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IRC log for #minetest, 2024-06-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:06 appguru joined #minetest
00:42 Eragon joined #minetest
01:16 cation joined #minetest
01:25 HumanG33k joined #minetest
03:25 hephaestus joined #minetest
03:26 hephaestus hello, I already had a problem with apples that not decaying when you dig all trunks, but I dont remember why? I'm using lumberjack but in another server it not a problem
03:26 hephaestus oh and I have techpack too
03:36 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> This is quite a condensed problem
03:36 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> A focused one, which mod provided apple trees?
03:49 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
03:58 fluxionary joined #minetest
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
05:02 Leopold joined #minetest
05:12 nopjmp joined #minetest
05:23 zleap joined #minetest
05:23 zleap joined #minetest
05:24 sparky4 joined #minetest
05:28 gregon joined #minetest
05:54 lemonzest joined #minetest
06:09 TomTom joined #minetest
06:17 zleap joined #minetest
06:17 zleap joined #minetest
06:35 lemonzest joined #minetest
06:39 tarsovbak joined #minetest
07:23 Oblomov joined #minetest
07:35 isAAAc left #minetest
08:14 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
08:44 diceLibrarian2 joined #minetest
09:06 zleap joined #minetest
09:06 zleap joined #minetest
09:18 tarsovbak joined #minetest
09:48 appguru joined #minetest
10:59 bdju joined #minetest
11:24 Thelie joined #minetest
11:36 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
12:43 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
12:44 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
12:49 Kimapr joined #minetest
12:51 Kimapr_ joined #minetest
12:54 Kimapr_ joined #minetest
13:22 Nusakan joined #minetest
13:33 PoochInquisitor joined #minetest
13:36 Kimapr joined #minetest
13:41 Kimapr joined #minetest
13:43 gregon joined #minetest
13:44 tarsovbak joined #minetest
14:14 bdju joined #minetest
14:17 seasharp joined #minetest
14:59 bdju joined #minetest
15:17 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
15:44 ireallyhateirc is there something like minetest.register_on_generated but for mapchunks that have already been generated?
15:50 ireallyhateirc like minetest.on_emerge that would get called every time a chunk finishes being generated and/or is loaded from disk
15:59 sfan5 there is no generic load block callback, no
16:00 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
16:01 MTDiscord <warr1024> You'd have to register an LBM for every node type, and then waste 1023 of the 1024 callbacks you get each mapblock.
16:02 sfan5 i think you mean 4095/4096
16:03 ireallyhateirc what I do currently is running a loop that scans mapchunks around the player and checks if they're loaded
16:04 ireallyhateirc and then I get a VM for that chunk
16:04 ireallyhateirc also LBMs are cringe
16:04 sfan5 what is your use case?
16:05 ireallyhateirc My mod gets generated mapchunks and generally speaking changes stuff in them using a VM
16:06 ireallyhateirc one example is changing seasonal soil in Exile
16:06 ireallyhateirc I also wrote a snow placer using the mod that is fast and works outside of the active area that ABMs operate on
16:07 ireallyhateirc so: get mapchunks around the player -> get metadata (the chunk has winter soil, snow) -> modify the chunk based on some external trigger (it's summer, we want to remove snow)
16:09 MTDiscord <warr1024> So you're reinventing ABMs.  Cool.
16:09 ireallyhateirc ABMs were too slow and didn't work well
16:10 MTDiscord <warr1024> Lol, yeah, ABMs are always slower than reimplementing ABMs until the reimplementation is actually complete.
16:10 jaca122 joined #minetest
16:10 MTDiscord <warr1024> The only reliable way I've found to find mapblocks around a player is just to check something like get_node_or_nil for one node inside the mapblock.
16:11 MTDiscord <warr1024> You also have to make certain assumptions about what mapblocks could be loaded, e.g. that the only ones you care about will form contiguous bubbles around players or something.
