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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2023-04-12

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Time Nick Message
02:02 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
02:02 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
03:49 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
04:25 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
05:25 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
05:48 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
05:57 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
07:44 nore joined #minetest-dev
07:45 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
09:09 Guest50 joined #minetest-dev
09:36 rubenwardy merging #13390 in 10
09:36 ShadowBot -- Add `vector.in_area()` utility function by AFCMS
12:06 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
12:40 Fleckenstein joined #minetest-dev
13:14 Jon[m] I'm far enough down the rabbit hole to ask in this text channel now: how do I run unit tests as performed by minetest/games/devtest/mods/unit tests/*.lua?
13:14 Jon[m] I have done:
13:14 Jon[m] minetest --run-unittests as well as modified settingtypes to have devtest_unittests_autostart bool true
13:26 BuckarooBanzai Jon[m]: have you tried running them with `busted`?
13:29 Guest54 joined #minetest-dev
13:29 rubenwardy busted builtin
13:29 rubenwardy oh wait, devtest
13:30 rubenwardy those are actually integration tests
13:30 rubenwardy you need to run dev test and then type   /unittests
13:30 Guest54 Jon[m] if you want to find bugs in minetest, you can compile minetest using a sanitizer, e.g. with CXXFLAGS `-fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=vptr` for ubsan
13:31 rubenwardy not what they asked
13:31 Guest54 yeah but it shows when unittests break
13:31 Guest54 or when they trigger bugs in code
13:32 rubenwardy you can also use     devtest_unittests_autostart = true      to do /unittests automatically when opening devtest
13:32 Guest54 neat
13:33 rubenwardy Minetest's CI runs the devtest "unit" tests using this script
13:35 Guest54 is there a way to run each minetest binary test separately?
13:38 Guest54 that's kinda needed if you want tests to fail on scenarios that the test itself can not dig itself out of
14:13 Guest54 the scenario i have is that i want to trap on these runtime errors in the “passing” unit tests btw
14:14 MTDiscord <Fleckenstein> exceptions were a mistake
14:15 Guest54 what do exceptions have to do with this? if the test case is undefined at any point, it is entirely undefined.
14:16 Fleckenstein the problem is creating scenarios that "tests can't dig themselves out of"
14:16 Guest54 uh, in any case, i do not see how you can recover from a test case that unconditionally runs into undefined behaviour
14:16 Fleckenstein undefined behavior is an ever bigger mistake than exceptions
14:17 Guest54 look, i can cut this short: computers were a mistake, daddy turing should not have done that
14:17 Fleckenstein i agree
14:17 Fleckenstein lambda calculus >
14:17 Fleckenstein turing
14:17 Fleckenstein whatever
14:18 Guest54 anyways, if you have test scenarios 1, 2, 3 and the program under test is also the test runner and you get UB in test 2, you can't really continue.
14:18 Fleckenstein just don't UB
14:18 Fleckenstein only rely on behavior that is defined
14:18 Guest54 “if i were you, i just would not make any mistakes” hehehehe
14:18 Fleckenstein whar
14:19 Fleckenstein im just shilling rust
14:19 Guest54 as far as i can see it it's excessively hard to not run into UB in both C and C++ unless you are a real smartie (and i know very few of them)
14:19 Fleckenstein see above message
14:19 Guest54 well then just say it: the mistake is to use c++
14:19 Fleckenstein yes
14:19 Fleckenstein but i was a bit more specific than that
14:19 Guest54 i agree, but minetest is c++, so the discussion is worthless until you have your rust-based minetest replacement ready
14:20 Guest54 or rather, fruitless
14:20 Guest54 anyways, is there a way to run only a single test? because i don't see one right now.
14:20 Fleckenstein i wanted to use your issue to point out the benefits of not having certain things in a language
14:21 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
14:21 Fleckenstein just change the unit testing system
14:21 Guest54 but if i had one, i'd try to modify the CI to check for address/memory/ub issues
14:21 Fleckenstein i agree that separate binaries are better in C(++), that's how I do it in my programs
14:21 Guest54 care to show an example?
14:22 Fleckenstein I doubt that it's relevant/helpful, but
14:22 Fleckenstein
14:25 Guest54 well, it looks nice except for the way you build it (ask me in query about it if you want). btw, did you know that compilers can optimize code when you assert stuff?
