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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-06-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:34 twoelk|2 left #minetest-hub
00:52 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
01:13 lumidify_ joined #minetest-hub
03:00 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-hub
03:37 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
03:50 benrob0329 Is it bad that I ordered a unicom classic (model m) keyboard the same day I found them?
03:52 bigfoot547 no
03:53 * kaeza read that as an unicorn classic keyboard
03:53 * Sokomine waits for benrob0329s new keyboard to arrive, then grabs it and runs away with it
03:53 Sokomine same here, kaeza. but it's late
03:54 kaeza would have been nice :(
03:55 benrob0329 A unicorn classic?
03:55 benrob0329 Is that where the keys are rainbow colored?
03:55 kaeza Sokomine, it's never too late
03:56 kaeza night is young or whatever that was
03:57 benrob0329 Its not even tomorrow yet
04:42 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-hub
05:06 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
05:26 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
06:55 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:02 Calinou hi
07:02 Calinou
07:02 Calinou seen on /r/linuxmasterrace :P
07:02 Calinou so true
07:49 CWz is it possible to change rails while riding the cart
07:53 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
07:54 IhrFussel The default mod crashed my server...the causing line was "if def.drawtype == "airlike" or" apparently def was nil (nodes.lua L1788) ... anyone a clue what could cause a node definition of a pointed pos to be nil?
08:52 shivajiva wow, is it repeatable or just a random event?
09:19 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
09:27 IhrFussel shivajiva, it happened once since June 4 so...pretty unlikely to happen again I guess
09:34 shivajiva I can't find it in my logs so it's pretty rare
09:35 IhrFussel Here is the exact error line ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod '' in callback item_OnPlace(): ...hare/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/default/nodes.lua:1788: attempt to index local 'def' (a nil value)
09:37 shivajiva wondering if its caused by a specific player but with one example it's impossible to tell I guess
09:48 IhrFussel My guess is either pos for pointing returned nil or the pointed node returned nil
09:51 shivajiva I would think it's the pos given the error checking I have had to add in various places to stop crashes related to nil being returned for a coord
10:07 CWz joined #minetest-hub
10:12 lisac joined #minetest-hub
10:19 IhrFussel shivajiva, so it's NOT just me who sees "pos.x" and some huge number in error messages? It ends like e+08 or something like that
10:23 IhrFussel I can't find it right now but it says something like "value too high (expected < [somehugenumber]+e[0-9] got [somebiggernumber]+e[0-9])
10:28 shivajiva yes that's the gist of the error, I added a function to validate coords to stop the crash in areas and item_drop
10:29 shivajiva those were the 2 mods that produced the error consistently
10:35 IhrFussel Yes I remember now I added a minetest.log() for that scenario to see when pos.x returns something larger than map_gen_limit
10:36 IhrFussel It last happened a few days ago 2017-06-10 17:54:02: ACTION[Server]: AREAS X POS ERROR ... and it happened every few minutes back then...I really wonder what causes it
10:37 shivajiva wilkgr showed it to me as a way to crash the server by using maptools bouncer to get outside the map and then all you have to do is drop an item to cause a crash
10:38 shivajiva talk about thinking outside the box :)
10:43 shivajiva I spent a few hours cleaning up the methods he found, in the end I asked him to stop trying to abuse the server via his privs
11:28 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
11:30 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
11:44 IhrFussel shivajiva, do you have an example error message for me? I'm trying to find the definition of the error in the src
11:44 Bobr2 hi IhrFussel
11:45 IhrFussel Hello Bobr2 =)
11:45 Bobr2 how are u =)
11:47 IhrFussel I'm fine and you? ... hm I think the error isn't defined by core/c++ ... it's likely a Lua parse error
11:47 Bobr2 stressed but over all im fine thanks
11:49 Bobr2 does that mean u dont think its in the core which has some faulty coding
11:52 IhrFussel I grepped for "expected .{1,} got 1.{1,}" and it returns no results, so it's likely a Lua parse error
11:52 IhrFussel OOps not 1.{1,} I mean .{1,}
11:52 Bobr2 dont worry i dont know that much so i wont notice lol
11:53 Bobr2 can i post an eroror in here
12:01 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
12:01 Bobr2 hi Darcidride
12:04 shivajiva ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod '' in callback on_playerReceiveFields(): Invalid float vector dimension range 'x' (expected -2.14748e+06 < x < 2.14748e+06 got -2.14748e+06).
