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IRC log for #minetest, 2018-09-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 Out`Of`Control \0/
00:01 ChimneySwift joined #minetest
00:01 MinetestBot ChimneySwift: Sep-21 16:15 UTC <paramat> 'register_on_generated' is called once per mapchunk, after that mapchunk generates
00:14 Out`Of`Control joined #minetest
00:15 Out`Of`Control joined #minetest
00:24 Out`Of`Control Hi. How do i force client to store media? So it does not download whole media on each connect.
00:24 Out`Of`Control there was an option can't find it
00:24 rubenwardy It already does
00:25 mrchiantos Cdn
00:25 mrchiantos Or not ... I go sleep
00:26 Out`Of`Control rubenwardy: how? what line was it in config
00:26 rubenwardy it's not a line in the config
00:26 rubenwardy it's how Minetest works
00:27 Out`Of`Control rubenwardy: well my client download whole media on each connect. It was not like this time  ago
00:27 rubenwardy sounds like a bug
00:27 rubenwardy is there the same network usage each time?
00:27 rubenwardy like
00:27 Out`Of`Control yes
00:27 rubenwardy delete the cache    ( ~/.cache/minetest/ )
00:27 rubenwardy then see if it does more network
00:27 Out`Of`Control looks as cache get deleted on each reconnect
00:28 Out`Of`Control rubenwardy: downloading media takes very long on each startup
00:29 Out`Of`Control ok so i can't turn that on/off its auto
00:29 Out`Of`Control thanks
00:33 rubenwardy file a report, Out`Of`Control
00:33 rubenwardy what version?
00:34 mrchiantos Good night
00:35 Out`Of`Control rubenwardy: i have one from debian repo, other compiled same version
00:35 Out`Of`Control compiled run_in_place works fine
00:36 Out`Of`Control rubenwardy: maybe has to do with some settings on my system Debian
00:39 grumble joined #minetest
00:39 ChimneySwift if you have a slow drive the media download section will take a long time regardless of if you have it all or not
00:40 Out`Of`Control ssd
00:42 ChimneySwift it still won't be instant to finish. It needs to read the cache on each connect
01:02 VanessaE joined #minetest
01:40 Tmanyo joined #minetest
02:45 paramat joined #minetest
02:52 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
03:57 ssieb joined #minetest
04:10 TC01 joined #minetest
05:26 Neoniet joined #minetest
05:44 Scotty_Trees joined #minetest
06:14 nowhere_man joined #minetest
06:30 nowhereman joined #minetest
06:44 CWz joined #minetest
07:40 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
08:19 jluc joined #minetest
08:37 Darcidride joined #minetest
08:42 illwieckz joined #minetest
09:41 Fulgen joined #minetest
10:53 Krock joined #minetest
11:17 Fixer joined #minetest
11:39 jluc joined #minetest
11:42 calcul0n joined #minetest
11:59 Jordach joined #minetest
12:02 Nemin joined #minetest
12:04 Nemin Hello. Could somebody please explain to me how 'minetest.delete_area' works? I'm trying to make an item that would delete a large box of Nodes when you click somewhere, yet it does nothing.
12:05 Nemin (Here's the code I'm trying to use: )
12:15 sfan5 looks correct to me
12:28 Nemin Yet it does not work. I replaced it with a three-level nested loop and that one works, but I assume this one would be quicker / more efficient
12:29 ChimneySwift it doesn't actually delete nodes, it removes the area from the map so it gets regenerated right?
12:29 sfan5 that's what it does yes
12:30 Nemin Oh... So I totally misunderstood what it stands for
12:30 Nemin Well thank you this does explain it
12:31 Krock joined #minetest
13:23 norkle joined #minetest
13:36 calcul0n joined #minetest
13:51 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
15:37 hecks joined #minetest
15:43 hecks
15:44 hecks I need some lsystem guru to help me generate this normally
15:52 hecks maybe I should just generate a set of decos instead
15:52 sfan5 that would be easier
15:53 sfan5 there are few people that are experienced with lsystem, paramat is one of them
15:53 rubenwardy also Wuzzy
15:53 hecks from the description of the operators, lsystem seems ill-fit for minetest's scale
15:53 rubenwardy lsystems are a common thing though, not minetest specific
15:53 rubenwardy they're good for certain things
15:54 rubenwardy but decos will give more control
15:54 hecks I kinda know what a "turtle" is
15:54 hecks but decos will probably be easier
15:54 hecks and likely more efficient
16:19 Fulgen joined #minetest
16:52 paramat joined #minetest
16:56 paramat hecks best avoid l-system for mapgen decorations. each placed l-system structure does it's own lighting update afterwards, instead of bulk l-system decoration placement followed by a single light update for the mapchunk
16:56 hecks ow
16:56 hecks well I'm already doing schematics
16:57 paramat they're only practical for occasionally placing single structures after mapgen
16:58 paramat good, see
16:58 lisac_ joined #minetest
17:05 hecks are these upside-down XY slices?
