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IRC log for #minetest, 2019-04-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 trom_ is here a simple way to resolve minp and maxp of chunk where I stay ?
00:01 p_gimeno yes from the coordinates
00:01 p_gimeno x - x % 16 gives you minp in x, and so on for the other axes
00:02 trom_ thank you )
00:02 paramat do you mena mapchunk or mapblock?
00:02 paramat that's incorrect for mapchunks
00:02 paramat *mean
00:02 p_gimeno er, you're right, sorry
00:03 trom_ mapchunk but I catched idea )
00:03 paramat default mapchunks are 80 nodes and start at -32 on each axis
00:03 paramat if 'chunksize = 5' in settings (the default)
00:04 rubenwardy trom_: what are called chunks in Minecraft are blocks in Minetest
00:04 rubenwardy MapBlock = MC Chunk = 16xYx16
00:04 rubenwardy MapChunk = 8x8x8 MapBlocks = 80x80x80 nodes
00:04 rubenwardy although, MC chunks are actually 16x256x16
00:05 rubenwardy iirc
00:05 GreenDimond Yes
00:07 p_gimeno wait, 8x8x8 mapblocks are not 80x80x80 nodes
00:07 paramat 5^3
00:07 p_gimeno 5x5x5 mapblocks, yes
00:08 rubenwardy oops lol
00:08 rubenwardy brainfart
00:08 rubenwardy I got the 8 from 80
00:09 paramat MT blocks are 16^3 nodes so not like MC 'chunks', just to clarify
00:16 FrostRanger joined #minetest
00:26 blaise joined #minetest
00:56 ANAND joined #minetest
01:00 kawaiipunk joined #minetest
01:50 milkt joined #minetest
02:10 FdsaDASFcvvxs joined #minetest
02:58 blaise joined #minetest
03:23 cddepppp256 joined #minetest
03:27 frostsnow joined #minetest
03:31 Lone-Star joined #minetest
03:42 cddepppp256 Ah!
03:42 cddepppp256 woops wrong channel :P
04:11 Copenhagen_Bram joined #minetest
04:36 ssieb joined #minetest
04:40 Helwyr_ joined #minetest
04:44 AceNovo joined #minetest
06:03 Lupercus joined #minetest
06:04 freelikegnu joined #minetest
06:08 freelikegnu joined #minetest
08:01 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
08:10 nowhereman joined #minetest
09:17 nowhereman joined #minetest
09:24 Krock joined #minetest
09:26 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
09:33 proller joined #minetest
10:02 Beton joined #minetest
10:13 LMD joined #minetest
10:14 Megaf joined #minetest
10:17 Megaf_ joined #minetest
10:31 Fixer joined #minetest
10:46 CWz joined #minetest
11:01 illwieckz joined #minetest
11:43 calcul0n_ joined #minetest
11:59 kurtzmusch joined #minetest
12:02 kurtzmusch joined #minetest
12:03 kurtzmusch joined #minetest
12:09 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
12:14 kurtzmusch joined #minetest
12:19 nowhereman joined #minetest
12:19 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
13:05 FreeFull joined #minetest
13:08 kaeza joined #minetest
13:20 Lupercus joined #minetest
13:25 JDCodeIt p_gimeno: I did some more work on the caverealms on_generated - using some flags, it is possible to avoid the decoration loop, if no cave was carved, and avoid write-back if the entire chunk had nothing changed. For those chunks with no caves - about 40% reduction in time spent. Is there still a maintainer of this code?
13:25 Lupercus left #minetest
13:28 nri joined #minetest
13:48 milkt joined #minetest
14:09 fruitsnack2 joined #minetest
14:09 luk3yx joined #minetest
14:10 black joined #minetest
14:10 fruitsnack joined #minetest
14:10 JDCodeIt p_gimeno: As paramat noted, I guess caverealms is only relevant for those using mgv6, as mgv7 can support caverns, then you add-on caverealms_lite. But there are quite a few v6 worlds out there...
14:25 Unit193 joined #minetest
14:27 kurtzmusch has anyone tryed NodeCore? i cant find anything but sand, leaves and gravel
14:28 Emerald2 Yes. Crafting works *nothing* like normal MT.
14:29 cddepppp256 joined #minetest
14:29 Emerald2 btw there's a nodecore server
14:30 kurtzmusch that i know... maybe im not playing the correct mapgen?
