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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-04-28

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Time Nick Message
00:00 ShadowNinja Hmm, so it is round
00:00 hmmmm i only have it generate on tunnels of small caves with vectors longer than 35
00:00 hmmmm how long in the x,y direction it actually is depends on the length of the y component
00:00 hmmmm depends largely on*
00:01 hmmmm i'm pretty sure most people will like it the way i have it though
00:01 hmmmm it all comes down to chance
00:01 hmmmm you might get a short one that has a steep slope downward, or you might get a really long one
00:01 hmmmm and i am not changing it because i like variety
00:17 M13 joined #minetest-dev
00:32 troller ++riety
00:32 troller ++variety
00:42 hmmmm anyway, naturally occuring obsidian at last:
00:42 hmmmm it's incredible what you can do with caves when you don't have the restriction of backwards compatibility
00:43 VanessaE very nice
00:43 hmmmm i am basically done with the caves at this point, so onto the next thing:  decorationdef
00:43 hmmmm we need a good format for models
00:44 VanessaE isn't .x good enough for that?
00:44 VanessaE or you must mean something else
00:45 hmmmm this is the one detail that i hadn't fully thought out by this point, and it's pretty big..  basically, we need a way to represent the contents of a voxel box
00:45 hmmmm i know somebody proposed bitmaps of each slice but i feel like that might be overly verbose
00:48 kahrl wouldn't l-systems cover most of the basic needs? or am I completely misunderstanding
00:50 VanessaE kahrl: l-systems can only represent three or four nodes, and not necessarily predictably.
00:50 VanessaE at least within a single definition.
00:50 kahrl hmm
00:50 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
00:53 kahrl would it be possible to extend l-systems to allow rule_a though rule_z?
00:53 kahrl through*
00:53 VanessaE in theory, I suppose so
00:54 jin_xi imho better rip turtle stuff from current treegen and reimplement l system on top for more flexibility
01:06 hmmmm i agree
01:06 hmmmm but it's not like it was a mistake to make it part of the treegen
01:06 hmmmm this sort of generalization comes naturally along with evolution
01:12 hmmmm i need people to make rules for the following with l-systems:  current regular tree, current jungle tree, a slightly larger & nicer version of the regular tree, 0.3.x stones, stalactites/stalagmites, cactuses, papayrus
01:15 ShadowNinja Cactus and papyrus sounds hard ;-)
01:16 VanessaE cactus/papyrus:  axiom="FFA"; rule_a="FA"; iterations = 3; randomness = 2
01:16 VanessaE should about do for those anyway
01:17 VanessaE "slightly larger" default tree = use the beech tree model from moretrees.  That was its intent.
01:17 VanessaE stalactities/stalagmites, well that's dependent on how thick you want them to be.
01:18 VanessaE 0.3.x stones, I don't know what those are
01:18 hmmmm varying thickness
01:19 hmmmm
01:19 hmmmm agh... nevermind on that one, it uses 3d noise
01:19 VanessaE got a screenshot?
01:20 hmmmm nope :/
01:33 VanessaE hmmmm: think you can give some time to that alpha issue I pointed out?  :)
01:34 hmmmm maybe in a bit
01:34 VanessaE cool
02:02 BackupCoder joined #minetest-dev
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02:58 Kacey joined #minetest-dev
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03:12 hmmmm does anybody have objections do kahrl's recent pull requests?
03:12 hmmmm 'cuz i'm gonna pull those
03:12 VanessaE it's kahrl.  your objections are invalid.
03:12 VanessaE "_
03:12 VanessaE :)
03:13 hmmmm maybe i should wait for the param2 prediction because shadowninja has something that might conflict
03:13 hmmmm but then again i should wait for the other because i'd do them both at the same time
03:14 VanessaE hmmmm: well, consider c55's initial rejection of that idea though - is it indeed time (figuratively) to put that through now?
03:14 ShadowNinja hmmmm: the pulls should be easy to fix, mine is just two lines
03:14 hmmmm i'm pretty sure celeron would change his mind once he sees the benefit from it
03:15 hmmmm it turned out to not be too complex either
03:26 darkrose someone's been pinging me?