17:08 paramat yes
17:08 paramat although there does exist a function that will auto-flip them on read
17:09 lisac__ joined #minetest
17:09 paramat making upright slices possible in the table
17:10 hecks kinda inconvenient, but I already made a converter from XZ slices
17:12 paramat in case useful mine is
17:44 mrchiantos joined #minetest
17:46 hecks this could use a mention in the docs; you need to register biomes first, then decos
17:46 hecks otherwise decos don't appear and emerge may crash the game on exit
17:49 illwieckz joined #minetest
17:52 paramat hm ok
17:55 Ingar minetest does schematics ?
18:10 mrchiantos In World's /schems with worldedit
18:11 mrchiantos paramat i have see your post. Your game un android ... I have cant test road. This is only Mapgen mod ?
18:12 mrchiantos Game crash
18:12 mrchiantos Nil value
18:16 hecks why can't the mapgen place decos at a consistent height?
18:16 Krock "nil value" can be everywhere. provide logs please.
18:16 hecks if the offset is at 0, half the trees are hammered into the ground and have no roots
18:17 hecks if the offset is 1, half the trees hover above the ground
18:19 hecks oh wait, hold on
18:19 hecks think I got a clue
18:27 lisac joined #minetest
18:35 mrchiantos
18:36 mrchiantos For problem with superminecart
18:38 mrchiantos Krock, game of paramat
18:38 rafalcpp joined #minetest
18:39 minduser00 joined #minetest
18:43 hecks now my trees are making minetest run out of memory
18:43 mrchiantos Use décorate mts on Mapgen
18:43 mrchiantos I use this for tree
18:44 hecks these are lua table decos
18:44 mrchiantos Mmm
18:45 hecks
18:45 hecks 9 x 9 x whatever
18:46 hecks it's not like they're much more complex than mtg's jungle trees
18:47 mrchiantos This is a mts ?
18:51 hecks lua table
18:53 paramat looking
18:54 paramat mrchiantos my game may only work on 5.0.0 dev
18:56 MinetestBot [git] SmallJoker -> minetest/minetest: Make OpenGL preference configurable, default to LEGACY (#7666) 785f68e (2018-09-22T18:54:43Z)
18:56 hecks aaaaaa
18:57 paramat hecks i can look at your code if you link
18:57 paramat ah using luajit?
18:57 paramat anyway decorations should not cause OOM, something is wrong
18:57 hecks there's almost nothing here to look at, and yes
18:57 hecks it's doing that with 6GB physical in the bank
18:58 hecks I compiled this myself so there could be gremlins
18:58 hecks the decos are kinda big and the more I spawn, the sooner it goes OOM
18:59 hecks I'm also using threaded emerge, will try disabling
19:00 paramat big decos shouldn't cause a problem, MTG has some huge rainforest trees
19:01 hecks and there it goes
19:01 mrchiantos On Github, this write 0.4.16
19:01 hecks yeah, jungle trees are big and jungles are quite thick
19:01 mrchiantos Maybe change description ...
19:01 hecks emerge threads do not affect it
19:02 hecks the only thing that affects it is fill_ratio, the bigger it is the sooner it goes kablooey
19:03 mrchiantos superminecart 0.1.5 by paramat.A game for Minetest Engine 0.4.16 and later.
19:03 mrchiantos Change for 0.5dev only ?
19:03 mrchiantos paramat
19:04 Krock yes, it requires 5.0-dev
19:05 Krock topic is probably outdated
19:05 hecks ech
19:05 paramat yeah will do
19:05 hecks sometimes it quits without even giving me the crash
19:05 Krock [moe intensifies]
19:05 paramat i think my game worked with stable at one point but now doesn't
19:05 paramat 0.4.16 is such ancient history it's annoying to code for
19:06 hecks
19:07 paramat it might be best to save the schematic to a .mts file and use that, are you specifying the lua table in the decoration registration?
