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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-05-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:22 benrob0329 Hi NathanS21
00:23 NathanS21 hi Benrob0329
00:23 DI3HARD139 Just gonna throw this out here. Were there any plans allow for teleporting between multiple worlds?
00:23 DI3HARD139 Helllo NathanS
00:23 DI3HARD139 -l
00:24 NathanS21 hi Di3hard139
00:56 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
01:30 TommyTreasure DI3HARD139, on the programming side (i'm not a programmer), its surely a possibility.  but on the logistics side, its a nightmare
01:31 TommyTreasure DI3HARD139, i've had experience with this sort of thing in the old fidonet door games.
01:32 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
01:33 lumidify_ joined #minetest-hub
01:51 DI3HARD139 How does one install libleveldb1?
02:20 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
02:50 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
03:16 benrob0329 hi kaeza, sniper338
04:10 Stone-Talus joined #minetest-hub
04:19 kaeza hello benrob0329
05:51 benrob0329 Can we please have client redirection by the server?
05:51 benrob0329 Like, send the client off to another server
05:51 benrob0329 Then we could have hub worlds
05:54 cheapie benrob0329: That's only been asked about 497 times now :P
05:54 benrob0329 cheapie: yes, I can't imagine why...
05:55 cheapie benrob0329: If you can find a way to do it without making it an auth nightmare, then maybe...
05:56 benrob0329 Send the current uname and password?
05:56 benrob0329 If auth fails, make a popup box asking for the password
05:56 benrob0329 (Really though, hub worlds would connect to private servers)
05:58 cheapie I suppose maybe it could pop up a formspec saying something like "The server is requesting that you connect to <whatever>. Would you like to continue? [Yes] [No]", and then if the user clicks "yes", kick them back out to the "client" tab of the main menu with the address/port pre-filled.
06:00 TommyTreasure may i throw a 'monkey wrench' in this for a sec.  you can blow it off if you'd like.  i won't be offended.  :)
06:01 benrob0329 #5813
06:02 benrob0329 cheapie: I don't like the idea of having to dump the player back to the online tab (yes its been renamed ^_^ )
06:02 benrob0329 TommyTreasure: sure
06:02 benrob0329
06:02 benrob0329 Bottom comment
06:02 TommyTreasure back in the old bbs days, it was easy.  mainly because the game wasn't real time.  what happens if one of the servers becomes inactive during the player transfer?
06:03 TommyTreasure our game information was transferred via fidonet mail packets
06:03 benrob0329 Then the client gets dumped back to hub or online? tab?
06:03 benrob0329 -one of those ?s
06:04 TommyTreasure another 'what if'.  if the client loses connection during transfer?
06:04 benrob0329 Same as any other server
06:04 TommyTreasure i'm only thinking logistics, not the programming side
06:05 benrob0329 were just transfering the client without manual intervention
06:05 TommyTreasure yes, but the player would have to remember which server, he was on when he lost connection
06:05 benrob0329 Not the whole auth nightmare
06:05 benrob0329 Ok, so online tab is auto filled if connection fails
06:06 TommyTreasure and, what if the different worlds were set up with different mods, or have had them customized
06:06 benrob0329 why would that matter? This is just like connecting to any other server
06:06 TommyTreasure enough of my monkey wrench.  i actually think its a cool idea
06:06 benrob0329 Literally, just send the client to the other server
06:07 TommyTreasure like an autoconnect instead of quit and join manually?
06:07 benrob0329 Yes
06:07 TommyTreasure gotcha.  going back to my dark corner
06:07 benrob0329 The reason is, its dead simple
06:08 benrob0329 No auth fiddling or fancy player inv transfer
06:08 benrob0329 That can be handled via inter server communication of necessary
06:08 benrob0329 *if
06:10 TommyTreasure btw, this is the 'door game' i was talking about.  notice the "requirements".  lol
06:11 benrob0329 Heh
06:13 cheapie "Completely inter-BBS capable allowing you to compete with up to 254 other bulletin board systems."
06:14 TommyTreasure my old bbs was one of those 254!  lol
06:16 TommyTreasure 5 node ( HST modems ) 5 - 386/25 w 1/m, booting and running from floppy, with a lantastic network.  1 486/50 as server.  lol
06:24 benrob0329 Maybe instead of 3 off/on topic sections, we could have a "water cooler" or "break room" section
06:25 benrob0329 Suggesting its for quality, non craposting content
06:25 benrob0329 (With a games subssction)
06:25 benrob0329 *subsection
06:26 benrob0329 VanessaE, Calinou ?
06:27 cheapie benrob0329: Then we'd have exactly the train wreck we had before, which doesn't seem very useful.
06:27 benrob0329 Not necessarily
06:28 benrob0329 Right now no one knows what to do, and as such we have craposting again
06:28 benrob0329 Before it was a free for all
06:28 cheapie *I* think that whole section of the forum just needs to be removed.
06:28 benrob0329 And as such, craposting
06:28 benrob0329 Forums become very boring if you can't have a place to relax
06:28 benrob0329 (Note: not to crapost)
06:28 cheapie (actually, I'd put the forums out of their misery, period, but that's just me)
06:30 benrob0329 But showing that its for good quality offtopic posts is what makes a good cominuty
06:30 CWz joined #minetest-hub
06:30 benrob0329 Honestly, the first place I check of every forum is offtopic
06:30 benrob0329 It says a lot about the community
06:37 benrob0329 Honestly, the whole forum needs a good cleanup
06:37 benrob0329 Weeding out old, broken mods
06:37 benrob0329 Shitposts, etc
06:48 Calinou hi
06:55 benrob0329 Calinou: <@benrob0329> Maybe instead of 3 off/on topic sections, we could have a "water cooler" or "break room" section
06:55 benrob0329 <@benrob0329> Suggesting its for quality, non craposting content
06:55 benrob0329 <@benrob0329> (With a games subssction)
06:57 Calinou how do you guarnatee shitposters won't invade it?
06:59 benrob0329 Bans
07:00 Calinou meh, have fun doing that
07:00 benrob0329 I would :P
07:00 benrob0329 There are lots of places I can suggest for shitposting
07:00 benrob0329 I even moderate a few
07:01 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:14 WhoAreYou joined #minetest-hub
07:40 Zeno` joined #minetest-hub
07:40 Zeno` joined #minetest-hub
07:42 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
08:15 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
08:23 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
09:21 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
09:21 tenplus1 hi folks
09:37 tenplus1 Mobs Redo updated to 1.36 - death check - dropped items cooked if died in lava, fire or with lava pick :P
09:41 * Raven262 hunts some mobs with his lava pick.
09:41 tenplus1 lol, hi raven
09:41 Raven262 Hello tenplus1
09:42 Raven262 Is lava pick from mobs redo?
09:42 Raven262 Or is it a separate mod?
09:42 tenplus1 it's part of mobs_monster
09:42 Raven262 Ah.
09:42 Raven262 Okay
09:42 tenplus1 the lava flan drops the orbs and lets you make the pick :D
09:42 Raven262 lol nice
09:42 Raven262 If only mobs didn't lag that much in mt.
09:42 tenplus1 but you can cook sheep/cows in lava/fire and they will drop cooked meats :D
09:43 Raven262 Thats a bit scary right?
09:43 Raven262 Oo
09:43 tenplus1 lol yeah
09:43 tenplus1 mobs arent that laggy, they run fine on Xanadu and that's a desktop pc running a full server
09:44 Raven262 Really? I always thought mobs look odd in game cause of lag
09:44 Raven262 Maybe its cause of my pc.
09:44 tenplus1 what spec you running ?
09:45 Raven262 But i doubt it, A8 APU runs many games fine.
09:45 Raven262 And 8Gb ram
09:45 tenplus1 3x types of lag... server, graphical, network..
09:45 Raven262 Well, since i tested it on my pc, network lag is surely not
09:46 tenplus1 ehehe
09:46 Raven262 Graphical i didn't notice
09:47 Raven262 Its just the behavior of mobs that is strange, they usually like to... lag out from their movement path.
09:47 Raven262 And with many mobs, other actions like killing them gets lagged.
09:47 tenplus1 the api is light and the loop runs on a 1 second check so it doesnt stress server/game...  the only realtime is falling/do_custom
09:48 Raven262 Are carbone mobs based on this?
09:49 tenplus1 lemmie check
09:50 tenplus1 carbone is based on the older simple_mobs api which redo was built from and all the new effects and features added to
09:51 Raven262 So the new one should lag less or more?
09:51 tenplus1 they both use the 1 second loop :P
09:51 Raven262 So same then.
09:51 tenplus1 the only realtime is falling, attack and in redo do_custom
09:52 tenplus1 I try to keep lag to a minimum but I may at some point redo the movement functions into their own timer and have it 0.5 instead of 1 sec
09:53 Raven262 Yes, that would make their movement much more smooth
09:53 * Raven262 is testing mobs_redo stuff and things.
09:54 tenplus1 testing is good :)
09:54 Raven262 Yeah thats why its Mine-test
09:55 tenplus1 ehehe, redo api has many good features that have been submitted and added :P testing is essential
10:01 Raven262 Accidentally tested something else, my skybox blends so good into the terrain:
10:02 tenplus1 lol, accidentally :P   nice screenshot btw, looks kewl
10:02 Raven262 I found a penguin xD
10:02 Raven262 lol this is nice
10:02 tenplus1 :) penguins can be tamed
10:03 Raven262 How?
10:03 * Raven262 must know
10:03 Raven262 OO
10:03 Raven262 Oo
10:03 tenplus1 lol
10:03 tenplus1 ethereal:fish_raw
10:03 Raven262 Don't have ethereal :/
10:03 Raven262 ...
10:03 tenplus1 lemmie quickly google what else penguins eat
10:04 tenplus1 sadly 90% fish diet and krill...
10:04 Raven262 Need fish in default
10:04 Raven262 Fishing mod would be nice...