12:08 shivajiva ERROR[Main]: ServerError: Runtime error from mod 'areas' in callback environment_Step(): Invalid float vector dimension range 'z' (expected -2.14748e+06 < z < 2.14748e+06 got -2.14748e+06).
12:10 IhrFussel There were already 2 issues regarding that error, but nothing got fixed it seems
12:11 Darcidride Hi Bobr2, Hi everybody
12:15 red-001 :( CSM doesn't have find_nodes_in_area
12:15 red-001 well I guess I will have to rewrite the ambince mod more
12:17 Bobr2 sounds fun
12:18 nerzhul red-001, can you close your serialization try catch hide problem exception please ?
12:19 red-001 sure
12:19 nerzhul ty
12:19 red-001 but please merge or something similar asap
12:19 red-001 !title
12:19 ShadowBot Book: Also limit the max size of the title. by red-001 · Pull Request #1776 · minetest/minetest_game · GitHub
12:19 nerzhul i hope a coredev can help me by reviwing my last C++11 conversion PR i really want to finish that boring stuff earliest time possible in the rleease cycle
12:20 nerzhul i'm not minetest_game powered dev :p
12:21 red-001 well it already has a "high priority" lable
12:21 nerzhul i'm not minetest_game powered dev :p
12:21 nerzhul oops
12:22 red-001 nerzhul, is there a reason that CSM doesn't have find_nodes_in_area but has other similar functions?
12:29 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:30 nerzhul red-001, i think either nobody did the PR or it wasn't merged :p
12:30 nerzhul we really should finish to find a consensus on the flavour PR
12:30 nerzhul esspecially for nodes
12:31 nerzhul after that i will work on mod channels
12:31 red-001 maybe we could replace the functions with less cheaty ones
12:31 red-001 or add two clases of node functions
12:32 red-001 one that just tells you how many nodes are in an area and the other that gives more excat information
12:33 nerzhul add a hard range limit to prevent reading very far nodes, for example more than 100 nodes is not normal, because logically you cannot hear or see them correctly
12:33 nerzhul or 64
12:34 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
12:34 Bobr2 may i ask what an error means
12:35 Bobr2 this is the error
12:35 Bobr2 2017-06-15 12:28:50: ERROR[Server]: 3d_armor: Player position is nil [set_player_armor]
12:36 red-001 i n v a l i d  s t a t e ? ? ?
12:37 shivajiva that error usually appears when a player joins, my logs have plenty of examples of it
12:37 IhrFussel Bobr2, the game somehow didn't return a player pos
12:38 Bobr2
12:38 IhrFussel pos = player:getpos() if not pos then minetest.log("error", "3d_armor: Player position is nil "..msg) return end << this is the relevant line in the code
12:39 red-001 huh
12:39 red-001 I wonder how that could happen
12:40 Bobr2 i dont kow
12:40 IhrFussel Most likely cause the player left the game as the function ran?
12:41 nerzhul IhrFussel, no serverthread and lua state is on the same thread, there is no concurrency problem
12:41 nerzhul are*
12:41 IhrFussel Then getpos() is broken and nobody wants to fix it
12:42 Bobr2 is it a bad error?
12:42 shivajiva definitely a possibility but I have that error on my dev server with just me joining
12:43 IhrFussel Bobr2, does it happen a lot or only sometimes?
12:43 Bobr2 alot
12:45 Fixer red-001: i n v a l i d  f o n t ! ! !
12:47 shivajiva lol I have a player named error1 spamming my grep search for errors
12:47 Bobr2 how they doing that
12:47 shivajiva by having that name
12:48 red-001 so .. who is error0?
12:48 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
12:48 shivajiva :')
12:57 Fixer tl;dr
13:01 Bobr2 dmobs had a problem but i fixed it thanks to shivajiva do you guys want the fix for it?
13:10 red-001 eh make a PR to the dmobs repo?
13:11 Fixer ^^
13:11 Bobr2 urm ok
13:14 Bobr2 wont let me
13:15 shivajiva do you have an account @ github?
