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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-04-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:39 octacian joined #minetest-dev
00:42 ^v joined #minetest-dev
00:42 paramat joined #minetest-dev
00:45 paramat VanessaE see simple edit which reduces memory use by technic worldgen, if you need help editing this let me know
00:46 paramat i had a look at mesecons but it's so complex it may take time to see how to optimise
00:47 paramat and that doesn't explain why it worked for you before of course
00:48 VanessaE technic is such a clusterfuck that I try not to do too much there
00:48 VanessaE (though I just added labels to the ABMs earlier)
00:49 VanessaE I do have both the issue and the webpage you pointed to open, though
00:50 VanessaE figured I'd give it a try but where VM stuff is concerned, I know nothing at all.
01:01 paramat the data buffer optimisation is simplest and mesecons may not be using perlinmaps, so perhaps try applying point 3
01:10 VanessaE wait so you're saying,
01:10 VanessaE
01:10 VanessaE `local noise`  above that, outside the function, and strip 'local' off of this?
01:12 VanessaE no, I guess you mean line 139.
01:16 VanessaE meh, I'll let someone else do it.  I don't understand what I'm even looking at. :-/
01:17 paramat l125 local data = vm:get_data(dbuf)
01:18 paramat then outside the on-gen function, just before: local dbuf
01:18 paramat that's all, as in the example in the forum post
01:19 paramat point 3
01:20 VanessaE I see.
01:22 * VanessaE tries it..
01:25 paramat it will not make a huge difference but a significant one
01:28 paramat also you can move L127 to outside on-gen, just before
01:28 paramat to only create the noise object once
01:29 VanessaE ok
01:30 paramat this doesn't use perlinmaps so the 3rd optimisation doesn't apply here
01:30 paramat by third i mean point 2
01:30 paramat =/
01:34 VanessaE meh, moving the noise object outside of on-gen throws a "attempt to index upvalue" (nil) error.
01:35 paramat ok there's another way as described in point 1
01:35 VanessaE
01:36 paramat L127 noise = noise or minetest.get_perlin(9876, 3, 0.5, 100)
01:36 paramat with local noise = nil outside on-gen and just before
01:36 paramat might work
01:38 paramat then it created the noise object inside on-gen but only once
01:38 paramat *creates
01:40 paramat sofar could you consider #5476 ? dev is too quiet recently, this is much wanted. seems fine but would be good for more players to test it
01:40 ShadowBot -- Sneak glitch option: Add ability to climb onto a 2 node high ledge by paramat
02:00 paramat i think i'll have to ask c55 to review later
02:01 VanessaE paramat:
02:17 paramat looks ok
02:51 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
03:12 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
03:24 MrIbby joined #minetest-dev
04:57 paramat joined #minetest-dev
05:04 MrIbby joined #minetest-dev
05:12 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
06:28 ^v joined #minetest-dev
06:33 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
06:34 ^v joined #minetest-dev
06:41 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:42 epoch joined #minetest-dev
06:49 ^v joined #minetest-dev
06:50 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
07:03 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
07:06 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
07:06 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
07:06 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
07:07 nerzhul hello :) sfan5 #5473 is now green and finished, please finish your review :)
07:07 ShadowBot -- Update embedded jsoncpp from unk version to 0.10.6 + move libs to lib/ instead of src/ by nerzhul
07:25 nerzhul nore can you finish your review on #1737 please ?
07:25 ShadowBot -- Added formspec element 'KeyEventBox' for charbased input by ninnghazad
07:26 burli joined #minetest-dev
07:26 burli hi there
07:27 nerzhul hi burli
07:27 burli I have an important question. Maybe someone can help
07:28 burli
07:37 burli I assume that control keys are only updated once at each server step and not at each call of get_player_control()
07:37 nerzhul exactly
07:38 burli Is there any other way to stop the lua script at a specific point and continue later?
