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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-07-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 paramat it was overgenerated edges of large caves that made these shadows
00:00 TBC_x and potentoinally leaks fds
00:00 paramat i recognised the shape from holes eaten in my early lua mapgens
00:01 paramat fixing commit was #2410
00:01 ShadowBot -- Mgv6: Add heightmap. Do not make large caves that are entirely above ground by paramat
00:05 paramat those mgv6 shadows suddenly became very common in early 2014 for some reason, they're in 0.4.12 stable
00:06 hmmmmm joined #minetest-dev
00:08 twoelk using we seems to still generate random shadows. there must be more than flying nodes and invisible caves that generates shadows
00:09 paramat yes
00:11 paramat in mgv5/v7 at y=63 #2759 (63 is the new 47)
00:11 ShadowBot -- Lighting bug at y = 63 in mgv7 and core mapgens in development
00:11 paramat also i see occasional square shadows, possibly 16x16
00:14 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
00:20 RealBadAngel paramat, reopened issue 2996 and added screenshots
00:21 paramat okay
00:21 RealBadAngel look at those screenies, thats not normal imho
00:23 RealBadAngel on a newly generated world, flying around for a minute or two i spotted a few such squares of cobble flying at y=50 circa
00:24 paramat these have been in MT for years, no point arguing over whether it's a bug or a magickal feature
00:25 paramat i did the arguing months ago =)
00:26 paramat since they have become a much loved (by some) characeristic the default is 'enabled'
00:27 twoelk those are relicts of the ancients. the possesed the knowledge of levitating dungeons
00:27 paramat ^
00:27 twoelk +y
00:28 paramat the issue is more the 'projecting complete rooms' which make the most awesome bases
00:28 RealBadAngel call it whatever you like, such rings of mossy cobble are bug no matter what
00:28 RealBadAngel and the bugs lifetime is no excuse to call it a feature
00:29 paramat longtime bugs often become the most loved features of games
00:29 twoelk when was voxelmanip added or made more accessable? does that corrolate with the increase of shadows?
00:30 paramat they're like finding a magickal floatng stone circle. i like ancient monuments
00:31 paramat the mgv6 shadows were probably due to changes in lighting code, the most recent change caused the y=63 shdows
00:31 paramat (shadows)
00:31 est31 ok bugfix for #2915 is here: #2933
00:31 ShadowBot -- Shift-Click in Minetest Game replicates items
00:31 ShadowBot -- MoveItemSomewhere double bugfix by est31
00:32 twoelk sneak elevators are a cool and usefull bug, those structures should be kept rare like nyan cats to stay something special
00:32 RealBadAngel rare? 3 rings found near spawn
00:33 est31 sneak elevator != cave ring
00:33 paramat the stome rings became more common when i enabled dungeon generation high above ground, si yes they are almost too common now
00:33 paramat (so)
00:33 est31 s/cave/dungeon/
00:33 paramat even i'm becoming neutral about them =)
00:36 zat joined #minetest-dev
00:36 twoelk g'night
00:45 est31 night all
00:47 RealBadAngel #2934
00:47 ShadowBot -- Add wielded (and CAOs) shader by RealBadAngel
00:47 RealBadAngel its ready for testing
01:13 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
01:14 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
01:16 paramat hmmmm let me know sometime if you approve of #2932
01:16 ShadowBot -- Cavegen: Mgv6: No small caves entirely above ground by paramat
01:16 hmmmm yeah I guess so
01:19 paramat okay thanks
01:22 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
01:43 est31 joined #minetest-dev
01:44 est31 hmmmm, can you have a look at #2933
01:44 ShadowBot -- MoveItemSomewhere double bugfix by est31
01:44 paramat now pushing 2932
01:49 Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev
01:51 paramat push complete
02:03 stormchaser3000_ joined #minetest-dev
02:06 paramat left #minetest-dev
02:10 Tesseract TBC_x: safeLoadFile uses stdin if no file is passed because that's what regular Lua loadfile does.
02:10 Tesseract Please tell me if there's an actual security issue with that.
02:17 Warr1024_ joined #minetest-dev
02:17 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
02:27 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
02:46 stormchaser3000_ joined #minetest-dev
03:26 johnnyjoy Does anyone know is est31 is planning to be back anytime soon?
03:27 VanessaE dunno.
03:37 stormchaser3000_ joined #minetest-dev
03:39 johnnyjoy Thanks VanessaE, est31 was just helping me with a PR.
03:40 est31 joined #minetest-dev
03:44 est31 johnnyjoy, whats the problem?
03:46 johnnyjoy Just wanted to see what I could do to advance the PR.
03:53 est31 perhaps ask people to test it, and try it
03:56 hmmmm est31:  looks good to me
03:57 hmmmm hmmm
03:57 hmmmm minetest's signed number serialization is borked
04:02 est31 ok hmmmm do you think it needs a third person to have a look at?
04:02 hmmmm est31:  no..
04:03 est31 ok pushing then
04:03 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
04:13 zat joined #minetest-dev
04:13 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
04:18 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
04:22 VanessaE ah HAH!
04:24 * Zeno` hides
04:24 VanessaE lol
04:25 VanessaE zeno:  your memory-leak-fu is needed. :)
04:25 hmmmm it is??