13:18 Bobr2 yeah it might let me now
13:27 benrob0329 Hello all
13:27 shivajiva Hi benrob
13:27 benrob0329 My new keyboard shipped
13:28 benrob0329 Shouldn't take too long to get here, as im only a couple States north
13:29 shivajiva I don't like waiting for things, kinda spoilt by nextday deliveries
13:29 benrob0329 Heh, I didn't feel like dishing out $50 for it
13:30 shivajiva unless it's farnel who like to take the site down for maintenance when you process your order
13:30 shivajiva it will be worth it :)
13:31 benrob0329 shivajiva: not when shipping costs half as much as the product itself at that point
13:32 shivajiva eww
13:32 shivajiva that's not nice
13:33 shivajiva how heavy is this KB lol
13:33 benrob0329 3 pounds
13:34 * shivajiva gets his scales out to weigh his KB
13:34 benrob0329 Its a Unicomp Classic 103 (descendent of the model M)
13:34 shivajiva 430g
13:35 benrob0329 I kinda wish they still put the steel backplates in :P
13:36 benrob0329 Yes, itd probably double the weight
13:36 Bobr2 any one know how to fix this
13:36 Bobr2 2017-06-15 15:00:45: ERROR[Server]: 3d_armor: Player position is nil [set_player_armor]
13:36 benrob0329 But it would increase the build quality a lot
13:36 benrob0329 Bobr2: does it crash the server?
13:37 Bobr2 i dont know
13:37 benrob0329 If it doesn't, don't worry about it
13:37 shivajiva just reading their bumf on the Ultra Classic...t's Ultra because it uses a newly designed clamshell cover set reducing the footprint by 20% and eliminating almost ½ pound of plastic.
13:38 benrob0329 shivajiva: yes, but its not as pretty
13:38 shivajiva are you dating this KB? :D
13:39 shivajiva sorry, couldn't resist :P
13:39 benrob0329 It have a mouse button blank at the bottom, and is $10 more expensive
13:39 benrob0329 Well, I think LGR probably does
13:39 benrob0329 *it has
13:40 shivajiva I use a Humlin with a membrane, sick of wearing the letters off normal KB's
13:41 benrob0329 So you like bottoming out your keys?
13:42 shivajiva everything is a compromise but it doesn't trigger adjacent keys so I'm learning to live with it
13:44 shivajiva I work with ECU's that have oil and grease films on them so unless I want to wash my hands every time I type it's the best way
13:47 benrob0329 Fair enough
13:50 Calinou <shivajiva> I don't like waiting for things, kinda spoilt by nextday deliveries
13:50 Calinou :D
13:50 Calinou many places have next-day delivery in France, including Amazon
13:51 Bobr2 am i allowed to ask if another error is a problem as well?
13:54 shivajiva Calinou: I like the concept of JIT, who wants to hold excessive stock these days unless it's obsolete and you have a requirement ;)
13:54 Calinou you can even get delivery on the same evening in the largest French cities, but it's expensive
14:09 IhrFussel benrob0329, it doesn't crash the server because the mod returns the function before it can crash..but IMO that's NOT the solution to the nil pos bug in the engine
14:11 IhrFussel There are many other mods that don't check the pos value before using it and it shouldn't be the modders responsibility to validate the player pos
14:12 IhrFussel The weird thing is ONLY the X pos seems to be buggy sometimes... Y and Z are fine
14:14 IhrFussel Or maybe they are 2 separate bugs: One is pos returning nil and the other one is pos X giving a silly value like -2.14748e+06
14:23 red-001 hey DS-minetest does the client load all sounds in the soundpack?
14:23 red-001 and where is the sound pack?
14:30 Calinou
14:30 Calinou :D
14:30 Bobr problem
14:30 Bobr 2017-06-12 06:14:23: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: Lua: Runtime error from mod '' in callback on_chat_message(): attempt to call field 'strip_colors' (a nil value)
14:30 red-001 can't fix
14:31 red-001 update your server
14:31 red-001 or use an old version of the IRC mod
14:32 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
14:34 DS-minetest red-001: the soundpack is in minetest/sounds (not user path)
14:34 DS-minetest normally it loads the sound at the moment when it's played
14:35 red-001 neat
14:35 red-001 that worked
14:37 red-001 I still want to turn my sound off because of how bad the default sounds are
14:39 red-001 btw the thing I'm working on that needs this is
14:40 DS-minetest maybe it would be good if there was another type of soundpack that would contain sounds that are played instead of the default ones. (the current soundpacks are only used if a sound is missing)
14:40 red-001 wow watch out
14:41 red-001 someone could use it for cheating
14:42 kaeza greetings
14:43 CWz joined #minetest-hub
14:43 Bobr wb CWz
14:44 CWz hey
14:44 Wayward_One hi all :)
14:44 Bobr je;;p :)
14:44 Bobr hello :)
14:56 benrob0329 Greetings kaeza
15:12 Jordach
15:12 Jordach
15:12 Jordach mrw ^
15:12 octacian joined #minetest-hub
15:12 octacian joined #minetest-hub
15:21 rubenwardy Calinou, that'll be because spaces are more popular
15:22 rubenwardy so bigger companies are more likely to use spaces, and enforce code style
15:33 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
15:54 benrob0329 Hi Megaf
16:05 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
16:10 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
16:19 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
16:27 Calinou;t=17887
16:27 Calinou apparently, people aren't understanding you *cannot* use legally the Steam APIs in an open source game
16:27 Calinou especially a LGPL one
16:27 Calinou steam_api.dll is proprietary
16:28 red-001 eh dynamic linking?
