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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-05-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:08 garywhite red-001: Who are you talking about?
00:12 red-001 garywhite, Grandolf/halt_
00:13 garywhite Ah, I see.
00:22 Stone-Talus joined #minetest-hub
00:32 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-hub
01:28 lumidify_ joined #minetest-hub
02:22 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
03:37 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
05:46 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
06:45 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:00 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:37 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
08:10 jin_xi joined #minetest-hub
08:15 red-001 hi loggingbot_
08:28 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
08:28 tenplus1 hi folks
08:29 red-001 hi tenplus1
08:29 red-001 hi 11
08:29 tenplus1 hi red
08:47 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:47 tenplus1 hi CWz
09:01 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
09:02 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
09:03 tenplus1 wb
09:06 mransom joined #minetest-hub
09:08 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
09:08 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
09:18 shivajiva Hi tenplus1, red, lumidify
09:18 tenplus1 hi shiva
09:18 shivajiva who's jin_xi?
09:18 tenplus1 dunno
09:19 shivajiva okay, just asked them why they are lurking
09:19 lumidify Hi shivajiva
09:19 tenplus1 hi lumidify
09:19 lumidify Hi tenplus1
09:20 shivajiva if I get no response in the next 10 mins I'll remove them
09:22 red-001 [jin_xi] idle 01:11:49
09:22 red-001 I don't think there is much of the chance they will respond
09:25 jin_xi was kicked by shivajiva: User terminated!
09:25 tenplus1 -.-
09:26 red-001 well at least here we keep our ultimatums
09:26 shivajiva they have a pm with the explanation, telling them to ask for voice
09:26 Calinou jin_xi has been around Minetest for a while I think
09:27 red-001 yeah I saw that nick before
09:28 shivajiva so has Grandolf, I'm sure they won't be offended given the current circumstances
09:28 red-001 well it's just a kick, not a ban
09:28 red-001 there isn't really a good reason to be here if you don't have voice imo
09:29 tenplus1 unless you wanna spy for big pharma :PPPP
09:29 red-001 well I suppose it's easier to see whats happening that way then reading logs
09:32 Calinou I'm ~2 days in my mobile carrier plan and I've used 11.33 GB of data already :D
09:32 Calinou (out of 100 GB)
09:32 tenplus1 oof, yo watching youtubes in full 4k or something ?
09:44 Calinou tenplus1: downloading Linux ISOs/games off 4G :P
09:44 Calinou because 4G+ here is pretty fast
09:44 Calinou 30 Mb/s down, 10 Mb/s up
09:44 Calinou on average
09:44 tenplus1 nice one... I like 'dem specs
09:45 Calinou tenplus1: did you see the PC build I posted yesterday? :P
09:45 tenplus1 I have 100mb data on my package with 18mb/sec download :P
09:45 tenplus1 noooo, do show
09:45 Calinou -
09:45 Calinou this PC is now 1 year old :)
09:46 Calinou still alive and kicking,
09:46 tenplus1 ooh, quite roomy
09:46 Calinou fully black too :D
09:46 Calinou (or almost)
09:46 sfan5 shivajiva: what kind of bullshit are you pulling here
09:46 tenplus1 heh, nice...
09:46 tenplus1 hi sfan
09:46 tenplus1 Cal, what specs ?
09:47 shivajiva sfan5: what you talking about?
09:47 Calinou tenplus1:
09:47 sfan5 just because some shitty guy causes some random drama you come and throw out everyone that doesn't explain what they're doing here within 10 minutes (on a workday)
09:47 sfan5 without doing any kind of research
09:47 Calinou (note: real price was a bit different, I set manual prices only for some parts)
09:47 sfan5 jin_xi has been in #minetest since at least february 2013
09:47 sfan5 that's 4 years
09:47 tenplus1 nice setup
09:47 Calinou sfan5: yeah, I find this was uncalled for too
09:47 sfan5 and now you go "lol he didnt respond he must be suspect"
09:47 sfan5 what the fuck are you even doing
09:48 Calinou hmm, there's a deal on a WD Red 4 TB right now
09:48 shivajiva really sfan5 do you get off on swearing at people?
09:48 Calinou :D
09:49 sfan5 this channel is not supposed to be some secret club
09:49 sfan5 people can lurk all they want
09:49 sfan5 shivajiva: addressing the actual problem ✔
09:49 shivajiva you think I didn't ask them?
09:49 sfan5 is it a surprise people don't respond within 10 minutes on a workday?
09:50 shivajiva you see me as the problem here sfan5?