04:25 VanessaE hmmmm: possibly.  VE-Basic has 13MB of content and uses 740 MB of RAM on my box (default textures, no graphics effects)
04:26 VanessaE zeno's good at hunting down memory leaks and excess usage :)
04:26 hmmmm if it's still not growing in memory usage then it's probably not a leak
04:26 hmmmm not still*
04:26 VanessaE well maybe "leak" is the wrong word then
04:27 hmmmm don't make zeno out to be some kind of superhero, he's just a guy with massif :)
04:27 VanessaE lol
04:27 hmmmm speaking of memory leaks
04:27 oneZ wait, that's not right
04:28 oneZ I wear my underpants on the outside ya know, hmmmm
04:28 hmmmm I wonder what happened to the guy with the patch for RBA's memory leak
04:28 hmmmm you wear a onesie
04:28 oneZ lol
04:28 hmmmm i mean, that is your name after all
04:28 hmmmm oneZ
04:28 oneZ yes, so I *am* a superhero
04:28 VanessaE lol
04:28 hmmmm that's a pretty clever name
04:28 hmmmm Zeno does indeed have one Z
04:29 Zeno` yes
04:29 Zeno` One Z to rule them all
04:29 Zeno` I must get around to reinstalling massif etc al after my rebuild
04:30 VanessaE and in the darkness bind(2) them?
04:30 Zeno` VanessaE, you have read my history I see...
04:31 Zeno` But seriously, I still haven't installed all the tools I use since I rebuilt my box and reinstalled /
04:31 Zeno` Some need to be compiled manually and I've been playing games *blush*
04:32 Zeno` hmmmm, speaking of valgrind do you think if I added valgrind hooks to the source the commit would be accepted?
04:32 hmmmm absolutely not
04:32 hmmmm horrible
04:32 hmmmm why would you even bother asking
04:32 Zeno` they have to be #ifdef of course
04:32 * est31 is still overriding his ssd with stuff from /dev/urandom, now at blazing 0 B/s according to pv
04:32 hmmmm est31, that's not going to help
04:32 Zeno` ok, I'll keep them in my personal repo :P
04:33 est31 hour 66, 725 gb done
04:33 hmmmm zeno`:  sarcasm
04:33 Zeno` I know :P
04:33 Zeno` I'll probably clean them up because they're fairly handy
04:33 hmmmm est31:  that ssd has a bunch of sectors that probably aren't going to get overwritten
04:33 Zeno` (for controlling the instrumentation)
04:33 est31 hmmmm, but if its from urandom?
04:34 hmmmm lol
04:34 est31 I mean zeros are optimised, no?
04:35 hmmmm no, SSDs literally have a quite a large segment of spare, hidden sectors that get remapped if a couple die within the normal lifetime
04:35 hmmmm so when you overwrite everything it doesn't actually overwrite everything
04:36 est31 ah i see
04:36 hmmmm it's not really possible to overwrite everything unless there's a special command in the SSD's firmware to do so
04:36 VanessaE plus, all you gotta do is fill the drive up with a few large files maybe twice and you'll use up all the spare cells (not the remappable ones but the "extras" used for better write endurance)
04:36 hmmmm hrmm
04:36 est31 I'll perhaps make a research...
04:36 Zeno` hammer
04:36 est31 VanessaE, thats only taking care of the filesystem
04:37 Zeno` hammer, water, acid, microwave and then blend it
04:37 VanessaE est31: not exactly true
04:37 hmmmm I wonder if there's a clever way of platform-independently serializing a signed value
04:37 est31 ah these warnings TBC_x has pasted
04:38 VanessaE I mean, you can zero-out your swap partition, but if you disable TRIM and fill up + empty out the FS a couple of times, there won't be anything left to read.
04:38 est31 ?
04:38 est31 I'm using dd
04:38 VanessaE hmmmm: render the number as a regular ASCII string?
04:39 hmmmm lol
04:39 est31 hehe
04:39 hmmmm that's not very clever
04:39 VanessaE sometimes simple works better than clever ;)
04:39 est31 also not backwards compatible
04:39 Zeno` what warnings?
04:40 est31 Zeno`, read in the logs, yesterday or the day before TBC_x has shared a link
04:40 est31 with some linter like tool
04:40 Zeno` you want me to READ?
04:40 est31 lotsa srp stuff
04:40 est31 either way, its external
04:41 Zeno` Are they real warnings?
04:41 est31 no, just linter output
04:41 Zeno` What I mean is, sometimes those static analysis packages have a lot of false positives
04:41 est31 i didnt check them
04:41 est31 but i assume hmmmm did
04:41 hmmmm ?
04:41 est31 just saw the link, clicked it.
04:42 hmmmm same here I just clicked it
04:42 hmmmm seems like a lot of bogus "code style" warnings telling us to follow their style (like avoiding C-style casts) and unused functions
04:42 hmmmm nothing much of value
04:43 Zeno` pfft
04:43 Zeno` false positives :D
04:43 Zeno` I tried one lint-like program and it spat out style stuff
04:43 hmmmm whose style anyway
04:43 est31 well, the c++ standard creators are proud of their over complicated cast system
04:44 hmmmm over verbose at least
04:44 Zeno` something completely stupid as well; from memory it wanted parenthesis around return values
04:44 hmmmm lolol
04:44 est31 they even call verbosity a feature
04:44 est31 "because its easier to see there is a cast being done"
04:44 Zeno` lol
04:44 est31 at least inside some doc page
04:44 Zeno` yeah because (sjfsjfksjfsjfks) is pretty hard to see
04:44 est31 perhaps not part of the standard itself
04:45 est31 why again is new something different from malloc and delete? I mean it makes just life harder?