14:26 Guest54 like after the assert the condition is obviously true
14:26 Guest54 anyways, thanks
14:26 Fleckenstein > after the assert the condition is obviously true
14:27 Fleckenstein smark
14:27 Fleckenstein t
14:27 Fleckenstein it's new to me
14:27 Guest54 i suggest you play around with code on – you might learn stuff regarding optimizations
14:29 Guest54 circling back to dev topics btw, how ready *is* your rust-based minetest replacement?
14:29 Fleckenstein i wouldn't call it anywhere near ready
14:29 Fleckenstein currently working on blending n stuff
14:29 Fleckenstein water
14:29 Guest54 obviously, but is it a good platform for bots already?
14:30 Fleckenstein well I'd have to extract the auth from the client implementation to a library
14:30 Fleckenstein currently some parts are very monolithic and i dont like that
14:31 Fleckenstein and i think there are issues where the server resends some reliables
14:31 Fleckenstein i dont understand why
14:31 Fleckenstein it seems to work after having resent them
14:31 Guest54 if you are doing texture blending i suggest to not do it like minetest, read up about gamma and make your blending so that in principle it could be gamma-aware
14:31 Guest54 you'll avoid a bunch of conceptual mistakes that way
14:32 Fleckenstein whar
14:34 Guest54 Fleckenstein install the gamma nodes that i could not get into devtest and see for yourself
14:34 Guest54 the bottom left node has a larger black bar where there should be a gradient. the reason for that is that the blending occurs in the wrong colorspace, which just so works when your entire rendering is not gamma-aware
14:34 Guest54 the problem is that PNGs can contain gamma information
14:36 Fleckenstein is a gamma aware pipeline significatly architecturally different from a non gamma aware pipeline
14:36 Guest54 not really
14:37 Guest54 the gradient issue you see in minetest is basically a precision issue
14:39 Guest54 Fleckenstein the non-gamma-aware-pipeline basically just leaves out some steps that look superfluous at first glance, but lead to weird bugs like “my gradient looks weird if the gamma is not exactly what i expect”
14:41 Guest54 if you want to experience yourself why handling blending correctly is important, try implementing a function that displays a gradient that blends from red to transparent in RGBA. if you define transparent as (0, 0, 0, 0) and full red as (255, 0, 0, 255). if you do it correctly, you get a more transparent red. if you do it incorrectly, the red gets
14:41 Guest54 darker while it gets more transparent, because the transparent color is transparent black.
14:42 Guest54 does that example make sense to you?
14:42 Guest54 like, the naive, obvious, but wrong solution is to just linearly interpolate all values R G B A to get the gradient, but it looks weird
14:43 Guest54 (halfway between those is, for example (127, 0, 0, 127), which is certainly not as red)
14:51 Fleckenstein just use GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
14:51 Guest54 why? does that do premultiplied blending?
14:52 Fleckenstein i dont even get it
14:53 Fleckenstein you start with the object that is furthest away
14:53 Guest54 uh what
14:53 Guest54 i am talking about texture blending here
14:53 Fleckenstein im talking about alpha blending while rendering
14:53 Guest54 that's like, the same?
14:54 Guest54 anyways, if you do the red-to-transparent thing with premultiplied instead of linear blending it will look “correct”
14:54 Guest54 it's basically the same amount of effort to handle gamma correctly if i am not mistaken
14:54 Guest54 a few multiplications here and there
14:55 Fleckenstein the destination cannot be transparent
14:55 Fleckenstein you always begin with a fully opaque background color
14:55 Fleckenstein e.g. from the skybox
14:56 Guest54 i have the feeling you are putting the cart before the horse here. think about texmods.
14:56 Guest54 like, construct your approach to blending from atoms and go up
14:58 Zughy[m] MT staff: I've posted the next meeting notice, taking place on Sunday
14:58 Fleckenstein the alpha value for the source color *is* the ratio
14:58 Fleckenstein the destination does not have an alpha channel
14:59 Guest54 anyways, i am sure you will figure it out. i just wanted to note that if you do not cargo-cult the approach of always using linear you will probably have less weird corner-cases in blending, such as the above-mentioned gradient that looks weird when gamma is not matching expectations.
15:00 Fleckenstein either your remark had nothing to do with what im implementing or you don't get it
15:00 Guest54 or the other above-mentioned gradient where halfway between red and transparent is half-transparent half-bright red
15:00 Guest54 i think it makes sense to query me
15:01 Fleckenstein you dont blend (0, 0, 0, 0) and (255, 0, 0, 255)
15:01 Zughy[m] aren't you, like, flooding the chat?