16:28 Calinou and if you start requiring it for mods, you're pure evil
16:28 Calinou yeah, it might be allowed per LGPL, but still evil in my book if mods start to require it
16:28 Calinou Steamworks doesn't play well with others, IIRC
16:28 red-001 pretty sure the issue if there is one will be with value and not LGPL
16:29 Calinou also, selling mods is... meh, I find
16:29 Calinou it'll drive the creation of proprietary mods which can't be redistributed
16:29 Calinou (possibly violating the LGPL in the process, again)
16:30 red-001 pretty sure LGPL is suppose to be fine with this
16:30 red-001 GPL isn't
16:31 Calinou the LGPL doesn't make proprietary mods automatically legal
16:31 Calinou and on an ethical standpoint, it's questionable, I hate seeing proprietary mods for games
16:31 Calinou (regardless if the game is proprietary or not)
16:31 Calinou and I don't think modding should be a business anyway
16:51 paramat joined #minetest-hub
16:52 Bobr welcome back
16:53 paramat Ihrfussel your default crash is easily fixed by checking that the node above the chest exists
16:53 paramat could you open an issue to remind us?
17:10 paramat i'll add a check for def being nil
17:10 paramat the node may have been unloaded or 'unknown'
17:20 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:22 Shara Hello all
17:23 benrob0329 Hi Shara, nerzhul
17:25 Raven262 hello Shara
17:25 Shara Hi benrob0329, Raven262. How goes?
17:25 benrob0329 Good, ordered my first mechanical keyboard
17:25 Raven262 Good, won a round of dota2, again
17:26 Raven262 lisac and I are becoming an invincible team
17:26 * benrob0329 dreams of a minetest mmo
17:26 Shara Make one :P
17:26 Raven262 well, lag is the main problem imo
17:26 Shara Yea, I know.
17:27 benrob0329 And camera placement
17:27 benrob0329 And shaders
17:27 Raven262 well shaders are not required but would be nice
17:28 Raven262 still, client side prediction and turn based combat would probably solve the lag problem
17:28 Raven262 if there were anyone who would write that stuff
17:29 benrob0329 Fortunately and unfortunately, my peers are wanting to get into gamedev
17:30 Shara If you want turn based, I think you have the wrong game :P
17:30 benrob0329 So C++ got moved down the list (Godot was the decided engine)
17:31 benrob0329 I hate it when you plan something, and then everything else happens
17:31 Raven262 Shara, minetest has no hope to do otherwise :P
17:31 Raven262 lag is just to intense
17:32 benrob0329 imho minetest's combat is lacking
17:32 Shara Doesn't seem 'that' bad for me
17:32 Shara Combat is just rather flat. But that's the case in many games
17:33 benrob0329 No good projectiles (should be an item + weapon group/type thing)
17:33 Raven262 yes
17:33 benrob0329 No knockback
17:33 Shara Aren't there knockback PRs?
17:33 benrob0329 Yes, good luck getting them merged
17:33 Raven262 no projectiles also limits us to non ranged weapons
17:33 Raven262 but
17:33 Raven262 did anyone think of hitscans like in doom?
17:34 Raven262 no need for projectiles that way
17:34 Shara No projectiles?
17:34 benrob0329 Mele combat isn't a bad thing, but its rather uninvolved atm
17:34 Shara Tere's stuff in mods even if not in MTG
17:34 Shara There's*
17:34 Raven262 yes and that is very laggy
17:34 benrob0329 Like, no sword + shield combo
17:35 benrob0329 No blocking (no pun intended)
17:35 Raven262 hey, you always have shield in 3d armour xD
17:35 Raven262 though you can't block
17:35 benrob0329 But that's not fun
17:35 Raven262 nah it isn't
17:35 Raven262 its basic
17:35 benrob0329 Its just like any other bit of protection
17:36 benrob0329 A potion would be more exciting
17:36 Raven262 there is witchcraft for that
17:36 benrob0329 Also, you cant throw anything
17:36 benrob0329 Potion != withcraft
17:36 Raven262 well, throwing mod?