03:27 VanessaE I think I did, but I already forgot why
03:30 darkrose something about 0.3.x apparently
03:31 VanessaE right.
03:31 VanessaE doesn't much matter now :)
03:32 kahrl hmmmm: I could rebase ShadowNinja's pull and add it to mine
03:40 kahrl done, shall I push?
03:43 hmmmm sure
04:49 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
04:54 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
06:03 thexyz well, fuck
06:05 VanessaE no. not here, it's loud and messy.
06:11 hmmmm what's wrong?
06:16 thexyz
06:16 thexyz please, QC
06:17 Nore joined #minetest-dev
06:23 sfan5 "- nodebox -- See below. EXPERIMENTAL"
06:23 VanessaE thexyz: I can run it in wine, but "WARNING: Block failed to save" in insane amounts.
06:23 sfan5 ^ i don't think the experimental is needed anymore
06:24 VanessaE (I probably lack some library under wine)
06:24 VanessaE thexyz: the map generates and I can look around, frame rate seems normal, sound works...
06:25 thexyz VanessaE: non-latin characters in path?
06:25 VanessaE thexyz:  nope:   vanessa@rainbird:~/.wine/drive_c/minetest-0.4.6-2$ wine bin/minetest.exe
06:25 VanessaE world name was just some random chars on the keyboard.
06:25 VanessaE (nothing non-latin)
06:25 hmmmm that's a build with leveldb i am guessing?
06:26 VanessaE WARNING: Block failed to save (xxx, xxx, xxx) SQL logic error or missing database
06:26 VanessaE to be exact.
06:27 VanessaE seems fine with an old-ass build of 0.4.1 that I have there.
06:27 VanessaE (except the framerate sucks on that old build)
06:31 Nore left #minetest-dev
06:33 Nore joined #minetest-dev
06:36 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
06:42 * VanessaE pokes RealBadAngel
06:42 VanessaE oops, wrong channel
06:55 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
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13:08 Deivan joined #minetest-dev
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14:07 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
14:27 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
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15:00 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
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15:22 hmmmm oh god... that thread on the forums titled "dev resources" has me scared to death
15:22 hmmmm these people don't know how to code at all and they think they're going to be able to do something productive with minetest
15:23 sapier any comments on this bugfix?
15:23 Calinou more like, "these people don't know how to spell"
15:23 hmmmm i'm pretty sure we wouldn't have this problem if minetest weren't something "fun" like a "game"
15:24 Calinou fun is good
15:24 kahrl you don't really need to know how to code to write a simple mod
15:24 Calinou but it's just the targeted audience
15:24 kahrl as long as you know how to read
15:24 hmmmm no, kahrl, you misunderstand, they want to do things with the core
15:24 Calinou ^
15:24 kahrl do they even know the difference between mods and the core?
15:25 Calinou I doubt :P
15:25 hmmmm so you can imagine, some will be moderately successful at learning C++ and write some feature that really only _they_ wanted, full with total newbie mistakes so much that if you wanted to actually add that feature in the first place, you'd need to rewrite it from scratch
15:26 hmmmm and then when you _don't_ add it because of the said problems, EVERYBODY will complain about how you're horrible, closed-minded and they need to fork minetest because of this
15:26 Calinou people wanting code correctness do less end-user-visible things in general
15:27 Calinou ask rovio for angry birds code and see
15:27 Calinou or just decompile minecraft code
15:27 Calinou it's "horrible". but the game has a lot of content
15:27 Calinou (no, really, every block in minecraft has its own .java file)
15:28 hmmmm that's not their fault though
15:28 hmmmm that's java being stupid
15:28 hmmmm (you know, each class needs its own file thing)
15:28 Calinou well, if you want to look, get MCP, get a minecraft.jar from here:, get LWJGL, and use MCP to decompile :)
15:29 hmmmm from what i've seen, minecraft code is pretty okay (for java)
15:29 Calinou it's decompiled so you have few comments :P but it still looks confusing sometimes
15:29 hmmmm you know what really bugs me?
15:29 Calinou me!