19:09 Krock hecks: maybe it's time to do some profiling to figure out what takes so much time to delay the steps
19:09 hecks Krock: it's mapgen
19:09 Krock oh
19:09 hecks of all the things that cause step stalls, mapgen is the worst
19:10 hecks but really, mt has some scheduling issues; global step is feast or famine
19:10 Krock well, 80*80*80 nodes mostly under 1s is quite good
19:10 hecks I can get like 40 seconds without an update sometimes
19:10 paramat well, something's wrong with what you're doing, it's not standard MT behavioour
19:10 paramat *behaviour
19:11 hecks I'm recalculating a dynamic light, it's a little better with that off but still not perfect
19:11 hecks and I've got that LBM that smooths terrain
19:11 paramat or you've uncovered a bug somehow
19:11 hecks maybe, if I were to take a stab, there's something ungodly slow about lighting calculation
19:11 Krock why an LBM but not on_generate?
19:11 paramat oh
19:11 hecks as for the schematic, I'm specifying the table in my own format, then converting it on the fly right before registering
19:11 hecks oh, it's on_generate
19:11 hecks not LBM
19:11 hecks sorry
19:12 Krock good :)
19:12 paramat well your fault then :)
19:12 hecks I smooth things with voxelmanip and then I have to recalc lighting... that's the worst perf hit
19:12 hecks why aren't lighting calculations deferred until every mod's on_generate has ran, anyway?
19:13 paramat yes lua stuff 'on generate' can be slow
19:13 hecks as it is, minetest has to compute lighting twice
19:13 paramat best stick to engine mapgen
19:13 hecks smooth terrain is one of the things I can't afford to give up; having to jump like in minecraft makes me retch
19:14 hecks I've got wheeled carts that need smooth roads
19:14 hecks there's a delay and an animation when landing from a height above 1n
19:14 paramat you can delay the lighting calculation to after 'on generate' operations using 'nolight' mapgen flag, avoids the first unnecessary lighting calculation
19:14 hecks why thank you
19:15 paramat 'why aren't lighting calculations deferred until every mod's on_generate has ran, anyway?' there may be an issue. just not coded yet
19:16 paramat ah that type of smoothing, i see
19:16 paramat we have a PR for autojump close to merging
19:16 hecks it's no big deal, I just check neighbors of each grass node and make it a slab if it's not surrounded
19:16 hecks it's still yuck
19:17 mrchiantos Attack IRC have stop ? Good this ...
19:17 hecks I could just set step height to 1 like voxelgarden but it's still bad
19:17 hecks anyway, nolight mapgen also disables calc_lighting
19:18 paramat i'd like to make a core mapgen that smooths with slabs, problem is floating decorations
19:18 hecks decos can be made to ignore slabs
19:19 hecks and smoothing can be made to not smooth if there's no air above; that's what mine does
19:19 paramat hm good point
19:20 hecks how it ends up looking depends on how you want to smooth; if you want to read the noise and use it, it'll look bad
19:20 hecks but if you do a box filter like I do, it shouldn't stick out too much
19:21 paramat 'nolight' flag only disables the light calculation in core mapgen, any 'vm:calc_lighting()' in voxelmanip used in 'on generated' still works
19:21 hecks doesn't for me, what am I missing?
19:21 paramat hmm
19:21 paramat will need to see your code
19:21 hecks
19:22 hecks I tried calc_light before write to map, and after
19:25 paramat ah try
19:26 paramat calc lighting may need that custom volume
19:26 paramat that's a lua mapgen of mine that uses 'nolight'
19:27 paramat i assume you're not using mgv6
19:27 hecks it's v7
19:28 paramat it's because non-mgv6 mapgens actually generate from minp.y -1 to maxp.y + 1
19:28 hecks it works, and it's faster, as expected
19:29 hecks I still get stalls though, there's just something wrong with the engine here
19:29 hecks something is synchronous with the game thread that shouldn't be
19:30 hecks but things are playable now; when the game generates surrounding blocks and "settles", it'll be fine as long as I travel at a reasonable speed
19:31 hecks note that this happens in mtg as well; use a boat and see for yourself
19:32 hecks disk I/O is also not the cause here, I'm running my test worlds in memory
19:33 hecks anyway, thanks for the light code
19:33 hecks it plugged one hell of a cycle hole
19:34 paramat mrchiantos the 'mapgen' mod from my game should work in 0.4.16, try that
19:34 paramat good
19:34 mrchiantos Ok ;)
19:35 mrchiantos I can use only mod Mapgen and update with DriftCar ?
19:35 hecks would using an .mts for the trees actually speed things up?