14:30 kurtzmusch am i suposed to find recipe with only leaves gravel and sand?
14:30 Emerald2 You have to place items to make things. You can make a tool with the sticks.
14:31 kurtzmusch cant find sticks
14:31 Emerald2 From digging leaves I think? Wow I am mega rusty. I haven't played it in a while.
14:31 kurtzmusch tryed braking leaves and combining them
14:31 Emerald2 Dig lots of leaves.
14:32 kurtzmusch ok
15:03 scr267a joined #minetest
15:27 oil_boi_minetest joined #minetest
15:32 scr267a joined #minetest
15:42 proller joined #minetest
15:50 Hawk777 joined #minetest
16:08 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
16:09 scr267a joined #minetest
16:14 humhumhum joined #minetest
16:15 humhumhum hello, i have a question, how do I trigger mapgen?
16:15 p_gimeno humhumhum: already generated chunks won't re-generate unless they are deleted from the map
16:16 humhumhum no, i want to generate chunks which haven't been generated previously
16:16 p_gimeno just visiting them should do it
16:16 p_gimeno visiting a previously unvisited area
16:17 humhumhum yeah i want to generate a map in about 6000x6000 blocks area
16:17 humhumhum visiting all that will take days at least
16:17 p_gimeno ah you can use /emergeblocks to force generation
16:18 p_gimeno see /help emergeblocks
16:18 kurtzmusch wow thats nice
16:18 humhumhum k thx
16:18 p_gimeno you'll have to determine a minimum and maximum height as well
16:18 kurtzmusch one could use a slow mapgen to cache a complex map into HD
16:19 p_gimeno kurtzmusch: yeah, though it can take a long while... and don't dream of generating the whole map
16:19 kurtzmusch is streaming the map from HD slower or faster than generating on the fly?
16:19 kurtzmusch the map is only 64k, thats not too much
16:20 p_gimeno it's typically faster AFAIK, though I suppose it depends on the mapgen - flat or singlenode will probably be faster than HD
16:20 p_gimeno lol
16:21 p_gimeno 64Kx64K = 4 GB
16:21 humhumhum well most of the map is already generated
16:21 humhumhum its just i want to make use minetestmapper on it to make a butifel picture and all those ugly empty spots ruin it
16:22 p_gimeno multiply that by the bytes per node, 5 minimum, and by the slice height, 10 minimum, and you're at 200 GB
16:23 humhumhum thats not a lot actually
16:23 kurtzmusch how big is GTA5 for comparison ?
16:23 p_gimeno wait, 16 minimum
16:24 humhumhum meh, minetest is several Mb before mapgen
16:24 p_gimeno 300 GB for such a slice, and I'm being very conservative with 5 bytes per node
16:25 humhumhum The cheapest PC I've found here has at least 500Gb HDD
16:25 p_gimeno mountains are typically much higher than 16 nodes though
16:26 kurtzmusch would be nice to cache only 2d noise then
16:26 kurtzmusch oh no, actually thats useless
16:26 humhumhum How much memory does a chunk consisting fully of air takes?
16:27 kurtzmusch the ideas was to make a mapgen with erosion and rain fall and lolts off stuff that would need the whole thing
16:28 kurtzmusch p_gimeno: lots of the world would be either stone or air, so a compression on the final map is possibility
16:35 humhumhum i noticed that map is generated by 10x10 chunks pieces (each chunk is 8x8 blocks)
16:36 humhumhum 0xA is an ugly number, why not make it 0x10 or 0x8?
16:37 oil_boi_minetest humhumhum, you are asking how to load up map blocks without a client being in them?