15:29 hmmmm minecraft loads the entire vertical space at once
15:29 hmmmm and they still don't use hardware lighting even though it's easy to do so
15:30 Calinou do that in minetest too, if it's easy :P
15:30 kahrl I thought they moved away from loading entire columns
15:30 hmmmm it's not easy in minetest because we have blocks
15:30 kahrl when they increased the height of the world
15:30 hmmmm according to the source of "bukkit", that's not the case
15:31 Calinou
15:31 ShadowNinja Now there are two big connumns stacked on top of each other
15:31 kahrl then why do they have these lighting glitches when there's a bedrock ceiling near the top of the map :P
15:31 ShadowNinja Collumns*
15:31 Calinou columns*
15:31 hmmmm shrug.
15:31 hmmmm but 256, that's.. pretty lame
15:32 kahrl Yup
15:32 Calinou only vertical height was extended
15:32 Calinou it is kinda lame yeah, but few people would go higher or deeper for their builds
15:32 hmmmm if they're going to split it up into multiple vertical chunks, why not go all-out?
15:32 Calinou they tried doing 512 and it was too slow
15:32 Calinou 256 was slower than 128 already
15:32 ShadowNinja lol, they did it wrong
15:32 hmmmm see, things like this..  minecraft really could be a lot better than it is, but it's the design choices they make that hold it back
15:33 hmmmm they do a lot of things right though
15:33 hmmmm but, what they do right are common-sense things usually
15:34 Calinou ^
15:34 Calinou except in terms of game balance, it sucks, like minetest :P
15:34 Calinou but that's not engine-related
15:34 Calinou (their game is however VERY monolithic, eg. hardcoded models)
15:35 Calinou that isn't common sense 8)
15:35 Calinou to change models you need to edit java code
15:35 kahrl I don't think it is meant to be a balanced game
15:35 Calinou and the few "modelers" available are a PITA to use
15:36 Jordach2 joined #minetest-dev
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15:40 jojoa1997 hi
15:44 Calinou hello tablet user
15:47 jojoa1997 ._.
15:59 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
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16:52 hmmmm hrm
16:53 hmmmm there is no way to get the approximate height of something that's generated by l-systems, is there
16:53 kahrl doesn't seem hard to add
16:54 kahrl keep track of the highest and lowest y placed inside the L-system object
16:55 kahrl or do you mean before executing the l-system?
16:55 hmmmm i'd need to run the algorithm twice, once as a dry run to get the height and then another to do the actual placement
16:55 hmmmm which i'd like to avoid
16:56 hmmmm well nevermind any of this, i bet the current l-systems implementation solved the entire problem i'm facing already
16:57 hmmmm or not
16:57 PilzAdam you could just go through the axiom and count every "up" movement of the turtle
16:57 hmmmm it has the approximate number of blocks needed to be loaded for the tree hardcoded
16:57 hmmmm that's not very robust...
16:58 kahrl yeah: vmanip.initialEmerge(tree_blockp - v3s16(1,1,1), tree_blockp + v3s16(1,3,1));
16:58 hmmmm alright there's no way the trees are happening unless i chop them in half
16:58 kahrl make the lua script specify the approximate dimensions?
16:59 hmmmm i'll generate to the height of the overtop, then if it got cut off, i'll do the rest of it in a different chunk generation
16:59 hmmmm i guess i could do that
17:01 hmmmm i guess i can calculating it by going through the algorithm and counting the up movements, or if the approximate size is already specified from lua, use that, speeding things up ever so slightly
17:01 hmmmm i can try calculating it*
17:02 jin_xi i used a dry run in my tests.
17:02 jin_xi spawing large structures still required two tries
17:05 jin_xi here:
17:05 Jordach2 joined #minetest-dev
17:05 hmmmm hrmmm?  whose is that
17:06 jin_xi im obneq on github
17:07 hmmmm how different is that from the current l-systems treegen
17:07 jin_xi this is a test biome made with it...
17:07 hmmmm is it almost the same thing, with more rules added and generalized?