07:39 burli I don't need to stop the script after each line, but once in a loop would be good
07:40 nerzhul no
07:42 burli then the only way is output to a file
07:43 red-001 are particle spawner id's reused after the spawner expires?
07:43 paramat joined #minetest-dev
07:51 paramat please can anyone approve this bugfix? #5453 i can change the variable name on merge
07:51 ShadowBot -- Fix upside down textures by numberZero
07:54 celeron55 can i say +1 solely on the basis of it being numberZero fixing his own mistake? :P
08:02 ^v joined #minetest-dev
08:08 paramat yes i'm fine with that, after all it's been well tested too
08:09 paramat #5491 is fine +1
08:09 ShadowBot -- mapgen: Fix segfault when selecting invalid mapgen by SmallJoker
08:10 paramat celeron55 remember my core version of watershed? it's been changed and improved and is usable
08:11 paramat problem is working on it for 2 years i'm kind of numb to it
08:15 paramat but i've learnt useful stuff which can be applied in any other core mapgen i write
08:18 nerzhul mergin 5491 then
08:19 nerzhul paramat, can you review #5487 it's fairly trivial addition but required :)
08:19 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add function and chat command to disconnect from server. by red-001
08:19 nerzhul many intresting pr are finished and needs merge
08:19 ^v joined #minetest-dev
08:21 paramat sorry i'm avoiding CSM stuff, i don't remotely understand it and there are higher priorities
08:21 nerzhul just read the PR please;
08:22 paramat yes dev has been quiet recently, lots of good contributions but few reviews
08:22 paramat looking
08:25 paramat sorry at the moment other PRs have priority over CSM. CSM seems to not be experiencing lack of dev attention so i'm focussing elsewhere
08:26 nerzhul lol in fact CSM is very very asked by modders and players, look at the WIP on localplayer API
08:26 paramat my workload is so high it's up to other devs to do more :]
08:27 nerzhul yeah, i know but we should merge all ready PR when 2 core dev are here, many devs are absent it's not easy
08:28 paramat CSM is not priority when you look at the other unreviewed PRs, but i understand you're enthusiastic about it, which is good
08:30 celeron55 i guess i could start reviewing CSM stuff
08:31 paramat celeron55 concerning sn**k, we fixed a few serious bugs midweek and i have a PR for 2-node pull-up onto a ledge #5476 which desired as much as sn**k ladders. so stuff is going well and much better than most believe
08:31 ShadowBot -- Sneak glitch option: Add ability to climb onto a 2 node high ledge by paramat
08:31 nerzhul celeron55, could be nice to have some help
08:32 nerzhul it's basicly adding API on client, the core side is finished, maybe some mor ecallbacks are needed, but we have many of them
08:32 epoch joined #minetest-dev
08:40 epoch joined #minetest-dev
08:40 celeron55 paramat: i think most are happy with the development
08:41 celeron55 nerzhul: my view on CSM is still that client-side physics are important and i need to look into how to add them into the upstream CSM system
08:42 celeron55 reviewing stuff doesn't seem like a bad idea if i'm to understand what it currently does 8)
08:42 ^v joined #minetest-dev
08:43 paramat yes i'll merge #5453
08:43 ShadowBot -- Fix upside down textures by numberZero
08:43 nerzhul celeron55, what do you mean ? lua knowing localplayer physics or more than that ?
08:43 celeron55 i mean, moddable client-side physics and also camera control and such
08:44 celeron55 defining different physics, as in the airplane experiment i made
08:44 nerzhul because writing physics can be cheat, but camera control should be fine, it's in the roadmap
08:44 celeron55 anything can be a cheat; that's not an excuse for less functionality
08:45 nerzhul if we permit players to do some physics change and server doesn't know it we will destroy the games and servers games
08:45 celeron55 the server has to be able to choose whether it wants to stick to the regular physics or allow something else; probably per-player control
08:46 celeron55 as in, if someone builds a plane, only then allow different physics
08:46 celeron55 or whatever a game wants to do
08:46 nerzhul but if server only set a client flag we can have cheated clients, for example atm we can prevent client ot send TOSERVER_DAMAGE and then evade from node damages and falling damages
08:47 celeron55 the server can use existing anticheat for the players that are set to use regular physics
08:47 celeron55 as i said, it's up to the game to balance between that
08:48 celeron55 and the game can add server-side anticheat for the different physics too if the author chooses easily enough checkable ones
08:50 paramat nore could you look at #5476 ?
