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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-06-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:24 comradmax joined #minetest
00:24 comradmax hi
00:38 swift110 joined #minetest
00:41 Taose joined #minetest
00:51 Fritigern joined #minetest
01:34 Tmanyo joined #minetest
01:40 Player_2 joined #minetest
01:43 habeangur hi comradmax
01:44 habeangur about PRs and issues, vote of all people is important or just vote of members?for the engine and the game
01:44 habeangur those thump up and downds I meant
01:45 habeangur downs*
01:48 comradmax hi habeangur
01:57 lumidify_ joined #minetest
01:59 Tmanyo joined #minetest
02:00 CalebDavis joined #minetest
02:00 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
02:12 swift110 joined #minetest
02:30 octacian_ joined #minetest
02:55 srifqi habeangur, those "reaction" (or you call it "vote") on GitHub from people is important to check where this game will be.
03:14 octacian joined #minetest
03:17 octacian_ joined #minetest
03:21 habeangur srifqi: even reaction of normal users are important?
03:25 srifqi Yup, why not?
03:26 srifqi I mean, they must be really caring about Minetest to go through issues and PRs to give a reaction.
03:40 octacian joined #minetest
03:58 ssieb joined #minetest
04:24 Natechip joined #minetest
04:35 AlexYst joined #minetest
04:44 redblade7 joined #minetest
04:45 redblade7 hi
04:45 redblade7 some upgrades to my vps resulted in removing leveldb form /usr/lib64  and installing to /usr/local/lib
04:46 jin_xi joined #minetest
04:46 redblade7 i get segfaults and errors rebuilding minetest, because "make clean" doesnt seem to stop cmake from looking in the wrong place
04:46 redblade7 is there a "cmake clean" or something?
04:47 redblade7 runtime library [] in /usr/lib64 may be hidden by files in:
04:47 redblade7 /usr/local/lib
04:47 redblade7 that error
04:47 redblade7 what is the equivalent of "make clean" for cmake?
04:49 redblade7 the file is not there
04:49 redblade7 it is in /usr/local/lib now
04:55 Natechip joined #minetest
05:08 Menche joined #minetest
05:08 est31 joined #minetest
05:12 ensonic joined #minetest
05:14 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
05:24 redblade7 removing CMakeCache.txt seems to get rid of the warning
05:24 redblade7 let's see if it rebuilds
05:28 passant joined #minetest
05:42 calcul0n joined #minetest
05:44 AlexYst joined #minetest
05:56 redblade7 yep everything looks good
05:57 redblade7 just had to remove CMakeCache.txt along with the make clean
06:06 jomat joined #minetest
06:21 calcul0n joined #minetest
06:39 texmex Is it safe to backup a world when it's empty of players but still online?
06:42 CWz joined #minetest
06:56 enricom joined #minetest
06:57 redblade7 texmex: i dont
06:58 redblade7 if someone is more adventurous than me they can tell you
07:02 redblade7 brb
07:09 redblade7 joined #minetest
07:10 WSDguy2014 joined #minetest
07:22 ensonic joined #minetest
07:24 AlexYst joined #minetest
07:39 hisforever joined #minetest
07:40 hisforever Hi I sure hope you can help I get this mod error
07:40 hisforever how can I correct this?
07:41 cheapie hisforever: Rename the mod so that it doesn't contain a "-" character in the path.
07:41 cheapie Changing it to "bridges" would most likely be best.
07:42 hisforever ok Cheapie i'll brb
07:48 hisforever Cheapie: Thanks it worked Great
07:50 Raven262 joined #minetest
08:32 Preuk joined #minetest
08:45 Kelticfox joined #minetest
08:49 hisforever joined #minetest
08:50 hisforever I have another error this one is when game starts up
09:03 Telesight joined #minetest
09:31 lisac joined #minetest
09:37 lisac joined #minetest
09:50 calcul0n joined #minetest
09:51 catninja joined #minetest
09:59 DS-minetest joined #minetest
10:05 Telesight joined #minetest
10:06 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:41 habeangur joined #minetest
10:47 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
11:11 Darcidride joined #minetest
11:23 slemonide joined #minetest
11:26 rtjure joined #minetest
11:28 DS-minetest joined #minetest
11:33 BBmine joined #minetest
11:33 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
11:33 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
11:36 Fixer joined #minetest
11:42 ensonic joined #minetest
11:46 enricom joined #minetest
11:47 proller joined #minetest
12:08 kupi joined #minetest
12:11 NathanS21 joined #minetest
12:15 AlexYst joined #minetest
12:16 BBmine Does anyone have any idea when the HOMETOWN topic will be unlocked?
