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IRC log for #minetest-docs, 2022-08-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:45 erle is it possible to get the history of deleted pages from the dev wiki? a lot of stuff seems to have been deleted recently without any redirect or replacement
00:46 erle and i'm not even sure if the pages were containing useful information (some wiki pages contain more information than lua_api.txt or how it is called)
00:46 erle but it's not really possible to check
00:46 MTDiscord <Jonathon> they wherent
00:47 erle can i have them regardless, to double-check?
00:47 MTDiscord <Jonathon> no idea, do pay attention;t=22469&amp;p=413997#p413997
00:48 MTDiscord <Jonathon> not to mention you arguably had 2? years to look at all the pages marked for deletion
00:48 erle what
00:48 erle i used these pages as reference, it's not like i even noticed these 450 pages were marked for deletion
00:49 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> This sounds like a job for the  wayback machine
00:49 MTDiscord <Jonathon> was in red at the top, for like 2 years, if you cant read...
00:49 erle how about you fuck your own face
00:49 erle i can read obviously
00:49 erle stop insulting me
00:49 erle left #minetest-docs
00:50 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> This just feels like the opening to Hitchhiker's Guide
00:56 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> well that was uncalled for
00:57 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> (what erle said, not the hitchhiker reference)
01:23 MTDiscord <Jonathon> @Minetest Docs Team
01:26 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> I'll poke at it tomorrow, I (am supposed to) go to bed in 30 minutes
01:27 MTDiscord <Jonathon>
01:27 MTDiscord <Jonathon> no rush, i tried to design it with roughly a week for each section
01:28 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> If only my job let me work a midshift
01:33 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> Erle: yes, look at recent changes
01:34 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> The list of delete pages and their histories can be found there
01:34 MTDiscord <Jonathon> they left
01:38 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> what even is a bouncer anway
01:38 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> for reference, looks like guest users can see  but can't see the old text
01:41 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> also for reference
01:41 MTDiscord <rubenwardy>
03:07 schwarzwald[m] I won't have a lot of time to do documentation; I started working towards getting the spatial indexing PR going again plus a project with a friend, so busy busy busy.
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-docs
06:43 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> docs activity? woah!
08:27 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> there's some useful stuff here:
08:31 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> unfortunately we chose CC-BY for the license of minetest_docs which means it'll be incompatible with anything else which is licensed under CC-BY-SA
08:37 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> seems like a mistake
08:44 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> yeah it's a pretty big mistake I feel like but it was decided on in the docs proposal
08:46 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> well, you could look at the history and get permission from authors to relicense
09:10 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> Anyway, you can't copyright facts. So maybe rewrite some of the tips into relevant sections
09:10 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> having tip pages like this is an okay usecase for the dev wiki
09:10 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> examples too
09:10 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> the problem is with using the dev wiki as a reference
09:10 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> which it sucks at
09:13 MTDiscord <luatic> Yes
09:14 MTDiscord <luatic> huh what? pretty sure you can always upgrade CC-BY to CC-BY-SA
09:15 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> dev wiki is CC BY-SA, docs is CC BY
09:16 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> so if you don't want to relicense docs then you'll need to get permission or rewrite
09:19 MTDiscord <luatic> you can always relicense the docs
09:20 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> I'm aware
09:20 MTDiscord <luatic> > For example, CC BY is one-way compatible with BY-SA. You may adapt a BY work and apply BY-SA to your contributions, but you may not adapt a BY-SA work and apply BY to your contributions.
09:20 MTDiscord <luatic> I see no issue here
09:20 MTDiscord <luatic> if we want to integrate dev wiki content, we have to give proper attribution and relicense to SA
09:20 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> I'm fully aware that you can relicense CC BY to CC BY-SA
09:20 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> Oh wait
09:20 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> by history I meant wiki history
09:20 MTDiscord <luatic> ah
09:21 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> > well, you could look at the history and get permission from authors to relicense You can look at the wiki page history and get permission to relicense from CC BY-SA to CC BY
09:21 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> most pages are 90% written by Wuzzy
09:21 MTDiscord <luatic> heh
09:23 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> most of this doesn't really fit into a reference-style doc anyway
09:23 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> some of it could be in tutorials, most of it is fine on the wiki
09:33 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> relicensing the docs to CC-BY-SA would be the best thing to do though, it's significantly more common when it comes to minetest documentation
09:34 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> is lua_api and the rest in doc/ licensed under LGPLv2.1 or CC-BY-SA?
09:36 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> looks like LGPLv2.1
11:17 appguru joined #minetest-docs
13:13 MTDiscord <exe_virus> Well, we are trying to be both a reference and usage with this documentation, we want* to provide examples and explanations
13:56 MTDiscord <j45> Second option please, i aint gonna be up at 1am(bst) on a saturday only to do a sprint Anyways im away currently so wouldn't be able to join until i get back (25th)
13:56 MTDiscord <j45> Oops sorry, forgot to remove ping ?
15:41 MTDiscord <Benrob0329>
18:49 erle joined #minetest-docs
18:54 appguru joined #minetest-docs

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