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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-04-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:30 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
00:32 halt_ joined #minetest-hub
01:00 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
02:22 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
02:59 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
04:08 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
05:05 octacian Night all
05:48 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
06:06 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
06:35 CWz joined #minetest-hub
06:59 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
07:19 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
08:07 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
09:18 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
09:40 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
09:40 Megaf uh, help?
09:40 Megaf
09:46 Megaf Here's the full thing
09:52 Megaf not cause by the compiler or optimisation flags as it seems, tried with clang too
09:59 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
10:06 Megaf I must be missing some package
10:09 Megaf oh, I got it
10:09 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:11 Megaf problem was on my system, thanks.
10:58 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:04 NathanS21 joined #minetest-hub
12:23 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
12:50 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
13:16 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
13:18 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
13:18 benrob0329 o/
13:23 benrob0329 game#793
13:43 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
13:46 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
13:46 halt_ joined #minetest-hub
13:51 benrob0329 (Offtopic)
13:52 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
13:53 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
13:58 octacian joined #minetest-hub
14:10 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
14:24 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
14:26 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
14:31 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
14:37 benrob0329 Hi MegaF, wb Fixer
14:38 Megaf greetings
14:39 Fixer hi
14:41 Megaf guys, can you please join my new test server just to check stuff like lag, latency, time to load world and stuff?
14:41 Megaf please?
14:42 Megaf 30008 or 30008
14:59 Calinou hi
15:00 Calinou I installed a Kanboard instance on my VPS, to manage my open source/personal TODOs :P
15:00 Calinou (this:
15:02 red-001 Megaf, I can't connect to
15:03 red-001 nvm
15:04 red-001 I didn't notice it was 30008 not 30000
15:23 rdococ joined #minetest-hub
15:28 red-001 new c++ mapgen
15:34 Megaf red-001, garywhite, thanks for joining.
15:34 Megaf garywhite, was the map loading fine for you?
15:35 garywhite yeah
15:37 Megaf well, I was surprised with the performance actually. Not bad for a single core CPU and 512 MB of RAM
15:38 Megaf and this is running on the very same server as my main server runs
15:41 garywhite red-001: Why would we need another mapgen?
15:42 red-001 don't ask me
15:42 red-001 ask the mapgen author
15:44 Fixer garywhite: more the better
15:45 garywhite Yeah, but it seems like flat with some hills mixed in...
16:03 red-001
16:03 red-001 intersting Oldcoder doesn't seem to mind posting peoples addresses online
16:25 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:25 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:26 Krock hi benrob0329, Shara
16:26 * Krock tries to predict incoming 'hi's
16:30 shivajiva Hi Krock
16:30 Krock hi shivajiva. Gently managed it to dodge my predition ;)
16:40 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
16:56 Shara Hello
16:56 octacian red-001: so those sites are owned by OldCoder or what?
16:56 octacian You guys seem to be indicating that they're related to him anyways
16:57 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
16:57 red-001 The rights-holder, for such content, is OldCoder
16:57 red-001 see the bottom of the site
16:58 octacian OK, I must admit some of that seems weird. But SERIOUSLY, what is with you guys and OldCoder? He's apparently been a part of Minetest (in multiple ways) for over 5 years. From what I've been, he's a nice guy.
16:59 red-001 and the evidence seems to be telling a diffrent story
17:00 octacian Yes, that is very true. But you guys have also done a lot to him.
17:00 red-001 example?
17:00 octacian Trolling related to sneak glitch, removing OP on #minetest, banning on #minetest-dev (though I do somewhat understand the last)
17:01 red-001 he earned the last two through hard work on his part
17:01 red-001 not sure what do you mean by the first one
17:01 octacian How exactly did he earn the last two?
17:02 red-001 the ban on -dev by accusing people of ddos'ing him with no prove
17:02 red-001 and in general causing a massive scene
17:02 nore I don't think anyone trolled him relating to the sneak glitch anyway: yes, people did disagree with him, argued with him but nobody trolled him, at least in public
17:02 Shara Just a note: this channel isn't #minetest-OCtalk.
