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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-06-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:19 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
00:43 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
00:55 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
01:06 lumidify_ joined #minetest-hub
01:36 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
01:39 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
01:50 octacian joined #minetest-hub
01:56 paramat left #minetest-hub
02:10 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
04:16 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
05:14 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
05:19 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
05:52 benrob0329 Gmod uses Lua, and its modders can do stuff like this:
06:21 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
06:22 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
06:34 CWz joined #minetest-hub
06:35 Bobr2 wb
07:02 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
07:08 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
08:25 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
08:44 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
08:54 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
08:56 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
09:02 octacian__ joined #minetest-hub
09:08 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
09:09 IhrFussel Hi guys, is it allowed to replace the world auth file with a modified one? Or will the engine complain?
09:10 IhrFussel IIRC I tried that ~ 2 years ago once and the engine suddenly started over with a completely new auth file instead of continuing the old one
09:12 sfan5 the engine won't even notice
09:14 IhrFussel sfan5, then I likely did something wrong in the past...but I should only modify it while the server is offline I'm guessing
09:14 sfan5 yes otherwise it will get overwritten
09:39 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
09:56 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
10:10 Calinou
10:10 Calinou Godot's new GPU-based 2D particles in action
10:10 Calinou there are 400,000 on this recording (note: recording ruins the framerate on this laptop, it's 60 FPS otherwise), on Intel graphics
10:10 Calinou 1,000,000 is reachable at around 30 FPS
10:23 rubenwardy wow nice
10:24 Jordach i'd love to see a PBR voxel engine
10:29 nerzhul lol
10:29 nerzhul i hope you have 4 graphic cards for that
10:31 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
10:54 Jordach you could improve voxel rendering by testing which faces are accessible to air and sunlight
10:54 Jordach and you only have to iterate over air, not the block
11:02 Jordach the underground / overhangs can follow the same pattern, minus the check for sunlight
11:02 Jordach any faces that aren't visible by camera are occluded
11:14 lisac joined #minetest-hub
11:16 Raven262 𓆣
11:17 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:23 Calinou
12:23 Calinou smoother particles demo, recorded on my desktop
12:23 Calinou 1 million particles at 300 FPS (in the GIF), 10 million particles at 35 FPS
12:26 Jordach Calinou, ~8.75m particles for solid 60FPS
12:27 Calinou yeah, but this means anyone with less than a GTX 1080 will get slowdowns... on a 2D game :)
12:27 Jordach d e l t a  t i m e
12:30 Jordach Calinou, put your GTX 1080 up for auction
12:30 Jordach the miner's would pay fucking tons for that
12:30 Jordach i'm considering sticking my reference RX 480 on
12:30 sfan5 etherum is a meme
12:30 Jordach then grabbing a 580 after they've moved on
12:30 sfan5 when is the next hard fork?
12:32 Jordach MineGeld2
12:32 Jordach rewarded for digging stones at deeper depths
12:44 Fixer Calinou: now do this in minetest
12:56 Jordach_ joined #minetest-hub
12:56 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
13:06 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
13:28 benrob0329 Calinou: #RewriteMinetestForGodot
13:32 nerzhul benrob0329, #doityourself
13:33 benrob0329 nerzhul: #WhenIhaveTheTime
13:33 benrob0329 Which is probably never, soo....
13:37 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
13:59 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
14:02 Fixer
14:47 ircSparky joined #minetest-hub
14:47 Bobr2 wb ircsparky
14:48 ircSparky joined #minetest-hub
14:48 ircSparky hi
14:48 Bobr2 hi
14:57 cheapie hi
15:03 Raven262 currently the top post on imgur:
15:11 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
15:22 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
15:31 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
15:33 Raven262 Hello red-001
15:33 Raven262 And welcome back
15:33 Raven262 YOu will be glad to hear that absolutely nothing has happened in your absence.
15:33 Raven262 As nothing is still happening.
15:36 Bobr2 lol
15:53 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
16:51 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
16:56 Fixer C&H about vaping, clouds and other was quite funny, correlated with some other stuff I've seen on twitter
17:00 * Megaf wont speak
17:12 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:14 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
17:23 Shara Hello all
17:28 Megaf Hey Shara
17:28 Shara Hello Roary one.
17:32 Raven262 Hello Shara
17:34 Shara Hell the Raven.
17:34 Shara Hello*
17:34 Shara (bad typo sorry)
17:35 Raven262 Hell its me xD
17:37 Shara Heh :D
17:59 Fixer *,...,*
17:59 Fixer i can feel the heat
18:07 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
18:21 Calinou
18:21 Calinou more features in Blender soon, with Cycles denoising and other things
18:24 RobbieF anyone able and willing to assist with some code crashing one of our servers?