04:46 est31 (as in why is new -> free and malloc -> delete forbidden)
04:46 est31 malloc and free*
04:47 Zeno` it calls constructors
04:47 Zeno` and throws exceptions (unless you tell it not to)
04:47 Zeno` but there is nothing wrong with malloc/free
04:48 Zeno` s/it calls/new calls
04:48 hmmmm heh
04:48 hmmmm the overcomplicated operator new constructor semantics
04:48 hmmmm Foobar *foo = new Foobar; vs. Foobar *foo = new Foobar();
04:49 hmmmm iirc this changed somewhat subtely in C++11
04:53 Zeno` great
04:53 Zeno` the thing I hate most is having to remember to do delete[] for arrays
04:54 Zeno` not so much remember, but if the allocation changes you have to remember to change the free as well
04:54 Zeno` which can kind of be a maintenance issue in some instances
04:56 Zeno` gosh... I have heaps to catch up on
04:56 * Zeno` scrolls through commit log
04:58 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
04:58 Zeno` oh, going back a bit in the conversation... <--- I believe that's the one that wanted parenthesis around return values
04:59 hmmmm hmmm
04:59 hmmmm does this look correct?
04:59 Zeno` looks like a valid URL to me, yeah
05:00 Zeno` I'm not sure about the snippet
05:00 Zeno` will have to thing about that
05:01 Zeno` what if it's already 2s complement?
05:01 hmmmm the ~ implicitly converts v to an unsigned integral type of the same rank
05:01 hmmmm then it should equal itself
05:02 hmmmm so for non-twos-complement machines, that could be defined to a no-op:  #define MAKE_TWOS_COMPLEMENT(v) (v)
05:05 hmmmm I'm wondering if I should leave well enough alone and only change it if we get a bug report that minetest isn't working right on a PDP-8 or w/e
05:05 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
05:10 Zeno` I dunno
05:10 Zeno` what am I doing wrong:
05:11 Zeno` ignore the first printf... that was something I was trying first
05:11 Zeno` I'd wait for the PDP-8 bug report myself heheh
05:15 Zeno` hmmmm ^
05:16 hmmmm ?
05:16 Zeno` maybe I will implement a 1s complement VM
05:16 Zeno` to test?
05:16 hmmmm lol
05:17 Zeno` I don't think it's right, btw... because if you're adding 1 wouldn't you need the unsigned integral 1 larger than the current rank?
05:17 Zeno` to account for -0 and +0
05:18 Zeno` I dunno... been a long time since I learned 1- and 2-s complements\
05:18 hmmmm why should that matter?  wraparound is well defined
05:18 Zeno` I don't know. I need my 1st grade binary representation chapter
05:19 Zeno` I can't remember hehe
05:20 est31 also hmmmm areastore has unittests now
05:20 hmmmm cool
05:20 hmmmm i'll have to take a look
05:20 Zeno` has hmmmm's status as unittest maintainer been officialised yet?
05:21 Zeno` oh, btw.. is weblate a bot/website? I've seen some commits from them
05:21 est31 if not he has my +1
05:21 est31 Zeno`, yes it is
05:21 Zeno` nice
05:21 hmmmm unittest maintainer?
05:21 hmmmm what the hell is this
05:21 est31 it has no automatic push privileges though
05:21 est31 Zeno`,
05:21 Zeno` hmmmm we have voted you as the unittest subsystem maintainer
05:21 hmmmm i am not taking other peoples' responsibility of making sure their crap works
05:21 Zeno` lol :-D
05:22 est31 the way weblate works is that it creates gazillions of senseless merge requests
05:22 est31 it has a button though to "clean up the history"
05:22 Zeno` who set that up?
05:22 est31 me
05:22 Zeno` very cool
05:22 est31 I dont host it however, the weblate creator does
05:23 Zeno` and it's working as intended?
05:23 est31 mostly yes
05:23 Zeno` I mean... no complaints?
05:23 est31 ??
05:23 Zeno` cool
05:23 est31 you have to run from time to time I guess
05:24 est31 I'm not sure yet which model we should adopt
05:24 Zeno` why are all the PR's failing?
05:24 est31 because is down and thats where the bot gets irrlicht from
05:25 Zeno` jenkins
05:25 est31 nrz androbot yes
05:26 Zeno` has been down for over 2 days?
05:26 Zeno` lol
05:26 Zeno` it's probably dying :(
05:27 est31 they have a twitter page with updates
05:27 est31 somewhere
05:27 est31 bye
05:27 Zeno` yeah, and no updates for 18 hours
05:27 hmmmm Zeno`:  wait, looking at your codepad paste again
05:27 hmmmm isn't that result correct?
05:28 hmmmm 0x8000 is the intended representation of INT16_MIN
05:28 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
05:29 Zeno`
05:29 Zeno` yeah so I guess it's correct
05:29 Zeno` padded with binary 1 to the left
05:30 Zeno` but... how is this more portable?
05:31 hmmmm well I didn't write the corresponding readU16()
05:32 hmmmm it's more portable because it avoids any assumptions about the bit layout of a signed type and doesn't rely on casting to an unsigned type
05:33 Zeno` oh this is for serialised data.. sorry, forgot that bit
05:33 hmmmm the case of conversion from signed to unsigned is well defined by the C standard when the signed integer is positive
05:33 hmmmm it's only the negative case we have to worry about
05:33 Zeno` yeah
05:34 hmmmm there, i make it into something that is well defined, i.e. positive, implicitly convert that to an unsigned type, and then do unsigned bit arithmetic on it to create the twos complement representation
05:34 Zeno` so 1's complement simply has a sign bit... correct?