09:51 sfan5 because you did something wrong, yes
09:51 sfan5 this channel is not supposed to be some secret club
09:51 sfan5 might aswell set it to invite-only if you want that
09:51 sfan5 shivajiva: i'm not moving this to pm, thanks
09:52 shivajiva neither am I
09:52 sfan5 so who decided that this channel does not allow lurkers?
09:52 tenplus1 o.O
09:54 sfan5 besides, what is the practical difference between lurking here and reading the logs?
09:54 sfan5 you're not able to speak here either way
09:55 shivajiva it was decided during oldcoders presence when he bypassed his K-Line and sent minions, to keep an eye on lurkers and ask them to voice
09:56 red-001 damn it
09:56 red-001 4 days without OC being mentioned already
09:57 red-001 well we are back to zero
09:57 shivajiva the practical difference is access to the [off] but you knew that before you asked...
09:57 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
09:57 sfan5 maybe that should be written down on the website then
09:57 sfan5 then how come someone who has been involved in the project for more than 4 years is somehow suspect now?
09:58 shivajiva how are they suspect?
10:00 red-001 oh just add them to the access list and send them a invite then
10:00 sfan5 i don't know, is that not why you asked them for their intention and proceeded to throw them out?
10:04 shivajiva asking someone to qualify isn't accusing or suspecting them, it's an attempt to get them slotted correctly, I asked if anyone knew them first remember
10:06 sfan5 well i guess that makes sense if you consider the no lurker rule
10:06 sfan5 but it should be written down on the website so people know what they get themselves into when they join here
10:07 shivajiva I agree
10:08 shivajiva I'm not known for being unreasonable sfan5 :/
10:09 sfan5 the rule was so unreasonable that i assumed it did not exist
10:11 shivajiva it's driven by one individuals actions and was acceptable before the point it was abused
10:16 shivajiva if you have problems with me being op here I'll surrender it willingly
10:29 sfan5 no that's not the problem here
10:30 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:31 SG9kb3I joined #minetest-hub
10:48 WhoAreYou joined #minetest-hub
10:51 red-001 oh btw I noticed the individual is not banned here
10:52 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
10:54 red-001 I see sofar is back at least on the forum
11:00 Jordach neato
11:21 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
11:29 CWz did something happen with sofar that made him leave?
11:30 red-001 I hear he was moving
11:31 red-001 we set his github profile to a blank image, but that was because someone photoshopped it
11:43 CWz conspiracy senses tingling!
11:44 Fixer
11:49 Fixer hmmm, on hometown server, just now, 72% of all players are those NameXXX
11:49 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
11:49 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
11:55 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
11:55 Raven262 Does anybody here know how intlib works?
11:55 nerzhul Fixer, yeah same problem for me
11:55 Raven262 I'm too tired to look at the code
12:03 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-hub
12:03 lisac joined #minetest-hub
12:03 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:06 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-hub
12:12 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
12:13 Fixer nerzhul: not really a problem, just fact
12:15 NathanS21 joined #minetest-hub
12:22 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:27 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:33 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:36 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
12:39 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:43 DS-minetest Github shows me the unicorn
12:43 Calinou same,
12:44 DS-minetest and now octocat falls
12:45 DS-minetest ah, now it's ok
12:46 DS-minetest :/
12:47 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:52 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:00 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:05 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:09 WhoAreYou joined #minetest-hub
13:15 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:22 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:27 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:29 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
13:33 Stone-Talus joined #minetest-hub
13:38 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
13:42 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
14:00 octacian joined #minetest-hub
14:16 Stone-Talus joined #minetest-hub
14:24 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
14:30 nerzhul dev rules #git
14:32 Jordach VIRGIN MEDIA PLS
14:33 Fixer WAT
14:33 Jordach 56kb/s
14:33 Jordach for the last day
14:33 Fixer who even named it like this?
14:33 red-001 huh minetest uses the same character for colour escapes as lua does for bytecode...
14:33 Fixer Jordach: kbit or kbyte?
14:33 red-001 * x-files intro start*
14:33 Fixer ._.
14:33 Jordach kbyte
14:35 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
15:01 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
15:42 calculon joined #minetest-hub
16:14 WhoAreYou left #minetest-hub
16:29 garywhite red-001: Are you on InchraNet?
16:34 red-001 I am
16:34 red-001 is 'red' annoying or something?
16:35 red-001 [red] (codergod@user/red): null
16:35 red-001 not sure why it shows the login to the shell as my ident and not my ident but it's me
16:40 garywhite Oh OK
16:40 garywhite just seemed odd in light of recent events
16:40 red-001 how so?