18:24 Krock joined #minetest-hub
18:24 Krock o/ hello hub
18:25 RobbieF \o
18:25 Raven262 o/
18:27 Krock !tell tenplus1 Tested your builtin_item: The burn sound feels a bit too quiet but otherwise works nicely. No idea how to test the colorized nodes :3
18:27 ShadowBot Krock: O.K.
18:29 RobbieF anyone able to lend a hand with an issue crashing TPS-Domes? I *think* there was an update to mobs_redo that may be breaking things, but having trouble figuring it out.
18:30 red-001 whats the error?
18:31 RobbieF Undeclared global variable "check_for_death" accessed at ...
18:43 RobbieF red-001?  :D
19:17 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
19:17 tenplus1 hi folks
19:17 RobbieF tenplus1
19:17 RobbieF !!!
19:17 RobbieF yay
19:17 RobbieF hehe
19:17 tenplus1 hi robbie
19:17 RobbieF how you been?
19:17 tenplus1 good thx, you ?
19:18 RobbieF PS - I *hate* to be the guy who only says hi when he needs you, but today, I am that guy  :p
19:18 tenplus1 lol
19:18 RobbieF doing great, albeit really been busy and feeling a bit burnt out tbh
19:18 tenplus1 I hear ya
19:18 RobbieF tenplus1 there's something going bad with domes and I think it MIGHT be since the last mobs_redo update but can't be sure... just wondering if you can help me dig?
19:18 tenplus1 whats the issue?
19:19 RobbieF part of the burnout is that I'm having trouble getting my head around the code  :D
19:19 RobbieF Error message is: Undeclared global variable "check_for_death" accessed at ...
19:19 tenplus1 is it the slimes mod ?
19:19 RobbieF mobs is in depends.txt and loaded by my map
19:19 RobbieF no it's goblins
19:19 RobbieF but customized by Duane_r for loud walking
19:19 tenplus1 do you use the goblins code from github, nor your own ?
19:20 RobbieF neah, Duane mashed it up bad
19:20 RobbieF one sec...
19:21 RobbieF
19:21 RobbieF that is my repo, so feel free to pr  :D
19:21 RobbieF if it's something dumb that I'm missing, let me know...
19:21 RobbieF but it worked previously, obviously.
19:21 RobbieF now domes crashes with every player join
19:22 tenplus1 the check_for_death function should NEVER be called outside mobs api...
19:22 RobbieF This is where it is getting called:
19:23 RobbieF heh, well, I'd tell Duane, but he hasn't updated it in like 9 months!  :D
19:24 tenplus1 ?!?! he's overriding a lot of things in mobs and the api...  I dont like it
19:26 tenplus1 in the mobs.lua you can comment out line 64 completely... dont need it
19:27 tenplus1 that'll stop the error
19:30 tenplus1 RobbieF: you there?
19:35 tenplus1 o.O
19:36 RobbieF sorry
19:36 RobbieF just got pulled away for a moment - back
19:37 RobbieF yeah I tried that and it causes another error... will do now. brb
19:37 tenplus1 the mobs.lua file, line 64 that contains "check_for_death" can be commented out to fix
19:37 tenplus1 can you paste error
19:38 RobbieF yep
19:38 RobbieF just reloading now with that change. are you on your computer with MT?
19:38 tenplus1 yup
19:38 RobbieF k will reload and get you to connect quickly to make it crash with the new error
19:38 RobbieF thanks man
19:41 RobbieF okay it's up
19:41 RobbieF port 30008
19:43 Raven262 Hello tenplus1
19:43 tenplus1 lol, connected then said server being updated :) ahaha
19:43 tenplus1 hi raven
19:45 RobbieF line 200 of abms.lua TenPlus1
19:45 RobbieF same thing? Comment?
19:45 tenplus1 RobbieF: I keep getting the same error "access denied, server being updated"
19:46 tenplus1 comment that out as well
19:46 RobbieF k done
19:46 RobbieF try again
19:46 tenplus1 yup
19:46 RobbieF maybe I should grep for the function....
19:46 tenplus1 basically if duane wanted to use check_for_death function he should have copied it inside his own code...  it's not meant to be a global fuinction to use
19:46 RobbieF looks like those are the only two active instances
19:47 tenplus1 but... on the plus side, mobs api runs check_for_death internally every 1 second so it'll work anyhow
19:47 RobbieF how do I rework it to do as he desired?
19:47 RobbieF oh
19:47 RobbieF okay cool
19:47 RobbieF so no longer needed
19:47 RobbieF try connecting?
19:47 tenplus1 nope... I specifically add it in api to check for certain deaths, and failing that a generic death which will work for that modpack
19:48 tenplus1 lemmie know when server is back up
19:48 RobbieF it is
19:48 RobbieF (03:46:20 PM) RobbieF: k done
19:48 RobbieF (03:46:21 PM) RobbieF: try again
19:48 RobbieF (03:47:26 PM) RobbieF: try connecting?