15:01 Guest54 the naive approach does that
15:01 Fleckenstein you could for example however have (255, 0, 0) and lay (0, 0, 0, 0) on top of that
15:01 Fleckenstein which results in (255, 0, 0)
15:01 Guest54 well, i think the only thing of value that can come out of this discussion is that handling gamma is not that hard
15:02 Fleckenstein if you have (0, 0, 0) and lay (255, 0, 0, 255) on top of it, you get (255, 0, 0)
15:02 Guest54 so the value to others is limited, which is why i suggested the query
15:02 Guest54 Fleckenstein conceptually i think you can not blend an RGB and RGBA value together, it's a type mismatch
15:02 MisterE[m] Would it be possible to make a noise have a variable spread, such as spread=function that returns a vector? That could be ... useful. My guess is no..., since I don't see a way to pass the position being calculated to it.
15:03 Guest54 MisterE[m] what is your actual use case for which you want it?
15:03 Fleckenstein Guest54 no, I am talking about alpha blending while rendering
15:03 MisterE[m] And if no, is that due to the nature of perlin noise or minetest's implementation?
15:03 Guest54 Fleckenstein and i am talking about
15:04 Guest54 i'll be quiet until you tell me you read that :P
15:04 MisterE[m] Guest54: I want mountains that are elongated in a certain direction, and that direction changes over the map
15:04 MisterE[m] Caves too
15:05 Guest54 MisterE[m] so like a mountain range that curves?
15:05 MisterE[m] So, I want to stretch a noise with a noise
15:05 MisterE[m] In a vector direction
15:05 MisterE[m] Ideally, without unnecessary calculation
15:06 MisterE[m] Guest54, exactly
15:06 Guest54 well, does it have to be able to curve into itself?
15:06 MisterE[m] Or a 3d cave system that tends to have tunnels in a certain direction, that that direction changes over space
15:07 MisterE[m] I don't understand your question
15:08 Guest54 i should probably ask a more well-defined question such as “why do you not want to multiply a noise heightmap with something that generates smooth mountains?”
15:08 Guest54 or add them, whatever
15:10 MisterE[m] Because that does not make long valleys and long mountain ranges, that makes mountains that are roughly equal in every direction
15:10 MisterE[m] I could have two noises that are elongated in each direction, that are mixed, but that seems needlessly calculation-intensive
15:11 MisterE[m] I would prefer to modulate the spread vector with another large-scale noise
15:13 Guest54 here is an article from ken perlin about how to improve perlin noise, maybe the rendering of the blue sphere at the bottom fits your use case?
15:13 Guest54 > Figure 5-11 Bump Mapping a Sphere
15:13 Guest54 the middle one
15:14 MisterE[m] ... that is not relevant to my question, which is about minetest's implementation.
15:15 Guest54 it does look like it might be useful for mountain ranges and valles
15:15 Guest54 valleys
15:15 Guest54 that's why i brought it up, sorry
15:16 Fleckenstein > c_0 = C_a + C_b * (1 - a_a)
15:16 Guest54 my face when looking at this stuff: a_a
15:16 Fleckenstein if C_a is premultiplied with a_a, that's literally what GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA does
15:17 Fleckenstein i mean GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
15:17 Guest54 well, good for you that you already found the correct thing ig
15:17 Fleckenstein no
15:17 MisterE123 Fleckenstein, is that formula for me?
15:17 Fleckenstein i think this has nothing to do with what I'm doing
15:18 Guest54 why not? in case you did not have it before, now you have the conceptual understanding *why* it works
15:18 Fleckenstein what
15:18 Fleckenstein no
15:18 Fleckenstein again; this is not related
15:18 Fleckenstein there is no alpha target
15:19 Fleckenstein the target is opaque
15:19 Fleckenstein you just blend transparent values over that
15:19 Guest54 look, the alpha is a red herring. the common thing is ”doing blending calculations in the correct colorspace with the correct precision is only a little more work than doing it with the naive linear interpolation approach, but fixes a bunch of blending weirdnesses”
15:20 Guest54 that was about what i wanted to communicate
15:20 Guest54 because minetest does not do it correctly at several places
15:20 Fleckenstein its possible that your remark is replated to what I'm doing
15:21 Guest54 ig you'll be able to tell me in the future if it was or not
15:21 Fleckenstein but if it is, you're not doing a good job in actually explaining how it is related
15:21 Fleckenstein the example you named was having 2 RGBA values and interpolating between them
15:22 Guest54 because there it is obvious what's wrong with linear interpolation when you get to the dark red in the middle of the gradient
15:22 Fleckenstein i am interpolating between two RGB values, using an alpha value as ratio
15:22 Guest54 with the gamma example, most people just shrug and say “too much work to get it right, too bad” even though it's essentially the same thing
15:22 Guest54 as i said, you might already work in premultiplied space
15:23 Fleckenstein i just dont see how it's related
15:23 Fleckenstein the article you linked has output alpha
15:24 Fleckenstein and alpha for the bottom texture
15:24 Guest54 maybe it's easier to ask “what has to happen so two textures from the set of textures in the not-in-devtest gamma test nodes are correctly blended?”
