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IRC log for #minetest, 2019-01-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:53 nowhere_man joined #minetest
00:54 Fixer joined #minetest
00:55 ANAND joined #minetest
01:14 Xiong Hell is other people's "self-documenting" code!
01:36 DoyleChris joined #minetest
01:36 DoyleChris Good Evening
01:37 DoyleChris i ran into a problem compiling minetest tonight on a raspberrypi
01:37 DoyleChris In file included from /home/pi/minetest/src/irrlicht_changes/CGUITTFont.cpp:34:0: /home/pi/minetest/src/irrlicht_changes/CGUITTFont.h:35:22: fatal error: ft2build.h: No such file or directory  #include <ft2build.h>                       ^ compilation terminated. src/CMakeFiles/minetest.dir/build.make:1694: recipe for target 'src/CMakeFiles/minetest.dir/irrlicht_changes/CGUITTFont.cpp.o' failed make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/minetes
01:38 DoyleChris first how do i fix the error, and second do i need to start over with a clean install of rasbian
01:39 DoyleChris I followed the steps here
01:57 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Remove uses of default.gui_bg/bg_img/slots 8af8dc4 (2019-01-03T01:57:13Z)
02:01 DoyleChris any idea
02:13 DoyleChris please
02:13 NathanS21 I wouldn't think that a clean install of Rasbian will have any effect
02:14 NathanS21 it sounds like there is a problem with a certain file not existing or something.
02:14 NathanS21 You said it was a pi3 correct?
02:15 DoyleChris Yes
02:15 DoyleChris I went step by step and i get the error
02:15 NathanS21 I've got a spare one laying around. let me boot it up and see if I can be of any more help with that.
02:15 NathanS21 Not sure if mine has rasbian on it or not. I think so.
02:16 DoyleChris well im running raspbian from the command line so any debian build will work
02:16 NathanS21 okay
02:17 DoyleChris it just the tutorial is missing a file for the new builds.
02:17 NathanS21 I'll have to try to SSH into it, as I don't have a display laying around with HDMI input that isn't being used.
02:19 NathanS21 hmmm, never set up the WiFi on it, and I don't have an Ethernet plug around that I can plug it into.
02:19 NathanS21 let me hook it up to one of my computer monitors, shouldn't take too long
02:23 DoyleChris ok well im going to heading to bed soon
02:24 NathanS21 I'll see if I can't make any headway tonight, and I'll be on tomorow night around the same time
02:25 jas_ hi
02:28 DoyleChris same here
02:28 DoyleChris about 7-10
02:28 GreenDimond left #minetest
02:28 NathanS21 Okay, I'll be around then.
02:30 Cornelia joined #minetest
02:35 NathanS21 Well I'm having trouble even getting it to display properly on my monitor.
02:35 NathanS21 nevermind, looks like it just needed a restart
02:36 DoyleChris Im trying to get my pi to boot off a usb stick so i dont over write my sd card
02:40 NathanS21 I don't have any experience with that. I just use Pis for media players.
02:40 DoyleChris I know i just dont have a computer to dedicate to a server.
02:41 DoyleChris I would like to run 4.17 so my sons android tablet can connect to it.
02:42 DoyleChris also i would like the directories so i can add mods remotely if its possible.
02:44 NathanS21 I'd think you should be able to make the mod directory a network share so you can add mods to it from any other device connected to the network.
02:47 NathanS21 Installing the dependencies now.
02:50 NathanS21 hmm, seem to have a problem with the libpng12-dev
02:50 NathanS21 it removes libfreetype6
02:51 NathanS21 libfreetype6 wants libpng-dev
02:51 NathanS21 not sure if that is going to cause any problems, but I guess I'll find out.
02:54 NathanS21 I wonder if any of the graphic stuff is even necessary if it's just going to be a server.
02:57 NathanS21 starting cmake
02:57 NathanS21 everything looks good there, not to try to build.
02:59 DoyleChris just a server
02:59 DoyleChris i have learned to control users and mods from CMD line
03:00 DoyleChris i had the same problem with libpng12
03:00 DoyleChris i get about 7% then i fails
03:00 DoyleChris and i get the error
03:00 NathanS21 I'm at 13% right now
03:01 NathanS21 If this builds I can try uploading the files someplace
03:01 DoyleChris would be able to if it works n yours send it to me
03:01 DoyleChris i thought the same thing
03:01 DoyleChris if you have a gmail account you can share it with me
03:02 NathanS21 I think I did the run in place option, not sure.