08:50 celeron55 if a game wants to have vehicles or flying characters or whatever, it's better if it can have them even if they don't have anticheat than not at all; even if it's a disaster on servers, it will still work in singleplayer and in private servers
08:50 ShadowBot -- Sneak glitch option: Add ability to climb onto a 2 node high ledge by paramat
08:51 celeron55 i think one choice i will have to make is whether to run the physics in the same lua environment as other CSM, or whether they need a separate environment
08:57 paramat will merge #5453 in a few mins
08:57 ShadowBot -- Fix upside down textures by numberZero
08:58 celeron55 i recently set up a windows computer in my living room and now i'm thinking i really want to get travis builds to be downloadable from somewhere so that testing PRs is easy on windows
08:59 celeron55 i suppose i can just set up a server where travis can http-upload the package it makes
09:00 celeron55 it builds fully-functional windows packages, right?
09:01 celeron55 "CPack: - package: /home/travis/build/minetest/travisbuild/minetest/_build/ generated."
09:01 celeron55 just send that somewhere and make the somewhere publish it for downloading
09:02 nerzhul don't really know
09:04 celeron55 i don't see why not - i'll try it
09:05 celeron55 as long as they don't have rules forbidding that, it should be fine
09:05 celeron55 certainly many would like this
09:06 celeron55 i mean, like, every windows user in existence
09:06 ^v joined #minetest-dev
09:10 paramat merging 5453
09:16 paramat merged
09:21 Hijiri what use cases are there for client-installed client mods (as opposed to ones sent from the server), other than cheaty stuff?
09:22 nerzhul it's impossible to cheat with current CSM because you can only read informations, and write on chat
09:22 celeron55 i guess some HUD extensions and extra animations or something
09:22 celeron55 not really much that i care about i think :P
09:23 celeron55 a formspec replacement, probably
09:23 celeron55 that's something not cheaty that everyone wants
09:23 celeron55 but it still requires a lot of interaction with the server
09:24 Hijiri wouldn't that be sent from the server though? So the server mods can define how the GUI works
09:24 celeron55 all the things that are not cheaty require a lot of co-operation from server-side mods
09:24 celeron55 so basically things that are pre-installed just to wait if the server wants to use them
09:25 nerzhul celeron55, we don't implemented Hud but local formspec yes
09:25 Hijiri like optional stuff
09:25 Hijiri that makes sense
09:25 nerzhul local formspec permit to have a pure client side craftguide
09:25 paramat you can cheat by reading information, such as that ore finder mod
09:25 Hijiri client-side craftguide is a good one
09:25 Hijiri and isn't too cheaty
09:26 celeron55 client-side craftguide is kind of cheaty in the strict definition of cheaty though
09:26 celeron55 anything the server doesn't know about is "cheaty"
09:27 celeron55 the only client-side mods that are not cheaty are ones that do nothing unless the server asks them to
09:27 Hijiri And does what the server expects when told to do things
09:27 celeron55 or enables them somehow
09:28 celeron55 yes :P
09:28 nerzhul i don't think, every information sent by server can be considered as trusted and could be used in any form on client :)
09:29 Hijiri I guess the question is whether we consider the sandboxing capabilities of Lua secure enough
09:29 Hijiri and I guess you don't
09:29 celeron55 i do, but i'm kind of scared what kind of APIs will come out of development that isn't primarily focused on eating lua sent by the server
09:29 nerzhul csm forbid nearly all OS features
09:30 Hijiri I meant @nerzhul
09:30 Hijiri nerzhul: but that's not sufficient for code sent from the server?