15:25 Fleckenstein ok, lets say i have an opaque blue background (0, 0, 200) and want to overlay a half transparent red over that (255, 0, 0, 127)
15:25 Fleckenstein the result would be (127, 0, 100)
15:25 Fleckenstein is there an issue with that?
15:28 Fleckenstein if not, I'll keep in mind to research it / ask you about it when I work on texture modifiers but it's not related to blending during rendering
15:28 Guest54 Fleckenstein look at figure 9, the left image is the gamma-correct version, the right image is what i believe to be your approach:
15:29 Fleckenstein > the top one is drawn with 100% opacity and bottom one with 50%
15:29 Guest54 you see the shifts in brightness?
15:29 Fleckenstein i fail to see how this is related
15:29 Fleckenstein the bottom one has *always* 100% opacity in my case
15:29 Guest54 top and bottom here refers to the position in the image
15:29 Guest54 not to the layers
15:30 Guest54 or so i believe
15:30 Guest54 there are solid bars and below them are half-transparent bars
15:30 Guest54 both are blended on top of solid background
15:30 Guest54 so it's like your example, or not?
15:31 Fleckenstein makes sense, yes
15:31 Fleckenstein it is related
15:31 Guest54 yeah and you see the difference between doing it correctly and incorrectly, even though it is subtle
15:31 Guest54 that page has a lot of different examples regarding what happens if you use the naive approach
15:31 Fleckenstein they are different, but I can't judge which one is more "correct"
15:32 Guest54 it would be more easy if you read the entire page and look at all examples
15:32 Guest54 what is ”correct” depends on if you want to have a ”natural light” look
15:32 Guest54 i think the fundamental problem is that light emission does not equal perceptual brightness
15:33 Guest54 look at these grey bars here:
15:33 Guest54 btw you could also fix that stuff in the minetest engine once you understand it ;)
15:34 Guest54 anyway, john novak's page explains it probably better then i can why this is important and how your rendering fails if you think it is not
15:34 Guest54 if you can live with these rendering artifacts, then don't do it, but to me it looks ugly
15:36 Fleckenstein I'd assume that some people hack their textures in a way that tries to mitigates some of these issues, subsequently gamma correction should maybe be a setting?
15:36 Guest54 for added insight you can figure out which programs fail to render these images that i used for the devtest stuff correctly (spoiler: a lot)
15:36 Guest54 gamma correction *is* metadata in PNG
15:36 Guest54 and no you can't really “hack your textures” to work around these issues
15:37 Guest54 i mean you can so they look correctly on your computer with your gamma and whatever
15:37 Guest54 but i fail to see how you can workaround the blending/rendering artifacts that occur in linear space
15:38 Fleckenstein yea that's why I used the term hack
15:39 Guest54 well this is also an issue of precision. if your engine blends in a space where your colors get mushed together, no amount of work will make up for it.
15:39 Guest54 anyway, the effects are subtle enough that fixing it in minetest was rejected so hard that not even tests for ”is this fixed” were accepted.
15:40 Guest54 and also many applications kinda get away with not doing it. i say “kinda” because once you know what to look for (like novak's examples) you can find those.
15:40 Fleckenstein as far as I understand they didn't want to have tests for a feature that doesn't exist?
15:42 Guest54 well, it leads to a general question “do you want to have failing test cases for stuff you may implement in the future, to highlight that this does not work yet, or at all”. TDD methodology as i understand it says yes, a lot of people think it is stupid though.
