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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2014-10-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:28 selah joined #minetest-dev
00:40 eeew joined #minetest-dev
00:41 rmilan joined #minetest-dev
02:03 proller joined #minetest-dev
02:08 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
02:22 chchjesus joined #minetest-dev
02:45 deltib1 joined #minetest-dev
03:02 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
03:13 rickmcfarley joined #minetest-dev
03:46 ShadowNinja sfan5: Pong.
03:51 VanessaE damn, that's one long ping time
03:59 ShadowNinja Yeah... Been busy.
04:00 ShadowNinja sfan5: Just PM me (or message me in-channel) if I'm not around when you come back.
04:32 proller joined #minetest-dev
04:33 alexxs joined #minetest-dev
04:48 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
04:51 paramat left #minetest-dev
05:07 proller joined #minetest-dev
05:31 kahrl has anyone else had trouble editing issue comments lately?
05:31 kahrl guess I'll just post a second comment
05:32 kahrl ShadowNinja: 6bc4cad0ed has been "first bad commit" in a couple recent issues :P
05:36 ShadowNinja kahrl: Yeah... Better than rotting away in the PR list though IMO.
05:37 kahrl yeah
05:37 ShadowNinja kahrl: And comment editing worked fine for me yesterday, haven't tried today.
05:37 kahrl the delete button even results in a 404
05:38 ShadowNinja kahrl: Can you look into 1708 for me?  I can't now.
05:38 kahrl yeah, I'm investigating 1708 still
05:40 kahrl ShadowNinja: ah, you moved that error message from infostream to errorstream in 6bc4cad0ed
05:40 kahrl ShadowNinja: any particular reason for that?
05:40 * ShadowNinja checks...
05:41 kahrl it's the first one in ServerMap::loadMapMeta()
05:42 ShadowNinja kahrl: Well, because it's an error.
05:43 kahrl but it always happens when you first start a new world, so not really
05:43 kahrl tbh though, map_meta.txt should really be created on world creation and not on first load
05:43 kahrl but that would be a lot of work
05:44 ShadowNinja Oh, just remove the loadMapMeta call for new worlds then, or something like that.
05:44 kahrl there is no m_new_world flag
05:45 ShadowNinja It really should be created then though, so createworld(mgparams1), createworld(mgparams2), loadworld(1) doesn't use the second params.
05:46 kahrl exactly
05:47 ShadowNinja Well, comment on the issue saying as much and fix it if you can.  I'm off to bed.  G'Night!
05:47 kahrl gn8
06:05 proller joined #minetest-dev
06:23 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
06:27 nore joined #minetest-dev
06:33 Anchakor_ joined #minetest-dev
06:39 sol_invictus joined #minetest-dev
06:58 Krock joined #minetest-dev
07:03 sfan5 ShadowNinja: why does minetest.compress ignore the method argument?
07:09 hmmmm std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<content_t> *> > m_pending_content_vecs;
07:09 hmmmm I got infected by some STDs
07:13 Zeno` kahrl, a possible workaround. Not ideal, but *shrug*.
07:16 Krock joined #minetest-dev
07:16 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
08:19 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
08:29 Hunterz hi, Im trying compile minetest with leveldb, but get this error:
08:30 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
08:31 Hunterz hmm my fail, use bad path to
08:38 selat joined #minetest-dev
08:42 proller joined #minetest-dev
08:48 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
08:53 PenguinDad joined #minetest-dev
09:22 Megaf Hi everyone
09:22 Megaf is there any thick or cmake flag to make a 100% static binary of minetest?
10:06 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:39 sfan5 Megaf: add "-static" to the cmake linker flags
10:41 Megaf ok
10:45 Krock quick question: did the protocol version change in 0.4.10-dev versions?
10:49 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
10:50 Krock nvm. yes it did.
10:50 kilbith sfan5 :
10:52 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
10:55 edlothiol joined #minetest-dev
11:19 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
11:37 Krock Thumbs up or down? #1715
11:37 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
11:38 kilbith hi there, devs. could you add the OpenGL ES libs in MT, please ?
11:39 Megaf kilbith: im here since yesterday trying to make that work
11:39 Megaf sfan5: proller: so, I got no luck at all
11:40 Megaf
11:46 kahrl Zeno`: I think if the file is empty, that should be regarded an error as well
11:47 kahrl because it could be a result of the previous save failing
11:48 Zeno` probably, that's why I didn't make a PR
11:52 Zeno` It *would* be possible to pass the gamedef to that init function, but I didn't have a close look
11:55 Zeno` shallow copy, Krock?
11:55 Krock Zeno`, idk how to call it.. maybe you've found the right word
11:55 Zeno` err nvm. what does core.copy_table work?
11:55 Zeno` how does*
11:55 Krock it copies a table..
11:56 Zeno` oh, it's a deep copy ok
11:56 Zeno` yeah I like it (not a dev though)
11:57 sfan5 Megaf: static linking does not always work how you want it
11:57 Zeno` I suppose recursion related overflows *might* be a worry, but I dunno
11:57 Krock Zeno`,
11:57 Megaf sfan5: that was with a normal linking
11:57 Megaf I didnt try static yet
11:58 sfan5 oh
11:58 sfan5 Megaf: use ENABLE_OGLES
11:58 Megaf I did
11:58 sfan5
11:59 sfan5 ENABLE_GLES I mean
11:59 sfan5 and you need to make sure it finds the libs too
12:01 Zeno` I guess it's no more of a "risk" than dump or dump2()
12:02 Zeno` possibly clone_table might be more descriptive
12:17 mos_basik joined #minetest-dev
12:17 mos_basik_ joined #minetest-dev
12:22 nore joined #minetest-dev
12:31 chchjesus joined #minetest-dev
12:41 sfan5 kilbith: is your problem solved?
12:47 Megaf sfan5:
12:48 Megaf -- Found system opengles2 library /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/;/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/;/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/;/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
12:50 kilbith sfan5 : the solution is to enable OpenGL ES on compiling ? the libs are already provided ?
12:50 sfan5 kilbith: you need to ensure the libs are available
12:51 sfan5 kilbith: then just pass -DENABLE_GLES=1 to cmake
12:51 kilbith hmm, i thought these libs was already available on git
12:52 sfan5 why would be provide OpenGL ES libraries?
12:54 kilbith ARM is not that unused for MT I think.