16:12 ireallyhateirc I assign labels to the chunks and store that in mod storage
16:12 ireallyhateirc so during mapgen I add "has_trees", "has_ocean", etc.
16:12 ireallyhateirc and then the mod only modifies the chunks of interest
16:13 ireallyhateirc AFAIK checking a label per chunk is faster than whatever ABMs do
16:14 MTDiscord <warr1024> Congrats, you reinvented ABM caching too.  That kind of thing is not obvious at first.
16:15 MTDiscord <warr1024> IIRC there's a PR or issue or something to add block-level ABMs (we should call them ANMs just to be consistently wrong); that's what the engine needs to make this sort of thing actually fast at scale...
16:17 ireallyhateirc still unimpressed
16:18 ireallyhateirc I wouldn't try to reinvent the wheel if it worked as it should
16:19 ireallyhateirc ABMs can't be turned off and that's their main con
16:20 ireallyhateirc my thing works only if it needs to
16:20 MTDiscord <warr1024> Yeah, it's not easy to impress people when we've been around the track a few times.  I've seen a lot of people get excited about a promising approach that's working really well so far, only to find out that the last little bit needed to get to an actually complete working solution is where things suddenly end up worse than the original.
16:21 MTDiscord <warr1024> Sometimes things can actually be improved upon but there are often reasons why the original is the way it is, and unless you're working on a very narrow specific case, when you try to reinvent an API, you often either run into those, or you make something that's fast but buggy or unreliable.
16:22 MTDiscord <warr1024> If you do come up with a better way of approaching ABMs than the existing implementation, then we should definitely consider updating or expanding the existing ABM implementation in the engine to support that approach.
16:22 Mantar warr: check out seasonal changes in Exile's v4 branch sometime
16:23 MTDiscord <warr1024> what should I be comparing it to?
16:23 Mantar (we haven't released it to CDB yet as we've got a few things that aren't ready for primetime)
16:23 Mantar whatever you like, I'm not aware of any MT game that's done seasons on this scale before
16:24 Mantar oceans freeze out to the horizon, leaves vanish from trees, soils change, plants die
16:25 MTDiscord <warr1024> Ah, okay, I thought this was a "we did it faster than anybody else" kind of thing.  That's kind of tautological if there are no comparisons.
16:26 ireallyhateirc warr1024, I really tried to use ABMs for that stuff but it was slow and we constantly got warnings about ABMs failing to process mapblocks
16:26 ireallyhateirc my mods uses VMs to process entire chunks
16:26 Mantar other mods have done "seasons" but they don't reach our scale because, as ihirc says, abms limit it in several ways
16:27 MTDiscord <warr1024> What kind of "slow" are we talking about?  Like huge lag spikes, or like the season changes taking too long to reach certain mapblocks?
16:27 MTDiscord <warr1024> It's pretty well known that the ABM scheduler is shit.
16:27 ireallyhateirc both
16:27 Mantar yeah
16:27 MTDiscord <warr1024> A better scheduler could get about 5x the performance on default configuration
16:27 Mantar lag is a major problem, but so is the short range
16:27 MTDiscord <warr1024> The problem is that that's just a single fixed one-time speedup.
16:28 Mantar the shepherd beats abms on both counts
16:28 ireallyhateirc (my mod that is)
16:28 Mantar and it still has room for improvement IMO
16:28 Mantar afk
16:29 MTDiscord <warr1024> In my case, I've been looking for a general-purpose API to replace ABMs
16:30 MTDiscord <warr1024> I've found some things, but they all require ABMs too so far 😆
16:31 ireallyhateirc my mod is poorly documented for now, so I haven't released it on ContentDB yet
16:32 MTDiscord <warr1024> Is it exile-specific or does it work for other games?
16:32 MTDiscord <warr1024> Also, what kind of licensing?
16:32 ireallyhateirc GPLv3 and is not exile-specific
16:33 MTDiscord <warr1024> Ah, okay.