16:51 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
16:51 red-001 I joined the network before they connected again
16:57 benrob0329 Anyways, how is everyone,
16:57 benrob0329 ?
16:57 garywhite not bad
16:57 nore benrob0329: I'm fine :) what about you?
16:57 nore also, hi everyone
16:58 benrob0329 nore: good, busy, but good.
16:58 Jordach nore, urge to replace fstk and main menu intensifies
16:59 benrob0329 Imgui ftw
16:59 garywhite Ugh, it's harder to sleep now when, even though I live over a mile from the train tracks, we can hear every train that goes by
17:13 Calinou Node.js 8.0.0 + npm 5.0.0 are out :D
17:13 Calinou npm apparently got quite faster, I'm not sure, maybe slightly…
17:14 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:28 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
17:29 Krock joined #minetest-hub
17:29 Krock joined #minetest-hub
17:29 Krock hi imaginary tenplus1
17:29 Krock (tenplus1)i
17:31 Shara Hi all
17:34 Krock hi Shara
17:34 Shara Hello Krock :)
17:35 VanessaE Krock: nono, that makes him complex, not imaginary :)
17:35 Shara :D
17:37 red-001 hello you have been redirected to "#maths_jokes"
17:37 red-001 (but maths jokes redirects to #minetest-hub)
17:38 bigfoot547 left #minetest-hub
17:38 Shara There could be far worse things here.
17:38 red-001 huh I wonder does freenode stop redirect loops
17:38 VanessaE heh
17:38 Shara My maths is a joke :)
17:39 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
17:44 CWz a VanessaE
17:44 Jordach quick look
17:44 Jordach VanessaE has cake
17:44 VanessaE nope, ate it all already
17:44 CWz I know just what to do.
17:44 * VanessaE shows the empty cake tray
17:44 * Jordach knew that'd happen
17:44 Shara VanessaE: :(
17:44 VanessaE what?
17:44 VanessaE it was cheesecake
17:45 VanessaE how could I resist?
17:45 Shara I like cheesecake!!
17:45 Jordach <- doesn't do cheesecake
17:45 Calinou omg, found this by pure chance :D
17:45 Calinou
17:45 bigfoot547 Chocolate?
17:45 CWz was it cutted cheesecake
17:45 Calinou a Wolf3D secret level
17:45 VanessaE but I left a whole plate of it right over there on the table, jeez
17:45 VanessaE see? ---------_>
17:45 CWz :)
17:45 * Shara runs to the table
17:45 Jordach >32'' monitor Calinou ?
17:45 * CWz plants tnt in the cake and under the table and under the tnt
17:45 Calinou yep
17:46 Calinou glorious pixels on 32"
17:46 Jordach Calinou, meanwhile 29'' Ultrawide here
17:46 Shara CWz: I'm starting to think you don't want me to eat anything
17:47 * CWz wonders if 0.4.15 sam is stronger then 0.4.9 sam
17:48 Jordach why's that
17:48 CWz If sam hasn't gotten stronger steve will gain the lead in power levels
17:50 CWz to be honest i don't what that meth-head outclassing our fine specimen who's well dressed and gonna get his prrrromotion any day now
17:51 CWz We cannot let sam fall behind
17:51 CWz That was some good pot cake
17:51 CWz thank VanessaE
17:52 VanessaE haha
18:02 CWz whoops
18:19 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
18:22 Wayward_One hi all :)
18:26 Raven262 Hello Wayward_One
18:32 CWz Wayward_One hay
18:33 lisac Hi Wayward_One
18:34 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
18:49 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
19:30 VaultyLappy (CBT as in Construction Building Trades)
19:35 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
19:42 Jordach nice meme
20:01 red-001 did I just disconnect?
20:01 Raven262 Yes.
20:02 Raven262 There are two reds now.
20:02 Raven262 Thought one was enough.
20:02 red-001 what did I disconnect for?
20:02 Raven262 Excess Flood
20:02 red-001 huh
20:03 Raven262 Been pasting something long?
20:03 red-001 no
20:03 Raven262 Odd.
20:03 red-001 just reconnected to my bnc
20:04 red-001 oh I think it's coming back online
20:04 Fuchs chances are that badly configured ZNC, joining channels too quickly
20:04 Fuchs or mass-whoing too quickly
20:04 red-001_ joined #minetest-hub
20:04 red-001 there we go
20:06 red-001_ I could get rid of some of the channels
20:06 Fuchs or configure it properly!