17:36 Shara Mods let you throw all kinds of things...
17:36 benrob0329 To an extent
17:37 Shara THrowing teleport potions is kind of fun
17:37 benrob0329 Its laggy, and you cant say..hurl a rock or sand at someone
17:37 Raven262 yes
17:37 Raven262 its laggy
17:37 Raven262 and there we go again
17:37 Shara AGain, I don't seem to encounter so much lag.
17:38 Raven262 well not in singleplayer
17:38 benrob0329 Throwing should be part of dropping
17:38 Shara Or on my server unless it's been running a long time
17:38 benrob0329 Like Teresolagy
17:39 benrob0329 (If you hold down q, a power meter appears allowing you to chunk the item your holding)
17:39 paramat many servers are just running too many overly-heavy mods (like moretrees)
17:39 Shara Yup
17:39 IhrFussel My server peaks at 3 secs max_lag mostly (which isn't too much) with 153 mods
17:39 Raven262 well you can't make a server with mtgame only :P
17:39 benrob0329 I mean you can
17:40 Shara On DL I've been known to ride around on a dragon which I can make shoot fireballs at players :)
17:40 benrob0329 But MTG isn't fun
17:40 benrob0329 Which is a problem
17:40 Shara So not even limiting protectiles to the player only there
17:40 benrob0329 MTG should be fun, period.
17:40 Shara projectiles*
17:41 Raven262 no, mtg should be a placeholder
17:41 benrob0329 Why?
17:41 Raven262 for other games to develop upon it
17:41 benrob0329 MTG is THE DEFAULT game
17:41 Raven262 yes
17:41 Shara I'd like it to be a nice base to build on top of
17:41 Raven262 thats what i'm talking about
17:41 benrob0329 The default game should be fun
17:41 Shara But this is why it stays in limbo - everyone wants it to be something else
17:42 benrob0329 Im not saying heavy
17:42 benrob0329 Im saying fun
17:42 benrob0329 It should be fun in its simplicity
17:42 Raven262 i would suggest that minetest should be bundled with some more subgames not only mtg
17:42 Shara benrob0329: Fun is not always so easy to quantify.
17:43 benrob0329 Shara: well its not fun, that much is certain
17:43 Shara If you want stuff added or changed in MTG, talk to the devs/submit PRs.
17:43 benrob0329 So many things need to be overhauled right now
17:44 benrob0329 Like we have boats, and carts. But no vehicle class in the engine
17:44 Shara Then help. Everyone knows there are problems.
17:44 Shara Hard part is doing something about it.
17:45 Shara I personally like Raven262 suggestion, but not seeing any sign of it happening soon
17:45 Raven262 I can only do some textures...
17:45 benrob0329 Bows will be unimmersive if added currently, because there isn't any way of doing animations or proper physics
17:46 Raven262 animated wielded items? are they possible?
17:46 Shara paramat: Your params suggestion is what I was thinking of in work today :)
17:46 benrob0329 Raven262: there is a PR for it, sitting there
17:46 Raven262 oh
17:47 Raven262 well, ask paramat about it i guess
17:47 benrob0329 We don't have a way of doing smooth animations either
17:47 Raven262 textures could compensate there
17:48 benrob0329 What we really need for a bow is layered animated textures
17:48 benrob0329 Ie bow on top of arrow
17:48 Raven262 yes
17:48 Raven262 that wouldn't be too hard to do
17:48 Raven262 with animated textures
17:48 benrob0329 Compositing is best for it
17:49 * Raven262 is a bit afk, replies may delay.
18:04 paramat the main issue is dev time, and we can't do anything about that
18:11 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
18:30 paramat Shara shivajiva tenplus1 and server admin, i assume you want all CSM functions disabled by default? see and please support
18:31 Shara I would certainly prefer anything that can send something to the server off by default
18:32 Shara It sort of feels like something you should choose to enable once you understand CSM enough to make that judgement call
18:37 paramat yeah
18:39 octacian joined #minetest-hub
18:40 octacian paramat: You know, I'm personally no longer against being able to control some CSM functions, however, I'd like to see server side-injection first. The ability to disable only specific functions would still be good though IMO.
18:41 octacian I can rotate an entity on the y axis with set_yaw, how do I rotate it on the x and z axis?
18:41 paramat yes server-provided CSM has much more potential, and less potential for player abuse
18:42 octacian paramat: However, I'd still like to see the ability to at least use client-side mods for formspecs. For example, a formspec to provide a GUI for teleporting to, kicking, banning, and messaging players.
