performance drop ?
15:56 KaadmY tumeninodes: yea
15:56 KaadmY tenplus1: no performance drop
15:56 KaadmY That I'm noticing at least
15:57 KaadmY On a potato laptop
15:57 Lupercus left #minetest-hub
15:57 tenplus1 :)) add pull when it's all working :D would love to see that inengine
15:57 tumeninodes lotta work
15:57 tenplus1 i can imagine
15:57 KaadmY It's like 20 lines actually
15:58 KaadmY For world geometry at least
15:58 KaadmY Models will be a bit harder
15:58 KaadmY Since I'll have to get nearby light sources and adjust for that
15:58 KaadmY BTW models don't use shaders, at all
15:58 paramat Sokomine how about desert cobble just having mortar recoloured to dark red instead of pink?
15:58 tumeninodes paramat, that is what I was doing last night
15:59 tenplus1 broken desert stone irl has a white/light chalky dust when broken.. current texture is accurate
15:59 tumeninodes thpltpltpltplt
15:59 ThomasMonroe paramat, does the desert cobble texture line up with the cobble one?
16:00 paramat well that's meant to be mortar i think not dust
16:00 tumeninodes current texture is .... pink
16:00 KaadmY *LIGHT RED
16:00 tenplus1 lol, light is good
16:00 tumeninodes :P well, it could do with some darkening
16:01 KaadmY Hm now I have a problem
16:01 KaadmY Outdoors, torches actually darken stuff
16:01 paramat it doesn't line up
16:01 tumeninodes even if just a bit...
16:01 tenplus1 pink mortar
16:02 tenplus1 light mortar
16:02 VanessaE get your eyes fixed, tenplus1.  that's amber colored :)
16:02 tumeninodes Kaadmy, as long as you don't see red.. you're on the right track :D
16:02 tenplus1 heh, hi Vanessa
16:02 tumeninodes hi Vanessa
16:02 VanessaE also hi :)
16:02 tenplus1
16:03 tenplus1 in other words, the current texture is good.. leave changes for texture packs
16:03 tumeninodes is looking for shiny things to distract tenplus1
16:03 tenplus1 lol
16:03 KaadmY tumeninodes: I can make everything neon red if you'd like
16:03 VanessaE heh
16:04 tenplus1 I got no end of complaints when snow texture was changed, had to go back to the old one to keep players happy
16:04 tumeninodes Kaadmy: I meant regarding shaders
16:04 tenplus1 so much is built on servers atm with current textures
16:04 VanessaE tumeninodes: if it's wanted, I could make a PR for that "extra material" revision on the stairs after your code goes in
16:04 KaadmY tumeninodes: yes
16:04 KaadmY BTW if shaders are red, that means you're using D3D
16:04 KaadmY Which I can't use because Linux
16:05 KaadmY The closest I can do is intentionally making everything red
16:05 tumeninodes it means you done fucked up
16:05 KaadmY :P
16:05 KaadmY Actually if you f**k up everything loses transparency for me
16:05 tumeninodes Vanessa, that sounds good
16:05 KaadmY If the shaders don't compile
16:05 KaadmY This is what happens if I completely disable all shading on everything
16:06 KaadmY And this happens when I'm bored
16:06 tenplus1 ooh
16:06 KaadmY How slow is g_settings->getBool?
16:06 KaadmY Or is there a better global way of seeing of shaders are enabled
16:07 tumeninodes I actually like the 2d pic... I got there once :P
16:07 KaadmY :P
16:07 tumeninodes my water was red though
16:08 tumeninodes have to go afk for a few
16:08 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
16:08 tenplus1 hi red
16:08 KaadmY Hm
16:09 KaadmY For basically every face in the world, I'm checking `g_settings->getBool("enable_shaders")`
16:09 KaadmY And I don't see a performance drop
16:09 tenplus1 wont it be cached on load anyhow ?