05:34 hmmmm right
05:34 hmmmm there are way more representations of signed integers btw
05:34 hmmmm not just ones and twos complement
05:34 Zeno` yes, I have a few of my own
05:34 hmmmm thing is
05:35 hmmmm virtually no computers use them since 1970
05:35 Zeno` (seriously, when I was writing toy VMs I implemented some weird ones just for the sake of it)
05:35 hmmmm yea
05:35 Zeno` which is why I said that I'd wait for the PDP-8 bug report you mentioned :D
05:35 hmmmm it's a good way to practice your C-standard-fu
05:45 zat joined #minetest-dev
05:45 Zeno` well if you want to implement the bit scrubbing (or whatever you want to call it) I won't say it's not useful
05:46 Zeno` I just personally wouldn't bother heh
05:46 Zeno` except for, maybe, floating points
05:47 Zeno` maybe BCD is the way to go
05:47 Zeno` nah, too hard
05:47 Zeno` plain text
05:47 Zeno` and compress it with snappy
05:50 Zeno` bbl;
06:42 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
07:05 Krock joined #minetest-dev
08:00 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest-dev
08:06 Sketch2 joined #minetest-dev
08:16 nore joined #minetest-dev
08:25 swaaws joined #minetest-dev
08:49 TBC_x I've noticed that somebody complained about my cppcheck report containing (style) lines, use GREP god dammit
09:08 TBC_x Tesseract: Your safe loading code has many early returns, It may leave dangling file descriptor, I suggest to use wrapper method that opens the file and then closes it
09:12 RealBadAngel TBC_x, can you link me again pasties with client.cpp changes you made?
09:13 blaze joined #minetest-dev
09:13 TBC_x k
09:14 TBC_x
09:15 TBC_x that's the whole fix
09:15 TBC_x for the minimap leak
09:15 TBC_x you should also consider adding distance based garbage collector
09:16 TBC_x also, are you sure the minimap textures always exist?
09:17 TBC_x hmm, nvm
09:17 TBC_x when getTexture() returns 0, you get segfault
09:19 TBC_x and that is too ambiguous to fix, when it happens
09:20 RealBadAngel if (!minimap_texture)
09:20 RealBadAngel return;
09:20 TBC_x wait, gonna look it up
09:21 TBC_x it is in Mapper::Mapper
09:22 TBC_x I would add exception to getTexture()
09:22 TBC_x and unless it is handled, it would have clear message that some textures are wrong
09:23 RealBadAngel in what case you wouldnt get texture?
09:23 TBC_x in an exceptional case
09:23 RealBadAngel its already handled
09:23 RealBadAngel fake one is created
09:24 RealBadAngel with info on that too
09:24 TBC_x then there should be assertion unreachable()
09:25 TBC_x still better than a segfault
09:25 RealBadAngel then fix texture source
09:25 RealBadAngel its not minimap code
09:26 RealBadAngel texture source code is in client/tile.cpp
09:29 TBC_x hmm
09:30 TBC_x I should stop complaining about broken code I broke myself :P
09:31 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
09:33 leat joined #minetest-dev
09:33 TBC_x but still, I think that TextureSource::getTexture(u32) should throw an exception instead of NULL
09:33 TBC_x client/tile.cpp:661
09:39 TBC_x if (id == 0 || id >= m_textureinfo_cache.size())
09:39 TBC_x throw TextureNotFoundException;
09:41 RealBadAngel you can modify it
09:42 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:43 leat joined #minetest-dev
09:45 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
09:45 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
09:53 leat joined #minetest-dev
09:57 TBC_x no crashes on exception, I guess the exception is reasonable there
09:59 RealBadAngel then open a PR with it
10:35 RealBadAngel TBC_x, your minimap fixes broke radar mode
10:42 RealBadAngel do you actually test your changes?
10:48 RealBadAngel can anybody review #2934?
10:48 ShadowBot -- Add wielded (and CAOs) shader by RealBadAngel
11:01 VanessaE different subject:  will there be a time soon where the server can be given arbitrary new media files to be sent to clients?  for example if someone wants me to install a skin for them, currently I have to restart the server to make it available.
11:07 VanessaE this causes people to constantly ask me when the skin (or other change) will take effect.
11:22 TBC_x the radar mode is quite a cpu hog
11:23 TBC_x that's probably why I didn't test it
11:31 TBC_x are there any routines to check whether a mapblock is underneath an empty mapblock?
11:37 TBC_x VanessaE: could you please reset my password for
11:37 VanessaE sure, TBC.
11:37 TBC_x thank you
11:38 TBC_x oh
11:39 TBC_x that's not your server
11:39 TBC_x even localhost is denying password
11:40 TBC_x and I never set a password for my localhost
11:41 VanessaE heh
11:42 TBC_x better make clean
11:44 TBC_x btw, why aren't unit test handled by cmake and are built into the binary instad?