18:42 paramat set_look_vertical lua_api L3206
18:43 octacian Thank you.
18:43 Bobr hi octacian XD
18:43 octacian Hello Bobr.
18:43 lisac hey, does MT use width & height settings when not fullscreen?
18:43 octacian I figured I'd make an item entity with a collision box only the size of the object with slight
18:43 octacian ugh
18:43 IhrFussel Someone on my server just connected as "Gaylord581" I really hope that was no pre-defined name from the app in use xD
18:43 octacian paramat: Is it possible to rotate the collision box?
18:44 paramat and use 'set_look_horizontal', 'set yaw' is deprecated
18:44 octacian Since when?
18:44 paramat not possible
18:44 octacian Oh well... At least it'll look nice.
18:44 paramat since a few months
18:44 octacian hmm, OK
18:45 paramat octacian don't worry, we're asking for optional restrictions, not removing client-provided CSM completely
18:46 octacian Good.
18:46 * octacian has forgotten how to check if an itemstring refers to a node.
18:47 octacian OK, IK I can check minetest.registered_items, but nodes are there too. What do I do then?
18:47 paramat lisac yes, but the format of screen dimension settings changed in 0.4.16, you may need to edit your .conf
18:51 octacian paramat: set_look_vertical doesn't seem to work. I want to rotate the item so that it sits flat rather than upright.
18:51 octacian (working on item entity)
18:53 lisac paramat, So if I set my width and height, and maximize the screen, it should be the width and height size?
18:55 octacian paramat: It seems as though set_look_* and get_look_* only works for the player
18:56 octacian paramat: Just confirmed, they only work on the player. Is there any particular reason?
19:01 paramat no maximise just fills your screen
19:01 paramat octacian because mobs only have horizontal rotation
19:01 octacian Why can they not have vertical as well?
19:02 octacian All it does is rotate the visual AFAIK anyways
19:02 paramat it has not been needed yet
19:02 octacian So, there is no particular reason why it hasn't been added or why get_yaw and set_yaw is still used on entities?
19:02 octacian (non-player entities, that is)
19:02 paramat simplicity
19:03 octacian I feel like simplicity is better with consistency
19:03 paramat and mobs do not have heads that pitch
19:03 paramat nor do players
19:03 paramat in a way, seen from outside
19:03 Raven262 lol imagine mobs rotating on x and z
19:03 octacian So that's why set_yaw wasn't renamed?
19:04 Raven262 or player camera rotation on x and z
19:04 octacian (on non-player entities - I need to be more clear)
19:04 octacian Raven262: Would be incredibly useful for both :P
19:04 Raven262 yes i already see many possibilities, octacian
19:04 octacian Think about it. Airplanes, causing entities to do stuff like fall over. lol
19:05 Raven262 birds rotation during flight too
19:05 octacian hmm, Well, maybe I'll take a look. Seems like that might be a slightly simpler task that attempting to rewrite the entire HUD API.
19:05 octacian heh, Attempting to rewrite the HUD API is not a good way to try to learn C++, just FYI.
19:06 Raven262 xD
19:06 * octacian is finally listening to Wuzzy and trying to learn to implement useful features in an engine rather than as an extra mod that you have to depend on
19:07 Raven262 I actually didn't see many mods that have many non-optional dependencies
19:08 Fixer octacian: learn cpp by implementing z-sorting :trollface:
19:08 octacian Fixer: Mind starting off with what z-sorting is? :P
19:09 Fixer octacian: exactly
19:09 Fixer octacian: install any stained glass mod
19:09 Fixer octacian: put one glass behind another behind another - observe
19:09 octacian Ah, yes. And place multiple layers.
19:10 octacian I once wrote my own stained glass mod. In fact, it was the first mod I ever wrote.
19:10 Raven262 you can get stuff invisible that way
19:10 Raven262 heh i always start making a stainglass mod, end up unfinished cause i don't like how i started
19:10 * octacian didn't finish his because his HDD failed last year
19:11 octacian Man, when that HDD failed...