16:33 ireallyhateirc I could consider relicensing if you're interested in my spaghetti code
16:34 MTDiscord <warr1024> If it actually works for my use-case, and it were MIT, then I might be able to use it.
16:34 ireallyhateirc well, I can always do dual-licensing
16:35 ireallyhateirc implementation of seasonal changes using the mod is here: https://codeberg.org/Mantar/Exile/src/branch/v4/mods/nodes_nature/seasons.lua
16:35 ireallyhateirc and the mod is here: https://codeberg.org/Mantar/Exile/src/branch/v4/mods/mapchunk_shepherd
16:36 ireallyhateirc Though the code is a huge mess for now and I'm going to clean it up later
16:36 MTDiscord <warr1024> "mapchunk shepherd" ... does it operate on blocks or chunks?
16:37 ireallyhateirc chunks
16:37 MTDiscord <warr1024> oh weird
16:37 ireallyhateirc would loading blocks in the VM be any faster?
16:38 MTDiscord <warr1024> I don't know, since I don't know how the mod works
16:38 MTDiscord <warr1024> usually I check for block-level loading, since there's no guarantee that block loading or unloading actually happens at chunk boundaries
16:39 ireallyhateirc For simple tasks it can process a chunk in 10ms IIRC
16:39 MTDiscord <warr1024> as far as I've heard, chunks are only used at mapgen time.
16:40 MTDiscord <warr1024> I think the last time I messed around with chunk-level stuff was trying to fit the levels in Klots into the fewest chunks I could.  Chunk alignment is a bit weird because the 0,0,0 block is actually in the center of the central chunk, not the corner as I had expected.
16:41 MTDiscord <warr1024> counterintuitive since blocks are aligned the way you'd expect, and the 0,0,0 node IS in the corner of the 0,0,0 block
16:41 MTDiscord <warr1024> Handling partially-loaded chunks sounds like it could be complicated
16:41 ireallyhateirc well, another weird thing is that the grid starts at xyz = -32
16:42 ireallyhateirc just so Sam can spawn in the middle of the mapchunk rather than in the corner
16:43 MTDiscord <warr1024> I think that's by design.  It seems like they wanted to be able to just generate a single chunk and load all the terrain close to the player.  If they were corner-aligned instead of center-aligned then they'd have to generate 8 chunks to be able to show terrain in all direections
16:44 ireallyhateirc why not for example spawn the player at xyz +32 instead of xyz 0 ?
16:44 MTDiscord <warr1024> Processing every node in a chunk sounds like a lot of work though.  You'd need to defer callbacks into a queue and run a scheduler to avoid them triggering a ton of lag.  Either that, or you'd be stuck doing only like contentid->contentid stateless transformations, couldn't access metadata, and couldn't even run very much logic in the callbacks.
16:44 ireallyhateirc it would probably do the same thing without making grid coordinates weird
16:44 ireallyhateirc I have a queue and a scheduler
16:45 MTDiscord <warr1024> tbh they probably just didn't think of it at the time
16:45 MTDiscord <warr1024> it's not automatically obvious that making grid coordinates weird would have far-reaching consequences
16:47 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
16:49 ireallyhateirc sometime this summer I'm going to improve handling of edge cases, possibly add asynch support and write a proper documentation for the mod
16:50 MTDiscord <warr1024> It looks sort of like it solves a problem that's adjacent to but not overlapping the ones I have in any of my games, but I'll have to see how it progresses.
16:50 MTDiscord <warr1024> In my case, it's not like there's some kind of global state like season and I have to make a deterministic replacement based on that; it's more like each node responding to its local conditions independently.
16:50 ireallyhateirc and if you're really interested then I could add a MIT license to that
16:51 MTDiscord <warr1024> That kind of localism is a big thing in NodeCore in particular.  That game has probably like 90 VABMs in the base game or something (probably close to 40 engine ABMs)
16:51 ireallyhateirc I also use the shepherd for processing moisture movement through soil
16:52 MTDiscord <warr1024> If you have more than 63 ABMs then the performance suddenly takes a shit, so I forestall that by combining ABMs that have compatible signatures.