03:02 NathanS21 I can just archive it and toss it up on my website
03:02 DoyleChris should still work
03:02 NathanS21 there could be other people that might want to run on a Pi.
03:02 DoyleChris for sure
03:02 DoyleChris the question is where do i unzip it to
03:03 NathanS21 I'm just doing everything in /home/Minetest
03:04 DoyleChris ok
03:04 NathanS21 I'd think it should be able to be unzipped anyplace.
03:04 NathanS21 Build seems to be hanging on 13%
03:04 NathanS21 system seems unresponsive
03:05 DoyleChris is there a gui version to do it inside raspbian
03:05 NathanS21 the unzipping?
03:06 DoyleChris no compiling
03:06 NathanS21 oh, I don't know. I always just do it though the command line. I wouldn't think there would be a gui for it, but I could be wrong.
03:07 DoyleChris the windows version is ran through a gui
03:07 Ruslan1 jas_: I join your server
03:07 NathanS21 I've never built anything on windows.
03:08 DoyleChris my son wants to play now and i am hosting it on my laptop and want to move it to a server
03:08 DoyleChris without redoing the world
03:09 NathanS21 That should be possible, just need to copy all the world files and mods
03:09 DoyleChris yeah
03:11 NathanS21 Trying to build again, this time SSH'ing into the machine
03:11 NathanS21 just reached 14%
03:11 NathanS21 more progress than last time.
03:13 DoyleChris ill post this on the forum if you would allow me to
03:14 NathanS21 For sure.
03:14 NathanS21 just hit 25%
03:16 DoyleChris ok well im heading to bed
03:17 NathanS21 Okay
03:17 NathanS21 I'll let you know what happens tomorrow
03:17 DoyleChris are you on the forum
03:17 NathanS21 yes, Nathan.S I think.
03:17 NathanS21 yeo
03:17 NathanS21 *yep
03:18 NathanS21;u=11543
03:21 DoyleChris tried sending you a pm
03:21 NathanS21 I got it
03:22 DoyleChris i forgot my email
03:23 DoyleChris night
03:23 NathanS21 night
03:58 jas_ did entities inside nodes always render black, or was that a more recent change?
04:01 Alexand{er|ra} joined #minetest
04:05 Alexand{er|ra} joined #minetest
04:09 Ruslan1 jas_: I join your server
04:09 jas_ ok
04:09 jas_ i'm on there now with hecks
04:11 Ruslan1 Is hecks admin in your server
04:11 jas_ no
04:11 jas_ i don't have any :)
04:12 Ruslan1 You are only one of admin in your server
04:13 Ruslan1 jas
04:28 Ruslan1 jas_: I try join your server and it won’t let me play
04:36 Ruslan1 jas_: hello
04:38 jas_ hi
04:39 jas_ hm maybe it's too far?  i have a slow network. you can't play at all?
04:40 Ruslan1 Reboot your server
04:40 Ruslan1 Oops
04:41 Ruslan1 jas_: maybe you need new network
04:43 Ruslan1 Hello jas_ please answer me
04:43 Ruslan1 Why you never answer me
05:00 jas_ hm, me and hecks are on it.  i think his client is freezing tho.
05:00 jas_ !server glitchtest
05:00 MinetestBot jas_: Glitchtest | | Clients: 2/15, 0/3 | Version: 5.0.0-dev / Glitchtest | Ping: 121ms
05:00 hecks the latest build is real janky
06:16 Player-2 joined #minetest
06:27 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
06:38 jas_ haha
06:53 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
07:51 CWz joined #minetest
08:03 swift110 joined #minetest
08:05 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
08:05 swift110 hey Ruslan1
08:05 Ruslan1 Hi swift110
08:06 swift110 how are you Ruslan1
08:06 Ruslan1 Good
08:06 swift110 joined #minetest
08:07 swift110 good Ruslan1
08:07 swift110 which pis do you have and what have you done with them
08:07 Ruslan1 swift110: what are you doing
08:07 swift110 right now relaxinf
08:07 swift110 Ruslan1, lol I got mixed up witht he channels I am in
08:08 Ruslan1 Try rejoin
08:08 swift110 Ruslan1, you can't see what I am typing?