09:30 Hijiri (in addition to not allowing file access at all except to other mod scripts for reading, maybe)
09:31 nerzhul it's why i don't think we should handle server sent informations for next release as CSM is a pure preview for modders
09:31 nerzhul just expose client API, see the come back from users/modders about api, and next add protocol informations isntead of sending mods from server to client
09:32 Hijiri Is that just a step toward server-sent client mods or are you planning not to have them?
09:33 Hijiri Right now you don't have to worry about having the right mods installed to connect to a server, but if mods require a corresponding client mod then that won't be possible unless it can be sent from the server.
09:33 celeron55 i think nothing else is a good goal for CSM than server-sent client mods
09:35 red-001 I agree
09:35 celeron55 but if the ones developing want to take intermediate steps, that's fine
09:35 red-001 local mods are just a nice side goal
09:36 nerzhul i hope we can have a release in june with sufficnet pure CSM API and maybe a mod store permitting users to start CSM community
09:36 nerzhul for CSM i also think as sofar requested we can work on mod channels permitting mods to discuss without being handled by server directly
09:37 Hijiri I think the server should be able to handle it directly if it wants to
09:37 nerzhul but i should work on the chat protocol permitting to have a better implementation with channel for users and mods
09:37 nerzhul yes, but client to client is also nice. In world of warcraft you have only this mode and it just works fine
09:37 celeron55 does there exist a document about how CSM works currently?
09:37 celeron55 or is planned to work
09:37 nerzhul client share positions for example with other clients permitting to do some mutliplayer features
09:38 nerzhul celeron55, atm you have a on_step callback, and on_<playerevents> callbacks
09:38 celeron55 i don't mean the lua-facing API but the internals
09:38 nerzhul internals are just callbacks
09:39 nerzhul look at ClientScripting class
09:39 celeron55 so there's a single lua environment and simple synchronous callbacks to it, from the main thread?
09:39 celeron55 like, the simplest thing that can work
09:39 Hijiri I'm going to sleep, night
09:39 nerzhul exact
09:39 celeron55 ok, that doesn't need much explaining then
09:39 nerzhul :)
09:40 celeron55 hmmmm would hate it but gladly he isn't here, lol
09:40 nerzhul it's exact same model as server, but rewrote to be lightweight and take our experience in consideration
09:40 celeron55 i don't think it really takes our experience into consideration but it might be the only choice we can manage to make
09:42 celeron55 i think i should be able to quite easily port my physics experiment onto this
09:42 celeron55 which is good
09:43 sfan5 hm
09:43 celeron55 funnily enough it will make all the... sneak code replaceable by lua
09:43 sfan5 does an error in a client side mod crash the whole client?
09:45 nerzhul sfan5, it disconnect the client if i remember
09:46 celeron55 probably the same thing that happens if a singleplayer game's server-side mod crashes
09:46 sfan5 that would be bad if CSM turns out to be used like javascript by the servers
09:48 celeron55 in the end it will be, and we have to somehow deal with that
09:48 celeron55 we could do the same thing that JS does and consider all crashed callbacks as units that can fail on their own
09:48 celeron55 and hope for the best
09:49 nerzhul celeron55, no this definitively should be bad as this can alter player local data (mod storages for examples)
09:49 nerzhul if we have a separated lua stack for each mod we can disable the crashed mod, but it's not possible atm
09:50 celeron55 that means all communication between mods has to be done by message passing
09:50 nerzhul yes
09:50 celeron55 there's probably not really going back from any model that is published
09:51 celeron55 so if we want that, it should be done now
09:51 nerzhul exactly
09:51 nerzhul separate each mod in its own lua stack it not simple, especially for registered callbacks, but it's possible
09:51 nerzhul sfan5, can you finish your review on #5473 please ?