12:54 sfan5 ARM is mostly used by phones
12:54 kilbith should be a good addition
12:54 sfan5 (for mt at least)
12:54 sfan5 the opengl es libraries are highly platform specific anyway
12:55 sfan5 we can't provide them
12:56 kilbith these libs are not heavy...
12:56 sfan5 yes
12:56 sfan5 but 100 different ones of them are heavy
12:56 sfan5 it's not even in the scope of a project to provide libraries
12:56 kilbith we need a serious competitor to the pre-installed "Minecraft-Pi" on Raspbian.
12:57 sfan5 it's not like we'd maintain our own linux distro just for minetest
12:57 kilbith minimalist game for a minimalist OS/computer
12:58 sfan5 you are aware that raspbian has the gles libraries preinstalled?
12:59 kilbith yes
13:00 kilbith sorry for my noobism, i thought that these libs should be installed IN the client -_-
13:01 kilbith s/installed/provided
13:01 sfan5 Megaf: did it find libEGL too?
13:03 kilbith sfan5 : could re-post the link you have posted above plz ? i'm in the console, I lost it.
13:03 sfan5 kilbith: this one?
13:03 Megaf sfan5:
13:03 kilbith thanks, will try that
13:04 sfan5 thats a no
13:04 sfan5 Megaf: make it link to libEGL
13:05 kilbith so : cmake --ENABLE_GLES, that's exact ?
13:05 sfan5 nah
13:05 sfan5 cmake -DENABLE_GLES=1
13:06 kilbith noted
13:11 kilbith ok now 5 hours for compiling...
13:15 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
13:16 Megaf [14:04:18] <sfan5> Megaf: make it link to libEGL
13:16 Megaf you mean, the OpenGL thing?
13:16 sfan5 no
13:16 sfan5 libEGL
13:28 iqualfragile_ joined #minetest-dev
13:45 zat joined #minetest-dev
14:07 rickmcfarley joined #minetest-dev
14:08 kilbith Megaf : if you success with the compiling, you should open a new build for Raspi on the forums.
14:09 Megaf kilbith: I would, but I dont know what Im doing :P
14:10 Megaf I mean, I think it should work using the ogles version of irrlicht and the flag  -DENABLE_GLES=1
14:10 Megaf but I now I have to link I dont know what to I dont know what
14:25 sol_invictus is there any way to aligh text hud to a side (considering text length is variable)?
14:32 kaeza sol_invictus, doesnt align = { x=1, y=0 } work? (this is for vertically-centered, right-aligned text)
14:32 kaeza err, alignment = *
14:32 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
14:33 sol_invictus sorry, what does mean 'vertically-centered'?
14:34 sol_invictus vertically relatively to screen?
14:34 kaeza vertically relative to the position on screen
14:34 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
14:34 sol_invictus got it
14:35 sol_invictus but what if I want to position it in the left bottom corner?
14:35 sol_invictus when line gets big whole hud shift outside the screen
14:36 sol_invictus not whole, part of the text
14:36 kaeza isn't it best if you simply left-align in that case?
14:38 sol_invictus umm, how do I do that?
14:38 sol_invictus I have alignment = {x=0.2, y=0.95},
14:39 kaeza alignment = { x=-1, ...}
14:39 sol_invictus -1? :O
14:39 sol_invictus where is it documented?
14:39 kaeza it was in lua_api
14:40 kaeza here:
14:41 kaeza err, except it's 1, not -1
14:41 kaeza 1 == shift to the right (i.e. left-align), -1 is the opposite
14:42 sol_invictus oh, I was looking inside HUD definition
14:43 sol_invictus is there any appropriate highlighting for lua_api?
14:46 sol_invictus or it's actually freely formatted text?
14:47 kaeza just plain text
14:48 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:49 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
14:53 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
15:07 alexxs joined #minetest-dev
15:51 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
16:04 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
16:13 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
16:13 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
16:32 CraigyDavi`` joined #minetest-dev
17:14 kilbith sfan5 :
17:14 kilbith Megaf ^
17:15 kilbith OpenGL ES has not been added in the settings
17:16 GrimKriegor joined #minetest-dev
17:17 sfan5 kilbith: run rm -Rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles before running cmake agian
17:17 kilbith ok I take note
17:18 Megaf 100%] Built target minetestserver
17:18 Megaf real    67m51.780s
17:18 Megaf thats how long it takes to build minetest server on the raspberry pi
17:19 kilbith 4h for compiling
17:19 kilbith minetest + server
17:21 kilbith perhaps can I run the executable 'minetest' with the OGLES option ?
17:24 sfan5 no
17:25 kilbith I don't see what was wrong with the cmake...
17:25 sfan5 did you try the rm before running cmake again?
17:26 kilbith I'll try now !
17:26 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
17:27 ShadowNinja sfan5: Because there's only one method currently, easier to ignore it for now.
17:28 kilbith well, same result.
17:28 sfan5 ShadowNinja: modders will abuse everything they can, if minetest.compress("text text text ", "lzma") is valid right now, they'll expect it to be valid later
17:28 kilbith i don't see any trace of the ogles libs
17:31 ShadowNinja sfan5: Go ahead and add a check then.
17:31 sfan5 ShadowNinja: why would I do that, it's your code?
17:32 sfan5 (aka. the arguemnt sapier uses)
17:32 sfan5 argument*
17:33 ShadowNinja sfan5: I can't code right now, maybe in an hour or so.
17:37 hmmmm I found that LZMA is slightly worse than gzip for small file sizes
17:38 hmmmm if you lzma chunks of data that are only 16^3 * 4 bytes long, that's not going to have much of an effect
17:38 hmmmm the larger the file size, the better the compression ratio (generally speaking)
17:46 RealBadAngel lol, further i am into meshes it turns out to be way more easier than expected
17:46 RealBadAngel
17:47 RealBadAngel ^^ the current content_mapblock code for meshes
17:48 rickmcfarley joined #minetest-dev
17:48 RealBadAngel have just modified our collector to apply the tranformations on the fly
17:49 RealBadAngel so no need for doubling the collectors methods
17:50 RealBadAngel fun fact. our code (collector) is way faster than original irrlicht one
17:51 Calinou what is the state of meshnodes?
17:51 Calinou are they ready to be merged or still have a bug?
17:51 Calinou hmmmm, gzip is much faster
17:52 RealBadAngel im coding now facedir rotations
17:52 Calinou can meshnodes be animated?