08:09 Ruslan1 left #minetest
08:09 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
08:10 Ruslan1 See I rejoin
08:11 Ruslan1 swift110:
08:20 SanskritFritz joined #minetest
08:24 jluc joined #minetest
08:27 swift110 joined #minetest
08:30 swift110 joined #minetest
08:59 lumidify joined #minetest
09:08 lisac joined #minetest
09:58 proller joined #minetest
10:24 Markow joined #minetest
10:53 ensonic joined #minetest
10:53 sonicpp joined #minetest
11:10 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: CSM restrictions: Make 'LOAD_CLIENT_MODS' disable loading of 'builtin… ceacff1 (2019-01-03T11:10:07Z)
11:39 Krock joined #minetest
11:45 cafee__ joined #minetest
11:45 ensonic joined #minetest
12:09 Beton joined #minetest
12:13 w_laenger joined #minetest
12:22 Fixer joined #minetest
12:22 nowhere_man joined #minetest
12:33 ensonic joined #minetest
13:06 Wuzzy joined #minetest
13:15 riff-IRC joined #minetest
13:20 rafalcpp joined #minetest
13:51 sonicpp joined #minetest
13:52 Krock joined #minetest
14:12 sonicpp joined #minetest
14:37 Fixer_ joined #minetest
15:03 ensonic joined #minetest
15:07 Lia joined #minetest
15:10 Cornelia joined #minetest
15:26 scr267a joined #minetest
15:35 cautiouspotato joined #minetest
15:39 Lia joined #minetest
15:43 Telesight joined #minetest
15:43 Telesight left #minetest
15:47 Markow joined #minetest
16:04 MinetestBot [git] SmallJoker -> minetest/minetest: Proselytize the network. Use IEEE F32 (#8030) bba4563 (2019-01-03T16:04:26Z)
16:13 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
16:21 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
16:37 sonicpp joined #minetest
17:04 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
17:16 ensonic joined #minetest
17:23 Cornelia joined #minetest
17:24 swift110 joined #minetest
18:09 jas_ joined #minetest
18:36 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
18:41 sonicpp joined #minetest
18:47 nowhere_man joined #minetest
18:47 Foz joined #minetest
18:48 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
19:03 GreenDimond joined #minetest
19:15 Foz joined #minetest
19:32 FreeFull joined #minetest
19:38 nowhere_man joined #minetest
19:58 ensonic joined #minetest
20:51 swift110 joined #minetest
20:56 DoyleChris joined #minetest
20:56 DoyleChris afternoon
21:06 hecks joined #minetest
21:06 Krock night
21:11 riff-IRC joined #minetest
21:51 GeHa joined #minetest
22:32 scr267a joined #minetest
23:18 NathanS21 Great news DoyleChris build success on stable and dev
23:25 DoyleChris cool
23:25 DoyleChris im trying to get raspbian to work
23:26 NathanS21 I'm trying to verify that the builds will work an other devices at the moment.
23:27 NathanS21 It's a server build only, for both, but they both ran, and I was able to join the servers with my desktop.
23:27 MinetestBot [git] sofar -> minetest/minetest: Remove remote media compatibility mode. (#8044) cf224c9 (2019-01-03T23:26:08Z)
23:37 DoyleChris Send it to me
23:37 NathanS21 will have it soon.
23:38 NathanS21 just running a few test, was having some errors because I didn't include minetest_game
23:38 NathanS21 compressing them now.
23:39 DoyleChris trying to get pi to boot off usb stick
23:39 DoyleChris which worked unless i have a usb HDD plugged in then it wont.
23:40 NathanS21 it probably wants to boot off the HDD
23:41 DoyleChris yeah it boots off first drive and if the HDD is sda and stick is sdb then it will try to boot off HDD
23:42 DoyleChris i haft to add the UUID to the cmdline.txt i think
23:42 Giorge joined #minetest
23:43 Giorge Ao minetesters, any idea on how to get shout on the CtF irc channel? Anyone of you responsible for such things?
23:45 NathanS21 hmm, I have no idea how to get the files from my PI to my desktop...
23:46 NathanS21 Looks like I'm installing an FTP client so I can upload them to my website from the Pi
23:51 NathanS21 uploading files now
23:51 DoyleChris cool
23:51 DoyleChris ill have my pi done in a sec
23:52 NathanS21
23:52 NathanS21 that's the latest stable.
23:52 DoyleChris rebooting now
23:52 NathanS21
23:52 NathanS21 latest dev build
23:52 DoyleChris wow your the best
23:53 NathanS21 don't say that until we find out if it works on your pi
23:53 DoyleChris now i need to download it to my pi
23:53 NathanS21 should be able to do that with wget
23:54 NathanS21 are you SSH'ing into the pi?
23:58 DoyleChris yes
23:58 NathanS21 well then it should be super easy
23:58 NathanS21 just cd into whatever directory you want to download to
23:58 NathanS21 and then copy and paste the link after wget

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