12:18 JordachL joined #minetest
12:18 JordachL joined #minetest
12:20 JordachL joined #minetest
12:27 red-001 when someone gets around to it
12:30 JordachL joined #minetest
12:34 sy !next
12:34 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
12:40 cx384 joined #minetest
12:42 est31 left #minetest
12:57 Fixer be patient
13:04 Out`Of`Control BBmine: what is hometown?
13:04 BBmine a server
13:06 Out`Of`Control server is locked?
13:06 BBmine Well, the topic is locked because there were spammers there yesterday
13:07 Out`Of`Control topics with spam should be deleted
13:08 Out`Of`Control BBmine: are you asking for more spam?
13:08 BBmine But the topic is mostly about the server
13:08 BBmine No
13:08 BBmine The spammer has already been banned
13:10 * red-001 says bye to dimond knight
13:10 BBmine xD
13:11 BBmine diamondknight was kinda a troll on the server, so I wasn't that supprised when he made 6 alt accounts and spammed.
13:17 JordachL joined #minetest
13:18 Taoki joined #minetest
13:24 antims joined #minetest
13:30 Out`Of`Control BBmine: those spammers are banned on my server too for breaking rules
13:31 RobbieF joined #minetest
13:34 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Mapgen: Remove unnecessary 'this->' from constructors (#6069) 2e53801 (2017-06-30T13:32:35Z)
14:01 tumeninodes joined #minetest
14:04 BBmine Hi tumeninodes
14:04 tumeninodes hi BBmine
14:06 tumeninodes how is your offtopic forum going?
14:06 BBmine it has 15 members now
14:06 tumeninodes very good, so it's working out well then
14:07 BBmine It has an average of 7.79 posts per day :D
14:08 tumeninodes that's it? wimps, you guys used to triple that in offtopic here haha
14:09 BBmine One important factor is that ABJ is not on my forum.
14:09 tumeninodes oh? how come? thought he was one of the posse'
14:10 BBmine idk. i guess he doesn't know about my forum
14:10 tumeninodes send em a link
14:10 BBmine I did, in may
14:11 BBmine but he hasn't been on the forums to read it
14:11 tumeninodes ah, well maybe he's busy with stuff
14:11 BBmine Or banned....
14:11 tumeninodes or busy
14:12 tumeninodes sometimes people get bored and move onto other things, then sometimes come back later
14:12 BBmine or maybe he quit minetest when offtopic burned
14:12 BBmine he sometimes goes to JT2, but there ain't no way I can catch him there.
14:13 tumeninodes let me guess... cuz you bahnnnnned?
14:13 BBmine Cuz I did my own things on that server
14:13 BBmine permabanned
14:13 tumeninodes haha
14:13 BBmine and you know what's aweful? I lied to the admin to get myself banned. :P
14:13 slemonide joined #minetest
14:14 tumeninodes well, you got back on HT so just be good there
14:14 tumeninodes lied to get yourself in trouble... that's a new one
14:14 BBmine woops. i typed yeah in the chat on minetest
14:15 BBmine and im not even allowed on the server's site
14:15 BBmine i get a timeout when pinging it
14:15 tumeninodes gotta go through paperwork, got a mtg at 11am see ya. BE GOOD!
14:15 tumeninodes left #minetest
14:16 BBmine ok!
14:17 octacian_ joined #minetest
14:19 Raven262 joined #minetest
14:26 Telesight joined #minetest
14:28 jin_xi joined #minetest
14:53 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
14:58 Wuzzy joined #minetest
15:00 ensonic joined #minetest
15:15 srifqi joined #minetest
15:29 comradmax joined #minetest
15:30 comradmax hi
15:32 srifqi hi comradmax
15:32 comradmax how is minetesting?
15:41 Tmanyo joined #minetest
15:53 GreenDimond joined #minetest
15:54 GreenDimond Erm... is the HOMETOWN thread ever going to get unlocked? o_O
16:05 red-001 VanessaE, could you unlock the hometown thread?
16:06 red-001 hasn't it been cleaned up already?
16:06 GreenDimond 'twas cleaned up yesterday I believe
16:08 Alcyone2 joined #minetest
16:10 red-001 well you can always create a new thread I guess
16:11 red-001 afaik forum admins can merged threads
16:11 red-001 but I'm not sure how much work it is for them
16:17 GreenDimond or we can just wait for VE to get back
16:17 GreenDimond Wait - mods cant unlock threads that other mods have locked??? o_O
16:19 Bobr2 i think so
16:20 proller joined #minetest
16:38 GreenDimond joined #minetest
16:39 Krock joined #minetest
16:39 GreenDimond *waits for VE*
16:40 GreenDimond maybe if I look around I can find her :P
16:41 GreenDimond ve-servers doesnt exist? o_O
16:42 comradmax is she playubg MT?