19:36 mrchiantos I think look for road. I like Idea
19:36 mrchiantos For modify and use
19:37 mrchiantos The problem this is not really use to android. This very speed , car is very speed for View generwte
19:37 paramat well i suspect your decoration issue is due to doing it your own way, try copying the MTG approach
19:38 mrchiantos I like DriftCar , the problem is View generwte ... Car is very speed
19:38 paramat storing .mts files instead of specifying the lua table in the decoration registration *shouldn't* make a difference but maybe there's a bug or memory leak
19:38 mrchiantos And android not work
19:39 mrchiantos After this is à good Idea
19:39 hecks there shouldn't be a difference once the deco is registered, the only overhead is in init when the table is generated
19:39 paramat mrchiantos you can use the 'mapgen' mod and use it with 'driftcar' mod yes
19:39 hecks and I'd ideally like to generate the table in lua, to have some randomness in the trees
19:39 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
19:39 mrchiantos I think look for wdd your mod Mapgen
19:39 hecks I could, of course, generate the trees and dump them to .mts ; I'm doing something like that with the player model already
19:40 mrchiantos And maybe so village mod
19:41 paramat the randomness in decorations is caused by the table, storing as .mts makes no difference to that, you still get the randomness
19:41 hecks by randomness I mean generating some variants of each tree species
19:41 mrchiantos After hé can use handle-schematics
19:41 mrchiantos I think for tree
19:42 paramat ah
19:42 mrchiantos I use this for boat
19:42 mrchiantos Mts
19:42 paramat yes use multiple schematics then
19:43 paramat in MTG we have big and small pines for example
19:43 hecks since there's a serialize_schematic function I might as well
19:44 mrchiantos Yes for jungle tree
19:44 hecks you said something about a bug or a leak though, uh... what kind of definition should one use for "empty" nodes?
19:44 mrchiantos Air ?
19:45 hecks I'm using ignore with prob 0
19:45 hecks forgot to check what MTG schematics do
19:45 Tmanyo joined #minetest
19:45 hecks {name = "air", prob = 0}
19:45 hecks not much difference
19:46 mrchiantos Type = ?
19:46 hecks schematic nodes don't have such a key
19:55 jluc joined #minetest
20:03 paramat joined #minetest
20:05 Cornelia joined #minetest
20:09 paramat 'ignore' for nothing is fine
20:10 paramat it will never be placed
20:25 mrchiantos I have a Idea for mod, use emoji or smileys in game tchat minetest ...
20:25 mrchiantos Lol ...
20:26 mrchiantos Ok this is à stupid Idea :D
20:26 hecks please no
20:27 Krock please yes, but only when I get a vomiting cowboy and vomiting moon emoji
20:27 Krock
20:28 mrchiantos No, yes ... Maybe ? Hahahaha
20:28 hecks not even in jest
20:29 hecks this is literally the feature that I deemed too horrible to even joke about weeks ago
20:30 Krock it is time. time to sleep. bai.
20:31 hecks and I shall stay to solve the mystery of the lost biome
20:42 mrchiantos Lights Colors ?
20:42 mrchiantos (hahahaha)
20:47 hecks paramat: Using .mts does not fix the OOM crashes
20:47 hecks the only factor in the crashing is the density of the woods, 0.33 being almost instant
20:47 hecks simple decos do not cause this
20:48 hecks also I cannot register two decos using one .mts file which is stupid
20:50 piesquared joined #minetest
20:55 mrchiantos I dont understand , why two decorste for one mts ?
20:56 hecks different density in different biomes
20:56 piesquared joined #minetest
20:56 paramat hmm
20:57 mrchiantos Copy mts with other Name ?
20:57 mrchiantos :D
20:57 hecks is what I do, it's still dumb
20:58 hecks could the crashes have something to do with my trees abusing connectable nodeboxes?
20:58 hecks I found that the crashes seem correlated with the amount of trees that touch one another
20:59 mrchiantos Your use connectable for tree ?
20:59 hecks yes, to make them look natural
21:00 mrchiantos Ouch ..
21:00 hecks
21:00 hecks framerate is hardly affected
21:00 hecks as in, it's fast
21:01 paramat connected nodeboxes might be a factor, we haven't used those in decorations
21:02 paramat looks nice
21:03 mrchiantos With handle-schematics maybe ?