11:44 VanessaE no clue
11:44 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
11:45 RealBadAngel TBC_x, radar mode is a hog? rotfl
11:45 RealBadAngel its less demanding mode
11:45 TBC_x well... I get 1/3 of fps
11:46 RealBadAngel thats propably because of you guys trying to fix things
11:46 TBC_x well, that doesn't mean that they are broken
11:46 TBC_x well, that doesn't mean that they are not broken
11:46 RealBadAngel your fixes breaks funcionality
11:46 VanessaE zero difference here between radar mode and surface mode
11:47 TBC_x I want to see hmmmm's minimap
11:47 VanessaE negligible difference between turning it on/off
11:47 RealBadAngel please do check effects of your fixes instead for looking leaks in the wrong place. your approach was wrong from the very begining
11:48 VanessaE of course I'm using the upstream copy
11:48 RealBadAngel lemme show you something
11:48 TBC_x I am aware of that
11:49 TBC_x but allocating a class on the stack should not cause any leaks at all
11:50 TBC_x I kinda understand what Linus said about C++
11:51 RealBadAngel this is how radar mode looks like after your changes:
11:52 TBC_x I would like to see a side-by-side comparison
11:52 Routh I heard minimap. Is there a github for said minimap/
11:52 Routh ?
11:53 TBC_x latest git
11:53 RealBadAngel Routh, theres F9 key on your keyboard if you have latest build ;)
11:54 Routh Not yet apparently, so this will be core client feature and not a mod? :D
11:54 TBC_x the F9 is possible to remap, right?
11:54 RealBadAngel no
11:54 RealBadAngel like the other F keys
11:55 TBC_x new stuff using keys better should be remappable
11:55 RealBadAngel remap cinematic, 3rd person, hide hud etc
11:55 RealBadAngel otherwise stop trying to look for bad code in mine
11:56 RealBadAngel current master with radar is fucked up too
11:56 TBC_x well, that's not my work
11:56 RealBadAngel i just love guys fixing the code they do not understand
11:57 RealBadAngel and even more when they do not try what they have fixed
11:58 RealBadAngel you should get a medal made out of a potatoe for that
11:58 TBC_x the code I do not understand I try to rewrite to keep current functionality and adding comments so everyone else can understand the code
12:02 RealBadAngel
12:02 RealBadAngel i had to roll back quite a while to get a build with correct code
12:03 TBC_x well... don't blame me for your broken radar then
12:03 RealBadAngel you made it even worse
12:03 TBC_x how so?
12:03 RealBadAngel both of you have made it unusable
12:04 TBC_x write unit tests
12:04 RealBadAngel i know where are leaks, but its not the place you were thinkin
12:05 RealBadAngel i will fix my OWN code on my own. ok?
12:05 RealBadAngel both of you just dont get it
12:05 TBC_x you mean the destructor cannot deallocate objects, the constructor allocated?
12:06 TBC_x what commit does you radar work at?
12:07 RealBadAngel before hmmms attempts to attach 5th wheel to my car :P
12:07 TBC_x you need a steering wheel, right?
12:07 TBC_x ;)
12:08 RealBadAngel i will just fix the leaks, you guys get better lookin for problems elsewhere
12:09 RealBadAngel because now i have to undo what better coders have broken
12:09 VanessaE tbc: touché :)
12:09 TBC_x hmm?
12:09 VanessaE the steering wheel
12:09 TBC_x well, i don't get it
12:09 RealBadAngel yeah, that will  be able to steer the car in all six dimensions thx to extra wheel
12:10 TBC_x you're welcome! ;)
12:11 TBC_x RBA: run it through cppcheck when you're done, please
12:13 RealBadAngel
12:13 TBC_x are you using windows?
12:13 RealBadAngel btw, i was coding cpp 25 yrs ago
12:13 TBC_x my father was coding C 20 years ago
12:14 TBC_x it is still horrible
12:14 RealBadAngel i just hate when youngsters come and say that they do know better :P
12:14 TBC_x get used to it
12:16 RealBadAngel i can get used to constructive comments
12:16 RealBadAngel what hmmm does is trolling
12:17 TBC_x well... when you allocate resources in a constructor, you shall take care of they are properly destroyed in destructor
12:17 RealBadAngel TBC_x, minimap mapblocks are not meant to be deleted in mesh update thread
12:17 RealBadAngel its not allowed
12:18 RealBadAngel only proper place to delete them is mapper itself
12:18 TBC_x I solved that by moving the pointer out of the MapBlockMesh
12:18 TBC_x when it is used
12:18 RealBadAngel thats actually good idea
12:19 RealBadAngel and i will use it
12:19 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
12:19 TBC_x and if the pointer is valid when the destructor is run, it will delete it
12:20 TBC_x got kinda inspired by C++11
12:20 RealBadAngel its all done in threads
12:20 RealBadAngel thats not safe
12:21 RealBadAngel mapper will keep getting weird data
12:21 TBC_x well, on my test runs, I had no corrupted mapper data
12:21 RealBadAngel radar mode is corrupted
12:21 TBC_x when I implemented the move
12:21 RealBadAngel enough for the evidence
12:24 RealBadAngel hmmm is a master of judging the code without even trying it. atm its like we could see a black screen and author of the change is claiming, hey but i fixed the leak!
12:25 RealBadAngel so what it doesnt work properly anymore. its fixed. period ;)
12:27 TBC_x well.. I applied the fixes to 8ac0cf500ff336c43f6c42b306431fa6564b7cc8
12:27 TBC_x can you confirm, the broken minimap was there?