16:09 KaadmY Yeah
16:10 KaadmY But you can't toggle shaders while a map's loaded IIRC
16:10 KaadmY Haha you can
16:10 KaadmY Looks creepy when parts of the map have no lighting
16:11 KaadmY
16:12 Calinou hi
16:12 tenplus1 hi cal
16:12 Calinou tenplus1: for what it's worth, the Intel Core i9 is a joke, lol
16:12 Fixer ih
16:13 Fixer Calinou: buy it
16:13 tenplus1 agree'd...  checked reviews and tech specs... it's quite unstable
16:13 tenplus1 the new AMD is much bette
16:15 Fixer C O M P I L E __ T I M E
16:16 paramat KaadmY a setting should be cached in a variable, shaders are not toggled in-game so a cache is fine, or use a 'const' variable
16:16 KaadmY Yeah doing that
16:21 lisac joined #minetest-hub
16:21 KaadmY Is there a global structure for state storage?
16:33 Sokomine KaadmY: if i don't update lighting in mg_villages quite a lot of them end up in shadow
16:46 Calinou
16:46 Calinou rip in pepperoni
16:59 IhrFussel left #minetest-hub
17:05 Krock joined #minetest-hub
17:05 Krock hi tenplus1
17:06 tenplus1 hi Krock
17:06 * tenplus1 is trying to redeem steam codes on steam's own website...  cant seem to do it without actual program... pah!
17:09 Krock
17:09 KaadmY tenplus1: FYI Steam gift cards need a street address still
17:10 tenplus1 I got a bundle stars pack a whlie back and forgot to add games to steam account, need to isntall steam to do that
17:18 RobbieF sorry tenplus1 - I lose chats if people don't say 'RobbieF' -- get so busy at work.
17:18 RobbieF Definitely intel
17:18 tenplus1 ehehe
17:19 RobbieF Especially when you consider Macs are Intel now
17:19 RobbieF so they have both the PC and Mac market
17:20 tenplus1 was reading tech specs, they kinda released the Intel i9 too soon as it has stability issues
17:24 RobbieF uh oh
17:24 RobbieF hadn't heard that
17:25 RobbieF PS - VR videos are up!
17:25 tenplus1 yeah, watched the VR one earlier... did you get the see the youtube link I sent ?
17:25 RobbieF nope
17:25 RobbieF does it need sound?
17:25 tenplus1 you can mute, it's the visual aspect that's amazing...
17:26 tenplus1 a brand new 3d engine
17:27 tenplus1 but is worth a watch with sound :D
17:34 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
17:35 tenplus1 wb Jordach
17:48 lisac joined #minetest-hub
17:55 lisac joined #minetest-hub
17:59 tumeninodes Hi everyone
17:59 tenplus1 wb
17:59 tumeninodes Man you're quick :P
17:59 tenplus1 :P
18:00 tumeninodes VanessaE: I think stairs texturing is going to need a revamp going into 0.5.0
18:01 tenplus1 how so ?
18:01 tumeninodes just using a static, single texture is always going to look odd
18:02 tenplus1 does minecraft use a wrap-around texture for stairs ?
18:03 tumeninodes idk, I have never used it, only have watched my kid play but never actually "looked" at them
18:03 tumeninodes I do know MC using a far more sophisticated placement system
18:04 tumeninodes it can decipher inner or outer corner stair based in the angle of normal stairs on each side
18:06 Krock octacian, the links in are down - do you still have a copy of the mod? Someone demanded it in #minetest
18:06 tumeninodes using a single texture is a 50/50 crapshoot with MTG
18:06 Shara Hello all
18:06 tenplus1 hi shara
18:06 Shara Hi 11
18:06 tumeninodes Hi Shara, hi Krock
18:06 Shara Hi tumeninodes
18:06 Krock hi tumeninodes, Shara
18:06 * Krock tries to write "tsunaminodes"
18:06 tumeninodes Hi Johnboy
18:07 tumeninodes haha
18:07 * Shara offers Krock a doughnut.