10:05 tenplus1 fishing in ethereal :P and a few separate fish mobs
10:05 tenplus1 I suppose if we add the 'fish' group we could use any mod to tame them
10:05 Raven262 I'll try this with ethereal then :D
10:05 Raven262 Where do i find it?
10:05 tenplus1
10:06 tenplus1 water mobs add-on for mobs redo, adds fish...
10:06 tenplus1 will have penguins tamed with these too
10:06 Raven262 These work also?
10:06 tenplus1 they will in a minute :) adding now
10:07 Raven262 lol
10:07 Raven262 :D
10:10 Raven262 I also added sky mobs, more monsters and animals mods from that same author, to test the amount of lag (and to see them)
10:11 tenplus1 k, mobs_animal updated... penguins can eat fish from mobs_fish mod also :D
10:11 tenplus1 sky_mobs have birds that tend to spawn a lot, be careful with that one
10:11 tenplus1 it's not the api that's lagging but the sheer amount of mobs other add-ons can spawn
10:12 Raven262 OK, redownloading
10:12 tenplus1 you can always change spawn levels in minetest.conf though e.g.   mobs_animal:cow = 9000,1   <--  1 cow per area, 1 in 9000 spawn
10:13 Raven262 Ah, well that would be really useful if i made a server.
10:14 tenplus1 if you set to =0 then the mob itself is disabled
10:15 Raven262 Shouldn't the wolves be attacking me? xD
10:15 tenplus1 which mod ?
10:15 Raven262 Yes, it might be the other mod.
10:15 Raven262 Now, how do i check...
10:16 tenplus1 wolves on xanadu will attack on sight, usually in packs...  other mob packs may have them set to 'npc' so you gotta hit them 1st for them to attack ya
10:16 Raven262 Yes, this is that other mod
10:16 Raven262 More animals or something
10:16 tenplus1 checking
10:17 tenplus1 weird... it's set to "animal" for the wolf... they wont attack unless you hit them first
10:18 tenplus1 usually I'd change that to "monster" so they always attack and then you tame them into dog which is npc
10:18 Raven262 But anyway, one can kill them with his bare hands
10:18 Raven262 They are so though :O
10:18 Raven262 xD
10:18 tenplus1 ehehe...  a good mod though :) I like that one
10:19 Raven262 I like it.
10:19 Raven262 Though now that i found the wolves, there are no more penguins, this seems odd.
10:19 tenplus1 the models are from KPG mobs which is an oldie :P
10:19 Raven262 I actually played that one sometime ago.
10:20 tenplus1 :) kewl...  I helped with the riding code in that one...  mobs_horse on  my git is the latest version of that...
10:20 tenplus1 the better rat looks kewl
10:20 Raven262 Wait, this mod asks for some riding lib or something
10:20 Raven262 For riding the horses
10:21 tenplus1 dont use that horse mod, instead use
10:21 tenplus1 it uses the built-in riding lib that comes with mobs redo... saves you having another mod
10:22 Raven262 :D
10:22 Raven262 NIce
10:22 Raven262 testing it.
10:23 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:23 tenplus1 hi fixer
10:26 Raven262 I now have a penguin.
10:27 tenplus1 w00t!   make a nametag and cname the lil guy :P
10:27 Raven262 :D
10:28 Raven262 He is now called pingus
10:28 Raven262 Cause that name fits him best.
10:28 tenplus1 ehehe, nice
10:28 tenplus1 I'd call him "fish finger"
10:28 Raven262 lol
10:30 Raven262 The lava things are spawning fire on the snow.
10:31 Raven262 I find this amusing, as paramat would say.
10:31 tenplus1 lava flan ?
10:31 tenplus1 the wibbly wobble lava monsters ?
10:31 Raven262 lava slime
10:31 Raven262 is that from your mod?
10:31 tenplus1 ahh, those are fun :) they jump around and cause flame
10:31 Raven262 Yes i saw them :D
10:32 tenplus1 mobs_slimes prolly
10:32 tenplus1 more monsters
10:32 tenplus1 we have a cut back version on xanadu... green slimes(med and small) and lava slimes (small)
10:32 Raven262 I think they fit really good in the game, in the lava caves to be precise.
10:32 Raven262 Lava itself is not such an obstacle as they would be.
10:32 tenplus1 true, especially with crystal armor giving fire/lava protection now
10:33 tenplus1 and watercrystal helmet letting you breathe underwater
10:34 * Raven262 has to check this server out.
10:35 Raven262 Well, it seems no new players can join.
10:35 tenplus1 hold on
10:35 tenplus1 try now
10:35 Raven262 Works :D
10:43 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
10:45 Raven262 Crashed.
10:46 Raven262 tenplus1, when i tried to pick up the bones my client crashed.
10:47 tenplus1 what client you using ?
10:47 tenplus1 0.4.?
10:47 Raven262 0.4.15-dev
10:47 tenplus1 works ok here... ?!?!
10:47 Raven262 Odd
10:47 Raven262 I might have not updates in a few days though.
11:00 tenplus1 afk
11:04 tenplus1 Raven262: sprinting a lot depletes your stamina/hunger
11:07 Raven262 Yes i have seen
11:07 Raven262 I will be back later, have to make lunch and stuff.
11:07 lisac joined #minetest-hub
11:07 tenplus1 enjoy :)) hi lisac
11:08 lisac Hi tenplus1.
11:08 lisac Hi Amaz.
11:08 lisac Hi VaultyTowers.
11:14 Stone-Talus hoy lisac
11:18 red-002 lol why are you connected with two accounts?
11:19 VaultyLappy my laptop and tower
11:19 red-002 oh
11:19 red-002 wait your ISP gives you a diffrent ip address for both?
11:19 VaultyLappy shouldn't?
11:20 red-002 nvm
11:20 red-002 I read it wrong
11:20 VaultyLappy lol
11:26 VaultyTowers lol someone grifted an amd radeon graphics processor from our schools computer XD
11:27 VaultyTowers that processor also found its way to me XD
11:30 Sokomine tenplus1: sheep and cows are not for cooking. and lava flarns are too cute to kill
11:31 tenplus1 lol, hi Sokomine
11:32 Raven262 Thats odd
11:32 * Raven262 has just been cooking some sheep
11:33 * tenplus1 leaves the sheep to cook themselves :D
11:34 * Raven262 finds tenplus1's idea very amusing.
11:34 Raven262 :O
11:35 tenplus1 but only if they are stupid enough to wander into fire or lava :D
11:35 Raven262 They could in ethereal
11:35 Raven262 In that lava thingy biome
11:35 Raven262 The reddish one
11:36 tenplus1 Fiery biome :P
11:36 Raven262 Yes that one.
11:37 * Sokomine puts fences in front of the lava so that the animals are safe
11:37 tenplus1 the fire flowers are kinda deadly, but... are an essential ingredient to chili taco's in Xanadu :D
11:37 Krock joined #minetest-hub
11:37 tenplus1 hi Krock
11:37 Sokomine hi
11:37 Krock what. apparently I can't read the userlist
11:37 Krock hi tenplus1
11:38 Krock ...but I was prepared :<
11:38 Krock hi Sokomine
11:38 tenplus1 :P
11:43 red-arch hi Krock
11:43 Krock hi red
11:43 tenplus1 hi red
11:43 Shara Hello all
11:44 tenplus1 hi Shara
11:44 Shara hi Ten :P
11:50 VaultyTowers
11:52 tenplus1 shame that the switch dock is so crappy
11:52 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-hub
11:52 tenplus1 hi storm
11:55 Raven262 Hello Shara
12:03 stormchaser3000 hi
12:06 NathanS21 joined #minetest-hub
12:06 tenplus1 hi nathan
12:07 NathanS21 hi tenplus1
12:08 tenplus1 brb
12:08 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
12:08 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
12:08 tenplus1 back :P
12:09 Shara :P
12:09 tenplus1 oh yeah, Mobs Redo API has been updated to 1.36... new death check for cooking drops :D
12:11 Shara I'm not updating anything at the mo. Too busy with studies :P
12:11 tenplus1 ahh, busy busy :P
12:12 Shara Well, I have  apretty huge project to finish + exams
12:12 Shara with in the next two weeks
12:12 Shara It's why I'm not working on any of my mods right now either
12:12 tenplus1 I dont blame ya
12:12 Raven262 Not that mods > everything else.
12:13 Shara But mods > making webpages about things I don't care about
12:13 tenplus1 lol
12:14 Fuchs good luck with exams
12:14 Shara Thanks Fuchs :)
12:14 tenplus1 hi Fuchs
12:15 Fuchs yes, hello
12:15 Shara Main problem I get is that I just study on the side., so even getting time off to go to the exams can be difficult.
12:16 Shara But realised I'd been teaching myself all these things, so may as well get the piece of paper too :)
12:16 tenplus1 :)
12:18 Shara It's kind of sad that I think MT did more to make my code better so far than studying did :P
12:20 tenplus1 it gave you a purpose in learning
12:20 Shara I like that if I make something here, be it a mod or something I try get added to the game, I see people using it
12:20 Shara Plus I can actually work with people on stuff
12:21 Shara And... I realised I prefer both lua and C++ a lot more than any languages they actually teach for the course :P
12:21 tenplus1 which languages do they teach?
12:21 Shara It was mostly Java
12:22 Shara But a little python this year too
12:22 tenplus1 python is the new basic :) I like it for it's simplicity
12:23 tenplus1 java I dont like tho...
12:24 Shara I think I'd probably like python if I was doing anything real with it
12:24 Shara But they are just using it for example mainly
12:25 tenplus1 still better than what I got at college :P cobol and pascal :PPPPPP
12:29 Shara hehehe
12:29 Shara Got nothing at college
12:30 Shara School left me thinking computing was stupid... since the height of challenge there was adding two things from spreadsheet fields.
12:30 Shara I only started to realise there was more to it when I looked at open source games
12:30 tenplus1 ahahaha, that is kinda lame :P  they'll never instill the wonder of computing using a spreadsheet
12:31 Shara I know.