16:42 GreenDimond ?
16:42 comradmax look for her on all the servers?
16:42 GreenDimond gosh that would take forever
16:42 GreenDimond and I doubt she is
16:43 GreenDimond I am just impatient is all (as always)
16:46 JordachL joined #minetest
16:47 red-001 just wait
16:50 GreenDimond Yep
16:56 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
17:02 Jordach joined #minetest
17:06 JordachL joined #minetest
17:09 srifqi2 joined #minetest
17:20 Wuzzy I want to extract a printable unique identifier for an entity. Is this possible with Lua?
17:21 sfan5 nope
17:21 Wuzzy do entities even have IDs?
17:21 sfan5 nope
17:21 Wuzzy and where are these IDs stored?
17:21 Wuzzy huh?
17:21 sfan5 they are just a C++ object
17:22 Wuzzy how does the engine tell them apart?
17:22 Wuzzy ah
17:22 sfan5 equality checks meaning by their address in memory
17:22 Wuzzy i am currently trying to figure out how to attach an inventory to an entity
17:22 sfan5 is that even possible? o.O
17:22 Wuzzy now i fear this is not possible even with detached inventory :/
17:23 GreenDimond You should be able to..
17:23 Wuzzy but how?
17:23 Wuzzy i need some sort of unique identifier
17:23 Wuzzy which also happens to be printable
17:23 GreenDimond iirc farlands has an NPC with a formspec for trading
17:23 sfan5 you can invent your own and store it in the object
17:24 Wuzzy this sounds like I have to hack very deep into Minetest logic for this
17:24 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:24 Wuzzy because the id needs to be unique across *all* entiteies, otherwise its worthless
17:25 JordachL joined #minetest
17:25 Wuzzy I am looking at NPC now
17:25 ssieb joined #minetest
17:25 GreenDimond Wuzzy: here is the farlands npc stuff
17:26 Wuzzy strange.
17:26 Wuzzy the word "inventory" does not even apper
17:28 GreenDimond I could be totally wrong and they dont have a formspec - but I could have sworn they did
17:28 Wuzzy cya
17:30 GreenDimond "Right-clicking on a trader opens his shop and allows you to buy his wares inside." so they must have a formspec somewhere..
17:33 GreenDimond aha
17:33 GreenDimond Wuzzy:
17:34 octacian joined #minetest
17:36 ungali joined #minetest
17:41 Natechip joined #minetest
17:48 troller joined #minetest
17:48 numzero joined #minetest
17:54 Natechip joined #minetest
17:58 CalebDavis joined #minetest
18:01 lumidify joined #minetest
18:10 JordachL joined #minetest
18:16 MinetestBot [git] red-001 -> minetest/minetest: Create a filesystem abstraction layer for CSM and only allow accessin… f3ad756 (2017-06-30T18:14:39Z)
18:25 Menche joined #minetest
18:32 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
18:32 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
18:34 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:34 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:38 LazyJ joined #minetest
18:39 twoelk joined #minetest
18:41 Natechip joined #minetest
18:50 ensonic joined #minetest
18:52 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
18:58 DS-minetest joined #minetest
19:11 Kelticfox_r joined #minetest
19:20 imr joined #minetest
19:22 twoelk joined #minetest
19:24 Taose joined #minetest
19:25 twoelk|2 joined #minetest
19:28 cx384 joined #minetest
19:38 Natechip .
19:47 slemonide joined #minetest
19:50 VanessaE hometown thread unlocked.
20:11 JordachL joined #minetest
20:18 xerox123 joined #minetest
20:24 xerox123 joined #minetest
20:29 jcjordyn120 joined #minetest
20:38 comradmax joined #minetest
21:00 RobbieF left #minetest
21:22 nowhere_man joined #minetest
21:46 Lukc joined #minetest
21:58 JordachL joined #minetest
22:10 ircSparky joined #minetest
22:11 Lukc left #minetest
22:21 kupi joined #minetest
22:36 slemonide joined #minetest
22:40 twoelk|2 joined #minetest
22:43 proller joined #minetest
23:04 slemonide joined #minetest
23:17 swift110 joined #minetest
23:18 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
23:24 slemonide joined #minetest

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