18:07 Shara Ten can't have any, because he ran off with all of them the other day. :)
18:07 * Krock noms and thanks
18:07 tumeninodes I like that actually... hmmm, another name change? (contemplating)
18:07 tenplus1 k, I checked minecraft texture pack and only slabs have an alternative texture for top/side...  so stairs must make use of the current textures... so if we find out how they do that we could possibly apply
18:07 Natechip joined #minetest-hub
18:08 Krock tumeninodes, it's not the community that decides over your nick. Find your best matching :) tumeninodes is good as well
18:08 tumeninodes can only have 1 because "the diabetes"
18:08 tumeninodes Krock, well, I changed from "the GreatOne" early on
18:09 Krock with space in the middle? wow, nice hack, bro ;)
18:09 tumeninodes :P
18:10 tumeninodes it's all about spaces
18:11 paramat textures for stairs is ok and the inner/outer stairs look ok, that issue i posted may be fixable in the model
18:11 tumeninodes I had just watched a Jackie Gleason movie before first opening an acct
18:12 tumeninodes paramat: I just tried the new model, the riser is off and the top with inner stair
18:12 tumeninodes fixable will be via uvmap layouts, which means no more wrap around
18:19 paramat will test
18:22 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
18:22 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
18:24 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
18:24 tenplus1 hi nrz
18:24 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
18:24 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
18:25 paramat yeah it was wrong but we now have the correct one
18:28 tumeninodes yes, the latest looks very nice. But please see my comment... I honestly feel going into 0.5.0 some serious considerations/choices should be made, but it is just my opinion. 0.5.0 is the opportunity to do many things the right way
18:28 tumeninodes this current solution could be kept for 0.4.xx compat
18:31 paramat this is good for merge once updated
18:32 tumeninodes :)
18:33 paramat i'll try out various materials to see if any look bad
18:34 tumeninodes my concern about other TPs, is irrelevent actually, as the focus should be about how it all looks in default settings
18:34 KaadmY Has anybody considered a fog API for modding?
18:35 KaadmY It would be really helpful for weather effects like heavy rain or snow
18:35 paramat ok, i expect what looks best (the fixed model) for our default texture pack will look best for other TPs too
18:35 paramat fog API would be good
18:36 KaadmY The only problem I can think of for a fog API is that it'd have to also use the client's fog
18:36 KaadmY So it'd have to be a multiplier < 1
18:36 KaadmY Even that isn't really sufficient
18:36 KaadmY Since if the client has really far fog or even disabled fog it wouldn't work
18:39 tenplus1 an api to set fog distance and colour would be great for potions of darkness/sight loss etc
18:39 tenplus1 also multi layered dimensions :DD
18:39 KaadmY ^ above issues though
18:39 KaadmY What if the client disables fog?
18:39 KaadmY Or makes the fog distance really far so it's useless?
18:40 tenplus1 so long as it GETS fog distance before changing and returns back to it's old value after...
18:43 KaadmY Well the fog should always be <= the client's setting
18:43 KaadmY So every client will have different fog
18:44 tenplus1 if a mod changed fog setting and distance it has to remember it's original status... so long as it goes back to that after change it's fine
18:45 tenplus1 this would make me enable fog since it has a good use
18:47 Natechip joined #minetest-hub
18:50 tenplus1 tumeninodes: will this help, minecraft stair definition/textures:
18:53 paramat i can't see issues, clouds are clientside too but now have an API
18:54 KaadmY But fog is also tied to viewing range or it would look strange
18:55 paramat ahh
18:57 KaadmY Schematics and decorations should also have a "replace" mode
18:57 KaadmY So they'll only place nodes if the node's space is already occupied
18:57 KaadmY Like dungeons
18:57 paramat i think the modder will just have to keep that in mind when setting fog
18:58 KaadmY Should it be a thing like get_fog/set_fog?
18:58 tumeninodes tenplus1: thanks. haha MC has a similar issue (from that page) "Custom Stuff will give an error when you use metadata values, so you cannot, for example, make the stairs texture chang depending on its facing."
18:58 KaadmY And get_fog returns the client's settings?
18:58 tenplus1 they have an outer stair for left and right sides, and an inner stair for left and right sides.. that's why they look better cause it registers twice the amount
18:59 tumeninodes ...tumeninodes :P
19:00 tumeninodes updating branch,,, Grrrr, what is Travis' problem >:(
19:02 Krock click on the red cross/orange bullet to get the logs
19:03 tumeninodes tenplus1, That is what I did with angled stairs, it fixes the issue somewhat, but adds much to inventory. I imagine MC has those extras not set to show in inv, same as MTG does for the 5 various heights of grass and dry grass
19:03 Krock sometimes it's just our code style check bot "LINT" who complains about some nonsense changes
19:04 tenplus1 mc only has 1 stair in inventory, they auto join depending on placement
19:04 tumeninodes Thanks Krock. yeh, I think it's just running slow right now? "Hang tight, the log cannot be shown until the build has started."