12:31 Shara I still remember the exam involved things like... showing you could change a font or insert a piece of clipart :(
12:32 tenplus1 that's the sorta thing you get in beginners computing...  how to use a mouse, type things etc.
12:33 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-hub
12:33 tenplus1 hi shadow
12:33 WhoAreYou joined #minetest-hub
12:33 tenplus1 hi WhoAreYou
12:33 WhoAreYou Hello tenplus1
12:36 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
12:36 tenplus1 hi DS-minetest
12:36 DS-minetest hi
12:38 Shara Hello WhoAreYou, DS-minetest :)
12:39 Shara tenplus1: Yup. MAde it feel so uninteresting to me that I didn't look at computers properly again for years. I wish I'd had someone around to encourage me sooner
12:42 tenplus1 this 'lil guy got me into programming in a big way:
12:42 Shara :)
12:43 Fixer *,..,*
12:43 tenplus1 hi fixr
13:36 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
13:36 tenplus1 hi sniper
13:37 Raven262 tenplus1, can you allow lisac to join the Xanadu?
13:37 lisac :) yes please
13:37 tenplus1 borders should be open already
13:37 tenplus1 checking
13:38 tenplus1 open
13:38 tenplus1 damn serialize.h error again, cannot track where that one is coming from
13:39 celeron55 #minetest-project is now set to forward to #minetest, for all that matters
13:39 tenplus1 :PP
13:40 red-arch neat
13:40 VanessaE O_o
13:41 VanessaE celeron55: careful, thou shalt bring the wrath of He Who Should Remain K-lined  :P
13:42 celeron55 the channel is dead, the only thing it can do anymore is confuse people
13:42 VanessaE agreed
13:42 celeron55 and there's enough wrath going on in any case
13:42 VaultyTowers ^
13:42 VanessaE but...but... he might start throwing spitballs!
13:42 VanessaE :)
13:42 celeron55 like, it hasn't even started lessening yet
13:43 Krock VanessaE, lol. I just remembered of the Dark Lord in Harry Potter
13:43 VanessaE Krock: heh yep, Abe made the same reference when I told him that ^^^
13:43 Krock the one whose name shouldn't be said
13:44 red-arch damnatio memoriae much?
13:44 Krock - Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited (#minetest-project)
13:45 VaultyTowers intriguing
13:45 Raven262 tenplus1, lisac also found that picking up the bones on Xanadu crashes the client.
13:46 tenplus1 do you have an error message ?
13:46 tenplus1 also is it a dropped item or actual node he's picking up ?
13:46 Raven262 dropped item.
13:47 Raven262 And it happened too when i tried to kill a chicken with its own meat.
13:47 tenplus1 checking builtin and creative mods
13:47 VaultyTowers i should just join his IRC to see what he says XDDD
13:47 tenplus1 do you guys have mob security enabled ?
13:47 Raven262 Mob security?
13:47 Krock no, they're set to hostile here
13:47 tenplus1 *mod
13:47 Raven262 mod security?
13:47 Krock oh
13:47 lisac
13:47 Raven262 lisac says we do have.
13:47 VanessaE if you have mod security disabled, you need to enable it for your own sanity :P
13:48 VaultyTowers lol
13:48 lisac VanessaE, why? :P
13:48 Krock lisac, what piece of old mod is that?
13:48 * VaultyTowers is going to crack open a Dew-S-A
13:48 VanessaE lisac: worldedit_gui.  I don't think I need to explain further.  :P
13:49 Raven262 Mod security is enabled by default here.
13:49 tenplus1 k, am picking up bones here ok... I dunno why you guys are crashing in client
13:49 lisac tenplus1, What's your client's version?
13:49 tenplus1 today's build
13:49 Raven262 I'll update my minetest to the latest daily build.
13:50 lisac tenplus1, One can buy tons of craft guides and fill free stuff chests with them
13:51 Raven262 :D
13:51 lisac :)
13:51 red-arch since -project got redirected wouldn't it make sense to remove the logger from there?
13:52 VanessaE probably. :P
13:53 red-arch also couldn't it be set as secrect so it doesn't show up on the channel list?
13:56 red-arch oh it is set to secrect
13:56 red-arch but it still shows up on the channel list
13:59 lisac hey tenplus1, you made mobs redo, right?
14:00 tenplus1 I tend to it, yes :) but it started off as simple mobs with a big group effort ;D
14:00 * Sokomine wonders what VaultyTowers is cracking open
14:01 lisac Do you think it would be possible to modify it to work like WoW's mobs?
14:01 Sokomine what do those do?
14:01 lisac there is a fixed amount of mobs inside of an area
14:01 tenplus1 that's how it works... it's all down to mob definition and spawn functions
14:01 lisac if they leave their spawn radius, they return to their spawn positions and regenerate HP
14:01 tenplus1 it counts mobs inside an area before spawning new one's
14:02 lisac WoW also has a bit more RPG style combat
14:02 lisac that would probably work well in MT
14:02 tenplus1 so keep mobs within a certain radius of it's spawn point where it restores health ./
14:02 lisac because it ignores lag
14:02 lisac yes.
14:02 tenplus1 will look into it as a behaviour option
14:03 lisac maybe even add a block you can place, around which 4-5 mobs spawn
14:03 lisac of a single type
14:03 Sokomine ah. and how does mobs_redo handle spawning? in sapiers animals modpack spawning used to be rather expensive for some time
14:03 tenplus1 we have spawners included in api :)   /giveme mobs:spawner
14:04 tenplus1 spawning still uses abm's that can be tailored to run at a set time/chance and have conditions to be met before it spawns anything
14:04 lisac tenplus1, I'll try to make the modifications myself and I'll make a pull request if I succeed
14:04 tenplus1 ok
14:04 Fixer tenplus1: you should add mob immunity against thrown objects at them
14:05 tenplus1 that's already in ther efixer
14:05 tenplus1 we have immune_to table
14:05 tenplus1 which can set specific +/- health for certain items... also armor groups so that certain weapons dont work :D
14:05 tenplus1 e.g.   hit oerkki with wood sword, does nothing... hit with gold lump, heals health
14:07 Raven262 tenplus1, Xanadu is basically made out of bamboo biome.
14:08 tenplus1 ehehe, they are rather large... but that's down to the map seed that players chose :P
14:08 Raven262 I was trying and trying to escape it for 15 minutes until i died eventually
14:08 tenplus1 I did break up later bamboo biomes with poppy fields and swamps
14:08 Raven262 I'm sad cause i can't eat bamboo.
14:08 Shara I like bamboo biomes :)
14:08 Raven262 And i don't find dying so amusing.
14:08 Raven262 I like giant mushrooms.
14:08 tenplus1 you can eat bamboo sprouts, but they take away health while healing hunger :D
14:09 tenplus1 also the hearty stew has bamboo sprouts as ingredient (theyre ok when cooked)
14:09 lisac Shara, Try finding a piece of wood there
14:09 lisac you can't grow anything
14:09 lisac you die out of starvation before you leave it
14:09 Shara I actually built almost exclusively in bamboo biomes on Xanadu
14:10 tenplus1 ppl tend to leave you alone inside bamboo biomes, and the bamboo can be crafted into many things inc. stairs/slabs :P
14:10 Raven262 Well, most of the people do, guess why.
14:10 Raven262 One does not simply escape an bamboo biome.
14:10 tenplus1 heh
14:10 Raven262 I need to make a meme
14:10 Raven262 ...
14:10 * Shara also selected that biome intentionally :P
14:11 Raven262
14:12 tenplus1 ahahah, nice
14:12 Raven262 There.
14:12 Raven262 xD
14:14 tenplus1 I was thinking at one point of making an Ethereal Lite mod... inserting the new biomes into the existing v7 mapgen one's
14:16 Raven262 That would be nice.
14:17 Sokomine hmm. which mob do i get now to navigate inside my houses?
14:17 tenplus1 Igor's are handy
14:17 * Shara wants more ridable mobs
14:18 tenplus1 horse, elephant and dragon... that's not too shabby :P
14:18 * Raven262 wants ridable dragons.
14:18 Raven262 Ah.
14:18 tenplus1 already happened raven :D
14:18 * Zeno` rides Shara
14:18 Zeno` oos
14:18 Zeno` oops
14:18 Zeno` misread
14:18 * Raven262 wants ridable giant ravens.
14:18 Shara >.>
14:18 Sokomine tenplus1: can they navigate inside houses i've built?
14:19 Shara DL has dragons
14:19 Shara And giant bats
14:19 Shara and elephants :)
14:19 Shara But I still didn't find horses I like... or a good bird model to do some kind of giant bird
14:20 tenplus1 you can try soko :P
14:20 Raven262 xD
14:20 Zeno` I used to be a bat
14:20 Sokomine hmpf. that test-mob is stuck at the door....
14:20 Sokomine Shara: the horse models inside mobs redo are quite good. they're sufficiently small. larger animals break the sense of wonder
14:21 Shara Sokomine: they just look ugly to me
14:21 Shara Mostly the textures
14:22 tenplus1 we DO need better textures for the horses though, the current one's are kinda crappy
14:22 tenplus1 updated...  optimized water flow functions...
14:23 Shara Things don't need to be big to look good
14:23 Shara I'd love to tak ea few things from nssm though, but they are just huge
14:23 tenplus1 amazing mobs but models are humungous
14:24 Shara 1MB + per model isn't acceptable to me
14:24 tenplus1 got the mobs_fish models from 180kb down to 0kb
14:24 Shara dmobs has some equally nice models, but much smaller, so it can certainly be done at a better size than nssm
14:25 Sokomine hmm. this unhappy mob doesn't have much success in trying to follow me...
14:25 Sokomine Shara: do a nicer model :-)
14:25 Shara I don't do models :)
14:26 Sokomine 0kb?
14:26 Sokomine Shara: too bad. i always need to convice people to do models and textures for me :-)
14:26 tenplus1 yeah... converted from 2x .b3d files into upright_sprites using inventory image textures :) worked like a charm
14:26 Sokomine vanessae has provided many already :-)
14:27 Shara Textures I can do, but not models.