19:11 octacian I had to rewrite over 800 lines of a computer mod
19:11 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
19:11 tenplus1 hi folks
19:11 Shara Hi Ten :)
19:11 tenplus1 hi shara :P
19:11 Raven262 its kinda really simple to make stainglass mod, for loop + colorize modifier do the thing in few lines of code
19:11 Raven262 Hello tenplus1
19:11 tenplus1 hi raven :D
19:11 Shara Raven262: Yup, my glass mod does that :P
19:11 * octacian remembers that he REALLY needs to work on his computer mod
19:11 Calinou hi
19:12 tenplus1 hi cal, hi octacian
19:12 octacian Hey tenplus1
19:12 Raven262 Yep, Shara, thats the easiest colorization approach
19:12 Raven262 but now there is another option too which i didn't manage to implement
19:12 Raven262 colorization using metadata
19:12 * octacian wishes he'd known about the colorize modifying when he wrote his stained glass mod 2 years ago
19:12 Calinou I now do local backups on a NAS, which is in RAID 1
19:13 Shara I need to actually update my servers before looking at that stuff, but apparently I'm too busy making silly PRs instead :)
19:13 Calinou more convenient than plugging and unplugging an external HDD all the time
19:13 tenplus1 who said that shara ?
19:13 Shara I said it :D
19:13 tenplus1 :P
19:14 Shara I finally decided to actually play writer, so I've been correctly silly capitalisation issues in descriptions and things :D
19:14 Shara correcting*
19:14 Fixer 270 fps during rain in mc beta 1.7.3
19:14 Shara And hoping params PR I made so they display correctly in /help all will get in now as well
19:14 * tenplus1 checks pulls
19:15 Raven262 I found that one mod on the forums with some descriptions capitalized and some not...
19:15 Raven262 it was hard to look at it
19:15 tenplus1 ehehe, prolly mine :P
19:15 Shara Raven262: Lots of mods have the issue. I made a PR to fix it accross the whole of MTG a couple of nights back
19:15 Raven262 lol
19:15 Raven262 i didn't know that was a global case
19:16 Shara Got tired of seeing "Dark Green Wool" but "Dark green dye"
19:16 Raven262 heh
19:16 Raven262 since most of my testing mods lately only use for loops, my capitalization is good.
19:16 Raven262 i never fail to capitalize
19:16 Shara Yes, best to use loops when you can :)
19:17 Calinou "My favourite colour is grey!"
19:17 * Calinou runs
19:17 Raven262 lol
19:17 Raven262 well he might be colorblind, Calinou.
19:17 Raven262 like lisac
19:17 Raven262 right lisac?
19:18 lisac .
19:18 Raven262 Lisac hates that kind of jokes
19:18 Calinou I'm not colorblind
19:18 Raven262 he likes grey color a lot
19:18 Raven262 not you, Calinou
19:18 Raven262 the one who stated that
19:18 Calinou ah :p
19:18 Raven262 xD
19:18 lisac Hey, what do you call a person without a nose or a body?
19:18 lisac Nobody knows
19:18 lisac ^ a joke
19:18 Raven262 ^ a lisac
19:18 Calinou heh
19:19 lisac ^ a heh
19:19 tenplus1 lol, hi lisac
19:19 tenplus1
19:19 Raven262 lisac, whats your favourite colour?
19:19 Shara tenplus1: Love it :)
19:19 Raven262 xD
19:19 paramat or perhaps a nose without a body
19:20 Raven262 paramat sure has some odd ideas Oo
19:21 Fixer tenplus1: proper keyboard detected
19:21 tenplus1 :)
19:21 Fixer not this todays gay shit
19:21 Fixer even plastic feels toyish
19:21 Fixer low quality shit
19:21 Raven262 my keyboard is actually very nice, but is really old
19:22 Raven262 i think it has more than 15 years
19:23 tenplus1 das my keyboard
19:24 Raven262 well that looks oddly flat
19:24 Jordach mine
19:25 tenplus1 yup P
19:25 Jordach R G B  b o i s
19:25 tenplus1 ooh nice Jordach
19:25 Jordach mechanical clicky
19:25 Raven262 Jordach, mine looks basically the same just with no lights and white
19:29 Calinou
19:29 Calinou Memetest
19:29 Calinou (:D)
19:29 Calinou I made this
19:30 Raven262 lol
19:31 Fixer Calinou: there is no spoon
19:40 paramat tenplus1 see perhaps you can add a comment with your opinion?
19:42 paramat all please note, an emoticon of support in a comment or 1st post isn't very noticeable, please add a comment if you feel strongly about something
19:44 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
19:44 tenplus1 hi twoelk
19:45 twoelk hi11
19:45 Bobr hi ten
19:45 tenplus1 hi bob
19:45 paramat i moved my additional request to the main issue thread
19:46 tenplus1 commented
19:47 twoelk I was just trying to grow trees fast and dearly missed the fertilizer mod - wonder what chance it has to be included in mtg :-D
19:48 tenplus1 twoelk: my bonemeal mod does the same and quick grows crops and grass also :)
19:49 Bobr can some one help me with this error
19:49 Bobr 2017-06-15 21:41:16: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'default' in callback item_OnUse(): /home/di3hard139/.minetest/games/dcb/mods/default/tools.lua:398: attempt to index a nil value
19:49 twoelk duh, bonemeal it was :-P
19:51 tenplus1 :PPP
19:53 Bobr this error is confusing
20:06 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
20:07 kaeza Bobr, start by looking at that line
20:07 kaeza ?