19:04 Hijiri tumeninodes: would you say it adds too many nodes?
19:05 tumeninodes HiHijiri (see what I did)? and YES, that's what I'm sayin' I mean, Im not sayin'... Im just sayin'
19:06 tumeninodes it adds "tsunaminodes"
19:07 Krock tumeninodes, this means it's in the queue. You can look at all pending builds in a some kind of overview page to see when yours is going to start
19:08 tumeninodes sigh... "Travis was always a very slow child..." (the Travis documentary)
19:09 tumeninodes Krock, can't someone write a script to cut into the queue? :P
19:10 tumeninodes afk
19:12 Krock either access violation (segfault) or access denied
19:14 paramat checks passed :]
19:17 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
19:17 tenplus1 hi DI3HARD139
19:18 DI3HARD139 Hello
19:28 octacian Krock: Yes, I do still have a copy of the mod. Maybe. Depends on if I get can server-side git directory to restore properly
19:29 octacian If all else fails, I'll just rewrite it. That was one of my first mods, so IMO the code wasn't the best
19:29 octacian Krock: Who asked?
19:31 octacian Krock: Ah, found the person. Thanks for forwarding the request to me :D
19:33 tumeninodes tenplus1: "mc only has 1 stair in inventory, they auto join depending on placement" Yep, this would be great to see if it could be added to MT as well, placement prediction.
19:34 tenplus1 yeah... pain in the butt though :P hehe... I kinda like stairs redo as-is...
19:35 tumeninodes paramat: "checks passed" :D yeehaa. When you do add the new placement, what are the chances of attempting a predictive placement function? just asking
19:35 tumeninodes I like stairs redo as well, it's pretty crafty the way you set it up
19:36 paramat it was suggested, but i'm not keen because it would place in ways you don't want it to when building creatively. better (and simpler) to just place according to diagonal view direction as with most MT nodes
19:37 tenplus1 yeah...  stairs redo lets me place quite easily by clicking on floor/side/ceiling or holding sneak... all angles detected
19:37 tumeninodes paramat, ok, I'm good with that, as I am mostly a creative builder anyway
19:39 tenplus1 did you see the screenshot I pasted earlier ?
19:39 tumeninodes the only thing that can get me at times is upright slabs when placing a whole bunch, quickly :P
19:40 tenplus1
19:40 tumeninodes tenplus1, I probably did but with my memory issues I forget :(
19:41 tumeninodes oh yes, I did see that... beautiful build
19:41 tenplus1 that's using stairs/corners/slopes...  was nicely done :D
19:41 tumeninodes nice colors and style
19:42 tenplus1 louie is indeed a good builder, as is skrote and a few other players :D
19:42 tumeninodes some of the things I see people build are breathtaking... PEAK for one, especially
19:42 tenplus1 we had someone re-create the shakespear theatre... so detailed
19:43 tumeninodes I would love to see that!