17:03 red-001 and don't get me started on trolling
17:03 Shara I accept some of these points are going to come up, but this might not be the best place for all of this.
17:03 Megaf 17:58:50-><octacian> OK, I must admit some of that seems weird. But SERIOUSLY, what is with you guys and OldCoder? He's apparently been a part of Minetest (in multiple ways) for over 5 years. From what I've been, he's a nice guy.
17:03 Megaf he is
17:03 Megaf awesome person
17:03 nore yeah, we should stop talking about that sometime
17:04 nore I'm getting tired of it
17:04 red-001 fair enough let's not talk about it then
17:05 Megaf OldCoder deserves respect from us. He is a gentleman that has been in the coding world for more time most of you are alive
17:05 octacian I agree
17:05 Megaf He really knows what he is talking about
17:05 Shara 'Everyone' deserves respect. And it should be mutual. I think that much can be agreed on.
17:05 Megaf and is completely non sense to just argue for no reason with him
17:05 octacian Though some of the content of that site may seem, uh, different, we must remember that that is very old, newer sites have been very reasonable.
17:05 Megaf Shara, I agree on that
17:06 Megaf He does have some, let's say, issues... But who doesn't!?
17:06 octacian red-001: Yes, I believe he approached the DDoS issue improperly, however, from my knowledge he had recently had devs calling him unkind things and stating some other items that caused him to believe that it would have likely been them.
17:07 octacian ..and #minetest-dev is the only way to contact many of them. But I personally think he'd have been better off to contact them through PM.
17:07 octacian Megaf: exactly :D
17:08 octacian Anyways, my point is, OldCoder is a nice guy. I really don't like seeing you guys going around and spreading nasty information about him, especially considering that it is old.
17:09 Shara octacian: Can we please leave the subject?
17:09 octacian Sure lol
17:09 Shara Thank you.
17:09 Shara I'd fix all of this in a moment if I could, but I can't.
17:10 Shara And since I can't, I now need tea and would love if someone offers doughnuts.
17:10 octacian Well, those are two things I can't "fix" either.. Your on your own :P
17:10 Shara :(
17:10 Shara Was worth a try :P
17:11 rubenwardy oldcoder has been a dick
17:11 rubenwardy sorry
17:12 rubenwardy doesn't mean he is a dick, just means his actions are
17:12 Megaf rubenwardy, get over it :)
17:13 rubenwardy he's still being a dick by PM-ing people aggressively, and running that website
17:13 * Megaf don't know what's the sotry
17:13 Megaf story*
17:14 Krock rubenwardy, if it's apache, use a slow lory attack ;)
17:14 red-001 rubenwardy, he is still pm'ing people?
17:14 Krock *loris
17:15 red-001 slow loris is one intersting attack
17:15 red-001 but didn't it get patched?
17:15 Krock dunno
17:16 Krock "patching" extremely slow connections ;)
17:17 octacian The above shows exactly why OldCoder went to MT-dev when he was DDoSed. Also remember that those sites are old, and only one is still up. In OldCoder's perspective, most of the devs (who he trusted) have turned on him. Last thing I'm saying on the subject :P
17:19 rubenwardy I'm not going to DDoS him.   false + false != true
17:20 * Megaf will not touch the subject again. And believes whoever attacked in anyway whoever was attacked, should say sorry. And everybody should just be happy.
17:20 octacian ^ +1
17:24 rubenwardy is an entirely new site (ie: the website was created a few weeks ago), although the domain was registered a while ago
17:24 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
17:24 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
17:25 octacian ..I'll say one more thing... I've been aware of in it's current form for a while
17:25 octacian (sorry Shara xD0
17:25 octacian :rotfl:
17:25 benrob0329 Hi Krock, octacian
17:25 octacian hey benrob0329
17:26 octacian And you know what, Shara: here's some donuts 🍩🍩🍩
17:26 octacian :P
17:26 Shara Than you :D
17:26 Shara Thank*
17:27 octacian lol
17:27 rubenwardy you're missing something
17:27 rubenwardy ☕
17:28 benrob0329 Cofee?