17:52 RealBadAngel not yet
17:52 RealBadAngel collector (compiled one mesh) is a static one
17:52 RealBadAngel for mesh to be animated it has to be scene node
17:53 Calinou can all mesh formats be used?
17:53 Calinou that is, all supported by Irrlicht
17:53 RealBadAngel i think so
17:53 Calinou lastly, can you change selection box?
17:54 RealBadAngel im using wavefronts ones
17:54 Calinou .obj is a good unanimated format, so use it, yes
17:54 Amaz RealBadAngel, is there any chance that we could test the meshnodes code?
17:54 RealBadAngel selection box can be predefined by modder or at last instance a copy of current mesh
17:55 RealBadAngel there are cases that a mesh is a better selection box
17:55 RealBadAngel and in some cases the opposite
17:55 RealBadAngel ie flowers
17:56 Calinou can you use curved selection boxes using that?
17:56 Calinou since meshnodes can be sloped, curved…
17:56 RealBadAngel yes
17:56 Calinou can you define collision box yourself, like you'd do in a nodebox?
17:56 Calinou (I'd really like that for nodeboxes too)
17:56 RealBadAngel erm i mean highlight box
17:56 RealBadAngel selection box is not useable in this case at all
17:57 RealBadAngel highlight is just a copy of selected node
17:57 RealBadAngel so can be exact shape as original
17:58 Calinou does it support old node highlighting too?
17:59 RealBadAngel as a simple plain boxes
17:59 RealBadAngel for example old selection box for a crystal formation will be a box of node size
17:59 RealBadAngel while highlighting will use crystal shape
18:01 RealBadAngel old selection boxes defs are treated as fall back
18:02 RealBadAngel also i think we need some kind of standards here
18:02 RealBadAngel Jordach propably will know how to define them
18:03 RealBadAngel we are having an range -0.5 to 0.5
18:03 RealBadAngel blender units are slightly different
18:04 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:04 RealBadAngel its better imho to predefine correct range for the models than apply visual scale factor all the time
18:07 RealBadAngel and one more thing
18:08 Calinou 1 blender unit = 1 game unit?
18:08 RealBadAngel stuff like stairs will have to be converted into meshes
18:09 RealBadAngel see highlight of the stair node to get why
18:09 RealBadAngel Calinou, atm i think that factor is 5.0
18:09 Calinou yes, selection box of stairs renders a bit buggily
18:10 Calinou doesn't make much sense, RealBadAngel
18:10 RealBadAngel jordach said it was 10.0 but i got a model from him and had to use 5.0 to be exact size of a node
18:10 Calinou 16 would as the default grid is 16²
18:10 Calinou so 1 unit = equivalent of 1 pixel
18:10 sol_invictus joined #minetest-dev
18:10 RealBadAngel Calinou, stairs do have extra surfaces
18:11 RealBadAngel theyre not optimized just
18:11 ShadowNinja 1 blender unit = 1/10 of a game unit would make sense, because of the BS constant.
18:12 ShadowNinja It should be scaled if possible though.
18:12 RealBadAngel collector.append(f.tiles[j], (video::S3DVertex *)buf->getVertices(), vc,
18:12 RealBadAngel buf->getIndices(), ic, pos, f.visual_scale, c);
18:12 RealBadAngel thats not a problem to apply that
18:13 RealBadAngel as you can see in a call
18:13 RealBadAngel but a standard is needed imho anyway
18:13 RealBadAngel so the visual scale of 1.0 will be standard sized node
18:14 RealBadAngel also the orientation of the model has to be defined
18:15 RealBadAngel my crystal model ive found is turned by XY axis by 90 degs ;)
18:15 groknsberger joined #minetest-dev
18:15 ShadowNinja 0 rotatoion, X+ facing blender X+, etc.
18:15 RealBadAngel so imho Jordach part starts here
18:16 RealBadAngel hes our blender master
18:17 RealBadAngel better to ask him how to do that than later apply weird black magic factors into cod
18:17 RealBadAngel *code
18:18 RealBadAngel ah, one more thingy
18:19 RealBadAngel i do convert all the nodeboxes into meshes
18:19 RealBadAngel im not sure bout it, but it can be an end to the era
18:20 RealBadAngel meshes are way more flexible than nodeboxes
18:21 RealBadAngel theyre marked as an experimental stuff anyway ;)
18:24 RealBadAngel brb
18:29 VanessaE as long as I don't have to adapt all those 400000000 nodeboxes I have in my mods :P
18:30 kilbith :s
18:31 VanessaE otherwise ^^^^^^ he will kick your ass ;)
18:31 kilbith s/kick/whip
18:34 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
18:38 sol_invictus is it possible to open inventory from lua? I can't find where this formspec is called
18:40 ShadowNinja sol_invictus: player:set_inventory_formspec(formpec).
18:40 ShadowNinja It's static to pervent lag.
18:41 sol_invictus oh, thank you
19:03 sol_invictus joined #minetest-dev
19:04 RealBadAngel VanessaE, transformation is done in nodedef.cpp at update textures
19:04 VanessaE col
19:04 VanessaE cool
19:05 RealBadAngel after leaving nodedef will have mesh ptr filled in when applicable
19:05 RealBadAngel either being mesh model or nodebox, doesnt matter
19:06 RealBadAngel only stuff that wont have pre made mesh will remain stuff like fences etc
19:06 RealBadAngel at least for now
19:08 RealBadAngel we got used to nodeboxes so change will take some time propably
19:08 RealBadAngel but in the long run it can be only a benefit
19:09 RealBadAngel and hey, i can see at horizon one method i always wanted to use
19:10 RealBadAngel
19:11 zat joined #minetest-dev
19:11 RealBadAngel yikes :)
19:11 RealBadAngel that gonna mean faster shaders with better visuals
19:12 RealBadAngel also shaded entities
19:13 RealBadAngel not to mention straight way for correct liquids surfaces
19:14 RealBadAngel since more than a year i was fighting to get per surface tangents
19:14 RealBadAngel and now im at the doorstep
19:14 RealBadAngel and will be able to trash all the temporary code
19:47 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:48 sol_invictus ShadowNinja: oops, it's definition
19:49 sol_invictus ShadowNinja: I meant actually <showing> inventory from lua
19:56 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:01 ShadowNinja sol_invictus: You want a callback to be called when a player opens their inventory or you want to open an arbritrary formspec?
20:02 sol_invictus I want to arbitrarily open inventory formspec from lua
20:03 Krock ShadowNinja, I would like to know your opinion to pull #1715
20:03 ShadowNinja sol_invictus: Look up detached inventories then.