20:07 Bobr hmh
20:08 kaeza the full traceback is also useful
20:09 paramat for the moment we still consider MTG to be a simple 'core' to add modules to, so for the moment we are trying to resist adding anything specialist like fertiliser
20:10 tenplus1 keep that as a mod
20:10 paramat new subgames are needed to be 'fun' or 'complete' as they are, MTG is not for that
20:12 paramat the future of MTG is so uncertain it's best we are restrained for now, we are just adding some content (nodes, improving biomes) instead of fancy new features
20:14 tenplus1 fix bugs and add the small things that improves gameplay
20:14 paramat exactly, for now
20:16 benrob0329 Hi tenplus1
20:16 tenplus1 hi benrob
20:17 benrob0329 Whats up?
20:17 tenplus1 chillin :PPP u?
20:17 benrob0329 Waiting for my new keyboard
20:18 tenplus1 kewl
20:20 tenplus1 nite folks
20:20 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:37 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
21:28 paramat joined #minetest-hub
21:43 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
21:53 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
22:09 paramat interesting, my hand is red in creative mode
22:09 Fixer paramat: I've asked that before
22:09 Fixer is this intended?
22:11 paramat noooo
22:12 paramat started in the last few commits
22:12 Fixer yeah
22:12 paramat does look good though, like a superpower glove
22:14 paramat i know there's a graphics/shader issue that can make the whole world red
22:18 paramat i have a cute red mitten =3
22:20 Jordach sfan5, gc64 build pl0x
22:21 sfan5 uh?
22:21 sfan5
22:21 Jordach one with at least commit 7bfd53b
22:21 sfan5 why
22:21 Jordach >Plantlike meshoptions: Fix inverted random vertical offset
22:22 Jordach l o o k s  l i k e  t r a s h
22:22 sfan5 doesnt the gc64 crash too often to be useful?
22:22 Jordach j u s t  l i k e  y o u r  w a i f u
22:22 Jordach no, doesn't crash for me
22:22 sfan5 ok i'll make you one
22:22 Jordach just make it latest
22:25 Jordach i've had 0 crashes in Solar Plains with GC64
22:30 sfan5 Jordach:
22:31 Jordach sfan5, why not make GC64 experimental builds every 2-4 weeks
22:31 sfan5 >effort
22:31 Jordach you spent more effort making one build than automating it
22:31 Jordach :thinking:
22:32 sfan5 swapping library files once in a while is less work than editing scripts & the html generator to deal with another category
22:32 Jordach make a new directorly and let nginx handle that
22:33 Jordach just
22:38 Jordach >SnMHFMwmELBL_minetest-0.4.16-2ab09bb-gc64-win64.7z
22:38 Jordach >14.4 KB/s - 5.8 MB of 10.5 MB, 6 mins left
22:38 sfan5 blame uguu
22:40 Jordach >chromecast
22:40 Jordach >youtube live steam
22:40 Jordach >this stream is offline
22:41 Jordach >still playing
22:41 Jordach really activates the almonds
22:50 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
23:10 NatedaGr8 joined #minetest-hub
23:12 paramat good grief it just gets worse the more i look
23:12 paramat nerz is resisting as much as he can
23:14 bigfoot547 Or, you shouldn't disturb him until he finishes his baguette. :P (No hard feelings nrz, baguettes are awesome)
23:14 paramat few devs are around to stand up to him, so i have to make a fuss
23:14 sfan5 paramat: how about you let him finish his damn pr before you come criticizing that it's not good enough
23:17 paramat my comment there is valid
23:20 paramat review happens before a PR is finished, and review is criticism
23:23 red-001 the pr doesn't even do anything yet
23:24 red-001 I say limit node and chat for now
23:25 paramat does nothing because the of the default?
23:28 paramat if the PR does nothing that's part of the problem with it :] and why i ask for default disabled
23:32 paramat anything that is part of flavours is potentially harmful and therefore should be disabled by default
23:40 Fixer sfan5: nice, will try it with Dreambuilder OOM modpack

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