17:28 benrob0329 *Coffee
17:28 Fixer rubenwardy: PEPE ☕
17:28 rubenwardy ofc
17:28 Krock 0xC0FFEE
17:28 benrob0329 Meh, not a fan
17:29 Krock you're an air conditioner instead
17:29 benrob0329 Nope, I'm a heater
17:29 Shara No, no coffee for me.
17:29 Shara Tea all the way
17:29 benrob0329 that's why I live in Michigan :P
17:30 rubenwardy tea's good too
17:34 Megaf I having milk with chocolate
17:34 Megaf Iḿ
17:46 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
17:46 tenplus1 hi folks
17:48 lumidify Hi tenplus1
17:48 tenplus1 hi lum
17:48 garywhite hi ten
17:48 tenplus1 channel seems quiet today
17:48 tenplus1 hi gary
17:49 Megaf Hello onety one!
17:49 tenplus1 hi Megaf
17:50 Shara Hi tenplus1
17:50 tenplus1 hi Shara
17:50 Shara You need to offer doughnuts to get us talking
17:50 Shara You should know this by now :)
17:51 tenplus1 heh, never got out today to buy any... pah!
17:51 * tenplus1 offers cough drop
17:51 Shara Noooo :(
17:51 tenplus1 ehe
17:52 benrob0329 Hi ten
17:52 tenplus1 Farming Redo updated to 1.25 - has farming.conf file to enable crops (mod folder for global, world folder for local)
17:52 tenplus1 hi ben
17:54 * benrob0329 offers angel food cake
17:55 Megaf minetest@GameOn:~/minetest$ rm -rf worlds/
17:55 Megaf minetest@GameOn:~/minetest$
17:55 Megaf I shouldn't've done that
17:55 benrob0329 Probably not
17:55 Megaf onetyone can you please give the link to farming plus?
17:55 benrob0329 !mod farming_plus
17:56 benrob0329 Aww, we need mtbot
17:56 tenplus1 my own farming redo ? or the actual old farming plus mod ?
17:56 Megaf 18:52:12-><tenplus1> Farming Redo updated to 1.25 - has farming.conf file to enable crops (mod folder for global, world folder for local)
17:56 Megaf dat ^
17:56 tenplus1
17:56 Megaf Cheers!
17:56 tenplus1 it's a drop in replacement for farming...
17:57 tenplus1 overrides default
17:57 Megaf yup
17:57 Megaf any other lightweight cool and efficient mod you have I can try on my new test server?
17:58 tenplus1 <-- take your pick, I've redone a few...  I recommend builtin_item as it adds waterflow features to dropped items and ice sliding
17:59 Shara What kind of server is it, Megaf?
17:59 Megaf Shara, a server that I do rm -rf worlds several times a day
17:59 Shara heh
18:00 Megaf Shara, I came up with some trademark copyrighted closed source compilers, compilers flags, building flags and conf options that made minetestserver MUCH fastah
18:01 Megaf basically running my main Megaf Server, that uses 60% of CPU at any single moment and this new server I'm testing at the same time, single core and 512 MB of RAM, tha new one is fast, very fast
18:01 Shara Fast is good.
18:01 * tenplus1 sneaks a peek at Megaf's settings
18:01 tenplus1 :P
18:02 Megaf tenplus1, your castle fork, any good?
18:03 tenplus1 it's very light and tailored for use with ethereal
18:03 tenplus1 and containers all use protection_bypass for admin
18:04 Megaf do I need ethereal?
18:04 Megaf for castle
18:04 tenplus1 not really, you can comment out the icebrick line for pillars to avoid using it
18:05 Megaf me gusta
18:05 tenplus1 ehehe :P
18:06 Fixer tenplus1: how exactly your sheep redo regrows its wool?