20:03 ShadowNinja sol_invictus: You can't forcibly open the inventory or node formspecs though.
20:04 sol_invictus ):
20:05 Calinou <RealBadAngel> i do convert all the nodeboxes into meshes
20:05 Calinou is this better for performance?
20:05 Calinou especially the coordinates-set-every-frame issue
20:07 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
20:07 RealBadAngel Calinou, yes its way faster method
20:08 RealBadAngel nodeboxes do not change during gameplay, yet theyre interpreted all the time
20:08 RealBadAngel at each mapblock mesh refresh
20:09 RealBadAngel thats why areas with more nodeboxes are causing fps drops
20:10 RealBadAngel please do trace how nodeboxes are shown
20:10 RealBadAngel its a diseaster
20:11 RealBadAngel starting here:
20:12 ShadowNinja Krock: Commented.
20:12 RealBadAngel then this is called for each box here:
20:13 Sokomine RealBadAngel: ah. good to see you. i have a slight problem with nodeboxes, although it might not be worth doing much in this regard...problem is: i want to mirror/flip a house (in order to increase diversity). this works fine for normal nodes, but may not be doable for all nodeboxes
20:14 RealBadAngel also: selection boxes and rotations are applied
20:14 Sokomine RealBadAngel: many players have complained about nodeboxes slowing down their clients. having a house with many nodebox-using sloped roof nodes caused trouble to some it seems
20:14 RealBadAngel 200+ lines of code instead of 15 as for meshes
20:15 kaeza ShadowNinja, uh... >local k = { }; local nt = copy({ [k] = 1234 }); print(nt[k]) --> 1234
20:15 RealBadAngel Sokomine, nodeboxes are slowly taking their way into the museum
20:15 Sokomine noooo!
20:15 RealBadAngel yup
20:15 * Sokomine loves nodeboxes
20:15 RealBadAngel you gonna love meshes even more ;)
20:16 Sokomine just make sure the new system can use the old definitions and worlds don't break :-)
20:16 RealBadAngel trust me
20:16 Sokomine it's very likely that i'll do that :-)
20:16 RealBadAngel ofc for the starters we will have both
20:16 Calinou but making meshes is way harder
20:16 RealBadAngel but as soon as meshes are here you will realize you dont want nodeboxes anymore
20:16 Calinou need to do UV mapping and such
20:16 Calinou nodeboxes are a great way to make 3D models
20:17 Calinou something that is more complicated in Blender
20:17 RealBadAngel either you will say that or im a chineese ballet dancer
20:17 Calinou oh, also… it'd be great if you could use texture packs to replace models
20:17 Sokomine with meshes i think those roofs could be done with far less triangles. instead of beeing a staircase with 16 steps, they could be done more directly
20:17 Calinou this way clients can replace meshnodes :P
20:17 kaeza ShadowNinja, you are using assert() wrong
20:18 Sokomine that's a very good idea, calinou. people who prefer boxy appearance could use other shapes than those who don't mind the occasional roundish object
20:19 proller using assert() always wrong
20:19 RealBadAngel Sokomine, exactly thats the point
20:20 Sokomine as for creating new nodebox/meshlike objects - nodeboxes as such are not the most easiest to create either. there are a few editors out there. if one of those could be used to create meshes, that'd be fine i guess. no idea about textures though
20:20 RealBadAngel meshes done properly can have way less triangles
20:20 RealBadAngel stairs here are the flagship
20:20 Krock ShadowNinja, this copy function is not part of the default Lua functions, therefore it should use minetest. instead of extending table. iMO
20:20 RealBadAngel atm theyre two overlaid boxes
20:21 RealBadAngel with too many common vertices
20:21 Sokomine in how far? i don't see much saving potential for stairs as such? the sloped roofs are a diffrent matter
20:21 ShadowNinja Krock: It fits much better there, and Minetest already extends the string lib.
20:21 RealBadAngel see stairs highlighted
20:21 Krock okay. *commits*
20:21 Sokomine ah. ok
20:21 RealBadAngel you will see the problem clearly
20:22 RealBadAngel lines wasnt able to show the problem
20:22 Sokomine how do i enable highlighting?
20:22 RealBadAngel while surfaces can
20:22 RealBadAngel enable_node_highlighting = true
20:22 hmmmm hmmm
20:23 RealBadAngel RealBadAngel
20:23 RealBadAngel lol
20:23 VanessaE heh
20:23 hmmmm if somebody codes a mod that uses nodes from a particular group, but it turns up with no nodes for that group, would you consider that a name resolution error?
20:23 Sokomine i've wished for some time for a less strictly boxy appearance of nodeboxes. there are some situations where slopes are very popular (roofs, hills). the raillike drawtype is not a solution in most cases either
20:23 rickmcfarley left #minetest-dev
20:24 hmmmm i think nodeboxes are of the devil.  horrible dumb and retarded.  it should've been meshes all along.
20:24 hmmmm furthermore, nodebox support should be COMPLETELY DROPPED from the engine, and instead a little shim should be added to convert nodeboxes to meshes
20:24 VanessaE hmmmm: NOOOOOOOO
20:24 VanessaE oh wait
20:25 RealBadAngel hmmmm, agree 100%
20:25 kaeza hmmmm, I'd say no. make the relevant functions simply ignore the group, or return an error indicator
20:25 VanessaE actually, RBA aren't you doing just about the same thing?
20:25 kaeza (re: groups)
20:25 RealBadAngel but with given a bit time to do so
20:25 hmmmm kaeza, that's what I was thinking
20:25 RealBadAngel folks will just realize that nodeboxes are not worth the time
20:25 hmmmm kaeza, this is printing out to errorstream about nodes that couldn't get resolved
20:26 Calinou Sokomine, ideally we'd have full resource packs, to replace textures, models and sounds
20:26 Calinou like Minecraft
20:26 VanessaE hmmmm: c55 wanted to keep the cubical style, that's why he went with nodeboxes.  he even threatened to remove them if they were to be too heavily abused into making non-cubic things
20:26 hmmmm I'm thinking of situations where somebody registers a node to get matched up with something else
20:26 Sokomine hmmmm: the way you describe the mod, it might as well be a tool/machine/whatever which can do something with nodes from a special group but does not ship with any such nodes? it would then pretty useless if no other mod is installed that supplies suitable nodes, but apart from that, there's not much harm done. or did i misundersand?