09:51 ShadowBot -- Update embedded jsoncpp from unk version to 0.10.6 + move libs to lib/ instead of src/ by nerzhul
09:52 celeron55 then you really can't define any nice APIs for mods to talk to each other
09:52 celeron55 which is MT's strong point due to the model on servers
09:53 celeron55 and also javascript's on web browsers, actually
09:53 sfan5 stuff like minetest.is_protected would be just downright impossible with that
09:54 celeron55 i think we'll have to stick with the crashing stuff and enjoy what it gives us when it doesn't crash
09:54 celeron55 8)
09:54 sfan5 IMO it would suffice that if a mod causes an error to try to disable all of it's callbacks, minetest.after's or other stuff
09:54 sfan5 what you suggest would work but be a quite painful way to enforcing that modders write good code
09:55 celeron55 that seems fine until you realize the mod probably has an API that other mods call
09:57 celeron55 i would conclude that while it may seem there are alternatives, practically the alternatives are too cumbersome to use
09:57 celeron55 we could add a new class of mods in the future that run in their own environment; both on the client and on the server and see what happens with them
09:58 celeron55 but it can't be the primary type of mod; nobody is going to enjoy writing them
09:58 ^v joined #minetest-dev
10:02 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:09 ^v joined #minetest-dev
10:20 nerzhul can someone review #5493 ?
10:20 ShadowBot -- Formspec: Add options to set background color and opacity (fullscreen mode) by nerzhul
10:20 nerzhul it's an interesting PR which was closed by its author but should be merged, i think paramat it should have your attention
10:20 ^v joined #minetest-dev
10:23 WSDguy2014 joined #minetest-dev
10:23 WSDguy2014 left #minetest-dev
10:38 red-001 updated #5492
10:38 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Start work on csm particles. by red-001
10:38 red-001 most of the code should be finnished
10:40 red-001 I'm not going to add any example code as it would require a way to load textures
10:41 ^v joined #minetest-dev
10:47 paramat 5493 is low priority and not much needed, i'm busy with more important stuff
10:57 nerzhul just work
11:00 numzero joined #minetest-dev
11:02 ^v joined #minetest-dev
11:03 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
11:14 troller joined #minetest-dev
11:25 ^v joined #minetest-dev
11:36 ^v joined #minetest-dev
11:40 nerzhul merging #5487
11:40 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add function and chat command to disconnect from server. by red-001
11:41 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
11:52 numzero joined #minetest-dev
11:54 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
12:24 numzero joined #minetest-dev
12:47 nerzhul merging trivial #5495
12:47 ShadowBot -- Clang-format: trivial fix on some headers by nerzhul
13:08 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
13:19 red-001 #5496
13:19 ShadowBot -- Add missing source to android build by kolewu
13:19 red-001 maybe there is a way to autogenerate these files?
13:21 XtremeHacker joined #minetest-dev
13:32 lisac joined #minetest-dev
13:38 red_ joined #minetest-dev
13:40 red-002 joined #minetest-dev
13:41 sfan5 there is
13:42 sfan5 but it would be way better if someone were to just throw away the mess our android build system is
13:55 paramat joined #minetest-dev
14:16 WSDguy2014 joined #minetest-dev
14:17 WSDguy2014 left #minetest-dev
14:34 lisac joined #minetest-dev
14:37 est31 left #minetest-dev
14:46 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
14:47 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
14:47 nerzhul merging #5496
14:47 ShadowBot -- Add missing source to android build by kolewu
14:50 nerzhul and #5485
14:50 ShadowBot -- First commit for fine pointed by MarkuBu
14:52 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
15:02 paramat thanks for 5485
15:02 nerzhul no problem
15:02 nerzhul maybe you can look at #5494
15:03 ShadowBot -- Fix 'alpha' property for liquid nodes by juhdanad
15:03 paramat yeah
15:03 xunto joined #minetest-dev
15:03 nerzhul rubenwardy, can you answer to adrido on #5416 please ?