14:27 tenplus1
14:27 Shara :P
14:28 * Zeno` looks at Sokomine
14:28 Krock tenplus1, lovely
14:29 tenplus1 :P
14:29 Raven262 lol
14:30 Zeno` Sokomine, do you like gummibärchen?
14:30 Sokomine Zeno`: i do to some degree
14:30 Sokomine i like lakritz even more
14:31 Sokomine hmpf. seems i really need to get into mob pathfinding....
14:31 Zeno` no, no, I mean the cartoon
14:31 tenplus1 mobs redo is a simple api, pathfinding only comes into play when a mob attacks, and only for those it's enabled for
14:31 Shara Sokomine: seems we share tastes there :P
14:32 tenplus1
14:32 Zeno` I only ask because of
14:33 Zeno` I have many worlds named gummibärchen and found the report unusual
14:33 Wayward_One hi all :)
14:34 tenplus1 hi wayward
14:34 Shara Hi Wayward_One
14:34 Zeno` Wayward_One also has a whole server called gummibärchen
14:34 Raven262 Hello Wayward_One
14:34 Sokomine Shara: :-)
14:34 Zeno` lakritz would be a silly world name
14:35 Wayward_One lol
14:35 * Shara will now use it
14:35 Sokomine tenplus1: i'm currently testing the working_villages mob again. after all it has the same goal as the mobs i'm looking for. it works reasonably well, but there are limits
14:35 Sokomine Zeno`: never heared about such a cartoon. for me, they're just sweets for eating
14:35 Shara Maybe it can be my new test world
14:36 tenplus1 :P
14:36 Zeno` Sokomine, you should have villagers like Skyrim with traders
14:36 Sokomine Zeno`: i don't use umlaute for world names
14:36 Zeno` err villages*
14:36 Sokomine with all those careful that your players won't eat up your world :-)
14:37 Zeno` yeah, well, better that than nyan
14:37 Sokomine oh, i do have traders. they just don't move around at all
14:37 Zeno` the traders don't have to move, they just have to be in a village
14:38 Zeno` perhaps behind the scenes there could be a world economy but that's not necessary
14:38 Sokomine well, they are. install my mods (mg_villages plus mobf_trader) and they'll be there. their trades could be better...currently they sell most for material cost plus a bit more
14:39 Sokomine most people expect villagers to move around. mine just stand holes into the carpet
14:39 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-hub
14:39 tenplus1 mobs redo traders need a lotta work :PPPPP
14:40 Zeno` nah, villagers should remain in the same place but trade with traders from other villages
14:40 Zeno` so that stock is not generated magically
14:41 Zeno` the traders themselves should not move though
14:42 tenplus1 redo traders were setup to have limited random stocks and stand still, but will attack if you hit them first :PPP
14:42 Sokomine all my villagers are technically traders. they tend to have a job - they "buy" the materials they need, they sell what they carft. though they don't really have a stock
14:42 Zeno` they, imaginarily, should have assistants that imaginarily  travel the world so that stock moves
14:44 Zeno` that way every time you visit a trader you could potentially buy something that some other player sold either there or at another village
14:44 Shara I'd like to see something like that
14:44 tenplus1 a global trader list where swapped items come and go
14:45 Shara but to be honest, don't even see players trading among themselves much
14:45 Sokomine diffrent goal, zeno. my villages are mostly useful for singleplayer. if you've got multiplayer, you can just set up the traders so that they'll sell the player's goods. they're very very versatile in that regard
14:45 Zeno` Shara, they do
14:45 Zeno` Shara, just on your server I know people who have millions of mese lol
14:45 Shara your server too :P
14:45 Zeno` ok, on darklands
14:46 Zeno` they really do get rich
14:46 Shara It was the same on Xanadu though
14:46 Zeno` if they were NPC then it could get interesting
14:46 Shara Once you reach a certain point, you have everything you need really
14:46 Shara and before that point, you don't have anything anyone else really needs
14:47 tenplus1 yeah, which is good cause players tend to either build grand buildings or setup shop to sell to other players :D
14:47 Zeno` yes, but if the traders are NPC the dynamics change
14:47 Shara Zeno`: that's why I said I'd like to see it
14:47 Shara But I do have some doubts about how well it would work at the same time
14:48 Sokomine Zeno`: my traders are more like shops in that regard. they can either act as npc - byuing and selling what they need and crafted - or act for the player and offer whatever the player sells for whichever price
14:48 Sokomine most servers are too small for a working economy
14:52 Zeno` *shrug*
14:53 Zeno` I think it'd be a cool thing to do
14:53 Zeno` I'd do it myself but I dunno how to use Lua
14:54 tenplus1 traders should be a separate mod cause it has a lot put into it...
14:55 Raven262 testing ... ¹₂³₄⁵₆⁷₈⁹₁₀¹¹₁₂¹³₁₄¹⁵₁₆¹⁷₁₈¹⁹₂₀²¹₂₂²³₂₄²⁵₂₆²⁷₂₈²⁹30
14:55 lisac Sokomine, do you know why on most servers currency is worthless?
14:55 Zeno` I don't suggest it should be a part of MTG (which I am disillusioned with anyway)
14:55 Raven262 Cause people don't use it, lisac?
14:55 tenplus1 no no... I meant separate from mobs mod... it's a different thing altogether :D
14:56 lisac Raven262, Because there is an infinite amount of it
14:56 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
14:56 KaadmY How can you artificially raise the value of ingame currency?
14:56 lisac it spawns
14:56 tenplus1 hi Jordach
14:56 lisac killing the economy.
14:56 KaadmY The obvious way would be to make the goods they sell a lot rarer
14:56 red-arch hi Jordach
14:56 Raven262 Raise the value? Take it from the system.
14:56 Raven262 *out of the system
14:56 tenplus1 +1...  traders sell cinnamon for ceratin food items which cannot be found anywhere else on map :D
14:56 lisac Raven262, if you take too much, it becomes unpractical to operate with
14:56 KaadmY In real life it works because you just CAN'T mine iron or gold yourself in any quantity to be useful
14:56 Zeno` what I suggest is that what traders have to trade is whatever players will buy and for a price they will buy for. It's an interesting algorithm. It would also require prohibiting players setting up stores of their own, but *shrug*
14:56 Jordach *ooga-chaka intensifies*]
14:57 lisac Currency mods should have a limit on the amount, like 21 000
14:57 * KaadmY stares at Jordach's ooga-chaka
14:57 lisac when there is 21 000 units of currency inside the world, stop making more of it
14:57 Zeno` yes, items that cannot be found on the map is also a good thing
14:57 Raven262 But
14:57 Raven262 That makes leaks one really bad thing.
14:57 Zeno` e.g. cinnamon might be a good example if it cannot be found naturally in the playing world
14:58 Raven262 Like if a player takes some of the currency with him when he leaves the server forever.
14:58 lisac Raven262, that would only increase the value of the remaining currency
14:58 Zeno` currency leaks...see? it's getting interesting already
14:59 Zeno` lisac, correct
14:59 Raven262 I think the currency, whatever it may be should belong to the server itself.
14:59 lisac if there is a huge need for more currency, you can print more of it. Decreasing the value of the rest of it
14:59 Raven262 But that would break the "static amount"
14:59 Zeno` this would not be an easy mod to create, but it'd be awesome
14:59 lisac Raven262, it wouldn't. You still won't go over 21 000
14:59 Raven262 No, lisac.
14:59 lisac it would be controlled input, though
15:00 Raven262 It would require periodic recalculations of item's prices.
15:00 lisac Zeno`, I actually made one. I haven't released it, though.
15:00 lisac it's somewhere on my HDD.
15:00 lisac Raven262, Do you think money isn't destroyed in Real life?
15:00 Raven262 It is punishable by law, so rarely it is destroyed.
15:01 red-arch depends on the reason
15:01 lisac wow, did you ever hear anyone report someone else that he lost a couple of notes?
15:01 NathanS21 Governments regularly destroy old money, but put new money in its place
15:01 Raven262 No?
15:01 NathanS21 often times putting in more than they take out. :P
15:01 lisac 'Hey, arrest that guy, he lost 5000RSD'
15:01 Zeno` you could also make it not destroyable
15:01 Raven262 lol rsd
15:01 lisac NathanS21, And lower it's value
15:01 Jordach do i hear economics in Minetest?
15:01 Jordach :^)))))
15:01 NathanS21 People also collect money, which effectively takes it out of the system.
15:02 NathanS21 I have a collection of 2 dollar bills, that I don't spend
15:02 NathanS21 so they might as well have been destroyed.
15:02 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
15:02 NathanS21 though at some point my children will probably sell them, or just cash them in at a bank
15:02 Zeno` e.g. if a player leaves or is banned then their money is put back into the global pool. But we're not talking money here, just items (although the same would have to be done)
15:02 tenplus1 hi kaeza
15:02 Raven262 Sell them at a greater value :P
15:02 kaeza greetings
15:02 lisac Zeno`, If a player leaves, he also takes materials with him
15:03 lisac in his chests, buildings, inv.
15:03 Raven262 Wait
15:03 Zeno` Raven262, no. Only NPCs are allowed to sell
15:03 tenplus1 most servers have a monetary setup of some kind... either in item notes, gold lumps or the barter system
15:03 lisac decreasing the resulting deflation.
15:03 Raven262 no wasn't talking about that, Zeno` xD
15:03 lisac Zeno`, Everyone should be allowed to buy and sell
15:03 Zeno` nope
15:03 lisac in order to avoid players making black markets
15:03 lisac where they trade by dropping items between each other
15:03 Zeno` for this experiment to be really interesting only NPCs should be allowed to
15:04 Raven262 Wait, materials are constantly being added, which causes static money amount to gain value.
15:04 Raven262 see the problem?
15:04 Zeno` Raven262, that happens in real life as well
15:04 lisac Raven262, I think you are missing the point.
15:04 Raven262 Nope, lisac.
15:04 lisac you could theoretically buy more cobble for a coin than you can if there's less cobble in the world.