19:44 tumeninodes I have rebuilt a castle which is roughly 300+ x 300+ nodes diameter, etc.. about 5 times now, and never finished because I am still tinkering with a mapgen that is just right for it before I try again
19:44 tenplus1 I think it's on the white path from spawn
19:44 tenplus1 next to a huge desertstone and purple stained wood castle
19:45 tumeninodes I'm going to have to check that out. To date, I still have not once gone onto any server :P
19:45 tenplus1 sometimes a day trip on someone else's server is a good thing, it gived you ideas and lets you chill
19:46 Shara I love exploring servers for nice builds
19:46 tumeninodes the biggest thing which has held me back is.... "kids"
19:46 KaadmY
19:46 Shara You can get good ideas for mods to experiment with or improve on as well
19:47 tenplus1 setup an account for the kids and wander as a family :) day trip :D
19:47 tumeninodes Kaadmy turned off text shaders? :P
19:47 Shara Yup, lots of servers are family friendly
19:47 Shara I've had a few parent with kids groups on mine
19:47 tumeninodes oh I didn't mean my kids... I meant dealing with the PSI kids on servers haha
19:48 tumeninodes PSI = Parental Supervision Impaired
19:48 Shara Oh, just make sure it's well moderated servers
19:48 tenplus1 lol
19:48 tumeninodes I'm gonna make it a "thing" and get govt funding to study it :D
19:48 KaadmY tumeninodes: :P
19:48 KaadmY
19:48 KaadmY You can type spaces in IRC
19:49 tumeninodes I really think I will actually give in and visit a couple servers this weekend
19:49 Shara You're very welcome to look at RedCat if you like creative :P
19:49 tenplus1 ooh, do the library maze :DDD
19:50 Shara Hehehe... now now 11, I don't want to scare new players away that quick :P
19:50 tumeninodes I've seen some RedCat shots and Xanadu and LazyJ's looks cool too.., so many
19:50 Shara Two winners to date... in a good bit over a year now.
19:50 Shara That maze murders people.
19:51 tenplus1 yep, your will to live is sapped :PPP
19:51 KaadmY tumeninodes: if you want to try experimental survival, Pixture :P
19:51 Shara tumeninodes: :)
19:51 tumeninodes oh... just like in RL? :P
19:51 tumeninodes Kaadmy: I will visit all of these
19:52 Shara I'm so bad at updating the screeshots there.
19:53 KaadmY Actually there's no Pixture servers up right now
19:53 KaadmY Calinou's hosting one but it's not listed yet
19:53 tumeninodes 8 o so many awesome looking builds! my eyes are boggling
19:53 tenplus1 so many servers now... the list has exploded
19:53 Shara Only so many really active ones though
19:53 tenplus1 true... I dare say many personal one's
19:54 tumeninodes eventually I will get goffy and go troll some kids haha
19:54 tenplus1 mwhehehe
19:54 Shara And very few active Creative servers
19:54 tumeninodes *goofy
19:54 tenplus1 sigh on as "SkyDoesMinecraft" ;PPPP
19:54 tenplus1 *sign
19:55 tumeninodes ha
19:56 tenplus1 converting books to transfer to kindle :PP  Calibre is a damn good tool
19:56 tumeninodes I have been thinking about Exploding Chests for a while
19:57 tenplus1 ooh, the mc like mobs should have the mimic mob we can skin to look like minetest chests and have it attack player DD
19:57 tumeninodes I just saw that on YawCraft haha Love those guys
19:58 tumeninodes would be so cool to get people together to create a quick game map and ask them to try it
19:58 ThomasMonroe lol
19:59 tumeninodes the idea I have for chest is like chance-chests. If it has good stuff inside, it opens with a "tada" sound, if not it makes a "wah wah wahhhh" then explodes and kills you :P
19:59 tumeninodes Hi Thomas
20:00 tenplus1 heh, sounds like lucky blocks mod :DDD
20:00 Shara Pet mimics as house guards would be fun
20:01 tenplus1 yeah... someone wrote a guard mod as well
20:01 tumeninodes there are two, aren't there? One build off of the original
20:02 tenplus1 which mod is this ?
20:02 tumeninodes the guards jump pretty dang high though when following up an incline
20:02 tenplus1 heh
20:03 tumeninodes;t=17483&amp;hilit=guards
20:03 tumeninodes I have tested with the 2d version
20:04 tenplus1 ah yes, that one looks good
20:04 tenplus1 in Xanadu we tame wolves into dogs that follow us around and protect player from harm, same with npc and Igors (halloween special mob)
20:04 tumeninodes it's fun. but, if they are following you up a hill, they launch like superman
20:05 tumeninodes I want an owl
20:06 tenplus1 heh
20:06 tenplus1 nite all :P
20:06 tenplus1 o/
20:06 tumeninodes nite
20:06 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:07 tumeninodes I need to go feed my diabetes :P ttyl everyone
20:07 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
20:11 lisac Calinou, Wanna play Quake 3?