15:03 ShadowBot -- Windows: Skip cmd for release builds by adrido
15:04 nerzhul and help us to merge #5385
15:04 ShadowBot -- FormSpec: support custom colors in dropdown by adelcoding1
15:14 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
15:23 ^v joined #minetest-dev
15:24 lisac joined #minetest-dev
15:28 red-001 the code style checker needs some improvement
15:29 red-001 it seems to cause a good deal of false positives
15:40 Fixer please review, it is finished, hides cmd console for windows for "release" builds, console can be reenabled with cmake configure line, enabled by default for debug builds
15:41 red-001 plus sometimes not following code style results in more clear code
15:42 sfan5 ^ the problem with that pr is that you can't get console output even if you run mt in a console window
15:42 sfan5 red-001: i agree, the style checker can provide a good guideline but shouldn't be an authority on what's allowed and what isn't
15:44 Fixer sfan5: why would player need to run it from console? developers can enable console anyway or use mtail on debug.txt
15:44 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
15:44 sfan5 people developing mods?
15:45 Fixer than mtail on debug.txt - problem solved
15:45 red-001 not everything is logged in debug.txt
15:45 Fixer i'm against shoving down useless cmd window on players, it also clutters the taskbar ._.
15:46 sfan5 me too
15:46 celeron55 i too think hiding the console window makes sense
15:50 celeron55 ...maybe we should ask those that actually use windows though
15:50 Fixer I use windows.. thats why i advocated it
15:50 DS-minetest then ask in #minetest, there are more people that could answer
15:51 Fixer from what i remember linux users don't even get a minetest cmd window
15:51 DS-minetest we can start minetest in terminal
15:52 celeron55 on windows, if a program wants to be able to write into console, a console window will always be opened if it isn't launched from console
15:52 celeron55 on linux the output will just be ignored if a program isn't opened in a console
15:52 celeron55 disabling console on windows means you don't get console output even if you launch the program in console
15:53 Fixer one word:
15:54 DS-minetest cant you make something like minetest --showwriting ?
15:55 sfan5 no
16:01 Fixer yep, just checked, with console disabled, no output in cmd
16:18 celeron55 what if we added a small console program that would just basically act as "tail -f debug.txt"
16:18 celeron55 that modders on windows can run alongside minetest
16:18 celeron55 no need to re-create our own console windows or anything; just a second program that is a console program
16:20 celeron55 and no need to separately download and learn to use an actual generic implementation of "tail", which would seem like a thing windows users hate
16:20 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
16:28 kaeza no ponies on sad
16:30 Calinou kaeza: building a Minetest logo on /r/place would be fun, but we don't have even 1% of the army the ponies have :D
16:30 Fixer celeron55: when console is disabled, there is not even a --help or anything visible in cmd :/
16:34 celeron55 yeah, windows is absolutely silly
16:35 celeron55 if you want to show --help in a gui program, you have to open a gui
16:35 celeron55 i've seen some programs do that; it feels silly until you realize why they do it
16:38 kaeza can't you dynamically create a console in Windows?
16:38 garywhite joined #minetest-dev
16:39 kaeza or does that just fuck up stdio somehow?
16:42 kaeza there's this, but I don't have a Windows env to test:
16:42 Fixer
16:44 Fixer -mconsole -mwindows, hmmm
16:44 celeron55 the AllocConsole + freopen answer seems pretty good
16:44 garywhite kaeza, you could always get an old copy of Windows, it looks like based on that MSDN link that even Win2000 would do for you. I have a link for a website that allows you to download old versions of Windows if you want. (it's not illegal, it sounds like MS doesn't care as long as they don't release XP or higher)
16:44 celeron55 altough, maybe it won't work if MT is started from console...
16:46 Fixer let me try -mwindows - mconsole mode %)
16:46 sfan5 garywhite: w2000 is the lowest supported ver
16:47 garywhite ik, but anything higher you'd have to pay out the rear for
16:48 sfan5 just pirate it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
16:48 sfan5 you actually don't even have to, you can download w10 from microsoft directly (somehow)
16:49 celeron55 i suppose wine works for testing this also
16:49 sfan5 i don't think it does
16:49 garywhite sfan5, you can download win10 from MS, but you still have to pay $100+ for a key
16:49 Fixer ?