12:27 TBC_x i mean radar mode
12:27 RealBadAngel its broken even without your fixes
12:28 RealBadAngel your  code makes it just a bit worse
12:30 TBC_x well... I cannot fixed undefined behaviour, when the code is not really fixing undefined behaviour
12:31 RealBadAngel i will try to fix the logic of updates first
12:31 RealBadAngel it is mainly broken
12:32 RealBadAngel im done with previous task now, so i can spend a few next days on minimap
12:32 TBC_x VanessaE: did you set any default password? I can connect to localhost but not to your server
12:33 VanessaE TBC: the only password I set was the one you asked me to reset a bit ago.
12:33 TBC_x oh
12:34 TBC_x i missed the PM due to too much open channels
12:34 TBC_x thanks
12:34 VanessaE np
12:36 TBC_x does the minimap use any OpenGL extensions? I have Intel graphics here
12:38 RealBadAngel turn on shaders and see
12:38 TBC_x rather not
12:38 RealBadAngel minimap has its own shader
12:38 RealBadAngel its not that demanding one
12:38 RealBadAngel should work even on low end gpus
12:39 TBC_x looking into the sky, drawtime 15
12:40 TBC_x with minimap drawtime 20
12:40 TBC_x hmm
12:40 TBC_x looks like mesh updating issue
12:41 RealBadAngel minimap compositing the texture each frame is costly
12:41 RealBadAngel it shall be moved back to mapper thread
12:41 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
12:42 RealBadAngel but for that i need own image manipulating routines, irrlicht ones are not thread safe
12:42 RealBadAngel also we need double buffering there
12:42 TBC_x just cache pixels for each zoom, for each block
12:44 TBC_x i mean, node
12:45 RealBadAngel what do you mean?
12:46 RealBadAngel i was talkin on displaying the minimap texture. one should being worked on, another one displayed, thats double buffering
12:48 RealBadAngel this way you can safely work on a texture in a thread, when done just pass it to main thread
12:48 Megaf_ joined #minetest-dev
12:57 TBC_x well... whatever
13:06 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
13:12 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
13:23 johnnyjoy sfanf, is there anything I can do to help complete PR 2912?
13:25 RealBadAngel #2912
13:25 ShadowBot -- PostgreSQL database backend by johnnyjoy
13:26 RealBadAngel squash it in the first place
13:27 johnnyjoy Okay. I will look up how to do that, and message when it's done.
13:49 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
14:02 hmmmm hmmm
14:02 hmmmm i think when sapier or whoever wrote the new connection.cpp, there had been a fundamental misunderstanding about Buffer<T>
14:03 hmmmm it's being used in the absolutely most inefficent manner possible
14:04 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
14:04 hmmmm definitely needs cleaning up at some point.  the simplest operations involve 10-15 copies of the same data
14:05 nrzkt yes, there are too many copies into the UDP layer
14:08 johnnyjoy I have squashed changes for PR 2912. Please let me know if there is anything more I can do.
14:10 hmmmm johnnyjoy, i looked at it and it seems good to me.
14:17 johnnyjoy How will I know if the changes get pulled?
14:17 hmmmm it'll get noted on the PR page
14:18 johnnyjoy Thanks.
14:41 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
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14:54 hmmmm nrzkt:  What makes you think that enet is better than the minetest protocol?
14:54 hmmmm nrzkt:  Have you actually looked at enet?
14:54 nrzkt personnally i perfer native TCP connection to handle connections with a UDP for unreliable datas
14:55 hmmmm None of this is necessary.  Just fix the existing protocol and as an added bonus there's reverse compatibility.
14:55 nrzkt but many wants enet, i looked at ENET API it's very simple to use, this will make a very tiny connection stack on minetest and will cleanup many and many useless lines of code
14:55 hmmmm I looked at enet and it includes a checksum in its packets.
14:56 hmmmm That tells me the level of knowledge of its creator.
14:56 nrzkt it's like a TCP over UDP...
14:56 nrzkt and there is no IPv6 too
14:56 nrzkt but maybe cleanup the whole stack could be better, maybe
14:56 nrzkt the main thing i want to rework is our "session" system which is clientiface
14:56 hmmmm Switching to some library isn't going to magically solve all our problems
14:56 nrzkt no, right
14:57 hmmmm You need to have an understanding of what the problem actually is in the first place
14:57 hmmmm Additionally it does not seem like there is any way to disable in-order packet delivery with ENet...
14:58 hmmmm Sort of makes me wonder what the point is to begin with.  At that point it loses a lot of advantages over TCP.
14:59 Calinou less lag...
14:59 Calinou isn't that all we want? ;)
14:59 nrzkt the lag is not very high
14:59 hmmmm How does it accomplish this
14:59 Calinou <+nrzkt> and there is no IPv6 too
14:59 hmmmm Don't tell me there's magic fairy dust
14:59 Calinou possible with breaking the API
14:59 nrzkt in my server there is 13ms of lag
14:59 Calinou (see issue on GitHub)
15:00 nrzkt i don't want to have a forked lib into our core.
15:00 nrzkt stop that, use regular and propose patchs to upstream
15:01 Calinou they'll be refused because of breaking compatibility
15:01 Calinou enet has more "customers" than just Cube 2, there's lots of proprietary software using it... even random iOS apps
15:01 nrzkt then have a better patch
15:04 hmmmm Wait, enet doesn't even allow IPv6?
15:04 hmmmm Is this a joke or something?
15:04 nrzkt not a joke
15:04 hmmmm I don't understand why it was even considered
15:05 hmmmm Besides, ENet is an application-layer protocol.  Why it has a dependency upon IPv4 is completely beyond me.  Sounds like a deficiency in their API design.