16:38 humhumhum well i'm ok with client on as well, but I'd rather have it turned off
16:38 humhumhum Even Dwarf fortress provides command line options to generate maps
16:38 humhumhum Without starting the game itself
16:40 oil_boi_minetest humhumhum: well you could
16:40 oil_boi_minetest Oops wrong line
16:40 oil_boi_minetest
16:42 oil_boi_minetest You could run minetest server and have a mod which tells the game to go through every mapblock in the radius of an area, or maybe a square area and just keep going and going, until a player joins, and if no player joins within finishing the server just shuts down, mimicking the way dwarf fortress does it but in 3d
16:43 oil_boi_minetest And then there's the map screenshotter application thing which does a top down of the map, and you could have it run after the server closes
16:43 humhumhum yeah i'm actually generating map for that, its called minetestmapper
16:45 puzzlecube joined #minetest
16:49 FrostRanger joined #minetest
16:49 p_gimeno humhumhum: actually 5x5x5 chunk pieces (by default) of 16x16x16 nodes
16:50 humhumhum hmmm, i am looking at the map generated by valleys mapgen and I can clearly see 8x8 grid pieces
16:51 humhumhum the heigh changes a lot between these 8x8 pieces more often than elsewhere
16:51 humhumhum height*
16:52 humhumhum when looking at the high mountains from above these 8x8 chunks are clearly visible
16:52 Persi joined #minetest
16:53 p_gimeno a mapblock is certainly 16x16, a mapchunk can be configured in configuration, I learned that just yesterday
16:53 kurtzmusch joined #minetest
16:53 p_gimeno 16x16x16*
16:54 p_gimeno
16:55 p_gimeno the changes you notice may be due to the nature of Perlin noise
17:00 trom_ connect to server in singleplayer mode too long. Is it may be because " WARNING[Main]: Irrlicht: PNG warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile" ~20 lines  in console log ?
17:02 p_gimeno sounds like there's lots of textures to cache/handle (and a few of them with a broken ICC profile)
17:03 humhumhum what is a "detached" inventory?
17:04 humhumhum Is it like a chest inventory, attached to an item instead of a player, or like creative inventory where you can take items infinitely, or what?
17:06 humhumhum i thought inventories for blocks are written in block metadata
17:10 p_gimeno I'm not sure, but I think it means an inventory whose storage is handled by the mod
17:13 Hawk777 I *thought* (but could be wrong) that it was meant for inventories that are not the player inventory, but also are not tied to a specific node. So something like Minecraft’s Ender Chests, where the same inventory is accessed by opening any chest of that type, but the inventory you see when you open such a chest is player-specific.
17:15 humhumhum oh
17:24 trom_ hmm I see no minetest.set_node_light but only minetest.get_node_light
17:27 trom_ only vmp may change node light directly ?
17:39 oil_boi_minetest I wonder why I can't get auto face direction to work with entities :T
17:39 p_gimeno "Ender" chests could be done that way, but the only mod I know that implements one does not use detached inventory: instead it's an extra inventory attached to the player, but the trick is that it is only displayed when you open the chest, because no other form shows it (in particular the regular inventory doesn't show it)
17:42 p_gimeno oil_boi_minetest: what is broken is automatic_face_movement_max_rotation_per_sec
17:42 p_gimeno you need to set a value, -1 doesn't work
17:45 oil_boi_minetest p_gimeno: isn't it supposed to be smooth? :O :O
17:45 p_gimeno it's supposed to be instant if negative, but that doesn't work. To make it smooth, you need to set a max rotation speed.
17:45 p_gimeno see
17:47 p_gimeno the setting you need to adjust is automatic_face_movement_max_rotation_per_sec
17:47 riff-IRC joined #minetest
17:47 oil_boi_minetest p_gimeno: yeah, I set it positive but it's very very choppy :O
17:49 oil_boi_minetest automatic_face_movement_max_rotation_per_sec = 1000 yields this
17:50 p_gimeno mobf used 180 and worked OK
18:02 p_gimeno reading the code, it's not clear to me that there's any anti-overshooting provision. It seems to me that if you set the value too high, the angle may overshoot rather than snap to the target angle, and that's why you see choppiness. I haven't tried it though.
18:04 oil_boi_minetest p_gimeno:
18:05 oil_boi_minetest p_gimeno: Oh dude it's horrible, when I set it too low, it's super slow when I'm turning in a boat, and if it's too high it gets ultra choppy, the turning varies so the -1 variable is extremely important in my current usecase
18:05 oil_boi_minetest And if I set it just right, I get  both at once
18:08 p_gimeno post the issue to github if you want, there's none currently
18:09 p_gimeno there are two issues though, the -1 being broken and the high number making it choppy
18:09 p_gimeno the patch I've posted only fixes the first
18:10 oil_boi_minetest p_gimeno: Does the -1 make it instant?
18:10 p_gimeno it should, and in 0.4.16 it does
18:11 p_gimeno it was broken somewhere between 0.4.16 and 5.0
18:13 Sokomine joined #minetest
18:14 DI3HARD139-m joined #minetest
18:14 oil_boi_minetest I can't imagine how many mods this breaks or compromises :( this ruins half the stuff I was going to do :(
18:18 p_gimeno it will get forgotten if there isn't an issue for it
18:19 oil_boi_minetest p_gimeno: did you do a pull request for your half solution?