19:49 RobbieF :p
19:49 RobbieF YOU MOVE TOO FAST!
19:49 RobbieF :p
19:49 tenplus1 am in
19:49 RobbieF PHEW
19:49 RobbieF thanks dude. that was easier than I expected.
19:50 RobbieF it's been down a while.
19:51 tenplus1 working fine now :D
19:51 RobbieF great! thanks man.
19:51 RobbieF So on to other things! Anything new?
19:51 tenplus1 hopefully duane will stop trying to hack mobs api
19:51 RobbieF ha
19:51 RobbieF to be fair, he did it long ago
19:51 RobbieF you've reworked a lot since then
19:51 tenplus1 my builtin_item mod was updated to make use of hardware coloured nodes
19:51 RobbieF great
19:52 tenplus1 added some new lucky blocks... fixed a few farming issues
19:52 RobbieF that's cool.
19:52 RobbieF i wish I had more time for this  :p
19:52 tenplus1 other than that nothing much, just working hard and chilling on days off :D
19:52 RobbieF I am working on the second season of my nature sounds show
19:52 tenplus1 *cough* waiting for new BaldNerd episode :P
19:52 RobbieF we are shooting the whole season in VR space
19:52 RobbieF I know!! me too. Can't wait
19:56 tenplus1 :P
19:57 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:00 CWz tenplus1, is there an option to disable mobs dropping bones in mobs_redo
20:01 tenplus1 ? mobs dont drop bones
20:01 tenplus1 any that do are a separate mod
20:02 CWz Oh so it was part of mt-Extreme subgame then
20:02 tenplus1 yeah :)
20:03 tenplus1 any mobs in the redo set dont drop bones but items depending on mob itself and where it's found :) we have no skeletons yet
20:04 tenplus1 you could register an alias to make the bones they drop into something else :D
20:13 lisac Hi ten+1
20:14 Raven262 no
20:14 tenplus1 hi lisac
20:14 Raven262 its 11-1
20:14 lisac no it's not, Raven.
20:14 lisac 11-1+1
20:14 lisac or just 11
20:14 Raven262 damn my math
20:14 tenplus1 :PPP
20:17 tenplus1 RobbieF: mob_horse mod on my git now has horseshoes added to give them a speed/jump boost :) forgot that one
20:17 RobbieF wow nice man, thanks
20:18 RobbieF I updated earlier today when trying to figure out what was going on with domes. Do I need to update again?
20:18 tenplus1 nah, if you updated mob_horse then you already have it
20:18 tenplus1 ounch horse with horseshoes to put them on, punch with another to replace (old one drops) and if horse dies it drops shoes it was wearing :D
20:19 tenplus1 we were hosting races on Xanadu watching the players try to beat each other with there prize specimen
20:21 tenplus1 also added mob suffocation by default so if they are trapped inside stone then they will slowly die :D
20:22 Fixer FINEST
20:22 tenplus1 hi fixer
20:22 Fixer hi
20:23 tenplus1 nite all :) sleepy time for me
20:23 tenplus1 o/
20:23 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:31 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
20:55 rubenwardy > when you're having a conversation with the same person on two different IRC channels
20:55 rubenwardy like, helping them on both at the same time
21:02 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
21:03 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
21:21 RobbieF Have a great night all.
21:21 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
21:29 Calinou rubenwardy: the joys of cross-posting on IRC
21:30 rubenwardy one was #android-dev, the over was #nginx
21:30 rubenwardy so totally different topics
21:32 Calinou you're not doing crossposting right until you're asking the same question in ##windows, ##linux and ##feminism
21:33 rubenwardy lol
21:34 NatedaGr8 joined #minetest-hub
21:42 Fixer ##anti-feminism
21:43 Fuchs I'm not sure either is terribly well placed on freenode, given our goal. But yes, I am aware the former exists.
21:47 rubenwardy heh, smells like a breeding group for toxic sjws
21:55 Fixer LOL
21:55 Fixer this is TOP KEK
21:55 Fixer literally
22:13 Jordach_ Fuchs, if your sarcasm senses are tingling even the slightest
22:13 Jordach_ it;s always sarcasm
22:14 Fuchs Jordach_: just making sure, because given the channels that do get registered here, not everybody does get that, so I'll be on the safe side
22:15 Jordach_ Fuchs, meanwhile, got the authorisation to adopt these two
22:15 Fuchs awwwwwwwwwwwwww
22:16 red-001 awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
22:19 Jordach_
23:09 shivajiva yes! GCC 6 installed in Mint 17.3 happy days :)
23:27 kaeza joined #minetest-hub

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