15:07 nrzkt yes
15:07 Calinou make our own then? 8)
15:07 Calinou just switching to mere TCP will easily add +30ms of lag on average
15:08 Calinou you can try, but it might not be easy to have low latency
15:08 hmmmm Right.  I advocate actually attempting to fix what we have already first before throwing it all away.
15:08 nrzkt no problem for me
15:08 hmmmm Seems to me like the only reason why this hasn't been done yet is due to a collective ignorance
15:09 nrzkt will look at network stack cleanup then, okay
15:09 nrzkt i already looked at some copies removal
15:10 nrzkt but i don't remove all
15:11 hmmmm I'll give a hint.  I think the primary reason for Minetest's poor bandwidth is the total disregard for IP MTU size.
15:12 nrzkt we talk to IP to tell him to do fragmentation ? :o
15:12 nrzkt tell it*
15:17 hmmmm Actually, nevermind that
15:33 zat joined #minetest-dev
16:09 Jasper left #minetest-dev
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16:47 rubenwardy
16:47 rubenwardy ~title
16:47 ShadowBot Unexplained, random crashes (segfaults, aborts, OOM) · Issue #2913 · minetest/minetest · GitHub
16:52 rubenwardy added a few more
16:59 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
17:06 est31 joined #minetest-dev
17:06 est31 johnnyjoy, you there?
17:07 est31 i have a likely theory why your git squashes fail
17:08 est31 johnnyjoy, whats the first line of the output of "git show upstream/master -q".
17:27 johnnyjoy I'm here now.
17:28 johnnyjoy commit 7bbb9b066a8cc079512ddd3e6b32475309f49fca
17:28 johnnyjoy Oh, of course he's gone.
17:34 leat joined #minetest-dev
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18:11 TBC_x Just wrote down a draft of an Architecture that would be cluster-enabled
18:12 nrzkt before doing a cluster, having a good monolithic code is good :)
18:13 TBC_x the best thing: Theoretically it can be MT 3.x compatible
18:16 TBC_x but it also may be a nonsense as I'm very unsure of how efficent a proxy can be
18:27 eeew joined #minetest-dev
18:50 TBC_x is TOCLIENT_HP and TOCLIENT_BREATH gonna stay in the new protocol?
18:52 hmmmm newer clients will have to respect those if the server version is older, yes
18:52 hmmmm let's not jump the gun too fast, i feel like there's way too much time spent on how great minetest will be after client side scripting instead of focusing on the current issues first
18:54 TBC_x I thought there will be breaking changes in network protocol
18:54 hmmmm there is absolutely no reason why that needs to be the case
18:54 hmmmm the server owners demand reverse compatibility
18:54 hmmmm we'll give them what they want
18:56 Calinou;t=12843
18:56 Calinou maybe this should be a sticky?
18:57 hmmmm maybe developers should have moderator privileges since they seem to be quite active and trusted/responsible
18:59 nrzkt TBC_x i agree we should do it, but it's not minetest politic, else i had already done this.
18:59 nrzkt i don't go often on forum, but i think our developpers are not kikoololz
19:00 hmmmm I would personally be more open to the possibility of breaking reverse compatibility if there was a great amount of value to gain that can only technically be achieved by doing so
19:01 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
19:01 nrzkt i'm awaiting for a major version for this, whereas i think the next release can be major, because we have done many good work and added good client features
19:01 nrzkt i looked at master server stats
19:02 hmmmm most clients are 0.4.10
19:02 nrzkt i think we can remove every packet handling before 0.4.7
19:02 hmmmm can doesn't mean you shoul
19:02 nrzkt yes, i see that on the that
19:02 hmmmm should*
19:02 hmmmm i mean, what is there to gain by breaking compatibility
19:02 hmmmm how does it make minetest /better/?
19:03 hmmmm you know, I can still run a DOS application from the 1980s on windows 10
19:04 nrzkt i know
19:05 Calinou we can gain cleaner code, and more consistency for players
19:05 Calinou no more "how do I do this? I'm on 0.4.10"
19:05 nrzkt i will propose a PR for cleaning up < 0.4.6 packet handling this week
19:06 hmmmm code cleanup is such a lame excuse
19:06 nrzkt and each month looking for stats
19:06 hmmmm perceived "messiness" wouldn't even be an issue if your organizational skills were good enough
19:07 TBC_x I suggest adding TOCLIENT_RESOURCE which would handle stuff like health and breath, for usage in the future
19:07 hmmmm TBC_x:  Oh, you haven't heard the plans for that, have you
19:07 TBC_x well, no
19:07 hmmmm TBC_x:  In the future, HP and breath will be lua-side things only
19:07 TBC_x good thing
19:12 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
19:13 book` joined #minetest-dev
19:28 hmmmm anyway I've looked into it
19:29 hmmmm I vote against using enet
19:29 hmmmm too many problems, there's the additional dependency, the fact that it doesn't provide any advantages over just using a combination of TCP and UDP, etc.
19:30 hmmmm if it's determined that minetest UDP cannot be fixed for whichever reason, I'd prefer just using TCP
19:34 leat joined #minetest-dev
19:48 paramat joined #minetest-dev
19:49 nrzkt perfect, agree
19:50 hmmmm that doesn't mean use TCP
19:51 paramat nore, sfan5, any approval for game#581 ? i'll make the PR after approval
19:51 ShadowBot -- New stairs and slabs discussion
19:51 sloantothebone joined #minetest-dev
19:51 hmmmm it doesn't have NAT hole punching capabilities, for example, and then there's the whole latency thing we're trying to avoid
19:57 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
20:17 blaise joined #minetest-dev
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20:51 est31 joined #minetest-dev
21:05 paramat hi hmmmm another one for your consideration sometime #2935
21:05 ShadowBot -- Mgv7: Use density noise + density gradient for mountain terrain by paramat
21:27 TBC_x
21:30 est31 small question: is it true that the size of a mantissa of floats and doubles isnt specified at all by c/c++?