16:52 jaca122 joined #minetest
16:52 ireallyhateirc the shepherd shares the VM object among multiple workers
16:53 ireallyhateirc which also improves performance
16:53 tarsovbak joined #minetest
16:53 ireallyhateirc anyway, faster ABMs are always welcome
17:00 MTDiscord <warr1024> ABM performance is ... surprisingly weird.  The ABM cache is a huge factor.  Including a "neighbors" check is a huge factor.  Neighbor inversion can have a rather big impact on performance.
17:02 MTDiscord <warr1024> I've seen attempts to recreate the API but in pure Lua, which resulted in ... about the same overall performance.  I've also attempted "laundering" the callbacks so they aren't all crammed into a single 200ms lagspike, and ... got bad results (spread the bad latency around, but there was still a spike due to the neighbors check, and the overall throughput was lower)
17:08 Talkless joined #minetest
17:20 jonadab How parallelizable would the neighbors check be on a multi-core system?
17:30 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
17:31 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
17:38 MTDiscord <luatic> This sounds more like a case for vectorization than for multithreading, since the neighbors check checks a small, constant amount of neighbors. Multithreading ABMs in general sounds like an idea worth trying though; it should be possible to process (at least the insides of) different mapblocks independently.
17:47 ireallyhateirc btw, why didn't this get any support? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/14258
17:47 ireallyhateirc with not so impressive ABM performance I thought it would be good if you could turn off some of them at times when you don't need them
17:48 ireallyhateirc sfence implemented that thing in response to the issue I started: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/13112
17:50 ireallyhateirc We previously used ABMs for our rain soaker that made soil wet during rains in Exile
17:50 ireallyhateirc but the ABM was always active, even with no rain because there is no way to disable it
17:51 ireallyhateirc so the ABM ran "if not raining() then return end" for every node?
18:00 shaft joined #minetest
18:01 jonadab Not just for soil nodes?
18:04 Mantar no, he means "every soil node."
18:08 ireallyhateirc that's about 19200 nodes per mapchunk assuming a 3 nodes tall layer. To prevent lag spikes we increased the interval to around 100s
18:10 ireallyhateirc with my mod we only run the rain soak worker when it rains and we can do so every 30s without problems
18:15 jonadab Interesting.
18:15 jonadab Is rain server-wide or localized?
18:17 ireallyhateirc server-wide, but I guess I could program it to be localised too
18:17 jonadab I mean, ABMs only run in loaded-in areas.
18:18 jonadab So that may not be a big deal, depending on the _number_ of simultaneous players you need to scale to.
18:19 ireallyhateirc ah, not like that. Currently there's no catch-up because it'd need programming a simulation of rain+evaporation
18:19 ireallyhateirc but it does work on servers - each player gets rain when it rains and soil becomes wet
18:19 ireallyhateirc but only land around players gets processed
18:20 ireallyhateirc but all loaded chunks get processed, not only the "active" area as ABMs
18:22 jonadab Ah.
18:27 shaft Most games use player API and the minetest game player model but ship an outdated renamed version. Why?
18:28 shaft Repixture got updated but still ships the old b3d with the player floating in air during sitting animation, lordofthetest still has the bug where you sometimes don't sit when you just did the right click animation
18:30 shaft It would be super easy to have working chairs for every single game made with MT engine if not for the horrible mod soup maintainers
18:30 shaft I just have to let this out somewhere. Sorry.
18:32 sfan5 <warr1024> The only reliable way I've found to find mapblocks around a player is just to check something like get_node_or_nil for one node inside the mapblock.
18:32 sfan5 minetest.compare_block_status()?