20:26 Calinou Sokomine, the upside of using models is that you use triangles, not cuboids
20:26 Calinou higher performance even for simple stuff
20:26 Calinou no useless faces or duplicate vertices
20:26 hmmmm bit of a political statement here, but I think the game should be defined by the game creator
20:26 hmmmm not celeron 8)
20:27 Calinou VanessaE, there's way too much abuse of them too
20:27 Calinou meshnodes are a potential fix
20:27 RealBadAngel Calinou, everything on the GPU side is a triangle
20:27 Calinou RealBadAngel, I know
20:27 kaeza VanessaE, I think the thing here is again, letting the subgame dev having the option to use non-voxels
20:27 VanessaE oh don't get me wrong, meshes are absolutely a good idea
20:27 kaeza key word: option
20:27 Calinou nodeboxes will be available for some time anyway
20:27 RealBadAngel kaeza, freedom to own the gun does not mean you have to shoot down everybody out there
20:27 VanessaE but we can't remove nodebox support.  WAY too late now
20:28 kaeza RealBadAngel, exactly
20:28 Calinou VanessaE, it may go away after a year or so
20:28 Calinou I wouldn't be surprised
20:28 hmmmm Sokomine:  what I'm doing is unifying the node resolving code for all my mapgen-related things that take a node name from lua on mod load, and then uses it to either place or search for
20:28 Sokomine calinou: that's a very big upside
20:28 hmmmm so there are 5 different categories of such things
20:28 VanessaE Calinou: then a tool is needed to convert existing nodebox models into mesh models.
20:28 RealBadAngel no need to
20:28 Calinou or considered depreciated (like minetest.env)
20:28 RealBadAngel code will do that
20:28 Calinou can animated textures be used on meshnodes?
20:29 hmmmm internal mapgen, biomes, decorations, ores, and schematics
20:29 Calinou I don't think you can use animated textures on entity meshes currently
20:29 Calinou VanessaE, NBE export to .obj? :P
20:29 RealBadAngel Calinou, no
20:29 Calinou or .x
20:29 VanessaE minetest.env is just a sed/// operation away from translating.  nodeboxes need a dedicated tool to convert them to meshes if they were to be dropped.
20:29 VanessaE Calinou: NBE can't import a nodebox :P
20:29 Calinou minetest.env still works today
20:29 Calinou when was it deprecated?
20:29 RealBadAngel animated ones will have to be treated in a very special way
20:29 RealBadAngel separated from static mapblock mesh node
20:30 Calinou I said textures
20:30 RealBadAngel gathered in a list propably and added to the scene on refresh
20:30 RealBadAngel that means the same
20:30 Sokomine hmmmm: i don't yet understand entirely what you're after, but you're generally doing a very good job
20:30 RealBadAngel model textures are quite different
20:30 hmmmm erm
20:30 RealBadAngel you could propably switch them
20:31 RealBadAngel but uv definition will remain there
20:32 Sokomine hmmmm: place or search for...don't think you mean get_content_id/get_name_by_content_id? that has turned up to be required pretty often when i was adjusting the landscape for the villages. those are probably relatively fast functions not to worry about too much?
20:32 hmmmm I mean when you're registering an ore for example
20:32 hmmmm there's place_in
20:32 hmmmm right now place_in just takes a specific node name
20:33 Calinou RealBadAngel, have you tried adding yaw interpolation to entities/players?
20:33 Sokomine hmmmm: what could need improvement is vanessae's plantslib. it is so universal that i have no idea how it could be optimized - except by making parts less universal and thus much faster
20:33 hmmmm what this would do is add the ability to make it either a single string, or a table containing multiple strings
20:33 Calinou currently we only interpolate position, not angles
20:33 hmmmm and the strings may be groups now
20:33 hmmmm so you could have like
20:33 Calinou celeron said it would be very easy
20:33 Calinou just a class edit
20:33 hmmmm place_in = "group:soil"
20:33 Calinou in content_cao.cpp IIRC
20:33 hmmmm or maybe place_in = {"default:stone", "default:desert_stone", "group:sand"}
20:33 hmmmm or something like that
20:35 RealBadAngel Calinou, i havent touched entities so far, but i have adapted some code used by them for nodes
20:35 Sokomine hmmmm: ah! that sounds well
20:35 hmmmm so if you register an ore that has place_in = "group:soil", for example, but group:soil turns up 0 results, would that not be a resolution error?
20:35 Sokomine hmmmm: you might print an error in that case. but i'd say the conditions the mod requires are just not met - thus no nodes placed
20:36 hmmmm where on the other hand if you have
20:36 hmmmm place_in = {"default:water_source", "group:soil"} for example
20:36 RealBadAngel Calinou, and one more thing, all the falling nodes/waving things gonna be made software side, without shaders or entities
20:36 hmmmm if it can't resolve default:water_source, that would be an error
20:36 RealBadAngel just by playing with vertices
20:37 kaeza hmmmm, oh, I thought you meant "error" more like "raise an exception"
20:37 Sokomine hmmmm: and if you ignore nodes that don't exist? if there's nothing left where that ore wants to be placed, then it can't get placed. an error message might be helpful, but only if it doesn't cost too much to implement. most people won't find it in their debug.txt anyway
20:38 kaeza then yes, issuing an error message would be best I think
20:40 hmmmm hmm
20:42 Calinou RealBadAngel, hmm, currently we're using shaders for waves? can you use waves without shaders?
20:42 RealBadAngel yes i can now
20:42 RealBadAngel same for falling sand or waving plants
20:43 RealBadAngel they turned out to be simple playing with vertices
20:44 RealBadAngel no need to bother GPU with such irrevelant shit
20:45 Sokomine regarding nodeboxes/meshes: somebody mentioned that the collusion box is also an issue. for nodes, a simplified and independent collusion box might be sufficient
20:46 RealBadAngel Sokomine, that is not a problem
20:46 RealBadAngel irrlicht have methods to get proper bounding box
20:46 RealBadAngel have you thought we are pioneers or what?
20:46 RealBadAngel just rtfm ;)
20:48 Sokomine no :-) just not much experience with graphic engines. good to hear that that's also been taken into consideration :-)
20:49 RealBadAngel
20:49 RealBadAngel that will calculate bounding box for your mesh
20:53 Ritchie joined #minetest-dev
20:53 ShadowNinja hmmmm: I don't think it should be an error.  You may have, eg, an ABM that works on nodes from another mod to better integrate the functions of the two mods if the other mod is installed.  On the other hand you could just wrap in in a `if minetest.get_modpath("othermod") then ... end`.