15:04 Zeno` Raven262, corporations or countries consistently "add" materials
15:05 Raven262 Yes, and how do the economies deal with it, Zeno`?
15:05 lisac but that is only, again, increasing the value of money
15:05 lisac which we are trying to create
15:05 lisac but keep money affordable at the same time
15:05 lisac players need a reason to give their money to others.
15:05 lisac why would I buy cobble, if I can dig it and keep my money?
15:05 lisac or why would I buy anything at all?
15:06 Shara That's the issue I hit on any server with currency
15:06 lisac What we need, are Professions.
15:06 lisac ability for players to specialize in certain trade.
15:06 lisac for example, mining. Or smelting.
15:06 Raven262 Yes, this is right. Eventually by selling eg. diamond blocks there would be lots of them, which would decrease their value to the eg. price of mese blocks.
15:06 Shara I thought about that a lot, but they;ll end up specialising in everything anyway
15:06 lisac which they can do cheaper and faster than other players. Giving us levels.
15:06 lisac Shara, limit them to 2 professions at a time
15:07 Shara Multiple characters
15:07 lisac they need to unlearn the old ones before taking up new ones
15:07 Raven262 ...
15:07 lisac yes, maybe so, but multiple accounts are already banned, right?
15:07 Shara No
15:07 Shara You can limit by IP address
15:07 Zeno` lisac, how can you buy more cobble than is in the world if you can only buy cobble that people have sold?
15:07 red-arch depends on the server
15:07 Raven262 Asking the real questions here^
15:08 Shara But what does this do? Gives those with dynamic IP addresses a bit of an advantage
15:08 Zeno` lisac, and then when people stop "selling" cobble then perhaps it's becoming rare?
15:08 lisac Zeno`, point is, why would you buy cobble?
15:08 Raven262 Cause you need to build something?
15:08 Zeno` lisac, why wouldn't you at some point?
15:08 lisac because there is no need to. I could stick to my money forever.
15:08 lisac I don't have to buy food.
15:08 lisac or shelter.
15:08 Zeno` lisac, e.g. if nobody was selling cobble because everyone was selling gold then you'd buy cobble. right?
15:09 Zeno` and trade it back for gold (if you needed that... it's just an example)
15:09 lisac Nope, I don't think so.
15:09 Raven262 No?
15:09 Raven262 Then you missed the profit, lisac.
15:09 Zeno` you would. It happens in real life every single second
15:10 lisac Yes, Zeno`, because in real life there is a need for materials.
15:10 lisac not in Minetest. Everyone can produce anything.
15:10 lisac correct?
15:10 lisac I don't need a specialized mining company to get gold. I can mine it myself.
15:10 Zeno` technically so can everyone in real life
15:10 * Raven262 goes mining some gold :O
15:10 lisac Really, I don't think I know how to build nuclear reactors.
15:10 lisac or mine gold.
15:10 Zeno` I hate mining coal
15:11 Zeno` I just don't do it
15:11 lisac so, you'd buy coal?
15:11 Zeno` The whole mod would be an experiment
15:11 lisac a server, not a mod.
15:11 Raven262 Wait, thats an interesting idea.
15:11 Raven262 Lets test it on a server.
15:11 lisac maybe allow some sort of guilds, too.
15:11 Zeno` for sure. On servers that have people selling coal I never mine coal
15:11 lisac where people selling/buying stuff can unite.
15:11 Zeno` I just don't mine it at all
15:12 lisac selling it at lower, affordable prices.
15:12 Raven262 lol
15:12 Shara I actually used coal as my base unit of stuff I asked for when selling
15:12 lisac and buying it at lower prices.
15:12 Shara Because I could never be bothered to mine it
15:12 * Raven262 used diamonds
15:12 Zeno` I don't care how much it costs I just buy it
15:12 Zeno` same with mese
15:12 Zeno` same with diamonds
15:12 Shara I ran farms on Xanadu and sold food for coal
15:12 Zeno` I'm not the only one who plays like this
15:13 Shara (now I have more coal there than I can ever use and no motivation to do more... that's the trouble)
15:13 Jordach you could go the arseface method and just set all the ores to be rare as fuck above -6k
15:13 tenplus1 most players tailor there shops for what they need anyhoo
15:13 Jordach *this is where the fun begins*
15:13 tenplus1 which is why money isnt that imprtant if you can trade :D
15:13 Zeno` tenplus1, yeah of course they do. That is why restricting shops to NPCs might be interesting
15:14 Shara Then I switched shops to  ask for mese, until I had more of that than I knew what to do with...
15:14 tenplus1 ehehe
15:14 Shara Then I realised there was nothing at all I needed that people might actually give
15:14 tenplus1 nah, I wouldnt limit shops... it's too much fun having players setup their own :) gives them a sense of economy and growth
15:14 Zeno` If all the "shops" have billions of mese then mese becomes worth less than cobble
15:15 Zeno` even if it's rarer in the world
15:15 lisac HEY, A BETTER IDEA! Let's just skip through the capitalist stage, and establish COMMUNISM!
15:15 Raven262 :O
15:15 Zeno` what happens then?
15:15 Shara tenplus1: the other problem is you end up with laods of empty player shops and it's a nightmare for  abuyer to find one with actual stock
15:15 paramat joined #minetest-hub
15:15 lisac Hi paramat.
15:15 Raven262 Greetings, paramat
15:15 tenplus1 hi parama
15:15 Raven262 xD
15:15 Zeno` the transfer of wealth starts happening
15:16 Zeno` so the cobble miners might become the "rich ones"
15:16 tenplus1 true shara, but that's why we host wrecking crews on Xanadu so we can remove all of the limited/banned/old players items
15:16 Zeno` then it kind of reverses again at some point
15:16 Shara tenplus1: And that exact thing sort of puts me off building more there :P
15:16 Raven262 Yes, it heals itself.
15:17 tenplus1 and if the builds are really nice then I'll protect them or have someone take it over to live in :)
15:17 Raven262 Wait, how does on "live in" a building?
15:17 paramat hehe
15:17 Raven262 Why is there a need for shelter?
15:17 Shara Depends on the server
15:17 Raven262 Yes, mobs, stuff
15:18 tenplus1 there isnt really... but... how kewl would it be if we could get heat/humidity values in a position and expose players to harsh heat and cold conditions
15:18 Shara When people show up on my creative asking for a house... the eye rolling begins.
15:18 Raven262 But basically you can build a 3 x 3 x 3 block of stonebrick and be done.
15:19 Raven262 lumidify had an interesting idea, he added sanity, which you lose in the dark and eventually die. It would recharge in light.
15:19 lisac Raven262, I could life next to a torch
15:19 Raven262 But that would be just one of the things
15:19 tenplus1 like shara's darklands :D
15:19 Shara Raven262: that's what DL does :)
15:19 Raven262 Never saw that :O
15:19 lisac or I could place torches wherever I go
15:20 Shara lisac: Torches on DL also go out :)
15:20 lisac Or I could place trapstones on the roads and trap people at night killing them with darkness
15:20 tenplus1 but if you have Real Torch then the torches go out eventually and need relit
15:20 Raven262 Oh, thats a nice idea.
15:20 Zeno` someone mentioned a black market before where players trade with each other directly
15:20 Zeno` personally I think that'd make things even more interesting
15:20 lisac Zeno`, me! :P
15:20 lisac Interesting?
15:20 Zeno` yes
15:20 lisac Are you saying you'd buy sub-quality food?
15:20 * Raven262 goes to sell some illegal memes on black market.
15:20 Raven262 :O
15:21 lisac just because it's cheaper than trading with a stupid robot?
15:21 lisac :)
15:21 Shara There'd need to be some danger to getting caught :)
15:21 Zeno` to see how it affects the "global" economy of NPC traders
15:21 Raven262 Hey lisac, you are hurting robot's feelings :(
15:21 lisac :( sorry poor robot
15:22 Zeno` the NPC traders, if programmed correctly, would have to try and respond in some way
15:22 lisac Zeno`, maybe we could have a sort of police
15:22 lisac and a whisper system
15:22 Zeno` "damage" is not necessarily the only approach
15:22 tenplus1 I was gonna add theif mobs at one point to roam around at night, if they get near you it'll steal an item in your hotbar
15:22 Raven262 xD
15:22 lisac where players can talk to each other silently, without others hearing.
15:22 Zeno` or both combined, yes
15:22 Zeno` this is not impossible to do
15:22 Raven262 How about add the ability for players to steal from each other?
15:23 lisac tenplus1, Thiefs? More like brutal death machines. I don't think a thief would run into you and steal stuff directly.
15:23 Zeno` Raven262, that would have no effect
15:23 Raven262 :P
15:23 Shara It would need to be a server set up specifically for this though I thikn, instead of just dropped into an existing server
15:23 Shara think*
15:23 Raven262 Yes, it would be minetest official trading system test - MOTST
15:23 Zeno` I don't think you'd add it to an existing server
15:23 lisac Yeah, maybe someone could start the mod, and host a server?
15:24 Shara SOmeone needs to make the mod first
15:24 Zeno` I will help if someone wants to write this mod
15:24 Raven262 lisac can do it.
15:24 Raven262 lisac can do it.
15:24 Raven262 eh, lisac?
15:24 * Shara will help if Zeno does it
15:24 Zeno` I'll even add engine changes if necessary (but I don't think they will be)
15:24 Shara But Zeno` should finish CRL first.
15:25 lisac Possibly. I'll just assist the more experienced devs.
15:25 Raven262 He'll do it then.
15:25 Raven262 :D
15:25 Zeno` CaevRealmsLite only needs some aliases added to it and then I'm finished with it and someone else can take it over
15:25 lisac maybe make a new channel for this? so that we don't spam #-hub?
15:25 Zeno` I'm not possessive
15:26 Shara Zeno`: So abandon the plans we had then?
15:26 lisac Also, some better name than MOTST?
15:26 Raven262 lol
15:26 Raven262 That was a joke lisac.
15:26 Raven262 You need some sense of humor to get it.