16:50 sfan5 you can use windows unactivated
16:50 sfan5 Fixer: no not those
16:50 Fixer yes, those for testing
16:50 Fixer you can DL original iso from other place
16:50 sfan5 yes but those weren't the ones i meant
16:50 celeron55 nobody has time for installing windows for such a tiny thing though, why even discuss about it :P
16:51 Fixer i can test AllocConsole function if you write it :}
16:51 Fixer it opens a new console for already started process iirc
16:51 kaeza Fixer, it seems you can use AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS) and it will return 0 with GetLastError() returning ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE if there's no console in the parent process
16:51 garywhite Hence why I suggested Win2K, it's old enough that it only takes about 15 mins to install to a VM
16:52 kaeza you could use that to create a console if needed
16:52 kaeza er, to check if a console needs to be created
16:52 celeron55 minetest doesn't build on 2k because zlib requires some api that is found from xp up
16:53 celeron55 (and possibly other reasons by now; that's from 5 years ago)
16:53 garywhite rats
16:53 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
16:53 Fixer microxp :trollface:
16:54 garywhite for the record, I have tried to run MT in Win2K, & I think if it were on a real PC it would run fairly well
16:54 kaeza garywhite, I have a monthly cap of 2GB. ain't wasting precious bytes on this :P
16:54 celeron55 kaeza: one question is, if MT isn't built as a console program and is started in console, is it possible to attach MT's stdout/stderr to the console
16:54 Fixer just use this in vm, why so big problem?
16:54 Fixer don't mind Mac in url
16:55 celeron55 kaeza: as they aren't attached to anything by default
16:57 kaeza celeron55, I'd guess that freopen() code could be used, but no idea really
16:57 garywhite Who the heck has only a 2GB cap?
16:57 kaeza ☚
16:57 garywhite I've never seen that before tbh
16:58 sfan5 then you haven't seen south america or africa or asia
16:58 Fixer solution was found
16:58 sfan5 did i forget something?
16:58 sfan5 ah, australia
16:59 kaeza and (some parts of) USA, from what I read
16:59 Fixer i have 2mbit, but no cap, can DL more than USA 300gb cap, which is horrible
17:00 Fixer it seems usa has particularly bad internet, they also want to sell your privacy to 3rd parties, thats big no-no
17:00 Fixer sometimes some leftism is good
17:00 Fixer :trollface:
17:01 Fixer in european sence
17:02 celeron55 i moved to a new apartment and still haven't ordered cable internet as i have infinite usage cap in my phone's 3G connection...
17:02 celeron55 the only bad thing really is awful ping
17:03 celeron55 and, well, it's not terribly reliable
17:03 burli I have a strange problem. Sometimes I get this error message
17:03 burli attempt to index upvalue 'walkable' (a function value)
17:03 burli if I do this
17:03 burli minetest.registered_nodes[name].walkable
17:04 Krock joined #minetest-dev
17:04 Krock joined #minetest-dev
17:04 burli but only sometimes.
17:04 Fixer celeron55: infinite and without lowering speed past some limit? this is fine
17:04 sfan5 sounds like some mod has set "walkable" to a function which is totally incorrect
17:05 celeron55 Fixer: yeah, no limits except 21Mbit/s speed limit; it costs 14€/month or something
17:05 burli sfan5, I don't use any mod
17:05 sfan5 o.O
17:05 burli And this happens for air!
17:05 sfan5 is your lua broken? :D
17:05 burli where can I dump some code?
17:06 sfan5 any pastebin
17:06 Fixer "Just a question to coredevs, how should the commandline argument be called to make the console visible?"