21:31 est31 no guarantee to be IEEE 754?
21:33 est31 TBC_x, any ideas?
21:33 est31 also, whats adoption of IEEE 754
21:33 est31 can we get on a processor without it, in reality
21:34 est31 it seems all intel 8088 based processors have such an fpu
21:34 est31 but what bout arm
21:34 Sokomine i get crashes where gdb reports  in Mapgen::propagateSunlight(irr::core::vector3d<short>, irr::core::vector3d<short>) ()      when calling vm:calc_lighting(tmin, tmax) sometimes. am i using it wrong?
21:36 est31 seems arm has it too
21:36 est31 Sokomine, can you reproduce it?
21:36 Sokomine est31: yes
21:36 est31 whats code to reproduce it
21:37 est31 always, or just sometimes?
21:37 Sokomine   above part contains the code, which also contains debug messages which show up in gdb's output
21:43 TBC_x why is serverCommandFactoryTable in src/network/clientopcodes.cpp using magic numbers?
21:43 nrzkt which magic number ?
21:43 est31 ?
21:43 nrzkt there are no magic number in the packet handlers
21:43 TBC_x u16 channel
21:44 est31 well, its the channel
21:44 nrzkt this is not magic, this is in the low layer UDP channel
21:44 est31 no idea what that is, but some lower layer stuff
21:44 nrzkt est31: there is a channel for reliable and one for unreliable
21:45 nrzkt and if i remember there are others for low layers things, but i can't remember
21:46 est31 so, are there any guarantees that that IEEE standard gives the c++ developer?
21:46 paramat 'propagate sunlight', what values of tmin,tmax are you passing?
21:47 est31 e.g. is a "float" on the IEEEE supporting processors always compiled to the 32 bit type, and a "double" to the 64 bit type?
21:47 est31 or do the compilers throw their own taste in, here, too
21:48 TBC_x well... I don't know what the numbers mean and there is no comment on what they mean so I call them magic numbers
21:48 Sokomine paramat: from  vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip")      emin and emax are used as tmin,tmax
21:48 est31 "ah dammit we want to have backwards compat with IBM software, lets do some custom thing"
21:48 est31 thats wh windows has \ instead of /
21:48 est31 whyÜ
21:49 est31 why**
21:50 Sokomine paramat:  has added debug output of tmin/tmax (and what i got from get mapgen object)
21:50 Sokomine it is a fresh world. if i join it again without deleting the map, the bug does not occour again. only at the first time the world's generated
21:51 * Sokomine stares in annoyance at that  est31 used
21:51 TBC_x everyone knows that \ is an escape
21:52 paramat it might be best to pass the minp, maxp of the mapchunk. emin, emax are the extent of the mapchunk plus shell
21:52 paramat i'm not sure though
21:53 paramat i use 'vm:calc_lighting()' in my lua mapgens
21:53 paramat empty brackets may be best
21:54 Sokomine if there's a better way or sequence of writing the data back now, i'd welcome any tips as to how to use voxelmanip better. still, a crash is strange
21:54 paramat did this start recently?
21:54 Sokomine part of the shell may be undefined. perhaps that's why?
21:55 Sokomine hard to tell. mysterious crashes upon test world generation have happened for some time. i decided now to run it with gdb to take a look
21:56 paramat yes you need to use it with empty brackets
21:56 Sokomine ah!
21:56 paramat it then auto-selects a smaller region within the 7x7x7 volume
21:57 paramat (7x7x7 mapblock)
21:58 Sokomine at least it seems to help
22:01 sloantothebone joined #minetest-dev
22:01 paramat with empty brackets, the lua api auto selects a smaller volume by looking at the extent of the full voxelmanip volume. so empty brackets is usually best
22:02 Sokomine ah yes, now i remember why i included the shell. without it, there are a lot of shadows
22:02 paramat =/
22:03 Sokomine maybe i could call it a very rainy day...looks like it with the shadows :-)
22:07 paramat the shadows will need a different solution, perhaps they're due to your complex use of the shell. also, rapid multiple use of the non-mapgen-voxelmanip can cause shadow bugs
22:10 Sokomine the non-mapgen-voxelmanip plays no role in this. only plenty of changes to the shell i'd say
22:29 paramat is cavegen griefing the only reason for this clever use of the shell? i recommend using only mod nodes in the schematics instead, with 'is ground content = false'
22:39 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
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22:42 Sokomine can't do that. houses may use stone and other normal materials for their walls. creating duplicate nodes would be annoying. and it won't help against mudflow either i guess
22:42 Sokomine but yes, cavegen griefing is the major reason why i need to write to the shell
22:47 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
22:58 TBC_x interesting article about networking
23:36 Tesseract Do my multi-socket, threading, and logging PRs look good to merge now?  I don't think there are any significant issues with them anymore, and I've rebased them.
23:37 Tesseract Eh, as soon as I fix whatever I broke with the threading pull.
23:46 est31 I think now is a good moment for merging them, we have time to sort out bugs
23:56 paramat left #minetest-dev

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