20:14 Raven262 Yea, Calinou, we are a bunch of Quake3 noobs and wanna play :D
20:15 lisac |tell everyone Hi
20:15 lisac !tell
20:15 ShadowBot lisac: tell <nick1[,nick2[,...]]> <text>
20:15 lisac !tell everyone Hi
20:15 ShadowBot lisac: O.K.
20:15 lisac wow
20:15 lisac oh everyone is a nick
20:15 Raven262 xD
20:15 lisac !tell * Hi
20:15 ShadowBot lisac: O.K.
20:15 lisac wow
20:15 lisac :P
20:15 lisac Hi lisac.
20:15 Raven262 I believe * is red's nick
20:16 lisac possibly
20:29 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
20:40 Fixer hi
20:44 Sokomine hi fixer
20:45 KaadmY hi
20:53 KaadmY WTH
20:54 KaadmY I tried copying 2 different specular implementations off the internet
20:54 KaadmY They both act the same as mine
21:03 Fixer t e s t i n g   s t a i r s
21:03 paramat joined #minetest-hub
21:07 Shara Have to love when a new player shows up and makes something interesting:
21:07 Raven262 Nice build.
21:08 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
21:08 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
21:08 Sokomine Shara: very nice build. ought to be day to see it in full
21:09 Shara I didn't take the screenshot myself.
21:09 Shara But it's by a player I never came across before, so really happy to see something so creative :)
21:09 CWz joined #minetest-hub
21:10 Calinou lisac: Raven262: maybe
21:10 Calinou I have a server
21:10 Calinou (not on the list)
21:11 Calinou /connect
21:13 Raven262 Okay Calinou, i'll check it out
21:13 red-001 dunno why I just tried to connect to that using my IRC client
21:17 Raven262 xD
21:23 Fixer It is time
21:23 Fixer Calinou: enjoying MC beta 1.7.3
21:24 Fixer i feel like MTG can move in this direction, it is not overcomplicated, just add mobs, ambience, weather and simple automation, more interactivity - voila
21:24 Fixer basicly things described in nore issue for MTG direction
21:27 KaadmY Hehe
21:30 Sokomine Shara: a new good buildier is always a very welcomed sight :-)
21:31 Fixer Sokomine: square cobble housing intensifies*
21:31 sc3k joined #minetest-hub
21:34 Fixer carpathian mapgen has altitude chill or not?
21:40 KaadmY ^ That sounds neat
21:46 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
21:50 paramat no altitude chill
21:54 Calinou Raven262, lisac, you guys both timed out it seems
21:54 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
21:55 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
21:55 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
21:55 Megaf_ Hi all
21:55 Megaf_ Im back home!
21:55 bigfoot547 Hi Megaf_
21:55 Megaf_ After nearly 3 years away from my family and my computer
21:55 Megaf_ so good to be using my old workstation again :)
21:56 KaadmY WB Megaf_ ;)
21:56 Fixer mmmm, carpathian, very tall mountains - my dream comes true
21:56 Megaf_ Just add to add this channel to my old XChat channel list
21:57 Megaf_ Fixer, link
21:57 Fixer Megaf_: it is ingame already
21:57 Megaf_ Now, I have absolutely no idea where Megaf nick is connected from
21:57 Fixer i've seen as high as 400
21:57 Megaf_ Fixer, Oh my
21:58 Megaf_ !server Megaf
21:58 ShadowBot Megaf_: server [--{name,address,ip,players,ping,port} <value>]
21:58 Megaf_ we still dont have that command here
21:58 Fixer hold on
21:58 Megaf_ my server was migrated from Xen to KVM
21:59 Fixer nevermind
21:59 Megaf_ uat?
21:59 Megaf_ what
22:00 Megaf_ meh, I had forgotten how painfully slow HDs are
22:02 Fixer paramat: tin st/slab will not conflict, i've actually tested it with inner/outer stairs PR and it worked
22:02 Fixer
22:03 Fixer carpathian with clouds at 40
22:03 Fixer for dramatic look
22:03 Calinou also, I made a dank quotememe on a Discord server:
22:03 Calinou
22:04 Calinou lol, "quotememe", wanted to remove "meme"
22:04 Calinou :D
22:04 KaadmY Aw come ON
22:04 KaadmY If you do /giveme default:stone 10000 it splits it up into stacks now
22:05 Megaf_ KaadmY, Thats terrible
22:05 Fixer look at this
22:05 Megaf_ KaadmY, do you have github?