15:26 lisac :(
15:26 Raven262 Get it?
15:27 Zeno` Shara, I can't even remember them :D But if they're simple ones then of course not. But I am not possessive. If you want to be the maintainer of CRL then you can be.
15:27 Shara I would just like it actually finished as we agreed.
15:27 Zeno` My goal with CRL was to make a "lite" version of caverealms
15:27 Zeno` ok, PM me... I forget which bits are missing hehehe
15:28 Shara Silly Zeno :)
15:28 Zeno` I achieved the main objective though
15:30 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
15:31 nerzhul !tell srifqi yes it will be done just before
15:31 ShadowBot nerzhul: O.K.
15:31 Dumbeldor !tell nerzhul test
15:31 ShadowBot Dumbeldor: O.K.
15:32 tenplus1 wb nrz
15:34 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
15:34 tenplus1 hi Jordach
15:34 * Jordach fixed the wi-fi repeater on my laptop
15:34 tenplus1 what was the issue ???
15:38 NathanS21 what logging level should I use to get print statements in my code to show in debug.txt
15:38 lisac tenplus1, I'm guessing it wasn't working
15:38 NathanS21 the menu isn't very clear on what the levels do, esp as the options doesn't even match what the examples show.
15:39 tenplus1 lol
15:40 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
15:40 shivajiva NathanS21 use 'action' so it gets printed is probably easy way
15:41 NathanS21 thanks, I'll try that.
15:41 Krock NathanS21, "print" alone doesn't get logged. However, you could overwrite this function with minetest.log("[level]", ...
15:41 Krock since it's overwritten by Minetest anyways
15:42 NathanS21 Okay, thanks. I'll try that out too
15:42 NathanS21 I've got a loop and want to figure out what is causing it, but I can't read the terminal fast enough, and nothing is saving to debug.txt
15:42 NathanS21 :D
15:43 shivajiva use minetest.log("action") as Krock said
15:43 Krock + the string to log, obviously
15:43 NathanS21 yes :)
15:44 NathanS21 I might open a bug report for the options in the menu, I'd think your options and the examples should match, so we don't have to guess which option is which.
16:05 lisac maybe there should be a way to get keypresses in CSM?
16:05 lisac for example, register_on_keypress(key_id)
16:05 tenplus1 that would be handy
16:06 lisac extremely handy. We could bind chat commands to keys.
16:06 lisac as well as bind teleport commands to keys. Handy for admins
16:06 lisac or bind things like 'Selling 20 stacks of cobble'
16:39 tenplus1 ooh, thunderstorm...
16:39 tenplus1 so much for good weather :D
16:41 red-001 cheapie, I don't think that -project needs to be logged anyore, it was redirected to #minetest
16:45 Dargod joined #minetest-hub
16:45 tenplus1 hi Dargod
16:48 paramat thunderstorm is good weather :] we had one too
16:49 tenplus1 yeah, cleans the air :) plus it was too hot today :D
16:49 * Wayward_One loves thunderstorms
16:49 * Shara was about to type that
16:49 tenplus1 ehehe
16:49 Shara Well, no need to guess why I was up half of the night sitting at the window :)
16:50 Wayward_One good for photography, as well as watching
16:50 Wayward_One lol
16:50 Shara my camera is kind of broken :(
16:50 Shara So no photography here
16:51 Wayward_One aww :(
16:54 Shara Was going to buy a new one... but every time I am about to, something more important breaks :P
16:55 tenplus1 havent used my camera in years...  gotta save up for a holiday 1st :D ehehe
16:56 * Shara needs to check flights for one!
17:08 Raven262 tenplus1, can you help me on xanadu? I died at 7000 away from spawn and i kinda can't walk all the  way back for all those stuff :P
17:08 Raven262 It took me about an hour to get there
17:08 Sokomine tenplus1: just give my traders a try....the only thing they can't do is walk around. they'll even take over your npc from mobs_redo if those still have the same interface
17:09 tenplus1 lol, gotta use that /sethome :)0 lemmie connect... d you have coords ???
17:09 Raven262 yes
17:09 DFeniks joined #minetest-hub
17:09 Sokomine lisac: that's right, currency on servers does not have much value. still, people love to collect it. it also makes exchanges of items easier
17:09 tenplus1 type em here
17:09 Raven262 -7222 3.5 -5.0
17:09 Raven262 there
17:09 Raven262 i just somehow fell off a cliff
17:09 Raven262 xD
17:11 lumidify Raven262: (yes, I know I'm 2 hours late...) btw, the sanity I have is just the bewarethedark mod, except that I fixed a bug in it.
17:11 tenplus1 will test 'em out Sokomine
17:11 Raven262 :D
17:12 Shara lumidify: which bug?
17:12 Raven262 It was just an example, lumidify
17:12 Shara Didn't think anyone else was seriously using that mod
17:12 Raven262 Not that i consider it a perfect enemy for minetest.
17:12 lumidify
17:13 Shara Hmm, can't say I experienced that
17:13 lumidify I do want to modify it a bit to have "good" players in Lord of the Test lost sanity in the dark and "bad" players like orcs lose sanity in the light
17:13 lumidify Did you use it on a server?
17:14 Shara lumidify: It's running on Dark lands
17:14 Shara Hmm, DL is now 222 days old.
17:14 lumidify Weird, it didn't work for me and also doesn't seem to make sense unless I completely misunderstood the code (which is possible)
17:15 Shara Would you mind checking if you get the issue on DL< when you have time?
17:15 lumidify Well, it's very obvious - the eyes just don't show up anymore after you've joined the first time, so I'm pretty sure you didn't just miss it...
17:16 Sokomine Shara: coalblocks are pretty nice for roads
17:16 Shara Yea... and I haven't really edited anything in that mod
17:16 Shara Sokomine: I don't really build roads :)
17:16 * Shara has a WhoAreYou for roads
17:17 red-001 sfan5, is there any need to log #minetest-project anymore?
17:18 sfan5 red-001: no and it's removed from the config already
17:18 sfan5 will take effect next time i reboot or restart the bot
17:18 red-001 oh ok
17:21 Sokomine skip that talking about stealing. that's not very helpful. neither mobs nor players should steal from other player's inventory. most servers are more reasonable and playable. if you absolutely want chaos go to an unmaintained abandoned chaotic server
17:23 tenplus1 lol
17:24 Sokomine Shara: that's convenient :-)
17:24 lumidify Shara: on your server the issue doesn't seem to exist, but when I try it with the unmodified bewarethedark mod locally, it doesn't work.
17:24 Shara Hmm, don't think my version is modified though
17:25 lumidify Well then, I guess it's just magic.
17:25 Shara It's one of the mods I keep wanting to really pick apart, because it feels messy, but I never found time
17:41 VaultyTowers back
17:43 tenplus1 wb
17:43 VaultyTowers tanks
17:51 tenplus1 Xanadu updated with new water flow tweaks and mob api death check for cooked items
17:58 rubenwardy lisac, I was planning on making a capitism/economy based server when exams are over
17:58 rubenwardy and exams are now over :)
17:58 rubenwardy and true: most games suffer from super inflation due to uncapped input into the system
17:59 rubenwardy ie: every kill gives you gold
17:59 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
17:59 tenplus1 wb Fuchs
18:00 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
18:01 red-001 what does $a mean?
18:01 paramat thanks
18:02 VanessaE apparently "all logged in users from this name"
18:02 VanessaE I just copied what Zeno` wrote.
18:02 sfan5 indeed
18:05 Zeno` yeah I made a mistake
18:06 Zeno` I only meant to ban logged in users of Grandolf
18:06 Zeno` which is what VanessaE did
18:07 red-001 but he is offline
18:07 Zeno` doesn't matter
18:07 red-001 is it all ips that use that nick in the future?
18:07 Zeno` if they're registered nicks (or linked nicks) yes
18:08 Zeno` I may have it wrong. But Fuchs can probably confirm
18:09 VanessaE ^^ Freenode needs a feature like what MT xban2 does
18:09 Fuchs hm?
18:09 VanessaE track but IP and nick, if one changes, auto-ban the new one
18:09 VanessaE s/but/both/
18:09 Fuchs $a:foo  bans everyone logged in to account foo
18:09 Fuchs see  /quote help extban    for details, we also support more
18:09 Zeno` yes
18:09 Zeno` so anyone logged into Grandolf is banned
18:10 Zeno` which is what I wanted
18:10 Fuchs yes
18:11 Zeno` my mistake was banning $a
18:11 Zeno` lol
18:11 Zeno` (forgot the colon)
18:12 DFeniks left #minetest-hub
18:12 Zeno` which is kinda funny really
18:15 Calinou ban *@*!*
18:15 Calinou :P
18:15 paramat garywhite1 please ask for voice if in this channel thanks, everyone should be voiced
18:15 Shara paramat: I don't think he's there. It is him though
18:16 paramat yes i saw a 'garywhite' here too recently alongside *1
18:17 Shara I know he was having bouncer issues
18:17 * paramat is paranoid :]
18:17 NathanS21 tenplus1; any reason that punching a node in a protected area should cause the protector mod to crash?
18:17 NathanS21 the error points to line 270
18:17 Shara I think a lot of people are right now.
18:18 NathanS21 which wants to get a digger player name
18:18 tenplus1 ? do you own the area
18:18 NathanS21 I do
18:18 NathanS21 I have a mod that adds a node that triggers a function when punched.
18:19 tenplus1 works fine here, which mod you running ?
18:19 NathanS21 one I'm writing. :P
18:20 tenplus1 line 270 is: local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(digger)
18:20 NathanS21 nevermind, must be my mod causing problems.
18:20 NathanS21 just commented out the code that checks for protection, and now it doesn't crash
18:20 tenplus1 lol dude
18:20 NathanS21 odd that it would list your mod as the one crashing though.
18:20 tenplus1 when you check protection are you giving a real player name ?