18:19 oil_boi_minetest I can only code in lua so I'm not a good solution for engine problems :T
18:20 p_gimeno I'm no longer on github due to MS acquisition. I've informed the developers but it's likely to be forgotten if there's no GH issue or PR for it.
18:21 oil_boi_minetest
18:21 oil_boi_minetest Oh
18:21 oil_boi_minetest Hey I reported it :D
18:21 oil_boi_minetest Woo
18:23 oil_boi_minetest And yeah p_gimeno, I had that same feeling, but the github gui available through the AUR makes github far too easy for me to use git :T
18:24 p_gimeno ah good :)
18:24 p_gimeno @paramat thanks for posting the issue
18:29 p_gimeno @paramat: using .patch instead of .diff includes author/title/subject information suitable for git am
18:30 p_gimeno compare to
18:31 oil_boi_minetest p_gimeno: Why, what's the difference?
18:31 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
18:31 p_gimeno oil_boi_minetest: that was for paramat, he normally reads the logs. It's a technicality related to git.
18:32 awell joined #minetest
18:32 stormchaser3000 I can't seem to get minetest to work properly on MacOS and I wonder if it is due to Apple deprecating OpenGL in MacOS
18:33 awell left #minetest
18:33 stormchaser3000 I compiled Minetest 5.0.1 on my grandmothers computer and a blank window was the result
18:34 oil_boi_minetest stormchaser3000: Consider booting elementary os from usb, and using a second usb to install into then booting from that, mac os is pretty much in lockdown since the new pres took over
18:34 stormchaser3000 I would but my grandmother wants to use MacOS :/
18:35 stormchaser3000 I have my arch linux box downstairs that I use but I wanted to test Minetest on MacOS again and that was the result
18:36 Hawk777 Can’t you dual-boot?
18:36 Hawk777 Then each of you could use what OS you prefer.
18:36 oil_boi_minetest Hawk777: Yeah that's what I was saying, elementary would give you the option even if it's installed in usb
18:37 stormchaser3000 yeah I could do that... but then there is a risk of data-loss if I resize the MacOS partition wrong if I am not mistaken
18:37 oil_boi_minetest I mean IT'LL BE SLOW, but it'll work from usb
18:37 stormchaser3000 I could buy an external hard drive or solid state though...
18:38 stormchaser3000 but I think apple did something to the software on newer apple computers to make it impossible to easily boot into a flash drive. I tried somewhat recently and it would not show me the drive selection screen
18:38 stormchaser3000 unless I was just doing something wrong
18:38 stormchaser3000 wouldn't be the first time XD
18:40 Persi I'd like to point out that opengl can't be the cause of the problem, apple still hasn't removed opengl support from their operating system
18:41 stormchaser3000 oh ok
18:42 p_gimeno oh yes it can. Microsoft has made many "mistakes" and Apple seems to be going down the same road. It's within the possibilities that they have "mistakenly" made OpenGL programs invalid.
18:43 Persi It's still as terrible as always, but irrlicht has a decade's worth of workarounds for apple's opengl idiosyncrasies so you should be fine
18:48 paramat joined #minetest
18:48 oil_boi_minetest Here he is, p_gimeno tell em to open a pull request!
18:49 p_gimeno oil_boi_minetest: the process is already ongoing, don't worry :)
18:50 p_gimeno the issue is opened, and they will decide whether to open a PR as well
18:54 paramat humhumhum "i am looking at the map generated by valleys mapgen and I can clearly see 8x8 grid pieces" yes that's an artifact of 3D noise, due to it being 'uneased' whereas 2D noise is 'eased' (smoothed)
18:58 paramat i'll open a PR for 8451
18:58 p_gimeno thanks :)
18:59 Persi Could somebody with write access to the flathub repo please click on the "Publish" button here?
19:00 p_gimeno paramat: I don't agree with Krock on using max_rotation_delta for the 'if'. It was moved inside the 'if' to avoid a calculation in the other branch.
19:01 paramat ok i'll keep the patch as you wrote it to start with
19:10 kaeza joined #minetest
19:24 awell joined #minetest
19:27 trom_ joined #minetest
19:27 trom_ test
19:28 trom_ joined #minetest
19:29 trom_ oops vm:set_lighting({day=15, night=15}) -
19:29 trom_ nodes seems like not bright but emit light
19:30 trom_ really ???