20:17 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
21:07 * Wayward_One is shaken
21:08 Wayward_One just found out my best friend's dad was about 1000 meters from that car bomb in Afghanistan..
21:21 garywhite Geez
21:32 Nathans21 joined #minetest-hub
21:49 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-hub
22:05 Amaz joined #minetest-hub
22:10 PsychoVision joined #minetest-hub
22:10 PsychoVision YAY!!
22:10 PsychoVision OK
22:13 shivajiva joined #minetest-hub
22:14 VanessaE shivajiva: jin_xi is a former minetest contributor, well known for the work he was doing on irrlicht particles.  left MT for a long while, came back just recently.
22:15 shivajiva yes I believe so, he was told he was welcome when he mentioned previous contributions in pm
22:15 VanessaE so ....  you suck. :)
22:16 shivajiva thanks :)
22:16 Shara He didn't seem to be registered, so I couldn't auto-voice him. Did try when he first showed up.
22:38 octacian joined #minetest-hub
22:57 * benrob0329 pops in
22:59 * VaultyLappy is going to screw around with OC website XD
23:01 VanessaE not a good idea.
23:01 VanessaE OC has spies and this channel is logged, so he'll see your comment and then claim that you're DDoS'ing him or some BS
23:01 PsychoVision left #minetest-hub
23:01 VanessaE agreed.
23:03 garywhite I third the motion
23:03 Shara I eat the motion, and hope it tastes like eclair.
23:03 VanessaE lol
23:03 Shara (but more seriously, yes)
23:04 * VanessaE hands Shara a creme-filled donut
23:04 Shara Yessssss
23:04 Shara Really, I have this bad, ever since you first mentioned eclairs... I need to get some soon or I might go mad.
23:04 VanessaE lol
23:05 VanessaE we have this pastry shop around the corner, open only thurs-sat, has the best donuts and related confections
23:05 VanessaE pfft
23:05 Shara VanessaE: Not helping me here :P
23:06 VanessaE sorry Shara  :)
23:06 Shara I don't think I can fly there for doughnuts
23:06 VanessaE they have danish :)
23:06 Shara Guuuuhhhhh
23:07 VanessaE sometimes buckeyes also :)
23:08 Shara It's like I'm now rating you on an "ability to drive me mad with talk about confectionery" scale... and every time I think you maxed it out, you find something new!
23:08 VanessaE muahahahahah
23:09 VanessaE tomorrow's pay day, I'll likely stop by there.  maybe I'll take pics ;)
23:09 Shara If I ever run into you, I'm so not leaving until you offer doughnuts :D
23:09 garywhite Aw man, it's almost dinner & now I want a donut
23:09 VanessaE oh, there's this orchard down the way a piece, sells a bunch of apple-related foods.  they have an apple-caramel cookie that's to die for :D
23:10 Shara I'm more likely to die from not having it!
23:10 * Shara loves apple crumble
23:10 VanessaE that place has cakes, loafs, apple-cinnamon donuts, turnovers, pies, and a few other things too
23:11 VanessaE loaves*
23:12 VanessaE and about every variety of jellies/jams/preserves imaginable (not necessarily apple-based)
23:12 * Shara sobs
23:13 VanessaE oh, and then there's this chocolatier in town, sells the best fudge you could possibly want.
23:13 VanessaE all kinds of different varieties
23:13 Shara Noooo... why did you have to bring the fudge into it? :(
23:14 benrob0329 Traverse City Pie Company :PPPP
23:15 benrob0329 They have a goood Dutch Apple pie
23:15 Shara Okay, I'm going to crawl away now and eat my dinner which doesn't contain anything jam or cream filled at all, not even anything with apples!
23:15 red-001 who is oldcoder?
23:15 VanessaE red-001: I dunno, some troll I think?
23:15 benrob0329 red-001: idk
23:15 red-001 I haven't heard of someone like that VaultyLappy
23:16 garywhite What about this: It would really suck to be in this one hospital in my area, cause the hospital is just a couple blocks from the Ghiradelli factory, so all you can smell is chocolate nearby
23:16 VaultyLappy ikr
23:16 red-001 oh I guess they are not important
23:16 VaultyLappy yup
23:16 red-001 someone no-one called nemo outis
23:16 benrob0329 garywhite: living hell
23:16 benrob0329 I'd go mad
23:16 VanessaE omg
23:16 VanessaE garywhite you just beat my previous comments hands down :)
23:18 benrob0329 Only thing that could beat that, is some home made fudge being served right next to you
23:18 garywhite Correction: I just googled it & the factory is actually next door,-122.14331,18z?hl=en
23:18 red-001 VaultyLappy, odds that he will modife the site to look like that and claim you hacked it?