18:20 tenplus1 minetest.is_protected(pos, digger)
18:21 NathanS21 ohhh, that's what I'm missing
18:21 NathanS21 I just have a location
18:21 tenplus1 :)
18:21 NathanS21 I don't care who owns it, didn't think I needed to pass the player variable if I wasn't interested in it.
18:21 Jordach who is Vaulty
18:21 tenplus1 use "" in that case
18:21 NathanS21 will do, thanks.
18:22 tenplus1 hi gary
18:23 VaultyTowers Jordach, just another player
18:23 Jordach :thinking:
18:23 NathanS21 hey, it works now. :D
18:23 tenplus1 kewl :P
18:24 tenplus1 I shoudl add an error message if player is nil
18:24 red-001 oh yeah sorry for claiming you are halt/grandolf, VaultyTowers
18:24 VaultyTowers its cool
18:24 VaultyTowers I understand
18:24 VaultyTowers people do irrational things under the influence of fear
18:24 Jordach hrm
18:24 Jordach >opens MT on laptop
18:25 Jordach >dated Jan 13, 2016
18:25 Jordach *autistic screeching*
18:26 Jordach what's more stupid is, is that my laptop was susceptible to wannacry
18:26 VaultyTowers lol
18:26 Jordach was being a major word, since it updated correctly
18:28 tenplus1 added nil check to protector redo's is_protected function for digger name
18:28 tenplus1 git updated
18:30 Jordach Minetest needs a special config option like security.*
18:30 Jordach call it lua.*
18:30 rubenwardy ?
18:30 Jordach and like security, give Lua extra functionality like disabling crashing on nil comparisons
18:31 tenplus1 we need NaN checks for entities, something to sanitize if found with a line number showing location
18:33 lisac <rubenwardy> lisac, I was planning on making a capitism/economy based server when exams are over
18:33 lisac need help? :P
18:33 rubenwardy potentially, need to make more concrete plans about how it'll work
18:33 rubenwardy probably won't start it for another few weeks though
18:33 rubenwardy working on other projects
18:34 lisac okay, I've got some ideas, if you'd like to hear them.
18:35 VaultyTowers 170526 TROLLS TOO BAD SO SAD
18:35 VaultyTowers 1. The VPS host located behind Cloudflare has closed Red's complaint. Too bad, so sad. I've posted advice below which explains how the Minetest trolls can do better next time.
18:35 VaultyTowers 2. Red has now met the previous VPS host, the one that Red DDoSed. Then mocked in #minetest-hub. A real person, and a good one, not a faceless corporation. The conversation will be posted later.
18:35 VaultyTowers from
18:35 * Jordach watches discord spool up on a 5200rpm 2.5'' HDD
18:36 red-001 let our troll be forgotten
18:36 VaultyTowers how would he know what goes on in here?
18:36 Jordach > Logs:
18:37 VaultyTowers aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
18:37 Jordach does your IRC client not show /topic?
18:37 VaultyTowers it does but I forgot about that
18:37 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
18:40 noBotHere joined #minetest-hub
18:40 red-002 joined #minetest-hub
18:40 red-002 joined #minetest-hub
18:41 red-002
18:43 * Jordach puts some CCR on
18:44 tenplus1 ??????????
18:44 Jordach Creedance Clearwater Revival
18:45 Zeno` Jordach, are you serious?!
18:45 Zeno` Legendary!
18:45 Jordach Zeno`, ja
18:46 Jordach i have a 197x era tape of em somewhere at home
18:46 Jordach replace x with 0-9
18:46 red-002
18:46 red-002 I wouldn't call it a conversation
18:46 Jordach :thinking:
18:47 Zeno` Jordach,
18:47 red-002 anyway I don't see any point in using [off]
18:47 Zeno` *that* is a classic
18:48 Jordach Zeno`, just passed that
18:48 Zeno` passed it?
18:48 Jordach on spotify
18:48 Zeno` oh
18:48 Zeno` it's one of their most famous songs
18:49 Jordach aye
18:49 Jordach clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
18:49 Zeno` do you like Neil Young?
18:49 Zeno`
18:49 * Jordach shrugs
18:50 Zeno` kinda the same era and just as awesome
18:50 Zeno` (if not more because this clip at least is live)
18:51 Krock Zeno`, I find his style very interesting. Looks somewhat unorganized
18:51 Zeno` Krock, yep
18:52 Zeno` Krock, but the outcome is... hmm... kind of amazin
18:52 Krock yes, it's great :)
18:53 Jordach Zeno`, doesn't help that my dad tuned my preferences to mid 70s -> mid 80s rock
18:54 Zeno` dunno what year that is from but it's certainly 70s
18:54 Zeno` 1971 (live)
18:54 red-002 ;(
18:54 Jordach Stevie Ray Vaughan, Judas Priest, Joe Satriani, Edgar Winter, Free
18:54 red-002 there go my dreams of being the last person in -project
18:56 Krock red-002, you can't win this game. Mission "Last man standing" lost
18:56 red-002 lol
18:57 * Shara is still in the running :P
18:57 red-002 I wonder whats going on I can't connect correctly
18:58 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
18:58 Jordach_ joined #minetest-hub
18:59 Jordach_ hotel IP assignment timed out lmao
18:59 red-002 garywhite, are you garywhite1 ?
18:59 * Wayward_One recommends
19:00 garywhite yes, that's my bouncer that I can't get into, long story...
19:00 Dargod_ joined #minetest-hub
19:01 Dargod joined #minetest-hub
19:03 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
19:03 tenplus1 wb
19:05 garywhite Hi ten
19:07 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
19:08 red-002 wb red-001
19:09 tenplus1 lol
19:10 tenplus1 so muchred :P
19:12 Fixer tenplus1: are you using some script that posts hi/wb/etc?
19:13 tenplus1 nope :P just me
19:13 Krock no, tenplus1 is using a time shifted IRC client
19:13 Shara :D
19:14 tenplus1 it posts 10 seconds in the past :D
19:14 Fixer Shara's server has good survival start
19:14 Fixer food is scarce
19:14 Fixer Shara: have you fixed that night bar problem?
19:14 Shara Insanely scarce currently. I think there's no public farm right now...
19:14 Shara Fixer: no one complained about it for quite some time
19:15 tenplus1 heh
19:24 tenplus1
19:25 red-001 well I guess that there is only one OC channel left now
19:25 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
19:26 garywhite red-001: How do you know?
19:27 red-001 one major channel thats linked to minetest
19:28 red-001 I'm talking about #minebest-dev
19:29 Shara Which isn't a #minetest channel, so can be left alone
19:29 red-001 #10 when searching for minetest
19:30 Shara So?
19:31 Shara He had (and still has) every right to make a fork named minebest if he wants
19:31 rubenwardy it looks just like minetest
19:32 Shara Site or IRC channel?
19:32 red-001 well at the very least the channel is in the wrong name space it should be in ## not #
19:32 red-001 he doesn't want to make a fork called minebest anymore
19:32 Shara red, he had the minebest domain though. And it is a different name even if close.
19:35 Shara I don't really know what happens with channels belonging to people who were banned from the network though
19:35 Shara So maybe ask freenode staff about that
19:35 red-001 Fuchs, ?
19:35 Fuchs ?
19:35 Fuchs nothing happens to them
19:36 Fuchs network bans are on the ircd, services  (who register channels) don't know about them
19:36 Fuchs what might happen to double-## channels is that they expire so people can ask us to take them over
19:38 Dargod joined #minetest-hub
19:38 red-001 nice host
19:38 Krock heh :)
19:46 Jordach_ meow
19:46 tenplus1 h Jordach
19:46 tenplus1 *hi
19:49 Sokomine tenplus1: i've been playing around a bit with pathfinding and took a look at what was returned. the actual path didn't seem too bad - plants are no obstacles, stairs can be navigated. the place where the pathfinding fails is when doors and the like are involved
19:50 tenplus1 yeah, that one is an issue... always treated as a full block
19:54 red-001 <VaultyTowers> 170526 TROLLS TOO BAD SO SAD
19:54 tenplus1 which version of minetest was global_exists added ?
19:55 red-001 this guy is suppose to be over 50 right>
19:55 red-001 s/>/?
19:55 Sokomine maybe the pathfinding ought to be extended by another parameter: nodes the mob can handle (i.e. doors, gates etc. for "intelligent" ones)
19:55 tenplus1 a new pathfinding function has been written in forum, will check that out soon
19:57 Sokomine that one of burli? it seems to focus on getting mobs to the player
19:57 tenplus1 yeah but he made it so that certain nodes can safely be ignored
19:58 Sokomine that would be helpful
19:59 Sokomine i also wonder what will happen if two mobs will meet each other in a tiny corridor. deadlock?
19:59 tenplus1 which is better practice:   local myfunc = function(args)    or     local function = myfunc(args) ????
19:59 Sokomine or maybe random sliding past each other..
20:02 Sokomine ah. ought to read the whole thread...
20:04 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:03:03] <Grandolf> ask oldcoder
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:03:03] <Plebs> the cleint for MT on android is a complete mess. the alternatives are bad knockoffs with pay options
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:03:11] <Grandolf> hes got like 10 servers
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:03:18] <Plebs> ther isn't even a client for microsoft mobile or Apple
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:03:33] <Plebs> oldcoders servers are pretty empty too. not?
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:03:42] <Grandolf> yea
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:03:51] <Grandolf> but he might b able 2 help
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:04:05] <Plebs> if you look at the userlists on minetest/servers, you will notice, that most servers only have a special kind of users:
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:04:21] <Plebs> generic names with 3 numbers. those are asian players, with some special kind off app.
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:04:23] <garywhite> For the record, Windows Phone & iOS are more closed-source, so it's harder to develop for them, & Android version is falling apart
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:05:01] <Grandolf> sounds like ur servers r not functioning right
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:05:36] <Plebs> no server is functioning right anymore. either they are outdated, or have the issues of the new versions.
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:05:54] <Grandolf> oldcoder has his own fork
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:06:02] <Plebs> servers work fine for a few users with good PC's.
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:06:40] <Plebs> oldcoder may be a good guy and coder, but even he cannot just completly redesign the protocolls used.