22:06 Megaf_ Fixer, totally unrealistic (This is bad)
22:06 Fixer Megaf_: totally realistic here
22:06 KaadmY Megaf_: yep
22:07 Fixer even Brasil has those kinds of mountains
22:07 Megaf_ KaadmY, open issue, describe how behaviour was, how it is, and how you thing is the ideal one. You will have my support and commend on that issue
22:07 KaadmY Megaf_: it's intentional I bet
22:07 Megaf_ yep
22:07 Calinou KaadmY: btw, /giveme default:stone -1
22:07 Calinou gives you 65535 cobble
22:07 Calinou thanks integer overflow! :D
22:07 KaadmY LOL
22:07 Calinou stone, not cobble, here
22:07 KaadmY Nope
22:07 KaadmY Doesn't work
22:07 Calinou it used to work
22:08 Megaf_ Calinou, report bug
22:08 Calinou that was really handy
22:08 KaadmY It just adds a partial stack now and limits it
22:08 * Megaf_ using his old 40" FullHD monitor
22:08 * Megaf_ is happy
22:08 Megaf_ I dont want to come back to my life in Ireland
22:11 paramat carpathian mountain up to 500
22:11 KaadmY :O
22:12 KaadmY :OO
22:12 KaadmY :OOO
22:12 Fixer paramat: seeeeed
22:12 paramat didn't take long to find that so higher is possible
22:13 paramat not sure i have the seed
22:14 Fixer i've very complex one up to 400 iirc, it was very big and nice
22:14 Fixer huuge
22:14 Fixer not just spiked
22:14 Fixer but huuuge complex
22:15 KaadmY MGv5 probably has the most fantasy mountains
22:16 Megaf_ paramat, that looks like a Disney castle
22:17 Megaf_ with a hot air balloon in the back even
22:17 Megaf_ terrible man
22:19 Fixer KaadmY: it is not fanstasy, more like mountaineous
22:19 paramat ok got seed and co-ords
22:19 Fixer nice
22:19 Fixer lets see how fast i can climb it
22:21 paramat
22:21 bigfoot547 What flags do I have on this channel with chanserv?
22:22 Fixer paramat: thanks
22:22 paramat turns out i did take a screenshot with seed and co-ords because i was so impressed
22:24 paramat oddly enough i called that world 'ass'
22:24 Fixer found it, height is 506
22:25 KaadmY :D
22:25 Fixer starting from nearby 0 now
22:25 bigfoot547 Anyone?
22:32 Megaf_ voice:
22:32 Megaf_ ?
22:32 Megaf_ that is +v
22:33 Fixer it has caves
22:33 bigfoot547 If you type /msg ChanServ flags #minetest-hub bigfoot547 it'd show you
22:33 bigfoot547 I'm trying to set up auto-voice on another channel
22:33 paramat yeah tunnels exist high up too
22:34 Fixer climbed
22:34 Fixer 9 minutes to climb
22:34 Fixer tried to do it without much pillaring
22:35 Fixer often bumping up by 1 block
22:36 Fixer view from top
22:38 Fixer view from starting position
22:38 Fixer another screen after cloud
22:39 Fixer
22:39 Fixer reminds me of Alps
22:41 Fixer
22:41 Fixer another world breaking ascent by Fixer
22:42 Fixer after Mountain Meru
22:42 Fixer in survival on multiplayer server
22:42 Calinou
22:42 Calinou
22:42 Calinou
22:42 Calinou
22:42 Calinou
22:42 Calinou I gave my old Godot games (Veraball and Platshoot) a run today, Veraball was made in November 2015, and Platshoot in January 2016
22:42 Calinou both over 1-2 weeks (not full-time)
22:43 Calinou I was studying at university during these times :P
22:43 Fixer nice
22:49 Fixer ghosting on my LCD
23:07 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
23:18 Fixer gn
23:21 bigfoot547 By Fixer

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