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21:20 kahrl so meshes can be redefined by texture packs and collision boxes are calculated from meshes?
21:21 kahrl oh, also: how do you calculate the collision on an irrlicht-free server? (for entity physics)
21:21 kahrl collision box*
21:23 iqualfragile how do you even calculate collision at all? if you are not using the exact edges of the model this is a hard thing to do automatically iirc
21:24 kahrl iqualfragile: well the method that RBA linked to calculates the smallest axis-aligned box that contains all vertices of the mesh
21:24 iqualfragile oh, well, that is a way
21:25 kahrl it would be if the server was running irrlicht
21:25 iqualfragile not good for general meshes, but as minetest is blockbased anyways it should be sufficient
21:25 kahrl so I'd say the collision box should be simply read from the nodedef in nodebox format like it is now
21:26 kahrl (in particular the default collision box would be a full node)
21:28 iqualfragile why does that depend on irrlicht?
21:29 kahrl you can't even read a mesh file without irrlicht
21:29 kahrl well, unless you reimplement the whole parser
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21:54 RealBadAngel kahrl, collision boxes are recalculated on the meshes
21:54 RealBadAngel exact bounding box is get
21:55 RealBadAngel for highlighting i choose the model itself, a bit bigger to create halo effect
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21:57 RealBadAngel iqualfragile, you seem to forget whats native here
21:57 RealBadAngel meshes are
21:57 RealBadAngel nodeboxes are alien body
21:58 RealBadAngel mt is built on top of irrlicht
21:58 iqualfragile RealBadAngel: for irrlicht and rendering: yes
21:58 iqualfragile for collision: boxes are easier then meshes
21:58 RealBadAngel no
21:58 RealBadAngel you are wrong to the bone
21:59 RealBadAngel nodeboxes are weird implementation of meshes
22:00 RealBadAngel that what you think is natural there is just a side effect
22:01 hmmmm wondering if I should make NodeResolver part of INodeDefManager or put it in IGameDef on its own
22:01 RealBadAngel for me as a modder took quite a while to understand the nodeboxes, how they work
22:02 RealBadAngel and at the very end it turned out to be a complete weird
22:02 RealBadAngel idk what c55 thought while creating the system
22:02 RealBadAngel but definitely he was on high
22:02 jin_xi i think its nice to be able to make boxy models
22:03 RealBadAngel you can do the same with meshes
22:03 RealBadAngel more easily
22:03 jin_xi but you need an editor and all. for me its more easy to do simple nodebox by hand
22:03 RealBadAngel you think its easy?
22:04 VanessaE it is.
22:04 jin_xi its not too bad
22:04 RealBadAngel its a piece of bloody shit
22:04 VanessaE I can code a nodebox by hand in less time than it takes to even launch blender.
22:05 RealBadAngel yes yes
22:05 RealBadAngel and you remember the times?
22:05 RealBadAngel we were sitting there for weeks trying to get easier shapes working
22:06 jin_xi i'm all for converting nodeboxes to meshes for internal use but i think the format  has its place. its boxes, plain and simple.
22:06 RealBadAngel and i dont know even english translation for words i used
22:07 RealBadAngel its not plain, its not simple, its not fast
22:07 RealBadAngel its a cancer
22:07 iqualfragile RealBadAngel: not fast to render, but relatively fast to write
22:07 RealBadAngel faster is to learn blender than nb
22:08 iqualfragile i don't think so, additonally with blender you have to make sure that the scale is right
22:08 iqualfragile but thats just a secondary concern
22:08 RealBadAngel or use visual_scale factor
22:08 RealBadAngel yes it is
22:08 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
22:08 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
22:08 RealBadAngel but its not blender just
22:09 RealBadAngel irrlicht does support most of them
22:09 RealBadAngel name the one
22:09 iqualfragile model formats?
22:10 RealBadAngel mesh drawtype means you can use all of them
22:10 iqualfragile yes, obviously
22:11 iqualfragile we could ask rubenwardy to update his nodebox editor to output some simple model format
22:11 kahrl RealBadAngel: did you read what I wrote?
22:11 RealBadAngel kahrl, about collision boxes?
22:11 kahrl <RealBadAngel> kahrl, collision boxes are recalculated on the meshes <-- no, they are not, because the server does not read the meshes
22:12 RealBadAngel hmmm
22:12 RealBadAngel thats an issue then
22:12 iqualfragile does the server even need to know?
22:13 RealBadAngel should have
22:13 RealBadAngel for the boxes
22:13 iqualfragile at least for projectiles
22:13 RealBadAngel ok, mesh is loaded while in nodedef.cpp
22:14 RealBadAngel i will just update defs with proper collison boxes there
22:14 kahrl if it didn't, we'd have items sitting 0.5 nodes above slabs again (like a bug in the early days of nodeboxes)
22:14 kahrl I mean if the server simply used the full node as collision box
22:15 RealBadAngel if not given then yes
22:15 RealBadAngel fallback
22:15 RealBadAngel but should be defined or got from mesh itself
22:15 RealBadAngel note that mesh can be way bigger than regular node
22:16 kahrl I think the collision box should just be read from node_box and not calculated
22:17 RealBadAngel it will fail with flowers etc
22:17 kahrl how?
22:17 RealBadAngel since when a flower is a box?
22:17 RealBadAngel you want to collide with two planes?
22:17 kahrl flowers aren't even walkable so it doesn't matter
22:18 kahrl also when did I say it should use the rendered geometry as collision boxes?
22:18 RealBadAngel imho modders supplied collison box in the first place, then mesh, then default
22:19 kahrl I'd say the same thing except "then mesh"
22:19 RealBadAngel no you wouldnt
22:19 kahrl force the modder to supply proper collision information so it will work on server and client
22:20 RealBadAngel you have seen models with visual factor 15.0
22:20 RealBadAngel for that bounding boxes would be overkill
22:20 kahrl well that's just dumb abuse anyway
22:20 RealBadAngel abuse but showing the problem
22:20 kahrl nodes are 1x1x1 large and not 15x15x15
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22:22 RealBadAngel
22:22 kahrl also in that case the modder could just supply a 15x15x15 bounding box (even though I assume there will be glitches with that)
22:22 RealBadAngel think about collision boxes for those blue crystals
22:23 RealBadAngel models are the same for all
22:23 RealBadAngel just textures and visual size is different
22:23 kahrl boxes are not the proper way to do collision for those things
22:23 ShadowNinja kahrl: The server already depends on Irrlicht.