18:32 olliy joined #minetest
18:33 ireallyhateirc yeah I use the what sfan5 just said
18:34 sfan5 <warr1024> A better scheduler could get about 5x the performance on default configuration
18:34 sfan5 has someone proposed one? in writing I mean, not code
18:35 sfan5 ireallyhateirc: reading your usecase it sounds like we should give modders the tools to track active/loaded blocks
18:35 sfan5 or maybe easier just introduce a global table that mirrors the C++ state?
18:36 ireallyhateirc whatever works, if not I can still use my hacked together garbage. though would be cool to have something like that
18:36 sfan5 can you search for an existing issue and if there's one bring it to my attention? or if not, create one?
18:37 Nusakan joined #minetest
18:38 ireallyhateirc okay, will do so later
18:41 shaft Should I just give up on supporting mod soups?
18:44 ireallyhateirc shaft, yes
18:44 shaft okay, seems like the sane approach
18:44 ireallyhateirc generally speaking you shouldn't assume that a single mod can be compatible with multiple games
18:45 ireallyhateirc just make your mod work for your favourite games
18:45 shaft It could totally.
18:45 ireallyhateirc as for player_api, what's the upstream for that? MTG ?
18:45 ireallyhateirc I just grabbed it for my game from there I believe
18:46 shaft Yes. MTG is probably the newest while every other game copy pasted some old but renamed version of it with some of them still using the one where the functions are indefault
18:46 shaft in default
18:46 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Almost, every other game
18:46 ireallyhateirc you could ask mod soup maintainers to update their player_api
18:46 shaft Every game except for node core
18:47 shaft EVERY SINGLE ONE
18:47 ireallyhateirc I believe we have it in Exile too, just don't know what version and if it was ever modified
18:47 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> U r very mean I wrote mine from scratch
18:47 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> https://tenor.com/view/la-noire-subtle-lies-lie-lying-gif-23157493
18:47 shaft Sure you have.
18:48 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Yes, because it's written in typescript with only procedural animation off a static model
18:48 Mantar Exile's was ported from somewhere way back and has now been extensively rewritten
18:48 Mantar it's misleadingly named at this point, and will probably get folded into an "exile" core mod in the near future
18:49 sfan5 ireallyhateirc: actually i guess https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14723 does the trick
18:49 Mantar well, maybe not "extensively" yet, there are still a bunch of inherited funk, but parts of it have been redone
18:49 Mantar *there is
18:51 shaft I'm calling out your bullshit. I just registered furniture for exile and player_api works perfectly fine just like in MTG. Good job, keeping it up to date
18:53 ireallyhateirc sfan5, yeah that would do probably
18:53 ireallyhateirc "If nodenames are not defined (empty table or nil) the action should be called once on activation with the first pos in the mapblock and a nil node." - so it would get called only once upon activation?
18:54 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Shaft who are you talking tooooooo
18:54 sfan5 don't read too much into that proposal
18:55 shaft Mantar. He says his player API is totally different but it's the same.
18:55 shaft (which is a good thing)
18:55 Mantar heh
18:55 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Hmm
18:55 Mantar good to hear we still have compatibility there
18:55 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Mantar use my trash instead https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/forgotten-lands/blob/main/source/animation_station/init.ts
18:56 ireallyhateirc sfan5, as long as it works for all mapblocks and not only for active mapblocks then that would indeed work for my use case
18:57 Mantar jordan: looks pretty nice, might be worth replacing our setup
18:57 shaft What is your "wood" in Exile and how does crafting work. I can add support for your game.
18:58 Mantar oh we have soft and hard wood logs, and sticks
18:58 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> https://tenor.com/view/who-knew-never-thought-id-get-this-far-plankton-spongebob-gif-16160045
18:58 Mantar and fancier wood objects are oiled as well
18:58 ireallyhateirc sfan5, so "loaded" too in that case, but AFAIK LBMs work only once for each mapblock (they work for blocks that existed before the LBM started working)
18:59 Mantar and we use rubenwardy's crafting mod for menu crafting, though there are big changes to it in our dev branch
18:59 ireallyhateirc if so then it wouldn't work for me
18:59 sfan5 you can already mark LBMs to run every time
19:00 Mantar see mods/crafting/readme.md for how to register a recipe
19:00 Mantar I should write up an exile specific crafting.txt and drop it in docs
19:00 ireallyhateirc sfan5, riiight forgot
19:00 ireallyhateirc okay so it would work then
19:03 shaft I only see logs. Can you not process them further?