19:32 p_gimeno hm, maybe set_lighting is interpolating light intensity
19:33 rubenwardy trom_: 15 means sunlight, use 14
19:33 rubenwardy vm:set_lighting({day=15, night=14 })
19:34 jluc joined #minetest
19:38 trom_ rubenwardy: hmm takes same effect - nodes still lights around
19:39 paramat p_gimeno #8455
19:39 ShadowBot -- Fix regression in automatic_face_movement_max_rotation_per_sec by paramat
19:39 p_gimeno :+1: thanks
19:41 paramat that lighting seems correct, light always falls of by 1 per node at the edge of the 'set light' area
19:41 humhumhum where's the default inventory formspec defined?
19:52 humhumhum also why is sfinv included both in minetest game and in downloadable mods
19:57 paramat because sfinv is useful for other games
20:00 humhumhum ah
20:09 blaise joined #minetest
20:20 FreeFull joined #minetest
20:26 Lone-Star joined #minetest
20:29 blaise joined #minetest
20:30 Fixer wonder where is hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
20:31 rdococ I like to pronounce json like I'm screaming JASON
20:37 nri joined #minetest
20:37 MinetestBot [git] HybridDog -> minetest/minetest_game: Moss growth ABM: Add inner and outer cobble stairs, simplify code 0291c6b (2019-04-06T20:35:48Z)
20:41 walle303 Does anyone know how to remove all of a block from a world?
20:46 blaise joined #minetest
20:47 p_gimeno walle303: hm, I don't know of any pre-made mod. I guess you need to create a mod that has an LBM that replaces that node with another one.
20:48 awell left #minetest
20:50 Xanthin joined #minetest
20:52 humhumhum how do I make two different types of inventory cells: one for nodes and another for craftitems?
21:06 proller joined #minetest
21:38 paramat joined #minetest
21:41 kurtzmusch joined #minetest
21:47 Helwyr joined #minetest
21:50 walle303 p_gimeno, Any way of doing it with a postgresql command?
21:52 p_gimeno walle303: most certainly not. The node contents are compressed. It could be done with an external program, though.
21:53 walle303 oh, is there a way to disable compression if the database is already on a compressed backend?
21:54 p_gimeno I don't know but I doubt it
21:55 p_gimeno but I don't think there's a backend supporting built-in compression
21:55 walle303 postgresql+zfs
21:56 p_gimeno ah, the filesystem does
21:56 walle303 seems wasteful to have two layers of compression
21:58 rubenwardy hence why most filesystems don't do that
21:59 rubenwardy because the format will know better on how to compress things
21:59 walle303 most postgresql databases aren't compressed already
22:08 walle303 eg: zfs reports that my postgresql datastore is compressed from 127GiB down to 39.5GiB
22:08 walle303 minetest worlds make up ~6GiB of that pre-compression data
22:42 rubenwardy quite impressive
22:43 rubenwardy you can control it whether it attempts to compress a file/dir or not?
22:43 rubenwardy I can see it being beneficial to disable it on already compressed archives
22:44 nowhereman joined #minetest
22:56 kaeza 5,99[17:41] ,99 ,99<5,99walle303>,99 Does anyone know how to remove all of a block from a world?
22:56 kaeza !mod clean
22:56 MinetestBot kaeza: Server Cleaner [servercleaner] by UjEdwin -
22:56 kaeza Not that...
22:57 kaeza
22:58 kaeza That one.
22:59 p_gimeno oh were they unknown nodes? I didn't get that impression
23:00 kaeza They don't need to be unknown.
23:03 p_gimeno confusing... the description says it's to clean up unknown nodes and entities
23:04 p_gimeno for known nodes, I would imagine you want to specify the replacement node
23:10 p_gimeno hmm, I don't think that code would work for known nodes
23:12 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
23:15 Fixer next step
23:15 Fixer !rainbow pillars remover
23:15 MinetestBot 4pil7lar8s r3emover
23:33 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
23:36 kaeza !rainbow
23:36 MinetestBot 4http7s://8gist3.github.6com/​6b844b70f7​891f8​973b3​818de36a6​18f8​2184
23:39 Lone-Star AntumDeluge's cleaner works very well, have used it several times.
23:46 Megaf joined #minetest

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