15:42 Guest54 in any case, not wanting the tests with the justification ”we are not doing this, ever” is a clear signal that either the work to be done is over-estimated or it is not considered worth it anyway
15:43 Guest54 but if you are bulding something anew, IMO it makes sense to do it correctly the first time, because the correct approach can easily emulate the incorrect one, but not vice versa
15:43 Guest54 i.e. you just skip some steps or move them around to emulate the naive linear thing
15:44 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> TDD methodology says you should have 1 failing unit test for something you will implement presently.
15:45 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> You don't want failing tests for features you won't implement yet. Failing tests should block PRs, TDD or not.
15:45 rubenwardy TDD means you should write the tests before the implementation, you typically make the tests work before submitting the PR though
15:45 Fleckenstein if it's not a lot of work, why don't you just implement it instead of complaining they won't merge the tests
15:46 Guest54 have i misunderstood the part where i think that gamma-aware rendering is not wanted?
15:47 Guest54 there was a coredev meeting on it, it's linked in the issue i think
15:47 Guest54 josiah_wi regarding TDD, there are different approaches and you can easily permit failing test cases if they never worked before
15:48 Guest54 josiah_wi also “failing tests should block PRs” is an approach that is subtly different from “failing tests that worked in the past should block PRs”
15:48 Fleckenstein I think you are failing to see this from the core dev's perspective
15:49 Guest54 i think i understand it perfectly well, the blending artifacts are subtle enough to not care at all
15:49 Fleckenstein If it's not a feature they plan on making, it doesn't make sense to put tests in the game
15:49 Fleckenstein this does not mean they will necessarily reject the feature
15:49 Fleckenstein it's just not on the roadmap
15:50 Guest54 Fleckenstein i have seen what happens to topics not on the roadmap, e.g. prollers maps
15:50 Fleckenstein lots of minor PRs get merged that are not part of the roadmap
15:51 rubenwardy roadmap also doesn't apply to bug fixes
15:53 Guest54 yes, but in this case a bunch of gamma-handling code was also dropped from irrlichtmt some time later. maybe that was unrelated, i interpreted it as “the horse is dead”.
15:54 Guest54 maybe i misread it
15:55 Fleckenstein I think so too
15:56 Fleckenstein won't be wanting to set the gamma *for the entire display*
15:56 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> that seems to just be for configuring gamma for the entire screen
15:56 Fleckenstein ^
15:56 Guest54 well i saw it as ”gamma is not important”, i may have ben too eager here
15:56 Fleckenstein nothing in the core dev meeting or the issue suggests that gamma is an unwanted feature
15:57 Guest54 let me read it again so i can repent if necessary
16:12 Guest54 reading it again, i think that you are both correct in that failing test cases are never accepted, but i probably focused on “From the estimated amount of work and also being a feature approximately nobody cares about this would be rejected”
16:12 Guest54 which leads me back to “the artifacts are subtle enough that you can get away with not caring, but it looks ugly”
16:13 Guest54 anyways, i hope the topic of how to blend correctly is done for today ^^
16:13 Guest54 i feel sorry for bringing it up here
16:18 sfan5 great, 200 messages I won't be reading
16:18 Guest54 it's almost all about premultiplied alpha and gamma correction, there is no need to
16:19 Krock sfan5: ChatGPT  /s
16:19 Krock (because it can do summaries)
16:35 Desour joined #minetest-dev
16:41 Desour Jon[m]: FYI, you can't change settings by modifying settingtypes.txt. that file is just for mainmenu to display the settings menu. use minetest.conf instead
16:42 Jon[m] Desour: Doh! That explains that. Thank you
16:43 Desour !next
16:43 ShadowBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
16:43 Jon[m] Thank you for the quick responses folks. I'll be following up after work today
16:44 dzho joined #minetest-dev
16:48 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
16:48 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
17:08 MTDiscord <PrairieWind> I still have the add favorite button. Based on the video, is it something I should make a PR for, just keep working on it, or keep it to myself?
17:57 Guest54 joined #minetest-dev
18:11 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
18:30 dv^_^ joined #minetest-dev
19:04 Fleckenstein Guest54:
19:06 Guest54 for context, Fleckenstein and me are in a call and our goal is to have fast smooth shadows using builtin irrlicht facilities
19:08 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
19:16 Guest54 i believe the patch above already does work and looks quite nice, but all the light comes from the camera ^^
20:07 sfan5 you mean stencil shadows?
20:18 Guest54 joined #minetest-dev
20:42 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
21:06 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:31 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:36 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:53 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:02 proller joined #minetest-dev

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