19:04 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Have you tried hitting the top with an axe?
19:04 Mantar nope, we don't do interim "wood" stages. you can add your furniture to the carpentry bench, and that will imply all the tooling and processing
19:04 ireallyhateirc we have some planks later though?
19:05 ireallyhateirc or not
19:05 Mantar we have wooden floors, that's about as close as we get
19:08 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> What about wooden ceilings
19:09 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> :thonking: but then you get to the issue of wooden walls
19:11 Mantar we have tiled roofs and floors, and log roofs are popular. we have wattle walls too
19:12 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Any thatched roofing?
19:12 Mantar yeah thatch is the easiest roof to set up
19:13 Mantar wattle-and-thatch is my go-to for a first structure, and is the best portable hut atm
19:13 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> That's amazing
19:13 Mantar and you need a portable hut, the weather will kill you
19:13 Mantar overland travel is rough
19:50 silverwolf73828 joined #minetest
20:03 shaft do you have woods other than wooden floor boards and logs?
20:04 Mantar sticks are used for many things, they stand in for beams and planks and things
20:04 ireallyhateirc wattle is made from sticks
20:05 ireallyhateirc it's a wicker+grass primitive material
20:45 illwieckz joined #minetest
20:47 shaft Okay. Exile support is in. Enjoy https://content.minetest.net/packages/shaft/tables_chairs/
20:48 ireallyhateirc t-thanks
20:54 Mantar nice ^_^ b
21:01 shaft I should take over player_api and force everyone to use the most recent version or something.
21:03 ireallyhateirc you could extract it from MTG and put as a separate mod on ContentDB
21:04 Mantar player_api_plus
21:04 Mantar the plus is for Please Load Update, Slowpokes
21:04 shaft Player movement should be overhauled too. You guys remember smart moving from Minecraft?
21:05 Mantar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21:05 ireallyhateirc you mean something like XaEnvironment?
21:05 Mantar I found Minecraft kinda boring
21:06 ireallyhateirc yeah, we wouldn't be here if we liked minecraft lol
21:06 ireallyhateirc btw what are the features of player_api?
21:06 ireallyhateirc I just shoved it into my Perfect City game (not yet released) and don't know the implications
21:07 shaft It's a mod that allows climbing, proper swimming, you fold the hands when it detects you're jumping into water, it has a falling animation, you can crawl and swim through 1 block tall holes etc
21:07 ireallyhateirc ooh that'd be cool to have
21:07 ireallyhateirc btw if you want to fork player API then make sure it supports different scales of players
21:08 ireallyhateirc I'm using a player model that's 3.33 nodes high
21:08 shaft And you can move hand over hand along steel bars over your head
21:08 ireallyhateirc to make the scale of stuff more natural (similar to what backroom test did)
21:08 shaft It was pretty popular for parkour maps
21:09 shaft I think it had had you jump farther too if you ran more before jumping
21:12 amfl2 joined #minetest
21:13 ireallyhateirc I'm going to make a character model with knees and elbows, is this supported by player_api?
21:15 shaft I don't think player api cares. You need to make the animations after all
21:15 ireallyhateirc that's good
21:16 appguru joined #minetest
21:23 illwieckz joined #minetest
21:25 Mantar we have some of that in Exile, crawling through 1 block holes and a swimming animation
21:27 amfl2 joined #minetest
22:24 Noisytoot joined #minetest
22:36 panwolfram joined #minetest
22:49 Noisytoot joined #minetest
23:01 Noisytoot joined #minetest
23:57 Verticen joined #minetest

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