20:10 Krock for a reason there are services like pastebin
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:06:54] <Grandolf>
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:07:12] <Grandolf> hes a good coder
20:10 VaultyTowers <longerslaptop> [21:07:20] * You have left channel #XD (Leaving)
20:10 VaultyTowers yeah forgot
20:11 VaultyTowers i dont use it often because my CPU cant handle browsers
20:11 red-001 VaultyTowers, pls use pastebin
20:11 Krock red-001, ninja'd you
20:11 red-001 we are alll ninjas
20:12 * red-001 is confused by the paste
20:12 Krock VaultyLappy, well, there are also lightweight browsers around that work quite good for the most important
20:12 red-001 doesn't seem out of the ordinary
20:13 red-001 Fuchs, btw you can part #minetes-project now
20:13 * red-001 doesn't know if Fuchs is still there
20:13 Sokomine wasn't there a function to redefine a parameter of a defined node? (not via registering :modname:nodename)
20:13 Krock minetest.override_item
20:14 Fuchs red-001: thanks, but I am aware of the channel modes there, don't worry
20:14 Krock or minetest.registered_nodes["modname:nodename"].key = value  (direct access method)
20:14 Sokomine red-001: we want to keep him for a while :-) perhaps he does get intrested in the topic of the channel :-)
20:14 Sokomine Krock: thanks! that's what i was looking for
20:14 Krock !next
20:14 ShadowBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
20:17 Fixer yeah, I confirm there are lots of NameXXX on servers, i have no problems playing major servers on my PC
20:17 Fixer "no server is functioning right anymore" what is this?
20:18 Fixer minetest is pretty solid on servers, 24 hr of uptime is not a problem, I have much more confidence in minetest these days
20:18 Fixer a LOT of bugs were fixed
20:21 Fixer i've reread the pasta, it seems that were his servers, he should update
20:21 jin_xi joined #minetest-hub
20:21 VaultyTowers Fixer, no idea but this was from a friend
20:21 Fixer a lot of servers run just fine on newest dev engine and game without any problems, yet people hold on to 0.4.14...
20:21 VaultyTowers he was on #XD on Inchranet I presume
20:22 VaultyTowers im to lazy to update lol
20:23 Fixer minetest is not like microsoft, you have more cookies with each releases, even sneak is preserved
20:23 Fixer sn--k*
20:23 VaultyTowers lol idc if its there or not
20:24 Fixer somewhere after 0.4.12 up to this day minetest has seriously improved, both engine and game
20:24 Fixer i may be subjective though
20:25 paramat you are correct
20:29 Jordach_ Fixer, i remember getting upto at lest 4k hours MT uptime before it crashed due to /server's time=xxxxxxxx hit a limit
20:29 Jordach_ there was a point where it did that
20:31 Jordach_ it was either time or uptime when any player ran /server or connected to it for the first time
20:34 tenplus1 Mobs Redo API updated (again!)
20:36 tenplus1 nite folks :)
20:36 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:46 Fixer redcrab at 0.4.4 had uptime of X+E6 iirc
20:48 Jordach__ joined #minetest-hub
20:54 Jordach__ *autistic screeching at wi-fi*
21:11 red-arch huh I wonder why sofar set his profile image to a blank image
21:12 VanessaE probably because some asshole used his image to make that "sofart" profile.
21:12 Fixer like you don't know...
21:12 Fixer :}
21:12 red-arch yeah I wonder how long was that page using that image
21:14 lisac VanessaE, 'sofart'? :P
21:15 VanessaE yeah,.
21:16 VanessaE sofar's face + Nazi SS uniform or some such
21:16 VanessaE where the hell IS sofar anyway?
21:16 VanessaE (he hasn't spoken since the 18th)
21:16 red-arch hitler mustasch and a lufftwaffe officer cap
21:17 VanessaE is that what it was?
21:17 VanessaE close enough anyway
21:17 red-arch well I heard he was moving
21:17 Calinou that was it, yeah
21:17 red-arch or maybe the one who shall not be mentioned got to him
21:18 VanessaE I doubt it
21:19 VanessaE this is the same guy who took time off of work to fight us, then claimed that that was money he *spent*
21:20 Fixer antisystemd troll
21:21 Fixer ----- mentioned he contributed to -------
21:22 Fixer iirc he was just busy
21:22 paramat by looking at logs at the time 'sofart' joined it was just after sofar had an argument with github user 'motherfscker', so i suspect that user
21:22 Fixer spam;t=17726
21:24 VanessaE deleted.
21:24 sfan5 have i mentioned that phpbb is utter shit
21:24 Fixer VanessaE: thanks, but why not entire topic?
21:24 VanessaE just one more of Andrey01's useless posts..
21:24 VanessaE Fixer: entire topic.  all two posts.
21:24 red-arch sofart- Rider of the Apocalypse at @systemd.
21:25 Fixer VanessaE: ok, deleted now
21:25 Fixer VanessaE: i wonder why 1400 of inactive spammers don't spam...
21:25 Fixer maybe they all banned or smth
21:25 VanessaE idk
21:25 VanessaE maybe they were
21:26 red-arch <VanessaE> this is the same guy who took time off of work to fight us, then claimed that that was money he *spent*
21:26 red-arch ??
21:26 garywhite what about;t=17678
21:26 Fixer red-arch: please not this again
21:26 VanessaE red-arch: yes, you read that correctly.
21:26 red-arch oh you talking about coder?
21:27 VanessaE red-arch: the same.
21:27 VanessaE garywhite: that's in offtopic, don't see a big problem there.
21:31 Fixer overclocking is also offtopic for now, i had problems with my ATI because of that
21:31 VanessaE I never overclosk
21:31 VanessaE I never overclock, either.
21:33 Fixer every time I go view forum, there is azekill_DIABLO answering
21:34 Fixer oh 4484 posts
21:34 VanessaE heh
21:34 VanessaE well so let him jabber on as long as it's on topic and not hurting anything
21:34 VanessaE but ABJ got banned for like 2 weeks I think it was
21:35 VaultyTowers for what lol
21:35 VanessaE I don't remember now
21:36 Fixer VanessaE: i was not complaining, just curious
21:36 VanessaE ok
21:38 Fixer procrastinating on server again, need to add that lamps to my property :/
21:40 Fixer also decided to watch direwolf20 modded mc series to go deeper into minecraft mods, i'm pretty impressed, modded mc has a lot of cool stuff as well
21:40 Calinou modded Minecraft is nice but it's a mess
21:40 VaultyTowers Fixer, what mods you wanna learn
21:41 VaultyTowers Calinou, not if its done properly
21:41 Calinou most mods are proprietary, asie's companing did not fix it much
21:41 Calinou most mod packs bundle inconsistent mods
21:41 Calinou mods being updated to the latest version is still an issue
21:41 Calinou (didn't FTB decide to stay stuck on 1.7 forever?)
21:41 Fixer VaultyTowers: general overview, direwolf20 also has mod spotlights, should not be a problem to watch, but what I've seen, it is impressive
21:41 Fixer Calinou: no
21:41 Fixer Calinou: at 1.10.2 now
21:42 VaultyTowers 1.7.10 is the best MC version for modding
21:42 Calinou it lacks the optimizations of 1.9+
21:42 VaultyTowers naaaaaaaaaah
21:42 VaultyTowers when you play AS2
21:42 Calinou this is software; newer is better
21:42 VaultyTowers then you can talk XD
21:42 VaultyTowers not in modding
21:42 Calinou I don't follow the camp of "lol Windows XP was best"
21:42 Calinou and stuff in that direction
21:43 Calinou mods that require you to downgrade your game suck
21:43 VaultyTowers thats why we have technic launcher
21:43 Fixer Calinou: thankfully mc mods catch up, 1.10.2 is not that old
21:43 VaultyTowers and MultiMC
21:44 Fixer (((hacked MultiMC)))
21:45 Fixer for multimc you just DL server version of modpack, install forge, bingo
21:47 Calinou 1.11.2 is the latest though
21:47 Calinou and I believe it's ~3 months old already
21:49 VaultyTowers 1.11.2 sucks
21:50 VaultyTowers I can name 15 mods that are great on 1.7.10
21:52 VaultyTowers AE2, Thermal Expansion, Draconic Evolution, Thaumcraft, Botania, RFTools, Big Reactors, Ex Nihlo, Simply Jetpacks, Witchery, Zelda Sword Skills, Battle Towers, Chocolate Questing, Carpenters blocks, malisis doors, chisel
21:53 VaultyTowers did a few more
22:17 Fixer most of those should be on 1.10.2 by now
22:18 Fixer Calinou: 1.10.2 is good enough point
22:18 Fixer 1.12 will be mostly fancy stuff
22:20 Fixer big reactors also on 1.10.2 iirc
22:26 Fixer mom/mum/mam
22:26 Fixer *screeching*
22:31 paramat joined #minetest-hub
22:43 Jordach__ Fixer, MC has been the reason why SP has polish, and for good reason
22:44 Fixer Jordach__: it was polished like for 6 years
22:44 Jordach__ Fixer, some commoners are the rule, not the exception
22:45 Jordach__ TE4, BC, AE, [J/Y]ABBA, LP, BM, RFTools
22:45 Jordach__ and ThaumCraft
22:45 Jordach__ being good polished examples
22:45 Jordach__ (Forgot IE)
22:47 Jordach__ Fixer, i intend to have a good source of automation, and power systems that are easily re-newable
22:47 Jordach__ like placing buckets of water onto a water wheel
22:47 Fixer i would like to see MTG moving in some direction
22:51 * Jordach__ just thinks about forking technic instead
22:51 Jordach__ shave off the crap
22:51 Jordach__ and make it simple
22:52 Jordach__ IE: unified power
22:52 Jordach__ aka no "voltage"
22:53 Jordach__ more RF like but with some changes
23:03 VaultyTowers who knows what oml means?
23:04 VaultyTowers cuz if you think its oh my lord, YOUR WRONG!
23:51 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub

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