21:03 paramat no don't worry about handle schematics, it's unrelated
21:04 paramat whether connected nodeboxes causes oom could be tested, and might be worth an issue
21:04 hecks then again it's not "oh it just doesn't work"
21:04 mrchiantos I see
21:04 hecks when I limit my vision range, it doesn't crash
21:05 hecks so it could be just an overload thing
21:05 hecks and maybe it happens fast enough that I can't catch it when monitoring memory
21:05 hecks easy fix; handle connectables after emerge is done
21:12 piesquared joined #minetest
21:14 piesquared joined #minetest
21:15 piesquared joined #minetest
21:17 hecks well well well
21:17 hecks it's not connectables
21:17 hecks still does it after I've changed the leaves to a simple box
21:18 pietothefirst joined #minetest
21:20 paramat also we didn't know you can't use 1 .mts file for 2 decos, a quick issue would be useful for that
21:21 paramat yeah i don't think anyone has placed lots of connectables on mapgen before, and your trees would have a lot
21:21 paramat oh
21:21 paramat (catching up with chat)
21:25 hecks so I'm testing this in every way possible
21:26 hecks it's something to do with the deco's size, or maybe total node count
21:27 hecks 9x9 1y does not crash
21:27 hecks 9x9 3y can crash
21:27 hecks 5x5 15y also can crash
21:28 paramat MTG has dense 5x5x16 and is fine
21:28 hecks 17 actually, cause I just checked
21:30 hecks
21:31 hecks little bug; width and depth of the tree should be 9
21:32 hecks it generates some blocks, and then gives up
21:33 hecks butthurt trees indeed
21:34 paramat fill ratio 0.66?
21:34 paramat that's almost 1 per node?
21:34 hecks trying to stress it a little
21:35 hecks 0.1 is enough to make it go tits up
21:35 paramat ah
21:39 paramat are you converting a table to .mts every game session? maybe try just storing it and keeping the .mts creating code separate from your game
21:39 hecks does not matter
21:39 paramat don't know if that would help but maybe a clue
21:39 hecks init.lua only runs when the server starts doesn't it
21:39 paramat yes
21:39 hecks and it crashed with a table too, this was just to test if mts is any better
21:40 hecks lastly, for my purposes I would eventually have to generate the .mts dynamically
21:40 hecks at least in init
21:40 hecks but that's moot as long as even static decos refuse to work
21:41 paramat anyway for your smoothing code that can be memory-optimised: point 3 here;t=16043
21:42 hecks do I have to preallocate said buffer?
21:43 hecks or is an empty table enough
21:43 paramat so 'vm:get_data(buffer)'. empty table is fine
21:43 hecks done and done
21:49 hecks okay, this greatly reduced the crash rate
21:49 hecks the mapgen is still eating a server rack's worth of memory
21:49 hecks and freeing little of it
21:50 hecks let's see... the woods are 0.1 thick now and I'm standing in the middle with 150 nodes draw distance
21:50 hecks minetest is using 4GB memory
21:51 hecks up to 5 gigs now
21:52 hecks I went back to the boring lowlands, and the memory stays at 5gb
21:52 paramat isn't that client meshes?
21:53 hecks is there some ingame profiler for memory where I can check this?
21:54 paramat perhaps generating a large volume of decorations actually makes OOM more likely, and if MTG upped tree density and size it would OOM too, hmm
21:55 hecks I just wanted to say, I think I did OOM a few times in a "normal" world
21:55 hecks that is, MTG with ethereal and a few other things
21:55 paramat because your trees have connected nodeboxes the meshes will be very complex and memory-intensive
21:57 paramat yes some mods can cause OOM if you're using luajit
21:57 hecks I'm sure this isn't lua related
21:57 paramat lua mapgens and use of noise buffers are the main causes, many still don't have the memory optimisations i have detailed
21:58 hecks well, we fixed what there was to fix, it did sort of improve things
21:59 hecks anyway, if the mesher naively creates a unique model for a whole mapblock, this could be a plausible cause for the rest of the memory issues
21:59 paramat well, MT's well-known OOM problems are caused by the luajit memory limit and lua code
22:00 hecks I don't think I used a build with jit for playing vanilla back when I encountered the aforementioned crashes
22:00 hecks I explored a lot though, and the crashes happened around jungles
22:00 paramat i don't think MT has ingame memory profiling
22:00 hecks well
22:01 hecks for now I'll assume the memory issue was twofold; reusing the manip buffer helped somewhat, the rest is related to the amount of geometry
22:01 paramat :)
22:01 hecks running the server in a separate machine would confirm this
22:07 Fixer if you have OOM errors, try running it with GC64 version of luajit
22:07 Fixer or simple lua version (slower)
22:17 hecks kinda late to the party
22:28 rafalcpp joined #minetest
22:32 ChimneySwift joined #minetest
22:43 Scotty_Trees joined #minetest
22:51 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
23:18 ChimneySwift joined #minetest
23:21 Guest25977 joined #minetest
23:35 Hawk777 joined #minetest
23:46 BakerPrime joined #minetest

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