18:06 Megaf tenplus1, Shara, 30008
18:07 Megaf just started
18:07 Megaf world will be generated when you login
18:07 tenplus1 Fixer: you can tame sheep (8x wheat) to force regrow wool... or wait until it eats grass to do so on it's own
18:07 tenplus1 same with cows... feed 8x wheat to make more milk  or wait for it to feed
18:07 Megaf tenplus1, I added ethereal and castle
18:07 Shara Megaf, you are ignoring my PMs :P
18:07 Megaf Shara, nope, just busy, I read it
18:08 Shara Pft :P
18:08 benrob0329 tenplus1: what is a good time/day to do the xanadu recording?
18:08 Megaf tenplus1, ethereal changes the game totally, doesnt it?
18:09 Fixer tenplus1: ah, ok
18:09 tenplus1 yeah, all new biomes
18:09 Megaf it looks very different
18:09 tenplus1 ben, up to you... lemmie know when you're on so I can assign fly priv for fly
18:09 tenplus1 *flyby
18:10 benrob0329 K, ill have to make time to get on in early afternoon
18:10 paramat joined #minetest-hub
18:10 benrob0329 Hi paramat
18:10 tenplus1 hi paramat
18:10 garywhite hi paramat
18:11 paramat hi all. thanks for the moonrealm video, quality editing and sorry the mod is so broken
18:12 benrob0329 paramat: thank you for making it, even if it is rather wip still
18:16 tenplus1 nice server
18:22 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
18:22 tenplus1 hi RobbieF
18:27 tenplus1 da hell.... lolololololol
18:29 Megaf tenplus1, how do I make your fire mod not spread?
18:29 Megaf not burn
18:30 tenplus1 same as default...  minetest.conf and add   enable_fire = false
18:30 tenplus1 stops it burning/spreading
18:30 Megaf 19:05:03-><Megaf> me gusta
18:30 Megaf 19:07:43-><Shara> Megaf, you are ignoring my PMs :P
18:30 tenplus1 also... if it already has spread you can type:   /fire off    <-- stops it spreading and removes flames in current game
18:30 Megaf I like that mod, now I have to learn how to use it
18:30 benrob0329 tenplus1: if I join from my phone, can you grant me fly?
18:31 tenplus1 k, lemmie go on server now
18:31 tenplus1 you already got account ?
18:31 Shara Megaf: It's pretty simple. :)
18:31 tenplus1 k, am on server
18:34 benrob0329 tenplus1: I just realised my main account is benrob03 lol
18:34 benrob0329 oh well, I guess I can have a dedicated camera account :P
18:34 tenplus1 yeah, use the one you signed in under for that :)
18:35 tenplus1 will let shinji know
18:40 benrob0329 Thanks
18:41 benrob0329 Btw, xanadu should have an irc channel :P
18:41 tenplus1 nah, cant be bothered having another irc channel to look into :PPP
19:04 benrob0329 red++
19:05 red-002 red--
19:05 tenplus1 hi red
19:06 red-002 hi tenplus1
19:10 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
19:10 halt_ joined #minetest-hub
19:21 tenplus1 g'night folks
19:21 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
19:25 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
19:41 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
19:51 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
20:16 benrob03291 joined #minetest-hub
20:18 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
20:38 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
21:03 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
21:04 rubenwardy New blog post:
21:04 rubenwardy Fixer will like this
21:04 Fixer reading
21:05 Fixer ah
21:05 Fixer thank cthulhu i'm not dealing with this
21:07 rubenwardy there's a hipster JS coder on our uni team that's forcing us to use Standard JS
21:07 rubenwardy hipster JS is the best way to describe it
21:08 rubenwardy I like JS, but I make logical decisions on technology to use. For example, I use a relational data base when dealing with relational data, not a nosql one just because it's cool
21:18 benrob0329 rubenwardy: JS itself is...interesting
21:40 Calinou "some of us do have standards." :P
21:40 Calinou I personally prefer Airbnb style guide, it makes a lot of sense overall