17:07 jin_xi basically without rules/recursion and arbitrary angle and material
17:08 jin_xi then programs generated with lua
17:08 hmmmm ah
17:08 hmmmm see, i need l-systems to be complete
17:09 hmmmm you just pass in the nodes you wish to use, the axioms, and bam, it generates
17:09 hmmmm in particular i'm avoiding doing any computations in lua
17:11 hmmmm any callbacks to lua*  i should say
17:11 jin_xi this is the lua i used
17:13 jin_xi i see the point about avoiding lua in mapgen, but it makes for more interesting stuff with some randomisation
17:13 hmmmm the plan was to have the randomization along with the rules somehow
17:14 jin_xi and some terrain detection... and conditionals and...
17:14 hmmmm and how do the turtle graphics work out for you?  is it slow?
17:17 jin_xi i have only used it via tool, its fast enough but not very reliable
17:17 jin_xi you end up with some empty blocks
17:17 hmmmm now in your lua, where is structdef defined?
17:18 jin_xi on top, line 15ff
17:18 hmmmm aah
17:18 hmmmm i missed that
17:20 jin_xi well, axioms also get unwieldy... i tried making a forth in lua to make this stuff more compact, but i realize thats crazy
17:20 hmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmm
17:21 hmmmm what do personally you think i should do here?
17:21 hmmmm i am thinking of having at least three different "placement types" for decorations
17:21 hmmmm one is simple, involving no l-systems at all
17:21 hmmmm another is using the current treegen
17:21 hmmmm the third is this turtle system
17:22 jin_xi one for fixed schematics would be good too
17:22 jin_xi like worldedit saves
17:22 hmmmm for decoration placement, or specifically l-systems?
17:23 jin_xi for decoration, to place stuff that is always the same
17:23 hmmmm well actually that's what i had in mind at first
17:24 jin_xi oh i see
17:24 hmmmm people told me that with l-systems, though, it's kind of useless
17:43 jin_xi current l-systems are pretty limited: only one angle is the most cumbersome limitation imo. i dont think l-system as it is can replace schematic placement type
17:53 StrayBytes joined #minetest-dev
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18:49 hmmmm alright
18:49 jojoa1997 hi all
18:49 hmmmm so for simplicity's sake, i'll just have three types, "simple", where you specify a number of some nodes to be placed vertically
18:49 hmmmm then there's the "schematic" type, which we'll need
18:49 hmmmm then treegen's l-systems
18:50 hmmmm as for the schematic format, i'm still open to suggestions
18:50 hmmmm i really would like to avoid something completely text-based because it'd get ridiculous very quickly
18:53 jin_xi sfan5: didn't you start working on a binary worldedit save format?
18:53 sfan5 yes
18:53 sfan5 i did
18:53 sfan5 but binary operations in lua are a pity
18:53 jin_xi ah i see
18:54 sfan5 i fear i accidently deleted the .lua file..
18:54 hmmmm how would people edit these, do you think?
18:54 hmmmm that's the main thing
18:55 hmmmm see, using images would be a happy medium between ease of use and verbosity
19:01 jin_xi what kind of images? floor plans or diagrams?
19:01 hmmmm lol
19:01 jin_xi thats what i thought
19:02 hmmmm you somehow define what node each color pixel you're using is
19:02 hmmmm and then you have a slice from the bottom up of what's being placed
19:02 jin_xi a gif
19:05 sfan5 gif has a limited palette
19:05 sfan5 what about apng
19:06 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest-dev
19:06 hmmmm how about png
19:06 hmmmm :/
19:07 hmmmm really don't need to go overboard here
19:07 hmmmm and this is just a random, stupid idea
19:07 hmmmm it's not like we're definitely using images
19:08 sfan5 if there was any good lua library for dealing with 2^x bit numbers saved as y 8bit numbers, i'd add a binary schematic format
19:16 RealBadAngel
19:17 RealBadAngel btw, if youre using luajit it shall mean it is built-in, but i havent tested it yet
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19:52 kahrl sfan5: if schematics are going to be used in decorationdef anyway, there's no reason not to implementing reading/writing them in C++
19:52 kahrl I think
19:53 sfan5 yeah, but it would be nice if some external mod (e.g. wordedit) could also load them
19:53 kahrl I mean adding an API function for that
19:53 sfan5 okay, that would solve it the easy way
19:54 sfan5 i guess meta won't be needed
19:54 kahrl hmm
19:55 sfan5 it is possible to serialize lua tables in a binary format, but that'd make everything more complicated
19:55 kahrl allowing to make chests would be nice but I guess it can be added later
19:56 kahrl well, from C++ you could simply call NodeMetaRef::serialize()
19:57 kahrl but you would probably be using a VoxelManipulator so it would be more complicated
19:57 sfan5 yeah
20:02 hmmmm ?