22:23 kahrl huh, since when?
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22:24 ShadowNinja At least for types, eg v3s32.
22:24 ShadowNinja Since forever AFAIK.
22:24 kahrl ok, but not the library
22:25 ShadowNinja I don't know how heavily it depends on it, but we already depend on it so depending on it for a feature isn't such a big issue.
22:25 kahrl the server doesn't create an irrlicht device
22:25 kahrl (which would be required to load meshes)
22:28 kahrl also the server is kinda lightweight right now (at least compared to the client and to minecraftserver.jar)
22:29 kahrl it wouldn't be anymore if it created an irrlicht device and loaded all the meshes to memory
22:29 RealBadAngel yeah, especially with smooth lighting ;)
22:30 RealBadAngel thats a specialized killer stuff
22:30 RealBadAngel server calculating lights for each client out there
22:30 kahrl RealBadAngel: getSmoothLight is a client function.
22:31 RealBadAngel smooth yes
22:31 kahrl if you work on mapblock_mesh a lot you should know that :P
22:32 RealBadAngel but all the other light code is a mess
22:33 RealBadAngel what i say, ALL the lights are a mess
22:33 kahrl tbh you can take any minetest part X and say X is a mess
22:33 kahrl :P
22:34 RealBadAngel the code is so spreaded around that it is almost impossible to find out what its doing
22:35 RealBadAngel see the attempts to properly smooth light the nodeboxes
22:35 RealBadAngel darkrose tried to do that
22:36 kahrl should be mostly a matter of calling getSmoothLight in the drawtype code in content_mapblock
22:36 ShadowNinja I'll push this in a minute:
22:36 RealBadAngel no
22:36 kahrl the tough part is what to do with vertices in the middle
22:37 ShadowNinja (Some functions push to the main thread rather than the current thread)
22:37 RealBadAngel calling that wouldnt help at all
22:37 ShadowNinja kahrl: Can you check that?
22:37 RealBadAngel i had to get all the nodes around to get proper light level at node for highlighting
22:38 RealBadAngel that gone just too far, its messy, not easy to modify
22:38 ShadowNinja kahrl: Fixes
22:39 RealBadAngel and primarily hard to understand why not hardware lights were not used
22:39 RealBadAngel propably just to make things harder
22:40 RealBadAngel if getting proper and coloured lightigting to the scene is as hard as 2 lines of code
22:40 RealBadAngel the approach we are using cannot be called another way as masochism
22:40 kahrl ShadowNinja: what about other functions that use getStack()?
22:41 kahrl RealBadAngel: what are those 2 lines?
22:41 ShadowNinja kahrl: Do you know of any others that use it and are called from Lua functions?
22:41 RealBadAngel
22:42 RealBadAngel kahrl, here i added just 3 lights, of different colours
22:42 kahrl ShadowNinja: every function with SCRIPTAPI_PRECHECKHEADER uses it
22:43 kahrl that's 58, I don't know them all
22:43 RealBadAngel no modifications to our code, expect of enabling the lights
22:43 kahrl s/58/60
22:44 kahrl RealBadAngel: I mean without cheating
22:44 RealBadAngel cheating? i just used add light scene node
22:44 kahrl show me code that displays light_sources nodes with hardware lights
22:45 kahrl RealBadAngel: yeah, too bad we can't just hardcode the location of 3 lights and be done... people will place torches and want them to create light
22:46 RealBadAngel
22:46 RealBadAngel thats general
22:46 RealBadAngel and here you go for the torches:
22:47 kahrl still a limit of 8 lights per scene node
22:47 kahrl that's not enough
22:48 RealBadAngel read the second
22:48 kahrl I did
22:48 RealBadAngel it the solution to that
22:48 kahrl I mean even if we make each mapblock a different scene node, 8 is not enough
22:48 RealBadAngel Written by Colin MacDonald. This tutorial explains the use of the Light Manager of Irrlicht. It enables the use of more dynamic light sources than the actual hardware supports. Further applications of the Light Manager, such as per scene node callbacks, are left out for simplicity of the example.
22:48 jin_xi ...You are still limited to 8 lights, but the limit is per scene node.
22:49 RealBadAngel It enables the use of more dynamic light sources than the actual hardware supports
22:49 kahrl what jin_xi said
22:49 RealBadAngel theres no limit
22:50 kahrl can you read? the tutorial clearly says there is a limit
22:50 RealBadAngel
22:50 RealBadAngel cant you read?
22:50 RealBadAngel the tutorial is about how to get more than a limit
22:51 kahrl ok, I will repeat it again
22:51 kahrl "You are still limited to 8 lights, but the limit is per scene node."
22:51 jin_xi so im guessing we only have one scene node atm?
22:51 kahrl yes
22:52 kahrl for the map, anyway (objects have their own scene nodes)
22:53 kahrl it could be split so that each mapblock is a scene node; anything finer would be a performance killer
22:54 RealBadAngel i think you shoul read the text bout lights
22:54 RealBadAngel 8 lights yes, but the code can find 8 nearest ones
22:55 kahrl a typical mapblock with buildings in it contains a lot more than 8 lights
22:55 RealBadAngel ofc
22:56 RealBadAngel but you seems to forget bout one thing
22:56 jin_xi idk how its gonna look but 8 lights per block sounds like a limit you're gonna hit. maybe it still looks good with enough light around
22:56 RealBadAngel this is per point
22:56 RealBadAngel so each point being rendered will get 8 lights
22:56 kahrl wut
22:57 kahrl the tutorial clearly says it is per scene node
22:57 kahrl also I've read the code and it says the same thing
22:57 RealBadAngel either you or i cant read english ;)
22:57 RealBadAngel The 8 lights nearest to the camera will be turned on, and other lights will be turned off.
22:58 kahrl that's NO_MANAGEMENT mode and it uses the same set of lights for everything in the whole scene
22:58 kahrl not something you'd want to use
22:58 RealBadAngel ok
22:58 RealBadAngel then lets go another way
22:59 RealBadAngel single hardware light
22:59 RealBadAngel the sun/moon
22:59 kahrl yeah, that'd work, but you can't get rid of the ugly code :P
22:59 RealBadAngel we can
23:00 RealBadAngel we can remove smooth shading code
23:00 kahrl how?