23:19 VaultyLappy thats why I used post img I can remove it
23:19 red-001 I mean he already faked someone reporting him to cloudflare
23:19 VanessaE benrob0329: there's this place in Tarpon Springs, FL on Dodecenese St. called The Dudge Factory, even better than the stuff here in town.  YOu get to watch the process, on this big marble slab
23:20 red-001 btw that edit is great
23:20 benrob0329 **drools*
23:20 red-001 it's almost like looking into his mind
23:21 VaultyLappy its gone now
23:21 VaultyLappy all you get is a 404
23:21 red-001 too late :)
23:23 red-001 the only issue with that parody was the lack of clipart
23:23 VaultyLappy ikr
23:24 * red-001 bloody hates clip art
23:24 red-001 like really why do people use it?
23:24 red-001 if I was made the president of the world the first thing I would do would be outlaw clip art
23:25 VaultyLappy XD
23:25 VaultyLappy saaaaammeee
23:25 red-001 like why would you ever use it, it just always ends up looking out of place and horrible
23:25 * VaultyLappy shudders
23:25 red-001 nore, is hating clipart ok?
23:25 VaultyLappy I remember being forced to use clipart on projects in 4th grade
23:25 nore red-001: that's your belief :)
23:25 VaultyLappy I asked can I use google images
23:26 VaultyLappy my teachers said NO, thats a bad site!
23:26 red-001 VaultyLappy, my condolances
23:26 VanessaE hah
23:26 red-001 I hope your family is ok
23:26 VaultyLappy XD
23:26 red-001 Have you managed to recover your sight yet?
23:27 VaultyLappy nope still wear glasses
23:27 red-001 I hear bleeding from the eyes has bad side effects
23:27 benrob0329 Pixabay ftw
23:27 VanessaE red-001: that only happens with overuse of comic sans and/or impact :)
23:28 VaultyLappy welp imma leave this chan if y'all ever need me just PM me or visit #ls-universe
23:28 benrob0329 Tbh OpenClipArt isn't bad if you dig
23:28 VanessaE noooo
23:28 red-001 noooooooooo!
23:28 red-001
23:28 VaultyLappy ?
23:28 VanessaE stick around, VaultyLappy
23:29 VaultyLappy why im not even a dev :P
23:29 VaultyLappy i spend more time on MC then MT
23:29 VanessaE this channel is for contributors too
23:29 VaultyLappy red-001, I have that as a chrome extension btw
23:29 VaultyLappy lol I haven't even contributed
23:29 benrob0329 VaultyLappy: we'll change that ;-)
23:30 VaultyLappy all my ideas or only effective in MC due to the mass of mods and plugin support
23:30 Jordach :thinking:
23:30 Jordach VaultyLappy, i've proven most of MT wrong
23:31 VaultyLappy besides im just a carpenter/contractor not a coder :P
23:31 VaultyLappy only thing that I ever coded was a CNC machine
23:31 VaultyLappy to make me a disc rack out of plastic
23:31 Jordach VaultyLappy, just get a pen and paper and write the steps down as a logical flow
23:32 red-001 hey I'm mostly just a clip art hater
23:32 red-001 I just do other stuff on the side
23:32 VaultyLappy btw if anyone ever wants to see my builds irl just MSG me your email and Ill send
23:33 Jordach try and a /msg <nickname> link
23:33 VaultyLappy they are all on my ipod is why
23:33 Jordach WHAT YEAR IS IT
23:33 VaultyLappy 1997 :P
23:34 Jordach iPod was 2001
23:34 VaultyLappy oh thought you were asking irl year
23:34 VaultyLappy it was a joke lol
23:35 VaultyLappy anywho ciao
23:35 VaultyLappy left #minetest-hub
23:37 * Jordach looks at making a modular main menu
23:37 Jordach which makes constructing new parts far simpler
23:41 Jordach the plan is: use fstk as a source base and re-construct it from the ground up in a menu tree - not tabs
23:43 Jordach in my theory
23:44 Jordach each menu has a base, that is overrideable
23:44 Jordach or allows extensibility
23:45 Jordach some platform specific stuff will be doable
23:49 Jordach which includes a possible conf addition: main_menu_enable_advanced
23:49 Jordach handy for debugging android systems since the reduced menu isnt as useful
23:50 Jordach actually, main_menu_force_advanced

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