17:07 burli
17:07 sfan5 Fixer: ideally it should automatically use the console IF there is one open
17:07 burli
17:07 burli this is the code
17:07 burli the first link is the last output
17:08 burli it's really strange
17:09 sfan5 i think lua is getting confused because your function is also named "walkable"
17:09 sfan5 try replacing the if thing with return minetest.registered_nodes[name]["walkable"]
17:10 celeron55 does lua really think something.walkable is the same as something[walkable]?
17:10 celeron55 i.e. index with the value of walkable
17:10 celeron55 that doesn't seem right 8)
17:10 Krock attempt to index upvalue 'walkable'
17:10 Krock no, this means it tried to do this: walkable[]
17:11 Krock which is weird shit
17:11 celeron55 that's what i thought too, but the code doesn't do that
17:11 burli sfan5, the thing is: it is working most times
17:11 Krock but it's what the error outputs and what Lua most likely tries to do :3
17:12 Krock is this raw Lua or LuaJIT btw?
17:12 burli jit
17:14 kaeza burli, definitely need more context. are you sure that's the correct code?
17:14 burli It is part of my pathfinder. I get the ID from voxelmanip. And most times it works. This error accures only sometimes if the algorithm finds dry_shrub
17:15 burli Or it happens if dry_shrub is near. Its really strange.
17:15 burli default:grass_x works
17:16 red-002 code someone review #5492?
17:16 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add local particles and particlespawners. by red-001
17:16 red-002 could*
17:17 kaeza burli, is that the code around pathfinder/init.lua:132 ?
17:17 burli this is the full code. Please don't lough, it is horrible ;-)
17:17 kaeza burli, also, let's take this to #minetest or #minetest-project
17:18 burli lets go to project
17:18 burli sorry. cant write there
17:18 burli then #minetest
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20:37 paramat could anyone review caverns? #5382
20:37 ShadowBot -- Cavegen/Mgv5/Mgv7: Add optional giant caverns by paramat
20:45 Krock what exactly does "taper" do?
20:52 red-001 #4962
20:52 ShadowBot -- Save the name of the world in and remove invalid characters from the directory name by red-001
20:59 paramat Krock the caverns don't stop abruptly near the upper limit but smoothly blend to nothing, taper is the distance over which that happens
21:00 Krock oh, that's nice
21:01 paramat i made it a parameter so that you can, if wanted, have the taper 31000 nodes long for a continuous expansion of cavern size all the way to world base
21:02 paramat so that if wanted, at world base everything is cavern
21:02 paramat which would make a nice base for a world
21:02 paramat but that's not the default
21:03 Krock looks good as it is right now
21:04 paramat default is taper from -256 to -512
21:04 paramat then constant size below -512
21:05 paramat i made the threshold 0.7 after your request and further testing
21:09 paramat just remembered that hmmmm and i were planning to make the registered biomes able to place defined air nodes, for space or alien atmospheres, added it to my todo list
21:10 paramat if at some point you're fairly happy with 5382 let me know and i'll complete the docs, wanted to do those last to avoid conflicts
21:23 Krock yes, the C++ code looks good - already approved that. Docs shouldn't be a too big thing
21:28 Krock fun fact: sneak ladders built with a single pile of air|solid|air|solid can already be climbed with my minimalist code, instead the regular sneak ladder doesn't work yet :/
21:32 paramat thanks for reviewing. and good luck
21:32 Krock thanks. will need it :)
21:39 Fixer i have not looked into doublejump too deep, currently trying to reproduce fps drop bug
21:42 paramat no problem, it has issues anyway, meh
22:10 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
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22:12 Hijiri once CSM is fully in, are we going to revisit all the issues where est suggested waiting for CSM?
22:13 nerzhul maybe you can link them in roadmap issue ?
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22:47 Hijiri ok, I'll try
22:47 Hijiri though I was half-joking originally
22:49 Hijiri I don't know of a good way to find all of them, I'll link them when I see them
23:53 calculon joined #minetest-dev

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