23:00 RealBadAngel the directional light will do that for us
23:00 kahrl then smooth lighting will only work above ground
23:00 RealBadAngel since when sun shines underground irl?
23:01 RealBadAngel :)
23:01 kahrl exactly; it doesn't
23:01 kahrl so there will be no smooth lighting in caves
23:01 RealBadAngel but we do have a flag
23:01 RealBadAngel we can pretend its here
23:01 kahrl ?
23:02 RealBadAngel we can easily determine if sun is present on the scene
23:02 RealBadAngel right?
23:02 kahrl and then?
23:02 RealBadAngel if it isnt we can use another lighting model
23:03 kahrl so you'd like to rebuild all meshes when the sun toggles in and out of view?
23:03 RealBadAngel noooo
23:03 RealBadAngel why to do so?
23:03 kahrl I thought that's what you meant
23:04 RealBadAngel i mean turn off directional light source (the sun)
23:04 RealBadAngel and operate just on vertices colours as till now
23:04 kahrl how do you operate on them without rebuilding the meshes?
23:05 RealBadAngel we dont care bout meshes
23:05 RealBadAngel we care bout vertices
23:06 kahrl explain
23:06 RealBadAngel even our system doesnt need rebuilding for the lights to work
23:06 kahrl you mean the daylight cycle?
23:07 kahrl yeah but we don't switch lighting models suddenly
23:07 RealBadAngel
23:08 RealBadAngel this is achieved with placing single light node with radius 100.0
23:08 RealBadAngel in the middle of the scene
23:08 kahrl I think the lighting we have looks a lot more natural than that screenshot
23:08 RealBadAngel this was a mini sun ;)
23:08 kahrl the nodes in the screenshot are kinda glossy, too
23:08 kahrl ok
23:08 RealBadAngel
23:09 RealBadAngel this one is a bit bigger
23:09 kahrl again the same thing; the whole scene looks slightly metallic
23:09 RealBadAngel because of shadows
23:09 kahrl or s/slightly// in the desert region
23:09 VanessaE kahrl: I think that's just because of where the light is placed
23:10 RealBadAngel you can clearly see where the light source is
23:10 RealBadAngel theres distance to it shown on the screen
23:11 RealBadAngel raise it, move, and you will get perfect daylight
23:11 RealBadAngel change its colour to get moonlight
23:11 VanessaE RealBadAngel: I still wanna know how you will handle e.g a field with dozens of visible torches
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23:12 RealBadAngel the torches can be handled in two ways
23:12 RealBadAngel one could be vertex lighting the same code as we are using now
23:13 RealBadAngel or limiting the visible sources at the vertex to 8 nearest ones
23:13 RealBadAngel as in the example
23:13 kahrl the first one would work
23:14 RealBadAngel the second too
23:14 kahrl the second one not, because you can't make each vertex its own scene node
23:14 RealBadAngel i can limit them by vertex
23:14 RealBadAngel think of node, our node
23:14 kahrl I will only believe you if you upload that code
23:15 RealBadAngel 8 sources is almost all around covered with lightsources
23:16 kahrl every mapnode a scene node? uh... nope
23:16 RealBadAngel and a vertex is just 1/24th of a node
23:16 RealBadAngel its way more than needed
23:16 jin_xi and one scenenode per 8 torches? not possible?
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23:17 RealBadAngel well
23:17 RealBadAngel animated mesh nodes will become individual scene nodes on the other hand
23:17 RealBadAngel so why not the lights as well?
23:18 RealBadAngel but still i think that hybrid approach will be the best
23:19 kahrl <RealBadAngel> animated mesh nodes will become individual scene nodes on the other hand <-- which is why you don't want too many of them visible at once
23:20 kahrl if lights are the same, navigating caves with large deep lava lakes will be fun
23:20 RealBadAngel animated ones cannot be combined
23:20 RealBadAngel thats why
23:20 RealBadAngel so have to be separate nodes
23:21 RealBadAngel kahrl i see such nodes treated in a very special way
23:22 RealBadAngel added and removed from scene together with whole mapblock mesh
23:22 RealBadAngel just based on a separate list
23:22 RealBadAngel that shouldnt be much of a problem
23:24 kahrl might be ok (but I haven't benchmarked how well irrlicht copes with a large number of scene nodes; one might have to use octrees or something like that)
23:25 kahrl btw, something else about lava (not performance related for once)
23:25 kahrl look at this screenshot:
23:25 kahrl how would the lava light the top face of the nodes above it?
23:26 RealBadAngel idk
23:26 RealBadAngel ask the allmighty c55 ;)
23:26 kahrl yeah, hardware lights are very poor at global illumination
23:27 shadowzone He is AFK all the time it seems.
23:27 kahrl the voxel based light isn't great at it but it's at least decent
23:28 RealBadAngel voxel based one should be a node property just
23:28 RealBadAngel and i will make the engine lit it all properly
23:28 proller irrlicht octree too slow
23:28 shadowzone Why isn't celeron55_ not voiced?
23:29 kahrl shadowzone: every dev is voiced
23:29 shadowzone Oh.
23:30 kahrl oh, you mean why he isn't voiced?
23:30 kahrl idk
23:30 RealBadAngel propably wrong nick
23:31 kahrl yeah sounds right
23:31 RealBadAngel the clients choose fallback nicks on reconnect
23:31 RealBadAngel not the registered ones propably
23:31 kahrl isn't it based on registrations?
23:32 kahrl not that it really matters though
23:32 RealBadAngel in my case i do have one nick registered
23:33 RealBadAngel if it fails to rejoin (old one is still here due to lag) client choose another
23:33 RealBadAngel which is not registered
23:33 RealBadAngel so i wont be voiced then
23:34 RealBadAngel so c55 should just awake and go back for original nick
23:44 kahrl RealBadAngel: I think I misunderstood you. Did you mean the top faces shouldn't be lit at all? (assuming the torch wasn't there)
23:46 RealBadAngel im not sure, maybe light level for the node should be a light on top of it?
23:46 RealBadAngel and same for interior
23:48 RealBadAngel thats the problem with current lighting
23:49 RealBadAngel damn slow, faulty and looking bad
23:50 RealBadAngel why the heck we are staying with it?
23:52 kahrl sorry you lost me
23:52 kahrl what thing were you talking about right now that looks bad
23:55 kahrl in fact I feel we've been talking at cross purposes so often that we should quit this conversation

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