21:40 Calinou JavaScript Standard Style just does not…
21:42 Calinou is the way to go for modern linting by the looks of it
21:43 Calinou it can extend from many standard style sets, including that dreaded Standard Style and Airbnb
21:44 Calinou this is Airbnb style guide btw,
21:58 rubenwardy it's better
21:58 rubenwardy but still 2 space indentation
21:58 rubenwardy rather than, you know, giving each programmer a choice
21:58 rubenwardy ala tabs
22:00 Jordach what's wrong with tabs
22:01 Jordach it was designed for a fucking purpose
22:01 Jordach fucking 70s hippies not understanding convention
22:02 rubenwardy I really don't see how tabs lost
22:13 Fixer current mood:
22:21 Calinou rubenwardy: tabs are not popular in webdev
22:21 Calinou :P
22:21 Calinou I'm fine with spaces
22:21 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
22:23 rubenwardy Calinou, I fine with 4 spaces providing I'm using IntelliJ
22:23 Fixer
22:23 rubenwardy so for web dev or Android that's fine
22:23 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
22:23 rubenwardy 2 spaces is disgusting though
22:24 Calinou I have no issues with 2 spaces, really
22:24 rubenwardy good for you :P
22:25 Fixer fuck android, fuck webdev
22:25 Fixer fuck apple
22:26 rubenwardy Android is nice
22:26 rubenwardy web dev as in HTML/CSS/JS, not so much
22:27 Calinou I'm pretty happy with web dev overall
22:27 Calinou native Android app dev looks a bit bleak…
22:30 Jordach Calinou, and whats the reason for it
22:31 Jordach because tabs can be any number of spaces
22:37 Calinou yes, but tabs and spaces don't mix.
22:37 Calinou so, say goodbye to alignment
22:38 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
22:40 rubenwardy tabs and spaces definitely mixx
22:40 rubenwardy I do it all the time
22:40 rubenwardy tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment
22:41 Jordach ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
22:42 sofar moar ^^
22:44 red-002 ^^
22:44 red-002 ^^
22:44 benrob0329 Spaces
22:47 sofar \t\t   ^^
22:48 Calinou yeah but it's inconsistent
22:48 Calinou using spaces only is more consistent :P
22:48 benrob0329 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
22:48 sofar if "cleanfile" allows it, I'm using it
22:49 benrob0329_ joined #minetest-hub
22:55 rubenwardy the "standard" js code style doesn't allow you to do alignment, anyway
22:56 benrob0329_ (Offtopic, but listen with headphones for best experience)
23:12 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
23:13 Calinou
23:13 Calinou easter egg that can be found in KDE
23:16 Fixer Calinou: explain
23:18 sofar read thhgttg...
23:21 Shara I only realised a little while back there was actually a part 6... :)
23:22 Fixer wat you say?
23:23 * Fixer rereads github again
23:25 Fixer having 100 open issues in my github acc
23:25 Fixer some minetest, some mods, some other
23:26 Fixer 167 closed
23:26 Fixer interesting
23:27 Fixer another day without crash in gdb
23:27 Fixer maybe that crash was in some way related to csm chat... utf8 chars and such
23:28 Fixer block not found errors in multiplayer
23:33 Calinou rubenwardy: also, about comments on your blog, maybe look into Isso:
23:33 Calinou (I haven't got it to work here, though)
23:33 Calinou it has nice topics/tags on GitHub :D
23:35 rubenwardy oh nice
23:37 Calinou I'd like to implement something similar in PHP
23:37 Calinou with MySQL/PostgreSQL support, for more scalability
23:39 rubenwardy ew :P
23:42 Calinou well, Isso is nice but it has no plans to support anything else than SQLite
23:42 Calinou also, PHP is relatively speedier than Python, most of the time
23:47 Sokomine hmm. any known problems with the latest version of mt?
23:49 Sokomine seems i can't connect to anything anymore. neither one of my local worlds nor a server
23:57 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub

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