20:02 hmmmm chests will be done manually in lua on callback
20:04 hmmmm you'd have your schematic, have that placed, then since a callback is requested on placement of that decoration, it'll pass the point at which that decoration had been placed to lua, where you can then manually create a chest with add_node and set the chest contents yourself
20:05 sfan5 not the best solution, but it works
20:05 hmmmm what is the best solution then?
20:05 hmmmm pray tell
20:05 kahrl with l-systems the chest position might be randomized, right?
20:05 kahrl idea:
20:05 kahrl add a l-systems command to record the current position. which will then be passed to the callback
20:06 hmmmm that's possible and easily done
20:06 kahrl (+ maybe a command for recording the orientation)
20:06 hmmmm and l-system specific
20:07 hmmmm on the other hand if you're using a schematic, you know where your chest was placed anyway
20:07 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
20:07 kahrl yeah
20:07 hmmmm and i'm not going to add the lua position callback queue to voxelmanipulator like i originally said i was
20:07 hmmmm that's stupid
20:08 hmmmm i'll just pass it as a result of makechunk along with the heightmap
20:17 sfan5 my suggestion for a schematic format: (the worldedit binary format would've been almost the same)
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22:02 hmmmm ahhh
22:02 hmmmm now that is a good idea
22:02 hmmmm how do you make a schematic?
22:03 hmmmm you just build it manually in minetest and then save it as a schematic
22:05 hmmmm i'm definitely sure that a binary file format is the right way to go with this, now
22:05 hmmmm i'm not going to town with the existing minetest serialization functions or anything like that for obvious reasons
22:07 hmmmm but i disagree on mostly everything in sfan's proposed format
22:11 jojoa1997 joined #minetest-dev
22:19 hmmmm
22:39 kaeza hmmmm, a general purpose serialization format that does not resort to executing Lua code, and perfectly passes as a string (to be used as metadata) would be awesome
22:40 hmmmm it would be, wouldn't it
22:40 hmmmm why don't you just tack that onto the end of my format
22:41 hmmmm oh, you want me to do all of your work for you so you don't have to do more coding on your own in your mod
22:42 kaeza lol wut
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22:42 kaeza I'm just thinking aloud
22:43 kaeza we are a bit on the offensive side are we?
22:45 hmmmm there is already a general format
22:46 hmmmm this is almost like the mapblock format in fact, but this is stripped down for a single purpose in particular
22:46 kaeza I know
22:46 hmmmm i don't want to get complicated here
22:47 kaeza and the binary format will (most likely) make things faster in the order of magnitude
22:47 hmmmm this does something in particular, and it does it very well
22:47 hmmmm i can already tell people are going to use this for worldedit more than map generation --;
22:48 hmmmm and you're going to nag me to add in things that would be better to have for worldedit but not make much sense for what i'm actually using it for
22:48 kaeza nope... didn't say that
22:48 hmmmm not you in particular
22:48 hmmmm i mean people in general
22:50 hmmmm and then i'm going to become responsible for all things related to this everybodys' abuse of the feature
22:50 hmmmm to this and*
22:52 kaeza Abuse (in this context) is something good sometimes
22:52 hmmmm a disclaimer:  i will not help people use schematic files for worldedit!  i will not add features for making the job of worldedit's developers easier!  if you want to store node metadata and other things, get creative and find a way on your own
22:55 bcnjr5 joined #minetest-dev
23:11 bcnjr5 $ba1
23:12 bcnjr5 $$ba1
23:12 bcnjr5 darn
23:12 PilzAdam wtf?
23:12 bcnjr5 nvm
23:30 bcnjr5 left #minetest-dev
23:36 kahrl anyone still in the shape for some algorithm discussion?
23:37 kahrl I wrote a proposal how the optional dependency resolve could work.
23:37 kahrl resolver*
23:38 kahrl if anyone finds a bug please tell me :D

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